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Amber x Night Shift

By pogoman122
Created: 2024-06-04 17:29:00
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Amber
  2. >You are wandering the new portion of Canterlot Castle, because Princess Luna invited all the bat ponies to celebrate her return
  3. >You wanted to have some fun tonight
  4. >You made a bet with Aux to see how far you could tease a bat pony guard until he finally gets you to stop
  5. >Because well... They do have to stand still and do nothing after all...
  6. >Hm...
  7. >Turn this corner here and there should be...
  8. >Ah!
  9. >There's one!
  10. >His coat is grey, and his mane and tail are cut short in the standard military cut
  11. >His wings are dark blue and folded at his sides as he stands there
  12. >Just so stoic
  13. >His mane and tail are two toned Indigo and a slightly lighter shade of blue
  14. >His armor is the standard lunar guard armor
  15. >Sharp looking and purple
  16. >Oh!
  17. >He must be an elite!
  18. >He is wearing those light blue metal shoes only the house guard wear
  19. >You hum in satisfaction as you check him out
  20. >Oh yes... He'll do nicely...
  21. >You slowly clip-clop down the decorated and lonely hallway
  22. >The elite must have noticed you, because his eyes flick to you for a brief moment before going back to staring at the window opposite of him
  23. >You hum a tune to yourself as you near closer and closer to the muscular stallion
  24. >He starts growing nervous, making you grin
  25. >He shifts in his armor
  26. >Oh boy
  27. >He was a weak one~!
  28. >You knew you were pretty.
  29. >Although some ponies didn't appreciate your singing, they sure as tartarus appreciated your looks!
  30. >You drew nearer to the stallion
  31. >You winked at him when he glanced back at you
  32. >You could see and hear him gulp as you stopped mere feet away from him
  33. >His eyes were lingering upon you longer
  34. >He seemed to be calming down slightly, breathing slowing down for one
  35. >You were about to change that
  36. >You make sure to wink at him while he glances back at you
  37. >You hear a faint "Oh Luna..." but you weren't sure
  38. >Hm...
  39. >You step a few feet closer, choosing to stand next to him
  40. >Time to enact your plan
  41. "Lovely weather, huh?"
  42. >The guard gulps, but doesn't say a word
  43. >Expected, but he was postively NERVOUS about you being there next to him
  44. >You breath on the side of the guard's breastplate, fog forming on the polished surface
  45. >If he wasn't shaking before, then he was now
  46. >You weren't hostile
  47. >This guard seemed to know that
  48. >You were, however, the direct opposite of hostile~
  49. >You wipe your hoof on the recently breathed on armor, the fog clearing away
  50. >You needed to win this bet
  51. >You bet that the guard would at least stop you from doing anything sexual, but you were willing to take it all the way
  52. >If it would happen
  53. >You don't think it will, but there is the off chance...
  54. >The guard gulps
  55. >Time to kick it up knotch
  56. "You know. I really do love a stallion in uniform..."
  57. >Ooh he's breathing heavy!
  58. "Especially one that takes their job seriously..."
  59. >You walk around behind him, and you trace your hoof from his wing to his flank
  60. >You blush as you tap his flank twice with a hoof
  61. "Interesting..."
  62. >Oh Luna. You could practically feel the mood rise in the hallway
  63. >The stallion's pupils shrink, but he stands stock still
  64. >You glance underneath his belly to spy on your inevitable prize
  65. >Yup
  66. >There it was
  67. >Two, full, plump orbs hung below the pucker in the middle of his flank
  68. >His stallionhood was poking out of its' sheath slightly, making you blush even more
  69. "Well now... What do we have here..."
  70. >You reach underneat and trace your hoof along his belly
  71. >You stopped just before where the sheath began
  72. >The stallion tries to concentrate on the wall ahead of him, confused by the predicament he found himself in
  73. >You happily watch as the erogenous rod pokes further out of its' sheath
  74. >In all honesty, you were enjoying yourself
  75. >You glanced at the guard, who's eyes were looking at you, almost begging for you to do something that eased his pain
  76. >Hm...
  77. >You suppose you could only oblige...
  78. >You move to the back of the poor stallion and massage both sides of his flank with your hooves
  79. >Your ears perk up as you heard a slight whimper come from the front
  80. >Ooh...
  81. >He was desperate
  82. >He sounded like he'd never gotten a mare in his life
  83. >That tended to happen when you were one of the elite
  84. >No time for fun, only guarding and training...
  85. >His flanks were tense at first, but became pliable to the careful touch of your hooves
  86. >The stallion shifted his stance slightly, the dark blue orbs beneath his perfect pucker gaining new space
  87. >They twitched slightly, perhaps in excitement, at what you were about to do
  88. >Blushing and scrunching your muzzle at the same time, you reached underneath the stallion and felt his length throb against your hoof
  89. "Oh my... So..."
  90. >Big...
  91. >You've felt bigger of course, but this one was certainly up there
  92. >Poor guy's probably never had a mare touch him inappropriately, ever
  93. >The guard you were fondling let out a barely contained moan as you cupped his testicles in your other hoof
  94. >He really wants this...
  95. >And he really needs it...
  96. >You rub your hoof along the guard's majesty, coaxing it out of it's sheath
  97. "Mmmm..."
  98. >The guard shivers at your touch
  99. >You notice a little bit of pre forming a pearlet on the tip of his head
  100. >You briefly think about cleaning that up, but you decided that it would be best if you didn't
  101. >A little bit of a mess is always fun~
  102. >And he would be all the more tortured by this expierenced
  103. >The meat in your hooves finally stops growing, now at a good ten inches
  104. >The elite guard bites his lip as his eyes dart around, unsure what to make of the situation
  105. >You decide to go back on your original decision
  106. >You really wanted to see how he tasted
  107. >You look around wish a blush on your face before leaning your head in and sniffing the erotic scent of arousal coming from the stallion's length
  108. >You take a slow lick of his rod, eliciting another faint moan from the guard, and let your tongue travel along the underside before flicking the head and pre with your tongue
  109. >You tasted the little amount of pre-cum in your mouth
  110. >Hm...
  111. "You really aren't that bad mister guard... I must say... You are quite fortunate tonight..."
  112. >You could tell the guard wanted to respond
  113. >But he just couldn't
  114. >It was cute, really
  115. >His wings stood erect, the gaurd straining and failing to put them down
  116. >You giggled, making the guardspony blush
  117. "Don't worry. I don't just leave stallions 'hanging'."
  118. >You mentally giggled at your joke and returned to the rod in front of you
  119. >More pre had seeped out into another larger pearl, some even starting to form a droplet
  120. >You sighed
  121. "Well this won't do, now will it?"
  122. >The stallion showed a brief expression of confusion on his face before gasping as you greedily licked the salty-sweet alabaster liquid off of his mighty sword, only for more to take its' place
  123. >Well there was only one way to stop that
  124. >You tentatively took the tip of his head into your mouth, your tongue working the bottom while you were careful to manage your fangs
  125. >Singing definently helped... Relax... Your throat for things like this.
  126. >You were Amber after all
  127. >Even though some ponies though you to be bad at singing, you still persevered
  128. >Oh... What has this perseverence gotten you?
  129. >Well...
  130. >You suppose this throbbing dark blue meatcicle was reward enough for your passions
  131. >You were sure the stallion thought you were passionate at something
  132. >The way you worked your tongue, just teasing the head made him throb harder and harder
  133. >The pulsating against your tongue was entrancing
  134. >You pushed farther along, eliciting more moans from the guard
  135. >You hadn't even noticed how you and him had changed positions
  136. >You were so caught up in your actions
  137. >The guard was sitting on his haunches, supporting himself by leaning back with his metal shoed hooves touching the ground at an angle behind him
  138. >So casual for a guard...
  139. >The guard's length was about halfway deep down your throat by now
  140. >The flare caught you slightly off guard as you pushed deeper
  141. >It was just so intoxicating
  142. >This was probably the best time you've ever had with a stallion
  143. >Even though you didn't know who he was, you know that he was a virgin, and you know that he needed this
  144. >He was also a guard, not like he'd do anything bad to you
  145. >Tartarus with it, you might even ask this guy on a date!
  146. >You bobbed your head up and down, the fleshy rod pulsating in time as you went over his flare each time
  147. >You even teased him with a light scrape of your fang
  148. >His cock flexed every time you did that
  149. >The guard was trying oh so hard to make his moans as soft and quiet as possible
  150. >Even though you two were doing it in public, making the atmosphere tense and even more hot, he still attempted to keep his complexity as an elite guard
  151. >This pony lasted a long time considering it was his first time
  152. >He probably practiced with masturabtion to drag out the pleasure
  153. >His breathing was beginning to become irregular as he lightly thrusted into your muzzle
  154. >He wanted to play that way?
  155. >You could play that way~
  156. >Your wings strained as they stood erect, attempting to go beyond their limits
  157. >This stallion seemed to last forever...
  158. >Bobbing and licking faster and faster, attempting to draw a climax from him
  159. >It makes the poor guard moan a little louder as his cock pulsates
  160. >You feel it stiffen suddenly
  161. >Here it comes!
  162. >Literally...
  163. >He cums in extremely large amounts, never gotten off to something like this before, and you have to keep up so as to not let any leak down your chin
  164. >Alas, a little bit leaks out the corner of your mouth
  165. >The stallion tastes like... Kiwis...
  166. >Not bad
  167. >You pull off of the gasping and whimpering stallion with a wet *POP*
  168. >You lick the outside of your muzzle, cleaning any spilt cum that may have gotten anywhere where it might not be supposed to go
  169. >You smile lustfully with purpose at the stallion, who is just staring wide eyed at you
  170. "So mister, 'I just had my first time with a mare', care to give me your name?"
  171. >The stallion blushes and looks away, mumbling something
  172. "What was that?"
  173. >He coughs
  174. >"My name is Night Shift..."
  175. >Interesting name...
  176. >"And... Thank you I suppose... Though what motivated you to um... Yeah."
  177. >He was a young stallion with a deep and slightly gravely sounding voice
  178. >He was also adorable!
  179. "Well. It was a bet with a friend at first, but... You seemed like such a nice stallion. Perhaps we could go out sometime...?"
  180. >The stallion, Night Shift, you correct yourself mentally, chuckled nervously
  181. >"I'd like to know your name first miss, but I think I'll take you up on that offer."
  182. >You smile
  183. >This one could become a keeper in the future
  184. >Not rude... Handsome looking... And he obviously was a risk taker.
  185. "My name's Amber. Now, where should we meet?"

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