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Aux x Hekesuh

By pogoman122
Created: 2024-06-02 03:13:47
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Hekesuh.
  2. >Yeah.
  3. >Hekesuh.
  4. >A bat pony in a little town called Hollow Shades
  5. >You weren't always Hekesuh, but now you've managed to become him through some paranormal fuckery with the divines or something.
  6. >Of course, it isn't like you think it is.
  7. >Oh god no it isn't.
  8. >The problem here is that you were REINCARNATED as Hekesuh.
  9. >And you have all your nice memories as a human up until you died.
  10. >Speaking of how you died, you were shot three times in the shoulder, twice in the chest, and once in the head.
  11. >A drug deal gone bad?
  12. >No.
  13. >An altercation with ISIS?
  14. >Not at all.
  15. >In fact, it was a firing squad.
  16. >You won't go into detail as to why you were put in front of a firing squad.
  17. >Your human life isn't even that important, rather the knowledge that comes with it.
  18. >You have great social skills as a result of 32 years talking people up!
  19. >Unfortunately... Your compatriot does not.
  20. >His name is Aux Tism
  21. >A play on Autism, at least that's what you assumed it to be.
  22. >But no, he wasn't autistic, but he was INCREDIBLY awkward around mares.
  23. >Like, wow.
  24. >You two were in the higher grades of school, around... Junior year you'd like to say, being that you were seventeen right now.
  25. >Being a bat pony is nice really, the ponies are incredibly nice.
  26. >Most of them at least...
  27. >Your "dad" is a bit of a drunkard.
  28. >When you got older, at least in the middle of puberty a few years ago, he started getting especially angry with you.
  29. >It wasn't your fault that you looked like a fucking trap.
  30. >It just happens!
  31. >Your "mother" didn't seem to mind as much.
  32. >Well, she didn't mind anything...
  33. >In fact, she took everything your dad said as fact and would ABSOLUTELY not doubt his word.
  34. >She was pretty submissive.
  35. >You met Aux in kindergarten.
  36. >He didn't seem to have many friends, and you were gonna need a wingman for the future, so you hooked up with him.
  37. >Aux was a great friend.
  38. >Always cracked jokes, but choked up whenever a mare was within a ten foot radius.
  39. >You suppose it happened in middle school, when the horomones really hit.
  40. >Poor guy sweated whenever that one gal, Pom Pom, talked to him.
  41. >It was hilarious at first, because you thought he'd get over it.
  42. >But nope, here you were at 17 and he still does that.
  43. >Speaking of mares, you have an extremely hard time getting lucky.
  44. >God, you haven't even gotten anything yet.
  45. >It doesn't help that you're a fucking trap.
  46. >You KNOW that Aux has hit on you at least three times in high school.
  47. >Aux hasn't gotten shit either.
  48. >Not to say that you two were losers, you were one of the more popular stallions in school actually.
  49. >Aux was somewhere in the middle, and most people thought he hung out with you because he wanted to be one of the "cool" colts, but they don't know that he's been your buddy through thick and thin, and you've done the same for him.
  50. >Hopefully, just hopefully, you can eventually get into a university in Canterlot.
  51. >Given your grades at the moment, you'd say it will be pretty easy.
  52. >You've done this once before, minus Equestrian history.
  53. >Your teachers were all surprised you already knew everything.
  54. >But oh god writing was atrocious.
  55. >Writing with your mouth is hard and degrading, although other ponies mastered it with ease, you chose the hard route and decided to learn to write by hoof
  56. >It paid off in the end when you were one of the few who could actually see everything they wrote while writing it.
  57. >The unicorns could write with magic, sure, but you were a bat pony.
  58. >And apparently, male bat ponies usually try to get into Luna's royal guard as a tradition of some sort.
  59. >You'd rather go into college and try to major in "Equish".
  60. >Not English, Equish.
  61. >Reason for this is because you wanted to make a bloody killing off of writing stories.
  62. >And boy. After living on Earth? You had a shit ton of stories to tell.
  63. >You could write a story about World War Two and the ponies would enjoy it as "Fantasy" or something.
  64. >Though you'd be one of few authors to incorporate death on such a massive scale into a story.
  65. >Back to the main point though.
  66. >You were just trying to kill time in study hall right now, thinking away about your life.
  67. >Of course this was the last period of the day.
  68. >Just watching the clock hands tick by...
  69. >You smiled as you thought about music.
  70. >Music is nice...
  71. >All ponies had were record players...
  72. >And all pony music was so upbeat and cheery.
  73. >Nothing ever had the anachronistic feel such as a barbershop quartet cover of "God Only Knows".
  74. >It was a real thing.
  75. >Google it, nerd.
  76. >You can't sing for shit, but you can sound like a mare if needed.
  77. >Which was by request of the one and only Aux.
  78. >Poor guy.
  79. >You two met nearly every day after school at his house.
  80. >You guys had a sleepover once.
  81. >It was rather... Odd... To say the least.
  82. >After that, you two agreed to just meet at his house.
  83. >Your dad, and mom by extension, don't really like Aux all that much.
  84. >Dad says "He's too bucking wimpy for my colt."
  85. >Yeah, he's kinda a puss, but he's still a nice guy.
  86. >A really nice guy.
  87. >You shake your head.
  88. >Not in that way!
  89. >Don't think gay thoughts about Aux again...
  90. >He was attractive for a guy, but as said before, he couldn't get a mare for shit.
  91. >You thought about your possessions.
  92. >You had collected various odds and ends over the years.
  93. >You collected various shot glasses from different towns and cities, your father once thought that you were stealing them from him, but after a shouting session you showed him that you were, in fact, innocent
  94. >And you only broke out the shot glass once, and that was a big mistake.
  95. >But they were just material things.
  96. >You thought back to Aux and his neat black hair.
  97. >God, when you thought about him, he seemed kinda ho-
  98. "NO!"
  99. >No no no!
  100. >You sat up straight, your eyes as small as pinpricks.
  101. >Everyone was staring at you.
  102. >You... Shouted that out loud...
  103. >You gulped as the study hall monitor looked up from her book, surprised that you shouted.
  104. >"Is something the matter, Hekesuh?"
  105. >You sweated.
  106. >You didn't like being stared at, and you never talked in class.
  107. "N-No I'm alright... Just. Yeah. I'm alright."
  108. >The mare looked at you worriedly before she went back to her book.
  109. >Of course, that's when the bell decided to ring, and all attention on you was chucked out the window like prom night dumpster baby
  110. >Fuck you gay thoughts
  111. >You groaned as you mad your way out of the school
  112. >You groaned again as you noticed Aux smiling and waving at you
  113. >"Hey! Hey Hekesuh!"
  114. >You waved back, weakly smiling
  115. "Hey Aux."
  116. >You walked past him, and he trotted along side you
  117. >"Sooooo how's my favourite stallion doin'?"
  118. >He was still smiling
  119. >This is getting kind creepy, bud.
  120. "Oh I'm alright. Just got out of study hall..."
  121. >You gulped and smiled back, trying not to worry about the gay thoughts
  122. >It was hard trying to push them out of the way...
  123. >Especially since this wasn't the first time you felt this way.
  124. >Aux DID feel you up not too long ago, but you pushed him away.
  125. >Didn't stop you from enjoying it though.
  126. >That was the hottest blush you've had in years...
  127. >"Hey Heke. You're blushing."
  128. >Oh shit.
  129. "N-nuh."
  130. >You tried lookigna way to hide your blush.
  131. >Just look at those fireflies!
  132. >Bouncing around in the sky.
  133. >Not a care in the worl-
  134. >"Yuh. You're blushing Heke. What's on your mind?"
  135. >You gulped
  136. "Nothing Aux... Let's just go back to your house and play Monopoly or something..."
  137. >You heard Aux's steps get louder as he trotted slightly ahead of you, and you stopped when you felt a hoof push on your chest, making you plop on your rear
  138. >"Noooo. Don't 'Nothing Aux' me Mister Trapbat."
  139. >Why did he have to remind you of being a trap...
  140. >You hated that...
  141. >"You're gonna tell me what's up."
  142. >You looked at him, and noticed that he was smiling.
  143. "Look Aux... I-I swear that nothing is going on."
  144. >He rolled his eyes.
  145. >"I know you liked what I did the other day. C'mon, admit it."
  146. >He moved his face closer to yours
  147. >"You're totally hot for me."
  148. >His nose was touching yours.
  149. >It was true... You did kinda have the hots for him.
  150. >You don't know why...
  151. >He was a nice guy, and he was pretty good looking for a stallion...
  152. >You gulped and tried turning away from him, but he held your head where it was now, looking deep into your eyes
  153. >"Well...?"
  154. >You sighed
  155. "Yeah Aux... It's true..."
  156. >Aux smiled widely and smooched you right on your snout, making you blush and scrunch up.
  157. >God damnit Aux.
  158. >Making you admit shit.
  159. >And damn Aux for being stronger than you.
  160. >"You don't know how cute you are Hekesuh..."
  161. >You stuttered, trying to form a response.
  162. "I-I try not to be..."
  163. >Aux giggled.
  164. >"You aren't doing a very good job!"
  165. >Damn it...
  166. >Aux smooched you on your snout again, making you blush harder.
  167. >"C'mon Heke. Let's get back to my place."
  168. >You quickly nodded your head.
  169. >Why were you happy about this...?
  170. >Who cares...
  171. >As long as you were happy, why did it matter?

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