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By pogoman122
Created: 2024-06-02 03:10:24
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon
  2. >Day "Holy Fuck Are These Bat Ponies?" in Equestria
  3. >And you are currently standing outside a door leading to a room that you are going to be forced to go through
  4. >You really don't want to do this, but the bat pony stallions behind you are pushing you towards the door
  5. >"Take one for the team, Anon!"
  6. >"Yeah, Anon! Take one for the team! Do it for us!"
  7. >You are shoved through the door, and you immediately turn upon the stallions, but instead of finding bat pony stallions, you find a closed door
  8. >A closed AND locked door
  9. "Just fucking great..."
  10. >You turn back around, looking into the dark room
  11. >You wonder what's in here
  12. >...
  13. >You were always one for dangerous situations, if 50 dollars to be in a snake pit says anything
  14. >You walk forward, staring into the darkness
  15. >You stick your hand into said darkness, and not moment later, you feel something... Lick it?
  16. "What the fuck?!"
  17. >Pulling your hands back reveals it to be coated in some kind of liquid...
  18. >You tentatively pull your liquid covered fingers to your nose, and it smells like...
  19. >Like...
  20. >Oh god no...
  21. >"B-Bat ponies...?"
  22. >As you stare at your sex covered hand, you fail to notice the hoof wrapping around your ankle
  23. >Your attention is quickly diverted to said hoof as it pulls forward, tripping you and causing you to fall onto your back
  24. >"Come into the darkness Anooooon~!"
  25. "Echo?!"
  26. >Your eyes widen as another voice joins her
  27. >"Yeeees... Join us..."
  28. >You gulp
  29. >"G-Gloom Wing?"
  30. >...
  31. >Those bastard stallions were keeping the mares here during their estrus season!
  32. >And they put you in here with them!
  33. >Traitors!
  34. >You whimper as hooves pull you into the darkness
  35. "I don't deserve this..."
  36. >And those are your first words of a very VERY long night...

Going Batty Is A Nightmare

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How I Learned To Love Being The Mare In Heat

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Not So Cheery Lee

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Business Ponies

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