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Updated Terraria Mod List May 29

By Guest
Created: 2024-05-30 03:54:35
Expiry: Never

  1. **NOTE: This is in progress, and I'll be updating it regularly. Probably. If you have suggestions for mods to be put on this list, list them in the general thread and give me a link to the workshop page and wiki (if it has one).**
  2. **NOTE 2: Pastebin does not approve of my descriptions for the mods If you want detailed descriptions, use the Ponepaste link below.**
  4. LAST UPDATE: May 29, 2024
  6. PonePaste Detailed Descriptions: This is the PonePaste page, you don't need a link!
  8. =============================================
  9. Noteworthy Mods
  10. =============================================
  11. Index:
  12. I. Big Content Mods: Mods which add an incredible amount of content, comparable to DLC. Usually has a page.
  13. II. Overhaul Mods: Mods which vastly change how the vanilla game's contents are generated and/or experienced.
  14. III. Small Content Mods: Not quite as big as the previous category, but adds a large amount.
  15. IV. Quality of Life Mods: Mods that adjust the game in various ways to make it easier and/or less of a hassle to progress.
  16. V. Extra Mods: Smaller mods that have no real rhyme nor reason, but are still worth mentioning. Usually cheat mods.
  18. The mods listed below are all currently available for the latest version of tModLoader (1.4.4 as of December 2023). Some mods are also available for version 1.4.3, and their Steam pages will say as such under the mod icon on the right side of the page. If you download a mod and it says it requires another mod as a dependency, be sure to grab that mod as well unless you know you have it already.
  20. =============================================
  21. I. Big Content Mods
  22. =============================================
  23. Calamity Mod
  24. Possibly the most famous mod for Terraria due to its very vocal fanbase. The mod adds an absurd amount of content, primarily focused on content after defeating the Moon Lord. The mod adjusts vanilla content, adds several new difficulties, adds a huge amount of bosses, adds several new biomes, and so much more. Listing everything would be a fool's errand; you just need to experience this mod for yourself. With fame comes infamy however, as this mod, its developers, and its community have quite the history. Its fanbase is... fanatical, to be polite, as they praise this mod and overlook any and all flaws with extreme prejudice. Speaking out against the mod to a fan leads to them getting defensive. The developers have come and gone, having tons of falling outs and drama that would be too long to list. The lead developer Fabsol has gone on record to say quite a lot of dumb stuff, and is the primary scapegoat for when someone hates on the mod. The mod itself has an extensive amount of lore, and I'm not opening that can of worms. You can read all that on their wiki if you want. It's a solid mod, but there are many justifiable complaints as there are justifiable complements. Play it yourself to form a proper opinion.
  26. Calamity Mod Infernum Mode
  27. Why is Calamity up here twice? Because this is an addon for Calamity. Yes, you heard that right. Calamity's fanbase is THAT crazy that they make their own addons for the main mod. Infernum Mode is the most prominent mod in this category as it provides an ENTIRELY overhauled Calamity experience. Boss fights are made harder, new mechanics are added, completely new world generation is introduced, and more. While not as expansive as the main Calamity mod, this mod is chock full of content. It's hard as balls compared to the default Calamity experience however, so don't touch this unless you want more bullet hell spam, because bullet hells = difficulty apparently.
  29. Exxo Avalon Origins
  30. An old tconfig mod that was finally brought to the modern age. This port currently only has pre-hardmode content and a bit of hardmode content, but it brings some old ideas back from the dead. Most notably, this mod provides the original alternative to the corruption in a biome known as 'the Contagion', which is all about viruses and bacteria. While it may not compare to other modern mods, this is still a pretty cool mod that has been revived from the past. Definitely worth trying at least once.
  32. Fargo's Mutant Mod
  33. This mod adds an enormous amount of QoL changes, items, and whatnot. You'll just want to read the wiki for this, or go in blind. Highly configurable. While this is a QoL mod, it's got so much content that it's treated as a big content mod by pretty much everyone. It has some noteworthy things, like infinite potions and ammo, an NPC that sells boss summons and event starters, and more.
  35. Fargo's Souls Mod
  36. Similar to how Calamity has addons, Fargo's mods all work together as well. This mod is infamous for one very specific item and its absolutely bonkers crafting recipe; the Soul of Eternity, which requires such an absurd amount of time and effort to craft that it's practically a meme. Likewise, it adds a new difficulty called Eternity Mode which changes vanilla bosses DRASTICALLY. This does not play well with Calamity's difficulties however, so it's advised to avoid playing with multiple modded difficulties at the same time if you have both mods.
  38. Homeward Journey
  39. Wiki: (not well documented as of posting)
  40. A sizeable mod with new ores and a plethora of new bosses fought after Moon Lord. Contains small amounts of world gen, including several new ores and a biome under the left ocean. Noteworthy for its vibrant visuals. Has a few bosses before Moon Lord that are slated to be reworked in the future.
  42. Lunar Veil
  43. A fairly new contender in the big content mod category, this mod adds a HUGE amount of pre-hardmode content with unique visuals, interesting boss fights, and intricate world generation. It has plans to expand into hardmode content as well. Worth keeping an eye on it.
  45. Mod of Redemption
  46. An old mod that has persisted for years, Mod of Redemption adds an incredible amount of content. Imaginative bosses, detailed mechanics, intricate world generation, interesting weapons and armor, and much more. Currently undergoing a slow overhaul, adding new content and adjusting old content over time. The mod's scope is enormous, so be patient. Currently does not work in multiplayer.
  48. Secrets of the Shadows
  49. A less popular but still expansive mod, SotS adds quite a bit of new content. Of particular note is how it changes the pyramid to be its own unique dungeon rather than a zigzag tunnel buried six feet under sand. Also adds a few bosses, tons of items, and a new "void" mechanic that enhances gameplay at a cost. This is a well-made mod that doesn't get much attention.
  51. Split
  52. Steam: N/A
  53. An older mod currently limited to 1.4.3, Split Mod has some of the more imaginative content out there. Most well known for the photography mechanic, in which you actually use a camera to take pictures of specific enemies, items, and events for rewards. The mod has incredibly high quality sprites that leans towards a more American cartoon aesthetic, with one of the more popular bosses being done in a rubber hose style and using silly cartoon logic. This mod adds an incredible amount of items both useful and cosmetic, has a good selection of bosses, and is without a doubt one of the more fun mods to play. The developers have stated that there will be a port to 1.4.4, but the release date is not known.
  55. Spooky Mod
  56. This mod is HEAVILY themed around Halloween and Autumn, but don't let that stop you from playing it year-round. This mod adds an incredibly huge dungeon, several new and interesting biomes, a few interesting bosses and boss-like encounters, and has an appealing aesthetic.
  58. Starlight River
  59. Long in closed alpha, and only relatively recently released as an early alpha, this mod goes above and beyond to push modding to its extremes, and its fans will let you know that the wait was and still is worth it. While it doesn't add a large amount as of right now, what it does add is incredibly detailed and fleshed out. I can't do justice for this mod; you really need to try it for yourself. You'll either love it or hate it.
  61. The Stars Above
  62. Wiki: (Note: Never really up to date)
  63. A fairly detailed mod where you use (fairly low quality) anime girls as companions throughout the game. These companions, as well as the mod's bosses, utilize AI-generated voice acting, and certainly have too much to say. My bias is too strong, so I won't give my opinion at all. Play it and see if you like it or not.
  65. Thorium Mod
  66. Thorium is often hailed as a vanilla plus experience, with content that fills in the gaps of Vanilla progression while staying as close to Terraria's difficulty as possible. Likewise, it adds three classes, each with their own unique gameplay styles. Though some aspects of the mod are in dire need of a visual overhaul, the quality of the mod in general is fairly high. Numerous bosses, an overhauled ocean, and many other features are present in this mod, and it's simply a good mod to have active in general since it plays well with pretty much everything. Has compatibility with Calamity, preventing either mod from destroying one another's ocean biomes.
  68. =============================================
  69. II. Overhaul Mods
  70. =============================================
  71. Jungle Bosses Rework
  72. Overhauls the Plantera and Golem fights, as well as adjusts the Golem's arena. Completely changes how Golem looks, providing a walking animation and multiple moving parts. Designed to play well with larger content mods that also change how these bosses work.
  74. Mech Bosses Rework
  75. Overhauls the three vanilla mech bosses (The Twins, Destroyer, Skeletron Prime), while also adding in four new mechs and turning Mechdusa into a proper boss fight that can be fought outside of the Zenith seed. Adds in new sprites for the vanilla mechs that you can toggle, as well as an interesting batch of new items.
  77. Radiance
  78. WARNING: This mod contains flashing lights that can potentially induce epilepsy.
  79. Significantly overhauls daytime Empress of Light, turning her into a challenging post-Moon Lord fight. The fight is now significantly harder, with vastly different patterns and attacks. Does not work well with other mods that change the fight.
  81. Remnants
  82. This is by far the most well known world generation mod. It's too much to explain, so go experience this if you're tired of normal world generation. This will make your playthrough feel fresh as hell. Every single biome is overhauled to an extreme, adding custom structures, worldgen, and aesthetics. Absolutely does not play well with mods that add custom worldgen however, especially other large content mods.
  84. Terraria Overhaul
  85. An old mod that has been brought to 1.4.4, and is currently in a beta state. This mod changes many aspects of the game, ranging from how you move and what sounds you hear to how combat feels. This mod was known in the past for spreading fire, which could easily decimate your builds if you weren't careful. The mod has an extensive config, so you can turn on or off any features you want.
  87. =============================================
  88. III. Small Content Mods
  89. =============================================
  90. Assorted Crazy Things
  91. A small mod that originated on /tg/, this mod adds its namesake to the game; an assortment of crazy things. There are numerous pets scattered throughout the game, capturable enemies and critters that become pets, more slimes than you can shake a stick at, and three goblin girl minions with non-intrusive dialogue and distinct personalities. Additionally, this mod adds mechanics to its own content, such as changing the appearance of many of the pets with a suitcase or dressing up slime girls in various outfits. There is also one boss added post-Skeletron that acts as your pet for a short while before fighting it. An imaginative mod run by two active devs who lurk.
  93. Calamity: Community Remix
  94. The Calamity fanbase has a lot of stuff to work with, including the old Calamity wiki that was on Fandom. That wiki has been vandalized many times over, and does not reflect modern Calamity. However, fans have taken some of the vandalized content and made their own mod with some of that content. The Community Remix mod adds quite a bit of silly things, including a few bosses.
  96. Consolaria
  97. Consolaria is the mod for you if you want all of the old console and mobile content. Brings back a bunch of bosses, such as Lepus and Ocram, brings back old content like Tizona and Tonbogiri, and adds a touch of modernity to the loot so they aren't completely outclassed by modern items. If you don't mind the changes, this mod is a solid addition to any pack.
  99. Coralite/珊瑚石
  100. This mod is currently being developed, and has a lot of untranslated content due to it being Chinese in origin, but it includes a magic system similar to ones found in many Minecraft mods. You first begin this mod by finding a 'Magic Crystal Biome', and using a scroll to summon an NPC. From there, you buy the rods the NPC sells, craft lenses, refractors, and various other placeables, and craft items from it that unlock bosses. This mod has multiple bosses, including a post-moon lord superboss, and is continually updating. If you don't mind checking Chinese to English (or your native language) every now and then, this mod is quite good. The mod boasts some nice visuals too.
  102. DormantDawnMOD
  103. Originally a small mod that overhauled vanilla melee weapons, this mod has grown considerably. It includes reworks to most vanilla weapons, gives bosses unique intros and sound effects, adds several bosses, and includes subworlds that are side-scroller minigames. The comments tend to lean towards constant errors and poor compatibility with large content mods, so use at your own discretion.
  105. Dragon Ball Terraria Ported
  106. Rock the dragon as you progress through the many stages of the Dragon Ball franchise, having your humble start in mid/late Dragon Ball with basic Ki blast attacks, all the way up to Dragon Ball Super with transformations such as Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan (AKA Super Saiyan Blue, and yes; the naming sense is dumb). This is an incredibly faithful recreation of many attacks from the Dragon Ball franchise, and even has its own class with fleshed out mechanics, multiple side mods and patches for other mod compatibility, and more. Absolutely worth trying at least once. Rest in Peace, Akira Toriyama (April 5, 1955 – March 1, 2024), you will be missed.
  108. GaMeTerraria
  109. A fairly unusual mod with interesting content. Its most noteworthy content is the fact that you fight the sun itself; not some random avatar or anything else, but the ACTUAL GOD DAMNED SUN. Fairly small compared to some other mods in this section, but the innovative designs more than make up for it. Infrequently updates with new content.Some bosses have poor explanations, if any, on how to summon them.
  111. Heartbeatraria
  112. Similar to Consolaria, this mod adds in content from the Chinese versions. KFC? Vtubers? Cars? Yes. Has some compatibility with Consolaria as well, as some items from this mod can appear on other vendors with Consolaria included.
  114. Metroid Mod
  115. An older mod that has been brought into the modern age. This mod brings a hefty amount of content from the Metroid franchise, primarily focused on the beam weaponry and suit upgrades. Adds a few bosses that are faithful to the Metroid games too, along with good remixes of the music from the franchise. Though large in scope, the content added by this mod isn't enough to constitute calling it a big content mod. At least not yet.
  117. Risk of Slime Rain
  118. A faithful adaptation of items from Risk of Rain and Risk of Rain 2. Chests and bosses contain various consumables which, on use, give you permanent buffs. These don't start off super strong, and they're balanced around normal vanilla gameplay, but don't be fooled; I said this was a faithful adaptation. These consumables stack, so their effects scale quickly. If you've never played Risk of Rain or Risk of Rain 2, give this a try. The consumables will give you a really good idea of how fun RoR and RoR2 are, while spicing up Terraria as well.
  120. The Amulet of Many Minions
  121. A summoner-themed mod that adds quite a bit to help bridge the gaps in progression for summoners, and boy are there a lot of gaps. Likewise, it adds AoMM versions of vanilla summons with SIGNIFICANTLY better AI and pathfinding, as well as various other utilities that vastly improve the summoner experience. Also adds a new summoner weapon type; Squires. These little fellas follow your mouse when attacking, and have abilities when you right click. Another major thing it adds is the ability to turn pets into minions; almost every vanilla pet has an AoMM minion version, and they work well. Has compatibility wih Assorted Crazy Things, turning that mod's numerous pets into minions as well.
  123. Unusacies' Battle Rods
  124. This mod focuses on the art of angling, but not by baiting fish! Battle Rods are a new weapon type, supported by unique armor and mechanics that allow you to turn your boring old fishing rod into a weapon to terrorize enemies with. Cast your bobber at an enemy, and reel them in (or reel yourself to the enemy), or right click to let go of your catch. The art of catch and release is in your hands; catch enemies, and release their life from this mortal coil.
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  127. IV. Quality of Life Mods
  128. =============================================
  129. AlchemistNPC Lite
  130. This mod adds several NPCs that sell various materials and items throughout progression. Of note is the Brewer, who sells all vanilla potions and some modded potions, assuming you have the necessary mods enabled.
  132. Banner Bonanza
  133. Combine all of those banners into one all-purpose banner storage. Don't struggle finding a place to put the banners anymore.
  135. Boss Checklist
  136. Provides a book icon in your inventory that lets you see all of the bosses, how to spawn them, what they drop, and how many times you died to them. Works with most mods, though some mods don't check their bosses off when defeated.
  138. Census - Town NPC Checklist
  139. This mod shows you EVERY NPC when you go to the housing UI, and it tells you how to get that NPC to move in. Very handy for larger mod packs, though keep in mind that mods have to have compatibility. You may find some modded NPCs don't have any listed spawn requirements.
  141. Heart Crystal & Life Fruit Glow
  142. As the name suggests, these naturally spawned objects will give off some light. A little bit cheaty, but it's a huge help early on.
  144. Helpful Hotkeys
  145. This mod adds additional hotkeys for various things. Read the steam page for full details, but it adds quite a few useful keybind options.
  147. Infinite Munitions
  148. Adds endless quivers and pouches for most vanilla ammo types.
  150. ItemMagnetPlus
  151. A small mod that adds a single item; the Item Magnet. This magnet sucks up nearby items passively, and its range increases throughout vanilla progression.
  153. Magic Storage
  154. An incredibly useful mod that everyone has used at least once. With this mod, you can create an enormous storage container that holds THOUSANDS of item stacks. Really, you aren't playing modded correctly if you're not using this.
  156. No Larva Break
  157. You can't accidentally summon Queen Bee anymore, unless you mine the larva or the blocks directly under it.
  159. No Pylon Restrictions
  160. Removes the requirements to buy pylons, and allows multiple of the same pylon to work. Fairly cheaty, but nobody likes the happiness mechanic.
  162. Ore Excavator
  163. A veinmining mod similar to those in Minecraft. With the press of a hotkey, you can add or remove blocks from a list that you want to mine in bulk. Some blocks are disabled by default, and require being added twice or removed manually from the disabled list to be vein mined, such as vanilla dirt and stone.
  165. Pings
  166. A useful utility that lets you ping on the map, allowing you to bookmark a spot as a reminder or to alert your friends in multiplayer. Pinged enemies do not despawn unless killed or the world closes.
  168. Quick Ropes
  169. Lets you place ropes faster.
  171. Recipe Browser
  172. An incredibly helpful tool that, when pressing a keybind, brings up a menu that lists every craftable item. Clicking on an item shows its recipe as well as what drops its components. Vital for modded content.
  174. Roommates
  175. If you have a house that isn't a tiny commie block, then multiple NPCs can live in it! By default, you can cram as many NPCs into one house as you like. There are config options for the mod to allow a max number per house, or to have a requirement for one chair per resident.
  177. Shared World Map
  178. In multiplayer, this allows you and your friends to share what you've explored. A simple yet incredibly helpful tool.
  180. Summoners Association
  181. Adds various utilities for summoners that makes the summoner experience a bit more tolerable.
  183. What Mod Is This From?
  184. Find a modded item that you just absolutely love or hate, and want to know which mod added it? Here you go.
  186. World Gen Previewer
  187. Watch as your world is created, skipping or jumping ahead to specific parts. Want hundreds of dungeons? You can do it.
  189. =============================================
  190. V. Extra Mods
  191. =============================================
  192. Acid Waifu
  193. Want another elemental waifu when playing Calamity? Have this from their now-outdated (and vandalized) fandom wiki. It is a rare drop from Dreadnautilus (why?), attacks with two small rain clouds, and is animated just as well as the five elemental waifus from the real Calamity. You don't even need Calamity to use this mod either.
  195. Angler Shop
  196. Converts the Angler to a degree so that he sells most of his possible rewards, including potions and bait. You can still do the quests if you want.
  198. Antisocial
  199. A very simple mod that makes it so that your vanity slots for armor and accessories give you their stats and effects. Yes, you can have two set bonuses.
  201. Atmospheric Torches
  202. A small mod that adjusts the way torches illuminate the world.
  204. Auto Reforge
  205. Tired of accidentally going past Menacing or Lucky on your accessories? Maybe accidentally clicking one too many times and turning your Legendary Adamantite Sword into a Broken Adamantite Sword? Then get this mod. It will reroll until it hits the modifier you selected. Works well with Calamity's bad luck protection, but sometimes doesn't play well with modded modifiers.
  207. Auto Trash
  208. A basic mod that lets you say "Hey, stop putting this shit in my inventory". Optionally gives you the sell value of items trashed on pickup.
  210. Auto Fish
  211. The name says it all. Cast your line, press the hotkey (Default is L), and go afk for a while and just fish.
  213. Better Autosave
  214. The name says it all. Allows you to determine when the game autosaves, which is helpful if you expect to experience crashes.
  216. Better Extractinator
  217. Increases the speed at which you break down Silt, Slush, Desert Fossils, and any modded objects. Stacks on top of any other modded extractinator speed boosts.
  219. Brighter Lights
  220. Lets you increase or decrease how bright torches are. Plays well with other lighting mods.
  222. Chat Source
  223. A simple mod that lists the name of the mod in chat when the mod says something in chat. "[Modname] A watermelon moon is happening!" for example.
  225. Cheat Sheet
  226. This mod offers a great deal of world editing tools. Great for testing out mod content without actually playing it, and useful if you're honest and only make use of it to restore items lost via bugs, glitches, or incredible stupidity like throwing your weapon in lava.
  228. Consistent Reforging
  229. A lightweight alternative to Auto Reforge. This mod simply adds an undo button to the Goblin Tinkerer. Accidentally break your sword? Undo it back to legendary.
  231. Damage Variance Slider
  232. A fairly useful mod that increases or decreases damage variation. If you set it low, you'll get damage in ranges like 30-35. If you set it to the minimum, you'll always get 35. If you set it high, you'll get something like 10-86.
  234. Dialogue Panel Rework
  235. A basic mod that changes the chat box for NPCs to show the NPC while they talk, kind of like an RPG.
  237. DPSExtreme
  238. Do you care that you did the top DPS in the MMO raid? Do you care that that one guy barely did jack shit? Then this mod's for you, you tryhard.
  240. DragonLens
  241. A newer alternative to Cheat Sheet. It's neither superior nor inferior to Cheat Sheet, but you may prefer one over the other.
  243. Dungeon Bricks Crumble Faster
  244. Just put this in your pack. You're welcome.
  246. Fancy Lighting
  247. Turns up the visual ambience by a great degree without ruining the game's aesthetic. Plays well with other lighting mods.
  249. Fargo's Souls DLC
  250. Want to play with Calamity's Revengeance or Death modes as well as Fargo's Souls Mod's Eternity mode? You'll want this.
  252. Infernum Master and Legendary Modes Patch
  253. Playing with Calamity's Infernum addon, but want additional stat bloat? Here's your fix.
  255. Insurgency Weapons
  256. Money and guns; the true American experience. Enemies drop money (more from higher health enemies), and you can craft gun vending machines. The guns in this mod feature reloading mechanics, and are incredibly satisfying to use. Make money, buy guns and ammo, shoot enemies for more money, buy more guns and ammo, and so on.
  258. Lights and Shadows
  259. This mod adds god rays and improved lighting, and is highly configurable. Don't worry that the page says it's for the 1.4 alpha; it works to this day.
  261. Mod Extractor
  262. Ever wanted to completely disassemble a mod and look at everything, code included? This lets you do it. Enable the mod, then extract any mod you want; mods can't bypass this mod's extraction method.
  264. PalMod (Summoner Subclass)
  265. Want to play the better Pokemon game, but in Terraria? Here you go. Throw spheres at NPCs and turn them into minions with health bars. They scale off of your summoning damage, but get weaker if you use actual summon weapons alongside the "pals". The merchant sells your first ball, and from there, you can weaken and capture enemies. Only works for vanilla NPCs and modded NPCs that use vanilla AI, so no calmity waifu pals.
  267. PetRenamer
  268. Pressing the hotkey (default P) brings up a menu that lets you put a pet item in the slot and give it a name. This name will be visible when you or someone in multiplayer mouse over the pet when its summoned.
  270. Realistic Sky
  271. Changes the sky, providing nicer visuals. Especially evident at night where you can see a surprisingly nice starry background.
  273. Shop Expander
  274. Makes it so that NPC inventories have a buyback option, as well as multiple pages if modded content is added to the NPCs.
  276. Signature Equipment
  277. Gives weapons an experience system, allowing them to gain stats over time. Only affects the weapon you are holding (with the exception of summons, as they get exp when they do damage regardless). This can quickly become a cheat mod if you allow it, as once a weapon is past level 50, it becomes a super weapon with obscene damage.
  279. Vacuum Ore Bag
  280. Newly created characters are given a bag that collects most ores and ore-like materials, similar to void storage. Doesn't work with all modded ores however.

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