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Very self-indulgent unicorn stallion TF

By Guest
Created: 2024-08-13 14:56:49
Expiry: Never

  1. Ugh, today really isn't your day.
  3. There you were, just laying there, a massive body-ache leaving you bedridden. Well, your hands and feet were unusually stiff when you hung out with your friends earlier, but this was far beyond that now.
  5. Not to mention, you had a horrible migraine. Hopefully whatever you caught isn't too contagious, you wouldn't wish this discomfort onto any of your friends.
  7. You put a sore hand over your forehead to check for a fever, only to recoil with a gasp as you brushed over a sensitive nub that now lay atop your head. Whatever it was, touching it seemed to stun you, numbing your senses and clouding your thoughts.
  9. And it was growing bit by bit, too. Every second that you were lying there, it asserted itself further and further, leaving you with an all-consuming throbbing pain in your head.
  11. Trying to touch it any further caused you to feel a sharp jolt across your body, like you were striking an exposed nerve ending. But that electric tingling wouldn't leave you, slowly becoming more euphoric as the nub became much more prominent, now piercing through your hair.
  13. As your awareness dulled over time, you could just make out a soft, furry texture wafting across your arms, slowly creeping towards your hands. Your fingers, meanwhile, were becoming very stiff as the nails started growing and hardening.
  15. While the throbbing from your body and growing horn was leaving you in an utterly dazed and disassociated state, there was a... different throbbing demanding your attention from down below.
  17. As you were lulled into a more lustful state, you reached one of your lengthening hands into your boxers, feeling your shifting manhood. The plush texture that now covered your whole body reached down and coated your sack, all while they were swelling larger, ballooning until they snugly fit within your lengthening palms. You could faintly feel them heating up and churning away.
  19. Your cock, meanwhile, was rock-hard, and with every euphoric pulse that emanated from your horn, it was only getting harder, and longer. At the corner of your vision, you could spot it peeking out excitedly from your boxers. Soon enough, you had a long, and very needy shaft staring you right in the face, begging for your touch.
  21. As if by instinct, you used your spare forehoof to rub at yourself, feeling the slowly forming medial ring as you slipped past your length. With each stroke, your mushroom-shaped cock head morphed into a much flatter shape, the tip leaking eagerly. All the while, the tip on top of your own head was sparking, jolts of arcane energy sputtering out from it.
  23. It was all too much for you to handle. At this point, you were a hot, panting mess. The throbbing from within yourself was ever present, and both of your horns were now desperate for release. You were getting close, you could feel it. You just needed that push, until...
  25. Hnnnngh...
  29. =====
  33. You wake up with a smile on your face, from what was probably the most restful sleep you've ever had in your life. Maybe having a proper sleep schedule would be good this time.
  35. And then you smell it. Well, there goes your moment of serenity. You were laying there, hooves dangling over you, coated thoroughly in litres of pony cum. At least your migraine was gone?
  37. So you quickly rip your clothes off and rush to your mirror to survey the changes. Yep, you were a pony, from head to toe. Head to hoof? Sitting there, big ears and snout adorning your face, you couldn't help but feel adorable looking like this. You'd probably look even cuter if you weren't completely glazed at the moment.
  39. That horn, which was probably the catalyst for all of these changes, now sat proudly atop your forehead, and you could feel it teeming with arcane magics. Poking it with your hooves wasn't as overwhelming as it once was, but it still left a faint euphoric tingle.
  41. Looking out behind your-- wait. You spot your tail, poking out past the weird mark that was now plastered along your flank. Damn, you must have gotten so caught up in your sensual moment that you completely missed it growing from behind you.
  43. Speaking of which... You spread your hindlegs wide apart, finally letting your stallionhood breathe. Your flaccid second horn was mostly kept in its sheath, the cum-covered tip peeking out curiously. Even while sheathed away, your pride and joy looked slightly bigger than what you had before. Your thick, heavy balls hung loosely from your fuzzy sack, still warm from your passionate moment. You were definitely eager to try them out again, when you were in a more lucid state.
  45. Enough gawking at yourself, you had a hell of a lot of explaining to do to your friends. After washing yourself thoroughly, you stumbled on all fours towards your computer to chat with your friends. If you could learn to actually do magic with your horn, that would do you some favours.
  47. Once you join their video call, you are greeted by the faces of many of your friends. Except, they didn't look like your friends, they were all very much ponies like you were. A pink one reacted immediately to you joining: "Oh, hey, it got you too? I guess that's all of us, then!"
  49. And you felt as if everything was going to be fine.

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