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The Thing About Thingie

By Hugh_Neutron
Created: 2024-08-31 03:39:06
Updated: 2024-09-06 03:14:30
Expiry: Never

  1. A short informal greentext, not edited or polished much.
  2. Completed 2024-09-03
  3. There is the main green story, and an extra included sex scene.
  4. I called her Thing/Thingie from Thingpone, but the pony is named Amber Rose. I realized my mistake after I started and decided to just go with it.
  6. >Be Anon, the mostly totally normal pony
  7. >Chilling in your flat
  8. >It was movie night with your marefriend, Thing or Thingie as you like to call her
  9. >She’s an auburn earth pony with the most amazing amber eyes you’ve ever seen.
  10. >She seemed normal and as far as you could tell,
  11. >Except for two details,
  12. >1, she hated using the stove
  13. >And 2, her love of horror movies bordered on disturbing
  14. >Not just any horror movies though, it had to be slashers or body horror
  15. >She just found it funny, she giggled all throughout Pony Centipede
  16. >It never bothered you though, you loved horror movies too after all
  17. >You slouch back into your couch, waiting for Thingie
  18. >Finally she arrives with a big bowl of popcorn and a couple Dr. Peppers.
  19. >She deftly hops the back of the couch and plops into the space next to you, spilling a few kernels
  20. >”So what are we watching today Anon?”
  21. >We’re watching a classic today, ‘The Entity’ by John Wood-Nailer
  22. >Thingie looked at you, and her smile widened her weird way that you knew was fake
  23. >Her whole face seemed taut
  24. >”Uhh, could we watch another one?”
  25. >Why?
  26. >”Well I uhh,”
  27. >”I’ve watched it before you know...”
  28. >”I just don’t think it’s that good, you know. A monster from outerspace that can just, like, interface with you- our biology like that. Seems unreasonable.”
  29. >That’s not really been a problem with the other movies. I mean, we watched Gay Ziggers from Outer Space like 4 times.
  30. >Thingie laughed, “Yeah, we did, didn't we.”
  31. >She went quiet but the issue wasn’t resolved.
  32. >Aww come on babe, I’ve never watched it and been really looking forward to it
  33. >You throw your hoof around her barrel and pull her close until she’s leaning on you
  34. >She stroked her tail nervously as you look down at her
  35. >”Well okay, we can watch it,”
  36. >You pump your hoof
  37. >Success!
  38. >She smiles at your antics
  39. >You hit play on the tv remote and the colourful studio promos begin playing out on the screen
  40. >’BASED ON TRUE EVENTS’ rolled across the screen upwards
  41. >You could see from the corner of your eye that her smile dropped when you weren’t looking
  42. >Huh, she must really not like this movie
  43. ---
  44. >As the movie progressed, Thingie seemed to just get angrier and angrier
  45. >She criticized the set pieces, special effects, and acting
  46. >You two often did that with cheesy horror slashers but this was different
  47. >She was legitimately upset
  48. >”Aww c'mon!” Thingie yelled as the Entity dragged another mare off screaming by melting their faces together
  49. >Every elimination seemed to tick Thingie off until she seems to be shaking, muttering things under her breath.
  50. >Calm down, Thingie, I can barely hear the movie, jeez. What’s the problem?
  51. >Thingie sits up straight, and is straight up yelling now.
  52. >”My problem is all those stupid “scientists” didn’t know what they were looking at!
  53. >You throw up your hooves
  54. >They’re looking at a monster that's killing them! I think it’s pretty cut and dry here.
  55. >”No, it’s not. M-Maybe she was just misunderstood? I mean she could have been panicking and disorientated,”
  56. >You rub your eyes, frustrated that you couldn’t understand why Thingie was so angry.
  57. >What are you talking about? It’s not a ‘She’, it’s an ‘It’ and ‘It’ is clearly evil and trying to eat everyone
  58. >”It didn’t happen like that,”
  59. >Thingie, We are seeing it right now
  60. >You point to the screen where another character is screaming for their life as they’re assimilated.
  62. >Thingie winds her hoof back and throws it forward, it lunges out, stretching into a long fleshy tentacle and shooting through the television into the drywall behind
  63. >The sound system is still playing the audio though
  64. >The tentacle winds around the DVD player and crushes it into pieces
  65. >The sounds of screams is instantly replaced by the smashing of glass and electronics
  66. >You just stare at the spectacle of the *very familiar* fleshy texture of the tentacle
  67. >A true cold horror dawns slowly in your mind, descending from the spine into your bones
  68. ---
  69. >’Thingie’, or at least the Entity pretending to be her, stopped her rage and freezes for a moment
  70. >It turns to you, it looks scared, with the tentacle still outstretched
  71. >”I- Anon, I-”
  72. >You don't wait around for the entity to turn on you next
  73. >You leap from the couch and put some distance between you and it, and immediately scramble for the door
  74. >”Anon wait!”
  75. >It whips the tentacle back at you
  76. >You've seen way too many horror movies to get caught like this, you duck just in time as the tentacle soars above your head and splatters into a spider web on the wall
  77. >You stand back up just in time for a second tentacle to hit you square in the back, nearly knocking you over
  78. >It hits like a rotten grapefruit thrown by a pro baseball player, splattering in all directions
  79. >But the splatter isn't just liquid, it's more tendrils of flesh
  80. >It's another spider web
  81. >You feel it wrapping around you as you move, the tentacle drawing taught like a fishing line.
  82. >”Anon!” It screams at you in a desperate voice.
  83. >Fuck No, you're not stopping
  84. >You dive for a closet doorway at the last moment before the tentacle snaps tight
  85. >It tries to pull you in but you hold firm, and wrench yourself loose
  86. >Yeow! It pulled out lots of hair from your hide like a hot wax strip
  87. >Whatever, anything is better than the alternative
  88. >Finally you make it to the doorway, ripping it open in record time
  89. >Anon isn't becoming lunch today
  90. >Just as you're crossing the threshold, a claw on a third thinner tentacle slams into your leg and clamps shut
  91. ---
  92. >Sharp claws press deep into your skin
  93. >It immediately pulls back taught
  94. >You hold on to the doorway for dear life, pulling with all your strength
  95. >You see behind you, the entity has grown larger, with elongated limbs and disgustingly wide set joints, bone spurs protruding with ligaments attached that seemed to grant her muscles a mechanical advantage like biological construction equipment
  96. >It's mouth was widened with teeth scattered in bloated gums, and the tongue was the tentacle attached to you
  97. >It spoke in a LOUD guttural distorted voice, mouth struggling to contort over the protruding tongue
  98. >”WAIE, PWEE, A-NOU”
  99. >Somehow you doubled and redoubled your effort to free yourself, lightning in your veins driving you on
  100. >You could feel something tingling under the claw, and it was slipping off
  101. >Wait no, blood was everywhere, you could see your skin was peeling off, having fused to the claw
  102. >Your sweaty hoof slipped on the doorway, and suddenly you lost the tug of war
  103. >The entity heaves you back and throws you deeper into the apartment
  104. >Blood sprays along the walls and carpet as you fly
  105. >Fuck fuck fuck!
  106. >You look back to the entity and see the two forhoof tentacles have turned back into hooves, outstretched in a hug
  107. >But they were too long
  108. >Two new talon like limbs sprouted allowing it to walk with 4 legs
  109. >It slowly advanced on you
  110. >The tentacle claw around your leg still attached and leading to its mouth but with some slack now, you scramble and run the other way
  111. >You make it to the bathroom and slam it shut on the tentacle
  112. >You keep slamming it shut over and over
  113. >”OW! A-NOU SOP”
  114. >It doesn't sever the tentacle
  115. >Every time you open the door for another slam, you can see the shambling entity coming closer
  116. >You press the door closed as hard as you can, clinching down on the tentacle, and then lock the door.
  117. >You put your back to the door and look around
  118. >No windows, no other exits, no weapons
  119. >Fuck
  120. >Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!
  122. ---
  123. >The entity spoke again in another voice, strained and high pitch but clearly it was Thingie’s voice
  124. >”Anon, please listen to me, I can explain,”
  125. >Don't you dare talk to me in her voice, you monster freak!
  126. >”It's me Anon, I'm Thingie. I've always been Thingie”
  127. >You can't take this anymore
  128. >You start trying to pull your bleeding leg from the claw again, spreading blood on the floor
  129. >”Stop struggling, I don't want to hurt you,”
  130. >You don't stop
  131. >”I said stop!”
  132. >The claw around your ankle clamps down painfully, it feels like it's mangling and stinging the flesh with jellyfish stingers
  133. >Sweet Celestia’s Tits!
  134. >You collapse from the pain, and lay in shock on the floor
  135. >”Just calm down, I won't hurt you any more than I already have,”
  136. >Yeah right, you're just trying to trick me
  137. >”I’m not trying to trick you. I wouldn't even need to trick you, I could kill you or break down this door easily but I'm trying to talk to you!”
  138. >Prove it, bitch
  139. >There's a quiet moment where neither of you talk, but you can hear some odd mucky sounds coming from the other side of the door
  140. >Suddenly something slams into the door, again and again
  141. >An axe made of bone smashes through the bathroom door with brutal strength, splitting off chunks of wood
  142. >The entity sticks it's face in the hole, and looks at you
  143. >You can see the face has distorted more, having grown another mouth that it used to speak
  144. >It wore a nervous smile
  145. >”Ummm, here's Johnny?”
  146. >Whatever you are, that's not funny
  147. >You felt the claw twitch
  148. >”Sorry. Could you open the door please? My tongue is going numb,”
  149. >Let go of my leg first
  150. >Slowly, the claw opens but it's still fused to the skin and pulls at it
  151. >The pain is excruciating
  152. >Eventually the claw detaches, where it had fused somehow had a molten cheese consistency and it stole the skin without having to rip it
  153. >It was painful, but not nearly as painful as it would have been to be flayed or having the skin ripped off conventionally, like with pliers or something.
  154. >The entity looked guilty as she spied the injuries
  155. >”Sorry, I panicked and just... Absorbed you a little bit,”
  156. >You struggled to your hooves
  157. >Aww fuck, should you unlock the door?
  158. >She told the truth, the door can't hold her back and she could've paralyzed your with her claw...
  159. >Fuck it, if you're going to die, might as well get it over with
  160. >You open the door
  161. >Good ol Thingie is on the other side, looking nervous but normal as ever
  162. >What are you?
  163. >”I'm not a pony, I'm from somewhere else, but you don't have words for what I am or where I'm from, and we don't have words or speech in the same way you do,”
  164. >How fucking cryptic of you
  165. >She winces
  166. >”S-sorry, I guess the best description is ‘space alien’, but I'm still the same pony. I'm still Thingie,”
  167. >Okay?
  168. ---
  169. >You look at your wound still bleeding all over the place
  170. >Can I go to the hospital now? Or at least get some bandages or something?
  171. >”Oh, um, you don't need to do that. Just give me a sec, let me fix it,”
  172. >She directs you to sit down on the toilet and lift your injured leg
  173. >You're distrustful but also scared of her
  174. >She places her hooves on your wound and they slowly meld together,
  175. >The pain quickly fades and then her hooves slowly un-meld and leave behind perfect skin with no scars and covered with normal coat hair as if nothing had happened
  176. >Whoa
  177. >So, am I infected now?
  178. >”What? No! Anon I would never do that to you or anypony,”
  179. >Aren't you the bucking monster in the movie?
  180. >It looks away
  181. >”I'm not a monster... ”
  182. >Did you kill those scientists?
  183. >”I... It wasn't my fault”
  184. >So you did kill them
  185. >”I said it's not my fault!”
  186. >Her form began to distort, with another mouth appearing on her neck that quietly wailed
  187. >She slapped a hoof on it, muffling it
  188. >Tears formed in her eyes
  189. >”I crashed my ship in the Arctic, it was so cold and I was so hungry. I went into hibernation not knowing if I would ever wake up again. Then the next thing I know is I'm on an operating table being cut open by aliens that I can't understand. Then there was fire and then...and then I attacked them... But It didn't happen like in the movie okay?”
  190. >A couple eyeballs blinked into existence on her body, crying a single tear before disappearing.
  191. >In that moment, she stopped being a monster to you
  192. >She wasn't a pony but she was still Thingie
  193. ---
  194. >A new mouth spawns in her chest. ”Are you going to leave me?”
  195. >She quickly covers it with her hooves
  196. >Another mouth appeared on her back. “Please don’t tell anyone.”
  197. >One of her hooves bent backwards unnaturally with sickening bonescraping sounds to cover the new mouth.
  198. >She looked ashamed
  199. >Hey now, it's alright.
  200. >This is a... big hiccup but we can work on it.
  201. >I won’t leave, and I won’t tell, but no more secrets between us okay? Let’s try to be transparent from now on.
  202. >You place a hoof on her shoulder and pull her into a hug
  203. >She shudders and you see a crying eyeball open on her plot and look at you
  204. >Something kisses you on your chest
  205. >Her hoof spreads into a multitude of smaller hooves that fan out on your back
  206. >You don't know if you're going to get used to that
  207. >Eventually, Thingie’s form stabilizes and the two of you retire back the couch
  208. >You collapse into it, and nearly fall asleep
  209. >Now that the adrenalin rush and excitement has passed, you’re exhausted
  210. >”Sorry for breaking the tv, I’ll get you a new one. Maybe we should just call it a night,”
  211. >Just then you remember the murdershow in the hallway
  212. >We still need to clean up the blood, I’ll get the bucket
  213. >”You must be exhausted from the fight so don’t worry about it, I’ll clean it up. It’s my fault for keeping secrets anyway.”
  214. >You look at your sweet Thingie and pull her into a peck on the cheek, you love this gal so much
  215. >Thanks babe, I’ll take a shower and head to bed then
  216. ---
  217. >Be Thingie, the abnormal not-pony
  218. >You pretend to take out cleaning equipment as Anon goes to the shower
  219. >When he closes the broken door to the bathroom, you stop the charade and immediately go to the blood stains
  220. >Cleaning with buckets of soap and washcloths is for chumps
  221. >You just start licking and sucking up the delicious pony juice from the walls and carpets
  222. >You’ll have to work fast, so you spawn multiple mouths and tentacles to work everywhere at once
  223. >Soon, you’ll leave this place spotless, and nopony the wiser
  224. >You know you’ll have to tell Anon about this at some point, but that conversation can wait at least until tomorrow
  225. End
  227. Extra Sex Scene!
  228. >”Hey, Honeybunches?”
  229. >Be Anon, post revelation
  230. >It had been a few days since you found out your marefriend was an amorphous alien
  231. >Ever since then, she has become more bold in showing herself off
  232. >It started off innocuous
  233. >A stretched arm to pass things here
  234. >An extra tentacle to hold something there
  235. >But soon enough she was dumping food into an oversized gullet or bulking her bone structure to move furniture while cleaning easier.
  236. >You weren’t complaining
  237. >If it made her life easier, it made your life easier
  238. >But waking up with more than just hooves wrapped around your barrel took some getting used to
  239. >You’re not sure but the other day, you caught her doing something with the egg carton
  240. >You think she she forgot to buy eggs and “made” some using her morphing powers
  241. >Nearly had to use a damn hammer to crack em
  242. >You’ll never admit that they were the best tasting eggs you’ve ever had though
  243. >All of this brought you to tonight, where Thingie was reeling you in to do the sideways tango
  244. >She had pulled you to the bedroom and wrapped tendrils around you, and swayed to an unheard song
  245. >”You’ve been so accepting since everything came out. I wanted to treat you, and show you something really special.”
  246. >You raise a teasing eyebrow
  247. >Am I going to need therapy?
  248. >Thingie purrs and whispers in your ear
  249. >”Maybe”
  250. >That’s just the way I like, Babe.
  251. >She wastes no time, literally tossing you over her shoulder onto the bed
  252. >You turn over and see her stalking onto the bed
  253. >Her form had already changed, becoming longer, sleeker, more aggressive, like an apex predator
  254. >You can tell she’s already having fun
  255. >She climbs over you, you run your hooves over her soft hide and underbelly
  256. >Her plump rump beckons a couple spanks and you indulge
  257. >Already you can smell her hormones, a potent smell of sweat and desire
  258. >She towers over you, lowers her hips and grinds her hips on yours
  259. >You tug her into a kiss, and her neck elongates like a snake
  260. >Her chin splits open and latches onto yours, pushing her tongue deep into your mouth and greedily probing everywhere
  261. >You almost gag
  262. ---
  263. >Down below, you feel her hoof direct your diamond dong inside her pussy
  264. >She slips down onto you, tighter than ever before and oozing slippery liquid down your shaft and balls
  265. >She pulls back from the kiss and you greedily suck in needed air
  266. >”Holy Celestia, that’s something new under the sun”
  267. >Thingie laughs, eager to show you more
  268. >Her crotch morphs and you see a large ring structure around her pussy
  269. >She meets your crotch, and then you realize it’s a octopus sucker when it sticks to you
  270. >Uhhh, Thingie? We can’t move like this
  271. >”Mmmmm, don’t worry honey,”
  272. >You feel a strange sensation, and realize her whole vagina is sucking with incredible force, the vacuum being pulled seeming to force more blood into your member
  273. >Hey, easy now babe!
  274. >Something in her starts moving on its own
  275. >A fat, soft tendril starts wrapping and rubbing around your member
  276. >You can see the undulations in bulges on her stomach
  277. >You put your hoof there to feel it, and rubber her teats while your at it
  278. >She leans back to give you access and you feel the suction cup pulling at your crotch, keeping you firmly inside
  279. >Thingie moans
  280. >”You know, I can taste you right now, with my tentacle and pussy, and I love it!”
  281. >You can barely function with your soul being sucked out through your dick
  282. >S-so you can just do whatever you want with all your orifices?
  283. >”All the differences in my orifices are practically illusions. I can have as many holes as I want and make them do whatever I want, take whatever form I want.”
  284. >She punctuates her point by giving your penis a little love bite while buried inside her
  285. >You laugh, how absurd
  286. >Lets put that to the test
  287. >You reach up and tug her body down onto yours, and pull her head into another kiss
  288. >You savor the lascivious treatment for a few more moments before twisting, rolling over and putting her below you
  289. >You pull back and poke your hoof at the sucker, and break the seal allowing you to pull your shining rod out
  290. >The sopping wet hole greedily undulated, wanting to keep you in
  291. >The tentacle poked out, looking for your penis
  292. >Flip over babe, I’m sticking it where the sun don’t shine
  293. >She gives you a naughty smile
  294. >”No need, check this out”
  295. >With a sound of grinding bone and cartilage, her legs hyperextend, and bend the wrong way, propping up her behind and giving you anus access as if she were on her front
  296. >Alrighty then...
  297. ---
  298. >You grab your member and push it against her chocolate flower, lubed by the unnaturally thick and copious vaginal secretions
  299. >Her anus yields to you with just a bit of prodding and then you’re pushing in, hilting in the tight tunnel in one go
  300. >She doesn’t even flinch
  301. >”See? I told you,”
  302. >You begin pumping away at her, and feel her morph below you
  303. >Her anus folds morph into a pleasurable texture and begins excreting more lube, creating a sloppy mess
  304. >”You don’t even have to worry about poo cleanup, or any of that other stuff. My anus is probably cleaner than your mouth,”
  305. >Gross but okay?
  306. >”What, it’s true!”
  307. >You continue smashing her into the bed, gripping her hips and pushing harder and faster with every thrust
  308. >Slapping her ass like it owed you money for good measure
  309. >If it were any other mare, you would have hurt them, but not Thingie
  310. >She was built different
  311. >”Oh, yes, that’s it Anon!”
  312. >It’s slick and oiled and smooth and *grippy*, perfect
  313. >Her hoof wraps around your wrist, and you feel the familiar feeling of melding together at that point
  314. >Thingie moans and growls at the same time
  315. >”I can taste your blood, and hormones. I can feel your nerves, ooooh,”
  316. >You feel more morphing through your dick
  317. >Suddenly her chest bisects open, from chin to anus, with her ribs becoming sharp gigantic teeth
  318. >Holy shit
  319. >Her anus had become a sleeve around your cock, tugged over it by short, thick, and powerful arms fused to the sleeve
  320. >They jerked up and down your shaft as fast as they could, messily flinging lube-secretion everywhere
  321. >You nearly lost all motor control at that moment and fell over but her legs and forehooves held you in place
  322. >Your cock tip was exposed, and she pointed it to her hungry chest maw
  323. >A tongue-tentacle reached out from the maw and fondled your testicles, gently tugging them and alternating to assisting the sleeve-anus in stimulating your tip, begging for your seed
  324. >Thingie was gasping and moaning, in the throes of passion
  325. >”Anon, give me your cum, give it to me!”
  326. >The chest maw hungrily growled
  327. ---
  328. >This was all too much, and the orgasm crashed over you
  329. >It felt like someone had pushed you off a cliff, like you’re soul left your body
  330. >You couldn’t help but yell out
  331. >You shot ropes like a 2 litre diet coke and mentos
  332. >Thingie’s sleeved aimed your member, shooting cum all over her maw
  333. >Her tentacle tongue wiped it all around, smearing it as much as possible
  334. >She moaned from at least four locations on her body
  335. >”It’s so goooood!”
  336. >She continued to pump you until it was just dribbles,
  337. >Then the sleeve around you sealed up to suckle the last drops
  338. >Her chest-maw closed and sealed up, voraciously swallowing your emission
  339. >Your mind was blank, having been nearly burnt out
  340. >Thingie gently lowered you down onto herself and you let her
  341. >You’re not sure if you could support your own weight anyway
  342. >You lay there, catching your breath
  343. >Even Thingie had to catch her breath
  344. >The room felt quiet after the excitement had ended, and you cuddled
  345. >There is a goopy mess between you and her but you don’t care
  346. >She told you not to worry about it, and somehow you always wake up clean
  347. >You nearly fell asleep then and there
  348. >”Oh my gosh, Anon, that was amazing,”
  349. >You breathe hot air into Thingie’s neck, and relax into a deep sleep.
  350. End

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