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Anon Bat-Dad

By pogoman122
Created: 2024-06-02 03:16:07
Updated: 2024-06-02 03:16:38
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anonymous the human
  2. >And you, in perhaps poor taste and excitably horny feelings, chose to bunk with a unit sergeant in the Royal Guard
  3. >He was a grump
  4. >As in, a HUMONGOUS grump
  5. >You swear to this very day that he put rocks in your mattress
  6. >He also constantly brought mares with him and fucked them whether you were there or not
  7. >It was hot, but he would hit you if he caught you slapping the donkey
  8. >It was not a fun period of time for you
  9. >Luckily, you ended up making friends in Luna's personal guard
  10. >Particularly the bat ponies
  11. >God, you loved those cute little shitheads
  12. >The only time you got mad at a bat pony is when you caught one trying to nibble your ear in your sleep
  13. >You ended up forgiving him
  14. >You did sneak out of bed to nibble his ear though
  15. >You stopped when he started moaning in his sleep though
  16. >Shortly after that little incident, you started to bunk above that particular stallion
  17. >You came to know him as 'Star Struck'. A personal guard to Princess Luna herself.
  18. >Turns out they were on a first name business.
  19. >Luna wasn't all that bad either.
  20. >However... It was Star Struck's family that caught your attention the most
  21. >His daughter.
  22. >Starry Skies was a good little filly
  23. >She hid from you when Star Struck brought you to his parents' home
  24. >A filly can't exactly live with her daddy in the guard, and the mother was out of the picture, so that left his parents as the only option
  25. >Sad little story.
  26. >But Starry Skies is cute as fuck
  27. >She really took a liking to you too!
  28. >Whenever you visited her in your time off, she always did that cute lil' scree noise
  29. >Star Struck's parents are all right as well.
  30. >They loved you like you were their own son, despite your appearance as a human.
  31. >Speaking of Star Struck...
  32. >He actually passed away some time ago.
  33. >A lot of ponies were there.
  34. >Imagine your surprise when you were nominated Starry Skies's guardian.
  35. "Me? Starry's guardian?"
  36. >Great. Now everypony was looking at you. Luna included.
  37. >The bearer of wills looked at you with a grim expression
  38. >"Yes. Star Struck wished this burden to placed upon you. He figured it would not bother you, seeing as you acted so well around her."
  39. >You were speechless
  40. >A father to a child that is not of your species.
  41. "No no! I'll gladly accept. I have the funds and all, but... It's just a big surprise."
  42. >The clip clop of hooves against marble alerts you that somepony is behind you.
  43. >Turning around reveals Princess Luna, who puts a hoof on your shoulder
  44. >"Anonymous the human. Starry Skies loves you. You took care of her while Star Struck was in the hospital, and you comforted her when her father passed on. We feel as if you are best suited for the role."
  45. >God. Even the Princess wants to vouch for you.
  46. >Shit.
  47. >You are in an extremely bad position.
  48. >Oh well. Nothing is ever lost.
  49. "Yeah sure. I'll take her on. I just bought a house in Canterlot anyways..."
  50. >You pinch the bridge of you nose
  51. >Remember Anon. Starry Skies loves you like a father. You probably spent more time with her than Star Struck ever did. Not like he could what with being a house guard.
  52. >Of course. You were Star Struck's only friend, because everyone else didn't want to hang around with a bat pony
  53. >He was, ironically, the only non-nocturnal bat pony as well, so no other bat ponies hung out with him
  54. >They called him a 'normie'
  55. >Reminded you of threads on /v/ at home
  56. >You're pretty sure those fuckers would hiss at the mention of sun as well
  57. >The whole will thing was settled out, and you finally got to go home to your new house
  58. >Figures that you had to be transported to Equestria while hunting
  59. >You, literally, had the most powerful crossbow in Equestria
  60. >That's veering off topic though.
  61. >You and a somewhat sad Starry Skies settled down in your furnished home
  62. >She was so fucking happy to be living with you though...
  63. >Day ??? in Equestria
  64. >You wake up to the sound of 'Scree'
  65. >You two ate the mango pancakes
  66. >They were really just pancakes with bits of mangoes in them
  67. >Starry Skies really loved them though
  68. >You glanced at her and noticed a little bit of mango on the tip of her muzzle
  69. >She didn't notice
  70. >Starry looked at with a confused expression
  71. >"What's wrong Anon?"
  72. >You grinned
  73. "Pluck!"
  74. >You plucked the bit of mango off of her muzzle and threw it in your mouth
  75. >"Eep!"
  76. >God that was cute
  77. >Her muzzle scrunched up as she attempted to lick the juice off
  78. >"Yummy."
  79. "Sure is."
  80. >You stood up and carried both plates to the kitchen sink and dumped them in there
  81. >Dishes are a priority for later
  82. >"So what're we gonna do today Anon?"
  83. >Hm. What WERE you going to do today?
  84. "Do you wanna look at the stars? I know you like that."
  85. >Cue nodding of the head
  86. >"Yeah!"
  87. "Alright then. Let's see what Luna did today."
  88. >You opened the door to leave your home, a medium sized cottage in the Lunar district
  89. >The Lunar district was a smaller district in Canterlot, consisting mainly of bat ponies and ponies that weren't afraid of them
  90. >It was also harbored one of the only bars in Equestria
  91. >The bat ponies LOVED their alcohol
  92. >You LOVED your alcohol
  93. >You didn't drink it if you were going to be spending time with your newfound daughter though or if you were heading to work
  94. >Speaking of work... You are a weather monitor.
  95. >Basically, you fly around making sure that the weather ponies do what they are supposed to do
  96. >The powers that be decided that it would be funny to bring you to Equestria while flying your open class glider
  97. >So you used that glider to do your job
  98. >You felt a hoof tap your shin
  99. >"Anon? Are you coming?"
  100. "Yeah Starry. Just thinking."
  101. >"It looks beautiful out here!"
  102. >Huh
  103. "So it does..."
  104. >It was a short, but loud noise that was pumped directly into your ear
  105. >You were used to it
  106. >It still kinda irritated you though
  107. >You look to your left to see that Starry Skies is sitting on the edge of your bed
  108. >"Hi Anon!"
  109. >Fukkin noice
  110. >You yawn and ruffle her dark blue mane
  111. >It has a few stripes of silver in there as well, so it's kinda neat looking
  112. "Hey Starry..."
  113. >You take away your hand and rub your eyes
  114. >You still weren't used to getting up at 7:00 in the evening, but that's what bat ponies do so you'll get over it eventually
  115. >Luckily, it was the weekend, so Starry didn't have school
  116. >School was irritating for you
  117. >There was a constant 'Scree' coming from the kindergarten room and it was just pure misery
  118. >Even the kindergarten teacher looked miserable
  119. >"So what's for breakfast Anon?"
  120. >Looking into Starry's grey eyes reveals a hint of excitement
  121. >Bat Ponies could eat meat, but preferred fruit
  122. >And they didn't seem to mind when you had meat every once in a while
  123. "We're gonna have mango pancakes."
  124. >Didn't mean that you would eat meat right now...
  125. >Starry excitedly hops onto your stomach, making you cringe in response
  126. >"I love those! You're always the best cook!"
  127. "Nah, I ain't the best."
  128. >"Yes you are!"
  129. "Whatever you say, squirt."
  130. >You quickly hopped out of bed and carried Starry like a football into the kitchen, much to her chagrin
  131. >You felt her squirming, so you set her down
  132. >"I don't like that Anon!"
  133. >Snort
  134. "I didn't like it either when my dad did that to me when i was a kid."
  135. >"Can i meet your dad?"
  136. >Ah damn
  137. "Fraid' not kid."
  138. >Not this conversation
  139. >"Why?"
  140. "Cause he's passed on."
  141. >"What does that mean?"
  142. >You sigh
  143. "He's dead."
  144. >A moment of silence
  145. >"Oh."
  146. >You clap your hands together
  147. "So how 'bout those pancakes!"
  148. >Starry's silver ears perk up
  149. >"Yeah!"
  150. >Luna did a marvelous job
  151. >Starry Skies is impossibly mesmerized by the starfield
  152. >You think you know what Starry would like to be
  153. "Hey Starry?"
  154. >She doesn't respond, just staring up a the stars with her mouth slightly open
  155. >Holy cow, she really loves space
  156. >You wave your hand over her eyes
  157. "Starrrrrrrry. Earth to Starry..."
  158. >She blinks and looks at you
  159. >"Mmmm yeah?"
  160. >Yeah. You know what she wants to be.
  161. "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
  162. >She closes her eyes
  163. >Suddenly her eyes shoot open and she grins widely
  164. >"I wanna be an strong mare!"
  165. >Oh jeez
  166. >Her muzzle scrunches up
  167. >"No wait. That's not right!"
  168. >"Astrolomore..."
  169. >You snicker
  170. >Starry glares at you
  171. "Astronomer?"
  172. >Her ears point upward, the tufts of fur making a swishing sound
  173. >"Yeah! That's it!"
  174. >She looks at the ground
  175. >"Could've figured it out myself..."
  176. >Oh boy.
  177. >You lift her chin up and look into her eyes
  178. "You're only in what? Third grade? Trust me, you're fine."
  179. >"But-"
  180. >Nope
  181. "No buts. Just ask me if you can't figure out something."
  182. >"Okay..."
  183. >Starry reaches both hooves out to you
  184. >Hnnnnng
  185. >You could have a heart attack from the cuteness right now
  186. >You pick her up and hug her, being careful to mind her wings
  187. >"I love you daddy."
  188. >Fuck
  189. >She called you daddy.
  190. >Not something you expected to be honest
  191. >You can't help but let out a few tears
  192. >You truly did love her
  193. >And she truly loved you
  194. >God damn you never wanted to go back to Earth again
  195. >All good moments eventually had to come to an end
  196. >Other ponies walking up and down the street were beginning to give you weird looks
  197. >Not that you cared
  198. >They could look as much as they'd like, but with you being human they might get the wrong idea
  199. >You wouldn't eat Starry Skies though
  200. >No no no that would be very bad
  201. >You let her go, much to her disdain, if the groaning noise was saying anything meaningful
  202. >"Nooooo Anooooon..."
  203. >You chuckled
  204. "C'mon kiddo, ponies might get the wrong idea."
  205. >She shuffled around
  206. >"So what?"
  207. >Poor Starry
  208. >If only she knew the trials and tribulations that came with being a human in Equestria
  209. >Course you wouldn't want her to feel the pain that came with that
  210. >You weren't into bestiality and there were no human women here
  211. >So that kinda left you in a rut
  212. >Heh.. Rut...
  213. >"Wow Anon. We were out here for a loooong time..."
  214. >You look up, and sure enough, the stars have "moved" slightly
  215. >Looks like it's about lunch time
  216. "Alright Starry, come inside and we'll get some lunch."
  217. >Her eyes shine at the mention of lunch
  218. >Or is that just the moonlight?
  219. >No... Her eyes eyes are shining...
  220. >Damn magic
  221. "Hey Starry, did I ever tell you how pretty your eyes are?"
  222. >She shakes her head
  223. "Well, they are."
  224. >She looks at you and smiles
  225. >"Thanks!"
  226. >Hnnnng
  227. "Yeah... So what do you want to eat?"
  228. >You open up the fridge and see... A lot of fruit.
  229. >Also apricot marmalade
  230. >Starry shrugs
  231. >"Peanut butter and jelly is good."
  232. >Well alright then!
  233. "PBJ sandwich it is!"
  234. >The filly gives you a deadpan expression
  235. >"It's just lunch... Don't need to make everything sound fun..."
  236. >You crack a grin at that
  237. >Interesting little filly you have on your hands
  238. >An excitable creature, but blunt when she wants or needs to be
  239. "It's just how I do things Starry... It's just how I do things..."
  240. >Two peanut butter and apricot marmalade sandwiches later leaves the two of your bellies full
  241. >You supposed those fruit shakes helped as well, usually a simple sandwich down your gullet does not completely do the job
  242. >Not that you're complaining
  243. >Starry did suggest a killer recipe for the fruit shake
  244. >Her reward was a kiss on the head
  245. >She said she didn't like it, but you know she did
  246. >You were now laying down on your VERY comfortable couch
  247. >You were tired, and were still not used to the new sleep schedule
  248. >Didn't help that you had work in the morning
  249. >At least there wasn't a morning church service in Equestria
  250. >That's a silver lining to Sundays you suppose
  251. >Starry was playing around with a pony doll set in her room, cause apparently her friends' are away this weekend
  252. >When you were a kid, you'd sit on the floor and get mad cause you could never beat that one level of paperboy
  253. >You still loved paperboy
  254. >If only Equestrians had television
  255. >They have theatres and arcades, but no home televisions
  256. >Though you suppose you'd never leave the house if they did exist
  257. >Maybe Princess Celestia has a hoof... or hand... in this matter
  258. >Conspiracy shit going on around here...
  259. >And so begins the dozing off...
  261. >"Anon, I'm bored."
  262. >Yup.
  263. "What happened to your dolls?"
  264. >...
  265. >"Celestia's head fell off..."
  266. >Pfft
  267. "Bring it to me and I'll fix it."
  268. >Starry trots off and comes back with the plastic Celestia doll in her mouth, the head is stuck on one of her fangs
  269. >You hold out a hand, expecting drool
  270. >When she drops the pieces in your hand, you are surprised to see no drool
  271. >Guess they are pretty different from animals after all
  272. "Alright... Let's see what's goin' on here..."
  273. >The Celestia head just popped of the bearing on the end of the neck
  274. >An easy fix... If you have fingers...
  275. >Which you do!
  276. >*Pop*!
  277. "There. Fixed!"
  278. >Starry stares at the doll with amazement twinkling in her eyes
  279. >Oh the perks of being Human...
  280. >Starry goes back to playing with her dolls after staring at your fingers
  281. >You heard her mumble something about 'wishing i had fingers'
  282. >That would look weird
  283. >Could you imagine a bat pony with fingers?
  284. >Reminds you of the furshits back home
  285. >All that anthro... Disgusting...
  286. >You can't believe people like that exist.
  287. >All the more reason to not go back to Earth
  288. >You had more here than you ever did there
  289. >You had a daughter, an actual house instead of an apartment, and you were getting fitter too!
  290. >Yessir.
  291. >With no computer to bide your time with, you spent your leisure time shooting your crossbow or exercising
  292. >You managed to work off that little bit of chub you came here with
  293. >You even managed to grow a full beard
  294. >Before you moved to the lunar district, noble ponies thought it was uncouth
  295. >Star Struck thought it was awesome
  296. >Starry Skies thinks it's awesome
  297. >And generally, most of the Lunar district honestly just doesn't give a shit about anything the high class of the Celestial district do
  298. >Oh sure, some ponies didn't like your crossbow
  299. >Even Celestia complained about it, but you gave her the finger
  300. >Not that she knew what that meant
  301. >Ponies don't have fingers after all...
  302. >There was this one time where you DID have to defend yourself from a home invader
  303. >He was just injured
  304. >But the crossbow bolt did go clean through his upper leg
  305. >He was crying and bleeding the whole time
  306. >Turns out he was just REALLY down on his luck and just looking for money
  307. >You patched him up, gave him some bits, and sent him down to the hospital
  308. >Didn't even report him to the police
  309. >Ponies are generally good natured, so you returned that unneeded kindness with some unneeded kindness of your own
  310. >Seems like pony god was smiling down upon you
  311. >Cause now you have Starry Skies to take care of
  312. >You hope that she would never grow up...
  313. >In all your thinking, you didn't notice time pass by as fast as it did
  314. >Looking out the window showed that the sun was, in fact, starting to rise
  315. >Guess it's time to go to bed
  316. >The sound of hooves hitting carpet caught your attention
  317. >Looking down from where you lay at the couch revealed Starry Skies trotting over
  318. >"Happy morning, Anon!"
  319. >You chuckled
  320. >No good nights, only good mornings
  321. >It was weird
  322. "Have a nice sleep, Starry."
  323. >You squatted on the floor and gave the filly a hug before she skipped to her bedroom
  324. >The soft click of the door shutting made you sigh
  325. >You didn't want to walk to your bed
  326. >You were too lazy to do that right now
  327. >Sitting down on the soft couch eased your worries...
  328. >Grabbing a soft throw pillow and setting it on the edge of the couch; you lay down on the soft thing and rest your head against the pillow
  329. "Soft..."
  330. >Blink
  331. >Aw shit
  332. >You hated it when that happened
  333. >A dreamless sleep is a quick sleep
  334. >It felt like you only blinked, and it was dusk already!
  335. "Shit..."
  336. >"Bit in the swear jar, Anon!"
  337. >Aw hell.
  338. >Starry Skies was already up
  339. >You groaned as you sat up on the couch
  340. >At least it felt like you got a good night rest
  341. >Bad news was that you had to work later today
  342. >It was a quick job, but it payed well.
  343. >Sailplanes were sometimes a little risky to fly in bad weather conditions
  344. >Starry had school today, too
  345. >You quickly got off the couch and dashed over to the kitchen
  346. >Looking at your watch revealed that it was 8:00pm
  347. >Mental check also revealed that school for her starts at 8:20
  348. >The schoolhouse for the Lunar district wasn't very far from where you lived
  349. >It was next to the local park, so that made it very convenient
  350. >Turns out that Starry was ready, but she didn't have breakfast
  351. >You could amend that
  352. >There was plenty of fruit in the fridge, so you grabbed a plum
  353. "Think fast Starry!"
  354. >You underhanded the plum to her, which she caught in her fangs
  355. "Nice catch!"
  356. >"Phanks!"
  357. >You watch as Starry Skies leaves the house, plum stuck in her fangs
  358. >You thought it was cute how bat ponies could just suck out the fruit's juices
  359. >...
  360. >Maybe they could suck other things too-
  361. >You stuff your pillow in your face
  362. >Not gonna think about that right now
  363. >You were not gonna get hard right after Starry left
  364. >That would be weird...
  365. >Right?
  366. >You vaguely remember Star Struck's comments one day after coming home drunk
  367. >"Boy I tell ya Anon -hic- those Luna damn bat fillies down at the... the... the Night Dweller sure do know how to suck a dick..."
  368. >Star Struck snorted as his back hit the bottom bunk's bed
  369. >"I mean... She didn't even puncture it like most sloppy whorses do! Isn't that great!"
  370. >You sighed
  371. "Yeah Star... That's perfect..."
  372. >At the time it was somewhat annoying, if a little hilarious, but now you were sad just thinking about it
  373. >You sniffled
  374. >But that was the past
  375. >Don't dwell on the past!
  376. >You remember the words your father used to tell you
  377. >"Son, always live as if tomorrow is your last day on Earth. Always be prepared."
  378. >He was a nut job
  379. >You chuckled
  380. >Maybe some good old fashioned hunting will ease your mind
  381. >You'd have to take time off, but you had the money to do it
  382. >And you'd probably have to find a sitter in Ponyville for your daughter
  383. >Your daughter...
  384. >Wow.
  385. >You were already thinking that way
  386. >It was kind of odd to think that when you came to Equestria a few years ago, that you wouldn't have a daughter
  387. >No human women
  388. >All fillies
  389. >But now you have a daughter through the passage of will
  390. >Thanks Star Struck
  391. >Sucks that he's dead, but at least you aren't alone anymore!
  392. >Damn, that was an awful thought...
  393. >Bat Ponies are your favorite ponies in Equestria though
  394. >They were just like humans, except with bat wings
  395. >You were so caught up in thought that you had begun to drift off into dreamland
  396. >A midnight nap couldn't hurt...
  397. >...
  398. >Be Starry Skies
  399. >You watch the clock
  400. >Hopefully school will let out soon...
  401. >Five more minutes...
  402. >You whine as the teacher, Miss Echo, drones on about how the bat ponies came into existence
  403. >You rubbed your belly as the mango tart from earlier settled
  404. >This is boooooooring...
  405. >You groaned as you faceplanted into the desk
  406. "Fiiiiiive minuuuuuuutes..."
  407. >You thought of your old daddy
  408. >His name was Star Struck
  409. >He had a purple mane with silver stripes running through it, like your mane!
  410. >His tale was the same, dark purple with silver stripes...
  411. >He also had a starburst cutie mark on a three-point shield
  412. >You think he was one of Luna's night guards...
  413. >Except your mane was dark blue...
  414. >His was more darker purple
  415. >His eyes were lavender with a silver ring around the pupil
  416. >It was pretty!
  417. >Was...
  418. >His fur was light blue like yours...
  419. >You missed him...
  420. >*Riiiiiiiiiing*
  421. >You hear the teacher gasp
  422. >"Terribly sorry class! The clock ran out off batteries the other day and I forgot to reset it to the proper time... Dismissed!"
  423. >Yes!
  424. "Woohoo!"
  425. >You hover out of your chair and start to trot out of class
  426. >But a hoof taps you on your back
  427. >You turn your head to see Miss Echo staring at you with a frown
  428. >Aw shucks....
  429. >"Don't let me catch you faceplant again, Starry Skies."
  430. >You look at the floor
  431. "Yes ma'am."
  432. >She smiles
  433. >"Good! Have a good day Starry Skies!"
  434. >You turn your head back around and trot out the class before skipping down the road tto home
  435. >Miss Echo was nice
  436. >Sometimes she had to step outside for some stallion
  437. >She always acted funny around him
  438. >Her back legs would always shiver and her wings stood up-
  439. >"Hi Starry!"
  440. >It was Heartbeat!
  441. "Hi Heartbeat!"
  442. >"I can't play today, daddy has to take me for a doctor's appointment..."
  443. >She looked sad
  444. >Aw...
  445. >You really wanted to play with her...
  446. >You nuzzled her neck, and she did the same
  447. "Don't worry Heart!"
  448. >You smiled
  449. "We'll play tomorrow!"
  450. >She nodded and smiled back
  451. >"Gotta go Starry!"
  452. "Bye!"
  453. >You open the door to your new house
  454. >Anon bought this house
  455. >He was really nice!
  456. "Anon! I'm home!"
  457. >You hear a grumble come from the living room
  458. >What's he doing in there?
  459. >You trot into the room and gasp
  460. >Anon was laying on his stomach on the floor snoring away with his pants down to his ankles
  461. >Silly Anon
  462. >While he did that, you walked over to the kitchen and snagged a mango
  463. >You're sure Anon wouldn't miss it
  464. >Mangoes were reaaaaally good...
  465. >You ate it happily
  466. >If this were a mouse or bird ponies would be screaming
  467. >You pause
  468. >That was weird thinking
  469. >You continue to absolutely and completely ravage the mango
  470. >Oh by Luna's grace it was such a good mango
  471. >You were full! All from a mango!
  472. >Bat ponies really don't need much to eat...
  473. >You love being a bat pony
  474. >When you lived in the Celestia district, all the other fillies and colts stared at you and whispered mean things
  475. >They bullied you alot
  476. >But you wouldn't tell Anon that
  477. >He'd get REALLY mad and probably try to hurt somepony
  478. >You remember when that one pony broke in and tried to steal stuff
  479. >That was reaaaaally scary
  480. >You cried in your bed that night, cause you didn't want to see ponies get hurt
  481. >Maybe you'd look at the stars again
  482. >You really wanted to get a job looking at the stars
  483. >Astronomer...
  484. >You think that's what it's called
  485. >It was really cool to see the different constellations
  486. >You remembered that there was a special flower, called Luna's Mimic, that bloomed only on a full moon
  487. >When it bloomed, it would replicate the night sky on its' blossom, showing a different constellation for every petal
  488. >Hence, Luna's Mimic
  489. >You had that flower in your room on the windowsill
  490. >It was cool!
  491. >A full moon was three days from now, so maybe you could show Anon!
  492. "That'd be fun!"
  493. >"Hmmmnnn wha-?"
  494. >Uh oh. Anon is waking up!
  495. >Better get out of the kitchen...
  496. "Ugh...."
  497. >God damn how long did you sleep?
  498. >The scampering of hooves brought you out of your sleepy haze
  499. >"Hiya Anon!"
  500. >Well apparently Starry Skies is home...
  501. >"Have a nice nap?"
  502. >You snort and sit up
  503. "Yeah yeah... When didja get home?"
  504. >You look at her as her muzzle scrunches up
  505. >"Uhhhh... Ten minutes ago?"
  506. >So it wasn't too late
  507. >Probably about 1:45, cause her school lets out at about 1:30
  508. >Man. That teacher she has isn't bad looking for a bat pony.
  509. >Young, nice ass, too bad that she had a boyfriend.
  510. >Or was it coltfriend?
  511. >"Anon?"
  512. >Huh?
  513. "Oh sorry Starry I was just thinking about your teacher's nice booooooook... yeah book!"
  514. >Starry looks at you, perplexed
  515. >"Miss Echo has a book?"
  516. >You nod your head
  517. "Yeah, yeah... She let me borrow it, it's called A Dance With Wolves."
  518. >Starry looks confused now
  519. >God she is cute when she's confused
  520. >One ear goes down and it's just adorable
  521. >"Wolves dance?"
  522. >You shake your head
  523. "No, that's just the title of the book."
  524. >"What's it about?"
  525. >Uh oh
  526. >You really don't want to explain it to her
  527. >She might get scared
  528. >She cries when she's scared
  529. >You remember how she cried the other day when she didn't get a mango when she wanted one
  530. >You calmed her down by promising a mango after dinner
  531. >She REALLY loves mangoes
  532. >You do too, but seriously, Starry will go "bat shit" crazy over mangoes
  533. >Eh?
  534. >Bat shit crazy?
  535. >No?
  536. >Fuck you.
  537. "A Dance With Wolves is about native Equestrian's learning how wolves are special..."
  538. >"Oh. Okay!"
  539. >Starry hugs your leg before happily skipping to her room
  540. >Her ear tufts make a swishing sound as she turn around sharply and looks at you
  541. >"Love you Anon!"
  542. >Then she trots into her room
  543. >Wow.
  544. >So this is love.
  545. "I'm singing in the shower, cause I'm bored!"
  546. "So I'm singing in the shower, with nothing better to do!"
  547. >After singing in the shower you dried yourself off with a rather fluffy towel
  548. >You briefly wondered if Starry had her bath yet
  549. >Probably not
  550. >Better warm up the bath
  551. >You turn on the faucet and plug the hole
  552. >Plug
  553. >The
  554. >Hole
  555. >You squirt some bubble soap for some suds action
  556. "Hey Starry, bath time!"
  557. >You hear a groan come from the room over
  558. "No complaining, come jump in the bubbles!"
  559. >You notice Starry's head poke around the door
  560. >She has a pouty look on her face
  561. >"Do I have to?"
  562. "Yeah come on. We do this every night."
  563. >"But I'm cleeeeeean!"
  564. >You chuckle
  565. "No whining, get in."
  566. >"Fiiiiiine..."
  567. >Starry Skies reluctantly trots over to the edge of the tub
  568. >She lifts her front hooves and leans over the edge of the tub
  569. >You let out an evil laugh, silent, but friendly
  570. "In you go!"
  571. >She scree's as you lift her up and into the tub
  572. >"Eeeeeeee, Anon! Not cool!"
  573. >She splashes a bit of water at you as she pouts
  574. >You smile deviously
  575. "Want to know something REALLY cool?"
  576. >She looks at you quizzically as you lean over to her ear
  577. >jetfuelcan'tmeltsteelbeams.pol
  578. "You are a bat."
  579. >Her cheeks poof out
  580. >"I am a bat pony!
  581. >You smile
  582. "And that's why you're cool!"
  583. >She cocks her head to the side
  584. >"I'm cool?"
  585. "Yup!"
  586. >She smiles
  587. >Her wings flare out, splashing water all over the wall behind her
  588. >"Thanks Anon!"
  589. "No problem kiddo. Now finish your bath so we can get ya some dinner."
  590. >She splooshes in the water rubbing herself with a sponge while you read a newspaper on the toilet
  591. >Your pants are firmly attached to your waist though
  592. >"Hey Anon?"
  593. "Hmn? What's up?"
  594. >"Can we have that vegetarian pizza thingy?"
  595. >You chuckle
  596. "Yeah squirt, we can..."
  597. >One drying off session later...
  598. >Starry sat at the table fidgeting about while you cooked one of those vegetarian pizza Starry loves oh so dearly
  599. >You wondered why she loved them so much
  600. "Hey Starry, why do you like these things, anyways?"
  601. >She shrugged
  602. >"I dunno. They taste really good..."
  603. >You suppose that was a good enough answer
  604. >Perhaps the only good answer you'll get, considering that she was nine years old...
  605. >"Anon?"
  606. >You turn your head slightly
  607. "Yeah? What's up?"
  608. >"Can you teach me to cook when I'm older?"
  609. >Huh.
  610. "Yeah. I suppose I could. Not good myself though. Hell, i'll burn water!"
  611. >You laugh to yourself as Starry deadpans at you
  612. "What? Cause water can't be burned... and... nevermind... tough crowd today, sheesh."
  613. >"Your jokes are bad sometimes, Anon."
  614. >You sigh
  615. "I know sweetie."
  616. >The sweet smell of vegetables cooking alerts you sometime later as you finish another round of go-fish with Starry
  617. >You had to help her out with keeping her cards straight though
  618. >Kind of hard to hold cards without fingers, plus she isn't that coordinated with her wings yet
  619. >It made the whole point of playing pointless when you knew her cards
  620. >You really tried to act like you didn't know
  621. >It didn't satisfy her
  622. >"Stop cheating!"
  623. >Yeah.
  624. >You stood up from the table wordlessly and checked on the pizza
  625. >Oh yes.
  626. >A mixture of the scents of bell peppers, onions, and mushrooms hit your nostrils
  627. >You let out a hum in delight, alerting Starry
  628. >"Is it done?!"
  629. >Silently, you take out the pizza and slip it on a circular wooden platter, cutting it with a pizza cutter of course, and setting up the table for you two
  630. >The cards were set to the side as you two ate
  631. >"Wow Anon! This is better than the last one!"
  632. >You smirked
  633. "Practice makes perfect I suppose."
  634. >"Oh! Did you look at the skies today?"
  635. >You shake your head
  636. >"Well. Luna made the manticore constellation brighter than usual. I wonder what that means..."
  637. >You hum
  638. "Maybe it is manticore breeding season..."
  639. >"What is manticore breeding season, Anon?"
  640. >Oh boy
  641. >How do you explain this to a kid...
  642. >You scratch at your beard as you figure out how you are going to word out your response
  643. "Well... It's when female and male manticores get together to make more, baby, manticores."
  644. >She seems fascinated
  645. >Starry always does like learning the meaning of stuff to do with stars
  646. >You only knew it was manticore breeding season because the Royal Guard has been chattering about it all week
  647. >Claiming that there was going to be more trouble in the forests
  648. >And dealing with noise complaints in areas around Ponyville
  649. >Hah.
  650. >Noise complaints in the Everfree...
  651. >Manticore breeding season...
  652. >You snickered
  653. "Those... Baby manticores go on to become the adult manticores you know and well... Not so much as love as fear I suppose."
  654. >Starry shook her head vigorously
  655. >"No! I think they're really cool!"
  656. >Oh boy
  657. >"They have that HUGE stinger and their wings are like mine!"
  658. >She puffs out her chest for a brief moment
  659. >"Manticores must be cool if they have my wings!"
  660. >You laughed
  661. "Of course they are, Starry."
  662. >"I don't want a big giant stinger though... I like my tail."
  663. >Starry hugs her tail
  664. >You nod your head
  665. "Yeah. Don't know if i'd like a bat with a stinger instead of that blue and silver tail."
  666. >She looks you up and down, as if studying you
  667. >Then she narrows her eyes
  668. >"You'd still love me if I had a stinger, right?"
  669. >Uh oh
  670. >You suddenly feel rather nervous
  671. "Of course I would! I mean... It would just be-"
  672. >"I'm joking, Anon!"
  673. >Her expression softens as she giggles
  674. >You sigh in relief
  675. "Of course you are..."
  676. >You think you'd still love her if she had a stinger
  677. >You'd be more reluctant to showing affection, that's for sure.
  678. >Imagining that stinger hovering over your back when you hugged her...
  679. >You shuddered at that
  680. >God. That would be fucking awful.
  681. >"That would really stink if I had a stinger. I'd probably hurt somepony."
  682. >You hum in agreement.
  683. "Well. Time to go to bed!"
  684. >Starry frowns
  685. >"But the sun is barely risiiiiiiing..."
  686. >You smirk
  687. "Don't whine. Time for bed."
  688. >"Aw..."
  689. >Starry Skies begrudgingly heads off to bed while you clean up the kitchen area
  690. >You yawn as you throw the rest of the leftovers in the fridge
  691. >Everything now clean, that was good...
  692. >Starry was in bed and you had yet to do so yourself
  693. >There wasn't much to do besides reading underneath the light of an inefficient lamp
  694. >Surprisingly, light bulbs were a relatively new invention in Equestria
  695. >They do have ovens after all, and presumably elevators
  696. >Though you do suppose elevators came before light bulbs
  697. >How odd.
  698. >You chuckled to yourself as you switched off the lights in the house
  699. >You rest in your bed and you fall into a dreamless sleep
  700. >Or so you thought.
  701. >You stand in a field, a fog-like layer of mist hovering an inch or so off the ground tickling your bare feet as it happily rolls over your bare toes
  702. >You were barefooted
  703. >In fact, you only had your boxers on
  704. >What an odd dream
  705. >"Anonymous the human."
  706. >Ruh roh.
  707. >You recognize that voice anywhere
  708. >Looking up reveals a rather pleased looking Princess Luna swooping down from the void, a trail of small twinkling sparkles follows her as she glides
  709. >She bats her wings twice, moving the mist away to reveal that you are standing in a field filled with dark blue flowers,
  710. >But the mist rolls back over as Luna lands on four hooves
  711. >She nuzzles your neck briefly before stepping back and plopping down on her ass
  712. >How unceremonious for a creature of her status
  713. >Just plopping down on the bare ground without a chair or cushion
  714. >Not like her ass will get dirty outside of the dream
  715. >Right?
  716. >"We hath stalked through Starry Skies's dreams, and we are most pleased with the effigies in the filly's dreams."
  717. >Wait, what?
  718. "Why were you in my daughter's dreams?"
  719. >Luna smiles
  720. >"This is what we like! A stallion such as thou suitable to care for a filly such as Starry Skies!"
  721. >Oh.
  722. >Neat!
  723. >"We understand that Starry Skies doth harbors an interest for our night that may indeed rival that of many great astronomers of times past!"
  724. >Olde English eludes you
  725. >You suppose she hasn't had time to catch up with the normal ways, what with being busy looking pleasing to the eye and all
  726. >You wondered how long it took to get Luna to how she is now
  727. "Yeah. She's pretty great."
  728. >Luna smiles again
  729. "But you didn't answer my question, why were you in my daughter's dreams?"
  730. >She appears slightly downcast for a moment before she perks back up
  731. >"Well... We wished to see how she is feeling since her birth-father's death."
  732. >Oh.
  733. "Star Struck."
  734. >Luna nods her head solemnly
  735. >"Yes."
  736. >Well...
  737. "I guess that's alright, but don't snoop in matters that do not concern you."
  738. >Luna shakes her head
  739. >"We only wish the best for our subjects, and we only wish to see them off well without unpleasant dreams."
  740. >She grins
  741. >"Sleep is only restful if the dreamer is happy!"
  742. >You didn't know much about this
  743. "Yeah. I guess it is."
  744. >Luna nuzzles the side of your neck again as you awkwardly hug her
  745. >You weren't one for showing too much affection
  746. >Luna was a friend, but not exactly one of your best
  747. >She was rather embarrassing to be around sometimes
  748. >What with all the "We's" and "Thou's" and other old English terms.
  749. >It was frustrating when she used that royal canterlot voice
  750. >At least you could plug your ears with fingers
  751. >Ponies, unfortunately, had no such luck
  752. >"Fare thee well Anonymous the human!"
  753. >Luna swooped back up and flied off into the void
  754. "Yeah, uh... See you later Luna!"
  755. >You waved at her as she sped off into the unknown, leaving that same twinkling trail of stars
  756. >Cool
  757. >You looked at the dark blue flowers before the mist rolled over them once more
  758. "I wonder why she doesn't do that more often..."
  759. >You turn your head to the endless dark void above you as a booming voice, no doubt Luna's, comes from there
  761. >Wow.
  762. >Bitch.
  764. >You woke up groaning to yourself
  765. >Why did the Princess decide to visit you in your dreams?
  766. >Why can't she visit you like any other normal pony would and knock on your door?
  767. >Turning your head to face the clock reveals that it is 8:30
  768. >ohshit.mp3
  769. >Starry Should have left for school already!
  770. >And you didn't wake her up, because of fucking Luna!
  771. >God damn night horse
  772. >You hopped out of bed and jogged into the hallway
  773. "Hey Starry?! You up?!"
  774. >No answer.
  775. >Huh.
  776. >You knock on her door before entering
  777. "Starry?"
  778. >She wasn't in bed either
  779. >Maybe she left?
  780. >You walk into the kitchen with naught but your boxers on and find a note taped to the fridge
  781. >You have to squat to pick it, because a nine year old filly only reaches to your knees
  782. >Sure enough, the writing was Starry Skies's, if the poor quality was anything to go by
  783. >No offense Starry...
  784. >You sighed as you read the note to yourself
  785. "Dear Anon, you didn't wake up so I decided to head to school without you getting me up! i also took a mango from the fridge. Love, Starry Skies."
  786. >Well.
  787. >At least you know she left.
  788. >You walk back to your room and get dressed in your casual get-up
  789. >You quickly check the calendar, and notice that it is parent-teacher conference day today
  790. >Oh boy
  791. >This was going to be interesting
  792. >Starry's teacher was hot for a bat-pony
  793. >Again, you weren't even into bestiality, but damn was she a sweet piece of ass
  794. >Too bad she had a coltfriend
  795. >It would honestly be embarrassing to be her coltfriend
  796. >You saw Echo and him together in the middle of town the other day and she was acting like she wanted to fuck him right then and there
  797. >Other bat-ponies just shied away from the two that day
  798. >It was cute how the closest stall owner next to the two scrunched up her muzzle and looked around nervously
  799. >Bat ponies in general were cute
  800. >Normal ponies could never live up to the legendary bat scrunch
  801. >TL;DR you loved bat ponies
  802. >"Thank you for coming Anon, and I'm assuming her mother could not make it?"
  803. >You shake your head
  804. "Mother is out of the picture, I'm her adoptive father."
  805. >Echo nods her head
  806. >"Yes yes of course. I saw that when she was enrolled, I just thought that she... nevermind..."
  807. >Echo waves a hoof, brushing the matter aside
  808. >You agreed with a simple nod of your head
  809. >"So! Starry Skies's grades are nothing to be concerned about, though she does have a little bit of trouble with spelling sometimes."
  810. >You chuckle
  811. "Yeah. She's not really one for big words. I help her out when I can."
  812. >Echo smiles
  813. >"Well at least SOMEPONY cares about spelling."
  814. >Echo glares at a bat pony stallion who walks past the window
  815. >He sticks out his tongue at Echo
  816. >"That little- ugh..."
  817. >She shakes her head
  818. >"Starry has been a little distracted in class lately. That is the only thing that worries me."
  819. >You nod your head
  820. "She recently lost her birth father, my best friend, and moved out of his parents' house."
  821. >Echo gasps slightly
  822. >"Oh my. Poor filly must be traumatized..."
  823. >You shake your head and snort
  824. "Nah. She's a tough little nut. Star Struck didn't spend much time with her anyways, he was always busy in the guard. Plus, her grandparents come and visit every so often."
  825. >Echo's wings flutter a little before they settle back down
  826. >"Well that's relieving to hear... I honestly think that about covers everything. She does well in school overall, she was particularly interested in the Astronomy unit, though she was a little bit disappointed when it ended."
  827. >You laugh
  828. "Yeah. She loves stars. Her cutie mark is a starfield after all."
  829. >Echo clicks her tongue and thinks for a moment
  830. >"Yes. I suppose that is true."
  831. >You think for a moment before coming up with a statement of your own
  832. "How many years does it take for a pony to complete school?"
  833. >Echo chuckles
  834. >"There really isn't much to learn, unless the pony wants further study, but the legal minimum is ten years standard education."
  835. >Wait what?
  836. >Only ten years?
  837. >You know that a certain type of school in Germany only goes that far, but standardized in Equestria to only ten?
  838. "Back on my old world. In America. It was twelve years usually. Sure you could drop out of high school, but you at least needed a diploma in order to function."
  839. >Echo scrunches up at that
  840. >"Interesting. Well... I suppose Equestria still has a majority farmer population, so farmers can't afford to send their children to school for too long. Besides, we don't have much history to our country."
  841. >You nod your head at that.
  842. "We had a lot of history on Earth... Yeah..."
  843. >You look at the floor for a moment before looking back at Echo, who is staring at you with deep rooted pity
  844. >"You know Anon. You could always come over to my place and you could talk to me or-"
  845. >You shake your head
  846. "No that's fine. I've gotten over it, really."
  847. >You suppose it has been a few years now.
  848. >And you have gotten over it
  849. >All that matters now is Starry Skies.
  850. >You at least had to see her through so that she is happy.
  851. >Her happiness is the most important thing to you, even if it made you unhappy.
  852. >Good thing that you weren't unhappy!
  853. >Making her happy made you happy. A perfect symbiotic relationship between father and daughter.
  854. >Yeah...
  855. >"Well... I suppose we should wrap this up. Other ponies are here and waiting, but my offer still stands anon."
  856. >Echo winks at you as you get up
  857. >You open the door and wave at her
  858. "See ya in the future, Echo."
  859. >"You too, Anon!"
  860. >You hold the door open for a bat pony stallion, who looks slightly frightened
  861. >Oh boy
  862. >It was the stallion that she glared at earlier
  863. >Maybe you should give him some assurance
  864. "Good luck bub..."
  865. >He only gulped in response
  866. >Echo was still smiling, even when he sat down, but when you closed the door...
  868. >And with that... You took your leave...
  869. >Be Starry Skies
  870. >You waited outside the school house while Anon and Miss Echo talked
  871. >It was a really pretty night out tonight
  872. >You noticed that the guard constellation in the sky was glowing brighter than the other constellations
  873. >Was it the royal guard's breeding season?
  874. >No that didn't seem right.
  875. >Oh!
  876. >Now you remember!
  877. >Today was veteran's day for the royal guard who serve and used to serve!
  878. >...
  879. >Should you make a card for your old daddy?
  880. >...
  881. >He was one of Luna's guards.
  882. >Was.
  883. >You shake your head
  884. >Suddenly, the door opens and Anon trots out, letting a nervous looking stallion in
  885. >"Good luck bub..."
  886. >Why would the stallion need good luck?
  887. >When Anon shuts the door, you hear Miss Echo yell words worthy for a few bits in the swear jar.
  888. >You wince
  889. >Anon motions for you to follow him as the two of you walk back home.
  890. >You wondered if Anon had relatives in the military...
  891. "Hey Anon?"
  892. >He glanced down at you
  893. >"Yeah Starry? What's up?"
  894. >You looked at the guard constellation
  895. "Did you have any family in your country's royal guard?"
  896. >Anon laughed a little before nodding his head
  897. >"I actually did. You may not understand it, but my Father served as an MP guarding the Berlin wall during Vietnam. Got lucky he did."
  898. >Anon's eyes glaze over for a second before he shakes his head
  899. >You wondered what Vietnam was
  900. >It would probably upset him if you asked about it.
  901. "Oh, Well,My daddy served as one of Luna's guards right?"
  902. >Anon smiled and nodded his head
  903. >"That he did."
  904. "Today is Veteran's Day..."
  905. >Anon stops for a second, as if surprised, but he quickly jogs to catch up
  906. >"I almost forgot. How'd you know, anyway?"
  907. >You giggled
  908. "The guard constellation is glowing brighter than the others. I figured that maybe it was Veteran's Day because periods of significance are usually signified by that constellation glowing brighter, like the Manticore constellation during breeding season."
  909. >Anon blinked
  910. >"Wow. Lotsa big words..."
  911. >You smiled
  912. "I know!"
  913. >"Where'd you even learn all those words, Starry?"
  914. >You cocked your head to the side a bit
  915. "Wellllll... I looked up words you used alot in the dictionary..."
  916. >You smiled sheepishly, hopefully Anon wouldn't be upset with you
  917. >He is rather proud of his ver... ver... vernacular?
  918. >Yeah. Vernacular.
  919. >"Huh. Well that's neat. I didn't know we had a dictionary."
  920. >You shook your head
  921. "I did it at school. Miss Echo let me borrow it."
  922. >Anon snickered
  923. >"She's an interesting character, isn't she?"
  924. >What does that mean?
  925. >Oh well...
  926. "I guess..."
  927. >"Yeah... I think she wanted to go on a date or something... She has a coltfriend though..."
  928. >You weren't sure if you were supposed to be hearing this
  929. >"And the way she winked at me, god-"
  930. >Yeah you don't wanna hear this
  931. >It's gonna get icky
  932. >Anon opens the door the your house and you rush in
  933. >You run into your room and close the door, immediately looking at your dolls
  934. >"Well I waaaas gonna make mango smoothies, but I guess I have no bat to help me."
  935. >Mango smoothies?
  936. >You creep out of the room and sneak down the hallway
  937. >A whistling Anon is slowly taking out fruits and mangoes out of the fridge
  938. "Mine..."
  939. >Your smallish wings flare to life as you hover towards Anon and snag a mango from his hand
  940. >You scree in delight as your prey is caught, snagged firmly between two fangs
  941. >You feel a foreign limb catch you by the scruff of your neck lightly
  942. >Your wings die out from tiredness, not being used to this kind of flight
  943. >"Well I'm glad you decided to help out, but I kinda need that mango back."
  944. >He turns you around and sets on the floor, holding out a hand
  945. >You reluctantly give him the mango, two hole marks inside of it
  946. >He scratches you behind the ear
  947. >Oh Luna... Feels good...
  948. "Eeeeeeeeeeee..."
  949. >Anon snorts
  950. >"Never heard that before..."
  952. >You scratch Starry behind the ears
  953. >The cute "Eeeeeeee" sound fills the air as she leans into your hand
  954. >God
  955. >She really enjoys this
  956. >But you can't keep this up for much longer
  957. >Don't want to be degrading to your daughter after all...
  958. >You let a chuckle and take away your hand from her head
  959. >Starry whines
  960. >"Nooooo... More head scratchies..."
  961. >Daw...
  962. >Her muzzle scrunches up as she looks at you with begging eyes
  963. >Too cute
  964. >But you are used to this look
  965. "Sorry Starry, but no. Shouldn't have done it anyway."
  966. >You laugh nervously
  967. >You didn't know what it would do, but you just wanted to calm Starry Skies down off her mango hype
  968. >You place the mango in your other hand inside of the blender
  969. >Starry looks up and attempts to see what you've got on the counter
  970. >"Mango smoothie?"
  971. >You smile
  972. "Yeah, squirt."
  973. >Starry bounces on her two back hooves and hugs your leg
  974. >Heh
  975. >"Thanks, Anon! You're the best!"
  976. "Consider it a treat for doing so well in school."
  977. >She stays there for a few moments, nuzzling the crook of your leg
  978. >So fucking cute
  979. >The click of hooves against floor lets you know that she is safely on all fours
  980. >You wonder what that's like...
  981. >It probably couldn't be too fun
  982. >You drop the last of the fruits inside of the blender and put on the lid
  983. "Alright Starry, better plug your ears cause... Oh... Well..."
  984. >Ponies cant plug their ears
  985. >Shit
  986. "Just go into the living room. This is gonna be a little bit loud, okay?"
  987. >She nods her head
  988. >"Mhmm!"
  989. >Starry dashes into the living room excitedly
  990. >You plug one ear as you start the blender
  992. >You stop it
  993. >Looks pretty good!
  994. >You look over your shoulder and find Starry poking her head around the corner
  995. >You hold the blender by the handle and pour the now pureed fruits into two glasses
  996. >Starry licks her fangs in presumable anticipation
  997. >Oh jeez
  998. >She REALLY wanted these shakes
  999. >Who were you to deny her of the pleasure of food?
  1000. >You watch as the smoothie pours into the two cups
  1001. >Your ears catch the faint 'Clip-Clop' of Starry's hooves
  1002. >They also catch a faint "Scree" sounds coming from her
  1003. >She does that when she's excited
  1004. >It really grew on you
  1005. >You set the now empty blender jug back onto its' companion
  1006. >You plop a straw into Starry's cup
  1007. >It'd be kinda hard for her to grab it what with having hooves and all
  1008. >Starry wordlessly follows you as you carry both cups into the living room
  1009. >You sit on the couch, but not before setting Starry's cup on the small coffee table
  1010. >She's able to reach the straw, as she immediately begins to drink
  1011. >Starry pauses
  1012. >"This is reaaaaally good Anon!"
  1013. >You smile after taking a sip off of yours
  1014. "I suppose it isn't too bad, huh?"
  1015. >"Mhm!"
  1016. >Starry dives back into the cup
  1017. >Oh
  1018. >She's not using the straw
  1019. >She just kinda grabbed the glass with both hooves and started chugging the whole thing!
  1020. >Starry is attracted to mangoes as much as an Indiana meth head is attracted to trailer parks
  1021. >She gasps as she slams the glass down on the poor strained coffee table
  1022. >Oh
  1023. >Oh god
  1024. >That's bloody adorable
  1025. >Starry has a little orange foam mustache
  1026. >You can't help but snicker at Starry
  1027. >"What? Anon, what are you laughing at?"
  1028. "You have some foam... Here..."
  1029. >You reach forward and take some foam off her muzzle
  1030. >She makes an "Eep!" sound when you did that
  1031. >Adorbs
  1032. >Starry quickly licks the foam off her muzzle
  1033. >She also glares at you
  1034. "What?"
  1035. >"I don't like being poked on the muzzle..."
  1036. >You snicker
  1037. "Well if it wasn't for that, then you would have been walking around with foam on your muzzle."
  1038. >She scrunches her muzzle again
  1039. >A little bit of mango juice drips off one of her fangs
  1040. >"That was a really good smoothie though. Is there any left?"
  1041. >You look at your cup
  1042. >Then you look back at her
  1043. "Other than what i'm drinking, no."
  1044. >Her ears droop
  1045. >"Aw... Well... Always next time..."
  1046. >Damn
  1047. >So adorable
  1048. >Or is this a ruse?
  1049. >You didn't care
  1050. "Want the rest of mine?"
  1051. >Day "Broken Glass Cup" in Equestria
  1052. >The battle in your house has ended in your favor
  1053. >You cleaned up the mess that was once a cup and fruit shake
  1054. >The Commander that led the revolution is now currently grounded to her room for a day, for her unreasonable actions were to be punished
  1055. >She didn't cry about it
  1056. >She merely took it like a mare
  1057. >You wipe your brow, freeing drops of sweat beginning to form
  1058. >Now you had to go to the store to buy another fucking cup
  1059. >Thanks, Starry Skies
  1060. >It was your fault in the first place though, you did offer her your shake
  1061. >And...
  1062. >Then the bombs dropped
  1063. >Well...
  1064. >She pounced you, sending shake everywhere and you ended up throwing the glass at the wall
  1065. >It was great for five seconds
  1066. >Then you got mad
  1067. >You throw out the trash in the bin outside, and proceed to head down to the local store
  1068. >A peaceful day out, bats screeching, owls hooing, and bat ponies waving at you
  1069. >You close your eyes and sigh softly, letting the sounds of nature carry your mind as you walk
  1070. >The peaceful bliss of nature is short lived, as it is cut off by a soft crying
  1071. >A familiar crying...
  1072. >It's coming from a dark alley way
  1073. >Your brow furrows as you think whether or not to check out the source
  1074. >It sounds familiar, so you just might...
  1075. >You detour to the alleyway, walking down in and through the darkness towards the source of the crying, becoming ever so clearer every second
  1076. >Wait a second...
  1077. >Is that Echo?
  1078. >It is!
  1079. >You quickly rush over to her side, her head rising to meet your comforting gaze
  1080. >You squat next to her and look into her tear filled eyes
  1081. >Her mouth warbles slightly as she looks at you
  1082. >"A-Anonymous..."
  1083. >You smile
  1084. "Yeah. It's me, Echo."
  1085. >She sniffles and grabs hold of your arm, burying her face into your sleeve
  1086. >You don't mind it that much
  1087. >She was a friend, and in a miserable state at that...
  1088. >Echo sniffles and rubs her eyes, looking up into your gaze once more
  1089. >"I'm so so sorry Anon... I don't want you to feel like I'm dumping this on you..."
  1090. >You chuckle
  1091. "You're fine, Echo. Glad i came along when i did. Who knows what might have happened..."
  1092. >You wonder why she was out here of all places
  1093. >Why wasn't she at home?
  1094. >Or at the very least, at the schoolhouse...
  1095. >Echo buries her face into your sleeve again while you ponder
  1096. "Hey Echo."
  1097. >Echo tenses up, hooves gripping your arm tighter
  1098. >"Yeah, Anon?"
  1099. >She sniffles
  1100. "Why are you crying in an alleyway?"
  1101. >She looks up at you, her eyes telling you that she is about to burst into tears again
  1102. >Echo looks back down at the ground whispering, just barely audible to you
  1103. >"He dumped me..."
  1104. >Oh.
  1105. >Her coltfriend, god knows what his name is
  1106. >The one who fucked her brains out
  1107. >You knew he did
  1108. >And it was for his own gain
  1109. >What an asshole...
  1110. "He did, did he? Then why aren't you at home?"
  1111. >Echo gulps
  1112. >Uh oh...
  1113. >You sit down cross legged, prepared for her words
  1114. >You think you know what she's going to say...
  1115. >"I lived with him, and... He threw me out..."
  1116. >Even more of an asshole
  1117. >He just dumped her and threw her out on the street
  1118. >"Gosh, I'm sorry Anon..."
  1119. >She peels away from your arm seemingly reluctant
  1120. >"I just... Don't want you to feel like your responsible for me."
  1121. >You laugh and pull her back to you, hugging her tightly
  1122. >You felt her wrap two grey hooves around your back
  1123. >Echo's back legs stood on your knees, allowing for her to rest her head on your shoulder
  1124. >You rub her back, careful to not accidentally injure her wings
  1125. >Echo hums in your ear, seemingly pleased with the backrub
  1126. "You know Echo. If you want to stay with me for a while, that's okay."
  1127. >She tenses up again, tightening her hooves around your back
  1128. >You cough a few times, but continue to rub her back
  1129. >"Well... I suppose it'd be okay for a few days. What about Starry Skies though?"
  1130. >Oh right...
  1131. "She'll be okay."
  1132. >Echo gulps
  1133. >"What about your marefriend?
  1134. >You sigh
  1135. "I don't have a marefriend, Echo. You know that. Who'd want to be with me?"
  1136. >Silence for a few moments
  1137. >You thought you heard echo whisper "Me", but you weren't too sure
  1138. >You decide to forget about the cup, instead standing up, carrying echo in one arm
  1139. >She quickly slings her hooves around your neck, keeing in surprise
  1140. >"Anon! What're you doing?"
  1141. >You don't feel her struggling
  1142. >You think her complaints aren't really complaints...
  1143. >"Anon?"
  1144. >You ignore her, instead walking back to your house
  1145. "We're going back to my house, Echo. You don't seem to be in good shape so... I'm carrying you."
  1146. >You could almost FEEL her blush
  1147. >"W-well I could have walked y'know..."
  1148. >You snicker
  1149. "I think you're pretty okay with this."
  1150. >Silence and the sounds of nature takes over for a minute
  1151. >Bat ponies around you stare at you and Echo with amusement present in their eyes
  1152. >You thought one wolf whistled at you, but you didn't catch his or her's form
  1153. >Echo breaks the silence
  1154. >"Yeah... You're right, Anon..."
  1155. >You smile as you unlock the door to your home
  1156. "I know, Echo."
  1157. >You set Echo down on the floor and close the door behind you, locking it
  1158. >You think it's alright to unground Starry Skies, she was excited, and it was mostly your fault anyways
  1159. "Hey Starry! Come out, we've got a guest!"
  1160. >Echo giggles and you chuckle as the reluctant sound of hooves on carpet resounds from the hallway
  1161. >You notice Starry pop her head around the corner, eyes widening at the sight of you two
  1162. >"M-Miss Echo? What are you ding here? Did I get a bad grade? Am I in more trouble Anon?"
  1163. >She's panicking
  1164. >Too cute
  1165. "No Starry, you're not in trouble. In fact, you're ungrounded."
  1166. >She grins excitedly as she skips towards the two of you
  1167. >"Are you two daaaatiiiing?"
  1168. >You blush, as does Echo
  1169. >"N-no sweetie, we aren't dating. I'm just staying here for a few days."
  1170. >Starry's smile drops for a moment, before it returns
  1171. >"Okay!"
  1172. >Echo laughs and walks over to your couch, laying down upon it
  1173. >It wasn't really made in mind for ponies, you had it custom ordered
  1174. >Starry was small, so she could fit just fine
  1175. >But Echo...
  1176. >Yeah, she took up half the damn couch!
  1177. >Not like you minded
  1178. >"Anon? Wanna sit down?"
  1179. >Echo pats the seat next to her
  1180. "Yeah, sure."
  1181. >You have no idea where Starry went, but you assume that she went off to play with her dolls
  1182. >She really loved those dolls of hers
  1183. >You sat down next to Echo, who giggled happily
  1184. >She seemed really happy to be staying with you
  1185. >That's to be expected though...
  1186. >Echo lays on her back against the edge of the couch and plops both her back legs on the top of your legs
  1187. >...
  1188. "Comfortable, Echo?"
  1189. >She giggles
  1190. >You're starting to think that this particular bat is developing an attraction to you
  1191. >In fact, she's been flirting with you for the past few months
  1192. >Whether it's been asking you out for coffee, or just bumping into you in the road
  1193. >She slapped your ass with her tail once
  1194. >"Yeah. This couch is great."
  1195. >You look at her grey hooves and then to her face
  1196. >You can't believe you have Starry's teacher here just being so casual with you
  1197. >Echo blushes and bites her lip
  1198. >She better not be getting turned on by this
  1199. >Sure you liked her, but only as a friend
  1200. >Did you...?
  1201. >She seemed to absolutely adore you...
  1202. >You had to admit, she was extremely attractive for a bat pony
  1203. >You decide to break the awkward silence, seeing Echo blushing was starting to lose its entertainment value
  1204. "So Echo! What do you want to do?"
  1205. >Echo shakes her head
  1206. >"Well. I'm pretty content just sitting here with you."
  1207. >Yeah
  1208. >Maybe you should confront her about this
  1209. >You don't know what she'd say though...
  1210. >Would she be mad?
  1211. "I have a question Echo."
  1212. >Echo seems to tense up
  1213. >Her back hooves begin to retract from your legs as she tries to sit up, but you place both your hands on them, keeping them where they are
  1214. >Echo squeaks and stares at you
  1215. >Her eyes are as wide as saucers, those golden irises staring at you...
  1216. >"W-What is it Anon?"
  1217. >She stuttered
  1218. >Absolutely adorable...
  1219. "Do you love me?"
  1220. >Echo gulps and looks away
  1221. >"Well... I..."
  1222. >She sighs
  1223. >"Yes. To be honest, but I didn't expect you to ask so quick..."
  1224. >You smile
  1225. "It's alright. Starry's in her room and I'm a lonely soul. Better to know than to not."
  1226. >Echo sighs again, this time in relief, but still seems tense
  1227. >You decide to start massaging her hooves, making her squeak once more
  1228. >"D-Do you love me as well?"
  1229. >You ponder for a moment
  1230. >Do you love Echo?
  1231. >Well... You definitely didn't mind her flirtatious attitude towards you, and she doesn't exactly have a colt on her back 24-7
  1232. >Nor do you have a girl or mare holding you down
  1233. >You've been lonely here for a couple of years now
  1234. >Even with Starry, it was sad to see that she may grow up without a mother
  1235. >And it was rather nice sitting here rubbing her hooves, with her blushing and smiling away
  1236. >It was really nice...
  1237. >You suppose you do love her.
  1238. "Yeah... I think I do..."
  1239. >Echo goes absolutely "bat shit" crazy
  1240. >She hops up from her position, wings flapping and lands on your lap
  1241. >She quickly wraps both front hooves around you and hugs
  1242. >You cough and wrap your arms around her in response
  1243. >"Oh thank you thank you thank you Anon!"
  1244. >She repeatedly kisses you on your cheek, making you blush like mad
  1245. "No problem Echo... You're pretty excited about all this, huh?"
  1246. >Echo grins and nods
  1247. >She releases you from her death grip and plants a surprising kiss on your lips
  1248. >You figured she would do this...
  1249. >It starts out rather awkwardly at first, but then you get into it.
  1250. >Your lips pressing together, heads tilted to the side as you tried to fight for dominance
  1251. >You close your eyes as you start to get into it more, opening your mouth as Echo's tongue prods your lips, allowing for her to attack you with vicious licks and prods all over the inside of your mouth and tongue
  1252. >God it was hot...
  1253. >But then it all came crashing down
  1254. >"Anon? What are you doing with Miss Echo?"
  1255. >OH FUCK
  1256. >STARRY SKIES!
  1257. >Echo quickly pulls away from you and falls backwards onto the floor
  1258. >Starry is standing by the hallway, looking at the two of you
  1259. >"I-I was just wondering what we're having for dinner... But... Are you suuuuure you two aren't dating?"
  1260. >You blush as does Echo
  1261. >"W-Well sweetie... We uh... I don't know... We could..."
  1262. >Echo can't answer, but maybe you can...
  1263. "Yeah Starry. We're dating."
  1264. >From Echo's position on the floor, you can see her just stare with widened eyes at the ceiling
  1265. >She's probably dead from what you just said
  1266. >Living the dream!
  1267. >You laughed and watched as Echo's blush deepened, the pink visible underneath her grey fur
  1268. >Little did you know, Starry was rushing towards the two of you with uncertain intentions
  1269. >You turned your head too late as Starry pounced you, sending you flat against the couch with Starry staring down at you from your chest
  1270. >"Yay, Anon! Now maybe I'll have a mommy and we can be a family!"
  1271. >Oh god
  1272. >Would Echo be mad?
  1273. >No wait...
  1274. >She's smiling...
  1275. >Yeah. Echo's smiling.
  1276. >In fact, so are you.
  1277. >And Starry...
  1278. >"That would be very nice, Starry..."
  1279. >Starry looks between you and Echo, grinning from ear to ear as well
  1280. >You find yourself agreeing with Echo.
  1281. "Yeah... You need someone besides me to be there for you."
  1282. >Starry reaches down and hugs your neck while nuzzling your cheek
  1283. >"Thank you Anon!"
  1284. >Boy, life is just turning around for you, huh?
  1285. >You put two hands around Starry's barrel, pulling her off of you when she's done and sitting up crosslegged on the couch
  1286. >You place her on your lap, where she seems to be comfortable
  1287. >Echo is sitting up on the floor, happy at the sight of you two
  1288. >Starry looks at Echo talking as you stroke her mane
  1289. >"So does this mean that I can call you "Echo" instead of "Miss Echo"?"
  1290. >Echo laughs
  1291. >"Yeah Starry, but you should still call me Miss Echo in class."
  1292. >Starry nods her head
  1293. >"Okay!"
  1294. >You chuckle
  1295. "Say Starry... Why don't you go into your room while me and Echo talk things out..."
  1296. >You look at Echo from your position on the couch and see her blushing madly
  1297. >Of course you weren't going to do anything naughty with the kid in the house
  1298. >Hell. You weren't even for having sex with a pony yet.
  1299. >Somewhere in your mind, it was still considered bestiality.
  1300. >God...
  1301. >You wish it weren't...
  1302. >Starry Skies hops off your chest and dashes to her room
  1303. >You sigh and stretch out on the couch, your body taking it up entirely
  1304. >You were about 6'3" so it wasn't terribly unexpected
  1305. >Echo hops up onto your legs, startling you out of your thoughts
  1306. >"So... What's this about "talking" out things? Hm?"
  1307. >She laid down on your legs, her head coming up to your chest
  1308. >She looked up at you smiling
  1309. "Well. It ain't what you think, that's for sure. I just wanted to get comfortable for a while before making dinner."
  1310. >Her ears perk up at the mention of food
  1311. >"Do you have... Mangos by any chance?"
  1312. >Oh fucking hell
  1313. "Oh Jesus Christ... Another pony to ravage my mango supply."
  1314. >Echo laughs nervously
  1315. >"Starry likes them too, huh?"
  1316. >You chuckle as well
  1317. "She made a mess earlier today because I offered her the rest of a mango smoothie. What do ya think?"
  1318. >Echo hums
  1319. >"She sounds cute at home. Starry mostly just talks to Heartbeat or doodles when we have free time."
  1320. >Huh
  1321. >She sounds like a bored student
  1322. >Much like you before you realized where that kind of thinking would get you...
  1323. >Oh well...
  1324. >You're sure that Starry will be fine
  1325. >Right?
  1326. >She wouldn't do that...
  1327. >Would she?
  1328. "I swear to god, if she bled me out."
  1329. >You feel your neck for holes, but you don't find any
  1330. >Sighing in relief, you stand up, intending to get food to fill your belly
  1331. >Somehow you feel as if you didn't get any rest at all
  1332. >How long did you sleep...?
  1333. >Your gaze falls upon your wristwatch
  1334. >Blurry eyes focus on the digitalized numbers, and the watch read 10:37
  1335. >Jesus
  1336. >You were out for a while
  1337. "Guess yesterday was pretty tiring."
  1338. >You snort
  1339. >Finding Echo in an alley after she got dumped by her coltfriend, and then subsequently helping her back to your home was a bit tiring
  1340. >Especially when you add in the admitting of love and Starry busting on your much needed time alone
  1341. >You look out the window, and notice a a bat pony chugging along on a small motorized scooter
  1342. >You think it's called a "Vespa"
  1343. >Think
  1344. >The pony is apparently a mailman, or mailstallion, as he chucks a newspaper at your house's general direction
  1345. >You say general direction, because the paper flies off to some immortal plane beyond your grasp
  1346. >Shaking your head, you head into the kitchen
  1347. "Fucking Hekesuh and his damn scooter. When will he learn to actually aim for my house."
  1348. >You chuckle
  1349. >Other than Starry Skies and Echo leaving without telling you, and Hekesuh completely missing the point of delivering newpapers, you thought that today was going to be a relatively sane day
  1350. >Not every day is a sane day in this area of Canterlot
  1351. >They nicknamed it "Hollow Shades" for some reason, so you might as well start calling their section of the city how the bat ponies call it
  1352. >Hollow Shades was interesting to say the least
  1353. >You once thought you heard Rosewood and Mia outside of a bar arguing about who's ass was bigger
  1354. >Honestly, it was funny
  1355. >It was obvious that Mia was the winner, but both ponies were drunk
  1356. >You even snapped a picture when they accidentally bumped butts
  1357. >Bat butt bump
  1358. >Heh
  1359. >The smell of the coffee machine popping to life brings you out of your daydreaming stupor
  1360. >Huh, Echo must've set it to turn on at about this time
  1361. >How'd she know you were gonna get up?
  1362. >Ah, who cares
  1363. >You pour out your cup and fetch creamer from the fridge
  1364. >You stir it and drink
  1365. "Fucking disgusting!"
  1366. >You dump it down the sink and nearly toss the cup away
  1367. >Whatever the fuck was in that was NOT for humans
  1368. >Checking the creamer revealed that it was indeed for bats
  1369. >Artificial blood flavor
  1370. >Guess you'll have to go out for coffee
  1371. >You fetch your keys and stuff a pouch full of coins in your back pocket
  1372. >You head outside, and look up in the sky at the moon
  1373. >Half-Crescent
  1374. >Beautiful
  1375. "Nice night out."
  1376. >Your idle comment reaches no ears, but you like to talk to yourself from time to time
  1377. >It calms you down
  1378. >You walk around town, nodding to the different bats in their shenanigans
  1379. >Speck trying to hide a watermelon from Moon Moon being one of them
  1380. >You felt sorry for Moon Moon
  1381. >Who would name their kid that?
  1382. >You sure as hell wouldn't name your kid Moon Moon
  1383. >You admit, Moon Moon was a very adorable stallion, and his adoration for watermelon added to the fact, but he must've gotten picked on in school
  1384. >You waved at the poor Speck trying to defend herself from the watermelon devouring pony before continuing on your way down bat lane
  1385. >Eventually you come across your not so favorite coffee shop
  1386. >BuckStar's
  1387. >It fits so perfectly into Equestria that it's almost intimidating to you
  1388. >It even has the same logo, except with a mare instead of the woman's face
  1389. >Problem being, it's not a chain, it's just one store sitting on this corner
  1390. >You think it's a little disturbing, but you don't say anything
  1391. >A little bell dings as you enter the building, and a familiar face pokes up from behind the counter...
  1392. >"Eyyyyy Anonymous, come for some coffee?"
  1393. >Motherfucking Snapshot
  1394. >You open your mouth, but before you can speak...
  1395. >"Nah don't even say nothin'. I know what brew ya want!"
  1396. >You watch, stunned as he throws down a cup of black coffee down onto the counter, already steaming
  1397. >"Question is, do ya wanna try blooooood?"
  1398. >A crazed look befalls his single eye
  1399. >You frown and start to speak again, but yet again...
  1400. >"Nah! I'm just messin' with you Anon!"
  1401. >He scrunches and mixes some Prench Vanilla into your coffee while mumbling something about blood and beer
  1402. >Suddenly, he attatches a piece of paper to an arrow and fires it just to the side of your head, nearly clipping your ear
  1403. >You look over your shoulder, the arrow missing the red dot on the dartboard by an inch
  1404. >You walk over and snag the piece of paper from the arrow, having become accustomed to snapshot delivering receipts this way
  1405. >He motions for you to step aside
  1406. >You step aside, and the one-eyed pony groans
  1407. >"Depth perception! I don't got it any more!"
  1408. >You toss two bits at him, which he catches and throws into a burlap sack underneath the counter
  1409. >You wonder what else he keeps under that counter
  1410. >Snapshot smiles and waggles his eyebrows at you
  1411. >On second thought, you'd rather not know
  1412. >You sit at the counter and sip your coffee
  1413. "Mm..."
  1414. >You sigh happily, admiring the taste of the evening brew
  1415. >Snapshot places himself in front of you, elbows on the counter
  1416. >"Sooooooo. How's life goin' for ya Anon?"
  1417. >You swallow
  1418. "Well. Echo and I might be in a relationship, but I'm still a bit wary."
  1419. >Snapshot smiles his wide smile when he gets excited
  1420. >"Oooooh! My little Anon entering the dating scene for the first time being here!"
  1421. >It only takes a second, but Snapshot somehow produces a camera from underneath that magical counter of his
  1422. >You blink in surprise as your world becomes engulfed in a bright flash
  1423. >Your eyes spin in their sockets as you try to regain focus
  1424. >Focusing on Snapshot waving around the newly printed photograph helps ease your eyes
  1425. >The mono-eyed pony inspects it before scribbling something on it
  1426. >He smiles and shows it to you
  1427. >It's a photograph of you with your coffee, with some writing scribbled in lazy cursive
  1428. "Anon's first coffee as a coltfriend..."
  1429. >You snort
  1430. "Very funny, Snapshot."
  1431. >He nods rapidly and sticks it on an arrow carefully
  1432. >He points his bow at a corkboard filled with different photos of ponies and several arrows, and fires
  1433. >It sticks between a photo of Hekesuh and the owner of the establishment himself, Snapshot
  1434. >Great accuracy for somepony who only has one eye...
  1435. >Oh well, nobody else but Snapshot.

Going Batty Is A Nightmare

by pogoman122

How I Learned To Love Being The Mare In Heat

by pogoman122

Not So Cheery Lee

by pogoman122

Drunken Apocalypse

by pogoman122

Business Ponies

by pogoman122