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Venus's Mercy

By Grey
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2023-12-10 07:59:29
Expiry: Never

  1. --------------------------------------------------------
  3. --------------------------------------------------------
  5. Human Equestria.
  6. >You did it.
  7. >Made it all the way through November without ejaculating once.
  8. >But there was something you discovered during the stupid rebbit challenge: there’s so much pent up energy and stamina within you.
  9. >You’re a borderline superhuman.
  10. >This comes in handy in the upcoming school district competition.
  11. >That one school you hate that keeps winning will finally be forced to break their traditional winning streak because you can out perform all of their athletes by a mile.
  12. >So you entered the contest and rocked the competition at the beginning of December like no one has seen before.
  13. >You bested Crystal Prep within the week before December 10th, surprising absolutely everyone.
  14. >All of their trophies sadly gleamed on their shelves in shame after having zero companions joining them there this time, for the first time in history.
  15. >It was groundbreaking, you run faster, jump higher, shoot nothing but bullseyes in archery, even figured out equations on chalkboards due to your heightened thought processes.
  16. >Might as well attribute this shit to magic, which Cadance would have done had she not figured out why you’re like this.
  17. >Something must have told her that you’ve retained your abilities for a month and a half now, bringing Canterlot High into the finals with flying colors.
  18. >She also must know the two principals of CHS, because you see them talking to eachother all the time.
  19. >You had zero suspicion that Celestia, Luna and Cadance were conspiring against you until around the time it was too late.
  20. >…
  21. >CHS is most likely going to win overall no matter what the final few contests look like for you.
  22. >But you stopped caring about the school, you only care about showing off, and you’re going to keep these abilities for the rest of your life if you can.
  23. >Through your intense greed and pride, you’ve already forgotten what it’s like to jack off.
  24. >Fuck it, you’d rather not remember. You’re too great for that dumb shit anyway; why sap yourself of energy when you could potentially bring the world to its knees?
  25. >This raw ability must not be wasted.
  26. >Once you’re done with this pathetic school, you’ll become the ultimate contender. The only man to be both a virgin and omnipotent simultaneously.
  27. >There will be NOTHING you can’t do; you’ll have the world by the balls.
  28. ~
  29. >During one of the swimming competitions, Principal Celestia seems to be eyeing you strangely during one of the races everyone knows you’re going to absolutely dominate.
  30. >Looking at you in your speedo, but with just as much of a “you’re fucking doomed” look as a “I’m seeing something I like” look.
  31. >It’s almost intimidating for you, but you know she must be happy about you winning so much for HER school. Maybe you’re just reading her expression wrong.
  32. >If you weren’t so blinded by your arrogance, you’d imagine what she’s look like swimming with you in a bikini.
  33. >She’s fully dressed in her usual attire, but you can see her curves and stuff making themselves apparent anyway no matter how much she has on.
  34. >You’re glad you don’t care about that bust she’s got going on under there, with those hips straining her pants and belt.
  35. >This woman’s actually very well built, not to mention how remarkably tall she is.
  36. >She still couldn’t overpower you in a wrestling match, because the size of the fight in the dog for you is greater than the size of the dog in the fight for her.
  37. >You could take down a 10 foot tall giant if you wanted to, let alone a curvy 6 foot tall one like Principal Celestia.
  38. >Vice Principal Luna must be so jealous of her.
  39. >But everyone’s jealous of you totally owning that swimming race, finishing before whatever irrelevant contestant who came in at second place.
  40. >You’d have gotten tired of winning by now if you had the ability to get tired; but your stamina supercharges you.
  41. >Supercharges you all the way into spring, when the last of the games happen.
  42. ~
  43. >The games aren’t even entertaining anymore, to anyone except you.
  44. >You already know you’re going to win, and everyone else knows it too.
  45. >Remember how powerful you were when you had one month of pent up energy to work with?
  46. >Try five and a half.
  47. >Masturbation isn’t something you remember even happening in your life anymore.
  48. >Sexual arousal is for peasants.
  49. >You finish the swimming races in half the time of whoever came in second place, and everyone gives you a light, unsurprised golf clap.
  50. >The leaderboard has the first place spot covered in dust, with your number resting beneath the particles and strands of cobwebs.
  51. >At this point, you are by far the most powerful virgin in the world; not even the pope can compete because you’re basically God.
  52. >There were several instances of people trying to get you disqualified.
  53. >But all the drug tests came up negative.
  54. >And there’s very conveniently no rules against being overqualified; it’ll take at least several more months to get the legal paperwork pushed through in order to get you on that front.
  55. >And you’re about to graduate anyway (at 19 because you were held back once), so this “danger” doesn’t mean jack shit to you and you flaunt this.
  56. >Competitively, no one can even touch you, and you’d rather they don’t in a literal sense.
  57. >Suspicious that it might give you a wet dream and force you to relinquish all of your epic powers, but you’ve assumed direct control over your dreams as well.
  58. >Because you fucking can.
  59. >The lack of touch also magnifies your drive, makes you put Superman to shame.
  60. >Trying to top you in these competitions is like throwing a plastic spoon at The Terminator. It’s not gonna fuckin’ work.
  61. >Finish a mile run in just under 4 minutes, by like three seconds.
  62. >Be able to bench 270 pounds in the weight room.
  63. >Win every basketball game by scoring a net-only shot from the first point in the game when the ball is tossed in the air and someone grabs it.
  64. >You just grab the ball and toss it right into the basket, then score like twenty more times in the next half an hour or so.
  65. >Do 100 pushups as a warm-up exercise, then 200 sit-ups just for fun.
  66. >What a fucking force of nature you are.
  67. >But no one cares anymore, everyone’s bored of watching you win for the billionth time.
  68. >In fact, no one even likes you anymore because of how narcissistic you’ve become, and you can’t go five minutes without acting like you’re better than everyone else.
  69. >Well, less acting like and more reminding everyone else, as your point of view puts it.
  70. >Everyone just hates you now, and they can’t wait until your braggadocios ass leaves for good.
  71. >They’re only going to have to put up with you for a little bit longer, and then the competitions can become fun again because there will actually be two-sided battles with good sportsmanship again.
  72. >Still kind of sucks that you have already been admitted into the olympics.
  73. >You can sense the spite that’s thick in the air.
  74. >They don’t want you to have nice things anymore because you’ve made it so far without showing a smidgen of respect for this school, its values, or its people.
  75. >But you don’t care; you can afford to have everyone hate you on account of how terrifyingly powerful you are.
  76. >Amazing how the worst of people can be brought out by something so positive: massive success through unthinkable ability.
  77. >And it’s just as amazing how the worst in people is worse than what they thought it would be because they never thought their character could sink that low.
  78. >But human nature is human nature.
  79. >And you’re on top of the whole fucking world, so why should you care what anyone thinks of you?
  80. >How others perceive you would only affect you if they were above you or level to you. This is not the case, and they’re obviously after your prestige here.
  81. >But you’ll never let them take it from you.
  82. ~
  83. >There you go, winning 5 more of the final tournaments in the same day; first place by far.
  84. >No one even claps for you anymore, but that’s fine.
  85. >They won’t clap on your behalf; you won’t give a fuck on their behalf.
  86. >Even if you placed last in the final games tomorrow, CHS would be hardly effected in their placement on the overall board.
  87. >They just don’t want to be hated by all the other schools anymore, looking like Crystal Prep on meth.
  88. >Their values shouldn’t be about winning everything, they just want to be about having fun and making friends.
  89. >Suck how they have to have you representing them and hogging all the media attention with your medals and abilities and whatnot.
  90. >Principal Celestia herself was caught saying once that she doesn’t want you to represent what Canterlot High stands for, no matter how much you win.
  91. >She and Vice Principal Luna went to meet with Cadance one day, they closed the door and locked it.
  92. >Came out with messy clothes and hair, with Cadance telling the other two to rest for a couple of hours to build their energy back up.
  93. ~
  94. >You’re throwing a victory party for yourself the night before the games even begin.
  95. >Might as well say anyone can come, since you have a feeling no one’s going to show up anyway, for obvious reasons.
  96. >But fuck it, that’s not going to stop you from throwing the party for yourself.
  97. >But to your surprise, someone actually shows up: Principal Celestia.
  98. >She greets you in a surprisingly friendly tone and reveals that she wanted to apologize for saying what she said.
  99. >It takes a couple of minutes for you to realize she’s a little drunk.
  100. >Didn’t really pick up on that at first since it’s not something immediately about you.
  101. >Oh wait, she’s really drunk.
  102. >You sit with her on your living room couch and listen to her talk about something about CHS’s reputation or whatever, and something about how they treat their reputation differently than that of that other school you forgot the name of.
  103. >Celestia scoots closer to you until she can’t anymore because she’s leaning against you.
  104. >Even when she’s drunk, this woman is really strong.
  105. >She puts an arm around you like it’s a movie theater, and you politely accept because holy shit someone actually came to your party about yourself.
  106. >Her questions about you get a little more personal.
  107. >You never thought you’d feel her body’s curves and stuff up close, and it’s exactly the way it is you forgot that you imagined until you.
  108. >She’s somehow firm and soft at the same time, but in all the right places.
  109. >It actually feels really nice to feel her give you a hug, as she presses her chest into the side of your body before you put your own arm behind her.
  110. >That feeling of her body in your embrace sparks something you stopped guarding ages ago, and you have to let go of her now.
  111. >Somewhere in the process of you pulling away from her, the top button of her jacket came undone.
  112. >What scares you is that you don’t know for sure if this happened on its own, or if she did it, or if you did it without realizing.
  113. >The top of the jacket parts and gives way to Celestia’s cleavage that almost pushes the jacket open even more from her bust’s sheer volume.
  114. >”Oh, I’m sorry.” Celestia apologizes without even trying to button her top all the way back up.
  115. >Fantasies flood into your head as the way the second button struggles to stay together makes you want to hug Celestia’s amazing body again.
  116. >But you restrain yourself, having strength over your mind and body, knowing that this is the kind of stuff that would lead to you spilling all of your powers away should you take this too far.
  117. >But you manage to make amends with Celestia, who keeps apologizing for what she said before.
  118. >It’s surprising, but you manage to start feeling bad about the way you’ve been acting in the competitions and tournaments, if those two things are even any different.
  119. >You’re getting vibes that Celestia is about to try to kiss you, but she doesn’t go through with it at first.
  120. >It’s not until you convince her that you’re not going to make something else out of this do you give her the okay to kiss you… by kissing her first.
  121. >You wonder why the shirt Celestia has on underneath is so low-cut at the collar, a little inappropriate for a principal to be wearing, especially a principal with a body like Celestia’s.
  122. >Somehow, things led to Celestia’s other jacket buttons being undone.
  123. >The top she’s wearing underneath doesn’t even go to her belt-line all the way, and you can see a thin sliver of her pink skin giving a hint of her hips and abdomen.
  124. >You’ve kept these kinds of thoughts out of your mind for so long and now the simplest, most insignificant things are making you breathe a little more heavily with sweat on your brow.
  125. >You make her shirt ride up her body a little bit and touch around her smooth abdomen for a while, feeling her gently breathing while running your fingers around her soft bellybutton.
  126. >This isn’t something you should do with your principal, but you’re doing it, and she’s okay with it.
  127. >It’s like you’re making some lewd alliance with her before leaving the school, but she leaves your place before things get taken too far, because she probably knows you would have stopped her which you were about to do anyway.
  128. >…
  129. >Now you’ve gone to sleep.
  130. >As you’re sleeping, you notice something strange happening in your dreams.
  131. >You’re on a black couch in front of an office window that has the blinds closed behind it.
  132. >Lie down on your back, figuring you’d rather sleep because this setting is so boring looking.
  133. >”Enjoying yourself?” Luna’s voice startles you a little.
  134. >She walks in in her usual attire, sitting next to you on the couch with a clip board.
  135. >You answer yes but she doesn’t seem to hear you, only writes something down on her clipboard.
  136. >What did she write down?
  137. >Something your feeling inside distracts you from figuring out the answer to that question yourself, something about Vice Principal Luna’s presence.
  138. >She’s doing /something/ on purpose, you know it.
  139. >You know you have to defend yourself somehow but don’t know what level it needs to be done on.
  140. >But your amazing senses are picking up something sinister within Luna, but maybe it’s paranoia.
  141. >At least that’s what she tells you, but it’s not what you believe. She’s doing something.
  142. >Your eyes aren’t wandering down to her chest for no reason, because you know how to not do that anymore.
  143. >It’s like she turned off all of the training you put yourself through and… wait maybe it was that one party with Celestia that happened.
  144. >You didn’t even remember that until you, you’re just figuring out what’s going on with you, it’s getting past your defenses you’ve set up and now you’re at Luna’s mercy somehow.
  145. >Not an ounce of you considers that this may be a dream, but you feel helpless.
  146. >Something silent tells you that Luna’s clothes are going to start shrinking, and that fear that it will happen causes it to start happening.
  147. >And now you try to sit up but your whole core has become weak, your abdomen isn’t curling to do even one sit-up.
  148. >Luna stops jotting down whatever she was jotting down for a short moment, smirking at you with only one side of her mouth.
  149. >Like weakness is pinning you down and making you appear cute to her.
  150. >You don’t want to be cute, you are a force to be reckoned with.
  151. >She’s not even as big or strong as her older sister, she couldn’t truly see you as cute if she tied, what’s wrong with her?
  152. >This lady can’t afford to be as arrogant as you are.
  153. >Well if that’s true, then why can’t you sit up even after all that display of strength that you showed that made her, Celestia and damn near the whole fucking world angry at you for existing.
  154. >That thought alone plants the possibility of revenge into your suspicion. Did Luna drug you just now?
  155. >You don’t remember eating or drinking anything before sitting down at this place. What were you even doing before this?
  156. >Luna goes back to writing things down on her paper atop the clip board.
  157. >Her dark pink top gets much tighter on her body, showing that she picked up a little bit of the form her sister has.
  158. >Guess it runs in their family; Luna’s pretty well endowed herself.
  159. >Her shirt was tucked in when this began, but it can’t stretch enough to stay that way.
  160. >The more the bottom rim of her shirt slips away from the rim of her jeans, the more it feels like a trap closing in on you.
  161. >Because your thirsty, depraved self cannot look away, trying to find a hint of Luna’s panties under it. She fucking knows this too, you can see it in her eyes.
  162. >This is on purpose, she’s trying to get under your skin and cause you to get an erection.
  163. >Whatever Luna’s writing down must be getting less and less legible, because she’s writing and holding the pen or pencil more frantically with less controlled movements.
  164. >Like she’s starting to scribble everything down like she’s being possessed by a demon or something.
  165. >The clipboard is almost tipping over from this, and Luna’s starting to make these excited breathing noises.
  166. >Her clothes aren’t going to hold for long.
  167. >The rest of her top snaps out from the grip of her pants when the button and fly come open and apart, releasing all grip and letting the shirt get lifted up along her skin it tightens around.
  168. >You can’t even scramble yourself away from her.
  169. >She’s got a hold on you and she hasn’t even really touched you yet.
  170. >”Is something distracting you?” She asks.
  171. >You can’t even answer, only watching her clothes become more and more shrunken on her body.
  172. >The bottom rides up further to expose her bellybutton, her pants start folding down and reveal her black panties.
  173. >She starts trying to grab you by the arms and trying to lean you back.
  174. >Before you know it, she’s reaching into your pants with her eyes glowing.
  175. >Some form of lucidity starts to kick in for you and you suddenly realize this is a dream.
  176. >Your mental strength returns to you, and it dawns on you that Luna has invaded your dreams somehow.
  177. >Some uncanny ability to try and cause you to have a wet dream and waste away all of the powers you’ve gained over all this time.
  178. ~
  179. >Your sleep paralysis wakes you up, everything seems to happen in an instant now.
  180. >Just made it out unscathed.
  181. >…
  182. >There was some unrelated reason why the next events were cancelled.
  183. >You want to suspect that everyone was just scared of you being overqualified, but from what you can tell, it seems like there was a cross between a scheduling conflict and sudden bad weather keeping the outdoor games from taking place.
  184. >Either way, there’s no way to prove that Celestia’s episode last night happened beyond your own word that no one would care about anyway since everyone hates you.
  185. >And the dream thing that Luna apparently did is even less provable, and you’re not even completely sure that was anywhere outside of your own imagination because it was a dream anyway.
  186. >Whatever, you came out on top like always, the final games are being moved into the summer, you’re perfectly aware of Celestia and Luna’s plan against you now, and you get to go on early summer vacation in the meantime while waiting since you’re the top athlete and all that.
  187. >The system is so kind to have a way for you to finish your final exams early, which was a breeze due to your unfairly high level of focus on basically anything you choose.
  188. >Now you get to pack your shit and skedaddle on out of here until you have to come back to win the last games and take your trophy home.
  189. >Just drive to the shore or something, somewhere where Celestia can’t get to where you are anywhere near as easily.
  190. >The fact that she is the principal of the school you’re representing didn’t help you try to avoid her advances, since she’s always right there in the place you are required to be at.
  191. >She lets her cleavage show from the tops she chose on purpose, now knowing that the beast within you she’s trying to tame then kill can bleed.
  192. >Luna probably told her, just in case she doesn’t remember what happened when she came over to your selfish little party.
  193. >This is why you take all the necessary steps to cover your tracks and keep Celestia from following you, and it works… and for a good reason too.
  194. >…
  195. >The day you left, Celestia wanted to have a word with you.
  196. >It wasn’t for very long, but the way it went raised some red flags within you:
  197. >”You’ve done a great job” or something along those lines she said to you.
  198. >The way she was sitting just slightly prompted your eyes to drift down.
  199. >She wasn’t wearing anything too revealing this time since she was at her desk, but nothing can stop the unmistakably lewd shape of her body from making itself apparent from under her clothing.
  200. >Even in an every day setting, Principal Celestia is at least PG-13 level in her appearance no matter what she wears.
  201. >No one’s going to look at her and not notice her jacket, undershirt and pants conforming to everything in ways that can’t avoid a slightly lewd rating. It’s just the way she’s shaped.
  202. >The feat of the articles of clothing you can’t see are left to colorful imagination.
  203. >It’s difficult not to wonder how far across the cheeks in the back Celestia’s panties are allowed to go.
  204. >You’re sure Celestia has a bra that fits her well, and that bra better be designed to deal with more delicious proportions, with hand puns trying not to feel intentional.
  205. >Celestia’s no stranger to being completely developed, probably giving even most porn stars reasons to be jealous.
  206. >It took her until her 30’s to get /this/ way, something college girls in their 20’s still need more time to achieve.
  207. >Celestia being a little over six feet tall does nothing but magnify this terrifying but arousing affect she has.
  208. >All of this is what your mind kept bouncing back to as she was talking about things you couldn’t recall.
  209. >Yes, it was a lengthy conversation as it turns out, but Celestia put your mind in the gutter on purpose, you know it was intentional.
  210. >She’s probably trying to weaken you up for Luna, but your willpower is too much for that attempt to handle.
  211. >You politely leave after the conversation ends and soon drive away to get your things and then drive away again but further.
  212. >Nope, she wasn’t able to follow you.
  213. ~
  214. >You step out of the car and pick a hotel room.
  215. >Immediately take your mind off of anything Luna could be trying in terms of making it into your dreams again if that thing that happened was even real.
  216. >Like, you definitely dreamt it but maybe it was on your own and not influenced by anything.
  217. >Go ahead and chill a bit until you inevitably crush the next competition.
  218. >All you really do is random things around the place, hang out at the breakfast bar, maybe play tennis by yourself, expect to run into someone who recognizes you as the borderline superhuman you are.
  219. >It’s not long before you get bored.
  220. >So bored that you decide to just sit inside and watch TV for the rest of the day in your bed.
  221. >Start to get tired, which is something that would be a rare occurrence if it were late at night.
  222. >You’re always completely awake and alert during the day, and let your sleep cycle turn everything off and knock you out when it’s supposed to happen.
  223. >Maybe it’s late already and you just weren’t paying attention. Or maybe the drive just tuckered you out a little and then the boredom did the rest.
  224. >As you’re watching movies and other random things on random channels, you try not to think about Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna again.
  225. >Surely they’re nice gals, but you’re not about to let them jeopardize your perfect winning streak just because you acted like a dick towards everybody.
  226. >This perpetual cold-turkey nofap you’ve been embarking on has only heightened you to new amounts never before conceived by man.
  227. >You start to wonder if they would have just tried to help you more had you only not let your untamable emotions get the best of you and explode out of control.
  228. >That was pretty much what planted arrogance into your heart.
  229. >And now it grew too much to just go away, and you couldn’t care less of you further ruin your relationships with these people who are trying to stop you from being everything all the other athletes wish they were naturally.
  230. >Perhaps it was a miscommunication.
  231. >You never really sat (or in this case, lied) down and thought about it for this long, now that there’s no finish line or top spot to fight for.
  232. >Now you can just reflect on things and whatnot, nice and calm and honestly a lot more rational than you were days ago when the competitions were raging on.
  233. >Peacetimes soften you up, so you should be careful, though you might not need to worry due to the sheer nature of your condition.
  234. >You’re not paranoid if they’re actually jealous.
  235. >But you are an asshole if they’re actually feeling betrayed.
  236. >…
  237. ~
  238. >You don’t even remember falling asleep but here you are up again, ready to just practice hand-eye coordination by playing tennis with a wall.
  239. >Maybe you’ll break the record and finally beat a wall at tennis, somehow.
  240. >You don’t know what gave you this idea but here you go anyway, making instant decisions because you’re jumpy and your brain isn’t giving anything second thought when it doesn’t immediately require you to do so with your train of thought.
  241. >There’s a few protruding bricks on one of the corners, maybe you can wedge the tennis ball into there if you aim just right. You figure you could probably do it.
  242. >You go back and forth, back and forth, on and on while ready to keep going forever until you make up some rule that the ball going past you didn’t count because of [insert bullshit reason you pulled out of your ass here].
  243. >It’s about fifteen minutes before someone comes out and tells you that you have to go play in the tennis courts, not up against the building which is against the rules.
  244. >Well shit, alright. You’re too pumped to be embarrassed.
  245. >Just nod with a smile and off you go, into the tennis courts meeting the eyes of many who watched you intensely feud with the side of the building, largely impressed.
  246. >Something tells you they might not know ho you are, and you have the opportunity to shock them even more.
  247. >Your veins are already pulsing from your heavy heartbeat, and you’re barely even out of breath.
  248. >Pick an opponent since there’s no sturdy walls to play with, waiting for them to send someone at random forward like right out of a movie.
  249. >And this is exactly what happens; some tall scrawny guy is sent forward who probably has the best chance at lasting a minute against you.
  250. >The match begins and he already looks intimidated; you hold back cute little giggles.
  251. >And the way you send the ball barreling onto his side of the court is going to tire him out faster.
  252. >He’s not going to keep up with you, no one can. He doesn’t have the stamina or focus. Or combination of the two which you are overflowing with.
  253. >Everyone quietly gasps when he loses to you; yup, he was definitely their best player.
  254. >Now who are they going to send?
  255. >…
  256. >Well that was fun. Too bad there’s no trophies or medals to win from any of that.
  257. >You slightly feel as though you deserved one.
  258. >But that’s crazy talk, this wasn’t an official event and these people don’t even hate you.
  259. >And a bad feeling germinates within you telling you that the only reason why they don’t hate you is because they don’t even know you.
  260. >So internal, self-reflective talk about starting over anew is had within yourself, but you’ll focus on that later on.
  261. >Your overall long-term objective is to finish off the Canterlot High side of the competitions so you can get this need out of your system and move on.
  262. >It’s honestly been bothering you non-stop, getting this shit done and done the best way you can.
  263. >Like it’s gonna fulfill your purpose in life, maybe make you think that happened when it didn’t.
  264. >Maybe you’ll make amends with Celestia and Luna after all this is over, after you win of course.
  265. >As you’ve recalled before, they’re pretty decent company that you enjoy being around anyway, mostly because of their looks even though you keep that on the down-low even to yourself.
  266. >It’s not your fault Celestia looks the way she does.
  267. >Then again, it’s not her fault she does either, nor is it her fault that you liked it even in your past teen years before all this tournament stuff started up.
  268. ~
  269. >So you’ve been chillaxin’ for the past couple of days, just kind of doing your own thing while resting up your stamina that you can expend as much as you want anyway.
  270. >It always builds back up, you feel like superman.
  271. >You’ll probably go back to town tomorrow, why not? You already did everything here.
  272. >But you’ll have to be careful if you go back.
  273. >Celestia’s going to be around, probably wondering where you’ve been, pretending to have missed you.
  274. >And using that as an excuse to get all up in your business and personal space just like she did that one night.
  275. >That’s lady’s gotta be something straight out of an anime, it’s like she’s making it that way on purpose.
  276. >She doesn’t realize that it doesn’t work in real life, and her being bigger than you doesn’t mean jack shit since you’re supercharged the way you are.
  277. >That’s probably why she wants to take it away, isn’t that a hopeless feat?
  278. >You already fell asleep before you could finish the thought, oh well.
  279. >…
  280. >Begin to visualize once again that instance in the office when Celestia was talking to you, not remembering which parts of what you’re seeing is accurate regarding what actually happened or not.
  281. >Your brain is going to be essentially mashed potatoes or something until you wake up again and think clearly once more.
  282. >Celestia sits there in her chair, leaning back as it reclines and lets out a sigh.
  283. “I guess I’ve been a little stupid, huh?” You admit. “I dunno, I just really wanted to win that contest.”
  284. >”I understand where you’re coming from.” Celestia replies to you through a groan.
  285. “You do?”
  286. >”Eh, close enough. I don’t really care either way.”
  287. “What was that one night at my party, then?”
  288. >”I was intoxicated. What can I tell you? We all slip up every once in a while.”
  289. >This conversation’s gonna be easy to end, good. You’re getting bored with that short attention span of yours.
  290. >You try not to look down at her chest, getting urges to do so even though it’s completely covered.
  291. >That jacket still doesn’t make the shape of certain things go away, though.
  292. >As distinguished and formal as she is, Celestia always gives off a rather informal vibe.
  293. >It haunts her, unable to leave, no matter how appropriately she dresses.
  294. >”I’m just glad we can be friends when this is all over. Wouldn’t you like to be friends with me?” Celestia begins to grin slightly.
  295. >How uncharacteristic of the principal to be asking you this, especially the condition of you two not being on the best terms.
  296. >Her reaching out like this makes you want to stay in here longer, like it’s gravitating you towards her presence.
  297. >”I’d really like to be your friend, you know.” Continues Celestia as you just watch her while listening. “I could be a really good friend to you as long as we meet eachother halfway on things.”
  298. “Mhm.”
  299. >Just like before (at least you think it is), Celestia stretches her arms up with her back arched as she sits in her chair.
  300. >Her uniform’s jacket wasn’t quite made for this pose, especially when it’s on her body.
  301. >You don’t even know what happened to the bottom of her shirt underneath, but it failed to be tucked in, and the little things that crack away at your surface return.
  302. >Little things like Principal Celestia’s bellybutton peeking out from under that uniform when it’s not supposed to.
  303. >A woman of her stature demands larger clothes, but a sleek belly like hers begs to be felt. It’s like her body doesn’t know what it wants to do under those clothes.
  304. >It’s such a small, seemingly meaningless thing. Why does never fapping make you care about this so much?
  305. >As Celestia returns to her comfortable sitting position, she pushes back her suddenly messy hair from her eyes, grinning with one un-ignorable sigh.
  306. >She looks so relaxed all of a sudden, surprisingly comfortable in your presence.
  307. >”It’s okay. I don’t mind.” She has her sights on your eyes. “I understand you’re putting yourself through a lot.”
  308. “What do you mean?”
  309. >”Try not to tempt yourself too hard, okay?”
  310. >You laugh at this without trying to, like it was a joke you both automatically got.
  311. >Principal Celestia pushes her arms forward a little bit again.
  312. >That had to be on purpose, she already knows full well what’s going to happen with her chest when that happens, and she knows full well how you feel about it.
  313. >”Hey, now. Don’t worry about it. You’re a young man, I get a little lonely cooped up in here all day. Even though we can’t really do anything, it doesn’t hurt to help eachother imagine nice things going on as long as it’s not obvious to anyone else. You know, like a low-key treat for someone who could use it. It’s the least we can do for eachother.”
  314. >You understand the part she’s doing for you, but is there even anything you’re doing for her?
  315. >Almost want to ask her if she just enjoys subtly, silently teasing you just for the tiny little thrill that makes the day a bit more interesting for like twenty seconds.
  316. >But this is so interpretable that it could be something el- no it can’t be something else. Principal Celestia made her top ride up her body and pushed her breasts under her clothes together on purpose.
  317. >At least you know how comfortable she is with how lewd she looks whether she dresses for it or not. Your stubbornness must have made her brave around you.
  318. >You’re not opposed to that. After all, you’re in the clear after you win the competition. Maybe you and her can reward eachother.
  319. >Wait, don’t think that, you just realized you’re dreaming.
  320. >If you nut all over those damn bedsheets, it’s all over. You lose your stamina, lose your focus, you lose everything.
  321. >What, you think you can cram it all back in or something? ‘oop- nope, didn’t count’. Please…
  322. >Don’t be stupid! You gotta win the competition first, dumbass.
  323. >…
  324. >Wake up to the phone alarm you set.
  325. >Paranoid as all fuck, you immediately check the bedsheets, expecting the worst but hoping for the best.
  326. >Okay, it’s definitely only sweat you’re feeling. If the levy broke, there’d be a LOT more wetness than this.
  327. >It may be May, but it’s still November for you.
  328. >Okay, maybe you should just go back to town but stay in your house, maybe train a little bit to make the lewd thoughts go away.
  329. >Why don’t you understand that thinking about this on purpose, let alone dreaming about it, is putting you in danger of sabotaging your nofap?
  330. >It really isn’t Celestia or Luna doing this; it’s your dumb ass trying not to fall victim to your libido. Your species EVOLVED to slowly slip into this state of mind, willingly.
  331. >Stop being dumb and tighten up, you still got a couple of weeks to go, well it’s only a couple of days at this point but it’s gonna feel like a couple of months.
  332. >Fuck this, nofap sucks. You don’t care if being a borderline superhuman is totally worth it… okay it’s totally worth it. You wish you could be like this forever.
  333. >Hey, if you had superpowers, would you give them up all because your stupid brain said so?
  334. >No, superpowers are fucking cool. You are a fucking champion; record breaker. Don’t give this up, it’s too valuable.
  335. >You ain’t shit without what you’ve built up.
  336. >Maybe you can bust The Big Nut™ after winning your absolute victory and having nothing else at stake.
  337. >It’s gonna be worth it, man. Just a little more time. Your arrogance and spite wills it.
  338. >Maybe you can tell this to yourself perpetually, an abstract supertask. Nah, that’d suck, right?
  339. ~
  340. >Sit by the ocean to calm yourself down and forget about all the ways perpetual nofap is going to suck.
  341. >Wanna have your superpowers forever? Don’t ever masturbate again. Maybe you’ll be biologically immortal too, like a lobster or whatever it was that has that feature.
  342. >It’s like one of those push-the-button memes, or would-you-rather games.
  343. >”You get to become a superhuman with all kinds of amazing, unmatchable abilities, but you can never cum again as long as you live in order to stay this way.”
  344. >Shit, what a fucking tough one.
  345. >Why is it tough? You know why.
  346. >Celestia’s hips, her chest, her… everything. It makes it to hard.
  347. >So hard that you had to cross your legs an hour ago until you could walk on down to the shore.
  348. >Okay, well you’re good now. Celly’s far away, and so is Lulu. They probably gave up the thing they weren’t even doing in the first place.
  349. >You’ll camp out here, then go back home without them knowing and stay in your room until it’s game time, then you’ll win and that’ll be it.
  350. >Maybe you can get an actual night with Celestia after all this. That would be perfect. This could all be worth it.
  351. >Ah fuck it, it’s your horny brain giving you unrealistic wishful thinking.
  352. >Just win and then keep winning, even if you have to suffer the whole time. IT’S WORTH IT. YOU’RE THE BEST. Stay the best.
  353. >… Wait…
  354. >Is that Celestia’s voice you hear? Right here on the beach?
  355. >She’s a woman you can’t just ignore.
  356. >That image of Celestia you’re used to is still burned into your brain as you decide to just walk over and see if it’s her because fuck it.
  357. >Her jacket, shirt and bra trying to keep her /fully/ developed breasts from jiggling and swaying around underneath all that clothing.
  358. >The trunk of her shirt gently sliding against the soft skin of her abdomen you remember from when she flashed her bellybutton at you.
  359. >The way she can’t help but sway her prominent hips a little when she walks.
  360. >Those plum-shaded pants comfortably but slightly tightly hugging her waist, ass and crotch with a mystery size and shape pair of panties barely in the way of everything down there.
  361. >That uniform isn’t supposed to be lewd, not even one bit, but Celestia’s womanly body broke that rule.
  362. >”And the events have been going swimmingly.” Celestia’s obvious voice continues to whoever is being talked to.
  363. >It’s followed by the cutest chuckle, especially for someone in her 30’s.
  364. >”Oh, stop. The last thing I need today is more cheesy puns.” The person she’s talking to jokes. “That comedy club last night had me rolling my eyes for a whole hour.”
  365. >”Guess I’m glad I wasn’t here for it.” Celestia answers.
  366. >”You’re lucky. I swear they don’t let the real comedians get on stage in this town until the weekend when there’s more people here. It was so bad. There was this one guy named Arthur who-”
  367. >”Hang on, I think I see someone I know.”
  368. >Oh shit, Celestia’s over there where you weren’t looking. Now you can’t maintain stealth.
  369. >”Hey!” Celestia waves and stands up with her attire paralyzing you before you can turn away like you didn’t notice and can’t hear her. “Oh my goodness, I didn’t expect to see you here!” She’s may be lying.
  370. >Even that uniform you’re used to couldn’t prepare you for this.
  371. >During this whole following time, Principal Celestia talks to you but the words go in one ear and out the other.
  372. >That image of Principal Celestia you barely managed before has been undressed.
  373. >That body that’s been driving you crazy has most of its mystery thrown into the wind that flows through Celestia’s colorful locks high above you.
  374. >Your amazon principal is in a bikini, and nothing more; You can hear the school dress code shattering despite you both being like 20+ miles away from CHS.
  375. >Nearly everything not allowed is being unintentionally boasted.
  376. >And this is a regular, standard bikini that’s meant to be modest but it’s failing to do so.
  377. >It still fits her properly, but at the same time, it doesn’t fit her properly. It fits her /perfectly/.
  378. >You have no idea who Principal Celestia was talking to, that is not information you can retain or even pick up right now.
  379. >Too busy trying not to blatantly stare at Principal Celestia’s absolute uninterrupted cleavage and wide hips with boldly thin bikini straps keeping a subtle cameltoe under thin fabric the same color as those thicker pants that are now absent.
  380. >All of which is pulled closer to you in a hug; she didn’t hear you say no when she asked if you’re okay with her hugging you when she’s dressed like this.
  381. >Principal Celestia’s mostly bare skin pleasantly mashes against your body with zero fear or second thought.
  382. >Every single primal instinct within you that’s relevant to this moment explodes as it’s naturally supposed to do.
  383. >The only thing that stops your nofap-driven urge to buck your hips is how petrified and confused you are.
  384. >She’s happy to see you, but you’re the one with the pants banana. Something that only that bad comedy club wouldn’t pick up on.
  385. >If there’s a rating between PG-13 and R, Principal Celestia is bordering that rating in this swimsuit whether she likes it or not.
  386. >Principal Celestia’s exposed feminine anatomy is truth serum to your sexually repressed brain, dangerous if you have any secrets you’d like to keep form her.
  387. >You saw that, and now you’re feeling it too.
  388. >”So you’ve been here for a few days?” Celestia asks while maintaining the embrace.
  389. >You didn’t even realize that the hug squeezed a response out of you to her previous question until you hear your own voice blurb again.
  390. “Yeah, about five or six. Lost count.”
  391. >That thin bikini top can afford to stay in place Celestia’s breasts and keep her breeze-provoked nipple bumps appropriately covered for public eye.
  392. >”I just got here.” Celestia finally lets you go, not even bothering to look down at your pants as if she already knows. “We could have gone to the bad comedy club together. It’s too bad you were so busy playing tennis.”
  393. >You didn’t realize you told her about that, but the information spilled out before you could stop it.
  394. >Get the fuck off of autopilot and show some restraint, damn it.
  395. >Get that dick back down, boy! Harden up everywhere else but there. Get these thoughts out of your head and focus on winning everything in sight.
  396. “Yeah, well yeah it is too bad. A shame too because I was also getting ready to leave soon.”
  397. >Well that’s true now, at least.
  398. >”Aw, really? We could catch up, you know. Start over on the right foot.” Celestia bounces on her heels a little bit, not quite acting like how she usually would in CHS now that she has the freedom to be so informal.
  399. “I’d like to too.” You take a deep breath and remember the ribbons and medals. “But I already checked out of my room and was just taking one last walk. Didn’t think I’d run into you here. Thought you’d be back at the school.”
  400. >”Well that makes sense.” Celestia sounds like she’s glad you implied you were going to go back to wherever she is.
  401. “Does your hotel room have an extra bed or anything?”
  402. >What the fuck NO don’t say that, you god damned simpleton! (not yet at least)
  403. >”Hmm?”
  404. >Oh good, you mumbled it too much for it to be coherent.
  405. >Luck is on your side today.
  406. “I said I need to get to my bed back at home. I’m tired.” You hope you’ll forget about all this before you sleep.
  407. >”Been practicing all day?”
  408. “Yup.”
  409. >As this conversation is being clumsily wrapped up, you manage to make your erection die down little by little through pure might.
  410. >You cannot afford to have a wet dream, nor can you afford to be hard in public for more numerous and obvious reasons.
  411. >Holy shit, it’s working.
  412. >You brought a knife to a gunfight and you’re still winning.
  413. >Mind over matter (and libidos).
  414. >It felt so brief yet so long the conversation you had with Celestia. Brief because you forgot everything she said, and long because that was a damn long time to keep yourself from ogling her.
  415. >Ya gotta keep your head together, bro.
  416. >She’s probably teasing you or some shit, and if she’s here then Luna probably is too.
  417. >Fuck, you gotta check out and leave now.
  418. >…
  419. >And so you did.
  420. >You think about that oh so smooth pickup line that escaped you as you’re driving back.
  421. >“Does your hotel room have an extra bed or anything?”
  422. >Implying you wouldn’t want to share the same bed with her after all this is over. Sleeping with the enemy after the war is over.
  423. >You start to chuckle at the shit you said.
  424. >Celestia actually did say something about a bad comedy club or something, you would probably fit right in there unless you actually put your mind to making the jokes.
  425. >There’s pretty much nothing you can’t do as long as you hoard your nuts like you’re addicted to gathering belongings to the ceiling in every room.
  426. >You should rest, today’s been a long day, but you are starting to feel like you’re becoming desensitized to the lewd shit, like it wouldn’t even matter if you saw Celestia completely naked.
  427. >Not quite yet but that time may be coming soon. Who’s gonna stop you after that?
  428. ~
  429. >…
  430. >Back at the shore, Celestia relaxes with the sun blaring down on her sun-screened up body.
  431. >Turning dozens and dozens of heads of guys who walk by.
  432. >She soon walks around to sort of maximize this a little bit, the attention does something wonderful as far as she’s concerned.
  433. >There’d be no way she’d be allowed to do something like this at CHS; she feels so much more free this way.
  434. >She goes to return to her room.
  435. >…
  436. >Celestia approaches the door with the correct number.
  437. >After taking a look at the “do not disturb” sign on it, she knocks anyway, in a certain pattern.
  438. >There’s some giggling behind the door before it opens, and the mastermind behind the athlete star’s downfall is revealed in her pink virgin killer sweater.
  439. >Principal Cadance beckons Celestia to enter, seductively shushing her before turning around to walk back further inside.
  440. >Celestia may be tall and strong, but she is made weak by the sight of this beauty that is only a fraction of her stature.
  441. >The widely open back of the sweater lazily attempts to cover the sides of Cadance’s breasts, and slips down far past her lower back to halfway down her ass cheeks.
  442. >She takes harder steps on purpose to make her ass jiggle more, and to get a mentally subdued Principal Celestia further into the mood once again.
  443. >Principal Cadance goes to the fridge, back arched, the front of the sweater weakly clinging on to stay over her swaying bosom as she deliberately gives Celestia an erotic pose in the act of simply getting something to drink.
  444. >She’s not walking anymore but still gracefully swaying her fertile hips on purpose.
  445. >Her completely exposed back is toned but soft to the touch, smooth to caress, her carelessly concealed breasts and ass easily accessible.
  446. >Principal Cadance is basically naked, especially from the back; this excessively revealing sweater shouldn’t count as concealing anything.
  447. >The virginity killer donning her appropriate attire in front of her two recruits.
  448. >Celestia, under a certain influence that only the likes of the goddess of love could inflict, watches Cadance.
  449. >There was something that Cadance did to Celestia and Luna some time ago that’s a little hard to remember now, but they both do remember that it felt amazing.
  450. >They know they were almost ready to expel that arrogant athlete before realizing that the rules didn’t allow them to, and that Cadance offered them a more peaceful alternative.
  451. >He’s only this powerful because of his pent up energy and tension.
  452. >If they can’t defeat him with the rules, or with a physically superior athlete, then they will defeat him with his own human nature that is hardwired into him.
  453. >And make him clumsily spill all of the fuel he’s been using when his guard is down. It is his only weakness, but it is extremely effective once you have the right conditions.
  454. >Celestia saw it firsthand and so did Luna who is currently lying in bed, exhausted with messy hair and no clothes on under the blankets; her “recharging” session is already finished.
  455. >And Celestia is next anyway for good measure.
  456. >This brick wall they have to deal with turns into thin styrofoam when they hit this weakness.
  457. >”He should be sleeping soon.” Luna says from the bed. “So should I.”
  458. >Cadance watches Luna drift off to sleep as she struts over to Celestia, pulling her closer in to a hug with her.
  459. >Celestia’s amazon body shivers with excitement feeling Cadance’s divinely potent touch on her body.
  460. >Cadance gets ready to help Celestia out of her swimsuit.
  461. >The room door is locked.
  462. ~
  463. >It’s jarring how the roles and positions have flipped since last year.
  464. >Cadance looks up into Celestia’s eyes, principal to principal.
  465. >There’s a short pause before the taller woman is maneuvered onto the nearby foot of the bed Luna is sleeping on.
  466. >”So did you find him?”
  467. >Celestia gives her a nod, letting the hands begin to probe the surface of her skin and play with the bikini straps, humbly trying to undo them.
  468. >The much stronger Celestia is laid back on the bed, taken aback by the special perfume Cadance has on.
  469. >”Shame I couldn’t get more of my scent on you until now.”
  470. >”He’s going back to Canterlot City.” Celestia obediently gives Cadance the information.
  471. >”Oh?” Cadance raises an eyebrow. “Why didn’t you get him to stop by here first? You could have got him to come over and I’d have helped with the rest.”
  472. >”He was in a rush. He said he already checked out of his room and…” Celestia begins to scramble to explain her failure to bring the super athlete to the hotel room where his virginity’s demise was waiting for him.
  473. >Celestia keeps picking up Cadance’s enchanted scent, tamed by it despite being more physically capable.
  474. >It’s clear that he’s out of town, and Luna sleeping now won’t do much since she’s not in close proximity to him anymore.
  475. >”Rise.” Cadance mutters in Luna’s direction. “And I mean you, Luna. Rise.”
  476. >Luna gradually sits up as Cadance corners Celestia right next to her on the bed.
  477. >The goddess of love taming the amazon goddess of the sun.
  478. >”I did the best I could.” Celestia tries harder to convince Cadance that she’s worthy.
  479. >Not having completed the mission would mean this, and all Celestia feels crawling up to her in that backless sweater will turn away from her before any pleasure can happen.
  480. >”Please give me a second ch-” Celestia begs, trying to find excuses to use until Cadance’s lips cut her off.
  481. >Luna watches this, already radiating with Cadance’s scent from several minutes ago letting the blanket fall away from her shoulders and doing nothing to pull it back up.
  482. >She slithers her hand between her legs under the covers at the sight of her usually physically intimidating older sister being tamed and subdued by a smaller woman using her own pheromones as a weapon.
  483. >Luna hastily starts stroking herself. The movements make the blanket fall away from her nipples.
  484. >Principal Celestia doesn’t have any authority right now, not with Principal Cadance on top of her like this. She’s being made to put on a show for Luna as Cadance fixes to get her own scent all over her once again.
  485. >And in between kisses, she continues to try to keep herself in Cadance’s good graces, desperately.
  486. >”I-I could go back to town and try to-… mph… he, w-won’t know what… mmmm… I…” Celestia’s mind goes more and more blank with each deep peck on the lips.
  487. >Even with all her strength, and any bit of her wit, she is at Cadance’s mercy.
  488. >Playing around with Celestia’s body, Cadance notices exactly what had the athlete stunned when she looks down at Celestia’s attire, reminded of the anatomical caliber she’s working with.
  489. >Celestia’s heaving breasts rise and fall while restrained under the bikini top Cadance needs to loosen.
  490. >But she can’t figure it out reaching around to where she can’t see.
  491. >”Help me.” Cadance turns to Luna who immediately obeys and wedges herself behind Celestia. “You know your older sister more than I do.”
  492. >”Please let me try again…” Blurts Celestia with a bright red blush on her face.
  493. >The smaller blush on Cadance’s face is a rare occasion, only there because of how Principal Celestia’s nipples under the bikini fabric get more erect after being teased a little.
  494. >And also because of how Celestia involuntarily jerks her hips forward while wearing that skimpy little bikini that accents her body’s magnificent anatomy.
  495. >A woman like Celestia feeling such thorough arousal is one of the greatest things Cadance has ever caused; it excites her.
  496. >Celestia trips over her own tongue trying to explain herself, and that tongue gets tangled with Cadance’s as Luna snaps open the back of her bikini.
  497. >Nervous, Celestia panics and tries to reconnect the back of her bikini, realizes she’s too horny to remember how to do it, and crosses her arms over her chest with Cadance tugging the loosened straps off of her shoulders.
  498. >Celestia tries to say something, but nothing coherent comes out, and Cadance plants another kiss onto her lips to soothe her.
  499. >Luna grips Celestia’s hips to do the same with the straps there while Celestia’s hands are occupied.
  500. >Celestia’s whole story falls apart with her swimsuit as it’s picked apart from all directions.
  501. >”It’s okay. You failed, but that only means I’ll try harder.” Cadance reassures her. “This /is/ what I do, after all. All you need to do is relax, I’m not going to end what we started together, I promise.”
  502. >”Yes, Mistress.” Celestia uncrosses her arms and lets the top get pulled down to her wrists before realizing it.
  503. >”You’re so perfectly developed, Celestia. I’m jealous of you.” Compliments Cadance with her hands gently squeezing Celestia’s exposed breasts. “Not many women get to be as well endowed as you. You should be grateful.”
  504. >Celestia’s hands caress Cadance’s bare back.
  505. >The sweater is designed to make the hug Celestia’s giving have the hands and forearms meet nothing but bare skin no matter where Celestia touches.
  506. >The hands uncontrollably wander down to squeeze Cadance’s soft ass cheeks and pull them towards her, forcing Cadance’s pelvis onto herself with her strength.
  507. >”Yes, I should be grateful.” Repeats Celestia in a low voice.
  508. >”That’s what I like.” Cadance huffs a slightly surprised sigh, but still knowing she’s in control from the look on Celestia’s face alone.
  509. >Cadance and Luna work together to get the bottom of Celestia’s bikini down to her knees, then her ankles, then the floor.
  510. >The bikini top is used to tie Celestia’s hands together, to further spice the moment.
  511. >But only after they’re directed up the bottom front of Cadance’s sweater, and Celestia is made to dive underneath after them after they are tied behind Cadance’s back.
  512. >The sweater’s not big enough for both of them, but that’s the point.
  513. >The enticing aroma of the love goddess’s perfume that had (barely) been trapped in there spreads onto Celestia’s face and shoulders as they press up against the naked front of Cadance’s body, sliding moistly against her trunk that pulses with slow breaths.
  514. >Celestia moans quietly feeling her face kissing Cadance’s softness, soon overwhelming Cadance’s chest with her own after giving the sweater’s collar a reason to stretch beyond belief.
  515. >”It’s okay. I’ll sew it back together.” Cadance can hear the ripping sounds coming from the fabric.
  516. >She then turns to Luna.
  517. >”It might take both of us to keep her from squirming around a lot anyway.” Cadance grabs the bottle of her perfume from the side table.
  518. >”I’ll try not to.” Promises Celestia.
  519. >”I know you will.” Cadance lurches forward into the deepest kiss yet. “I just wanna be sure.”
  520. >It’s a good thing the “do not disturb” sign on the door has not been disturbed.
  521. >…
  522. >20 minutes later, Cadance and Luna are chilling in the bed together, both of them naked with their arms around eachother.
  523. >Celestia wanders around the hotel room wearing the hyper stretched out virgin killer sweater she just earned, with Cadance’s scent all over her.
  524. ~
  525. >It’s super early in the morning, before the sky even begins to light up.
  526. >You wake up in a cold sweat.
  527. “Fuck… fuck…” You have no idea what just happened.
  528. >Look to your left, look to your right.
  529. >Did it happen? Are you fucked?
  530. >You barely remember what you just dreamed but it was something dangerous.
  531. >Damn it, you should have been more careful not letting Celestia hug you in that bikini, now you got all these… fantasies in your head!
  532. >Look under the covers half-expecting the worst, but the other half of you was right instead.
  533. >Bone dry, thank fuck.
  534. >The sigh of relief you let out sounds like you’re cumming anyway, airy, wobbly in tone and strained in the most hilarious ways, almost exaggerated.
  535. >Even that scares you a little until you brain fully wakes up and tells you “hey… you’re still in the game, dumbass. Don’t fuck it up, you gotta win win win!”
  536. “Yeah, okay, whatever. I’m still good, that’s all that matters.”
  537. >Leap out of your bed with that usual surge of energy you get when you wake up and get ready to conquer another day like the king you are.
  538. >…
  539. >A couple of surprisingly uneventful days later.
  540. >The delay didn’t last much longer.
  541. >Now it’s time for one of the final competitions; a bike race through the hilly forest.
  542. >You spent all morning picking out what colors to wear, wanting to have the coolest looking outfit out of all the competitors as well.
  543. >It’s nice having the advantage of being that one who focuses on their looks more than their actual practical ability since you’ve already got that shit maxed out and then some.
  544. >And there’s ninety-nine other competitors here as well, but the numbers don’t scare you when the odds are ever in your favor.
  545. >Not only this, but these bike racers are from competitions and settings that aren’t as familiar with your school, since it’s more than just regional in this case.
  546. >You’re riding in the big leagues with the big boys now, the best from across the nation all of whom you will outshine like you’re supposed to do.
  547. >Enough of this sandbox shit.
  548. >Enter the preparation room or whatever you call it with your outfit of choice in tow.
  549. >Basically the edgiest thing someone could think of.
  550. >All black bike racing outfit with red stripes and a black helmet with the glass tinted, black pads on your knees and elbows, etc. And yes, your bike of choice matches perfectly because of course it does.
  551. >All of the other racers are getting into their gear, watching you as you enter with your helmet already on.
  552. >”Whoa, dude. We aren’t going to war y’know.” A racer who doesn’t know who you are says.
  553. >Like that one edgy teenager playing runescape, you just silently stare back at him, as if that’s supposed to be deep or something and not cringy.
  554. >”Uh, nevermind, then.” He turns away and goes about his business before muttering under his breath. “Yup, definitely a high schooler.”
  555. >It’s no wonder so many people don’t like you.
  556. >The worst part is that you’re aware of it but you’re too “high test” and high and mighty to care. You can afford to be laughed at in the beginning.
  557. >They think you’re some edgelord amateur who won his first race and thinks he’s hot shit now.
  558. >And they’ll expect you to be surprised as fuck being that guy who falls behind everyone else who actually just prepared to participate in the race like they’re supposed to instead of want to “omae wa mo shinderu” everyone in the first 500 meters or yards.
  559. >Nah, you’re just an edgy kid. These guys have nothing to worry about, you’re about to be introduced to reality. You’re holding back! Only using ten percent of your power! XD
  560. >But now you overheard a couple of them talking.
  561. >”If that’s who I think he is, he’s actually really good at basically every category. But he lets it get to his head.” Someone else gossips. “Always acts like he’s above everyone else because of it.”
  562. >”Oh. Well screw him, then.”
  563. >”He’s a high schooler too.”
  564. >”Yeah I could tell. So what’s his secret?”
  565. >”Probably steroids, though we’re all already tested so it’s more or less beginner’s luck. Or maybe he’s fucking one of his school’s principal’s or something who knows. I swear dudes like that who…”
  566. >That’s the last you hear before they leave your extensive earshot beyond coherence.
  567. >Whatever, you’ll show them. You’ll show all of them!
  568. >Win the first place medal and rub that shit in their faces. That’ll surely prove them wrong in the things they say about you.
  569. >…
  570. >The race is set to begin soon.
  571. >Let’s take a look at the contestants as they walk their bikes up to the starting line one by one. (yes, all 100 of them, shut up)
  572. >Contestant 1 is a former quarterback from a high school across the country, now goes to an average university but loves sports, has a humble background and just wants to keep making his parents proud and have fun competing with everyone.
  573. >Contestant 2 is from a low income neighborhood who took a while to afford his own bike, and rode it every day once he got it for practice so he can have the opportunity to eventually race here after making it this far which he is thankful for.
  574. >Contestant 3 wants to follow his father’s footsteps and become a sports star, and knows how proud he makes his dad whenever he places high in the races in the name of the university he goes to; he waves to his mom and dad who are cheering for him from the applauding audience.
  575. >Contestant 4 is surprised he made it this far, given the muscle tendons he pulled a couple of races ago but he’s still going strong and is just grateful to have made it this far into the tournament.
  576. >Contestant 5 also wants to follow his father’s footsteps, but his father died a few years back and he knows that his dad is watching from above smiling down upon him and simply wants him to be happy with what he does in life while he’s alive because you never know when something can happen because that’s just how life is.
  577. >Contestant 6 is happy to be here, and likes the exposure his name is getting because of this tournament and only wants to do the best he can regardless of where he places at the end.
  578. >Contestant 7 is also a former quarterback and just like some others, he wants to make his parents proud and just do his best in the race.
  579. >…
  580. >You are finally reached.
  581. >…
  582. >Contestant 13 has won countless competitions and broke records like toothpicks, he’s been tested for various supplements dozens of times and resulted negative every time but everyone’s still skeptical anyway; (next is not mentioned in introduction but you imagined it being said anyway:) he expects to win 1st place and nothing less; even argued with some staff from wanting to be contestant 1 for obvious reasons then settled on 13 because it’s an edgy bad luck number.
  583. >The audience applause gets lighter, and all the other racers look over to you, some with “oh shit” expressions on their faces behind the helmets.
  584. >Fuuuuuuck, you wanted to surprise them later than this.
  585. >Meanwhile, the rest of the contestants are named and briefly detailed until the final one, number 100, is reached.
  586. >Contestant 100 is from an extremely rural area and usually spends a lot of time on the computer, but also got good at this sport for some reason.
  587. >You take one look at contestant 100, watching him make the “okay” sign with his hand at the audience and do other silly stuff.
  588. >He has the 100 emoji imprinted onto the back of his outfit.
  589. >You have decided that you’ll humiliate him first. Maybe contestant 69 as well.
  590. >…
  591. >The airhorn signals the start of the race, and off you all go.
  592. >Like horses rushing out from the starting line, you all pick up dirt as you accelerate forth into the track.
  593. >Some of the other racers weren’t going to try to get in your way, others seemed like they wanted to try to make you crash or something immediately so you wouldn’t be a problem in the long run.
  594. >Like that would have done anything, you’d just eventually pass everyone anyway; no one has your level of stamina, not even close.
  595. >But most of all, most of the other racers just ignored you and went on with the race because they don’t even care if they get first place enough to care about your arrogant ass.
  596. >But whatever, whatever’s going through their minds as they lose to you is irrelevant. As long as you win and they lose, which WILL be the case.
  597. >Whatever whatever whatever, etc. etc.
  598. >Here’s how the race would start, progress and then end from a proper protagonist’s point of view:
  599. >…
  600. >Contestant = Racer. (The edgy victory addict no one likes is racer 13)
  601. >Everyone looked a little nervous, but they shifted right into full gear as the race began.
  602. >All the racers zoomed off, trying not to trip over each other since there’s a hundred of them.
  603. >And into the distance they all ride, towards the spot where the path finally got narrower as some racers would have made it further than others who fell behind by then.
  604. >The first 20 minutes of the race is absolute chaos.
  605. >Racer 45 made the unwise move of making a sprint to get ahead of everyone else at the very beginning of the race, and so did a few other ones.
  606. >They ended up at the front, laughing a little in a friendly way and seeing who was going to be the lad ending up in the very front.
  607. >Racer 72 shouts something to racer 63, but it’s lost in the commotion.
  608. >Racer 88 focuses straight forward on the road as racer 87 almost bumps him partially on purpose but then accidentally falls himself after veering past the side of the track..
  609. >Racer 6 is a little bit behind, hoping he doesn’t fall too far behind everyone else because he knows he can’t just be lazy and that he made it here for a reason.
  610. >Racer 96 soon catches up to racer 69, and they chuckle at eachother’s numbers because haha funny.
  612. >This is it, the moment where everyone has to split up somehow, at least in terms of placement or who’s in front of who.
  613. >The edges of the road close in, and the peddling starts to get tiresome for some of the racers, namely the ones in front who rushed too much during the past two and a half minutes.
  614. >Racer 43 is still somewhat close to racer 45, but hasn’t quite caught up yet and decides it’s safer to just let him stay in front as the path narrows.
  615. >Racer 44 and 49 are battling for their own placement, however, and have only a little bit of room instead of none since they’re pretty much in the middle of the increasingly dense cluster of cyclists and not on the edge.
  616. >Then again, the ones on the edge can just go off of the tracks, that’s where racer 13 is taking advantage of the situation.
  617. >He cut right past all of the numbers lower than him, making himself replace racer 1’s spot (funnily enough), and rides just outside of the path as almost everyone else fumbles in the middle.
  618. >The edges of the crows are made up of the few racers who were smart enough to go just off of track enough to easily get back on, the slowpokes and careless ones who fell behind and are casually trailing behind the chaos, and the wannabe speedsters who shot ahead of everyone else not thinking about how long this race really is.
  619. >Racer 74 watches racer 72 and 73 stay ahead of him, wondering how long it’s gonna be until he can pass them.
  620. >Racer 88 successfully made it into the front spot as racer 45 is right on his tail.
  621. >With a stone cold glare, racer 88 looks back as racer 45, showing how much more competitive he is that most of the other racers.
  622. >He peddles harder and faster, knowing full well that he’s tiring himself out but plans to stop once he’s going slightly downhill. It’s quite an efficient method as far as he’s concerned.
  623. >Racers 96 and 69 are right behind racer 45, jokingly yelling at him to get out of the way, which isn’t even paid any attention to.
  624. >Racer 63 is falling behind racer 72 by now, and winds up alongside racer 74 and then eventually racer 55.
  625. >These more notable numbered racers are the ones in front or back where it’s easier to see what’s going on outside of the massive cluster that is the middle of the contestants on the track.
  626. >On the sidelines, racers 18, 9, 12, 20 and 13 are on the right and a few others are on the left, the the ones on the same side as racer 13 are the ones who are about to have the most interesting story in this part of the race.
  627. >The sidelines of the path grow even more narrow, further condensing the middle of the clusterfuck of cyclists.
  628. >Racer 20 feels something nudge the back edge of his rear wheel, and turns around to find racer 13 trying to pull some shit.
  629. >”Ah god damn it. Do you mind?!” He yells back at racer 13.
  630. >Racer 13 doesn’t answer, and has a helmet with the glass tinted too much to reveal where his eyes are looking.
  631. >Racer 20 just proceeds to do his thing before racer 13 surprises him and bolts past, nearly sending him careening to the ground.
  632. >The path continues to narrow, leaving only enough room for 50 cyclists to be alongside one another.
  633. >Racer 44 loses his balance and falls, causing a few others to trip over him, but he had lucking already fell pretty far behind.
  634. >Passing racer 44 is racer 100, toting memes on his back and all.
  635. >Racer 100 is carefully planning his next move from the back, knowing that whoever is in first place can’t possibly make it too too far ahead before there’s enough room to just go past everyone.
  636. >The center and middle of the group of competitors is forced to thin out even more as the path narrows to only a 25 racer width now.
  637. >Speaking of which, racer 25 is on the right side of the track after staying behind not to cut across anyone like a couple of others did, working his way past the crowd with his stamina.
  638. >Racer 1 has already fallen behind but doesn’t care all that much.
  639. >But he is kinda pissed off about the way racer 13 just sort of cut across him and the other 11 racers to get to the side of the track, nearly making them lose their balance and fall.
  640. >Meanwhile on the left side of the track, racers 98, 94 and 93 are all competing to get ahead of eachother in their out-of-lane lane.
  641. >…
  642. >Yup chaos, absolute chaos.
  643. >Many will enter the race in one huge clusterfuck, and only one will make it out alive (figuratively).
  644. >After several more minutes until everyone’s spread out enough for the chaos to die out, despite being far away from anyone who could record them until the finish line is nearby, the placements are clear to the other racers who can see enough of what’s going on.
  645. >Racer 88 is in the lead, still followed closely by racer 45.
  646. >Racer 72 is now at odds with racer 25 for third place, as racer 63 got super tired and fell behind.
  647. >Racer 12 made it all the way up to here from the sidelines and is not on the track proper, same for racers 93 and 94 but from the opposite side.
  648. >Racer 69 has lost all contact with racer 96, but is just continuing anyway because funny moment over.
  649. >There’s no easy way of telling how many miles have been passed yet but it’s definitely a lot.
  650. >Everyone’s starting to make it into the woods and mountains of this part of the state, and there’s starting to be more changes in elevation.
  651. >This is where racer 88 begins to use his advantage.
  652. >He rests on his seat a little bit as he ventures downhill, also mindful of needing to be careful and not fall down anywhere.
  653. >Racer 45 is right behind him, trying out the same method but slightly presses on his brakes just in case he loses control (and just in case the other racer loses control as well.
  654. >”Having fun down there?” Racer 45 shouts to racer 88.
  655. >”How about you? Having fun up there?” Racer 88 replies with a stiff laugh.
  656. >”You bet!” Racer 45 sort of let go of his brakes more but still doesn’t catch up to racer 88.
  657. >Next to start going downhill are racers 25, 72, and 12 in that order.
  658. >”Whoa look out, here I come, guys!” Racer 12 gracefully makes his way past racer 72 who doesn’t even seem to care anymore and brakes at a reasonable amount.
  659. >Racer 12 just shrugs and proceeds onto racer 25.
  660. >”Here I come!” Racer 12 repeats.
  661. >”You sure about that?” Responds racer 25 as he starts peddling faster downhill as the front two racers already made it tot he bottom and turned a corner.
  662. >Racers 12, 25 and 72 are towards the bottom by the time racers 94, 93 and 63 start going down the slope, followed by racer 69 and then various other numbers including racer 13 and racer 100.
  663. >The track at the bottom of this is going to be a width of 5 racers, so this is where the real fun begins.
  664. >”Gah!” Exclaims racer 9 after something sends him tumbling to the ground. “What the hell!”
  665. >”What’s going on?” Asks racer 98 before seeing racer 13 barreling straight towards him right as they both start going downhill. “Whoa whoa whoa bro, you’re goin’ a little fast there.
  666. >Without saying a word, racer 13 picks up the pace of his peddling, aiming himself towards racer 98 who tries to move out of the way.
  667. >”Dude! What the fuck?” Racer 98 hollers as he tries to swerve away.
  668. >Spokes to spokes, tires to tires… Racer 98’s bike is thrown off balance by force.
  669. >But there’s no direct way to prove racer 13 did it from his perspective because he was paying attention to the path.
  670. >Just at this moment, the other racers can now start to clearly see down the path downhill but only right after the shit happened. All they see is a battered and confused racer 98 hissing and grabbing his knee and sighing.
  671. >Racer 100 is the only one who caught a slight glimpse of what happened, but wasn’t paying attention because he’s tending to his own shit to worry about.
  672. >Racer 69 is heading towards the bottom of the slope, then makes it to the bottom and turns the corner, but feels something hit the back of his bike.
  673. >He tumbles down to the ground, hitting his arm against a tree with no knowledge of what just happened.
  674. >By the time racer 69 gets back up, racers 13, 93 and 94 have already long passed him passed him, as well as racer 100, then racer 74 who’s been gaining some ground, and so on.
  675. >The next part of the track is riddles with many twists and turns; a good place for someone to knock someone off of their bike and not have it be noticed as long as there’s enough trees and shit in the way.
  676. >Racer 88 is maintaining his lead, and racer 45 can’t keep up with him any longer and falls behind to a great amount.
  677. >Racer 72 eventually surpasses racer 45, then racer 25 does the same, then racer 12.
  678. >Racer 45’s fatigue finally caught up with him, and he decides that winning 1st place isn’t even that important.
  679. >”Out of the fucking way, asshole!” A harsh voice startles him, almost making him lose control and crash just from that alone.
  680. >It’s racer 74, who’s really getting into the zone now.
  681. >”Dude chill, geez.” Racer 45 makes adequate room for racer 74, who rushes past.
  682. >During the next 5 seconds, racer 45 feels something throw his back wheel off balance after making a sharp turn, and he falls off the side of his bike to the dirt below.
  683. >He didn’t get a good look at whichever racer did this, and all he knows is that racer 22 came speeding by right after that said racer had turned another corner.
  684. >Up next is a straight line segment of the race, but after a few more twists and turns.
  685. >Racer 13 looks behind himself and sees racer 22, then looks ahead to find racer 74.
  686. >He immediately picks up speed around the curves of the path trying to figure out which spot is secluded enough to knock racer 74 off of his bike without being seen.
  687. >The thing is, racer 13 doesn’t even need to do this, but is too excited not to.
  688. >It’s too late to do this in a secluded segment on the path, and racer 13 has to pass by the other contestants fair and square oh woe is him woe is him.
  689. >All he does is peddle as hard and fast as he can once he’s out in the open and straight part of the path.
  690. >Racer 22’s jaw drops as he sees racer 13 disappear into the distance.
  691. >Racer 74 hears something rush past him; it’s racer 13.
  692. >Racer 100 hears someone gaining on him, expecting racer 74 but finding racer 13 instead.
  693. >Aw shit, here he comes.
  694. >No time to even properly get out of the way.
  695. >Racer 13 damn near knocks him off of his bike as he passes him with unthinkable speed for this stage in the race where everyone’s already been getting really tired had they not paced themselves.
  696. >”Yo guys look out! We got Shadow the Hedgehog comin’ up over here!” Racer 100 warns racers 93 and 94.
  697. >Racers 93 and 94 apparently already know racer 13’s history, and agree to work together to try to stop him.
  698. >They lock arms and stay directly in front of racer 13 in attempt to slow down a little and block him.
  699. >”Hey! You guys can’t do that!” Complains racer 100 through exhausted heaving.
  700. >Racer 13 must have a terrible case of tunnel vision, because he rams right into them without even breaking his riding position, makes them go faster themselves so long as their hands are locked, then purposefully swerves to split them apart.
  701. >Both racers 93 and 94 spiral out of control off of either side of the track and into the trees.
  702. >”Fuck! We tried, dude!” One of them says through his pained grunts.
  703. >Meanwhile, at the front, racers 88 and 25 are now neck to neck for first place with racers 72 and 12 trying for second place.
  704. >Racer 88 had greatly underestimated how much stamina this race would take and slowly begins to fall behind racer 25.
  705. >”Yo, ease up, man.” Racer 25 tells him. “Don’t over-exhaust yourself. We’ll settle this when the uphill part comes next. Aight?”
  706. >”God… damn it.” Growls racer 88.
  707. >He was doing so well too.
  708. >Racers 72 and 12 manage to catch up to them after a few turns come up, and are each exhausted enough to go along with what racer 25 is saying, who himself is going slower as well because he too is super fucking tired by this point.
  709. >”Hey! We got someone approaching!” Yells racer 72.
  710. >”Aw fuck, it’s the edgy guy.” Racer 12 sees the number of the guy who started out right next to him. “How the hell did he make it this far already?”
  711. >”I guess the announcer wasn’t kidding.” Racer 25 notices how not-tired racer 13 looks as he approaches. “Brace yourselves, motherfuckers!”
  712. >Racer 13 makes it to the other four just as they had enough time to veer out of the way.
  713. >And of course, racer 13 bolts right past them without saying a word, not even slightly slowing down.
  714. >”Fucking seriously?” Gripes racer 72.
  715. >”Why the hell did you guys let that happen?! Now he’s in 1st place!” Racer 88 grits his teeth.
  716. >”Damn…” Racer 25 mutters to himself as he watches racer 13 quickly disappear around a corner while still not even slowing down.
  717. >”He’s on fucking steroids, I know it!” Accuses racer 12. “He has to be!”
  718. >”Guys! Hey!” Racer 100’s voice calls out from behind.
  719. >”Ah shit, it’s that guy.” Racer 12 complains.
  720. >”Hey now, he’s still not as bad as the edgy dude.” Says racer 72.
  721. >Now all five of these super exhausted cyclists ride together in what would have been first place had it not been for racer 13 making everything overly-competitive.
  722. >If it weren’t for that asshole doing what he did, the first place spot would be shared by these much more “good-sportsmanship-oriented” fellows.
  723. >And it’s not like they’re an exclusive group or anything, they didn’t even know eachother until this part of the race.
  724. >And if anyone else makes it to their level, they’ll almost certainly be just as exhausted as they are, and they can just join their chill little group regardless of who they are.
  725. >Unless they’re racer 13 of course, who will just zoom by without even a hello because the prolonged race is ONLY about winning for him.
  726. >They all would have just agreed to save up all their energy together so it’s a more fair fight once they get closer to the finish line, then they’ll go back to racing eachother without having overworked themselves the whole race.
  727. >Besides, they’re still riding by pretty fast, just not at their top speeds or anything until towards the finish line.
  728. >Just casually riding their bikes in this competition.
  729. >”Heads up, we got two more guys coming.” Announces racer 72.
  730. >It’s racers 74 and 22.
  731. >After them, racers 51, 32, 17, 28 and 76 get closer to 1st place after having paced themselves all this time.
  732. >”Hey, man!” Racer 72 greets. “We’re uh, sort of pooling ourselves together for second place, heh.”
  733. >”What?! I’m not!” Shouts racer 25. “I’m just waiting on the edgelord to get stuck at the uphill part so then we can all pass him and go back to having our real race.”
  734. >”Same, honestly.” Agrees racer 12. “Fuck this shit. I’m going ahead. Fuck that other guy.”
  735. >Racer 88 follows the other two as racer 74 huffs and puffs in exhaustion as he approaches with racer 22 falling behind once more.
  736. >Racer 72 and racer 100 stay behind with the now 3rd place group that the five pace-racers behind are lucking going the same speed as for now.
  737. >”Uh, alright then. Have fun!” Racer 72 calls forward to them.
  738. >”You guys get passed by number 13 too?” Racer 22 calls forward.
  739. >”Yeah! The guy’s an animal!” Racer 72 takes a deep breath and a sip out of his water bottle. “Some of us think he’s been juicin’.”
  740. >Fucking figures.” Racer 74 heaves.
  741. >”That wouldn’t surprise me.” Racer 22 manages to finally catch up at the cost of the last of his stamina. “Y’know, I tried talking to the guy in one of the locker rooms earlier today. He’s a freak, man. Acts like he’s a movie villain. Or a ninja.”
  742. >”Oh jeez.”
  743. >”Yeah I know.”
  744. >Racer 100 looks ahead, thinking about joining the others in their edgelord hunt.
  745. >…
  746. >The next part of the race is the part that’s constantly nothing but uphill into the mountainous area near that one camp that has lots of magical rumors about it.
  747. >Racers 25, 88 and 12 ride in a horizontal formation as they work together trying to catch up to the fabled racer 13.
  748. >They finally see the taller hills and cliffs coming up, and momentarily make it to there with a good view of the next couple of miles of the track working its way through them.
  749. >It weaves in and out of the elevational contours, and look who that speck waaaaaay out there in the distance is.
  750. >None other than racer 13, his dark outfit standing out from about a mile away of squiggly racetrack.
  751. >”Are you shittin’ me?” Racer 88 stops with the other two for a brief moment. “You GOTTA be shittin’ me.”
  752. >”There’s no way he’s not ‘roided up. Look at how fucking fast he’s still going.” Comment racer 12.
  753. >It’s easy to see that racer 13 is still bolting past everything, even going uphill.
  754. >”Oh my fucking god, dude.” Racer 12 grabs the sides of his head.
  755. >”Holy shit, is he the goddamn terminator or something?” Racer 25 mutters under his breath again. “Aight, fuck it, I’m going after him. Fuck this.” He chugs more from his water bottle, stretches his arms and legs and lets out a terrifying growl. “You wanna fuck with us?! C’mon!” He starts yelling into the distance before speeding off.
  756. >Racer 12 promptly follows as racer 88 still needs to gather more of his energy before going uphill really fast.
  757. >And so, the next several minutes is hell for these three cyclists.
  758. >Racer 12 is even having a hard time keeping up with racer 25, let alone racer 13.
  759. >He tries and tries and tries, eventually feeling sharp pain in his thighs but persists because there’s vengeance in his eyes.
  760. >Persists, persists and persists still. Oh shit.
  761. >He’s feeling dizzy and racer 25 is even further ahead of him now.
  762. >”You alright?” Asks racer 88.
  763. >”I’m fine!” Wheezes racer 12 before foaming at the mouth, shitting inside of his pants and falling over with convulsions.
  764. >”Holy shit!” Racer 88 hops off of his bike to help him as someone else approaches.
  765. >”Need any help?” Racer 100 asks.
  766. >”We already got his and my water bottles.” Racer 88 tells him, picking racer 12 up by the arm and shoulder. “I’ll stay with him, you keep going. We’re gonna go back soon.”
  767. >Racer 100 proceeds to ride off into the third place spot as racers 88 and 12 stay behind with more cyclists approaching them, some of them stopping to provide further assistance.
  768. >…
  769. >And here you are, Celestia’s prized douchebag athlete student and Luna’s worst nightmare.
  770. >Dominating the entire track race on the first try, leaving everyone else behind you in the dust.
  771. >You tear through the terrain and venture uphill, only now starting to sweat a lot and get out of breath.
  772. >After a few more minutes, you feel genuinely tuckered out and decide to take a bit of a breather by walking your bike.
  773. >Now is when you start hyperventilating.
  774. >If you read the map correctly (which you definitely did because you always do everything perfectly), then this is only halfway through the entire track.
  775. >Lots more time goes by.
  776. >You’re almost to the end of this part of the track, then it’s not uphill anymore.
  777. >Hike your way up the next mountainside, taking another gulp of your gatorade from your water bottle when you hear someone in the distance.
  778. >”Haaaah! Hahahahaha!”
  779. >There’s no way anyone even made it half as far as you, they’re too far below you!
  780. >Look behind you and make an even worse discovery.
  781. >”HAAAAAH!” Bellows racer 25. “You’re going the wrong waaaaaay, dumbass!” He’s riding in a different direction.
  782. >F U C K.
  783. >Your energy immediately returns to you and you take off after racer 25, poised to pass him within the minute.
  784. >With both of you heading uphill, of course.
  785. >He’s going pretty damn fast, must have saved up his energy.
  786. >No matter, you’ll pass him anyway.
  787. >Follow racer 25 down a series of winding paths, gaining on him pretty quickly until you’re within knockoff range of him, and you execute this beautifully without thinking.
  788. >Another kill, that’s what matters to yo-
  789. >There goes racer 100, all the way back in the direction you were already going in before racer 25 sacrificed himself by distracting you.
  790. >”The fuck you gonna do now, bitch?” Racer 25 taunts you from the ground. “You really fell for it, didn’t you?”
  791. >Enraged and starting to get worn out, you kick dirt into his face as though he wasn’t wearing a helmet and then peddle all the way back to where you just saw racer 100, which takes a long ass time by now anyway.
  792. >Now he’s far ahead of you and entering the part of the track that isn’t uphill anymore.
  793. >This whole thing that happened REALLY gets under your skin, making your already unstable emotions go crazy and drives you into a frenzy of overdrive as you peddle harder than you ever have before.
  794. >Still going uphill as racer 100 disappears from sight.
  795. >Him disappearing only motivates you more, and you force yourself to make it to the top of the mountain and then finally start going downhill once more.
  796. >Five other racers appear some distance behind you, looking like they’ve been casually pacing themselves this whole time with racer 25 appearing onto the track right in front of them and rushing in your direction.
  797. >Now you guys are on a paved road after the uphill part, and you go AS FAST AS YOU CAN.
  798. >Racer 100 is doing the exact same thing you are, and it’s going to be a little bit before you can catch up to him.
  799. >He escaped your sight again.
  800. >And racer 25 is gradually starting to gain on you because it’s all just smooth downhill stuff right now.
  801. >It eventually turns back to a level ground with a few ups and downs.
  802. >This is where you pull more energy out of yourself and put the pedal to the metal, as corny as that phrase is.
  803. >You can still hear those guys shit-talking you in your head.
  804. >It merely improves your performance because it motivates you to spite them even harder.
  805. >Your monstrous distance eats the whole next part of the track, soon enabling you to come back into range of racer 100.
  806. >Racer 100 sees you gaining on him fast, and starts riding faster himself.
  807. >Holy shit, he’s just as fast as you are.
  808. >At least right now he is.
  809. >The next ten-ish minutes of this stretch of the race is you and him getting closer and closer together, half because of him getting slightly slower and half because of you getting slightly faster as the rage builds within you.
  810. >You can hear him gasping for air from here; he’s not gonna last long.
  811. >Meanwhile, your blood might as well be pure adrenaline. You’re not slowing down any time soon.
  812. >Like Energizer and Duracell fused together into you, pushing you right past a desperately peddling racer 100.
  813. >He watches you get further and further ahead of him; you wish you could give him the middle finger but that would break your character.
  814. >Keep riding and riding and riding, hardly slowing down for turns, treating every straight section of the path like it’s the final sprint, everything you can to put the odds ever in your favor.
  815. >Another half an hour of this must have gone by and you’re still not at the finish line yet.
  816. >You don’t even know how far behind you racer 100 is, but he’s right there just a few car lengths away in your mind. You don’t even bother looking back.
  817. >Still, you can hear racer 25’s laughter as well.
  818. >Ah fuck, your ribs hurt.
  820. >But you keep going anyway, basically on the verge of death by the time you see what is definitely the finish line in the distance.
  821. >Do. Not. Slow. Down. Even. A. Little. Bit.
  822. >There’s a smaller amount of people in the stands around the finish line, but still more than a hundred of them.
  823. >No way of telling whether or not they’ve told eachother about you or not, at least not yet.
  824. >Peddle harder and harder until you see that line of paint sweep under you at a rapid speed.
  826. >Fucking SLAM on those brakes, turning your bike a complete 90 degree angle laterally and leaning it over 45 degrees.
  827. >*brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt[etc.]
  828. >This has got to be the longest set of skid marks in the world; you can’t stop breaking records.
  829. >The wheels of your bike snap and break loose, looking like boomerangs as they flip and tumble along the asphalt as you slide by your shoes like this is now a wooden floor and this is Risky Business.
  830. >The soles of your edgy shoes eventually stay put, and you plant a fist on the ground like you’re a terminator that just came from the future, slowly rising to your feet feeling like you’re on fire looking all badass and shit.
  831. >Your destroyed racing bike does a grounded barrel roll into one of the nearby stands with a loud crash.
  832. >And here you stand, the lone victor.
  833. >Stand out in the open with your fist raised, shredded muscles in the breeze and stern expression across your trademark competitive face under the overly-tinted helmet that totally makes you look even cooler anyway.
  834. >No one claps for you but they’re either too afraid or too jaded to boo you these days. They silently sit there.
  835. >No one even starts clapping or cheering /at all/ until racer 25 and racer 100 eventually show up, half-heartedly competing with eachother but are now more of friends than competitors.
  836. >Now the crows goes wild.
  837. >They’re the first contestants the crows showed and love for, while you were completely ignored despite winning first place by a mile.
  838. >Fine, fuck it, the trophy in your hand, medal around your neck and scoreboard placing your name next to the 1 is literally the only thing you did this for anyway. The whole fucking world can hate you if it wants to.
  839. >A pyrrhic victory is still a victory. Fuck everyone. You won regardless, so they can eat shit no matter how much they wanna pretend, deny it and look the other way as though you don’t exist.
  840. >You exist and they’re just going to have to deal with it.
  841. “ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!” You scream at the top of your lungs after chucking your water bottle at the crowd and kicking over your racing bike. “IS THIS NOT WHY YOU ARE HERE?!”
  842. >They wanna perpetuate this shit? Fine.
  843. >Fuck being nice.
  844. ~
  845. >…
  846. >You can’t believe you actually collapsed and went unconscious at some point after you won.
  847. >Still conscious, you try to keep your head from spinning as you’re transported back to the school and into the nurse’s office.
  848. >Had no idea they have beds here, but whatever, you’re lying in one right now with only a few doubts about where you are.
  849. >Through your currently jumpy perception of time, you make out that it’s late afternoon and starting to get close to evening with the way the sky outside looks.
  850. >”So you’re in great condition.”
  851. >Who’s that?
  852. >Turn your head over.
  853. >”You’re awake, right?”
  854. “Huh? Yeah.” You rapidly come to.
  855. >You recognize who this is, it’s Nurse Redheart. Rushing around the room doing stuff left and right.
  856. >Wince and groan as you try to sit up, expecting her to tell you to lie back down because nurse.
  857. >”Oh good, you can sit up.” She comments.
  858. “Yeah. I think I’m better now.” You say.
  859. >She turns around.
  860. >The very first thing you notice is the dark circles under her eyes; she’s most likely had a very busy day or even very busy career.
  861. >She only looks at you for a split second but doesn’t seem to care and returns to her own business.
  862. “Do I have to stay here?” You’re already ready to stand up.
  863. >”Nah, you can go if you want. I’m just here to make sure you don’t completely pass out or anything.”
  864. “Wasn’t I though?”
  865. >”Didn’t seem like it except for at first. You just seemed exhausted. Glad you recovered so quickly. Not sure why Principal Celestia thought you needed immediate care.”
  866. >Oh of course.
  867. >She watches you get out of the bed with no problem at all, still in your edgy biker suit.
  868. “Alright, well thanks and see ya.”
  869. >”Have a good day.” She unenthusiastically bids you farewell without even noticing you were already out the door.
  870. >Well at least you don’t have to be skeptical of this one. She probably doesn’t even know.
  871. >After turning the corner, you run into Celestia herself talking with a couple of chubby, balding middle aged men in suits.
  872. >”If you wait here, I can check on him for you.” Celestia’s facing away from you. “Please be patient. You can’t speak with an unconscious student after all.”
  873. >One of the guys ripples his forehead and points with a smile. “Eh, he doesn’t look so unconscious to me.” He chuckles.
  874. >Celestia spins around, surprised. You’re not sure if you want to hide from her or stay in the open for whoever these guys are.
  875. >”Oh!” Celestia clamps her hands together with a fake laugh. “Hello! I um, don’t remember telling Nurse Redheart to let you out.”
  876. “I’m fine. She said so.” You reply.
  877. >”May we speak with him, please?” The second man asks Principal Celestia.
  878. >”Sure.” Celestia unexpectedly has to nod and allow them to approach you as they recognize your racer number.
  879. >”Is there a private sitting area around here?”
  880. >”Right around the corner.”
  881. >”Perfect.”
  882. >Celestia insists on not coming with you, rushing into the Vice Principal’s office instead.
  883. “Am I in trouble?” You ask.
  884. >”Nonono, it’s quite the opposite.” One of the men responds. “Come, follow us.”
  885. >…
  886. >There’s a table in one of the school’s currently empty conference rooms you all sit at.
  887. >They already introduced themselves to you but you already forgot their names and wouldn’t be able to guess them if someone asked because this happens every time anyway.
  888. “So what’s up?” You ask, not even knowing where these guys are from.
  889. >”Your performance out there was absolutely stunning. I’d have never expected someone reach the level you have at your age.”
  890. >The suited man next to him sits down. “I don’t think there’s a need to review the amount of potential you have out there. Seeing how far ahead of everyone you were. And you’re obviously aware of your abilities, correct?”
  891. >Oh yeah.
  892. “Yup.” You give a quick nod.
  893. >”Have you, uh, made any decisions regarding what you’re going to do after college?” The first one asks.
  894. “Well, I want to become a professional athlete.” You imagine living the life of getting paid millions just to compete in sports games and appear in commercials or some other bullshit.
  895. >You already know where this is going. Life in the fast lane here you come. The haters can suck it.
  896. >”This is great, so we’re all on the same page, here. Saves lots of time.” The first man continues. “We’re from the olympics recruitment agency, we come around every year looking for potential athletes.” He explains what you predicted. “It shouldn’t come as any surprise that you caught our attention the most out of all the contestants. Not just here, but in your previous competitions as well.”
  897. “Really? How long?”
  898. >”It’s been a while, couple months, but due to a scheduling conflict, we weren’t able to get ahold of you until around now. And the games are almost over anyway, so it gave us enough time to decide if you proved to have lots of stamina or not.”
  899. >”Point is…” The second guy chimes in with a slight burp. “Ah, ‘scuse me, point is… we would like to offer you a contract. It’s like a scholarship but bigger. Free college tuition, spot to sign up for certain things, stuff like that. Don’t worry, we’ll detail everything in this.” He flops a short stack of papers onto the table. “But it’s up to you if you wanna sign or not.”
  900. >You’re already looking for the line to sign on.
  901. >”Are you 18 years or older?”
  902. “Yup.”
  903. >”Got your student ID, driver’s license… just something for verification?”
  904. >You pull out both, confirming that you’re an adult.
  905. >”So what we have here is… a rough copy of the contract we just brought up. It’s not the official document, but it’s more or less a summary to sort of introduce you to what it’s about before anyone signs anything. And we’d like to go over it with you if you’re interested in actually going through with this.”
  906. “Oh, I’m very interested.” You tell him as you slip your now verified ID back into your wallet then pocket.
  907. >”Great to hear! So um, without further ado, shall we begin with the first few pages?”
  908. “Absolutely.”
  909. ~
  910. >Long story short, they want you to come in next week the evening after the absolute final tournament to review the official document they will bring over for you to eventually sign if everything goes well.
  911. >However, you are required to take a series of drug tests to prove on paper that there are no traces of supplements or narcotics in your system.
  912. >You have to either do it tomorrow morning or the afternoon after the final tournament next week so it’s proven beyond reasonable doubt that your abilities are completely natural and you’re not snorting steroids or something.
  913. >Any traces of these things they’re checking for will not go away from someone’s body until at least 48 hours after their effects can improve someone’s performance, which is why a “very next day after the competition” maximum timeframe is ideal here.
  914. >They talked with you for about 45 minutes about this since your abilities are basically inhuman level, and they didn’t ask a damn thing about masturbation.
  915. >This is fool proof, it’s like being on a secret permanent stimulant drug that no one can detect or disqualify you for anyway.
  916. >A drug called perpetual restraint.
  917. >The two men in suits did recommend that you still take your time to actually sign the contract regardless of the date of the drug tests to prove everything. Mostly for athletes to have a couple of months time to wind down and then maybe train a little bit but also for them to actually put careful thought into such a huge decision to make a huge legal commitment like this.
  918. >But you’re insistent on doing it now because fuck it, why wait? And you’re “valuable” enough for them to be lenient about this and agree to let you sign even tomorrow if you come to them with the required paperwork and verification.
  919. >Anyway, you’ve decided to have Nurse Redheart perform the drug tests on you tomorrow so it’s long before Celestia or Luna find out about what the guys in suits talked to you about.
  920. >She’s already not involved with the dumb shit Celestia and Luna are trying to pull on you, and she clearly just wants to do her job and get it out of the way.
  921. >You return to the nurse’s office to fine her sending another student out right now.
  922. >”Need something?” She asks.
  923. >You still have the copy of the paperwork in your hand, ready to explain.
  924. >…
  925. >”I dunno, my schedule’s jam packed tomorrow.” Nurse Redheart says to you. “I could try for next week, though.”
  926. >There’s a good chance Celestia and Luna came out of their offices by now and are wondering where you are.
  927. “That sounds kinda good but my own schedule is busy then.” You tell her, not wanting to wait that long.
  928. >Give those two lewd saboteurs zero time to put any odds in their favor.
  929. >”Well I don’t know what to tell ya, because I can’t be able to move my schedule around enough tomorrow because there’s already tons of appointments set. Next week is still clear as long as you hurry, though.”
  930. “Well I’m kind of in a rush, and next week might be too late.”
  931. >”Why’s that?”
  932. “Lots of… personal reasons.” You loosely weasel your way out of that. “Has a lot of things to do with my personal life and the point is I’m in a rush and it would be ideal if I can do it before the day after tomorrow.”
  933. >”Well regardless, my hands are tied. Principal Celestia already has most of tomorrow, Sunday and Monday already set.”
  934. “She scheduled student appointments for you?”
  935. >”Sort of. It’s really only my business.” Redheart sounds more annoyed than anything. “Dunno what she even wants from me but I’m occupied as long as this school is open until Tuesday.”
  936. >Obviously, this is a very difficult situation.
  937. >You continue to debate with Nurse Redheart about who’s schedule (hers or “yours”) works better for a drug test appointment.
  938. >It had to be officially dated on that time and day to confirm that you were tested on that day right after the games were finished for the day.
  939. >It’s quite clear that Nurse Redheart is still more annoyed by her own situation than yours, and she complains about Canterlot High not being open later like Crystal Prep is, where you happened to used to go to in the past.
  940. >”I don’t suppose it would be that much of a problem if I went there again, I’ve done it before for various reasons and everything was fine.”
  941. “Well why can’t it be there, then?“
  942. >”I just explained it to you. It has to be by me, which means it has to be here at CHS where I work and you attend. And here is not open when we have to put the official examination date on paper.”
  943. “Ugh.”
  944. >”I know, I’m sorry. I wish there was more I could do.”
  945. >Your high levels of testosterone keeps making you legally adventurous.
  946. >Continue trying to weasel your way into a deal.
  947. “What if you just put tomorrow’s date on the paper and just do the official test tonight at that school?”
  948. >”I’m not sure if I can do that.”
  949. “I know you wouldn’t have to if it weren’t for Principal Celestia making all of these things complicated, but it’s possible.”
  950. >”Look. Are you going to schedule next week or not?”
  951. “Have you visited Crystal Prep before?”
  952. >”Yes, but that’s irrelevant.”
  953. “How did they let you in?”
  954. >”Their principal gave me my own set of spare keys to use. It’s actually for these same things, sporting events. Where lots of staff are moved around. It’s actually part of what’s making thing a bit hectic right now.”
  955. “You don’t have the keys right now?”
  956. >”No, that was over a week ago. Now I’m dealing with all the students here this week and next week.”
  957. >Ask her multiple times if she can get the keys one more time really quickly.
  958. >Redheart thinks about it to herself for several seconds. She appears very skeptical and hesitant to get onto the same page as you with this.
  959. >”I’d have to ask someone who knows Principal Cadance to get me the spare set anyway. Principal Cadance herself is probably too busy by now and so am I.”
  960. “Is it Principal Celestia you have to ask?”
  961. >”No.”
  962. >You sit there quietly, letting her fill in the blank for you.
  963. >”Okay… so maybe this could work out. Though it’s pretty risky and likely not ethical.”
  964. “I understand.”
  965. >Nurse Redheart goes on to explain that she’s only considering this because her job is already stressful enough as it is and getting your drug tests out of the way extra early only makes her end of this less complicated.
  966. >She makes you promise to not say a single word to anyone at all whatsoever about this, just in case there’s a chance this could technically get her in trouble.
  967. >But holy shit, she actually eventually agreed
  968. >You’re just glad you can do this even earlier now and outside of Celestia and Luna’s jurisdiction.
  969. >Pretty much chalk it up as yet another flawless victory for yourself.
  970. >You leave the school daydreaming about signing that contract and hopping into that fast lane in life.
  971. >Bruh, you’re gonna be a billionaire! A billionaire superstar athlete. And you’ll be known all over the world now, where there’s places far away from this town full of people who don’t hate your rotten guts!
  972. >That will really make the blood of your haters boil like a jacuzzi in Yellowstone.
  973. >Only problem is… ya can’t get laid. Otherwise, there goes your abilities. And in turn, there goes your performance and then your fame and money.
  974. >Shit, do you really want to do this?
  975. >Fuck it, yes you do. You already made it this far without jacking off. Your celebrity schedule’s gonna keep you from having time to even get horny anyway.
  976. >Just like you said before, forget sex, just go out there and win win win.
  977. >Think of all the money you can make, all the cereal boxes you’ll appear on, you’ll probably even meet the president.
  978. >You can have 10 cars, 3 mansions and a helicopter. Rows and rows of trophies, a couple of motorcycles, king-sized feasts for dinner every night, the salty tears of your competition on the side, get to play fucking sports games for a living which you dominate at anyway, this is the life many, many people would love to have and it can all be right there at your fingertips.
  979. >And the only thing you have to give up is ejaculation. Be honest, how many people wouldn’t see this as worth it?
  980. >All it’s gonna do is make your retirement nut more worth it anyway.
  981. >DO IT! JUST… DO IT!
  982. >Don’t let your dreams be dreams, etc. etc.
  983. ~
  984. >Neither Celestia nor Luna are available at this time or place.
  985. >Now in your street clothes, you made sure not to fall asleep yet so that way Luna can’t dream-eavesdrop on you about you admitting to coming to your old school overnight.
  986. >The parking lot behind you is empty aside your own car as you walk up to the building.
  987. >Wait in the dark for a couple of minutes listening to the crickets chirp until you notice a pair of headlights approaching the school.
  988. >Start to get a little fidgety until you can confirm that it’s Nurse Redheart.
  989. >You two can barely see eachother after the headlights turn off; Redheart’s footsteps are the best indication of her presence until she starts quietly speaking.
  990. >”Let’s make this quick, m’kay?” Redheart makes the door handle click with her keycard.
  991. >Oh, so it’s a keycard.
  992. “Gotcha.” You answer her.
  993. >You’re both inside, making your way to the nurse’s office as you listen to your footsteps try not to make too many echoes come off of the dark hallway’s marble floor.
  994. >After you’re past the door, the blinds are pulled down to not emit too much light into the hallway.
  995. >And the door to the examination room is locked.
  996. >Nobody else here. It’s just you, and Nurse Redheart.
  997. >Redheart has you sign the papers with tomorrow’s date right away, and then fills everything else out as you sit there wondering if you’ll be needing to take any needles or anything.
  998. >”No, I don’t believe so.” She responds after you ask her. “Hang on, let me check again.”
  999. >The only reason why you asked is because she seems to have already taken out a couple of kits with syringes and alike.
  1000. >You’re sure the list of supplements and drugs to look for recent traces of can’t be too long.
  1001. >Redheart starts to reach for the lower drawers and shelves, letting the back of her outfit stretch to conform to her body a little bit more.
  1002. >She’s got a familiar hourglass shape that reminds you of Celestia but a bit more of a slender look to her.
  1003. >That’s probably how many people look because human women are just built this way but your dumb feelings make something about this feel exclusive to Nurse Redheart.
  1004. >There’s still only one of her body and you’d be lying if you denied feeling an urge to examine Nurse Redheart’s body a little bit too tonight.
  1005. >You don’t know if that thing’s called a dress or a top.
  1006. >Whatever it is, it doesn’t go down far enough to overlap or even reach her stockings, leaving a good inch or two of her thighs exposed.
  1007. >It keeps your eyes occupied before Redheart stands back up with the loaded syringe in hand with a wet cloth of rubbing alcohol in the other.
  1008. >Why is her outfit like this right now? You can’t help but notice.
  1009. >It wasn’t like this before, but you think close to nothing of it as you are distracted by the needle incising into your arm.
  1010. >Redheart gives you a band-aid, letting the breath from her nose tickle the side of your arm as she presses the thing onto it.
  1011. >”You okay?” She noticed you jolt from that before you did.
  1012. “Yeah.”
  1013. >”Kay.”
  1014. >You’re still getting used to having so much power and energy in your body, feeling like you’ll jump through the ceiling at any second.
  1015. >Pray to yourself that this energy eases up just a tiny bit so this moment doesn’t get too awkward.
  1016. >”Now, I’ll need you to open your mouth wide all the way.” She tells you with a wrapped up popsicle stick in her hand.
  1017. >Over the next several minutes, Nurse Redheart samples your tongue, ears, eyes, and so on for any traces of whatever drugs were on the list that you can’t remember now.
  1018. >Did she put on some perfume you remember from before? You can’t quite put your finger on it but it feels familiar.
  1019. >Why would she put on perfume right before examining a young man your age.
  1020. >And it may or may not be making you a little dizzy right now.
  1021. >Nurse Redheart takes her chilly fingers and moves your head around, softly pressing her fingers onto the sides of your neck.
  1022. >Does the same when she puts her fingers on your arms and torso when necessary.
  1023. >There’s something exciting about Nurse Redheart directly touching your skin even in the unintentional ways.
  1024. >You know she’s feeling at least some of this too, but probably because it’s natural and she’s just ignoring it like she’s supposed to.
  1025. >”Breath in.”
  1026. >You obey and breathe in, holding all the air in your lungs with her hand feeling near the middle of your filled up chest..
  1027. >”Release.”
  1028. >Breathe out, thinking about how Redheart feels about feeling you breathe.
  1029. >You don’t even mind this, but Nurse Redheart really likes to move your around into different positions with her own hands.
  1030. >Let her hands put you into poses, keeping them inside of your personal space as you listen to her quiet breathing that persists as she examines you.
  1031. >“Well you’re definitely healthy, that’s for sure.” Redheart almost makes it sound like a compliment.
  1032. “Thanks.”
  1033. >”I was just saying. We don’t have any signs of problems, which is good. No traces of any substances, no signs of any health issues, we should be done soon.”
  1034. “Oh, okay.” You half wish this would last at least al little longer.
  1035. >Every increasingly dirty fantasy crosses your mind at this point; you and Nurse Redheart alone together in here late at night in the locked room, taking turns “examining” eachother.
  1036. >These fucking temptation never leave your depraved brain alone, don’t they?
  1037. >It’s a good thing Nurse Redheart can’t read your mind, otherwise, the things she would see would be impossible not to at least address with at least a flustered “excuse me, sir, this is just an examination”.
  1038. >With the way her hands sometimes linger while holding your head or arms still, it feels like… nevermind, your attention is drawn to a countertop in the room.
  1039. >What’s that beaker for?
  1040. >…
  1041. >Redheart continues to probe the cold stethoscope all around your back and then front again.
  1042. >You’re trying your best not to sway back and forth a lot, ready to apologize if she notices and tells you to hold more still.
  1043. >Another part of you is wondering what the hell was really in what she injected into you.
  1044. >Another minute goes by and you feel slightly less alert.
  1045. >Maybe it really is your sleeping pattern though it never made you get tired at this time.
  1046. >It doesn’t feel natural this time.
  1047. >”Can you arch your back for me?”
  1048. >Her hands brushing up against you is making you tremble again.
  1049. >All you can do is stay focused.
  1050. >It’s all you should do.
  1051. >Keep your eyes from looking down as she continues to check your blood pressure and all sorts of things that don’t feel like they make sense in this situation to you.
  1052. >Blood pressure is a pretty relevant topic right now.
  1053. >At least it’s easy to stay calm now, but perhaps a little too calm.
  1054. >You’re so calm that you’re drowsy; drowsy and forgetful as you need to remind yourself not to ogle Nurse Redheart as she’s examining you.
  1055. >Was that top button always undone?
  1056. >It’s letting you look into Redheart’s top at the little bit of her cleavage you can see.
  1057. >Despite how used to this type of thing you’ve gotten, you start to feel something specific starting up inside of your pants, and you have to jump through hoops to think about something other than… Nurse Redheart herself.
  1058. >It’s like it’s another episode of trying not to get an awkward boner at the doctor’s office, except she’s the school nurse performing drug tests on you late at night as she’s totally allowed to do for some unrealistically convenient reason that permits this.
  1059. >What a world you live in.
  1060. >Multi-months long nofaps crank the difficulty up to 200% for these “must not get boner” moments.
  1061. >You take your mind off of it the best you c-
  1062. >Why is she letting her fingertips slightly dig into your underwear a little as she glides her hands along?
  1063. >Why are you feeling even more drowsy despite this making your heart skip a beat?
  1064. >”I’ll need you to lean back for me.”
  1065. >You’re hesitant to budge, having second thoughts about what’s going on.
  1066. >But Nurse Redheart gives you a gentle nudge which apparently immediately leans you back, as if your strength is absent.
  1067. >Not as if; it really is absent.
  1068. >”Can you pull your shirt up for me?”
  1069. >You do as she tells you, letting her momentarily knead those chilly fingers down onto your abdomen.
  1070. >Difficulty is now 999%.
  1071. >It occurs to you that your abs are peculiarly relaxed right now, even when you try to tense them, finding nowhere near enough core strength needed to sit back up if you wanted to.
  1072. >You pray that she doesn’t notice the rising bulge before it eventually goes away after you overwhelm your own hormones once more with your own will.
  1073. >Holy shit, it actually worked.
  1074. >But nothing could prepare you for the words she dares to speak next.
  1075. >”How many times a week do you masturbate?”
  1076. >You swear she didn’t just ask that, there’s no reason for that question.
  1077. “Huh?”
  1078. >”You know, masturbate.” She repeats. “How often, like 3 days, 5 days a week?”
  1079. “Why?”
  1080. >”From what I understand, you haven’t in the past several months.” She reveals that there’s something she knows.
  1081. “S-so?”
  1082. >The very conversation is making it almost start up in your pants again despite your monstrous restraint.
  1083. >”You should realize how unhealthy that is. Both physically and mentally.” Redheart tells you. “It might even cause you to lose sight of your judgement and empathy.”
  1084. >You’re not stupid, you already pieced this shit together.
  1085. >She’s on Celestia’s side, she drugged you up so you can’t use your extreme physical ability to escape, and she probably wants to make you shoot all your power out in spurts to prevent your chances at justifying your shitty behavior with great success with that agency.
  1086. >Try to sit up, but Nurse Redheart simply and gently pushes you back down to the reclined examining chair/table.
  1087. “Hey…”
  1088. >”It’s alright, it’s alright. I’m going to help you for good reasons. And you’ll understand after we’re through.”
  1089. “Through with what? I wanna stop the drug tests now. I’ll do it somewhere else.” You grasp at ways to pressure her into stopping before she can do too much to you. “Lemme go and I won’t tell anyone you did this. But only if you let me go.”
  1090. >Your brain swore that would be enough of a blackmail, but her eyes don’t care, her hand stroking the side of your arm doesn’t care.
  1091. “I’ll do it. I’ll take you down with me.”
  1092. >She doesn’t even respond to it, only takes the beaker and places it closer on the side table.
  1093. >You know what it’s for now.
  1094. >All of your threats are blatantly ignored as Redheart proceeds regardless of anything you say.
  1095. >”Now, I need you to get an erection. ‘Kay?”
  1096. “…”
  1097. >”’Kay?”
  1098. >You still don’t answer her, trying to stare forward and pretend you didn’t hear that, failing badly when she undoes another button.
  1099. >Her cleavage lures your eyes in, and you can feel yourself losing the battle to put down the uprising in your pants.
  1100. >”It’s okay, that’s all I need you to do. I’ll do the rest.” She can already see it happening under there.
  1101. “I… shouldn’t…” You can barely blurt anything out.
  1102. >The reason why lies somewhere in her hand without-warning massaging your provoked genitals through the clothes.
  1103. >”There ya go. That’s good.” Nurse Redheart emphasizes. “I need it completely erect. Can ya do that for me?”
  1104. >Your head shakes no, but your member screams yes louder and louder as Redheart whispers polite orders for you to get hard in your pants.
  1105. >There’s no way to resist when she’s pressing her partially exposed tits into your personal space and against your side.
  1106. >More undone buttons present her frilly black bra underneath you desperately try not to look at.
  1107. >It fits her so well. Redheart uses her own anatomy she’s well familiar with as a tool to subdue you by the hormones.
  1108. >With the top falling off her shoulders, Redheart keeps her other hand surveying your crotch to feel if you’re completely erect yet, as her free hand grabs you by the wrist.
  1109. >Your weakened hand is submerged into Redheart’s cleavage, and your wrist is made to drag the middle of her bra downward.
  1110. >She tugs her bra straps off her smooth shoulders so they’re out of the way, and you’re made to pull Nurse Redheart’s bra further down.
  1111. >”This’ll help.” She quietly lets the bra cups get dragged away from her pink nipples.
  1112. >Whatever sedative she put into you keeps you from being able to pull your hand out.
  1113. >Redheart can see that your body has done exactly what she needed it to do, and starts to undo the front of your pants.
  1114. >Hardly any energy to show even noticeable struggle, and she gets your pants pulled down to your knees in several seconds before reaching for your boxers.
  1115. >There’s no hope in making your boner go away at any rate, and you’re soon made bare with your erection standing straight up for her.
  1116. >Redheart wraps her fingers around it and insistently begins to stroke the shaft up and down in a specific way, making the possibility of going soft again nonexistent.
  1117. >She puts the most pressure from her fingers near the underside of your tip, making the whole shaft tense and jolt involuntarily within her calculated grip.
  1118. “N-nurse…” You squeak, realizing there’s no way out of this and that you’ve been had.
  1119. >”I’ll help you to the other side of this.” She now exerts even pressure around the whole shaft and strokes with more sincerity. “You’ll understand in just a moment.”
  1120. >Keep trying to jump out of the bed like you imagine in your mind; Redheart gives you a smile of a mix of pity and thirst.
  1121. >Almost buck your hips away from her, but she just holds you still and continues making your body do what it’s supposed to do.
  1122. >Both of you are breathing faster. Both out of arousal but yours is mixed with fear while Nurse Redheart’s arousal is mixed with determination.
  1123. >”You’re doing great!”
  1124. >She’s masturbating you like she knows your dick better than you do, increasing the stimulation you feel faster than you could do yourself.
  1125. >Nurse Redheart is blushing profusely but her expression itself is calm and focused.
  1126. >She knows everything she needs to know about this to make it happen no matter what you do, and she’s using it.
  1127. >You’re at the mercy of her procedure, and her readiness helps her stay completely in tune with your body in the most intimate-
  1128. “No!”
  1129. >Her face didn’t change when she felt your dick give in with a prolonged, involuntary tense; she expected this, having deliberately caused it herself.
  1130. >The only part of your body convulsing is your pelvic area and nethers; everything else is nearly asleep.
  1131. >She probably thought the little buck you did with your hips as your buttocks clenched was cute.
  1132. >You keep whimpering, she keeps shushing you.
  1133. >In one adept motion, she rolls you to your side facing her, holds the beaker in the path of where your semen is just starting to shoot out, and goes back to stroking you with a full-effort exertion of finality.
  1134. >Even in this hopeless moment, you try to think of a way to prevent this ejaculatory movement or block it all from coming out.
  1135. >The audible spurts crash into the far end of the beaker, spreading creamy white drips everywhere inside that would have definitely been hell to clean up had it been outside of the damn thing.
  1136. >…
  1137. >There it goes… everything you’ve built up after all this time.
  1138. >…
  1139. >Even after the climax is done, she keeps going, not giving you any respite.
  1140. >Nurse Redheart milks you dry until the beaker is more than half full.
  1141. >”You did amazingly. I’m so proud of you.”
  1142. “You just jacked me off into a fucking jar!” You blurt, exhausted. “You fucking…” You wheeze for air. “You fucking…”
  1143. >”Shhh, it’s okay. You need to breathe.” Nurse Redheart strokes your forehead with her clean hand. “You might have broken another record too.” She looks at the sheer amount of pure nut in the beaker that’s enough for an anime figurine to dive into and never hit the bottom.
  1144. >Her fingers were holding the beaker of your massive hot load for long enough to not be cold anymore.
  1145. >”Vice Principal Luna knows Principal Cadance.” Nurse Redheart explains. “She told her everything she needed to know, and then Principal Cadance met with me earlier today.”
  1146. “Wha…”
  1147. >”She convinced me of a thing or two, before an impromptu examination.” Redheart tells you as she unlocks the door and leaves through it with her tits boldly still all the way out.
  1148. >The echo of her footsteps gets more distant as your eyes dart around the room.
  1149. >You look down at the beaker she left there, internally trying to figure out how to quickly suck it all back into your dick and balls cell-style and regain your power.
  1150. >What the fuck are you even thinking? The sedative is intoxicating you at this point.
  1151. >She probably detected it in the drug tests and ignored it because you’re tripping empty balls right now.
  1152. >”Very good. I’m proud of you.” The voice you recognize as Principal Cadance approaches with double the footstep echoes.
  1153. “No fucking way.”
  1154. >Both of them enter the room, perfume scent really intensifying now.
  1155. >”Nice to see you again.” Cadance bites her lower lips as Redheart puts her arm around her. “It’s been a bit.”
  1156. “It was you?”
  1157. >You walked even deeper into her dominion without realizing it.
  1158. >”Don’t worry about it, everything’s going to be okay.”
  1159. “This isn’t over!”
  1160. >”Yes it is. But it’s okay.”
  1161. “It’s not!” You feel your aggression building up anyway. “It’s not over!” You can’t even find enough energy to shout.
  1162. >”Shhh.” Nurse Redheart holds you close to herself.
  1163. >Cadance surprises her with a kiss on the lips that grows deeper with Redheart’s enthusiastic response to it.
  1164. “It’s… not over!” You sound just like a defeated anime villain but cheesier and more pathetic.
  1165. >”I think I know what’ll make you feel better.” Cadance finally releases the other woman from the kiss. “Miss Redheart, my subject, how would you like to cure him of his virginity?”
  1166. >Your heart flutters but sinks, trying not to totally want this.
  1167. >”Hmm? Would you like that?” Cadance turns to you as she asks you this. “Get rid of that frustration once and for all.”
  1168. >”I’d like to.” Breathes Redheart.
  1169. >Cadance turns back to her. “I command you to relieve him of his virginity. Cure him.”
  1170. >Nurse Redheart obediently reaches up her skirt and slips her panties down from underneath.
  1171. >Your eyes shoot wide, but you’re in a dramatically different mood when you try to verbally respond to this.
  1172. “Yeah? Really?” You didn’t realize how excited you sound when that came out.
  1173. >Weakly resist Cadance holding you down by the shoulders as Redheart climbs onto the examination chair/table with you.
  1174. >You didn’t even notice her pulling everything below your waist all the way off, which now lies on the floor beside her panties.
  1175. >”It’s okay, there’s nothing to be afraid of.” Nurse Redheart tangles her legs with yours until she’s got you locked between her thighs and sink herself down onto you.
  1176. >Cadance keep her bear hug tightly restraining your upper body as if it mattered.
  1177. >They can feel how fast your heart is beating, and comfort you as Nurse Redheart positions her own nethers on top of your returning erection.
  1178. >She keeps you still so it’s harder to move to the side or slip your tip back away from her vulva.
  1179. >”I’m proud of ya.” Redheart repeats during the couple of seconds it takes for you to fully enter her. “Just let it happen, hon.”
  1180. >And just like that, you give in and obey her.
  1181. >Nurse Redheart leans into you and holds you close to herself to comfort you more.
  1182. >”I told you you’d understand.” She says after feeling you reciprocating the advances. “Let’s finish this thing off.”
  1183. >Cadance doesn’t stop telling you how happy she is for you as Redheart pins you into a proper mating embrace with her lips latching with yours that stay latched even with her increasingly turbulent humping.
  1184. “This isn’t over.” You say internally, implying the opposite with the sounds you externally make.
  1185. >Nurse Redheart brings you to a nearby hospital bed where she then resumes her coitus with you as Cadance holds you from behind.
  1186. >Sandwiched between these two, you can almost feel their scent spreading to your body you surrendered to them.
  1187. >Redheart looks down at you between kisses and strokes the side of your face, smiling warmly at how welcomingly you’re accepting this.
  1188. >”You should stay in town.” She says to you. “There’s some people you need to patch things up with. But that’ll come a little later.”
  1189. >You know who she’s talking about.
  1190. >”Right now, you need to relax a little.” She intensifies her humping until she knows she pushed you over the edge again. “There we go…”
  1191. >They both felt you squirm a little, and sincerely held you in place as the climax took you over.
  1192. >”We’re so proud of you.” One of them congratulates you for surrendering as you keep cumming. “We can begin the real healing now. You didn’t need that pointless little virginity anyway.”
  1193. >You gradually pass out in their embrace, having broken personal records even in your first loss. But you happily accept this because your brain gets stupid in the drugged-up afterglow.
  1194. >They got you.
  1195. >But as you walk through the valley a few miles away from the shadow of death in your dreams, you vow that they will never get you again after this.
  1196. ~
  1197. >…
  1198. >You faded awake before you even knew where you are.
  1199. >In bed staring at the ceiling, you do everything to recollect your thoughts and ambitions in spite of what just happened.
  1200. >Now you’ve come to your senses, but at a grave sacrifice.
  1201. >You stay like this in some abstract form of “intensive care” for a while before Nurse Redheart comes by to check in on you.
  1202. >She stays by your bedside and talks with you for a little bit.
  1203. >You have to say you honestly feel some sort of connection to her now.
  1204. >She was your first, and there’s something almost magical about talking with the woman who relieved you of your virginity. It’s like she became sacred or something through that.
  1205. >Or, more or less, your friend. (with benefits, obviously)
  1206. >There could be a whole list of things you apologized for as she looked after you on the weekend at Crystal Prep.
  1207. >Because of legal reasons, she and Cadance are required to allow you to keep the documents, not like it matters anyway since you don’t have the skillz to back up your claims anymore, at least it doesn’t seem like you will.
  1208. >You’ve been extremely exhausted for about 48 hours now, haven’t felt like this in like half a year… right before you started your month long nofap.
  1209. >It’s starting to look like it’s all over, and you know for a fact that Celestia and Luna found out about what happened to you by now.
  1210. >At least there was a probable final competition that was just cancelled today. Effectively giving you an absolutely perfect record, which sets a brand new record for any student at CHS.
  1211. >Problem is, everyone still hates you, and you can’t afford to have people hate you anymore because you ain’t shit now.
  1212. >The only way to ever regain your abilities is to get back on that nofap again until you recapture your previous glory.
  1213. >But it feels different now that you know what sex feels like. Your spite and ambition has dwindled to barely half of what motivated you to gather so much restraint in the first place.
  1214. >You feel like you have purpose in life, and in turn, you have relinquished the cooler purpose you had in life before Nurse Redheart took you by surprise.
  1215. >You lack the discipline and motivation you had before, which fucking blows, but you have to do something about this.
  1216. >…
  1217. >After a little bit, you give the two men a call (they previously gave you their contact info right after the initial sit-down with them was over) and tell them that they were right and it’s better if you wait a month or two to think things over and officially sign the contract.
  1218. >Guess what you can do in two months?
  1219. >But the real question is: should you?
  1220. >What kind of question is that? Of course you’re gonna keep being an asshole. Fuck this. You wanna be rich, famous, and have an easy life from which you spite ur haterz.
  1221. >This is NOT over.
  1222. ~
  1223. >Wake up in the bed on the morning you’re to be “discharged”.
  1224. >No one missed you over the weekend.
  1225. >You were only allowed to get up to eat and stuff; Redheart’s back at CHS.
  1226. >”So~” The voice that woke you says.
  1227. >Drowsily look over at Principal Cadance wearing absolutely nothing on her body but 5 items.
  1228. >2 white tight thigh-high socks, 1 pink miniskirt barely reaching pocket-length, an excessively undersized schoolgirl top with the bottom 2/3 cut away, and a jittery, horny smile.
  1229. >Her nipples too perky to hide under that thin cloth, her skirt too short to keep her vulva from being slightly exposed.
  1230. >”I understand you haven’t masturbated in a couple of days.” Principal Cadance leans in. “That’s okay, I’ll take care of it. No need for magazines when I’m here.”
  1231. >Whenever Principal Cadance is ready to directly strike, she gets entirely naked, decorated with overly-scanty “clothes” like it’s her tradition for the occasion.
  1232. >Her confidence makes you too scared to respond. The flowery aroma of her perfume make you dizzy.
  1233. >”I just thoroughly fucked my school’s dress code.” Principal Cadance whispers. “Lemme do the same to you.”
  1234. >She gets under the covers with you and lies on top, letting your shaky hands push away at her plentiful bare skin.
  1235. >Principal Cadance’s smooth softness lures your groping hands under her “clothes” like honey in a bee trap.
  1236. >She got your pants and boxers pulled down before you had a chance to react, and presses her exposed nether region onto yours.
  1237. >It’s impossible not to let the feeling of her bare vulva kissing your unveiled member make an immediate erection start.
  1238. >Stimulation in the most direct way possible.
  1239. >She shudders with a grin as she feels your dick stand up against her vulva, letting it nudge its way inside.
  1240. >”I recommend you cum at least every week.”
  1241. >As Principal Cadance humps you on the morning before setting you free, you vow this shall be the last time you ever do so.
  1242. >You will have to find a way to exert more restraint than you ever have in your life, even more than you have in the past few months.
  1243. >The coming days are going to be an uphill battle, but you can’t let all of your progress slip away like this; you were amazing out there.
  1244. >At least you thought you were, everyone else just didn’t get it.
  1245. >All those jealous competitors and un-entertained spectators.
  1246. >They don’t understand what it’s like to have a real chance at being the best ever, they don’t know what the battle between desire and struggle feels like.
  1247. >How long has it been just now? You feel like you blacked out during the course of something.
  1248. >”C’mon, I’m not letting your mind wander off that easily.” Principal Cadance’s voice tells you, her mysterious perfume reasserting itself.
  1249. >You see her face right in front of yours.
  1250. >”I want to tell you a little secret, love.” She whispers exhaustedly, breathing and sighing like she just ran a marathon for you. “Something I’ve wanted to say for a while… but couldn’t say it until after I got ahold of you.”
  1251. >What is she saying?
  1252. “What are you saying?”
  1253. >”I have felt your tension for a long time.” Principal Cadance says to you. “You didn’t know it, but I was proud of you at first. Back towards the end of November.”
  1254. >You let out another sound for some reason, not knowing where you are at the moment.
  1255. >”When you first started competing, I was impressed by your resolve against your urges. I never saw anything like that before, but I knew it wasn’t healthy for you.”
  1256. >You try to respond, but her lips block you from talking at all.
  1257. >Fail to talk into Cadance’s mouth, only sighing instead before she releases the kiss.
  1258. >”Everything is going to be okay, my subject.” She continues. “Let me explain the rest.”
  1259. >Nod to her, almost as though she’s controlling it.
  1260. >Principal Cadance smiles down at you as she eventually continues.
  1261. >It’s clear that the next kiss she plants on your lips was one she couldn’t hold back.
  1262. >This woman is not like the average woman at all, she is a deity of love and sex manifested into a human body, powers included.
  1263. >And you have provoked her very nature.
  1264. >Ever her voice is getting a little shaky with excitement.
  1265. >”You became arrogant and narcissistic. But unlike everyone else, I knew what was really happening. You were losing sight of yourself. You lost control of your emotions and your judgement was hopelessly more clouded with each passing day you resisted your urges to masturbate. You’re not yourself when you get to that point. So I needed to help you get back to yourself.”
  1266. >It’s now when you realized that Principal Cadance is still on top of you, humping you like there’s no tomorrow.
  1267. >”I tried to get you out of it, but your restraint at the time was too strong for any kind of pheromone. I couldn’t trust you to have caved in during your alone time, and you soon became even more lost over the months, and I couldn’t do much of anything ever since you switched schools.”
  1268. >She bites her lip, letting your watch her bedroom-eyes-donning face move up and down nose-to-nose with yours.
  1269. >”I had no other choice but to bring Celestia and Luna into this. It was my best option. I couldn’t let you keep going down that path, but you kept going, and I had no choice but to convince them to get more and more physical with you. Just to help nudge you into that mood. This mood. It’s for the best.”
  1270. >You can feel her arms wrap tighter around you, between your back and the bedsheets, and lift you up to meet her lips again.
  1271. >It’s easy to see how comfortable she is with you, especially now that you’re at her mercy like this.
  1272. >”Celestia and Luna will not say a word any more than myself or Nurse Redheart. We all want the same thing, here. Now let me just…” Principal Cadance clumsily repositions herself.
  1273. >Try to speak but she shushes you.
  1274. >Your attention is directed under her lone micro skirt; discover you haven’t entered her yet because you got excited and shifted around.
  1275. >Principal Cadance is trying to correct this, and she needs your help in letting her slide her vulva up your underside to your tip.
  1276. >Voluntarily put your arms around her exposed torso even just to feel the touch of the soft skin of her bare back and towards her abdomen.
  1277. >Her abdomen itself is even softer. Principal Cadance’s bellybutton stretches vertically as she arches her back and mesmerizingly gyrates her hips into proper mating position, with that tiny thin top exposing just enough underboob to still loosely conceal her perky, erect nipples.
  1278. >She takes all of this and rubs it against you, spreading her scent all over you with her exposed perfumed body.
  1279. >Your mind is so taken away by Principal Cadance’s excessively skimpy attire presenting easy access to that mostly naked body of hers.
  1280. >So taken away that she snuck the tip of your cock snug between her vulva without your knowledge.
  1281. >You cock stands up against her soft vulva, playfully battling with it until she wins by enveloping you.
  1282. >Surrendering to Cadance’s advances, you’re made to push your way deeper into her.
  1283. >Th divine goddess’s eyes light up as she feels it happen as you do, excitedly squealing in delight because this means the world to her.
  1284. >Principal Cadance was grinding you before, but now she’s humping you as you’re finally length-deep.
  1285. >She plants rhythmic kisses around the base of your shaft with her vulva that hugs it, and sighing shakily with a twitterpated grin on her face.
  1286. >”Wanna see these?” She gleefully lifts her “top” away from her perky nipples, softly jabbing you with them and pressing her chest onto you, still humping. “Don’t you just love this?”
  1287. >A shuddering “YES” has been squeezed out of you.
  1288. >“I want you to remember this.” Principal Cadance thoroughly fucks you as she had promised.
  1289. >Principal Cadance mercifully takes her sweet time with you.
  1290. >Her smile becomes more and more filled with joy
  1291. “How? Why?” Your whole body gets addicted to feeling Principal Cadance on top of it.
  1292. >”That’s not important. I have my ways. What matters is that we got to you before it was too late, we’re here together now, and you can heal your heart just like you’re supposed to.”
  1293. “What is all this?” You question all this cult-like talk. “Why are you even saying all this?”
  1294. >”I’m telling you everything now so we can trust eachother. It’s important that we keep no secrets moving on. I want us to be at peace, my love. You, me and everybody else.”
  1295. >Something about “make love, not war” runs through your head.
  1296. >Principal’s embrace on you grows tighter as she progresses the moment, and it becomes a tight hug in the bed with the fronts of your bodies rubbing as Cadance does anything but cease her humping.
  1297. >”You really were a tough nut to crack, weren’t you?” Cadance tells you.
  1298. >Last. Time.
  1299. >That’s the only thing you keep internally saying to yourself to memorize it.
  1300. >After this, never again.
  1301. >No load shall escape you.
  1302. >The look on her face makes you want to lean back again, and you tell her this with your body.
  1303. >That smile she has is so warm and enthusiastic about this union you two currently have.
  1304. >You had a feeling she was passionate about sex, but this looks like it means something to her on an emotional level as well.
  1305. >”See how beautiful things can be?” She lets you lean back, keeping her embrace tight and ending up lying on top of you.
  1306. >If you didn’t know any better, you might have guessed she was about to burst into tears of joy.
  1307. >This somehow doesn’t feel odd to you, all the elements of Cadance’s presence assures you that this makes sense, and you’re not opposed.
  1308. >Feeling a woman in this way isn’t anything like you used to fantasize. It’s like seeing the wonders of the world in person instead of in a picture.
  1309. >There’s so much you can’t translate into words or pictures, and you can only understand by feeing this act of human nature take place between you two.
  1310. >What it actually is was never real to you until you fell to the purpose Redheart’s advances and, now those of Cadance.
  1311. >One thing is for certain, you’re not going to be able to put this out of your head, which is exactly where Cadance’s intentions lie.
  1312. >Principal Cadance shuts her eyes and holds you close, her breaths become wholesome and drawn out upon her making the decision to simply drive you right into climax.
  1313. >Guess she lost her patience, but she lost it gracefully.
  1314. >Now nothing is held back, and Cadance lets you fall further and further into your state of raw libido with what she’s doing with you, and it feels like a mutual state of agreement between you two as Cadance brings the climax out of you.
  1315. >You both saw it coming from a mile away, and Cadance trembles as she feels you release into her.
  1316. >She’s starting to mean something to you just like how you mean something to her, but you’re too absent minded to think about anything other than gushing the last of your energy into the goddess of love.
  1317. >She won, and maybe you’re gonna okay with that from here on out.
  1318. >Maybe you’ll change your mind once your judgement eventually comes back to you.
  1319. >Do you really want this to be the last time? You’re questioning a lot of things as the climax transforms into afterglow, and Cadance nuzzles her face into you with a desire to stay in the bed all the way until she has to get up and run her school.
  1320. >”Listen.” Cadance lets out yet another drained but relaxed sigh. “I know you have it in you to be more decent to people. And I know you’d love to do this again sometimes. I could feel that.”
  1321. “…Maybe…”
  1322. >”You should really consider yourself lucky I did this for you. But I must ask something of you as well.”
  1323. >Silently wait for her to continue.
  1324. >”When I say that Celestia and Luna are… lonely, I mean something by that.”
  1325. >She rests her head on your shoulder blade.
  1326. >”They understand you’ve been very frustrated for a long time, but you must understand that they have been frustrated as well even without you in the picture. I’m sure, you know where I’m going with this.”
  1327. “You mean, that, I’ll get to-” You stop as you see her nodding. “But why though?”
  1328. >”There’s too much to explain and I’d rather just enjoy this moment. But do know that it’s necessary that you confront them, at least. After all that’s happened between you and them. I promise they’ll forgive you.”
  1329. >The more she talks to you about these things, the more something feels a little off after you’re told you’re about to be set free back into the world.
  1330. >This doesn’t feel real.
  1331. >It feels like she’s bribing you with heavy-handed promises even more sex in order to keep you tame.
  1332. >And you want to accept more than anything else, because you’re not even thinking about your future or that contract at the moment.
  1333. >You know you swore to never let this happen again but you’re starting to have your doubts about whether or not that’s a smart idea.
  1334. >It’s fuckin’ free sex, basically. These circumstances are the only reason it’s possible but that only gives you more reasons to accept this while it’s still an option for you.
  1335. >It’s like she could tell you were thinking something like this, because she only wants to prolong the fun time.
  1336. >Principal Cadance pulls out her signature virgin-killer sweater. “I wanna get into this. Give me a hand.”
  1337. >It was at this moment that you knew that the story of your athletic career is coming to a close.
  1338. >Because you lurched forward on your own, wrapped your arms around her and deeply kissed her on the lips.
  1339. >You didn’t want that last time to be THE last time, you don’t want that path anymore.
  1340. >Now, you want Principal Cadance; you need her. And that’s okay, because this is her intentions.
  1341. >She grins, gives you a moan and kisses you back, happy that you two are on the same page now.
  1342. >She already won, and you already lost, but both of you are working together to please eachother more just because.
  1343. >Just because you love how it feels so much. Cadance has successfully converted you.
  1344. >Under her body and entering her again, you want to submit to her mercy again only because you love her.
  1345. >She not only allows you, but encourages you to effortlessly lift the flimsy little half-top away from her nipples and pull it above her head as she raises her arms.
  1346. >You take the rim of her mini skirt and lift it up off of her as well, needing to tug it past her breasts for a second or two. It’s the only way to remove it with you humping upwards between her smooth thighs.
  1347. >The knee socks come off as well, leaving her beauty in total nakedness for you to gaze at, and the only thing Principal Cadance is going to put on is the sweater.
  1348. >You help her slip the sweater over herself as she enjoys herself on top of you, her soft ass quietly slapping against the front of your hips.
  1349. >Exchange the feeling of coitus between one another on the bed.
  1350. >The sweater keeps enough of Principal Cadance exposed for you to feel her bare skin anywhere you want.
  1351. >This will not be the last time, you want it to be far from the case.
  1352. >Forget the contract, you can’t care about it right now. You want Principal Cadance.
  1353. >You surrender yourself to her even more than before with an embrace that is from you as much as it is from her.
  1354. >Fuck the way you acted before, Cadance is in the right.
  1355. >Enough arousal-driven energy fills you to push yourself forward until you’re on your knees on the bed with Cadance, embracing her tightly against your body with your member still inside.
  1356. >Each of you are going so sincerely on eachother that it’s like you’re losing your virginity all over again, reaching a whole new level.
  1357. >This love won’t just stop after this moment ends, it’s going to haunt you and you’re going to welcome it.
  1358. >”I NEED you to cum!” Principal Cadance strains as her restraint disappears behind her most determined humping yet. “Please, please right now!”
  1359. >You can feel it, she’s climaxing right now and wants to do it at the same time as you.
  1360. >Return her actions and hump her back just as intensely with the embrace just as tight as before, both of you on your knees on the bedsheets together.
  1361. >Both of you make groaning noises, heightening in pitch, both of you doing everything you can to make this combined climax happen this instant.
  1362. >It all collides like two gamma rays running head on into eachother, and you feel the force of one another rock your entire bodies into primal shuddering.
  1363. >This sustains itself for some time, and you two fall over together into to sheets.
  1364. >Principal Cadance is giddily sigh-laughing and kissing your lips, excitedly hugging you like a teddy bear.
  1365. >You don’t want to let her go just yet.
  1366. >Each of your hearts are racing, each of you shed tears of joy as you hold and love one another.
  1367. >This is what she wanted you to discover.
  1368. >You have surrendered to her lustful wrath, and now you do the same for her mercy.
  1369. >…
  1370. >Before you know it, you’re sent back out after dressing back up and having to put a poker face on as though nothing happened to you.
  1371. >Your brain is so scrambled that you have no idea where you are at first.
  1372. >This is one of the schools, right? You thought it was the heavens.
  1373. >Whatever you do, do not sign that contract or get involved with that future that will keep you away from Principal Cadance.
  1374. >She is the only thing you need in this world now; everything else is over. It has to be.
  1375. >You are a changed man, no longer arrogant and…
  1376. >The cool breeze that hits your face keeps this story from ending just yet.
  1377. >You were sweating so much that it almost felt like a day with freezing temperatures when a cool early summer breeze hit your face.
  1378. >And made you realize that you’re still on Earth, and you have a life to live on it.
  1379. >Now you can maybe squabble around for some common sense after Cadance did you like nothing before.
  1380. >Everything you and her did together has spread all the way to the core of your well being.
  1381. >This goddess and her advances got even a stubborn narcissist like you rethinking his life choices.
  1382. >She fucked you right out of your own free will.
  1383. >You know and love what already happened to you. But;
  1384. >What’s happening to you?
  1385. >…
  1386. ~
  1387. >Very distracting memories flutter around in your head as you walk back to your car that’s been sitting there for a couple of days.
  1388. >It feels like your arms and legs are heavier, the distance to your car is longer, it’s better to drive than to walk around.
  1389. >But it takes more strength to hold down the gas pedal with your foot.
  1390. >By the time you make it back to your place, you fall back onto your bed and sigh at the ceiling, letting the sheets underneath you get warmer the longer you rest on them.
  1391. >Slowly but surely, your free will begins to seep back into you.
  1392. >Hours and phone calls go by resulting in you agreeing with the athletic agency that you might go ahead and sign now with your test results at the ready (that you were allowed to keep).
  1393. >And not two but three months later, you’ll start trying out for various things you’ve already signed for.
  1394. >You’ll just tell them you’re in a great resting period that’s lasted the whole weekend, and that’s why you’ll seem so drowsy when you meet them again.
  1395. >Had you not been yourself, CHS would have thrown a congratulatory party for you upon your return on Monday for breaking so many records and setting new ones.
  1396. >Like they’re going to do that after the way you acted, might as well stay home and sleep. It’s more comfy this way and you don’t have to awkwardly encounter anyone who’s jealous of you for things you’re not even able to do right now.
  1397. >Sleep with no memory of what you dreamt.
  1398. >…
  1399. >At the town’s rec center.
  1400. >Okay, so here you are, knowing that you already passed everything for the school year, finished all your competitions and won with flying colors.
  1401. >Not only that, but everyone hates you enough to not even miss you when you’re gone. They legally can’t do anything about you playing hooky from here on out and would probably just mark you present anyway just to not have to put up with you persistently and thickheadedly complaining or something.
  1402. >There is NO REASON to go back to school.
  1403. >So, fuck it, here you are. Now convinced that it’s okay to be here instead of the school.
  1404. >You’re an adult anyway, so it’s not like you have to be told what to do by your parents or anything. They don’t even fucking exist.
  1405. >It really sucks how you haven’t run as many laps as you used to.
  1406. >You barely did half of them, and you used to be less tired at the end too.
  1407. >It’s a good thing barely anyone comes here, otherwise you’d be embarrassed right about now.
  1408. >Maybe you should try visiting the weight room.
  1409. >After going in, you wait for the one guy whom you usually see in there to leave, just in case your shortcomings extended to your strength which you’re already sure happened anyway.
  1410. >Sit around for 45 minutes until he’s gone.
  1411. >Okay, let’s try some shit.
  1412. >Pick up the usual dumbbell you pick up and yep it feels so much heavier.
  1413. >This can’t be.
  1414. >A little voice within you tells you to use this anger to your advantage and re-build your strength.
  1415. >So you curl and curl and curl with your arms, but you’re too normal to do what you used to be able to do.
  1416. >Well shit, this blows.
  1417. >Try again, but you’re sore now.
  1418. >And your patience has yet to wear out.
  1419. >You want to keep trying, now realizing that you waited an awfully long time for that other guy to leave the room you’re now inside of.
  1420. >Usually, you wouldn’t be able to sit in one spot for 5 minutes, yet that bench outside is still warm from your ass sitting on it for 9 times that amount.
  1421. >How can this be?
  1422. >Well, you already know, but you still don’t want to accept it.
  1423. >Though, you already won everything.
  1424. >Think about it, you don’t have to see Celestia or Luna anymore… or Cadance or Redheart anymore… and all the games are over and you… don’t have to do anything for… months…
  1425. >You lost your train of thought.
  1426. >The memories have come back to haunt you.
  1427. >First when you thought abut Celestia and Luna, but especially when you thought of Cadance and Redheart.
  1428. >Because of the physical experiences that have been burned into your memory.
  1429. >You can’t just make yourself forget it.
  1430. >And it plays with your judgement like a toy even up to this very moment.
  1431. >Maybe you should go back to them and keep what you have while you’re still technically ahead.
  1432. >Yes, you’re tired and weak right now, and Nurse Redheart took your virginity away.
  1433. >And Cadance made sure of it just to double check, planting certain feelings into you that make something start up in your pants right in this moment as you try to focus on regaining strength.
  1434. >Decide to just stop, there’s no way you can focus.
  1435. >You’re not even sweating that much but you need to get yourself into the showers.
  1436. >There’s not enough restrain in you to make this boner go away, because the cause that it was all for was game-ended in the past. Now your heart’s not in it.
  1437. >Stand in the shower with the water on, ready to begin until an instance of clarity comes over you: Nah.
  1438. >Wouldn’t that work against what you’re about to try to do for three months anyway?
  1439. >Maybe you’ll just do it one last time in here, ceremonially so it has a sense of finality to it. And it’s official and on your own terms.
  1440. >…Won’t feel as good, though.
  1441. >The memory of Crystal Prep’s principal and CHS’s nurse on top of you is something beating off in the shower can’t even compare to. It’ll just come off as unsatisfying.
  1442. >Fuck it, just wait for the boner to (eventually) go down.
  1443. >How the fuck are you going to show restraint after a week long nofap if you’re bullshitting yourself into breaking one after like a day?
  1444. >It stays up for the next 10 minutes or so before you’ve been ignoring it long enough to go down.
  1445. >You expected it to be a tense moment with you having to grab each of your hands by the wrists, however that would even logistically work.
  1446. >But all you had to do was just ignore it, even with the thoughts of Cadance in your mind, you locked your hands behind your back and let your blood flow out of your dick and back into everywhere it belongs, like your arms, legs, etc.
  1447. >Okay, great. Now jus-
  1448. >The next couple of minutes sees it happening again and you eventually caving in because you’re naked and it’s all going to conveniently wash down the drain anyway so fuck it, you don’t care.
  1449. >Okay, THAT was the last time. For real this time.
  1450. >Once you leave the shower, you realize that you have Cadance’s scent on you before you got in, because you still smell it on yourself now.
  1451. >And something about it feels connected to you not feeling bad about breaking your restraint, rationalizing it to yourself as to why it’s a good idea.
  1452. >Yeah, whatever, you’ll just start the nofap proper tomorrow.
  1453. >You’ll start actually lifting and exercising too. Today’s your break day or cheat day as they call it.
  1454. >Why?
  1455. >Well, you already caved in once, didn’t you?
  1456. >All of this bloats up in your mind as the day goes on with you becoming more and more content with your current inescapable situation.
  1457. >…
  1458. >You constantly have to beat back the possibility of giving Cadance some form of contact, which you know how to do.
  1459. >If you’re going to start excelling again, you have to put your foot down.
  1460. >Re-enter your room and continue your plans regarding meeting up with the couple of old men from the athletic agency.
  1461. >You might be able to comfortably tell them that you don’t have to return to CHS anymore, just in case they ask you if you gathered your final trophy or not.
  1462. >Can’t really imagine a reason why they’d need to see it, so it’s whatever. These guys are just about the paperwork.
  1463. >As for your college prospects, you have it already planned out.
  1464. >You might be able to move into your dorm at the start of the summer well before your potential roommate is even chosen, since the system of the university that accepted you allows this for students who have things like athletic scholarships.
  1465. >With this, you start sending them emails and making phone calls to get in touch once again.
  1466. >It’s boring, but you can spice it up with a few more visits to the rec center.
  1467. >You’ve made a couple of trips to the store to get sports drinks or whatever to start you off, just for a jump start.
  1468. >…
  1469. >Here you go, day 2.
  1470. >This time, it’s serious.
  1471. >You’re not about to be a weakling today, that’s a thing of the past.
  1472. >As you go past one of the nearby mirrors in one of the hallways that this place has set up, you notice how tired you look.
  1473. >Fuck that, you’re not tired. You’re not tired because you don’t want to be tired.
  1474. >Your body is still is considerably good shape from all those times you murdered the competition in those tournaments.
  1475. >This should be easy.
  1476. >Get your blood pumping a bit and head over to the treadmill, ready to run as many miles as you can.
  1477. >Just build yourself back up little by little and undo all of this.
  1478. “Aight, we’re doing this once.”
  1479. >Get going.
  1480. >Okay, you’ve been running for a minute and a half now, not bad.
  1481. >Your stamina seems to be holding up just fine.
  1482. >This is a pretty comfortable speed, but you know that your past self would have had the speed set to a higher value after getting bored with something like this.
  1483. >Gotta live up to your past glory; crank up that treadmill speed.
  1484. >Okay, now this shit’s kicking into full gear… but you’re not.
  1485. >Start to get out of breath by the time you reach 3 or 4 minutes.
  1486. >Ignore it, you got this.
  1487. >Now your legs are starting to get tired.
  1488. >Shit, you weren’t ready.
  1489. >Palms are sweaty, knees weak etc. etc.
  1490. >Get angry and turn the speed up even more.
  1491. >7 minutes.
  1492. >You’re wheezing now.
  1493. >But you don’t dare to touch that dial until you reach your ever receding satisfaction.
  1494. >Start to growl as you challenge yourself.
  1495. >There’s your stubbornness, at least. But it’s in the wrong body now; you’re too weak to afford it.
  1496. >But you turn the speed up anyway.
  1497. >Growl all the way into the surface of the treadmill where you shoes should be.
  1498. >Do a couple of tumbles until the treadmill spits you off of the back of it.
  1499. >Get back on, it shoots you back off.
  1500. >Walk around it and turn it off, expecting to have gone 8 miles by now but you haven’t even gone 3.
  1501. >Fall down onto your ass with your lungs gasping for a break.
  1502. >Look around at the couple of other gym-goers staring at you, one of them holding back laughter.
  1503. “The fuck y’all lookin at?” You double over and huff with your cheek on the floor.
  1504. >God fucking damn it.
  1505. ~~~
  1506. >Treadmills are shit, they’re stupid and frankly pointless.
  1507. >They can let you get off at any time, while running to an actual destination requires you to finish what you started one way or another.
  1508. >This is where running around in the woods comes into play.
  1509. >Feel the wind blowing through your hair and onto the sweat on your face.
  1510. >Fuck a speed dial, you can change the speed at any time and pace you want without pressing anything.
  1511. >Finally, a good substitute for a treadmill.
  1512. >Why the hell can’t you just make your own at-home gym?
  1513. >With blackjack and hookers but really only the gym part.
  1514. >Working out shouldn’t require you to depend on someone else’s equipment, you had everything going great for you before.
  1515. >…
  1516. >Nice ideas tend to come to you when you’re alone and doing some form of physical activity that’s like meditation for you.
  1517. >Not much more than several minutes later, you already have it plotted out in your head.
  1518. >Outside is already your treadmill, and all the supplies and stuff you’ll soon pack for college will be your weights.
  1519. >On top of that, you can use flights of stairs with stuff your carrying to be sure not to miss leg day.
  1520. >Granted, there’s less positions you can move around from.
  1521. >Gotta admit, that pokes a massive hole in this idea.
  1522. >You don’t really even have a reason to not just stay home without fapping until you have enough energy to show off at the gym again; actually…
  1523. >Yeah, why the fuck didn’t you think of that?
  1524. >Maybe you can just sit around and watch TV most of the time anyway.
  1525. >Make the best of this stupid situation while you’re at it, there ya go.
  1526. >It’s getting a little late by the time you get back to the main roads after almost getting lost.
  1527. >All things considered, you can at least said you got laid out of all this.
  1528. >Many guys your age don’t get to say that, despite 18 being the age you can do that anyway.
  1529. >Go down the road a little ways with more options popping up in your head as you jog along.
  1530. >Exhaustion has already started to take its toll on you once more, even though your gym blunder was several hours ago.
  1531. >This just proves that exercising now will prove to be fruitless considering your actual goals.
  1532. >Today’s been eventful (and embarrassing) enough.
  1533. >If you start doing this after a week of nofap, you’ll do so much better than you’re doing now and make real progress.
  1534. >No point in draining yourself out.
  1535. >Get your head together after catching your breath once more and go home.
  1536. >Blocks and blocks go by.
  1537. >Only two blocks had gone by before you’re out of breath again, starting to feel like you’re experiencing what overweight people feel when they do everything they can to get into shape.
  1538. >Running can be such an uphill climb for some people, sometimes almost literally.
  1539. >Especially if you’re determined enough to torture yourself because you have an end goal that you cannot say no to because you’re putting your foot down.
  1540. >Deal with the feeling all the way until you reach your door, then collapse.
  1541. >Last week was like the best week of your entire life considering you were on top of the world and in peak physical condition.
  1542. >Masturbation makes such a huge difference you didn’t even know was there until you cut it out of your life entirely for a couple of months.
  1543. >And here you are now, lying on your stomach on your living room floor… muscles aching, heart breaking, just another loser working a regular job in the making.
  1544. >Oh shut up, it’s not that bad.
  1545. ~~~
  1546. >Get ready to go to bed when you notice a new email in your computer’s inbox.
  1547. >Two, actually. One is spam for some thing you don’t care about.
  1548. >And of course the other one is from the two athlete recruiter guys.
  1549. >Skim through it to find the same droning shit they said last time, and that they are ready to meet with you to talk about if you’re really ready to sign the contract or not.
  1550. >All you need to do is sign since you sent the test results in already.
  1551. >New drug tests can wait until the end of Summer when you have to start doing shit for them anyway.
  1552. >After you’ve built up your “””hidden drug”””.
  1553. >Not that it counts as one, but it does have the same effect as steroids or maybe doing something stupid or crazy that almost kills you but gives you superpowers instead like in le comic book.
  1554. >Decide to just reply now and maybe they’ll stop bugging you.
  1555. >Respond as concisely as you can and wait to see if anything happens.
  1556. >Expecting to fall asleep regardless before either of them says anything back from their email address.
  1557. >As soon as you get ready to head off, there comes another reply asking you when you want to set up your appointment.
  1558. >Shit, you just wanted to go to sleep without ghosting them until morning.
  1559. >Morning’s gonna have to wait now, and you start clacking away at your keyboard with your reply trying to weasel your way out of meeting with them until after a week from now.
  1560. >Unless you can have them catch you at a time when you’re not fucking embarrassing as a human being, you can’t risk looking like a washed up drug addict in front of them.
  1561. >So, next week maybe, which is what you say back but in more words.
  1562. >It’s about 20 minutes later and no reply comes back, then 40 minutes, etc.
  1563. >Cool, bedtime.
  1564. ~
  1565. >Ooooooooooookay, now that that’s over, time to just spend the whole day watching TV and sitting on the couch.
  1566. >It’s morning now, and you’re ready to be a lazy shit until you have too much pent up energy to be lazy.
  1567. >Flip on the TV after showering again and start looking for something good enough to watch.
  1568. >No, you didn’t do shit in the shower this time except clean yourself. A good start.
  1569. >It’s gonna be at least another week or so before working out is going to be easy for you.
  1570. >Cozily get more snug into your bed, glad about the fact that this morning being rather chilly adds to the warm mood you’re feeling now.
  1571. >Take a deep breath and let an hour or two slip by.
  1572. >If there’s anything about not having all that pent up energy and frustration within you that you’ll certainly miss, it’s the ability to relax like this.
  1573. >Lying here like this is too comfy not to appreciate.
  1574. >You’re not constantly fidgeting, not worried about if someone wants to take your number one spot in anything, not caring how tired you’re getting because you welcome the feeling right now.
  1575. >This is preferable to being on your toes; this is great.
  1576. >Only problem is that you’re very likely not going to get anything done.
  1577. >But that doesn’t really even matter right now because the school year is over for you.
  1578. >All those other scrubs taking their final exams don’t have any relevancy to your interests.
  1579. >…
  1580. >You eventually remember that the recruiters might have emailed you back by now.
  1581. >Very uncharacteristic of the person you were two weeks or so ago, you hesitate to get out of bed.
  1582. >It’s so warm and cozy under here; you don’t wanna leave.
  1583. >Feel weak as you stumble over to your computer. Today’s definitely not one of your strong days.
  1584. >You yawn as if you’re translating the first new message into tired-speak as you read it.
  1585. >It’s just the same shit from last night, but they’re still including the possibility of tomorrow or something for the day you meet up with them and sign the contract.
  1586. >Nothing’s been happening, but it still might be a good idea to pack up and get out of this town early even if just for a change of scenery.
  1587. >You can keep your focus on your own restrain anyway this way.
  1588. >Before emailing them back, you look at all of the ways you can go to the college campus early and live there.
  1589. >That’s like home base.
  1590. >Or something close enough to it.
  1591. >And luckily for you, there is a way to do that.
  1592. >Something you just read up on regarding athletic scholarships.
  1593. >Anyway, you’ll just meet them in a couple of days when you’re feeling more energetic.
  1594. >And you tell them so (most of that), letting them know in your reply that you’re just about ready to sign the contract but want to have a slight resting period to make sure you’re completely refurbished by the time the college semester starts.
  1595. >Fuck it, you’re just gonna start getting your shit packed up as soon as you can and then get that contract signed.
  1596. >This is too good of an opportunity to pass up, you will not lose.
  1597. >Something possesses you to start doing a few push-ups in your room.
  1598. >You didn’t lift weights recently, only ran, so you’re not too sore to do more than 5 of them at a time.
  1599. >Just taking those baby steps.
  1600. >You refuse to let your libido hold you back from a super future, that shit’s just stupid.
  1601. >Your chance is /right there/ and a normal person would just let it slip by because of empathy or whatever it is you don’t care about.
  1602. >…
  1603. >Before you know it, it’s Friday, and the day you’re supposed to meet the guys again is next Monday.
  1604. >Nothing is going to stop you from signing that contract and then leaving town, come hell or high water.
  1605. >That perfume-y scent from before is pretty much absent at this point, and you’re glad you can think clearly again because of it.
  1606. >You don’t know why that’s true but it’s true.
  1607. >It has now once again been a couple of days since you last fapped, but there’s no extra energy in you yet.
  1608. >The memory of Cadance keeps coming back to you, and in hand with it the memory of Redheart.
  1609. >It’s really hard to forget this stuff that happened with you, but you know that it’s not going to end up too different from the other things.
  1610. >The more it’s in your mind, the more used to it you’ll become, and the more unfazed by it you’ll be.
  1611. >Whatever, you just remember what Cadance said to you, about masturbating like 3 times a week or whatever she said that you already forgot.
  1612. >Yeah, right. That’d work on anyone else who didn’t have something they care about this much.
  1613. >But you, you’re different. You’re special. You have a gift that you won’t let anyone take from you.
  1614. >And it shows in how much you’ve been winning.
  1615. >Wow, you’re actually starting to feel excited again, fucking perfect.
  1616. >Now keep the ball rolling for this while you have it going strong, and you’ll be home free once you’re far far away from the dangers to your nut supply.
  1617. >Take the bags you already packed and put them by the door, at the ready.
  1618. >You just gotta last the weekend as the urges really start to set in.
  1619. >Even outside of all this, you would have had difficulty in this stage keeping your restraint in tact, let alone have to prevent wet dreams.
  1620. >You have to do what you did before, and pray that it works a second time.
  1621. >And pray that it wasn’t just dumb luck the first time.
  1622. >This time, you feel a little less shitty when you go for a run, probably because it’s more of a walk than a run for now.
  1623. >It wasn’t long before you caught onto the notion that you have to REALLY start small, and now here you are doing just that.
  1624. >Don’t start breaking a sweat until you’re up there at the college and ready to show your peers what you’re really made of.
  1625. >If you thought you were resilient before, just you want until it’s been more than a month of this shit.
  1626. >You’ll be your old self again (your new old self that you discovered last year).
  1627. >Listen to some music from your not-airpods on your walk.
  1628. >Enjoy the scenery, enjoy the tunes, enjoy the fresh air.
  1629. >Ah, this is great and wait who the fuck is that following you?
  1630. >Look over your shoulder after you could have swore you saw magenta and yellow hair or something behind that tree, but now there doesn’t seem to be anyone there.
  1631. >And you can’t know for sure until you go back and take a look, and someone could have left your sight by the time you make it back over there.
  1632. >Whatever, you’re too unstoppable to fall and this just means the hallucinations are coming back which is good because that means it’s working and you can probably start running now.
  1633. >You wanna see if you get tired or not.
  1634. >Break into a run for fun, and it doesn’t seem too bad this time.
  1635. >Going at a steady pace, you start to wonder how close to Crystal Prep this part of town is.
  1636. >You did go a little far, didn’t you?
  1637. >…
  1638. >The day is halfway over, and you’re covered in a layer of sweat after finishing your run.
  1639. >Starting to feel fulfilled again, you head to your shower to clean off and stuff.
  1640. >You’re under the running water within the next five minutes, as usual.
  1641. >Cleaning off, cleaning off, soaping up, yadda yadda.
  1642. >Havin’ a few shower thoughts bout da universe an staff.
  1643. >You start to think about the possibility of that having been Cadance who followed you.
  1644. >One thought leads to another and fantasies start to flourish in your imagination.
  1645. >No! No! Bad brain! Bad!
  1646. >Start thinking about how you’re going to find the tennis courts first once you get to the college campus.
  1647. >Now you’re thinking about how great it is to have these women stalking you with intention to have sex with you like this is essentially a generic hentai comic but in novel form. (wink)
  1648. >Maybe you could “accidentally” leave your door unlocked once they find out your address.
  1649. >Wait, they already fuckin’ know your address. You attended the schools they’re in charge of. Duh.
  1650. >...
  1651. >Did you lock your door?
  1652. >Aside the sound of the rushing water of the shower you’re taking has transformed, everything you think you hear is a home invasion and half of you doesn’t know how to feel about that.
  1653. >You’re disagreeing with yourself; is this good or bad? Obviously a guy like you would want this.
  1654. >But fuck that, that only leads to more failure, which you’re afraid of.
  1655. >And now you can feel your dick start to get a little too much blood in it.
  1656. >Fuck, go down, down.
  1657. >It’s not listening; you’re remembering what you felt when Cadance and redheart make this happen on purpose.
  1658. >You can’t help it; they’ve awakened something within you that can’t be put back to bed.
  1659. >It’s like trying to to re-flatten crumpled paper. You’ll never be the way you were when you were a virgin.
  1660. >Now the knowledge of what it’s like to fuck is making you miss it too much instead of wonder. And you start to question which future you really want as you stand all the way up in the shower in two ways.
  1661. >Keeping your hand away from your dick is like one of those scenes where a supervillain is trying to hypnotize the hero in shitty capeshit movie #57276.
  1662. >It’s a bit of an ordeal to get control of yourself again but you make it out of the shower unscathed.
  1663. >That’s a bit of an exaggeration, but you remember how tedious the first time you did this was.
  1664. >And that was when you were a virgin too.
  1665. >You’re back to watching TV, but you’re clean this time so you have that going for you.
  1666. >Distract yourself with your computer by checking your emails again, and then seeing if you can call those guys about the contract and maybe do some of the talk over the phone to save time later.
  1667. >Line’s busy, but that’s okay because you have enough other things keeping your mind busy for the moment until you can go to bed.
  1668. >You won’t dream bad things as long as you distract yourself enough to forget, at least that’s how you think it works.
  1669. >Decide it’s better to get into another exchange with the recruiters, but this might start to look like you could have seen them in person this whole time if you do this too many times over.
  1670. >Continue to talk with them before going to bed, soon starting to question the choices you made once more.
  1671. >These guys are quite funny in a way, really.
  1672. >Their names are just that fucking generic and unimportant, soulless business creatures who probably even wear their damn suits to bed.
  1673. >You had already told them which college you recently applied for and got accepted into, and they helped you make the necessary emails and phone calls to contact the staff there in order to get this whole thing implemented into your records once its official.
  1674. >You see the ink on paper you put there, and now you’re really starting to feel better.
  1675. >It’s a bit of an annoying process, even requires you to fill out a questionnaire, but you’ve been a lot more patient in recent days.
  1676. >They then talk to you about signing up right away, which you still want to do so it’s set in stone, and you’ll just have to isolate yourself from all the other stuff in order to become discount superman again.
  1677. >It’s a good thing you can pull off the vibe you had when you were at full energy in front of these guys, and they don’t know you well enough to be able to tell which one is the genuine attitude and level of energy.
  1678. >That’s fine, you’ll be giving them the real one soon enough, it’ll just take a couple of weeks into this nofap summer.
  1679. >It’s not long before signing day comes.
  1680. >There was some email that you received from CHS about coming to collect your trophy or something.
  1681. >Didn’t really pay attention to it; though it did sort of feel like your way out of having to go through an ordeal.
  1682. >Like that part of the game show where the host tells you that you can go home with the huge amount of prize money you have already won, or can risk it all in favor of an amount that’s ten times as large.
  1683. >Because that’s exactly what it feels like.
  1684. >You could go back to the school right now and make amends with Celestia and Luna.
  1685. >They probably want to give you the trophy and let you fuck off anyways, though there’s no way they don’t know what happened.
  1686. >With that in mind, it’s not like they have that “mission” to fulfill anymore. But you don’t care anyway.
  1687. >You can easily stop while you’re ahead, but you don’t want to.
  1688. >You could stop right now and end up having something going on with Celestia and Luna, as well as Cadance and Redheart (this one’s mostly just in your imagination, they probably don’t care anymore now that you’re out of the picture.).
  1689. >All of the competitions and records have been conquered, and the only thing left to collect is the trophy. At least, that’s what you can tell from this email.
  1690. >It’s almost making you feel bad for them, like they’re ready to let bygones be bygones, give you your final victory that you can’t currently add to anyway due to your near-vegetive state, and carry home their own personal win of having finally getting you to ejaculate that doesn’t affect your record at this point anyway.
  1691. >But all this is not enough; that contract… that potential future… (close enough to) free college…
  1692. >Not even everything is enough. You want more, and you won’t get it if you go back into their lair and let them put thoughts into your head that will make that contract meaningless. The contract you haven’t signed yet.
  1693. >Spend a while sitting on the foot of your bed thinking about all of the above, unable to decide if you want to go to the school to collect your trophy and pray that you actually do get a friends-with-benefits relationship with multiple women that probably won’t happen regardless, or make them hate you more and go officially sign that contract that will put you in the fast lane for life indefinitely.
  1694. >And you’ll have to maintain that shit, which is possible since you don’t attend CHS anymore.
  1695. >Trophy with closure, or celebrityhood with adventure?
  1696. ~
  1697. >Monday.
  1698. >”Well I’m glad we’ve reached an agreement here.” Old Man 1 says to you. “We don’t actually start tryouts until early fall when your college year would start anyway. It would be wise to keep yourself from getting rusty over the summer.”
  1699. “Oh yeah, I get that. I get that.”
  1700. >”You train often?”
  1701. “Fairly often. I’d say about every day or every other day.”
  1702. >”Perfect. If that’s what brought you those performances out there on the field and in the ring we’ve seen, then we should be good to go by the time the next semester begins.”
  1703. >This decision you made almost makes you feel metaphorically sick.
  1704. >Yeah, you made it through the weekend, and it wasn’t easy. Basically the same story as the shower but in different locations.
  1705. >It feels like there was something good about the other path you could have chosen, but you chose this instead out of a fit of greed or something similar.
  1706. >And the difficulty was somewhat a last resort to change your mind for the better for once, but you once again stubbornly didn’t listen.
  1707. >Now the men in suits sit before you with the contract on the table, with a pen next to it.
  1708. >You go on to tell them about the feature that allows athletes to go up to the college campus over the summer since that’s allowed.
  1709. >So many things going on at once with getting you up to your dorm room months before you roommate gets there in the beginning of the fall semester…
  1710. >But these men are happily working with you with that contract, and read through the whole thing with you again before increasingly eagerly urging you to sign in order to get this over with.
  1711. >So that’s exactly what you do; your patience isn’t as strong as a few days ago.
  1712. >You put your name onto that paper and out you went after a few friendly goodbyes, goodlucks, etc.
  1713. >The first thing you do is excitedly drive back to your place to finish packing and get ready to leave tomorrow.
  1714. >It was morning when you went to their office and the meeting only lasted somewhere between 45 minutes and an hour and a half.
  1715. >Best go get yourself a bite to eat, since it is almost lunchtime and all.
  1716. >Eventually make it back to your place with a burger and fries, and chow down in celebration as you feel your stamina getting more and more powerful.
  1717. >You then think about that other email from CHS about your final trophy, your final token of your own arrogance.
  1718. >Even in your sudden rush to skip town tomorrow morning, during the moments when you’re finishing packing and moving your suitcases towards your door, a hint of guilt taps you on the shoulder and reminds you of what a piece of shit you are.
  1719. >Celestia and Luna had to bite the bullet with you, and allow you to win contest after contest even after knowing the reason why.
  1720. >They knew you got addicted to winning and feeling like you’re better than everyone else, and they know that if you leave without saying goodbye, it confirms that you CHOOSE to feel that way before it even happens more.
  1721. >Cadance and Redheart probably told them that it was all resolved, and that you might be a better person now, and your actions are going to prove that wrong.
  1722. >And you know damn well they just want this whole thing to be over, whether there’s parts they enjoy or not. It’s just ridiculous battles above anything else.
  1723. >It would have been nice if you apologized to them and accepted the last trophy they have just for you.
  1724. >It would be wrapped up burrito of cold-hearted, disingenuous and insincere nature for you to even now pursue your selfish goals that dragged their whole school’s image through the dirt.
  1725. >Perpetuating it into college where they will learn where you went to high school and started doing this.
  1726. >And all they wanted to do now was send you off with your last trophy and a “no hard feelings, everything’s okay”.
  1727. >Your frustration is not pent up enough yet for you to seriously suspect they’re waiting to trap you or something, that’s absurd.
  1728. >All they’re doing is polishing your trophy off for you, wanting to give it to you so this whole thing can be water under the bridge.
  1729. >Are you really just going to let that thing eventually gather dust and cobwebs on the shelf, leaving them hanging without saying sorry or even goodbye?
  1730. >As you pack, you feel more and more depressed by the fact that you are packing.
  1731. >…
  1732. >Your guilty conscience possesses you to start driving around without any bags or suitcases in your car.
  1733. >This isn’t over yet.
  1734. >Pull up to the school in a few minutes right around the time the students are eating lunch.
  1735. >Take one gulp before entering through the front doors, and then down the hallway until you can see into the office through the windows on the doors.
  1736. >There they are, doing something with paperwork. At least they’re both right here together at the same time.
  1737. >It’s weird, really.
  1738. >Feels like five minutes ago, you were greedily packing your bags thinking about all the money you’ll make, and now here you stand, making eye contact with the principal and vice principal of CHS.
  1739. “H-hey.” You awkwardly wave, which is a rare sight for them to see.
  1740. >”Come in.” Celestia gets out of her chair and walks over to you as though she’s about to give you a hug.
  1741. >Luna looks surprised to see you in a non-arrogant state. Shocked, almost.
  1742. “I just wanted to check in and…” You’re being hugged before you can even finish your sentence. “Yeah.”
  1743. >With her chest against yours distracting you a little, Celestia waits for the door to shut before speaking to you.
  1744. >”Are you doing okay?” She asks while Luna sheepishly stands beside her with a similar expression as hers.
  1745. “I’m… okay. Yeah.”
  1746. >”Look, we’ve done lots of stupid things. It got out of control and I know it might have been a little, uh…” She tries to find the right words.
  1747. >You stare at the floor.
  1748. >”It’s a lot better if we forget the past.” Luna adds. “Celestia and I aren’t totally in the right either.”
  1749. >”Yeah, we’re not.” Agrees Celestia.
  1750. “I understand.” You say, wondering here your trophy is now that you think about it.
  1751. >You don’t see it anywhere.
  1752. >”We were told everything. I’m sorry it came to this.” Says Celestia.
  1753. >It sounded a lot like ‘I’m sorry we had to do this’.
  1754. >You feel Luna hugging you from behind, suddenly realizing that you have been 0% on alert this entire time.
  1755. >And now you’re sandwiched between these two, weaker from what Cadance started up in you.
  1756. >They could take you right now and you can’t do a thing about it; Celestia is much taller and stronger than you and so is Luna to an extent as well.
  1757. >And the part of you that wants this starts to wake up.
  1758. >”Are we all… okay now?” Luna asks before looking round the room. “Your trophy should be around here somewhere, lemme fetch it.”
  1759. >She lets go of you, and Celestia does too, leaving you simultaneously relieved and let down that this wasn’t a trap.
  1760. “I’m feeling more like myself.”
  1761. >”I’m glad to hear that.” Celestia pulls you into a hug once more. “I don’t know why you wanted to stay like that.”
  1762. >There really isn’t anything they can say here that doesn’t feel weird. This whole situation is too bizarre and uncomfortable.
  1763. >And this is why you don’t answer at first.
  1764. >”Please don’t do that again. Okay? Be good in college.”
  1765. >She feels you nod, and Luna smiles warmly as she sees you two sharing a hug as she walks in with your last trophy.
  1766. >Joins in to form a group hug that gives you an urge to cry on the inside that you swallow like a man.
  1767. >”If you ever need us, we’re here for you.” She has a genuinely concerned but sorrowful look on her face.
  1768. >Luna promptly and softly agrees with her. “We’d love to be your friends for once. If you’d like that.”
  1769. >Your stomach sinks with guilt once again, but you’ll never let yourself throw that up.
  1770. >You accept your trophy from them and are out the door before you realized it, only having it dawn upon yourself in your car that you forgot to actually apologize to them.
  1771. >Can’t remember what faces they were making as you were leaving.
  1772. >It’s confusing trying to decide whether to go back and formally apologize or straight up leave to go to the campus where they can’t follow you.
  1773. >The school will be open bright and early then waiting for you, and it might be too tempting, but it’s a tough decision regardless, and it’s going to be even as you carry it out as you can change your mind either way after getting into your car.
  1774. >Say goodbye first or no? That is your choice no-
  1775. >The simplify things and make them move along faster, you leave in the middle of the night, subverting that whole decision in the first place.
  1776. >Drive along the dark road that’s occasionally lit up by street lamps, trying not to tear up as you think back to how sad they must be on the inside.
  1777. >You remember what Cadance said, the thing about them being lonely and frustrated, and you acting like an arrogant dick 100% of the time didn’t help.
  1778. >You don’t even blame them for wanting to spite you.
  1779. >Whatever, just keep driving down the road and stop letting your feelings get the best of you.
  1780. >Look at where the university is on the map for the first time.
  1781. >Wow, you didn’t know it was right next to another beach.
  1782. ~
  1783. ~
  1784. >You’re really been making yourself at home, here.
  1785. >You got one of those deluxe “important student” dorms where four to six students stay at a time. Two bathrooms, one on each side, with the individual dorms proper corresponding to them, with one middle room between the two “bedroom” dorms.
  1786. >More doors to go through, but you’ve managed a straight line from your bed to the door the hallway, and you’ll definitely need it.
  1787. >You’re doing lots of heavy moving, but none of your suite-mates are going to be here until August, probably. It’s like June right now or something.
  1788. >The last week and a half had been a bit of a hassle, but you’ve got the majority of your personal gym set up already.
  1789. >Packing the trophies and stuff was tricky, but you managed. Unpacking them was easy.
  1790. >It’s nice and comfy on this campus with barely anyone around. No crowds of college students rushing to class during the day and doing dumb shit at night.
  1791. >Meanwhile, you’ve been once again resurfacing your old habits out of probably some sort of instinct to persist because what else are you going to do?
  1792. >Just moving all of the equipment around’s gotten you back on the right track towards your former athletic powerhouse self.
  1793. >Nothing like building your own life from the ground up with your own hands.
  1794. >…It hurts to say that to yourself.
  1795. >You’ve done what you previously promised yourself you’d do, but your heart is no longer in it.
  1796. >Your heart is somewhere else now.
  1797. >You’d feel proud of your resilience, but Cadance’s intrusion threw your mood off track.
  1798. >This just goes to show that she knows this is the only thing that’s left she can do, follow you over here and fight as unfairly as she can.
  1799. >You can’t believe she won’t take no as an answer; like making amends with Celestia and Luna is even that fucking important.
  1800. >It feels like she physically started stalking you over here, and you haven’t even seen her. You don’t need to have seen her.
  1801. >You already see her everywhere you go, no matter how far away you are from her. She did something to you.
  1802. >She really, really did something to you.
  1803. >Is there ever a way you can undo this?
  1804. >If so, you better forget about her the most you can, and stop feeling like she’s right around the corner everywhere you go.
  1805. >How else are you going to deal with the goddess of love making you fall in love with her as she had sex with you?
  1806. >You didn’t want to fall in love with her, and then you did, and now you don’t want to fall out of love.
  1807. >She made it this way on purpose.
  1808. >Drag a small rack of dumbbells down the hallway to your dorm door, noticing that the ‘occupied’ sign is on it instead of on the table inside where you swear you left it.
  1809. >Ignore that, you probably just forgot.
  1810. >Head inside, tired as can be from dragging everything around, and stop dead in your tracks as the door closes behind you.
  1811. >It’s her.
  1812. >She’s on YOUR bed. In the same virgin killer sweater as before. Her presence and appearance strikes you like lightning.
  1813. “…” No words come out of you.
  1814. >”I’m gonna be your impromptu roommate for a bit.”
  1815. >You stare at her, clumsily starting to back away towards the door.
  1816. >”Don’t run. You won’t make it out the door.” Cadance peers over her bare shoulder, knowing what developments to look for at the front of your pants.
  1817. >Frozen, you imagine yourself running out the door, planning all the fastest ways you can do it.
  1818. >You used to think you were mentally strong enough to stand up to her.
  1819. >But that ended when she had her round with you the first time, giving you urges that will never leave you no matter how much time passes.
  1820. >At least you didn’t know what sex really felt like before, but now you can’t forget feeling her bare skin against yours, and you see that same bare skin in front of you as a piercing reminder.
  1821. >The longer you gaze at her, the more blood rushes to your member.
  1822. >Run, damn it, run.
  1823. >Panic and make an eventual break for it towards the door. Slowly, like a dream.
  1824. >Cadance giggles as she sees you stumble over a dumbbell you dropped and fall to the floor.
  1825. >Get halfway back up and hunch your way to the door before unintentionally ramming right into it.
  1826. >Your fingers wildly shake too much to grab the doorknob right away, and the tent you’re pitching discourages you from wanting to focus.
  1827. >The door’s still locked, but your brain can’t process what to do about this until you eye the lock to turn.
  1828. >Butterfingers turn it the wrong way, then weakly the right way.
  1829. >Your clumsy hands on the doorknob freeze when her steady hand makes its playful presence known up your back, walking up your spine with two fingers.
  1830. >The hair on the back of your neck stands up, and you spin around with your instincts conflicting eachother the very instant you realize Cadance’s surprise kiss has struck your lips with perfect aim and timing.
  1831. >It WAS fight or flight, but now it’s “wha the fuck are you waiting for? push her away!”.
  1832. >It’s like some kind of effective stun attack.
  1833. >Finally pull your face away, she just reasserts the kiss even stronger with her hand now trapping your head against her face.
  1834. >Cadance’s lips clamp hard with yours, and her breath smells like cotton candy. Both of these feelings sedate your jaw into loosening just enough to let her tongue intrude.
  1835. >Your united mouths widen at the lips, and you discover that Cadance’s saliva tastes like cotton candy as well.
  1836. >It’s such a delicious venom as it overrides your judgement.
  1837. >Allow the kiss to become more and more two-way as Cadance’s tongue insists.
  1838. >What the fuck is wrong? Why can’t you fight back?
  1839. >You have your hands on her chest ready to push her, but your arms get weak and your fingers start massaging Cadance’s breasts through the sweater, giving her the signal she was waiting for.
  1840. >Her perfume’s scent strongly asserts itself upon you, eroding your restraint against her advances until she gets you to hug her back.
  1841. >Her bare back that you missed.
  1842. >The familiar feeling of its warm features under your forearms keeps them there like a magnet.
  1843. >Nothing interrupts your hands as they make their way down to feeling Cadance’s partially bare ass cheeks.
  1844. >You swear you wanted to do it when you grope harder and pull her waist into you with your tent jabbing her.
  1845. >Now both of you are making the kiss deeper, and you’re so indulged that you keep trying to kiss more after she releases it.
  1846. >A long string of her cotton candy flavored saliva personifies your fate. “It’s okay, sweetheart.” Cadance sighs after observing you under her control.
  1847. >Cadance already planted this weakness into you before, now all she had to do was utilize it like a fast lane into bed with you.
  1848. >You’re not even sure if you’re remembering things correctly anymore.
  1849. >This is why she was the one to come up here.
  1850. >She probably did something to get around with some of the staff and gathered information about which building and dorm you were in. Then she eventually got ahold of someone’s master keys.
  1851. >She closed in on your lair like a heat seeking missile. And there’s less you can do with all your strength if for mind is the first to fall to her powers.
  1852. >Ambushed, you don’t know how to react, so she starts telling you how to react as she picks up the pace of the moment.
  1853. >”Lock your door for me.”
  1854. >You hesitate until she gives you the command again, and move your hand over to the door handle at your “own will” and turn the lock mechanism.
  1855. >She heard you start to utter her name, like you’re announcing the winner of the impromptu wrestling match before it even begins.
  1856. >You couldn’t have stopped her from kissing the side of your neck even if you saw it coming.
  1857. >She has already been undoing the front of your pants, and you’re just openly standing there, letting her continue even though you’re aware of what she’s doing now.
  1858. >All of the above leads back to the obvious: You now want this more than you want to run away.
  1859. >You make it easier for her to slip your pants and boxers down and off from your ankles.
  1860. >Cadance walks you over to your bed with your member proudly sticking out forward and swaying before her eyes with each step.
  1861. >”On your back.” Cadance sits you onto your bed. “That’s good too. Better, actually.”
  1862. >Your back is against the wall, cock pointing at the pink sweater as Cadance maneuvers herself into position with you.
  1863. >As you’re made to be completely cornered, one last ditch attempt to push her away is made, but it turns into your hands returning to her back and ass to pull Cadance into the mating embrace she demands.
  1864. >”Just let it happen.” Cadance leans in. “It’s okay. You’re already used to it anyway.”
  1865. >You decide to just not answer and let her do what she does. And she does it well.
  1866. >Just like before, she assists you in entering her, but now with you more obedient and involved than last time.
  1867. >The same tight embrace is made once again, as if continued from the previous time.
  1868. >The exact same scene as before happens, and you immediately accept it with joy in the sincere coitus with Cadance.
  1869. >It’s the same as before, but still feels like the first time, and you hope it’s like this every time.
  1870. >…
  1871. >Cadance’s perfume becomes the dominant scent of your room, along with the scent of sex.
  1872. >Once again, you came together.
  1873. >You had a lot more to give this time, because you were saving up with that doomed-to-fail nofap attempt.
  1874. >Now you both lie in the bed in much more privacy than before.
  1875. >And you’re barely able to recognize yourself; holding Cadance close to you with her head nuzzled into your shoulder and neck.
  1876. >You smile at her in between kissing her lips, and she does the same thing back to you.
  1877. >She reveals something about getting some other person to look over the school while she’s away on a “””””business trip””””” that frees her from her boring principal job anyway.
  1878. >Cadance doesn’t want to stop cuddling with you under the blankets, and she starts to fall asleep in your arms. You’re still awake.
  1879. >Everything’s so warm under here, the air outside in the world is so cold in comparison even in the heat of summer.
  1880. >She’s gonna be right here in this double suite with you, and she’ll make sure you never get lonely.
  1881. >You’re technically going to keep your promise and not masturbate for a long time, because you won’t need to with Cadance insistently sticking around.
  1882. >As she drifts off to sleep with you in her arms, Cadance murmurs something again about her staying here with you for a little, and how she’s wanted to “train you as a bull” for a while now.
  1883. >You stare at the ceiling, realizing that there is no hope in going back.
  1884. >Not only because of her persistence, but your overwhelming willingness to accept this you now foster in your heart.
  1885. >And semblance of possibly snapping out of this and escaping to who knows where is forgotten as you embrace your new fate with Cadance.
  1886. >No idea what’s going to become of the contract, but there’s no way you can fulfill it now and there will most likely never be a way at this point. It’s over.
  1887. >But you’re… happy.
  1888. >So happy that you drift asleep with Cadance, accepting your defeat to her.
  1889. ~
  1890. >Later that evening.
  1891. >A local motel’s front desk clerk sees Cadance walk back through the front doors.
  1892. >She turns in her keys, saying she can check out of her room now after having paid for so many nights.
  1893. >But she’s not going back to town any time soon.
  1894. >Especially not with either Celestia or Luna planning to come up and visit in a few weeks.
  1895. >This is how things are going to be now.
  1897. --------------------------------------------------------
  1899. --------------------------------------------------------
  1901. >A (kinda) short summary of life under Principal Cadance’s reign:
  1902. >Anyone who stays in this room after you and Cadance are going to be affected by what you two did in here; that’s how strong the affect feels.
  1903. >Your actions are going to echo into their actions.
  1904. >So far, the excessive sexuality Cadance has injected into your life has completely taken it over and erased what you once were.
  1905. >It’s non-stop, just one thing after another.
  1906. >It keeps happening again and again and again, giving you the fantasy lot of other guys undoubtably would trade lives for, but the same reality that’s keeping you from being your superhuman tier self you always wanted and needed to be.
  1907. >This is like when you get what you wish for but in the most inconvenient way or at the most inconvenient time.
  1908. >You’d love the fuck out of this if it wasn’t decimating your entire future you only get one shot at and making you embarrassingly weak and sway-able compared to how unstoppable you were before.
  1909. >This must be what the lust circle-layer of hell feels like.
  1910. >But you don’t want to escape.
  1911. >She has so much power over you but you don’t want to resist.
  1912. >Only want to keep losing to her.
  1913. >Addicted to defeat, you’re the opposite of your past self.
  1914. >Principal Cadance stays in the room with you for most of the day whenever she’s around.
  1915. >The two of you hang out together, talk, relax, etc.
  1916. >You tell her everything about the contract you agreed to fulfill, every detail.
  1917. >She peacefully lectures you about how it doesn’t matter, letting you stare at her chest so your eyes are already there as she’s talking, cancelling out distractions.
  1918. >Cadance doesn’t bother wearing a bra around you.
  1919. >In fact, she deliberately doesn’t wear one under her thin tops, keeping the room’s cool AC on.
  1920. >Her already perky nipples get more erect and keep lassos around your eyes; Principal Cadance knows how much you like it.
  1921. >”Maybe in a bit, I can help you figure out how to get out of that contract. How does that sound to you?” Cadance sits in the desk chair with you, feeling your raging erection against her thigh. “I’d like that. How about you?”
  1922. “Anything you like, Principal Cadance.” You pull her closer to yourself. “I love you so much.”
  1923. >She’s the principal of this dorm room, and you are her student.
  1924. >You’re never late to love class with her, and the two of you keep going back o the unit of sex almost daily.
  1925. >She shares a long slow kiss with you, then deliberately prompts you to put your hands on her.
  1926. >Stretch the side of her thong out until the tied knot loosens.
  1927. >It takes very little to completely undress the bottom half of your goddess principal.
  1928. >She thin belly shirt is the only thing left on her body.
  1929. >After she stands you up, she tells you to continue submitting to her on the bed.
  1930. >Lie on your back with your member standing straight to the ceiling, Principal Cadance stands next to the bed and holds your hands with the fingers locked.
  1931. >Gyrating her bare hips as you watch.
  1932. >”Aren’t you gonna grope me?”
  1933. >You obey, kneading her soft breasts around under the lazily thin top that could never hope to properly conceal Principal Cadance’s nipples.
  1934. >Cadance puts her knees on the bedsheets either side of your waist.
  1935. >Her bellybutton stretches with her arms up and her back arched. “You want to give away your dumbbells first?” Her voice contently strains.
  1936. “Whichever you want.” You’re open to whatever policy she suggests.
  1937. >She sets her vulva onto the underside of your shaft like she always does, getting you nice and jumpy for her as she likes you to be.
  1938. >Had this been your first time, you’d have shot you load all over your stomach from this.
  1939. >But Principal Cadance has been training you.
  1940. >She lefts her body off of you for a brief moment, freeing your dick to stand up again only to envelop you lengthwise.
  1941. >Feel her soft ass bouncing on top of your thighs as she give another lesson of fucking like hands-on sex-ed.
  1942. >You could easily call it making love as well, but embedded into it is Principal Cadance showing you how much she loves to fuck.
  1943. >It’s normal to love to fuck, it’s human.
  1944. >And Cadance is taking this to a super-human level, humping you and letting her breasts bounce under the shirt.
  1945. >”My top’s not revealing enough. Rip it.”
  1946. >You obey, but your arms are too weak despite the top itself being so thin.
  1947. >”Cum.”
  1948. “Huh?”
  1949. >”Cum. Right now.”
  1950. >Obey Principal Cadance’s command as you receive a large enough surge of strength to put a tear all the way down the front of Cadance’s thin shirt.
  1951. >She’s moving around enough for the torn top to start falling off of her shoulders as you gush bursts of semen up into her, her nipples freed and in the open before you.
  1952. “Holy fuck.” You huff.
  1953. >”I know, right?” She wheezes lovingly.
  1954. >Principal Cadance lets you finish cumming, then lets you hold her in bed in a make-out session that must have lasted over an hour.
  1955. >…
  1956. >Principal Cadance fucks you enough to give life a run for its money.
  1957. >She’s been making you spend fuckloads of time with her nearly every day, and she’s been making you like it more and more as it happens.
  1958. >Still increasing your bravery, but in ways you’d have never expected.
  1959. >There’s one night when you’re in town with Principal Cadance, on a date with her that she herself planned for the two of you.
  1960. >At this point, you’ve become too tired and accepting of this to even lie about having other plans if you could have.
  1961. >She’s walking beside you in the same top from before, now with it tied in a knot in the front so it can be the only thing keeping her chest from being completely in the open.
  1962. >Over that is her principal’s jacket, but not on tightly enough to keep Principal Cadance’s bosom from bouncing all over the place under the lone top, with the inevitable stares from college guys.
  1963. >You hope you’re the only student who ever went to the school she’s principal of to wind up attending this college.
  1964. >Otherwise, Cadance here is going to have word of this reaching back to Canterlot City.
  1965. >This makes you wonder how much she cares about being principal of a school in the first place; and how often does she walk around like this?
  1966. >She probably has special connections for getting out of trouble or something, it’s the only explanation you can imagine.
  1967. >You swear she’s pushing her luck with her choice of public attire, but you’re the last person prone to complaining here.
  1968. >The greeter at the sports bar crossed restaurant probably wouldn’t have let the two of you in had it not been for the uniform jacket making Cadance look suitable for public.
  1969. >She’s wearing shoes, and she’s technically wearing a shirt under the uniform jacket.
  1970. >The two of you are let in to where there’s a bunch of college girls wearing almost-as-revealing things anyway.
  1971. >Cadance sits you down at a corner booth seat with a cloak draped over the whole table.
  1972. >Then she slips out of her jacket, and it’s a lucky thing she’s sitting in a way where she’s facing away from the rest of the people here.
  1973. >Her level of absolute cleavage would have gotten the whole restaurant’s attention while walking in.
  1974. >But mostly because that knot Cadance tied is the only thing keeping her erect nipples from bursting out into the open, and she has no plan on fixing her top that was loosened from all that walking.
  1975. >Not when she can sense how it’s affecting your level of arousal.
  1976. >The college student waiter doesn’t say a damn thing about it upon standing right over Cadance’s shoulder with the view he’s getting, along with the unspoken preliminary tip Cadance gives to him.
  1977. >Chances are, this is the best evening he’s ever had and will ever have working a job like this.
  1978. >Neither of you eat much whilst the date continues on.
  1979. >A couple of salads and drinks, all that kind of stuff.
  1980. >Cadance’s chest has you in some sort of a trance, and not even figuratively.
  1981. >The scene of her perfume has made its way to your side of the table, and you almost feel like you’re unable to stand up at the moment, and it’s not just because of the powerful boner you’re getting.
  1982. >She’s been doing something to you and you’ve been loving it.
  1983. >”Can you do something for me?”
  1984. “Hmm?”
  1985. >”Scoot in.”
  1986. >Once again, you do as she commands.
  1987. >She stares right over at you, leaning back into her seat and arching her spine.
  1988. >”Masturbate.”
  1989. >There’s a short pause.
  1990. >”Right now. But don’t let anyone see.”
  1991. >In the next few seconds, you secretly take your member out in a public are as Cadance commanded you to.
  1992. >She fails to hide a turned on smile on her face as your shoulder’s movements indicate a stroking motion with your arm.
  1993. >Locks her hands behind the chair with her back to the rest of the restaurant but her front to you.
  1994. >Principal Cadance carelessly lets her flimsy top fall open so you’re more motivated to cum to the stunning sight of her in front of everyone in the restaurant.
  1995. >You pray for the carpet beneath your feet.
  1996. >”Leave it there.” Cadance orders.
  1997. >Not nod and let out a sigh as you lean back in your seat, feeling free and relaxed for a brief moment of time.
  1998. >A few minutes later, the oblivious waiter arrives.
  1999. >”Check, please.” Chimes Principal Cadance.
  2000. ~
  2001. >A background of how you get your groove back:
  2002. >Over the weeks…
  2003. >Your mind is free to think on its own whenever Cadance happens to leave the room for something.
  2004. >The love for Cadance is strongest when she’s around.
  2005. >When she’s right on top of you pinning you to be bed at night, sometimes during the day.
  2006. >That little bit of workout equipment you moved into here doesn’t feel like it’s your property anymore, and Cadance starts to get rid of it little by little.
  2007. >You don’t know who she’s giving it to, but she sometimes picks a part of it up right in front of you and walk out with it.
  2008. >Telling you you won’t be needing any of it anymore.
  2009. >Too tired and under her influence to retaliate, you accept and allow her to have you whenever she wants.
  2010. >All those days you used to spend working out mean nothing anymore.
  2011. >That bike race in the past seems like it was from another universe now, and it was not you who destroyed the competition but a completely different person.
  2012. >Someone whom you are now but a cheap imitation of, like a plastic water gun designed like the M16 it’s being compared to.
  2013. >It’s no mystery that you’re nothing now, all of the bite has been taken from your bark in terms of your medals and trophies.
  2014. >They don’t mean shit now, and neither does your contract.
  2015. >You get angrier and angrier but only when Cadance’s absence allows you to.
  2016. >And it’s only slight, because your energy is doomed to stay low as possible until you’re free to go back into nofap, which Cadance won’t allow for even a day.
  2017. >She encourages you to immerse into the happiness of your defeat, embrace it along with her as she keeps you confined to the bedroom for most of the day, occasionally coming back to join you.
  2018. >It’s not long before Celestia and Luna arrive in the evening.
  2019. >…
  2020. >There’s a premonition-type dream you have that only Luna would have given, you. Some sort of premonition that’s supposed to ease you into the idea of that’s going to happen when she and Celestia get here.
  2021. >It’s almost in a retroactive theme, remembering what happened when they got here.
  2022. >You still remember their visit, having planned to barricade yourself in the bathroom while Cadance was out fetching the other two goddesses.
  2023. >They were out in town, apparently getting drunk together as you were trusted not to run away.
  2024. >Your plan to barricade yourself in the bathroom turned into a plan to run off to somewhere they couldn’t find you and hide until Celestia and Luna left.
  2025. >But you didn’t have the heart to leave your specialized room, and locked yourself into the bathroom.
  2026. >The loyalty to Cadance kicked in and kept you in place just like she intended all the way until they knocked on the door.
  2027. >Cadance unlocked it since you didn’t answer, and there’s no key to get into the bathroom.
  2028. >You could hear how drunk they were, and figured you could try and run out if you could get around all three of them.
  2029. >Cadance’s presence made this impossible, though. And your legs became weak.
  2030. >Eventually, Cadance convinced you to unlock the door just long enough for her to turn the knob.
  2031. >You tried to hold it closed but all three of them persisted their way against the door until it opened.
  2032. >Celestia seemed particularly happy to see you and picked you up in a bear hug after you tried to dodge around her.
  2033. >Feeling her chest against yours and Luna’s chest against your back ceased your kicking.
  2034. >They took you back out onto the couch and sat you down, then continued to drink a little more alcohol together.
  2035. >Celestia unbuttoned some of her top to tease your with her cleavage into getting you hard in your pants.
  2036. >She held you close and slowly started kissing you with Luna hugging you from behind.
  2037. >You’ve never seen either of them naked before, but you’re about to find out what they look like under those clothes.
  2038. >Maybe Luna can give you an accurate representation in this dream or her and Celestia’s bodies for you to enjo-
  2039. >…
  2040. >You jolt awake at the sound of someone shouting right outside of the dorm door.
  2041. >Never heard this voice before, you don’t think.
  2042. >”Holy shit, the doors are more far apart.”
  2043. >”I can’t imagine how much bigger the rooms here are. They probably go back a little ways.”
  2044. >There’s two people out there; a guy and a girl.
  2045. >”There’s no way anyone’s going to want to switch rooms with us. It’s too good over here.”
  2046. >You didn’t need to hear anything more.
  2047. >Thinking about your contract on the line, you slip your dick back into your boxers and put some clothes on.
  2048. >But these two people already went down the hall and around the corner by the time you exit the door.
  2049. >Thank fuck Cadance isn’t here right now, because she would have stopped you right in your tracks.
  2050. >If there’s a chance at escaping, this is it.
  2051. >Go out into the hallway, hearing the two voices talking to eachother while too far away to be decipherable.
  2052. >They sound like they’re about the come right back in your direction.
  2053. >Perch yourself onto a nearby window sill at your end of the floor’s corridor and wait for them to notice you, trying not to look desperate.
  2054. >You don’t even want to spend time negotiating, just strike the deal and get the fuck out of this room before Cadance inevitably comes back.
  2055. >You’re probably going to look desperate no matter which way the chips fall, here.
  2056. >The two people walk back around the corner into your view out of the corner of your eye.
  2057. >Gotta get their attention any way you can.
  2058. >But something surprises you.
  2059. >”Hey! Can we ask you something?” The guy is the one to talk to you first.
  2060. >The girl struts up to you, and you give her a phony broken smile like she’s an angel from heaven.
  2061. >”You live in this building?” She asks you, twirling a strand of her rainbow hair.
  2062. “Yeah. Yeah I do.”
  2063. >The guy stands next to her. “Like, in one of these suite rooms?”
  2064. “Mhm.” You silently breathe, your nod saying this for you.
  2065. >You remember what they said about switching room with someone.
  2066. >You can’t wait to get them to agree, if you can.
  2067. “Do you two live here too?”
  2068. >“Other side of the building. Different floor than this one too.” The guy replies, looking at you like he’s seen you somewhere before.
  2069. >You don’t really recognize him, but the Rainbow Hair girl kind of looks familiar.
  2070. >Maybe she went to the same high school as you and graduated when you were still an underclassmen.
  2071. >Damn, she’s pretty fuckin hot.
  2072. >Both her and the guy look pretty built too, maybe you should focus on that instead of how hot the girl is.
  2073. >Your brain has been poisoned with hyper-sexuality.
  2074. >And you have no hobbies to bring it out of this, but these two definitely must work out somewhere like you used to before Cadance changed everything.
  2075. “Do you two work out?” You ask in hopes to find out where they go and see if it’s a good runaway/hiding spot.
  2076. >The guy perks up upon you asking this. “Yeah, actually. In fact, we have a bunch of extra equipment we’ve been trying to get rid of so it’s easier to get out of our current room and go somewhere else. You looking for some?”
  2077. >There’s no way this is real, you have to be imagining this. It’s too good to be true.
  2078. >That or this is all a trap.
  2079. >But you don’t care, you jump right into it.
  2080. “Holy shit. You serious?”
  2081. >“Yeah. What, you need workout stuff? We can like, give it to you, you don’t even really have to buy it. We just don’t wanna throw it away or have it go to waste. Also, you don’t have to switch out of your room if you don’t want to but…” He keeps going before you eventually interrupt.
  2082. “This is perfect! I lost all of my equipment and I could use another room! Are you guys far? I wanna move as soon as I can. How much equipment do you need help moving?” You keep going on and on and on more than the other guy could hope to.
  2083. >”Whoa whoa whoa, slow down dude.” The girl chuckles at your sudden eagerness. “So you’re in one of these rooms, right?”
  2084. “Yes.”
  2085. >”You wanna go ahead and switch with us?”
  2086. “Yes! Yes, please. What are your names? I wanna do this as soon as possible.”
  2087. >Almost do a backflip when these two agree to do this today, giving you the green-light to escape the situation you’re in.
  2088. >The part of you that suspects this may be a trap simply would be more than happy to fall into Cadance’s arms once more when she catches you trying to escape.
  2089. >You’re so out of it at this point that you don’t care what outcome this brings.
  2090. >Like, it’d just be more sex anyway if you lose.
  2091. >Your contract and future would be completely be fucked but you are being turned into too much of a proper cumbrain to care.
  2092. >Wanna move as soon as possible, today if it’s on the table.
  2093. >Rainbow Dash and the guy you don’t recognize back stare at eachother for the longest time, unaware of what you and Cadance have been doing together in your room that make the windows fog up even in the summer heat.
  2094. >They don’t know it’s going to make them want to fuck just as ferociously as Cadance did with you.
  2095. >The room they’re agreeing to switch with you is going to be either a blessing or a curse for them, whether they’re in a relationship or not.
  2096. ~
  2097. >Here you are, sitting in the office where the housing people here do paperwork just a day later, anxious regarding when Cadance is going to come back once again.
  2098. >You’re doing this for your own good, for your own freedom.
  2099. >The nofap will continue once it is able to continue.
  2100. >The other guy and Rainbow Dash are telling you all about how heavy a lot of the workout equipment is, and that it’s going to take a couple of further hours to move them to the other side of the building.
  2101. >And you can only pray that Cadance doesn’t walk in during all of this before you can barricade yourself into your new room she doesn’t have access to.
  2102. >Your hand is so shaky that you can hardly sign your name properly on the dotted line.
  2103. >The keys jingle in your trembling hand as RD escorts you back to the dorm building, looking almost concerned for you but for some reason on the same page as you wanting to rush and get this done as soon as possible.
  2104. >Whatever her story is, holy hell you hope it’s not as hectic as yours.
  2105. >”Let’s get that equipment moved, champ.” She slaps you on the back, damn near breaking your shoulder blade.
  2106. >God that made you feel so weak.
  2107. >You’re using this impromptu move-out session as a preliminary workout session to warm you up for what you’re going to bring upon yourself in the near future.
  2108. >You’ve already lost a lot of your strength and agility, and you’re going to have to jump through hoops to get it back.
  2109. >The minutes start going by, and you’re impressed with how recently made some of the equipment is.
  2110. >Those dumbbells are something you’re going to have to start off small with, but soon have to hurry up in order to get back to the level you promised on your contract.
  2111. >It’s a long moment of tension that drags on most of the evening, and you barely just met these people, and they could have very well been drug addicts or something.
  2112. >Luckily, you’re not not waking up in a bathtub full of ice, and these two are legit.
  2113. >You’re lucky they took you for legit, given how the bags under your eyes have grown since you’ve started getting drained of your power by the goddess of love and sex herself.
  2114. >It all goes by in a blur.
  2115. >All of this feels like you’ve been up for three days straight going through obstacle courses and someone finally decided to start carrying you all the way to the end and you’re just waiting for the chance to lie down in silence.
  2116. >This chance immediately came by, you immediately took it, and now here you are trying to haul a bunch of weights into this room that’s a lot smaller than your first room but it’ll do so long as the door has a lock on it.
  2117. >Barely even gave yourself time to think, just went and took it without second thought.
  2118. >And you’re glad you did, because Cadance should be coming back any minute by the time you’re completely done.
  2119. >”And there ya have it!” The other guy tosses you the keys. “Say, didn’t I see you at Canterlot High at one point?”
  2120. “Yeah…” You wheeze, shamed at how out of shape you’ve become.
  2121. >”Weren’t you a junior when I graduated?”
  2122. “I don’t really remember. But I kind of recognize you. I think.”
  2123. >”Well we both definitely went to CHS. We should meet up sometime and maybe bring yearbooks.” He partially jokes.
  2124. “Y-yeah. Maybe.”
  2125. >”Not now, of course, you look tired as hell.”
  2126. “Yeah…”
  2127. >You start to back away towards your new room, wanting to get the fuck out of plain sight before you’re seen trying to escape your situation with Cadance.
  2128. >”Well it’s nice meeting ya. Take care.” He walks off.
  2129. “Take… care…”
  2130. >Maybe that’s why you trusted these two, and same for them trusting you. The subtle familiarity.
  2131. >You KNOW you heard the door at the far end of the hallway open, paired with Cadance’s voice humming.
  2132. >She’s coming from the side of the building with the higher level suites, and you’re right in front of your new door… which you effectively escape through and close and lock behind you before she has a chance to turn the corner.
  2133. >The other two have already stopped paying attention, seeming giddy about having a new suite dorm all to theirselves.
  2134. >And they’re in for quite the surprise when Cadance approaches them.
  2135. >You don’t even know if they went back outside the building or not, you didn’t have time to look or interpret.
  2136. >Turn all the lights off and silently hide in the bed, feeling as safe as you can possibly make yourself feel.
  2137. >There’s no way she can guess that you’re in here, right?
  2138. -
  2139. >Listening carefully through the closed and locked door, you hear Cadance’s humming voice cease its tune.
  2140. >You already know what just happened: she knows you’re not living in that room anymore.
  2141. >Even if the paperwork has not been made official yet despite both parties agreeing and already moving all of their stuff, you have left and in your place is a bunch of workout equipment Cadance has never seen before.
  2142. >There’s no easy way of telling if she talked to those other two people yet.
  2143. >There’s no easy way of telling if they’d tell Cadance where their old room was.
  2144. >But you do know one thing.
  2145. >All of the noises outside have stopped, and even your lethargic-ass self is getting your blood pumped through your veins so hard from your racing heart that it can be heard in your ears.
  2146. >The tension is almost too thick in the air to breathe in, and you cover your face with your eyes glued to the inside of your sealed dorm door.
  2147. >After several minutes, you’re breathing normally again, wondering what the hell happened so far so you can know for sure if it’s safe to go get food yet or not; you’re getting pretty damn hungry and this stupid situation is getting in the way of everything.
  2148. >It’s going to take a lot of food to bring your energy back up, but you already know you’re still able to eat like a damn pig even in these times.
  2149. >Should it take a week or a month, you’re going to build yourself back up with your food and this workout equipment that surrounds you.
  2150. >Minutes go by, and you soon hear a set of footsteps outside the door, slowing by the time they’re right outside to the point where you can see two shadows interrupting the hallway’s light into the bottom gap of the door.
  2151. >The shadows stop, but then continue.
  2152. >You swear you were probably supposed to be sweating bullets by this point, but you were so calm.
  2153. >It might have been because of the fact that half of you (the weaker and more submissive half) is more than willing to get caught and submit to Principal Cadance’s reign.
  2154. >You’re surprised that half of you didn’t unintentionally cry out “I’m here” or something, even though the locked door would keep Cadance from entering unless you yourself lost all control upon hearing her voice and unlocked it yourself.
  2155. >Whatever spell she started, it’s still on you, but it’s going to fade away after you’re through with your self-reverse-therapy or whatever the hell you want to call it.
  2156. >The same kind of shit that got you motivated to do the nofap to begin with.
  2157. >After about ten more minutes after the footsteps faded into the distance down the hallway, you silently celebrate and look for wherever you put the TV in this place.
  2158. >Honestly can’t even remember.
  2159. >You’ll spend the rest of today being quiet and lazy so you’ll be pent up tomorrow for a workout session.
  2160. >Maybe she just gave up.
  2161. >You’re way more than fine with that, makes it all easier on your end.
  2162. >That signature on the contract is starting to feel a lot more brighter in your imagination, as if it had been fading away a little bit every time Cadance fucked you.
  2163. >Like the wilting flower in ET becoming rejuvenated, almost.
  2164. >Keep it nice and dark in your room so you can’t be seen, just in case a certain someone comes asking around.
  2165. >Principal Cadance has got to leave you alone eventually, because you don’t go to EITHER of the schools anymore.
  2166. >Their reputations are no longer at stake.
  2167. ~
  2168. >After falling asleep, the first thing you expect to happen is a guilt dream or something.
  2169. >But you don’t even remember anything you dreamt.
  2170. >Before you know it, you’re awake again and it’s morning.
  2171. >Your hair is messed up and your brain is wondering if that thing that was too good to be true even actually happened.
  2172. >Maybe you imagined your escape in a dream - no, here you are waking up in the smaller dorm room you’re still in.
  2173. >This actually happened; you still free.
  2174. >Fuck yes, nothing can stop you now.
  2175. >Well, except your fatigue that’s still here, but you’ll power through it. You’ve never been the type of person to give things a lot of thought outside of what you’re hyperfocused on.
  2176. >And on this new day, you decide to take a trip to the store and get yourself something to eat for breakfast.
  2177. >After exiting into the hallway, you love how quiet the whole building is.
  2178. >Something tells you that no one is here, or at least Cadance isn’t here since her affect on you is not currently present.
  2179. >Begin to relax a LOT, and get so lazy that you’d rather go to the dining halls instead of shopping for something to eat for breakfast.
  2180. >There’s no way Cadance would have the access to there that students have.
  2181. >Minutes later, you’re sitting down enjoying a nice bowl of cereal and a couple of tiny waffles with syrup.
  2182. >God this is so relaxing.
  2183. >”Mind if I sit here?” Some guy suddenly startles you.
  2184. “Hm? Oh, sure.”
  2185. >”Sorry, this place’s getting crowded.”
  2186. “It’s fine, it’s fine.” You’re still surprised at how calm you’ve become.
  2187. >He sits down, and you immediately notice his rather greenish hair.
  2188. >The guy starts eating before you, and you occasionally glance up at eachother as you finish your breakfasts.
  2189. >He looks pretty athletic.
  2190. >Someone you’d have no problem trying to see if you could outrun him back when you were on the top of your game.
  2191. >But times have changed now.
  2192. >You are not the same, and this guy is nothing less than intimidating to you, looking like he could lap circles around you.
  2193. >Man, you gotta get yourself back in the game.
  2194. >You know you could, you know you can and you know you shall.
  2195. >”So you new to the campus?” He asks you.
  2196. “Yeah.”
  2197. >”Same, dude.”
  2198. >Why the fuck did he ask you if you’re new when he himself is new?
  2199. >It’s just that the way he asked that made it seem like he was coming off as an upperclassman.
  2200. >”Here for athletics, or band, or…?”
  2201. “The former. I got her on a contract.” You partially remind yourself as you let him know. “Excelled in a few sports and they let me come here early.”
  2202. >”Oh wow, same!” He tells you. “I came form another campus first, actually. But then moved over here after I got a few credit things hashed out.”
  2203. “Oh, so you’re not a freshman, then.”
  2204. >”Yeah, I probably should have clarified. Sorry, heh. Been in college for a couple of years now.”
  2205. “It’s fine.”
  2206. >You and this guy you don’t even ask the name of begin talking about sports.
  2207. >Minutes later, you have no problem telling him that you got to this campus early because of basically that reason.
  2208. >It turns out that you have a lot to connect over, maybe you could make really good friends with this guy.
  2209. >”You got yourself a pretty darn good track record.” He compliments. “Have you ever lost a match?”
  2210. “Don’t remember if I have.” You don’t want to tell him right away since he wouldn’t believe you, might want to make it sound more believable.
  2211. >You’d have remembered if you lost a match.
  2212. >”Getting into the grind is the hard part, I’ve found.”
  2213. “Same. Though staying in it is kinda hard too.”
  2214. >”Well, yeah that too. You’re not wrong. But it gets easier a little bit cause you’re used to it.”
  2215. >He hasn’t had the same experience as you, as far as you can tell, but you nod in agreement.
  2216. “I guess it’s just harder when you gotta keep first place.”
  2217. >He gives you a hearty nod. “Yup! One of the reasons I’m glad the highest I’ve placed was 4th.”
  2218. >A lot of things you two talk about sounds really cliche, but what else are you supposed to talk about with some random person who decided to sit down next to you?
  2219. >Fill it all in with conversation until he goes away, go back to being sluggish in peace without anyone annoying you.
  2220. >At least that’s what you want to do.
  2221. >But HE’S NOT GOING AWAY.
  2222. >”Anyway yeah, yoga classes really are misunderstood. Gymnastics and ballet too. Gotta be really fit for that kinda stuff, you know?”
  2223. “Yup.” You slur through another bite of waffle.
  2224. >It keeps going, and going and g-
  2225. >Finally, he has to go.
  2226. >”Nice talking to you, if you wanna hang out, you know how to reach me.” He walks off.
  2227. >You stare at the new phone number in your contacts, thinking about how annoying it is to make new friends in college.
  2228. >You’d have been a lot more enthusiastic about this had your energy been up.
  2229. >This is the part where you realize that you gotta pretty much repair yourself.
  2230. >That contract ain’t gonna un-sign itself, or get un-signed at all because you want this future.
  2231. >Go back to your new room after eating and think about how you’re going to exercise yourself back to life.
  2232. ~
  2233. >You’ve been putting your foot down all afternoon.
  2234. >Left then right then left again.
  2235. >One more lap around this part of the campus to go and you’ll be done with running for the day.
  2236. >The sound of your shoes hitting the concrete echoes off of the sides of the dorm buildings in the warm afternoon air.
  2237. >Sweat drips from your brow, and your heart races fast enough to give you confidence in your own physique once more.
  2238. >After getting back inside, you heave in exhaustion for a couple of minutes before taking a shower.
  2239. >No boners happen during it, no nothing.
  2240. >Progress is finally going to start happening again.
  2241. >Not only this, but you recently got an email that you’re soon to be receiving a personal trainer regarding your contract to make sure everything’s up to par.
  2242. >Still can’t stop thinking about that guy you met at breakfast a few days ago.
  2243. >Might as well text him and see if you can beat him in basketball since you’re finally at a high enough level to win something.
  2244. >Plus, it’s gonna feel great being able to flex on people again regarding your athletic skill.
  2245. >Get into the appropriate clothing for playing on the basketball court and head on outside.
  2246. >And in just a split second, you see a familiar head of hair that isn’t green near the front of your building.
  2247. >What’s Cadance still doing here? Shouldn’t she have given up by now?
  2248. >Reach into your pocket and realize you neglected to take your keys with you because they’d probably fall out of your pocket during the physical activity.
  2249. >Out of every time to lock yourself out of your new room, it had to be now.
  2250. >Cadance already got a good glimpse of you before you hid around the corner outside the building.
  2251. >At least you can’t lead her to your secret new room on account of not being able to get inside anyway.
  2252. >But you will NOT let all the stuff with her start up again; too much is on the line whether you learned your lesson or not.
  2253. >At least, you know you shouldn’t allow it lest you ruin your contract and all that.
  2254. >”Hey!” The guy from before comes up behind you.
  2255. >Use your past few days of cold turkey to its best advantage and immediately take charge of your situation.
  2256. “Hey, I think I saw a better basketball court towards the East halls. Not sure though, I’m still new here.” You formulate your excuse out of thin air as you pray Cadance isn’t approaching.
  2257. >You’ve already got this guy following you in the direction away from the “””danger”””.
  2258. >”East halls?” He asks.
  2259. “Yeah, you familiar with there?”
  2260. >”Not too too much, but we can go check it out together. I went to a party there once.”
  2261. >The two of you disappeared from the area quick enough for one of you to wonder why and the other to breathe a sigh of relief.
  2262. >Only now do you notice the basketball in his hands.
  2263. >”You alright, man?”
  2264. “Yeah, just hiding from one of my exes. Don’t sweat it.” You give a semi-truthful excuse for your obviously suspicious behavior.
  2265. >Might as well lie realistically, this is a college campus after all, he’ll understand.
  2266. >And of course, he curiously asks for her name, what you two did together, etc.
  2267. >To which, you answer with generic things, mostly false, with the conclusion:
  2268. “Eh, it’s not important anymore. I’m just a sports guy now. C’mon, let’s shoot some hoops.”
  2269. >Well this is gonna be a fun evening later on.
  2270. >…
  2271. >Here you are on the basketball court with this guy and four of his friends you didn’t know he was ready to call up and bring along.
  2272. >Now it’s a situation you absolutely must excel in.
  2273. >A bunch of college age dudes hanging out and showing off their basketball skills.
  2274. >Your old self starts wanting to kick into gear but the lessons you’ve started to learn clash with him.
  2275. >Pick up the ball and get ready to feed the figurative wolf inside of you that you signed the contract for.
  2276. >The other two guys on your team don’t even have a chance to get the ball before you grab it.
  2277. >Dribble around with the ball like the most agile tuner car on the racing track, spending up enough of your energy to want to conserve it later when you’ll have to score a point or two.
  2278. >These guys seem like they’re going to be keeping this up for at least an hour, so you’ll have to make sure you can go for at least 12 if you want to.
  2279. >Yup, gotta be that far ahead, just like you were before.
  2280. >The tallest one in the group gets the ball away from you when you had your guard down.
  2281. >He scores a point, and you decide to step your game up.
  2282. >So far… you have to admit that you’re on the same level as these guys now.
  2283. >Now that you’re getting a taste of what you can really do in the presence of other competitors.
  2284. >One can only show himself what he alone is capable of doing without anything to compare it to for so long.
  2285. >…
  2286. >You want to say you did better against these guys, but you really can’t say you did.
  2287. >Feels like your energy is running low, or completely running out, by the time you’re through playing for about an hour and a half.
  2288. >An hour and a half.
  2289. >”Woo! Good playin’ guys. Almost had me there too.” One of them says after the impromptu, unofficial basketball match is through.
  2290. >Like, you started off so strong, what happened?!
  2291. >You were supposed to be leagues better than these guys already.
  2292. >The guy you first met pats you on the shoulder and tells you “not bad”.
  2293. >Not bad = not enough.
  2294. >But you conceal your inner screaming and give him a friendly nod, and back to your dorms you all go as the sky starts to turn colors.
  2295. >You’re gonna have a lot of fun having nightmares about the next time you hang out with those guys.
  2296. >At least you’ll get to relax in your bed, which is something you shouldn’t be yearning to do.
  2297. >You’re supposed to want to play for another 10 hours or something.
  2298. >Reach into your pocket as you’re standing outside your room door.
  2299. >That key’s gotta be som-
  2300. >Oh right.
  2301. >Oh fuck.
  2302. >You’re too exhausted to stamp your feet or express your massive displeasure.
  2303. >Not only this, but you’ve suddenly started to feel suspicious about who might be lurking nearby.
  2304. >Shouldn’t have even walked in the direction of this floor, let alone this door.
  2305. >Don’t want her to even know where you’re staying; you know what happened last time.
  2306. >Luckily, there’s no one around. At all.
  2307. >Go back outside and get ready to ask the front desk people in the commons building for a spare key because that’s really your only option at this point.
  2308. “Well, ain’t this some bullshit.” You face a new annoying situation before you even realized it was coming.
  2309. >The front desk is vacant of people, under some sort of renovation that seems to have happened out of nowhere.
  2310. >Closed early, ladders a buckets behind the counter, blah blah blah.
  2311. >There’s a sign saying that business as usual will resume at noon tomorrow.
  2312. “Bull. Shit.” You grunt, but there it all is, regardless of what common sense dictates.
  2313. >These people make things so inconvenient sometimes; any senile soccer mom would be hunting down the manager or someone until like 1 in the morning, but you have a more passive plan.
  2314. >Your frustrated groan ends, leaving the buzzing of the overhead lights the only sound mocking your stupidly bad luck today.
  2315. >There’s an inner room that’s tucked away after one goes into one of the study rooms that’s off to the side of the lobby area.
  2316. >You’ve been there before, and you’re about to be there again to see if you can camp out there overnight until tomorrow morning when they HAVE to come back.
  2317. >But of course, you’re not about to go to bed without eating first.
  2318. >And the vending machine snack foods aren’t gonna help with jack shit.
  2319. >It’s a good thing your wallet is made of a denim-like material, otherwise, you’d have been paranoid about it slipping out of your pocket and left it in your room too.
  2320. >Off to the usual convenience store you go as the sky gets dark.
  2321. >Though, it is pretty much the beginning of summer, so the time is actually a lot later than it lo- convenience store’s closed.
  2322. >…
  2323. >So you got a few vending machine goods after coming back to the commons area.
  2324. >Enter the room, and to no surprise, there’s a bunch of people in there.
  2325. >Oh that’s right, that big boxing match is tonight.
  2326. >The room had a big plasma screen TV in it, and a bunch of dudes you’ve never met before have all gathered to watch the big fight the internet’s been talking about.
  2327. >Shrug and decide to watch it with them, might get you nice and pumped for when you actually dominate your opponents in your dreams.
  2328. >Sit down on an open spot on the sofa and watch the pre-game show go on and on.
  2329. >A bunch of pop artists and stuff trying to stay relevant by attending a (probably rigged) meme event.
  2330. >One of the dudes lends you a beer, to which you decline because despite being legally old enough to fuck, you’re still not legally old enough to drink.
  2331. >Fuck getting in trouble for some bullshit and getting your contract terminated because a bunch of dudebros don’t have any common fucking sense.
  2332. >The actual fight finally begins and Moyd Flayweather inevitably starts punching the everloving shit out of cancerous E-celebrity Pogan Lawl.
  2333. >The latter tried to land like, one hit, and catching an uppercut right off the bat.
  2334. >Rib shots, gut shots, etc etc… and you swear you can sense that former viner’s bones cracking. You can feel it.
  2335. >The undefeated veteran’s fists thrash him around the ring, making his head flail and hair fly every which way with each turbulent punch to the face.
  2336. >Poor rich kid never stood a chance, but then again, the audience loves what they’re seeing.
  2337. >The guys you’re sitting next to are nearly jumping out of their seats.
  2338. >And you can feel a new rush of adrenaline surging through your veins; oh such a feeling you’ve missed.
  2339. >You’re nearly jumping out of your seat too, now that you realize it.
  2340. >”Fuck him up bro! Fuck him up!” One of them shouts at the screen. “YEAH!”
  2341. >Another gut shot lifts Pogan up into the air off of his feet, sending him stumbling back onto his stupid ass in the middle of the ring right in front of all of his fans who are inevitably watching this.
  2342. >They’re probably crying in horror, but not you or these guys you’re with, you’re all spazzing out in joy.
  2343. >Moyd’s punches were so swift, so fast, and yet so powerful.
  2344. >THAT’S the level of energy you wanna be at until the world explodes or something.
  2345. >The world might as well explode at this point; fuck this timeline.
  2346. >An overconfident Pogan Lawl struggles to his feet acting like he’s still got this in the bag (because the fight is more than likely supposed to be rigged in his favor).
  2347. >But this protagonist’s plot convenience never comes, and Moyd Flayweather continues to metaphorically flay him alive in the ring.
  2348. >Hits him over and over again cartoonishly hard.
  2349. >”That speed, that ferocity.”
  2350. >”I see the league of shadows.”
  2351. >Forget paying to see someone else whale on someone this hard, you’d pay to do it yourself, just for the sake of obliterating a deserving target.
  2352. >The prey in this situation is even physically larger in stature than the predator, but the size of the under-dog in this fight doesn’t matter when the size of the fight in the veteran-dog in this match is in full force right now.
  2353. >Upon remembering that even being present at a party where there’s alcohol could get you into some deep shit, you decide to go outside and wait the rest of this out elsewhere.
  2354. >Everyone already knew who was gonna win, and you’d rather put the odds in your favor regarding your contract, so off you go.
  2355. >…
  2356. >Man, you can’t believe this shit.
  2357. >All of your current circumstances today have left you wandering around the college campus late at night.
  2358. >Might as well not sit down and keep your blood pumping; you’re gonna need to be exhausted enough to sleep on that uncomfortable couch in a few hours and keep your sleep schedule up to date.
  2359. >Listen to the nearby water crashing, occasionally sitting down and munching on some chocolate-including snacks before throwing the wrappers away.
  2360. >Walk the calories off throughout the night; it’s kinda peaceful out here.
  2361. >Then again, it IS a college campus, one of the safest most sheltered types of places you could go to.
  2362. >Unless it’s one of those inner city ones or something.
  2363. >The only time you’d not feel as safe is when you start to go to the outskirts of the campus area where less areas are lit up.
  2364. >But you see yourself as a tough badass guy, ready to drop the first frontin’ mofo he sees.
  2365. >Ready to garrote someone with this KitKat wrapper you didn’t throw away yet.
  2366. >No one’s hiding behind those bushes over there as you pass through one of the outer neighborhoods where you assume the college professors live.
  2367. >Every house is totally enveloped in pitch blackness except like two or three on this whole block.
  2368. >You don’t have your phone with you because that would have slipped out of your pocket during basketball, so there’s no real way you can tell the time right now.
  2369. >You’ll just look at one of those out-in-the-open clocks when you get back to campus.
  2370. >Suddenly, you feel as though you’re not alone out here.
  2371. >Turn around.
  2372. >No one there.
  2373. >Continue walking and decide to cut this late night stroll short and go back to another more open commons area to watch the rest of that boxing match if it’s even still going on right now.
  2374. >The night air is still pretty warm considering the time of year it is.
  2375. >Though, it almost feels like it’s getting warmer, or maybe it’s just you.
  2376. >Just you getting warmer.
  2377. >Almost feel like you have lost all control of your current situation but don’t know why.
  2378. >Still continue strolling down the sidewalk in the darkness of this random neighborhood when you feel your member in your pants starting to get a little hard for no reason.
  2379. >There’s no reason why this should have started happening; you weren’t even thinking about sex or anything.
  2380. >Expect it to go away at first, but it persists anyway.
  2381. >You grunt, trying to think about things that would make this random boner go away.
  2382. >It… just doesn’t want to.
  2383. >Get harder and harder inside your pants until the tent your pitching would be extremely difficult to hide if someone were around.
  2384. >But you are SURE there is no one else around.
  2385. >At least not until you could have sworn you heard footsteps off the the side somewhere.
  2386. >It’s challenging to run fast while this hard, so you take the wise move as quickly as you can and speed walk with a weird stride as fast as you can.
  2387. >Why is this erection getting so strong?
  2388. >It has literally left your control and can’t be tamed.
  2389. >Get the urge to hunch over, something you’d only do if someone’s around to see what’s happening to you.
  2390. >But you’d never be able to spot anyone in this pitch blackness that makes up the majority of your surroundings.
  2391. >Hobble over to a lit street corner where you at least know there’s no one within arm’s reach of you.
  2392. >Gonna be creepy for anyone looking out their bedroom window at night to see a random guy standing in the middle of a streetlight with an obvious raging hard-on in his pants, visibly shivering in possibly arousal.
  2393. >Better get the neighborhood watch on this shit lmao.
  2394. >The hum of the streetlight above your head sounds similar to the hum of those lobby are lights that were mocking your bad luck earlier.
  2395. >But this hum ceases; the light goes out; the pitch blackness pounces back onto you.
  2396. >You let out an impromptu “oh shit” and make a hunched over sprint for it, tripping forward onto your elbows in the process.
  2397. >Of course, you get right back up, but right behind you, the streetlight has turned back on, but the orange glow had been replaced with pink.
  2398. >And an unmistakable urger to walk back into that light can be felt, but you’re too scared to acknowledge it and high-tail it out of there, keeping your footsteps as quiet as possible to not wake anyone up.
  2399. >Go past a house where someone is watching something on their TV in their dark room.
  2400. >Go past an indoor house party you don’t want to show your tent to any of the attendees of.
  2401. >Finally make it to a couple of science laboratories of the campus, then computer tech-like places, then eventually the more lit areas where there’s other people walking.
  2402. >One girl gives you a weirded out stare as you sit on a bench, being sure to look away from her and cover your lap lest she get the wrong idea and metoo you.
  2403. >You didn’t choose this situation, it chose you.
  2404. >Once the coast is clear, you make you way back to one of the commons areas that’s open at night (because everything else is closed and locked up).
  2405. >As you enter a side door in a way where you’re sure the security camera won’t pick up your stubborn erection, you just know it that had to be her who was following you out there in the dark.
  2406. >Before you know it, you have retreated to the men’s bathroom of the place.
  2407. >Several minutes go by, and only now does your erection finally start to recede little by little.
  2408. >The blood returns to the rest of your body, and you realize how heavily you’re sweating.
  2409. “What the fuck…” You gasp, face pointed at the ceiling with your eyes closed as you take deep breaths. “What the actual fuck… how the fuck…”
  2410. >Luckily, no one else was in here when you stumbled in, and you were only able to confirm this just now as you’re coming to your senses.
  2411. >Speaking of which, the cold damp spot of precum in your boxers can now be felt.
  2412. “How the fuck did I hold onto these the whole time?” You mutter to yourself, staring at the unopened Twix bar in your hand that you mashed in the middle with your right hand’s grip without realizing.
  2413. >As what’s probably a coping mechanism, you stress-eat the whole thing in like three bites after leaving the restroom.
  2414. >Some hunters enjoy playing with their prey for a little while, getting to KNOW them better, before getting TO them, before GETTING them.
  2415. >…
  2416. >When you get back to that side room, you had first made sure that no one followed you or knew where you were headed towards.
  2417. >You’ll take the risk of getting caught with a bunch of drunks now, fuck that other shit.
  2418. >This room is a perfect place to hide.
  2419. >Upon entering once more, the TV screen shows that the match is STILL going on.
  2420. >Moyd Flayweather has Pogan Lawl trapped in one corner of the ring.
  2421. >And he swings over and over again: left hook, right hook, left hook, right hook.
  2422. >The referee isn’t even trying to stop him anymore.
  2423. >Pogan Lawl’s face is getting rearranged on live TV and these drunk dudes are cheering on Moyd Flayweather with sweat on their faces and beer in their breath.
  2424. >Keep looking at the screen.
  2425. >Left hook, right hook, left hook, right hook, just over and over again non-stop.
  2426. >There’s a couple of stray, bloody teeth just chilling on the floor of the boxing ring. Looks like a legitimate crime scene.
  2427. >The fight only ends after the obvious winner gets too exhausted to keep punching his loopy opponent, and only now does the referee half-heartedly step in going “alright alright, that’s enough”.
  2428. >”I… won! I fucking WON!” Pogan Lawl wrongfully blurts before his brand new face hits the floor and his consciousness checks out for the night… as his opponent is declared the victor by the ref.
  2429. >All of his loyal fans in their circlejerks spam “rigged” in their group chats, having unironically been under the impression that he stood a crocodile-fucking chance.
  2430. >Whatever, who cares.
  2431. >You should have come here to get rid of your boner, the smell of body odor and booze in this place from all these guys is worse than any bathroom you can imagine.
  2432. >Woulda sucked the blood right outta your trouser snake, and not in the way tall vampire lady would have.
  2433. >It smells like a proper man cave in here. You’re genuinely impressed.
  2434. >How the fuck are you gonna sleep in here now?
  2435. >They ruined it.
  2436. >…
  2437. >Luckily, there’s a part of the couch that was facing the tiny window near the top of the back wall of the room that no one sat on; no ass/ball sweat here.
  2438. >After “dem boyz” leave, you’re left to clean up their pigsty, except the beer cans they took with them to hide elsewhere.
  2439. >Long story short, the room is aired out before 1 AM thanks to that said window opposite of the TV wall.
  2440. >You switch the lights off after finishing your final candy bar and wash it down with gatorade.
  2441. >This is way later than you were supposed to go to sleep, but hey, what can do you?
  2442. >Already made sure there’s no stray beer cans to be caught with.
  2443. >You didn’t do this, the guys before you did, out of raw experience.
  2444. >Fall asleep with chocolate in your stomach within the next twenty minutes.
  2445. >Not remembering that chocolate may induce nightmares when taken right before bed, especially on not-so-comfortable mattresses.
  2446. >You feel fine after falling asleep on the clean section of the couch no one else even touched.
  2447. >Though, you might still be half awake.
  2448. >As you lie on the couch, you remember when you were strolling through that neighborhood at night.
  2449. >All Principal Cadance had to do was be NEAR you and you got an uncontrollable erection.
  2450. >There’s no way you’ll ever truly shake off the effect she has had on you ever since she de-virgin’d you.
  2451. >All those days you spent with her in your dorm have conditioned you.
  2452. >It’s no wonder you haven’t lasted that long with any nofap yet, because you lost the ability to.
  2453. >About a year ago, you could easily make these lewd thoughts disappear.
  2454. >Your arrogant virgin mind was dead set on doing nothing but winning.
  2455. >Went for months on end without masturbating, and you KNEW you could easily go for years, even decades.
  2456. >Principal Cadance then came in, shattered your long built up restraint with her charm and abilities, and took your virginity from you.
  2457. >You tried to piece your restraint back together, but Cadance found you again, trapping you in your dorm with herself and staying there with you to gradually help you lose all of the broken pieces of your former restraint.
  2458. >Can’t put the pieces back together if you can’t find half of them.
  2459. >It doesn’t always show, but Cadance turned you into a horny mess that cannot repair itself.
  2460. >She gave you numerous love lessons in your college dorm, lecturing you in front of a whiteboard wearing extremely skimpy outfits next to your bed.
  2461. >Her dress code for “alone inside your dorm room together” required easy access for both of you as the lessons went on.
  2462. >Cadance always required her full cleavage to be out whenever she had a bra on, and only when there was no bra could she wear something like a thin T-shirt and allow her perky nipples to poke out underneath clear as day.
  2463. >Every time you showered, Cadance required you to leave the door wide open so she can walk in and join you.
  2464. >Every time she undressed whether to change clothes or otherwise, you had to stop whatever you were doing and stand in front of her and watch.
  2465. >It took a lot of strength to get out of the mindset she put you in just enough to take on an escaping opportunity.
  2466. >If you hadn’t, your situation right now would be absolutely hopeless. You’d have no way for restoring your former self.
  2467. >What would you tell your agent? What would you tell your manager?
  2468. >Sorry, I’m not actually high-energy anymore? Pitiful.
  2469. >They’d be searching you for undetectable supplements, cancelling the contract and fining you for wasting their time with bullshit.
  2470. >The first thing you’re going to do tomorrow is get into that office and get them to lend you a spare key to your room.
  2471. >If your current half-awake memory is correct, you have several days left until you’re required to travel by bus to the training facility for the first time.
  2472. >And these past couple of weeks were supposed to be spend preparing your physique for relentless challenges, which cannot be done overnight.
  2473. >Need to heighten your available abilities to the best possible extent so whoever’s overseeing you can get a good idea if you’re a good early choice or not.
  2474. >You should be able to go through the training that hardcore student athletes are subjected to in order to become professional athletes.
  2475. >No one is born ready to do this, they have to already be in great physical condition and THEN institutionally transformed by trained professionals into experienced athletes.
  2476. >Short version: do NOT fuck this up.
  2477. >What you have so far is good, but it’s not enough.
  2478. >And so, your game plan for the next few days is compete with the other guys you met in basketball, the weight room, anywhere you can in order to push yourself in an effort to show off.
  2479. >It’s kinda dumb, but it worked before… and look how you turned out.
  2480. >The top athlete in the entire school, in each school, and possibly the entire school district.
  2481. >Inside of you there was (and hopefully still is) something special that no one else had.
  2482. >And extra drive that made impossible things possible as long as you pushed hard enough.
  2483. >Basically made movie logic actually work in real life, in terms of sports.
  2484. >You didn’t deserve it, but fuck it, you want it again despite still not deserving it.
  2485. >Opportunity? Take it.
  2486. >That’s how 90% of successful people get anywhere to begin with.
  2487. >They don’t care what they “deserve”, they just do it without holding back.
  2488. >Fuck a moral compass telling you “no, you were too mean to people. oh well”.
  2489. >Ask the average billionaire if they care about that.
  2490. >You gotta either push and shove or get pushed and shoved out of someone else’s way when they inevitably show up.
  2491. >And when they do show up, you either have what it takes to be the last man standing, or you don’t.
  2492. >It all depends on what you did leading up to that brief, one-time-only moment of truth.
  2493. >…
  2494. >A noise outside makes you almost flip over and look to see what it is, but you’re too sleepy to care at this point.
  2495. >You just woke up from a dream about the competition around you, and you won another long bike race just like the one you did in real life.
  2496. >Maybe that guy you have the number of will be up to bike riding, and you can try and show him just how amazingly you can shred through the bike paths around here as a way to strengthen your legs.
  2497. >That is, if you don’t decide to stay in your dorm working out the entire last week or two.
  2498. >Whichever one of those two you choose might have either helpful or hurtful effects on how well you can advertise your physical abilities when your stats get officially recorded in an enclosed program.
  2499. >There should be nothing to be nervous about.
  2500. >You just hope that once you get back into your room, it’ll remain a secret to the one who was following you through that night neighborhood.
  2501. >Inside of your brain, you struggle to remember if you locked the door to this room, or if this room’s door even has a lock on it.
  2502. >At least your dorm’s door has a lock on it, that should make it easier for you to last until it’s time to start training.
  2503. >If you’re lucky, they’ll like you so much that you’ll get to stay there instead of come back to here all the time.
  2504. >But your primary concern then is whether or not Cadance can visit you there or something.
  2505. >She really shouldn’t be allowed there, given that she has no reason to be there.
  2506. >You’re gonna take the smart route and start planning to stay over there for good so you never have to encounter Cadance ever again.
  2507. >Because you know full well that if you pit you against her, she’ll undoubtably win simply by being herself and using her charm and powers to weaken and re-brainwash you in mere seconds.
  2508. >Facing her directly in person is fighting your own human nature that’s hard-wired into you.
  2509. >There’s no winning that whatsoever; she’ll take control of you instantly no matter how strong you get.
  2510. >And you hate to admit this, wanting no weaknesses.
  2511. >As you drift further and further into what is apparently you actually being asleep (it’s really ambiguous to you whether you’re actually awake or not), you’re completely still.
  2512. >Start to see the walls of one of the high schools around you, thought it’s unclear which school it is.
  2513. >It seems to be a completely new one, to serve as your view of what the training facility is going to be like.
  2514. >So you’ll be safe here.
  2515. >Start off by doing a bunch of ultra-slow-motion jumping jacks, trying to do them faster because you’re doing them too slow.
  2516. >Keep thinking about how Cadance can’t reach you here, and that you finally made it.
  2517. >Nothing can stop you from a perpetual nofap without distractions or fuckups.
  2518. >These walls look so strong, so thick with cinderblock, sturdy and fortified with everything from steel beams to jet fuel to keeping you enclosed inside of this massive thick-walled fortress.
  2519. >To top it all off, it’s really far away from the college campus, about a few dozen miles, and Cadance doesn’t even know where this place is or that you’re in here.
  2520. >You have never felt so safe and far away from your problems.
  2521. >All you’re wondering about is why you’re completely alone in here.
  2522. >Suddenly feel a presence behind you and turn around.
  2523. >There stands Principal Cadance, wearing her formal uniform that still fails to cover up the cleavage of her huge chest.
  2524. >Try to ask her what she’s doing here, but nothing comes out.
  2525. >She says something to you, and you don’t phonetically understand it, but somehow telepathically understand her saying that she’s the new warden here.
  2526. >And that she has you all to herself.
  2527. >That’s… that’s impossible…
  2528. >There’s no way.
  2529. >All these fortified walls and great distance from the known college campus was rendered useless by her simple power move.
  2530. >She barely needed to try, and now you’re trapped INSIDE of here with her.
  2531. >The buttons of her top burst open on their own as she walks towards you.
  2532. >Your fleeing attempt is too slowed down, and she pounces on top of you.
  2533. >…
  2534. >Jolt awake with a sharp gasp.
  2535. >Feel a cold breeze out of nowhere, accompanied by a knocking sound.
  2536. >You assume someone is knocking on the door, but the breeze is too strong to just be coming from the window.
  2537. >Sit up.
  2538. >Through your blurred vision, the door is obviously wide open.
  2539. >Immediately begin to panic, thinking about Cadance and whether or not she’s already lurking somewhere in the darkness of the rest of the room.
  2540. >Can’t get off the couch because something is pinning your waist onto it.
  2541. >You can’t even slide around because your bare ass is apparently directly on the surface.
  2542. >The knocking sound continues at the door despite no one being next to the door.
  2543. “The fuck…” You squint down as your eyes adjust.
  2544. >You can see Cadance’s hair bobbing up and down on your waist.
  2545. >And you can now feel /everything/ she is doing as you slowly realize.
  2546. “WHAT TH-“
  2547. >…
  2548. >Jolt up to a sitting position from the knocking sound getting even louder.
  2549. >Sit there for the longest time in silence, waiting for it to happen again.
  2550. >The best way you know that Cadance is nearby is the raging erection in your pants; she’s here.
  2551. >Not sure what woke you up, but it was still before you could be made to ejaculate.
  2552. >”I know you’re in there.”
  2553. >There’s no way you will be able to wait it out and make her think this room is empty.
  2554. >She’s calling your name too.
  2555. >Scramble over to the door, trying to see if it’s locked or not, of if it CAN be locked.
  2556. >Hold the door handle as strongly as you can, after seeing that it’s still closed and locked.
  2557. >”Rest assured, you are still dreaming.”
  2558. “I’m not falling for that shit.” You growl to no avail.
  2559. >A pair of hands suddenly grab your wrists.
  2560. >”You’re still dreaming.” Vice Principal Luna’s voice startles you from behind.
  2561. >”Let me in, it’s okay. I just want to talk.” Assures Cadance as she tries the door handle.
  2562. >”We just want to talk.”
  2563. >You already know they want to do a lot more than just talk.
  2564. >But it’s already too late.
  2565. >Cadance got the door open since Luna kept you from holding it closed.
  2566. >Her perfume hits you like a train, and you’re redirected back to where you were sleeping.
  2567. >The door is still open, and you make a last ditch attempt to run for it.
  2568. >You’re not dreaming, Luna must have squeezed in through the window somehow.
  2569. >Actually, you don’t even remember if she was already in the room with you, and maybe she walked in with Cadance after you opened the door after she did something to your super tired brain that made you think she was holding your wrists.
  2570. >Truth be told, you’re far too disoriented to truly register everything going on, and Cadance and Luna are taking advantage of this.
  2571. >Shake your head really fast and wake your brain up some more.
  2572. >However it happened, Cadance and Luna made their way into the room with you, and this is what you’re 100% sure about.
  2573. >Luckily, your legs are strong enough to make you able to get Cadance’s light bodyweight to be dragged by her heels as she holds your arm to her chest.
  2574. >All of your energy springs into action at this very instant, and is taken away the very next instant as Luna sneaks a kiss onto your lips.
  2575. >Cadance now pulls you closer with ease and kisses you as well, letting her scent overtake you and gently shoves herself onto you.
  2576. >You could taste alcohol in their breaths, probably wine specifically.
  2577. >”We just want to talk with you, dear.” Principal Cadance reassures that alcohol scent in her breath along with the perfume she is wearing.
  2578. >Luna gets on top of you and gives a deep kiss as Cadance goes back to the door to close it.
  2579. >The lights are tuned back on but dimmed.
  2580. >Luna’s just as endowed as Cadance is under that usual type of outfit she’d wear.
  2581. >Your hands can’t resist feeling her a little as she leans against you on the small couch
  2582. >After being kept there for a minute or two as they take turns deeply kissing you, you’re nice and horny and tired for them.
  2583. >Quite an awful strange way of “just talking”.
  2584. >The two sharply dressed ladies sit on either side of you as you’re relaxed between them.
  2585. >The tent from the boner in your pants is impossible to hide.
  2586. “What do you want?” You blurt as they softly rub your shoulders.
  2587. >”Celestia’s been needing you to make things up to her.” Luna says to you. “So have I. But it’s taken the greatest toll on her.”
  2588. >”It’s difficult to simply get her out of the spell.” Explains Cadance. “She has a school to run, but she can’t focus on running it until you and her get something out of your systems.”
  2589. >”I’m lucky I got ahold of you.” Luna’s smile widens with a slight lip bite. “I can finally get the release I needed from you tonight. But my sister cannot stay awake at this time like I do.”
  2590. “I have a contract! I had to escape, I had no other choice.” You desperately make your case. “If I lose my energy, I can’t fulfill my contract. I’m not bothering your schools anymore, I graduated. Please let me go.”
  2591. >”What’s Celestia going to do when she can’t get her arousal out of her system? We can’t have her being like that around the students. It’s only a matter of time before things would go downhill from there.”
  2592. “You made her that way, though. That wasn’t my fault.” You groan.
  2593. >”Your behavior damaged both schools’ reputations.”
  2594. “What, and you couldn’t expel me?”
  2595. >”It’s not that simple.” Joins in Luna. “Why couldn’t you be more couth so it wouldn’t matter that we couldn’t expel you?”
  2596. >”Don’t worry about that, Luna. We’re past that.”
  2597. “Why can’t you let me go?”
  2598. >”We need something from you first.” Says Luna. “I need something from you.”
  2599. >”I trained him very well. He’s become an adequate lover. Despite his disappearing acts.” Adds Cadance.
  2600. “If you only need me to undo whatever magical thing you did in the first place, or else you’re going to stay perverted forever, who’s really in the wrong here?” You continue to try to talk them out of it. “I mean, yeah I guess I’m a douchebag, but holy fuck come on!” You’re starting to become angry. “You think this makes you any better?”
  2601. >Cadance senses your anger and pulls you into another sedating kiss.
  2602. >Arousal washes over you again outside of your control.
  2603. >You forgot what you were going to say next.
  2604. >Once the kiss is broken, your attention is now set on Cadance’s bit of cleavage peeking out from under her uniform top.
  2605. >She prompts you to grope her as Luna eagerly watches, ready to take over any second.
  2606. >”I know we’re in the wrong.” Murmurs Cadance. “But it’s too late to go back now, dear. We can’t let you get away without setting things straight first.”
  2607. >”How long does he usually last?” Luna asks Cadance. “You know, before he cums.”
  2608. “Sh-shut up!”
  2609. >”Several minutes. Actually more now. He used to cave in after less than ten minutes but I know he can go for more than twenty. He has such a strong and healthy libido these days.”
  2610. >”This sounds promising.” Luna scoots into you, her hip and thigh pinning you down.
  2611. >Cadance nuzzles her face into your neck as you shudder in reluctant enjoyment.
  2612. >Probe around her formal uniform in search for buttons to undo.
  2613. >She sighs with a grin and starts to help you.
  2614. >Each one of them are on top of each of your legs as you’re unable to stop yourself from “interacting” with them.
  2615. >”You’re becoming such a good student now.” Cadance tells you between slow kisses. “Now show Luna what I’ve taught you.”
  2616. >A couple of Cadance’s front buttons are undone, and you’ve moved to massaging her soft tits through her light blue shirt.
  2617. >Luna lets out a giggle.
  2618. >”I mean her. Show Luna what I’ve taught you.” Cadance giggles as well as she feels her bra cups get slid out of place under her clothing. “That is, after you’re done with me, if you want.”
  2619. >Principal Cadance’s skin is just as smooth as always underneath your fingers as you venture under her top.
  2620. >Vice Principal Luna bites her lip in anticipation, watching how much you’re getting Cadance to get into the mood of things.
  2621. >You can’t stop yourself, she’s got you back on your newly found “old ways”.
  2622. >As Luna puts her arm around you, she begins to breathe more audibly.
  2623. >Move your hands up the front of Cadance’s torso underneath her top over her soft bellybutton and up to her partially displaced bra cups.
  2624. >She groans quietly as she feels you slip her bra cups out of the way until you can feel her perky nipples against your fingers underneath the clothing. “Missed these?”
  2625. >Cadance doesn’t let you answer at first, locking another kiss onto your lips with your arms trapped underneath her shirt and your hands admiring her breasts.
  2626. >That scent of her perfume is so sweet, but you’re terrified of what everything about her is doing to you.
  2627. >Luna starts to kiss the back and side of your neck. “I can’t wait to feel you inside of me.”
  2628. >Your own eyes lock with Cadance’s eyes; she is barely blushing, but blushing nonetheless.
  2629. >Her blush intensifies when you unintentionally play with her nipples under her shirt some more, and it makes her smile more excitedly.
  2630. “Please…” You shudder. “I shouldn’t ruin my contract like this. It’s my only chance to do it.”
  2631. >She only responds by kissing you again as Luna reaches under your shirt from behind to feel your body.
  2632. >You try stop Luna from feeling you up, but Cadance keeps you distracted.
  2633. >”It’s okay, dear. Let it happen.”
  2634. “Cadance, please. This is all I have left.”
  2635. >You’re hoping she’ll have mercy for you.
  2636. “I can’t stop you but please don’t. I’m sorry I did what I did. I didn’t have a choice.”
  2637. >Your stares remain set on one another for the longest time, and her eyes sympathetically gaze into yours.
  2638. >Her thighs trap your right leg in a tight grip.
  2639. “Please, Cadance. Please.” You beg her.
  2640. >”I’m so sorry, but this has to happen.” She softly tells you before leaning again. “We need this. If you let me help you, I’ll see what I can do.”
  2641. >Luna’s done making you tremble by grabbing her hands all over you under your shirt, and she reaches down to your waistline.
  2642. >She tugs at your pants, and your weakly move your hips trying to get them away from her.
  2643. >Cadance releases from another kiss and starts helping Luna pull your pants down off your waist.
  2644. “Please, Cadance…”
  2645. >”I’ll help you out of it soon, but not now.”
  2646. “Cadance.”
  2647. >”C’mon, pull your pants down.”
  2648. >Cadance and Luna’s faces are inches away from you, both of them aroused and blushing profusely with a noticeable drunkenness to them.
  2649. >The taste of alcohol you get from them taking turns kissing you starts to make you yourself feel a little dizzy.
  2650. >Luna and Cadance pull you closer and deeper down into the level they’re at, keeping you drunkenly pinned to the couch as they hold your hands back and start removing your pants.
  2651. >The sigh and giggle as you plead them to let you go with another chance, but they’ve already started.
  2652. >Cadance undoes the front of your pants which allows Luna to tug them down from your hips more easily.
  2653. >Try to pull them back up, but Cadance and Luna together pull them down even more until your tent gets brought out into view.
  2654. >”You’re gonna last a while this time.” Cadance promises as she helps Luna scrunch your pants all the way to your knees.
  2655. >Too weak and disoriented to even try to pull them back up, you beg Cadance for mercy one more time.
  2656. >She makes you forget what you were talking about be tongue kissing you once more.
  2657. >They work together on your boxers until your uncontrollable erection flings into the open.
  2658. >You can see it in their eyes, the sight of that made it impossible to convince them now.
  2659. >”My sister’s asleep right now.” Luna says to you. “It may not be much, but I can make you enter her dream.”
  2660. >You blankly stare at her.
  2661. >”And you and her can have a mutual wet dream together. It could be enough to satisfy her until she can come up here herself. Would you like that?”
  2662. >You can’t believe these are your only options.
  2663. >”Are you sure that would be enough to suffice?” Asks Cadance.
  2664. >”It’s possible.”
  2665. >They’re making decisions about what happens to you right now and you don’t even have a say in it.
  2666. >This helplessness smothers you like a giant snake.
  2667. >After they get you into proper position, Cadance goes first to warm you up.
  2668. >She doesn’t even take off her skirt, only lowers herself onto you and lets everything work it’s way through until her panties are out of the way and you feel her envelope you.
  2669. >”I KNOW you missed this.” She groans as she begins to bounce up and down while still pretty much fully dressed.
  2670. >”Ngh, he’s taking it so well.” Comments Luna after a couple of minutes of this go by.
  2671. >”I know. I’m so proud of him.”
  2672. >You didn’t even realize Luna rendered herself bottomless after getting off of your leg until you glance over at her.
  2673. >She masturbates and puts your arm around herself as Cadance finishes up with you.
  2674. >There’s no point in begging her to let you go, and you don’t even want to now, especially not in the instant you’re busting your load into Cadance for the first time in what’s been too long.
  2675. >You never realized how much you missed this.
  2676. >The two of them snuggle with you and make out for some amount of time in the middle of the night or early morning.
  2677. >Cadance rests her head on your shoulder and Luna speaks with you about kissing you into a sleeping state so you can enter Celestia’s dream during the next round of sex when it’s her turn to mount you.
  2678. >You exchange sweet-nothings and apologies all mixed in with the physical expression for eachother, while you’re still mostly out of it.
  2679. >But you eventually agree, seeing as you have nowhere else to turn either way. Far too late to escape, might as well accept it all again.
  2680. >Cadance apologizes to Luna for insisting she go first, now that they can both see that you’re barely showing any semblance of being awake.
  2681. >”It’s not fair, you already had him before too.” Protests Luna.
  2682. >”I know, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get him to go all the way to cumming. At… first, at least.” She shyly chuckles. “I got carried away, but both of you can spend a weekend with him after we get him back into town.” Cadance can be heard saying.
  2683. >The two of them exchange their own couple of kisses and Luna begins smiling at you again.
  2684. >”Well that’s not going to stop us tonight.” Luna says to you. “I’m going to get used to you before we meet again.”
  2685. >She starts playing with your member before leaning in for a deep kiss of her own.
  2686. >You let out a sound, then start to feel yourself experience a gradual falling sensation, like you’re sinking into a void.
  2687. >”I’ll be gentle.” Luna whispers after breaking the kiss.
  2688. >You faintly feel her climb on top of you.
  2689. >…
  2690. >You faintly see a college dorm around yourself, but it’s not a place you recognize.
  2691. >There’s music playing, quite loudly at that.
  2692. >Look around and eventually see someone sitting at the desk in the dorm room: it’s Principal Celestia.
  2693. >After some more seconds, you figure this whole setting is her dream that you just entered.
  2694. >Celestia’s still in her Principal’s uniform and filling out paperwork, but she seems to be a student here and also completing homework within that paperwork.
  2695. >Something makes you know this right off the bat in that way dreams do sometimes.
  2696. >All Celestia wants to do in college and have fun and be happy, but it doesn’t seem like she’s able to do that because she has too many responsibilities to take care of.
  2697. >She’s lonely, while her roommate must me out at a weekend party she neglected to tell her about.
  2698. >And the loud music that plays at least makes Celestia feel like she’s at a house party all by herself.
  2699. >She’s trying to re-live her college years, the time when she should have let loose everything that was repressed within her spirit.
  2700. >Maybe she never got a chance to, you don’t know for sure.
  2701. >But this is future Celestia living in the setting from her past.
  2702. >And she just noticed you standing there.
  2703. >Celestia glances up at you, surprised to see you here, but likely not aware that she is dreaming.
  2704. “Hey.” You slowly approach her.
  2705. >”It’s… you.” She gives you a warm smile. “What are you doing in my room?”
  2706. >You sit on her bed.
  2707. “I came here to spend some time with you, I guess.”
  2708. >”With me?”
  2709. “I don’t see why not.”
  2710. >”Is there something we should talk about?” She lets you take hold of her hands.
  2711. “I think there is.”
  2712. >Before you know it, Celestia is sitting atop her bed with you.
  2713. >There’s a chalkboard on the wall next to the bed, as though this is partially a college dorm and partially a classroom.
  2714. >”Is this about all of those trophies?”
  2715. “Sort of. Even if it wasn’t before. But I understand that you may have a little bit of… tension because of some things.”
  2716. >”Tension? What kind of tension?”
  2717. >You put an arm around her and begin to stroke her shoulder, pulling her closer to yourself.
  2718. >Celestia blushes and smiles. “I see.” She then nods. “Y-yes. I suppose you could say I’ve been having a lot of that kind of frustration. For a long time, actually. Even before you were in high school.”
  2719. “Really?”
  2720. >”Well, I guess you can say I haven’t had as much fun as I wanted to. Even when I did or tried to, I didn’t really do much. I felt like I wasted a lot of my potential. I could have had a more fun college life before becoming a teacher and eventually a principal.”
  2721. >You stare at her.
  2722. >”Watching all of the newer students begin the best years of their lives hurt me a little inside. I don’t really like telling anyone this, because it’s a secret that no one expects of me.” She nonchalantly and concisely lets it all out without any of the consciousness of being awake filter any of her words. “After a while, I figured that I might as well take all that was left I had repressed and transformed it into being as good as a principal as I can be. To have the strength to not let anything else bother me.”
  2723. >You gulp, knowing full well that you definitely bothered her when you came along, and probably in more than one way.
  2724. >The way you look into one another’s eyes says it all.
  2725. >There’s a long pause before she begins again, tackling the topic from the other direction.
  2726. >”I suppose you had some frustration of your own as well.”
  2727. “That I did.” You feel an apology for that bubbling up inside of you.
  2728. >”I can’t say I didn’t fully understand. But it was still true that it did give me a bit of a harder time.”
  2729. “It was all my fault. I did it all on purpose to get better at sports and take first place in everything. I didn’t even expect it to work at first until after a couple of weeks.”
  2730. >”Was it only lack of masturbation that did this to you?”
  2731. “It might have been, yes.”
  2732. >The two of you sit silently.
  2733. “I guess I lost sight of the school’s most important values when I came over. I was really full of myself.” You say the things that don’t exactly surface in your mind when you’re awake. “But it’s too late for me to go back now.”
  2734. >”It’s because you signed on to a contract, right?”
  2735. “Yeah. But then… after that…”
  2736. >”It’s okay. I know what happened. You don’t have to describe it. Principal Cadance had a few rounds with me as well. I didn’t mind because she and I are such close friends, at least until I realized there was magic involved.”
  2737. “I still can’t help but feel like I deserved it. Even though I don’t want to feel that way. My judgement gets messed up at different times. I see the world differently. The way I think about things changes. I guess I didn’t feel fulfilled either. But then I took it too far, and it backfired on me hard.” You pause again. “But I don’t think you needed to be dragged into it.”
  2738. >”Which brings us back to the point of you being here, right?”
  2739. “…Yeah…” You begin to twiddle your thumbs.
  2740. >Celestia suddenly puts her arm around you as you still have yours around hers.
  2741. >”I think I understand how you feel more than you think.”
  2742. “Hm?”
  2743. >”Well, it’s more or less the fact that we may have felt unfulfilled for the same reason instead of a different one. When I was your age a little more than a decade ago, I wanted to do everything perfectly too.”
  2744. >She takes a deep breath.
  2745. >”And I focused too hard on doing everything right instead of connecting with people. I didn’t let myself have any fun, or go to parties or anything, I don’t know if it was spite or what, but it turned out for the worse in the long run. I wasted my college years.”
  2746. >She then looks deeper into your eyes.
  2747. >”And when I saw what you wanted to do with your life, and how you wanted to make enemies instead of friends, I knew exactly what kind of path you were setting yourself up for. Because I went down a path not too different from that.”
  2748. “I see.”
  2749. >”And then when Cadance came along, it did a little bit more than just remind me of that. So to pick up on where you began, yes, I am feeling a great deal of… frustration. Even though I’ve felt it before, that only make me more and more sick of it when I can’t stop thinking about doing certain things. It’s going to destroy everything I’ve worked for if I don’t do anything about it. I would have abandoned my college years for nothing.”
  2750. >This reminds you of how you feel about having tortured yourself for nothing by doing exactly what you had come here to do.
  2751. >Two conflicting struggles, one dorm room.
  2752. >One bed.
  2753. >…
  2754. >Celestia sits with you on her bed and continues to listen to music with you.
  2755. >The volume is turned up a little bit louder, though any neighbors here right now wouldn’t mind.
  2756. >She talks with you about whether or not either of you have had a truly fulfilling experience in college, even though you yourself have just started college, which says a lot about this night right how.
  2757. >Asks you if you every went to a party on your own without needing to be invited.
  2758. >From what she’s heard, those are the more fun times because there’s a lot less expectations and a lot more freedom.
  2759. >You may be patting one another on the back and the side of the arm right now, but you both know exactly where everything is about to go as soon as your hands break the ice going somewhere else.
  2760. >”So you’ve never danced with someone at a party before?”
  2761. “I can’t say I even wondered what it was like.”
  2762. >”I have.”
  2763. “You’ve done it?”
  2764. >”No, I’ve wondered what it would be like. But I never actually got to live it through.” Celestia recalls all the times she went back home early to maybe work on a project before it was due.
  2765. >She remembers hoping she wouldn’t turn into the crabby teacher who had no familiarity with times of enjoyment.
  2766. >Principal Celestia grins as you gesture for her to stand up with you and begin dancing as a slow song begins.
  2767. >The two of you start giggling and dancing together like it’s the high school prom.
  2768. >It’d be kind if weird, dancing with your Principal at the high school prom but it’s really in her dorm room in college.
  2769. >Celestia takes another sip from the wine bottle she has next to her papers on the desk.
  2770. >You dance around with her and give her the happiest weekend night she’s had in possibly her entire life.
  2771. >Her pronounced womanly form is unlike that of a student; a lot more fully developed and defined.
  2772. >She drunkenly stumbles around in her proper CHS uniform before you catch her, taking her back into your arms.
  2773. >”You don’t know how much I needed this.” She pulls you into a strong hug.
  2774. >You blush and freeze as you feel her unignorablly busty chest mash against you in the not-so-platonic hug.
  2775. >She miles so widely, and you continue to give her all the happiness you can give her in one night.
  2776. >The only thing you want to do is unwrap that body out of that clingy uniform.
  2777. >As per what should happen during intimate parties, one thing leads to another.
  2778. >You and especially Celestia couldn’t wait to start venturing further.
  2779. >As the dream progresses, you undid the front of Celestia’s pants, reached in and tugged her panties out of the way after taking your member out for her.
  2780. >Neither of you are patient, instantly acting on your desires your brains give you.
  2781. >She gives you a smile as you enter her and make her the happiest principal in the world in her dreams.
  2782. >But what she truly wants is for her dreams to come true in the real world.
  2783. >But whether or not that is possible is up for interpretation, but neither of you are thinking about this as you continue to get it on in the college dorm.
  2784. >It continues and continues and continues, until you feel yourself climax inside the pretty much still fully clothes Principal Celestia, making that concealed womanly body tremble and jolt around in that proper uniform.
  2785. >Celestia makes a few noises as she feels what’s going on, and you two momentarily fall down onto the bed with your hot panting filling the air.
  2786. >…
  2787. >You didn’t want the dream to end so soon.
  2788. >But you woke up to the sound of your alarm going off in the side room you were sleeping in.
  2789. >Oh that’s right, you’ve been waiting to get the office people to get you a spare key so y-
  2790. >Feel a wet spot on your jeans; already know exactly what it is.
  2791. >The window leading to outside showcases a cloudy sky to contract the bright day of a weekend night you were experiencing in your sleep.
  2792. >You can only think about if Luna and Cadance were really here, checking the door to see if it is locked.
  2793. >There doesn’t seem to be a lock on this door at all.
  2794. >On the couch is a small puddle of your spilt seed, which has also stained your pants with shame.
  2795. >The more your brain wakes up, the more you realize just how far set back regarding your contract you are.
  2796. >A plethora of angry remorse overtakes you.
  2797. ~
  2798. >Enough of this.
  2799. >Being back to day one, square one, whatever one, you cannot stand how this has set you back.
  2800. >These permanent changed made to you must be reversed even if reality does not allow it.
  2801. >You’re far too off the deep end with boiling rage to even consider the gravity of your situation anymore.
  2802. >Nope, don’t care anymore.
  2803. >This body is about to be pushed as far past the limit as you can go and then some more.
  2804. >In a fit of silent rage, you make your way back to your dorm room, paranoid about whether or not the key thing was intentionally schemed or not.
  2805. >They’re trying to fuck up your contract, which is closing in like a group of storm clouds you keep losing your umbrella for.
  2806. >You thought you put your foot down before? No, this is where you put your past self to shame.
  2807. >Your lair has still not been found out, so you might as well consider that part of your run-in outside of the dorm building to be fortunate.
  2808. >When you go back in, you do the inevitable and begin to see just how far you’re fallen regarding how many weight reps you can do.
  2809. >As expected.
  2810. >Not even wanting to admit it you yourself, you go straight to sleep in enraged shame, at least knowing it’d be hard to get another wet dream.
  2811. ~
  2812. >So far so good, but it may not be enough.
  2813. >You made it a couple more days without release now, but it’s only a couple of days at this point due to the interruption.
  2814. >Back to being on the same level as these other guys on the campus you’ve refused to hang out with again until you get to the level of energy they have yet to discover from you.
  2815. >At this point, you vow to continue this habit of self-restraint despite anything else, but a vow ain’t gonna do much in the face of reality.
  2816. >But your rage pushes you anyway.
  2817. >Too long of one step forward and two steps back has sent you berserk, and you began to train like a madman.
  2818. >Maybe it’s a coping mechanism to make up for your losses that eroded your ego, maybe it’s some sort of survival instinct, but whatever it is, it’s beginning to override your libido entirely.
  2819. >All the things that weakened you start to matter less and less as you work as hard as you can to spite the entire universe around you.
  2820. >The hot summer air cannot deter you, you want to sweat and suffer under the pain of building your body back better than it was before.
  2821. >Your contract-bound training is about to begin, and the last thing you want is to not be the same guy who confidently signed the contract with knowledge that he could not only pull it off but exceed expectations.
  2822. >Those days when you nonchalantly decided to exceed expectations are sorely missed, and you refuse to miss them any further.
  2823. >…
  2824. >Another day goes by.
  2825. >Another night.
  2826. >Another carefully spent session of looking out the window and checking the lock on your door.
  2827. >If any goddess of love came by, you’d surely have a way of knowing by now.
  2828. >Maybe she assumed you’ve been fully defeated and left back for Canterlot City.
  2829. >Not aware of just how much stubbornness you have inside of you.
  2830. >There is always a part of you that will eternally deny that you ever lost your virginity, and will push to ratify this into officialness somehow just to put you back into the timeline you want to be in.
  2831. >As you continue to attempt to build your skillset and by extent your bragging rights back up, your drive and enthusiasm wilt a little bit.
  2832. >This is absolutely not acceptable; this is what happens to regular people, not you.
  2833. >Double and triple down on your efforts like you usually would have.
  2834. >Even though “usually would have” should be “usually do”.
  2835. >Fuck comeuppance, you’re taking control of this.
  2836. ~
  2837. >And so, the day has arrived after weeks on end of what felt like almost purgatory.
  2838. >You may not like it, but the day is here no matter what you do about it.
  2839. >You had to get yourself a specific bus ticket that would put you en route to a certain training camp, and your agents and whatnot have already been on the phone with you all yesterday and all day today about it about what you need to bring, what you’re going to be eating for a while, etc.
  2840. >Somehow, you managed to keep yourself from ejaculating at any point in recent days, which marks just under two weeks without masturbation.
  2841. >It’s not much, especially not compared to three months or something, but it’ll have to do.
  2842. >You wish you’d be sleeping over at the training camp, to avoid any further run-ins with a certain few ladies.
  2843. >But the less time you spend on campus the better.
  2844. >And they STILL don’t know where your locked up dorm is, so you should be fine.
  2845. >This conclusion is reached at the end of every scenario you think of as you sit on the bus that pulls off.
  2846. >And with your mind off to a comfortable place, you look around at all these other athlete guys on the bus with you.
  2847. >Look at these guys, all cheeky and smiling like they already know eachother.
  2848. >Leaning against their luggage and gym bags conversing to try and connect and make friends with people they will be literally COMPETING with.
  2849. >What the hell is this?
  2850. >What happened to genuine competitiveness? All you see is a bunch of sissies smiling and joking around.
  2851. >Where’s the seriousness? Where’s the promises of absolute vanquishment?
  2852. >Where’s the cold stares of animosity and glares of determination regarding who wants to beat who first?
  2853. >Where’s the “good luck trying to be the best with me around” attitude?
  2854. >Where’s the dedication to the fighting spirit? These guys are a bunch of fucking nosebleeds.
  2855. >A couple of them tried to spark some conversion with you multiple times every several minutes, as if this is show and tell or round-the-circle introductions where everyone describes their favorite food and favorite color.
  2856. >Your favorite food is your opponents.
  2857. >Your favorite color is gold and nothing less.
  2858. >Your favorite number is 1.
  2859. >And you absolutely REFUSE to let any bit of guilt take these traits away from you.
  2860. >Fuck sex, you never lost your virginity. Not like that.
  2861. >You politely lent it away but then took it back by reverting to your old self.
  2862. >Because that’s totally how that works.
  2863. >”Uh, I just asked what your favorite sport is, dude.” The guy trying to talk to you responds. “Are you okay?”
  2864. “Oh I’m fine. I’m perfectly fine. I’m not the one you should be worried about, at least not in that way.” You try to sound as intimidating as you can, to no effect.
  2865. >The other guy cringes. “Uh, sorry to bother you then. Sheesh.”
  2866. >They’re not gonna be chuckling behind your back for long.
  2867. >They’ll be jealously plotting behind your back instead.
  2868. >…
  2869. >Guess you got your arrogance back for now.
  2870. >You’re gonna need it badly.
  2871. >Or else this whole platoon is going to devour you alive; you wouldn’t stand a chance.
  2872. >And your contract would be little more than just a joke.
  2873. >If you wanna make it for real, you gotta pull all the stops.
  2874. >The bus pulls up to the training facility that looks almost like a gigantic factory that supposedly spits out athletes.
  2875. >Oh look, they do quick drug tests before you can even enter.
  2876. >Whatever, you’re clean.
  2877. >Time to spend all day here.
  2878. ~
  2879. >The “athletics instructor” (or coach for short) walks up and down the aisles of lockers, the soles of his shoes beating the polished concrete louder as he approaches.
  2880. >”I should remind you that you are not here because you made it. But you are here because you are not able to make it until you have had the proper training.” He barks under the fluorescent lights.
  2881. >”Sir yes sir!” One guy jokes.
  2882. >”Oh I’m sorry, would you like this to turn into boot camp?” He turns to the culprit. “You probably watched Full Metal Jacket too many times in your life, but I can make this a harder time for you if you want. Be my guest, less time I have to spend getting you into proper shape.”
  2883. >There’s quite a bit of cringe on both ends of this.
  2884. >People outside of the military aren’t exactly good at this, at least from what you know.
  2885. >But you know you’re going to treat this as though it is.
  2886. >If only you didn’t have any reasons to be actually nervous.
  2887. >This wouldn’t be the case if you still had months of nofap under your belt, but it’s only like two weeks now.
  2888. >You haven’t even paid much mind to what this place is supposed to specialize in other than basically be Crystal Prep on (not literal) steroids.
  2889. >Basically the athletics program without any academics attached, and intensified to get you ready for probably the olympics or something.
  2890. >Lockers slam shut and footsteps trample outside to the gym-like room.
  2891. >…
  2892. >”So another new batch already, eh?” Comments the supervisor as he looks down through the window from the high up office.
  2893. >”It was a big batch this time, so we split it in two. Lots of different schools.”
  2894. >”Anyone in particular you wanna showcase?”
  2895. >The agent to whom the supervisor was speaking starts the drift with his eyes as the dozens of young men run laps during their warm-up. “I uh… I’ll let you figure it out for yourself this time. If my intuition is correct, it should be easy to tell which one’s going to be a keeper.”
  2896. >”I’m interested.” The supervisor nods. “Got any hints for me or am I on my own figuring this one out this time?”
  2897. >The legal agent watches his star client pass lots of the other guys in the warm-up laps. “He’s… gonna shine pretty quickly, I’m sure.”
  2898. >Down below, the trainees get into a set formation and begin to do push-ups.
  2899. >Anyone who can’t even make it to 25 push-ups will be disqualified immediately and in turn sent home early with their contracts cancelled.
  2900. >Their coach instructs them on doing everything in a synchronized manner, and is glad once everyone made it past the 30th push-up.
  2901. >No shitbirds here, these young men are serious about completing their training while also being able to do it.
  2902. >By the 40th push-up, a lot of the guys have either stopped on their own merit or failed to keep up and have to sit out the rest of the session with their final number being their score.
  2903. >Almost everyone left stops after making it to 50, except for a small handful of trainees. Literally like three or four of them.
  2904. >The legal agent grins as he continues to watch, and the coach instructing everyone down below slows the pace to squeeze every last bit of effort out of anyone left who actually had the chops to make it to 60 in time.
  2905. >One other guy does his next push up too slow and is required to stop at 64.
  2906. >Someone else stops at 72. And now there’s two left.
  2907. >One guy who looks like he’s sweating and struggling to stay in time with the coach, and other guy who looks rather calm and complacent, confident almost.
  2908. >Everyone watching from the high up office window watches as these final two contestants pry their way to 80 push-ups just in time, and then eventually 90 as they luckily hear the coach slow down the pace once again just to see how far they can truly go.
  2909. >The rest of the group is cheering both of them on, waiting for one (or both) of them to cave.
  2910. >And the guy who is very obviously struggling a lot more than the other starts to see a pool of sweat below his face, but he pushes on anyway.
  2911. >Meanwhile, the calm one inches closer to 100 push ups in sync with the coach with a slight amount of ease left.
  2912. >He stops at 100, half expecting to see the other guy lying on his back already having given up considering how much he was grunting in pain.
  2913. >But there has been no collective reaction from the rest of the group.
  2914. >At least, until they all saw the calmer guy stop.
  2915. >The 2nd place man squints at the struggling guy still going, realizing he should have kept going if he wanted to get the highest score in preliminary exercises.
  2916. >”Looks like we got two stars of the show this time around.” Says the supervisor. “The guy who’s left, is that your guy?”
  2917. >The agent nervously stares down at the young man with less sweat on his brow.
  2918. >Watches him sit there wishing he had kept going instead of underestimated this opponent, realizing he was robbed of his first place spot.
  2919. >The coach continues, impressed at this trainee’s undying persistence that the other guy should have chose to exert from his own body.
  2920. >110… 111… 112… all still in time as the coach calls for the next one.
  2921. >That other trainee who stopped too early has so much potential, didn’t even start tiring as the guy currently in first place began groaning in pain.
  2922. >And he’s smartly saving that potential for the next exercise; the legal agent regrets not signing that guy.
  2923. >”Are you gonna answer me? Is the guy left your guy?”
  2924. >”Yeah. Yeah he is.”
  2925. >”He made it past 120! That’s incredible! The one who stopped at 100 did amazingly too… we have some really good prospects in this round.”
  2926. >To be fair, the guy still going is clearly pretty lightweight, which makes push-ups easier to do overall.
  2927. >But even that is easier to see than how much the last trainee was actually struggling to keep going in comparison to how calm his rival was when finishing.
  2928. >The office window is really high up and far away.
  2929. >…
  2930. >The push-ups were only the first exercise.
  2931. >For the remaining couple of hours, the fitness tests continue, and the initial scores to go by for the rest of the training season are recorded.
  2932. >By the end of it, you know for a fact you cannot go for another day of this.
  2933. >Yes, you got what you wanted: 1st place in all of the initial training exercises. But at a damning cost.
  2934. >But now you have to LIVE UP to that throughout the rest of the several weeks you’re going to come here for.
  2935. >The soreness from 127 push-ups, 30 pull-ups, 60 sit-ups, etc. is going to haunt you the next time you try to do an exercise here.
  2936. >And everyone else already KNOWS this, giving you looks of “yeah, you fucked up, bro”.
  2937. >Anyway, everyone showers, cools off and heads over to the cafeteria after being lectured about how there is only healthy food available here and they should eat similar foods when they leave this place in order to ensure peak performance from now on.
  2938. >No boners in the showers for you; it’s a total sausage fest in there.
  2939. >Relieving, really.
  2940. >You can finally shower without being turned on because being surrounded by so many dudes with dicks immediately cancels any lewd thoughts you might have.
  2941. >Not even a wiggle down there, arousal level remains at a steady, resounding 0.
  2942. >This is great, you should live here.
  2943. >But this program allows you a couple of rest days in between taking the bus back to here and training some more.
  2944. >…
  2945. “Uuuuugh”
  2946. >Stare at the ceiling of your dorm room.
  2947. >The soreness is already overtaking you, and you’re already planning on basically not leaving this room until it’s time to get on the bus once again.
  2948. >Stakes are too high here. One wrong move and you’re stuck in an irreversible situation.
  2949. >All of your time at the training facility should have been a breeze like everything else back in the day.
  2950. >You weren’t expecting to have to run into actual challenges in life in these current days.
  2951. >Is this dorm you’re staying in secure enough to keep your setbacks out?
  2952. >For how long can you barricade yourself in here? Sore as can be despite running on a two week nofap at this point.
  2953. >There’s no way of knowing for sure that you’ll stay safe and untouched in here.
  2954. >It’s still true that you’re far too exhausted to even make a run for it.
  2955. >If you do well enough in the first few weeks with training, then you will get to go live at the facility itself instead of keep coming back to here.
  2956. >That would be ideal, since that place is fairly secure and totally separated from the college campus, a walled in private complex at the other end of a 45+ minute drive.
  2957. >You start to think of different methods pertaining to trying to get the soreness to go away.
  2958. >Can’t really lift weights, so that’s out of the question.
  2959. >As you lie in bed for seemingly hours on end, you figure that your best option is to focus on the cardiovascular front.
  2960. >There luckily weren’t that many leg workouts in the primary tests, and your lungs are fine.
  2961. >With your newfound energy that grows a little every day, going for lots of runs with those dudes you met is the smarter thing to do.
  2962. >You’re not sure exactly how running a lot will help the soreness go away, but it’ll give you something to do and perhaps even enhance your endurance to some degree.
  2963. >Maybe the blood pumping so much will prove tp be a good enough way to relax the muscles enough to be ready to go again two-ish days from now.
  2964. >Plus, you can stay out of the dorm more often.
  2965. >With that, you almost decide to take a shower, but know that it’s a better idea to do that after running.
  2966. >Who the fuck showers right before running?
  2967. >…
  2968. >”So were you the guy who won that bike race back in the district competition?” Your new friend asks you between labored huffs and puffs.
  2969. >There’s a bit of a hesitation before you respond.
  2970. >Don’t really wanna attach yourself to that, knowing how these guys would start seeing you if they heard what you know they heard.
  2971. “Sorry, what?”
  2972. >”The huge bike where the guy from Canterlot City won by a huge amount and then just left everyone else hanging.”
  2973. “Oh, I wasn’t even in that race.” You reply. “Don’t really even know what guy you’re talking about.”
  2974. >”Well one of my friends said he thinks it was you.”
  2975. “Did he?”
  2976. >”Yeah, said you looked familiar. So you like, don’t have a completely black motorcycle outfit?”
  2977. “Heheh, no.” You wheeze, thinking about your completely black motorcycle outfit probably stuffed away in some closet somewhere.
  2978. >Like a skeleton… an exoskeleton.
  2979. >”He got the wrong guy then.”
  2980. >”Hey dude, I might call the pizza place early before we get there. You want pepperoni?” Another college guy says.
  2981. >”Nah dude, we have pepperoni too much. I kinda want sausage this time.”
  2982. “I’ll have the pepperoni part of it if no one else wants it.”
  2983. >”Alright so we got one for pepperoni, that’s either one fourth or one third of the pie. How about you, Fern? You want pepperoni?”
  2984. >”Shit, dude. I dunno. I might.” Fern responds as everyone rounds a street corner.
  2985. >”Well I’m about to call it in, so if you got a preference, make up your mind now.”
  2986. >”Ight, I guess I’ll go for it then.”
  2987. >As you’re approaching the pizza shop downtown, you can’t stop thinking about how many enemies you must have made when showing off to all of those other competitors.
  2988. >Why didn’t you take in to account that some of them from the past may recognize you?
  2989. >Your appearance was indeed concealed for a lot of the time, but some of them saw your face and heard your voice.
  2990. >What if this comes back to haunt you?
  2991. >”Order 66! Who’s order was order 66?” The employee behind the counter come out from the back.
  2992. “Oh, that’s us.” You are the first one to stand up. “That’s ours!” You wave him over.
  2993. >No one in here seems to recognize you so far, but you’re curious to see if that changes at any point in time.
  2994. >This is only one place, and there’s a whole town full of college students, some of whom might have been athletes in the same huge bike race as you some time ago and would remember how to acted in front of them.
  2995. >Come to think of it, Celestia might have had more of a point than you realized.
  2996. >But this still doesn’t stop you from happily wolfing down your pizza slices like there’s no tomorrow.
  2997. >You sure were hungry.
  2998. >Aren’t remorseful people supposed to not have much of an appetite?
  2999. >Or better yet… feel remorseful?
  3000. >Feels like you’ve been coming down off of a high and are now back to realizing the extent of the green pastures that lie ahead of you.
  3001. >”We’re shooting some hoops later. You in?” The original friend you met asks you.
  3002. “I’m still really sore from my training session yesterday. It’s pretty bad. The most I can do is jog around.”
  3003. >”That’s fine.”
  3004. >The lot of you continue eating, and you eventually decide it’s time to go back to your room and rest.
  3005. >…
  3006. >You had looked up online to find that gentle stretching and bags of ice can help with sore muscles.
  3007. >The sooner you get yourself back into straining condition, the better.
  3008. >Those hamstrings aren’t going to stretch themselves.
  3009. >After you’re done showering, you begin.
  3010. >Your entire body feels like it’s locking up on you.
  3011. >Welp, guess you just gotta try and unlock it before the next day you’re supposed to head over to the training complex on the bus arrives.
  3012. >Stretch your arms, your legs, your torso, etc.
  3013. >Let out a few groans and realize that you went through the whole shower without having a single lewd thought.
  3014. >Dang, you really didn’t process that until now, it seems. That’s a hell of a good thing, you might want to keep the momentum of this habit going in your favor.
  3015. >It’s about time.
  3016. >You’ll be falling asleep earlier today since you used up all of your available energy.
  3017. >And so you do.
  3018. >…
  3019. >The rugged growl of the bus’s engine greets you as you walk up to the vehicle.
  3020. >It’s been enough time to minimize the soreness you had brought upon yourself last time.
  3021. >If no one in that pizza place a couple of days ago remembered you, there’s a good amount of certainty someone in the training facility will.
  3022. >As the bus pulls off, you take several deep breaths in preparation for the possible second day of heavy duty exercises ahead of you.
  3023. >The wannabe-psychic side of you wants to prepare for some shit to go down.
  3024. >It’s exciting, really. Like you have to watch out for random ambush attack from your fellow trainees as if it’s like those initiation practices at boot camp.
  3025. >You might as well have something unplanned happening, because there’s nothing else going on in your boring life without real friends.
  3026. >There are those guys you just met, but they don’t know who you are.
  3027. >As for making genuine friends, there’d have to be someone you’re not in the same ring with, lest you be forced to prove yourself before them.
  3028. >It’s weird, but at the same time, it makes sense.
  3029. >You rocked the boat in this turn in your life all you wanted, and now the potential consequences might bite you in the ass, but that’s just a good way to keep you on your toes at all times.
  3030. >No one’s giving you any kinds of suspicious looks as the bus winds down to a stop by the carpool area where everyone is supposed to get off and get ready to head inside.
  3031. >There’s no reason to think this, but you feel like someone might try to jump you and beat you up in the locker room.
  3032. >Heh, your nofap senses are tingling, but that’s all just silly nonsense, it’s only your physique that gets enhanced and overall thinking ability.
  3033. >You don’t get premonition abilities as if there’s magic involved now, right?
  3034. >In the front area of the entrance hall, everyone is lined up and required to do another entry drug test, as per procedure.
  3035. >When it’s your turn, the doctor looking guy taking your temperature widens his eyes as those eyes scan the reader on his device.
  3036. >He swabs your tongue, does a couple of other things that check for evidence of drug use, and seems surprised when he finds absolutely nothing.
  3037. >”Are you running a fever by any chance?” He asks you.
  3038. “Nope. I feel fine.”
  3039. >”You sure? You’re burning up. No headaches, dizziness? Anything?”
  3040. “Nope.” You confidently tell the truth.
  3041. >Without further ado, you take your bag of spare clothes and head on down towards the locker room.
  3042. >The hallway is long and takes a while to get to the other end of.
  3043. >A couple of the other guys seem to be glancing over at you as you pass them.
  3044. >When you enter the locker room, the slamming of locker doors that was pretty frequent stops, like the piano music of an old west saloon ceasing as soon as the new outlaw in town moseys on in with big iron on his hip.
  3045. >The air grows suspiciously quiet, albeit a few whispers you can’t make out the words of.
  3046. >You feel so ready for something to happen, some little voice in your head has been telling you that it’s GOIN DOWN.
  3047. >For seemingly no reason at first, adrenaline pumps through your veins, the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
  3048. >Your animalistic instincts begin to take over.
  3049. >And then, with the slightest sweep across the floor, someone’s tennis shoe sends you into full alert mode with how hastily the movement was.
  3050. >Duck and dodge the hands that were reaching around you.
  3051. >”Now!” One of the guys shouts. “Wait, oh fuck.”
  3052. >You don’t know what possessed you to do this, but you extend your leg back and sweep the leg of the guy behind you who just tried to grab you.
  3053. >He stumbles but doesn’t fall, and a couple of guys right behind him lunge towards you. “Get him , damn it!”
  3054. >Something inside of you has just been activated, and it didn’t come from no Principal or Nurse.
  3055. >So, it has come to this.
  3056. >War mode activated.
  3057. ~
  3058. >It’s just another normal day at the training facility, nothing really seems out of the ordinary.
  3059. >The trainees are doing their usual routines involving sit-ups, laps, wall climbing with the necessary equipment, small sports games, swimming, etc.
  3060. >All is quiet, all is well and making good progress.
  3061. >Until- [loud banging noises]
  3062. >Shouting accompanies it.
  3063. >”Guys, what the fuck, get him already!” From inside the locker rooms.
  3064. >Louder banging ensues seconds later.
  3065. >One of the more no-nonsense coaches slams his clipboard onto the nearby desk and marches on over to investigate the ruckus disrupting everything.
  3066. >The facility’s atmosphere should be back to normal once this is resolved.
  3067. >All these banging noises cannot just be locker doors slamming, there’s too much weight and momentum put into it.
  3068. >The coach starts running now, pushing some of the trainees out of the way in the process of getting over to where he heard the noises come from
  3069. >It was all so loud that the coach could hear it all from clear across the noisy gym.
  3070. >Those yelps and screams are disconcerting.
  3071. >Other guys seem to be cheering almost, some are chanting “fight”.
  3072. >”We got a problem here?” The coach storms in, pushing past the hollering crowd of guys in their late teens and early 20s. “Hey!”
  3073. >The plethora of feuding young men with to-be bruises and redness in their faces don’t even notice the coaches approaching until they’re being pulled away by their arms and collars.
  3074. >The conflict is broken up.
  3075. >”What’s all this?!” The first coach pulls a flailing guy off of another who has blood on his knuckles. “The hell is this shit? What are you doing?”
  3076. >”Bro what the fuck just happened?” A young trainee gasps under his breath and then again louder.
  3077. >All the other guys continue clamoring and pacing around as the guys involved in the locker room fight are herded away in different directions.
  3078. >Barely anyone saw what really happened.
  3079. >But those who did, they just stand there.
  3080. >Wide-eyed and in complete shock of what they witnessed.
  3081. ~
  3082. >Later on.
  3083. >One by one, the trainees who were involved in the scuffle are sat down in separate rooms and inquired regarding what happened and why and who’s fault it is.
  3084. >”Well uh, I guess a couple of guys tried to gang up on one of the new guys and… I tried to break it up.” One lad with an ice packet over a swollen eye starts off.
  3085. >He runs his hand along the back of his head along his dark brown buzz cut hair, massaging the back of his neck before wincing in pain.
  3086. >”I mean, he did hit me too, or someone did, but I swear I was just trying to break it up.”
  3087. >”So who was it who initiated the fight?” The interrogating coach asks in a calm but stern voice.
  3088. >…
  3089. >A second guy with a balled up and bloody handkerchief under his nose refuses to say much in the next room over.
  3090. >His ruffled, messed up up blonde hair hangs over one of his eyes from being thrashed around as tears run down his bruised cheeks.
  3091. >”I was told you were in front of everyone else when this happened.” A separate coach says to him.
  3092. >He just sits there and shakes his head, blankly staring forward in disbelief while sniffling a little.
  3093. >”If you want this to be over sooner you’ll have to tell me the truth, okay?”
  3094. >Another coach places this guy’s wrist onto some ice in a small bucket.
  3095. >Examining the damage done to it.
  3096. >”We might need to get him looked at. It’s sprained, at least.”
  3097. >The first coach sighs with an annoyed look. “The things I put up with.” He mutters.
  3098. >At this moment, the teary-eyed trainee swallows his guilt for a second and speaks up.
  3099. >”N-no one saw what happened, right?”
  3100. >…
  3101. >A third brawler sits in another room with a busted lip and a swollen eye, clutching his ribcage.
  3102. >But he’s pretty pissed off.
  3103. >”So why would you say you acted out in this way? Who else was involved in this? I need names.” A coach sits back down and asks him.
  3104. >”You don’t know the half of the story, man! That asshole’s been asking for it ever since he got here!”
  3105. >”Slow down, son, slow down. I’m going to need you to walk me through every detail in chronological order.”
  3106. >The trainee coughs in his chair.
  3107. >”Do you need some water?”
  3108. >”I’m fine, man.”
  3109. >”You sur-”
  3110. >”I said I’m FUCKING FINE!”
  3111. >”Hey hey hey hey hey, don’t be raising your voice at me. You’re already on thin ice here.”
  3112. >He scoffs at the coach and rolls his eyes, scratching his stubble.
  3113. >The coach sighs. “Look, if you want this to be easier, you’re going to have to cooperate with me and tell me the truth. Do I make myself clear?”
  3114. >”What difference does it make, man? You’re just gonna let him off easy anyway.”
  3115. >”Who else was involved in the assault?”
  3116. >”Just fucking expel me already, man! I don’t even care any more!”
  3117. >…
  3118. >Several hours afterward.
  3119. >”So you’re saying that Reggie’s lying then?” A coach asks the fourth trainee who was obviously involved in the scuffle.
  3120. >”I, uh, I’m not calling him a liar I’m just saying he’s lying.”
  3121. >”Well, isn’t that the same thing? Is he telling the truth or not?”
  3122. >”No, he’s not. He wasn’t trying to break it up, he was in on it too.”
  3123. >The coach starts jotting the information down on his clipboard. “You realize you boys are going to face serious penalties for this, right?”
  3124. >The trainee shamefully nods in the hospital bed, staring at the floor and holding his dislocated shoulder through the sling.
  3125. >”What did… he… say about what happened?”
  3126. >”You’re gonna have to be more specific. Who?”
  3127. >…
  3128. >Back to several hours beforehand when it was about 45 minutes or so after the fight.
  3129. >You sit in the office chair.
  3130. >”So you’re saying they all came at you and attacked you first?” The coach asks you.
  3131. “Yeah.”
  3132. >”And there were about five of them, all attacking you at once.” He gives you a look.
  3133. “Well what do you want me to tell you?”
  3134. >”You uh, mind actually telling me what happened? I want you to be honest with me. I’m not in the mood to waste any more of my time here.”
  3135. “Ask everyone else! They saw. Those guys came at me for no reason!”
  3136. >The coach gives you another look, examining your complete lack of bruises or any kind of injuries.
  3137. >He doesn’t believe a word you’re saying.
  3138. “I’m telling you the truth! I did absolutely nothing wrong.”
  3139. >”That huge fight happened, against you, and you came out of it completely unscathed?”
  3140. “Well /I/ didn’t start the fight.” You lightly gesture your opened hand at your chest like a singer or bitchy soccer mom. “I did nothing wrong here. I was just defending myself.”
  3141. >”Sure.” The coach sarcastically responds to you. “Look, I want this to be over just as much as you do but you’re going to have to be completely honest with me. It’ll make this easier for both of us.”
  3142. “And I am.”
  3143. >”I’m sorry but I find it awfully hard to believe they were all against you, and you walked out of that without a single bruise. Is there something you’d like to tell me?”
  3144. >You shrug back at him, unable to actually explain what’s really going on.
  3145. >…
  3146. >It’s a good thing a lot of the bystanders got the chance to give their account too.
  3147. >Otherwise, you might have been completely kicked out instead of just suspended.
  3148. >All the other guys were only suspended as well, since there’s not a solid enough case to get them expelled.
  3149. >You were all punished equally.
  3150. >What a load of bullshit.
  3151. >But whatever.
  3152. ~
  3153. >For some reason, whether or not you were being watched in your dorm room hasn’t been an issue for you anymore ever since the suspension.
  3154. >Something’s different now.
  3155. >It’s like a dark cloud that was hanging over you has decided to fuck off ever since you unexpectedly acted out in the way you did.
  3156. >And here you are now.
  3157. >Working out like you always do, texting your new buddies about your dumb little locker room fight.
  3158. >Withhold most of the details because they’d think you’re making it up if you simply tell them the truth.
  3159. >It’s a blessing and a curse to win that hard but not be able to seriously brag about it on account of no one believing you.
  3160. >There’s a couple of new college friends you’ve gathered over the weeks leading up to now.
  3161. >And you’ll be able to actually start spending time with them.
  3162. >Since, well, you know. Suspended from training for a week.
  3163. >Boring life with friends leads you to right outside a bar you’re not old enough to enter yet.
  3164. >But it’s fine because there’s this girl you now know who’s old enough to enter and also get you beers from the store to bring to parties.
  3165. >Her name’s Spitfire.
  3166. >Really athletic type girl, and really your type.
  3167. >Your first true introduction to her is at a restaurant table with a couple of the guys.
  3168. >”So even our OWN team members avoided passing her the ball. Because she’d always kick it so hard that it’d go clear across the street and I’m like ‘girl you don’t have to kick the ball that damn hard every time’ but she didn’t care. I dunno what her problem was.” The girl concludes the story she was telling.
  3169. >”Couldn’t you have kicked her off the team?” A guy asks.
  3170. >”Not a good enough reason. Like, what would I say? Gee that girl’s scoring the goals too good, guess we better cut her from the team?”
  3171. >”I think the context does it better justice.”
  3172. >”It MIGHT. Though… I don’t think the principal would have been on my side anyway.”
  3173. >Another guy mentions something about how you’re kind of the same way with overdoing it in sports, based off of your most recent basketball match with them.
  3174. >You stare at him after he says it.
  3175. >He just shrugs back at you with a friendly smile, obviously not serious or expecting you to take it seriously.
  3176. >So you water down your reaction to avoid making a scene and turn back to Spitfire.
  3177. >”Well, surely you’re not THAT bad right?” She asks you.
  3178. “I uh… I got my way of doing things.”
  3179. >The guy snickers.
  3180. “What? Why don’t you go ahead and tell her my whole workout routine while you’re at it.”
  3181. >”Dude you’re the one who spent a whole hour telling us all about how you beat up five guys at once in a fuckin’ locker room.” He rebuts.
  3182. >Yeah uh… you might have given more details than you’d like to admit to yourself.
  3183. >Spitfire doesn’t seem to take any interest in that story, as though she already doesn’t believe it.
  3184. >You kind of shook your head at what the guy said anyway as though he were exaggerating something or making it up entirely.
  3185. >”He’d so kick the ball all the way across town.” Another guy says. “Prolly break a window too”
  3186. “Hey don’t tempt me, man. You’d be the one running after it anyway. I ain’t going after that thing unless you’re racing me to it.”
  3187. >”Oh my god that is exactly something I’d expect Rainbow to say!” Spitfire almost spits out her drink. “You sound like, just like her.” She starts laughing under her breath.
  3188. “Well how good is she at soccer?” Could I beat her at it?”
  3189. >”Oh, really god. Really good. She’s got mad skills for sure.” Spitfire tells you. “Goes to this college too I think.”
  3190. >Secretly, you already know whom she’s talking about.
  3191. >It’s literally the girl you switched dorm rooms with.
  3192. >What a fucking coincidence this is; but you’re not going to let these people know.
  3193. >Still gotta keep yourself low on everyone’s radar and all that.
  3194. >Maybe the guilt will stop getting to you completely one day, but it’s still living in the back of your mind for the time being.
  3195. >Then you can stop being so careful and just have fun again.
  3196. >”We should play sometime so you can show me how good you are.”
  3197. “At soccer?”
  3198. >”Yeah. I mean, you ARE good at soccer, a-”
  3199. “Yup.” You instantly respond, holding true to yourself that you’re good at absolutely everything you try.
  3200. >When your suspension is brought up, so is the fabled locker room fight once more, and Spitfire actually begins to inquire on how it went where you ended up getting suspended.
  3201. >You’re sure to twist the story around this time to make it sound more realistic and less… bombastic.
  3202. >A couple of the guys say some shit like ‘that’s not what you told me” to which you respond saying they’re remembering it wrong and that they’d suck at that telephone whispering game.
  3203. >In any case, no soccer match even happens today and you just go back to your dorm to relax.
  3204. >Already did all your lifting earlier and loosening up while letting your guard down would feel even better now.
  3205. >Too bad there’s nothing cool on TV anymore.
  3206. >It is not fair how much money professional athletes make in a year, it cannot be, it cannot be fair.
  3207. >Not compared to a professional business worker slaving away behind a desk every work day of the year with very few resting periods.
  3208. >Even the bosses have to do a lot of stuff in this company.
  3209. >The (so far) sad tale of Ms. Harshwhinny.
  3210. >Albeit so far, before it changed for the better after contact with that one high school principal.
  3211. >Even for the people in suits, the athletics business can be so tiring.
  3212. >It all just depends on what you're used to dealing with.
  3213. >Having to deal with endless paperwork and personality clashes between athletes and upcoming athletes isn't something Ms Harshwhinny would have looked forward to when she was in high school and college.
  3214. >Used to believe a steadfast work ethic would have gotten her a good position in an easy job.
  3215. >As if all the work one does in high school and college would be like getting the difficult part out of the way and smooth sailing would be waiting for you by your 30s with sufficient wealth to come with it all.
  3216. >But as it turns out, the harder you work in school, the harder they make you work once you get an adult career in most cases.
  3217. >Going to a higher level college because of good grades requires you to have to do more to meet the university standards because you proved you had what it takes to work harder than your high school peers.
  3218. >Less lazy, more obedient, less likely to get things wrong or screw it up.
  3219. >A good, hard worker who's already used to not having fun.
  3220. >Not under the foolish belief that they're supposed to hold off until some light at the end fo the tunnel or anything.
  3221. >That sort of concept is never taken into account.
  3222. >Ms. Harshwhinny slaved her way through AP classes in high school without even finding a social group to be a part of.
  3223. >Seminar courses in college proved to me even more essays and research papers than she had expected, along with lots of math and little bits of law school thrown into things mostly in spirit or essence.
  3224. >Every day was a cloudy day for her, even when it was sunny outside.
  3225. >Because her clouds were the ceilings with the sun beneath them being the overhead fluorescent lights of the library or break room or wherever.
  3226. >Sometimes the lights from her daytime (and even some nighttime) jobs she had to work in order to stay in school for as long as she did.
  3227. >It's not even that she never got to party, she never even got to make friends with anyone who partied.
  3228. >Her entire personality developed itself into her work and stress dominated life, always trying to stay one step ahead of everyone else in the most bitter and competitive way possible.
  3229. >There was no fun to be had but it was too late to go back.
  3230. >Ms Harshwhinny worked her way up the ranks in business school to make her own light at the end of the tunnel if there wasn't already one waiting for her like she previously hoped back when she was naive.
  3231. >Every day is her being surrounded by dull office buildings, water tanks to drink from, printers, copy and fax machines, those long blinds that offices tend to often have, that one plant out in the lobby that gets less vibrant every day, plastic surfaces of the tables in break rooms, unhealthy vending machines that would cost pocket change to take from anyway, and so on.
  3232. >She's gotten so used to working in the office that she can name everything off the top of her head by heart now.
  3233. >Though, both her head and heart are somewhere else half the time, somewhere she cannot go on her own due to work restricting any freedom she has.
  3234. >She lives in the office, comparing it to the dorm rooms she used to see the guys and girls go up and down together either to parties out in town or back to their dorms to fuck like animals then feel like they didn't need anything further in life.
  3235. >She vowed to show them all.
  3236. >To show them that she did not waste away by not joining any of them; if only there were other people in this college who felt the same way as her.
  3237. >And not just feel the same way.
  3238. >But actually empathize in a sense of sharing the same type of history in their lives as her.
  3239. >Every time someone pictures a virgin, it's usually a smelly guy in his 20s or 30s posting MS Paint propaganda from his computer to show people he wants to drag down to his level that he's a winner in life because someone he admires found success in something that somehow vicariously passes down to him because his manically depressed brain says so.
  3240. >Not some responsible business woman in her 40s working a boring 9 to 5 desk job in the athletics industry every single day staring document after document with circles under her eyes.
  3241. >Whose only computer time consists of professional emails, creating charts and graphs, writing up reports, collecting data on which trainees at that facility show the most likelihood to go far in football or whatever sport that exists today, looking up addresses during phone calls, maintaining attention to websites for various reasons, among other things that require sitting in the office chair all day long and letting her once sleek form soften and widen out.
  3242. >Some of the emails she types serve to fire employees who didn't "measure up" because she's literally their boss.
  3243. >If she has to pull strings or tell someone to their face that she has to let them go, she'll do it.
  3244. >Life has already been proven to be useless and dull her her, seeing other people be happy when she's not just whirls her spite into a frenzy like nothing else.
  3245. >Except one other things that does, but that's something she keeps a complete secret, something that exists in practically everyone's human nature that Ms Harshwhinny never addressed during the entire duration of her boring life thus far.
  3246. >Something she ignored by speaking eloquently or walking with a hint of aggression from one side of the office to another when monitoring the workers, something that could get her in trouble but not as easily as most people since she has a little bit of power in this world.
  3247. >She doesn't want to give up this power, not after she actually managed to get it in the first place and prove those college peers who were having fun wrong.
  3248. >Yes, not only were they having fun AND wrong, but they were having fun... the wrong way.
  3249. >It wasn't productive.
  3250. >It was surrounded by colorful Christmas lights lining the corners of the room and loud music that sounded nothing like the dignified classical pieces.
  3251. >These students, even many on the roster in the top ranked school in the nation many years ago, has no true class in this world.
  3252. >And they were just like the students at this lesser college that Ms. Harshwhinny now works in association with.
  3253. >The ones who were… supposed… to be losers in life once they were done peaking in high school.
  3254. >...
  3255. >Clipboard in hand, Ms Harshwhinny walks across the length of the office and glances down the aisles of desks with computers and wage workers operating them.
  3256. >The hum of the lights mix with the pitter patter of the keyboards and phones ringing.
  3257. >The thin carpet beneath her feet is clean enough, the small and high up windows shine light into the place from the cloudy day outside.
  3258. >Any conversation in the office has to be work related, lest someone start slacking and let the branch fall behind.
  3259. >Everyone has to be on top of everything, just like how the athletes a tiny amount of the data represents have to stay no the top of their game.
  3260. >Ms. Harshwhinny straightens her suit and lets out a lethargic sigh as she imagines what it would have been like if she just became an athlete herself.
  3261. >It would have been so much simpler, less to remember, more fun and obviously more partying involved.
  3262. >In fact, more fun would be inevitable because athletes play GAMES.
  3263. >But it's too late to do that now.
  3264. >Too old and caught up in this life to start, now all these young guys and girls almost 20 years younger than her get to make it while she already made it in a way she didn't realize she didn't want.
  3265. >Remember the money professional athletes make?
  3266. >It is not fair how much money professional athletes make in a year, it cannot be, it cannot be fair.
  3267. >Not compared to a professional business worker slaving away behind a desk every work day of the year with very few resting periods.
  3268. >The RIGHT kind of professional.
  3269. >Mr. or Mrs. kicks-the-ball or push-the-teammate lives in a brand spanking new mansion with nationwide media coverage, good looks and physique, gets paid to PLAY GAMES.
  3270. >Ms Harshwhinny never got to have fun when she was younger, thinking everyone else would have the stress catch up to them.
  3271. >And she was mostly right, except for those few who ended up getting paid to have fun just like they did when they were her age.
  3272. >And now they're making MORE money than her despite having gotten so many Fs in 9th grade math class a decade ago.
  3273. >They were winners then and they're winners now, but Ms. Harshwhinny is going to show them all that she will claim her long awaited and deserved victories now that she's built up her adult career with more responsibility than any of them could muster in one limb, one appendage, perhaps.
  3274. >One solitary brain cell, even.
  3275. >Some of these football players are dumb as a fucking stump.
  3276. >They have such towering, well built statures, trapezius muscles, sculpted faces, strong voices, all-day stamina, sex drives on the same levels of porn stars, and yet it's like they have two and a half brain cells left in their skulls.
  3277. >The... source... of all of Ms. Harshwhinny's problems with the world around her won't even be considered by these young men, for they only want to associate with really thin and young college girls their own age.
  3278. >That's where her power comes in.
  3279. >That power she's too hesitant to risk losing, but everything has been stagnant for far too long.
  3280. >That same whir of the fax machines, the feeling of the ball point pen in her hand, the clicking of the office doors and they lock and unlock, the buzzing of her alarm in the morning, the droning of her car engine as it starts up in the rainy cold, the smell of the doughnuts an employee brought in again to try and cheer everyone up, this task and that task, this paycheck and that paycheck, "there was a fly in the workspace the other day so that was kind of interesting I guess, what an episode that was" it's all the same story every day.
  3281. >This is what she worked all these years for?
  3282. >Is she ever going to get some action in life?
  3283. >With some of these really tall strong men entering her building to get things straightened out with their paperwork whenever they have to sign a new contract, get some venues booked, work out the medical complications of an injury report, get out of trouble they got themselves into, redo their filling out of the NFL draft papers, figure out how much their pay is going to change after joining a new team or whether or not they want to become a coach after retiring from actually playing the GAME they were paid to play.
  3284. >Her life might as well have already ended, and this is a diet version of hell.
  3285. >A quiet, dull, monochrome, stressful, exhausting, eventless diet version of hell and it's just not obvious.
  3286. >And this hell has monsters, except the monsters are locked up inside the people.
  3287. >And Ms. Harshwhinny's monster is itching to break out of its cage.
  3288. >"Ms. Harshwhinny?" The sheepish assistant's voice calls into the room.
  3289. >"Hm?" She replies in a low, saxophone-sounding voice.
  3290. >"Would you like me to buzz in Principal Cadance from Crystal Prep High School now?"
  3291. >Annoyed with no idea who this person is, Ms. Harshwhinny accepts.
  3292. >"What could this person possibly want?" She think abut all the other work she has to do today after this is out of the way.
  3293. >…
  3294. >You and Spitfire happened to run into eachother at one of the cafeteria areas on campus one day about a week or so later.
  3295. >A week or so of you continuing your ordeal without any further failure.
  3296. >And you’ve been entering the point where it’s really starting to get to you with a stinging sense of discomfort.
  3297. >”Is everything good?”
  3298. “Hm?”
  3299. >”You seem really on edge, man.” Spitfire says to you. “Like, you’re really, tense and stuff.”
  3300. “Well it’s not that bad is it?”
  3301. >”I guess not but you gotta relax more.” Spitfire watched how fast you’re eating your food. “Dude you’re gonna give yourself a stomach ache eating that fast.”
  3302. >You laugh awkwardly and look down at your plate.
  3303. >There was a whole mountain of meatloaf right there just a couple of minutes ago.
  3304. “I guess I’m just hungry. Sorry.”
  3305. >”Are you always hungry?”
  3306. “Not all the time, no.”
  3307. >”Either way, you gotta pace yourself. Otherwise, you’re gonna feel full now and then be hungry later cuz you ate all wrong.”
  3308. >The two of you finish eating in the cafeteria area then go back outside.
  3309. >”Trust me, I know what I’m talking about. I coached a whole soccer team and I’m majoring in health. They tell you this stuff right away, even in high school when you’re not in college.”
  3310. “I uh, didn’t really pay attention in health class.” You confess.
  3311. >”Alright well it wouldn’t hurt to try pacing yourself next time. You might not be able to tell now, but it’s gonna fuck up your digestive system and stuff over time because humans aren’t built that way.”
  3312. “I guess I could try something new.” You respond with less tension in your voice now that your stomach is full and one need is finally satisfied.
  3313. >But something else is in the process of eating away at you on the inside and you have to ignore it until it starves to death again.
  3314. >The conversation basically kept going this way until you ultimately stood your ground that eating really fast was no big deal and that your body was special somehow and could handle it.
  3315. >For reasons you would not tell her.
  3316. >She keeps giving you a look.
  3317. >Not a smile or frown, at least not either or, but somehow both of those.
  3318. >”Anyway, you need a ride back to your dorm? You’re on the other side of campus, right?”
  3319. “Oh I can walk it.”
  3320. >”You sure? It’ll be a lot faster if I drive you. And you’ll probably give yourself a cramp if you walk that far on a full stomach. It’s happened to me a lot back in the day when I was running track before I knew better.”
  3321. >You think about anything suspicious that could be happening at your dorm right now.
  3322. >Someone who probably knows you walk everywhere and that you won’t likely be back until about another 30 minutes from now.
  3323. >Might as well give anyone potentially snooping around some kind of a surprise.
  3324. “Alright, cool. I don’t mind you driving me.” You reverse your decision out of fake bravery.
  3325. >”Super. My car’s right over there.”
  3326. >Spitfire leads you to a red sports car that looks like it’s a cross between a corvette and a mustang.
  3327. “That’s your car?”
  3328. >”Yeah. It’s a bit flashy I know, I couldn’t really help myself.”
  3329. “Oh I love it. I just didn’t know you had that kind of money.”
  3330. >”Oh I don’t. It’s just a rental. University sometimes works out a deal with people getting into sports.”
  3331. “Oh that’s right.”
  3332. >”Yeah, I thought you’d know that already. Hop in!”
  3333. >The car itself seems brand new on the inside despite being what you’re assuming is a model from somewhere between 5 and 10 years ago.
  3334. >Smells new inside as well.
  3335. >And with that, Spitfire locks the doors and switches on the engine.
  3336. >It roars.
  3337. >The heads of multiple students turn towards the direction of the roar of the engine as Spitfire takes off with you riding shotgun.
  3338. >The food in your stomach starts to become a problem like an overcrowded submarine.
  3339. >It's in this moment, when Spitfire makes sure to exit the cramped part of town in favor of the part with longer roads with more gradual turns, do you begin to suspect that she may be doing this on purpose.
  3340. >Because your dorm is in the other direction from where Spitfire is going.
  3341. "Uh, Spitfire?"
  3342. >"Yeah?"
  3343. >You go ahead and explain that she's going to wrong way, to which she responds that it's already too late to turn around and that the long way is the only way to take.
  3344. >You don't tell her about everything sloshing around in your stomach, on account of not wanting to admit you were wrong five minutes ago when you said to her that it's fine that you ate so fast.
  3345. >She probably knows this too.
  3346. >Welp, you shouldn't have walked into this.
  3347. >Or rather sat down into it.
  3348. >The sports car rounds a few turns with just enough force on you to make the seatbelt have to lock before you lean to the side too much to hit your head.
  3349. >"Which dorm place you said you were going to again?"
  3350. "What?"
  3351. >"Where's your dorm, dude? I forgot."
  3352. "Other side!"
  3353. >"Of campus, right? It's not the middle halls?"
  3354. "Yeah it's the other side of campus."
  3355. >The steering wheel is spun almost as quickly as the wheels with tires on the asphalt.
  3356. >A tiny amount of smoke comes up from the skidding.
  3357. >Your seatbelt inevitably locks and you keep your mouth tightly shut.
  3358. >Holding on tightly.
  3359. >Oh she really is trying to prove you wrong, isn't she?
  3360. >The U-turn Spitfire makes might not have been allowed according to driving laws, but that's the least of your concerns.
  3361. >"Anyway yeah like I was saying before we ate, dune buggies are fun as hell." She picks up on the conversation you had already forgotten about.
  3362. >Oh right, you were small-talking to her about dune buggies and ATVs and motorbikes and stuff after you ran into eachother when getting your food at the cafeteria.
  3363. >You had barely been paying attention, but you kind of have to now to take your mind off of your full stomach.
  3364. >"They're a LOT more fun than actual cars. Anything that can catch air is the right pick for me. But it kinda helped me drive this thing better too. Even though it's mostly not the same."
  3365. "You were at the beach right?"
  3366. >"Well not the beach here. A larger one up north. They had to make hills out of it somehow."
  3367. "Are you sure people are allowed to make racing tracks right next to the water?"
  3368. >"It wasn't right next to the water, dummy. Remember?"
  3369. >Shit, now you CAN'T pretend you had been paying attention.
  3370. >"Like, there was a fenced off area I guess. One that stopped you from getting really close to the water. But I dunno if having one up to the water isn't allowed but that'd be pretty awesome!"
  3371. >The tires of the sports car almost grind up against a nearby curb.
  3372. >She somehow swerves away at the precisely correct time.
  3373. >Is competitive driving something you still need to practice for despite being in this unique state of physique?
  3374. >Your estimate is a hard yes, which feels like the only reasonable answer.
  3375. >Spitfire makes you sway back and forth in your seat over and over again.
  3376. >The vehicle accelerates down a long stretch of road through the trees you've never driven down before.
  3377. >But this road most likely intersects with the road the training facility bus you rode on goes every day.
  3378. >In fact, it definitely does, you managed to put that together in your head.
  3379. "Why are we going even further from campus?" You start to joke. "You kidnapping me or something?"
  3380. >"Ah, not quite. Just felt like having a little fun since we were talking about dune buggies and stuff."
  3381. >Riiiiiight.
  3382. >Spitfire evidently doesn't shy away from going hardcore on those who run their mouth around her too much.
  3383. >Claiming things she doesn't think they're capable of.
  3384. >Honestly, you kinda like that, given your history of obsessing over surprising people after goading them into underestimating you like you're an edgy anime OC a middle schooler made.
  3385. "So where are we going, then?"
  3386. >"Just tryin' d-find a way back, dude!" She blares enthusiastically.
  3387. >She's just waiting for you to ask her to slow down.
  3388. "You gonna slow down?" You (somewhat) concede anyway.
  3389. >"Gettin' carsick?"
  3390. "Nah I just don't wanna crash."
  3391. >"Don't worry, I'm really good at this."
  3392. "Don't want you to get a ticket either."
  3393. >Needless to say, this continues on for longer than it should have.
  3394. >Does this girl think her life is an RPG game or something?
  3395. >"I should probably wait till it's night to show you the REAL tricks I got in store."
  3396. "Like making tire doughnuts in the parking lot?"
  3397. >Fuck, don't think about food.
  3398. >"There's a party this weekend, I'll show you then if you want. We got lots of further places to go so we're not in the school's way or anything."
  3399. >After you agree, she starts to casually drive you back to the dorm building she already knows the location of.
  3400. >Figures.
  3401. >Even though the half-sarcastic smugness, you can sense some sort of welcoming-ness to Spitfire's demeanor.
  3402. >That and the fact that she somehow wants something to do with you to begin with.
  3403. >Why would she get this chummy (with whatever banter this is supposed to be) with you in the first place?
  3404. >You didn't have this thing about you before you came to college.
  3405. >And you only noticed this after your time at the all-guys training camp, where none of them were anywhere near this friendly towards you, despite some mean-ness being mixed in.
  3406. >Spitfire really doesn't seem like she would want to punch you or anything.
  3407. >If she wanted to make you puke that way she would have just punched you in the stomach before you got in the car.
  3408. >...
  3409. >"I had a lot of fun."
  3410. "Same." You clumsily hobble out of the car with sweat on your brow and green cheeks.
  3411. >You still feel like you're moving around a little bit too much from the sudden stillness after being thrashed around in the speeding sports car so much.
  3412. >The food in your stomach isn't sitting too well but you're managing to hold it all in despite everything.
  3413. >Spitfire is watching you, looking almost impressed with your resilience.
  3414. >One of your dorm building neighbors comes out and waves to you.
  3415. >Put on the best face you can and pretend you're not cramping and aching in pain like a motherfucker as Spitfire tells you something.
  3416. "Hm?"
  3417. >"See you at the party, dude. I'll text you the address."
  3418. "Cool."
  3419. >She's watching to see if you can hold everything in your cramped stomach.
  3420. >Fuck, why did you let her do this to you?
  3421. >You'd be enjoying this a lot more had you not been so caught by surprise.
  3422. >The sports car's engine roars once more before Spitfire drives away while you walk inside trying to act all cool about your stomach hurting like your guts are being ripped out by zombies.
  3423. >"Damn, are you two like...?" Your neighbor begins to allude as though you're some suave ladies man.
  3424. "Ah, we were just hanging out and stuff. She's a neat gal." You hide the anguish in your voice, slowly realizing how pissed off at her you are for forcing you to prove the stupid point you made that's still wrong anyway.
  3425. >But there's something about her toughness on you that you really like.
  3426. >And there's clearly something about you that's gotten her extremely comfortable around you out of nowhere, and you have no idea what it is because it's brand new as far as you're concerned.
  3427. >It feels almost... intentional, but still outside of Spitfire's control somehow.
  3428. >And especially outside of your control.
  3429. >…
  3430. >Life in exile or rather “exile” could definitely be worse.
  3431. >It’s not exactly like you’re waiting for it to end.
  3432. >Just like every other time you showed someone how good you are at something, you showed Spitfire your ‘sick soccer skillz’™.
  3433. >It sure was something.
  3434. >At least, that’s how you’d rather put it.
  3435. >A couple of the other guys with whom you were playing seemed to turn their noses up to your playing and pretend it wasn’t that great.
  3436. >Even though you scored like six goals in total, against those same guys who were genuinely laying against you.
  3437. >It’s not like they were letting you score those goals, they were trying to score their own.
  3438. >And now you watch them sit there on the bench “agreeing” with eachother that you’re just an okay player.
  3439. >Like, you already know it’s bullshit, and they know it too, but they probably think you’re too gullible to figure it out for yourself without them spilling the beans.
  3440. >They lost by five points.
  3441. >But here they are acting like the points you scored didn’t mean as much as the point they scored.
  3442. >But for the first time, Spitfire is here with you guys, and saw your playing.
  3443. >This girl was visually amazed, running her hand through her orange hair and widening her eyes after seeing how accurately you can kick towards the upper corner of the goal while still maintaining enough force to send the ball flying over to it like a speeding bullet.
  3444. >She looked like she hadn’t seen such level of playing before, but no one else reflected this sentiment.
  3445. >These other guys, these “friends” of yours start talking about another guy you’ve never heard of and how much they like him better.
  3446. >Someone they’ve never mentioned until they saw you play, and then he suddenly appears into existence like magic.
  3447. >And of course, he goes to a different college, so it’s not like you can play against him or anything.
  3448. >A little hard to keep directly bullshitting with the rules over and over again.
  3449. >Starting to feel like it doesn’t matter how good you are at soccer, these jagoffs are going to go out of their way to play favorites with other people just to spite you for having too much faith in yourself.
  3450. >Like, seriously, what the fuck is their problem? They are the only people you’ve ever seen do this shit, let alone so blatantly.
  3451. >They can’t beat you and there’s no way they’re able to cheat, so they sit there and play pretend as some automatic compensation mechanism.
  3452. >If there was a trophy, you imagine they’d be doing everything they can to make you feel bad for having it.
  3453. >Is this how all college campuses have people play soccer outside of actual tournaments with set rules?
  3454. >All you have to do is kiss ass and people will act like you’re better than all the players better than you who didn’t kiss ass?
  3455. >What is this, Hollywood? Tumblr? Fuck things being that easy.
  3456. >It’s like those fans on Twitter who pretend Drake’s music is better because he’s so cute and wholesome despite Kanye’s music being admittedly less bad than Drake’s music.
  3457. >Anyway, that’s a much more subjective example anyway, you and your team officially won by five fucking points and the others obviously acknowledge you did but wanna act like you didn’t.
  3458. >Not a lot of soccer games even end with a five point lead as far as you know.
  3459. >They’re gonna start trying to change the rules and expect you to follow them, you can feel it.
  3460. >[insert detailed speech or whatever about how one side being in the wrong about one thing doesn’t automatically make the other side completely (or even very much at all) in the right]
  3461. >After all is said and done, you won a couple of soccer games and then went back to doing nothing in your dorm room avoiding schoolwork as you do.
  3462. ~
  3463. >The night of the party comes up almost more immediately than you expected.
  3464. >The air is warm enough to not need a jacket, not even this late at night.
  3465. >When you make it there, there’s your usual bunch of cars at the side of the house and clusters of random college people with their red plastic cups we’re all familiar with.
  3466. >Just showed up in a T-shirt and pair of jeans, since you never really thought much about how much of an impression you’d make at a party instead of a sports game.
  3467. >It’s just never really crossed your mind that way and honestly won’t for a long time.
  3468. >Spitfire immediately recognizes you and calls you over to the wooden balcony she and everyone else are hanging out on.
  3469. >”I was wondering when you were going to show up, dude. Never really took you for the no-show type.”
  3470. “You know me. Fashionably late and forgetful.” You reply, then add, “With addresses at least. GPS gave me a bit of a hassle on the way over.”
  3471. >You could easily get in trouble for being here, due to some laws and college rules, but you’ve already seen enough to know that no one really checks IDs at these events or places.
  3472. >The first sport you manage to see at the place is beer-pong.
  3473. >No one challenges you to a match, and you’re glad that’s not the case because there don’t even seem to be any rules to this one.
  3474. >Does anyone even create a set of rules to beer-pong?
  3475. >Whatever, you’re too busy trying to have fun instead of think about sports to want to give that a try anyway.
  3476. >Some dude in a band T-shirt keeps falling over almost taking the entire lightweight table with him every time he’s careens towards the carpet below in the living room.
  3477. >If he isn’t drunk, then you don’t even know what the term means.
  3478. >The longer you stay here, the more you realize there’s fucking nothing to do.
  3479. >Stand there, drink, stand there, talk about last week’s party, stand there, complain about shitty professor, stand there, watch videos on your phone with a couple of people.
  3480. >You don’t mind standing so much since it’s less than your usual routine you put your legs through.
  3481. >As for everyone else’s feet, shouldn’t they be getting tired and hurting by now?
  3482. >Cool, you downed another can of beer and sang along to that new Adele song that came out very off-tune from the original voice, that was sure a wild six minutes wasn’t it?
  3483. >Now what?
  3484. >Or right, everyone sings along to the next song.
  3485. >At least this part is kind of fun, because you get to laugh at how silly everyone is being.
  3486. >But nothing truly interesting is happening.
  3487. >Half of these guys look so tired from having to be up all day going to lectures.
  3488. >The blushing drunken faces show the weakness you sensed in them, the way the stand is nothing more than them trying to stay on their feet so they can keep trying to pick up girls with double chins and fake blonde hair who’ll annoy them every day if they started dating.
  3489. >You know, maybe their feet really do hurt and they just won’t admit it because they wanna be tough.
  3490. >Everyone has this trampoline set up next to the balcony.
  3491. >Fucking finally, now we’re talking.
  3492. >With your eyes set on the first actually interesting thing you’ve seen all night, you go up to the balcony where a couple of other drunk guys collected trying to figure out how to get over the railing and down into the parking lot area as if they’re indestructible movie protagonists.
  3493. >While these low energy fucks think they are, you KNOW you are.
  3494. >A couple of stacked up mattresses set up even closer to the balcony break one guy’s fall who just dropped off of the railing like a dead fly instead of making a true attempt to get tot he trampoline.
  3495. >The second guy makes it to the trampoline, and hits the net around the far side that catches him as a couple of college girls to the side cover their mouths in horror waiting for someone to get seriously injured.
  3496. >And you have a feeling that someone could easily be you given the stunt you want to pull.
  3497. >You step up to the railing acting like a gymnast, raising your arms like you’re about to pull some serious acrobatics.
  3498. >Bend your knees to the imaginary drum roll in your head that is cut off by the loud snapping sound of the railing breaking.
  3499. >Your feet hit the broken wood on top of the edge of the balcony, but your knees bend even more to break the landing there and then propel you deep into the air as the guy who lives here throwing the party puts his hands on his head as he realizes he’s definitely not getting his fucking security deposit back.
  3500. >Do a flip through the air and land on your feet on the elastic of the trampoline, almost sure you’re going to feet the grass and asphalt below hit your feet through the material.
  3501. >A half second later, you are catapulted into the air towards the pitch black night sky.
  3502. >And over the net, unfortunately.
  3503. >A couple of girls scream, a couple of guys holler, and your hands miraculously find themselves able to latch onto a thick tree branch you flew far enough to be able to reach.
  3504. >At this point, life might as well be a video game because you did not plan any of this shit.
  3505. >Though, you didn’t count of the branch breaking either, or for you to land on the hood of someone’s car, making the car alarm go off.
  3506. >Yup, party’s over. At least for the next hour or so.
  3507. >When the college students go around the fence you flew over to see what the fuck happened, you have suspiciously disappeared.
  3508. >Oh, not very far, though.
  3509. >Just out of that same parking lot then down the street, then around the corner, then down the next two blocks, then past the gas station, then up the next street for about a mile until you reached science building on campus, then down a perpendicular street away from the general direction of the party, then down a couple more blocks where your dorm building magically appears for some weird reason.
  3510. >Yeah, you didn’t go far at all.
  3511. >Spitfire was the only one at the party you recognized, so if she vouches for your “absence” then you’re pretty much good to go.
  3512. >You might not have known her enough to have her trust you that much, but you at least saw one drunk guy fumbling with his phone trying to record the event but drop it off the edge of railing as soon as reached the door the the balcony.
  3513. >You wonder who you’d have to see in the athletics department for further disciplinary action should you get in trouble for this.
  3514. >Either Spitfire will cover for you or you might have the take an expulsion in someone’s office.
  3515. ~
  3516. >…
  3517. >”I’m sorry but I’m afraid there is no way we can shorten your suspension.” The lady behind the desk says to you.
  3518. >It was quite bold of you in the first place to come here asking for a shortened suspension while the whole thing with the party could be going on.
  3519. >It’s like on those comedy shows that have a criminal calling in pizza using a phone in a police station right as there’s an active search warrant for their arrest.
  3520. >This is the same office that would be telling you that you’re being let go had you been caught at that party you weren’t technically old enough to be at anyway given the drinking age.
  3521. >But being the one who damaged and/or destroyed property while at said party is enough to get you expelled form the university itself, nevermind just the training facility.
  3522. “So I still have to wait, then?”
  3523. >”If you want to file an appeal for the… ahem… final three days of your suspension, then you’ll have to go see Ms. Harshwhinny on the next floor up about it. But doing so would be fruitless because it takes 5 to 10 business days for everything to be processed. So I’m afraid there’s nothing we can do for you.”
  3524. “Oh.”
  3525. >”Hon, just take the final three days. There are worse things in life than this.” The lady already sounds sick of your shit.
  3526. “Yeah, makes sense. Sorry for wasting your time.” You stand up and leave with a huff.
  3527. >If anything, you’re still just thankful you had walked over to that party last night.
  3528. >If you had a car parked in the little parking lot they had after you had left, you’d be absolutely fucked one way or another.
  3529. >Traveling on foot had benefitted you in more ways that you can list, because you haven’t even seen all of the possible things it could have done for you.
  3530. >If it got you off the hook regarding your short-lived stay at that party, then who knows what else walking could do for you?
  3531. >But still, you’d rather stop spending so much time around campus, for a number of reason with the possibility of people from the party recognizing you now being added to that list of reasons.
  3532. >You’ll just stay inside and work out when you can in the meantime.
  3533. >All that energy’s really been building up in your system and you gotta use it on something that won’t put a huge dent into the hood on someone’s car and majorly crack their windshield.
  3534. >Some of it is used to tire yourself with a long jog on the way back to your dorm.
  3535. >After you get back inside, you see a new text message on your phone that you left on your desk while you were away.
  3536. >It’s Spitfire.
  3537. >[Yo there’s people looking for you]
  3538. [Wait what?] You immediately respond.
  3539. >[Well not YOU you, but they’re looking for the guy who landed on Flash’s car] She clarifies. [They don’t know it was you though]
  3540. >Oh thank fuck, no one knows AND Spitfire is covering for you.
  3541. >If anything, you’re surprised she even saw since she was in the front of the house last time you saw her, but that was about a half an hour before anyway.
  3542. >But your sharp brain already picked up another problem.
  3543. [Well why did you text me that? Now there’s documented evidence if someone starts searching your phone!]
  3544. >[Relax dude why would the search my phone?]
  3545. [idk, I just dont like letting it possible for someone finding out]
  3546. >[lol your fckn weird man]
  3547. [Yeah whatever. We can delete texts on these things right?]
  3548. >It’s a wonder you can’t figure out whatever the fuck she possibly sees in you.
  3549. >After the first half of the conversation is gone, you and Spitfire settle on hanging out somewhere and helping eachother with some late summer course homework.
  3550. >You’ll just work out tomorrow since you’re tired right now anyway.
  3551. >And with that, you head on over to where she wants to meet up at some sitting area on campus that has desks.
  3552. >…
  3553. >”At least we don’t have to do any actual math in this course.” Spitfire says to you.
  3554. “That’s a relief. College math is boring as hell.”
  3555. >Her homework has something to do with stress relief.
  3556. >It’s on of the university kinesiology related courses, and it’s apparently required for Spitfire to take if she wants to eventually become a professional coach or whatever it was she said she wanted to do with her life once college is over for her.
  3557. >She’s sitting next to you with her shoulder almost touching yours; quite comfortable with being so up close with someone she only met recently.
  3558. >But she gives off that kind of vibe in general anyway.
  3559. >The questions on her homework have a lot to do with types of scenarios that are loud enough or otherwise stressful enough to give someone a headache.
  3560. >There’s something about lowering one’s shoulders to indirectly relax scalp muscles, etc.
  3561. >Bunch of weird stuff you didn’t expect to see a university teach.
  3562. “So is his car gonna be totaled or what?” You ask.
  3563. >”Who, Flash? No idea, haven’t heard from him.”
  3564. “I just don’t think I landed on that thing hard enough to give irreversible damage. Fuck, I wish I had thought that out better when I jumped.”
  3565. >”Yeah and there’s also the balcony too.” Adds Spitfire. “But that was gonna get broken either way. Everyone was getting up on it because they’re fucking dumb.”
  3566. “Like me?”
  3567. >Spitfire chuckles under her breath at that response you gave. “Well at least you admit it. That’s a start.”
  3568. >You shudder a little as you envision the consequences that could be enacted upon you should you be found out.
  3569. >”Hey, don’t worry, I’m not gonna rat you out.” Spitfire puts a sudden arm around you. “I know you didn’t mean it. You probably got enough bullshit going on in your head, and Flash kind of sucks anyway.”
  3570. “He does?”
  3571. >”Eh, I went to high school with him. He’s a bit of a dick, and recently became extremely corny. Wouldn’t surprise me if he had a meltdown in public about his car.”
  3572. “Huh, that sucks.”
  3573. >”Well that’s my opinion of him anyway. You’d probably feel different if you met him, since he didn’t give your soccer team any static in the past, I assume.”
  3574. “Well I haven’t met him yet so yeah. I don’t want you to spoil my idea of him.”
  3575. >Both of you half-smile.
  3576. >”I still think you’re less annoying than him. At least you can live up to your word.”
  3577. “I try.”
  3578. >The two of you continue with Spitfire’s homework you’re beginning to understand less and less of.
  3579. >”You got a lot of potential on the field.” Spitfire starts talking about your playing. “I don’t think I’ve seen anyone play soccer like you do. At least anyone non-professional. How often do you practice?”
  3580. “I just play whenever I play. There’s no real schedule or pattern to it.”
  3581. >”That explains some of the sloppiness I’ve seen, then. You have a good technique but it’s really disorganized. I noticed your kick placement is inconsistent.” Spitfire begins to go on about your flaws you didn’t know about.
  3582. >And you sit there and listen not knowing what to say back because you have no clue what she’s talking about, despite having easily won games in the past.
  3583. >”You’re definitely not bad though. If you want I can help you train better.”
  3584. “You got any set hours?” You ask. “Besides the usual times we play impromptu games that is.”
  3585. >”It’s the same thing, just whenever. Only difference is it’ll be just me this time.”
  3586. “I can do that, yeah.”
  3587. >”It’s not gonna get in the way of your time at camp?”
  3588. “Not yet. I’m still suspended until a couple of days from now. Surprised they’re letting me back in at all.”
  3589. >”Well you should consider yourself fortunate. Got a lot of luck getting into a fight like that and not have them kick ya out.”
  3590. “You really mean that?”
  3591. >”Well if I were in charge, I’d have kicked you all out permanently with a big fat old expulsion. So I don’t know about them but I sure would.”
  3592. >Suck your lips in with an awkward smile.
  3593. >Her honesty with you is admittedly brutal.
  3594. >”I’m just saying, I wouldn’t have any of that crap in my training camp.”
  3595. >Was that supposed to mean something?
  3596. >”But hey.” She must have seen your face change. “I like ya enough to not get too formal with you here. You got a lot of heart and ambition. And really all we’re doing in this case is playing soccer so it’s obviously not the same anyway.”
  3597. “At least I know you’d be running a better athletics training camp.”
  3598. >That warm smile that appears on her face makes you grin a little in return.
  3599. >”That uh… that mean a lot hearing that. Thanks.”
  3600. >After about 20 more minutes, the two of you pack up your things and head off.
  3601. >You went straight from playing soccer to playing basketball alone with yourself in one of the courts in these recent days.
  3602. >Spitfire stayed by you, but the other guys are all inconveniently busy right about now.
  3603. >Even at this time of day.
  3604. >Whatever, they all seemed lame to you anyway, at least Spitfire’s the one who’s not afraid to be honest with you.
  3605. >Use the single basketball hoop as a training exercise for your aim like you did most of the other times.
  3606. >All you’re focusing on is getting that thing into the hoop every single time you try.
  3607. >While it is true that you miss every shot you don’t take, you don’t feel like you’re taking every shot you don’t miss.
  3608. >A lot of the times, it feels like you were too close to the hoop for it to be challenging enough, or you gave yourself too much time to think about how you wanted to throw the ball, or whatever other reason that nags you in the back of your mind until you’re convinced not to count a certain shot you took.
  3609. >Maybe it’s obsession, maybe it’s spite, maybe it’s both.
  3610. >Obsessive spite does seem to be able to sum up not only your own mindset but everyone else’s mindset after they’ve met you.
  3611. >Like you’ve left a kind of unintentional impression on them that caused them to be this way, and now they won’t stop being so fucking lame.
  3612. >No one wants to play sports with you anymore, as though they simply lost interest in doing it because of your entry into their friend circle.
  3613. >It’s a weird little thing really.
  3614. >Now you’re seemingly all along with Spitfire, who’s more than happy to put you into some kind of… place.
  3615. >Out of her seemingly unrealistic interest in spending time with you.
  3616. >It almost felt romantic at first but, not so much anymore.
  3617. >She’s getting too buddy-buddy in a more or less platonic manner for that now.
  3618. >Almost feel like she’s the one keeping you under control, but under the control of yourself.
  3619. >Or at least trying to, ever since you got into that fight at training camp and accidentally wrecked Flash’s car due to your destructive behavior.
  3620. >She cares enough to actively want you to stay out of trouble, so there’s that.
  3621. >Because honestly, you honestly couldn’t say the same regarding how you feel about keeping yourself out of trouble.
  3622. >You believe in yourself in the wrong ways, and she believes in you in the right ways.
  3623. >…
  3624. >You really hope you don’t get into trouble once again.
  3625. >Don’t want to imagine who’s office you’ll have to go into in order to get things straightened out lest you get permanently expelled.
  3626. >Whether you care about your future or not, the process itself is too annoying to want to deal with.
  3627. >Spitfire seems pretty keen on talking to you more often than you would have talked to you had you been someone else
  3628. >You’re about to go back into the training camp for the time being, so the actual soccer practice is going to have to wait until there’s more time on your plate to throw away as you waste your hears away at this college campus.
  3629. >There’s no reason for her to be this interested in spending time with you; something’s wrong.
  3630. >It simply doesn’t logically add up, you’ve been an arrogant douche the whole time and someone who knows people you’ve hurt still wants to spend a lot of time with you?
  3631. >It’s too unrealistic.
  3632. >Especially given what you know about Spitfire so far.
  3633. >She would easily frown upon poor behavior, and you can’t help but keep showing more and more of that as one obstacle to your greatness fades into the past and others begin to take its place in your life in an intrusive manner.
  3634. >If anything, you’re relieved to go back to camp.
  3635. >…
  3636. >The bus stops in its lane.
  3637. >You make your way down the stairs and step out.
  3638. >It’s a pretty chilly morning for this time of year.
  3639. >But you’re nice and secluded from any distractions in your life.
  3640. >Didn’t even have to focus a lot of resisting the urges to masturbate anymore; you’re reached that phase in this whole thing once again.
  3641. >It doesn’t enter your mind, doesn’t enter your list of possibilities, doesn’t occur to you even for a second.
  3642. >This is all just normal to you now as you enjoy the cool breeze on your face and neck.
  3643. >Mind’s getting sharper, body’s getting tighter.
  3644. >If you sprained your ankle you feel like you could just twist everything back into place somehow and just walk it off like nothing ever happened.
  3645. >But in terms of nothing happening, the other guys in camp don’t seem to feel the same way you do about things.
  3646. >You walk into the locker room and it’s like it’s lunch time.
  3647. >Quietly, of course.
  3648. >Like a pack of wolves, they begin to double up together and wait for something to happen.
  3649. >Like a pack of hawks, they watch you as you organize your belongings in your locker, probably close enough to memorize your combination if they weren’t too stupid to memorize it on first sight.
  3650. >Oh, they really have a problem with you, don’t they.
  3651. >The stink of their animosity is thick in the air.
  3652. >And you’re right square in the middle of it, the center of their negative yet silent attention as you walk over to the classroom for the “learning” section of the day.
  3653. >There’s a lot of makeshift coursework to catch up on since you missed so many days of training.
  3654. >But you didn’t miss too many days for the lost time to be unrecoverable; you’ll just have to work twice as hard.
  3655. >With your blood racing through your veins in a way that a drug test can’t detect anything out of the ordinary with, you grin in the light of the fact that working twice as hard might as well be your specialty at this point.
  3656. >The more stress, the better.
  3657. >It keeps you alert and on your toes, and increases your capacity of-
  3658. >”So you’re back, eh?”
  3659. >You look up from the stapled packet of checkboxes.
  3660. “Yeah. What’s up?”
  3661. >”Just wanted to say welcome back.” The tall boy next to your desk slightly shrugs.
  3662. >Nod your head in a fake thanks to him and he lets you return to catching up on the coursework.
  3663. >Didn’t think anything of it at the time but you somehow didn’t notice how many other guys were staring at you when their little frontman there greeted you without needing to ask who you are.
  3664. >Everyone knows who you are here.
  3665. >They know it very well.
  3666. ~
  3667. >Overall, things get really quiet in the coming days and eventually weeks.
  3668. >It’s all the same exercises and lessons, and the lot of you in the student body have to prove to the coaches and instructors that you’re making adequate progress.
  3669. >Everything is monitored in this sense.
  3670. >And you very well hope it is all being monitored.
  3671. >Wouldn’t want anyone else missing out on what progress you’re making in your mile runs and ability to accurately throw a ball onto a dot on the far wall of the recreation center’s padded wall.
  3672. >Most of the easy things can be done without breaking a sweat, and your clothes remain dry.
  3673. >Nothing sticks to your skin, you feel a bit more mobile and able to maneuver yourself enough to outshine your peers as the people with clipboards watch from the windows above.
  3674. >Eves being on you all is the only thing driving these other guys to perform the best they can, but you however, you’re really just doing this whole maximum output thing solely because you can and you’re honestly annoyed by these other guys.
  3675. >There’s nothing to even prove to them, they don’t care about that anyway, you just don’t want their way to overtake you as you stay here only to prove to the higher-ups that you “deserve” a high paying sports job with little to no actual work outside of physical activity to be performed for the masses.
  3676. >Your instructors seem quite pleased with the fact that you’ve managed to stay on top of your physique despite your suspension.
  3677. >One of them eventually calls you into his office to comment on this, telling you to keep up the good work and you’ll eventually be back onto the same track as everyone else.
  3678. >Even says that you’re most specific strength appears to be track and field, after much consideration in how many other things you did well.
  3679. >With the academic portion of this whole thing already being as limited by design as it is, you’re looking forward to having the fun part dominate your time here away from campus.
  3680. >And the best part of all of this is: no one even knows that it was you who destroyed Flash’s car while you were suspended after getting into a locker room fight here.
  3681. >You’re probably the only new recruit who started advancing this fast.
  3682. >With this and the fact you’re already involved in drama has you feeling like you’re Harry Potter except you never play with your wand.
  3683. >…
  3684. >It only angers you to imagine how far you could have gotten had it not been for what Cadance did to you.
  3685. >Now seemingly completely out of her influence or apparent magic spells, you start raging on the inside to yourself at this.
  3686. >Better cool yourself off mentally by playing some basketball in your spare time here.
  3687. >At least there’s automatically other potential players around at all times as they’re on their spare time too.
  3688. >It’s weird how this place is like day-long gym class with its own little built-in recess.
  3689. >But you’re not complaining, you’re instead complaining about how you aren’t able to sprout wings and fly yet or whatever the fuck you feel like you’d be able to do once you made it like a year without masturbating while in the presence of some kind of magic that makes it actually mean something that you did that.
  3690. >Go to the highest-up hoop and begin trying to get as many nothing-but-net shots as possible, not really seeing anyone seeming like they care to join until a taller guy with blue hair steps up.
  3691. >”You’re pretty good.” He says, picking up a basketball himself.
  3692. “Thanks.”
  3693. >That’s all that’s said at first until the two of you start playing with one another for a little bit longer.
  3694. >You can almost swear you recognize him from somewhere before but can’t quite put your finger on it.
  3695. >All you can really remember is blue hair, but that could have been anyone on that college campus.
  3696. >”You’re new here, right?”
  3697. “Yeah.”
  3698. >”Had a feeling. Haven’t seen you until this semester.”
  3699. “You didn’t hear about the fight I got in?”
  3700. >”Hm?”
  3701. “…Never mind.”
  3702. >”That was you?”
  3703. “Oh uh, well to be fair, I didn’t start it. A couple of other guys who were probably also new decided to jump me.”
  3704. >”Whoa, I’m sorry to hear that, fella. You alright?”
  3705. “Yeah. Still got suspended for a bit though.”
  3706. >The whole thing you’ve talked about before just persists almost as how it did all the other times you talked about your fight.
  3707. “I guess I’ve been practicing basketball since around elementary school.” You say to him, now only talking basketball. “The thing I learned early on is to just remember how much you need to push the ball and in what way to get it to where you need to go every time. Standing in different places complicates it.”
  3708. >”Interesting way of looking at it.”
  3709. “You play basketball here often?”
  3710. >”Not really. I was really just impressed with how many good shots you got.”
  3711. >”He’s a try-hard.” Another guy on the sideline says.
  3712. >Both you and the blue haired guy look at him.
  3713. >It’s not even one of the guys you got in a fight with, probably one of their buddies or something.
  3714. >You remember he was one of the last ones to finish the mile run the most recent time you guys ran it.
  3715. >He just smirks and shrugs at you as a third other guy across the room chuckles quietly.
  3716. >”Just bein’ honest.”
  3717. “And I’m being honest when I say maybe you should try hard too.”
  3718. >He stares at you, pretending to be confused.
  3719. >”Dude what?”
  3720. >Like, yeah, that was kind of a dumb vague response, but it’s obvious he’s trying to deflate it on purpose.
  3721. >So obnoxious when people think they’re clever when they do this.
  3722. >”What does that even mean, man?” He repeats.
  3723. “8 minutes? Really? It wasn’t a sex contest, you know.”
  3724. >He and the other guy respond with over-the-top sarcastic oooooohs.
  3725. >”Bro what? The hell does that even mean?” The third guy chimes in and walks over to hang out with his friend.
  3726. >”He’s trying, dude. Remember?” The original one says with a slightly louder tone.
  3727. >Hardy hardy har we played dumb so he had to explain the joke and the joke is no longer funny if you have to explain it we’re so cool and sneaky up top my fellow rebbitor!
  3728. >These guys are absolute cancer.
  3729. >You noticed that the blue haired guy isn’t joining in with them, and they seem a little displeased with this.
  3730. >He’s FAR from taking your side either though.
  3731. >The blue haired guy just maturely stands to the side and doesn’t get involved.
  3732. >Yup, he’s 100% an upperclassman.
  3733. >”Hey, don’t you have another fight to get into?” One of them finally says after some forced laughter. “C’mon. Go get expelled already, sheesh.”
  3734. “Well you’re the one trying to start one. Wanna go?”
  3735. >”Alright, let’s not do that, guys.” The blue haired guy is forced to step in, taller than the whole lot of you. “You two, stop being a-holes, will ya? C’mon.”
  3736. >“I don’t see you telling him anything!” One of them points at you. “He’s the one who’s been a dick ever since he got here!”
  3737. “And you’re being assholes, guess what that means?” You couldn’t hold it in, it was too damn good.
  3738. >”Hey!” The blue-haired guy now turns at you. “Don’t instigate it. What’s the matter with you?”
  3739. >You fully expected one of them to lunge at you, but they just stand there with fake angry smiles.
  3740. >”Whoa, you’re so savage, man. That really hurt my feelings!” The sarcasm continues.
  3741. “Yeah I bet it did.” You answer seriously.
  3742. >By now, other guys have stepped in to prevent this from turning into something REALLY stupid.
  3743. >One guy stays seated against the wall, quietly holding back laughter with tears in his eyes, clapping in your direction.
  3744. >Literally just one fucking guy, everyone else either hates you or just doesn’t care who said what and doesn’t want a fight to break out.
  3745. >And there’s like twenty people in here; only three of whom are actually immature enough to stir petty shit (yourself included, admittedly).
  3746. >…
  3747. >The embarrassing exchange fizzles away as they other two leave on their own.
  3748. “Owooh I’m sowwy I wive in youw head went fwee!”
  3749. >”Knock it off, will ya?”
  3750. “You’re such a big man starting shit then running away. Ta-tah!”
  3751. >”I said quit it already!”
  3752. >You don’t even care anymore; no qualms about being the most immature person in the room when you don’t even KNOW any of these guys.
  3753. >Yeah, you should probably wait until you’re thinking clearly once again.
  3754. >After this no-reason “beef” settles down.
  3755. ~
  3756. >…
  3757. >Well that left a bad taste in your mouth.
  3758. >But you hope it left a bad taste in theirs too.
  3759. >And you can tell it did, what with them whispering to their friends behind your back now.
  3760. >The upperclassman who was playing basketball with you scolded you for a minute or two, no longer impressed with your super epic playing.
  3761. >Fine, you don’t need him to be.
  3762. >You don’t even know his name.
  3763. >Fuck it, you’re used to having a bad taste in your mouth about things anyway, it’s always been how you felt about the world and some guys are more willing to admit it than others.
  3764. >You don’t need any friends. Not when it people like these guys. They’re too shitty for you to want them to be your friends.
  3765. >After about another half a week goes by and the time comes for the trainees who didn’t quite make the cut or meet the requirements, to be dismissed.
  3766. >This process was coming back up around this facility eventually.
  3767. >And low and behold, every single guy you got in a fight with, including the more recent verbal exchange, are among the ones sent home because they fell behind physically and have to apply again next year.
  3768. >Among the eliminated.
  3769. >You love to imagine that the ones who didn’t sustain physical injuries were still discouraged by your endless willpower they couldn’t break no matter how hard they tried.
  3770. >But they more likely had their own reason you had nothing to do with, and you’re just patting yourself on the back a little too much here like always.
  3771. >You KNOW that the leader guy from before with the blonde hair over one eye saw you as he was leaving the facility with the others, and you smugly grin back down at him from the balcony with your notice confirming you made it to the next round in your hand.
  3772. >He somewhat likely cried later, you know it.
  3773. >Hopefully, he did.
  3774. >To hell with that guy and his cronies trying to start shit like they own the place.
  3775. >…
  3776. >When you’re finally back at your dorm, you start to pack up a few bedsheets and extra clothes.
  3777. >Your stay at the training camp has now been upgraded to having this sort of thing be more necessary; you’re almost going to be in track and field “boot camp” for the most part now that you’re one of the serious athletes the higher ups have narrowed down to.
  3778. >Well, “serious” athletes.
  3779. >You have no way of actually knowing if you made it to completely 1st place in ranking regarding overall performance, especially so since now you’ve been limited to track and field for the same of choosing a profession in this.
  3780. >Now, basketball and soccer might not be the best thing to practice during your off-days, as you’ll have to increase your focus on your to-be career.
  3781. >This would have been totally fine, as you have no hard feelings about running and jumping non-stop to get paid for it, however…
  3782. >[hey when are we gonna head to the court?] Spitfire’s text comes to your phone.
  3783. >Something inside of you wants to tell her you’re on your way.
  3784. >It doesn’t want to pass up this opportunity.
  3785. >There’s just something special about Spitfire that you don’t want to say no to when she asks if you’re ready to learn some soccer lessons from her.
  3786. >Yeah, you could just go ahead and practice track and field with her, but that’s not what she wanted to teach you.
  3787. >She wanted to practice soccer with you, and a tiny part of you was really looking forward to spending that time with her.
  3788. >It just feels like playing soccer was always kind of her thing and now it would ruin it if you changed it to something else.
  3789. >Not due to your level of expertise (since you’re arguably even more proficient in track and field and there is now hard data about you to back that up), but it just feels more special doing what Spitfire likes and wanted to do with you.
  3790. >Maybe you just don’t want to let her down.
  3791. [Let’s go!]
  3792. >You get some cleats and leave your room with enthusiasm.
  3793. >It’s gonna suck being away for days on end like this.
  3794. >You know, you might have felt all smug about having been able to make it to the next level at the training facility, and that the other guys were left behind.
  3795. >But you’d have been able to spend more time with Spitfire - this girl you only recently met- had you also not made it.
  3796. >Something about the direction your life is going in is feeling like it’s not the life you want.
  3797. >You’re going to become a superstar if you dedicate so much to training and the past you would want this.
  3798. >But the past you hadn’t yet met Spitfire.
  3799. ~
  3800. >Sports had always been a bit of an issue of importance for you.
  3801. >Maybe it’s just “karma” or something slapping back at you.
  3802. >Long overdue karma that’s been building up all those times before.
  3803. >Winning, losing but then undoing those losses.
  3804. >Maybe your arrogant stubbornness is going to start robbing you of a life you only recently started wanting to have.
  3805. >”Hey. Sup?” Spitfire greets you as you approach the field the two of you agreed to meet at.
  3806. >She’s holding a soccer ball against the side of her body in her shorts and jersey.
  3807. “Hi. So do you want to be the goalie first?”
  3808. >It got briefly awkward out of nowhere, but the two of you momentarily begin taking turns trying to block the other’s kicks.
  3809. >Not much more is said outside of you greeting one another; you just go straight to playing.
  3810. >You had expected things to go smoothly in regards to how well you did against her.
  3811. >But boy were you wrong; she’s better at soccer than even the optimistically generous you had thought.
  3812. >When you’re trying to kick the ball into the net, you always aim for the upper corners as you usually do.
  3813. >Spitfire should have not been able to move to the side of the goal that fast, but she’s almost like a cat in the way she springs to the area she instantly saw where you kicked the ball and slaps the ball away from the curved metal beam.
  3814. >Already knows exactly what to do the second you kick the ball.
  3815. >You gather all of your available strength and repeatedly kick the ball hard enough that you’re convinced it’d deflate if this continued enough times in a row.
  3816. >Finally, a couple of kicks manage to slip past her and you score a couple of points.
  3817. >But it took you mountains more effort than you thought it would.
  3818. >Guess that’s what you get for underestimating Spitfire, but you’re certain that she’s also underestimating you as you soon have your turn being the goalie.
  3819. >Panting and heaving, you rub your lower shin as Spitfire asks you what’s wrong, to which you reply that you need five seconds to wait for the stinging on your lower shin to fade away.
  3820. >Your toes on your kicking foot are kind of sore too.
  3821. >Spitfire wasn’t going to wait forever, and you eventually have to begin letting her kick the ball at you.
  3822. >The very first kick was supposed to be an easy one, right into the center of the goal where you’d have little to no difficulty moving to block it.
  3823. >With a sharp slap that resonates like an open snare drum, the soccer ball collied squarely with your face and you go down as if you were just shot.
  3824. >”Holy shit! Are you okay?!” Spitfire hurries over.
  3825. >Keep your eyes tightly closed for several seconds, feeling her hand patting your shoulder all the while.
  3826. >Open your eyes.
  3827. >Keep them focused on the grass in silence as Spitfire expects you to start making at least some kind of noise.
  3828. >”I’m so sorry!” She hastily apologizes. “I swear I didn’t mean to do that!”
  3829. >You finally grunt, sucking in most of the pain.
  3830. >But boy does that pain linger for minutes on end.
  3831. “I’m okay.” You strain.
  3832. >”Can you stand up?”
  3833. “Yeah.”
  3834. >Weakly rise to your feet, hobble a few feet across the grass then sit down on your own merit rubbing the side of your face as it becomes completely numb to your hand touching it.
  3835. >”You okay?” She asks again.
  3836. “I’m… yup. I am okay.”
  3837. >She starts to laugh friendlily.
  3838. “That was a strong as hell kick, oh my gosh.” You compliment her.
  3839. >”I was trying to match how you were doing it.” She says. “Figured since you were kicking as hard as you could then I might as well do it too.”
  3840. “Yeah, I guess that was my fault for making it that way.” You groan while sitting your butt in the grass for even longer.
  3841. >Spitfire’s tone shifts a little.
  3842. >”Well c’mon, then. Get back up. Don’t quit on me now!”
  3843. >Her saying that sparked something within you and within a second, you spring back up onto your feet and swallow all the pain ready to take another soccer ball to the face if you had to.
  3844. >If there’s one thing you won’t allow yourself to be, it’s weak.
  3845. >”I’ll kick a little lighter for you, alright?”
  3846. >You nod.
  3847. >Letting the dizziness fade away from you over the next couple of minutes, you also feel the numbness in your cheek dissipate as Spitfire begins to kick goal after goal past you.
  3848. >At this point, you’d rather the ball hit you in the face than hit the net behind you THAT many times; sometimes, it’s three in a row.
  3849. >”What happened? You still seeing stars or something?”
  3850. “No!”
  3851. >”I saw you do better than this during the games.”
  3852. >She’s trying to get you to admit that you let yourself get carried away when you were kicking and used up not only your stamina but wore out one of your shins as well as took a stinging blow to the face after probably not being able to react quickly enough to Spitfire’s kick.
  3853. >You just know she’s trying to get you to admit it.
  3854. >And her score being now five times yours speaks volumes even though it doesn’t count because this is just a practice session.
  3855. >Spitfire seems to be holding onto her wrists a lot ever since her turn kicking the ball to the goal had started, which you only now just noticed after being so distracted by the pain, exhaustion and soreness.
  3856. >”Don’t faint on me yet, rookie!”
  3857. “Who are you calling rookie?!”
  3858. >Spitfire doesn’t answer and just kicks the ball, this time a lot harder than the previous several kicks.
  3859. >Something possessed you to move yourself quickly and accurately enough to block this one, keeping her from scoring yet another point.
  3860. >In response, Spitfire seems to just grin at you, half in a smug way but also in a way that seems like she’s proud of you.
  3861. “I said… who… are you calling rookie?” You start to catch your breath.
  3862. >”You.” Spitfire walks over to the spot on the field the ball slowed down at. “Wanna prove me wrong?”
  3863. >You just squint at her.
  3864. >”Come on, then.” She works the ball around on the grass with her feet, ready to attempt another shot. “Prove me wrong, rookie.” She steps back a couple of times. “Prove me wrong!”
  3865. >Spitfire delivers a kick onto the ball so strong that an extremely loud popping noise echoes across the entire field.
  3866. >The now deflated ball doesn’t even make it halfway to the goal, just plops to the ground in a hilariously sad manner.
  3867. >Both you and Spitfire burst out laughing at this, falling to the ground from the laughter alone exhausting you once more.
  3868. >She brings the deflated ball to the goal by hand and sits down with you.
  3869. “I helped with that.” You half-brag.
  3870. >She chuckles at that. “You half-helped.”
  3871. >The two of you start to half-heartedly argue about who really made the ball pop and deflate, and whether or not it’d have been possible after one game.
  3872. >It’s half-credit.
  3873. >But half-blame as well.
  3874. >Spitfire half-admits that it was an old ball she’s had for over a decade anyway.
  3875. >But you’re half-sure that she’s giving her own kick a bit of credit for deflating the ball as well.
  3876. >The two of you eventually decide to go the whole way back to Spitfire’s dorm together and get a spare ball she has.
  3877. >”I got an entire closet full of spare balls we can use. This was just one of them. Wanna come with me and get one?”
  3878. “I don’t mind at all. An entire closet though?”
  3879. >”Well to be fair there’s only like two more actually expendable ones. We can just not kick as hard though.”
  3880. “Heh… yeah.”
  3881. >”How’s your shin?”
  3882. “Fine. How’s your wrists? They good?”
  3883. >Spitfire pauses then smirks. “You’re more observant than I thought. I’ll be fine.” She doesn’t even deny it.
  3884. >You take a deep breath before she asks something else.
  3885. >”How’s your face?”
  3886. “I just hope I’m still beautiful.” You joke with a quick laugh.
  3887. >After reviving a bit of energy, you walk with Spitfire all the way back to where her dorm is.
  3888. >It’s… surprisingly close to where your dorm is.
  3889. >Was this known before? You’ve gotten too caught up in the distraction that is the bullshit in your life to even remember right now.
  3890. >All you know is that there’s a disconcerting bunch of dark clouds approaching from one side of the sky and the wind is picking up, which feels good since it’s hot as fuck out here and you’re coated in sweat.
  3891. >By the time you get to her dorm area, you notice she’s just as out of breath as you are.
  3892. >She must have used up almost all her energy blocking all your kicks when it was your turn and didn’t tell you.
  3893. >…
  3894. >”I got gatorade and stuff inside. You want some?”
  3895. “Don’t mind if I do.”
  3896. >You immediately learn that Spitfire has a couple of roommates in her dorm.
  3897. >Both of whom are other girls, and also playing on the same soccer team as her, with her as the captain of course.
  3898. >It turns out that Spitfire has been in the same summer program that you had entered a while back as well, except she’s not part of the training facility thing that you had also gotten involved with.
  3899. >Just the part where the school allows new students early entry into the university housing areas.
  3900. >There’s more paperwork and stuff to further explain it, but you’d have already stopped paying attention by the time you went past the first page or so.
  3901. >Spitfire simply starts talking about her roommates the very moment you two enter the dorm building together and go down the hall to the stairs.
  3902. >Talking about how they might be there or might not be there but she always knows where they are whenever they’re practicing together because they’re at least more reliable then, or something like that.
  3903. >Sounds like some weird attempt at banter.
  3904. >The deflated soccer ball is tossed onto a nearby bunk bed.
  3905. >”Looks like they’re not here.” Spitfire sighs as she grabs a gatorade bottle from the mini fridge of her dorm.
  3906. >Starts looking for one for you as well, but can’t find one.
  3907. >You stand there in the corner, looking for wherever this closet of soccer balls is.
  3908. >There’s no other doors in this entire cramped dormitory, just the one little three person bedroom with a mini fridge and microwave and that’s it.
  3909. >Kind of like your dorm room except this one has three fit girls living in it.
  3910. >Your lack of fapping allows this thought to instantly turn you on.
  3911. >The scent of their body sprays is still slightly lingering in here.
  3912. “Where’s the closet of soccer balls anyway?”
  3913. >”Oh, it’s right here.” Spitfire goes to what seems like an upright two door dresser and opens it.
  3914. >Inside is a bunch of clothes, random other items and about three visible soccer balls.
  3915. >She puts her gatorade bottle to the side and starts fishing around for whichever ball she wants to pull out.
  3916. >You turn around to avoid looking at her ass.
  3917. >”So uh, maybe this one?”
  3918. “Yeah, I suppose.” You had to turn back around first to see it.
  3919. >Though, it’s not like the appearance of the ball matters at all in this case.
  3920. >”Sorry I don’t have another gatorade bottle. Fleetfoot must have taken the other one we had. She probably only used it to cool herself off anyway instead of just drinking it like a normal person.”
  3921. >That’s some pretty nice imagery to have in your head.
  3922. “She does that a lot?”
  3923. >”Yeah but she wastes actual drink on doing that instead of just using water.”
  3924. >At this very instant, loud thunder booms outside.
  3925. >Spitfire takes one look outside to discover the quickly approaching storm clouds, having already gotten too close for her to see how tall the entire storm system goes all the way up to the top of the troposphere like all huge storm systems do.
  3926. >”Well damn.”
  3927. “That’s a bit inconvenient I’d say.”
  3928. >”Yeah.”
  3929. “Well I’m not about to let a little rain stop me.”
  3930. >”Oh good. I was about to ask you if you were gonna wimp out on me.”
  3931. “Me? No, you’re thinking of someone else. It’s gonna take a lot more than rain to keep me from going outside.”
  3932. >”I like that attitude, rookie. You just gotta put that into the right places. Rain’s only gonna cool us off anyway.”
  3933. “Yeah, the rai- wait… wha… what’s that supposed to mean?”
  3934. >”Still got like a dozen goals on ya, in case you forgot already. You wanna try and even the score or not…” Spitfire openly challenges you knowing what kind of reaction to expect. “…Rookie?”
  3935. >Both of you smile at eachother.
  3936. “Oh you better believe it’s on now.”
  3937. >…
  3938. >Between flashes of lightning, you and Spitfire trot through the college campus with showers of raindrops pelting you from above.
  3939. >It takes several minutes to get back to the field you were previously playing at with Spitfire, and the two of you immediately start kicking the ball around this time more lightly as you play an impromptu game together with the overall energy of the moment now even higher.
  3940. >Spitfire moves with more agility than you anticipated, and right when you were intending to surprise her too.
  3941. >She is absolutely amazing at what she does, and even teaching you a thing or two about hoe to play in wet grass without slipping.
  3942. >She steps onto the ground in just the right ways in order to stay firmly on her feet while you’re slipping and sliding around like you’re really ice skating on an above freezing skating rink.
  3943. >You haven’t been this frustrated yet charged while covered in water since you were swimming in those high school swimming pools trying to be the first place winner in the lap races that Principal Cadence used to watch you do back when you were non the wiser to her tricks.
  3944. >Unlike a half an hour ago, neither you nor Spitfire are playing as the goalie, and instead are trying to get the ball past one another and into the single goal post in the field.
  3945. >The lightning above and thunder all around only adds to the mood like a substitute for a cheerleader, getting you even more pumped when you finally get ahold of the ball with all those lights and noises making a dramatic scene around you as you play.
  3946. >Your clothes get soaked, slinging to your bodies as you watch Spitfire’s hair get caught in her eyes a couple of times.
  3947. >She somehow manages to work her way around you more often than you can work your way around her, on account of her superior don’t-slip technique.
  3948. >This is the first time someone was able to actually defeat you like this.
  3949. >You expect yourself to be furious at Spitfire for this, but there’s something you’re totally okay with when it comes to her being the one to beat you.
  3950. >Maybe it’s because she’s the only one who seems to genuinely believe in you, maybe she’s the one who can insult you somehow and you’ll be totally fine with it because you’re starting to get used to the way she acts strangely chummy around you.
  3951. >But she just scored three more goals and you only have one.
  3952. >The rain cools you off enough to not feel like you’re about to burn up in the summer heat.
  3953. >Any sweat has been replaced by rain, and both of you are going to have to change to dry clothes later.
  3954. >”C’mon, rookie! Is that all you got?!” Spitfire calls over to you after stealing the ball back for the hundredth time.
  3955. >You feel the exhaustion kicking in despite your stamina.
  3956. >It’s the cold wetness on your body, you just know it, it’s slowing you down along with the increased weight of your soaked clothing.
  3957. >”I KNOW you got more for me than that!”
  3958. >She’s openly encouraging you to try harder,
  3959. >You thought you were going to impress Spitfire during this little rain-match, but you ended up being the one getting impressed.
  3960. >Now she’s dribbling the ball around you.
  3961. >So effortlessly in how she does it.
  3962. >The way she can move her body in the heavy rain is something you thought only you could do.
  3963. >Maybe if you weren’t so sore and tired from before, you’d be able to do this just as easily.
  3964. >But it’s clear that Spitfire has miles more experience than you, and understandably so.
  3965. >Spitfire ends up defeating you by about 20 points before you decide enough is enough and call it quits.
  3966. >Yep, you definitely lost this one.
  3967. >At least you get to see Spitfire’s sports bra outline through her wet shirt.
  3968. >…
  3969. >The “game” is still fresh in your mind as Spitfire walks with you away from the field in the direction of your dorms that are now clearly in the same direction anyway.
  3970. >”Don’t worry, you did great out there. You got a lot to learn but at least you didn’t let the rain stop you”
  3971. “Guess that’s gotta count for something.” You respond to her critiquing compliment. “I’m just glad I don’t need a card key to get into my roo-”
  3972. >You stopped yourself right there and tried to remember to yourself whether or not you rushed out of your dorm room eager to impress Spitfire with your key in pocket.
  3973. >And of course, your stupid shortsighted brain did it AGAIN.
  3974. >”Is something wrong?” She asks.
  3975. >You take s deep breath.
  3976. “I uh, I don’t have my key to get back in my room.” You admit embarrassedly.
  3977. >She gives you a look.
  3978. “I’m not lying. Check my pockets yourself if you want!”
  3979. >She laughs. “It’s okay, I believe you. So you gonna have to go to the office now or what?”
  3980. “I guess.”
  3981. >”Well does it take long to get a spare key? You can come back to my place if you want.”
  3982. “It does take a while if I remember correctly.” You’re only remember how long ti took for the office itself to be open. “What about you? You ever needed a spare key?”
  3983. >”Nope. I’m usually just on top of things.”
  3984. “Yeah… makes sense.” You blink. “Wait, what’s that supposed to mean?”
  3985. >”C’mon. You know already.” She half smiles and jabs you in the arm. “You gotta be more on the ball than that, rookie.”
  3986. >She called you that again.
  3987. >And this time, there’s nothing you can do about it except continue walking, too exhausted and soaking wet to play another game.
  3988. >You fume internally, still peering over at her sports bra through that shirt of hers.
  3989. >”Hey.” She stops you by grabbing your arm, having seen the look on your face. “You’ll get better. I’ll teach you more next time.”
  3990. >Will there even be a next time if you’re going to live at the training facility starting really soon?
  3991. >So far, nothing else in the world can teach you better than this girl as far as you’re concerned.
  3992. >There’s something so… up close and personal about her. Something so empathetic about her.
  3993. >”C’mon. Let’s go chill at my place. Don’t sweat it, rookie.”
  3994. >It’s a good thing her dorm is close.
  3995. ~
  3996. >Dark tracks are made into the dorm room carpet as you and Spitfire walk inside.
  3997. >”I guess they’re still not here.” Spitfire says to you. “That’s my bed right there. You can rest there if you want, I’m about to sit there too anyway.”
  3998. >Both of you sit on Spitfire’s bed together.
  3999. >She had picked her gatorade bottle back up and now gulps more of it until it’s 2/3 empty. “Hey you want the rest?”
  4000. >You hesitate before nodding, and she hands it over to you. You then open the lid and take a few swigs of the colorful sports drink, feeling as rehydrated on the inside just as much as you were on the outside after being soaked by the rain.
  4001. >Feel funny inside knowing your lips are touching her her lips just touched.
  4002. >Her the sound of wet… peeling noises?
  4003. >To your surprise, you look to your side and suddenly find Spitfire in only her sports bra from the waist up.
  4004. >Her smaller but tighter muscles look at lot better than yours, but that’s probably just because she’s a girl and you’re straight.
  4005. >Look away, but it’s too late to block out the image of her abs and cleavage from your mind.
  4006. >”Oh, right. You mind if I change here?” She says this a tad bit late.
  4007. “Well it is your room, isn’t it?”
  4008. >Keep yourself looking away as you listen to Spitfire changing into a set of dry clothes.
  4009. >Can’t keep an erection away as you KNOW that Spitfire is suddenly stripping her sleek fit body out of her sports bra and spandex that try to stick to her wet skin.
  4010. >Spitfire actually stripped completely naked with you sitting right there, somehow trusting you not to look her way.
  4011. >She must have known she caught you off guard.
  4012. >”Relax, rookie. You can look now.” She’s really going out of her way to call you that.
  4013. >Spitfire stands before you in a thin red tank top with the chest cut low enough to display a lot of her cleavage, with no bra underneath that she would have had to intentionally neglect to put on.
  4014. >And the visibility of her nipple bumps that were literally just completely exposed with you right there a minute ago isn’t helping you afford to stand up.
  4015. >And those short shorts really seem to confine to her lower hips.
  4016. “Well you seem comfortable trusting me.” You comment. “Why’s that?”
  4017. >”Guess I’m used to a lot of co-ed stuff.” She responds. “I dunno, maybe you’re just lucky.”
  4018. “Lucky how?”
  4019. >She sits back onto the bed between you and the damp spot her wet clothes had left. “I dunno, rookie. There’s something I like about you I guess. Can’t really put my finger on it.”
  4020. “I could say the same for you.”
  4021. >”I had a feeling. Look, we both know where this is going and I’m the kind to break the ice right away.”
  4022. >Well this got put in the express lane, not that you’re complaining or anything.
  4023. >”Here’s the deal, rookie. I noticed you’re a bit of a looker, in more ways than one.” She tells you. “It’s not like I didn’t notice back there on the field. So I’ve got a pretty good idea of where your mind is right about now.”
  4024. “I uh, I’m really sorry about that.” You still avoid looking at her chest in case this is some kind of trap she’s setting up.
  4025. >It might as well be, since she hasn’t been one to shy away from going out of her way to mess with you. This is probably only the latest edition of it.
  4026. >But nope, Spitfire further confirms that this is a little bit more than that. “Listen, I gotta admit I like you. And I can’t help but feel you like me back. So are we gonna do something about that or what?”
  4027. “Do you want to do something about it? I don’t really mind if you wanna hit things off like that.”
  4028. >”I don’t really mind either. It’s not like we were doing anything formal anyway. So what do you say?” She starts to sound nervous but only for a split second.
  4029. >Her sober but confident approach is absolutely mesmerizing. It’s like she’s everything you see yourself as but actually done right.
  4030. >If anything, that confidence is just making it easier for you to have a “yes” squeezed out of you, even if you had masturbated recently and didn’t have enough horny in you to scream at you to say yes.
  4031. >”C’mon, you’re not scared, are you? Just answer. Yes or no. It won’t hurt my feelings if you say no. Do you wanna hit things off or not?”
  4032. “I, yeah. I’d love to.” You watch her eyes light up as you say it.
  4033. >She calmly but excitedly puts an arm around you. “Yeah, you look like you could really use a girlfriend anyway. I don’t mean that in a bad way.”
  4034. >She forgot to call you rookie.
  4035. “I have nothing dry to change in to.” You let her know right away. “Not in here, at least. Unless I uh, don’t need to.”
  4036. >She laughs a little bit at first, then even harder. “Hold your horses, rookie, we’re not doing that.” She then lowers her voice to barely audible. “Yet…”
  4037. “I heard that!”
  4038. >”Yeah? Well we’re still in the *now*, so don’t think we’re gonna take things too fast. I still gotta be your mentor since you kind of seem like need one that isn’t some random coach.”
  4039. >The two of you laugh it off, surprising mutually relaxed about this.
  4040. “So we’re still boyfriend and girlfriend now though, right?”
  4041. >”If that’s what you want, rookie.”
  4042. “Curious, though. Why do you even like me?”
  4043. >”Well someone’s gotta keep you under control if I don’t. Also I guess I wanna see where things go with you.”
  4044. >Before you can realize it’s happening, she lures you into a kiss, just like that.
  4045. >She got fucking smooth putting the moves on you until you said yes to her.
  4046. >The more you think about it…
  4047. >You didn’t pick this girl up.
  4048. >This girl picked YOU up.
  4049. >She’s the one who got you all flustered and swooning over her despite being kind of a jerk to you at times but managed to squeeze a yes out of you anyway because you’re just that attracted to her.
  4050. >She saw a guy she wanted, messed with him a bit and then got him into her dorm and got herself a boyfriend without needing to do much.
  4051. >What happened to you being the one in control of your fate?
  4052. >What’s funny is that you haven’t been acting like much of a piece of work yourself, but hey, Spitfire apparently gets what she wants.
  4053. >”Also you wanna go get your new key after the rain stops? Maybe we can go somewhere together tonight.” She lets you keep your own arm around her.
  4054. “Sure.”
  4055. >”Super. We’ll go downtown, okay? Maybe the bar.”
  4056. ~
  4057. >You have no idea what just happened.
  4058. >Always had you imagined that you’d be the one to impress the girl and get her interested in you enough to then say yes after you pop her the question.
  4059. >This one was completely reversed; Spitfire had (and still has) you completely in the palm of your hand.
  4060. >She didn’t care how arrogant you are, and managed to break down that arrogance anyway and to top it all off get you to go on a date with her.
  4061. >This is unbelievable.
  4062. >She’s going to come by in an hour to pick you up (again) and take you somewhere in town to eat and maybe have a couple of drinks.
  4063. >Maybe get you in bed with her too.
  4064. >But fuck it, this is great considering you get to somewhat choose what kind of relationship you have.
  4065. >Your brain is still trying to find that place where you’ll never forgive Cadance for what she… did to you.
  4066. >But before that, you have to figure out how you’re going to keep this relationship with Spitfire going with this whole training facility thing going.
  4067. >For the first time, you’re asking yourself: “Is this really what I want? I got so far but is it worth it?”
  4068. >It is the best way to avoid Cadance, but she doesn’t even seem to be around anymore as far as you can tell.
  4069. >You haven’t seen any trace of her, not even a random no-reason boner popping up making you wonder what direction you need to run in.
  4070. >Living in that kind of weird horny fear really did a number on you, and you feel as though she’s left some kind of permanent affect on you just like she even told you at one point.
  4071. >The part where she left her essence or something on you, and it would help you become a better lover after she’s done conditioning you; but you escaped.
  4072. >And you know for a fact that she didn’t make you some kind of chick magnet because every girl on campus who saw the way you act didn’t even show any interest in you.
  4073. >Not even at that party where you wrecked Flash’s car and got away with it.
  4074. >Now that you think about it, not a single girl batted an eye at you in a way that wasn’t “holy shit that guy’s an asshole, who does he think he is?”-ish.
  4075. >And if that’s the case, then why in the fuck is Spitfire showing so much interest in you? She’s literally the only one on this entire campus acting this way with you too.
  4076. >Nobody else cares.
  4077. >This doesn’t feel like a coincidence.
  4078. >But you don’t care, the stronger part of you right now doesn’t want to miss out on what you’ve started with Spitfire.
  4079. >Cadance is gone so you should be in the clear, and that training camp would only mean bad news for you… somehow.
  4080. >Even though you’re excelling in track and field and they want you to train more intensively, is this really what you want?
  4081. >You literally just hit things off with Spitfire so now you actually have a reason to just got to college normally and be happier without being some track and field superstar olympian or whatever this boring path is going to take you down.
  4082. >Start to wonder who you’d need to go see in order to back out of your contract.
  4083. >And if they would let you even do so after going this far with your obvious willingness and commitment.
  4084. >Yeah you used to have to defend your worthiness to keep the contract, but that’s been flipped on its head now.
  4085. >Spitfire’s clearly better for you than any olympian life will ever be, and it shows in your shitty behavior that had a damper put on it by Spitfire eroding your ego.
  4086. >What if you’re in too deep to back out but don’t want the contract anymore and want to spend time with the girl you recently met and hit things off with instead?
  4087. >Who pulls those kinds of strings around here?
  4088. >Spitfire begins herding you over to the restaurant section of the, well, restaurant.
  4089. >Sit at the table you stop at after the seating arrangement is made.
  4090. >Already starting to feel rather relaxed and ready to just kind of weather out the night.
  4091. >The main thing on your mind right no is that track and field focus you’re going to have to deal with in due time.
  4092. >Take a look around to find almost no one looking your way.
  4093. >If anyone recognized you, they would have been staring you down by now, you’re in the clear.
  4094. >”Yeah we’re over at this table.” Spitfire’s voice draws your attention.
  4095. >She sits down with one other guy and one other girl.
  4096. >The two of them introduce themselves as Soarin and Lightning Dust.
  4097. >Do they even know you and Spitfire are together yet? Like, this DID just happened and might not even technically count as a date on your end, to them.
  4098. >You’re already getting pretty disengaged with this date that’s now apparently a double date between two couples here at the restaurant.
  4099. >Not much to go over in your head about what there is to talk about aside the other usual things you used to brag about, and these two other date-goers seem pretty boring from what you can tell.
  4100. >Why is this Soarin guy ordering fucking cake for dinner?
  4101. >Doesn’t even feel worth it to bring up in conversation.
  4102. >You don’t even know if it’s the atmosphere here or not, but you’ve become really bores and disengaged with being here really fast.
  4103. >Which sucks because you don’t want to make it look like you don’t enjoy being with Spitfire, but it’s more or less something you can’t help.
  4104. >Everyone’s asking the usual on-a-date type questions like where you work, what you plan to do in five years, stories about your past.
  4105. >Nothing new is happening to be talked about, but you pretend you’re having fun anyway.
  4106. >Getting jittery in your seat, almost crossing your legs in nothing but excitement for things that aren’t even happening.
  4107. >Can’t even hold yourself still.
  4108. >Spitfire and Lightning Dust each take sips from their beers as Soarin’ chows down on his cake he ordered.
  4109. >”So I told him that there must be something wrong with the motor.” Lightning Dust continues, talking about someone she’s colleagues with. “But he SWORE it was just the gas tank being too small.”
  4110. >”Well how were you going to get a completely different sized gas tank on that thing? It doesn’t work that way.”
  4111. >”I know! That’s what I told him! But he was like ‘oh nah you can have it jutting out the side a little and it’ll be fine’ and I’m like ‘that’s not how any of this works’!”
  4112. “He sounds like a fucking brainlet.” You blurt without meaning to.
  4113. >Half expect everyone to give you a look, but Lightning Dust just immediately agrees with you.
  4114. >”Exactly! He’s so fucking stupid! I swear he’s gonna get himself killed one day and it’ll be his own fault.”
  4115. >Spitfire starts to laugh at what you said.
  4116. “I mean, I don’t mean to bash the guy for it.” You say anyway.
  4117. >”Oh I know, I know. But it’s like, he gets the dumbest ideas sometimes.”
  4118. >”Wouldn’t be surprised if the tank got a fuel leak because of it.” Adds Spitfire. “One branch and that’s it.”
  4119. “Imagine it leaving a trail of leaked gasoline everywhere he goes. And then something happens where it catches fire and looks like back to the future but with a motorcycle.”
  4120. >”He’d probably think that’s cool.”
  4121. “Well I sure would anyway, outside of the context of his stupid idea, that is.”
  4122. >”That’s a pretty imaginative way to put it, dude.” Soarin tells you.
  4123. “Yeah but imagination’s about as far as it’d go.”
  4124. >”That wouldn’t stop Sandbar from trying, though.” Chuckles Lightning Dust.
  4125. >Everyone laughs heartedly.
  4126. >These kinds of conversations go on and on throughout the date, but they get less interesting the more things you run out of to talk about.
  4127. >All the interesting topics go first, then the rest come afterward when you realize it’s only been 45 minutes of what will probably be 2 hours.
  4128. >2 hours is a long time to sit in one spot and just… talk.
  4129. >Your energetic body wants to move around.
  4130. >And run and jump and maybe swim too.
  4131. >This is torture.
  4132. >But the torture is lightened when Soarin and Lightning Dust have to leave after a bit because they have something to go do.
  4133. >Now it’s just you and Spitfire here, sitting at the table after Soarin agreed to pay the entire bill this time because he apparently owed Spitfire and Lightning Dust from sometime before.
  4134. >But anything else purchased after this would have to be on Spitfire or even you.
  4135. >As she continues to talk to you, your eyes have been wandering on her.
  4136. >Her small white top can’t hide the outline of her bra under it, and you can see for a fact she didn’t wear a sports bra tonight; she’s got on a regular one instead.
  4137. >Spitfire could have closed her jacket to keep you from looking at her decent sized chest under that thin top so easily, but she keeps it open.
  4138. >”Come over here, rookie.” Spitfire almost hiccups.
  4139. >You get up and join her at her side of the table as she instructed you.
  4140. >Her small white top can’t possibly reach all the way down to the waistline of her tight jeans, and her lower back is completely exposed against the cushioned restaurant seat.
  4141. >That part of her back where it would be cliche to have a butterfly tattoo or something, except it’s completely bare of absolutely anything but her smooth skin.
  4142. >You inch closer to her, which she does back towards you.
  4143. >Keep looking down at her belt of exposed skin below where her shirt ends.
  4144. >Your horny eyes can only wait for a chance for Spitfire’s bellybutton to peek out if she stretches her arms up.
  4145. >The slight shape of her abs can already be seen, you want to run your fingers along that tummy so badly.
  4146. >”You know how to drive stick, right?”
  4147. “Yeah.”
  4148. >”Good. That’s real good.” She replies. “You can prolly pull this off then.”
  4149. >Through her slightly buzzed judgement, Spitfire eventually decides that she’ll come back in after you’re in the car and get a few beers for you so you don’t have to miss out on the fun.
  4150. >Except, you gotta drive the two of you back to your dorm area of campus first as the designated driver, which would require her to trust you with her car.
  4151. >”If you wanna drive all the way back that’s fine. I don’t think there’s anywhere we can stay overnight since I can’t exactly drive right now.”
  4152. “Shouldn’t be too hard to do it.”
  4153. >”I believe you can, rookie. You’ve stuck by me this far, I know you’ll figure it out.”
  4154. >The way she smiled at you just now tells you all you need to hear.
  4155. >The two of you eventually leave the restaurant.
  4156. >…
  4157. >It took Spitfire a couple of minutes to go back in and get the pack of beers, and now there they are in her lap as you’re at the wheel of her sports car.
  4158. >There’s a certain bass frequency to her vehicle’s engine that vibrates everything and gives you a sort of comfortable claustrophobia.
  4159. >The space inside of this car is cramped, but there’s something really cool and exciting about the way the seats and interior feel while surrounding you so closely, like being inside of a cozy spaceship with a deep, loud motor.
  4160. >And this thing drives so smoothly too, which is something you didn’t notice the full extent of until just now.
  4161. >And so, the GPS takes the two of you back to campus.
  4162. >Yeah maybe there really is more to life than winning a bunch of shiny little trophies.
  4163. >…
  4164. >The car pulls up into the parking space in front of the building Spitfire’s dorm is inside of.
  4165. >The beers are still cold, and Spitfire cracks one of them open with you.
  4166. >Within the next minute, you’re sipping down a little bit of the beer as Spitfire reminds you to be careful not to get any on the seats of her car.
  4167. >You can just walk back to your place from here, it’s literally one minute away.
  4168. >Spitfire downs another one of the cans of beer before you can, once again showing her surplus of experience compared to yours, this time with alcohol.
  4169. >Try to catch up and end up choking a little.
  4170. >”Gotta pace yourself, rookie.” She pats your shoulder.
  4171. >You nod and eventually take yourself to a place where your own judgement is gradually becoming impaired.
  4172. >You and Spitfire are overall having a great time, laughing together about this and that, sifting through the radio stations trying to find the worst pop/rap song playing right now at this time of night.
  4173. >Wanting to sing along to it.
  4174. >Neither of you care if you end up waking up the students in the dorm rooms or not, because you’re just having too much fun together.
  4175. >You’re a bad influence on her just as much as she’s a good influence on you.
  4176. >This is going to be the last true night you spend together.
  4177. >And you and Spitfire didn’t even fuck.
  4178. >…
  4179. >Still drunk off your ass, you hobble your way back to your dorm room.
  4180. >Don’t even know half of what happened between you and Spitfire in the past 20-ish minutes.
  4181. >All you know for sure is that if you fucked, you would have known that at least.
  4182. >Maybe you’re blacking out a little bit.
  4183. >…
  4184. >You’re eventually back in your dorm room, but don’t know a lot about what’s been happening as you go along trying to work out.
  4185. >Working out while drunk might not be the best idea, but maybe Spitfire had a point when she recommended against it back in her car.
  4186. >You passed out before you could try it anyway.
  4187. >…
  4188. >You hope you locked your door to your room before letting the alcohol consume your consciousness.
  4189. >How could you have blacked out if there was only one pack of beers?
  4190. >Spitfire only had a couple other packs in her dorm room when you went up there 20 minutes ago.
  4191. >Only now are you remembering this detail, and in the context of this detail, Spitfire had asked you if you wanted to come inside for the night.
  4192. >Maybe she actually got more than one pack of beer at the place?
  4193. >You half-remember seeing a couple of other packs of beet at her feet, but now your memory of the night is limited to certain fractions of it you can go back and look at.
  4194. >Your brain is not remembering the whole picture.
  4195. >…
  4196. >Man you really do feel drained right now.
  4197. >You had no idea Spitfire had a pair of bright orange panties on herself under those pants.
  4198. >She was walking around in her dorm room right in front of you without her pants on, letting you drunkenly stare at her firm ass under those panties.
  4199. >Don’t even remember when she took her pants off or why but you know for a fact this happened.
  4200. >You were hard as diamonds in your trousers when you witnessed her state of undress, and she knew you were hard as diamonds and didn’t mind.
  4201. >There’s a brief moment when you were kissing her. Like really, really deeply kissing Spitfire with tongues interlocking too, and you were holding and touching eachother atop her bed while no one else was there.
  4202. >You felt her ass and squeezed it a little, and she leaned her crotch onto yours.
  4203. >Out of curiosity, you were feeling around the rim of her panties and trying to tug them down her behind.
  4204. >You don’t even know for sure if you’re in your own dorm room remembering this in bed, or in Spitfire’s dorm room still experiencing this, in her bed.
  4205. >All you know is that she feels and tastes amazing.
  4206. >And that she’s stronger than you.
  4207. >Hold her, kiss her grope her, let her do all the same back to you.
  4208. >Are you dreaming all of this or remembering all of this? It’s gotta be one or the other.
  4209. >Spitfire’s glutes feel so warm in your hands, and her hot breath through her lips accompanies yours.
  4210. >She says something about how she’s proud of you for letting her in, and now she’s going to return the favor and let YOU in.
  4211. >You’re on your back before you know it.
  4212. >…
  4213. >For some reason, you see yourself facing Vice Principal Luna in the CHS hallway.
  4214. >Next to you is someone who reminds you a lot of who you were back when you were in high school.
  4215. >”I can’t get rid of the fire.” Luna tells you. “Neither me nor Celestia can get rid of it. Nothing else can put it out.”
  4216. >You can feel somehow that she means this is a way where she’s stuck this way.
  4217. >”Come here. I don’t see a hall pass in your hands.”
  4218. >You and the high school guy look at one another, frightened, and the two of you turn around and take off sprinting as fast as you can away from Vice Principal Luna.
  4219. >The other guy’s sprint isn’t as fast as yours; you’ve had more training than him because if he even is you, he is the past you, back when you were slower and not yet initiated to certain setbacks to become resilient against.
  4220. >Momentarily, you outpace the guy next to you and leave him behind and panicking.
  4221. >His run turns into a slow run.
  4222. >Your run is not affected.
  4223. >Peer over your shoulder and watch Vice Principal Luna desperately close in on him, pouncing upon him before you look away out of survivor’s guilt.
  4224. >He begs her and pleads her, but she needs something really badly.
  4225. >”You will fulfill the trials I have laid out for you. Since my former student has escaped my reach now.” The sadness in Luna’s voice is almost unmistakeable.
  4226. >The thirsty, frantic sadness in her voice.
  4227. >Just what have you done?
  4228. >…
  4229. ~
  4230. >Oh god, so this is what a hangover feels like.
  4231. >So you really did wake up for real in your own bed, dorm door locked and all.
  4232. >Except you have a massive migraine that won’t go away.
  4233. >This pretty much describes the rest of your morning, and afternoon and part of the evening.
  4234. >After the hangover passes, you go back to working out like you usually do.
  4235. >Finding that you haven’t lost any stamina.
  4236. >Crisis averted, but you’re going to miss Spitfire either way.
  4237. >You don’t even see her again for the remainder of the week, and the day you report in to intensive training is closing in faster and faster.
  4238. >That first and last date with Spitfire better have been worth it.
  4239. >Feels like there could have been a lot more than could have happened during your date together, but nothing much at all happened that you can remember.
  4240. >Now every time you go for a run or play basketball by yourself, you check your phone for a text from Spitfire.
  4241. >Nothing.
  4242. >Maybe she’s busy?
  4243. >You feel like you already said goodbye to her on that rushed first date you had together, but that’s all but confirmed.
  4244. >Maybe said goodbye in a physical kind of way.
  4245. >But you’ve still kept your seed within you, and it’s going to take a lot more than a hot fit girl to bring that load out of you so easily.
  4246. >It’s gonna take someone to force you somehow, and you’ve become an unstoppable force of nature now that you find yourself gradually able to not care even when thinking about nudity itself.
  4247. >No one else is going to be able to do what Cadance did back when she still had a hold on you.
  4248. >Speaking of which, you begin to piece it all together in your head what affect Cadance might have put on you, one that even still lasts to this day.
  4249. >One that would even explain why this date with Spitfire was even possible at all, because it’s not like your personality is one of a guy who’s seen as being respectable.
  4250. >Cadance has put some kind of essence onto you that makes you much more able to score with practically any girl you want because her powers associated you with an irresistible hormone.
  4251. >Except, you’ve negated this all on your own.
  4252. >With your own creepy, arrogant, narcissistic behavior, you have eclipsed any effect this magical attraction charm could have had and rendered yourself unfuckable solely due to your shitty personality alone.
  4253. >It doesn’t matter how attractive you are: if you’re enough of a jerk, no one will want to have anything to do with you.
  4254. >Which benefits you as far as you’re concerned because now you can keep all your energy for yourself and become a world class athlete who gets paid to run around a rack hundreds of times, without having to try very hard at all.
  4255. >There’s probably quite a few guys out there who wouldn’t mind sacrificing sex for fame, strength and prosperity for life without putting any actual work into it.
  4256. >Trading the sheets for easy street.
  4257. >No obstacles preventing and unfairly easy life, no problem.
  4258. >Surely there aren’t any people out there who can still do anything about you leading a life like that.
  4259. >Welp, time to get ready, today’s the day, officially.
  4260. ~
  4261. >”During these months, you are going to compete with one another. And you are going to train as much as you can in order to ensure yourself as many victories as possible.” Your new head coach walks up and down the aisle everyone stands in rows in.
  4262. >This is just the main hallway, as the facility has been generous to almost give each of you your own separate rooms, except you’re bunking together in groups of three.
  4263. >”At least one of the trainees you’re standing next to is going to be bunking with you in your assigned room. It will all be determined right now by how you’re all standing, just picked off three by three.” The coach tells you all. “And at this same time, you will all be given nicknames!”
  4264. >Jeez, what with all the boot camp imitation in this place?
  4265. >The coach finishes his long monologue before handing the first guy a checklist and tells him to pick a name from the list.
  4266. >Whoever ends up being last basically has their own nickname chosen for them more than anyone else in this group of about 30-ish people that are the result of several hundreds of others being weeded out by this place’s system over time.
  4267. >You can already tell these other guys have a higher level of maturity and professionalism than the previous batch of peers you had on the other side of this facility.
  4268. >Despite your own physique, almost all of these guys are tall and slender, perfectly built for running and jumping as efficiently as possible.
  4269. >Your own meagerly heightened stature draws confused attention from them as they tower over you, not exactly showing someone who looks like someone who can run fast or jump high.
  4270. >The only thing that actually got you here was not your build, but the battery inside of you.
  4271. >If these guys had the same type of metaphorical battery as yours inside their super tall slender builds, you’re sure they could have outrun cars, let alone simply outrun you.
  4272. >But you’ll have to curb your relative Napoleon complex for now.
  4273. >Once the clipboard is handed to you, you pick and cross out the name “Echo” at complete random and mark the illustrated position in line where you’re standing with the name (it was the next one down that didn’t have a name next to it yet).
  4274. >You see that the name “rookie” was on the list, but someone else already chose it before you.
  4275. >That’s a shame, you could have at least picked that name for yourself.
  4276. >Guess Spitfire calling you that so much has really grown on you.
  4277. >But maybe it’s better that she’s the only one who calls you that; feels more special that way.
  4278. >”Nice to see ya again, Echo.” A slightly familiar voice whispers.
  4279. “Wha…”
  4280. >Turn to look, and it’s the same tall pale/bright skinned guy with deep blue hair once again, the one you played basketball with.
  4281. >You didn’t even recognize him standing there right next to you as you were lost in your stupid train of thought.
  4282. >”Looks like we’ll be rooming together I guess.”
  4283. “Yeah. Guess so.”
  4284. >Well that sure was convenient.
  4285. >The clipboard is passed around the rest of the troop of trainees.
  4286. >The coach continues after the process is finished. “From now on, you will only refer to eachother by your nicknames!” He starts going on about all this kind of crap.
  4287. >Knight and Hatchet are the two guys rooming with you based off of where in line you guys were.
  4288. >All of you get your already previously limited luggage and head on over into the assigned room, introducing yourselves to one another as your nicknames and asking general questions like what your favorite color is or something like that.
  4289. >You didn’t talk for long and eventually just went to sitting on your beds until you all were told it’s okay to roam around this part of the training facility now that everybody is settled in.
  4290. >Okay, so NOW it gets like summer camp.
  4291. >”So you wanna go shoot some hoops?” Knight asks you. “There’s probably less people this time but I’m pretty sure no one’s gonna give you much static on the court.”
  4292. “I’ll uh, I’ll catch up with you later. Think I’ll sneak a nap in for now. Saves energy.”
  4293. >”Ah, alright. Gotcha.” Knight leaves with hatchet.
  4294. >Alone you sit at your part of the triple bunk bed.
  4295. ~
  4296. >It’s been a couple of minutes since you started standing there staring at your clothes and other luggage on the bed.
  4297. >You did it, you’ve won.
  4298. >But it feels like you’ve lost.
  4299. >Because now you’re trapped here, doomed to be trained to become one of the top track stars of your generation, if not the absolute best of all time if they manage to push you that hard (lest you push yourself there first).
  4300. >This is it, your moment of proof, coming up in just a couple of months before joining an olympic team to break records like a bull in a china shop.
  4301. >You’ve really envisioned how your career would pan out in your head, haven’t you?
  4302. >At least, you used to envision it that way.
  4303. >Almost don’t even recognize it anymore.
  4304. >Something’s wrong, something’s different, something feels like the real mistake you made was making it this far to begin with.
  4305. >And now you’ve built this care around yourself, and the only way to get out of it is to release all of your energy, which has not been rendered impossible by your own stubborn willpower.
  4306. >Not even in the showers alone can you bring yourself into an erection anymore.
  4307. >The problem isn’t physical, it’s mental.
  4308. >You’ve become too dead set on never letting… that… happen again that your brain blocks certain thought out of your imagination by default, a second nature.
  4309. >Now your power that used to be imaginary is going to control you.
  4310. >You brought it into reality unto yourself in order to get first place in a bunch of silly little races, not knowing just how much you could destroy your soul in the process.
  4311. >A practice mini-competition starts up in a little bit.
  4312. >…
  4313. >So this is the track you’ll be running on.
  4314. >The first one, at least. With all of the other ones being all over the entire world.
  4315. >Surrounded by trees and fence, the red-orange ring of rugged, synthetic rubber can probably be seen from satellite view.
  4316. >On one part of it, stands you and a couple dozen other racers.
  4317. >You’ve crossed on over to the “better half” now.
  4318. >The higher tier, which you will not be able to escape no matter how hard you try to shitbird your way into getting kicked out if you wanted to do that.
  4319. >Oh you wanted to be hyper-focused on your training?
  4320. >And overly-able to carry it out without distractions or setbacks?
  4321. >You got it!
  4322. >Except there’s just one small issue: it only became possible after you no longer wanted it.
  4323. >Can’t complain once you’ve gotten what you wanted, right?
  4324. >Spitfire back in town misses you already.
  4325. >And you miss her being around to hold you back from this hyper-advancement you no longer want eating away at you.
  4326. >Damn, you really gotta fail your way out of this place.
  4327. >You were showing off in the beginning, but that all changed.
  4328. >Knight has the look of a young man who had something stolen from him by you, something he doesn’t have what it takes to take back.
  4329. >But he’ll never mention what it is, hoping your lack of awareness might give him a chance.
  4330. >Or maybe you’re just being dumb, and you’ve never actually met before training camp.
  4331. ~
  4332. >Up early in the morning, you take on another day of getting yourself used to living life in this temporary training facility.
  4333. >It’s become this sudden point in your life where you’re not supposed to know eachother’s true names and only refer to one another by your selected code names.
  4334. >You’re suddenly supposed to know these guys and be close to them, like you’re brothers.
  4335. >It kind of gets more silly the more you think about it, but also kind of makes sense at the same time.
  4336. >Building social connections, teamwork, yadda yadda. Hard to do that without being at least a little corny, at least in a non-urgent setting.
  4337. >Whatever, you’ve already started to get used to it after like a day or two.
  4338. >It’s like summer camp if anything, except harder.
  4339. >…
  4340. >Splash some cold water onto your face, knowing you’re going to somewhat still feel it during breakfast.
  4341. >One look in the mirror tells you enough about what you want to know: things are starting to look up.
  4342. >If how what you’re seeing is making you feel is anything to go by.
  4343. >”Up already?” Knight wearily calls over from the bed in a groggy tone.
  4344. >Facing away, you shrug as soon as you’re sure he can see your outline with the bathroom light in front of you.
  4345. >”Ah I know the feeling. I knew it was you who got up.”
  4346. “Oh really?”
  4347. >”Yeah, Hatchet’s already out in the tennis courts.”
  4348. “He… he what now?”
  4349. >Were you seriously too tired to notice Hatchet was already out of his bed?
  4350. >Let alone too asleep to be up before fuckin’ HATCHET of all people?
  4351. >A quick survey of the bed confirms this.
  4352. >The sun’s not even UP yet and this guy is already outside.
  4353. >You really need to step your game up.
  4354. >After finishing preparing for the day with a bit of casual conversation with Knight sprinkled into it all, you both leave the dormitory room and head outside to discover that multiple trainees have beat you to being early outside.
  4355. >And so, the era of you REALLY realizing how much you’ve underestimated everyone has begun.
  4356. >Step out into the chilly morning air with that sensation of the cold water re-asserting itself onto your face.
  4357. >”We got enough time for another game before drills start.” The guy next to Hatchet waves the two of you over.
  4358. >Had it not been for the overhead lamp posts over the tennis courts, tennis wouldn’t be possible until the sun was all the way in the sky.
  4359. >The ball careens back and forth like a lime green bullet between your rackets, a mesmerizing blur under the pale overhead lights.
  4360. >Having to race around and hit the ball back over to the opponents’ side is a great way to wake yourself up.
  4361. >Gets the blood pumping.
  4362. >Knight is more able to get the more high-up hits in than you are, and doesn’t need to jump as high.
  4363. >Having the opposing side get points in doesn’t really bother you since this is practice.
  4364. >Several minutes later and the freakishly loud morning trumpet sounds off.
  4365. >Upon hearing this, you and everyone else put your rackets back on the rack, the ball back to where it belongs and immediately leave the tennis court as the rest of the camp gets ready to come together for the first time today.
  4366. >The sharp noise pierces the air, enough to make someone jump out of their seat if they’re close enough.
  4367. >Anyone still in bed now HAS to get up.
  4368. >And if they’re too inside and asleep to hear the trumpet, supervisors of the training camp have the courtesy to knock on all the dorm doors and yell inside that everyone has 15 minutes to report to the “town center” of the camp for roll call.
  4369. >And during this roll call, you promptly respond with obedience the very millisecond your nickname “Echo” is called.
  4370. >The first thing everyone is doing today is the daily mile run, without times being recorded until after 6 minutes have passed.
  4371. >Recorded times are looked into with question.
  4372. >Perfect way to get yourself to not care about the top few spots, just not going over 6 minutes.
  4373. >As everyone lines up on the misty track, the mist in the distance dancing around the trees as the dew drips down the cool grass in the morning sun.
  4374. >You take a few deep breaths and remind yourself to pace yourself.
  4375. >There’s gonna be a LOT of other activities to do today, so you’re gonna want to conserve your energy until the day comes when conservation is not necessary.
  4376. >The airhorn goes off, and off you all go.
  4377. >Footsteps on the track sounding like heavy rain as the other guys tower over you as they run next to you.
  4378. >Not much to say about the mile other than it only took a small portion of your stamina to make it under the 6 minute mark.
  4379. >The other guys didn’t look too tired when running and they still don’t look very tired right now.
  4380. >Next up is a quick breakfast which also doubles as a sort of resting time.
  4381. >Of course, you and Knight sit together since you already know eachother anyway.
  4382. >”They had us do two miles for the presidential fitness test one time back in high school.” Another guy at your table continues his story. “Because the gym teacher wasn’t paying attention and everyone had to do it again.”
  4383. >”Whoa, really?”
  4384. >”They can actually do that?”
  4385. >”No way, man.”
  4386. >”I’m serious, they said we could just all walk if we wanted to.”
  4387. “Well why would you need to do it again just because the teacher wasn’t paying attention.” You ask.
  4388. >”Cause a couple of dumb asses decided that cutting across the football field was a genius thing to do since the teacher wasn’t even outside, which cause all the lazy kids to do it too, which messed up a lot of the final times. Teacher only came out at the very end of it after most of us were already done, and a lot of us were obviously done a lot earlier than we usually were.”
  4389. “Oh wow.”
  4390. >”So he didn’t know which mile times were legit and which ones weren’t. So we ALL had to do it again, even if it was just walking. The girls were so mad at us!”
  4391. “Hey Knight, you think you could up the ante to a 2 mile run each day?”
  4392. >”Oh yeah, yeah.” He responds to you without hesitation. “2 miles still isn’t that much.”
  4393. >The other guys agree in unison, to which you just nod in response like you’re totally on board with the rest of them.
  4394. >They’re quite the talkative crowd with an overall positive atmosphere amongst themselves.
  4395. >A lot different than the lower level trainees who wouldn’t hesitate to start beef with you before you leveled up, so to speak.
  4396. >After everyone finishes eating breakfast, it’s time for going over the general track and field rules as they appear on the books for about 45 minutes before stretching and leg exercises.
  4397. >This is usually the point in the day when you really start paying attention to the difference between how you go about thought processes compared to everyone else’s methods.
  4398. >Everyone else goes about it in a calculating manner, going over how each rule says this, or this type of race requires more out of that specific type of muscle or whatever.
  4399. >Meanwhile, you’re talking about different things when you have your hand raised.
  4400. >Everything’s gotta have some sort of weird theme to it, like the 20 and 50 yard dashes require more aggression and impatience than, say, a full fledged marathon.
  4401. >It’s not even you trying to be different, you aren’t so obsessed with doing that anymore.
  4402. >But the way you actually do go about things in this regard is kind of… stupid.
  4403. >Even through the proper-term-talk you have to use with the correct terminology, you don’t sound like you really know what you’re talking about.
  4404. >This is also reflected in how you undergo the stretching and exercises once everyone soon hits the camp gym and weight rooms.
  4405. >It doesn’t take a lot of effort to notice it, as far as you’re concerned.
  4406. >Everyone else doing the training stiffly, each rep does evenly spaced out and intentionally paid attention to, while you’re just kinda winging it if that’s what one would like to call it.
  4407. >Your leg lunges on each side kind of fuse together in the movements as though you still think you’re running, as if whether or not you’re actually counting doesn’t even matter.
  4408. >It’s more or less you listening to your natural instincts, with confidence that you’ll end up performing perfectly anyway because the actual specifics of how you work out and exercise don’t really matter as much as the guidelines would like you to believe.
  4409. >It’s implied that this will be tested when everyone actually starts competing for real, but you’ll see about that.
  4410. >Eventually, the training day just turns into the lot of you playing things like kickball or tennis or basketball to keep yourselves active throughout the rest of the hours until the day is over.
  4411. >And just like some form of summer camp, it’s mostly just spending time with the bros.
  4412. >Like some compromise between boot camp and summer camp, really.
  4413. >You decide to play kickball since it includes a period where you sit around waiting for your turn and conserve your energy.
  4414. >Knight has joined you as well.
  4415. >In the dugout you sit, exchanging stories and jokes as you watch everyone else play.
  4416. >This time has become a great part of the day at training camp.
  4417. >Everyone’s so chill and charismatic and overall cool to one another.
  4418. >It’s like that whole codename thing along with the mutual cooperation in exercises that require multiple people as well as reminding eachother to not be late to roll call if they’re still asleep really is enhancing some unity between the lot of you.
  4419. >You train in the morning, have fun doing outdoor activities in the afternoon.
  4420. >Train in the morning, fun in the afternoon.
  4421. >So on and so forth.
  4422. >And you are all keeping yourselves in peak physical condition all the while as you do this again and again every single day.
  4423. >…
  4424. >You didn’t realize this at first, but you needed some time to come out of your shell and get yourself comfortable enough to get competitive during the exercises, such as the mile run.
  4425. >You’ve already noticed a few of the guys near the front trying to reach eachother to be in first place, and you figure “eh fuck it why not?” and picked up your pace to join them one morning.
  4426. >It turns out it’s a lot more natural to have races and other impromptu competitive instances with one another during the exercises and activities.
  4427. >In fact, it’s encouraged in order to really push the trainees to apply themselves to the greatest extent.
  4428. >Of course, they can all run with more ease than you since their legs are longer.
  4429. >But as the days go by, you find yourself gaining more and more stamina each time you do something.
  4430. >You noticed that very few of these guys are masturbating as well, and rarely if they are.
  4431. >It seems like it’s a bit of a hardship for them, because they have little to no necessary privacy in order to fap, and it must be starting to annoy a couple of them.
  4432. >What these guys are being introduced to is something you’ve already become desensitized to in the past, and that part is easier for you.
  4433. >But all in all, it’s like you’ve already been unintentionally preparing yourself for this camp in the past year or so.
  4434. >Because this place is the definition of the perfect home for you.
  4435. >But it’s not going to last more than a couple of months, probably not even one month now at this point.
  4436. >A number of weeks left is still enough to get you back to your full energy before you go “rotate back to the world”.
  4437. >But until then, all you can see standing around you are other guys with whom you enjoy hanging out with and sharing brotherhood between.
  4438. >Proving that there’s more to human interaction than just finding a girlfriend; there’s like-minded friends too.
  4439. >Though, your girlfriend back home definitely misses you, you know that for a fact.
  4440. >She wrote to you once, saying she can’t wait until you’re back, because all of her friends are corny and she misses you like she’s never missed anyone before.
  4441. >A little odd for her to write something like that, but you saw her handwriting a couple of times and you know it’s hers.
  4442. >…
  4443. >You went to bed extra early for the purpose of getting up in the morning before Hatchet this time.
  4444. >It takes a bit of effort to fall asleep with the extra energy charging through your veins, but you drift off eventually.
  4445. >You find yourself in a mall clothing store, next to the changing rooms, spectating the environment in this dream.
  4446. >There’s not a lot you pick up on, until you recognize Spitfire’s orange hair wandering between the rows of the department store area.
  4447. >She eventually makes her way over to the dressing rooms, ready to try on a couple of outfits she wants to buy.
  4448. >Turn to look in the other direction after something urges you to do so, and you notice Principal Cadance following Spitfire.
  4449. >Feel as though you’re not supposed to see or know about this thing that Cadance is doing, but you see her casually wait behind the corner until Spitfire walks into the changing booth rooms and disappears behind one of the curtains.
  4450. >Cadance enters as soon as she’s 100% sure no one is around, without any security cameras to record anything inside the changing rooms.
  4451. >You try to call out to warn Spitfire of what’s happening, but you can’t make a sound, because you’re not really there in the mall; you’re away.
  4452. >Spitfire has no idea what Cadance’s presence means or what her intentions are, because you’ve never mentioned the thing with Cadance to her.
  4453. >You’ve never warned her about Cadance, so now this must be some kind of warning to you.
  4454. >You can’t see anything going on, but you can hear Spitfire call out from behind the changing curtain.
  4455. >”Is someone there?” Her voice starts off as stern as it ever was.
  4456. >There’s a pause, before Cadance hums a really enticing sounding tune, and Spitfire calls out more quietly this time.
  4457. >”Is… someone here?” Her voice became softer and more wanting.
  4458. >You just KNOW it’s Spitfire who can be heard willingly opening the curtain to the danger outside.
  4459. >You can’t see anything, but you can hear Cadance stepping in with Spitfire.
  4460. >You can hear the sound of hands dragging clothes along someone’s body underneath.
  4461. >Spitfire doesn’t sound like she’s even trying to defend herself of escape.
  4462. >The eventual quiet kissing noises accompanied by the sound of clothing being removed and landing on the floor taunts your ears.
  4463. >There’s no way Spitfire is not at least half-naked by now, and no way she’s not completely naked after another minute of these noises passes.
  4464. >Cadance is examining her.
  4465. >”Do me a favor.” Cadance’s voice demands after a quiet giggle. “Go fetch him for me. He won’t think to run if it’s you.”
  4466. >You were lucky to wake up dry.
  4467. >That was a weird way for your brain to mess with you, but that probably comes with the territory when you’ve been making yourself delusional for so long that you can’t escape it so easily.
  4468. >Anyway, the way you spend your days with the other trainees in camp go on as they already were.
  4469. >Over the next week or so, you develop a stronger bond with Knight and Hatchet that can’t scream anything other than brotherhood.
  4470. >You always run laps and play tennis and field football together, staying in a trio for most of the times when you’re able to.
  4471. >The exercises and activities begin to gradually increase in difficulty, proving that any of these other guys in camp are just as capable of doing extremely well as you are right now.
  4472. >If first place ever counted in any of this, then you’d have been getting beaten by the top few trainees non-stop during your entire time here.
  4473. >No matter how hard you try, you still feel like you’re slacking.
  4474. >It wasn’t long before you completely gave up on trying to see how much you could lift, since it doesn’t have jack shit to do with track and field in the long run.
  4475. >But maintaining cardiovascular stamina is a lot easier said than done.
  4476. >After worrying about these thing over your previous stupid problems, you begin to forget about those said problems and instead only think about getting back to Spitfire.
  4477. >The urge to masturbate doesn’t even return; it’s just not necessary anymore.
  4478. >But at this point, you don’t even think it’d make a difference anymore since this training includes guys who normally masturbate out-performing you.
  4479. >It was that kind of demonstration that really put into perspective-
  4480. >”Go long! Go long, Echo!” Knight throws a perfect spiral across the field.
  4481. >You follow the football like a heat seeking missile, zeroing in with impeccable agility and catching it before it hits the ground.
  4482. >Approaching where you were able to catch it, it Hatchet.
  4483. >You signal for him to run like you did, seeing if he’ll match it.
  4484. >This pattern of you three alternating free throws goes on for several minutes.
  4485. >You throw, Hatchet catches.
  4486. >Hatchet throws, Knight catches.
  4487. >And finally, Knight throws and you catch.
  4488. >It’s a nifty little system you got set up here.
  4489. >Running after the ball got easier after learning to actually run long-term correctly, which in turn made sprinting easier.
  4490. >Activities like this have become commonplace during your free time outside of the dorm room.
  4491. >The dorm rooms actually ended up feeling really comfy to you after a while, and you’ll honestly miss them after leaving for the final time tomorrow.
  4492. >The funniest part about training camp is that you barely even remember the actual legitimate final exam races you underwent.
  4493. >You remember hanging out with your bros more than anything else.
  4494. >Somehow, your “just wing it” training methods worked out in the long run, let you improve everything at once instead of mechanically focus on one muscle or exercise each time.
  4495. >It’s like practicing how to use a weapon as a whole in real time instead of mastering all of the parts individually and then suddenly mashing it all together when a battle starts and expecting to know how the synergy is supposed to work.
  4496. >The track and field races each time have practically everything happening at once anyway, so it gave you a surprise advantage.
  4497. >And lo and behold, you managed to finish in first place before anyone else.
  4498. >But the only thing you’re proud of is the fact that you don’t even care.
  4499. >You just go back to your bros and sit down together with a couple of sports drinks and talk about what you want to do once you’re out of training camp.
  4500. >Of course, that part is going to be filled with lots of sports contracts as you’ve just graduated from a rather high-level training camp.
  4501. >But your main concern is not being able to wait until you see Spitfire again.
  4502. >The graduation ceremony was brief, and Spitfire’s schedule of classes didn’t allow her to be able to catch it in time.
  4503. >But she promised she’d make it up to you “and then some” with a wink emote.
  4504. >…
  4505. >She’s been texting you frantically about wanting to see you, as if she hasn’t seen you in a thousand years.
  4506. >Guess that little bit of uncharacteristic-of-her thing really is still lingering a bit.
  4507. >It didn’t make you scratch your head too much until you scroll and count the 12 messages she sent in the past 20 minutes, unusually excited to see you.
  4508. >Did something happen you’re not aware of that made her want your presence this badly?
  4509. >You’re meeting her at her dorm, which is clearly the “safer” dorm building to be in.
  4510. >She really really wants you to come over and hang out, maybe split a beer in celebration.
  4511. >But only one, she promises that there will be no drunken slip-ups that might hinder your focus.
  4512. >All of which was before these past 12 messages were even sent.
  4513. >[heyyy]
  4514. >[pleeeease]
  4515. >[Hurry! ;)]
  4516. >[I need you now rookie!!!]
  4517. >[you here yet?]
  4518. >Just to list five of them.
  4519. >You stare at the screen, wondering why she’s suddenly acting this way.
  4520. >Keep reading the messages as you walk into her dorm building.
  4521. >Mayb-
  4522. >”Mmmmmm~”
  4523. >Outta nowhere, for no reason.
  4524. >It happened before you even realized it did; you were given ZERO to time to react at all, let alone flee or escape.
  4525. >Like an unseen serpent instantly striking a rodent before it even knows what happened, fangs inject venom, THEN the prey realizes.
  4526. >All this time of being away must have made you let your guard down, because Spitfire’s lips mashed into yours before you even noticed her coming out from right around the corner.
  4527. “Ohh-mm” You feel her pull you further in after it’s too late.
  4528. >Takes your brain a second or two to process the kiss she’s giving you, but it feels… so good.
  4529. >That funny feeling returns the very instant you understand that Spitfire is holding you by surprise in a long kiss from around the corner of the hallway to her dorm room she couldn’t wait inside of.
  4530. >Maybe she was looking out the window.
  4531. >You already stopped wondering about it upon getting lost in her kiss as it sedates you and almost shuts off your brain.
  4532. >”Happy to see me, Rookie?” Spitfire’s voice softly crackles after the kiss finally breaks.
  4533. >You had your arms around her as well before you realized it, letting her chest press against you in the hug you share.
  4534. >Notice that your hands went down and started touching her butt without you asking her first, but she welcomes it with a sighing smile. “Yeah, you’re happy to see me.” She presses her crotch into what’s definitely not a banana in your pants. “REALLY happy, eh?”
  4535. >She didn’t ask you to grope her ass, but she’s the one who backed you against the wall with a long kiss by surprise anyway.
  4536. >A kiss that now gets a sequel with tongues involved.
  4537. >You had no other way to react when Spitfire pretty much ambushed you in the hallway out of nowhere.
  4538. >After being gone for however many weeks or months, you’re instantly and unexpectedly pulled into this barely-announced public makeout session with Spitfire.
  4539. >There’s no way she’s ever kissed you THIS much before.
  4540. >Just roll with it now, enjoying her as much as she’s enjoying you.
  4541. >”You have no idea how much I missed you, Rookie.” She between tongue wrestling matches.
  4542. >The way she’s doing it reminds you of something.
  4543. >The way Principal Cadance did it in the past.
  4544. >Spitfire has never kissed you this way before, nor has she been this thirsty for you before; something’s different but you don’t mind anymore.
  4545. >She holds you close as you two stand in the hallway for at least ten minutes now, off-and-on making out like you just can’t get enough.
  4546. >The way she holds you with her face now buried in your shoulder feels like she’s celebrating a victory.
  4547. “Are we gonna be here all day?” You mutter in appreciation for having a girlfriend who sometimes just wants to kiss for a long time. “Not complaining, I’m just asking.”
  4548. >”We can go to my room if you want~”
  4549. >”Yeah, do that!” A startling voice makes both of you jolt.
  4550. >Oh that’s right, other students live in here.
  4551. >A couple of guys and girls standing RIGHT THERE must have been watching you and Spitfire make out in public for who knows how long.
  4552. >Spitfire feels a tidal wave of embarrassment overtake her as she realizes that she somehow lost control of herself and awareness of her surroundings upon seeing you out the window.
  4553. >Why is this happening to her?
  4554. >The two of you shyly retreat to Spitfire’s dorm room, only to find Fleetfoot there getting homework out at her desk, having went in without either of you noticing.
  4555. >”We get it, you’re dating.” She jokes at her upon the opportunity to take a lighthearted jab which these girls likely do to one another on the regular.
  4556. >Spitfire just nervously laughs, which surprises her roommate.
  4557. >”Damn, I hope you don’t let him watch our games. Or you’re gonna kick the ball into the wrong goal or something.” Fleetfoot continues.
  4558. >”That’d be worse than when you clashed right into someone on the field when Silver Zoom was cheering you on, yeah.” Spitfire goes right back to being herself.
  4559. >”Touché.” Grins Fleetfoot. “But you two gotta go somewhere else if you wanna do something. Like how you made him and me go away when you were doing homework in here.”
  4560. >”Fair enough.” Spitfire turns to you. “You didn’t forget the keys to your room again, did you?”
  4561. “I-uh, hang on…"
  4562. >Sift through your pockets once again.
  4563. >Aaaaaand, the key you use is nowhere to be felt.
  4564. “Fuuuuuuck!”
  4565. >”Oh my gosh, fucking really?” Spitfire laughs and lightly jabs you in the arm. “How?!”
  4566. “Well you made me rush over here!"
  4567. >Long story short, Fleetfoot kicks the two of you out since she started her homework before you started your fun.
  4568. >And you need to get a temporary spare key from the commons in order to get back in… again.
  4569. >Because you’re probably partially braindead.
  4570. >But for the meantime, you suggest that you get your final paperwork picked up today so it’s out of the way since you might be sleeping in tomorrow.
  4571. >It takes the entirety of twenty or so minutes for you to realize how much that would affect your performance if you were to sleep with Spitfire.
  4572. >Sure, you want to see how you can weasel your way out of the upcoming contract (despite already completing all of the training, legal hurdles and pretty much everything else that already has you committed and obligated whether you like it or not).
  4573. >But at the same time, what are you going to do with your life if you don’t become a professional athlete?
  4574. >The whole point was to live life on fun and easy mode, but you can’t even do it in an amateur way if you end up sucking at sports compared to all the competition, and this applies to whether you’re under a contract or not, whether you’re with Spitfire or not.
  4575. >And back to thinking about her, the complications will become a reality for you if you were to go ahead and simply sleep with your girlfriend.
  4576. >There’s no way you’d do it without ejaculating, especially with how surprisingly in the mood she’s been.
  4577. >You remember vaguely telling her that you’ve been abstaining from distractions including “self pleasure”, though you were never specific as to how or why.
  4578. >But she seems to have completely forgotten and not listen when you sort of try to bring it back up.
  4579. >And given that you’re about to go to Ms. Harshwhinny’s office to make things official in the paperwork, plummeting your performance would be nothing but bad news.
  4580. >Try to start to snap out of it, but Spitfire keeps making her way back into the center of your thoughts, especially the way she kissed you.
  4581. >It’s practically identical to the way Principal Cadance kissed you, as though Spitfire learned it from Principal Cadance while you were away.
  4582. >Like she gave her “lessons” during your absence during which Principal Cadance taught Spitfire how to kiss just like she does.
  4583. >The thought of this asserts itself in your trousers, making it hard to walk without your tent becoming easy to notice.
  4584. >It’s getting out of control.
  4585. >Spitfire walks in front of you, so you don’t have to worry about her seeing, but watching her ass as she walks in front of you weakens you.
  4586. >No idea why she insisted on coming to the office with you, as though she wanted to make sure she knows your whereabouts during the whole thing, but here she is leading you into the building.
  4587. >There’s a part of you screaming to toughen up, and find a way to not end up giving up that pent up frustration you need to be good at sports.
  4588. >But the longer you’re holding Spitfire’s hand, that part of you grows quieter, and smaller, and weaker.
  4589. >You don’t even remember whom you went to training camp with.
  4590. >All you want is Spitfire.
  4591. >And knowing she wants you back just as much (if not more) continues to weaken you.
  4592. >You feel as though you’ve been trapped and have yet to realize how it was done.
  4593. >…
  4594. >As long as you’ll get to be with Spitfire
  4595. >The gist of everything Ms. Harshwhinny said so far is exactly what you expected.
  4596. >Your official sports contract was partially filled out for you.
  4597. >Drafted into one of the teams you said you’d enlist for, and scheduled to train for the specific series of track and field event a couple of weeks after your current semester ends with a timeline of sporting events laid out before you.
  4598. >You are officially technically a professional athlete who’ll get his paycheck weekly during your time periods of competing in fierce competitions.
  4599. >Didn’t know there could be arrangements where your college experience could be formally put on hold as you participate in nationwide and even worldwide events.
  4600. >Didn’t know there were places that actually did it this way.
  4601. >With this, off-campus housing arrangements have been arranged, and you’re told you should get ready to pack some things when the time for leaving comes.
  4602. >Just try not to fail any of your classes, otherwise that would sort of complicate how you get back into the swing of things when you eventually come back to resume college, but no contracts would be cancelled, those are final.
  4603. >Ms. Harshwhinny herself dons her usual formal business suit, as proper as it is save for the slightly low cut front area that almost starts to show cleavage.
  4604. >From the shape of everything, you can tell she’s definitely stacked under there for sure, it’s just hard to see all the detail through so many layers of formal clothing.
  4605. >This outfit is ordering you not to see it as lewd, and Ms. Harshwhinny’s short blonde hair and stern expression are more intimidating than you want to admit.
  4606. >This woman means business for sure, and she probably wouldn’t appreciate you thinking about her in a sexual way, as far as you can tell.
  4607. >But there’s something… predatory… about her you’re sensing, and it’s chaining your mind inside of the gutter whenever you look at her.
  4608. >The sound of her voice is very firm and demanding in her vocal inflections, like she knows how to articulate things in ways that establish “yes, I am commanding this to you”.
  4609. >So much so that the thought of interrupting her almost scares you.
  4610. >”In addition to all of this, you will probably be advised to take any necessary supplements that do not violate the rules or code of conduct.” Ms. Harshwhinny tells you as you sign your name on multiple dotted lines. “No illegal enhancement drugs, that’s the main one.”
  4611. “People get disqualified for those, right?”
  4612. >”They do. Which is why you are to read this section that is riiight…” She flips through the pages of her copy of the contract. “…It’s here somewhere…”
  4613. >Ms. Harshwhinny licks the tip of her finger to flip through the pieces of paper… and locks eyes with you exclusively during the instant she does this each time.
  4614. >Imagine her tongue doing more things.
  4615. >There’s something you can’t put your finger on about it, but weren’t you already hard enough?
  4616. >“Here. Page 26.” She reaches forward to point the paragraph out for you on your copy.
  4617. >Her upper arm pushes her boob inward, making her cleavage crease up into view from that low enough cut top under that half-unbuttoned suit.
  4618. >Oh she’s got big ones.
  4619. >”No disallowed stimulants, diuretics, narcotics, cannabinoids, or modulators for the metabolism or hormones unless explicitly confirmed as within guidelines, which is practically none of them in this case…”
  4620. >Her eyes lock onto yours again as she goes further down the list, this time staying that way like she’s waiting for you to look away first.
  4621. >Challenging you.
  4622. >A brief moment when she lowers her eyelids reminds you of Spitfire’s eyes right before she kissed you.
  4623. >As if Ms. Harshwhinny received the same “lessons” Spitfire did last month.
  4624. >And you’re only seeing the results of which right now, unable to revert to a more in-your-favor situation.
  4625. >”…and that includes growth factors and peptide hormones.”
  4626. >Listening to her talk about hormones makes you squeeze Spitfire’s and a little more tightly.
  4627. >She squeezes your hand back, reminding you that /she/ is your real superior despite Ms. Harshwhinny being the one pulling the strings.
  4628. >”Anything you need for allowed supplements will be prescribed and provided to you.”
  4629. >Ms. Harshwhinny goes on to mention a sort of enhancement supplement that you assume her company is making money off of and legal team keeps afloat above the rules.
  4630. >You’re a little confused, because this thing sounds like it shouldn’t be any more allowed than any of the other drugs and such.
  4631. “Will I be required to take it?” You eventually ask Ms. Harshwhinny.
  4632. >”If it is necessary for your performance as a professional in congruence to our brand here, you will be.”
  4633. >”You won’t need to worry about that, he and I train together all the time. Performance will not be a big concern.” Spitfire challenges it. “We’re a real high energy couple.”
  4634. >”In a professional setting, simply being a “high energy couple” does nothing.” Ms. Harshwhinny’s voice grows louder. “Plus, he will be by himself, and adhering to professional guidelines we set up here. It is nowhere near that simple. Anyone can become physically drained with what this takes season after season, which affects overall performance.”
  4635. >”Doesn’t everyone get paid the same whether they win or lose anyway?”
  4636. >”Employees play and get paid more times the longer they stay in the season here. Poor performance gets cut short and loses profits. There’s a reason why there’s so many prerequisites.”
  4637. >This is starting to sound like Spitfire doesn’t want you to depend on whatever Ms. Harshwhinny’s sponsored supplement is, but Ms. Harshwhinny is going to make you depend on it by requirement somehow.
  4638. >Like your own pride and drive gives you too much independence for this business’s taste, and you have to become just like everybody else who isn’t… overqualified?
  4639. >Doesn’t make sense to even everyone out unless each side is helping the other side keep things two-sided so everyone makes enough money to go far.
  4640. >You’re too distracted by Ms. Harshwhinny’s bust to think any more deeply about this.
  4641. >”No one’s exactly a hero or superstar unless they really have what it takes.” She sounds like she knows no one is going to do so even if they can at first. “But at the end of the day, the final decision is made by my department.”
  4642. >Ms. Harshwhinny gazes at you as though she’s kissing you with her eyes, asserting that she’s doing it better, or is able to do it better.
  4643. >Can’t help but wondering what she has going on under her clothes; what she has going on.
  4644. >But what’s going on with you is you basically being under Ms. Harshwhinny’s rules and guidelines. Her requirements.
  4645. >You don’t want to depend on whatever this supplement is that her people are sponsoring, and you don’t really like the idea of being under her control, though she probably loves the idea of that more than you realize.
  4646. >It’s too late to pull out of this; you already put your signature on the contract multiple times.
  4647. >This haunts you all the way out the building you eventually exit after a meeting and signing gone well.
  4648. ~
  4649. >Considering Spitfire’s advances earlier today, and how much they seemed out of her nature, you decide to tell her the whole thing about how you’ve been stockpiling your energy naturally in order to perform better.
  4650. >You’ve sort of told her before, but this time is in actual grand detail.
  4651. >It’s the only way to get her to realize that… getting together… is going to put you in a world of failure should you lose your ability to swing your bat hard enough at the plate by tiring yourself out in the dugout.
  4652. >She understands immediately, and you can tell she does by the sad look in her eyes, and you know for a fact you can’t just leave things like this after how suddenly interested and ready she’s been.
  4653. >Even though she’s gotten a whole lot more down-to-earth after she sat there watching you interact with Ms. Harshwhinny about whether you should artificially keep your energy up or not, like he has to compete with her or something.
  4654. >But still.
  4655. >Your girl wants to get intimate with you and you feel the same way back, that’s the fact that remains no matter what you two agree on.
  4656. >The conversation starts to include Ms. Harshwhinny and how she really started to insist you take a drug she sponsors or something to boost your energy instead.
  4657. >Not only that, but you have to fill out a bunch of housing paperwork under her supervision the next time you arrange a meeting, which could have been just now, but you turned the free time slot down on account on feeling you need to get away from Ms. Harshwhinny before she had too much of an… affect on you.
  4658. >”There’s something up with her.” Spitfire walks right by your side. “Are you sure signing that contract was a good idea?”
  4659. “She has a drug to sell, except it’s not like those people on the streets. She’s at a desk instead.” You assure her. “She can’t legally force me to take any medications without my consent.”
  4660. >”The hell did you think was on the contract, then?”
  4661. “It said if it was proven I needed the energy. Then it’d be required. She can’t prove shit.” You see Spitfire has the same worried look she had when you signed your name on the line.
  4662. >”How do you know what her definition of ‘proof’ is? These business people do this all the time. They play with words to make you feel in control then go back and change what they meant only after you sign some shit. This is street smarts 101, Rookie!”
  4663. “She said it’d have to be ‘underwhelming performance’. I can totally avoid that, especially with you helping me.” You defend signing the contract. “She also can’t pump drugs into me that would make me underperform and need the drug she’s pushing until I’ve already underperformed.”
  4664. >”So that’s why you really really don’t want to let yourself blow loads, then.” Spitfire says. “So you can have extra stamina without any kind of stimulants.”
  4665. “Well it’s the reason now.” You clarify. “Before, it was just a bunch of petty garbage about winning. Now I have an actual career on the line.”
  4666. >“I still have a hard time believing that actually works, though.”
  4667. “It’s the only reason I got this far.”
  4668. >Spitfire raises an eyebrow at you.
  4669. “Well what’s the look for?”
  4670. >”I’ve seen what you’re capable of. You’re able to stay focused while playing, Rookie. That’s not something an overly horny guy can do while playing with a girl he likes.”
  4671. >She… actually has a point there.
  4672. “So what do you call me being able to do only after I haven’t gotten my rocks off every once in a while?”
  4673. >”I think it’s a placebo effect.” She responds. “That and that bit of an ego you got there. The combination simply pushed you to your full potential that was already there whether you jerk off or not.”
  4674. “You really think that’s it?”
  4675. >”I know so.”
  4676. >…
  4677. >Assuming Fleetfoot is still in the other dorm, you and Spitfire go back to your dorm, taking out your copy of the contract to read the details of when your pre-season starts.
  4678. >Your current semester, specifically altered for your situation, ends in September, giving you until mid to late October before the Off-season begins, which is when you will move into your off-campus housing unit from your dorm.
  4679. >January begins Pre-season, April begins the season itself, which then ends in August, which is the current month right now but a year before.
  4680. >But Spitfire does agree that at least making you dish out your best during your training with a “reward” at the end might be beneficial.
  4681. >Which is basically the direction this begins to go in after you realize how much time you’d still have to rebound if you and Spitfire had your fun now.
  4682. >Both of you really wanting to do it sort of adds to this too.
  4683. “I’m just saying, I’ve had to do a whole lot to get myself out of the habit, and it’ll take longer than the couple of weeks I’ll have to get myself back out of the habit.”
  4684. >”You got like seven weeks right now.” She smiles.
  4685. “And what about if Ms. Harshwhinny decides to check up on me right after when I’m tired?”
  4686. >”I guess you’re not wrong.”
  4687. >The two of you stare at one another for a few minutes, knowing there’s nothing you want more than to do it now that you’re together again.
  4688. >It’s really hard not to exchange this mutual sentiment through the looks in your eyes alone.
  4689. “I guess the best thing I can do is get that lady off my back as soon as I can.” You finally admit.
  4690. >”Why not do it right now?” Spitfire’s eyes already tell you she wants to come with you. “Get your dumb housing paperwork finalized and out of the way. I’ll come with.”
  4691. “You wanna move in with me too while you’re at it?”
  4692. >The two of you smile.
  4693. >”You know I wish I could, Rookie.” Spitfire tells you. “Maybe we can work something out while we’re back there.”
  4694. >On the bed, you and Spitfire share a kiss together.
  4695. >It’s more or less a casual kiss, between teammates that just happen to like getting intimate, and into a bit of a relationship too.
  4696. “I guess it’s not a good idea to get my nut out now, then. At least, not until after I’m done with this.”
  4697. >Spitfire’s eyes light up at the sound of this, having confirmed that this is totally about to happen.
  4698. >And now she switches right into her mode where she challenges you. “Well you gotta work for it first, Rookie.”
  4699. >It’s decided that you must eliminate all distractions and any possible instances where you’ll be vulnerable to being labeled as “underperforming”.
  4700. >Of course, Spitfire still doesn’t believe that the cringe little nofap thing you do is even as legit as you usually thought it was, but she’s not playing around with your undergoing of the ordeals in order to tantalize you, now that she knows for a fact this is going to end with the two of you taking turns being “on top”.
  4701. >She KNOWS you’re eager to do it, and wants you to be the first one to crack after trying to hold out.
  4702. >Even though it’s barely any further time at all, but it feels like years to you right now.
  4703. >Following you back to the office building where you shall announce that you changed your mind about whether you’ll do the last of the housing paperwork signatures now or later.
  4704. >Hopefully, it won’t take any longer than the time between now and the time Spitfire has to go to practice.
  4705. >It feels like going right up to the mouth of the beast to keep it from striking somehow, but you’re gonna confront this now before it has a chance to leave your control later on down the line.
  4706. >All you know is that you got a massive pent-up load inside of you, and it’s reserved for your tomboy girlfriend.
  4707. >…
  4708. >”I see you’re ready to get serious about being proactive about this.” Ms. Harshwhinny says to you in her stern voice. “That’s good, I like that.”
  4709. >You and Spitfire sit down on the opposite side of the desk, with Spitfire and Ms. Harshwhinny locking eyes in a stare-off of some sort.
  4710. >It’s like they know eachother from before, and don’t trust the other one with you.
  4711. >”So have you made up your mind on which side of of the apartment complex you want to be on?”
  4712. >The process begins, and Ms. Harshwhinny reveals that she still has to contact people in the real estate department or whatever it was she said in order to make it official.
  4713. >They’re the ones who craft the specific contract for your case and then fax it over.
  4714. >And of course, this is going to take some time.
  4715. >And can only begin this process AFTER you’ve made your decision.
  4716. >”I really don’t think it would be of much importance how close to the pool you would be.” Ms. Harshwhinny tells you. “But again, you’ll have to make this desire known to the real estate people.”
  4717. >The mere mention of a pool made you imagine what Ms. Harshwhinny would look like in a bikini instead of that suit that leaves so much up to interpretation.
  4718. >But a lot of that interpretation is influenced by how… well… she fills that suit out.
  4719. >You imagine she’s very soft under there.
  4720. >Soft and curvy, with the tight bikini indenting into her skin as that body just stays on display for people not used to seeing her dressed so “unprofessionally”.
  4721. >”And what if there’s a spot open?” Asks Spitfire.
  4722. >”Hm?”
  4723. >”If he like, needs a roommate to help pay rent.”
  4724. >”There’s always another athlete to live with him. We usually do it in groups.” Ms. Harshwhinny picks up the corded phone.
  4725. >”I’M another athlete.” Insists Spitfire.
  4726. >”Athletes. In. The. Program, Miss Fire.” Ms. Harshwhinny coldly clarifies, purposefully making it sound like she called her “misfire”.
  4727. >That glare says “do not fuck with me or my catch”.
  4728. >Being already desensitized to insulting punchlines, Spitfire just takes it in stride. “Ah, okay. Thanks for clarifying.”
  4729. >”If you do want to join the program, you can always sign up for the proper training.”
  4730. >If you were still on the outside of this, you wouldn’t have accepted this offer.
  4731. >Something about this whole thing, at least in your case, seems really strange. Like you’re walking into a mousetrap.
  4732. >You’ve already established to yourself that you and Spitfire are going to get down together after this is over.
  4733. >Unless it overlaps with her soccer practice and there’s no time to do it before that.
  4734. >…Aaaaand it actually does.
  4735. >Turns out that it takes time for the people on the other end to formulate the final housing contract for you to sign, then fax it over.
  4736. >It’s usually a process that takes 5 to 10 business days, but most of everything was already determined beforehand, and the only things that needed to be changed were the room number out of a list of still available residences and other tiny details.
  4737. >So the official edited contract should be faxed over within the next couple of hours, and Ms. Harshwhinny’s office usually doesn’t stay open this late, but she’s making an exception this time for the sake of you getting this done today.
  4738. >Since you and Spitfire insist that you don’t want to have to come back tomorrow, for reasons that are only between the two of you.
  4739. “So other than this, is there anything else I’ll need to come back here for?” You ask, hoping that this is the last time overall and you never have to have this lady check up on you again, just in case she tries to pull a fast one with the definitions and stuff.
  4740. >”For now, no.” She responds. “After this, you’re all set and your landlord will be the one you address for anything else, unless you get yourself into any legal trouble and you need help contacting the right attorney.”
  4741. >Yeah, you don’t plan on having to deal with any of that kind of noise.
  4742. >Ms. Harshwhinny continues to talk to you, but your eyes have to struggle to not drift down to her heaving chest under all those clothes.
  4743. >Spitfire starts to try and hint at the possibility of moving in with you, but there’s no feasible way she could do it.
  4744. >She wants to be your guardian or protector so badly, especially when the clock runs out and she has to go to practice with an indoor training session.
  4745. >Spitfire tries to stay as long as she can, but Ms. Harshwhinny basically orders her to go to wherever she needs to go, urgently at that.
  4746. >Within a few minutes, Spitfire has no choice other than to leave you here, alone with Ms. Harshwhinny.
  4747. >Alone with Ms. Harshwhinny as you wait together for the faxed contract to come in.
  4748. >So you can sign it and leave with your copy, under Ms. Harshwhinny’s supervision.
  4749. “Do I have to wait here the whole time?”
  4750. >”You do unless you want to come back tomorrow.”
  4751. >Think about what you and Spitfire will absolutely do later on tonight, considering how carefully Ms. Harshwhinny is examining your demeanor.
  4752. >You haven’t been paying attention to your own body movements to make sure they sell you as an energetic guy, because you didn’t have to.
  4753. >Which is the point, it didn’t look fake because it’s genuine.
  4754. >You do NOT want to come in all sluggish tomorrow, not when there’s the possibility of having a drug forced upon you looming over your head.
  4755. >With this, you wait in the office with Ms. Harshwhinny as you wait for the fax machine to start beeping.
  4756. >”You know, I used to be a lot like her.” Ms. Harshwhinny breaks her streak of only talking about business.
  4757. “…Like her how?” You ask.
  4758. >”Strapping and athletic, always ambitious with nothing held back. As your generation usually is.”
  4759. >That sounded a whole lot like a generalization.
  4760. “Heh, yeah.”
  4761. >”She’ll learn to slow down and look around once in a while once she gets a little bit older.”
  4762. “You think so?”
  4763. >”So will you.”
  4764. >You gulp.
  4765. >She cuts right to the chase. “You see, I used to be in your shoes. Having far reaching dreams, not caring much for how my position affects others or society as a whole. I just wanted to life the fun and easy life. Without any of the responsibilities that come with it.” Ms. Harshwhinny begins to lecture you.
  4766. >She pushes her boobs together in her clothes and leans forward a tad bit, boasting a tiny bit of cleavage from under her top.
  4767. >”No one would believe how fast I could run a mile. No one would believe how much I could lift. Without being on any supplements or anything, it was all naturally done with the right routine of training. But no one ever knew, because I wasn’t so open about it like you are. I was always told to live the obedient life and accept a regular job and college degree.”
  4768. >A college degree.
  4769. “Well, you’re doing pretty well right now, aren’t you?” You bravely venture into this territory.
  4770. >”I am. But it’s a lot of hard work.” She emphasizes with a small amount of regretful anger in her voice. “Funny thing is, I could have had my own sports contract.”
  4771. >You start to picture what she must have looked like when she was younger.
  4772. >Was… was Miss Harshwhinny a tomboy too back in the day?
  4773. >The way she’s going on describing herself makes it sound like that.
  4774. >When did she end up working this dull office job instead?
  4775. >Since how long ago was it?
  4776. >You imagine she’s more or less bitter about no longer being young and athletic.
  4777. >”I just hope you know how lucky you are.” She starts to get a little more personal, shuffling around in her seat with her soft ass inevitably mashing against the seat of her chair in your imagination. “From what I’ve seen you do, you have a long career ahead of you.”
  4778. >And a prosperous one at that, you’d imagine.
  4779. >Something this lady apparently missed out on her opportunity for.
  4780. >So now to make up for that, Ms. Harshwhinny ALWAYS gets what she wants from here on out.
  4781. >You can see the jealous envy in her eyes, it says it all.
  4782. >She missed her boat, so now she’s probably trying to sink yours with this drug she wants to push.
  4783. >Though, you’ll never need that drug so long as you got your load inside of you, unless Spitfire was right all along.
  4784. >All you know is that you’re strong right now, and that fax machine better be beeping sometime really damn soon.
  4785. >Her eyes.
  4786. >Something about them screams something at you but you don’t know why.
  4787. >She. Wants. That. Load.
  4788. >Before Spitfire gets it.
  4789. >Whether you like it or not.
  4790. >Ms. Harshwhinny gets up to get herself a cup of water from the dispenser around the corner, preparing to probably wait an hour or two alone with you.
  4791. >Out of what’s most likely paranoid curiosity, you try to door handle on the door under the exit sign.
  4792. >When the hell did the door lock?
  4793. >The more you have to talk to Ms. Harshwhinny, the more you don’t want to do so.
  4794. >She sat back down without knowing you had tried the door handle.
  4795. >”You know the thing about long careers?” She says to you. “It takes a lot of maintenance. Whether it’s a desk job or an athletic winning streak.”
  4796. “I’ve managed so far and I’m pretty sure I got the hang of it enough to only worry about adapting down the road.”
  4797. >You know she’s about to start leaning towards you needing the performance enhancers she makes money off of.
  4798. >”Ah but you’re still young. Things haven’t needed adjustments yet as you’re just finding out what it’s like to play in the big leagues.”
  4799. “Yeah. Think I’m gonna be young for a few more years though.”
  4800. >The contract said something about five years being the limit before it has to be renewed; you’ll still be about 24 by then.
  4801. >She continues to needle in all these little things that could happen that would make you perform less efficiently, including injuries and such.
  4802. >The dull hum of the office lights overlooks everything.
  4803. >This place is so fucking boring, you can’t imagine having to stay in here every day.
  4804. >Ms. Harshwhinny’s fat CEO-tier paycheck better be worth it, like damn.
  4805. >She’s giving you a look like she’s never left this place in forever and you’re the fresh meat she just trapped in here after sitting in her regretful spite all day.
  4806. >”Surely you and Miss Fire must have been together for a while now, hmm?”
  4807. “A couple of months so far, yeah.”
  4808. >She silently scoffs.
  4809. >”That’s adorable.”
  4810. “Adorable how?”
  4811. >”I hope you two don’t think you’re going to end up getting married. When you’ve just met and you’re still at the start of college.”
  4812. “We’ll… cross that bridge when we get to it.”
  4813. >”When…” Ms. Harshwhinny mutters under her breath, almost too quietly for you to hear.
  4814. >The cheesily sinister way she said that comes off like that point in a movie when the good guy’s friend is being taken hostage by the villain’s henchmen.
  4815. >Like she wants to imply to you that it’s already too late, to tease you.
  4816. >But Spitfire literally just left.
  4817. >Like 45 minutes ago.
  4818. >You think.
  4819. >Still sit there waiting for the fax machine to start whirring so you can stand up and get out of here as soon as you can.
  4820. >”If you’re going to make it into this field, you’re going to have to play by other people’s rules sometimes.” Ms. Harshwhinny tells you. “Compromises are part of the things you’ll have to do. That includes realizing you’re not invincible.”
  4821. >Every new sentence she says is an attempt to chop you down in your seat as you sit there.
  4822. >And everything you say to insist that you’ve got more than what it takes to excel in this track and field sector you’ve enrolled into is countered by a clever response you didn’t even expect.
  4823. >Even after you showed up unannounced, Ms. Harshwhinny seems to automatically knows exactly what to say.
  4824. >It’s just annoying you more and more.
  4825. >Especially when she begins pressing with more and more personal questions and statements, like if you’ve even had any girlfriends before there was Spitfire, whom she still consistently calls “Miss Fire”.
  4826. “Well if that fax isn’t coming in any time soon then I might as well be leaving for tonight. I got things to do too.” You begin to stand up.
  4827. >”You’ll have to come back tomorrow morning, then.”
  4828. “I’m aware that is the case, yes. Thanks.”
  4829. >You realize she said that as though there’s something on the line if you have to come back tomorrow, as if it was an underhanded threat.
  4830. >Because it probably was one.
  4831. >Her eyes dance around with yours before you turn and make your way to the door, pretending to not know it’s locked.
  4832. >She saw you look over at the fire alarm trigger; you had thoughts that if push came to shove then you’d pull that and race out of here before she traps you in here.
  4833. >Something about her triggers your fight of flight response in general.
  4834. >”Just remember.” She says to you. “You WILL have to come back as soon as the fax comes in.”
  4835. “I will.”
  4836. >”So you’ll come tomorrow.”
  4837. “Yes I’ll come tomorrow.”
  4838. >She smiles after she got you to say that.
  4839. >You didn’t even hear any clicking noises, or maybe you were just too distracted by the thick tension in the air, but the door is suddenly unlocked.
  4840. >The hallway carpet outside lightly gives way to your shoes as you pass by all of the other locked doors, realizing that no one else is in the building this late.
  4841. >Each fluorescent light you walk under makes your shadow appear on the wall, giving you something to look at and distract yourself with in order to forget Ms. Harshwhinny’s piercing glare that startled you.
  4842. >She KNEW you were the type to go ahead with the fire alarm, probably saw it in your own eyes along with your past demeanor.
  4843. >She’s careful to wait until you’re in the right spot for striking.
  4844. >She got a “yes I’ll come tomorrow” out of you.
  4845. >And you really don’t want to make that come true.
  4846. >…
  4847. >Send Spitfire a couple of texts, knowing that her soccer practice is surely over by now.
  4848. >It’s been hours, and it’s getting close to midnight now.
  4849. >But you’re sure she’s probably running late or waiting at her own dorm.
  4850. >The first thing you want to do when you see her is take her back to your dorm.
  4851. >You’re going to kiss her just as furiously as she kissed you, so she knows for a fact you’re still with her in the mood.
  4852. >Then you’re going to reach under her shirt, under her bra, feel her up, maybe get her completely topless before the door to your dorm even closes all the way.
  4853. >Fantasies are already running through your head as you plan the last-time-for-a-while intimacy you’re going to have with Spitfire.
  4854. >But not only does she not respond to your first couple of texts, it looks like nothing is even reaching her phone.
  4855. >Send some more texts, but get nothing back.
  4856. >He phone is straight up not even on; the messages are instantly failing to deliver.
  4857. >She even texted with you once during one of her practice sessions, so this makes no fucking sense.
  4858. >Maybe she dropped her phone down a staircase by accident.
  4859. >Just as she wouldn’t have been able to do, you can’t stick around in your dorm for more than a minute or two.
  4860. >Head over to Spitfire’s dorm building and make your way to her room.
  4861. >The door is open, and in there paces Spitfire’s roommate Fleetfoot.
  4862. “…Hey, you done with your homework now?” You half-joke.
  4863. >”Hey is Spitfire with you? I can’t text her, think her phone’s dead.”
  4864. >Stop right in your tracks.
  4865. “No. I’m actually looking for her right now.”
  4866. >You don’t like how worried Fleetfoot looks.
  4867. >You know that Spitfire must always be back by long before this time.
  4868. >The more this goes on, the more you think about how Ms. Harshwhinny very easily let you just leave her office after initially locking the door.
  4869. >Couple that with the fact that she obviously dislikes Spitfire and you’re starting to formulate an uncomfortable suspicion.
  4870. >What the fuck happened to your girlfriend? It’s almost midnight and not even her roommate knows where she is.
  4871. >You’re almost on the verge of filing a missing person’s report until Fleetfoot finds a handwritten note on Spitfire’s desk.
  4872. >A simple paragraph stating to not worry about her sudden absence and she’s going to be “away for a few days taking care of something”, and that her phone got destroyed which is why she’s writing a note. But she swears that she “will absolutely return” soon and not to freak out or anything.
  4873. >Welp, that would explain the texts not going through. A couple of DAYS though?
  4874. >Fleetfoot is able to verify that Spitfire’s handwriting and signature at the bottom are legitimate.
  4875. >”I don’t remember anything going on with her.” Fleetfoot wonders to herself with the paper in her hand. “I’d have known about it. And I was just here before her a few hours ago.”
  4876. >With not much else to make of this, you decide to call it a night to spare your own sleep schedule.
  4877. >Return to your own dorm alone and with Fleetfoot’s number, from which the girl texts you stating that she’s still not able to reach her roommate and your girlfriend.
  4878. >Sometimes, it’s starting to feel like the only two things that will be left in all of this are you and Ms. Harshwhinny.
  4879. >Something about this tells you that this is the intention, because you’re getting stupidly paranoid again.
  4880. ~
  4881. >A day has gone by.
  4882. >Spitfire’s phone is still destroyed and unable to be reached by anyone in her circle of friends.
  4883. >You decided against going back to Ms. Harshwhinny’s office until you know what happened with Spitfire.
  4884. >The way she glared at her is still fresh in your memory, the way she so INTENTLY glared at her.
  4885. >Don’t even check your email, just start randomly jogging around campus to keep your cardiovascular system up to date.
  4886. >That part of you that instinctively looked around for Cadance’s bright hair has now been awakened.
  4887. >Something feels off now, and something about that note really rubs you the wrong way.
  4888. >All you know is that you’re going to stay the fuck away fro that office building now that Ms. Harshwhinny tried to lock you in there with her.
  4889. >Whatever faxed form that came in can wait, it’s not like it’s going anywhere anytime soon.
  4890. >Keep looking over your shoulder as you continue to prepare for moving into a new apartment and starting the weirdly early beginning of your professional athletic career.
  4891. >All of the noise is finally out of the way, but you feel like you have a good reason to look over your shoulder.
  4892. >Especially since you’re on edge and energetic enough to run fast enough to be sprinting with little to no effort, thinking about the scenario over and over again.
  4893. >There is just no way.
  4894. ~
  4895. ~
  4896. >It turns out there’s a sort of file storage area where Ms. Harshwhinny had to drop off the form that was faxed over for you.
  4897. >You doubt she wanted you to know about it.
  4898. >She probably hoped you’d assume you have to go back to her office in order to sign the residence papers, instead of getting it notarized elsewhere which you instantly do.
  4899. >This whole thing felt like it was building up to some sort of huge climax where you’d have to dodge tranquilizer darts lest one hits you and you wake up with one kidney in a bathtub of ice.
  4900. >But no, not even the plans of really conniving and influential people always pan out the way they want and have unavoidable holes in their fabrics.
  4901. >But your plan of your own, however, is now running along smoothly as you work on finishing up your coursework for the semester early and begin to prepare your workout equipment for the big move you’re about to embark on.
  4902. >Moving stuff in and of itself is a workout, so you’ll be staying up to date on your strength training in theory as you begin to translate your daily life over to the new apartment Cadance definitely doesn’t have a way to know about.
  4903. >It begins in he couple of weeks after your final exams, the lead-up to which was a stressful combination of rushing through work and wondering what the hell happened to your girlfriend who disappeared off the face of the earth as far as you know.
  4904. >It’s a little awkward talking to Fleetfoot more often about anything at all due to the circumstances under which you began to get to know one another.
  4905. >As long as you don’t have to run into Ms. Harshwhinny again then you feel like you’re safe; Principal Cadance seems to have moved on to whatever else she has going on in life instead of quite literally fucking you over.
  4906. >This apartment is part of a quite newly built and fresh and clean complex with smooth white walls and lush carpets.
  4907. >Smells really pristine in there for lack of a better term to describe it as in your mind.
  4908. >The appliances and other furnishings are up to date and everything just seems so comfy and roomy, with your own place being big enough to fit two people, including the bed (barely).
  4909. >The kitchen is really nice looking with sleek granite counter tops, you have your own laundry room and an extra little room to put all of your workout equipment in.
  4910. >And of course, there’s good air conditioning and heating here.
  4911. >If Spitfire was allowed to move in with you in this place, then she totally could do it with no problem.
  4912. >Maybe she can sneak over here with you after coming back from whatever trip of, at this point, journey, she’s been on for some time now.
  4913. >Nothing’s changing the fact that you’re worried sick about her, an the tension can easily go into how hard you work out but you never get it all out of your system, because your girlfriend is still missing and not even her current roommate knows where she is.
  4914. >This is WAY too long for someone to be missing, and the fact that she could easily live in this place with you is only making this sting more with how fucking tantalizing it is.
  4915. >You settle into your new place the best you can, preparing for pre-season after college gets put on hold for you and your coaches and trainers are selected.
  4916. >Continuing on the way you are without release is only making you more and more tense, with the only real escape being your dreams at night as you ignore not-yet-familiar walls from under the covers.
  4917. >…
  4918. >She’s here with you once again.
  4919. >Coitus the previous few days really calmed you down, didn’t it?
  4920. >You’re taking things easier and easier.
  4921. >Been hanging around Spitfire way more often now, letting her gradually teach you anything further you need to know about soccer as she tests out your cardiovascular system (on the field this time).
  4922. >There’s some unspoken language that’s exchanged between the two of you now that you’re gotten as intimate as you ever could have gotten.
  4923. >It’s like you’re sharing the same life now, knowing what the other is going to say.
  4924. >You’ve gotten more comfortable around her teammates too, really jiving with the group as you go day by day with getting those pesky classes out of the way before you can go live life on easy mode until you retire by sports contract.
  4925. >And that point is coming up.
  4926. >But just because you’re about to officially enter professional sports doesn’t mean you’re not going to head downtown and have some fun.
  4927. >In fact, it absolutely means that it’s exactly what you’re going to do in order to avoid putting too much stress on your body before intense training.
  4928. >Yup, that’s right.
  4929. >There’s like a billion different types of training you have to sign up for and go through until professionally competing for the title.
  4930. >There was something about subverting the amateur matches and skipping right to professional competitions you remember reading about.
  4931. >Already forgot.
  4932. >All you can think of now is what you want to do on your night out into town with Spitfire.
  4933. >After walking around for a bit, the two of you see that the carnival is in town.
  4934. >Might as well have yourself a little bit of fun.
  4935. >Start going around picking out which activities to do like throwing the little beanbag into the hole or shooting a star into paper with a bb gun or whatever rigged carnival activity you decide to choose.
  4936. >Not even Spitfire seems to care much about how pointless these things are or how much they’re just designed to take people’s money when they pay to “play”.
  4937. >After shooting a bunch of owls and ducks with a water gun, you win her a giant teddy bear.
  4938. >...
  4939. >Waking up from these dreams gets harder and harder once you’re under the pressure of your sports schedule.
  4940. >No time to reflect on what you just dreamt, get the fuck up and go out there and get ready for those competitions hundreds of thousands if not millions of people are going to watch.
  4941. >You got what you wanted, only in the absence of Spitfire, the girl who slowly became the only reason you continued doing this in the first place.
  4942. >Feeling kind of empty and as though reality itself has played a sick prank on you, like the devil is getting back at you for acting the way you used to.
  4943. >Nah, that’s impossible, the devil is too much of a corny nerd.
  4944. >You’re so on the edge of your seat that you feel like you could punch satan in the face and he’d fall unconscious into the core of the earth until the magma drowns him.
  4945. >That’s not as metal as it may sound, it sounds more like something an 11 year old would say without realizing how stupid it is.
  4946. >You gotta calm down, you’re freaking out man.
  4947. ~
  4948. >It takes WAY too long before you actually hear from Spitfire’s number on your phone once again.
  4949. >You and her friends and roommates.
  4950. >Texts you all with weirdly-worded messages about how she had to leave town and attend stuff in her family and then she got lost somewhere and her new phone couldn’t get activated and how she has to play catch-up with her classes and the university is already working on it yadda yadda yadda.
  4951. >You don’t believe a word of it.
  4952. >She’s still not even here, she’s not here with you, and honestly that’s enough to be a problem because you know she would have at least found a way to contact you before it’s been this long.
  4953. >As far as your new training goes, it’s exactly what you’d expect; pretty much the same athletics training as you’ve already been doing, nothing new added, except the overall end goal is a competition you’re getting professionally paid for per game.
  4954. >But that’s not what’s on your mind right now.
  4955. >There’s already so much going on in your life and none of it is being focused on.
  4956. >You’re training almost every day and meeting all these new teammates, coaches and whatnot.
  4957. >There should be new names locked into your mind but it’s all brushing by you because your mind is somewhere else right now even though you train hard like you should.
  4958. >Spitfire is missing and she should be living with you instead of wherever Ms. Harshwhinny sent her to.
  4959. >She WAS kidnapped, you just know it’s true.
  4960. >Fleetfoot undoubtably suspects this as well, and you can tell from the way she talks with you.
  4961. >Something’s wrong, you know it.
  4962. >And in the midst of these tournaments, you’re going to venture out wherever you can geolocate the new phone and save Spitfire and bring her back home.
  4963. >Your unique tension feeding into your determination and adrenaline, making you feel like the main character of an action movie.
  4964. >No amount of thugs or henchmen can take you down as you grind through them in search of your lover.
  4965. >Start to triangulate where Spitfire’s new phone is through some tricks you learn on the internet, getting the hang on geolocating IP addresses and a phone number’s last known location.
  4966. >Is it in Europe?
  4967. >Is it in South America?
  4968. >Puff out your chest as you imagine how many people you’ll have to run through once you make it over there hopefully using international tournaments to be the excuse to be there in the first place.
  4969. >Feel like you could beat up ten men at once with your borderline superpowers.
  4970. >”…Yeah okay bud, we’ll see how long you feel so big and tough lol.” Thus spoke reality.
  4971. ~
  4972. >After way too much time for your taste, college is over.
  4973. >Fuck that felt like forever.
  4974. >But your time sitting through boring lectures and jotting down obnoxious essays and research papers is finally over.
  4975. >In your new apartment you prepare your baggage for the inevitable touring as an athlete.
  4976. >Hopefully this’ll be more fun than “fun”.
  4977. >Your stress regarding finding out what happened to Spitfire only feeds into your performance in warm-ups with the team.
  4978. >It’s like a natural part of you is hell-bent on performing as top-tier as possible in order to “do the thing that needs to be done to survive” in the unconscious part of your mind.
  4979. >Except this thing that needs to be done has nothing to do with what your nature or evolution taught you.
  4980. >You just want your girlfriend back, and you KNOW Ms. Harshwhinny had something to do with it.
  4981. >The first day of practice starts with you making some grand entrance like you used to, except it’s not for show this time.
  4982. >You were only quiet and less talkative before because you thought it made you mysterious and cool like some edgy anime fan.
  4983. >Now, your mind is truly somewhere else and you couldn’t care less what your teammates think of you.
  4984. >Realizing this, you feel an almost-existent twinge of pride bubbling up inside of you, but it’s under the wrong circumstances.
  4985. >Things got too real.
  4986. >You may not be a professional soccer/football player, but you and your teammates practice the sport during your downtime.
  4987. >All of that weightlifting you did and you barely even needed all that muscle in the (quite literal) long run.
  4988. >In fact, having larger muscles is starting to hinder your performance as you run around the track during practice.
  4989. >But it only serves as another challenge for you to overcome, and so you do.
  4990. >But even through all of this, your mind is somewhere else.
  4991. >Wanting Spitfire back and wanting to make the world around you go your way and only your way from now on.
  4992. >Including you versus yourself.
  4993. >In some amount of time, you’re eventually scheduled to fly to the city your first game is in.
  4994. >Great, spending loads of time on buses and planes, here we go.
  4995. >…
  4996. >”Hey, man.” One of your teammates you’ve practiced with calls over to you. “Why’re you so quiet all the time? We’re going to Vegas! Get hype!”
  4997. >You smile back as politely as you can, trying to figure out how to tell them that your mind is somewhere else without giving away too much to not explain details you do not with to disclose.
  4998. >”You good, man?” Another pats you on the shoulder.
  4999. “Just a little tired is all.”
  5000. >”Yeah you were really killing those laps.” The first guy compliments. “Bet you’re really serious about your performance, eh?”
  5001. >Nod.
  5002. >By the way, you’re already on a tour bus to the airport, for the fifth time now.
  5003. >Was barely paying attention to your surroundings.
  5004. >”I don’t know how you do it, man. It’s like the longer you go on, the more stamina you get.”
  5005. >”Yo, you should see him.” One teammate starts talking to another teammate about you. “It’s like he enters his own little zone. Guy’s got a good work ethic.”
  5006. “Oh, it’s nothing, really. I just uh, try my best.”
  5007. >You’ve already gotten bored of the small talk on the tour bus.
  5008. >It all just ran together, you’re in the airport boarding area by this point.
  5009. >On the plane you go, after security checkpoints and such of course.
  5010. >The chattering of your teammates continues as the plane goes up in the air, just like every other time.
  5011. >You’re pretty used to it by now.
  5012. >Skies stay dark around you as the plane continues on as night falls.
  5013. >You’ll be in Vegas before tomorrow morning.
  5014. >Might as well try to have some personal fun, screw it.
  5015. >Go do some cool shit or whatever, you’re going to need to.
  5016. >The plane lands at a time when the sky is turning colors for the sunrise.
  5017. >The team gets off the plane, you get off of the plane, your baggage is rolled on out, coach says a bunch of shit you forget within five minutes.
  5018. >Nothing really appeals to you until you’re riding another bus along the streets.
  5019. >It’s like barely six in the morning and still many fucking lights and shit going on in this place.
  5020. >Not that it’s a bad thing, it’s just kind of corny is all.
  5021. >You made it all the way to Las Vegas and you don’t even know what you want to do here.
  5022. >Like, what are you gonna do, gamble? Shop? Get drunk?
  5023. >You came here to win competitions.
  5024. >Everyone else is talking about going to strip clubs.
  5025. >Or watching stand-up shows.
  5026. >This is what they’re sorting out their money to do in the couple of hours before warm-ups.
  5027. >You have a hard time turning them down when they ask you if you want to join them.
  5028. >Every other city or town you’ve gone to so far in this athletic “tour”, you could easily rationalize it as there being nothing to do.
  5029. >Can’t really say that when it comes to Las Vegas. There’s ALL the things to do here and you can’t just wait in the gym until everyone else arrives this time.
  5030. >At least, not believably.
  5031. >So with that, you’re just gonna do it non-believably. You’ll celebrate in Vegas after you win, giving yourself something to not only look forward to but also to reward your hard work with.
  5032. >Sick and tired of concentration being interrupted by a bunch of bullshit.
  5033. >Even if you really are just a track athlete and nothing more.
  5034. >…
  5035. >This is the first time that waiting in the gym has been something actually notable, given what you’ve decided not to do in comparison to it.
  5036. >It’s really starting to make you feel silly about the whole thing.
  5037. >But it’s just something you’re gonna have to get used to.
  5038. >Because here you sit, stretching, preparing, getting your tendons and joints looser even if it means preparing just a little bit better for your in-stadium performance.
  5039. >These other guys around you in the Las Vegas gym, these strangers, don’t seem to pay too much mind to you.
  5040. >Knowing this place, they might see strange things all the time, so you appearing all boring and normal should be extra-under the radar with these guys.
  5041. >And the very second you see a couple of them whispering to one another, you know something’s up.
  5042. >You just sense it immediately.
  5043. >Ignore them for a couple of minutes, but their constant peculiar attention towards you is hard to ignore.
  5044. >They can’t ignore you, so now you can’t ignore them.
  5045. “May I help you?”
  5046. >They stare.
  5047. >You stare back and give them the best kind of face you can come up with, not knowing if you just look cringy or not.
  5048. “Is there something I can help you with?”
  5049. >”You uh, wanna go into the gym to do that? It’s empty.”
  5050. >Whatever they were whispering had a LOT more words than that.
  5051. >But you’ll agree with his fair point and play along.
  5052. “Oh, right. Sorry.” You give an innocent, awkward smile.
  5053. >Take your things and walk into the gym.
  5054. >Neither of the guys who were talking about you are smiling, and they’re still whispering about something that has to do with you.
  5055. >Whatever it was, it’s not really about you going into the gym to stretch your arms and legs.
  5056. >You don’t care, as long as you don’t have to look at or listen to these guys.
  5057. >So now, in the gym you sit, on the floor, stretching, doing whatever you need to do to “warm up for warm-ups”.
  5058. >You figure that the more you’re able to do n the field, the more you’ll be able to do in terms of traveling around the world and getting paid.
  5059. >This’ll definitely come in handy during your free time in off-season or whenever it’ll be when you can go around doing whatever you want with money and a great desensitization to flying on planes.
  5060. >That’s when you will scour the world for Spitfire.
  5061. >It’s a bit of a weird way to put it, but the details have already been said before and now is far past the point of rationalizing it to yourself.
  5062. >You just gotta find her.
  5063. >…
  5064. >The rest of the team should be getting here shortly.
  5065. >You just know they’re gonna give you a look for having waited at the gym instead of having fun with them ahead of the warm-ups and competition.
  5066. >Explaining the “work only first then fun only later” rationale didn’t really work before, but you’ll probably just tell it to them again since you can’t really care enough to tell them anything else anyway.
  5067. >With that, you decide you’ll go sit in the locker room and change into your uniform ahead of everyone else as if you’re winning that “race” too.
  5068. >Really funny to see old habits dying hard, in a sort of sense of your pointless immaturity.
  5069. >In the locker room, as you’re changing, you hear the door swing open, followed by those two familiar voices from back out in the hall.
  5070. >Each guy is walking on either side of the island-row of lockers you’re on the other end of.
  5071. >One of them shushes the other.
  5072. >You perk your head up; this is all you needed to hear.
  5073. >Pick up your bag and wait for the closest one to be just about to turn the corner.
  5074. >His posture already indicated that he was about to pounce on you, there’s no denying that.
  5075. >Otherwise, your bag wouldn’t have hit him in the face when you swung it at chest-level.
  5076. >Your next move is diving away from the edge of the locker row and under the bench before the second guy can lunge at you.
  5077. >You KNEW they didn’t look like they went here, but it didn’t occur to you until they came at you.
  5078. >Leap over the bench as he’s hunched over and dropkick his back.
  5079. >Your energy has sprung into survival mode, fueled by your pent up stamina.
  5080. >Act without thinking first, then assess your surroundings.
  5081. >You’re moving so fluidly, so readily and swiftly.
  5082. >It’s something you’re subconsciously proud of in the moment, and fully consciously proud of when the heat isn’t on.
  5083. >These two guys didn’t expect this encounter to be this one-sided the OTHER way, seeing as they’re both taller than you.
  5084. >You sent them running, leaving you in a moment of silence.
  5085. >Just stand there for a few minutes completely unscathed, wondering why one of them dropped a syringe on the floor.
  5086. >Was he going to use that thing on you?
  5087. >What’s in it? Can’t be water.
  5088. >Decide to sweep the syringe of the floor and hide it in your bag for a brief second, before realizing what that would imply if someone were to find it.
  5089. >Can’t be getting disqualified now, eh?
  5090. >Squirt the contents out into one of the sinks, then toss the syringe into a trash can after wiping your fingerprints off of it.
  5091. >Just another empty, owner-less syringe in a Las Vegas locker room trash can that you’re not even going to bother reporting.
  5092. >Moments later, the first team members begin entering the locker room.
  5093. >Greeting you as you stand there with a blank, relieved grin.
  5094. >This is gonna be fun.
  5095. >…
  5096. >Practice to games to touring in planes, this is your life.
  5097. >It’s always the same every time, you exercise with the rest of the guys, you then run track and field races with them.
  5098. >Leaping over hurdles, making it to finish lines, holding cute dumb little stick thingies.
  5099. >And then after than, you all go to some restaurant to hang out after all is said and done, with you being one of the top scoring players.
  5100. >Not even the top guy.
  5101. >Even after all that preparation, it turns out you’re still not the top dog around, despite that… thing… that was supposed to be your advantage.
  5102. >Maybe it’s because you’re shorter than everyone else, that’s probably the only thing holding you back.
  5103. >Whatever non-existent height exercises you can’t do will have to be substituted by time letting you gain more energy as the weeks pass.
  5104. >Which is fine, because this is something you’re getting used to.
  5105. >Even in cold air, in fact, you’d argue that especially in cold air, you’re getting used to being covered in balmy sweat.
  5106. >Even in the planes and buses.
  5107. >Late nights of dark skies and landscapes outside with the lit up interior of the travel vehicle all surround you in your leather or fuzzy seats depending on what you’re currently riding.
  5108. >Go from one place to the next, you’re like a bird evolved to thrive in lakes and rivers.
  5109. >Going in and out of the water, getting your feathers wet and clustered together in firm tufts that would otherwise make your ears hurt from the combination of water, sweat and cold air in the midst of physical activity.
  5110. >You just swim instead of sink, constantly moving.
  5111. >All you know is speed, all you know is persisting forward and doing what you’re supposed to do, what you’re naturally built to do.
  5112. >Your ears don’t hurt after running and sweating in sweater weather, you’re built different, and you’re used to this feeling.
  5113. >But even through all of this, you wonder.
  5114. >Where in the world is Spitfire right now?
  5115. ~
  5116. >Spitfire wakes up disoriented in darkness.
  5117. >Super warm and… cozy?
  5118. >Spitfire peers around in the dark, eyelids getting heavy already.
  5119. >Barely able to move.
  5120. >So little energy, she might as well be tied up.
  5121. >Strains her entire body in an attempt to move forward.
  5122. >Tensing all of her tight ripped muscles, trying to sit up, but her athletic build is useless.
  5123. >After further minutes, Spitfire realizes that there’s a mattress under her and blanket over her.
  5124. >But it’s not her own bed; it’s making all of these unsettling noises as she slips around in of it.
  5125. >Some twisting and rolling gets her to stumble out onto the damp carpet below.
  5126. >Was that a bed? What is that thing?
  5127. >Without another second to analyze what must have been happening, Spitfire weakly rises to her feet, almost stumbling back down to her side at first.
  5128. >This room is dimly lit, but Spitfire can still make out how shiny her toned arms are.
  5129. >The inside of the “bed” is filled with something clear that's way too thick to be water, coating Spitfire.
  5130. >As she licks it off of her lips; it’s too… sweet to be lube.
  5131. >Spitfire hobbles over to a door, tries it, and realizes it’s locked.
  5132. >Takes a blunt nearby object and starts hitting at the doorknob.
  5133. >With all of her strength, she tries to break it, her noticeably muscular arms only at a fraction of their usual strength.
  5134. >Spitfire grunts in her efforts to escape, wondering if she’s gonna end up fighting henchmen on the other side of this hotel room door.
  5135. >Why isn’t she scared? Why does she feel so… good?
  5136. >Spitfire’s blue tank top is completely soaked in whatever this substance coating her skin is.
  5137. >A wall camera is above the door, pointing towards the bed.
  5138. >”Hey!” Spitfire finds enough energy to blare out her raspy exhausted voice as she raises her arms.
  5139. >Spitfire’s soaked blue tank top rides up her toned slippery abs and exposes her bellybutton, prompting her to tug in back down with that camera right there.
  5140. >Not only is Spitfire’s tummy showing, but where did her bra go?
  5141. >The soaked tank top does almost nothing from keeping Spitfire’s perky, erect nipples from poking through.
  5142. >”The fuck?!” She crosses her arms over her soaked lubed-up chest.
  5143. >In her head, she remembers something from under those covers.
  5144. >The bed was somehow “eating” her clothes when she was partially conscious, and one point involved Spitfire realizing her panties were being slipped down her thighs.
  5145. >Looks down; she’s bottomless, as she had been in the bed for a while.
  5146. >[“Have sex with your boyfriend.”] A voice says next to the camera.
  5147. >As if on cue, she turns around and sees “you” naked and fully erect.
  5148. >Except there’s five of you.
  5149. >Five… clones?
  5150. >Spitfire doesn’t panic, only aroused at the sight of them, letting them corner her and kiss her. “Hey, Rookie.”
  5151. >They all direct bottomless Spitfire to the bed, lifting her wet tank top up her fit, slippery body.
  5152. >[“Our queen’s friend is jealous of you.”]
  5153. ~
  5154. >…
  5155. >The weeks are turning into months.
  5156. >You’re still living that traveling life.
  5157. >Traveling all over the continent to compete in multiple track and field competitions with your teammates you’ve grown close to.
  5158. >Starting to get bored with just running around and getting paid for it.
  5159. >Sure, getting paid for it is a great things, even though your salary isn’t super high yet.
  5160. >And you can just brush off all of those expectations the sports fans have for you, but it feels like this sport itself is a little too… lightweight?
  5161. >All you’re doing is running and jumping around, feeling light as a feather as sweat drips from your brow.
  5162. >It’s not as hardcore or exciting enough for your tastes.
  5163. >Especially not after you’ve been re-awakening that hyper-competitiveness within yourself, to your past principals’ hypothetical dismay.
  5164. >You didn’t lose your immaturity, you’ve just upgraded it to become more efficient.
  5165. >But what happened to playing soccer? Or rather, football, or even American football?
  5166. >You hate to imagine how other American football players would easily beat you at the sport, because they’re huge and well-built guys with a lot of size, strength and mass.
  5167. >You’re just a scrawny little track boy; this is unacceptable!
  5168. >There will ALWAYS be that part of you that wants to be perfect at everything. And now is the time for you to start pushing that side of you once more.
  5169. >Just in a smarter way now.
  5170. >And all of that stamina stems from that load a certain someone wants as she sits in her office.
  5171. >Waiting for an excuse for you to come see her again after more time passes.
  5172. >As much time can pass as it wants, that just means the payoff will be even greater now that your girlfriend’s still missing.
  5173. >But in the meantime, you’re stuck on some kind of conquer-the-sport mode.
  5174. >Do all of your work first, not even trying to one-up anyone in exercising or really anything at all until the actual competition itself takes place, then start acting all smug and happy happy joy joy about how fucking cool you are after the fact.
  5175. >Only then can you back it up.
  5176. >Don’t allow yourself to brag until you actually feel like you deserve to brag.
  5177. >It’s not called “bragging rights” for no reason.
  5178. >Everyone else just focuses on making the cut and performing as best as they can to /hopefully/ get first place while entertaining the audience with their version of the olympic games.
  5179. >You’re focused on solidifying your bragging rights to a degree not even you can imagine.
  5180. >Simply getting first place isn’t even enough for you, you want to make everyone in the stands question reality itself.
  5181. >Even if you get first place, but no one is as impressed as you want them to be, you will have let yourself down and will probably reject your trophies and medals too as a result.
  5182. >Second place guy can have the first place award if that’s the case, you don’t care.
  5183. >It’s not even about winning or trophies for you anymore, it’s about taking back what you’ve REALLY lost: that feeling of having far exceeded even your own expectations.
  5184. >Taking back your spite against your libido and other human limitations, most people talk, but you are the only one who’s actually ready to TORTURE himself actually following through.
  5185. >Get visions that you’re days of having escaped are numbered.
  5186. >You’re free right now, but it’s only a matter of time before the freedom ends, you’re put into a REALLY public eye, and *she* easily, EASILY finds you.
  5187. >Either her, or the other her, before you find your own her once more.
  5188. >Either way, someone’s got an eye on that load you’ve got there.
  5189. >…
  5190. >Being a track star is getting your attitude all propped up.
  5191. >At this point, flying in planes is nothing but run-of-the-mill for you.
  5192. >You get on, look out the window at the far away lands down below, watching the nearly microscopic buildings go by before the clouds shroud everything.
  5193. >Maybe your next location won’t be as hot, or as cold, just the right temperature to not annoy you when you start to inevitably sweat.
  5194. >This is something you tell the press when they come up to you after each event is over.
  5195. >They interview you and your teammates, trying to get you to say something quippy for the clickbait headlines.
  5196. >Most of the guys don’t bather trying to enhance that attention, and the journalists do it for them anyway because they need something to overhype.
  5197. >At least, they need to do it themselves until you start giving them plenty of material.
  5198. >You are MORE than happy to be the outstanding personality of the group, giving passionate, long-winded answers to interviewer question when they come up to you and shove their microphones in your face.
  5199. >You give them all of the political views, not caring if you contradict yourself because that’s just gonna get them to call you out and bring you more attention anyway.
  5200. >And that’s just to name one example.
  5201. >Now all the people with microphones go to you first, for that sweet sweet first scoop of “sports world moment”.
  5202. >Figure it really started after you started seeing yourself on the TV channels, something you had vaguely imagined since you were a kid.
  5203. >You got what you daydreamed about even before you had actual goals for it; now what are you going to do with it?
  5204. >You’re not gonna soapbox or anything, just do anything you can to farm all the attention you can for the sake of popularity.
  5205. >As long as it’s not too controversial.
  5206. >Just say a bunch of bombastic shit with the leftover energy you have left, since all you’re really doing is running around anyway.
  5207. >Really odd for a track star to be acting like this, but your team is getting more popular because of this.
  5208. >Your coach is a bit iffy about your demeanor, but you’re in love with it.
  5209. >So much so that its even boosting your confidence once more and prompting you to try harder and harder with your training each time you fly or ride in to a new event location.
  5210. >You are that bird that not only flies through the air, but swims through the water.
  5211. >Not at all minding if you get your feathers wet, because you’re built to do anything you can no matter the environment.
  5212. >Get up early and rush out to the airport when you have a flight to catch.
  5213. >Banter with your teammates, really starting to jive with them a lot better these days.
  5214. >Maybe being that outcast guy wasn’t such a helpful thing at all, because your whole… everything… has become super-powered now that you’re trying to be the center of every conversation.
  5215. >When the fuck is this season going to ever end?!
  5216. >It feels like it’s taking forever, but not because it’s too much for you to handle, it’s because it’s not enough for you to handle.
  5217. >You’re just about to jump from second rank to first rank after getting first place enough times.
  5218. >You don’t even know how you did it anymore, but that doesn’t matter.
  5219. >Just hope that this will help you sleep at night better now that you’re snagged your former glory with yourself, very adequately at that now that you think about it.
  5220. >Though, you already sleep rather comfortably on the planes when necessary, so there’s already that.
  5221. >The fast moving life really is kind of fun now that you’ve started to become used to it.
  5222. >…
  5223. >That same fast-moving life that lead up to you once more being in Vegas.
  5224. >This time, after the final tournament.
  5225. >You’ve gotten yourself well-known in the track and field world (fucking finally).
  5226. >Now you’re walking around the Vegas streets with a bunch of cash in your hands, more than all of your bros has in the beginning combined.
  5227. >See, you were smart, you waited until AFTER you made a good bit of money form your athlete paycheck to start blowing away at the casinos or strip clubs and whatnot.
  5228. >Though, going to a strip club is likely going to reawaken something within you that shouldn’t be reawakened.
  5229. >Fuck gambling too, you’re just gonna go have fun at an amusement park or something.
  5230. >It’s weird how you only now can think of all the fun things you can do now that you have such a more positive outlook on things.
  5231. >You don’t even remember that whole spat in the locker room with the syringe anymore.
  5232. >Wherever it is you end up going with your buddies, you wind up aggressively dominating them at bumper cars.
  5233. >While also being the one to pay for almost everything.
  5234. >There’s a bunch of games where you throw the baseball at the target to win a prize.
  5235. >Everyone’s wondering how the track star managed to suddenly be able to throw what must be a perfect pitcher’s throw and not waste his money on the carnival games that should honestly be rigged in the first place as they usually are.
  5236. >You won stuffed teddy bears for half the team as a joke, knowing they’re just gonna give them to their girlfriends or wives saying that they threw the ball and not you.
  5237. >Fine, let them, as long as you know it’s a lie and it was actually you who did the cool thing.
  5238. >Other than those things you did at the carnival, you rode on rollercoasters, giant teacup rides, all sorts of things that came with the territories.
  5239. >Did a few other things in Las Vegas that wasn’t gambling or playing poker.
  5240. >Saw plays and musicals, visited museums and decorated resorts and other exhibits.
  5241. >Took a stroll through Caesar’s Palace, etc. etc. etc.
  5242. >Lots of cool and important things that still aren’t the same as having the stakes be raised and on the line in a legitimate competition you’re built and trained for.
  5243. >Those are the situations you feel most… at home in.
  5244. >Because you have such a gloriously unfair advantage, with that… load.
  5245. >Powering you up like a car battery inside of a hot-wheels figurine.
  5246. >You’re the baddest thin manlet on the block, with many loud fans and even louder haters due to your stand-out “personality”.
  5247. >As more and more interviews go on, you start getting more and more questions about whether or not you’ve used anything that would… enhance your performance during game time.
  5248. >It feels like nothing at first, but when it gets frequent enough, you decide to look a couple of things up right before your coach himself announces it to the team in the locker room.
  5249. >Right there, plastered all over the clickbait “””news””” articles: Syringegate.
  5250. >Oh that’s just fan-fucking-tastic, it’s one of those hyper cringe “___gate” scandals.
  5251. >Those are always fucking stupid and annoying.
  5252. >Turns out that someone had found that thing in the trash can a while back right after the event ended, but recently heard true rumors of you having been at the gym loooooong before anyone else, with anonymous sources confirming that there were no syringes in the trash can before you were there.
  5253. >…
  5254. >Oops.
  5255. >…
  5256. >Welp, this is just reality hitting you in the face going “WELCOME TO BEING FAMOUS, MOTHERFUCKER”.
  5257. >Being the star member of the team, both personality-wise and performance-wise, the reporters are gonna hound you about it every time you finish an event once the next season begins.
  5258. >Journalists are gonna crucify you, lawyers are gonna turn at you, social media's gonna meme on you.
  5259. >And you can’t do jack shit but dismiss it as the microphones are shoved in your face with intrusive, loaded questions.
  5260. >You can’t imagine who might be paying these people to really try to catch you off guard about this, but you do know that you might be getting into disciplinary trouble after all of this finishes materializing into its full form.
  5261. >Now you have no time to go flying around the world in more planes in search of Spitfire.
  5262. >…
  5263. >Press conference time is coming soon.
  5264. >And as you approach the doors that are about to swing open, you recall just how you really made the danger on the other side of them become the jaws of a mighty beast.
  5265. >…
  5266. >…
  5267. >…
  5268. >”I can’t say this would be my first time I’ve seen the likes of you get tangled up in a scandal.” Ms. Harshwhinny tells you from the other side of her desk.
  5269. >You had no other choice but to arrive at her office, due to the controversy that started up around you.
  5270. >Just out of the blue, you got a notice to speak with her at her office back at that office on campus, like you were finally being dragged back there.
  5271. >So much time without having to deal with this lady had gone by, and all of a sudden, boom, you’re required to see her in her office like she’s your principal.
  5272. >You wish you could have avoided this, but the scandal crept up on you and took you be surprise, and you’re being called in before you even know it.
  5273. >And it’s off-season now, so it’s not like you don’t have the time. You are still *technically* a college athlete, your education is just on hold and “completed” for the time being as you go around being an athlete until you go full professional.
  5274. >And here you were thinking before that you were already a professional even though you hadn’t earned any degree yet.
  5275. >Turns out that the world doesn’t work that way, dipshit.
  5276. >Now you sit here in your personal principal’s office, trying not to look near her slightly unbuttoned top out of your horniness you’ve been suppressing for way too long now since Spitfire hasn’t been around.
  5277. >As you sat here, you told her the whole story about the two guys who followed you into the locker room after you stretched and warmed up early.
  5278. >Ms. Harshwhinny did listen to every single word of it, but she didn’t seem to believe any of it either.
  5279. >It’s a bit of a difficult situation where you tell the truth but no one believes you anyway.
  5280. >”Did the team perform drug tests before the accompanying game on that day?” She asks.
  5281. “Don’t you have records of that?”
  5282. >”Not likely. But surely you’d have memory of that.”
  5283. >You stare at her, wondering what she truly wants to get you to say.
  5284. “I don’t remember the specifics of that day, no.”
  5285. >”But you do remember everything else you did in Las Vegas. Correct?”
  5286. “I didn’t do anything the first time, I was too focused on training.”
  5287. >”So this means there aren’t any other memories to drown out whether you did a drug test before the event or not.”
  5288. “Well I don’t remember if I did, sorry. But if I did, then it would have come back negative regardless.”
  5289. >”Anyone with a history of dealing with PR would be aware of the fact that saying ‘I don’t know’ won’t suffice for the questions all those articles are asking.” Ms. Harshwhinny locks her fingers and glares at you.
  5290. >She’s definitely expecting a better answer than that.
  5291. >Or maybe she isn’t, and will act as though any answer you give won’t measure up.
  5292. >”The entire team’s image is on the line now, whether you want to admit it or not.”
  5293. “Well I didn’t do anything.”
  5294. >”You don’t have any way to prove you didn’t do anything, and that’s what counts here.”
  5295. “I told you, those guys came sneaking into the locker room and tried to jump me.”
  5296. >”This is the SECOND time you had a locker room ‘fight’ where you held your own against multiple assailants attacking you without a single scar to show for it.” Ms. Harshwhinny reminds you. “Except this time, there’s no evidence that these guys even exist.”
  5297. “But I-“
  5298. >”But do you know what DOES exist? That syringe that was found. And the time during which it was found. The security cameras picked you up entering the gym building hours earlier than scheduled on the day it was found.”
  5299. “And the media’s making the whole story hinge on that!”
  5300. >”I don’t know if you realize this, but that’s the whole point. That’s all they need to do in order to ruin the image of you and your team. And when that happens, I get into hot water as well.”
  5301. >Oh that’s right, you forgot for a moment that she tried to get you to use her own enhancers she likely sponsors or something.
  5302. >”Do you want to give me a more believable story than this supposed locker room fight, or are we going to have to make some phone calls?”
  5303. “I swear there’s nothing else I can tell you! There weren’t even as many other guys this time!”
  5304. >”Well your description you gave of them isn’t helping.”
  5305. “It’s not my fault that there’s a lot of shaggy looking guys with scraggly beards and long hair in Las Vegas. And didn’t the security cameras pick them up too, if that’s the case? Can’t the city police deal with that? Or even have one of their own interrogate me instead of you? What are you even bothering me for?”
  5306. >She raises an eyebrow at you. “This isn’t a criminal investigation, sir. It’s a scandal. And my own oversight is on the line because of the sponsors we’re in connection with.”
  5307. >You just shrug at her.
  5308. >”That’s not an argument, sir. I’m going to need you to tell a more believable story. Because obviously we already know the source of who knows where the syringe came from at this point. It’s you whether you’re lying or not.”
  5309. “So?”
  5310. >”If you leave my office without giving a better explanation, then your ‘story’ is going to be plastered all over the news like a new book, along with the fact that you’ve gotten into locker room fights in the past. There is NO way this is going to be a good look for you, PR-wise.”
  5311. >…
  5312. >Well that didn’t go well.
  5313. >Because you absolutely did leave her office without giving a better explanation.
  5314. >You’re not even dwelling about the fact that she let you leave the office with ease this time; she was probably genuinely concerned about how this is going to play out in the public eye.
  5315. >Needless to say, you’re in some deep shit.
  5316. >So deep that your other problems are almost completely drowned out by it, except wanting to find Spitfire any way you can.
  5317. >Back in your apartment, you plan out what you’re going to say to the reporters after “syringegate” inflates to a new level, given what you’ve essentially confessed to.
  5318. >Maybe a workout session will chase the stress away.
  5319. >Begin pumping iron as you usually do, this time carefully as to not make yourself too top-heavy to run and jump over hurdles on the track you recently became the top performer on.
  5320. >It is a bit easier to do more sets with the lighter weights, but you’re still annoyed that you have to remain rather thin and more cardiovascular-focused for the sake of your career.
  5321. >Everything pretty much falls together in your head by the time you’ve made yourself sweat a whole lot, ready to shower in your own personal space of privacy.
  5322. >Strip yourself naked and turn the water on, getting under it before it even stops being cold.
  5323. >As you’re showering, you start to feel as though you’re not totally alone in your apartment, like someone’s here.
  5324. >But it’s a weak suspicion you momentarily forget about anyway as the water runs over your face.
  5325. >However, you begin to even slightly think about Principal Cadance, imagining what you’d do if she somehow broke into your apartment with lewd intentions.
  5326. >Didn’t even have to think about her body or anything; just the very THOUGHT of her mere PRESENCE makes your member begin to get some blood rushing in.
  5327. >Even after all this time, your conditioning is still taking some effect when all you did was let your mind wander to the wrong place.
  5328. >Start to get harder and harder in the shower, trying to make it go back down as you’re not exactly in a position to afford to finish the deed being proposed here by your body.
  5329. >This just ain’t fair sometimes.
  5330. >You’re in the shower for at least 20 more minutes with your member completely at full mast for really no reason, and the more you think about how it feels being at full mast, the more it stays that way.
  5331. >At this point, you’re starting to suspect that you actually do have some company here, that company’s presence being the cause of all this.
  5332. >10 further minutes go by before your boner goes back down, little by little.
  5333. >Holy fuck, that was a lot more difficult than you expected.
  5334. >How long has it even been since the last time you caved in to your urges?
  5335. >How many months at this point?
  5336. >Has it been a year yet? It might have… at least half a year, you know that much.
  5337. >Not thinking about it was really a huge part of the reason it even worked in the first place.
  5338. >And in the process, you forgot how long it’s truly been, not wanting to even think about it and send your brain down that slippery slope.
  5339. >Finish showering, dry off, and head back into your living room to relax and watch some TV.
  5340. >…Was your window open when you went to go shower?
  5341. >You don’t spend a lot of time thinking about it; several-month nofap’s got you paranoid as hell anyway. Just forget about it.
  5342. ~
  5343. ~
  5344. ~
  5345. >And so, the clamoring of the reporters outside the door rages on still.
  5346. >The more you try to think about how you even got to this “famous athlete” point in your life, the less it makes sense to you.
  5347. >You always wondered how it worked for other athletes you used to look up to and watch the games of when you were a kid.
  5348. >Asking things like:
  5349. >Where did they start?
  5350. >How did they get attention?
  5351. >How long did it take?
  5352. >And now that you’ve gone through the same process as whatever process that was while having your mind somewhere else most of the time, you’re still in the dark about it despite being on the other side of the tunnel about it yourself.
  5353. >Like, what did you even do?
  5354. >Acted like an asshole to everyone, bragging and making a scene, winning a bunch of games, signing up for training programs, outperforming lots of peers, being selected, etc.?
  5355. >It doesn’t feel like that at all, except the part where you were an asshole.
  5356. >The memory’s too much of a confusing blur.
  5357. >All you know now is that what happens in Vegas… doesn’t always stay in Vegas.
  5358. >The scandal around the syringe that was found in the team locker room is a swirling hurricane that just won’t die.
  5359. >…
  5361. >TO COME HERE
  5362. >The doors swing open, the camera shutters begin applauding…
  5363. >”How many non-professional fights have you been in in your life?!”
  5364. >”What was in the syringe you left in the locker room?!”
  5365. >”Did any other team members join you before the Vegas game began?!”
  5366. >”Was the syringe yours?!”
  5367. >”Do you think you could win in a boxing match against-”
  5368. >”Have people always said you were known for violence in your life?!”
  5369. >”Did any of your teammates try to cover for you about the drugs?!”
  5370. >”Did either of those men pull a gun on you?!”
  5371. >”Where did you get the syringe?!”
  5372. >”Is it true you are in a relationship with one of the men who attacked you?!”
  5373. >The microphones being shoved in your face slowly becomes the microphones on the table before you, but the questions and camera shutters persist.
  5374. >It’s not a joke anymore.
  5375. >Welcome to being famous.
  5376. >…
  5377. >Video clips of the press conference go viral.
  5378. >In them:
  5379. “Why don’t you go running around in the Vegas streets on your own and ask them yourself, fuckhead?”
  5380. “You think we didn’t have drug tests before the game? They’d need two tests for me cuz I got too much balls on the track for just one!”
  5381. “Why the fuck is that even a question? Do you want me asking YOU about YOUR love life?”
  5382. “Yeah sure, we’re in an open relationship. Wanna join? I’ll peg you.”
  5383. “I was obviously being sarcastic! I don’t know either of those fucking guys, how am I supposed to know their names?”
  5384. “If you’re stupid enough to gamble in Vegas then I don’t know what to say for you.”
  5385. >All you.
  5386. >All of the clips are you sitting there in sunglasses like a total douche giving reporters the finger and cussing them out, only thing missing is you walking over there and slapping them.
  5387. >Though, it is kind of their fault for being journalists asking loaded questions for their clickbait articles.
  5388. >Being so on edge about everything definitely didn’t help with that.
  5389. >You’re gonna get so chewed out for that press conference you just gave with all those sports logos on the wall behind you themselves wishing not to be associated with you.
  5390. >Now:
  5391. >News anchors and talk show hosts are roasting you.
  5392. >Journalists are ranting about you in their articles about how selfish and pampered you are in life.
  5393. >Haters in need of something worse than themselves to talk shit about are making memes about you that barely make any sense.
  5394. >Staving off criticism from themselves by saying they’re wholesome and just making jokes, so people giving them shit for bringing up off-topic sports scandals on their unrelated forums are just dickriding you and can’t take jokes.
  5395. >Twitter is forming pitchfork mobs screeching against one another: one side is trying to get you 100% cancelled and deplatformed for the horrible things you said that hurt their poor widdle feewings, the other side has already decided that you are their king to vicariously feel special through your shitty attitude.
  5396. >This is the exact opposite of what Ms. Harshwhinny wanted you to do, either because it’s making the team look bad for keeping you, or because it’s getting you FUCKLOADS of free media coverage and exposure by the public talking more and more about you.
  5397. >There’s a whole buzz going on about you, and honestly don’t don’t even oppose it anymore.
  5398. >Cat’s out of the bag; lid’s off of Pandora’s box.
  5399. >Your GoFundMe is blowin’ up.
  5400. >It’s just you against the world now.
  5401. ~
  5402. >All the way back at Canterlot High School.
  5403. >Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna are doing their best to get back into their duties as heads of the entire school.
  5404. >And it was super easy until recently when they had that whole run-in with that now-former student.
  5405. >They just don’t know what happened, but Principal Cadance of Crystal Prep had gotten involved and… and…
  5406. >Well it didn’t really feel wrong or anything, it really felt right, letting loose some of that tension they’ve felt for years, especially since the likes of Celestia and Luna didn’t have much of an opportunity to have a lot of fun in college.
  5407. >It was definitely welcomed, but there’s always the suspicion that magic had some heavy influence over everything.
  5408. >But that’s not the pressing matter at hand here right now.
  5409. >Celestia sits in her office, and Luna sits in her office.
  5410. >They’re dressed in their usual respective principal and vice principal uniforms, trying not to feel and kind of… way about it.
  5411. >It’s just their normal uniforms, their normal clothes they’ve always worn.
  5412. >But there’s something about their bodies that feels different after that run-in with magic, and that former student who got away.
  5413. >Got away for now, at least.
  5414. >Celestia sits in her chair at her desk, not able to help but think about her own bra she’s wearing.
  5415. >How many male students must’ve been daydreaming about her chest? Why does this make her feel so… why does it feel so right?
  5416. >She knows she must be attractive despite previously thinking she missed the boat, but she doesn’t know what to do.
  5417. >Principal Celestia pushes her arms together, in turn squishing her boobs together inside of all of her clothes.
  5418. >She didn’t remember it feeling this… hot?
  5419. >Under her jacket and her shirt is that purple bra she’s wearing, over her fully developed breasts that the students are near every day.
  5420. >That one student who got away, you, must’ve been thinking about these things non-stop.
  5421. >Now, she can’t stop returning the favor non-stop.
  5422. >There’s still some sort of leftover magic that’s multiplying every day that Cadance left.
  5423. >It doesn’t just fade, but there’s no outlet for Principal Celestia to… to…
  5424. >She listens to her sister in her own office next door, hoping to hear that she too is still holding on to her restraint for mutual encouragement.
  5425. >The repetitive squeaking of Vice Principal Luna’s chair is all Principal Celestia needs to hear in order to figure out what her sister does when no one’s around.
  5426. >Getting rid of that stress, or at least fending it off for the time being until it inevitably returns.
  5427. >Managing it.
  5428. >Now Celestia’s alone in her office, completely alone so long as she continues refusing her own nature, but it’s too strong to be resisted forever.
  5429. >She locks the door, thinking hard about her decision.
  5430. >Right here, in her office?
  5431. >Luna’s already doing it, probably quickly before anyone can see or hear.
  5432. >Letting out her tension before her darkness transforms her, And Celestia figures it’s only right to do the same with herself as long as things are this way.
  5433. >But, she’s the principal! She’s not supposed to be lewd or sexual.
  5434. >But if she’s not supposed to be, then why is her body under all those clothes so… like this?
  5435. >Why is she needing to cross her legs a little, curl her toes in her shoes and bite her lips just to feel a little more comfortable?
  5436. >Why is she shuffling around in her chair so much, with something deep inside of her heart and mind nagging her to get itself out of her system before someone can come in and interrupt?
  5437. >Isn’t Celestia a decade or two too old to still be feeling these urges so strongly?
  5438. >She finished puberty forever ago, she’s been a fully grown woman in her 30s for a while now.
  5439. >Why are these urges getting so strong?!
  5440. >She undoes a button on her jacket for now, and it makes her feel better.
  5441. >Something about the sudden increase of the amount of her shirt showing makes things a little more exciting.
  5442. >A need for lewdness she won’t admit to is fulfilled, and she won’t feel as depraved when dressed just a little more “casually”.
  5443. >The urge is just going to have to be satisfied with that for new, Principal Celestia must not allow herself to spiral any further out of her own control.
  5444. >But deep down, she knows this is only the beginning until she sees you again.
  5445. ~
  5446. >Once again, you’re riding on another plane.
  5447. >And then another.
  5448. >”Vacationing”.
  5449. >Blowing lots of money away going to different countries with your phone and laptop out, trying to track things.
  5450. >With nothing but Spitfire on your mind.
  5451. >You get a bad feeling in your gut every time you check into another hotel.
  5452. >Looking over your shoulder, looking straight ahead, trying to figure out what to say to the person at the front desk that doesn’t sound suspicious enough to get them asking questions you really can’t answer.
  5453. >Worst part is, you have to worry about being occasionally recognized if you go to a place that might have enough people who watch sports.
  5454. >It’s still not extremely likely, but having to run into someone who wants to sign your autograph or some shit surprisingly terrifies you.
  5455. >Maybe because it’ll make your location very VERY public and you won’t be traveling around so stealthily anymore.
  5456. >There’s journalists all over the world, you know.
  5457. >Maybe even,,, henchmen. Like in the movies that don’t even translate to real life realistically.
  5458. >You really should have brought a gun with you; all you have is your bare hands and a crowbar in one of your suitcases.
  5459. >But you don’t own a gun yet, unfortunately.
  5460. >If someone comes and attacks you, you hope they’re also unarmed so the odds are in your favor.
  5461. >No, seriously, you’re actually finding places to work out as much as you can in order to be able to come out on top in any violent confrontation that might come your way.
  5462. >Just in case your worries become confirmed.
  5463. >As a traveling athlete, it’s not hard to not only find gyms and weight rooms, but it’s easy to fit in without anyone questioning anything.
  5464. >You do your usual weight lifting, working up a sweat, putting some more miles (or kilometers) onto treadmills, etc.
  5465. >Keep looking at yourself in the mirror, impressed at how in shape you’ve kept yourself in this off-season.
  5466. >Really built yourself up even more than before, especially with this extra energy you’ve maintained that helps you endure further training and exercise.
  5467. >Unarmed assailants really shouldn’t be a threat to you as long as they don’t outnumber you or take you by surprise.
  5468. >Though, those locker room fights you got in tell a different story.
  5469. >Too lost in your own masculine image like an ancient greek man, you flex your pecs and biceps in the mirror.
  5470. >Fucking hell these things got big and firm.
  5471. >You want to say that you’re proud of yourself, but you know you can do even better, which is the mentality that always snakes its way around your self-overconfidence when convenient.
  5472. >Staying at various hotels abroad, you do push-ups in your room, non-stop.
  5473. >Putting your feet under furniture to do as many sit-ups as you can.
  5474. >But the only person you’re currently trying to impress is yourself, unless a certain someone turns up around here.
  5475. >The way the geolocation of Spitfire’s new phone worked did put her around here.
  5476. >You’re lucky as hell to have had enough money to even come here on your own; being a professional athlete really does have its benefits.
  5477. >Only problem is, your off-season isn’t turning out to be as eventful as you had hoped it would.
  5478. >You really should be in the right town, but there’s no sign of Spitfire anywhere no matter how hard you look.
  5479. >You have the number on your phone, but all texts go unanswered.
  5480. >Not just unanswered, but not even delivered.
  5481. >But you KNOW it’s her new phone.
  5482. >It took a bit of confirming, but you managed, sparing the details of all the tech shit you had to learn along the way in addition to working out.
  5483. >In the meantime, you began breaking your own personal records to keep your mind occupied and not tearing itself apart over Spitfire.
  5484. >Running laps around the small European town and checking your stopwatch to see if you beat your previous time.
  5485. >There’s something really uplifting about REALLY taking care of your body while also torturing it with continued perpetual nofap.
  5486. >The more you’re doing at any particular given moment, the less you’re thinking about it.
  5487. ~
  5488. >…
  5489. >Principal Celestia sits in her chair at her desk, silently staring at the ceiling and taking deep breaths.
  5490. >A great fire is starting to burn within her, and there’s nothing nearby that can put it out.
  5491. >All she can do is try to manage the feeling, mitigate it by focusing on something else.
  5492. >Like paperwork, or perhaps announcing that change in field trips to the students early.
  5493. >But will her voice sound too shaky in the microphone?
  5494. >She never did think about how her voice would sound when she’s… horny.
  5495. >Celestia never imagined herself getting horny, or at least THIS horny.
  5496. >Always has been the guiding light for her students she cares so deeply about, and they trust and depend on her every day to run the school.
  5497. >Uh oh, looks like one of the students just got sent to the principal’s office.
  5498. >Celestia listens to the teacher on the other line, hearing all about how the male student was acting up in class and being disruptive and disobedient.
  5499. >He’s a troublemaker, and Celestia has to quell that fire enough to not burn so bright for a… troublemaker.
  5500. >A troublemaker that might have wandering eyes for a very well-shaped female principal.
  5501. >Curse this spell that’s been bestowed upon-
  5502. >”Sit right down.” Celestia greets the rebellious teen as he enters in his baggy jeans and emo-looking hairstyle.
  5503. “I didn’t do anything wrong.”
  5504. >Celestia sits uncomfortably in her chair, trying not to shuffle her feet too much.
  5505. >Twiddling her thumbs, trying to talk to her dearest student about why his misbehavior is bad.
  5506. >Oh does he misbehave.
  5507. “The fact that I got sent here and Thunderbass didn’t is so fuckin’ gay.”
  5508. >”P-please don’t use that kind of language in my office.” Principal Celestia keeps her voice from shaking as she watches the rebel cross his arms and pout.
  5509. >She can’t stop staring at him, his black T-shirt wit the sleeves cut from his scrawny noodle arms, his knee-less jeans with a chain hanging out of one pocket, his obviously over-gelled hair, his little necklace he has around his neck, the fake spike cuffs around his thin wrists.
  5510. >He thinks he’s a tough guy.
  5511. >Probably stares at all the chests of the girls in school.
  5512. >But Principal Celestia humbly knows that her own chest outmatches every other pair in the entire school.
  5513. >Her bra size isn’t what it is for no reason.
  5514. >Her “totally appropriate” jacket doesn’t still look lewd anyway for no reason.
  5515. >Knows that she’s much taller and most likely stronger than this young troublemaker, getting all sort of terrible ideas in her head she shouldn’t be thinking about.
  5516. >So much she needs to… let out.
  5517. >But she sits in her chair and listens to the edgelord gripe about his non-problems.
  5518. >Principal Celestia wants to lock the door and show him just how “tough” he really is.
  5519. >Teach him a hell of a lesson.
  5520. >He can pester girls at school, but he can’t bully a real woman.
  5521. >She would bully him instead.
  5522. >But her fire can’t be put out by this troublemaker, it must be a troublemaker with quite a different history.
  5523. >Someone who hasn’t returned to Canterlot High.
  5524. >Yet.
  5525. >But restraint must be held on to.
  5526. >”Maybe you’ll be completely off the hook if you can convince Vice Principal Luna not to suspend you for your behavior.” Principal Celestia cannot contain herself if he stays in the room with her a minute longer.
  5527. “Aw… come… ON!”
  5528. >Celestia knows why he stormed out.
  5529. >All the students know Vice Principal Luna as the meaner one of the two sisters running the school.
  5530. >…
  5531. >Back in the European village, you proceed to work on your own strength and endurance.
  5532. >In your mind, your tight runner muscles are on par with the massive trapezius muscles of a bodybuilder on account of how shredded you are.
  5533. >That’s what you always see in the mirror, but your eyes aren’t being genuine with you, so how can this mirror be genuine with you?
  5534. >Something something how can mirrors be real yadda yadda yadda…
  5535. >Your amount of “stamina” continuing to accumulate just fuels you more and more… waiting to finally be released with the help of Spitfire one day.
  5536. >Hopefully you’ll reunite in this village, and you’ll ask her where she’s been and if she’s okay.
  5537. >Hopefully you’ll do more than reunite in this village.
  5538. >Sharing a hotel room.
  5539. >Sharing a hotel… bed.
  5540. >And you can show her that she can no longer physically overpower you and that you’re too wild to tame now, but only to her delight.
  5541. >Maybe you and her can take turns being on top; you saw how fit and toned Spitfire is.
  5542. >So much so that you doubt she’s even in any real danger.
  5543. >Like how you’re not in any real danger in locker rooms.
  5544. >You continue to run laps around town as a way to scout the area for your presumably kidnapped girlfriend, occasionally checking your phone and laptop for any updates of where her location might have changed to.
  5545. >You strain your tight muscles, pushing your strength, pushing your luck, pushing your speed.
  5546. >But the personal struggle feels too good to not feel like progress in the face of the lack of progress in finding your tomboy girl.
  5547. >But you know you’ll find her.
  5548. >You just know.
  5549. >There’s a lot you’re saving up for her.
  5550. >…
  5551. >The knocking on Vice Principal Luna’s office door goes unanswered for over a minute.
  5552. >The heavy rock music playing in her earphones keeps blocking it out.
  5553. >The door is opened by the entering student, and Vice Principal is thankful she wasn’t currently pleasing herself as this happened.
  5554. “I was… told to come here…?”
  5555. >The troublemaker student in his “cool” attire looks across the room at his Vice Principal as she has both of her feet perched up at her desk.
  5556. >She looks slightly.. darker, in two meanings of the word.
  5557. >Visually, and a bit more… sinister.
  5558. >Her eyes have this relaxed yet piercing glare as she notices the delinquent hesitate to sit in the chair on the other side of her desk.
  5559. >”Yeah?” She coldly asks through the music seeping through the earphones.
  5560. >The student instantly recognizes the early 90s “I have a rotten attitude and like rude guitar riffs” hard rock/metal song.
  5561. >It is *eventually* communicated to Vice Principal Luna that this student got sent to the principal’s office for disruptive behavior.
  5562. >And Principal Celestia sent him here.
  5563. >Luna herself knows that it is probably because Celestia doesn’t have the right coping mechanisms to properly contain herself; the older sister is too comparatively… of softer taste.
  5564. >Vice Principal Luna has recently been drowning her stress and urges in hard rock and heavy metal, and riding around on a set of wheels that give the right vibrations to set her at ease.
  5565. >The angst of her past teenage self to duel the libido of such.
  5566. >Her horniness has to be interrupted by anger and virtuous resentment for corniness, disdain for posers and basically the same kind of things this baggy pants student would make fun of for the same reasons.
  5567. >”Yeah you’re good. Go back to class. Or go home, I don’t care.” Vice Principal Luna carelessly responds, then scowls at him until he leaves.
  5568. >He leaves, confused but open to playing hooky the rest of the day.
  5569. >The nightmarish side of her feels like a panther ready to strike, not as apprehensive about it as her older sister was several minutes ago.
  5570. >This little troublemaker is prey as far as Vice Principal Luna is concerned, they all are.
  5571. >All of them waiting to be taught a lesson and put in their place.
  5572. >The sharp teeth in Luna’s grin must be concealed, lest she lose control of her own personal evil.
  5573. >All she does is turn the volume up and nods to the heavy, rugged guitar sounds.
  5574. >The student himself considers not listening to his favorite band anymore, now that the bitchy vice principal he and his friends always hated apparently listens to them now.
  5575. >…
  5576. >There’s a lot of fine looking girls at this beach resort you have now flown to in search of spitfire.
  5577. >They’re all hanging out in their small colorful bikinis, not really minding how much cleavage they’re showing.
  5578. >You are sure you’re the kind of guy they’d be interested in.
  5579. >In really good shape, social yet slightly douche-y, talkative when necessary, has a comfortable amount of money…
  5580. >Oh you love to think about how hard you go at them in bed, what with all of this pent up frustration you’ve got brewing inside like nothing else.
  5581. >Got enough stamina to last all evening, all night and even into the morning while still having another decent load left to put in whoever didn’t have her turn yet.
  5582. >All these fantasies in your head, and these girls in bikinis haven’t even looked your way at all.
  5583. >One of them looks like Octavia Melody.
  5584. >Is that Octavia Melody?
  5585. >Is that Lyra?
  5586. >Probably not, but you’re too far away to be able to tell.
  5587. >But EVEN if they were drooling over you like they are in your mind, you’d have to turn all of them down anyway.
  5588. >Because you’re on a mission, for something none of them can compare to.
  5589. >You’re in search of your fit redhead tomboy girlfriend who has gone missing.
  5590. >And for her you search far and wide, but never encounter despite your best efforts.
  5591. >You’re saving up so much for her, and you know she’d be a lot more than just having missed you.
  5592. >You remember the last time she kissed you after not having seen you for a long time.
  5593. >Gotta resume that.
  5594. >But there’s no sign of anything, and nothing’s happening on this off-season vacation that’s now coming to a close.
  5595. >And so, it ends, and you’re soon due back for…
  5596. ~
  5597. >Great.
  5598. >Brand new set of events you must play in.
  5599. >Trying to find the right plane ticket in search of spitfire didn’t work out too well.
  5600. >Can’t pinpoint which city she could be in.
  5601. >You (half) promised you wouldn’t act like an overconfident piece of shit anymore.
  5602. >But how are you going to keep that promise when Spitfire isn’t here to keep your ego in check?
  5603. >She’s not here to stop you from doing cringy little dances after getting first place.
  5604. >She’s not here to tell you not to flick off reporters and tell them that you have fun for a living and they have to stand there and ask important people questions.
  5605. >She’s not here to defeat you in a soccer match and remind you that you’re not invincible.
  5606. >She’s not here to keep you from spiraling out of control after a couple of sips of beer.
  5607. >Wrecking hotel rooms, harassing the staff, trying as hard as you can not to make it in a sexual way due to your repressed libido screaming for release.
  5608. >The only “””good””” thing is that you’re luckily being so closely watched that you know for a fact that anything out of bounds would be instantly noticed and universally condemned.
  5609. >And that threat of your career (and life) ending just like that is constantly staring you in the face as you push your hyper-repressed urges deep back inside, and you won’t let yourself forget it.
  5610. >Couldn’t if you tried anyway.
  5611. >One major slip-up and you’re done.
  5612. >As for every other bad dimension of your behavior, the stories of your “platonic recklessness” is something people have gotten numb to, which is great for your stressed bitterness to have an outlet for.
  5613. >You can push over huge plasma screen TVs (without getting officially caught), throw plates and bowls down the hall thus shattering them, jump off of more balconies, being EXTREMELY rude to reporters so long as it’s non-physical, and so on.
  5614. >Really gets the angst out of your system, gives you something to act out about instead of acknowledging your urges you’ve gotten good at ignoring.
  5615. >But…
  5616. >The very instant you grope some lady would be the ABRUPT end of your career, because that’s how closely the media is watching you even *without* evidence of anything.
  5617. >You’re not the only person overstepping some social boundary, it’s still them too.
  5618. >Just in an unfair way that’s pitted against your luck.
  5619. >All these different people are seeing you as an easy target of some sort.
  5620. >They bring up your name, they get attention, you get lampooned and talked about, so on and so forth.
  5621. >The longer this goes on, the more half of you gets used to all of this noise in your life.
  5622. >The other half of you inching closer to the breaking point, unable to take it anymore.
  5623. >So many petty things you can do with these journalists and reporters. You never liked them anyway.
  5624. >How quick they are to turn on you the very second a bad story comes up and they have to say all these far reaching things about you just to be “in the right” and hoist themselves up on their moral pedestals and soapboxes.
  5625. >Syringegate is one of the most annoying things that’s ever happened to you.
  5626. >Mostly because the whole idea of it is 100% false and your source of energy and extra stamina is 0% from drugs or unnatural enhancements.
  5627. >But what is the public supposed to believe? How are they going to believe you manage to be like this?
  5628. >Artificial enhancements is the only reasonable answer their common sense can think up, even if they think about it for themselves.
  5629. >It’s entirely unwinnable for you, and you hate unwinnable things.
  5630. >Don’t even want to get started on all of the drug tests you now have to do even a whole day or two before a game or tournament.
  5631. >They got you peeing into a cup, swabbing your nose, swabbing the back of your mouth, checking your eyes, your ears, sifting through all of your bags and belongings, say goodbye to privacy lmao.
  5632. >And unsurprisingly, every single one of your drug tests comes back with a big fat negative, and all of the searches of your bags, belongings and residence turns up nothing suspicious whatsoever.
  5633. >They have nothing, nothing at all, and yet the journalists keep implying implying implying.
  5634. >As if someone paid them to.
  5635. >Playing word games with their readers and things you’ve said to be used against you, comparing apples and oranges between you and other celebrities, posting candid bad-angle, bad-lighting pictures of you at the top of their articles, just waiting for the next “screw up” with you under their microscope.
  5636. >You KNOW they were watching when you walked out onto the track and did your preliminary stretches, probably scratching their heads wondering why you didn’t fail the drug tests.
  5637. >There was something else you assumed they were going to do, but you already forgot what it was, something clever and petty.
  5638. >But all you know is that you’re darting ahead of everyone in the hundred meter dash, by a lot.
  5639. >The crowd nearly makes you go deaf, having been so excited to see you run as fast as your legs can carry you.
  5640. >Some people outstretch their arms towards you with their palms pointed at the sky, befuddled at your raw endurance even an hour into the event.
  5641. >Your skin glistens with sweat, your ears are almost freezing, your legs only slightly sore, your heart racing, your muscles tensing, the cool wind beating your face as you are the first to cross the finish line every time.
  5642. >There’s that 1 next to your name. Again and again and again.
  5643. >Everyone else is simply overmatched at this point.
  5644. >You could have sworn that just a few weeks ago that there were at least three teammates from your team and over a dozen from other teams who were all clearly out-performing you.
  5645. >Well what the fuck happened? Did their balls drop off? Or did yours drop lower?
  5646. >Every article, article after article, some journalists are absolutely fuming in their paragraphs about you.
  5647. >You can sense it, all that cognitive dissonance on their end.
  5648. >They can’t believe that you first passed all of your drug tests and searches, and then went on to do all of THAT.
  5649. >Other journalists start praising you, probably no longer caring what they were getting paid after realizing more fans/readers are clearly on your side.
  5650. >Your cult following wants to “fight” for you now, against all of the petty journalists trying to stress you out.
  5651. >Why the absolute FUCK are the supporting your obviously shitty behavior?
  5652. >Are they really just looking for entertainment and nothing more?
  5653. >You’re too blinded by the light of fame to think and further about that.
  5654. >The praise skyrockets into your conscience.
  5655. >Hard to describe what you were like WITHOUT all these people on your side and instead had people giving you annoyed stares back in the day.
  5656. >Now it’s even harder to describe what this never-before-seen support is doing to your ego.
  5657. >Maybe your ego is being backed up faster than it can be inflated, because you keep surprising everyone again and again.
  5658. >Your most dedicated fans overhype you because they probably like what you do and get super excited for the next game.
  5659. >Some haters overhype you to make other people as annoyed by your existence as they are, like the Kpop Group Effect.
  5660. >Some people think they’re so clever and impactful when they say oh so mean things about popular things.
  5661. >As if they just shot an arrow into Achilles’s heel or whatever it is they compare their delusion to.
  5662. ~
  5663. >”The rest of your team simply cannot handle all of this press coverage. They’re not like you.” Ms. Harshwhinny berates you.
  5664. “Well if I’m cut from the team then they’re gonna be winning a lot less often without me.”
  5665. >”Don’t give me that. That kind of attitude is not what this organization is to be known to encourage.”
  5666. >She glares so angrily at you, knowing there’s no real argument she can really throw at you.
  5667. >Especially since you haven’t exactly been “underperforming”.
  5668. >”You were not signed to become a celebrity, you were signed to do your job and perform WITH the team FOR the fans. It’s not all about you!”
  5669. “I don’t know if you’ve been paying attention, but I’m not the one who made me a celebrity.”
  5670. >”Oh you think you are, do you?”
  5671. >You smile.
  5672. >She’s unfazed by your smile.
  5673. >”I’ve seen the likes of you come in and go out time and time again. You think your spark’s going to last but it’s all just a trend. These people simply needed something new to get, -ahem-, hyped about.” Ms. Harshwhinny attacks what she sees as the center of your ego.
  5674. >You cross one of your legs as she continues.
  5675. >”When your contract ends, and it will, because they won’t renew it if you didn’t act as the good sport everyone reasonable expects you to be, your highlight will be a few cereal commercials and then it’s out the door with you.”
  5676. >She huffs a little bit under her breath.
  5677. >”If you think those journalists are tough now, just wait until they find out you got dropped out of your contract because of your behavior and poor reputation of alleged drug usage. You won’t be able to sleep without camera shutters going off every five minutes outside your window!”
  5678. “What the hell do you even want me to do? The syringe straight up wasn’t mine! I told you this a million times. Not my fault that journalists are shitty people.”
  5679. >”You are to act like a PROFESSIONAL! Not an arrogant frat boy who doesn’t know his limits.”
  5680. “You say that, but I don’t think I’ve known ANY limits so far.” You smugly respond without considering how it’ll be received until after it came out.
  5681. >”That right there is unacceptable. As well as the cursing.”
  5682. >You shrug, knowing that winning for the team gets them paid more because they get to be in every game including the finals because of you. And they get paid per game.
  5683. >YOU get paid per game.
  5684. >And it’s been a lot recently, and you’ve been basking in all of the excitement the attention’s brought you as your teammates try to dodge the questions that are about you or your bullshit.
  5685. >Ms. Harshwhinny glares at you once more.
  5686. >”Don’t think another organization’s going to pick you up with the track record you’ve set up for yourself.”
  5687. “You mean the track record of me winning non-stop? Yeah, I’m sure th-”
  5688. >”You and your controversies. Your piss poor publicity stunts and your childish attitude are anything but PROFESSIONAL. And these organizations only sign PROFESSIONALS.”
  5689. >Maybe she’ll drop you from this label and free you up to join someone else if you get her to do so.
  5690. “Well you still got me signed, dont’cha?”
  5691. >She already sees what you’re doing.
  5692. >She KNOWS you’ve fallen under the impression that you don’t need her in order to find success in the sports world anymore.
  5693. >Even if she pulls the plug, someone else will see the opportunity to lend you an outlet to channel all of your remarkable abilities into so you can continue to make tons of money.
  5694. >TONS of money.
  5695. >Didn’t even have to work in a cubicle to get here.
  5696. >And unlike all of the other dumb professional athletes around you, you’re the only one constantly acting like an arrogant dick about it.
  5697. >Ms. Harshwhinny glares at you once again, half angrily and half with smug predatory intent.
  5698. >You don’t see it for yourself, but in her head is all of her memories of when she was young and fit just like you.
  5699. >Trying her hardest to get onto a team before being forced into a life of sitting at a desk and crunching numbers.
  5700. >Getting into a bunch of pointless legal details of things she didn’t care about.
  5701. >Because she was told she wouldn’t make a living playing sports, despite how strong and fast she was.
  5702. >She was the sleek, toned-yet-curvy girl with really short blonde hair in gym class.
  5703. >Always finished the mile run first, always did the most push-ups in the presidential fitness test, was really tall and could jump super high like the basketball players at school.
  5704. >And she was told that the chances of being a professional athlete were super slim, and she believed it.
  5705. >Ended up taking positions that would land her as a manager or something for athletes, or perhaps becoming a lawyer one day, which was seen as “more realistic”.
  5706. >All of her classmates she used to run laps around soon began to surpass her because of her decreased practicing in favor of internships and reading books and writing essays.
  5707. >Had to sit inside while everyone else played sports against one another, had to be the referee instead if she even had any time to join them once.
  5708. >Got up early to drive to work, drink coffee and eat whatever unhealthy food was available at the time in order to start the day at the office.
  5709. >College showed them all beating her previous times as she entered her early 20s, then her mid 20s.
  5710. >Then younger men in their early 20s started landing positions in local sports teams as things like the Super Bowl became (even more) massively popular events.
  5711. >They were so full of strength and energy, and so were the girls too.
  5712. >Always bouncing back and forth in their dorm rooms, and racing around on the field never tiring, while having partied just the night before.
  5713. >Ignoring their academics, not needing to work a desk job, and ending up making more money than Ms. Harshwhinny.
  5714. >With the job that she herself passed up because she thought it wasn’t realistic.
  5715. >She’s thought about this before, and she’s sick and tired of it being brought up again and again, but it still is brought up again and again.
  5716. >Years went by, and Ms. Harshwhinny’s body started succumbing to time, and her energy permanently decreased slightly each year.
  5717. >There would have been less she could do to keep the pounds from adding on anyway once she reached her 30s.
  5718. >Kept her face nice looking, but her fitness was another story.
  5719. >All of these college students in their early 20s mocked her with their very existence.
  5720. >Partying at night, being happy, avoiding boring jobs, landing positions in professional teams in multiple sports…
  5721. >They’re all making it, over and over and over again, and it is Ms. Harshwhinny’s JOB to help them make it and set them up for success and watch them do what she missed the boat for.
  5722. >Some of them never worked a real job in their life, and get paid to play games they’re good at playing because they’re young, sleek and agile.
  5723. >In their early 20s, some being 18 and 19.
  5724. >While Ms. Harshwhinny herself had just finished kicking 40’s door down.
  5725. >And now… you.
  5726. >The way you’re sitting there with your fancy little contract and… that smug grin…
  5727. >…
  5728. >Walk away from the office building.
  5729. >You can’t believe Ms. Harshwhinny SUSPENDED your contract!
  5730. >Not free to get into another one, but still can’t play for the next couple of events.
  5731. >And with the press putting you through the wringer all the while.
  5732. >What a fucking bitch.
  5733. >Holy shit.
  5734. >You started working out a lot in your personal residence back at the college campus as a way to get all of the bitterness out of your system.
  5735. >Feeling like you should be grateful that she didn’t outright cancel your contract, but something tells you that she has something more… sinister… in mind.
  5736. >All you know is that this might give you the chance you need to find your fit redhead tomboy girlfriend once more.
  5737. >You KNOW she’s out there.
  5738. >…Why is your window open again?
  5739. ~
  5740. >You KNOW you aren’t leaving your window open, but you can’t prove a damn thing.
  5741. >But that’s only second place in your worries.
  5742. >Spitfire’s out there somewhere.
  5743. >And whether it’s to go save her from whatever situation she’s in, or to save her so she can save you from yourself, you must find her.
  5744. >It feels like you’re going off of deep end after deep end, getting your name talked about so negatively in sports news, getting your contract suspended, becoming more unhinged…
  5745. >The suspension of your contract has your haters embarking on an absolute field day with their articles.
  5746. >”This is it, the beginning of the end of his career.”
  5747. >”Pretty boy finally gets what he deserves.”
  5748. >”Unprecedented behavior leads to bombshell suspension! Epic pwnage avengers justice! Read now!”
  5749. >You save the headlines for yourself, into a spiteful hit list of punchable faces to rub future success in.
  5750. >…Shit, you really do need Spitfire to save you from yourself and the whirlwind of trash you’ve gotten yourself caught up into.
  5751. >Don’t you?
  5752. >But staying put in your apartment has you feeling like you’re a sitting duck waiting to get cooked.
  5753. >You KNOW you aren’t leaving your window open.
  5754. >…
  5755. >Leaving your residence for the time being felt like the right move to make.
  5756. >Just riding around in a rental car and living out of it until you have a new lead on where your missing girlfriend might be; it’s not like she’s nowhere on this earth at all.
  5757. >Of course, taking all of your workout equipment with you would be an obvious challenge, so gym visits are gonna be a must, and the money you have from your earnings so far is the lifeline of you keeping up your physical fitness.
  5758. >As you venture towards life in your early 20s as a young star athlete with the people in charge trying to keep him in line.
  5759. >You begin driving around in towns outside of the college town.
  5760. >Not really doing anything, just trying to get used to some different scenery since being in other countries has gotten you even more tired of the college town on the shore.
  5761. >The more different beaches you go to up and down the coast, the more you realize you must keep yourself from looking at the girls in bikinis for too long because you’ve messed up your mind until your libido gets the release it’s been denied.
  5762. >Never did you realize it would stay this difficult to keep yourself from succumbing to your own hormones and instincts, it’s so fucking unfair.
  5763. >Resisting these urges is almost like resisting the urge to eat or sleep, except you’re only making it worse by being near girls in bikinis on the beach.
  5764. >And with this, you decide to stay away from the shores as often as possible, opting to go to the gyms late at night when there’s no one working out in order to not run into girls in those places either.
  5765. >Hard to focus on yourself when there’s a college girl in her sports bra and leggings on the treadmill just 10 feet away.
  5766. >Especially one who recognizes you from all the shit you started.
  5767. >But luckily for you, most people around town have seen your reprehensible behavior and the girls won’t really goad you into going out on a date because they’re already not interested and decide to sneak pictures then shittalk about you on instagram all like “look who I ran into at the gym today”.
  5768. >And even then, you still prefer it over having to resist any advances they would have made had you not been such an unlikeable jerk from what they saw on the internet.
  5769. >Because, man, these urges from your screaming libido are something you can’t resist on your own; it takes rejection from others as well.
  5770. >The very instant someone shows interest in you or consent to the idea of a fun night with you, that’d be it.
  5771. >You wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from obliging. It’s THAT bad.
  5772. >So maybe it’s a good thing you’ve depicted yourself as such a narcissistic, short-tempered, poorly-mannered person who hasn’t earned anyone’s respect.
  5773. >That barrier is the only thing keeping you untouched because if even ONE person shows interest, it’s over.
  5774. >Sure, it’d probably be only one or two people overall due to your new reputation, but that’s all it’d take anyway.
  5775. >And then you’d never be able to get out there and find Spitfire, you’d be superman but your bones are made of kryptonite.
  5776. >You torture yourself, if anything.
  5777. >There’s always the reminder that you can just up and quit any time you want, surrendering to the fact that you’ll never find Spitfire again and you could be leading a much better life without worrying about her every day.
  5778. >You know the last part of that is bullshit; you’re ruining your own life and you can’t stop.
  5779. >The suspension is only the beginning, the articles were right.
  5780. >But Ms. Harshwhinny is also part of the problem.
  5781. ~
  5782. >Even with everything considered, you have no doubt in your mind that the nightclubs around here are going to be total sausagefests.
  5783. >At least, the less popular ones.
  5784. >You remember yourself and a few of the guys in the past hoping that there’d be lots of “well dressed” girls at a local nightclub, only to find that the population there was mostly other guys looking for girls - and not finding them at all.
  5785. >The aroma of Jerome, cologne and bored testosterone was thick in the air, definitely enough to keep the blood from flowing to your member under any circumstances whatsoever.
  5786. >So that’s what will keep your libido nonexistent as you try to find somewhere to have fun at night, it’s foolproof.
  5787. >Find a packed sweatbox located downtown, two towns over from the college campus.
  5788. >It has drinks, it has bouncers, it has music and a dancefloor.
  5789. >Playing shit like Drake, Chainsmokers and Kanye.
  5790. >You mingle around, trying not to bump into anyone.
  5791. >See clones of basically the same guy with a half unbuttoned dress shirt with a necklace of some shit over his sweaty hairy chest.
  5792. >Yeah, maybe coming here still wasn’t a bright idea.
  5793. >You know for a fact this is a straight nightclub, though, you checked.
  5794. >The whole point is for it to be full of straight guys looking for girls but not finding them because they’re stupid and don’t know the right clubs to go to, so they hold out hope for places like here.
  5795. >Zero sexual undertones whatsoever for the sake of your dumb thing you’re doing.
  5796. >But that’s not the case here.
  5797. >Right across the way are a couple of girls in… dresses.
  5798. >Look away right away, hoping it’s still too dark in here for you to be easily recognized.
  5799. >You’re surprised none of the guys recognized you so far; they’re the ones who watch sports waaay more often anyway.
  5800. >Maybe it’d be arrogant for you to assume you’d be recognized EVERYWHERE you go.
  5801. >A lot of these guys do seem more like the quirky, nerdy type who don’t get into the sports channels.
  5802. >And outside of Sports Center and ESPN and such, not many people are talking about you aside TMZ and other gossip sites.
  5803. >”Good evening, sir!” One of the dudes of the crowd unintentionally wafts his cologne into your nostrils.
  5804. >Fuck, he must be the first one.
  5805. >He already looks drunk as hell.
  5806. “Hello?”
  5807. >”I do not have money. Can you buy drink?”
  5808. “W-what?”
  5809. >”Over there.” He points to an empty seat next to another girl who bravely decided to come here, sitting alone.
  5810. >It’s easy to see what he wants to do, but probably can’t afford to without you lending him some cash (which you brought with you).
  5811. >Or maybe he’s too drunk to be allowed more beer but somehow didn’t get kicked out yet.
  5812. >”Sir could I have few dollar?” He continues, slicking his hair back and scratching his mustache. “I want to talk to her but can’t.”
  5813. “I’m broke, sorry.”
  5814. >”But your shoes.” He points to the brand new pair of expensive designer shoes you bought to try and fit in.
  5815. “I uh… I stole them. Sorry.” You can already tell this dude’s not a cop or anything.
  5816. >”What do you mean? Sir? Sir!”
  5817. >You ignore him.
  5818. >”Sir, hello!”
  5819. >However it happened, you get into a physical confrontation with this guy.
  5820. >”Sir?! Sir please I need to buy drink! Sir! Sir!”
  5821. >He can see that you have money but doesn’t know who you are.
  5822. >But through the chaos stirring up in the crowd, you spot something.
  5823. >Bright, spiky orange hair that you couldn’t have missed if you tried.
  5824. >You squint in attempt to get a better look, there’s still too many people to absolutely confirm what you’re seeing.
  5825. >But you already saw enough.
  5826. “Out of my way!” You instantly activate.
  5827. >The other guy is already getting grabbed by the bouncers. “Sirs! Sirs please! I’ve done nothing wrong I need to buy drink!”
  5828. >They’re too busy hauling him out of the place to get to you easily; you also looked like you were part of the ruckus and they go for you too.
  5829. >But you react instinctively and pull away with urgency, also forcing your way through the crowd to what you’re sure is Spitfire.
  5830. >Unlike in movies, people in crowds hate it when you forcefully push through everyone at once.
  5831. >”Hey! What the fuck is your problem?!” A third guy reacts to you shoving him to the side.
  5832. >He shoves you back.
  5833. >His friends jump in.
  5834. >Your survival mode kicks in as they grab you and berate you for acting like a barbaric imbecile with no manners.
  5835. >”Well excuse you, asshole!” A scrawny guy you already pushed past gripes at you.
  5836. >Already panicking, you jolt yourself around and start throwing a few swings.
  5837. >The drunk guy back there is the least of the bouncers’ worries now, but they’re already almost done hauling him out the door.
  5838. “Spitfire!” You call out.
  5839. >The head with the spiky orange hair unmistakably responds to your voice, but you can’t see her face, but you KNOW it’s a girl who at least looks exactly like Spitfire.
  5840. >”Security!” People start calling out in response to your violent behavior.
  5841. >A couple of guys try to tackle you, but you slip out of their grasp and knee one of them in he face.
  5842. >”Fuck! God damn it, fuck!” He covers his nose, blood trickling through his fingers.
  5843. >Shove more people out of the way.
  5844. >You don’t see Spitfire anymore.
  5845. >”You! Get over here.” The bouncer makes his way over to you as the rest of the crowd makes way for him and two other bouncers, ready to sneeringly clap when they hauls you out.
  5846. >WHEN they do, not if.
  5847. >You have yet to ever see a bouncer under 6 feet tall and not bulging with either fat, muscle or both.
  5848. >Meanwhile, you’re about 5’7 and outnumbered.
  5849. >Violently slither your way through the partygoers, elbowing a couple of them and pushing around their bodies.
  5850. >Very obviously start punching a couple of them; no way to deny you’re causing trouble.
  5851. >But your stamina got you to the other side of the crowd hat inevitably opens up for the bouncers to get through anyway.
  5852. >You’re leaping on top of tables before you know it, knocking over drinks, making the glasses shatter on the floors, like a stubborn, demented donkey thinking it’s a bull seeing red plates in a china shop it snuck into.
  5853. >The bouncers aren’t in the mood to waste any time, chasing you around as quickly as they can.
  5854. >The ruckus you’re causing is now distracting everyone from the music playing.
  5855. >Your adrenaline runs high and rushes through your veins, with no regard for the safety of anyone in your way.
  5856. >Nope, not gonna get dragged out of here by force, gonna leave on your own… by force.
  5857. >A few girls scream and a few guys yell, the bouncers bark at you to halt where you are, watching you cause the table you’re currently standing on to tilt over and crack almost in half a little bit on the floor because it’s made of cheap thin wood.
  5858. >You stumble and fall, momentarily feeling the thick arms of one of the bouncers bear hug you and lift you up.
  5859. >Flail your legs around in frantic kicks, getting him in the shins a few times.
  5860. >He loosens his grip slightly in the pain, letting you slip down and curl your lower body up like a shrimp to kick him in the face.
  5861. >Roll away from a second bouncer trying to tackle you.
  5862. >Dart around on all fours at first, rising from an animal-like gallop back to actually running.
  5863. >Punch someone in the face; they were probably blocking your passage to the door.
  5864. >It was some girl.
  5865. >Not Spitfire, this one has long blue hair.
  5866. >She wails and cries out in agony, screaming and covering her face as everyone else looks at you with nothing but disdain in their eyes as they rush towards you.
  5867. >The bouncer standing right outside the door must have been used to hearing commotion inside the club because he was barely paying attention when you burst through the glass doors.
  5868. >One of them slams into his side at high speed, making a spider web crack as it hits his elbow.
  5869. >You rush out onto the street, prompting deafening screeches of car tires and swerving headlights.
  5870. >Metal slams into other metal, glass shatters, people loudly clamor in shock.
  5871. >Leap over a fire hydrant and use a bench as a stepping stone to get past a cluster of more girls in clubbing dresses.
  5872. >Luckily, your car keys were in your pocket and the parking garage you parked inside of is two short blocks away.
  5873. >After about a minute of speed-walking, you stop getting suspicious and/or confused looks by people you pass by.
  5874. >Those people must have decided to let you disappear into the night, but that only further confirms that they went straight to calling the cops.
  5875. >Beads of sweat drip down your forehead against the parking garage’s nighttime draft.
  5876. >You can’t believe you’re peacefully, casually driving away right now.
  5877. ~
  5878. >Living life just kind of existing on the road kind of has its benefits too.
  5879. >Things start to feel more interesting and adventurous when you’re “living in your car to combat the housing crisis”.
  5880. >You’ve been driving around different towns, eating at restaurants, using your credit card, sleeping overnight in abandoned parking lots, brushing your teeth in public bathrooms.
  5881. >It’s actually kind of fun living like this until your contract’s suspension is up.
  5882. >You really do want to urge yourself not to allow Ms. Harshwhinny’s move to force you to adjust your behavior.
  5883. >You don’t want some business suit gaining some sort of spiteful leverage out of you because their company looks bad.
  5884. >She’s not Spitfire.
  5885. >Though, if you got caught after that little stint at the nightclub a couple of nights ago, then you might have had your entire contract cancelled.
  5886. >In fact, your entire contract would have certainly been completely cancelled.
  5887. >You know for a fact you’re going to have to go back to her office, so you might want to get some paperwork ready, stuff back at your apartment.
  5888. >With this, you decide that your fun time is over and you’ll go ahead and face the boring world once more.
  5889. >Upon arriving back into college town and trying to pull out some more funds using your card, the ATM tells you of this mystical “insufficient funds”.
  5890. >This can’t be, you just saw that you have a few thousand dollars in this account.
  5891. >Once again, “insufficient funds”.
  5892. >It turns out that you’ve been locked out of your account, or your account has been frozen, or both, if those mean the same thing anyway.
  5893. >Upon arriving at your apartment complex, you find a couple of police cars parked outside.
  5894. >Not really thinking anything of it, you park your own car right next to one of them and walk inside.
  5895. >Why is your front door wide open?
  5896. >Did someone break into your place?
  5897. >You KNEW this was what was happening all this time!
  5898. >You rush in, expecting lots of things to be missing and preparing to tell the cops inside that the intruder 100% went in through the window.
  5899. >”Excuse me! Sir, state police. Let me see your hands!” One cop that was lingering outside says right after you already turned to go inside.
  5900. >The other two or three cops in your apartment are immediately alerted by the shouting of their fellow officer and pull out their tasers.
  5901. >Staring right at you.
  5902. “Did you see th-”
  5903. >”Show me your hands! Show me your hands now!”
  5904. >You do as you’re told.
  5905. ~
  5906. >So…
  5907. >The nightclub has security cameras at the entrance, a few shops downtown had security cameras facing out the windows to the sidewalk, traffic cameras are a thing, and the parking garage has security cameras.
  5908. >Well isn’t this some pretty shit you find yourself in?
  5909. >Online articles are now piling onto you with the brand new predicament you’ve found yourself in.
  5910. >Predicting that you’re gonna get cut from the team completely and be sent to prison and that your entire universe is over.
  5911. >Whatever leverage Ms. Harshwhinny had over you before for the next time you would have to go to her office, it has now increased a hundredfold.
  5912. >Is she even going to consider giving you your contract back?
  5913. >You really need it for money this time.
  5914. >As bad word about your name circulates around the state and also the nation and world, you try to think up what you’re going to say to her.
  5915. >It has to be something extremely convincing.
  5916. >But little do you know, she’s not looking to be convinced at all.
  5917. >She’s just waiting to get you right where she wants you.
  5918. ~
  5919. >Here it is, suspension 2.0.
  5920. >OR 1.0 but now extended suspension.
  5921. >For your contract that is.
  5922. >It’s hard to believe you still have fans who dedicatedly defend you no matter what.
  5923. >Then again, it shouldn’t be surprising given how shallow people in the public can be.
  5924. >There’s actually someone with a picket sign in your favor outside of the courthouse.
  5925. >Meanwhile, you’re just glad no one in or near the cell you were detained in knew who you were.
  5926. >There’s no telling what those scary looking dudes have already done to get sent there and would do to you; some of them could have been hopped up on something.
  5927. >It was the first time you were truly keeping-to-yourself-ish to the fullest extent and avoiding interaction at all costs.
  5928. >Prison fights are a step up from bar fights or locker room fights, you imagine. You’d rather not.
  5929. >But you’re the one who made this even a possibility to begin with.
  5930. >The moment they let you out the next day, you were relieved, but that’s only the beginning of the rest of this annoying nightmare.
  5931. >Lawyer contacting, paperwork filing, all sort of droll stuff you want nothing to do with.
  5932. >You wanna go out and have fun again but you got yourself into trouble now.
  5933. >And those journalists won’t shut up about it, likely hoping this is the grand finale of your career era.
  5934. >You met with Ms Harshwhinny on a few separate occasions in public while there were people around.
  5935. >Mostly lawyers who are there to advise you and watch you were present.
  5936. >She didn’t talk to you a whole lot given your circumstances, as there’s probably not a whole lot more to say.
  5937. >And she said she was heavily considering a full termination of your contract… but she hasn’t done it yet.
  5938. >She probably sensed the change in your demeanor, the sudden absence of your domineering nature.
  5939. >Every time she tells you off, you just sit and listen this time, even though you’re inevitably not going to remember any of it.
  5940. >”This is not going to end without cuts to your pay.” She tells you. “Which includes a full cut to zero. As well as you from the team for acting as unprofessionally as you were in public.”
  5941. >Her voice is just as stern and predatory as ever, annoyed from having to sit here under these humdrum fluorescent lights all day in this office space.
  5942. >The same old water dispenser and copy/fax machines from before.
  5943. >No cars, no Vegas, no arenas, no bars, no nightclubs, no beaches… just wallpaper and thin carpets that don’t disrupt how the heavy wooden doors open and close.
  5944. >She was probably here while you were scuffling with the bouncers.
  5945. >She was probably here when you were at the beach checking out those busty girls in bikinis sipping their cocktails.
  5946. >She was probably here when you were speeding around on the road with Spitfire in her car, though, SHE was the one who was doing the speeding.
  5947. >All that high-octane adventure you were having, Harshwhinny sat in here through all of it, and you can see it in the tired look in her eyes.
  5948. >Whatever you truly did at some point in your exciting young life, it was enough to get you arrested and charged, and here you are, with a lawyer this time but not the time in the future that matters.
  5949. >She locks eyes with you as she talking, silently demanding that you pick a day in the future when you will give up that load to her.
  5950. >She knows you’re starting to… open up to it.
  5951. >You’ve been getting worn down and eroded by your own youthful chaos, which she plays off of.
  5952. >She knows you can’t hold out forever.
  5953. >…
  5954. >The uneventful weeks fly by, but you surprisingly do not get a notice of your contract’s termination.
  5955. >And this is something the articles heavily criticize all the way up to your sentencing.
  5956. >But in short: you’ve been forced to pay a 10,000 dollar fine and have been placed under house arrest for 3 months.
  5957. >Maybe this is lenient, but all the chatter around you makes it hard to tell if that’s accurate.
  5958. >The device is tightly latched around your ankle, and you’re sent home with a couple of ways you can access your bank account in order to pay the fine you owe “from the comfort of your living room couch”.
  5959. >What a long and boring trial that was.
  5960. >You’re not looking forward to being cooped up all day every day but here you go.
  5961. >At least you’re allowed to keep your workout equipment.
  5962. ~
  5963. >Day 1: Not too bad, relaxing when need be, challenging when you start working out.
  5964. >Day 2: Watching TV is fun.
  5965. >Day 3: Whatever.
  5966. >Day 4, day 5, 6, 7, 8… okay, whatever.
  5967. >You got the whole grocery delivery thing down to a T.
  5968. >Kept the windows and doors religiously locked when you’re not in the room and/or awake to prevent anything from being mysteriously open when you wake up.
  5969. >Car’s got wheel clamps around the tires like the ankle bracelet clamps to right above your ankle bone.
  5970. >…
  5971. >But one thing that occasionally crosses your mind is the girl you saw at the nightclub.
  5972. >That HAD to be spitfire.
  5973. >…
  5974. >Day 16, day 17, day 18…
  5975. >Why won’t this just END already?
  5976. >All you can think about is what your life was like when you weren’t under house arrest and could leave your apartment and go do things.
  5977. >Your fine is paid in full now.
  5978. >…
  5979. >Day 26, day 27, day 28…
  5980. >A couple of your teammates finally agree to come to your place to hang out VERY briefly, since you can’t exactly go anywhere right now.
  5981. >You DESPERATELY need someone to hang out with.
  5982. >Not surprising it took them this long to find time to come over; they’re still competing while your house arrest and contract’s prolonged suspension keep them free of your nonsense for a while.
  5983. >It’s day 30, about a third of the way through your suspension and house arrest.
  5984. >But what is about to happen next is going to hit you completely by surprise out of left field.
  5985. >You weren’t prepared for this.
  5986. “Who’s that?” You opened the door to find one unfamiliar face among the other three familiar ones.
  5987. >The look on that unfamiliar face, the look in his eyes is so… alive and alert.
  5988. >His posture is stiff and statue-like, but you can tell he’s dying to move around, containing his energy.
  5989. >Seems about the same height as you too, towered over by these other teammates but strangely confident looking around them.
  5990. >”Oh, we haven’t met?” He chimes articulately in a surprising sounding voice.
  5991. “I don’t think we have, no.” You match it the best you can.
  5992. >”I’m Elf. Little Forest Elf.”
  5993. >What an… underwhelming name.
  5994. >His handshake has the strongest grip you’ve ever felt from someone else.
  5995. >Try to match that too but he’s challenging it like a madman.
  5996. “New on the team?” You still have him engaged in the handshake-off.
  5997. >”Indeed I am!” He almost treats it like arm-wrestling. “Well, this team at least.”
  5998. >”Jeez, now there’s two of them.” One teammate jokingly rolls his eyes and murmurs under his breath.
  5999. >”Told you they’d hit it off nicely.” Another comments.
  6000. >The other teammates tower over both of you.
  6001. >Everyone comes in, you sit down and have some water and orange juice together.
  6002. >You and Little Forest Elf talk about how fun it is to race around the track or whatever.
  6003. >His level of energy appeals you in a way, like there’s just something in the way he moves and looks around that tells you he’s you but better.
  6004. >And that’s not even ever he tells you that he also plays soccer professionally as well; a multi-athlete.
  6005. >Not only this, but he looks younger than you, or maybe it’s the sleek black hair styled like a 2008 scene kid.
  6006. “How long have you been doing this?”
  6007. >”Since 19, like you.”
  6008. “How old are you now?”
  6009. >”24. Never took an L yet either.” He smiles. “Hopefully I’ll make it all the way to 30, eh?”
  6010. >He’s older than you too?
  6011. >The more you talk to this guy, the more you want to tell him that as he gets to know you, you’re here to replace him and outshine him.
  6012. >Before he has a chance to maintain whatever glory he’s garnered in spite of yours.
  6013. >He’s been in professional sports longer than you have, which makes you the younger one who’s up-and-coming.
  6014. >This is the perfect chance.
  6015. >If you and him are going to be on the same team, he better watch out for you.
  6016. >You just met this guy and you’ve already got all this crap flying through your head.
  6017. >The other guys are cringing at this guy just as much as they would you, but he himself barely even seems to notice.
  6018. >Like, at all.
  6019. >Either that, or he just doesn’t give a shit.
  6020. >”Well you got one leg up on this guy.” One of your other teammates eventually pulls you to the side.
  6021. “What?” You make sure he can see how confused you are.
  6022. >He must have seen the look on your face, and he knows you well enough too.
  6023. >”I said, you have one leg up on this guy.”
  6024. “…What’s that?”
  6025. >”He’s a virgin. Like, a turbo-virgin. At least you have a girlfriend, right?”
  6026. “Yeah, heh.” You remember the times you bragged about being with Spitfire to the guys and how you missed her.
  6027. >Then something occurs to you.
  6028. “Wait, how do you know he’s a virgin?”
  6029. >”He won’t shut up about it. As if it’s something special. I’m surprised he hasn’t told you yet.”
  6030. “Oh…kay then.”
  6031. >Low and behold, Little Forest Elf’s fabled virginity is the very next thing he brings up after you walk back into the room with him.
  6032. >”It’s aight, I already told him.” Your teammate says.
  6033. >”Oh, okay then.” Little Forest Elf’s expression changes at the drop of a hat.
  6034. >He has the look of a man who just walked into a biker bar and saw his face on a wanted poster on the wall.
  6035. >He talks to the rest of you for several more minutes before declaring that he has to go do something.
  6036. >Leaves in a hurry, with the rest of the guys staying for a bit longer.
  6037. >Now you go and confront them.
  6038. “Is… the only reason why you came over because you wanted to see him and me in the same spot?”
  6039. >He fails to hold back a smirk. “Y-yeah…” He admits. “No offense.”
  6040. >”I swear we just thought it’d be kinda funny if you two met.” Another says.
  6041. >You tilt your head.
  6042. “We would’ve met after I came back anyway.”
  6043. >”Yeah but… we just couldn’t wait. If I’m honest.”
  6044. >You give them a look and they shrug back at you, so you give them a fake smile in return with a nod.
  6045. >…
  6046. >Well that shit fucking happened out of nowhere.
  6047. >You find yourself working out extra hard now, and trying to beat all of your own personal records.
  6048. >Had you not known about this new guy, you might have simply accepted whatever fate that came to you, but now you cannot afford to.
  6049. >No, it wasn’t the antics that got you arrested that did it.
  6050. >No, it wasn’t Ms. Harshwhinny threatening to cancel your contract that did it.
  6051. >No, it wasn’t even Spitfire going missing that did it, as surprising as that is.
  6052. >It was… THAT guy.
  6053. >Little Forest Elf.
  6054. >The one who’s almost certainly made it further than you ever have and probably ever will have.
  6055. >He not only threatens your contract but you gotta become a threat to him before he challenges your personal honor when you come back.
  6056. >He’s not new to the game or the grind, but you’re new to him, and he’s new to you.
  6057. >And he doesn’t have the same things to lose as you do.
  6058. >This guy is gonna be an unforeseen problem.
  6059. ~
  6060. >For whatever reason, your house arrest has been extended, but it will temporarily end so you can play in your competitions with the team for a bit and then you’ll put the ankle device back on and that’s it.
  6061. >All you did was post a really offensive rant on social media out of anger for this house arrest, and now you’re being punished for that too.
  6062. >You’re surprised at two contradicting things.
  6063. >First is, you’re surprised that your contract was at all affected by this.
  6064. >Second is, you’re surprised that you contract wasn’t terminated out of a fit of cancellation.
  6065. >Ms. Harshwhinny must really want to keep you around at this point despite the mouthing off you’ve been doing.
  6066. >Anyway, the first half of your suspension is now about to end, and you’re exercising like crazy so you can compete as effectively as you can.
  6067. >Working out, running laps as soon as you’re let out of your apartment.
  6068. >It feels so good to walk around outside you’ve stared out the window at for so long now.
  6069. >Feels almost like unlocking the previously unavailable areas of a video game.
  6070. >But now that’s over, you have to go catch a few flights with the team.
  6071. >Before the flight, you’re required to meet with Ms. Harshwhinny after a brief gym visit where you did a few laps and push-ups under evaluation.
  6072. >She has her clipboard in front of her and reading glasses on her face, looking down at the papers and back up at you.
  6073. >Impressed how you’ve improved even more.
  6074. >”Well I hope you enjoy the break from your house arrest while it lasts.” She tells you.
  6075. “I hope I will.” You remember she’s the one who gave the okays to both punish you contract-wise but also not cancel the contract altogether.
  6076. >Maybe she’s still been firing warning shots at you, though her wandering eyes do get a little confusing from your point of view.
  6077. >Whatever she’s thinking about, it has to do with your further improved physique.
  6078. >She’s trying not to grin.
  6079. >”It’s good that you’ve shortened your lap times.”
  6080. “I try.”
  6081. >”Have you been running around a lot lately?”
  6082. “What do you mean?”
  6083. >”It’s a bit peculiar how you managed to run long distances while under house arrest.”
  6084. >You shift forward in your seat.
  6085. “Hey, I didn’t go nowhere, alright? That thing has a tracker on it and surely you have records, so there’s no reason to assume anything.”
  6086. >She sucks her lips in and eyes you up and down.
  6087. >You shrug back at her.
  6088. >She’s legitimately just trying to mess with you now, isn’t she?
  6089. >Trying to see how you sound when you tell the truth.
  6090. >So she can later ask you something later you’d lie to.
  6091. “Is there an issue or what?”
  6092. >”No issue, just a few standard questions.”
  6093. >The rest of this ordeal is hashed out, and you continue to watch Ms. Harshwhinny lock eyes with you.
  6094. >Makes it even harder to look down at her little bit of cleavage without her catching you.
  6095. >But you’re not supposed to want that anyway, she’s not one of those young bikini babes you saw on the beach.
  6096. >She’s not your tomboy girlfriend Spitfire whose whereabouts are still unknown.
  6097. >You’re just stuck with Ms. Harshwhinny in this office of hers because she’s in charge of overseeing your contract and what happens to you/said contract.
  6098. >And she’s been such an unbearable pain in the ass about it, seemingly not wanting to give you an inch and wanting to drag you down to her level.
  6099. >You’re sick and tired of being cooped up in this office with her and want to go back to preparing yourself for outshining Little Forest Elf, putting him in his place before you go back home and relax your way through the rest of your house arrest in certain victory.
  6100. >So many goals and other things you have to fulfill now, why is she keeping you stuck in here so much?
  6101. >You wanna go back outside to your adventure you’re embarking on, not sit here listening to the drone of the overhead lights as Ms. Harshwhinny tells you all about how she’s watching you.
  6102. >She really, really, really wants something from you.
  6103. >And she’ll get it, sooner or later, one way or another, she’ll get it all from you.
  6104. >”How effective do you think you’re abstinence from masturbation has been?” She suddenly hits you with the curveball.
  6105. >You just stare at her, unable to think of an immediate answer.
  6106. >”You heard what I said.”
  6107. “You’re permitted to… ask me this?”
  6108. >”We both know how good your word is to the public.” She continues. “Now I’ll ask again. How effective do you think it’s been?”
  6109. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You wonder how she found out at all.
  6110. >”Surely you can’t fight against your urges forever. And it’s become clear your girlfriend isn’t coming back.”
  6111. “That sure sounds like a whole lot of not your business.”
  6112. >”It might not be yet. But I think something’s about to become my business in due time.” She looks down.
  6113. >At this point, you might as well look down at her chest out of spite due to the nature of this interaction.
  6114. >It’s gotta be your load.
  6115. >Your load is her business.
  6116. >And here it sits right there in the chair opposite of her side of the desk.
  6117. >She now starts actually grinning, no longer trying to hold it back.
  6118. “Whatever urges you think you’re talking about, they don’t exist as far as you’re concerned.” You slyly reply. “And you can take my word for that regardless of what the public may think.”
  6119. >She nods sarcastically. “Oh I’m sure.”
  6120. “What’s that supposed to mean?” You try to keep your own smug confidence in the conversation as much as she is.
  6121. >”I think it means whatever you feel like it means.”
  6122. >You almost see another Spitfire in her.
  6123. >Some past self she used to be back when she was slim and limber, when her muscles were tighter and more flexible, before she started getting softer with her chest… filling out.
  6124. >You know this happened because not even her suit can hide it.
  6125. >She’s got a really good cup size going o-
  6126. >You force your imagination to stop thinking about it.
  6127. >But her tiny bit of cleavage peeking out from that suit and button down dress shirt underneath still teases you.
  6128. >You KNOW those things under there are big. And soft.
  6129. >Must have been hard for her to accept them once they started filling out like proper paperwork, hindering her running abilities more and more as the size increased.
  6130. >She misses being like Spitfire.
  6131. >”You don’t have to deny it, you know. I can guess well enough what’s probably going on in that head of yours. Regarding young men your age.”
  6132. >You just squint at her in a challenging manner.
  6133. >”You want to think of me when you do it, don’t you?”
  6134. >She chuckles.
  6135. >”But you can’t do it. And it’s driving you crazy.”
  6136. “Don’t flatter yourself too much.” You keep yourself from stuttering.
  6137. >”Do I drive you crazy?”
  6138. “Not in the way you probably mean, no.”
  6139. >”I think I do and you won’t admit it.” Her stern tone remains steadfast and confident. “And I do believe you might need to rely on some supplements as you get older. Energy and stamina-wise.”
  6140. >And with that, she finishes the meeting with you, perhaps to get you to go home and think about it.
  6141. >”You may leave now.” She says. “For now.”
  6142. “The hell was all that?”
  6143. >”All what?”
  6144. >She basically starts acting like none of that was ever said, and knows that your word actually won’t mean a whole lot since you’re not only a guy, but a guy who’s said a bunch of bullshit and made the press hate him.
  6145. >Why would ANYONE actually take you seriously?
  6146. >Especially after she inevitably puts out a statement to maybe flip everything on its head if it comes to it.
  6147. >Hey, she might do that, who knows?
  6148. >Seems like the kind of person to act on that right away and with lots of tactical experience in word usage.
  6149. >There’s no way she doesn’t see you as an easy target.
  6150. >Especially at this point in your life where you’re letting your own nature get the best of your judgement.
  6151. >…
  6152. >This all stays in your mind as you enter the plane.
  6153. >Ready to compete, but not looking forward to having to go back into that office as per your requirement by the time the second half of your house arrest is set to begin.
  6154. ~
  6155. >…
  6156. >You were in the middle of the gymnasium when you got word, just getting ready to start a quick evening exercise.
  6157. >Wood Elf was running right next to you, giving you a mean expression as both of you worked your sprinting legs the best you could.
  6158. >You had let the range the previous game made you feel fuel you.
  6159. >He would go on to the track after you and completely eclipse everything you did, while you were supposed to be the one to do so to him.
  6160. >HE was the one doing this before you were.
  6161. >YOU were supposed to come in and show him that his day on top is over, by being the newer younger guy who’s more lean and ready to compete.
  6162. >And you had the energy to do that to practically anybody else. But not him.
  6163. >Little Forest Elf never seems to get tired, despite apparently being older than you.
  6164. >You don’t even remember what he had said to you at your place when you first met him, but he might have been lying anyway.
  6165. >If he’s been doing this professionally as a legal adult for years longer than you, and you started when you were around 18, then he’s obviously older than you.
  6166. >You’re supposed to be the young replacement he wishes he once again was, but all of his placements and times eclipse yours.
  6167. >What the hell is Little Forest Elf’s secret and is it better than your secret?
  6168. >The very instant you leave that office you’re being called to, the first thing you’re gonna do is train harder than you ever had.
  6169. >You needed something like this to rejuvenate your motivation to do more than just succeed.
  6170. >On your way over, you have to look away from a couple of college girls dressed in their summer clothes, because nofap has destroyed your mind.
  6171. >They really can’t compare to Spitfire anyway, but it’s only above the belt where you know that.
  6172. >Because your impressionability has goaded you into pointless things and destroyed your mind.
  6173. >Maybe Elf Boy suffers from this too.
  6174. >You really do HOPE he does. Because battling your own nature for pointless reasons sucks.
  6175. >…
  6176. >The familiar hum of the fluorescent lights fills your ears, but it’s not as loud as the thoughts in your mind trying to calculate if you beat Wood Elf before you left or not.
  6177. >Venture down various hallways and past several doors.
  6178. >Today is a Sunday, so no one is really here.
  6179. >Does Ms. Harshwhinny really work in this office building on Sundays too?
  6180. >You can’t blame her for being so spiteful for athletes, because that shit’s gotta suck like actual hell.
  6181. >How often does she even leave this place? Is she even here anyway?
  6182. >Well…
  6183. >There she is.
  6184. >Sitting right there.
  6185. >”Come in.”
  6186. >The door you went through was he only open door in the hallway; you didn’t need to check the mounted name on the side of the door frame.
  6187. >You already knew she was going to be sitting there, having heard you approaching from her chair.
  6188. >Her glare at you indicates that she once again wants to take something from you.
  6189. >Not your contract or career or any more of your dignity, but something else she’s wanted.
  6190. >Something she wanted from the very start, something she hasn’t gotten from you… yet.
  6191. >But her visible determination in her eyes is louder than it’s ever been.
  6192. >The very second she tells you to close the door behind you, you’ll know something’s up and that you can’t trust her.
  6193. >You’re not sure about how you feel about that look in her eyes, and she can tell you’re uneasy.
  6194. >Looking like she’s about to pounce but doesn’t want you with your guard up.
  6195. >She doesn’t want you darting away so suddenly, so she waits.
  6196. >Waits until you’re relaxed and don’t assume any predatory intentions from her.
  6197. >”The door can stay open.” She tells you. “This *should* be very quick.” She’s careful not to be clear about how long this will take.
  6198. >No, she wants this to be easy, because you’ve gotten away before albeit partially due to her letting you get away those time.
  6199. >Her eyes are saying something different this time.
  6200. >More… lidded than they’ve ever been.
  6201. >She knows…
  6202. >She knows this is the final time she will need to do this.
  6203. “Anything else you want me to answer for the online articles about me?” You ask.
  6204. >”You’ll be surprised that your rhetorical question actually has an answer this time.” She suddenly slaps a thick stack of papers to the desk.
  6205. >You stare right at it for a few seconds.
  6206. “I…”
  6207. >”Yes, these are all for you, but you don’t have to do a lot. Just sign your name.”
  6208. “Pretty sure I already signed off on the legal documents regarding my case.”
  6209. >”This isn’t about your case. It’s about your future in this business.” Ms. Harshwhinny insistently slides the papers in your direction. “Sit down. Grab a pen.”
  6210. >She watches you sit yourself down, as if you’re a wild animal lying down in the tall grass, through the blades of which she watches intently.
  6211. >The two of you start going back and forth about those pills and stuff she wants to pressure you into taking.
  6212. >Those energy and performance pills for the field that the players technically aren’t supposed to take if past rundowns of the rules are anything to go by.
  6213. >She already seems to have a good response to anything you have to say, like she predicted it all.
  6214. >Or planned it out, seeing how she’s gotten used to your attitude and can probably read you pretty well.
  6215. >She’s trying not to smirk, you can absolutely see it.
  6216. >Is it from some sort of excitement?
  6217. >There’s no way it’s nervousness.
  6218. >That doesn’t sound like her.
  6219. >In any case, there’s not a whole lot of wiggle room you have for arguing here.
  6220. >You apparently have to sign off on all these papers and it also apparently will only take a few minutes to go through each and every page.
  6221. >But something is telling you there’s a lot more to this, and you should be standing up and running away right now.
  6222. >You instincts are telling you “danger” “danger”, but you’re not responding to that because you feel like you’ll just be in a world of trouble if you start disobeying AGAIN.
  6223. >As you go through the pages of papers you’re required to sign and stuff, Ms. Harshwhinny gives you a look.
  6224. >You didn’t see it directly, but that little hum she does indicates that what you saw out of the corner of your eye was real.
  6225. >You’re almost halfway through… then halfway through, then the rest of the way through.
  6226. >”You ARE reading what you’re signing, right?”
  6227. “Didn’t know it mattered when I don’t have a choice anyway.”
  6228. >”I’m not saying you don’t have a choice. Career termination is always an option. But I assume you want to keep things… professional.”
  6229. >She definitely put that amount of sass into her voice on purpose.
  6230. >AND you can tell she usually doesn’t have it in her voice.
  6231. >She’s trying to piss you off on purpose.
  6232. >If your hands weren’t so metaphorically tied right now, you’d stand up and curse her up and down before storming out of this place.
  6233. >You always kept telling yourself that you didn’t need to keep your athletic career, but the whole competition you started with the older guy now put your heart back into it.
  6234. >If it weren’t for that, then you’d have just accepted the amount of money you’ve already made and tried to find Spitfire so you could start a life with her like you started dreaming about but now can’t act upon.
  6235. >”Don’t forget to count the pages you signed.”
  6236. “Fine.”
  6237. >After you’re done putting your signature everywhere, you start counting the pages.
  6238. >Only now do you realize that it’s starting to look like you’re agreeing to actual legit use of those medications you don’t want to take anyway.
  6239. “Uh, I’m pretty sure I made it clear I didn’t need those in the first place” You say, referring to the “product” being pushed.
  6240. >”Well you already signed so keep counting.” Ms. Harshwhinny’s voice grown more impatient in her tone.
  6241. >You grumble and continue, attributing her bitchiness to having to be cooped up in here all day and night.
  6242. >That’s something you REALLY look forward to reflecting on to make yourself feel better.
  6243. >By noon tomorrow, you’ll be cozy in your bed sleeping in on a Monday and Ms. Harshwhinny will still be in here, in this office.
  6244. >Suffering and wilting away in her uncomfortable dress clothes and tight shoes with this annoying humming fluorescent light over her head.
  6245. >So sucking suck on that.
  6246. >”All 34 pages?” She asks.
  6247. >You double check.
  6248. >It’s 26 pages.
  6249. >Triple check.
  6250. >Still 26.
  6251. >This can’t be.
  6252. >”It’s not all the pages?”
  6253. “N-no.”
  6254. >What were you gonna do, lie?
  6255. >Ms. Harshwhinny swivels her chair over to her computer and types something in.
  6256. >Down the hall, you hear a printer whirring.
  6257. >”Go get that for me.” She says to you.
  6258. >Didn’t even ask, just straight up ordered you to do it.
  6259. “A please would be nice.”
  6260. >She gives you another more annoyed look.
  6261. >Except there’s a little bit of enjoyment in there.
  6262. >She seems to take a liking to your resistance.
  6263. >”Pretty please with sugar on top.” She smiles sinisterly.
  6264. >You exit the door, noting how you’re free to walk out and back in at your own will, which makes you feel more relaxed in this situation.
  6265. >The printer whirring was going on for a while, and it turns out that Ms. Harshwhinny was printing out the ENTIRE stack of papers again.
  6266. >But it’s okay, YOU’RE the one who discovered the error, remember?
  6267. >And you were FREE to walk out whenever you want and retrieve the papers for her.
  6268. >If she was going to try something, she would have done it by now.
  6269. >As you’re walking back into Ms. Harshwhinny’s office with the new papers to sign off on, you notice something.
  6270. >The front of her suit isn’t as buttoned up as it was a couple of minutes ago when you left for the printer.
  6271. >You mind had been completely taken off of this kind of tuff due to hating this lady so much… until now.
  6272. >That little glimpse of her cleavage caught your eye and automatically awaked that… thing inside of you once more.
  6273. >Such a proper and professional lady, now dressed in her suit where the front of her top is slightly lowered enough to show lots of skin.
  6274. >GOOD areas of her skin.
  6275. >Ms. Harshwhinny tells you that you need to re-sign all of the papers again.
  6276. >The fuck?
  6277. “Why can’t you just add new pages that were missing to the pages I already signed?”
  6278. >”It doesn’t work that way.”
  6279. “Why not?!”
  6280. >”Look at the bottom corner.” She points to a little code at the corner of the page.
  6281. >As she does some explaining pertaining to why the little code at the corner has to be the same, your eyes keep wandering down to that little bit of cleavage peeking out of her top.
  6282. >You’re not supposed to like that, not on her.
  6283. >You hate Ms. Harshwhinny too much to be looking at her like that and thinking about her like that.
  6284. >But then why is she dressed like that?
  6285. >Though it took you to notice anyway.
  6286. >You go back to questioning the validity of the need for this contract.
  6287. “Are you sure I can’t just do without these pills?”
  6288. >”We’ve already gone past that, rookie.”
  6289. >Wh-what the hell did she just call you?
  6290. >Only Spitfire is allowed to call you that!
  6291. >Not this bitter lady sitting in her office all day who wants to ruin your career out of spite because she missed her boat.
  6292. >You can tell she has no fun and hates how you always have fun.
  6293. >”You just have to sign on the line.” Ms. Harshwhinny gets up, leans over her desk and points at various places on the papers.
  6294. >Now you have an easier and easier view into her top.
  6295. >The rim of her shirt falls looser slightly because she’s leaning forward.
  6296. >That bra strap you can see must be relieved due to briefly not having to strain holding that chest inside.
  6297. >Her skin is enticingly smooth and almost like silk, indicating that she takes care of herself.
  6298. >Ms. Harshwhinny leans over even more, providing an unfairly convenient look at the rim of her bra cup.
  6299. >And her soft heaving chest swaying its smooth skin right above and against it.
  6300. >Oh fuck.
  6301. >You’re NOT supposed to be feeling this way about fuckin’ Ms. Harshwhinny.
  6302. >You thought you were over this.
  6303. >But even right now feels like it’s the first time… because you’re now seeing MORE than you’ve ever seen.
  6304. >This woman has got to be at least a D cup.
  6305. >Your member inside of your pants does what it does best, and you do your best to resist.
  6306. >With the same determination you had when you were trying to avoid this lady’s office and keep this situation from happening.
  6307. >Well, not this exact situation, but any confrontation with specifically her at all an-
  6308. >Holy fuck, that fucking cleavage.
  6309. >You’re trying to hard to look away, and you were almost succeeding, but then another button at the front of Ms. Harshwhinny’s struggling suit top seemed to come undone on its own.
  6310. >The white top she’s wearing underneath is no longer supported by the suit being tightly wrapped around it like the outfit of a proper businesswoman.
  6311. >And it’s slipping down, unveiling more of that… of that…
  6312. >”Those are the pages you need to sign, do you understand?” Ms. Harshwhinny sits back down.
  6313. >Even in her usual sitting position, that deep soft cleavage of hers is now more apparent and obvious.
  6314. >You try to nod in complacency, and do that correctly.
  6315. >Trying your hardest not to let your eyes wander down while she can see what they’re doing.
  6316. >Stare over at the corner as she swivels around in her chair back and forth from her computer.
  6317. >There’s something disobedient and unprofessional growing inside of your trousers.
  6318. >It’s not doing what you and your great restraint are trying to command it to do.
  6319. >It’s something that would easily be noticeable if you stand up, and Ms. Harshwhinny is a very sharp lady whom you know would instantly notice what’s… going on with you in your pants.
  6320. >The last thing you need is her seeing that.
  6321. >Just wait for it to go away like last time and you’ll be fine, right?
  6322. >Your signatures you put onto the dotted lines are now sloppier and show evidence of a shaky, sweaty hand.
  6323. >Why did she have to stand up and lean over again?
  6324. >”And here. And here.” She starts directing you, probably doing this on purpose at this point.
  6325. >Can’t focus; too busy wondering what her nipples look like.
  6326. >You hate Ms. Harshwhinny so much, but those breasts she’s packing inside of there are really good at some form of persuasion.
  6327. >You hate her personality but feel quite differently about her body.
  6328. >Bring your attention to her curves when you know she can see you looking.
  6329. >She seems to have all the right stuff in all the right places too.
  6330. >Despite sitting in a chair all day.
  6331. >Maybe she really was super in shape before current year.
  6332. >”I used to do track, too.” She brings up, as though she was reading your mind.
  6333. >You stare at her eyes, after having spent arguably more time staring at her big soft tits at this point.
  6334. >At least half of her entire cleavage must be on display now.
  6335. >There’s no way she doesn’t know about this, it’s not possible.
  6336. >Those massive mounds of flesh and body fat gently sway back and forth and Ms. Harshwhinny directs the trembling pen up and down the pages she’s reaching over and turning herself.
  6337. >Stop thinking this way… stop feeling this way.
  6338. >You hate this woman, you’re not supposed to be hard in your pants!
  6339. >”I suppose you remember the last time I told you about that. Right?”
  6340. “A-about what?”
  6341. >”Are you listening to me?”
  6342. >You stumble over multiple bullshit answers you tried to cobble together, only to babble and stammer like a buffoon.
  6343. >”Is something distracting you?”
  6344. “N-no!”
  6345. >You go back to focusing on the signatures, wanting this to be over and done with.
  6346. >Was that the click of the door?
  6347. >You turn around to find it closed, after you had let your guard down and had your back turned.
  6348. >You didn’t even notice Ms. Harshwhinny pounce out of her chair as you were trying to divert away from the topic.
  6349. >She closed the door and probably locked it too.
  6350. >There’s no one else in the building.
  6351. >The fare alarm lever from that one previous time is nowhere to be seen this time.
  6352. >The fuck? Where did it go? How?
  6353. >Is it outside of the door this time? When was this change made?!
  6354. >Your attention is drawn back to Ms. Harshwhinny, whose top is now even MORE undone than it was before.
  6355. >Now both of you know that she knows full well that her suit is very, very open, and that it’s purposefully so.
  6356. >Her white tank top underneath is actually a tube top, which is why you only saw her bra strap when she was leaning forward.
  6357. >”I didn’t have this body forever. I used to be like Miss Fire.” Ms. Harshwhinny’s way of speaking is starting to sound… vacant.
  6358. >It’s because she knows this is a done deal, it’s over.
  6359. >All she has to do is close in on you now.
  6360. >”I lifted weights and ran track and field, among other things.” She keeps repeating the things she’s probably told to hundreds of other people by this point in her life. “I could have done what you did.”
  6361. >She could have, but she missed her boat.
  6362. >It’s the same train of thought she always went over again and again, and yet again accompanied by the hum of that overhead light.
  6363. >But this time… accompanied by you as well.
  6364. >In a very different context, because you’re accompanies by a lot of stiffness in the front of your pants.
  6365. >You always imagined that you’d just stand up and kick the door down to leave in this situation.
  6366. >Like you’re some anime protagonist or something.
  6367. >That’d you’d turn into some impromptu warrior and… you don’t even know anymore.
  6368. >You’re just sitting here, petrified with aroused fear as Ms. Harshwhinny starts losing her own ability to argue as she… notices…
  6369. >Turn away quickly, pretending she didn’t see what she thought she saw.
  6370. >Reality is showing that you’re not even brave enough to do anything to defend yourself, and Ms. Harshwhinny is beginning to succumb to her own carnal desires for that thing she wants from you.
  6371. >She stands up again, this time blankly glaring at you.
  6372. >Not as much mean-ness in her eyes, just some sort of… vacancy.
  6373. >Like she’s gone on autopilot now, and can only think about something about you.
  6374. >”I think you’re distracted…” Ms. Harshwhinny leans over very blatantly on purpose, giving you the best glance down her top you’ve gotten yet.
  6375. >The middle bridge of Ms. Harshwhinny’s bra that connects her bra cups is visible to you, between the deep softness of her fully endowed cleavage.
  6376. >Something about all of this just tells you it’s okay to look, since she’s trying to get you to look anyway.
  6377. >It’s not that you got the bravery to, it’s just that you couldn’t help yourself this time.
  6378. >This entire situation is spiraling out of control fast.
  6379. >You’re shaking in your seat.
  6380. >The papers are getting all messy and mixed up on the desk.
  6381. >They don’t matter anymore.
  6382. >”Oh…” Ms. Harshwhinny looks down, pretending to only just now realize. “How unprofessional of me.”
  6383. >She then looks back up at you.
  6384. >”But it’s unprofessional of you to look.”
  6385. “I-I…”
  6386. >”Let’s negotiate something I don’t think is on the papers.”
  6387. >Your heart races as she… as she…
  6388. >Her D cup boobs are right between her arms and she clamps her hands together under her desk.
  6389. >”Let’s negotiate your load.”
  6390. >You stutter, red in the face.
  6391. >”We can stop pretending now. I know your kind. I know why your performance is so high.”
  6392. >Her eyes have now gone completely lidded and calm, yet full of wild desire at the same time as she locks with your eyes, not only not minding if your eyes wander down, but welcoming it, encouraging it even.
  6393. >”Neither of us are stupid, rookie. Let’s talk about that load. Hm? How long’ve you been saving it up for me?”
  6394. “I-I’m not supposed to… l-lose that.” You protest out of a pure kneejerk response you’ve burned into yourself. “I need it. To win.”
  6395. >”It’s okay. We all lose a little sometimes. That’s why you get that extra boost if you’re not feeling as energetic sometimes.”
  6396. >There’s a long pause between the two of you, a pause that she have been spent running away, but you’re still in the chair, not knowing why you’re too apprehensive to even stand up.
  6397. >”I need it.” You repeat.
  6398. >”So do I.” She grins.
  6399. “I-it’s mine.”
  6400. >She doesn’t respond.
  6401. “I need it!”
  6402. >”I need that load you got there. I need it from you.”
  6403. >A lump forms in your throat.
  6404. >Your reflexes weren’t fast enough; she pounces again and grabs your arms.
  6405. >All your muscles, all your strength, nullified by whatever the hell just came over you.
  6406. >You’re made to stand up, and then slide over the top of the desk with your tent fully noticeable.
  6407. >Even if you cried for help, even if you cried for help with the door open (which it isn’t), there’s no one else in the building to hear you anyway.
  6408. >Ms. Harshwhinny pulls her prey into her office chair with her, stronger than you had anticipated.
  6409. >Your half hearted attempts at fighting back quickly turn into accidentally touching what your eyes have been checking out.
  6410. >Her big soft chest gives way against your hands, only proving just how completely real and naturally developed it is.
  6411. >She got these from sitting around and letting the milk in her coffee do its work over the years.
  6412. >Now she’s jiggling against your frantic fingers.
  6413. >”Let’s talk about your load.” She gets ready to “negotiate” it. “Cat’s out of the bag now. Let’s get that load out of you.”
  6414. >You begin to panic, as you naturally would when the danger you suspected proves itself to be real.
  6415. >But it’s of no use this time.
  6416. >You are not going to be leaving this office the same way you left any of the other times, and you know this very well.
  6417. >It’s just going to take a little bit of negotiating and adjusting to accept it.
  6418. >Except any negotiating is quickly broken down into body language.
  6419. >Ms. Harshwhinny’s silver tongue melts as much as yours does as her hand snakes it way down to the front of your pants.
  6420. >Her probing fingers feel… good.
  6421. >Those fingers know what the fuck they’re doing… they made you freeze and straighten your back really quickly, and they haven’t even undone your pants yet.
  6422. >Your own hands reciprocate onto her chest, beginning a bit of groping onto her soft bustiness.
  6423. >Directly onto the smooth exposed skin of Ms. Harshwhinny’s massive cleavage.
  6424. >She started kissing your lips before you realized she was about to.
  6425. >Okay, you’ll kiss and grope her a little bit more and THEN you’ll escape.
  6426. >This feels good so might as well get some action before… okay after this bit of…
  6427. >You keep telling yourself you’ll escape after this next kiss and cupping of your hands onto her D cup chest, slipping down her smooth skin and under her bra cup to discover her large warm nipple running against your fingers.
  6428. >It prompts you to gently squeeze and begin playing around with it; your hand inside of Ms. Harshwhinny’s top, very unprofessionally.
  6429. >Her skin is like a magnet to your hand and you can’t pull away now.
  6430. >So much of… her… just puts you in a state of lust and you’re really kissing her back before you know it.
  6431. >The promises that you’ll pull away and escape and then go back to hating her shrink and wither away a little more with each few second of this “negotiation”.
  6432. >Ms. Harshwhinny physically negotiated you up against her and into her top.
  6433. >Now she’s not saying a word, not needing to.
  6434. >She’s already persuading you.
  6435. >But she speaks anyway.
  6436. >”The door’s not even locked.”
  6437. >You can’t respond to this anymore.
  6438. >Despite learning this information, all you do is kiss her again. Willingly.
  6439. >”Atta boy.”
  6440. >You pull her top all the way down now, letting her large nipples briefly flick out into view before the pulled open bra and top try to covering everything back up again.
  6441. >But you can see the goods now, and your hands enjoy them as the kissing continues.
  6442. >”I need you to take this for me.” Ms. Harshwhinny holds a different looking pill up as your hands keep caressing her stiffening breasts half inside of her top. “So you’ll relax for me.”
  6443. >She shoved it past your lips before you could answer, but you were about to say yes anyway.
  6444. >Ms. Harshwhinny “negotiated” your member out of your pants at some point after this.
  6445. >You pulled the sides of her suit and loose bra straps off of her shoulders, exposing how smooth and grab-able they are.
  6446. >You’re not supposed to be so aroused by her, but she’s not supposed to be so undressed, with her white tube top falling down and her suit halfway down her arms.
  6447. >And her limp bra straps and bra cups following suit as your hands fully enjoy Ms. Harshwhinny’s exposed chest.
  6448. >Kneading and squeezing, under the trance she put on you.
  6449. >The stroking on your member is something you missed so much.
  6450. >She insisted that she start as quickly as possible, ready to negotiate your load out of you.
  6451. >What happened to the part of you that hated Ms. Harshwhinny?
  6452. >You’re letting her force your head down to her busty, swaying chest towards her bare nipples.
  6453. >”Suck them.”
  6454. >You obediently put the salty taste of her areolae between your lips, burying your face deep into her soft chest as you begin to recognize the scent of the perfume she’s wearing.
  6455. >But it was already too late long before this point.
  6456. >Wet sucking noises against her nipple in your mouth is the only sound you’re able to make, in your submission to Ms. Harshwhinny.
  6457. >Feeling a little lightheaded, you suddenly find yourself being the one to sit in Ms. Harshwhinny’s office throne.
  6458. >The bell tower outside struck 10 PM sometime around this point.
  6459. >Looking down at her as she runs your erect member deep between that cleavage she won you over with.
  6460. >That one last holdout of the old you that wants to protect your load puts your hands on the sides of Ms. Harshwhinny’s head and tries to push her face away from your tip.
  6461. >Only now are you not fully allowing this to happen, far too little, far too late.
  6462. >She’s already between your thighs, so closing them won’t do anything.
  6463. >Ms. Harshwhinny has gone into full autopilot mode, her eyes completely aloof with vacant lust and sees nothing but your huge load in your balls and your stiff shaft she has to work to get it to come out of your tip.
  6464. >The mere sight of a confused athlete with his erection out is doing something to her as well.
  6465. >Breaking down her sharpness and making everything give way to her more primal side that forgot how to use her harsh words, but just use instinctual body language instead.
  6466. >She asserts her head forward.
  6467. >Her lips sneak a kiss onto your tip, perking you up and flipping your switch once and for all.
  6468. >All you want is more now.
  6469. >And Ms. Harshwhinny gets more and more of your length into her mouth, insisting that it’s her turn to do the sucking and won’t set you free until she’s negotiated your load out of you.
  6470. >But you’re on the same page as her now.
  6471. >Letting her go in and out with you over and over again.
  6472. >Even though she’s the one on her knees sucking you off, Ms. Harshwhinny STILL manages to be the dominant one in this context, which would arguably be a hard paradox to pull off.
  6473. >It just goes to show how high up of a position she has, and how hopeless your situation truly was.
  6474. >And now her tongue is teasing the underside of your shaft, negotiating that load out of you.
  6475. >That long awaited, long accumulated load.
  6476. >Your urge to defend and contain it is lost, you can’t seem to find it.
  6477. >Or even try to.
  6478. >You’re only lost in how sublime all of this feels and is making you feel.
  6479. >You completely give in and allow Ms. Harshwhinny to finish you off after a couple more minutes.
  6480. >It takes you a little bit to actually reach ejaculating level, since it’s been so long.
  6481. >That was a lot of restraint you had built up, and it took a while to tear it all back down.
  6482. >But Ms. Harshwhinny had kept her stamina despite losing her thin form of the past to a curvier and bustier one from sedentary lifestyle.
  6483. >And she gets you past the point of climax.
  6484. >It all comes out; you feel it happen.
  6485. >Long bursts of your own semen surrendering and shooting into her mouth.
  6486. >And whatever edge you had over anyone else on the field is now set all the way back to square one.
  6487. >Gulped down and never to be part of you again.
  6488. >You vaguely remember her saying something about a private jet, between a series of satisfied moans.
  6489. >Everything else goes blank.
  6490. >Oh yeah that’s right, she also stuffed a pill into you.
  6491. ~
  6492. >…
  6493. >Spitfire holds her new machete at the side of the pilot’s head as though it’s a pistol or something more effective as the helicopter sways from side to side.
  6494. >She maintains her balance and keeps her eyes on the little radar and map, wondering how much water there is left to fly over.
  6495. >Those guys back there had walkie talkies, and the sounds of the pilot’s walkie talkie beeping and going off already confirms that they know they can’t reach him.
  6496. >It must have been about an hour of waiting next to the open spot, disguised by trees and bushes.
  6497. >Waiting for anything to happen, maybe see a plane arrive, maybe see a jeep arrive.
  6498. >Spitfire has no doubt in her mind that the helicopter was called in because of her escaping the house, as a couple more guys hopped out of the vehicle and began shouting something she couldn’t decipher.
  6499. >”Just keep your hands on the controls.” Spitfire says again. “I don’t wanna die either.”
  6500. >She knows to keep the dire implications going as the helicopter ride continues.
  6501. >Relieved that she had enough time to sneak in after the other few guys running the opposite way had their backs turned.
  6502. >Only so much time can go by before people start speaking back and forth.
  6503. >”So who are you guys?” She asks.
  6504. >He hesitates for a few seconds.
  6505. >”Drug lords? Illuminati? C’mon, gimme an answer here.”
  6506. >”We’re paid.”
  6507. >”Paid to what?”
  6508. >”What we… it’s the reason why we took you here.”
  6509. >”So you’re human traffickers, then.”
  6510. >”Yes.” He gulps, wondering why there was no protocol to have someone else stay behind here just in case this very thing happened.
  6511. >”Don’t worry, I’m just trying to get home. I’m not going to hurt you as long as you keep doing as I say.”
  6512. >He’s really shaken up by this, obviously wasn’t prepared to face these kinds of circumstances.
  6513. >This means they probably don’t even pay him that much.
  6514. >”Any specific names you work for?”
  6515. >”I’m not told anything.”
  6516. >”You’re not told anything?”
  6517. >”I’m just the pilot, okay? All I do is fly people back and forth and get paid not to talk about it. I don’t know anything else.”
  6518. >Spitfire nods, already believing him.
  6519. >It’s really the answer that makes the most sense anyway.
  6520. >”How long until we reach land?”
  6521. >”About another hour and a half.”
  6522. >”Good. Don’t gotta stay up all night doing this shit.”
  6523. >Another long moment of silence passes.
  6524. >”Are you…” The pilot starts.
  6525. >Spitfire waits for him to finish.
  6526. >But his voice seems to lock up.
  6527. >”Just spit it out already! You’re already a criminal, aren’t you?” Spitfire decides to start giving him sass. “Aren’t people like you supposed to at least have more balls?”
  6528. >”Are you… going to turn me over?”
  6529. >”…I’m considering it…”
  6530. >The pilot obviously has a lot to lose in life.
  6531. >Spitfire partially feels sorry for him, but doubts he was directly involved in her kidnapping she barely knows anything about.
  6532. >If he already knows so little and can barely talk to a fit girl holding a machete against his neck as his hands are operating this aircraft, then that already says enough about how actually involved he is.
  6533. >He was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but it’s still his fault for associating with these people to begin with.
  6534. >After several more minutes of consideration, Spitfire considers talking to him some more.
  6535. >”How did you become affiliated with these people? Your choice?” Spitfire waits to see how quickly he gives a realistic answer.
  6536. >He sighs. “I fucked up. Got caught up in dealing drugs a few years ago. Didn’t want to do it, just had to eat, you know?”
  6537. >”Mhm?”
  6538. >”And then of course I got busted, and then while on bail I had to pay a huge amounts of fines. And these people caught on to me having a criminal record. So then one day after I was done in-”
  6539. >”Just gimme the short version. Were you forced into this or not?” Spitfire already heard enough to know his answer’s genuine.
  6540. >”Y-yes. I was forced into this business. I had nowhere else to go. I have a family.”
  6541. >”It’s alright. I won’t do anything, but I don’t know if those guy will come after you for this or not. You’d probably know more about that than I do.”
  6542. >”I still don’t know a lot.”
  6543. >”I figured.”
  6544. >”B-but you won’t turn me over, right?”
  6545. >Spitfire pauses for another couple of seconds.
  6546. >”I got too much other shit to worry about anyway. I’ll leave you alone as long as you land where I tell you to land and don’t fuck me over.”
  6547. >She then gets an idea.
  6548. >”But… just to make sure there’s no funny business…”
  6549. >Spitfire winds up grabbing ahold of any identification he has nearby.
  6550. >Anything she can’t find herself is recited to her by the compliant guy himself.
  6551. >She memorizes his name and face, and makes sure that he KNOWS she will easily remember his name and face just in case she gets caught up in a bind again.
  6552. >A necessary threat.
  6553. >The pilot’s breathing seems to have calmed down now that he knows there’s a good chance he’ll get out of this scott free.
  6554. >”They got any kind of tracking on this thing?” Asks Spitfire.
  6555. >”No. I have to phone it in whenever I’m nearby so they know I’m close.”
  6556. >”So there’s no way they themselves can track this helicopter without you telling them anything.”
  6557. >”Not that I know of, no. I wish I could say for sure. But, like, they don’t tell me much.”
  6558. >Okay, now he HAS to be telling the truth when he says that.
  6559. >That confirmed it.
  6560. >”Alright, well that makes me feel better.” Responds Spitfire, still almost gritting her teeth, still angry about all this. “And the better I feel, the better YOU feel, right?”
  6561. >”Yes, m’am.”
  6562. >”Okay. Now, you’re going to land me right at the edge of the beach next to the college campus.”
  6563. >”Uh… which one?”
  6564. >”Canterlot University. I’ll show you where it is on the map. Don’t worry, it’s not close to a police station.”
  6565. >That in particular gave the guy a sigh of relief.
  6566. >He obviously hasn’t been in control of his life circumstances.
  6567. >The information about a spot on the beach near the campus is divulged, and it’s confirmed that it’ll be a safe enough landing as long as the pilot knows how to keep this thing really steady.
  6568. >He might not even need to fully land if he just lowers the chopper close enough to the sand where Spitfire can simply jump off without injuring herself upon landing.
  6569. >After about 45 more minutes of angry, awkward silence, Spitfire speaks to him again after seeing him still looking tense.
  6570. >”Hey, don’t sweat it. You’re gonna be alright. All you’re gonna do is land me on the beach and then fly away. I don’t care where you go after this, but you’re not taking me with you.”
  6571. >”Okay.”
  6572. >Spitfire pats him on the shoulder with the machete blade, grinning slightly.
  6573. >The pilot laughs nervously.
  6574. >”Wanna play i-spy?”
  6575. >”Uh, sure.”
  6576. >”It’s okay if you don’t want to. I won’t kill us both if you say no to i-spy.” Spitfire jokes. “We still got about a half an hour left so I figured why not.”
  6577. >This is the part where she gets a little too comfortable in this situation.
  6578. >”Okay well, I think I’ll focus better if I’m not talking.”
  6579. >”Works for me.”
  6580. >Spitfire really only did that because it made her feel like a badass.
  6581. >The moment was bound to be short-lived either way, but she’s really just surprised she found found a way to start having fun with this.
  6582. >…
  6583. >The sky is getting darker, but silhouettes of things in the sky are still easily seen.
  6584. >Apparently, helicopter landings aren’t too out of place around here.
  6585. >Sure a couple of beach-goers look as the helicopter gets lower and lower.
  6586. >But no one thinks anything’s wrong.
  6587. >Out of the low-hovering helicopter hops a fit tomboy with spiky orange hair in jeans and a thin tank top.
  6588. >She has a duffle bag strapped to her back.
  6589. >Careful not to let it shift around too much when she plants her feet into the sand.
  6590. >The helicopter promptly lifts back up and flies away as Spitfire convinces to herself that the whole thing with the gooey sleeping bag bed was just a bad dream.
  6591. >It’s just something that /almost/ happened to her, meanwhile, that guy in the bathtub got a severe beating from her.
  6592. >VERY severe.
  6593. >There’s no way THAT happened to her.
  6594. >There’s a better chance of Anon getting raped by that bitter old Ms. Harshwhinny instead than that happening.
  6595. >Speaking of, she’ll get to him after getting the important things out of the way first.
  6596. >…
  6597. >The second thing Spitfire does is head over to the police station; about a 20 to 25 minute walk from her dorm building.
  6598. >The clock strikes 10pm as she’s on her way over to her dorm.
  6599. >No one was present when she entered her dorm room.
  6600. >She hides the machete somewhere where it won’t be found, planning to keep the thing and just lie to the police about having thrown it into the ocean after the pilot was about to land her since she knew she could trust him.
  6601. >Yeah, she’s going to rat him out anyway; it might save his life if he’s in a jail cell when his associates come looking for him.
  6602. >On the map was information about the island and where it was in the sea.
  6603. >Not too far off from shore, but still far enough for a plane or chopper to take more than an hour to get there.
  6604. >With this information in her mind, Spitfire enters the police station and does ALMOST everything she’s supposed to do.
  6605. >Barring the thing about the machete that now no longer exists to her until further notice.
  6606. >As the minutes go on, the heat of the situation builds and builds up still.
  6607. >The media will starts to gain attention of the incident, and so on and so forth, but in the morning.
  6608. >Spitfire decides that she won’t text Anon until probably tomorrow.
  6609. >That guy’s already enough trouble as he is.
  6610. >Why’d she even get into a relationship with him again?
  6611. >Whatever, Spitfire clears everything down at the police station so she can go back to her dorm and go back to bed.
  6612. >Swore she heard a plane or something flying overhead, but ignores it.
  6613. >Her roommates are still nowhere to be found, which is… actually odd.
  6614. >But she’s too tired to care.
  6615. >Goes to sleep.
  6616. ~
  6617. >The rest of the team in the locker room sits and waits for you to arrive, but they see no one enter through the doors.
  6618. >Wood Elf pays little to no mind to it, really more concerned with his daily affairs and doesn’t even wonder where you went.
  6619. >It’s been a couple of days now, and the disappearance of their teammate made things a bit quieter around here.
  6620. >Wood Elf is the sole top player so long as his rival isn’t here.
  6621. >The news articles online speculate all sorts of crazy things about where the one teammate from the team has gone, at least the ones that focus on track and field teams.
  6622. >Maybe you ran off, maybe you were kidnapped, lots of theories are drawn upon, some actually true and some not.
  6623. >Back at CHS, Celestia and Luna take note of both news stories.
  6624. >The one where you disappeared, and the one where their former student Spitfire reported some long-standing human trafficking operation somewhere out there in the world she escaped from.
  6625. >They already know to connect the two together, and they already know where you might be.
  6626. >…
  6627. >Time and location unknown.
  6628. >The next thing you remember is the inside of what looks like…
  6629. >No, you’re not sure.
  6630. >But you stumble back and forth, losing your balance over and over again.
  6631. >”Such strong looking legs you have.”
  6632. >You’re not sure if that sounded like Ms. Harshwhinny, due to your hearing being a little bit impaired.
  6633. >There’s two rows of cushioned seats on either side of you, helping you maintain your balance for the few second in between stumbling back and forth.
  6634. >Remember that Ms. Harshwhinny said something about taking you onto her private jet.
  6635. >Wherever you are, your first thought is to try to leave, and then figure out what was in that pill she had you pop.
  6636. >Already have a hunch what it was, though.
  6637. >A pair of hands grabs your arms and spins you around.
  6638. >Before you stands Ms. Harshwhinny through whatever double vision sight your eyes can muster right now.
  6639. >The first thing you notice is how much less formally dressed she is, putting it lightly.
  6640. >The small clingy pink tank top she has on shouldn’t suit someone her age; she should be over a decade too old for a top this lewd.
  6641. >Her increasingly exposed cleavage jiggles as you struggle with her, not strong enough to resist.
  6642. >She knows you’re a little scared and confused.
  6643. >”I know you have more to offer. We’ll do this slowly, okay?”
  6644. >She’s looking straight down at something.
  6645. >Look where she’’s looking to find that you’re completely bottomless, fully erect and nearly poking Ms. Harshwhinny’s soft smooth thigh her panties won’t hope to cover.
  6646. >Her eyes are locked onto your erect prize for her.
  6647. >Try to push it back down out of embarrassment, only to have her hands fumble with yours for a few seconds before prevailing and moving your hands out of the way so you’re not hiding anything from her.
  6648. >”Your pants and underwear didn’t make it onto the flight, I’m afraid.”
  6649. >She steps forward, you stumble backwards.
  6650. >Whatever that’s left of your load that didn’t leave the first time, is doomed to be brought out this time, and your mind is trying to decide how or whether to defend it.
  6651. >To defend what little you have left, but Ms. Harshwhinny wants the rest now, and knows your member well enough to make this easier.
  6652. >You’re unintentionally teasing her with a bit of a challenge, making her push her D+ cup breasts together in that thin undersized tank top she’s wearing when she keeps grabbing at your flailing hands.
  6653. >Where are you even going to go to escape?
  6654. >You’re trapped on her private jet, bottomless, drugged up and fully erect for Ms/ Harshwhinny.
  6655. >She made sure every single odd is in her favor, and she’s going to take the rest of what she wants from you.
  6656. >And as your hands push back at her, once again pushing onto Ms. Harshwhinny’s big soft chest in that little tank top, you know for a fact you’re going to give it to her.
  6657. >She encourages you to make it a challenge for her, so it feels more rewarding.
  6658. >It all devolves into an impromptu wrestling match; you vs Ms. Harshwhinny.
  6659. >Everything’s rigged in her favor, set up for her to win and give you a humiliating defeat to her, a secret loss that won’t appear on your record.
  6660. >She shoves you around the corridor a bit, enjoying watching your raging erection sway back and forth for her.
  6661. >Pounces on you multiple times, grabbing your hands and making you feel up her chest.
  6662. >Ms. Harshwhinny’s depraved excitement makes her nipples under her thin tank top get hard underneath.
  6663. >You’re getting beaten easily and you can’t stop staring at her hard nipples poking through her bright thin tank top as she physically subdues and defeats you.
  6664. >Her body is so soft and fleshy, yet strong enough to work you into whatever position she wants.
  6665. >Ms. Harshwhinny sorely misses being a fit tomboy like Missfire, would have been able to chase and catch up to any boy she wanted, back then.
  6666. >Then she couldn’t run as easily as her chest became more… pronounced, and her life let everyone outrun her.
  6667. >But she still has powerful muscles under that body fat she gained from years of sedentary office life.
  6668. >You instinctively grope Miss Harshwhinny’s fully developed D+ cup breasts through her skimpy tank top, and accept her upon yourself as the two of you grunt during long, deep tongue kisses.
  6669. >She found another way to get her own strapping young athlete man, an easier way.
  6670. >You whimper out your quivering lips as a thick bridge of Ms. Harshwhinny’s saliva falls to your chin.
  6671. >The bulk of your load wasn’t even enough; Ms. Harshwhinny wants the rest from you.
  6672. >With her tank top’s shoulder straps falling off of her shoulders, she stands you up.
  6673. >How couldn’t she grab your fully erect shaft when it’s right out in the open?
  6674. >She slowly strokes your length, and it paralyzes you before you subconsciously buck your hips at her.
  6675. >She gives you a little grin in response then strokes faster, knowing she’s really got you going now.
  6676. >”Yeah… that’s feels good, doesn’t it?” She whispers alluringly, noticing your tip already leaking a tiny bit of precum.
  6677. >She keeps willfully agitating your stiff member in response to noticing this, making more pre leak out.
  6678. >Her hand reaches around and gropes your bare ass so she can pull you into her.
  6679. >”Get those firm glutes over here. We don’t land for another hour or so.”
  6680. >You begin to stammer but nothing coherent comes out.
  6681. >Can’t try again after Ms. Harshwhinny presses her lips back onto yours.
  6682. >Instinctively begin to kiss back, as if it’s some sort of counterattack to what she’s doing.
  6683. >Except she’s fully enjoying it.
  6684. >Feel her huge busty chest press against you like a pair of warm pillows on a small bed that pins you up against itself, with the bed being exactly the size of a person.
  6685. >Ms. Harshwhinny maneuvers you over into one of the seats, guiding your erection deep between her soft warm inner thigh and the rim of her panties.
  6686. >THAT’S where she wants the rest of your load to go.
  6687. >Even if your mind said no, your rock hard cock sternly pushes Ms. Harshwhinny’s panty bridge to the side, wetly gliding along her increasingly exposed vulva lips.
  6688. >She’s pushing you between them and inside before you know it.
  6689. >Your hands grab on to her huge breasts solely for leverage and balance now had it not been for you wanting to gently squeeze and grope them.
  6690. >”Give me the rest of it.” She commands you, gradually plapping harder and harder.
  6691. >Ms. Harshwhinny’s sexy tank top’s straps fell halfway down her arms, leaving nothing to stop the front of her top from falling further and further down her deep busty cleavage, making her areolae slip out.
  6692. >The rest of your load belongs to her, the climax sparks in you and you can’t reverse it now.
  6693. >…
  6694. >Hours later.
  6695. >The entire compound Spitfire had escape from was taken by storm by Interpol swat teams or whoever it is they send over for those things.
  6696. >A lot of people were taken into custody, and a pretty sizable news story has been made about it.
  6697. >Being in contact with the police for several days, Spitfire waits for an update on whether Anon has been brought back as well along with other people who had been there.
  6698. >No word about him, but a missing person’s report has indeed been made, just like one had been made for her when she was taken.
  6699. >Spitfire herself isn’t able to remember much, so she can only help the police to a certain degree, but she still has to be sure, even if this guy wasn’t her boyfriend, he’d even be a danger to himself had it not for other people being a potential danger for him.
  6700. >All she knows for sure is that she should try to help him in any way she can, but the scope of that ability might not reach as far as she would like.
  6701. >She wonders if he had ever set out in search of her.
  6702. >Something tells her he has, so it’d only be fair if she did the same for him; he might not be smart enough to rescue himself as she had herself.
  6703. >After enough days go by…
  6704. >Spitfire eventually meets up with the track and field team.
  6705. >Asking when it was the last time they saw her boyfriend, and what he was doing when they last saw him.
  6706. >There were only a couple of other team members who were paying enough attention in the gym to know that you were not only last exercising but made it known you had to go to the “bitchy business lady”’s office.
  6707. >…
  6708. >Inside your apartment, the light from outside the window starts to shine in.
  6709. >It’s super early in the morning, but you’re not in here sleeping in after 7:00 AM strikes.
  6710. >7:30 goes by and still nothing, your bedroom is silent, your kitchen is silent, your workout room is silent, and so on and so forth.
  6711. >All the noise you used to make is no longer here.
  6712. >And then at some point around 9:15 AM, something tries the doorknob to your front door.
  6713. >It lasts until around 9:17, then goes away.
  6714. >Some more time passes.
  6715. >Around 9:52, it starts up again, this time even louder.
  6716. >Loud banging noises start up, but still not loudly enough to draw too too much attention.
  6717. >The mechanisms inside of the door handle and lock begin to give way, with enough effort from the outside.
  6718. >It all falls apart just before the clock strikes 10:00 AM, leading to a chorus of clanging noises as metal pieces fall to the floor inside and outside.
  6719. >The clock says 10:01 AM as the front door into your empty apartment defenselessly swings open.
  6720. >In paces Spitfire.
  6721. >”Rookie?” She begins to tremble, looking around the place for you. “Where are you, baby?”
  6722. >Her voice inflections have changed a little since the last time she talked to you.
  6723. >She couldn’t help but talk more breathily and in a higher tone, almost like she’s having a heat stroke.
  6724. >In a way, she is.
  6725. >Ever since she’s been altered, she knew she really REALLY needed you for something she couldn’t put her finger on.
  6726. >Something primal, something instinctual.
  6727. >Like she’s dying of thirst, and you’re the only jug of water for well over a hundred miles.
  6728. >Or part of her is on fire and you’re the only ready firehose for well over a hundred miles.
  6729. >She sifts through your workout equipment, sensing something about you the strongest there.
  6730. >It’s that aura she helped put into you.
  6731. >All that strength and striving and suffering you were willing to endure to be the new you whom you wanted to become.
  6732. >So much of that came from her encouragement.
  6733. >And now Spitfire shivers in her boots in search of you.
  6734. >Ever since she did that… disloyal thing she keeps in the back of her mind.
  6735. >It wasn’t her fault… Principal Cadance did something and took her by surprise.
  6736. >She doesn’t even really swing that way, and it certainly does not feel that way right now.
  6737. >She’s been getting such an overwhelming craving for her rookie, but he is nowhere to be found.
  6738. >Whatever condition she’s been put under, it’s starting to take her over.
  6739. >So much so that she stays inside of his apartment in anticipation of his return, opting to live in there for at least half of the day.
  6740. >She had moved a few of her own things into the place by the end of the day, as though she was moving in with you.
  6741. >She made this decision just as quickly in her had as it would have taken her only a few seconds or even less to decide that she wanted to sleep with you tonight out of her sheer desire she’s been put under.
  6742. >How else is she going to get any level of close to you when you’re nowhere to be found?
  6743. >She wishes she could come clean and apologize for what principal Cadance lured her into doing, something she barely even remembered until she escaped her captors.
  6744. >The two events are almost certainly connected, as Ms. Harshwhinny is nowhere to be found.
  6745. >How is she going to interrogate the business lady if she’s nowhere to be found either?
  6746. >Spitfire lies in your bed, thinking about you for several minutes until she finishes and then goes to sleep early as the sky outside begins to darken.
  6747. >She begins to doze off, not even able to distinguish between asleep and awake.
  6748. >She thinks about a lot of the things she didn’t tell the police, things that she wouldn’t assume could help her find you.
  6749. >For some reason, she feels like it needs to be her that finds you, even though the law helping her would be more ideal.
  6750. >Maybe it’s love blinding her from common sense.
  6751. >Maybe she’s just not thinking straight.
  6752. >Maybe one of the men on that island really did have sex with her while she was in that trance-like state.
  6753. >She doesn’t know this for absolute certainty, but there’s a small hunch in her that reminisces back upon it… positively.
  6754. >With a very slight tinge of shame, but overwhelming satisfaction that floods that away from her conscience.
  6755. >She sees herself running around various hallways, covered in that goo stuff, running past entranced, enchanted men and women watching her chest bounce with her braless nipples poking through her tank top.
  6756. >There was something about how enticing she knew she was that gave her some sort of empathy of all of those she was passing as she is trying to find her way out in her vision she’s having.
  6757. >She doesn’t even remember if this really happened or not, but she felt a little too enthusiastic about how… enticing she was to everyone else trapped there.
  6758. >As though she was conditioned to feel that way, by an unknown force.
  6759. >Could it have been Principal Cadance?
  6760. >There’s so many different things that have happened that Spitfire can’t even process it all when she’s lying in your bed trying to fall asleep, with her eyes closed and her thoughts all to herself.
  6761. ~
  6762. >…
  6763. >You have disappeared without a trace.
  6764. >There are actually a few trophies and awards you had won that you forgot to pick up, or even forgot existed.
  6765. >And they are now on display at the school.
  6766. >Placed next to your picture, as it only makes sense to show which student it was who won them and what he looks like since his name is on the trophies anyway.
  6767. >All those achievements in CHS athletics, right there behind the smudged glass, and none of it matters anymore.
  6768. >Not only because you’re famous enough for a few people walking by to recognize you, but because you just lost all of what got you said awards in the first place.
  6769. >Multiple times, actually, but this time losing it is different because you have officially disappeared without a trace.
  6770. >So many ribbons and other things still waiting for you to come and pick them up, so they can sort of congratulate you in their appearance.
  6771. >You weren’t the nicest student in the end, but you were certainly extremely skilled in what you did, or so it seems.
  6772. >They might not wanna take a look at you now, that illusion in that one passing by boy’s head might shatter.
  6773. >”First placing in everything! Damn!” He looks up from his phone and gawks at your portraits, knowing he’s seen you on the sports channel a time or two.
  6774. >Yeah, people can recognize you but was it really worth it?
  6775. >Now everyone’s got an opinion of you, and most of them out there are negative, and would have been close to so regardless even if you hadn’t made yourself earn such an infamous status.
  6776. >There’s no privacy, no peace of mind, there’s new gossip about you almost every hour of the 24-hour day…
  6777. >Why would someone want to live a life where they’re ALWAYS being gossiped about, often in an exaggerated and dishonest way? By people paid to make things up for attention and get their massive audiences to think like they do about you.
  6778. >The boy staring into the glass doesn’t see any of this that the trophy carries, but oh is it there. Oh, is it there.
  6779. >The student admiring your achievements only wants to see himself in that first place spot.
  6780. >And maybe catch up close to the old records you broke and then the new records you set.
  6781. >You would have been proud of yourself had you been present to witness this, but you’ve disappeared without a trace.
  6782. >…
  6783. >Principal Celestia sits at her desk like she does any other day, but she’s been feeling completely different from every other day every single day.
  6784. >Every day that passes leaves her wanting, needing.
  6785. >Something she must not speak of.
  6786. >The noises she heard coming from Vice Principal Luna’s office tell enough about how well her sister is holding up against the same thing.
  6787. >Celestia can at least say she has more restraint than her sister, but for how long will it last?
  6788. >She steps out of her office to get some fresh air from the air conditioned hallways since it’s too hot outside right now.
  6789. >She swings the door open to find one of her students gazing through the glass at the trophies on the display rack, holding his phone up and taking pictures.
  6790. >Her eyes lock onto him.
  6791. >But not for the expected reason.
  6792. >Something else is…
  6793. >Something else is going on about him.
  6794. >What’s his name again? Blank page?
  6795. >Blank Slate.
  6796. >They way he stands there all sturdily… Princess Celestia has to look away; she’s being too reminded of her other former students in the picture he’s over there looking at.
  6797. >Principal Celestia knows she must not think this way about her students.
  6798. >She goes back into her office, sits back down at her desk, and returns to the paperwork she’s been putting off.
  6799. >The rest of the day turning out to be boring and uneventful would be good news for Principal Celestia.
  6800. >She doesn’t know how much longer she can contain herself with all of this new kind of magic trying to fully overtake her.
  6801. >She can’t get rid of it, she can only hope to contain it… to manage it.
  6802. >As it slowly corrupts her mind in one of the most dangerous ways she can imagine.
  6803. >It’s been like this every day. Feels like the first time every single day with how much it intensifies.
  6804. >Maybe this is how… he… felt.
  6805. >After some time, not enough hours have passed.
  6806. >The only thing that has happened is Principal Celestia receiving a phone call from one of the teachers informing that a student got an allergy attack and needs to be sent home early.
  6807. >Several minutes after the first call is over, the phone rings again and Principal Cadance is on the other line.
  6808. >[”Hey.”]
  6809. >”Hello.”
  6810. >Celestia shakes the phone slightly in her trembling hand as she holds it up to her ear. “Is there something you need?”
  6811. >[”Something happened with Spitfire, she’s been living in his apartment on and off.”]
  6812. >Celestia pulls the phone away from her ear and stares directly into it. “Wait… really?”
  6813. >[“I hear she’s really been trying to seek him out, and we should do something to join forces with her.”]
  6814. >”Does she know more than we know?”
  6815. >[“That’s what I’m intending to find out once we get there. Where’s Luna?”]
  6816. >”She’s here too. We probably could leave early today. I can simply put off my paperwork until tomorrow. It wasn’t exactly going anywhere anyway.”
  6817. >[“I’ll see I can meet up with you as soon as possible. Today could be the productive day we’ve been waiting for.”]
  6818. >”We can only hope.”
  6819. >[“I’ll try to see you at 2. Okay?”]
  6820. >”Okay.” Celestia anxiously darts her eyes around. “Oh and Cadance?”
  6821. >[“Hm?”]
  6822. >”That counter to your magic better work and it better work well. And soon. I don’t know how much longer I can last.”
  6823. >A bit of guilt seeps into Principal Cadance’s tone. [“I’ll try my best. So will Mr. Mous, I’ll make sure of that.”] She promises.
  6824. >Celestia’s voice grows a bit wanting. “It’s nothing personal, I just can’t wait until we get to keep this whole thing… y’know… a secret.”
  6825. >[“You and me both. Will Luna need convincing to keep things hush?”]
  6826. >There’s a brief pause.
  6827. >”I’ll talk to her when the time comes.” Celestia worries about the nature of her sister.
  6828. >The two principals hang up.
  6829. >Celestia takes a deep breath as she continues to sit at her desk.
  6830. >When she said she doesn’t know how much longer she can last, she meant every last bit of it.
  6831. >Makes sure no one else is outside when she steps back out of her office with her side bag packed.
  6832. >Her shoes clacking against the marble floor is enough to garner attention from anyone nearby.
  6833. >She made it to the front doors before coming face to face with the nerd student whom she had authorized to go home early due to an allergy attack.
  6834. >The two exchange glances, with the student trying to keep his eyes from wandering down to Principal Celestia’s chest.
  6835. >There’s an almost overwhelming urge inside of Principal Celestia to pounce on this student right now.
  6836. >And turn him into a man right here and now.
  6837. >It just bubbled up inside of her heart for no reason whatsoever.
  6838. >He’s already interested, and she KNOWS what’s going on inside of her top that he’s daydreaming about.
  6839. >That big soft pair of fully developed breasts held in by a well-fitting purple bra inside of her top.
  6840. >That smooth stroke-able skin of her abdomen and back lightly brushing against the inside of her shirt.
  6841. >It HAS to be what he’s thinking about as he looks away out of intimidation.
  6842. >Celestia stands there, trembling, not even able to move forward.
  6843. >It has a hold on her, and now she NEEDS to have a hold on her student.
  6844. >He wants it anyway, deep down, he wants it anyway.
  6845. >But he’s not getting it, because Principal Celestia finds a way to force herself to walk out the door and take her mind off of her… bad thoughts.
  6846. >Did he see enough to jerk to later tonight?
  6847. >Principal Celestia’s bra indentation might be poking through just enough to be noticed.
  6848. >She drives down the road away from the school.
  6849. >…
  6850. >Whatever indoctrination Rookie must be going through, it’s not enough to be permanent.
  6851. >Spitfire knows this for sure.
  6852. >As she walks down the city street in the middle of the night in her hoodie and tight jeans, she ponders all of the ways he can bring him back to reality with her.
  6853. >The few people walking around look either homeless or lost.
  6854. >Lots of them are old either way.
  6855. >Spitfire is going to be taking the subway train back to just slightly closer to the college side of town.
  6856. >After spending the later half of the day buying supplies and food for a long “vacation” to a few places she researched where Rookie might be.
  6857. >There is no simply giving up on Rookie, he was too much of a danger to himself, too much of a mess, and Spitfire was so proud to see him improve.
  6858. >She could use some restful alone time to herself for a little bit; Spitfire’s current magic-induced condition has got her rather unstable and frankly unhinged.
  6859. >She sighs as she steps onto the train, seeing one other person sitting at the far end.
  6860. >Really sketchy looking guy who immediately peers over at the bright-haired college-aged girl in a hoodie who just entered the passenger car.
  6861. >He starts staring, and Spitfire notices as soon as the train takes off with NO ONE else in the passenger car with the two of them.
  6862. >The spread out tunnel lights outside the windows zoom by, one by one on each side, and the dull overhead light inside the passenger car occasionally give a slight flicker.
  6863. >This guy is giving off REALLY strong drug dealer vibes.
  6864. >Alert yet tired face, cold stare, always looking around suspiciously, etc.
  6865. >And if that’s accurate regarding his demeanor, then he absolutely must have a loaded gun somewhere on him.
  6866. >Less than a minute later, Spitfire has already hatched her plan in her head pertaining to how she’s going to take his gun for herself.
  6867. >This is already a really bad part of town, and that is indicated by the fact that everyone around here does NOT take the subway at this time of night.
  6868. >Two additional stops go by and still not a single soul besides these two.
  6869. >The sketchy man scoots over from seat to seat, making his way closer and closer to Spitfire after seeing that she apparently wasn’t wise enough to leave the subway train yet.
  6870. >Spitfire’s actual stop was the one the train just stopped at then pulled away from; he doesn’t know she’s staying on this train with him on purpose.
  6871. >Trying to lure him into attempting to rape her or something so she can catch him off guard and steal his gun.
  6872. >Yep, that’s the look of a man who has nothing left to lose in life.
  6873. >”Hey Miss.” His predictably ghetto-dialect voice croaks. “Think you got somethin’ for me.”
  6874. >She looks up.
  6875. >He looms over her head.
  6876. >It doesn’t take long for him to flash his steel, his piece.
  6877. >A dark handgun, probably a glock of some sort.
  6878. >”And what would that be?” Replies Spitfire, almost sultrily to get him to believe she’s actually down for it and relax too much.
  6879. >”Ay don’t worry… everything’ll be alright if you just do as I say.” He pulls it out and cocks it with a disingenuous grin.
  6880. >Spitfire gives him a certain set of eyes.
  6881. >Then gives him a sly smile back. “Seeing something you like?”
  6882. >”Not yet.”
  6883. >Spitfire begins to stand and mentally prepares to take off her hoodie for him and give him a good view of what she has under it.
  6884. >”Sit down.” He points the barrel at her. “Now, you gots’ta chill for me, aight? I ain’t tryna see nothin’ but your wallet.”
  6885. >”…What?”
  6886. >”Don’t act like you didn’t hear.” He points to where he imagines Spitfire’s wallet is.
  6887. >”Are you sure I can’t pay you… another way?” Spitfire crosses her legs, not even knowing what she’s doing anymore, what she’s been reduced to.
  6888. >”Bitch I got mouths to feed, and you gon’ help me out with that.” He motions with his gun. “Take it out.”
  6889. >Looks like reality is a bit different than expected.
  6890. >”It’s not in my pockets.” Spitfire lies, knowing he’s not about to step too close into arm’s reach of her to check for it himself.
  6891. >”’Kay, where?”
  6892. >”I keep it in my clothes.” She readjusts her plan for this situation.
  6893. >”Get it out.” He backs away with his gun still pointed right at her. “Get it out then kick it to me.”
  6894. >”May I stand?”
  6895. >”The fuck you think, hoe?! Hurry the fuck up, I got mouths to feed!” He impatiently gestures for her to stand, probably knowing next stop might be coming soon.
  6896. >He watches Spitfire unfasten her belt, allowing the loosened top of her pants to slip down her hips a little.
  6897. >He watches Spitfire grab the bottom of her hoodie and pull it up.
  6898. >Her white tank top underneath the hoodie sticks to the inside and gets hiked up Spitfire’s toned midriff with it, exposing her bellybutton to him.
  6899. >The thug instantly gets his attention drawn to this, NOW in the mood. “Yea, that’s good.” His aim with the gun starts to wander a little.
  6900. >Spitfire lifts her hoodie all the way up her torso and over her face, getting her thin little tank top underneath to ride all the way up her fit body until it gets caught in the threshold of her underboob.
  6901. >As Spitfire pulls her hoodie the rest of the way off with it over her face, the thug stares directly at her braless tits through her thin tank top, ambushed by the sight of her perky nipples.
  6902. >”Damn.” He quietly murmurs.
  6903. >Fully in awe of Spitfire’s toned fit body barely cloaked by that limply falling tank top that has now been freed from its hoodie prison.
  6904. >He notices how noticeably muscular Spitfire’s arms are as she pulls her removed hoodie down her arms.
  6905. >He watches, he says nothing.
  6906. >It happened in an instant.
  6907. >Spitfire chucks the hoodie at his face then ducks before he can fire a couple of blinded shots.
  6908. >She crouch-lunged forward and got ahold of his arm by the time the second shot blew a spiderweb hole in the window.
  6909. >By the time the removed hoodie fell from the thug’s face, Spitfire had already rammed her knee up into his elbow with his right arm restrained by her two strong toned arms.
  6910. >Her years of experience in soccer breaks his arm at the middle, letting out a beautifully loud cracking sound, followed by the even more beautiful sound of the gun falling to the subway floor.
  6911. >The rest of the struggle doesn’t take much more time and effort, sounded off by his agonized shriek of pain.
  6912. >…
  6913. >He is forced to leave the subway, wincing in agony while holding his severely broken arm Spitfire has given a few extra twists in the struggle.
  6914. >He begins to cuss Spitfire out as he watches her bright orange hair through the window leave his sight as the train takes off and leaves him behind.
  6915. ~
  6916. >Spitfire returns to her new apartment around 1:30 in the morning.
  6917. >Her new handgun is fully loaded aside two discharged bullets; she checked on the subway ride over to the slightly better side of town.
  6918. >Never felt safer than tonight as she was strutting down the dark, sparsely lit streets.
  6919. >Steel under her hoodie, along with a fit, ready-to-fight body.
  6920. >What a country this is.
  6921. >Spitfire uses the spare keys she found in the laundry room to unlock the now reassembled doorknob.
  6922. >Come hell or high water, Spitfire is going to get her Rookie back.
  6923. >No matter where he is or what is happening to him right now.
  6924. >She rescued him before, she’ll rescue him again.
  6925. >It looks like a note had been slipped under the door.
  6926. >Spitfire picks it up and reads it upon turning the kitchen light on.
  6927. >[Spitfire, it’s Principal Cadance from CPA, I’m with Principal Celestia and Vice Principal from CHS and we know you’re in Anon’s apartment. We want to talk with you and work with you in hopefully trying to get him back. Please let us in tomorrow morning and we won’t report you for breaking and entering. Please, we’re desperate too, we all want the same thing here. Help us help you. I’ll explain everything in full once we can have a proper talk.]
  6928. >Finding that she probably doesn’t have much of a choice in this matter, Spitfire takes a deep breath.
  6929. >Come hell or high water, Spitfire is going to get her Rookie back.
  6930. >No matter where he is or what is happening to him right now.
  6931. >She rescued him before, she’ll rescue him again.
  6932. >…
  6933. >Unspecified time of day or night.
  6934. >Wake up in a bed on your back to the sound of wet noises.
  6935. >You’re either too lethargic to move around, or you’re unable to move around, or both.
  6936. >There’s no creaking bed springs, but when you piece everything together, you figure there might as well be.
  6937. >Ms. Harshwhinny’s strong yet soft naked body has you pinned to the bed.
  6938. >Her extremely warm skin is smooth and slippery to the touch, helping you figure out that you’re both sweaty and naked under the covers together.
  6939. >Figure she still has you drugged up, and has already defeated you in yet another “wrestling match”, and is just enjoying her prize all day and night.
  6940. >Can’t move your waist at all; she has you clamped between her powerful thighs and feel like must have done so for some tome before you came to.
  6941. >Her movements continue, and you recognize it as her humping you.
  6942. >In perfect sync with Ms. Harshwhinny’s humping is the delightful feeling of her already having your full erection enveloped inside of her; you feel it.
  6943. >Her humping corresponds to her soft goods enveloped around your length with her vulva clamped around the base of your shaft, stroking up and down.
  6944. >She breathes ecstatically.
  6945. >As she tangles frantic limbs with you and mashes her huge soft breasts onto your shoulders, you panic just a little.
  6946. >She re-doubles her naked, slippery bear-hug onto you and pins you down more sincerely against her soft endowed body.
  6947. >You feel Ms. Harshwhinny’s huge soft boobs press down and mash against your trembling body.
  6948. >She slowly drags her bare busty chest up your chest until Ms. Harshwhinny’s deep bountiful cleavage enters your view as your chin juts between it.
  6949. >”Shhh…” She lets out deep slow breaths, holding you still with her strength.
  6950. >Like a Tigress having just pounced on top of her prey, she leans further onto you and buries your face between her busty, glistening pair of warm soft cougar breasts.
  6951. >All the while humping up and down on top of you and bringing your erect member inside of her closer to yet another ejaculation she wants from you.
  6952. >”Shhh…” She repeats in a sustained sigh.
  6953. >She holds you still and gets you to relax yourself with her insistently pressing and humping you from on top.
  6954. >Ms. Harshwhinny had already overtaken you multiple times already, she’s just now reasserting herself upon you.
  6955. >Your breathing slows to eventually match hers, and her soft exposed chest rises and falls as a pair of moist glistening pillows against your cheek.
  6956. >The fancy hotel room around the two of you is in an unknown location to you, but she took you here so she can love you and enjoy you, and get you to love her and enjoy her.
  6957. >Ms. Harshwhinny has you pinned to the bed underneath herself under the covers, both of you sweaty, naked, and fucking like rabbits for hours on end whether it’s night or day right now.
  6958. >You don’t know where you are, you don’t know what time it is, all you know is that you’re devoid of stamina and resistance, with Ms. Harshwhinny’s naked cougar body pinning you down from on top of you under the covers and humping you until your shaft enveloped inside of her can’t hold back anymore and releases anything left it’s got for her.
  6959. >All you know is that you are prey to Ms. Harshwhinny’s overpowering physical aura.
  6960. >The aura and essence of a Big, soft, strong woman, fully developed into adulthood and past fitness still muscling on into her 40’s aged softness.
  6961. >She needs you to cum now, and makes it known through a heightened pace in her humping to get you over that edge once more, it’s impossible to resist.
  6962. >Ms. Harshwhinny can’t contain or control herself on top of you… she whimpers and grunts in horny impatience… she NEEDS your load NOW~
  6963. >Your body does everything Ms. Harshwhinny wants it to, and her pussy deeply enveloping your cock continues to milk your sack dry.
  6964. >She can feel it all happening. “There we go… that’s it…” She sighs with a breathy whimper in response to your roused up ejaculation inside of her.
  6965. >Keeps her dedicated hold on you as you finish cumming inside for her, letting you hug back at her soft endowed body pinning down on top of you.
  6966. >Ms. Harshwhinny’s vulva lips are locked around the base of your erect shaft, pushing down hard onto your pelvis with a sincere frenzy of thrusts along your stiff solid length deep inside.
  6967. >You were already irreversibly cumming, but Her merciless humping continues anyway and keeps ravaging your shaft even after your load began to spurt out deep into her as you embrace her frantically humping soft cougar body.
  6968. >Your breathing matches hers once again after having gotten faster than hers during the climax; she’s MAKING you breathe heavier with her.
  6969. >She keeps you inescapably pinned underneath her strength and bodyweight, keeping it impossible for you to even begin to pull out as you continue cumming deep inside of her.
  6970. >Still having your chin softly jutting between Ms. Harshwhinny’s deep sweaty cleavage, you feel her huge bare breasts push forward against your shoulders with each deep breath she takes.
  6971. >You finish releasing your load as she hold you pinned for even longer just to make sure every last drop of your load went inside of her, or at least as close to every last drop of it as she could make it.
  6972. >Only another minute or so after this does she THEN loosen her grip a little bit.
  6973. >Now you’re calm and relaxed for Ms. Harshwhinny.
  6974. >She lets your freely move your arms around between your sweaty naked bodies, not only allowing but encouraging you to feel up the soft yet sturdy sides of her glistening torso; you run your hands from her shoulder blades to her wide hips.
  6975. >Ms. Harshwhinny breathes deeply with you as your hands wander forward to her slightly folded, rising and falling tummy.
  6976. >”Mmmmmmhhhhh…” She sighs.
  6977. >She victoriously giggles a little.
  6978. >After Ms. Harshwhinny finally leans back from pushing her naked body onto you, you can’t stop staring at her massive erect nipples, staring at you like a pair of headlights.
  6979. >Her breath gently beating down upon you carries the sweet scent of icing’d cinnamon rolls.
  6980. >But her headlights staring you in the face, Ms. Harshwhinny’s slightly dark erect nipples, keep you mostly distracted from this.
  6981. >She knows you absolutely love those things, and she’s gonna make you show it.
  6982. >Your hands instinctively slide up Ms. Harshwhinny’s smooth, glistening topless body, gently yet excitingly colliding with her massive, soft, cougar breasts and pushing them upwards.
  6983. >You can feel the weight of all those years of milk and cinnamon roll fueled office life that further developed her huge chest into a pair of knockers that left her unable to run and jump like you can.
  6984. >They’re too big for you to fit entirely in each hand, so you just let Ms. Harshwhinny grab your wrists and pull your hands not away but further into herself and onto the warm softness of her huge exposed cougar breasts.
  6985. >Her big erect nipples become increasingly stiff against your thumbs, just begging to be sucked on.
  6986. >You already knew what to do before she commanded you, but you become even more enthusiastic upon hearing her voice.
  6987. >”Suck them.” Ms. Harshwhinny breathily demands in her firm intimidating voice as she lets her huge bare cougar breasts softly sway in front of your face.
  6988. >You can’t resist the urge to call her beautiful.
  6989. “I… I j-”
  6990. >She pushes a finger against your lips and insistently shushes you. “Suck them. Now.”
  6991. >You nervously lift your face for her as she leans forward into you once more.
  6992. >”Suck them.”
  6993. >She cups the back of your head in her hand and pulls you into her busty chest.
  6994. >Pushing your face against one of her warm soft cougar breasts.
  6995. >Her stiff erect nipple firmly pokes at your lips.
  6996. >”Suck.”
  6997. >You obey.
  6998. >Tasting and feeling Ms. Harshwhinny’s tangy erect nipple pushing its way past your parted lips.
  6999. >With your arms wrapped around her soft, strong upper body, proceed to display your submission to Ms. Harshwhinny by suckling on her large stiff nipple.
  7000. >She holds your head close with your face up against her big soft cougar breast.
  7001. >Ms. Harshwhinny leans her bodyweight onto you, quietly moaning in arousal as your mouth gently works itself against her bare nipple.
  7002. >Run your hands against Ms. Harshwhinny’s bare glistening back, making note of the muscles you can feel through her softness.
  7003. >After about a minute and a half of suckling, you begin to taste what you can identify as warm milk in your mouth.
  7004. >Ms. Harshwhinny’s nipple could only take so much agitation from your suckling lips before milk started coming out in tiny spurts.
  7005. >When your locked lips did not stop agitating Ms. Harshwhinny’s enveloped nipple, and continue instead, her spurts of warm milk become larger and stronger.
  7006. >You can feel the spurts against your tongue and inner cheek, and can’t help but begin swallowing it as it fills your mouth more and more.
  7007. >Ms. Harshwhinny strokes the back of your head as you suck on her nipple and swallow her breast milk.
  7008. >Her huge warm soft cougar breast pushes against your face with each of her deep enamored breaths as you lie on the bed under the covers, pinned on your back by Ms. Harshwhinny.
  7009. >”There we go, that’s a good little sub.” Ms. Harshwhinny warmly coos down at you from above.
  7010. >You play with Ms. Harshwhinny’s free nipple in one of your hands as you continue sucking on the other one in your mouth.
  7011. >After another minute or two, you and Ms. Harshwhinny together decide you may part your lips from her nipple now, leaving a brief saliva trail for a hot second before she orders you to start sucking her other nipple.
  7012. >She doesn’t need to command you a second time; you eagerly comply.
  7013. >Ms. Harshwhinny continues to lean herself on top of you with her huge soft cougar tits nearly smothering your face
  7014. >You can barely see anything at all aside her soft chest’s glistening skin against the tip of your nose.
  7015. >But you can just envision her lidded eyes gazing down at you with messy hair and sweat on her face and shoulders, smirking and biting her lip as she holds your face against her soft glistening busty chest.
  7016. >You still have no idea where you are or what time it is.
  7017. >But you suck warm breast milk from Ms. Harshwhinny’s big erect nipples and welcomingly gulp it’s smooth silkiness down your throat.
  7018. >”This is how you will show your submission to me, understand?”
  7019. >You nod slightly, just enough for her to see and feel it.
  7020. >Despite all you don’t know, you do know one thing.
  7021. >Spitfire can’t compete with this.
  7022. >She probably can’t do what Ms. Harshwhinny’s doing, let alone do it the same.
  7023. >Ms. Harshwhinny soon allows you to simply lie down next to her in the bed, pulling you into a cuddling hug with her.
  7024. >Both of you are sweaty, naked, and exhausted. Feeling eachother up while engaging in some giggling, naked cuddling for the next half an hour or so, maybe longer.
  7025. >Occasionally making out, with you tasting the sweet cinnamon rolls in her assertively lips and mouth.
  7026. >Ms. Harshwhinny tells you that you will discuss the contract and read the whole thing together in bed after waking back up, and you WILL unconditionally sign the contract.
  7027. >You unconditionally agree with her and then you two go back to making out while cuddling naked under the covers of the hotel room bed.
  7028. >This continues on and off until you fall asleep together.
  7029. ~
  7030. >…
  7031. >”So where do you think he is?” Asks Spitfire after a good amount of talking in Rookie’s living room, which was laced with some… unexpected revelations.
  7032. >Luna sighs at her. “Could be in the western Caribbean, most likely. Or eastern. It can’t be far from where you were taken. Ms. Harshwhinny is under the influence of the same people.”
  7033. >”And you’re SURE they have some sort of vampiric magic powers?”
  7034. >”I know this for a fact.” Cadance steps in. “I’ve had to deal with her for many years. Chrysalis.”
  7035. >Spitfire stares down at the paper on the table, unsure of all the pictures and descriptions that were put there to do a lot of the explaining for the three high school administrators.
  7036. >There’s a bunch of red arrows that eventually all point back to this blurry photo of what is apparently Chrysalis, with a big red circle around her name.
  7037. >Below that is a laundry list of her supposed abilities, which Spitfire does very little to register or memorize.
  7038. >This sudden person is someone Spitfire doesn’t remember hearing of before, who is apparently behind all of this and she never even knew it.
  7039. >Maybe she already knew Chrysalis and forgot about her, something feels familiar about her, which only puts more dread into her about her time in that place she was brought to after her kidnapping.
  7040. >”Can you like, give me a quick rundown on this Chrysalis lady? Who is she? Who was she before?” Asks Spitfire.
  7041. >When Spitfire invited these three in, she was, expecting some sort of rundown on Ms. Harshwhinny first, who seemed to be at the forefront of everything.
  7042. >That’s exactly what it hat seemed like, until this Chrysalis lady was suddenly mentioned out of nowhere and this whole thing is apparently about her instead of Ms. Harshwhinny.
  7043. >”Chrysalis got me to… get… Ms. Harshwhinny for her.” Explains Cadance. “It’s been happening with a lot of people, both men and women, she makes us all make sexual advances at eachother so that way no one knows when the next instance will be of whom. And then Ms. Harshwhinny got out of our control and went straight to appealing to Chrysalis’s authority directly.”
  7044. >”The spell Cadance put on us all could have been reversed had it only been her, but Chrysalis did something to make it stick until she herself is there to override it.” Says Celestia. “At least, that’s what it seems.”
  7045. >”I’ve tried several times to reverse it but I can sense something Chrysalis did with my magic. It doesn’t work completely.” Adds Cadance. “The absolute mind control can be nullified, but not the libido flare-ups.”
  7046. >”This’ll be a lot easier once we get Ms. Harshwhinny back to normal.” Says Luna. “I can assure you she’s not herself. Even things that really are personal about this have been amplified, she would never kidnap someone had she been in her regular state. Of course, good luck getting police officers to believe that, let alone convincing a jury of it.”
  7047. >”What you need to understand about Ms. Harshwhinny is that there actually is a personal side to this for her.” Says Celestia. “She’s a little bit like both you and Anon.”
  7048. >”So is this about Ms. Harshwhinny or not?” Asks Spitfire.
  7049. >”Part of it is.”
  7050. >”And what do you mean she’s like me and Rookie? You mean she used to be an athlete too right?”
  7051. >”Yes, but it’s a little more specific than that.” Cadance looks around the room. “Do you happen to have a way to hook up Anon’s computer to the TV? It’s a lot better if we just show you.”
  7052. >…
  7053. >There didn’t seem to be a whole lot of reason to watch this on the TV in the apartment instead of the computer, other than everyone seeing everything at once extra easily, but on the couch everyone sits.
  7054. >Everything is hooked up properly, and video files that had once originated as VHS home movies in the past transfer from the computer to the TV screen.
  7055. >Whatever context this is supposed to bring to light, it shows a very young and fit Ms. Harshwhinny strutting through what looks like the halls of CHS except with different looking lockers and a different color paint on the walls.
  7056. >…
  7057. >”There’s going to have so much to watch that they CAN’T say no to me.” Harshwhinny declares with her aerodynamic chest proudly jutted out with confidence. “I wasn’t even that far from the record.”
  7058. >”I’ll just let you know when we start to run out of tape.” Says her friend Stellar Flare. “Then you’ll HAVE to send it in even if it’s not enough. And we can finally do something else for once.”
  7059. >”Relax, just only start filming after they blow the horn then stop immediately after I leave the field. There’s no way we don’t have enough space left yet. The agency probably doesn’t want a huge amount of video to look through anyway.”
  7060. >”I hope not.” Stellar Flare lets out an annoyed sigh. “You’re still going to make up for me missing the concert.”
  7061. >Harshwhinny enters the back area where the contestants all go to warm up. “Relax, I’ll have enough to pay you back, then we’ll catch Guns N’ Roses on their next tour. I promise.”
  7062. >She disappears into the locker room area before Stellar flare has time to respond.
  7063. >As she heads back to where the audience begins to take their seats, Stellar Flare looks through all of the other footage that has been filmed over the past several months.
  7064. >Earlier in June, the swimming competition:
  7065. >All of the swimmers are lined up against the pool’s edge, with Harshwhinny at the very end of the line with nothing to her left side but the wall of the pool after the airhorn blows and everyone dives in.
  7066. >Right away, Harshwhinny’s limber body stiffens in position and her firm arms begin stroking with the wise determination they’ve gathered from what seemed like an eternity of practice.
  7067. >Her hands slice through the water like knives, the water itself rushes right along the surface of her body as she propels herself forward.
  7068. >Knowing she’s going to snag that 1st place trophy just like before, and it’s going to be filmed this time for the athletics agency to see.
  7069. >She can already see her bright future in both running and swimming right there in front of her.
  7070. >She’s tall and slender, but has just the right amount of tight muscles strengthening her healthy body to get her ahead of the other swimmers in what has to be record time this time.
  7071. >She can hear them getting further and further away.
  7072. >The water rushes right by her almost flat chest, and her fluidly moving legs make sure her lead widens and widens.
  7073. >She’s out of the water before she even knows it, past the finish line and watching all of the other exhausted and confused swimmers give her a defeated look.
  7074. >This always felt great and it always will, especially when the career Harshwhinny KNOWS she will have kicks off.
  7075. >No one else can even do this like she can.
  7076. >In the next bit of video, pretty much the same thing happens. And again, and again.
  7077. >And now a brand new addition is filmed.
  7078. >Stellar Flare points the camera at her friend from the stands as the airhorn sounds, except this time, the athletes are on a track.
  7079. >Harshwhinny bolts off alongside everyone else, churning her legs with each painstaking step.
  7080. >This is a really brief but meaningful dash she’s undertaking, and Harshwhinny gets ahead of all the competition in just amount of time she wanted to.
  7081. >There even have to be people from the agency in the crowd, watching her in person.
  7082. >If not, that’s fine.
  7083. >They’ll have the video to watch later on so she can prove that she came in such a crushing first place with her tight fit body.
  7084. >No matter what she does, Harshwhinny knows that a career of being an athlete is going to dominate her future, she knows it.
  7085. >The video playing back looks just as good as she wanted.
  7086. >Harshwhinny is a blur darting across the screen, but still recognizable to anyone viewing the tape.
  7087. >Except, it’s not the athletics agency viewing the tape, it’s people in the future.
  7088. >…
  7089. >You watch the grainy video clip of Ms. Harshwhinny in her late teens leaping over hurdle after hurdle, limber and slim, tight and elastic.
  7090. >She’s doing it better than even you could, it’s like her fluidity, agility and speed were something unworldly.
  7091. >Her super short blonde hair needed not be tied into any bun of some sort.
  7092. >She was just automatically ready, and her tight fit body dominated the track and field competition like it was nothing.
  7093. >1st place.
  7094. >1st place.
  7095. >1st place.
  7096. >It never ends.
  7097. >2nd place each time goes to someone else you feel like you still wouldn’t have been able to beat either anyway.
  7098. >When was this, the late 80s? Early 90s?
  7099. >She’s killing it.
  7100. >Ms. Harshwhinny turns off the tape after you’re through watching it. “A lot of people still have these tapes of me.” She tells you.
  7101. “You were really good.” You tell her.
  7102. >”Better than you?”
  7103. >You gulp, still not even knowing where you are.
  7104. “Yeah. Better than me.” You tell her exactly what she wants to hear, which puts a smile on her face.
  7105. >Still, there’s a part of you now that meant that.
  7106. >”If I can lose all of that, then so can you.” She tells you. “Let’s be honest, the only real goal in life is to get enough money to be comfortable then live how you want.”
  7107. “I suppose.”
  7108. >”The contract you just signed? That’s your shortcut ticket to that. Around the whole being an athlete thing.” Ms. Harshwhinny seems a lot less grumpy that her usual self during her time here with you, wherever this is.
  7109. >But you think you have an idea as to why.
  7110. >Do you even want someone to come rescue you at this point?
  7111. >You'll have to wait and see.
  7112. ~
  7113. >Snatching away Lucifer's precious thunder, you fell into a dream.
  7114. >And you’re back on the racing tracks you used to be used to.
  7115. >Wherever you were where that hotel room resides, it doesn’t exist here, you’re back on the top of your game here.
  7116. >Wood Elf, Little Forest Elf, whatever his name is, doesn’t exist here either.
  7117. >Falling asleep in the hotel bed in the arms of a wealthy businesswoman was the only escape you needed from that room all along, because you’re greatest rival you know isn’t here.
  7118. >The number on your uniform is 1 like it’s always been.
  7119. >Strutting up to the starting line, you stretch your arms and mentally prepare your body to exert the amounts of energy you’re still somewhat used to it exerting.
  7120. >Even though much of that isn’t apparent in reality anymore, if not all.
  7121. >You don’t have the ability to instantly regenerate.
  7122. >In the real world that is.
  7123. >But in this stadium, your body is trembling with stamina and dripping with strength and agility like it used to for some number of months at a time.
  7124. >Your eyes wildly watch the finger on the starting gun, fixing to pull the trigger.
  7125. >The very millisecond this happens, off you go.
  7126. >And into the lead you sprint, but up against the opponents of your mind.
  7127. >The same kind of being that will always catch up to you in a nightmare so long as you think of them.
  7128. >This kind of training would have been extremely useful had it happened back when your body had the pent up stamina to actually make it realistically useful.
  7129. >Feet pitter patter against the track, you cartoonishly lean down towards that track and lean to the side like you’re riding a motorcycle.
  7130. >”I still have it. You don’t. You gave yours up.”
  7131. “Who said that?!”
  7132. >Shit, there he is, right next to you.
  7133. >Giving you the smuggest shit-eating grin you could imagine.
  7134. >Little Forest Elf already caught up to you and threatens your first place trophy with his motor bike.
  7135. >You didn’t notice when the dream shifted to you riding these things, but you’re revving the handlebars by instinct before you realize it.
  7136. >”It’s too late.” He tells you with his voice somehow sounding over the motor bikes.
  7137. “I can still escape! Just wait and see!” Your true inner self comes out and snaps at him.
  7138. >The two of you round a corner.
  7139. >His turn is so sharp, so aggressive.
  7140. >Nearly bumps you off of the track.
  7141. >After all this time of him not being around and he’s right back to doing this?
  7142. >”You already missed that opportunity.”
  7143. “I can make a new one myself!”
  7144. >”With what? Your limp, tired out arms?”
  7145. >You swerve to the side and hit him to shut him up.
  7146. >His bike barely teeters a little bit, but stays sturdily on its tires.
  7147. >The crowd really liked that, didn’t they?
  7148. >You glance back at them in the stands, waving their arms in a fanatic fashion.
  7149. >Your fans, hopefully not outnumbered by this guy’s fans.
  7150. >”Don’t worry, they’re all here for you.” He says to you. “My secret is that fans stopped mattering to me, so you can have them. Go ahead, hit me again.”
  7151. >With a grit of your teeth, you swerve into him.
  7152. >He backs away slightly and sends you careening to the edge of the track, almost onto the grass.
  7153. >Watch him propel his bike past you into absolute first place as you slow down to regain control.
  7154. “Piece of fucking shit.” You grumble.
  7155. >Speeding up didn’t have much of a chance to happen with all of these turns in the track coming up.
  7156. >You can tell it’s time for your brain to start bullying you with your own thoughts.
  7157. >This guy surely has this problem too, right?
  7158. >If the environment’s hostile to you then it’s hostile to him too!
  7159. >Why isn’t he worried about anything?!
  7160. >”Because I don’t have to be.” He answers your thoughts, having slowed back down SOLELY to whisper this into your ear with that same shit-eating grin.
  7161. >He speeds up again and you try to go after him, but the series of sharp turns resumes.
  7162. >The other racers are so far behind that they didn’t even make it to the part of the track turning into the CHS school hallways yet.
  7163. >It acts like a long, winding garage lined with lockers, and you and Elf Boy are riding through the thick of it.
  7164. >It initially seemed like he was controlling the setting of this lucid dream, but even he seems confused by this.
  7165. >Like he was expecting offroad tracks and pine trees, not the inside of some school’s hallways.
  7166. >The 90 degree turns of the hallways are even harder to navigate.
  7167. >How is he adapting so quickly while you’re not?!
  7168. >With an annoyed scowl, he takes his bike up the sides of the lockers.
  7169. >You follow suit, wishing you did this before he did so you’d be the leader in this situation.
  7170. >What are you gonna do now?
  7171. >The angrier you feel, the darker the hallway gets, with the lights almost blowing out.
  7172. >”Where did she take you?!” A female voice come up.
  7173. >It feels like the heavens opened up, but the ceiling is still there getting darker.
  7174. >You look up and see no one.
  7175. >”ANSWER ME!”
  7176. “Who’s there?!”
  7177. >Right next you you, she appears, flying against the powerful wake your speeding bike has produced while careening down a long hallway that goes on for almost forever.
  7178. “V-Vice Principal Luna?!”
  7179. >”I don’t have time to explain! Where did Ms. Harshwhinny take you?!”
  7180. >”What the fuck?” Wood Elf glares at her. “Fuck off! This is my dream!”
  7181. “YOUR dream?! I thought it was mine!” You try to swerve into him again and miss.
  7182. >He laughs angrily then glances back up at Luna who found a way to fly beside you.
  7183. >”Bet you thought you were in control, huh?” Luna sneers at him for a brief second of distracted gloating before she herself has to readjust her focus. “Anon, fucking answer the question! Where the hell are you?”
  7184. “Is this CHS?”
  7185. >”No, not here! Where are you before falling asleep! Where did Harshwhinny take you? We’re looking for you!”
  7186. “I don’t fucking know! She drugged me! Then she had sex with me!”
  7187. >”God damn it.”
  7188. “I didn’t fucking mind it, mind you! But that’s not the point here.”
  7189. >Luna was just about to say something else before agreeing with you. “You’re right! That’s not the fucking point!”
  7190. >This dream’s getting really spread-y and infectious with the animosity you’ve brought to it.
  7191. >”That means it’s too late for this to be easy!” She reveals. “But where are you?!”
  7192. >”I’m going to make you BOW to me!” Wood Elf proclaims.
  7193. “I don’t know where I am! Some hotel! Flown here by plane!”
  7194. >”You have to find out! There’s no other way this can be done!”
  7195. >Some sour feeling washes over you but you persist around a sharp turn around a corner.
  7196. >”And HE’S been set onto the team on purpose!” Luna points directly at Wood Elf.
  7197. >Your eyes shoot wider as a shock goes through you from this revelation.
  7198. >You glance at him, with his same old shit-eating grin verifying that she’s telling the the truth.
  7199. >He looks delighted that you found out.
  7200. >The contagious animosity should have spread to him by now, but it looks like he brought so much of his own that it didn’t make any noticeable difference on his end.
  7201. >He came here to taunt you in your dreams.
  7202. >And he knows that once you wake up, there isn’t a fucking thing you can do to change the fact that it’s over.
  7203. >And the reason why he has been saying what he’s been saying all makes sense now.
  7204. >It blares into your ears and you can’t even hear anything but the dull revving of the engines.
  7205. >Who the hell is this guy?
  7206. >Who is he REALLY?
  7207. “Where is this fucker from? How does he know Ms. Harshwhinny?” You begin asking more questions.
  7208. >”Even if I had more time, I don’t know either.”
  7209. >The hallways start to look like they’re shivering in their very atomic mass.
  7210. >”All I can tell you is that Spitfire was taken to near the Caribbean before she escaped! But wherever you are is not there, but it could be near there!”
  7211. “Where was that?”
  7212. >”It was a tropical island named San Andres I think. Just off the coast of Central America. The more hints you can get about where you are, the better. It could be close to there.”
  7213. >Luna’s voice had already started growing fainter and fainter.
  7214. >The next time you try to slam your bike into Wood Elf’s bike, he just rides up the lockers again and makes you slam your shoulder into the metal.
  7215. >The hallway everyone is racing through eventually leads to an opening into a much larger room.
  7216. >It’s the swimming auditorium place.
  7217. >After realizing that Vice Principal Luna had already disappeared, you get ready to ram the front of your bike into the stopping device that sits right before where the water begins.
  7218. >And it begins with yet another starting line.
  7219. >The first one in is your opponent, but you’re following in very close pursuit.
  7220. >…
  7221. >Falling behind in the dream world, Vice Principal Luna watches the former star athlete disappear underneath the water.
  7222. >She has no idea where he’s been taken, but she was lucky enough to find him in the dream realm she has the ability to reach.
  7223. >She gradually starts to gain the ability to wake herself up as though she’s landing a spaceship, if the dream world could be described as space.
  7224. ~
  7225. >Vice Principal Luna takes in a deep inhale as her eyes shoot open, and she jolts forward in her seat.
  7226. >”Did you reach him?” Cadance grabs her shoulders.
  7227. >Luna stares forward, taking deep breaths after the adrenaline from the dream you had must have rubbed off on her al little.
  7228. >”He was taken there by plane.” Luna gasps. “It might be near where Spitfire was.”
  7229. >Principal Celestia starts sifting through the file cabinet with records of former students in it.
  7230. >”Where did Ms. Harshwhinny have that internship…” She looks through the files from the late 80s and early 90s. “It had to have been recorded right before she graduated. Even if the location isn’t here, something that might have the location listed might be mentioned in here.”
  7231. >”The more times I contact him, the more hints I can probably get.” Adds Luna.
  7232. >”Could you try again right now?” Asks Cadance.
  7233. >”He might have woken back up by now. Luck would be better about 22 or 23 hours from now, depending whenever he might sleep again.”
  7234. >A manila folder is pulled out.
  7235. >Spitfire watches intently.
  7236. >Ready as hell.
  7237. >…
  7238. >And so, time goes by…
  7239. >Once again, Principal Celestia sits at her desk.
  7240. >Just like every day, as the end of the school year draws near.
  7241. >As this happens, a lot of the students inevitably get rowdy and impatient.
  7242. >Just as that of the teachers, her control over them begins to dwindle as the prospect of punishment becomes smaller and smaller as each day goes by.
  7243. >Something else shrinks with each day as well… Principal Celestia’s own patience and restraint.
  7244. >The magic has been affecting her more than the heat ever could hope to.
  7245. >The stress creeps up on her like the morning light.
  7246. >Such a terrifyingly urgent desire to get off, one that Vice Principal Luna and Principal Cadance were smart enough to manage ahead of time before it could consume them.
  7247. >For reasons none of the three women dared speak about for countless years.
  7248. >Luna currently imposes and induces wet dreams unto select students to soften their defenses and warm them up to a sexual setting with her.
  7249. >Cadance has been pairing students up with an exiled flow of her love magic she’s able to get rid of before it builds back up, pinning it on them instead of keeping it in herself.
  7250. >Something Luna cannot do, which is why she depends on Cadance soon shutting of that metaphorical faucet of love magic soon; it’s been stuck running ever since Chrysalis did what she did before running off and disappearing.
  7251. >The consequences of which have been unfolding little by little as it continued, and eventually wound up in that one really arrogant athlete student disappearing after heading off to college.
  7252. >Celestia, also with less love-magic abilities than Cadance, gradually saw that student as the perfect one to… use.
  7253. >Given her desperate circumstances that left her fighting off horniness, so she might as well belt it out onto someone less innocent ego-wise and was bound to collapse back into his libido sooner or later anyway.
  7254. >There’s no telling what Ms. Harshwhinny must be doing to him right now, but it undoubtably took away the very excuse Celestia had for choosing him as her sexual outlet.
  7255. >She shouldn’t have been so shy, but it was soon too late and he got whisked away into the shady side of the sports industry.
  7256. >At an inconvenient time, when the magic started to intensify with the rising temperatures in the weather.
  7257. >It’s been getting so bad that even Principal Cadance is currently about to hunt down one of her own students who skipped out on Valentine’s Day this year in response to her “shipping rituals”.
  7258. >Principal Celestia knows that Principal Cadance is going to catch up to him, and subsequently have sex with him wherever she catches him.
  7259. >Vice Principal Luna’s been getting the spell out of her system with CHS’s own students she’s been hunting as well.
  7260. >These schools are now their natural habitat, and Luna and Cadance have been hunting all the prey they need to survive until Chrysalis’s effect can be dealt with once she’s found.
  7261. >But Celestia’s been starving, forcing herself to try to brave it all out without giving in to her natural urges.
  7262. >And this one natural urge has been magically put into a position where it strengthens at an unusual amount every day until it is… addressed.
  7263. >Celestia shudders as she continues understanding what that means; addressed as in… PHYSICALLY addressed~
  7264. >Lots of students Principal Celestia can physically address her soon-unstoppable urges with, as many of them have their own urges to address as well.
  7265. >Celestia continues to fantasize to herself while she stares her increasingly attractive students down as each of them come into her office to whatever reason over the final weeks of school.
  7266. >She hides it… holding it all inside but still keeps on thinking about it:
  7267. >Celestia and one or more of her students could… physically address… their collective casserole of urges… together~
  7268. >And she knows exactly what those urges are too.
  7269. >They’re all about her body and how VERY womanly it is.
  7270. >Some young men at this school daydream about their female classmates, thinking about things puberty had introduced to them a few short years ago
  7271. >These girls are what Celestia used to be, many walking around with an occasional boy eyeing at her tits and ass and picking out which one’s dressed the hottest today.
  7272. >And which one currently has the nicest tits going on.
  7273. >But Principal Celestia is beyond that past young adult status of hers, she’s a full fledged adult woman with the advantage of fully developed womanly attributes to seduce strapping young men with.
  7274. >More days of the fire inside building up go by; Celestia doesn’t know if she’ll make it to the end of the year.
  7275. >Principal Celestia’s beautiful, bountiful body is a story that is already known to alumni, but now being silently yet insistently told once again to her current students discovering just how undeniably… womanly… her form is.
  7276. >Her potential prey is a naïve 18 year old boy in high school with hormones ablaze, who stands no chance at resisting his own school’s female principal in her mid to late 30s, her formal uniform unable to conceal her human-nature-activating, fully-developed adult womanly glory.
  7277. >Principal Celestia has her big soft luscious pair of fully developed breasts, properly filling up her respective adult-sized bra cups underneath her clingy top and uniform jacket.
  7278. >That clingy top and jacket do almost nothing to hide Principal Celestia’s fully grown bust as well as her fully developed hourglass curves.
  7279. >Principal Celestia can’t help but swing her wide round hips a little when she walks down the hallway, feeling her neatly fitting panties hugging her lewd waistline inside her firmly fitting pants.
  7280. >The back of Principal Celestia’s panties lewdly cling to her soft round buttcheeks inside of her pants that show off the shape of everything either way; Principal Celestia’s shapely head-turning butt is one of the main things the guys at school learn about.
  7281. >Her panties slightly slip around against her butt, hips and crotch when she walks around; Celestia can feel it against her… skin under there.
  7282. >The sometimes frilly rim of Principal Celestia’s panties often threaten to peek out when she bends down to reach something and unintentionally hints a bare sliver of her enticing lower back’s smooth skin.
  7283. >That clingy top further hugs Principal Celestia’s smooth hourglass midriff, almost giving away a more obvious indentation of her soft bellybutton, but the outline of Principal Celestia’s well-fitting adult bra is more obvious, hinting at her bra’s back strap hugging her smooth back, shoulder straps clinging to her smooth shoulders, and bra cups snugly covering and pressing against her big soft breasts… if her uniform jacket isn’t in the way…
  7284. >Principal Celestia’s proper adult D-cup bra perfectly fits her busty chest inside of her unwillingly lewd top.
  7285. >36 year old Principal Celestia can feel her fully developed adult breasts jiggle under her bra inside her top to her footsteps, with her clingy top being the only thing in the way of public view of her
  7286. >Even with her clingy top being the only thing in the way of public view of her deep soft cleavage, Principal Celestia’s busty womanly chest still noticeably jiggles through her clothes as she walks, begging to be freed from its clothing prison.
  7287. >Finishing walking all the way back to her office with some male student heads turning.
  7288. >Principal Celestia is a sexy woman even in her proper clothes whether she likes it or not.
  7289. >It’s outside of her control, there’s nothing she can do, it can’t be helped.
  7290. >Principal Celestia’s fully developed adult woman body is bountifully beautiful, 100% sexually appealing.
  7291. >And her students with crushes on her are starting to seem more sexually attractive to Celestia herself, making her think once more:
  7292. >Principal Celestia and one or more of her students could… physically address… their collective casserole of urges… together~
  7293. >…
  7294. >A lot of the male students have been extra rowdy this year, many of whom have admired that star student’s past trophies still on display in the window.
  7295. >A rumor must have been going around what he did to amp himself up so much, because a lot of these guys seem to be his… followers now, so to speak.
  7296. >What he did wasn’t against the rules, and these guys wanna match his legacy in their own respective school sports.
  7297. >And it’s turning them intolerable in the process, making them blind and deaf to school rules especially as the school year ends and the prospect of punishment fades over the horizon.
  7298. >Senioritis makes some skip classes, even entire days altogether sometimes.
  7299. >They’re willfully flunking final quizzes and projects, knowing it won’t drag their final grades down enough to keep them from passing overall after having done the first genuine math ever to calculate it to themselves exactly what the threshold would be.
  7300. >They run in the halls, making noise at every turn and driving Vice Principal Luna crazy trying to round up so many of these guys.
  7301. >To her, it only makes sense to start sneaking some wet dreams into their nights, take their little thing they’re doing out of their control.
  7302. >She can tell they don’t even do it for the same reasons the original student did it for; they do it because of some cringe book they read combined with the original student’s proven legacy, the first student did it simply because it worked and nothing further than that.
  7303. >Some more time has gone by.
  7304. >Rock music can be heard playing in Luna’s office,, with some wonder as to whether she has one of the students in there with her.
  7305. >Celestia is already stressed out enough dealing with end-of-the-school-year paperwork and other responsibilities for this time, but now her own libido and rowdy students it feels funny about have to pile on top fo that.
  7306. >Along with Luna’s stereo blasting a fucking White Zombie song on what has to be full volume.
  7307. >Actually, Celestia saw the boy leave right before the music started; Luna’s listening to it in the midst of her afterglow probably.
  7308. >Through her frustration and confusion, Celestia stands herself up and darts out the door.
  7309. >Her hands are shaking, teeth gritting, eyes piercing down Vice Principal Luna’s office door. “TURN THAT DOWN!” She bangs on the wood after no students are around to see or hear.
  7310. >After an annoying amount of seconds, the volume lowers, and the door opens to reveal Vice Principal Luna in her black panties and just as black tank top, hair messy for obvious reasons.
  7311. >Luna’s almost as prominent chest and ass is still just as alluring to anyone who gets a good piece of it all, and she knows this well as she just got finished proving it.
  7312. >”We’re not at home, Tia. Do you really have to give me shit about this right now?” Gripes Luna.
  7313. >The look in Principal Celestia’s eyes says all that’s needed to be known.
  7314. >”…How long are you going to go like this?” Luna begins. “We’re not gonna wait it out. It’s just gonna turn you more and more lame until you finally snap and relax again.”
  7315. >”I’m not lame!” Celestia stamps her feet. “I’m just… I-I can’t hear myself think!”
  7316. >”You can’t hear yourself think?”
  7317. >”Yes!” Celestia’s voice and demeanor is very un-principal-like right now.
  7318. >Not that Luna’s is either or anything, though.
  7319. >”Even if the volume was off, you still wouldn’t hear yourself think.” Luna tells her older sister. “You have to listen to what Cadance said. There’s no getting around this thing.”
  7320. >”Yes there is! We’ll find out where Ms. Harshwhinny took him and get there soon! And then we’ll find Chrysalis and stop her and this’ll all be over!”
  7321. >”…Tia? Do you realize how many different things that is?” Says Luna. “We’re not doing this overnight. There’s no waiting it out, we have to manage it.”
  7322. >Celestia just stares at her with a quivering upper lip and perturbed gaze.
  7323. >It’s already secretly known by both of them even since various magic related events.
  7324. >Luna has Nightmare Moon, Celestia has Daybreaker, and Cadance has Decadence.
  7325. >An all-flared-up libido going on much longer would only anger this side of her, and it must be appeased before things get worse, which is much sooner than Celestia seems to be hoping.
  7326. >But at the same time, Principal Celestia wanted to do everything she can to set a better example in light of these uncomfortable circumstances.
  7327. >She wanted to show that she too can show sexual restraint, and not give in to what Chrysalis indirectly caused.
  7328. >But it is getting harder… so much harder.
  7329. >Impossibly hard.
  7330. >”Come here, sister.” Luna pulls her into her office, successfully despite her older sister’s larger stature.
  7331. >Celestia barely even resists, knowing the truth is against her.
  7332. >”The best thing you can do is let it happen.” Luna tells her. “I’ll help you. I can get them ready for you in their dreams.” She puts her hands on her older sister’s shoulders. “Pick a name. Name any of our students, I’ll see what I can do.”
  7333. >Principal Celestia begins breathing heavily, stuck between a rock and a hard place with her pent up sexual nature and her ethical common sense.
  7334. >These are her students, not some… some…
  7335. >She can’t even say it.
  7336. >Part of her is trying to figure out a way to last the rest of this wait, but she is feeling it dawn upon her that that’s not a possibility.
  7337. >Whether she likes it or not.
  7338. >”Just give in.” Pressures Luna. “Please, let these urges do what they need to do. You’ll feel so much better after it happens, I promise.”
  7339. >Luna continues to insist to her older sister that there’s not another choice in this, and while yes it is super unethical, there are ways to keep it… secret and on good terms with all… participants.
  7340. >”I… n-need to… kiss someone…” Hyperventilates Celestia, not fully realizing what she just said out of nowhere.
  7341. >”Here. Start with me.” Luna pulls her in, promptly locking lips with her without a second thought.
  7342. >It’s a good thing the door already closed.
  7343. >The long kiss somewhat calms Principal Celestia, and makes the fire inside subside a little, but it won’t be kept at bay for long.
  7344. >Celestia and Luna let out a few moans as their lips stay locked for a little bit, Celestia feeling the guilt of her desperation while Luna just holds her and tries to help her accept her enjoyment of it like she is.
  7345. >Then the kiss breaks.
  7346. >The two stare at one another in an embrace between soft mashing chests and arms wrapping around backs.
  7347. >”These urges aren’t going away, Tia.” Luna tells her. “You need to give in. I’ll help you.”
  7348. >Celestia takes a long, sustained deep breath and concedes with a solemn nod. “I’m not myself right now.”
  7349. >”Neither of us are, especially if we fight this too hard. Cadance is right, we have to let it run its course, okay?”
  7350. >”What about the students? What if I ruin their lives?”
  7351. >”We have to pick the ones who already fantasize about this, remember? I’ll look at their dreams for you. You can join too if you want.”
  7352. >Celestia darts her eyes around the room, unsure, as if seeking some quick escape that doesn’t exist.
  7353. >Luna holds her older sister. “Give in. Let it happen.”
  7354. >Principal Celestia takes a deep breath.
  7355. >Hesitantly ready.
  7356. ~
  7357. >Upon and then after the end of the school year, Principal Celestia once more continues to teeter on the fence about whether to go through with this.
  7358. >…
  7359. >It turned out a lot of the boys at school fantasize about Principal Celestia, unsurprisingly.
  7360. >In the mix of several dreams about their female classmates, there are a few who are introduced to dreams about Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna reveals, who has also had her share of fantasies about her.
  7361. >Usually “what would she look like naked/in a bikini?” stuff.
  7362. >They compare it to their classmates; often settle on their classmates since Celestia and Luna never dress in revealing clothing while publicly around students.
  7363. >Vice Principal Luna is a different story in private, but Principal Celestia’s been trying to stay the same until the end of the year.
  7364. >Every time someone acts out, he’s sent to the Principal Celestia’s office.
  7365. >This combined with Celestia having to confiscate phones and take down streams of end-of-the-year-vandalism paper and glitter from the walls among other things reverts her back to hating most teenagers.
  7366. >Every day closer to the last day of school turns the stress dial up another notch.
  7367. >Principal Celestia would kill for some sort of release, some sort of outlet to just calm herself down.
  7368. >There’s that circle of friends, a bunch of male students, who’ve been starting all kinds of trouble to feel bravado and test their luck at the end of the year.
  7369. >The same ones vandalizing the halls.
  7370. >Too much fun outside of school made them insufferable.
  7371. >That and the fact that a lot of them are doing a challenge to see who can go the longest without masturbating, just to see who wins.
  7372. >It had been brought up be a couple of jocks in the group who were already doing that to “get better at sports” like that one alumni who ended up becoming famous.
  7373. >Now they wanna be a star just like him, and get paid to play sports just like him, and make snarky remarks at journalists just like him.
  7374. >HE’S their fucking role model. THAT narcissistic former student who got away.
  7375. >…
  7376. >[“So let’s not forget what our school really stands for.”] Principal Celestia’s audibly annoyed voice sounds over the intercom, after a long monologue about how the misbehaving will not be tolerated.
  7377. >You are one of the next gen students attending CHS.
  7378. >You KNOW she’s talking about what you and your friends did during lunch yesterday, the bastards, you absolute bastards you.
  7379. >Her words are their usual “I’m the voice of reason and authority figure” impression that insists she’s too mature and sober to be angry, which is why she’s in the position to punish the perpetrators who did this.
  7380. >But you can tell she’s annoyed.
  7381. >Standing up to leave homeroom for first period, get the knee hole in your baggy jeans caught on the edge of one of the chairs on the way out.
  7382. >Pass by that same window display of all those trophies on your way over.
  7383. >It’s easier to see the writing with your pitch black t-shirt making the glass’s reflectivity less annoying.
  7384. >1st place, 1st place… damn.
  7385. >This is the thousandth time you’ve seen this, but you’ve recently wanted these kinds of trophies to have YOUR name on it.
  7386. >Not to mention this guy became an inspiration to you, albeit not much of an inspiration to the school in terms of values despite his achievements being on display right here.
  7387. >When you get out of this place today, you’re gonna trail-blaze a line of Ws just like he did and make it all the way on ESPN, or MTV depending on what you decide you want to be when you’re done growing up.
  7388. >Such scattered ambitions, such little wisdom and self-awareness, but SO much stamina, surely this’ll work out in the real world.
  7389. >After you’re sitting in class where everyone’s just signing yearbooks at this point, you get a text from one of your bros after an hour or two that all of the equipment they snuck in is set up and ready.
  7390. >You leave without even asking the teacher.
  7391. >…
  7392. >All year long, Principal Celestia has sat at this desk and dealt with these students, and the past few days have been getting worse all the way up to this finale, introduced by phone call from one of the staff members.
  7393. >”They’re doing WHAT?” Celestia glares at the phone, slamming the pen down onto the stressful paperwork she was just filling out.
  7394. >She doesn’t get paid enough for her life to be like this.
  7395. >Vice Principal Luna chases the giggling delinquents up and down the hallway as they zip-line from one end to the other.
  7396. >She already got to a couple of the boys who happen to not be here today.
  7397. >Because of this, she’s calm, letting them laugh at her on her wild goose chase.
  7398. >They won’t be so lively once they’re sleeping in bed, completely defenseless.
  7399. >A lot of these guys haven’t “lost” yet. And they’re acting like fucking apes in the hallways on the last day of school.
  7400. >Principal Celestia arrives upon the scene her younger sister tries to shut down.
  7401. >”What are ya gonna do? Give us detention?” One guy chimes.
  7402. >Luna cutely smiles and shrugs over at her older sister, as if this is a sitcom or something.
  7403. >This is NOT funny to Principal Celestia, who actually has the power to do more than just hand out detentions.
  7404. >You’re having your turn grabbing the handles and zip-lining down the hallway, suddenly interrupted by someone tall enough to grab you effectively enough to stop you in mid air.
  7405. >Principal Celestia’s soft busty chest mashes right onto your pelvic area, and you look down at her angry glare.
  7406. >She pulls, you hold on to the handlebars and slide further down the zip-line track.
  7407. >Your crotch is right up against Principal Celestia’s busty chest for the entire duration.
  7408. >You’ve done your share of leering at the girls at school, looking at their cleavage when they wore something revealing, and you’ve never seen Principal Celestia’s cleavage, but you can feel her cleavage hotdogging your member now through her shirt.
  7409. >”Get… DOWN… from there!” She pulls you along the track on the ceiling towards the end where there’s no more leeway for you to glide down anymore.
  7410. >Your mind is taken to her full busty chest pressing against THAT part of your body.
  7411. >This isn’t an 18 year old girl’s hot pair of tits, this is a 36 year old woman’s sexy, fully developed pair of breasts.
  7412. >Your member starts stiffening.
  7413. >Maybe she’s too angry to care about you pitching an erection between her big soft boobs through her top, but there’s no way Principal Celestia doesn’t feel your hard boner against her soft chest after about 20 seconds of it… intensifying.
  7414. >She eventually gets you down, and you accidentally put a hand on her chest in the process, feeling the outline of her bra as her soft breast gives way.
  7415. >”My office! NOW!” She turns to the rest of the guys she already knew were involved from their past behavior. “ALL OF YOU!!”
  7416. >…
  7417. >Principal Celestia spends the next few days trying to put it out of her mind.
  7418. >Why did it have to be that SAME male student she would see pass by the trophy window.
  7419. >Whom she had to grab off of the zip-line contraption he and his friends set up.
  7420. >She hates him so much, why did he have to do this to her?
  7421. >Get erect in his pants right up against her chest, right between her cleavage?
  7422. >Celestia was seconds away from losing it, and it’d have been all his fault.
  7423. >His fault for following in the footsteps of that former star student who’s since been kidnapped after graduating, getting on her nerves but not doing anything to stop himself from looking so handsome.
  7424. >Everyone else got off easy, but he and the rest of the main participants were all given summer school as punishment, being made an example out of.
  7425. >Even though the sign-up date already passed, Celestia sent in late forms that included it coming out of her own paycheck when the school’s lights and air conditioning and such would have to run overtime over the summer because of this.
  7426. >She’s going to make them all get up early every weekday for three weeks of their summer vacation and go to “school” until noon.
  7427. >Assignments and other things are made up for them to fill in the time.
  7428. >Needless to say, they think Principal Celestia is evil for this.
  7429. >Good, they better.
  7430. >It wasn’t even intended to set up a scenario to do… things… with them; it’s just to spitefully punish all four of them for all the chaos they caused.
  7431. >But Luna and Cadance have other ideas.
  7432. >”There’s only one left, Tia.” Luna refers to how many she’s ‘loosened up’ in their dreams before their session starts. “But his stubbornness is too strong.”
  7433. >And of course, this student is the SAME one.
  7434. >Having already gotten used to Luna doing what she does, surprisingly without getting caught, Celestia doesn’t really react too strongly about this despite the ethical transgressions she sees in it.
  7435. >It’s unprovable advances, hidden by “you dreamt it”.
  7436. >But in the coming days, she’s back to being hesitant to do anything herself.
  7437. >Cadance has to leave to do what she said she would do; follow that one V-Day escapee across his road trip and give him what he needs.
  7438. >”I’m going to get mine.” Cadance tells Celestia. “Now you need to go get yours. I know it feels wrong at first but it’s necessary. Luna’s helping with that little push they need.”
  7439. >That pep talk didn’t do much.
  7440. >Celestia is still really hesitant to go through with this, because even with all things considered, she’s still nervous.
  7441. >This isn’t who she’s been in her adult life, she was supposed to become a better example to her students than this.
  7442. >And she’s probably not as good at keeping a secret as Luna is, but Luna promises to help her.
  7443. >Celestia’s plan is still just to punish the troublemakers and try to hold herself together the best she can.
  7444. >…
  7445. >It’s REALLY hot outside.
  7446. >Cadance is out of town, and Luna already got to all but THAT one of the male students in their dreams.
  7447. >Celestia clings to her own personal morals, but her human nature has been getting roused into something else.
  7448. >All four delinquents sit in their respective desks early in the morning, silently to the sound of the school’s AC system sucking some of the dollar amount out of Principal Celestia’s paycheck.
  7449. >She’s torn between feeling insulted she’s paying money to put up with these boys even longer, and feeling glad they’re being punished in a way that actually gets to them.
  7450. >And it shows.
  7451. >The students are given busy work for the day.
  7452. >As for you, you wonder why your three friends are still tired once it’s afternoon and you’ve been let out.
  7453. >All of you were tired in the morning, but the rest of the boys STAYED tired for reasons they won’t get into.
  7454. >None of them are admitting it.
  7455. >Start to pay more attention to the school principal who’s been cooping you up in here once she slips out of her jacket.
  7456. >You’re finding Principal Celestia more attractive than usual.
  7457. >Being 36, she’s got more of a… body… than every girl at school.
  7458. >You’ve never had Principal Celestia herself as a teacher before, and it’s honestly pretty great as soon as she finally lets you use your phones if you finish your work early.
  7459. >She stays off to the side by then, kinda looking at you funny then looking away once you make eye contact.
  7460. >After day 1, you have a dream about Principal Celestia you can’t remember.
  7461. >By the middle of day 2, the air conditioning breaks down.
  7462. >Not even Celestia knows why this happened; she’s just as surprised and inconvenienced as you are.
  7463. >There’s been a heat wave through the past few days and it’s really been getting on your nerves when you walk around outside.
  7464. >Now it’s seeping into here, and the effect is being felt after about 45 more minutes.
  7465. >The guys start griping about the heat, promptly being told to shut up by Principal Celestia.
  7466. >You start complaining as well, even after Celestia brings out a desk fan from the closet.
  7467. >She promises to contact someone to perform maintenance on the AC unit, but can’t promise they’ll be here today.
  7468. >Despite how realistic that sounds, you almost feel like she made this happen on purpose to torture you.
  7469. >She DOES seem like the kind to not mind the summer heat no matter how bad it gets.
  7470. >Everyone soon finishes their work and are thus allowed to use phones until “class” is over.
  7471. >The real kicker about this is that you guys are pretty much doing exactly what you would have been doing at home regardless: scrolling through social media sites and other internet hangouts on your phones.
  7472. >Instead of in your beds, at your desks on your computers or at some public sitting area like at the mall while hanging out… you’re sitting in school desks doing the exact same thing.
  7473. >Your friends really do still seem very low energy, you you take it upon yourself to become the life of the party.
  7474. >Taking videos with your phone, even getting Principal Celestia into frame talking about “Principal Celestia still got us cooped up in here lol”
  7475. >You had assumed she’d just take it in stride as a light hearted joke, but this heat actually must be getting to her, because she gets angry and asks if you just took video of her and posted it on social media.
  7476. >You still assume she’s not aware you took a creep shot of her ass as well, thanks to your raging hormones.
  7477. >Nothing was posted online, but even still, your 5 digit libido IQ makes the mistake of saying:
  7478. “So what if I did? Not like you’re gonna give me detention or anything.” You assume you’ve already reached the bottom of the shadow realm with summer school.
  7479. >Boy were you wrong.
  7480. >The boys laugh at your snide comment, but Principal Celestia is not laughing.
  7481. >She glares daggers at you, eye twitching, hair disheveled, looking like she’s about to fuckin stab you or some shit.
  7482. >With a simple phone call, she stabs you with an after-summer-detention detention.
  7484. >For this, you decide to give her hell as soon as your chuckling friends are excused for the day.
  7485. >Ready to take videos of yourself with Principal Celestia in the room with you, channeling your inner pre-Japan Logan Paul and drive this woman insane with it.
  7486. “I’m not trapped in here with you! You’re trapped in here with me!”
  7487. >You spend the next 45 minutes or so of this sweltering summer detention being as annoying as you can.
  7488. >Cease after realizing you forgot your phone charger, unaware of what’s going on inside of her every time she looks at you.
  7489. >You can see Principal Celestia’s face getting shiny with sweat as well, airing out her jacket as her hair is noticeably messier than before.
  7490. >It’s clear the two of you have gotten incredibly flustered by the summer heat.
  7491. >She points the desk fan towards herself after stripping out of her jacket again, trying to hide the raging fire that devours her from the inside.
  7492. >You finally notice that she took her jacket off, and your eyes immediately divert to the outline of her bra indenting through her striped top.
  7493. >Try not to let her catch you eyeing her, but she probably already saw anyway.
  7494. >The way she’s glancing at you might as well even indicate she saw you take that creep shot.
  7495. >You start to think the heat might be affecting Principal Celestia more than it is you, because of how heavily she’s started breathing.
  7496. >Celestia’s body would have been heating up even if it wasn’t this hot in here.
  7497. >She keeps glancing at you with lewder and lewder intentions being repressed, unbeknownst to you.
  7498. >After Principal Celestia airs out her top by fanning her neck with her shirt collar, it falls lower down her chest before, just enough to show a little bit of her cleavage.
  7499. >But it’s still not enough to cool her off adequately.
  7500. >But it IS enough to get your ape brain going finally seeing cleavage unlike that of any girl at school.
  7501. >Tall, curvy, busty 36 year old Principal Celestia.
  7502. >Shuffling around in her seat, she feels herself getting sweatier, needing something more than just the desk fan to cool her off.
  7503. >She MUST not let her student know the back of her bra keeps coming loose.
  7504. >As several more minutes go by, you yourself find yourself covered in sweat as the summer heat wave truly takes its toll on the classroom.
  7505. >All of that spite the two of you had is suddenly dwindling away as you both find a common issue except you don’t even know it yet.
  7506. >She still doesn’t let you leave.
  7507. >”Alright, listen.” She starts. “I was about to go home and enjoy myself too, believe me. I don’t like being here right now any more than you do.”
  7508. “So let me leave, then. Or at least give me a turn with the fan. I’m melting over here.”
  7509. >Principal Celestia groans and points the fan towards you. “I’m still not a fan of your BS, Anon. Not a week ago and not now.”
  7510. “I’m sorry, okay?”
  7511. >”You’re only sorry because you’ve being punished.”
  7512. “Fine! You’re right! I didn’t think you were gonna go this far to give me a hard time about it.” You dip the fan under your shirt. “But this heat wave is unbearable right now.”
  7513. >”Oh well. I guess this is my punishment too for not giving you an incentive to behave months ago.” She then adds. “I’m not trapped in here with you, we’re trapped in here together.”
  7514. >She inhales sharply and sucks her lips in, as though she regrets saying that.
  7515. >She then tells you to follow her out into the hallway, immediately negating what she just said.
  7516. >Follow her to an ice machine in the hallway, watching her fill up a huge bucket before keeping you nearby while getting a small bag out of her office.
  7517. >She then herds you back to the detention classroom.
  7518. >”I’ll compromise with you. I’ll let you watch TV with me and put ice on yourself if I can have the fan.” She’s clearly mostly just annoyed with you at this point, along with… something else.
  7519. >Agree with a shrug and go sit down with Celestia still in the hallway.
  7520. >Principal Celestia hides around the corner, finding herself unable to get the back of her bra back together, figuring it’ll draw more attention if she keeps messing with her bra in front of you.
  7521. >Wait over a minute for her to walk through the door with that huge bucket of ice, and your heart skips a beat when she finally does.
  7522. >The alluring shape of Principal Celestia’s well-endowed womanly body had already been un-ignorable when she wore her formal uniform, but now she’s dressed casually… VERY casually.
  7523. >Aside the usual purple pair of pants, Principal Celestia has only nothing but a white tank top, which is low cut enough to show cleavage of whoever wears it, thus *easily* low cut enough to display Principal Celestia’s deep soft cleavage.
  7524. >Very un-principal-like of her to break the school dress code by showing her bare shoulders and so much of her chest like that; someone needs to give HER a detention.
  7525. >Principal Celestia gives you a mean look while at her desk, flipping on the TV in the corner. “Don’t even THINK of anything. Now behave.”
  7526. >When the chance comes, you eyeball that full busty cleavage displayed by that lewd clingy white tank top.
  7527. >Reminding you more than ever that this isn’t a teenage girl’s hot pair of tits, this is an adult woman’s beautiful pair of fully developed breasts.
  7528. >Big, soft and tauntingly pushing against the inside of Principal Celestia’s barely appropriate tank top from underneath.
  7529. >Principal Celestia leans back in her chair, panting heavily with the fan pointed towards herself once more, now in her more casual clothes she would wear once school is out of session.
  7530. >It’s not enough.
  7531. >A few quiet groans and sighs escape her lips as her soft busty chest rises and falls, her sexy exposed cleavage only beginning to glisten more as her body temperature refuses to go down.
  7532. >Principal Celestia’s skin all over is glistening with sweat.
  7533. >She watches you as she flips through the TV channels.
  7534. >You can’t look at her when she’s constantly keeping an eye on you, but you can swear she’s biting her lip.
  7535. >Another couple of quiet breathy groans indicates that the heat actually is still affecting Principal Celestia; her sweaty, bountiful cleavage heaves up and down as she desperately tries to sit in a more comfortable position.
  7536. >You must have walked over to the front row desk with the bucket twenty times in the past hour.
  7537. >Fuck it’s a scorcher today.
  7538. >It HAS to be the middle of the afternoon now, which the 1:29 on your phone confirms.
  7539. >It doesn’t take long for the big plastic bucket to turn into a gargantuan glass of water with tons of ice cubes in it.
  7540. >Principal Celestia COULD have made this detention even worse by not letting you use the fan, but that’d be too far.
  7541. >”Hurry up, cool off already.” She beckons you over.
  7542. >She almost asks you to bring some ice over too, but knows what vibe running ice cubes along her glistening skin gives off.
  7543. >The sudden chill might make her feel a… jolt.
  7544. >You stand before the fan on full blast, sneak-glancing down at Principal Celestia’s huge supple rack as it slowly heaves up and down with each breath.
  7545. >Doesn’t feel much like a punishment with your hot principal’s partially exposed tits here until you consider you’re not allowed to stare at them.
  7546. >”Any day now.” Principal Celestia struggles to focus on the TV but sees your phone out.
  7547. >She throws her head back with an irritated grunt, wincing from the rising temperature burning her up on the outside as something else burns her up on the inside.
  7548. >Principal Celestia can only strip down so much before too much is showing to her hormone-driven student she wants to avoid throwing herself at.
  7549. >If HE throws HIMSELF onto HER, every single boundary of her restraint will fall.
  7550. >Looking back, the string of decisions Celestia made weren’t good for her intended outcome.
  7551. >An underhanded override did it.
  7552. >Helping something… happen.
  7553. >You didn’t notice how hard in your pants you got from watching the way Principal Celestia’s soft bountiful breasts slightly move around as she moves.
  7554. >Pushed delightfully together with no bra in that low cut tank top for you to see so much of Principal Celestia’s sweaty exposed cleavage.
  7555. >The unbearable heat gave her no choice but to show it.
  7556. >You just noticed very slight bumps poking through that clingy tank top, giving away where Principal Celestia’s nipples are.
  7557. >Her tank top clings enough to boast her womanly hourglass curves from her nearly bare shoulders to her wide fertile hips.
  7558. >It’s starting to get damp enough to enter see-through territory.
  7559. >Principal Celestia notices your stiff bulge before you do, remembering feeling it, internally beginning to… unravel…
  7560. >”What’s on your phone?”
  7561. “Nothing that concerns you.” You wipe sweat from your brow, trying to act cool.
  7562. >Principal Celestia stands up, letting her sopping wet cleavage spill out as she leans forward with her arms pushing her busty chest together. “Let me see.”
  7563. >Her curvy hips and torso combined with her fully developed pair of breasts inside that tank top clutching her slippery shoulders is your weakness.
  7564. >Principal Celestia’s soft braless boobs jiggle inside her damp tank top as she stumbles over to you with a wild glare. “Show me your phone, Anon!”
  7565. >Back away as she pursues you around the room in panting, primal frustration.
  7566. >”Don’t make me confiscate your phone!” She chases you all the way to the back of the searing hot classroom.
  7567. >Look back at Principal Celestia’s sweaty glistening cleavage bounce and jiggle as she beelines towards you.
  7568. >NOW you feel the tent in your pants you didn’t know you’re pitching.
  7569. >That and gazing at Principal Celestia’s chest slowed you down enough for her to catch up to you next to the teacher’s desk.
  7570. >She grabs your arm, fails to hold on with her sweaty palms and loses balance.
  7571. >Her shoes clack against the floor, she stumbles backwards, grabbing the first thing she can reach: the ice bucket.
  7572. >You barrel into the wall, lucky that your hands hit it first and your phone fell into the paper-filled recycling bin.
  7573. >Hear a loud splashing sound behind you, accompanied by Principal Celestia’s voice as her butt hits the floor. “Fuck! Oh fuck!”
  7574. >You turn around to apologize; nothing comes out.
  7575. >Your eyes capture Principal Celestia’s fully exposed pair of breasts, discovering her large bare nipples freed to the open air with her soft bellybutton rising and falling with each pant.
  7576. >Principal Celestia’s tank top was forced all the way up her body to her shoulders as she fell, even stretched past her head.
  7577. >She desperately ran out of time to free her tank top from where it got caught on the teacher’s desk before you saw.
  7578. >Red in the face, she yelps.
  7579. >After slipping a bit on the clear puddle of water that spilled directly on her, Principal Celestia scrambles to her feet, frees her hiked up tank top and ferociously yanks it back down over her voluptuous body.
  7580. >But it’s too late, her efforts to cover her breasts are futile.
  7581. >Principal Celestia’s thin, soaked white tank top is completely useless now.
  7582. >It still shows Principal Celestia’s sexy nipples as clear as day no matter what she does about it; there is no going back.
  7583. >”G-g…g-go back to y-your seat~” Shudders Principal Celestia.
  7584. >She clumsily backs away, shivering and trying to cover her busty chest with her confused, shaky hands.
  7585. >Backs into the wind of the fan, chilling her even more and helping her fully visible nipples get even more stiff and erect under her soaked see-through tank top.
  7586. >”I-I said go back!” She glances down at your tent.
  7587. >She can’t get you to obey now.
  7588. >Something happened to you.
  7589. >You approach her.
  7590. >Blatantly staring at her sexy, still exposed breasts through her soaked tank top.
  7591. >Principal Celestia tries to say something else, but her speech breaks down.
  7592. >Her trembling hands push against her soft, sopping wet pair of breasts, somehow failing to hide her obvious areolae.
  7593. >She shivers as she turns around, picks up a marker to write on the whiteboard as a shallow excuse to face away.
  7594. >Only to make incoherent scribbles before letting you spin her back around.
  7595. >The only talking now is done by your boner and Principal Celestia’s erect nipples perfectly visible through her wet tank top.
  7596. >It all spirals out of control.
  7597. >You grab the bottom of Principal Celestia’s tank top and yank it all the way back up, “misbehaving” on purpose.
  7598. >Make her huge tits drop with a light slap after falling back out.
  7599. >Continuing to blush profusely, Principal Celestia, as if it matters when you can see her nipples clearly either way, half-heartedly pulls her soaked malfunctioning tank top back down.
  7600. >Only for you to grab the front of her tank top’s low cut collar and pull it outwards with all your strength to rip it open.
  7601. >She grabs your wrists, not even knowing why at this point, then subconsciously helps you rip the front of her soaked tank top all the way apart with a quiet tearing noise spreading down the wet fabric.
  7602. >Leaving it loosely, limply ripped all the way open in front and unable to go back over Principal Celestia’s sexy exposed breasts.
  7603. >The excited, impatient expectation of you pouncing on her first so she doesn’t have to do it first is the only thing holding Principal Celestia together at this point.
  7604. >Your hands groping Principal Celestia’s soft naked breasts sends a shock through both of you.
  7605. >They’re so… healthy and well-developed, must have been in the D-cup range for at least a decade.
  7606. >No more bra, no more anything covering them or hiding them from you.
  7607. >You knead and squeeze them in their bare naked state, Principal Celestia’s big, soft, sexy pair of full adult breasts.
  7608. >Flick Principal Celestia’s big, stiff, erect nipples back and forth like erotic joysticks with your thumbs against each of her areolae, as you uncontrollably grope and play with her supple juicy breasts.
  7609. >Principal Celestia’s eyes go low-lidded, the bright red blush on her face remaining, her breathing and heartbeat intensifying as the rims of her pants then her panties are slipped down by your hands acting beyond your command.
  7610. >Her lovely lidded eyes gaze directly into yours and her her train of thought scrambles into a casserole of penetration fantasies about to come true.
  7611. >As though you agitating and stimulating Principal Celestia’s bare stiff nipples is altering her inner natural wiring, fully unlocking what couldn’t stay inside forever.
  7612. >All that pent up arousal collapses under its own weight and erupts into a supernova, despite all that self-control over all that time, she gives IN.
  7613. >It all spirals out of control.
  7614. >Principal Celestia lets out a wanton squeal and forces herself up against you.
  7615. >Obeying her extreme sexual nature you’ve aroused out of her.
  7616. >She has awakened.
  7617. >Principal Celestia’s quivering, drooling mouth sincerely locks lips with you, her glowing lidded eyes vacant and animalistic.
  7618. >She vehemently forces you back against the desks, making the entire row all the way to the back loudly slide against the floor with the force of her explosive advance.
  7619. >Her hands are all over you, aggressively diving underneath your clothes right past your panicked resistance.
  7620. >You thought you had the school principal under your thumb in a number of ways.
  7621. >Had only decided to get some action before coming back to your senses from your arousal and realizing you have a biological engine to protect from losing all of its fuel.
  7622. >That part hadn’t crossed your mind yet, but now it doesn’t matter if it does or not.
  7623. >You walked around in your tough guy clothes acting like you were the most prolific of your friends because they all lost their energy and you became the life of the party.
  7624. >But Principal Celestia is taller than you, she is stronger than you, and despite how hard your cock is right now, she is HORNIER than you.
  7625. >Her sturdy, well-endowed voluptuous body overpowers yours, under the effect of powers outside of both of your control while now forcing *your* shirt up.
  7626. >You squirm, having whatever dominance you had stripped away from you, and Principal Celestia gets your shirt all the way up to your shoulders despite your hot sweaty bodies making your clothes stick, exposing her young student’s body like he exposed hers.
  7627. >Sweaty, glistening and fully exposed, Principal Celestia’s big soft adult breasts wonderfully press against your bare torso.
  7628. >The hot air inside the classroom only get accompanied by the heat the two of you are giving off in your lewd struggle.
  7629. >Principal Celestia lets loose upon her student, forcing her saliva-drenched tongue past your lips and into your mouth with enthusiastic, unapologetic moans.
  7630. >Her hot breath beats against your face, unavoidable as she holds your head still to keep this deep, drooling adult kiss going for as long as she wants.
  7631. >Principal Celestia’s vacant, lidded eyes lock with yours, soon growing wide and wild with delighted aroused joy in response to the two of you swapping and sharing saliva with wet sucking noises.
  7632. >Whatever infected her libido is now being spread to yours; Principal Celestia’s long, deep, moaning tongue kiss is like a venomous bite sedating you.
  7633. >Principal Celestia wraps her arms around you and pushes her bare busty chest and soft tummy against your exposed torso, making sure you feel her as much as she feels you.
  7634. >Your panic subsides, and your hands soon cross behind her bare back in returned embrace after her ripped apart tank top falls the rest of the way off.
  7635. >You can feel a lot happening between the wet slippery suction noises and arousing taste of Principal Celestia’s saliva mixing with yours in the VERY adult kiss she introduced to you.
  7636. >Principal Celestia’s tongue wrestles your tongue into submission, then somehow forces your tongue into her mouth, then wins a wrestling match against your tongue in her own mouth.
  7637. >Defeated, you surrender and spend the next minute and a half deeply kissing Principal Celestia right back, making more loud, tight, wet noises together between the inside of her mouth and yours.
  7638. >Very slowly, the adult kiss concludes and eventually breaks with the two of you rapidly breathing into eachother’s mouths for a moment.
  7639. >Countless thick strands of saliva bridge between your lips and Principal Celestia’s lips as you move apart.
  7640. >It stretches out longer before much of it is caught by Principal Celestia’s busty, heaving sweaty cleavage.
  7641. >Didn’t even realize you were still leaning against the desks the whole time.
  7642. >Principal Celestia stands before you, completely topless with her purple pants and black frilly panties already slipping and riding down past her round, bare fertile hips that also glisten with sweat from the heat.
  7643. >It all hiked low enough to allow Principal Celestia’s smooth, slippery vulva to peek out.
  7644. >The two of you stare at one another, and Principal Celestia just starts reaching inside her panties and running her finger between her smooth soft vulva lips, quickly digging deep enough to reach her clit and let out a quiet horny squeal.
  7645. >Maybe as a thank you to you for tugging her pants and panties down when she initially forced herself onto you.
  7646. >”Why… won’t you just… cum… already?” Principal Celestia groans, fingering herself more intensely enough to make her bare, sweaty, heaving breasts jiggle around with her motions for you to enjoy. “I have… needed to cum… too~” Her wild slightly lidded eyes are locked onto your erect tent pitched inside your pants.
  7647. >Principal Celestia lunges at you by surprise, tackling you and manhandling you down to the floor, which further solidifies that you’re not so big and tough after all up against her.
  7648. >The two of you are a sweaty, tangled mess on the floor for a short few seconds of you getting your shirt stripped all the way off, with FAR less fight in you than several minutes ago.
  7649. >She flips you onto your back and pins you down, drool beads of sweat dripping off of her chin.
  7650. >Principal Celestia’s excitedly trembling hands scramble all over the front of your pants, inevitably undoing them.
  7651. “Uh, Principal Celestia?!” You yelp, weakly struggling and failing to stop Principal Celestia from ripping the front of your underwear wide open, making your fully erect cock fling out in front of her face. “…P-principal… Celestia!!!”
  7652. >She slides her huge bountiful breasts up to either side of your freed erect member, trapping it in her deep, soft, sweaty cleavage that’s been weakening you all day.
  7653. “Principal Celestia!”
  7654. >Her bare glistening breasts gently wobble like jello as she moves them up and down on either side of your shaft.
  7655. >Both of you wanted this since at least a week ago.
  7656. >Principal Celestia pushes her big, soft slippery tits together with your erection deep between them, and she starts enthusiastically shaking them up and down.
  7657. >Dripping with occasionally flying away beads of sweat as she lovingly tantalizes your entrapped pent up erection with them, Principal Celestia’s sexy fully developed boobies bounce and jiggle.
  7658. >Your pleas for mercy don’t go unanswered, as Principal Celestia first intensifies in response, but then finds that the head of your cock is just barely able to poke out from between her deep soft cleavage.
  7659. >She begins lowering her face towards it, grinning and sighing… kissing the tip.
  7660. >It makes you tremble and short-circuit out of clear thought.
  7661. >”You like that?”
  7662. >You breathe heavily, eyes stuck on Principal Celestia’s naked busty chest with her big stiff nipples right there in front of you.
  7663. >Principal Celestia kisses the tip again, making you jolt and try with everything you can to hold it back, only now finally remembering.
  7664. >She watches your bellybutton rise and fall faster and faster as your own restraint is about to get put past its limit.
  7665. “Please… I-I’m close. I can’t.” You wheeze, sweat dripping down the sides of your neck.
  7666. >The window’s glass is fogging up despite today’s heat.
  7667. “Please, Principal Celestia! I’m too close!”
  7668. >”Why do you think we’re doing this?” She softly speaks with her lips gently brushing past the sensitive tip of your head.
  7669. >It sends quakes throughout your body.
  7670. >Principal Celestia envelops your erect member’s head between her lips and lowers down.
  7671. >Slowly along the length of your shaft, accepting the tangy taste of it entering her mouth.
  7672. “Ahhh! Ah, P-p-prin… princip…al Principal Celestia~!!!” You wildly flail your hands around.
  7673. >Her lips slide all the way down to your shaft’s base, and the most you can do is gently hold the sides of her face, begging her to reconsider.
  7674. >But Principal Celestia knows exactly what she wants from her student, she’s now the one not listening to him.
  7675. >Pant and moan as Principal Celestia’s head moves up and down, her skilled tongue doing all sorts of things you recognize snugly up against your underside.
  7676. >You’re her favorite student today.
  7677. >Your racing mentality trying to think of a way out of this melts down like it’s ice cream sitting on the window sill behind you.
  7678. >Heave and gasp as Principal Celestia sucks up and down, up and down, summoning your load out.
  7679. >You beg her to at least go slower; she goes faster.
  7680. >And faster.
  7681. >She can say nothing , but her persistent sucking motions are COMMANDING you to ejaculate NOW.
  7682. >Your whole body tenses up, Principal Celestia moans warmly upon realizing what’s happening to you.
  7683. >The look in her eyes glancing up at you let you know that it’s okay.
  7684. >It’s a good thing that this is happening, this was supposed to happen.
  7685. >And a wave of relief washes the weight off of Principal Celestia’s shoulders as your underside throbs, swells and pulsates against her nifty tongue that’s been making sure your restraint is soundly overwhelmed.
  7686. >Principal Celestia loudly gulps it all down, raising her smooth soft rear in the air as her pants finally slip the rest of the way down her buttcheeks; she’s been fingering herself the whole time, and chose to climax with her student.
  7687. >…
  7688. >…
  7689. >The encounter with that student was the beginning of something really strange for Principal Celestia.
  7690. >She sat with you in the desk, in your lap, letting her big soft buttcheeks rest against your crotch.
  7691. >The two of you spoke, soon agreeing that your attendance record for summer school doesn't count so long as you keep this dirty little secret to yourself.
  7692. >It comes up in conversation that the rest of your friends have lost the challenge as well and you’re technically the “winner”, which is why they are currently tired so much, but they’ll never confess to it.
  7693. >Even though it doesn’t matter now.
  7694. >Topless Principal Celestia continued to sit in your lap, snuggling with you far past the end of your designated “detention”.
  7695. >You would run your hand up and down her smooth defined back, sometimes venturing down to her soft round ass cheeks, lightly squeezing them to make her giggle.
  7696. >Principal Celestia learned today that there’s actually a lot of fun to be had doing this kind of stuff with students.
  7697. >The way to discover it is kind of a weird way, but she discovered it nonetheless.
  7698. >Now the two nuzzle together in the wake of the desk fan, Celestia’s current favorite student gently groping her soft busty chest from time to time as she continues sitting in his lap until the sun starts going down.
  7699. >He is soon sent home, tired and ready to go to bed.
  7700. >…
  7701. >”I knew you had it in you, Tia!” Vice Principal Luna congratulates her older sister with a warm hug. “You don’t have to worry about waiting this out anymore. We can focus again.”
  7702. >Celestia nods, still internally pondering about what she has done.
  7703. >It felt so wrong, it felt so right.
  7704. >But she FEELS better right now.
  7705. >After giving in to making a sacrifice.
  7706. >"Trust me, dear sister. You are FAR from alone. Nearly all of us got hit with the spell." Vice Principal Luna assures her older sister. "Even a lot of the parents succumbed to it. The PTA meetings being awkward and risky aren't going to be a problem anymore."
  7707. >"There better be a way to use that memory stone Wallflower had to make sure no one remembers this after it's over." Celestia glares down at her desk in satisfied shame, having caved into fucking one of her students a couple of hours ago.
  7708. >She can still taste him...
  7709. >"Come on, you know that's what we're going to do. Just gotta find a way to make sure Chrysalis is stopped first so we can pretend it never happened."
  7710. >Principal Celestia's shoulders rise and fall with each remorseful breath.
  7711. >After all her strength and resilience she had for so long, this magic, whatever it was, overtook her.
  7712. >Why couldn't Chrysalis be stopped sooner?
  7713. >Now everyone HAS to get involved, and in a really... intimate way.
  7714. >This just feels so wrong until her activation returns and makes it temporarily feel right.
  7715. >It's almost like a drug, this magic, whatever it is.
  7716. >Designed to override everything in her common sense and self-control by using part of her own nature against her.
  7717. >Makes her HAVE to scratch that itch, then despite her subsequent remorse, eventually makes her come back wanting more.
  7718. >"There's plenty of boys at this school who have been almost as bad as our currently awol student." Continues Luna. "You remember last November and December, right?"
  7719. >"Probably more than I wish I did."
  7720. >"It was around the time I was staying after and overnight with my own student. There was a whole informal little gang of these self-proclaimed "nofappers", I'm sure you wondered what happened to all of them."
  7721. >"Was it you?"
  7722. >"It wasn't me that got them. It was several of the parents. Cadance helped with it before it got too out of control." Recalls Luna. "I... thought you were already aware..."
  7723. >"I don't know what I remember right now."
  7724. >"It's okay, that's okay. It'll take you a little bit to get your mind back to normal. But you'll get through this, Celestia. We ALL will. As soon as we find out where Ms. Harshwhinny took our favorite athlete and how close to Chrysalis that is, we will have a way to end this and make everyone forget."
  7725. >Celestia frowns at how fondly she remembers doing something that... dirty... with one of her students.
  7726. >Luna can sense what her older sister is thinking by the look in her eyes alone.
  7727. >"We're not going to be sued or jailed, I can promise you that. Even before they will be made to forget, they're conditioned to like it. Okay? Even if suing did happen, there'd be so many of us in trouble that it'd be such a complicated and long process that we can make everyone forget midway through before anything is documented."
  7728. >"I doubt the last part of that is true." Comments Celestia.
  7729. >"Well nothing's reported, so that's a start."
  7730. >"...Tell me about what happened with the parents."
  7731. >...
  7732. Flashback scene for the sake of being easier to read as requested:
  7733. >...
  7734. Scene with Celestia and Luna will continue at this point once I start writing it (and I will).

(Wet) Dream Girl

by Grey

Venus's Mercy

by Grey

Bros With Benefits (RD)

by Grey

A Hunter's Moon (not yet finished)

by Grey


by Grey