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(will think of a title soon)

By Grey
Created: 2024-06-09 02:28:08
Updated: 2024-06-16 01:16:04
Expiry: Never

  1. >You were NOT prepared to be Rarity’s boyfriend.
  2. >Let alone meet her parents.
  3. >Saying hello to the king of Siam once would still be more than the amount of times you’ve talked to Rarity in your entire life up until the day you asked her out..
  4. >This was why she probably doesn’t even know if you’re shy or not.
  5. >That plus the fact that you two haven’t had any classes together throughout the entire first half of the school year.
  6. >Lots of really good looking girls attend CHS, and you almost feel overwhelmed feeling such a way about so many of your classmates.
  7. >Having all these fantasies dancing through your mind.
  8. >It’s tantalizing to think about so many dozens of girls your own age attending here you’ll never actually see outside of clothing but wish you could have.
  9. >You’re not sure why, but Rarity is the one you’re thinking about asking out.
  10. >Because it seems like she’d be the hardest for one of the boys to manage to land a date with.
  11. >Let alone more than one date.
  12. >But something inside tells you that you might as well give it a go, even though only a small fraction of the boys at this school are in the same league as her.
  13. >After the second half of the school year is in full swing, you’re seriously considering asking her out.
  14. >Because the two of you now share a couple of classes together.
  15. >Being in closer proximity to Rarity gradually reveals more about why she’s out of your and most boys’s leagues.
  16. >Just look at how thoroughly Rarity takes care of herself.
  17. >Never wears the same outfit sooner than two weeks apart.
  18. >Look at her hair.
  19. >Neatly styles her well-washed and conditioned hair every single day.
  20. >Look at her arms and shoulders.
  21. >Her creamy white skin is so perfectly smooth that Photoshop wouldn’t even be necessary after a photoshoot.
  22. >Those graceful legs of hers mimic her arms.
  23. >You’ve never seen someone in person look like this *for real* before.
  24. >Look at how sharply applied the makeup on Rarity’s face is.
  25. >The amount is modest and not overly-done; her natural beauty does the rest of the work and she knows it.
  26. >You can sense how annoyed she’d get if someone interrupted her daily routine that keeps her this pristine.
  27. >And there’s no doubt she’s aware of how much boys like her chest.
  28. >Whatever bra Rarity has on can’t be anything less than a C-cup size or else it’ll be too small.
  29. >Not that you’d mind that.
  30. >Rarity’s chest may be decently sized, but it’s *really* decently shaped.
  31. >Rarity has just the right amount of perkiness to compliment the reasonably large size of her magnificent boobs.
  32. >The weather getting warmer excites you, because girls like Rarity start wearing less.
  33. >And when you finally start seeing Rarity wearing tops that aren’t designed to cover her cleavage, you decide that even her saying no to you would be worth the shot.
  34. >And challenge yourself not to look down from her face as those soft smooth breasts wonderfully packed into the front of her low-cut blouse when you take the leap of faith.
  35. >If an arrogant jock got rejected by her, he’d probably simply understand and walk away.
  36. >And you’re not even an arrogant jock, so what chance would you have?
  37. >Doesn’t matter.
  38. >You seriously consider asking Rarity out even though you’re more than certain she’s going to say no.
  39. >Why not? Maybe you’ll get more popular for having the balls to ask freaking *Rarity* out in the first place.
  40. >You KNOW at least some of the other boys in school will have to respect that level of fortitude.
  41. >Maybe the jocks will befriend you out of respect and give you some pointers for next time, and you’ll be able to land a date with one of the other girls.
  42. >It’s worth it.
  43. >…
  44. >”Absolutely.” Answers Rarity as she stands in the hallway with you.
  45. >Your jaw drops, desperate to rise back up so you can coherently explain that you were expecting her to reject you and that you’re not ready to be an adequate date with a girl like *her* yet.
  46. “Wh-wha…”
  47. >The air falls silent for a few seconds with deafening surprise.
  48. >You’re blushing harder now than you were before you asked Rarity out.
  49. >”I wouldn’t mind at all going on a date, Anon.” Continues Rarity. “I understand this must have taken a lot of courage for you. You’re shaking all over.”
  50. >You look down at the evidence of this in your trembling hands.
  51. >Your trembling hands that now must bear the weight of the surprise responsibility that has been generously placed into them.
  52. “Are… you sure?”
  53. >”It’s quite alright. It wouldn’t be fair if I hadn’t given you a chance to open up more, Anon.”
  54. >You… weren’t prepared for this…
  55. “I can’t believe you actually said yes.” You huff in honest disbelief.
  56. >”It’s the least I can do for a shy, sweet guy like you. I’d be glad to go on a date with you.”
  57. >…
  58. >And just like that, the situation started zooming by you faster than you are able to manage it.
  59. >You have to pick something nice to wear.
  60. >You showered an extra time today, same with brushing your teeth.
  61. >Which restaurant did Rarity say she wanted to go to again?
  62. >God damn it, why couldn’t she just have said no?!
  63. >Like, she’s hot as hell, but you… just weren’t fucking prepared for this!
  64. >The place you have to drive to isn’t that far.
  65. >Feels like it was only a couple of minutes ago when you asked Rarity out a couple of days ago and she said yes.
  66. >Said yes to your surprise dismay.
  67. >You struggle to keep your tie properly fixed.
  68. >Spraying something into your mouth to keep bad breath away.
  69. >You’re panicking.
  70. >There’s really no reason to panic, but at the same time, there’s EVERY reason to panic.
  71. >This situation crept up on you by surprise, and now you’re walking through the front doors.
  72. >What kind of date would you be if you got too nervous to come, and stood her up?
  73. >Hell, that’d make everyone at school hate you, doing something like *that*.
  74. >”Yoohoo!” Rarity is already sat at the restaurant table, waving over to you.
  75. >What the hell, why did she have to say yes to a date?
  76. >Should you nerf the whole operation on purpose so she doesn’t officially become your girlfriend?
  77. >What happens if she likes you too much?
  78. >What if you have to meet her parents?
  79. >There’s no backing out of it now.
  80. >Date 1: The BIG First Date.
  81. >”Oooh, Anonymous! I really like that tie.” Compliments Rarity as you anxiously rest yourself into the cushioned bench of the corner booth.
  82. >You smile.
  83. >”I certainly hope I didn’t stress you out by picking a date so soon.” She continues.
  84. “Oh I’m fine. I’m fine. Just a bit nervous.”
  85. >”It’s quite alright, darling. We don’t have to go too in-depth with conversation this time if you don’t want to.”
  86. >Now you finally look up at Rarity.
  87. >The vibrant light blue top she has on spans all the way up to her neck, luckily not showing even a bit of her cleavage.
  88. >This really makes things easier for you.
  89. >Though Rarity’s shoulders are completely bare and this top’s “arm holes” basically just imply it’s a backless top from what you can tell.
  90. >And her lovely busty chest is still tightly accented by the front of that top anyway.
  91. >Rarity’s smooth perfect skin alone is enough to get you feeling some type of way.
  92. >”The menus are right over here, dear.” Rarity pulls one of them out of the slot next to the table’s bottle of ketchup.
  93. >You already know you’re just going to get yourself a simple burger and lemonade if they have that here.
  94. >Saves time and effort… if they have that here.
  95. >”Is this your first time being on a date?” Asks Rarity.
  96. “Yeah.”
  97. >”Alright, then. Well I’m sure you’ll have the hang of it by the end of tonight. It’s perfectly normal to be nervous, darling.”
  98. “How many times have you been on a date?” You don’t bother putting into question whether she’s ever been on a date at all before.
  99. >”A couple of times.” She responds.
  100. >The conversation quickly turns into favorite things ping-pong.
  101. >The standard topics might as well be bouncing off of the table between the two of you.
  102. >Favorite movie, favorite color, favorite type of music, etc.
  103. >Of course Rarity would enjoy watching that movie The Devil Wears Prada, why wouldn’t she?
  104. >The fork in Rarity’s hand is neatly pinched between her fingers after your food finally arrives.
  105. >The pasta she had ordered gets twirled into the fork’s hold very neatly.
  106. >You can’t help but watch how Rarity does this with her hand so well.
  107. >Even her very movements make you feel like a slob in comparison.
  108. >”If only skipping gym class were an option.” Rarity casually complains before taking another sip from her drink. “I don’t believe students should be *forced* to work up a sweat if they’re already healthy enough as they are.”
  109. “You’re saying there isn’t anything at all you find fun about gym class?”
  110. >”Maybe if our uniforms weren’t so tacky. But then again, I don’t want to imagine something that looks better getting sweat all over it. I prefer everything stay as clean as possible.”
  111. “Well the uniforms are more about function instead of appearance.” You ride along with the topic Rarity herself started.
  112. >”Oh, I still understand that. But I would say the function of the uniforms we have doesn’t compare to a full elastic body suit.”
  113. >Rarity goes on to rant about aerodynamics and wind resistance, and which fabrics allow more air passage so loose arm and leg holes wouldn’t be as necessary.
  114. >Mentally redesigning the school mandated gym uniforms into her own rendition she thinks would both work and look a lot better.
  115. >”But I digress.” Rarity concludes. “I couldn’t imagine the toll that would take on the school’s budget.”
  116. “Yeah, I was wondering about that.”
  117. >”I suppose it’s just one of those things I can’t help but daydream about. While being forced to play dodgeball and rock climb.”
  118. “I guess I can’t blame you for not finding those things fun.” You build off of it. “Wouldn’t be fair to assume everyone should like that. I actually used to hate rock climbing.”
  119. >”You did too?”
  120. “Heights make me uneasy.”
  121. >”Oh, TELL me about it!” Rarity’s voice grows enthusiastic as her eyes lock with yours in full agreement of what you just told her.
  122. >You begin to feel warm and fuzzy inside having found something you and Rarity connect over so closely.
  123. >It feels so great to completely agree with her about how you feel about heights, even if it is probably more common than you’re mentally giving it credit for right now.
  124. >The way she calls you “darling” on occasion begins to sound more and more personal.
  125. >Like you’re listening to her gradually getting used to you in real time, through the sound of her voice.
  126. >You had started this date off quietly and non-talkative.
  127. >But you can’t even remember any of those moments now that you’ve really starting to vibe with Rarity.
  128. >Notice that you’re clearing your plate off faster than she is.
  129. >If it were a race, you just won and she’s still on the home stretch.
  130. >But by the time the two of you go on to talk about your favorite animals, barely a crumb of food is wasted.
  131. >Probably because the two of you only got small dishes to eat; you had settled for a salad due to the burgers here looking too big for your nervous self to finish all the way.
  132. >Both of your voices don’t go above the volume of the voices of anyone else in here amongst the restaurant chatter.
  133. >Rarity seems really good at keeping you at her level in a way.
  134. >As in, getting you to speak up if you were too quiet (and probably would have gotten a loud guy to quiet down if that were the case).
  135. >She politely prompts you to talk more about yourself.
  136. >”So would you say playing a sport in gym class is more fun than playing it officially after school?”
  137. “At least the after school part is optional.”
  138. >”You raise a fair point, darling.”
  139. “Maybe I just have more fun doing it in class where I have nothing else to do anyway.”
  140. >”What would you do somewhere you’d *rather* be that isn’t at school? Something less active?”
  141. “Honestly? Yeah. I’m not super into sports once I have an option to be somewhere or not.”
  142. >”Ah, then it looks like we fall on the same page.” Rarity warmly responds with a smile.
  143. >You can tell she’s actively trying to make you feel as comfortable as possible, but you appreciate that a lot.
  144. >You’ll choose this over being a nervous wreck any day.
  145. >It’s so fulfilling to know that right now, you’re comfortable talking to a really attractive girl, on a date with her.
  146. >The you from a week ago would have never guessed this would happen.
  147. >Part of current you is still in utter disbelief that this is happening to you.
  148. >But the rest of current you is enthralled to have this happen to you.
  149. >You can’t believe you’re starting to initiate the topics you and Rarity bring up together next, even long after you’re done with your food.
  150. >This has given you a massive boost to your confidence, this night. This date.
  151. >You’ve never felt so… on top of your own personal world.
  152. >Going on a date with a hot girl, with it happening outside of your fantasies.
  153. >This is really really real, and you can’t believe how much your nervousness about it has shrunk.
  154. >As soon as the two of you got the ball rolling, you’re talking for almost a full extra hour before it gets a little too late for Rarity to be out with a boy.
  155. >”Well since we both seem to enjoy casual walks outside, how about we choose the park for our next date?” Rarity suggests.
  156. “Our… next date?” You stare at her. “You really mean that?”
  157. >”I really enjoyed getting to know you a little bit tonight, Anon.”
  158. “I enjoyed getting to know you too, Rarity.”
  159. >You and her take and almost synchronized deep breath together.
  160. “So uh… how’d I do?” You ask.
  161. >”Hm?”
  162. “How’d I do for a first-timer?”
  163. >”You did wonderfully, darling.” Rarity tells you. “I think you’ll learn everything you need about how to treat a lady on a date after we meet a second time.”
  164. >There’s a short pause.
  165. >”I have to say, I’m really starting to like you a lot.”
  166. >Rarity’s really starting to like you a lot.
  167. >The effect of her saying that courses through your body little by little the more you think about it.
  168. >You can almost sense her… legs opening up in the future.
  169. >A little ashamed that your mind is now going there after all of the intricate and platonic conversation the two of you just shared.
  170. >But the mere newfound POSSIBILITY of getting laid with Rarity in the future drops into your mind, weighing it down and dragging it into the gutter.
  171. >Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel of virginity is even more promising than you imagined.
  172. >A hot girl like *Rarity* being down for you?
  173. >You better prepare to keep yourself maintained almost as dedicatedly as she does.
  174. >Maybe that’s a great way to better yourself…
  175. >Maybe something like that was Rarity’s intention, except in a less skip-to-third-base kind of way:
  176. >She agreed to go on a date with you to your surprise, so you’d get at least some experience with a girl of her caliber instead of never gaining any experience at all.
  177. >The latter might have happened as far as Rarity is concerned… a rejection could have sent you into a state of never wanting to ask a girl out again from fear of re-experiencing rejection.
  178. >And you’d have never learned anything about how to treat a lady.
  179. >Rarity’s probably doing this to give you a chance to actually gain experience and work your shyness and awkwardness out.
  180. >As a sort of a favor to help you get more comfortable around girls and the idea of dating them.
  181. >”Is everything alright, dear?”
  182. >You return to the immediate reality right in front of you.
  183. “Oh yeah, I’m fine.”
  184. >”I suppose you really like me a lot too?”
  185. “A lot.”
  186. >Rarity responds with a quiet giggle.
  187. >The two of you pay for your food and soon leave before it gets too dark outside and late on the clock.
  188. >But not before you’re reminded of your own libido-driven nature while sitting at the table talking to Rarity.
  189. >You can’t help but notice the slight bumps poking through made by what are undoubtably Rarity’s nipples.
  190. >This makes you instantly visualize what Rarity’s breasts would look like if made bare in front of you.
  191. >Now that you have this frame of reference.
  192. >Many times before the two of you stand up, you pray Rarity didn’t catch you glancing down at her chest.
  193. >And throw all the non-sexual bonding you just shared with her into question.
  194. >As she soon leads you out the door, not only do you have confirmation that Rarity’s top is indeed backless, but direct confirmation that Rarity is indeed braless.
  195. >The smooth perfect skin of Rarity’s bare back you’ve never seen this much of before mesmerizes you so.
  196. >You can stare as much as you want as long as she’s walking in front and facing away…
  197. >Swinging her hips, part of her beautiful hourglass figure she has been naturally blessed with.
  198. >And when you’re standing outside the restaurant together, you notice the chilly night air has sided with your horny hopes.
  199. >It’s getting easier to see Rarity’s hardening braless nipples poking out through her top…
  200. >If she ever did notice this happening to her, it wasn’t until after both of you got into your cars and left separately.
  201. ~
  202. >Dates 2 and 3: The smaller ones.
  203. >The smaller ones that happen before a monkey wrench is thrown into everything.
  204. >But date 2 had a lot more important things said, and they all started coming out in a way you didn’t expect.
  205. >First, you meet Rarity at the park on a cool late morning this time.
  206. >She’s wearing another blue top, but this one is one of her tops you recognize from school.
  207. >And it’s one of those tops that isn’t designed to go up to her neck this time.
  208. >The upper front is low cut enough to show a bit of Rarity’s cleavage.
  209. >This is the first thing you notice when you walk up to her.
  210. >Level 2 sure is gonna be a lot harder than level 1.
  211. >”Oh you absolutely must see some of the locations I’ve memorized here!” Says Rarity with her hand already gently gripping your wrist and pulling.
  212. >The wrist gripping soon turns into hand-holding as you and Rarity take a stroll through the large park full of grassy fields and scattered trees together.
  213. >You tingle a little to the feeling.
  214. >Holding Rarity’s hands like this.
  215. >Locking fingers.
  216. >Rarity cutely swings her hand locked with yours forward and back
  217. >”The trees here look absolutely gorgeous during the spring, darling. Don’t they?” Rarity peers up at the flourishing cherry blossoms.
  218. “Yeah, they’re pretty.” You respond..
  219. >You can see that Rarity is wearing a bra this time.
  220. >But now her top shows her cleavage.
  221. >Her tight skirt shows off her shapely behind.
  222. >Your eyes struggle to stay on her face while she’s talking to you.
  223. >But despite your hormonal nature, you manage.
  224. >But Rarity’s hourglass curves tempt you when you are lucky enough to find her facing away from you.
  225. >”So how do you feel now?” Asks Rarity as she leads the way down a gravel path past a few more cherry blossom trees.
  226. “What do you mean?”
  227. >”Not as nervous this time?”
  228. “Not at all, actually. Yeah.”
  229. >Rarity blinks with a kind laugh. “I knew you’d come out of your shell sooner rather than later. I could see it in you. You’re a lot more sincere than other boys. That’s what I like about you.”
  230. “I just try my best to not screw things up.”
  231. >”It’s a shame that trait isn’t as common anymore.” Conveys Rarity, squeezing your hand just a little bit tighter. “So many boys out there nowadays seem to be preoccupied with trying too hard in different ways. What I like about you is that you simply stayed yourself.”
  232. “I wouldn’t know what you mean by that. I don’t talk to a lot of people, not even other guys so much.”
  233. >”Let me put it this way, darling.” Starts Rarity. “I’ve noticed that a number of guys are either artificially nice, or artificially mean. And they think their motives can’t be figured out, but it becomes clear after talking with them for a while. It takes a little bit of intuition, but it’s eventually easy to tell if someone’s putting up an act, so to speak. I’m not mad at boys for it, but it does usually feel insincere.”
  234. >You think back to the restaurant.
  235. >Where you, having previously expected rejection, figured you wouldn’t even try to make the date go in any direction except wherever Rarity wanted it to go.
  236. >But then didn’t want to ruin the moment when Rarity agreed to share a date with you a date with you.
  237. >The two of you are sitting at a park bench together now, letting the gentle flower petals falling from the cherry blossom trees flutter down and ever so delicately land on both of you.
  238. >As birds chirp not too far away and a distant lawnmower hums in the further distance.
  239. >”What lots of boys don’t realize is that us girls know exactly what’s going on. They’re *trying* too hard to influence what our next decision will be. Whether it’s to say yes to a date with them, or to believe we have more in common than we actually do, or to eventually have sex with them which is the end game in lots of cases.”
  240. “I see.” You just let her continue, not saying much right now.
  241. >”We may not read your minds, but we can read your actions. We can read where your eyes go. We can read contradictions in stories about oneself. And it feels rather offensive when a boy assumes I’m not able to read those things and proceeds as though I’m entirely clueless.”
  242. >She sounds like she’s about to call you out for leering her; you knew she’d probably have noticed but didn’t want to say anything to not ruin the first date.
  243. >Maybe you’ll just own up to it now and let her tell you thanks and goodbye and let that be the end of this.
  244. >Then you can let the fact you went on a date and a half with Rarity get you some new buddies in school who sympathize with you for trying.
  245. “Yeah, about that.” You scratch the back of your head. “I’m really sorry about kind of doing that the other night. When I was looking down at… you like that. I should try to have more self-control.”
  246. >Rarity nods and looks over at you. “That right there, that’s what I like about you.”
  247. “Huh?”
  248. >”You didn’t even wait for me to address it myself. You didn’t try to see if you could hide the fact you did that. You’ve proven that you’re too honest with me for that. And *that* was only the icing on the cake.”
  249. “I uh, had a feeling you’d know.” You genuinely admit.
  250. >”This is the thing about you, Anon. You’re not *trying* incredibly hard to persuade me, or hide your honest missteps from me. I understand that boys will be boys and the can’t help it sometimes, but it kind of ruins it when you try to *hide* it like we don’t know. There’s nothing wrong with being imperfect in that regard as long as you’re willing to admit it. As long as it’s not excessive as well.”
  251. “You mean… excessive staring?” You don’t even know how you’re going to allow this date to fall through and be the last anymore now that Rarity herself sees something in you you didn’t expect.
  252. >”Absolutely. But you not only moderate yourself, but you entered this without over-reaching expectations. You didn’t go out of your way to try to convince me you’re the best possible guy for me… you actually listened to me, and then interacted more naturally.”
  253. >You begin to feel more and more amazing on the inside hearing Rarity say all of this about you, especially so after doing exactly what she described and entering this without many expectations.
  254. >”Darling, I don’t think you understand how refreshing that was. Going on a date with a boy like you.”
  255. >It was at this point when you realized that you were doomed to go on a third date with Rarity.
  256. >But you know what?
  257. >You really wouldn’t mind that at all.
  258. ~
  259. >On date 3, Rarity begins to complain more about the guys whom she describes as “artificially mean”.
  260. >After having described the guys who are artificially nice a week or two ago at the park, and contrasted you from them.
  261. >Actually nice guys who care for real don’t call themselves nice guys who care; they don’t have to.
  262. >But now mean jerks are the brief topic, the ones with so much self-pride for a multitude of reasons.
  263. >Who either never got rejected and are full of themselves and think they can act however they want around women and it won’t matter.
  264. >Or got rejected too many times and turned themselves into a metaphorical fortress who constantly proves they’re not swayed by women.
  265. >Or some compromise between the two…
  266. >Each are equally sad.
  267. >But this topic didn’t last long, and Rarity eventually just takes you clothes shopping with her.
  268. >The two of you are at the mall now, and Rarity is wearing her off-white top that still shows an amount of her cleavage especially if she leans forward.
  269. >If any of the further conversations you’ve had with Rarity so far have indicated anything, it’s that she only dresses the way she does because she’s… just dressing.
  270. >Girls just like to play around with their own style, and they don’t see their own bodies in a sexual way like boys do.
  271. >So it doesn’t really register with them as much as it does you when a girl wears something that shows off her cleavage.
  272. >Same goes for short skirts, tight lowriding pants, etc.
  273. >Talking to Rarity enough has helped you realize this to a degree you hadn’t before all of this, since she’s super into clothing and style.
  274. >You almost wanted to assume that she showed herself a little bit just to test you, but you figure that would be foolish to assume.
  275. >Rarity is currently taking you throughout department store after department store.
  276. >Now confident in your opinion about her style enough to ask you what you think about different outfits she tries on before buying them.
  277. >”I always felt red looks too gaudy on me.” Comments Rarity. “Light blue accents me better, would you agree?”
  278. “Light blue and light purple.” You tell her, three of her shopping bags in your hands that will bear the weight of them down the next few aisles.
  279. >”Oh, it’s so splendid that you’ve been paying attention!” Rarity expresses her enthusiasm. “Are you sure you don’t want to shop for you next? I can help you pick out outfits that work best for you.”
  280. “I don’t want you to have to spend money on me.” You politely decline. “But I’m more than happy to give a second opinion on your outfits you want to buy yourself.”
  281. >You’re looking forward to seeing Rarity in more and more different lewd outfits, lots of which show off a lot of skin.
  282. >As Rarity *encourages* you to look at her body.
  283. >And there’s a reason why you’re thinking about it this way this time.
  284. >In truth, you’ve been hoping this whole thing you and Rarity started together would eventually lead to intimacy.
  285. >Whether that’s a month down the road, or a year down the road, a girl as divinely sexy as Rarity would be absolutely worth it.
  286. >You started off jacking off right before each date to clear your head of any sexual thoughts, so you wouldn’t be glancing down at Rarity’s body like the closeted pervert you’re still somewhat convinced you are.
  287. >At least after the way you’ve still been thinking about Rarity and the outfits she wears.
  288. >But then you remembered what she said, the thing about trying too hard.
  289. >Maybe it’ll help you more to stop jerking off so much, because it might condition your mind to remember all of the places it went to while doing that *right before* a date… while on the date.
  290. >Maybe it’ll help your genuineness more if you just build up your natural resistance to horny thoughts by taking the brunt of it and learning to mitigate them all directly.
  291. >So now, you haven’t beat your meat in almost an entire week now, solely to let your true self come out so you can surprise-discipline him.
  292. >It’s making all of the outfits look even BETTER on Rarity, plus it might make you perform a lot better if you two ever do have sex.
  293. >And if this doesn’t work out, you’ve got endless new mental images to fap to for years to come.
  294. >Which might take your mind off of being so *into* other girls more than they’d be comfortable with.
  295. >But that part is after this point this starts feeling like a massive reach in logic.
  296. >Nevertheless, watching Rarity’s sexy body grace the fabrics of countless nice looking outfits that showcase the beautiful curves and softness of her body has made this mall-date feel like it lasted a lot shorter than FOUR HOURS.
  297. >Lugging around all these shopping bags just feels like a workout for you, and your heightened arousal-encouraged testosterone helps you enjoy this too.
  298. >You’ll be honest, you LOVE dating Rarity.
  299. >But you can already tell she’s not going to put out any time soon.
  300. >Even outside of what you’ve hear her say about guys expecting girls to put out, she doesn’t give off the vibe of easiness at all, which shouldn’t have been hard to tell.
  301. >But honestly?
  302. >That is perfectly okay.
  303. >You’re starting to really like being around Rarity in a non-sexual way.
  304. >She’s helping you improve yourself.
  305. >You’re showering a lot more often, you’re styling your hair, you’re being more social, you’re becoming the type of guy you wished you’d become.
  306. >All due to Rarity’s guidance.
  307. >After the mall date ends with you helping Rarity haul her shopping bags into her car, she already has intentions to date you a fourth time.
  308. >She REALLY likes being around you, and conversing with you, and watching how genuine you display your demeanor as.
  309. >She respects you because you *actually* respect her despite your horniness you’ve kept bottled up even since the beginning.
  310. >And everything’s great.
  311. >And if this eventually leads to sex down the road in this relationship, then hell fucking yeah.
  312. >You already know you’d stay interested in Rarity even after that, which you assume was something she might have been concerned about regarding your motives as well.
  313. >Going off of a bit of what she’s told you.
  314. >Rarity wouldn’t want to date a guy who’s only in it for sex and would stop pretending to be interested in her and the things she’s passionate about the next day after they finally sleep together.
  315. >You can perfectly see why Rarity would see that as not only disingenuous, but also just straight up disrespectful.
  316. >Honestly, you wouldn’t want a girl doing that with you either.
  317. >Relationships are a team effort built on trust and honesty.
  318. >And that’s what you and Rarity have started together here.
  319. >Would be a shame if some new event derailed this.
  320. ~
  321. >Before the fourth date, Rarity suggests that the two of you are finally ready to meet eachother’s parents.
  322. >This is how you know she’s actually getting *really* serious now.
  323. >She hasn’t even decided where the two of you are going to go yet, but you’re going to meet her at her house to pick her up and drive her while she decides with you where you two want to go.
  324. >And while you’re there, you can meet Rarity’s mother.
  325. >…
  326. >In the living room of the place, Rarity’s mother, Cookie Crumbles, is currently engaged in her usual session of yoga.
  327. >Dressed in recently cleaned clothes and resting her yoga mat atop the recently cleaned carpet beneath it, Cookie takes deep breaths and once again makes her muscles and tendons leans just like how they were when she was younger.
  328. >she missed feeling this loose, after so many years of being on tight schedules and, on occasions, tight budgets.
  329. >Cookie misses being a teenager.
  330. >No responsibilities, slim, limber, full of energy and hope in her eyes for the future, much less stress over things that actually matter in life…
  331. >She could go on and on about how she misses when she was in high school.
  332. >Yoga and just stretching and exercise in general is the perfect way for her to unwind and forget about her long history of adult life so far.
  333. >Her smooth lotioned-up skin softly glows in the afternoon light shining through the window, illuminating her vibe as she slowly breathes in and out.
  334. >stretching her arms, stretching her legs, stretching her core as her beep breaths relax her more and more.
  335. >Cookie Crumbles has entered her zen zone.
  336. >Mind falling away from not only the worried but also the logic and reasoning of the real world as she only does the tings that make her body feel… good…
  337. >It’s like revisiting an old friend: her past self.
  338. >Her easy-going past self who was more flexible and energetic.
  339. >Cookie Crumbles has indeed been a little bummed out about letting her figure go a little bit after so many years of adulthood, but that’s just something that comes with life as one gets a little older.
  340. >She’s read tons of articles on the internet about it… it’s perfectly normal for both women and men to go through.
  341. >One of the most common remedies for stress and losing shape Cookie had sen popping up was simple exercise and yoga, along with eating healthy foods every day, which should be an obvious answer.
  342. >And so, Cookie Crumbles bought herself a yoga mat, started up a few sessions of smelling the flowers while revisiting her teenage self in spirit.
  343. >And now here she is achieving a transcendent state where there is neither suffering, desire, nor self of self.
  344. >Feels like 1991 again as all the memories of what was going on in Cookie’s life at the time come rushing back into her mind as she stretches her body in serene silence.
  345. >…
  346. >To this very day, you STILL haven’t waxed your carrot for a while now, having been prolonging the little thing you’ve been doing.
  347. >You’re standing outside after having received a text from Rarity that a fashion agency had contacted her and needed her to attend something right away, so she’s going to be running late.
  348. >But she left the front door unlocked for you.
  349. >With this, you enter her house, eventually finding your way towards the living room as a woman’s voice calls out to you, having heard you entering.
  350. “Hello?” You answer. “Rarity told me I can come inside to wait.”
  351. >”Oh you must be Rarity’s boyfriend! I’m Cookie Crumbles, Rarity’s mother. You can come right on in! I don’t mind.”
  352. >You weren’t prepared to meet Rarity’s mother so soon, but here it goes.
  353. “Hi, I’m-“ You begin before the sight before you ambushes your curious eyes by surprise.
  354. >Cookie Crumbles likes to do yoga.
  355. >Loosen up her muscles and stuff.
  356. >And she also likes to wear yoga pants along with a clingy tank top.
  357. >Thing is, this tank top must be from when she was Rarity’s age.
  358. >At her own age, Cookie Crumbles’s body has become really *really* developed.
  359. >As a fully grown and proven fertile adult woman having to work with such an ensemble of completely developed assets and features.
  360. >No teen-sized bra could hope to properly fit over Cookie Crumbles’s massive soft boobs over-filling up the front of that improperly fitting tank top from ages ago.
  361. >Rarity had certainly inherited her hourglass form from Cookie Crumbles.
  362. >Almost two decades of non-stop slowing adult lifestyle has thickened this woman’s body out.
  363. >Widening her hourglass shape.
  364. >Packing lots of cushioning onto her buttcheeks wrapped up in those tight leggings.
  365. >The slight but obvious muffintopping going on around the waistband of her leggings teases more of Cookie’s softness to you.
  366. >Her smooth arms and shoulders are also noticeably thick and soft to the touch.
  367. >The thin spaghetti string straps on Cookie’s shoulders pressing into that soft skin are the only things keeping those heaving fully developed adult breasts from spilling all the way out into the open.
  368. >Cookie’s bountiful swaying breasts overstuffing her stressed lowcut tank top boast more deep busty cleavage than her teenage daughter Rarity could ever hope to.
  369. >All of this *body*… wonderfully clothed in an outfit just a little bit too small for keeping these wide soft curves from letting their sexiness shine through without intention.
  370. >Cookie asks you if you’re okay but you can’t process her words at first.
  371. >All you know is that you want her soft fertile womanly form on top of your trembling body…
  372. >Pinning you down on the floor under Cookie’s soft curvy body weight~
  373. >”Are you okay?” She repeats.
  374. “I’m fine.”
  375. >”I see Rarity has good taste in boys.” Cookie says to you.
  376. >She’s too into her zen zone to register the nature of anything she’s saying or doing.
  377. >All she knows is that she’s been feeling like her early 20s again for the past 20 minutes.
  378. “I’m just waiting for Rarity to come back.” You melt a little.
  379. >”Oh I know.”
  380. >You anxiously clench your fists behind your back, unable to think any more clearly than Cookie in her overly relaxed state.
  381. >”You look tense.” Cookie observes your awkward posture. “Would you like to join me?”
  382. >You say no in your head.
  383. “I’d love to.”
  384. >Having answered on your behalf, your stiffening member begins pushing against the inside of your underwear, as any guy would have the same happen.
  385. >”Well get on down here, dear. I could use a hand with a few of these positions.”
  386. >She doesn’t notice your rapidly growing erection bulge you’re feeling intensifying and thinking for you.
  387. >Walk over and begin lowering yourself down to the floor with Cookie Crumbles.
  388. >Your jittery caution cycles through countless emotions at once, unable to find the right one.
  389. >Because Horny is throwing everything out of balance; struggle against it as your member threatens full erection inside your underwear.
  390. >Cookie greets you as you become eye-to-eye with her, eagerly welcoming your presence into her personal space…
  391. >Try to resist, but the growing tension in the front of your pants insists itself.
  392. >The front of your underwear feels tighter in front…
  393. >When really all it’s trying to do is contain your riled up member.
  394. >There is a tie for hardest thing in the room.
  395. >Between your still concealed penis stiffening while trying to stand all the way up in your underwear, and resisting the mounting urge to glance at Cookie Crumbles’s soft and VERY exposed cleavage of her busty chest.
  396. >Each are increasing together.
  397. >So many days of restraint are put into a surprising amount of question you didn’t expect.
  398. >Rarity couldn’t hope to be this thick and cuddle-able in just the right way…
  399. >Everything you got a glance at from afar is now far inside of arm’s reach of you.
  400. >And you’re not supposed to even look down at all *that* Cookie Crumbles has got going on.
  401. >She doesn’t see your erection because she’s also being respectful and not looking down at your body.
  402. >Even the sight of her smooth shoulders that are softly pressed on by the spaghetti strings of that undersized tank top is enough to get you visibly shaking.
  403. >You rest on the clean living room carpet with Cookie Crumbles as your heart beats faster and faster.
  404. >Some more of the blood pumping through your veins gets redirected to your privates.
  405. >Send in pleading mental commands to cease this recurring detour of your blood flow.
  406. >Only to feel it happen more.
  407. >Your body is so close to Cookie Crumbles’s body…
  408. >You can hear her quietly breathing.
  409. >”Come on, Anon, lean back for me…”
  410. >You do as she says.
  411. >Barely minutes into the moment you first met and Cookie is already gently placing her hand on your chest.
  412. >Delicately pushing you backwards next to her.
  413. >”You’re shaking like crazy, hon.” Cookie says to you as she lies on her back next to you.
  414. “I’m just a little tense is all.” You lie on your back as well.
  415. >Both of you now stare up at the ceiling.
  416. >The round circular ceiling lights of the living room are off but their glass reflects the sunlight coming in through the large windows doing their job for them.
  417. >In an abstract way, they’re still turned on whether they mean to be or not.
  418. >Look over towards Cookie to discover a perfect view “into” her tank top at her cleavage.
  419. >Cookie’s massive soft breasts sway a little as she shifts around on her back getting comfortable.
  420. >Barely even bound by their partial containment.
  421. >You KNOW she’s braless because you’ve just noticed the slight bumps poking through the fabric, giving away where the BEST part of this view lies still hidden…
  422. >Your member welcomes more and more blood rushing in as what you see overrides what you’re trying to think.
  423. >And now you can only think about burying your face in those things.
  424. >Ripping the front of that lewd revealing tank top out of the way~…
  425. >Closing the distance inside her personal space: burying your face into Cookie’s soft boobies…
  426. >”Nervous about your next date?”
  427. “A little.” You slightly shiver. “Was mostly just only nervous the first time.”
  428. >”Oh I’m sure. Rarity has always been such a sweet young lady. Knows how to make her company around others meaningful.”
  429. “Yeah. She really helped me come out of my shell.”
  430. >Cookie Crumbles smiles having heard you say that, knowing more people in the world have seen what a lovely person she has raised Rarity to become.
  431. >”Don’t worry about buying her too many expensive things.” Cookie says to you. “She’s only materialistic when it come to getting things for herself. Rarity has a niche taste in style and possessions she is probably aware most don’t understand. Which is true for most.”
  432. “That’s pretty much what she told me.” You recall. “She’s more interested in the gesture in something. Right?”
  433. >”Absolutely, dear!” Cookie’s voice heightens very slightly. “I see you’ve been listening to her very well.”
  434. “She always has something great to say.”
  435. >”She always does. I hope you two find yourselves bonding closer and closer.”
  436. >Your eyes have to keep getting pried away from her, from Cookie’s sexy exposed cleavage.
  437. >Praying she can’t see how horny for her you are.
  438. >Cookie meanwhile thinks back to when she was Rarity’s age and dating.
  439. >When she was slim and more active in the late 1990s, having felt old then compared to her younger teen self just a few years prior.
  440. >Boys would be nervous around her, pretending they’re not staring at her cleavage she sometimes happened to show.
  441. >She would still be nice to them, because it’s nice to be nice.
  442. >While hoping they wouldn’t take it the wrong way and think it automatically meant she wanted to date them immediately.
  443. >She was afraid they’d ask her out because of that, and she’d have to say no and surprise-break their hearts.
  444. >She’s glad she luckily raised Rarity in a way where she understood this and wanted to at least try to keep it from happening when approached by a guy who looked like he wouldn’t be able to take it.
  445. >Lord knows what that unfortunate circumstance ends up turning young men towards these days.
  446. >In the age of excessive anime and video game conditioning from a young age.
  447. >She’d blame the companies for putting profit over what they might do to younger generations, but she’s too in her zen zone right now to think too negatively.
  448. >Cookie Crumbles doesn’t realize her now-more-than-ever soft busty cleavage attracts a pair of young male eyes still today.
  449. >Alone in her own house with him as he’s waiting for a date with her daughter.
  450. >Not aware how affected he is by learning who Rarity got her goods from.
  451. >”Anyway, you seem really tense. Stretch a little to loosen up a bit before you’re out with Rarity.”
  452. “Okay…”
  453. >”First trick is to get your center above your head.” Suggests Cookie.
  454. >You pull your phone out of your pocket and rest it on the carpet pretty far beside you.
  455. “My… center?”
  456. >”Your core. You know, your tummy area. Get it elevated above your head. Let me show you.”
  457. >Cookie Crumbles raises her entire pelvic area as you observe.
  458. >The bottom of her small tight tank top slightly wanders up her midriff.
  459. >Your eyes wander all over her smooth skin getting partially exposed.
  460. >Right when you felt like your boner had started to go away, this happened.
  461. >Cookie’s top revealing her soft kissable tummy and lower back then riding even further up.
  462. >But what’s causing this only adds to how hot it is.
  463. >Cookie’s huge luscious boobs half-inside her tight little tank top are what drags it up her midriff as they shift upwards towards her face to gravity’s command…
  464. >Those big soft swaying mounds of adult femininity try to spill out of the top of her tank top entirely, but are packed tightly enough into their fabric prison to pull it with them and drag it up Cookie’s fertile, developed womanly body~
  465. >The bottom gets dragged up enough to half expose her bellybutton…
  466. >You stay still as a statue watching Cookie Crumbles keep her pelvic area elevated far above her head as she starts pushing back at the carpeted floor with her palms.
  467. >Is this just called a handstand or something else?
  468. >Your brain doesn’t have enough blood in it to think.
  469. >Eyes fixated on Cookie’s sexy body lazily but tightly wrapped up in a revealing tank top and tight leggings.
  470. >Bent up in a bow position facing up for you.
  471. >Cookie’s soft bountiful breasts, the part of her body most susceptible to gravity, still threaten to spill all the way out of her revealing little tank top~
  472. >You scan Cookie’s smooth soft skin of her wonderful chest, almost expecting to see a sliver of areolae peeking out for you…
  473. >Part of you needs it to happen, part of you needs it to not happen.
  474. >”Very good, Anon.” Comments Cookie as she watches you raise your pelvic area before you realized you were doing so.
  475. >Your erect bulge juts up towards the ceiling, just a slight fabric loosening away from being flung all the way up into a proper tent.
  476. >Your hands are busy keeping you balanced, so there’s nothing you can do to even shield your noticeable in-pants erection from Cookie is she even does so much as glance over at you.
  477. >You’re in a position more suited for if you desperately wanted her to see that you have an erection.
  478. >Just letting your stiff bulge proudly assert its presence through your pants.
  479. >”Now just stay like this and take a few deep breaths.”
  480. >You nervously keep your crotch high in the air, with the view of your obvious hard-on helplessly up there in the open…
  481. >Just as in the open as Cookie’s very exposed cleavage spilling out of the upper front of her lewd little tank top as she’s tilted almost upside down…
  482. >”Rarity’s lucky to have a nice guy like you.” Strains Cookie as she stays in her upward bridge position facing up.
  483. >You gotta figure out how to get out of this position fast before she sees how hard you are.
  484. >Let yourself fall down, surprised at yourself for having unknowingly raised yourself up to begin with.
  485. >Almost like your body is making your decisions for you…
  486. >”You alright?”
  487. “Yeah. Just a little weak right now.”
  488. >Boy we’re you ever…
  489. >”It’s okay, you can just spot me for my tougher positions you want.” Cookie has no way of noticing your eyes now freely exploring all over her body.
  490. >Every time Cookie has to reposition her hands and balance herself, her soft massive breasts do a little bit of jiggling while half-inside her extremely revealing tank top.
  491. >Her round tightly concealed buttocks in those leggings pushes outward even in this position.
  492. >Her bellybutton is all the way exposed now; you almost salivate over Cookie’s bare midriff begging you to wrap your arms around and bury your face in her soft tummy~
  493. >You have to be strong and outlast this only until Rarity arrives and breaks this moment apart by making her presence known at the front door.
  494. >Restraint is the thing that made you powerful when thinking about Rarity.
  495. >All you need to do is have Cookie talk about her daughter more and the day is saved!
  496. >As well as the date.
  497. >How the hell are you going to lie to Rarity with a straight face?
  498. >You can’t.
  499. >You’re too honest for your own good.
  500. >This is what motivates you to keep yourself strong for real.
  501. >You can do this, Anon!
  502. >Sure, your own lust is a tough villain, but you’ve got Rarity’s arrival coming swooping in to save you after you’ve made it far enough.
  503. >That sound of the doorbell will be music to your ears.
  504. >The sound of your already established date with Rarity being your theme song as you resist your own lust and keep yourself on track like you’ve always been.
  505. >Cookie Crumbles now rests herself back down to the floor with you.
  506. >Facing you as you face her, unintentionally reminding you how close you both are in eachother’s personal space.
  507. >”I’m sure Rarity will be here soon.” Says Cookie.
  508. >Your phone lights up with a text right as she says this:
  509. >[I will be done with the agency shortly. Hopefully the heavy rain over here won’t be too long. I will tell you all about what I was just offered on our date! <3]
  510. >Out the window, a gentle few drops of rain start to become noticeable.
  511. >The outskirts of heavier rain about a 20 minute drive away but rapidly approaching across the skies.
  512. >[They're saying they want to see my whole portfolio on social media real quick, but I promise I’ll head over as soon as I can. Hopefully the roads won’t be too wet to drive fast.] Another Rarity text comes in.
  513. >The rain outside begins to intensify.
  514. >That doorbell ain’t sounding any time soon.
  515. >You’re left fighting your own erect lust glancing as Cookie’s sexy exposed cleavage in her undersized tank top…
  516. >Up against a tough villain, but getting overwhelmed, and your theme doesn’t start playing, and it’s starting to rain.
  517. >Cookie’s beautiful cleavage tauntingly wobbles for you some more as she leans forward on all fours.
  518. >Your poor eyes just couldn’t resist giving those breasts a long blatant stare.
  519. >The way she’s crawling in your direction across the smooth white carpet must carry some level of intention in it at least.
  520. >You start to try crab walking away, but your raging erection found a way to proudly stand all the way up inside of your underwear.
  521. >A wanting surge freezes you in place as Cookie closes in on you on the floor.
  522. >Everything in this room is perfectly clean.
  523. >The pale walls, the silky carpet, Cookie’s newly washed, softly creasing clothes on her curvy womanly body.
  524. >Her mind is in a serene place, too lost there to not feel exhilarated getting closer to you.
  525. >You’re a friendly forest dweller to her, someone she’s just so glad to be in the comforting company of.
  526. >No longer alone in her meditation but welcomes friends like you.
  527. >Her happy smile stays right in front of your face.
  528. >The proximity of Cookie’s sexy body to yours gives off a physical almost magnetic attraction.
  529. >She rests very close to you on the floor, ready to brush against you on purpose like a cat.
  530. >She raises her smooth shoulder, inviting you onto her soft silky skin from your presence filling her with so much comfy joy.
  531. >”Could you spot me?” Asks Cookie Crumbles.
  532. >Her intention is to do a handstand, not to figure out whether or not you’re thinking of another kind of “spotting her”.
  533. >Obediently, you grab her knees and help her into a handstand position.
  534. >Fighting back numerous inner urges to start… grabbing her…
  535. >Your fully erect manmeat is nearly poking Cookie’s soft tummy through your pants.
  536. >Does she see this going on?
  537. >When she breathes out, her tummy presses against the tip of your tent, emitting a gulp out of you.
  538. >This is what makes your legs feel weaker and weaker as all of *that* is right up against you.
  539. >Her breaths invite you deeper into her personal space.
  540. >Hold her legs together as she proceeds with her handstand, trying not to jab your stiff bulge against her soft tummy the best you can.
  541. >At least any more times.
  542. >You can't imagine a reality in which she didn't feel that happen a couple of times.
  543. >Maybe all you can hope for is that she didn't really process exactly what it was she felt because she's just not thinking about it that way.
  544. >Or at least you HOPE she's not thinking about it that way.
  545. >Cookie's groan gets you feeling something for her, imagining things you'd do to get her to sound like that on your own accord.
  546. >A bit of shakiness has entered your breath along with jitteriness throughout your body after she lets you rest her back down upon the plush carpet.
  547. >It takes a lot of strength not to glance back down at Cookie's delicious cleavage beckoning you to just enjoy that incredible rack of hers.
  548. >Just wonderfully packed into the front of that small sexy tank top.
  549. >"You want to try a handstand next?" She offers.
  550. "N-no thanks." You envision how quickly she'd discover your flagpole in your pants if this happened.
  551. >She’s probably going to discover it one way or another no matter what.
  552. >Especially after asking for your help with another position.
  553. >Cookie perches her juicy body over you.
  554. >The rain outside begins to patter against the roof and the ground harder and harder.
  555. >A rush of cautious tranquility tries it’s best to wash over you as you lie on your back under the smooth and soft under-dressed woman.
  556. >Horny panic grows stronger and stronger inside of you.
  557. >The urge to just physically interact with ALL THAT within groping distance is just…
  558. >”It’s okay…” Cookie smiles at you.
  559. >It’s easy to see how concerned about your tension she is.
  560. >Her eyes lock with yours in a protective gaze.
  561. >Her smile is unaware of the full mast in your pants you wish you knew how to make go back down.
  562. >The silky skin of Cookie’s soft shoulders is easy to glide your fingers down.
  563. >It feels so good to touch her skin directly.
  564. >It riles your inner nature up to feel Cookie’s bare skin in your gentle caress.
  565. >Wait… why are you stroking her shoulders to begin with?
  566. >It didn’t even occur to you until she reacted to it:
  567. >”Shoulder massage?” Cookie’s voice is cheerful and clueless.
  568. >You look up at her with a quick nod that only serves to go along with it.
  569. >Get your hands off her, Anon!
  570. >Think about how Rarity would feel about this…
  571. >You can barely see that part of your mind over the part experiencing how YOU feel about this.
  572. >You LOVE this!
  573. >Can’t even pull your curious hands away from Cookie’s shoulders.
  574. >She doesn’t protest against your inadvertent advances.
  575. >She almost invites them to persist with that arch of her back.
  576. >You watch Cookie Crumbles’s lovely fertile chest push itself outward in that tank that’s top trying its best to cover everything.
  577. >Do what you can to hold together your restraint Rarity helped you grow.
  578. >You’re too strong to just lose to your own self now.
  579. >But your erection in your pants refuses to agree with this.
  580. >The pale clean carpet below you feels like it’s keeping you magnetically pinned to it through the close-quarters proximity of Cookie Crumbles.
  581. >You’re too naturally conditioned to have your libido further and further set into motion from the mere intimate contact with this woman’s tempting smooth skin.
  582. >An irresistible preview of what *she* feels like as your hands massage her shoulders like you know you shouldn’t be.
  583. >Curse this for feeling so good, you’re not as loyal as you ought to be.
  584. >You’re morally supposed to save all of this for Rarity, but you’re naturally supposed to be weakened by all of *this* so your body does what it is designed to do.
  585. >There was a little bit of smalltalk resulting in you agreeing to balance Cookie with your legs while on your back.
  586. >Like she’s flying superhuman-style or something.
  587. >Your timidness doubles as her face is closer to yours.
  588. >Try not to let her gentle breath tickle you as her up-close presence clouds up what you were thinking of Rarity.
  589. >You were doing so well until you were introduced to the slight scent of Cookie’s perfume.
  590. >To the logic-sedating sound of her tank top’s clean fabric gently dragging across her smooth skin as she moves her body around.
  591. >”The idea is to balance me as long as you can.” Cookie says to you.
  592. >She gestures you to look down at what your arms and legs are doing.
  593. >But the soft curves and assets of her developed womanly body are partially in the way.
  594. >Not to mention how impossible it is to avoid staring at Cookie’s heaving, swaying soft cleavage spilling out of that small tank top.
  595. >This beautiful sight is too much for your erect member to resist.
  596. >Begin to visibly twitch in the front of your pants.
  597. >This outfit Cookie is boasting so up-close-and-personal to you feels just as tempting as her being naked across the room from you.
  598. >No choice but to stare right at her soft arousing chest up close while it continues to sexually charge you.
  599. >And do so right in front of her face as you briefly lift her up with your weakening legs.
  600. >”Come on, Anon. Just a little more.” Cookie focuses on encouraging you.
  601. >She’s intent on helping you out of your shell like her daughter had.
  602. >Wanting to show you you have no reason to be so tense and nervous around her.
  603. >Unaware that you’re really just scared of your own arousal making you susceptible to doing disloyal things.
  604. >”Anon… it’s gonna be hard for you to do this if you’re still massaging my shoulders.” Cookie comments as she feels your eager fingers make her tank top’s thin straps roll back and forth across her soft kryptonite-laced skin.
  605. >Her body weight over you helps you surrender to your own sexual thoughts more easily.
  606. >You’re naturally hardwire to help steer this situation towards getting those huge boobies to press down onto you.
  607. >You un-bend your legs under the pressure of her hips weakening your knees.
  608. >Down she goes, down she comes…
  609. >You didn’t figure where your stiff tent would end up…
  610. >Not until she seems to react to feeling your hard bulge interacting with her crotch through the front of her leggings.
  611. >Not through her kind words or facial expressions, but reflexively in the position she’s in on top of you.
  612. >Her pelvic area tries to pull away to be polite.
  613. >To give your erection some space and not to be further riled up by such forbidden contact.
  614. >”…Anon? Are you alright?”
  615. >You nod as your hands can’t stop enjoying Cookie’s bare shoulders.
  616. >Watch her soft swaying chest brush against your chest.
  617. >Eyes now shamelessly locked onto her exposed cleavage.
  618. >There is no room for coming up with some bogus explanation for your blatant leering now.
  619. >”Anon… is my… chest… distracting you?” Cookie starts to blush, somehow not registering your twitching meat giving your barely tamed arousal away against her clothed crotch.
  620. >Your eyes cannot be pulled away from that beautiful and hypnotic cleavage of hers.
  621. >Glued to the common-sense-defeating sight and feeling of those wonderfully hanging soft assets mashing down against your chest like a hydraulic press onto the final eggshell keeping your arousal inside.
  622. >The last of your resolve screams at you to push her back up and away from you with your arms, now that your legs are properly out of this fight.
  623. >But your arms are beyond your command as well.
  624. >The feeling of wrapping your arms around Cookie’s soft curvy body in a base-urges-fueled embrace was too much to resist.
  625. >Part of you pretends this isn’t happening to you.
  626. >But knows you have to acknowledge that it is if you want to escape th-
  627. >”Anon~”
  628. >Cookie’s voice now sounds more in-tune with the pouring rain outside.
  629. >Now that she feels your unprompted hug onto her sexy body as she has you effectively pinned on your back on the floor.
  630. >Both of you know this has nothing to do with yoga anymore.
  631. >You each know that the other knows this.
  632. >But Cookie is still trying to figure out a way to convince herself it still does relate to yoga.
  633. >While she slowly leglocks you…
  634. >This sounds the alarm and makes you jerk your hips trying to free yourself.
  635. >Only making your erect bulge interact with her crotch more through the clothes.
  636. >Desperate to somehow break through every layer of fabric and share a much needed penetration between sexes.
  637. >How long ago was Rarity’s text by now?
  638. >This is all you can think about anymore as Cookie Crumbles tightens her leglock upon you and squeezes you dry of the last of your restraint.
  639. >Defeated by your own sexual urges, you run your hands up and down her back…
  640. >The rim of your pants suspiciously gets tugged down a little.
  641. >Her dry humping that teases your imprisoned cock into going wild might not stay so dry for long…

(Wet) Dream Girl

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Venus's Mercy

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Bros With Benefits (RD)

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A Hunter's Moon

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by Grey