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Secrets And Desperation

By Grey
Created: 2024-06-09 02:28:08
Updated: 2024-08-17 08:05:05
Expiry: Never

  1. >You were NOT prepared to be Rarity’s boyfriend.
  2. >Let alone meet her parents.
  3. >Saying hello to the king of Siam once would still be more than the amount of times you’ve talked to Rarity in your entire life up until the day you asked her out..
  4. >This was why she probably doesn’t even know if you’re shy or not.
  5. >That plus the fact that you two haven’t had any classes together throughout the entire first half of the school year.
  6. >Lots of really good looking girls attend CHS, and you almost feel overwhelmed feeling such a way about so many of your classmates.
  7. >Having all these fantasies dancing through your mind.
  8. >It’s tantalizing to think about so many dozens of girls your own age attending here you’ll never actually see outside of clothing but wish you could have.
  9. >You’re not sure why, but Rarity is the one you’re thinking about asking out.
  10. >Because it seems like she’d be the hardest for one of the boys to manage to land a date with.
  11. >Let alone more than one date.
  12. >But something inside tells you that you might as well give it a go, even though only a small fraction of the boys at this school are in the same league as her.
  13. >After the second half of the school year is in full swing, you’re seriously considering asking her out.
  14. >Because the two of you now share a couple of classes together.
  15. >Being in closer proximity to Rarity gradually reveals more about why she’s out of your and most boys’s leagues.
  16. >Just look at how thoroughly Rarity takes care of herself.
  17. >Never wears the same outfit sooner than two weeks apart.
  18. >Look at her hair.
  19. >Neatly styles her well-washed and conditioned hair every single day.
  20. >Look at her arms and shoulders.
  21. >Her creamy white skin is so perfectly smooth that Photoshop wouldn’t even be necessary after a photoshoot.
  22. >Those graceful legs of hers mimic her arms.
  23. >You’ve never seen someone in person look like this *for real* before.
  24. >Look at how sharply applied the makeup on Rarity’s face is.
  25. >The amount is modest and not overly-done; her natural beauty does the rest of the work and she knows it.
  26. >You can sense how annoyed she’d get if someone interrupted her daily routine that keeps her this pristine.
  27. >And there’s no doubt she’s aware of how much boys like her chest.
  28. >Whatever bra Rarity has on can’t be anything less than a C-cup size or else it’ll be too small.
  29. >Not that you’d mind that.
  30. >Rarity’s chest may be decently sized, but it’s *really* decently shaped.
  31. >Rarity has just the right amount of perkiness to compliment the reasonably large size of her magnificent boobs.
  32. >The weather getting warmer excites you, because girls like Rarity start wearing less.
  33. >And when you finally start seeing Rarity wearing tops that aren’t designed to cover her cleavage, you decide that even her saying no to you would be worth the shot.
  34. >And challenge yourself not to look down from her face as those soft smooth breasts wonderfully packed into the front of her low-cut blouse when you take the leap of faith.
  35. >If an arrogant jock got rejected by her, he’d probably simply understand and walk away.
  36. >And you’re not even an arrogant jock, so what chance would you have?
  37. >Doesn’t matter.
  38. >You seriously consider asking Rarity out even though you’re more than certain she’s going to say no.
  39. >Why not? Maybe you’ll get more popular for having the balls to ask freaking *Rarity* out in the first place.
  40. >You KNOW at least some of the other boys in school will have to respect that level of fortitude.
  41. >Maybe the jocks will befriend you out of respect and give you some pointers for next time, and you’ll be able to land a date with one of the other girls.
  42. >It’s worth it.
  43. >…
  44. >”Absolutely.” Answers Rarity as she stands in the hallway with you.
  45. >Your jaw drops, desperate to rise back up so you can coherently explain that you were expecting her to reject you and that you’re not ready to be an adequate date with a girl like *her* yet.
  46. “Wh-wha…”
  47. >The air falls silent for a few seconds with deafening surprise.
  48. >You’re blushing harder now than you were before you asked Rarity out.
  49. >”I wouldn’t mind at all going on a date, Anon.” Continues Rarity. “I understand this must have taken a lot of courage for you. You’re shaking all over.”
  50. >You look down at the evidence of this in your trembling hands.
  51. >Your trembling hands that now must bear the weight of the surprise responsibility that has been generously placed into them.
  52. “Are… you sure?”
  53. >”It’s quite alright. It wouldn’t be fair if I hadn’t given you a chance to open up more, Anon.”
  54. >You… weren’t prepared for this…
  55. “I can’t believe you actually said yes.” You huff in honest disbelief.
  56. >”It’s the least I can do for a shy, sweet guy like you. I’d be glad to go on a date with you.”
  57. >…
  58. >And just like that, the situation started zooming by you faster than you are able to manage it.
  59. >You have to pick something nice to wear.
  60. >You showered an extra time today, same with brushing your teeth.
  61. >Which restaurant did Rarity say she wanted to go to again?
  62. >God damn it, why couldn’t she just have said no?!
  63. >Like, she’s hot as hell, but you… just weren’t fucking prepared for this!
  64. >The place you have to drive to isn’t that far.
  65. >Feels like it was only a couple of minutes ago when you asked Rarity out a couple of days ago and she said yes.
  66. >Said yes to your surprise dismay.
  67. >You struggle to keep your tie properly fixed.
  68. >Spraying something into your mouth to keep bad breath away.
  69. >You’re panicking.
  70. >There’s really no reason to panic, but at the same time, there’s EVERY reason to panic.
  71. >This situation crept up on you by surprise, and now you’re walking through the front doors.
  72. >What kind of date would you be if you got too nervous to come, and stood her up?
  73. >Hell, that’d make everyone at school hate you, doing something like *that*.
  74. >”Yoohoo!” Rarity is already sat at the restaurant table, waving over to you.
  75. >What the hell, why did she have to say yes to a date?
  76. >Should you nerf the whole operation on purpose so she doesn’t officially become your girlfriend?
  77. >What happens if she likes you too much?
  78. >What if you have to meet her parents?
  79. >There’s no backing out of it now.
  80. >Date 1: The BIG First Date.
  81. >”Oooh, Anonymous! I really like that tie.” Compliments Rarity as you anxiously rest yourself into the cushioned bench of the corner booth.
  82. >You smile.
  83. >”I certainly hope I didn’t stress you out by picking a date so soon.” She continues.
  84. “Oh I’m fine. I’m fine. Just a bit nervous.”
  85. >”It’s quite alright, darling. We don’t have to go too in-depth with conversation this time if you don’t want to.”
  86. >Now you finally look up at Rarity.
  87. >The vibrant light blue top she has on spans all the way up to her neck, luckily not showing even a bit of her cleavage.
  88. >This really makes things easier for you.
  89. >Though Rarity’s shoulders are completely bare and this top’s “arm holes” basically just imply it’s a backless top from what you can tell.
  90. >And her lovely busty chest is still tightly accented by the front of that top anyway.
  91. >Rarity’s smooth perfect skin alone is enough to get you feeling some type of way.
  92. >”The menus are right over here, dear.” Rarity pulls one of them out of the slot next to the table’s bottle of ketchup.
  93. >You already know you’re just going to get yourself a simple burger and lemonade if they have that here.
  94. >Saves time and effort… if they have that here.
  95. >”Is this your first time being on a date?” Asks Rarity.
  96. “Yeah.”
  97. >”Alright, then. Well I’m sure you’ll have the hang of it by the end of tonight. It’s perfectly normal to be nervous, darling.”
  98. “How many times have you been on a date?” You don’t bother putting into question whether she’s ever been on a date at all before.
  99. >”A couple of times.” She responds.
  100. >The conversation quickly turns into favorite things ping-pong.
  101. >The standard topics might as well be bouncing off of the table between the two of you.
  102. >Favorite movie, favorite color, favorite type of music, etc.
  103. >Of course Rarity would enjoy watching that movie The Devil Wears Prada, why wouldn’t she?
  104. >The fork in Rarity’s hand is neatly pinched between her fingers after your food finally arrives.
  105. >The pasta she had ordered gets twirled into the fork’s hold very neatly.
  106. >You can’t help but watch how Rarity does this with her hand so well.
  107. >Even her very movements make you feel like a slob in comparison.
  108. >”If only skipping gym class were an option.” Rarity casually complains before taking another sip from her drink. “I don’t believe students should be *forced* to work up a sweat if they’re already healthy enough as they are.”
  109. “You’re saying there isn’t anything at all you find fun about gym class?”
  110. >”Maybe if our uniforms weren’t so tacky. But then again, I don’t want to imagine something that looks better getting sweat all over it. I prefer everything stay as clean as possible.”
  111. “Well the uniforms are more about function instead of appearance.” You ride along with the topic Rarity herself started.
  112. >”Oh, I still understand that. But I would say the function of the uniforms we have doesn’t compare to a full elastic body suit.”
  113. >Rarity goes on to rant about aerodynamics and wind resistance, and which fabrics allow more air passage so loose arm and leg holes wouldn’t be as necessary.
  114. >Mentally redesigning the school mandated gym uniforms into her own rendition she thinks would both work and look a lot better.
  115. >”But I digress.” Rarity concludes. “I couldn’t imagine the toll that would take on the school’s budget.”
  116. “Yeah, I was wondering about that.”
  117. >”I suppose it’s just one of those things I can’t help but daydream about. While being forced to play dodgeball and rock climb.”
  118. “I guess I can’t blame you for not finding those things fun.” You build off of it. “Wouldn’t be fair to assume everyone should like that. I actually used to hate rock climbing.”
  119. >”You did too?”
  120. “Heights make me uneasy.”
  121. >”Oh, TELL me about it!” Rarity’s voice grows enthusiastic as her eyes lock with yours in full agreement of what you just told her.
  122. >You begin to feel warm and fuzzy inside having found something you and Rarity connect over so closely.
  123. >It feels so great to completely agree with her about how you feel about heights, even if it is probably more common than you’re mentally giving it credit for right now.
  124. >The way she calls you “darling” on occasion begins to sound more and more personal.
  125. >Like you’re listening to her gradually getting used to you in real time, through the sound of her voice.
  126. >You had started this date off quietly and non-talkative.
  127. >But you can’t even remember any of those moments now that you’ve really starting to vibe with Rarity.
  128. >Notice that you’re clearing your plate off faster than she is.
  129. >If it were a race, you just won and she’s still on the home stretch.
  130. >But by the time the two of you go on to talk about your favorite animals, barely a crumb of food is wasted.
  131. >Probably because the two of you only got small dishes to eat; you had settled for a salad due to the burgers here looking too big for your nervous self to finish all the way.
  132. >Both of your voices don’t go above the volume of the voices of anyone else in here amongst the restaurant chatter.
  133. >Rarity seems really good at keeping you at her level in a way.
  134. >As in, getting you to speak up if you were too quiet (and probably would have gotten a loud guy to quiet down if that were the case).
  135. >She politely prompts you to talk more about yourself.
  136. >”So would you say playing a sport in gym class is more fun than playing it officially after school?”
  137. “At least the after school part is optional.”
  138. >”You raise a fair point, darling.”
  139. “Maybe I just have more fun doing it in class where I have nothing else to do anyway.”
  140. >”What would you do somewhere you’d *rather* be that isn’t at school? Something less active?”
  141. “Honestly? Yeah. I’m not super into sports once I have an option to be somewhere or not.”
  142. >”Ah, then it looks like we fall on the same page.” Rarity warmly responds with a smile.
  143. >You can tell she’s actively trying to make you feel as comfortable as possible, but you appreciate that a lot.
  144. >You’ll choose this over being a nervous wreck any day.
  145. >It’s so fulfilling to know that right now, you’re comfortable talking to a really attractive girl, on a date with her.
  146. >The you from a week ago would have never guessed this would happen.
  147. >Part of current you is still in utter disbelief that this is happening to you.
  148. >But the rest of current you is enthralled to have this happen to you.
  149. >You can’t believe you’re starting to initiate the topics you and Rarity bring up together next, even long after you’re done with your food.
  150. >This has given you a massive boost to your confidence, this night. This date.
  151. >You’ve never felt so… on top of your own personal world.
  152. >Going on a date with a hot girl, with it happening outside of your fantasies.
  153. >This is really really real, and you can’t believe how much your nervousness about it has shrunk.
  154. >As soon as the two of you got the ball rolling, you’re talking for almost a full extra hour before it gets a little too late for Rarity to be out with a boy.
  155. >”Well since we both seem to enjoy casual walks outside, how about we choose the park for our next date?” Rarity suggests.
  156. “Our… next date?” You stare at her. “You really mean that?”
  157. >”I really enjoyed getting to know you a little bit tonight, Anon.”
  158. “I enjoyed getting to know you too, Rarity.”
  159. >You and her take and almost synchronized deep breath together.
  160. “So uh… how’d I do?” You ask.
  161. >”Hm?”
  162. “How’d I do for a first-timer?”
  163. >”You did wonderfully, darling.” Rarity tells you. “I think you’ll learn everything you need about how to treat a lady on a date after we meet a second time.”
  164. >There’s a short pause.
  165. >”I have to say, I’m really starting to like you a lot.”
  166. >Rarity’s really starting to like you a lot.
  167. >The effect of her saying that courses through your body little by little the more you think about it.
  168. >You can almost sense her… legs opening up in the future.
  169. >A little ashamed that your mind is now going there after all of the intricate and platonic conversation the two of you just shared.
  170. >But the mere newfound POSSIBILITY of getting laid with Rarity in the future drops into your mind, weighing it down and dragging it into the gutter.
  171. >Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel of virginity is even more promising than you imagined.
  172. >A hot girl like *Rarity* being down for you?
  173. >You better prepare to keep yourself maintained almost as dedicatedly as she does.
  174. >Maybe that’s a great way to better yourself…
  175. >Maybe something like that was Rarity’s intention, except in a less skip-to-third-base kind of way:
  176. >She agreed to go on a date with you to your surprise, so you’d get at least some experience with a girl of her caliber instead of never gaining any experience at all.
  177. >The latter might have happened as far as Rarity is concerned… a rejection could have sent you into a state of never wanting to ask a girl out again from fear of re-experiencing rejection.
  178. >And you’d have never learned anything about how to treat a lady.
  179. >Rarity’s probably doing this to give you a chance to actually gain experience and work your shyness and awkwardness out.
  180. >As a sort of a favor to help you get more comfortable around girls and the idea of dating them.
  181. >”Is everything alright, dear?”
  182. >You return to the immediate reality right in front of you.
  183. “Oh yeah, I’m fine.”
  184. >”I suppose you really like me a lot too?”
  185. “A lot.”
  186. >Rarity responds with a quiet giggle.
  187. >The two of you pay for your food and soon leave before it gets too dark outside and late on the clock.
  188. >But not before you’re reminded of your own libido-driven nature while sitting at the table talking to Rarity.
  189. >You can’t help but notice the slight bumps poking through made by what are undoubtably Rarity’s nipples.
  190. >This makes you instantly visualize what Rarity’s breasts would look like if made bare in front of you.
  191. >Now that you have this frame of reference.
  192. >Many times before the two of you stand up, you pray Rarity didn’t catch you glancing down at her chest.
  193. >And throw all the non-sexual bonding you just shared with her into question.
  194. >As she soon leads you out the door, not only do you have confirmation that Rarity’s top is indeed backless, but direct confirmation that Rarity is indeed braless.
  195. >The smooth perfect skin of Rarity’s bare back you’ve never seen this much of before mesmerizes you so.
  196. >You can stare as much as you want as long as she’s walking in front and facing away…
  197. >Swinging her hips, part of her beautiful hourglass figure she has been naturally blessed with.
  198. >And when you’re standing outside the restaurant together, you notice the chilly night air has sided with your horny hopes.
  199. >It’s getting easier to see Rarity’s hardening braless nipples poking out through her top…
  200. >If she ever did notice this happening to her, it wasn’t until after both of you got into your cars and left separately.
  201. ~
  202. >Dates 2 and 3: The smaller ones.
  203. >The smaller ones that happen before a monkey wrench is thrown into everything.
  204. >But date 2 had a lot more important things said, and they all started coming out in a way you didn’t expect.
  205. >First, you meet Rarity at the park on a cool late morning this time.
  206. >She’s wearing another blue top, but this one is one of her tops you recognize from school.
  207. >And it’s one of those tops that isn’t designed to go up to her neck this time.
  208. >The upper front is low cut enough to show a bit of Rarity’s cleavage.
  209. >This is the first thing you notice when you walk up to her.
  210. >Level 2 sure is gonna be a lot harder than level 1.
  211. >”Oh you absolutely must see some of the locations I’ve memorized here!” Says Rarity with her hand already gently gripping your wrist and pulling.
  212. >The wrist gripping soon turns into hand-holding as you and Rarity take a stroll through the large park full of grassy fields and scattered trees together.
  213. >You tingle a little to the feeling.
  214. >Holding Rarity’s hands like this.
  215. >Locking fingers.
  216. >Rarity cutely swings her hand locked with yours forward and back
  217. >”The trees here look absolutely gorgeous during the spring, darling. Don’t they?” Rarity peers up at the flourishing cherry blossoms.
  218. “Yeah, they’re pretty.” You respond..
  219. >You can see that Rarity is wearing a bra this time.
  220. >But now her top shows her cleavage.
  221. >Her tight skirt shows off her shapely behind.
  222. >Your eyes struggle to stay on her face while she’s talking to you.
  223. >But despite your hormonal nature, you manage.
  224. >But Rarity’s hourglass curves tempt you when you are lucky enough to find her facing away from you.
  225. >”So how do you feel now?” Asks Rarity as she leads the way down a gravel path past a few more cherry blossom trees.
  226. “What do you mean?”
  227. >”Not as nervous this time?”
  228. “Not at all, actually. Yeah.”
  229. >Rarity blinks with a kind laugh. “I knew you’d come out of your shell sooner rather than later. I could see it in you. You’re a lot more sincere than other boys. That’s what I like about you.”
  230. “I just try my best to not screw things up.”
  231. >”It’s a shame that trait isn’t as common anymore.” Conveys Rarity, squeezing your hand just a little bit tighter. “So many boys out there nowadays seem to be preoccupied with trying too hard in different ways. What I like about you is that you simply stayed yourself.”
  232. “I wouldn’t know what you mean by that. I don’t talk to a lot of people, not even other guys so much.”
  233. >”Let me put it this way, darling.” Starts Rarity. “I’ve noticed that a number of guys are either artificially nice, or artificially mean. And they think their motives can’t be figured out, but it becomes clear after talking with them for a while. It takes a little bit of intuition, but it’s eventually easy to tell if someone’s putting up an act, so to speak. I’m not mad at boys for it, but it does usually feel insincere.”
  234. >You think back to the restaurant.
  235. >Where you, having previously expected rejection, figured you wouldn’t even try to make the date go in any direction except wherever Rarity wanted it to go.
  236. >But then didn’t want to ruin the moment when Rarity agreed to share a date with you a date with you.
  237. >The two of you are sitting at a park bench together now, letting the gentle flower petals falling from the cherry blossom trees flutter down and ever so delicately land on both of you.
  238. >As birds chirp not too far away and a distant lawnmower hums in the further distance.
  239. >”What lots of boys don’t realize is that us girls know exactly what’s going on. They’re *trying* too hard to influence what our next decision will be. Whether it’s to say yes to a date with them, or to believe we have more in common than we actually do, or to eventually have sex with them which is the end game in lots of cases.”
  240. “I see.” You just let her continue, not saying much right now.
  241. >”We may not read your minds, but we can read your actions. We can read where your eyes go. We can read contradictions in stories about oneself. And it feels rather offensive when a boy assumes I’m not able to read those things and proceeds as though I’m entirely clueless.”
  242. >She sounds like she’s about to call you out for leering her; you knew she’d probably have noticed but didn’t want to say anything to not ruin the first date.
  243. >Maybe you’ll just own up to it now and let her tell you thanks and goodbye and let that be the end of this.
  244. >Then you can let the fact you went on a date and a half with Rarity get you some new buddies in school who sympathize with you for trying.
  245. “Yeah, about that.” You scratch the back of your head. “I’m really sorry about kind of doing that the other night. When I was looking down at… you like that. I should try to have more self-control.”
  246. >Rarity nods and looks over at you. “That right there, that’s what I like about you.”
  247. “Huh?”
  248. >”You didn’t even wait for me to address it myself. You didn’t try to see if you could hide the fact you did that. You’ve proven that you’re too honest with me for that. And *that* was only the icing on the cake.”
  249. “I uh, had a feeling you’d know.” You genuinely admit.
  250. >”This is the thing about you, Anon. You’re not *trying* incredibly hard to persuade me, or hide your honest missteps from me. I understand that boys will be boys and the can’t help it sometimes, but it kind of ruins it when you try to *hide* it like we don’t know. There’s nothing wrong with being imperfect in that regard as long as you’re willing to admit it. As long as it’s not excessive as well.”
  251. “You mean… excessive staring?” You don’t even know how you’re going to allow this date to fall through and be the last anymore now that Rarity herself sees something in you you didn’t expect.
  252. >”Absolutely. But you not only moderate yourself, but you entered this without over-reaching expectations. You didn’t go out of your way to try to convince me you’re the best possible guy for me… you actually listened to me, and then interacted more naturally.”
  253. >You begin to feel more and more amazing on the inside hearing Rarity say all of this about you, especially so after doing exactly what she described and entering this without many expectations.
  254. >”Darling, I don’t think you understand how refreshing that was. Going on a date with a boy like you.”
  255. >It was at this point when you realized that you were doomed to go on a third date with Rarity.
  256. >But you know what?
  257. >You really wouldn’t mind that at all.
  258. ~
  259. >On date 3, Rarity begins to complain more about the guys whom she describes as “artificially mean”.
  260. >After having described the guys who are artificially nice a week or two ago at the park, and contrasted you from them.
  261. >Actually nice guys who care for real don’t call themselves nice guys who care; they don’t have to.
  262. >But now mean jerks are the brief topic, the ones with so much self-pride for a multitude of reasons.
  263. >Who either never got rejected and are full of themselves and think they can act however they want around women and it won’t matter.
  264. >Or got rejected too many times and turned themselves into a metaphorical fortress who constantly proves they’re not swayed by women.
  265. >Or some compromise between the two…
  266. >Each are equally sad.
  267. >But this topic didn’t last long, and Rarity eventually just takes you clothes shopping with her.
  268. >The two of you are at the mall now, and Rarity is wearing her off-white top that still shows an amount of her cleavage especially if she leans forward.
  269. >If any of the further conversations you’ve had with Rarity so far have indicated anything, it’s that she only dresses the way she does because she’s… just dressing.
  270. >Girls just like to play around with their own style, and they don’t see their own bodies in a sexual way like boys do.
  271. >So it doesn’t really register with them as much as it does you when a girl wears something that shows off her cleavage.
  272. >Same goes for short skirts, tight lowriding pants, etc.
  273. >Talking to Rarity enough has helped you realize this to a degree you hadn’t before all of this, since she’s super into clothing and style.
  274. >You almost wanted to assume that she showed herself a little bit just to test you, but you figure that would be foolish to assume.
  275. >Rarity is currently taking you throughout department store after department store.
  276. >Now confident in your opinion about her style enough to ask you what you think about different outfits she tries on before buying them.
  277. >”I always felt red looks too gaudy on me.” Comments Rarity. “Light blue accents me better, would you agree?”
  278. “Light blue and light purple.” You tell her, three of her shopping bags in your hands that will bear the weight of them down the next few aisles.
  279. >”Oh, it’s so splendid that you’ve been paying attention!” Rarity expresses her enthusiasm. “Are you sure you don’t want to shop for you next? I can help you pick out outfits that work best for you.”
  280. “I don’t want you to have to spend money on me.” You politely decline. “But I’m more than happy to give a second opinion on your outfits you want to buy yourself.”
  281. >You’re looking forward to seeing Rarity in more and more different lewd outfits, lots of which show off a lot of skin.
  282. >As Rarity *encourages* you to look at her body.
  283. >And there’s a reason why you’re thinking about it this way this time.
  284. >In truth, you’ve been hoping this whole thing you and Rarity started together would eventually lead to intimacy.
  285. >Whether that’s a month down the road, or a year down the road, a girl as divinely sexy as Rarity would be absolutely worth it.
  286. >You started off jacking off right before each date to clear your head of any sexual thoughts, so you wouldn’t be glancing down at Rarity’s body like the closeted pervert you’re still somewhat convinced you are.
  287. >At least after the way you’ve still been thinking about Rarity and the outfits she wears.
  288. >But then you remembered what she said, the thing about trying too hard.
  289. >Maybe it’ll help you more to stop jerking off so much, because it might condition your mind to remember all of the places it went to while doing that *right before* a date… while on the date.
  290. >Maybe it’ll help your genuineness more if you just build up your natural resistance to horny thoughts by taking the brunt of it and learning to mitigate them all directly.
  291. >So now, you haven’t beat your meat in almost an entire week now, solely to let your true self come out so you can surprise-discipline him.
  292. >It’s making all of the outfits look even BETTER on Rarity, plus it might make you perform a lot better if you two ever do have sex.
  293. >And if this doesn’t work out, you’ve got endless new mental images to fap to for years to come.
  294. >Which might take your mind off of being so *into* other girls more than they’d be comfortable with.
  295. >But that part is after this point this starts feeling like a massive reach in logic.
  296. >Nevertheless, watching Rarity’s sexy body grace the fabrics of countless nice looking outfits that showcase the beautiful curves and softness of her body has made this mall-date feel like it lasted a lot shorter than FOUR HOURS.
  297. >Lugging around all these shopping bags just feels like a workout for you, and your heightened arousal-encouraged testosterone helps you enjoy this too.
  298. >You’ll be honest, you LOVE dating Rarity.
  299. >But you can already tell she’s not going to put out any time soon.
  300. >Even outside of what you’ve hear her say about guys expecting girls to put out, she doesn’t give off the vibe of easiness at all, which shouldn’t have been hard to tell.
  301. >But honestly?
  302. >That is perfectly okay.
  303. >You’re starting to really like being around Rarity in a non-sexual way.
  304. >She’s helping you improve yourself.
  305. >You’re showering a lot more often, you’re styling your hair, you’re being more social, you’re becoming the type of guy you wished you’d become.
  306. >All due to Rarity’s guidance.
  307. >After the mall date ends with you helping Rarity haul her shopping bags into her car, she already has intentions to date you a fourth time.
  308. >She REALLY likes being around you, and conversing with you, and watching how genuine you display your demeanor as.
  309. >She respects you because you *actually* respect her despite your horniness you’ve kept bottled up even since the beginning.
  310. >And everything’s great.
  311. >And if this eventually leads to sex down the road in this relationship, then hell fucking yeah.
  312. >You already know you’d stay interested in Rarity even after that, which you assume was something she might have been concerned about regarding your motives as well.
  313. >Going off of a bit of what she’s told you.
  314. >Rarity wouldn’t want to date a guy who’s only in it for sex and would stop pretending to be interested in her and the things she’s passionate about the next day after they finally sleep together.
  315. >You can perfectly see why Rarity would see that as not only disingenuous, but also just straight up disrespectful.
  316. >Honestly, you wouldn’t want a girl doing that with you either.
  317. >Relationships are a team effort built on trust and honesty.
  318. >And that’s what you and Rarity have started together here.
  319. >Would be a shame if some new event derailed this.
  320. ~
  321. >Before the fourth date, Rarity suggests that the two of you are finally ready to meet eachother’s parents.
  322. >This is how you know she’s actually getting *really* serious now.
  323. >She hasn’t even decided where the two of you are going to go yet, but you’re going to meet her at her house to pick her up and drive her while she decides with you where you two want to go.
  324. >And while you’re there, you can meet Rarity’s mother.
  325. >…
  326. >In the living room of the place, Rarity’s mother, Cookie Crumbles, is currently engaged in her usual session of yoga.
  327. >Dressed in recently cleaned clothes and resting her yoga mat atop the recently cleaned carpet beneath it, Cookie takes deep breaths and once again makes her muscles and tendons leans just like how they were when she was younger.
  328. >she missed feeling this loose, after so many years of being on tight schedules and, on occasions, tight budgets.
  329. >Cookie misses being a teenager.
  330. >No responsibilities, slim, limber, full of energy and hope in her eyes for the future, much less stress over things that actually matter in life…
  331. >She could go on and on about how she misses when she was in high school.
  332. >Yoga and just stretching and exercise in general is the perfect way for her to unwind and forget about her long history of adult life so far.
  333. >Her smooth lotioned-up skin softly glows in the afternoon light shining through the window, illuminating her vibe as she slowly breathes in and out.
  334. >stretching her arms, stretching her legs, stretching her core as her beep breaths relax her more and more.
  335. >Cookie Crumbles has entered her zen zone.
  336. >Mind falling away from not only the worried but also the logic and reasoning of the real world as she only does the tings that make her body feel… good…
  337. >It’s like revisiting an old friend: her past self.
  338. >Her easy-going past self who was more flexible and energetic.
  339. >Cookie Crumbles has indeed been a little bummed out about letting her figure go a little bit after so many years of adulthood, but that’s just something that comes with life as one gets a little older.
  340. >She’s read tons of articles on the internet about it… it’s perfectly normal for both women and men to go through.
  341. >One of the most common remedies for stress and losing shape Cookie had sen popping up was simple exercise and yoga, along with eating healthy foods every day, which should be an obvious answer.
  342. >And so, Cookie Crumbles bought herself a yoga mat, started up a few sessions of smelling the flowers while revisiting her teenage self in spirit.
  343. >And now here she is achieving a transcendent state where there is neither suffering, desire, nor self of self.
  344. >Feels like 1991 again as all the memories of what was going on in Cookie’s life at the time come rushing back into her mind as she stretches her body in serene silence.
  345. >…
  346. >To this very day, you STILL haven’t waxed your carrot for a while now, having been prolonging the little thing you’ve been doing.
  347. >You’re standing outside after having received a text from Rarity that a fashion agency had contacted her and needed her to attend something right away, so she’s going to be running late.
  348. >But she left the front door unlocked for you.
  349. >With this, you enter her house, eventually finding your way towards the living room as a woman’s voice calls out to you, having heard you entering.
  350. “Hello?” You answer. “Rarity told me I can come inside to wait.”
  351. >”Oh you must be Rarity’s boyfriend! I’m Cookie Crumbles, Rarity’s mother. You can come right on in! I don’t mind.”
  352. >You weren’t prepared to meet Rarity’s mother so soon, but here it goes.
  353. “Hi, I’m-“ You begin before the sight before you ambushes your curious eyes by surprise.
  354. >Cookie Crumbles likes to do yoga.
  355. >Loosen up her muscles and stuff.
  356. >And she also likes to wear yoga pants along with a clingy tank top.
  357. >Thing is, this tank top must be from when she was Rarity’s age.
  358. >At her own age, Cookie Crumbles’s body has become really *really* developed.
  359. >As a fully grown and proven fertile adult woman having to work with such an ensemble of completely developed assets and features.
  360. >No teen-sized bra could hope to properly fit over Cookie Crumbles’s massive soft boobs over-filling up the front of that improperly fitting tank top from ages ago.
  361. >Rarity had certainly inherited her hourglass form from Cookie Crumbles.
  362. >Almost two decades of non-stop slowing adult lifestyle has thickened this woman’s body out.
  363. >Widening her hourglass shape.
  364. >Packing lots of cushioning onto her buttcheeks wrapped up in those tight leggings.
  365. >The slight but obvious muffintopping going on around the waistband of her leggings teases more of Cookie’s softness to you.
  366. >Her smooth arms and shoulders are also noticeably thick and soft to the touch.
  367. >The thin spaghetti string straps on Cookie’s shoulders pressing into that soft skin are the only things keeping those heaving fully developed adult breasts from spilling all the way out into the open.
  368. >Cookie’s bountiful swaying breasts overstuffing her stressed lowcut tank top boast more deep busty cleavage than her teenage daughter Rarity could ever hope to.
  369. >All of this *body*… wonderfully clothed in an outfit just a little bit too small for keeping these wide soft curves from letting their sexiness shine through without intention.
  370. >Cookie asks you if you’re okay but you can’t process her words at first.
  371. >All you know is that you want her soft fertile womanly form on top of your trembling body…
  372. >Pinning you down on the floor under Cookie’s soft curvy body weight~
  373. >”Are you okay?” She repeats.
  374. “I’m fine.”
  375. >”I see Rarity has good taste in boys.” Cookie says to you.
  376. >She’s too into her zen zone to register the nature of anything she’s saying or doing.
  377. >All she knows is that she’s been feeling like her early 20s again for the past 20 minutes.
  378. “I’m just waiting for Rarity to come back.” You melt a little.
  379. >”Oh I know.”
  380. >You anxiously clench your fists behind your back, unable to think any more clearly than Cookie in her overly relaxed state.
  381. >”You look tense.” Cookie observes your awkward posture. “Would you like to join me?”
  382. >You say no in your head.
  383. “I’d love to.”
  384. >Having answered on your behalf, your stiffening member begins pushing against the inside of your underwear, as any guy would have the same happen.
  385. >”Well get on down here, dear. I could use a hand with a few of these positions.”
  386. >She doesn’t notice your rapidly growing erection bulge you’re feeling intensifying and thinking for you.
  387. >Walk over and begin lowering yourself down to the floor with Cookie Crumbles.
  388. >Your jittery caution cycles through countless emotions at once, unable to find the right one.
  389. >Because Horny is throwing everything out of balance; struggle against it as your member threatens full erection inside your underwear.
  390. >Cookie greets you as you become eye-to-eye with her, eagerly welcoming your presence into her personal space…
  391. >Try to resist, but the growing tension in the front of your pants insists itself.
  392. >The front of your underwear feels tighter in front…
  393. >When really all it’s trying to do is contain your riled up member.
  394. >There is a tie for hardest thing in the room.
  395. >Between your still concealed penis stiffening while trying to stand all the way up in your underwear, and resisting the mounting urge to glance at Cookie Crumbles’s soft and VERY exposed cleavage of her busty chest.
  396. >Each are increasing together.
  397. >So many days of restraint are put into a surprising amount of question you didn’t expect.
  398. >Rarity couldn’t hope to be this thick and cuddle-able in just the right way…
  399. >Everything you got a glance at from afar is now far inside of arm’s reach of you.
  400. >And you’re not supposed to even look down at all *that* Cookie Crumbles has got going on.
  401. >She doesn’t see your erection because she’s also being respectful and not looking down at your body.
  402. >Even the sight of her smooth shoulders that are softly pressed on by the spaghetti strings of that undersized tank top is enough to get you visibly shaking.
  403. >You rest on the clean living room carpet with Cookie Crumbles as your heart beats faster and faster.
  404. >Some more of the blood pumping through your veins gets redirected to your privates.
  405. >Send in pleading mental commands to cease this recurring detour of your blood flow.
  406. >Only to feel it happen more.
  407. >Your body is so close to Cookie Crumbles’s body…
  408. >You can hear her quietly breathing.
  409. >”Come on, Anon, lean back for me…”
  410. >You do as she says.
  411. >Barely minutes into the moment you first met and Cookie is already gently placing her hand on your chest.
  412. >Delicately pushing you backwards next to her.
  413. >”You’re shaking like crazy, hon.” Cookie says to you as she lies on her back next to you.
  414. “I’m just a little tense is all.” You lie on your back as well.
  415. >Both of you now stare up at the ceiling.
  416. >The round circular ceiling lights of the living room are off but their glass reflects the sunlight coming in through the large windows doing their job for them.
  417. >In an abstract way, they’re still turned on whether they mean to be or not.
  418. >Look over towards Cookie to discover a perfect view “into” her tank top at her cleavage.
  419. >Cookie’s massive soft breasts sway a little as she shifts around on her back getting comfortable.
  420. >Barely even bound by their partial containment.
  421. >You KNOW she’s braless because you’ve just noticed the slight bumps poking through the fabric, giving away where the BEST part of this view lies still hidden…
  422. >Your member welcomes more and more blood rushing in as what you see overrides what you’re trying to think.
  423. >And now you can only think about burying your face in those things.
  424. >Ripping the front of that lewd revealing tank top out of the way~…
  425. >Closing the distance inside her personal space: burying your face into Cookie’s soft boobies…
  426. >”Nervous about your next date?”
  427. “A little.” You slightly shiver. “Was mostly just only nervous the first time.”
  428. >”Oh I’m sure. Rarity has always been such a sweet young lady. Knows how to make her company around others meaningful.”
  429. “Yeah. She really helped me come out of my shell.”
  430. >Cookie Crumbles smiles having heard you say that, knowing more people in the world have seen what a lovely person she has raised Rarity to become.
  431. >”Don’t worry about buying her too many expensive things.” Cookie says to you. “She’s only materialistic when it come to getting things for herself. Rarity has a niche taste in style and possessions she is probably aware most don’t understand. Which is true for most.”
  432. “That’s pretty much what she told me.” You recall. “She’s more interested in the gesture in something. Right?”
  433. >”Absolutely, dear!” Cookie’s voice heightens very slightly. “I see you’ve been listening to her very well.”
  434. “She always has something great to say.”
  435. >”She always does. I hope you two find yourselves bonding closer and closer.”
  436. >Your eyes have to keep getting pried away from her, from Cookie’s sexy exposed cleavage.
  437. >Praying she can’t see how horny for her you are.
  438. >Cookie meanwhile thinks back to when she was Rarity’s age and dating.
  439. >When she was slim and more active in the late 1990s, having felt old then compared to her younger teen self just a few years prior.
  440. >Boys would be nervous around her, pretending they’re not staring at her cleavage she sometimes happened to show.
  441. >She would still be nice to them, because it’s nice to be nice.
  442. >While hoping they wouldn’t take it the wrong way and think it automatically meant she wanted to date them immediately.
  443. >She was afraid they’d ask her out because of that, and she’d have to say no and surprise-break their hearts.
  444. >She’s glad she luckily raised Rarity in a way where she understood this and wanted to at least try to keep it from happening when approached by a guy who looked like he wouldn’t be able to take it.
  445. >Lord knows what that unfortunate circumstance ends up turning young men towards these days.
  446. >In the age of excessive anime and video game conditioning from a young age.
  447. >She’d blame the companies for putting profit over what they might do to younger generations, but she’s too in her zen zone right now to think too negatively.
  448. >Cookie Crumbles doesn’t realize her now-more-than-ever soft busty cleavage attracts a pair of young male eyes still today.
  449. >Alone in her own house with him as he’s waiting for a date with her daughter.
  450. >Not aware how affected he is by learning who Rarity got her goods from.
  451. >”Anyway, you seem really tense. Stretch a little to loosen up a bit before you’re out with Rarity.”
  452. “Okay…”
  453. >”First trick is to get your center above your head.” Suggests Cookie.
  454. >You pull your phone out of your pocket and rest it on the carpet pretty far beside you.
  455. “My… center?”
  456. >”Your core. You know, your tummy area. Get it elevated above your head. Let me show you.”
  457. >Cookie Crumbles raises her entire pelvic area as you observe.
  458. >The bottom of her small tight tank top slightly wanders up her midriff.
  459. >Your eyes wander all over her smooth skin getting partially exposed.
  460. >Right when you felt like your boner had started to go away, this happened.
  461. >Cookie’s top revealing her soft kissable tummy and lower back then riding even further up.
  462. >But what’s causing this only adds to how hot it is.
  463. >Cookie’s huge luscious boobs half-inside her tight little tank top are what drags it up her midriff as they shift upwards towards her face to gravity’s command…
  464. >Those big soft swaying mounds of adult femininity try to spill out of the top of her tank top entirely, but are packed tightly enough into their fabric prison to pull it with them and drag it up Cookie’s fertile, developed womanly body~
  465. >The bottom gets dragged up enough to half expose her bellybutton…
  466. >You stay still as a statue watching Cookie Crumbles keep her pelvic area elevated far above her head as she starts pushing back at the carpeted floor with her palms.
  467. >Is this just called a handstand or something else?
  468. >Your brain doesn’t have enough blood in it to think.
  469. >Eyes fixated on Cookie’s sexy body lazily but tightly wrapped up in a revealing tank top and tight leggings.
  470. >Bent up in a bow position facing up for you.
  471. >Cookie’s soft bountiful breasts, the part of her body most susceptible to gravity, still threaten to spill all the way out of her revealing little tank top~
  472. >You scan Cookie’s smooth soft skin of her wonderful chest, almost expecting to see a sliver of areolae peeking out for you…
  473. >Part of you needs it to happen, part of you needs it to not happen.
  474. >”Very good, Anon.” Comments Cookie as she watches you raise your pelvic area before you realized you were doing so.
  475. >Your erect bulge juts up towards the ceiling, just a slight fabric loosening away from being flung all the way up into a proper tent.
  476. >Your hands are busy keeping you balanced, so there’s nothing you can do to even shield your noticeable in-pants erection from Cookie is she even does so much as glance over at you.
  477. >You’re in a position more suited for if you desperately wanted her to see that you have an erection.
  478. >Just letting your stiff bulge proudly assert its presence through your pants.
  479. >”Now just stay like this and take a few deep breaths.”
  480. >You nervously keep your crotch high in the air, with the view of your obvious hard-on helplessly up there in the open…
  481. >Just as in the open as Cookie’s very exposed cleavage spilling out of the upper front of her lewd little tank top as she’s tilted almost upside down…
  482. >”Rarity’s lucky to have a nice guy like you.” Strains Cookie as she stays in her upward bridge position facing up.
  483. >You gotta figure out how to get out of this position fast before she sees how hard you are.
  484. >Let yourself fall down, surprised at yourself for having unknowingly raised yourself up to begin with.
  485. >Almost like your body is making your decisions for you…
  486. >”You alright?”
  487. “Yeah. Just a little weak right now.”
  488. >Boy we’re you ever…
  489. >”It’s okay, you can just spot me for my tougher positions you want.” Cookie has no way of noticing your eyes now freely exploring all over her body.
  490. >Every time Cookie has to reposition her hands and balance herself, her soft massive breasts do a little bit of jiggling while half-inside her extremely revealing tank top.
  491. >Her round tightly concealed buttocks in those leggings pushes outward even in this position.
  492. >Her bellybutton is all the way exposed now; you almost salivate over Cookie’s bare midriff begging you to wrap your arms around and bury your face in her soft tummy~
  493. >You have to be strong and outlast this only until Rarity arrives and breaks this moment apart by making her presence known at the front door.
  494. >Restraint is the thing that made you powerful when thinking about Rarity.
  495. >All you need to do is have Cookie talk about her daughter more and the day is saved!
  496. >As well as the date.
  497. >How the hell are you going to lie to Rarity with a straight face?
  498. >You can’t.
  499. >You’re too honest for your own good.
  500. >This is what motivates you to keep yourself strong for real.
  501. >You can do this, Anon!
  502. >Sure, your own lust is a tough villain, but you’ve got Rarity’s arrival coming swooping in to save you after you’ve made it far enough.
  503. >That sound of the doorbell will be music to your ears.
  504. >The sound of your already established date with Rarity being your theme song as you resist your own lust and keep yourself on track like you’ve always been.
  505. >Cookie Crumbles now rests herself back down to the floor with you.
  506. >Facing you as you face her, unintentionally reminding you how close you both are in eachother’s personal space.
  507. >”I’m sure Rarity will be here soon.” Says Cookie.
  508. >Your phone lights up with a text right as she says this:
  509. >[I will be done with the agency shortly. Hopefully the heavy rain over here won’t be too long. I will tell you all about what I was just offered on our date! <3]
  510. >Out the window, a gentle few drops of rain start to become noticeable.
  511. >The outskirts of heavier rain about a 20 minute drive away but rapidly approaching across the skies.
  512. >[They're saying they want to see my whole portfolio on social media real quick, but I promise I’ll head over as soon as I can. Hopefully the roads won’t be too wet to drive fast.] Another Rarity text comes in.
  513. >The rain outside begins to intensify.
  514. >That doorbell ain’t sounding any time soon.
  515. >You’re left fighting your own erect lust glancing as Cookie’s sexy exposed cleavage in her undersized tank top…
  516. >Up against a tough villain, but getting overwhelmed, and your theme doesn’t start playing, and it’s starting to rain.
  517. >Cookie’s beautiful cleavage tauntingly wobbles for you some more as she leans forward on all fours.
  518. >Your poor eyes just couldn’t resist giving those breasts a long blatant stare.
  519. >The way she’s crawling in your direction across the smooth white carpet must carry some level of intention in it at least.
  520. >You start to try crab walking away, but your raging erection found a way to proudly stand all the way up inside of your underwear.
  521. >A wanting surge freezes you in place as Cookie closes in on you on the floor.
  522. >Everything in this room is perfectly clean.
  523. >The pale walls, the silky carpet, Cookie’s newly washed, softly creasing clothes on her curvy womanly body.
  524. >Her mind is in a serene place, too lost there to not feel exhilarated getting closer to you.
  525. >You’re a friendly forest dweller to her, someone she’s just so glad to be in the comforting company of.
  526. >No longer alone in her meditation but welcomes friends like you.
  527. >Her happy smile stays right in front of your face.
  528. >The proximity of Cookie’s sexy body to yours gives off a physical almost magnetic attraction.
  529. >She rests very close to you on the floor, ready to brush against you on purpose like a cat.
  530. >She raises her smooth shoulder, inviting you onto her soft silky skin from your presence filling her with so much comfy joy.
  531. >”Could you spot me?” Asks Cookie Crumbles.
  532. >Her intention is to do a handstand, not to figure out whether or not you’re thinking of another kind of “spotting her”.
  533. >Obediently, you grab her knees and help her into a handstand position.
  534. >Fighting back numerous inner urges to start… grabbing her…
  535. >Your fully erect manmeat is nearly poking Cookie’s soft tummy through your pants.
  536. >Does she see this going on?
  537. >When she breathes out, her tummy presses against the tip of your tent, emitting a gulp out of you.
  538. >This is what makes your legs feel weaker and weaker as all of *that* is right up against you.
  539. >Her breaths invite you deeper into her personal space.
  540. >Hold her legs together as she proceeds with her handstand, trying not to jab your stiff bulge against her soft tummy the best you can.
  541. >At least any more times.
  542. >You can't imagine a reality in which she didn't feel that happen a couple of times.
  543. >Maybe all you can hope for is that she didn't really process exactly what it was she felt because she's just not thinking about it that way.
  544. >Or at least you HOPE she's not thinking about it that way.
  545. >Cookie's groan gets you feeling something for her, imagining things you'd do to get her to sound like that on your own accord.
  546. >A bit of shakiness has entered your breath along with jitteriness throughout your body after she lets you rest her back down upon the plush carpet.
  547. >It takes a lot of strength not to glance back down at Cookie's delicious cleavage beckoning you to just enjoy that incredible rack of hers.
  548. >Just wonderfully packed into the front of that small sexy tank top.
  549. >"You want to try a handstand next?" She offers.
  550. "N-no thanks." You envision how quickly she'd discover your flagpole in your pants if this happened.
  551. >She’s probably going to discover it one way or another no matter what.
  552. >Especially after asking for your help with another position.
  553. >Cookie perches her juicy body over you.
  554. >The rain outside begins to patter against the roof and the ground harder and harder.
  555. >A rush of cautious tranquility tries it’s best to wash over you as you lie on your back under the smooth and soft under-dressed woman.
  556. >Horny panic grows stronger and stronger inside of you.
  557. >The urge to just physically interact with ALL THAT within groping distance is just…
  558. >”It’s okay…” Cookie smiles at you.
  559. >It’s easy to see how concerned about your tension she is.
  560. >Her eyes lock with yours in a protective gaze.
  561. >Her smile is unaware of the full mast in your pants you wish you knew how to make go back down.
  562. >The silky skin of Cookie’s soft shoulders is easy to glide your fingers down.
  563. >It feels so good to touch her skin directly.
  564. >It riles your inner nature up to feel Cookie’s bare skin in your gentle caress.
  565. >Wait… why are you stroking her shoulders to begin with?
  566. >It didn’t even occur to you until she reacted to it:
  567. >”Shoulder massage?” Cookie’s voice is cheerful and clueless.
  568. >You look up at her with a quick nod that only serves to go along with it.
  569. >Get your hands off her, Anon!
  570. >Think about how Rarity would feel about this…
  571. >You can barely see that part of your mind over the part experiencing how YOU feel about this.
  572. >You LOVE this!
  573. >Can’t even pull your curious hands away from Cookie’s shoulders.
  574. >She doesn’t protest against your inadvertent advances.
  575. >She almost invites them to persist with that arch of her back.
  576. >You watch Cookie Crumbles’s lovely fertile chest push itself outward in that tank that’s top trying its best to cover everything.
  577. >Do what you can to hold together your restraint Rarity helped you grow.
  578. >You’re too strong to just lose to your own self now.
  579. >But your erection in your pants refuses to agree with this.
  580. >The pale clean carpet below you feels like it’s keeping you magnetically pinned to it through the close-quarters proximity of Cookie Crumbles.
  581. >You’re too naturally conditioned to have your libido further and further set into motion from the mere intimate contact with this woman’s tempting smooth skin.
  582. >An irresistible preview of what *she* feels like as your hands massage her shoulders like you know you shouldn’t be.
  583. >Curse this for feeling so good, you’re not as loyal as you ought to be.
  584. >You’re morally supposed to save all of this for Rarity, but you’re naturally supposed to be weakened by all of *this* so your body does what it is designed to do.
  585. >There was a little bit of smalltalk resulting in you agreeing to balance Cookie with your legs while on your back.
  586. >Like she’s flying superhuman-style or something.
  587. >Your timidness doubles as her face is closer to yours.
  588. >Try not to let her gentle breath tickle you as her up-close presence clouds up what you were thinking of Rarity.
  589. >You were doing so well until you were introduced to the slight scent of Cookie’s perfume.
  590. >To the logic-sedating sound of her tank top’s clean fabric gently dragging across her smooth skin as she moves her body around.
  591. >”The idea is to balance me as long as you can.” Cookie says to you.
  592. >She gestures you to look down at what your arms and legs are doing.
  593. >But the soft curves and assets of her developed womanly body are partially in the way.
  594. >Not to mention how impossible it is to avoid staring at Cookie’s heaving, swaying soft cleavage spilling out of that small tank top.
  595. >This beautiful sight is too much for your erect member to resist.
  596. >Begin to visibly twitch in the front of your pants.
  597. >This outfit Cookie is boasting so up-close-and-personal to you feels just as tempting as her being naked across the room from you.
  598. >No choice but to stare right at her soft arousing chest up close while it continues to sexually charge you.
  599. >And do so right in front of her face as you briefly lift her up with your weakening legs.
  600. >”Come on, Anon. Just a little more.” Cookie focuses on encouraging you.
  601. >She’s intent on helping you out of your shell like her daughter had.
  602. >Wanting to show you you have no reason to be so tense and nervous around her.
  603. >Unaware that you’re really just scared of your own arousal making you susceptible to doing disloyal things.
  604. >”Anon… it’s gonna be hard for you to do this if you’re still massaging my shoulders.” Cookie comments as she feels your eager fingers make her tank top’s thin straps roll back and forth across her soft kryptonite-laced skin.
  605. >Her body weight over you helps you surrender to your own sexual thoughts more easily.
  606. >You’re naturally hardwire to help steer this situation towards getting those huge boobies to press down onto you.
  607. >You un-bend your legs under the pressure of her hips weakening your knees.
  608. >Down she goes, down she comes…
  609. >You didn’t figure where your stiff tent would end up…
  610. >Not until she seems to react to feeling your hard bulge interacting with her crotch through the front of her leggings.
  611. >Not through her kind words or facial expressions, but reflexively in the position she’s in on top of you.
  612. >Her pelvic area tries to pull away to be polite.
  613. >To give your erection some space and not to be further riled up by such forbidden contact.
  614. >”…Anon? Are you alright?”
  615. >You nod as your hands can’t stop enjoying Cookie’s bare shoulders.
  616. >Watch her soft swaying chest brush against your chest.
  617. >Eyes now shamelessly locked onto her exposed cleavage.
  618. >There is no room for coming up with some bogus explanation for your blatant leering now.
  619. >”Anon… is my… chest… distracting you?” Cookie starts to blush, somehow not registering your twitching meat giving your barely tamed arousal away against her clothed crotch.
  620. >Your eyes cannot be pulled away from that beautiful and hypnotic cleavage of hers.
  621. >Glued to the common-sense-defeating sight and feeling of those wonderfully hanging soft assets mashing down against your chest like a hydraulic press onto the final eggshell keeping your arousal inside.
  622. >The last of your resolve screams at you to push her back up and away from you with your arms, now that your legs are properly out of this fight.
  623. >But your arms are beyond your command as well.
  624. >The feeling of wrapping your arms around Cookie’s soft curvy body in a base-urges-fueled embrace was too much to resist.
  625. >Part of you pretends this isn’t happening to you.
  626. >But knows you have to acknowledge that it is if you want to escape th-
  627. >”Anon~”
  628. >Cookie’s voice now sounds more in-tune with the pouring rain outside.
  629. >Now that she feels your unprompted hug onto her sexy body as she has you effectively pinned on your back on the floor.
  630. >Both of you know this has nothing to do with yoga anymore.
  631. >You each know that the other knows this.
  632. >But Cookie is still trying to figure out a way to convince herself it still does relate to yoga.
  633. >While she slowly leglocks you…
  634. >This sounds the alarm and makes you jerk your hips trying to free yourself.
  635. >Only making your erect bulge interact with her crotch more through the clothes.
  636. >Desperate to somehow break through every layer of fabric and share a much needed penetration between sexes.
  637. >How long ago was Rarity’s text by now?
  638. >This is all you can think about anymore as Cookie Crumbles tightens her leglock upon you and squeezes you dry of the last of your restraint.
  639. >Defeated by your own sexual urges, you run your hands up and down her back…
  640. >The rim of your pants suspiciously gets tugged down a little.
  641. >Her dry humping that teases your imprisoned cock into going wild might not stay so dry for long…
  642. ~
  643. >The heavy rain bearing down on top of the commercial building has finally started to lighten a little, indicating that the worst of the storm has passed by.
  644. >”I’m happy to hear that you don’t see my track record as linearly as most.” Rarity straightens her back in the office chair.
  645. >The vibrant green leaves of the potted plants in the corners of the well lit room stand tall behind her.
  646. >On the other end of the shiny glass table is Sassy Saddles.
  647. >”A portfolio as refined as yours simply does not evolve in a linear direction. A long history of trial and error is exactly one of the major things we’re looking for here. It’ll better prepare our associates for what’s to come.” Sassy flips through page after page.
  648. >The copious amounts of hard work over the years stare right back at her.
  649. >Sassy’s trained eye can pick up on all of the thought and consideration Rarity put into these clothing designs, and which materials were the best to use for separate occasions.
  650. >Rarity’s neat little side-notes lining the white areas on the page shows her intricacy, and displays a level of adeptness that can come from no amateur.
  651. >Rarity understands a thing or two about how clothing behaves on different bodies and in different scenarios, and how long certain fabrics and needlework can last depending on these factors.
  652. >”I look forward to what the next several pages after these will show.” Sassy finally closes the folder. “And I would love to see them before you put them in your portfolio.”
  653. >Rarity gulps but keeps herself calm, immediately realizing the implied invitation for her signature on a dotted line.
  654. >”I’d love to show you more of my work. I have a lot of great things planned.”
  655. >“We’d like to see them in our studios more often.” Sassy begins to stand up. “Would you excuse me for a second?”
  656. >Rarity gives her a nod before watching her step out of the conference room.
  657. >She knows the lady is about to go fetch some papers with blank dotted lines on them.
  658. >Does this mean she has to spend more time here negotiating a contract?
  659. >This is going to cut into her time to spend with Anon on their third date!
  660. >What kind of girlfriend would Rarity be if she blew him off because of a small opportunity like this?
  661. >Rarity can just say she needs some time to think about the contract first, or just take a copy of it back with her so she has time to read it first.
  662. >Which is pretty much something she should do regardless.
  663. >She should have already been out with Anon 20 minutes ago!
  664. >Or at last it feels as though it should have been 20 minutes ago by now.
  665. >Checking her phone, she confirms that the scheduled time of rendezvous with Anon was actually 24 minutes ago.
  666. >A text from Anon’s number also came in.
  667. >[how much longer?]
  668. >Rarity immediately gets to typing with her thumbs as quickly as she can without making typos.
  669. >[They might be handing me a contract right now. I’ll ask for a copy and take it back with me so I don’t keep you waiting.] Rarity keeps her message as transparently conveyed as she can.
  670. >There about a minute or two before Anon responds.
  671. >[thank you so much]
  672. >Rarity could read a “please hurry” between the lines in that message, indicating that her new boyfriend is growing impatient but is too polite to say it directly.
  673. >She begins to re-justify her lateness to herself to mitigate the slight guilt she’s feeling.
  674. >Rarity feels terrible for keeping her boyfriend waiting like this!
  675. >He drove all the way over for this next date, and she better make sure she’s on time for it!
  676. >The last thing Rarity wants to conduct herself as is unprofessional, the intent of which also shows all over her resume on the glass table.
  677. >That glass surface now reflects an image of the door opening as Sassy Saddles re-enters the room.
  678. >In Sassy’s hand is a neatly stapled together stack of freshly printed papers.
  679. >This is it.
  680. >”I’m sure you’re aware of what this is, so let’s not waste any time and look through it together so everything’s in check between us.” Sassy lightly sets the papers down onto the glass table.
  681. >”Oh, this is wonderful!” Sighs Rarity. “Uhm… is it preferred that I sign today before someone else does?”
  682. >”Oh, not at all! If you’d like to take it home and review it with an attorney first, go right ahead! I’m glad you took initiative with that precaution. We see that is good business etiquette here.”
  683. >”Absolutely. Thank you so much for this contract, I look forward to coming back here shortly.” Rarity sincerely conveys to Sassy Saddles.
  684. >”It’s my pleasure! Would you like to skim through it really quickly with me so you have a general understanding of the main points mapped out for you and your attorney?”
  685. >Rarity cuts her hesitation short as she sees another text from Anon come in. “I certainly would.”
  686. >A quick glance at the phone shows the text saying “[wedfewsdx]”, a random entanglement of keys pressed.
  687. >That must have happened in Anon’s pocket or something.
  688. >Even with that very realistic possibility, Rarity begins to feel uneasy.
  689. >Like there’s some undetectable force making her sense that something’s wrong.
  690. >But she doesn’t dwell on this for long, as Sassy Saddles sits back down and flips to the first page of the contract.
  691. >It’s only right for Rarity to be couth and not cut the meeting off so abruptly, especially when being considered for such a position.
  692. >But something involving Anon feels awry, especially as the minutes go on of skimming through the contract with Sassy Saddles.
  693. >Rarity can barely find herself able to focus now for some reason, and thoughts about Anon start flooding into her head.
  694. >She can’t put her finger on why she’s suddenly feeling this way.
  695. >As though something bad is currently happening.
  696. >What could that random jumble of text mean?
  697. >Is Anon okay?
  698. >Surely if he was in any kind of actual danger, it wouldn’t happen without Rarity’s mother Cookie Crumbles noticing from elsewhere in the house.
  699. >She’d be there to call an ambulance if Anon fell down the basement stairs for whatever reason.
  700. >All the while, Rarity is trying her best to not only pay attention, but at least look as though she’s paying if she can’t actually pay attention.
  701. >More and more minutes go by of gathering a synopsis of the contract, which looks really, really promising for Rarity’s career and future in general.
  702. >Rarity stays polite and refrains from rushing Sassy Saddles.
  703. >It’s starting to seem like the more Rarity thinks about Anon, the more the rain outside sounds like it’s beginning to pick back up.
  704. >Looks like the worst of the storm isn’t gone just yet…
  705. >Twenty MORE minutes go by.
  706. >And without Rarity letting Sassy Saddles know she’s late for a date with Anon, as that might be seen as rude or unprofessional.
  707. >”Aaaaaand, that should just about do it!” Sassy wraps up her quick preview of the final page. “Any questions? Concerns?”
  708. >”Not at all, dear! I’ll be making a phone call as soon as I get back home.” Rarity promises while fixing her lustrous hair.
  709. >”That’s great to hear. It was fascinating meeting you today, Miss Rarity.” Sassy Saddles reaches her hand out.
  710. >”It was splendid to meet you as well, Miss Saddles!” Rarity takes her hand and gives it a firm but reasonably gentle shake.
  711. >…
  712. >The rain is pouring, the wind is gusting, the thunder is occasionally rolling by…
  713. >Rarity is lucky she made it into her car without her mascara being too affected; she still has a date to go on with Anon!
  714. >She takes a few minutes to fix/dry her hair and restore her makeup the best she can.
  715. >As Rarity is making herself presentable for the date she’s about to go on, Anon sends another text.
  716. >[idfshewbv]
  717. >[I heard your phone pocket-texting me as we were finishing up.] Rarity un-silences her phone. [I’m on my way back now, but the rain is going to slow me down a little. I deeply apologize for being so late! Dinner will be on me tonight!]
  718. >Rarity continues to fix her hair and makeup the best she can, taking a few more minutes as the rainwater washes down the windshield in thick droves, illuminated by the bright lightning.
  719. >If Rarity didn’t know any better she’d think she was in a car was-
  720. >A loud thunderclap cute off Rarity’s train of thought, making her jolt and mess up part of her hair.
  721. >She is forced to start over.
  722. >Sacrificing at least three to five more minutes.
  723. >”Curse this rain.” Rarity mutters to herself before another text comes in responding to her.
  724. >[its okay take your time]
  725. >So it seems Anon isn’t as impatient as Rarity had feared.
  726. >After a few additional minutes of fixing herself up, Rarity finally turns the car on and pulls out of the parking lot.
  727. >The whirring of the windshield wipers mixes with the heavy rain pelting the glass like the stream from a shower nozzle.
  728. >”Ugh, maybe eating out isn’t such a good idea for today.” Rarity says to herself as she tries to make out the lines on the road the best she can.
  729. >At a stoplight, Rarity checks the weather forecast on her phone to find that this terrible weather is going to continue until the wee hours of the morning.
  730. >”Well! Isn’t just fantastic?!” She huffs before sending Anon another text.
  731. >[Anon, the weather forecast says this rain won’t stop until the middle of the night, would you still like to go eat out or stay in my house for our date? Or would you rather we postpone this until tomorrow when the weather will cooperate?]
  732. >As Rarity was typing that long message with her thumbs, that sinking feeling about Anon resurfaces, now worse than before.
  733. >It’s almost getting stronger the closer she gets to her house.
  734. >Something’s wrong, Rarity can sense it, and part of her doesn’t want to go to her own house right now for reasons she can’t explain.
  735. >Rarity’s stomach churns, her worried glances into the rear view mirror become more frequent…
  736. >Each turn leads to a new street she feels less enthusiastic about continuing down.
  737. >Slowly in her car, through the heavy somber rain.
  738. >Barely able to hear herself think through the shower of cold water hitting the car so rapidly.
  739. >The roads are barely drivable, maybe this date isn’t happening today, but whatever response Anon gives back will be the judge of that.
  740. >Rarity might as well let him decide, it’s only fair after how late she’s become for the date.
  741. >It would be s shame if the date was called off.
  742. >After making it onto her street, Rarity makes she she looks presentable as she gets closer and closer to her house.
  743. >It must have been at *least* an hour by now.
  744. >Rarity prepares to profusely apologize to Anon for making him wait AN ENTIRE HOUR, though, the at least the rain element of this was obviously no fault of her own.
  745. >She watches the garage door go up, pulls in while taking mini waterfalls off the sides of the car with her, and momentarily steps into puddles of rainwater pooling onto the floor.
  746. >”Well isn’t this a fine day for a date?” Rarity sarcastically comments to herself as she opens the door leading from the garage to the rest of the house.
  747. >She removes her shoes to avoid slipping on the kitchen floor, noticing all the lights are on.
  748. >…
  749. >”Hello?” Rarity calls out. “Mom? Anon? You here?”
  750. >You immediately notice her step into view, spotting you standing in the living room.
  751. “Heya there.” You wave and walk over to her. “You look great!”
  752. >”I am sooooooo sorry, Anon! Bad luck got the best of me today!”
  753. “I only just now saw your text. Must be the reception getting affected by the storm.” You say to Rarity.
  754. >”I’ll say! I had no idea it was going to get this bad! I sincerely apologize, darling!”
  755. “It’s okay.” You straighten your shirt. “I understand. I’m still down for going to the restaurant if you are.”
  756. >”Rarity? That you?” Cookie Crumbles’s voice calls down from upstairs.
  757. >”Oh! Have you met my mother, Anon?”
  758. “I did. She had to go upstairs but I met her real quick.”
  759. >”Oh, that’s wonderful!”
  760. >Cookie can be heard coming down the stairs.
  761. >When she appears, her hair is still damp from the shower she just took.
  762. >”Oh, I’m so sorry, Anon! I didn’t know you were still here!”
  763. “It’s fine, it’s fine.”
  764. >”I got held up at the studio.” Explains Rarity.
  765. >”Was the iced tea in the fridge good, Anon?” Cookie asks you. “The one I offered when you arrived. I forgot to ask you if you liked it.”
  766. >You play along.
  767. “Oh yeah, it’s pretty good. Didn’t have too much. Saving room for the date.”
  768. >”Oh, I absolutely understand.” Cookie turns to Rarity. “Dear, you have found the sweetest boy I have ever seen!”
  769. >”Mother… please!” Rarity’s face wears a blushing grin.
  770. >”I hope you two have a wonderful time! Just be back before dark!”
  771. “We will!” You immediately answer, showing Rarity that this is what you’re most concerned about.
  772. >The rain has miraculously died down by the time you walk back outside.
  773. >With the date still on, you step inside the car.
  774. >Idle raindrops finish their journey from the sky to the ground after the shock from the door shutting sends them to the concrete and grass.
  775. >”I’m sorry you didn’t have enough time to meet my mom properly. But we might as well get going. We’re already late enough as we are.” Rarity grips the steering wheel.
  776. >You give her a smile.
  777. “Yeah, and we don’t know how long it’ll be until it starts raining again. Can’t trust the forecast at this point.”
  778. >”Oh, TELL me about it! Just this morning it said there would only be some light rain, and then THIS happens!”
  779. “Sorry I butt-texted you a couple of times, by the way.” You apologize. “That must’ve been confusing.”
  780. >”It’s quite alright. I understand.”
  781. >You now think back to the actual moment that was going on when you mindlessly sent that gibberish…
  782. ~
  783. >The freshly cleaned carpet beneath the two of you is luckily kept clean by the yoga mat.
  784. >The yoga mat itself, however… it’s taking the brunt.
  785. >”Let’s uh, try to stretch our hamstrings a bit, eh?” Cookie Crumbles notices how frequently your eyes continue to wander to her chest.
  786. >Her cleavage rises and falls for you, still very openly exposed with very little effort to cover it up.
  787. >You can almost sense her panicked heartbeat in the blush spreading across her face.
  788. >Whatever attempts you make to keep your tent away from her view are not nearly full-fledged as your erection is.
  789. >All the feral urges erupting in your mind hamper your actual efforts to keep your physical arousal a secret.
  790. >Cookie begins to sit on the floor next to you, pretending she wasn’t leglocking you just a minute or two ago before she had realized it and stopped herself.
  791. >You don’t even remember when she noticed and began to re-appropriate herself.
  792. >But the damage was already done by then; her breathing now being quite audible says it all.
  793. >And it’s getting slightly shakier.
  794. >She’s trying to hold her own urges inside too…
  795. >Maybe you’d have stood a chance keeping yourself convinced Cookie Crumbles didn’t have her own urges for you.
  796. >You could keep at heart that she’d not welcome whatever advances you would start anyway.
  797. >The flood would only be about 90% of the way up the other side of the dam… it’d be manageable.
  798. >You’d be able to stay loyal.
  799. >But this very nature deep inside now clearly being returned in a way without words puts the floodwaters 200% over the top of the dam.
  800. >Your barrier between “should do” and “shouldn’t do” turned out to be a sand castle as the wave came crashing through.
  801. >And you never even knew it was that weak.
  802. >Though, a brief moment of intentional distraction was clinched when you grabbed your phone to text Rarity, praying that she’s just down the block by now and will save you with a knock on the door or ring of the doorbell.
  803. >You text her [how much longer?]
  804. >You knew the dam would break before her incoming text would appear on the screen.
  805. >[They might be handing me a contract right now. I’ll ask for a copy and take it back with me so I don’t keep you waiting.] Rarity responded.
  806. >The final words escape you before you get swept away: [thank you so much]
  807. >She’s still more than 30 minutes away from the front door at VERY least.
  808. >You’re not even 10 seconds away from Cookie’s soft smooth skin that’s very generously displayed aside the undersized tank top and leggings.
  809. >As the powerful floodwater sweeps you away from your critical thinking, you fully realize there is no way you have a chance.
  810. >”You gotta do it like this.” Cookie reaches down her legs as they lie flat on the floor, letting her sleek lower back greet you.
  811. >Her skin beckons you over, telling you it’s okay to keep a little secret this time.
  812. >But her eyes tell you that she’s trying really hard hoping you don’t think about it that way.
  813. >Why is hoping the only thing she’s doing?
  814. >Cookie is clearly not covering herself as you gradually crawl your way over to her across the plush living room floor to the sound of the downpour hitting the roof outside.
  815. >”L-let’s talk about something…” Shivers Cookie, red in the face as she half celebrates you being inches away from her now.
  816. >You can feel her body heat radiating off of her, watching her breathe in and out to her excitement for you that your physical outwardness in your pants set into motion.
  817. “You uh… do yoga a lot?” You blurt, eyes locked onto Cookie’s chest.
  818. >”Ever since I was Rarity’s age.” Cookie does her best to remind you that her daughter is your girlfriend.
  819. >Part of her is delighted to see that this reminder fell on deaf ears, on leering eyes.
  820. >Cookie tries her hardest to distract herself from wondering how big that thing is in there, in the front of your pants.
  821. >It’s already giving her a pretty good idea right now, trying to pierce through the fabric like that.
  822. >Cookie prays she didn’t lick her lips just now…
  823. >”I… I would stretch after school… back when I was younger and thinner…”
  824. “Before you filled out?” You go right for it.
  825. >Cookie feels a shiver climb its way up her weakening spine after she heard you say that.
  826. >And when they shiver reacher her brain, she sees a compliment in there whether intentional or not.
  827. >”Y-yes…” Cookie shakily responds, holding how flattered she is inside. “I’m still pretty flexible though.”
  828. “I noticed.”
  829. >”Thank you for noticing…”
  830. >Cookie can feel your eyes venturing all over her curvaceous body neatly wrapped up in not enough clothing to cover everything.
  831. >You’re so up close that you literally have to turn and tilt your head to a noticeable amount to spread your gaze up and down between her thighs and chest.
  832. >There’s no way to hide your ogling… it’s impossible.
  833. >Cookie struggles to keep herself from reciprocating this and eyeing your arousal she started up.
  834. >Why didn’t she realize her outfit was this revealing when her daughter’s boyfriend walked in?
  835. >She couldn’t *entirely* depend on trusting his restraint, could she?
  836. >Cookie Crumbles raised her daughter well enough to make a guy like you moderate himself to such a degree that he wouldn’t do so much as flirt with his girlfriend’s mother…
  837. >She knows this.
  838. >She also knows that she keeps allowing you to stare at her cleavage, with her hands unable to decide whether she wants to pull the front of her tank top over it or not.
  839. >Watching you look at her breasts packed inside her small tank top excites her more than she will admit to.
  840. >Cookie should have known that such a young man walking in here with her dressed in such a revealing way would look at her and be blinded.
  841. >Everything you love about Rarity’s body, is something she got from Cookie.
  842. >That soft silky skin that’s sublime to the touch.
  843. >That hypnotic hourglass shape of her womanly torso.
  844. >Those majestic gazing eyes resembling those of a movie star without trying…
  845. >Those perfectly straight, pearly white teeth and luscious lips trying not to curve upwards at the corners…
  846. >All of what your new girlfriend Rarity has is right here on Cookie, except even more developed and fertile.
  847. >And Cookie Crumbles knows it well.
  848. >”Is… my chest distracting you?” Cookie carefully resurfaces the question as though she didn’t already ask it. “…Anon?”
  849. >She sounded more direct this time.
  850. >And you’re more direct too.
  851. >This moment of weakness has completely conquered you, and you’re gonna help it conquer her next.
  852. “Yes.”
  853. >”I had a feeling.”
  854. “It’s okay. I don’t mind.”
  855. >You watch Cookie halfheartedly try to pull the front of her little tank top up over her soft heaving cleavage that’s too voluminous to allow this to be possible.
  856. >She awkwardly giggles to play it off as your eyes remain glued to her goods slightly jiggling from the futile cover-up attempt.
  857. >You’re about to make her arousal just as impossible to hide.
  858. >”S-s… so… let’s l-lean back a-and… do another… bridge pose…” Cookie desperately distracts herself with more yoga talk as she tenderly leans back to fall onto her elbows.
  859. >Her sot busty chest is out in the open, and your hand seizes the opportunity to reach over and grope her.
  860. >Cookie freezes with the blush on her face deepening, but she can’t bring herself to do anything about your sudden advance.
  861. >She knows that her daughter must have failed to tame you, or at least will have if this interaction concludes how she thinks it’s going to conclude.
  862. >And Cookie doesn’t know how she’s going to keep herself from fully welcoming it.
  863. “You’re not wearing a bra today…” You run your finger along the stiffening bump from her braless nipple through the fabric.
  864. >”That I’m not…”
  865. >Cookie leans into it at first, but then almost tries to pull away.
  866. >Conflicting thoughts are crashing into one another in her head, and in the middle of it is her own sand castle trying not to get wet.
  867. >But you intensify your grabbing and feeling upon her big soft mounds of flesh, massaging her bountiful breast and sending in stronger restraint-breaking waves.
  868. >”Anon…”
  869. “I know… I’m sorry.”
  870. >”I’m sorry too.” Cookie gently huffs as she begins to lean into your groping once more, this time with no way to get herself to reverse it. “It’s okay.”
  871. >She very quickly understands that this is happening, and allows you to now put both of your hands all over her.
  872. >It’s easier at this point to just let this run its course instead of trying to fight back what’s inside of both of you.
  873. >You’ve already lost to your waves of arousal, and they’re now spreading into Cookie through your eager hands.
  874. >All Cookie can respond with now is a hesitant but all-stirred-up sigh.
  875. >Your appreciation for her body can’t go unrewarded.
  876. >The whole yoga charade falls away really, really fast.
  877. >The rain pours even harder outside.
  878. >And the ice officially breaks.
  879. >Your emboldened hands enthusiastically work on Cookie’s soft beautiful chest, pressing onto them with loving grabs.
  880. >Cookie completely relaxes in acceptance of mutual arousal with you, and lets out a sustained sigh.
  881. >Your touch takes her to such an enthralling place, makes her want to squeal in delight and hold you tightly for hours.
  882. >It’s so forbidden, but she can’t help but need more of it.
  883. >As is how you feel about fondling Cookie Crumble’s big soft breasts.
  884. >It was only her natural reaction to put her smooth bare arm around you.
  885. >Pulling you closer to herself.
  886. >Wanting to pin your forbidden advances up against her body as you lie on the living floor with her to the sound of pouring rain.
  887. >Part of Cookie reminds her that this is her daughter’s boyfriend.
  888. >And that she and you should NOT be touching eachother like this!
  889. >What kind of mentor would Cookie be to her daughter Rarity if Rarity failed as a dating mentor to you?
  890. >Cookie tries to recollect herself before this goes too far… but her own waves are becoming too powerful for her as well.
  891. >She tries to tell you her daughter might come back for the date you’re going on, but the only thing that comes out is an encouraging whimper for more.
  892. >Now she encourages you to touch her more sincerely.
  893. >Both of you didn’t know how badly you needed it.
  894. >You’re making Cookie feel like she’s a teenager again even more than usual for a yoga session.
  895. >She begins to tremble and stammer, tripping over herself when she tries to cobble together coherent speech between welcoming moans.
  896. >The rain outside is cold, but your embrace makes Cookie’s heart light up with a loving warmth.
  897. >And your hands mercifully sliding underneath her tank top to directly graze along her silky midriff makes her breath hitch a little.
  898. >She slightly panics, knowing where this touch is going to lead you two.
  899. >But your touch quickly calms her with her own arousal the longer you sustain your welcomed caressing upon her perfect beautiful skin.
  900. >Letting her sexy body finally become more unwrapped with that top slowly scrunching upwards along the smooth surface of her soft skin.
  901. >Cookie is letting you help her stay proud of her fertile womanly curves, while she deeply breathes in and out in anxious response to your enthusiastic touch.
  902. >You’d feel her up all day if you could.
  903. >Admiring and enjoying her perfect hourglass form that became softer and curvier with time.
  904. >With that now exposed cushiony tummy slightly swelling against you with every nervous breath.
  905. >Cookie tries not to insist that you continue, but she’s hugging you back and caressing you as well.
  906. >Not realizing that she’s doing so.
  907. >Not realizing that she’s only encouraging you more now.
  908. >An apology gets lost on the way out of her, must have taken a wrong turn on her tongue and got swallowed back down.
  909. >Her lips wildly quiver for a few seconds as tries to think about what to do about you caressing her all over her soft exposed midriff.
  910. >Her lips don’t know what to do until you help them out with a solution of your own.
  911. >You lean over and press a humble kiss onto Cookie’s trembling lips.
  912. >Her notion that she shouldn’t be doing this gets lost again, soon surrounded and crowded down to the floor by a flood of the natural response to kiss you back.
  913. >And so she does.
  914. >She really was trying to help you resist your urges, but didn’t know you were already completely taken by your lust.
  915. >At least she knows now.
  916. >Cookie can rest assured knowing there was never a chance to begin with.
  917. >She can relax even more now, and just accept this new chorus of waves to ride with you.
  918. >Her decreasingly panicked groans gently vibrate against your working lips, and her taste finds its way into your mouth the longer the kiss hesitantly widens.
  919. >All the reasons why you shouldn’t be doing this have flown out the window in an undetected escape.
  920. >Neither of you are pretending anymore; this isn’t yoga.
  921. >You’re too numb to your own shame right now as long as the deepening kiss lasts.
  922. >Cookie begins to passionately moan, you hold her tighter with her busty chest now mashed up against yours.
  923. >The two of you will think of a way to pretend this never happened later.
  924. >But you’ll cross that bridge when you get to it.
  925. >You have conceded defeat by going out of your way to dry-hump Cookie Crumbles on your own.
  926. >She responds by conceding defeat to this lust as well, reciprocating your movements for a brief moment of your motions haphazardly clashing… before slowly falling in sync with one another.
  927. >And the kiss doesn’t even break until *after* that…
  928. >The two of you couldn’t help but introduce your tongues to one another before gasping for air other than your hot breaths beating against one another’s faces…
  929. >You only part lips when you’re ready to.
  930. >Cookie watches in horny shame as a long thin strand of saliva stretches between your mouth and hers.
  931. >Showing her that the kiss was just as deep as it felt it like was.
  932. >You go back to gazing at Cookie’s huge busty chest.
  933. >At her beautiful sexy cleavage that’s too much for her poor little tank top to be pulled up over.
  934. >At her hard nipples proudly poking through the thin fabric stretched over them.
  935. >”You… like… these~?” Cookie lids her eyes with a slight dizzy sway in her posture.
  936. >With a nod, you begin to tremble yourself under your own overwhelming arousal.
  937. >Cookie’s lips haven’t trembled a bit after that wonderful kiss you shared with her.
  938. >You still taste her, craving more…
  939. >Cookie’s weakly fumbling hands make one last fruitless attempt to pull the front of her undersized tank top up over her exposed cleavage.
  940. >As though it’d not only be possible, but would also make your arousal go away and keep you loyal to, her daughter, your girlfriend.
  941. >But Cookie can’t cover up her deep sexy cleavage~
  942. >And now your hands gently grab her bountiful chest once more, feeling up all of its lovely softness to your heart’s content.
  943. >Pulling the low collar line further down now, helping the article of clothing fail to cover Cookie’s areolae all the way.
  944. >”Anon~…” Cookie whimpers once more, pleadingly, but only pleading you to persist.
  945. >You can see it in her eyes.
  946. >Grip the fabric as hard as your fingers can clamp and pull it in opposite directions with all of your strength.
  947. >The rim doesn’t break at first… the final safeguard for your loyalty to your girlfriend.
  948. >But your arousal pumps your determination past the ceiling.
  949. >And your strength multiplies until the tank top finally fails to stand up to your no longer ashamedly horny strength.
  950. >The tear in the fabric seals the moment with no way to go back.
  951. >The once stretched thin fabric of Cookie’s tank top is forced to give way, even more under the tension acting upon it without the rim being in tact anymore.
  952. >It’s now super easy to rip the entire front of Cookie’s tank top wide open, unavoidably letting her massive naked jiggling breasts to spill out unrestrained.
  953. >If there even was any going back before… there isn’t now.
  954. >That’s for sure.
  955. >Cookie Crumbles’s big bare nipples stare right back at you now.
  956. >And you don’t even know what else to do now.
  957. >Cookie continues to lean back onto her elbows, now with her soft naked breasts getting hungrily groped and played with in your hands.
  958. >The raw direct contact sets on a switch that numbs her to her own shame, replacing it with primal arousal as your massaging touch exhilarates her to no end.
  959. >Cookie loudly and appreciatively moans in response to your reckless fondling, no longer unsure of what to do next as she arches her back into your very responsive hands.
  960. >Your pitched tent finds her crotch once more and resumes (semi)dry humping.
  961. >It’s hard to tell who’s going to start seeing their own sex leaking through their clothing first.
  962. >But your glans and shaft recklessly twitching and jerking around tightly inside your underwear impatiently reacts to the soft stroking against Cookie Crumbles’s cameltoe.
  963. >Through all the layers of clothing, she still feels your manmeat jolting and twitching as though there’s already no clothing at all between you two.
  964. >Arms nearly tangled around one another’s bodies, you keep the distance between you and Cookie Crumbles nonexistent.
  965. >Humping and grinding against her soft sexy body that unintentionally did this to you.
  966. >”Anon…” Cookie darts her eyes around before pushing you onto your back.
  967. >Now you’ve done it.
  968. >You made her lose all control of herself.
  969. >She wantonly locks lips with you from above this time, loudly sucking on your mouth while positioning herself on top of you to do something that isn’t hard to guess what it is.
  970. >A part of you makes you tilt your hips to get your erect bulge pointing away from the event, but Cookie is set on having you any way she wants now.
  971. >She caught you in her den.
  972. >Now she’s just doing what her natural urges are supposed to command her to do.
  973. >You couldn’t get away if you wanted to.
  974. >She has you at her mercy now.
  975. >Gloomy clouds hang over the house.
  976. >A somber shower of raindrops continues upon the roof.
  977. >Despite the dimness outside, the living room is still well lit.
  978. >Casting a clear spotlight on your moment of weakness on the carpet.
  979. >The solemn and quiet tearing of the tank top’s fabric humbly continues.
  980. >An instinct to undo what you have started guides your hands to the tattered fringes of Cookie Crumbles’s now malfunctioning tank top.
  981. >Either side of that torn fabric used to be tightly stretched over her massive chest, still not remotely enough to begin to cover her cleavage.
  982. >Now the limp fabric cannot be pulled back together.
  983. >Because Cookie’s bountiful fully developed breasts are now sprung free.
  984. >Heaving and jiggling in their full exposure against your weak hands that hopelessly fail to tug together each torn end of the fabric under her smooth arms that have shrunk too small to even reach Cookie’s bare nipples~
  985. >The outward force alone of Cookie’s huge, soft and exposed breasts pushes the torn open fabric further apart.
  986. >All of your body’s strength drains out of you to each of her impatient kisses lovingly deepening against your mouth…
  987. >Another strand of saliva grows between your lips and hers as the rip in the fabric grows down the front of her no longer functional tank top…
  988. >Watch and feel Cookie’s big wonderfully exposed milf rack softly push together as your hands’ shaky attempts at re-closing the torn open front of her tank top make negative progress.
  989. >It only fuels your forbidden arousal more.
  990. >The bottom rim of the fabric helplessly snaps apart and leaves Cookie Crumbles’s soft sexy tummy also fully bare~
  991. >You’re forced to resort to trying to tug those now flimsy straps back up to Cookie’s soft shoulders.
  992. >Returning any coverage to her chest has become impossible.
  993. >More of Cookie’s smooth sexy back becomes exposed while the destroyed tank top slowly ends up bunched at her elbows.
  994. >Your arms finally wrap around Cookie Crumbles and blatantly caress your hands up and down her perfect bare skin.
  995. >Cookie fully immerses into you, openly moaning into your mouth.
  996. >Her tight leglock makes her pliable cameltoe grinding the underside of your erect tent impossible to pull away from.
  997. >And the synchronization between your upward humping and Cookie’s downward humping keeps being re-established.
  998. >How the fuck did you just meet Rarity’s mother, and now you’re one pantsing away from meating her?!
  999. >She’s probably wondering this too.
  1000. >But her fingers can be felt curling around the waistline of your pants.
  1001. >Both of your mouths are half kissing now.
  1002. >In a way where you can still talk, but like industrial level magnets, the blooming overpowering attraction between you cannot be pulled apart.
  1003. >And the feel and taste of eachother’s lips has become addictive.
  1004. “Wha… what are we doing?” You shamefully bleat with little actual voice left.
  1005. >Cookie re-closes the kiss all the way before you can utter another word.
  1006. >You instinctually accept her, and let her kiss.
  1007. >Kissing back with your luststruck embrace fully supporting Cookie pinning her body on top of you.
  1008. >Her smooching grin re-submerges your questions back into the depths of your flood.
  1009. >Cookie releases a strained horny groan when she feels your tongue take initiative onto hers.
  1010. >Her appreciative breaths hotly bat onto your face.
  1011. >The more your tongue massages hers, the more you can ignore how wrong this is.
  1012. >It feels too good to be wrong.
  1013. >Shameless desire for Cookie Crumbles erupts inside of you.
  1014. >Drowning out the shameful regret from being successfully seduced by your girlfriend’s mother.
  1015. >Your hands encouragingly glide down to Cookie’s soft round ass in those thin leggings painted onto her.
  1016. >Noticing the mesmerizing feminine curves going outward from her wide fertile hips.
  1017. >How did you ever believe you had a chance resisting all of THIS?
  1018. >This pleasant lower half of Cookie’s womanly hourglass form can enslave any hot blooded man…
  1019. >Your entranced hands give each soft tightly wrapped buttcheek a hearty squeeze~
  1020. >It forces a high pitched squeal to bubble out of Cookie Crumbles…
  1021. >Her voice doesn’t usually have a reason to go that high.
  1022. >But no one had grabbed her big soft butt like that in so long…
  1023. >This has rekindled a young horny excitement in Cookie she hadn’t experienced since her early 20s.
  1024. >Oh how she missed it so!
  1025. >An electrifying surge of this excitement spastically climbs up and down her spine.
  1026. >Her pupils don’t know whether to dilate or contract.
  1027. >But her pelvic region knows EXACTLY what to do… even so if her mind didn’t, but it does.
  1028. >The sensual tingling your grabbing sparked spreads through Cookie’s lower body and supercharges her anxious arousal for you.
  1029. >Her grinding hips pick up speed to a long forgotten pace not reached since before Rarity was born.
  1030. >As far as Cookie believes, she is the same age as you.
  1031. >Younger once again and sharing lust with a horny boy who wants her.
  1032. >Helping him get it all out of his system.
  1033. >Helping him out.
  1034. >Cookie’s subconscious leglock persists on you, keeping her from pulling your pants down much as she clumsily tries.
  1035. >She still hasn’t undone the front anyway.
  1036. >You we’re already feeling a bit of precum before the semi-dry humping began.
  1037. >But now you have no reasonable answer to feeling Cookie’s vulva lips softly pressing through all clothing and insisting themselves up and down the underside of your hardened shaft.
  1038. >Now your erect and agitated cock leaks a stream of accumulating precum all over the strained inside of your underwear your stiff excited manmeat primally pushes up against~
  1039. >Too horny to say no, you welcomingly push your hips back upwards into her advances.
  1040. >Not at all minding how persuasively she’s nudging you closer to the end of your restraint from climax.
  1041. >The two of you are mutually humping as though you’re already in mid intercourse.
  1042. >Like you’ve already penetrated her.
  1043. >Cookie locks mutually lost eyes with you shifts her movements more vertically after sharing a gaze of sexual anticipation with you.
  1044. >Two strands of saliva stubbornly linger as you watch Cookie’s naked breasts bounce to every pounds she delivers to your pelvis.
  1045. >She knows you love it, and lets you openly stare at them.
  1046. >As soon as you reach out and begin having fun playing with her naked breasts, Cookie warmly responds with an aroused giggle.
  1047. >It amuses her now to feel how much your honey hands are trembling because of her.
  1048. >Your excited thumbs frantically flick her bare nipples around.
  1049. >Encouraging them to get more erect with arousal from your curious touch grazing along her stiffening areolae.
  1050. >Cookie giggles more loudly in horny appreciation of your fingers manipulating her soft bare breasts so…
  1051. >So happy to have a horny boy play with her topless chest~
  1052. >You notice a mutual small dark patch of pre on both on your crotch and Cookie’s crotch in each barrier of fabric.
  1053. >An indicator of how much her arousal matches yours.
  1054. >That was the final warning you had time to get.
  1055. >Cookie shoves you back once more as soon as you dared to sit back up.
  1056. >It’s your turn to strip for her…
  1057. >With her raised waist temporarily giving your hips squirming room, Cookie’s fingers latch onto your belt line and force your still fastened pants down your hips.
  1058. >This is it… your final line of defense.
  1059. >And you’re too horny to effectively stop her.
  1060. >Still too horny to say no.
  1061. >Cookie’s predatory glare is glued to your pants’s receding waistline she forces off your hips.
  1062. >Didn't bother undoing the front of your pants… didn’t need to.
  1063. >The somber sound of the rain outside fills the room.
  1064. >Her arousal-fueled strength overpowers your confused, disoriented attempt to hold your final defense over your erect twitching tent.
  1065. >Cookie Crumbles looms over you, soft massive naked breasts mashed together by her arms, licking her hungrily grinning lips and forcing your pants down insistent yank by powerful tug.
  1066. >Your underwear is dragged down with your belt line.
  1067. >Her fingers went behind and worked the back all the way down your buttcheeks.
  1068. >Allowing the front to be easier.
  1069. >Cookie succumbs further to her excitement as she exposes more of your crotch.
  1070. >Her eyes wildly light up discovering the creases between your upper thighs and beginning of your full sack… along with the base of your shaft slipping out…
  1071. >The lopsided strength imbalance steepens the more of your erect throbbing length is exposed as your grappled pants drag your underwear down with it.
  1072. >Cookie bites her lip.
  1073. >Your cock flings out, proudly standing straight up with a wobbling point towards the ceiling.
  1074. >Quickly continuing to drool out another drop of clear precum, out in the open before Cookie’s thirsty gaze.
  1075. >It doesn’t stay free for long.
  1076. >Cookie slips her leggings down, only struggling for half a second getting it down her soft round buttcheeks.
  1077. >You didn’t realize you started stroking your length to her.
  1078. >But she appreciates the automatic admiration for her beautiful developed female form put on such a showcased display for you~
  1079. >Your left hand briefly rebelled, desperately grabbing your phone to send a cry for help to Rarity before this becomes official.
  1080. >Your brain can’t conjure any words to type down.
  1081. >Your hand just reflexively pats gibberish into the touch screen’s keyboard with no direction.
  1082. >All you can think of is the goddess-like sight of Cookie’s naked form masturbating right back at you masturbating to her.
  1083. >Almost like you’re translating that feeling into text.
  1084. >Did you even hit send?
  1085. >You must have, because you hear the sound effect come from your phone.
  1086. >Cookie’s excited fingers manipulating her bare juice-dripping pussy lips displays to you how supple they are~
  1087. >Just begging to get penetrated…
  1088. >Your excitement boils over just as much as hers does the closer your continuously stimulated get…
  1089. >You feel her heat intensifying like you’re flying closer to the sun.
  1090. >The distance decreases, the unstoppable urge increases.
  1091. >As soon as Cookie mounts you in just the right way, neither of you need masturbation anymore right now.
  1092. >Everything between your glans and her vulva are already slippery with liquid excitement~
  1093. >Your cock’s head effortlessly slips between her pussy’s lips.
  1094. >The erupting fiery sensation make your equipment and hers twitch together in horny celebration.
  1095. >Leaking sex right up against one another that only further eases your penetration.
  1096. >Your right hand now slips precum drenched fingers around on your phone screen.
  1097. >Translating the sensation of Cookie Crumbles moving her latched pussy lips down your erect throbbing shaft until they thrust kisses onto you around your base.
  1098. >You arch your back and curl your toes.
  1099. >Cookie’s eyes light up ablaze as your hard length deep inside brings so much color and joy to her world.
  1100. >Every involuntary twitch makes her squeal again and shudder in delight.
  1101. >”Anon~!”
  1102. >She welcomes every last bit of it with appreciative plaps that plant louder kisses from her pussy lips around the base of your more intensely twitching shaft.
  1103. >Which only continues the cycle of her needy high pitched noises of primal lust accompanying her humping that bounces her soft naked tits for you…
  1104. >She does anything but stop or even slow down.
  1105. >”Anon… I… I’m… I’m… I-I-I-I’m…”
  1106. >Cookie’s renewed youthful sexual excitement and energy interacts with her soft curvy and fully endowed milf body.
  1107. >Jiggling and shaking her fertile, bountiful assets around like the warm fleshy jello it all is.
  1108. >A revived youthful orgasm rocks Cookie’s soft sexy body into hasty and desperate bursts of raw sexual energy reawakened from her youth.
  1109. >Cookie’s huge naked breasts jiggle softly as she slams her aggravated blushing crotch upon yours with a wet sincere slap.
  1110. >In full surrender to your riled up sexual weakness, you mindlessly ejaculate inside the envelopment of Cookie’s own female ejaculation dragging you down into climax with her~
  1111. >And your hot load cums charging out, filling the inside of Cookie with your hot creamy glaze.
  1112. >Your body caves in to every hormone you have within you as this happens.
  1113. >Jolting uncontrollably and almost writhing on the floor in unfettered arousal had it not been for Cookie’s soft fertile body pinning you to the floor below.
  1114. >You face gently brushes against the plush carpet.
  1115. >Upon feeling your gushing out into her and painting her womb, Cookie crumbles under the weight of her own overflowing arousal.
  1116. >Her body shudders violently, her eyes roll up to the ceiling and her throat breaks out a breathy growl that carries a vulnerable tremolo aligned with her torso’s lust-dripping shivering.
  1117. >That breathy growl slowly eases into a groan, and then a moan after another several seconds of her orgasm-enduring pussy massaging your ejaculating cock.
  1118. >The very trembling the two of you share has become in-tune together.
  1119. >Her voice’s low climax-induced wailing gives way to the ensemble between the hot heavy breathing between you two and the rain hitting the roof outside.
  1120. >And everything you hear stays this way as you and Cookie stay lost in one another’s eyes with your noses almost touching.
  1121. >Breathing in eachother’s hot labored breaths before the guilt finally starts to wedge its way in.
  1122. >That guilt gets muffled along with your voice that forgot what it was about to say.
  1123. >Cookie delivers another deep kiss with you, now more slowly and more seconds between the two of you re-locking your lips together while enjoying eachother’s taste.
  1124. >This long deep kiss is a lot more calm and tranquil.
  1125. >The two of you are at peace with your predicament, understanding that this is a very special secret between you.
  1126. >And you begin to bask in it.
  1127. >As Cookie’s loving embrace lets you know that you’re not lost in keeping this secret alone.
  1128. >She’s right here in your arms, comforting you and kissing the guilt away with you.
  1129. >It’s always a great thing to make out after sex.
  1130. >Noticing another text from Rarity had come in at some point, you figure you need this to last longer.
  1131. >[I heard your phone pocket-texting me as we were finishing up. I’m on my way back now, but the rain is going to slow me down a little. I deeply apologize for being so late! Dinner will be on me tonight!]
  1132. >Look at the two texts she’s replying to that you sent during the heat of the moment, now reading them for the first time.
  1133. >[wedfewsdx]
  1134. >[idfshewbv]
  1135. >Thank fuck it only turned out to be random gibberish.
  1136. >Rarity handed your excuse to you on a silver platter too.
  1137. >You reply to her message: [its okay take your time], hoping it’ll buy you and Cookie Crumbles enough time to figure out your next move after making out a little more.
  1138. >With how hard this rain is pouring, it probably will.
  1139. >Cookie leans in for another long kiss.
  1140. >With all other consideration now thrown into the wind, the two of you stew in your forbidden afterglow together.
  1141. >Holding one another tight in this surprise connection that instantly bloomed when you just now first met.
  1142. >”We have to think of something. Now.” Cookie urgently whispers as though you two aren’t still alone in this house. “I can’t fix my top, I have to put something else on.”
  1143. >You grunt as soon as she kisses you again, waiting until she releases your lips to say something.
  1144. “I think my pants are fine.” You tell her.
  1145. >”Alright.” Cookie breathes against your face.
  1146. >After about three more *very* sustained liplocks with Cookie Crumbles, the two of you decide that it’s in your best interest to start doing something now before Rarity gets back.
  1147. >Neither of you want this to end so soon.
  1148. >You have been freely allowed to grope and play with Cookie’s naked breasts for a little more than a half an hour now.
  1149. >It’s been the best half an hour of your entire life, especially when you blew your load inside of her.
  1150. >You’re still holding eachother after standing up, and your hands are still all over her, which she can’t help but welcome.
  1151. >Every last bit of this is completely okay between you two now, but you both know your girlfriend Rarity, Cookie’s daughter, wouldn’t approve if she ever found out.
  1152. >”I uh… I have to make myself decent now.” Cookie says to you.
  1153. >With a half-bow towards her, you lean in and kiss her nipples goodbye with a longing smooch on each one, sucking them just a tiny bit each time.
  1154. >Their tangy taste in your mouth is going to stay with you for the rest of the week, let alone the entire date with Rarity.
  1155. >You love the way they get a little stiffer again against your lips and tongue.
  1156. >Cookie moans appreciatively yet again to the feeling of your suckling on her bare breasts, very enthusiastically approving of this.
  1157. >”We’ll pick this up next time, hon.” She says to you after you come back up for air.
  1158. >With a sigh, you nod and let her head upstairs while you make yourself presentable once more yourself.
  1159. >Now with her number on your phone too.
  1160. >…
  1161. >The scene is set.
  1162. >The atmosphere of this fancy restaurant hits you like a tidal wave as Rarity waves to the greeter in front with your reservation somewhere on the paper before him.
  1163. >Next to Rarity’s name is your tarnished name: Anon Y. Mous.
  1164. >Felt like a stake hitting your heart when you heard someone else read the whole thing out loud.
  1165. >Felt like a marathon while you were being escorted to your table.
  1166. >”Are you alright, dear?” Rarity slightly tilts her head a little, making her expensive earrings dangle slightly.
  1167. “Heh, you know me. Always nervous.” You meekly shrug with a shy grin that makes Rarity’s heart flutter.
  1168. >The clacking of silverware upon ceramic plates by the numerous other people dining here is the answer both of you give one another by staying silent a little longer.
  1169. >A sound unique to a dinner date.
  1170. >A reminder for your shoulders to relax the best they can as Rarity’s eyes meet yours.
  1171. >”In the strangest way, luck has been both on my side and incredibly… not on my side.” Mentions Rarity in a tone only retroactively fond of her nearly laughable earlier situation.
  1172. “I’ll say.” You distract yourself from gulping by using your voice to speak.
  1173. >”Had I been more superstitious, I’d have assumed the rain didn’t want our date to happen today.”
  1174. “Glad it didn’t pick back up and leave us soaking wet just now.”
  1175. >”Oh that would have been a DISASTER!” Rarity meets your gaze in agreement and flicks her wrist. “It’d be too late to fix all this makeup. And the last thing I would do is postpone it until tomorrow over that… after I made you wait so long!”
  1176. “I wouldn’t be mad if you did that, at least. I’d understand, I saw how hard it was raining too.”
  1177. >”Not even if my makeup got ruined only during our walk into here?” Asks Rarity.
  1178. “Well I wouldn’t expect you to cancel until tomorrow at the *literal last second*, if that’s what you mean.”
  1179. >”I guess my exaggeration doesn’t really work there.”
  1180. “It’d be perfectly fine for you to have runny makeup on our date. If anything, it makes it more exciting. Like a scene out of a romantic comedy movie.”
  1181. >”You sure know how to spin this in a way that makes me feel better.” Admits Rarity with a breath that leans her back in her seat.
  1182. “The bright side of things is always more fun. Not just even when it rains. But *especially* when it rains.”
  1183. >Where in the hell is all of this coming from?
  1184. >That was so corny!
  1185. >But Rarity’s eyes light up in response to it.
  1186. >”That’s quite the way to put it, darling!” Rarity clamps her hands together. “Apologies if this sounds cliche but… you truly have a way with words.”
  1187. “I honestly don’t know what came over me just now.”
  1188. >You know it’s not what came over you just now.
  1189. >It’s who came over you about an hour or two ago.
  1190. >And now the guilt and the absence of date tension are battling it out.
  1191. >Squeezing these phrases out of you from the pressure like ketchup out of a plastic bottle this restaurant has too many stars to provide.
  1192. “I think I’m being corny when I say that.” You honestly admit.
  1193. >”I think it’s sweet, darling.” Rarity reaches her hand out to grab yours.
  1194. >Your guilt almost make you too ashamed to accept the gesture.
  1195. >But the feeling of Rarity’s fingers locking with yours lowers your shoulders back down.
  1196. >You’re not getting the urge to glance at Rarity’s chest anymore.
  1197. >Because the fuel for those urges is out of supply tonight.
  1198. >But at what cost?
  1199. >”I don’t mind our story being a romantic comedy either, dear.” Rarity strokes the back of your hand with her thumb.
  1200. >Her loving touch sends a gust of wind blowing the dark cloud over your head to the side.
  1201. >Letting the warm overhead light above your restaurant table shine its grace down upon you.
  1202. >Grace you welcome, but know that don’t deserve.
  1203. >Just as the rain clearing up earlier allowed the date you don’t deserve to happen after the deed was done.
  1204. “Maybe luck was playing tricks on you.” You say, adding to the romantic comedy analogy. “As soon as they gave you that contract, the rain tried to get in the way of our date.”
  1205. >”Perhaps.” Rarity warmly smiles again. “Maybe the sky got jealous and doesn’t want me to have everything I wanted in life.” She jokes, gazing right into your eyes.
  1206. “We won’t be stopped that easily.” You encourage her.
  1207. >Rarity’s hand interlocked with yours eases the pain in your heart that comes from the memory of what happened.
  1208. >She doesn’t know, and that’s the way it should stay.
  1209. >A part of you has this sinking feeling that wishes you aren’t going to do in a couple of days what you’re planning to do.
  1210. >Your words hang onto Rarity’s presence, praying that she doesn’t feel the same underlying truth you feel.
  1211. >The date is going well.
  1212. >On the outside.
  1213. >Inside of you, the fact that the date is happening at all just pours gasoline onto your blazing remorse.
  1214. >Looking at how dolled up Rarity got just for you, even after worrying about her own endeavors in life before then making time for her date with you.
  1215. >Driving through the rain, etc.
  1216. >You never should have asked her out, not after what happened with her mother.
  1217. >And you know a series of urges is going to overpower your guilt in a couple of days as well.
  1218. >You know this while you sit through the rest of the date with Rarity, laughing a joking along with her as thought nothing’s wrong beneath the surface.
  1219. ~
  1220. >Days later.
  1221. >At an undisclosed location.
  1222. >At an undisclosed time.
  1223. >You’re sitting at a makeshift restaurant table in a dimly lit room.
  1224. >Surrounded by plain wallpaper and locked windows that had been tightly curtained shut.
  1225. >The door in and out of this place is double-locked.
  1226. >You know your girlfriend Rarity is not going to be here.
  1227. >She currently has no time to be here.
  1228. >She currently has no knowledge to be here.
  1229. >She’s not even within close proximity of here.
  1230. >You anxiously twiddle your thumbs and tap your toes in the chair at the tiny table in a deliberately weakly tailored tuxedo.
  1231. >A couple of sizes too small on you, it’s already coming apart at the seams.
  1232. >The quiet tearing noises gently sound through the quieter dimly lit room.
  1233. >As you wait, with nothing else to wear, for your date to join you.
  1234. >The tight white shirt, tight black jacket and tight black pants are the only things on your body.
  1235. >No underwear or anything else.
  1236. >You’re not supposed to stay in this outfit.
  1237. >”Hope I’m not late.” Cookie Crumbles enters the room.
  1238. >Your undersized pants were already tight on you as they were.
  1239. >But now extra life is sprung into you as you watch Cookie’s massive soft breasts gently sway under those two loose bridges of fabric being the only things barely covering her huge nipples.
  1240. >This extremely skimpy dress she has on would never be allowed in a public setting.
  1241. >Completely open back and 90% open front, it’s like a limp, silky pair of suspenders that doesn’t even bother covering her soft bellybutton.
  1242. >She turns around to rest her purse somewhere.
  1243. >Even the skirt section is loose, with the top of it drooping down the back of Cookie’s waist to let the top of her buttcrack peek out.
  1244. >Proving that there are no panties to accompany this lone, tiny, flimsy excuse for a “dress” on her otherwise naked voluptuous body.
  1245. >Shamelessly displaying Cookie Crumbles’s smooth soft tummy, thighs, underbutt, sideboob and absolute cleavage to the entire imaginary restaurant around you.
  1246. >And you thought your pants were tight before…
  1247. >Cookie is having a hard time balancing herself on her high heels, not having needed to wear them for some time.
  1248. >You get up to help your date, with your member desperately trying to stand all the way up in your tight pants that split at the seams little by little.
  1249. >”Thank you, Anon.” Cookie Crumbles lets you hold her by her smooth arms from behind to stay balanced while she walks towards the small table with only one chair.
  1250. >Make no attempt to hide your erection from her.
  1251. >Her huge wobbling buttcheeks barely covered by the limp back of her “dress” brush past your stiff bulge, encouraging it to grow even stronger and break more of the seams keeping the fabric together.
  1252. >Your eyes admire the clear silky skin of Cookie Crumbles’s bare sexy back.
  1253. >Rest her onto one side of the chair with yourself landing onto the other side.
  1254. >The long weak straps of Cookie’s “dress” were barely enough to keep her large areolae covered when she was standing.
  1255. >Her soft tummy scrunches together and her straps over her big beautiful tits loosen even more…
  1256. >Neither of you say anything at first.
  1257. >Sharing the date in horny silence while you have your arm around her to help her stay on the chair.
  1258. >Caress your hand up and down her smooth arm, soon going past her arms and caressing the smooth bare side of Cookie Crumbles’s curvy torso.
  1259. >Lingering on her soft sideboob with an aroused grope with your eyes faithfully locked onto her full deep cleavage of her nearly naked D+cup breasts getting softly pushed together.
  1260. >This brings a shivering sigh out of her.
  1261. >Cookie can’t keep her areolae from peeking out for you as you “wait to order” in the chair together.
  1262. >”Anon…” Huffs Cookie Crumbles. “It seems my dress keeps slipping a little. Will you help a lady keep her dress together?”
  1263. >You nod and oblige, helping Cookie Crumbles fix the limp straps of her “dress” as often as her huge nipples begin to inevitably slip out again.
  1264. >The more of her soft smooth body you feel for longer and longer bits of time, the more her warm skin entraps you inside of your arousal for her.
  1265. >And the more your once helping hands… turn on her.
  1266. >”So Anon…” Cookie Crumbles leans into your hands feeling her up all over her exposed skin. “Tell me about yourself.”
  1267. >Your sensual grabbing spreads all over Cookie’s soft flesh, making her tremble in response.
  1268. >She only lets it continue as you lean over and lock lips with her.
  1269. >Deepening the kiss quickly as your full mast erection triumphantly pushes through and breaks out of your tight pants that come apart completely.
  1270. >Cookie’s gentle medium length hair dances between your fingers while your tongue dances with hers.
  1271. >You’re telling eachother a lot about yourselves.
  1272. >The taste of her saliva in your mouth is only an appetizer.
  1273. >The kiss stays deep and passionate, with lips working together in almost competition with wet smacking noises around your tongues rubbing and grazing along every last bit of one another.
  1274. >It distracts Cookie Crumbles from the fact that your hands are now intruding underneath her skimpy straps
  1275. >Until she feels your fingers pressing and dancing along her skin all the way to her big sensitive nipples~
  1276. >”Mmmmhh~…” Cookie Crumbles groans into your mouth just like before.
  1277. >Your erect member has sprung free with no effort.
  1278. >The wonderfully deep kiss finally breaks with a few gasps for air shared between you that brush past the bridges of saliva stringing between your lips and hers.
  1279. >You missing this so much only made it happening all over again feel like heaven.
  1280. >”I suppose you’re helping a lady out of her dress?” She stares at your thumbs running circles along Cookie Crumbles’s large exposed nipples.
  1281. “No one in the restaurant is looking…” You thirst for more than only the taste of her kiss.
  1282. >You continue trying you best to "help" Cookie Crumbles with her tiny little "dress".
  1283. >Except your assistance is going in the opposite direction now, and Cookie isn't one to complain about it.
  1284. >Your quivering lips all lock together, unable to keep away from this forbidden sensation.
  1285. >You've felt too much of her bare skin, too much of her warm soft body on top of you.
  1286. >Something is once again taking over on your behalf.
  1287. >Telling you to wait while it fills out that void that just got addressed again.
  1288. >Holding onto Cookie is much more preferable to letting ho and breaking the next kiss.
  1289. >It's just too much to resist.
  1290. >Cookie Crumbles's thighs are on either side of your hips, and her soft massive breasts can't just stay under those pathetically worn overall-esque straps for long.
  1291. >"Are you sure no one else in the restaurant is looking?" Cookie plays around, glancing around the dark kitchen.
  1292. "I've got you right here, miss."
  1293. >"Mmmmm... thank you. You're being such a gentleman."
  1294. >Her large supple globes give way to your scattered attempts at keeping the straps over them.
  1295. >It's be very improper for a lady to let her areolae slip out into view in the middle of such a high-ranking restaurant.
  1296. >Cookie starts to try to help you with you wardrobe malfunction as well.
  1297. >Noticing how the seams of your pants decided to just... surrender to your raging arousal insisting it become obvious to the entire place of your date.
  1298. >The two of you plead into one another's eyes along with your mutual assistance.
  1299. >Unable to fight back at the logic-derailing urge to share another kiss as though you need eachother's lips more than air.
  1300. >Cookie gives you a silly chuckle as her weakness helps her hands open your torn pants even more.
  1301. >Her smile apologizes not for what she just did, but for what she's about to do.
  1302. >You should have known it would come to her fingers "accidentally" wrapping around your shaft.
  1303. >Cookie Crumbles rests in your lap with her gaze teeming with feral anticipation as your focus refuses to abandon her bountiful chest so kindly presented to you in such little clothing.
  1304. >The center of the "top" of her "dress" droops open to keep her bellybutton bare to you as that face-pillow-like tummy breathes faster to the feeling of your throbbing shaft in her needful grip.
  1305. >She's still helping you... with... something... at least...
  1306. >Falling victim to her giddy excitement as her hand moves up and down with her favorite part of her date happily in her grasp.
  1307. >Guiding the forming drop of your precum closer to where the bottom of her "dress" surrenders in trying to stay over where a pair of panties should be.
  1308. >Spreading her thighs open like this would never not force the velvet-y fabric to hike up like this.
  1309. >Cookie's thighs would stubbornly refuse to close even if your body wasn't right here between them.
  1310. >Not when the distance between your wetness and her is closing fast on account of your out-of-business restraint.
  1311. >You didn't even know what you hands were doing at this point.
  1312. >Can't even decide if it's hotter to completely bare Cookie's large nipples or inevitably keep failing to cover them up all the way underneath that thin, insufficient fabric.
  1313. >Can't even say it's holding on for dear life; it's barely holding on at all.
  1314. >Through those bridges of fabric jut hints of Cookie's sexy suckable nipples stiffly demanding to become unveiled once more.
  1315. >Officially declaring that your "main course" is ready.
  1316. >"Anon..." Cookie presents her huge breasts to you between her trembling arms as you greedily pull the straps forward until the tension against her smooth shoulders breaks and sends them slipping halfway down her arms.
  1317. >She sighs at you between hot, tangled kisses until you start to lean your topless date back against the restaurant table.
  1318. >Even though Cookie softly lands on her back onto the flat surface with a gleeful groan, it's still enough to make her mesmerizing bare breasts softly wobble up and down before your thirsty gaze.
  1319. >Your main course was always right here all along, now presented atop the table you humbly lean down towards.
  1320. >"Mmmmm... drink up, baby. Just like you wanted..." Cookie's too turned on by your wild advances to think of something less cheesy to say... she doesn't care.
  1321. >She only cares about your thirsty lips now locking onto her areolae the same way they did with her mouth.
  1322. >Her reaction is almost panicked at first when the suction begins, but she eases into it the more seconds of it that pass.
  1323. >Her breathy little responses become higher and higher pitched, reacting to your tongue flicking the stiff bud of her nipple back and forth.
  1324. >No one here is paying attention to the thick, busty topless woman sprawled about of the table receiving reason after reason to joyfully cry out as quietly as she can.
  1325. >Reacting to the ministrations upon her nipples.
  1326. >You're sure to give them equal attention with each passing minute or so.
  1327. >And the date goes on to lead to Cookie letting you suck her milk right out of where it comes from.
  1328. >She's so delicious and she knows it.
  1329. >The way she teasingly arches her back up into your otherwise cantaloupe-grinning face has it not been for your lips tightly locking onto big awaiting nipples.
  1330. >You'll have to cover them up only after this is done.
  1331. >Those impatient sucking noises coming from your lips against her areolae alone are telling of how much warm sweet milk should be coming out.
  1332. >"Y-you're welcome, baby~!" Cookie answers to your lustful suckling upon her breasts that physically says "thank you" more than anything else.
  1333. >She lets you have it all.
  1334. >Reaching above her head and grasping the rim of the table to keep herself sturdy in preparation for your "payment".
  1335. >The more of her thick breastmilk you gulp down, the closer that moment becomes.
  1336. >And your sturdy cock knows this all too well.
  1337. >Spreading some preemptive precum along Cookie's bare vulva, which in turn prompts her to widen her thighs even more in response to your most intimate interaction with her yet.
  1338. >Unlike last time, your glans was *super* eager to do that without a hint of hesitation.
  1339. >You're not nervous this time, you're taking the lead now.
  1340. >And Cookie excitedly follows your performance upon her juicy, full-figured body, triumphantly encouraging your to persister further after feeling your glans leave some more precum with a soft wet horny push against her vulva lip once again.
  1341. >Cookie Crumbles finally rests on her back with your gaze meeting hers again.
  1342. >Not before you finally release each of her nipples with a loud, arousing pop.
  1343. >This beautiful goddess sprawled before you gazes back up at your determined stare, wearing a tranquil yet challenging smile on her deeply blushing face.
  1344. >"You're too kind, Anon." She mumbles as you give her the tip before the rest of your "payment".
  1345. >It's a good thing Cookie started hanging on to the table.
  1346. >How those table legs are able to stay connected is a miracle as the feeling of your length's full submergence drives your lower body a-frenzy with activity.
  1347. >Give her a slew of powerful thrusts automatically without even needing to think about it.
  1348. >Cookie gasps in enthralled shock as the table begins to violently sway with her on top of it.
  1349. >And your hearty plaps begin to fill the restaurant unbeknownst to anyone else here.
  1350. >As Cookie Crumbles groans with the taste of you still lingering in her mouth, the feet of the table legs ruggedly groan against the floor with no way to stay in place.
  1351. >Anyone listening to this going on above their ceiling gonna have a hard time figuring out what the hell the cause of ll this racket is unless they got their mind in the gutter too.
  1352. >But as for you as Cookie, your minds are deeper than the gutter... you're in a remote cavern far under any civilization together.
  1353. >Your responsive beyond-lewd thoughts overlapping one another in rapid succession as your brains do their best to process the intense pleasure guiding you closer to climax.
  1354. >Needing to understand every last bit of what you're feeling eachother do to one another.
  1355. >Desperate to understand every last nanosecond of it.
  1356. >Not wanting to miss out on a drop of this absolute forbidden pleasure of more than just a makeshift dinner date.
  1357. >Cookie's heaving is the sounds of the woman that has always been deep inside of her, only brought out by something that shouldn't happen, but couldn't avoid happening.
  1358. >As unavoidable as this charging ejaculation erupting its way from your swinging balls.
  1359. >The wrong-ness of this sinful act should have been enough reason for the table to break.
  1360. >It somehow didn't, as though you have received the endorsement and assistance of the devil himself.
  1361. >...
  1362. >Just like that, it never happened as far as Rarity knows.
  1363. >There's no what, no where, no when.
  1364. >There's two kinds of dinner dates in this world.
  1365. ~
  1366. >You wonder if Rarity remembers much about a couple of nights ago as you do.
  1367. >That date with *her* at the fancy restaurant.
  1368. >Where it's clear you weren't able to hide how distant you appeared to be.
  1369. >"Are you sure you don't want to go there again, dear?" Rarity looks over at you.
  1370. >Her words feel like a last chance to keep hold of something she really wants to happen again.
  1371. >It's clear Rarity likes that restaurant a lot, and having the date take place there held a good deal of significance.
  1372. "That place is great, but it's a little far." You answer. "Besides, I wouldn't want to spoil myself."
  1373. >"I suppose it'd make sense not to spend so much money so soon."
  1374. >Rarity looks off into the distance with a quiet sigh.
  1375. >You tap your toes onto the sidewalk a little bit as you lean against the car.
  1376. >"I just feel like you didn't enjoy the atmosphere as much as I did." Rarity carefully stays clear of something else to say, not knowing if the time is right.
  1377. "Oh I liked it, it's just that I was probably tired or something."
  1378. >"Well I'd feel terrible if our little predicament hampered our evening there. I was really looking forward to there in particular."
  1379. "Oh I know!" You gently take her hand, feeling fake as fuck while doing so. "But I'm glad we still went through with it. It was one of the best experiences I've had, having dinner with a girl like you in a place like that."
  1380. >"I do wish we could have postponed to a better day without rain."
  1381. >Rarity blushes a tiny bit in response to your hands holding hers.
  1382. >"But as long as you enjoyed it."
  1383. "I wish I could have enjoyed it even more too. Maybe next time down the road, we can spend the whole afternoon there." You pause. "Surely you don't mind a whole lot about the first time being somewhere being the only one that truly counts. Do you?"
  1384. >"Well, no. But you *are* saying you're open to going there again?"
  1385. "I'd love to. The more memories I make at your favorite places, the better, eh?"
  1386. >What the hell even is this conversation?
  1387. >You only don't want to go back because that fancy ceiling, that wallpaper, that... admittedly divine atmosphere... is now synonymous with your guilt.
  1388. >The way you sat there is what had to be luxury.
  1389. >Luxury you didn't deserve.
  1390. >You never want to see it again, because it reminds you of the compassion Rarity gave you that you know you don't deserve.
  1391. >But being honest is only going to open a can of worms that will only hurt both of you more and more as the content spill out further.
  1392. >And that hopeful glint in Rarity's eyes is something you'd dare not bring tears at the corners of.
  1393. >That smile of hers believes in you, and you're standing here like a two-faced car salesman who just ripped her off and she doesn't even know it because you're hiding it behind your own artificial smile.
  1394. >You may have stabbed Rarity in the back when you fucked her mother behind it, but it's you who's hurting.
  1395. >Now you're gonna have to pretend everything's all good every time you chat with her.
  1396. >It's a hell of a feeling.
  1397. >Something you don't understand until you're experiencing it firsthand.
  1398. >Being nice to someone who doesn't know you've betrayed them, for an underlying external reaso-
  1399. >"Darling, is everything alright?" Rarity's smile fades into a humble frown of concern.
  1400. "I'm just wondering how I'm going to foot the bill next time." You make up your quick save.
  1401. >"Oh, don't you worry about that! Going there will be my treat again. It was a pleasure to just have you there, dear. That alone made it worth it. I think you carried yourself nicely for your first time there."
  1402. >That hurt to listen to.
  1403. >"You being excellent as you always are is all I'll need in return for that. At least just there, since we'd both love to go there again."
  1404. >It really hurt.
  1405. >If you let the apology bubble out of you now, the jig is up.
  1406. >She'll ask what it's for.
  1407. >No one likes a sudden unexplained apology that carries suspicious implications.
  1408. >"So it's settled? We'll go there again?" Rarity's eyes light up again as she puts her heels together and locks her fingers under her chin.
  1409. >God, she's so sweet like this.
  1410. >How could you possibly ruin it?
  1411. >You can't.
  1412. >You cannot allow it.
  1413. "We can go to the park next time, or maybe the state fair. I can win a stuffed animal for you if I'm good enough at throwing baseballs." You dish the suggestion out there. "And those will be on me, you just have yourself a good time."
  1414. >"The state fair sounds fun. I hear Pinkie and Rainbow Dash go there a lot."
  1415. "Do you?"
  1416. >"Well, I haven't. But I'm excited to try new date ideas with you regardless, darling." Rarity responds with assurance lingering in her tone, wondering how her performance under that contract will be after being with you rooting for her from the sidelines. "You've already started to inspire me to expand my boundaries when we first got together. I appreciate having fun with you there."
  1417. >She hesitates for a bit with another glance into the distance.
  1418. >"But... uhm... maybe not *too* large of a stuffed animal. If that's alright."
  1419. "Oh don't worry, my aim would be so terrible that I might not get it no matter how hard I try." You chuckle.
  1420. >Rarity joins you in the moment, gravitating towards your presence and the warmth of the moment.
  1421. >"I've been there once or twice, anyway. So it's not like it's uncharted territory for me."
  1422. "Same." You slouch your back a little and keep that friendly grin on your face.
  1423. >"I shouldn't wear something I can't afford to get stains on."
  1424. "Good idea."
  1425. >You feel like a phony TV commercial right now.
  1426. >Selling something while doing everything you can to hide the find print in the past.
  1427. >Maybe this'll blow over with time, and you can force yourself to forget what you did as you have fun with Rarity on your future time spent together watering the past down more and more.
  1428. >"Thank you so much, darling." Rarity leans in.
  1429. >You almost forgot the cue, but the girl Rarity herself lets you kiss her right on the lips.
  1430. >This isn't the first time, and probably won't be the last time.
  1431. >It's nothing special, just a quick peck goodbye for the day to keep eachother smiling and your hearts fluttering like a storybook love story until you meet again.
  1432. >Rarity sure has fun with the way it gets you all red in the face when you kiss her.
  1433. >She clearly enjoys having this affect on you, making a shy guy like you have something to look forward to like a romantic evening with her in your life.
  1434. >An appreciative sigh escapes her.
  1435. >The sky darkens.
  1436. >The two of you are back home with your plans set before you know it.
  1437. >...
  1438. >And you contemplate the moment as you sit in your living room after chatting with your loving girlfriend Rarity.
  1439. >Are things really that bad?
  1440. >You must have kissed Rarity on the lips about five times in total now, except you can't remember any of the times this happened.
  1441. >Every time you think back, it only feels like something you're only just now imagining, like it's actually nothing.
  1442. >Nothing compared to your multiple romps with Cookie Crumbles.
  1443. >Quickly giving Rarity a peck on the lips feels like nothing in comparison, and you can't even remember it actually happening when looking back on the past several weeks despite knowing the two of you cutely kissed a couple of times.
  1444. >Where's the triumphant fondness you know you felt when that happened?
  1445. >You don't even remember it anymore.
  1446. >It's all been eclipsed with much deeper kisses with someone else.
  1447. >Man, you really have reached the point where you don't even feel anything to the memory of when you kissed.
  1448. >This is what those tragic love ballads in the 80s mentioned, or whatever 70s song about someone's love not even being real and just there as a sort of placeholder.
  1449. >More of those moody "is true love even real or worth it" songs.
  1450. >The ones that recently broken-up people listen to in order to cheer themselves up and cope later.
  1451. >So they don't feel as alone in their predicament: a relationship that just couldn't stand on its own and eventually came crashing down with their fragile heart feeling the weight of a sad piano riff shattering it into the ground.
  1452. >"It's okay, we failed too. It's because love ain't what they make it out to be. We were with someone who turned out to be the wrong one too. We were fooled too."
  1453. >etc. etc.
  1454. >And now you can't remember when you kissed her.
  1455. >Is your heart fading? Is hers going to be breaking in a month or two?
  1456. >You gotta figure out how to keep this relationship from hitting a flatline.
  1457. >But how do you do that when YOU'RE the one who made the fatal mistake?
  1458. >Wait until your vision isn't too clouded to see her new texts coming in.
  1459. >Replying to the words of a young woman who is still protected by her own ignorant bliss.
  1460. >Shielded from the knowledge of your betrayal.
  1461. >The same knowledge you aren't shielded from.
  1462. >And it bombards you on all sides.
  1463. >the truth would sting like hell at first but set you free in the long run.
  1464. >And you can try again with a girl who doesn't even know Rari-
  1465. >NO.
  1466. >No, you have to secretly turn this around without her ever finding out.
  1467. >You'll let the guilt be your punishment for the rest of your life, coupled with Rarity not sharing your pain with any grief.
  1468. >THAT'S your punishment.
  1469. >She'll be happy and you'll be torn apart on the inside by your remorse for the rest of your life.
  1470. >...If you two even stay together.
  1471. ~
  1472. >"You going to send the signed contract back soon?" Asks Cookie as she continues wiping down the countertop after supper has concluded.
  1473. >"Yes, mom. And I was sure to have a lawyer look at it first." Rarity gives her mother a nod of affirmation.
  1474. >"Very good. You can never be too careful these days." Cookie glances out the window at the darkening sky. "I almost lost half of my life savings to a pyramid scheme once."
  1475. >Rarity sighs. "Mom, it's Sassy Saddles, remember? We know we can trust her. You've met her."
  1476. >"I know, I know. I just wanted to make sure nothing funny happens. Maybe even she doesn't know something."
  1477. >Rarity replies. "I don't blame you for worrying about me, but I promise you, I *assure* you, I have handled this myself properly. There's nothing further you could pick up on that the attorney would have missed."
  1478. >"That's true." Cookie says to her before going back to humming at the sponge in her hand. "I'm very proud of you, Rarity."
  1479. >"Thank you, mom."
  1480. >"Is Sassy Saddles excited to do work with you?"
  1481. >"Oh, absolutely! She's really taken a liking to the designs I showed her from my portfolio."
  1482. >"I bet her jaw dropped when she saw that orchid jacket!"
  1483. >Rarity throws a quick laugh back in return. "Oh please, you're making me blush!"
  1484. >"That's my favorite one, Rarity. I knew she'd love that one."
  1485. >Rarity chuckles some more. "Mom, please! It was inspired by one of the designs they've done before! It's not *that* special!"
  1486. >"Well it's my favorite." Grins Cookie. "They saw your keen eye for color and never looked back."
  1487. >"Mom!" Rarity blushes a little more.
  1488. >"Oh what's wrong? Of course they'll love your designs."
  1489. >"Yes but... did you really have to butter me up about it?"
  1490. >"I'm not buttering you up! I promise! Sassy Saddles is lucky to have you working with her."
  1491. >"Hmph!" Rarity responds with a cute playful pout.
  1492. >"You have every right to be very confident, darling." Cookie Crumbles walks over to where Rarity is sitting and places an encouraging hand on her daughter's shoulder. "Like I said, I'm *very* proud of your success. Wish I could've been there with ya!"
  1493. >"Aww, thanks, mom." Rarity warmly smiles. "It was raining something terrible, though."
  1494. >"Oh I know. I wish that darn weather app would get things right for once. But here we are, I guess."
  1495. >The two of them laugh about it together, both now thinking about Rarity's boyfriend Anon.
  1496. >"Thanks for not making Anon drive all the way out to where I was."
  1497. >"Hey, I won't get involved in how you two tackle a situation." Cookie grins and puts her hands up. "He's a nice boy and I think you two are really cute together."
  1498. >Rarity looks down and blushes again, feeling very fond of her boyfriend.
  1499. >Cookie keeps deep inside the secret of what she and Anon did together, not once, but twice.
  1500. >Over the years, she's gotten really good at masking emotions, especially while raising her daughter.
  1501. >In order to keep up an authoritative demeanor even when at wit's end, like practically any parent.
  1502. >But the tragedy of her own mistake marches on to the beating of her heart.
  1503. >Her moment of weakness plays over and over again in her mind, and she keeps the shame deep inside of her memory.
  1504. >What kind of wife and mother does this make her?
  1505. >Wasn't she supposed to be over this kind of behavior?
  1506. >She has a husband and two daughters now, this behavior cannot continue like this.
  1507. >It was supposed to stay locked away in her early 20s and nothing more.
  1508. >It's really hard keeping this from Rarity.
  1509. >Cookie wants nothing more than to erase it from history, even if just for the sake of her daughter.
  1510. >But her main concern is keeping her husband Hondo Flanks from finding out.
  1511. >She knows she shouldn't be this casual about it, but it is what it is.
  1512. >That's the best she can do for now... she truly truly does want Anon and Rarity to be able to take their relationship to the next level if their feelings want them to.
  1513. >Meanwhile, as for the main concern in Rarity's mind, is her wondering if she'll stay this young and beautiful for long.
  1514. >It's been something nagging her in the back of her mind on and off, especially whenever she looks in the mirror applying makeup.
  1515. >She knows her mother managed to keep her form and her pretty face, but will Rarity herself manage to stay the way she is before finally getting married?
  1516. >With the kind of guy she's trying to help Anon become, that really shouldn't matter.
  1517. >But even with that, Rarity can't help but sense a tiny, insignificant voice inside of her telling her to compare herself to her own mother.
  1518. >Like the year she got married, the year she had her first child, how long she and her father had dated before they decided things went far enough to get more serious.
  1519. >Rarity looks at herself and begins to wonder if she's truly appealing enough for Anon, as ridiculous as that may sound considering the difference in leagues.
  1520. >What if Rarity doesn't age as gracefully as her mother did?
  1521. >What if she marries Anon in the future?
  1522. >So many possibilities to consider as she gets up after finishing her casual chat with her mother.
  1523. >Now beginning to self-reflect on her relationship with Anon... and how the previous date a couple of nights ago went.
  1524. >Anon is probably aware too, but Rarity did indeed notice a change in his demeanor compared to the date before.
  1525. >It really gets her to start thinking about things, namely regarding how the next date should go.
  1526. >Rarity is sure that her mother Cookie Crumbles wouldn't have so much of a problem keeping her father Hondo Flanks committed to the relationship.
  1527. >Did they even need to have five dates?
  1528. >Rarity doesn't want to ask about it right now, seeing as her mother might start asking too many questions out of that infamous maternal curiosity for her daughter's life events.
  1529. >Rarity's gotten to know Anon very well by now, but something keeps creeping back into her mind after she retires to her bedroom.
  1530. >...
  1531. >Rarity's reflection questions the girl's motives for dating this guy.
  1532. >Bearing down at her with an identical gaze that asks her if she believes she's a good influence on him.
  1533. >His eyes hadn't wandered so much last time, so it should be a good thing.
  1534. >But if that's the truth, then why does something feel wrong?
  1535. >The way he speaks, the way he stood there shortly after the date ended.
  1536. >They say guilty feel got no rhythm, and his entire body wasn't even sure where it wanted to walk just outside of the restaurant.
  1537. >Both of his legs were so hesitant, but Rarity has no foundation for her notions that something was wrong.
  1538. >Would he really be that nervous that many dates in despite being perfectly fine the time before?
  1539. >He definitely seemed less enthused, which convinces Rarity's eyes to divert to the outfit spilling out of her dresser drawer.
  1540. >What kind of ending would be for her to start losing him now?
  1541. >The more she thinks about the downward gaze of his eyes straight onto the table and his clamped hands, the more she worries.
  1542. >Something surely changed, but she didn't want to pry into what it might have been.
  1543. >A part of Rarity just wants to be sure it was only the restaurant they went to.
  1544. >But he'd be relieved to leave there if that was the case, and not walk with such uncertainty.
  1545. >Rarity wishes she didn't understand body language so well, because Anon's physical gestures and tells in his movements have her second guessing how things might be going.
  1546. >Something's not right.
  1547. >She's losing him and she had no idea why. He's tuning out.
  1548. >Not acting like the guy from school who asked out Rarity of all girls.
  1549. >It was always a possibility in Rarity's head that this pairing between her and Anon would turn out to be a mismatch... but on the first or second date at latest.
  1550. >Not all the way up to the *fifth* date!
  1551. >After how well everything else went.
  1552. >Wouldn't make sense for this to only be the natural flow of how things are going; something intervened, an event.
  1553. >The flow of events has been broken by something, and Anon might not be interested in Rarity for long despite the bonding the two have shared.
  1554. >Maybe he expected to have taken things a little bit further than just a few quick pecks on the lips.
  1555. >It was amazing of him to not expect sex after this many dates so far.
  1556. >Not exactly the actions of a guy who's only going out with a girl just to get into her panties.
  1557. >Maybe he was being patient
  1558. >Maybe he was being respectful and considerate.
  1559. >If he wasn't interested in sex, that would have been indicated somehow by now; it clearly wasn't.
  1560. >And with that, Rarity wonders why she's seemingly losing Anon's enthusiasm.
  1561. >After some more minutes of mulling over it in her head, she keeps coming to the same conclusion.
  1562. >It can't really be anything else.
  1563. >Maybe she should start hinting at the notion that she want to... put out for him.
  1564. >Despite that being counter-intuitive for the direction she wanted to set him in, but didn't she already do enough of the direction-setting part?
  1565. >Rarity subtly shivers at her own reflection as she questions the internal suggestion that it's her to blame for Anon's budding distance.
  1566. >That little outfit spilling out of the drawer is calling over to her, conveniently the same vibrant red+white colors as a lifebuoy being cast into the roughening waters of whatever's starting to go on.
  1567. >But she's unsure if wearing something like that will bring things back towards where they need to be.
  1568. >How much of an option does she have when she's feeling things starting to sink?
  1569. >The next date should be getting pretty serious now, so it shouldn't feel so out of place for Rarity to show a little more and lets Anon's mind do the rest of the figuring out.
  1570. >In a solemn motion, Rarity lets out a steady breath and turns to face the garment calling out to her.
  1571. >She approaches it almost like a funeral march, her steps weighed down by her reluctant intentions.
  1572. >Usually, she dresses just to dress, and maybe show a little more of herself, but this time is different.
  1573. >She feels dirty.
  1574. >Because the goal is to get him to take his mind off of her personality and onto her body instead.
  1575. >This is what a cheap whore would do... not Rarity.
  1576. >...She's not cheap...
  1577. >Even these very intentions are supposed to be something she's above.
  1578. >She's supposed to keep things couth and classy with Anon, not... intentionally sleazy.
  1579. >What kind of example would this set for Anon if it didn't work and everything falls apart anyway?
  1580. >What would he really have learned.
  1581. >All of these thoughts only make the garment feel so... so much heavier in Rarity's hands as she holds it, waiting for her mind to say yes or no.
  1582. ~
  1583. >...
  1584. >Clouds in the sky gathering the way they do caused a few plans to cancel.
  1585. >Including the date between Anon and Rarity when they saw the forecast change from rain to (not) rain.
  1586. >They learned to assume the opposite.
  1587. >Though, the date is still on, they're just going to hang out at the mall now.
  1588. >...
  1589. >"The eateries here may not be as refined as some of the places I'd like to take you, but I supposed it's the best we can do for now." Rarity almost walks ahead of you as you enter the front of one of the department stores.
  1590. >You're lucky to have texted her before deciding to go to the state fair before it got rained on.
  1591. >Both of you would have been sopping wet by now.
  1592. "I think it's better this way, Rarity."
  1593. >"Do you really? I won't mind if you're more honest about it. I understand."
  1594. "I mean it. We get the best of both worlds. There's probably really great places to eat here, and if none of them are fancy, that's okay too because we can still go walking around like it's the state fair."
  1595. >"I... never thought of it that way." Rarity pauses for a second.
  1596. >Her decreased tension of her tone eases you a little.
  1597. >You really could tell she was worried that you wouldn't be having a good time here.
  1598. >"You always knew how to look on the bright side of things, darling."
  1599. "I didn't know there was a less bright side." You shrug. "I'm here with you, aren't I? That's more than anything else I could ask for."
  1600. >"Aww!"
  1601. >Rarity cutely nuzzles noses with you.
  1602. >A couple of nearby shoppers finally get their chance to see someone doing something cringeworthy and feel extra-normal when giving them a judgmental glance then eachother a "Jim from The Office" glance.
  1603. >They heard every word of your cheesy exchange with your girlfriend.
  1604. >And you're not even mad about it; barring how you felt a couple of days ago, you're proud to be holding this girl's hand while walking past a couple of mannequins she rivals the body shape of.
  1605. >It took a couple of nights of sleeping the guilt off to be able to smile back at those other shoppers judging you for being so corny.
  1606. >Not like it's a big deal anyway, they even smile back with a laugh all like "that lucky bastard lol".
  1607. >Rarity leads you through the aisles and sections of clothing, promising you that she's already been here several times and won't drag you around with her as she shops.
  1608. >Everything she's wanted to buy, she's already bought, aside whatever is here that might not have been added to the racks before.
  1609. >And even then, it's not likely to fit the criteria to be added to Rarity's expansive wardrobe of a hundred thousand combinations threatening to cause an avalanche inside of her large closet.
  1610. >Despite how she hung everything up as neatly as she could.
  1611. >You've seen it all yourself.
  1612. >It'd be nearly impossible to stuff *all* of those dresses, blouses, skirts, hats, boots, pants, jackets, etc. into that otherwise spacious closet without creating a traffic jam of fabric in every direction.
  1613. >If Rarity donated all of her clothes, she could probably single-handedly clothe an entire small African country.
  1614. >Hell, exaggerations aside, she probably has almost as many items of women's clothing as this mall department store has for sale.
  1615. >It's no wonder she doesn't need to buy anything new, you can imagine her selling things back to the mall at this point.
  1616. >"Okay, I think that's enough walking around in here." Rarity finally regains control over herself after twenty minutes or so. "Would be hypocritical of me to promise not to drag you around the department store, but then do exactly that." She jokes about it to enrich the vibe as you both walk towards the next exit that leads out into the open mall corridor where more of the noise is.
  1617. >The echo of chatter and other footsteps soon fills the air around you, and it makes you feel more alert.
  1618. "I really enjoyed you showing me around the department store." You talk a little louder so it's easier for her to hear out here. "Almost got the place memorized myself."
  1619. >"You should explore all the men's clothes you could buy!" Rarity's excitement for her niche is rekindled. "I can only imagine what styles would fit you best. Would you mind if I clued you in on what I thought would work the best for you?" She almost drops her voice to a whisper now, as if the other mall-goers are listening in on the secret.
  1620. >You sigh in response.
  1621. "I've never really been much of a clothing guy when it comes to style. Just whatever's comfortable works for me."
  1622. >"Aww, are you sure, dear?" Rarity gives you sad puppy eyes.
  1623. >She knows she doesn't want to pull you into the gravity of her passion, but there's so much gravity from how strong its presence in her mind and heart is that she just can't help it.
  1624. >You feel almost obligated to at least sort of like what your girlfriend likes, even if you're not really all about that.
  1625. >"It's quite alright if you're not interested."
  1626. "Maybe we can come back next date too, back to back. And you can pick things out for me to wear." You tell her what you assume is exactly what she wants to hear. "If you want, that is."
  1627. >The stars that gleam in Rarity's eyes tell you this is exactly something she'd love to do while spending time with you.
  1628. >"That would be marvelous, darling!" She cups her hands onto her cheeks with a delighted smile at your suggestion. "I promise we won't have to be so extravagant when picking out what we should take home with us."
  1629. >She almost said that like you already live in the same residence.
  1630. >Actually no, she *directly* said that like you already live in the same residence.
  1631. >But you don't address it.
  1632. >She continues to walk with you down the corridor of small clusters of other people in pairs or trios.
  1633. >There's a few spots to buy things like racks of calendars for sale, or pretzel stands.
  1634. >When you see the nearby fountain, you begin to wonder why you have never seen anyone steal the little pennies from the water that people threw in.
  1635. >Not even evidence of such, like seeing less pennies in the water later on in the day.
  1636. >"Oh! Would you like to make a wish?" Rarity sees the same fountain and automatically thinks about it in a much more wholesome way.
  1637. >She pulls a couple of pennies out of her purse while you give yourself your own internal two cents that you have to lighten up.
  1638. >"Surely there's still something both of us should want to wish for, right?" Rarity suggests as you shuffle your feet in anticipation to answer.
  1639. >There is one wish you can think of making.
  1640. >Maybe a memory-erasing spell or something, or time travel to stop yourself from going over to Rarity's house so early.
  1641. >And maybe text her asking if she's going to be long at her meeting.
  1642. >That way you can just wait in your own living room and not... and not... you know...
  1643. >What a simple and effective way to avoid what happened.
  1644. >It's too bad hindsight is 20/20 and not foresight.
  1645. >But there's no time to dwell on that as you blurt out an answer to Rarity that your wish has already come true.
  1646. >God damn that sappy answer was so predictable.
  1647. >Look at what you said:
  1648. >Look at it:
  1649. "I don't need to make a wish. Mine already came true."
  1650. >The loving squeeze Rarity just gave you in response to that made it worth it.
  1651. >You didn't know you could feel yourself blushing even this far into the zone of isolated corny phrases and sweet nothings you say to this girl.
  1652. >You can tell she just finds it adorable, and doesn't discourage you from doing it again.
  1653. >Letting you know it's okay to be corny around her, giving you a reason to feel more comfortable.
  1654. >Things like this are what helped you bypass your awkwardness on the first date.
  1655. >Rarity knew your brain would be bullying you, beating you over the head with the baseball bat your own nervousness.
  1656. >She doesn't know it now picked up a spiked mace of your guilty conscience.
  1657. >But her encouragement for you to act cheesy around her still has more than no effect anyway, which makes it hurt even more every second the date continues now that you're thinking about what you're thinking about again.
  1658. >What if Rarity sees her mother's number on your phone?
  1659. >"I'll go ahead and toss two in for both of us."
  1660. >No, please don't do that.
  1661. >"I wish what we have will go as far as it can go." Rarity hops onto one foot in excitement for what her life has become. "My gentleman is so good to me, I'll never meet anyone like him again."
  1662. >No, please don't say that.
  1663. >The two coins are submerged into what might as well be the possible tears of the future, slowly sinking all the way to the bottom.
  1664. >Through the ripples, how they shine.
  1665. >Why do you feel sick to your stomach ever time Rarity does or says something so sweet?
  1666. >Does it hurt more or less being aware of the fact she doesn't know what you know?
  1667. >You can never enter her house again.
  1668. >Especially not the living roo-
  1669. >"Where do you want to go next, dear?"
  1670. >You feel like you'd just fall apart and feel the pieces of you just sink into the floor if you tried to run away from her.
  1671. >At least if you tried to run away from her now.
  1672. >But there's no way to protect her from the truth.
  1673. "Anything you want to do." You tell her, feeling like you're supposed to treat her on this date instead of letting her treat you.
  1674. >This better be more about what Rarity wants, not what you want.
  1675. >"Does that mean you want me to pick out outfits with you?" Rarity's tone is cautiously optimistic.
  1676. >She's waiting for the situation's approval to feel excited for the moment together with you.
  1677. >You soon opt to walk around with her some more, hoping you'll have the strength to find the right words on the other end of this mall corridor.
  1678. >Pass by a shoe store, a smoothie joint, a toy store, another shoe store, another smaller clothing store, then the entrance to one of the massive department stores selling furniture.
  1679. >What are those couches called that you lie on while talking to a psychologist?
  1680. >You could use one of those right now.
  1681. "Oh look." You say without realizing it's out loud. "There's the arcade."
  1682. >Look at all those flashing lights, all those colors.
  1683. >The scramble of sounds of laser blasts and race car noises spills out into the open area you walk with with Rarity's hand in yours.
  1684. >Does she feel your palm getting sweatier?
  1685. >Maybe she's thinks it's for a reason different than your civil war inside of you screaming at you that you don't deserve the fun the arcade would bring you.
  1686. >You ignore it and walk inside, looking for a way to distract yourself.
  1687. >Buying all of the gaming tokens was on you, of course.
  1688. >Though, no amount you pay will ever feel like it was enough to make up for throwing away something so invaluable just a couple of days ago.
  1689. >Which was only the most recent of multiple instances.
  1690. >You'll put it out of your mind eventually...
  1691. >But part of you wants to look over your shoulder as if the T-1000 is nearby as you enter one of the race car booths with Rarity waiting outside.
  1692. >Make ten excuses to yourself inside that the romp with Cookie Crumbles no longer matters, but up against that one fact, it feels like your 10 excuses are battling 1000 Truths.
  1693. >5 minutes in and you're already swerving and crashing, showing your girlfriend just how lousy you are at this game.
  1694. "Maybe I'm more used to the console controller." You chuckle before pushing another token in.
  1695. >The coin slips in, and you could have sworn you heard it hit water after dropping deep into the inside.
  1696. >You can still hear the teardrops that could be coming.
  1697. >Through Rarity's eyes how they shine.
  1698. >But when you turn around to look at her, her glance is encouraging and almost proud of you for being so comfortable around her.
  1699. >At least on the outside.
  1700. >You know she's still smart enough to tell something's off when you kept dragging your feet and lagging behind her; that wasn't just her speeding up ahead of you the last time you thought about it.
  1701. >You've been disloyal.
  1702. >The only upside to this is the fact that you haven't even been thinking about glancing down at Rarity's chest.
  1703. >You're the opposite of a pervert right now, a negative creep.
  1704. >Having a good time right now is out of your range, but you have to keep crashing the race car on the giant screen that's an arm's length from your face.
  1705. >You're doing everything you can to not even think about Rarity, and it probably shows in the fact that you're not looking at her face either, in addition to not looking at her tits or thighs.
  1706. >Normally, Rarity would commend you for the self-control, but self-control has a bit of a different role in the reason behind this.
  1707. >Or lack thereof.
  1708. >"Is this game not fun, dear?" Rarity saw the looks you've been making at the screen as you could barely keep the wheels on the virtual asphalt.
  1709. >The relationship between the car and the road won't stop derailing.
  1710. >More coins in the water only make it happen again and again.
  1711. >There will never be enough you can pay to fix things.
  1712. "Not anymore I guess. Maybe I'm not into having it be a challenge."
  1713. >Maybe this whole date was a challenge for you, since you didn't only start making that face once you began playing the game.
  1714. >You're not sure why you're saying this to yourself, but maybe you're imagining Rarity thinking it.
  1715. >After learning how intricate her intuition is.
  1716. "I should probably lighten up."
  1717. >...
  1718. >Rarity must have asked you about the clothes shopping a dozen times on the way over to the department store.
  1719. >You only just now realize just HOW obvious it was that you didn't pay any attention to Rarity on the date.
  1720. >It's like she was barely even there.
  1721. >But in reality... YOU were barely there instead.
  1722. >Rarity may have gotten you to curb the hormone-driven behavior, but you've curbed everything else too somehow.
  1723. >Now you're just too distant... and now the two of you are in the car back before you even know it.
  1724. >Rarity sighs out the rolled down window after stopping at a red light, knowing another light's gonna have to become red if the relationship can start moving again.
  1725. >She may be proud that she decided against wearing that cleavage-revealing dress for this date, but the results of trying things the platonic way point to failure.
  1726. >In fact, she can see that the situation has become worse, as you've become even more distant.
  1727. >And whatever the truth is, it eludes Rarity as she realizes her most recent shot in the dark was indeed a miss.
  1728. >Now what?
  1729. >The traffic light may have turned green but she's still losing him.
  1730. >She gave him a relationship he may have never gotten in high school and she's still losing him somehow.
  1731. >Something's definitely troubling him.
  1732. >Maybe he really does think it's too good to be true, and believes that it's never going to go further than this.
  1733. >Maybe she really is starving him, and he's realizing he's wasting his time by expecting to get to the "next base" with her.
  1734. >Rarity shouldn't just throw herself at you right away and convince you girls would just... do that after enough time has passed.
  1735. >She has to allude to it and let you figure out where the hints are pointing yourself.
  1736. >Signs in relationships are such a complicated thing, and it all varies from person to person.
  1737. >Rarity isn't even sure if you remember when she directly told you that.
  1738. >*Do* you remember?
  1739. >Or maybe something was distracting you... be it Rarity's body or something else.
  1740. >The fact that you wanted to be dropped off at your house and not stop at Rarity's house definitely looked like an indication of something bad.
  1741. >Which is still better than the indication of something worse like it actually is.
  1742. ~
  1743. >[She says she's getting really worried about you.] Cookie's text comes in.
  1744. >Neither of you are willing to say much, and it's not even because Rarity's mother isn't one to use text messages all that much despite her facebook posts.
  1745. >You're still grateful for this window into what you can't see or hear in person.
  1746. >Knowledge of what Rarity says to her mother about you when you're not around.
  1747. >Maybe it can shed some light on a solution.
  1748. >Even though you already know what one of those is, which you bring up.
  1749. [You and I shouldn't be doing what we're doing anymore]
  1750. >[I fully agree,] Her message eventually comes in after twenty minutes. [Rarity thinks you're planning to break up with her, but she doesn't want to split up.]
  1751. [She's going to go to the mall with me again in a week. Is there anything you can tell her without it being obvious you have my number?]
  1752. >[I'll work things out with her. I never meant to do this to your relationship, it's my fault for not taking responsibility and letting what happened get so out of hand.]
  1753. [It's not just you. We're both to blame. I had a moment of weakness too.]
  1754. >It feels too weird having this conversation.
  1755. >About something so private and personal.
  1756. >Something so secret.
  1757. >So... scandalous.
  1758. [Is Rarity okay?] You finally ask.
  1759. >[She's doing great. She just thinks she might be losing you and she's worried about it.]
  1760. >This is going to reinforce the *rest* of your suspicions now that one has been confirmed.
  1761. [I'm so sorry about all of this.]
  1762. >[I'm the one who should be apologizing, Anon. I not only went behind my daughter's back, but my husband's as well. I should have shut this down at the very beginning before things got like this. So yes, we shouldn't see eachother anymore.]
  1763. >This doesn't feel like a breakup, because you and Cookie aren't the ones who are together.
  1764. [So it's settled. And I have no hard feelings about it. I just want what's best for Rarity. And I'm sure you feel this way even more strongly than I do.]
  1765. >It really did help you a LOT to read her next text message that comes in:
  1766. >[Alright then. So as of right now, we did not have this conversation. Nothing has happened between us. It no longer exists. You and Rarity are going to make things work, I know it.]
  1767. [Right.]
  1768. >You're just glad that Rarity isn't distraught with grief about this.
  1769. >...
  1770. >"What am I going to do?! Where did things go wrong?" Rarity lowers her face down to the small kitchen table with wet mascara smears running down her face.
  1771. >Her mother is the first person she went to for help, or at least advice... anything, really.
  1772. >"Anon's such a sweet boy. He didn't realize how sweet he was before all of this, I wanted him to know that so badly, but now I must have done something wrong."
  1773. >Cookie knew it was wise not to include the detail of the tears rolling down Rarity's face to Anon, unsure how he'd take that information.
  1774. >"I'm sure he's just nervous, darling." Cookie strokes a reassuring hand on Rarity's shoulder as a darkened drop falls from her face onto the recently cleaned wooden surface.
  1775. >Cookie quickly wipes her daughter's tear off of the table.
  1776. >"S-sorry." Rarity croaks in apology.
  1777. >"Don't worry about that. It's healthy to let it all out. It shows that you really care about him, dear. And I'm sure he really cares about you too."
  1778. >"Then why isn't he showing it anymore?" Rarity gives a forlorn shrug to her mother.
  1779. >"That's something for you and him to figure out together. I wish I could help you with everything, but there's only so much a mother can do with her daughter's relationships."
  1780. >Rarity sniffles while trying to keep her makeup as proper as she can even though she's done being in public for the day.
  1781. >She glances over at her mother's much more developed body and starts hearing a little voice in her head.
  1782. >Maybe this house is haunted and has a ghost trying to tell her something, Rarity has no idea.
  1783. >But the way Cookie's body has such magnificent curves, so much softness, so much... THAT.
  1784. >That's something no straight man could resist.
  1785. >For some reason, something keeps telling Rarity about the womanly-ness of Cookie's body every time she thinks about Anon.
  1786. >But then, soon up in her soon and looking in the mirror, Rarity concludes that she doesn't even have the necessary body to make a desperate last ditch effort to win Anon back.
  1787. >"Are you done with dinner, darling?" Cookie call up the stairs, noticing her daughter left the room.
  1788. >"Yes, mom. I'll probably eat the rest as leftovers tomorrow."
  1789. >Despite her already hourglass shaped body, Rarity's self-esteem keeps raising the bar higher and higher like a rainbow receding the closer she gets to it.
  1790. >No matter how attractive she knows she must be, Rarity will never see it.
  1791. >She only sees Anon's recent demeanor in her memory, and the fact she's been dressing in more and more moderate clothing.
  1792. >But that can't just boil down to him only wanting to date her for her body.
  1793. >Not after everything she discussed with him, and all the things he admitted to her, and all the bonding they shared.
  1794. >Rarity KNOWS that bonding was genuine; it's the reason why there have been so many dates to begin with.
  1795. >Almost twinkling on the edge of the bed is that same red and white dress.
  1796. >Rarity's last resort in not needing it has crumbled, and her mother's suggested solution doesn't even specify anything like this dress does.
  1797. >There are no other clear paths at all.
  1798. >Maybe Rarity needs the naughty way to hook Anon back in with the very thing that makes guys act up the way they do, but only used to them shower her boyfriend with the reminder of everything they've built together.
  1799. >Rarity doesn't even remember how she won this battle against giving in to this dress the last time.
  1800. >She doesn't stand a chance this time.
  1801. >It was supposed to happen last time, but she didn't want to make Anon regress back to having his mind in the gutter instead of where his heart is.
  1802. >But now she KNOWS there's nowhere else to turn.
  1803. >She didn't even think about it until now, but she noticed the way Anon and Cookie locked eyes on that one day downstairs after she walked in from the rain.
  1804. >It was a look Rarity hadn't gotten from Anon, but she never thought about it until now.
  1805. >A slew of unrealistic scenarios run through Rarity's mind, things that had no way of possibly happening, Anon would never do something like that.
  1806. >He may be getting distant, but he's not callous.
  1807. >Rarity eyes the dress she defeated last time.
  1808. >Knowing she can't keep her principles AND her relationship with Anon next time.
  1809. >Or at least thinking she knows this.
  1810. >Not much has happened over the past week or so.
  1811. >But much more happens in the 20 minutes it takes Rarity to say no once again to the revealing dress and make a still reluctant compromise for something less… desperate…
  1812. >Rarity’s bare legs tremble as she tries to tug the fabric further down her thighs the best she can.
  1813. >But this dress isn’t going to cover enough to keep Anon’s gaze away.
  1814. >This is an article of clothing far more revealing than anything even Rarity’s mother has worn… at least as far as Rarity knows.
  1815. >The way the back of the short skirt section clings to her wide hips and soft buttocks is barely enough to meet where Rarity’s smooth thighs begin.
  1816. >And the front might as well need buttons with how much of Rarity’s cleavage it doesn’t cover: all of it.
  1817. >Not wearing a bra or bikini top along with this dress would be unwise for any girl going out and not wanting guys looking at her chest.
  1818. >This type of dress is one that makes both intentions and the yes or no answer to wearing it clear and obvious.
  1819. >No one dressing modestly is gonna walk out at night with this on.
  1820. >Other clothing would take more internal debating from someone very conscious of how much of her body is showing.
  1821. >This type of stuff overall is something Rarity always considered whenever dressing up for a date or even for being in public.
  1822. >She would make sure she doesn’t have too much skin being revealed.
  1823. >That first date had her worried about the presence of her nipples possibly becoming too visible through her dress.
  1824. >Rarity hadn’t counted on the air being chilly enough to make her fabric fail to hide how stiff they was getting.
  1825. >She could tell Anon was struggling not to get distracted.
  1826. >What a pleasant surprise it was to have him later be honest about it.
  1827. >Rarity had since been doing her part in encouraging her date not to glance down at her body.
  1828. >Wearing only modest outfits that didn’t show too much of her thighs, cleavage or midriff.
  1829. >Every bit of her that is revealed was always something Rarity was aware of.
  1830. >She knows clothing (especially her own) all too well.
  1831. >How it all fits over her body and which parts of her will fill out and stretch the fabric.
  1832. >And what the thresholds were before these factors caused the fabrics to not be enough to completely cover everything.
  1833. >Rarity usually didn’t mind when the back of her shirt would slip up a little when she’d squat or bend over.
  1834. >She always knew a little bit of her smooth pale skin was exposed, but was fine as long as she had made sure the back of her pants didn’t slip down and give away a glimpse of her panties.
  1835. >The contours of her pants would always have to be in firm agreement with the contours of her body.
  1836. >And Rarity was always aware of what the relationship between the measurements would have to look like.
  1837. >The amount of fabric needed to keep her bustiness from making too much of her cleavage show was also a frequent concern of hers.
  1838. >With something too loose making it hard to stay covered as well.
  1839. >But all of this is just what Rarity would always consider when planning what outfits to wear.
  1840. >It may seem unnecessary and over the top to some, but to her, it's just part of the process, even her daily routine in some cases.
  1841. >This is the only time when she remembers where she falls on the attractiveness spectrum.
  1842. >Once there's negative connotations attached to it.
  1843. >Funny how that works, how something is only accepted as believable when there's a downside.
  1844. >Is this the point people have come to?
  1845. ~
  1846. >You're glad to enter the department store section of mall again instead of Rarity's house.
  1847. >The longer you stay away from the guilty memories, the better.
  1848. >You've been getting a sinking feeling that if you were to go back there, you might have to see Cookie Crumbles in person again.
  1849. >And you know you can't trust yourself around her.
  1850. >And there's no way of telling if she can trust herself around you.
  1851. >Everything got so different so fast.
  1852. >Time has been the best medicine so far, after you and your girlfriend's mother decided to close the book regarding your flings together.
  1853. >You had to break a barrier to get into it once, now it's a stronger barrier to get out.
  1854. >You and that woman had to shake eachother off of eachother, ending habits that should have never happened.
  1855. >Rarity walks by your side with enthusiasm radiating from her eyes as the male outfits on display mannequins point the way towards the rows of suits, pants, shirts, shoes and other things she wants you to try on.
  1856. >Last time, you did something you usually like to do at the arcade and you hated it.
  1857. >You're doing what Rarity likes this time and you better love it.
  1858. >Like, you gotta make sure she knows that you're willing to take your part of the relationship into her realm of interest.
  1859. >Not much else is going to emphasize how much you care about her more than something like that.
  1860. >You don't think you'd be able to take it, learning what it sounds like when Rarity cries.
  1861. >Especially if you're the reason why.
  1862. >So with that, you're more than ready to try on the goofiest outfits this place has to offer so long as Rarity thinks you'd look cute in it.
  1863. >Yeah, welcome to being in a relationship.
  1864. >You fucked up, so now you got the difficulty set way up.
  1865. >Stuck between a rock and a hard place.
  1866. >Shouldn't have betrayed her trust but the pain is going to stay yours as you carry the burden of secretly making things right.
  1867. >The way Rarity hugs you is like the peak of the mountain of her desire to stay close to you.
  1868. >How she holds you close with a content squeal and her eyelashes pointing up as her eyes shut to what she might be envisioning for the future with you.
  1869. >Something about this tells you that it's going to be okay.
  1870. >The cute faces she makes, the excitement in her voice when she pulls out a plaid golf outfit she swears matches you perfectly, among other things.
  1871. >The clicking of the hangers' hooks become more muffled against the increasing amount of fabric smothering them on the edge of the cart as time goes on.
  1872. >"What do you mean you don't remember what size you are?" Rarity gives you a playful look. "How do you manage to keep making all THAT work if you don't even know your shirt and pants sizes? Is it luck?"
  1873. >You're surprised Rarity saw an ensemble in the way you dress at all, but she does pay more attention to things like that, after all.
  1874. "If it fits, it fits." You respond. "I guess that's my motto if there ever was one."
  1875. >You begin to find yourself letting your eyes wander down to Rarity's body when she's not looking.
  1876. >Noticing how her light purple shirt doesn't really cover her midriff all the way and leaves a sliver of her smooth silky skin exposed from the clingy fabric slipping up a little.
  1877. >But you don't keep your attention on it for long, trying not to be the kind of dumbass that gets easily distracted by a woman's body instead of playing attention to the content of what she's saying.
  1878. >You've been doing well, but oh lawdy is Rarity a looker.
  1879. >Especially in an outfit like this.
  1880. >Tight jeans, clingy t-shirt that leaves a sliver of her bare midriff hinting you at what it'd feel like to rest your face on her tummy.
  1881. >At least Rarity is wearing a bra under it, but the fact that you can tell only gets you feeling some type of way even more.
  1882. >Even though the alternative to that might weaken you even more, if she neglected a bra today.
  1883. >But you take your mind off of Rarity's clothes and try to focus on the clothes she picks out for you.
  1884. >You swear she doesn't want you picking out your own clothes until she's picked out enough for you.
  1885. >Which you're fine with, since your enthusiasm for clothes shopping is kinda being played up for Rarity's sake.
  1886. >The way Rarity keeps bending down to reach something really low doesn't feel as necessary.
  1887. >But you're secretly enjoying the view of the back of her top hiking up to show you her skin again.
  1888. >That thing is already doing enough work conforming to her hourglass shape, with little effort left over to make it all the way down to her belt loops.
  1889. >Oh the lack of mercy this would be had this been on purpose.
  1890. >Rarity should know how torqued this would get you on the inside, or at least have an idea of it.
  1891. >But that's besides the point.
  1892. >"Let's start with your shoe size, darling." Rarity peers down at your sneakers. "You at least know that, right?"
  1893. >You shrug, but then look at the tag.
  1894. "Ten and a half."
  1895. >Rarity half-smiles and rolls her eyes before turning to the entrance to the dressing booths as though giving them a cue.
  1896. >"Would you like me to look at the tags on your shirt?" Rarity asks for your permission. "I wish I remembered to ask for your size beforehand so I wouldn't have to go back and switch these out for the right sizes."
  1897. >Rarity quaintly gives the mountain of clothing she picked out for you a few light rapid pats with her hand.
  1898. >Her lustrous polished-up nails contrast with the suave fabric of some of the articles of clothing.
  1899. "You can if you want to."
  1900. >With a quick nod, Rarity ventures around to behind you and politely tugs the back of your shirt collar outward.
  1901. >Feeling her finger brush against the back of your neck is almost electrifying, making you freeze up in place on your feet.
  1902. >"Oh, thank goodness! You're only half a size above everything I picked out! I think we can manage to make this work."
  1903. "Y-yeah... I think we can."
  1904. >Rarity gives the entrance to the dressing booths another visual cue with her eyes, though you've now just realized this might be more of a cue for *you* instead.
  1905. >Which makes more sense, obviously.
  1906. >"Would you like to try on the plaid first?" Rarity fishes it out from the pile of clothing on the edge of the cart. "I'll admit I'm most excited to see you in this one first."
  1907. "I'm excited for that one too." You lie with a forced laugh.
  1908. >Rarity places it in your hand. "By the way." She continues. "If you need me to join you in there, just let me know."
  1909. >Her voice carries a slight hint of suggestion with it.
  1910. >An almost seductiveness in her tone.
  1911. >She may be dressed casually for simply shopping today, but the way she's dressed doesn't matter if it's all taken off later anyway.
  1912. >You stare her in the eyes, lost in the blue of Rarity's irises long enough to need a lifebuoy to save you from them.
  1913. >Maybe she brought one with her today and you just don't know it yet.
  1914. >You listen to the door close behind you, knowing that it automatically swings shut, but feeling like it didn't close all the way.
  1915. >Like Rarity's presence just outside the little "hallway" of changing booths won't let it close all the way until she's... in here with you.
  1916. >But you only focus on the cheesy plaid golf outfit in your arms.
  1917. >It waits for you on the changing booth bench as you hesitantly slip out of your clothes.
  1918. >You understand that you can't just put it on over your already on clothes, since that kind of defeats the whole purpose of this.
  1919. >Plus would make how it fits you get all wonky.
  1920. >But when you remove your shirt, you start to feel a little self-conscious.
  1921. >Not sure if it's because of the fact that Rarity is right there outside the cluster of changing booths or something else.
  1922. >But you're even more hesitant to take your pants off than you were your shirt.
  1923. >This outfit to try on does come with its own matching set of pants and all.
  1924. >But your heart rate becomes more noticeable after your fly is zipped down.
  1925. >Almost didn't feel like you were the one who unzipped it.
  1926. >But the cramped space between the off-white walls around you serve as a reassuring reminder that you're completely alone.
  1927. >You've never really stripped down in public before, though this is still only technically in public.
  1928. >And only to an extent.
  1929. >You quit messing around with your weirdness and finish changing into the outfit.
  1930. >After finishing, you expect Rarity to be right there outside the door after you open it.
  1931. >She would probably hear the sounds of you slipping your clothes off, and that look in her blue eyes indicated this might be the case.
  1932. >Even though she often has that somewhat lidded expression.
  1933. >Something about that does it for you.
  1934. >When an attractive girl like Rarity often carries a suggestive vibe with her, it kind of keeps ahold of your attention.
  1935. >Makes you want to hang around her more often... hoping that she'd be open to going on a date with you.
  1936. >The sensual vibe makes her even more attractive.
  1937. >However, that vibe is not present today, so far at least.
  1938. >Rarity is not standing right there after you walk back out into the department store wearing something you'd probably have on in a nightmare.
  1939. >Had she not been so genuine with you throughout this endeavor of a relationship, you'd have assumed this was the moment a long, sick prank finally reared its face for you and hit you with a tragic sledgehammer.
  1940. >But it's still just you and Rarity in this part of the clothing store, and she's just sheepishly standing further away.
  1941. >Looking more apprehensive than usual.
  1942. >"You look incredible!" Rarity finally notices you and walks over.
  1943. >She was NOT this far away before.
  1944. >Rarity seems reluctant, but considering something she's not directly talking about.
  1945. >And that something involves you.
  1946. >"Oh my goodness, dear. Turn around for me, please. I MUST see the back!"
  1947. >You obey Rarity's command, letting her take a gander at what this corny outfit looks like on you from behind.
  1948. >You can't see her face, but you can feel it through the tone of her voice.
  1949. >"If you're not buying this for yourself, I'm buying it for you." Proclaims Rarity with clear definitiveness.
  1950. >You playfully roll your eyes as you listen to her quietly sigh in what has to be delight.
  1951. "You don't really like it *that* much, do you?"
  1952. >Look down at the garments.
  1953. >If this outfit were a movie, it'd be a comedy.
  1954. >But at least you feel like laughing along with it.
  1955. >Whatever it is that Rarity "sees" in this outfit, you're blind to it.
  1956. >"Your frame fills it out so nicely" Rarity comments while circling you.
  1957. >This outfit is blood and she's a shark.
  1958. >Or maybe the hint of your frame under the outfit is the hint of blood and Rarity is a shark circling you.
  1959. >Whatever the best way to describe this interaction is, it's making having a girlfriend the most exciting thing in the world to you.
  1960. >But even through this, Rarity is hesitant to get too close to you.
  1961. >It's like whatever it is she has in mind, she doesn't want to rush it... like it's something very... potent.
  1962. >Something potent that she wants to do.
  1963. >Something she wants and almost needs to do, but knows she shouldn't.
  1964. >"It's very nice to see you dressed in something so... handsome..." Rarity eyes you up and down.
  1965. >Having her act specifically like this around you is making you feel funny.
  1966. >When Rarity is back to being in front of you, your eyes are drawn back to the way her clingy top conforms to the alluring shape of her torso.
  1967. >The very outline of her bra's indentation coupled with the shape of her perfect chest underneath all that is enough to get you thinking about things.
  1968. >Seeing that and the little sliver of her smooth creamy skin coupled with the lidding of her eyes is mutually feeding off of one another.
  1969. >Multiplying your attraction to her with itself.
  1970. >Almost feeling intentional in the way she moves and speaks.
  1971. >"I think this one's going to be my favorite on you." Rarity says to you.
  1972. "You think so, huh?"
  1973. >You won't lie, your underlying arousal is getting you more okay with acting playful around your girlfriend.
  1974. >Rarity is appearing to be some combination of excited and suggestive, mixed with indecisive apprehension.
  1975. >She's already holding another one of the articles of clothing.
  1976. >No words need to be exchanged for you to get the hint that she wants you to try the next outfit on.
  1977. >Which would require you to strip out of your current one that Rarity seems to like so much for some reason.
  1978. >Is it possible that this is what she wants to watch you take off?
  1979. >You're noticing her almost humbly following you into the row of changing booths this time.
  1980. >"Do you need any help, dear?"

(Wet) Dream Girl

by Grey

Venus's Mercy

by Grey

Bros With Benefits (RD)

by Grey

A Hunter's Moon (not yet finished)

by Grey


by Grey