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Rarity Has Enough

By asd
Created: 2024-08-19 22:27:31
Expiry: Never

  1. ”Rarity, No!” Sweetie Belle protested as she was dragged away by her hoof.
  3. Rarity ignored the filly. She has had just about enough of her shenanigans. First, that silly prank with the salt, then her insistence on trying on the newly made dresses and now this mess…
  5. When she stayed over the first time, these kind of things were forgivable. She had good intentions and didn’t know better, but when she's happily naughty time and time again after being explicitly told not to…
  7. No, the unicorn mare refused to put up with this any longer. Parental concerns be damned. They were the ones who left Sweetie under her care for a whole week with barely any notice and if she wanted to get through it with her sanity intact, Rarity had to curb this behavior here and now.
  9. ”Rarity, please!” Sweetie begged, trying to pull away from the larger pony.
  10. ”Oh, no, Sweetie Belle.” Rarity scolded as she started to drag her upstairs. “You had this coming all week.”
  11. ”I’m sorry!”
  12. It was a bit hard to drag the filly up the stairs, but still manageable.
  13. ”Not as sorry as your derriere will be when I’m through with it.”
  15. Sweetie’s heart dropped as hard as it did when Rarity told her she was getting a spanking, though this time, instead of it coming as a sudden shock, it was more of a panic extender. Said panic made her struggle even more in a desperate attempt to save her doomed tushie. This only made Rarity angrier, which in turn gave her more strength to pull the filly away, countering her increased struggles, and probably earning Sweetie some extra spanks.
  17. Though Sweetie tried her best to delay the inevitable, it finally caught up as the sisters arrived at Rarity’s bed/workroom. A spare mannequin wore a ruined coat on, one that Sweetie Belle had previously ruined during her attempts at a solo fashion show gave Rarity all the determination needed to remove any doubts in her mind on what she was about to do to her little sister.
  19. ”Rarity, please, I won’t do it again, I promise!” Sweetie tried one last time to reason with the mare.
  20. ”You said that every time we had this discussion, darling.” Rarity said, almost failing to say “darling” part. “I think the time for promises is quite over.” She said as she dragged the filly to her bed.
  21. ”But Rarity!” Sweetie Belle squeaked, tried to convince her sister, tears forming in her eyes at the thought of the imminent thrashing.
  22. ”The only “but” I care about is that naughty little flank of yours, sister of mine, which I intend to correct quite soundly!”
  23. ”B-but you’re not mom!”
  25. Rarity stopped and looked down at Sweetie Belle with clear doubt and the filly felt a sudden glimmer of hope to get out of this.
  27. ”Mother and father…” Rarity muttered, not yet considering them.
  28. ”I bet they never said you can spank me!” Sweetie argued using the parent card.
  29. ”Well, no but…”
  30. ”I bet they wouldn’t like you doing this!”
  32. After some hesitation, Rarity came to a decision.
  34. ”Our parents…”
  35. ”They didn’t give you permission!”
  36. Rarity frowned. “They put me in charge over you.”
  37. And just like that, all hope was lost.
  38. ”And since they saw fit to leave you here for the time being, I see no reason why I cannot punish you as I see fit.”
  40. Before Sweetie could say anything more, Rarity dragged her to the bed, sat down and forced the filly over her knee in one single, surprisingly elegant motion.
  42. Now in a disturbingly unfamiliar position, Sweetie Belle was quick to try and squirm away, but Rarity held her down with but a single hoof. The size difference was too much. Before the little filly could try anything with her tail, Rarity made sure it was pinned down with that same hoof. To the younger unicorn’s dismay, there seemed to be nothing she could do to keep her fragile flank exposed to Rarity’s wrath, who was already raising her hoof, ready to strike down with uncharacteristic harshness.
  44. This would be far less delicate work then what Rarity was used to, but she would manage. Then she suddenly hesitated.
  46. As she looked down at her quivering sister, hoof high in the air, a thought came to her: This was rather unladylike.
  48. What proper lady would go around physically touching a filly’s butt multiple times, even her sister's?
  50. Really, she should have known better. Her bare hoof was for other things.
  51. ”R-Rarity?” Sweetie asked with some feint hope.
  52. Yes, this was wrong, she couldn’t do it like this.
  54. Sweetie Belle tried to worm her way out of Rarity’s grasp while she was contemplating, but was still firmly held down. There was still absolutely nothing she could do about this. Rarity, meanwhile figured out what to do to resolve this new dilemma: She grabbed a hairbrush with her magic from the nightstand and held it with her free hoof.
  56. Slapping a flank with her hoof was unladylike, but a hairbrush was obviously not a part of her body, so that was fine.
  58. Sweetie gasped, instinctively knowing what this meant for her.
  60. ’CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’
  61. Her instincts proved to be correct.
  63. Rarity had wasted no time in finally beating a firm lesson into the naughty filly’s bare flank. The mare had been very much looking forward to this ever since Sweetie’s last act made her lose her final bit of patience, and as she laid laid down smack after smack on that filly fanny, she could only find one word to express her thoughts on how this felt:
  65. Satisfying.
  67. While a part of her knew that she should not be finding satisfaction in her precious little sister’s suffering as the hairbrush painfully flattened those soft delicate butt cheeks, it was rather hard to help it considering just how much Sweetie Belle deserved this.
  69. As for chastised filly, she cried as she felt the wooden hairbrush embed itself into her flanks numerous times, far more then she could track of, not that she was particularly trying. Each and every spank was a painful and very effective reminder of how unhappy Rarity was with her and all she could do about it is beg, squirm and cry.
  71. Her forelegs, too short to reach her bottom, no matter how hard she tried, ended up pounding the bed in a futile effort to alleviate the pain while hind legs were unable to get to a position she could block in. She tried crossing, spreading, tightening and twisting them all to no avail until she just stuck to small kicks in random directions.
  73. Unfortunately, as much as she tried to move herself out of the brush’s way, her rump remained at the mercy of its assailant and nothing was changing her big sister’s mind.
  75. It did not stop her from trying though: Practically every spank was followed up by a loud cry of pain and all throughout the process, Sweetie Belle was making all sorts of promises that would surely make Rarity happy under normal circumstances, not to mention the workout she was giving herself.
  77. Rarity was also getting a bit of a workout based off her own sweating. Turns out that little fillies can be particularly hard to hold down while their rumps are getting cooked, as Rarity just found out. Not that it stopped her.
  79. As more and more smacks found their target, Sweetie’s bottom temperature reached searing hot levels with a good deal of redness to match, which contrasted rather well with the white coat on the rest of her body. It would surely take some time to get back to its original levels. She’d probably be wearing that red rump to school, as Rarity noted to herself, but it would also fade by the time the sister’s parents got home.
  81. Rarity wasn’t sure what to think about that, but she knew she had to end this soon. This was a simple punishment for a naughty filly, after all, not some extended torture session, even if it very much felt that way for Sweetie.
  83. Figuring that at least the center of her flank should say red for a little while longer, Rarity focused her disciplining efforts there.
  84. ’CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’ ‘CRACK!’
  85. A rapid fire series of brushwacks on the same spots made a clear impact as Sweetie Belle’s little hoofie kicks became big ones while she squealed. Soon, that part of her red rump became a bit darker than the rest.
  87. Rarity made sure to heat up Sweetie’s little pony rump nicely before she finally stopped.
  89. Sweetie kept squirming for a bit even after the spanking had ended before settling down to cry in a more silent matter while Rarity gently put the hairbrush down, leaned back and let out a sigh of relief. It was tiresome work to discipline a filly this harshly, and perhaps a bit too brutish for her tastes, but it had to be done.
  91. She took a glance at the filly on her lap, wincing at her own hoofwork. Perhaps she could skip the lecture to after Sweetie calms down some more.
  93. With a sigh, she stuck to comforting her sister while her thoughts were concerned with an entirely different matter: Telling her parents about this.
  95. A few days later.
  97. Sweetie Belle’s rump had fully healed at this point, which the young filly was very happy about since she didn’t have to feel so embarrassed whenever her hindquarters could be seen in public, which was all of the time since for some reason, Rarity wouldn’t let her wear any dresses that could cover it. Something about those being reserved for either clients or special occasions. Not to mention school was a lot more bearable when it didn’t hurt to sit through her classes.
  99. While Sweetie Belle was preoccupied with little filly problems, Rarity had a much more serious thing to worry about. The week was about to end, meaning that mother and father were coming back soon.
  101. There was a chance that Sweetie Belle would keep the spanking a secret out of embarrassment or fear of getting punished more, but Rarity would still need to tell them. Not out of a feeling of guild over spanking the filly, per say. As much as she loved her little sister, girl was being a little brat who totally had it coming.
  103. No, it out of a sense of responsibility. The thought of not telling them felt unladylike. Because of that, Rarity knew that she had a rather awkward conversation coming up.
  105. Later.
  107. Rarity’s parents had come home, naturally happy to see their daughters again. Sweetie kept quiet about her tanning session, as Rarity predicted. Now, the seamstress was sitting in her kitchen table, having a nice cup of coffee with her parents while Sweetie was out crusading for the rest of the day.
  109. ”So.” Rarity’s mother, Cookie Crumbles said. “How was our little Sweetie Belle?”
  110. Rarity smiled nervously. “She was…” She began.
  111. ”Something wrong?” Asked her father, Hondo Flanks.
  112. Rarity paused, still unsure about how to put this.
  113. ”Were there any problems?” Cookie asked.
  114. ”Well.” Rarity sighed. “Yes, unfortunately.”
  115. Her parents looked at each other before looking back at Rarity.
  116. ”Did Sweetie do something?” Hondo asked.
  117. Rarity then groaned, and proceeded to relay everything that Sweetie Belle did wrong during their trip.
  119. As expected, her parents weren’t too happy with the filly.
  121. ”Aw, shucks.” Hondo said. “I’m very sorry about that, Rarity.”
  122. ”Yea, we’ll be sure to punish her for that.” Said Cookie.
  123. And now it was time to come clean.
  124. ”Well, I do not believe that will be necessary.” Rarity said.
  125. ”What do you mean?” Asked her mother.
  126. ”Well, I…” Rarity began.
  127. ”What happened?” Hondo asked.
  128. ”I have already dealt with the punishment part.” The unicorn finally admitted.
  129. Cookie rolled her eyes. “Rarity, dear. I doubt a simple time out will be enough for what she did.”
  130. ”Well, it wasn’t exactly a time out.” Rarity said while looking away.
  131. Hondo raised an eyebrow. “What did you do?”
  132. ”I may have got a teensy bit impatient with her.” Rarity nervously explained. “And I may have saw fit to give her a spanking.”
  134. Both parents looked at their daughter in shock.
  136. ”A spanking?!” They shouted in unison.
  137. ”Rarity how could you?!”
  138. ”She’s your little sister!”
  139. ”Oh my goodness, is our poor filly hurt?!”
  140. The distressed parental duo kept up their questioning and scolding for a good while.
  142. Eventually, Rarity snapped.
  144. ”Mother, father!”
  145. They both stopped.
  146. ”Look, I am sorry that this happened and I wish I didn’t have to do that, but you must understand that I had to do something!”
  147. ”Well, couldn’t you put her in time out or something?” Hondo asked.
  148. ”I tried that and she just waltzed out of the corner as soon as I looked away.”
  149. ”Then why not just wait for us?” Asked Cookie.
  150. ”And deal with her behavior for even more days?” Rarity shook her head. “No, that was absolutely out of the question.”
  151. ”But to do that?” Cookie continued. “Poor filly must have been hurt so much!”
  152. ”Mother, she is fine.” Rarity countered. “She’s currently out playing with her friends while her flanks already recovered from the spanking!” She glanced down at her coffee. “I may have been harsh, but I’m no brute.” She finished in a much softer tone.
  153. ”But to resort to something so like that?” Hondo asked. “Surely, you could have had more patience, at least for the week.”
  154. Rarity looked back up. “Patience? Father, my home is my workplace, my livelihood! I quite literally cannot afford to have Sweetie Belle acting up like that all the time there! Her actions will already cost me a ton of work hours. I cannot imagine how much worse it would have been had I not dealt with her when I did.”
  156. That was an argument the adults could not counter.
  158. ”And really, you two left her in my care for a whole week with hardly a notice! Did you not think that I have work to do as well?”
  159. ”Well, we didn’t think it was that bad.” Cookie said.
  160. ”Not that bad?! It’s practically peak season! I am practically swamped with clients!”
  161. Hondo visibly winced alongside his wife.
  162. ”Do you two even discipline that filly?” Rarity asked while raising an accusatory hoof. “You certainly did so with me, but you two seem to let her get away with everything.”
  164. Now it was the parents turn to look nervous.
  166. ”Well, we may have been letting her get away with some stuff.” Cookie admitted.
  167. Hondo tried to make an excuse. ”But she’s just so gosh darn adorable with those eyes of hers!”
  168. Rarity facehooved.
  169. ”Perhaps we should stop falling for it.” The stallion admitted after he was met by a disappointed glare from his older daughter.
  171. ”Mother, father.” Rarity said. “I honestly do love having Sweetie Belle over, however, I cannot have her ruining my work. I can understand if you do not wish to let me take care of her in the near future, but if you do, please understand that I may need to punish her as I see fit.” Rarity said in a somewhat pleading tone.
  173. Her parents took one more glance at each other, a silent conversation occurring between two ponies who have been married for well over a decade.
  174. ”I suppose your right, Rarity.” Cookie said evenly.
  175. ”Though we don’t like it.” Hondo followed. “I hope this will be the last time you do that though.”
  176. ”That will be up to Sweetie Belle, and you.”
  177. ”Right.” Cookie nodded. “Well, I suppose we should be heading off then. Sweetie will be coming home soon.”
  178. Hondo got up. “Yes, thank you for drinks.”
  179. The three ponies said their goodbyes for the day.
  181. Rarity, now alone, washed the dishes.
  183. Her parents looked pretty disappointed when they left.She hoped that Sweetie wouldn’t be in more trouble with them after the spanking she gave her.
  185. Then she went to her room, where a bunch of unfinished work was waiting.
  187. On second thought, she wished that they at least give her a stern talking-to.

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