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By Grey
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-03-17 03:19:17
Expiry: Never

  1. "So you want to be a hero?" You ask Vinyl Scratch.
  2. >"Oh yeah, yes I do!"
  3. >Might be a little bit of an abstract concept.
  4. >Every time someone calls someone a hero, the word loses some meaning.
  5. >But that's not gonna stop Vinyl Scratch from calling herself that.
  6. >Only to a certain extent, after being earned first.
  7. >Dancing around the word isn't going to cut it here, though.
  8. >You are Onan, future betrayer of destiny as your unicorn friend vows to become a DJ hero with you as her sidekick.
  9. >"Octavia's being lame right now and doesn't wanna help me, so you'll have to do." Says Vinyl.
  10. >Not even a day later, and her roommate backed out of whatever this is.
  11. "Care to clarify why?"
  12. >"Ever since Daft Punk broke up, I've been begging her to help me become a new group like them, but she says it's 'not her kind of music'."
  13. "That definitely sounds like her." You now realize why Vinyl wants to do this so badly.
  14. >Octavia at least should have humored Vinyl's attempts at becoming a legend in dance music by playing with her.
  15. >Like joining her in her personal studio or whatever.
  16. "Do you think she'll change her mind?" You ask.
  17. >"Meh, I doubt it. Come on, let's go make up some epic costumes."
  18. >Excited as can be, Vinyl Scratch pulls you by your arm using her magic into the studio room.
  19. >To be honest, you didn't expect this to be the reason why she called you over here.
  20. >Half of the time, it's just because she wants a second opinion on something she composed.
  21. >And the other half is her complaining about running out of gatorade and cheez-its, and wants you to fetch more.
  22. >Tough times living inside of a recording studio.
  23. >Basically to the point of Vinyl sleeping in there almost every night.
  24. >"After this, I'll show you some sick tunes I came up with."
  25. "Not before? I feel like that'd take up less time."
  26. >"Eh, there's a lot of them. Like 20-30-ish of them."
  27. "Wow, that's impressive."
  28. >A huge amount of time being in here really must have paid off of her.
  29. >"So, yeah, what kind of pants you wanna wear?" Vinyl sifts through the side closet.
  30. "Get me that pair over there, I guess." You point to what looks like a pair of cowboy pants.
  31. >"Oh, I forgot I had those."
  32. >No way of guessing why on earth she had these things.
  33. >Not like a pony can fit into human pants to begin with, to the best of your knowledge.
  34. >After she levitates them over to you, you step into them.
  35. >Tight fit.
  36. >REALLY tight fit.
  37. >Only upside is that your legs didn't make them start to tear.
  38. >"Looks like that ain't workin'." Vinyl says between stifled laughter.
  39. >Let her help you out of them before she goes looking for something else for you to try on.
  40. "Maybe... that one?" You point to a cowboy hat.
  41. >Except, that works with electronic music as much as the pants did with your legs.
  42. "I mean... not that."
  43. >"Are you sure?" Vinyl already has it in her magic field. "Seems pretty dope, and I don't think anyone's done it before."
  44. "I mean that." You finally point to something non-country.
  45. >Next to the hat is a fake mohawk with a string attached to it.
  46. >"This?" Vinyl levitates it off of the shelf.
  47. "That, yeah."
  48. >"Heh, alright then." Vinyl start eyeing what accessories she wants to wear.
  49. >Everything else pulled out to try on ends up being worn as Vinyl rushes through this part.
  50. >"Brilliant. Alright, let's go pick out some tunes to expand on!"
  51. "I guess. Heheh."
  52. >Go back to the control panel with Vinyl dressed up in costumes.
  53. >Get your mohawk on your head right with it trying to fall lopsided.
  54. >"Everything I did so far is like a minute long but I'll hash them out into songs, maybe combine them together into one song or whatever." Says Vinyl.
  55. "So we’re gonna compose music together too?"
  56. >That's something you'd hope you wouldn't have to do, on account of your inability.
  57. >"Gee, really. You're really gonna help me on that too?" Vinyl's eyes light up.
  58. "Uh…"
  59. >"You really are more helpful than Tavi at this! She'd be griping about how she can't use all the chords she wants. And says everything's too 'simple and formulaic'."
  60. >Over on Vinyl's computer screen, you can see the complicated music software and programs.
  61. >Not exactly something you'd call "simple and formulaic", the the output of some people who use these programs might be so.
  62. >"That's just the stuff I'm gonna work with. Don't worry, dude. I just need ya for ideas and stuff."
  63. "Heh, whew. I was gonna say. I don't know what all those little knobs on the screen do."
  64. >"Everything sort of falls together after you learn it, though. Wanna give at a try?" Vinyl blinks at you with a grin.
  65. "Probably not the best idea since I know literally nothing." You explain, foreseeing a possibly embarrassing future.
  66. >"Literally nothing is the best place to start at, man. You don’t have any bias in your practice, nothing you're not afraid to do. Nothing to try to follow up on."
  67. >After she said that, you think that maybe it might not be such a bad idea.
  68. >"Not chicken, are ya?"
  69. >Enter your spiteful enthusiasm that blinds you from the complicatedness of that control panel on the screen.
  70. "I'm down. Let's do this."
  71. >With a quaint swivel of your rolling chair, you slink right up next to Vinyl, who's pressing a few control panel buttons with her magic.
  72. >And that's it, that's how it all started.
  73. >So begins your journey of helping Vinyl Scratch pay her ultimate tribute to the recently split up electronic duo Daft Punk.
  74. >Less than two hours later, you're already learning how to add a few beeping noises to synthetic drum beats.
  75. >On the other side of the now fully opened up physical control panel that's bigger than you thought, Vinyl's weaving together a few warp-y melodies with custom synthesizers.
  76. >Often, she looks over at you to tell you that you're doing great despite being clearly more experienced than you.
  77. >Kindly thank her, hoping she'll teach you to make things that sound less cringy before you'd have to do live performances with her.
  78. >In terms of doing things in front of an audience, you're kind of used to it given you've taken all those public speaking courses in college.
  79. >Not that you were making music or anything, which makes this more complicated.
  80. >Get your mind together and figure it's no big deal.
  81. >Knowing what you've already done while giving long presentations about things you don't care about, this should be easy since you actually enjoy it.
  82. >It really shouldn't be that hard.
  83. >Not that it's gonna be easy either, though.
  84. >Days finally go by after the genesis of this "let's become an electronic duo" thing Vinyl wanted to do, and you're starting to improve.
  85. >And the whole thing about Vinyl living in this recording studio was no exaggeration.
  86. >Decide to join her only half of the times, with more of a preference of sleeping in your own bed instead.
  87. >Until you start to get used to this part, as Vinyl makes time in the recording studio fun like a sleepover or a playdate.
  88. >Make the best of your time by bringing your video games and stuff down there to really make "taking a break" from the music more enjoyable and convenient, while being ready to jump right back into it.
  89. >Before you know it, you're spending at least 18 hours a day in there.
  90. >Weeks are about to start going by; you can feel your life entering the fast lane already.
  91. "I wasn't prepared for this. I'm not ready." You keep telling to yourself but never to Vinyl who's too thrilled for you to want to let down like Octavia did.
  92. >This is both awesome and not good.
  93. >Highly enjoyable because you're hanging out with this dope unicorn DJ as she teaches you how to make music.
  94. >Maybe the cons like you being a cringy guy might be outweighed by these pros of just having fun no matter who's gonna judge you once your output becomes public.
  95. >You're gonna enjoy this no matter what.
  96. >Finally get to the point where you're helping Vinyl complete entire songs.
  97. >It's starting to get to you; the drive.
  98. >Not gonna back out like Tavi, you feel bad for her, son.
  99. <Got that many problems, but EDM ain't one.
  100. >Even though you're still not totally familiar with these virtual tools as Vinyl is, who's even performed with them in the past.
  101. >Resourcefulness is within you.
  102. >And if dumb things such as stage fright want to knock at your door, you ain't answering.
  103. >Not like you haven't done this sort of thing before.
  104. >Don't worry about it, you'll look dumb in that mohawk on stage anyway, but you guess it's all in good fun.
  105. >Many more days later, Vinyl's noticing your level of musical skill improve a lot.
  106. >"You're getting a few grooves goin, man! That sounds nice!" She compliments you.
  107. "Thanks. I hope this is catchy enough."
  108. >Her horn moves a few of the knobs around on her own side. "Dude, this is the kind of stuff I like to make too. You're doing amazing."
  109. >Unless she's lying, you're definitely doing something right.
  110. >Maybe this is going to turn out perfectly after all.
  111. >By the time it's been a couple of weeks of making music together, things like this become a common thing she says to you, almost as though she's really trying to... get... at something regarding you and her that's more than just her believing in you.
  112. >"I'm impressed, dude. You got this down. We should do this more often."
  113. >Nice little comments of encouragement like that.
  114. >Tools for making the music become easier to use the more you do things with them.
  115. >Here comes the part where you really start having fun.
  116. >Ending up on stage like this and making the audience have fun with you too is gonna be a blast.
  117. >So is doing something great with Vinyl, who's really trying to turn you into her "sidekick" to perform with to replace Octavia with.
  118. >How funny is it that your anagrammed name starts with the same letter as Octavia's?
  119. >An old abbreviation that Vinyl wanted to use is still going to work well.
  120. >Perfectly, actually.
  121. >Everything's falling together quite nicely, you have to admit.
  122. >Only thing stopping you right now is the amount of time you have to wait.
  123. >For once, that's the only thing; this is too fun not to enjoy.
  124. >All these days spent in the recording studio with your unicorn DJ best friend would make anything worthwhile.
  125. >Having fun while working is literally just having fun.
  126. >Over the next few days, you bond with Vinyl like you're (pretty much) her new roommate.
  127. >On top of that, she's really starting to act as though she likes you a lot.
  128. >Kinda awkward, but you'd be lying if you said you may or may not feel the same way back, but that's not the important part right now.
  129. >Overall, you're apparently doing fantastically for a beginner, which is great.
  130. >Next month is going to be the first gig you two play together.
  131. >Mohawk included, of course.
  132. >You'll have to admit you're a little nervous, but you'll manage to swallow that and show everyone what you've been doing.
  133. >Better get ready to start rehearsing.
  134. >Every day of practice counts.
  135. >Like you used to hear in the movies.
  136. >The one you're hearing it from now is Vinyl herself when she insists on making sure everything sounds nice and you both know exactly what you're doing every time you perform.
  137. >Loop upon loop of audio is weaved together into full songs, and you even suggest adding auto-tuned lyrics.
  138. >One thing you'd definitely be bad at doing is actually singing.
  139. >On the other hand, auto-tune and vocoders do wonders in making your voice sound cool.
  140. >"Pretty neat. That's gonna sound nice." Vinyl tells you after you're done experimenting with the vocal effects.
  141. "So you'll let it in?"
  142. >"What, are you kidding me? Of course!"
  143. >Excitement fills you.
  144. >Looks like this is going to be the best moment of your life coming up.
  145. >Let the touring begin...
  146. >The tracks and lyrics are all completed.
  147. >Half of the recording is done too and you're ready to start rehearsing for the booked gigs.
  148. >Effortlessly press play and do the turntable record spinning thing you've seen people do.
  149. >Just in time for you and Vinyl to celebrate by hanging out in the recording studio just for fun, and then deciding to make more music anyway out of sheer joy.
  150. >Every new track has some things that can be added into the already made tracks that will differ from the album you're about to release with Vinyl for the sake of it being unique when performing on stage.
  151. >Enthusiasm is at an all time high now.
  152. >Prepare to become DJ heroes with Vinyl Scratch, just how she wanted.
  153. >She couldn't be more happy, shooting playful little fireworks from her horn whenever she thinks about how amazed the crowd is gonna be.
  154. >She even sleeps right up against you when you two are tired for the night and will find something to do tomorrow when you have more energy again.
  155. >This is the dream life you never knew you wanted.
  156. >And you hope the touring doesn't stress you out too much.
  157. >Right around the corner is the first show.
  158. >Too close yet not close enough.
  159. >Costume in hand the next morning, you walk into the backstage area of the building where they have club nights in.
  160. >"Onan and Vinyl! The O.V.! Welcome!" The man with a fake tan and sunglasses in a dimly lit hallway greets you.
  161. >Make your way to your room with the light-lined mirrors in it, Vinyl happily galloping behind you.
  162. >"I'm sure you already know your way around here, right?" The man says to the giddy unicorn.
  163. >Nodding yes, Vinyl bursts into the room.
  164. >Get in there after her and start putting on your wacky costume for your club performance.
  165. >Are you sure you want to do this?
  166. >Now that you hear the distant crowd booming out there, inevitable doubt starts to fill you.
  167. >Doubt that culminated after you realized how fast everything started moving with your life once this whole thing started.
  168. >This is it.
  169. >How life in the fast lane feels.
  170. >Expectations, meet reality, reality, expectations.
  171. >You didn't know what to expect.
  172. >Didn't expect the hallways to be so long, or the lights on the mirror to be so bright in your eyes as you put your mohawk on.
  173. >Oh wow, this is quite a feeling now.
  174. >"Next act up in thirty minutes, mate!" The messenger with the headset peeks her head into the room.
  175. >This is really happening, isn't it?
  176. >"Sounds like a full house out there, huh?" Says Vinyl.
  177. >The audible sounds on the audience out there grows louder, making you even more nervous.
  178. "O-oh, yeah." You shudder uncomfortably.
  179. >"Pssh, don't worry, man. First timers always get nervous."
  180. >Comforting or not, that statement isn't making the crowd any quieter.
  181. >Only twenty minutes left, probably.
  182. >Maybe less.
  183. >It's killing you.
  184. >Not gonna pull out of this at the last minute, though.
  185. >Gonna see this all the way though, and you're gonna enjoy it.
  186. >Stress is just an obstacle, r-right?
  187. >Only gonna exist now before disappearing once you see how excited the crowd is, right?
  188. >Lest you chicken out and say you can't do this.
  189. >Don't let that happen, though.
  190. >Truth be told, you were never gonna let that happen.
  191. "Okay... so..." You start when you and Vinyl are completely alone.
  192. >"Things are gonna be fine, man. Don't worry." Vinyl could already see how visibly shaken up you are.
  193. >Her eyes keep wandering down for some reason.
  194. >Every couple of seconds.
  195. >For the first time, you finally realize how overconfident you got back when you were in an environment you were used to.
  196. >Environments such as that secluded recording studio you were alone with Vinyl in.
  197. >Didn't even realize how not-nervous you were around her until you felt how nervous you are now.
  198. >She's got some chemistry with you, it seems.
  199. >"Anything you need... help with?" Vinyl smiles. "To relieve the stress, that is."
  200. "N-not that I think will help, no." You breathe as calmly as you can with sweat on your brow.
  201. >Don't know why she keeps looking down, but you're too distracted by this whole moment to really think about it.
  202. >It doesn't feel as bad now that you and Vinyl are alone together like you usually are.
  203. >Considering how public this whole place is, it's odd how you've been in privacy together for this long.
  204. >Really odd, like you're supposed to be alone for this long or something, like it's destiny.
  205. >"Are you sure, dude?" Vinyl's cheeks get a little red, as if she's nervous too which honestly makes you feel less alone in this sensation. "I don't mind if you need me for anything."
  206. >Shakily nod your head with a kind yet awkward smile.
  207. >Her own smile matches yours.
  208. >"Alright, then."
  209. >Pat her on the head before she finishes putting her Mickey Mouse Mask on and trots out of the room before time's up out of excitement for the show.
  210. >Look at that confidence she has; you wish you could say the same thing about yourself.
  211. >Alas, only those unfinished song lyrics you've been jotting down sort of makes such a bold indication that you have that level of confidence.
  212. >Nothing says "I'm making either a dumb or a bold move" than trying to resurrect and old meme that no one cares about anymore.
  213. >Eventually look down and realize what Vinyl was looking at.
  214. >God must have for some reason made you get a stress-boner on purpose.
  215. "Ugh, of course all the inconvenient things have to happen." You mutter to yourself, wanting this thing to go away before you go on stage.
  216. >Not exactly gonna help if you have this added to your list of things to worry about.
  217. >Ninety-nine problems but a no-reason boner definitely won't be one.
  218. >In a jiffy, you lock the door and drop your pants.
  219. >Need to do this as quickly as you can before someone else needs to come in here.
  220. >Get on your knees and spend a minute or two choking your chicken until a hidden secret behind the chair in the corner leaves you.
  221. >Did it get anywhere else?
  222. >It doesn't look like it; only the floor's got something you'll deny on it.
  223. >Don't think about it, don't mention it, just get on your feet, put your thing away and your dumb mohawk on and get on with the show you're feeling better about now.
  224. >Now there's a knock on the door.
  225. >The lock was undone before the knob was tried.
  226. >"Mate, you're on in 5 minutes. Hurry up." The same messenger lady from before tells you.
  227. "Awesome." You feel your confidence flowing back into you.
  228. >Knowing Vinyl, she's already ready to gallup onto the stage.
  229. >Excited as she is, you decide to join her.
  230. >Since you're more in the mood to be heroes with her now.
  231. >Exit the room and strut down the hallway.
  232. >Notice members from the previous acts appearing at the other end of the hallway.
  233. >Some of them wave to you, and you wave back.
  234. >Enter the really dark area next to where the stage is.
  235. >Next up: Whoever this random dude in the mohawk is.
  236. >Onan or something, with his unicorn best friend Vinyl Scratch.
  237. >That's not what the announcer said but it's how you imagined it.
  238. >There it is, the stage.
  239. >Only, just part of it from where you can see.
  240. >There's Vinyl right next to you, and you're both momentarily standing next to eachother right before going onstage.
  241. >And then... it just happened, just like that, the whole performance you two had prepared for any everything.
  242. >Like jumping into a pool and getting used to the cold water, you end up having the blast you knew you'd have.
  243. >Killed it too; the crowd went wild for you and Vinyl as you performed together.
  244. >After your half-an-hour set is up, you can't believe it went by so quickly after such a stressful buildup.
  245. >By the time you're back in the dressing room or whatever, you fall back into the chair in the corner and laugh.
  246. >Only now does the weight truly feel like it completely lifted off your shoulders, and it feels amazing.
  247. >Until a few seconds later when you're rushed out to make room for the next act.
  248. >Time to go outside and talk about your future out there instead.
  249. >But by the time you're out there under the sky, a lightning bolt from the clouds strikes you down and kills you in mid-sentence.
  250. >And your last words were you explaining the unfinished song lyrics you had written on a sheet of paper, the first letter of each line up until this one.
  252. —The End for the first prompt I started before the other two were added. I don’t intend on joining the competition, just having fun doing this to get myself back into writing, so I’m making sure to make that clear by uploading this the day after the deadline while also doing the other two prompts (really quick) so it’s 250 lines each but like 750-ish lines in total (250x3). Begin prompt 2…—
  254. >The station is quiet at this time of night.
  255. >A little bit too quiet.
  256. >Towards the outside booth, a young light grey unicorn trots up to the service window.
  257. >"Yoohoo, excuse me." Rarity begins with a quaint wave.
  258. >"Evening, miss. May I help you?"
  259. >"When is the next train to Manehattan?" She asks.
  260. >"Well I suppose there's still some open seats left on it since the next one leaves on 12 o clock midnight."
  261. >"Oh that's perfect, just enough time for me to catch it. May I have one ticket, please?"
  262. >"Sure thing, miss. That'll be 32 bits."
  263. >The monetary exchange is made, and Rarity thanks the employee before leaving for the train lobby at around 10 minutes before midnight.
  264. >Surely this place is very peaceful around this time of night.
  265. >Everyone's surely home sleeping in their beds, aside anyone who wants to take a train ride when there's nopony else around.
  266. >10 minutes to midnight.
  267. >Rarity notices another unicorn hanging out by one of the pillars in the station.
  268. >She tries to wave over to her, but she doesn't seem to be paying any attention.
  269. >The front doors open and a couple of pegasi enter the train lobby, flying over the stairs as they go down so it won't take them longer to get to the lower level.
  270. >From around one corner, BonBon appears after presumably having just gotten off one of the earlier trains.
  271. >She has a baby carriage with her, and she needs to get the thing up he entire flight of stairs on her own since she has no wings or magic.
  272. >Rarity doesn't seem to notice, though, applying makeup onto herself as she levitates a small mirror in front of her face.
  273. >BonBon mutters something about being "a bit early" under her breath, but shrugs it off and maneuvers the baby carriage over to the stairs.
  274. >The unicorn over by the pillar is Moondancer, and she's watching the front doors intently.
  275. >9 minutes to midnight.
  276. >A couple more ponies can be heard walking around outside.
  277. >Only one of them enters; it's Mrs, Cake carrying a box of what's probably some sort of bakery item that's similar to a pie.
  278. >Surely there's a name for such a thing.
  279. >Rarity continues to put lipstick on and whatnot.
  280. >She eyes the clock for a hot second.
  281. >Still a lot of time left.
  282. >She wonders how happy Sweetie Belle's going to be when she finally sees her again.
  283. >It's been a while since that fashion competition in the city was underway.
  284. >Sweetie Belle placed pretty high in that thing too.
  285. >Rarity was proud when she heard the news.
  286. >So proud that she decided to travel all the way to Manehattan to congratulate her sister in person.
  287. >Maybe go shopping with her or something.
  288. >She listens out to any possible early train noises.
  289. >Nope.
  290. >She's just going to have to be patient and hope it's not delayed or anything.
  291. >8 minutes to midnight.
  292. >There is now another unicorn entering the train station through the doors.
  293. >She trots her way down the stairs past a third unicorn in the room she barely paid any attention to.
  294. >This orange unicorn named Sunset Shimmer is giving a nod to Moondancer over at the pillar.
  295. >BonBon is still trying to figure out how to get the carriage up the stairs.
  296. >Rarity looks at her own reflection, wondering what that noise behind her is.
  297. >She turns around and sees a tall, bald, faceless green man in a suit standing right behind her.
  298. >"Oh uh, excuse me." He says, stepping around Rarity to walk over to the other side of the top of the stairs.
  299. >He looks... tense.
  300. >Rarity doesn't pay much mind to it and continues looking at her reflection in the mirror.
  301. >"Oh, these stubborn things!" Rarity grumbles about her eyelashes being uneven looking.
  302. >She starts to toy with them, not paying attention to anything else happening around her.
  303. >Rarity didn't notice Lyra Heartstrings enter the place right after the green man and then rush all the way down the stairs and towards the back of the building.
  304. >She doesn't notice the suspicious look on Moondancer's face as Lyra does this.
  305. >She doesn't notice BonBon quickly turn around and pretend not to recognize Lyra as this happens.
  306. >7 minutes to midnight.
  307. >The train might be coming at a little bit later time, but there's no announcement to indicate this.
  308. >Rarity just has a feeling she might not be getting not the train tonight.
  309. >For whatever reason.
  310. >She just has a feeling that something is about to happen.
  311. >As in... "go down" happen.
  312. >BonBon at the bottom of the stairs, meanwhile, decides she'll pull the carriage up one step at a time with her teeth.
  313. >The unnamed green man watches her begin this process, giving her a confused look but seems to non-talkative to step in and help.
  314. >Rarity is too busy messing around with her eyelashes.
  315. >BonBon has chosen the method of bringing the carriage up the stairs that takes the absolute longest.
  316. >A few more ponies enter the station around this time as the minute goes on.
  317. >Among them is Doctor Whooves, who has a banana tucked into his coat sleeve ready to enjoy it while waiting for the train.
  318. >Moondancer and Sunset each give them a thorough look up and down from each of their own vantage point.
  319. >Rarity sighs and enjoys the nighttime atmosphere.
  320. >The couple of pegasi in the room open their bags they packed and check on a few bedsheets they just had washed.
  321. >6 minutes to midnight.
  322. >Mrs. Cake starts talking to the two pegasi about probably cake stuff.
  323. >One of them's a buckball player and the other a receptionist.
  324. >BonBon is on, like, the second step up from the bottom of the stairs with like 30 or 40 something to go.
  325. >The green man keeps staring at her, confused as can be as to why she's choosing such a slow and stupid method to get the foal in the carriage to the top of the stairs.
  326. >The doors open again and in walk two unicorns together.
  327. >The purple one in front, Twilight Sparkle trotting in nervously with the blue one behind her, Trixie Lulamoon, glaring at her like she's urging her to move faster.
  328. >They go down the stairs past Rarity and the green man, then towards where BonBon is on the other side of the bottom of the stairs.
  329. >They don't seem to make eye contact.
  330. >At least from what would be easy to tell.
  331. >Annoyed at the racket the carriage is making on the stairs, the green man decides to step in and help BonBon stop being stupid and carry the carriage up the remainder of the stairs since no one here seems to be helping her.
  332. >Especially not that one unicorn who's too busy messing with her eyelashes in the mini mirror she's got there.
  333. >"It's fine, really. I can do this myself." BonBon insists.
  334. >"Are you sure?" The green man asks. "It'd be a lot quicker if I help you."
  335. >BonBon sounds like she wants this to take as long as possible, even though she'd have been out of here by now if she just did this a smarter way.
  336. >The train is going to be arriving any minute now.
  337. >A few seconds later, yet another unicorn enters the room, but stays at the door to watch the previous two who entered.
  338. >The green man helping BonBon up the stairs senses something wrong in the atmosphere.
  339. >Like there's a disturbance in the force.
  340. >Meanwhile, Rarity is taking her sweet time with her little mirror with the few bags she packed strapped to her back that she usually levitates a little when walking so it doesn't feel so heavy on her spine.
  341. >The two pegasi in the room notice Trixie and Twilight walking next to them and then stop.
  342. >An awkward silence is exchanged.
  343. >Moondancer stays in her position by the pillar while Sunset stays relatively close to the stairs as she watches Moondancer and Twilight stand there waiting for the train.
  344. >And this newest unicorn who entered the room now recognizes this green man after hearing his voice.
  345. >Her name's Starlight Glimmer, and she remembers a lot more than this man's voice.
  346. >His name's Anon, and he already has a bit of a history with Starlight Glimmer.
  347. >She stares at him, wiggling her bandaged up snout that's still black and blue from all the times Anon punched her in the face before.
  348. >A few more steps up the stairs, Anon turns away from a reluctant BonBon.
  349. >He feels something wrong.
  350. >A real disturbance in the force.
  351. >He must have just gotten recognized by somepony.
  352. >And there she is: Glimmer.
  353. >Anon has no time to pull out his magic wand; he can already see her horn lighting up.
  354. >5 minutes to midnight.
  355. >Everything's happening in slow motion now.
  356. >He lets go of the carriage from his unique opposable thumb grasp and lurches over to Starlight Glimmer.
  357. >Starlight lights her horn up more and more as Anon approaches her.
  358. >Ready to cast a spell.
  359. >But it's too late.
  360. >Anon's fist collides with Glimmer's face for the thousandth time, knocking her backwards and throwing her focus away from the spell she was trying to cast.
  361. >He pulls out his magic wand in the same move and turns to face Sunset Shimmer as the carriage starts falling down the stairs.
  362. >Sunset Shimmer starts to cast a spell, butAnon was smart enough to start saying his spell ahead of time and shoots a blast of magic from his wand directly at her, which hits her right in the face with a loud bang.
  363. >At the other end of the station, Lyra hears this and immediately starts rushing back to the front.
  364. >The carriage barrels down the stairs towards the bottom.
  365. >Trixie tackles Twilight to the floor as Moondancer starts casting spells to kill Anon with as Anon's too distracted with pointing his wand towards a limping Starlight Glimmer.
  366. >Anon shoots another lethal blast of magic from his wand at Glimmer right between her eyes as Moondancer's horn brightly lights up.
  367. >Only now does Rarity realize that something's going on and screams as the two pegasi flying around don't know what to do.
  368. >Doctor Whooves panics and tries to hide under the railing of the stairs.
  369. >Magic blasts start flying in every direction.
  370. >Leaving scorch marks in the walls and ceiling.
  371. >The carriage continues to barrel down the stairs, but its passenger starts to free herself from the sheets and pillows.
  372. >Moondancer fires another magic blast towards Anon.
  373. >Anon dodges it.
  374. >And the next one as well.
  375. >Sunset starts to rise to her hooves and gets ready to try firing at Anon again.
  376. >But Anon catches her mis-spells and shoots a powerful blast that sends her tumbling down the rest of the stairs.
  377. >Moondancer suddenly gets hit with a powerful magic blast in the back of the head.
  378. >From a balcony above, Lyra managed to snipe her from an unseen vantage point and now rushes to go help Anon.
  379. >The carriage gets closer to the bottom of the stairs, with the filly finally managing to free herself after a struggle getting untangled from the blankets.
  380. >Moondancer falls to the floor unconscious as Trixie drags Twilight back up the stairs with a lethal spell ready to cast right as Twilight's neck.
  381. >Lyra appears from around a corner as Anon blasts Starlight Glimmer with a magic blast from his wand one more time even though she was already motionless on the floor.
  382. >4 minutes to midnight.
  383. >Trixie wildly shoots her magic around the whole room.
  384. >One blast shatters the glass of one of the front doors, the force making it swing open.
  385. >Another blast hits the receptionist pegasus that had been talking to Mrs. Cake.
  386. >A third blast hits Doctor Whooves as he's trying to hide from the magic blasts, dropping the banana he was eating.
  387. >A fourth hits the dropped bedsheets and sets them on fire.
  388. >Every blast still missed the carriage, which is now at the bottom of the steps.
  389. >Without noticing, Lyra steps right in front of the carriage and gets hit by it.
  390. >She's thrown off her hooves from the colliding force and falls to the marble floor.
  391. >Out of the carriage, Cozy Glow flies, charging up her magic and pointing her horn towards Anon in a surprise attack.
  392. >"Oh shi-" Anon stumbles back and is hit with a blast of magic before he has time to react with his wand.
  393. >Lyra gets up and watches BonBon step over to Anon and buck him in the side.
  394. >"Get out of here! Go! Hurry!" BonBon tells Trixie. "Before he gets back up!"
  395. >Lyra cannot believe what she sees.
  396. >Her shocked eyes tear up.
  397. >Rarity has already ducked out into the hallway, wanting no part in whatever scuffle this is.
  398. >BonBon gets ready to mule-kick Anon again, but a magic blast from Lyra stops her.
  399. >"How could you, BonBon?!" Shouts Lyra before dodging a blast from Gollycorn Cozy Glow.
  400. >Trixie stops in her tracks when she sees a frightened Rarity's horn glowing from out in the hallway: her only escape.
  401. >Rarity's just defending herself, but a back-on-his-feet Anon picked up his wand and points it at Trixie with Twilight struggling to break free.
  402. >Lyra hits a guilty BonBon with another magic blast, sending her crashing into Cozy Glow who was just about to try and aim at Anon.
  403. >"You were the chosen one!" Cries Lyra. "You were supposed to destroy the Twilight-replacement Agency! Not join them!"
  404. >Anon points his wand around once again.
  405. >Trixie is frozen in place trying to hold Twilight still.
  406. >Cozy is trying to push a lopsided BonBon off of herself.
  407. >Anon points his wand at Starlight Glimmer once again and fires like ten more magic blasts at her lifeless corpse.
  408. >It flops around on the floor every time it's hit.
  409. >"What the hay is YOUR problem?!" The still conscious pegasus yells at Anon.
  410. >"YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND!" Anon shouts back then starts blasting away at Cozy Glow before she can fire at him. "You wouldn't get it!"
  411. >Trixie stares at him with her eyes wide and sweat dripping from her face. "THE BOOKHORSE AND TRIXIE ARE LEAVING! ARE WE ARE DRIVING AWAY!" She screams.
  412. >Trixie turns towards Lyra.
  413. >Lyra glares at BonBon then over at Trixie.
  414. >"You have three seconds to make up your minds!" Trixie continues. "Or else bookhorse dies!"
  415. >Trixie's voice echoes through the whole station.
  416. >Doctor Whooves gets up and limps away.
  417. >"And you got nothing!" Bumbles Trixie.
  418. >"Anon! Why didn't you shoot Trixie when you had the chance?" Twilight cries out. "I'll tell you what you want to know, just get Trixie away from me!"
  419. >"You got her, Lyra?" Anon shouts, firing more at Cozy Glow until he hits her with a spell that turns her to stone, then hits Glimmer one more time along with Shimmer.
  420. >"I got her." Lyra grits her teeth before turning back to BonBon to stare angrily at her.
  421. >Trixie shivers.
  422. >Rarity shivers harder.
  423. >Anon looks over at a petrified Cozy Glow then over at Lyra again.
  424. >"Don't come a step closer!" Rarity warns Trixie.
  425. >"Trixie said you have three seconds!"
  426. >"Lyra!" Anon bellows.
  427. >"You have three seconds to make up your minds."
  428. >"I'm sorry, Lyra! They didn't give me a choice!" BonBon pleads.
  429. >"ONE!" Trixie begins counting.
  430. >Twilight struggles to break free from Trixie as Rarity backs away.
  431. >"Twilight, dear, what's going on here?"
  432. >"Will you stop being a coward and help me already?!" Screams Twilight.
  433. >"TWO!" Trixie continues to count.
  434. >Three minutes to midnight.
  435. >The sound of the train getting closer is now apparent.
  436. >Too bad there's a standoff going on right now.
  437. >"Lyra, you got her?"
  438. >"I got her!"
  439. >"SO GET HER ALREADY!" Anon yells.
  440. >A magic blast happens, and hits a unicorn right in the side.
  441. >Rarity just accidentally hit Twilight with a magic blast, but knocked her out of Trixie's grasp.
  442. >"Take her!" Yells Anon.
  443. >Lyra fires at Trixie, hitting her right in the face.
  444. >Rarity gets scared and fires again, accidentally hitting Twilight a second time and sending her tumbling down the stairs.
  445. >"DAMN IT, RARITY!" Anon yells as he rushes over to Twilight as she reaches the bottom of the stairs.
  446. >He slips on the stray banana peel and hits his head.
  447. >Trixie regains consciousness after Rarity passes by her and decides to just flee the scene.
  448. >Starlight Glimmer miraculously comes back to life and covers Trixie to help her escape.
  449. >Lyra fires another magic blast.
  450. >Right at Starlight, but misses and hits the glass of the door.
  451. >It reflects and ricochets off of the door.
  452. >At just the right angle to hit Twilight once again at the bottom of the stairs.
  453. >"Twilight!" Lyra rushes over but then slips on the same banana peel but doesn't hit her head.
  454. >Trixie gallops away.
  455. >Fleeing into the night.
  456. >With police sirens floating through the midnight breeze.
  457. >They'll be here in like a minute.
  458. >"Twilight! Speak to me!" Lyra holds Twilight Sparkle in her hooves as one of the pegasi lands next to her.
  459. >"Tell... Anon..."
  460. >"Yes?"
  461. >"Tell Anon... that he's... a....f..." Twilight falls over before she can finish.
  462. >"Lyra! I'm sorry!" BonBon gallops over.
  463. >"STAY BACK!" Lyra shouts. "Stay back, BonBon, you've caused enough damage!"
  464. >Lyra then blasts away at a limping Starlight Glimmer.
  465. >"They didn't give me a choice, Lyra! They made me act as a spy for them!"
  466. >The sound of the train coming in starts to get louder.
  467. >And so, the ride to Manehattan is here.
  468. >"Is Twilight alright?" Rarity starts coming down the stairs. "I can revive her."
  469. >"Well do it already!" Shouts Lyra.
  470. >Like straight out of a horror movie, Starlight Glimmer miraculously comes back to life a second time.
  471. >"Wow... you thought you'd get rid of me that easily?" She grunts.
  472. >She starts her was down the top step of the stairs, with Lyra having no idea what to do this time.
  473. >Ready to redeem herself, BonBon springs into action.
  474. >She gets behind Starlight and bucks her in the back, causing her to fall down the entirety of the rest of the flight of stairs.
  475. >Glimmer tumbles down and down the one side of the stairs, breaking bones on the way down.
  476. >Lyra and Rarity watch in horror.
  477. >Glimmer screams and hollers in excruciating pain before landing at the bottom.
  478. >She lands on the banana peel and slips on it, which causes her to fall in the opposite direction and tumble all the way back up the stairs, hit a glass door, shatter it on impact which bounces her back again, and then tumbles down the entire other side of the stairs.
  479. >"Do you forgive me now?" BonBon asks Lyra. "I'm sorry I sided with the enemy! Give me a second chance, please!"
  480. >"I expected better from you!" Lyra has tears in her eyes.
  481. >"They wanted to take advantage of my spy abilities, so they blackmailed me. But now they've lost the battle, I don't have to obey them anymore."
  482. >"Why didn't you at least secretly tell me about it?"
  483. >"I... wanted to protect you, Lyra. They would have come for you next if you knew anything."
  484. >"..."
  485. >"I swear!"
  486. >"I guess there was nothing you could have done. I can't say I wouldn't have protected you." Admits Lyra.
  487. >The two approach eachother and engage in a happy-sad hug.
  488. >"You... can't... kill me..." Starlight mutters as shards of broken glass stick out from all over. "This is... only the beginning."
  489. >"P-poo... poochie! Die! DIE ALREADY! HOLY SHIT!!" Anon blurts what he doesn't care if it's his final words. "Why won't you die already?!"
  490. >Starlight Glimmer boops herself as she and Anon die at the same time, trying to strangle eachother while lying on the floor together.
  491. >"...Whatever, they'll be fine. Revive Twilight already!" Lyra orders Rarity, who complies as the train rolls in.
  492. >[All aboard the 12 o clock train south bound to Manehattan]. The announcing voice on the intercom says.
  493. >With her spell, Rarity revives Twilight.
  494. >Twilight comes to and doesn't remember anything that just happened, but remembers the information that the other unicorns wanted to keep secret; how to get wings.
  495. >Rarity just so happened to be getting onto the same train to Manehattan as Twilight was supposed to flee town on.
  496. >They both ride over to Manehattan together.
  497. >Lyra goes home and hangs out with BonBon to re-catch up on all the time they missed out on together.
  498. >Anon is taken to a psychiatric ward while Glimmer completely re-heals and returns to her town.
  499. >Moondancer and Sunset wind up recovering in the hospital while Cozy Glow is mailed to Celestia as a brand new statue for her garden.
  500. >All of the ponies involved in the incident end up recovering and not dying anyway because magic.
  501. >Trixie, meanwhile, is nowhere to be found.
  502. >In the next couple of days, nopony knows where she escaped to.
  503. >Until she bursts into someone's office.
  505. —End (an additional exactly 250 lines) of story 2, begin prompt 3—
  507. >You are Tempest Shadow.
  508. >Leader of the Twilight-replacement Agency.
  509. >Never really having met any of your actual clients, you hope they got the job done well enough for you.
  510. >That Twilight is gonna pay for what she's done to you and your empire.
  511. >And they should have apprehended the purple unicorn by a day or two ago.
  512. >If anyone's next in line to getting wings around here, it's you.
  513. >You barely have half a horn left, the last thing you need is a missed opportunity to have wings.
  514. >In any case, it's just a lot of things going on.
  515. >And you're quite stressed out from it all.
  516. >Right now, you're just returning to your office after a long day of doing nothing.
  517. >Maybe laziness is going to be your downfall.
  518. >Maybe the absence of it is going to make you explode.
  519. >From not being used to doing so many things at once.
  520. >That sure would be a crummy way to go.
  521. >Unless you get to Twilight first, which would give you the green light to finally be able to match Princess Celestia and those other two alicorns who kicked you out before.
  522. >You're certainly not going to give up now.
  523. >After all these years that went by and-
  524. >The door flies open when you arrive and a young unicorn with blueish mane walks into your office.
  525. "What the..."
  526. >"Tempest?" She says to you.
  527. >Wait...
  528. >You recognize this one.
  529. >That dark grey cloak won't keep you from recognizing her.
  530. "Trixie Lulamoon?"
  531. >This was one of the unicorns who volunteered to apprehend Twilight Sparkle.
  532. >You already knew that green man and his green unicorn would try and stop them.
  533. >And now you only see one of your own still in your office.
  534. >Trixie stares at you.
  535. "What are you doing here? Where are the others?" You ask.
  536. >Trixie stares at you.
  537. >She's breathing heavily.
  538. >She looks pretty badly bruised too.
  539. >What happened to her?
  540. "Trixie, I asked you a question. What are you doing here and where are the others?"
  541. >"They couldn't make it." Murmurs Trixie.
  542. >Her tone concerns you.
  543. >You don't like how menacing she sounds.
  544. >Sounding as though she's about to put everything on the line or something.
  545. "What do you mean they couldn't make it? Where are they?"
  546. >"The train station."
  547. "You mean you left them at the train station? Where's Twilight?"
  548. >"Twilight doesn't matter anymore."
  549. >Now you can sense the lack of sanity not only in Trixie's tone but in her words as well.
  550. >And it's pretty easy to see what happened here.
  551. "Trixie, did you fail me?"
  552. >"The Great And Powerful Trixie never fails."
  553. >There's a pause.
  554. >A pause that makes you want to get into battle mode during it.
  555. >Trixie waited for you here for a reason.
  556. >"Trixie only finds new ways to succeed for herself."
  557. "What are you talking about?" You snarl your teeth slightly at her.
  558. >She's not intimidated.
  559. >There's no way she's not going for all or nothing.
  560. >After several more seconds, you want to conclude this encounter now.
  561. "So you have failed me, then. That's what this is."
  562. >"Trixie wouldn't say that." She takes a step towards you.
  563. >That was the only red flag you needed.
  564. >You take what little of your magic you can muster and exert it from your shattered horn in a beam towards Trixie.
  565. >It is stopped by what's definitely an energy field.
  566. >Now you notice the red glow.
  567. >Where is that coming from?
  568. >Right as you ask yourself this, you feel as though Trixie's about to show you regardless.
  569. >"Trixie would rather this be quick." She deflects you magic beam away from herself.
  570. >You shoot another one in an attempted surprise attack.
  571. >It actually hits her, and she flies back onto the floor.
  572. >Though, she doesn't seem as hurt as you expected.
  573. >But the cloak has dropped a little, and you can spot the glow from the amulet.
  574. >Yep, you recognize that red glow.
  575. >Get into battle stance while waiting for Trixie to inevitably attack you.
  576. >It doesn't take much to piece together what happened.
  577. >Trixie and the rest of the team failed to apprehend Twilight for her magic.
  578. >And now Trixie noticed that you somehow have found a way to use magic even with a broken horn.
  579. >In amounts that surpasses her usual level of unicorn magic.
  580. >So she's using the magic from that dangerous amulet to possibly overpower you since she couldn't overpower Twilight.
  581. >This is probably bad news.
  582. >For her too, if you do this right.
  583. >But right now, Trixie might have the upper hand.
  584. >So long as she maintains control of herself.
  585. >"Time's up, Tempest. Trixie's going solo now."
  586. >She shoots a much thicker beam of magic right back at you.
  587. >The desk is seared at the surface, but you jump out of the way just in time.
  588. >She shoots another beam, breaking your window.
  589. >And another destroying your walls and some framed pictures on it.
  590. "So you've chosen death."
  591. >Gather up any last bit of energy you can and fire a counter-beam directly at the next beam Trixie sends to you.
  592. >It's no different from the final wand battle from Harry Potter now.
  593. >Plain and simple: this is a duel to the death.
  594. >Whoever wins wins.
  595. >And Trixie just knocked you off your hooves with her magic.
  596. >This is not looking good for you.
  597. >You start crawling around on the floor.
  598. >Dodging blasts of magic.
  599. >Powerful blasts.
  600. >This can't possibly be a good sign.
  601. >"Trixie promises this will be quick if you surrender."
  602. "Get lost, you don't know what you're-"
  603. >"You'll never win."
  604. >She fires at you once again.
  605. >This one leaves a flame on the carpet.
  606. >"It's too late to beg."
  607. >You grit your teeth and snarl at her again.
  608. "Wasn't planning to."
  609. >"That's fine. Makes this more fun-WHA!"
  610. >You surprised her.
  611. >She had to really dodge out of the way for that one.
  612. >Just goes to show that she's still stupid enough to underestimate her superior.
  613. >Fire at her again before retreating into the back part of your office.
  614. >A separate room with walls that can only hide where you are.
  615. >But these walls cannot serve as-
  616. >A blast pierces the wallpaper form the other side.
  617. >...a shield.
  618. >Hot on the tips of your hooves, you're sure to move especially fast before one of Trixie's beams can hit you.
  619. >She's taking every chance she can get trying to hit you.
  620. >And you hate to admit it, but she's getting closer to succeeding.
  621. >"Don't hide from The Great And Powerful Trixie."
  622. "You're the one who should be HIDING!" You jump out from around the corner of a doorway and tackle her.
  623. >It's a good thing you have more size than her.
  624. >Trixie's aim and magical accumulation is thrown off as you kick her in the side and jump back behind something before she can lock on target.
  625. >"Come out come out..." Trixie is barely phased by any of this.
  626. >You stand there behind the wall once more.
  627. >Careful not to make a sound.
  628. >If you give away your position, she can blast right through the wall.
  629. >Awfully scary how a regular conversation can turn into a war zone simply because one of you is wearing a dangerous amulet.
  630. >The air gets quiet again.
  631. >The gulping noises from the water tank letting a bubble up through the jug (hopefully) distracted both of you.
  632. >Trixie didn't try anything, so that's a good sign.
  633. >Perhaps you can overtake her before she can overthrow you.
  634. >Take one step forward and one of those pesky old floorboards makes an inconveniently loud creaking sound.
  635. >Not even a second later, a blast of energy plows through the thin wall.
  636. >And moves towards you.
  637. >Cutting an entire slit into the wall.
  638. >This is going to take forever to repair.
  639. >But that is the least of your worries right no-
  640. >"THERE YOU ARE!"
  641. >Leap out of the way.
  642. >She blasts again, breaking a rocking chair you have sitting in your back room.
  643. >She ventures further into the room, contracting your safe zone by an unacceptable amount.
  644. >Spring up and fire away at her at will.
  645. >Miss by a mile and have to duck back down before she can take you out.
  646. >Now you gotta find a new position before Trixie finds a perfect vantage point to deal a possible death blow.
  647. >From where she is on the mini sofa that makes her taller by standing on it, she has the high ground.
  648. >She blasts at you again from there, this time hitting you.
  649. >Now this is getting serious.
  650. >Most of this face-off has been you running from a magically empowered Trixie.
  651. >You REALLY don't like the looks of this.
  652. >If you're going to finish Trixie off, you're going to have to finish her off now.
  653. >There's no other option.
  654. >The very second you get a good look at Trixie and a good idea of where to shoot, you blast magic out of your broken horn as quickly as you can.
  655. >She has already started countering it with her own stronger beam of magic.
  656. >Trixie really made sure she had the upper hand with this amulet beforehand, didn't she?
  657. >Gotta move fast as you escape your own office.
  658. >Decide there's no time to leave through the door.
  659. >Jump out the window, praying that none of the glass shards will give you any hassle on the way out.
  660. >Thank goodness your office is only on the first floor.
  661. >But still, Trixie can just as easily follow you out, which she already has.
  662. >"Trixie doesn't think you should bother running any more."
  663. >She's already looming over you.
  664. >The fall onto the ground has made you sore, and there's no point in running or fighting, as Trixie has already bested you in both of those.
  665. "You're crazy if you think I'm going to let you take my power."
  666. >"Oh, Trixie doesn't need you to let her do anything. Trixie does as she pleases."
  667. >You growl at her.
  668. >"Hmph, oh Tempest." Trixie chuckles.
  669. >Weakly hang your head down in "submission".
  670. >This is the very thing Trixie loves to see.
  671. >Especially when it's a pony larger in stature than her doing it.
  672. >Really puts the sensation of being powerful into her heart.
  673. >"Would you like a few last words?" Trixie starts off.
  674. >Keep note of where Trixie's voice is coming from.
  675. >And stay careful not to let any part of your horn-area light up to indicate the casting of a spell of any kind.
  676. >This is going to be a one-shot deal.
  677. >Your "bowing" head is pointing the horn directly at Trixie's voice.
  678. >More specifically, her neck, where the amulet is.
  679. >That gem should be heavy enough to drop off should the neckband be broken by a sudden magic blast.
  680. >Keep yourself focused as Trixie keeps herself arrogant and inattentive.
  681. >There's only going to be one chance to save yourself.
  682. >Trixie's words suddenly start sounding warped and baby-ish.
  683. >Wh-what?
  684. >"Hewe, put dis own." She says in her sudden tounge-in-cheek-ish way.
  685. >Feels something slip over the base of your broken horn and tighten around it.
  686. >Oh no.
  687. >It's a magic-nullifying ring.
  688. >"Like Trixie wouldn't know y-"
  689. >You instinctively cut Trixie off with a sudden lunge towards the amulet with your mouth.
  690. >She had the ring in her mouth as she put it on your horn, therefore, your mouth is closer to the amulet.
  691. >Screw it, this is your real final shot.
  692. >You've even surprised yourself, Tempest.
  693. >Clamp the item into the strength of your jaw right before Trixie tries to pull herself out of your reach.
  694. >It's hard for her to aim her magic at you in this position.
  695. >With the combined forces of her pulling herself away from you and you pulling the amulet away from her, the neck band snaps and loosens from Trixie's neck.
  696. >And there you have it, you're holding the amulet itself in your mouth.
  697. >Trixie is no longer connected to its power.
  698. >"Give... that... back!" She immediately lurches at you.
  699. >Pounces on top of you with enough force to push you to the ground.
  700. >You still had the amulet in your mouth.
  701. >And it went deeper into your mouth because of the way you landed.
  702. >One thing led to another, and you just realized you swallowed the amulet.
  703. >The very moment you can speak again, the only thing you can do is laugh maniacally as you feel the power surging through your veins.
  704. >"Uh..." Trixie looks up to you as you rise to a standing position.
  705. "I don't think I need you working for me anymore." You feel the red glow formulate the shape of the rest of where your horn would be in place of it.
  706. >Trixie looks up at you in absolute fear.
  707. >You look back down with a grin you know is the most terrifying thing she's ever seen.
  708. >Ready to make all of her nightmares come true.
  709. >In response to her fight or flight urges, Trixie gets up and tries to gallop away.
  710. >You take one hoof and slap her back down to the ground.
  711. >Using a powerful beam fueled by the amulet within you to keep her hurt on the ground.
  712. "Looks like this fight has been turned on its head, hasn't it?"
  713. >Trixie barely responds.
  714. >With a whimper.
  715. "Don't worry, maybe I'll have a little bit of mercy on you."
  716. >"Trixie will... see you..."
  717. "Yes?"
  718. >"Trixie will see you in Tartarus."
  719. >You chuckle, still feeling the last of your pain withering away in the wake of your new power.
  720. "Well then, I admire your fortitude, howev..." You trail off as you notice the level of power seceding from you.
  721. >The amulet was making contact with you slipping down your esophagus.
  722. >But it's past that part now, and your stomach acid is beginning to dissolve the material of the gem.
  723. "Oh..." You say as the magical part of your new horn dissolves back into thin air.
  724. >Trixie sees this and lets out a sigh of relief, still out of energy to really do anything to fight back.
  725. >"What was that about this fight being turned on its head?" She asks you.
  726. "Shut up! It ended with me wining so shut up."
  727. >"Oh?"
  728. "Yeah!" You start to feel your stomach ache.
  729. >"Well... Trixie doesn't think it's over yet!"
  730. >She suddenly lunges at you once again and tries to tackle you to the ground.
  731. >This has now turned into a magic-less wrestling tournament.
  732. >Both of you are far too exhausted to use any of your magic; the amulet has drained both of you of that until probably tomorrow or something.
  733. >Now you're running on fumes.
  734. >Wrestling in the grass trying to see who can beat up the other one more.
  735. >You have size on your side, but Trixie has the lack of a stomach ache on her side.
  736. >"Trixie will make you pay for..." She huffs. "for... coercing her into this stupid situation!"
  737. "You're the one who chose this!"
  738. >"You're the one who convinced me!"
  739. >The two of you keep grunting at eachother, trying to claim the championship which is now just who can out-wrestle the other.
  740. >Two previously overpowers contestants with the flickering ambition to outdo the other.
  741. >All because of a mission to apprehend that unicorn.
  742. >THAT unicorn.
  743. >Twilight fricken' Sparkle.
  744. >Minutes and minutes go by.
  745. >Eventually, the two of you are so tired that neither of you even care anymore.
  746. >"Bah, forget it!" Trixie rolls onto her back. "This isn't going anywhere."
  747. >You're heaving just as heavily as Trixie is.
  748. "You want to just end this and call it a truce?"
  749. >"And agree that Twilight is a horse's ass? You bet." Trixie responds.
  750. >The two of you get a laugh out of that.
  751. >Eventually go back inside, finding a new friend in Trixie Lulamoon instead of just an acquaintance.
  752. >Cleaning up your office is going to be the hardest part.
  753. >Especially those who weren't involved but still affected.
  754. >One of whom happened to be Octavia Melody, who's office happens to be right next to yours.
  755. >She said something about having to cancel her plans with Vinyl in oder to spend time fixing up her office, but agreed to keep the reason behind the situation a secret for yours and Trixie's sake.
  756. >Oh well, at least the amulet is gone.

(Wet) Dream Girl

by Grey

Venus's Mercy

by Grey

Bros With Benefits (RD)

by Grey

A Hunter's Moon (not yet finished)

by Grey


by Grey