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Random short stuff

By Hugh_Neutron
Created: 2021-12-02 07:17:44
Updated: 2023-07-22 07:47:03
Expiry: Never

  1. >Anon becomes a vegetarian because its difficult to find meat in Equestria.
  2. >Eats plenty of eggs, cheese, milk, etc to make up for it.
  3. >One day Anon is enjoying a latte in public and accidentally gives himself a milk moustache.
  4. >Mayor freaks out.
  5. >"Anon what do you think you're doing. there could be foals around here!"
  6. What do you mean Mayor. It's just a latte.
  7. >"I know you have a very large...apatite when it comes to lewd things but you have to have more discretion. We already tolerate you wearing clothes and carrying milk jugs out in the open, please try to meet us halfway."
  8. Lewd? what are you talking about. It's just milk, like a normal thing that everypony drinks right?
  9. >"Where do you think milk comes from. Of course its lewd that your drinking it. It's supposed to only be for babies. Between spouses it happens if they have a fetish."
  10. >The mayor's face is bright red and she covers her eyes when you take another sip in thought.
  11. >You smack your lips, savoring the taste in a new light.
  12. "Huh I never knew that. Thanks for telling me."
  13. >The mayor almost screams in your face.
  14. >"Okay! now please wipe that moustache off your face before anypony sees you."
  15. >You wipe off the moustache.
  16. "Is this why milk is only available at Rarity's clothing store, because it's actually a fetish shop?"
  17. >Mayor Mare rubs her temples in frustration.
  18. >It's always too early to deal with stallion whimsy and Anon's alien stallion whimsy was the worst.
  20. ====
  22. >Be Applejack
  23. >You just saved Anon after he got kidnapped by horny diamond dogs.
  24. >Now walking back to Ponyville with him on your back.
  25. >He leans over to your ear and whispers.
  26. >"Hey Applejack, all this excitement and having to smell those Diamond Dogs in heat really got me hot and bothered. Not only that but No Nutt November just ended. Want to have lots of unprotected penis sex with me and orgasm on my dick over and over until I get foal chased up? I'm virile right now.
  27. >You purse your lips and tell him firmly.
  28. "No way DYKE"
  30. (This is a meme)
  31. ====
  33. >she could be fucking anypony.
  35. >Celestia: Chrysalis is crafty, intelligent, and she could be fucking anypony.
  36. >Twilight: You mean she could be anypony right?
  37. >Celestia: Did I fucking stutter?
  38. >Meanwhile miles away in the Apple family farm, Applejack got a tingly feeling down her spine and sat up in bed.
  39. >Hooves full of holes and a flanging voice call out to her
  40. >Chrysalis: Mmmmm what's wrong Applejack?
  41. >Applejack: Nothin nothin just a weird feeling.
  43. ====
  45. >Anon's reading the newspaper.
  46. >'Danger! Be on the lookout for changelings!'
  47. >Anon has no idea what a changeling is or what they look like.
  48. >Asks wife about it at breakfast,
  49. >'Hey Chrysalis, what's a changeling?'

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