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King of the Castle, Cont.

By CosmicButthole
Created: 2024-09-20 07:45:03
Updated: 2024-09-21 04:03:42
Expiry: Never

  1. >”We could help!” Apple Bloom offers.
  2. >”Yeah! Making breakfast for ten people’s a ton of work!” Scootaloo agrees.
  3. >You don’t immediately respond.
  4. >Applejack’s shared more than one story with you about these three attempting to cook dinner.
  5. >Key word: attempt.
  6. >You don’t want to run the risk of burning down Rarity’s house on your first day on the job as a public-access boyfriend, but they’re right: cooking for ten is a lot of work.
  7. >Wait.
  8. “...Ten people?” You repeat to Scootaloo.
  9. >She chuckles nervously.
  10. >”Yeah, ‘cause, uh, we’re… kinda hungry?”
  11. >Granny Smith letting someone out of her home without feeding them ‘till they’re fit to burst?
  12. >Sounds about as likely as Fluttershy beating someone up.
  13. “Are you, now?” You incredulously ask the small group.
  14. >”Okay, I’ll be honest: I chose to come out here to get Applejack because it was either that or shovelin’ all the snow from last night. We kinda had to get outta here early before Granny and Big Mac roped me into more chores.” Apple Bloom admits, a bit shamefully.
  15. >You don’t even want to think about how much work that would be.
  16. >It’s the first day of winter break, whatever.
  17. >”If you don’t let us help, we could head back and tell Big Mac about what you’re doing with Applejack~” Sweetie Belle teasingly threatens you.
  18. >Well, now it’s decided.
  19. “Alright, fine, you three can get some side stuff ready. Cut up some apple and orange slices, get toast ready and set out butter and jelly and silverware and stuff. I’ll keep watch of the stove. Sound good?”
  20. >”We’re on it!” The three proudly answer in unison before darting to the fridge and pantry to start rifling through its contents.
  21. >Sweetie Belle procures the toaster, Apple Bloom manages the apples and oranges, and Scootaloo grabs one handful of silverware and another handful of napkins.
  22. >The three of them dart around the kitchen and dining area like they’re trying to start a tornado.
  23. >These girls, eager to a fault.
  24. >Once you’ve got some space to yourself, you grab the pan you previously washed and place it on the stove.
  25. >Remembering how much cooking you’ve got ahead of you, you grab another pan from the cupboard and place it on the burner right next to it.
  26. >You’ll use one for eggs and the other for bacon and sausage.
  27. >There’s still plenty of eggs, bacon, and sausage in the fridge.
  28. >For a moment, you consider getting some pancakes ready for some variety, but you’re already stretched fairly thin as is.
  29. “You know, I was about to let you three help anyway. You didn’t need to threaten me.” You inform Sweetie Belle over your shoulder.
  30. >”I know!” She giggles.
  31. >You roll your eyes to yourself and get to cooking.
  32. >It’s not super difficult, but it is an armful to maintain two pans at once.
  33. >You keep two large plates on standby to transfer the eggs and cooked meat to once they’re done cooking.
  35. >You find something resembling a rhythm before long.
  36. >Flip, slightly press, turn to other pan, flip, slightly press, turn to other pan, 30 go to 10.
  37. >Some eggs or slices of bacon and sausage spend more time on the pan than others before being put on the serving plate.
  38. >You figure the girls will appreciate having their choice of how well-done their breakfast is.
  39. >”Good morning, Anon.”
  40. >The sound of Fluttershy’s voice behind you almost makes you jump in surprise, but you keep your focus on your cooking.
  41. >Grace under pressure is only one of the traits demanded of you these days.
  42. “Good morning, Flutters.” You softly greet her in return.
  43. >Fluttershy slowly and gently wraps her arms around you from behind and nuzzles her face into your shoulder.
  44. >”Good morning, girls.” Fluttershy greets the three helping you put breakfast together.
  45. >”Good morning, Fluttershy!” They chipperly greet her in unison.
  46. >You notice she isn’t surprised that Apple Bloom and her friends are here.
  47. >Rarity must’ve told the girls.
  48. >While omitting certain details.
  49. >”Are you feeling okay, Anon?”
  50. >Now it’s your turn to nod.
  51. “A good night’s sleep and a hearty breakfast did the trick. You sleep well?” You ask her while you tend to the eggs.
  52. >She nods.
  53. >You gently laugh a little.
  54. >”I knew you had something to do with why it smelled so lovely down here.” She compliments your cooking.
  55. “Breakfast is gonna be ready in a bit, make yourself comfortable.”
  56. >Right after you say that, Scootaloo drops a few forks on the floor to the sound of loud clattering, damaging the nice atmosphere you had going with Fluttershy.
  57. >”Sorry!”
  58. >Both you and Fluttershy giggle a little, then she slowly lets go of you and plants a gentle kiss on your shoulder before politely finding her seat at the dining table behind you.
  59. >The rest of the girls fill in behind her soon after.
  60. >First to follow her is Pinkie.
  61. >”G’morning, Nonny!”
  62. >You barely have time to register the sound of her voice before she bounces over to you and gives you a great big hug from behind.
  63. >”Good morning, kiddos!” Pinkie greets the three freshman girls helping you set things up.
  64. >”Good morning, Pinkie!” They, again, greet your girlfriend of the moment in unison.
  65. >In the past months, you’ve mastered the art of working with and around Pinkie, so you firmly remain focused on your culinary work as she tightly embraces you.
  66. >You’re still very sore, so the hug makes you wince a little.
  67. >You grin and bear it in the name of love.
  68. “Good morning, Pinkie! Rarity told me you were feeling lonely when you woke up.” You lightly remark.
  69. >Pinkie groans into your shoulder, her face firmly planted into the crook of your neck.
  70. >”I was so worried! We were sure you’d sleep in even longer than Rainbow, but you were nowhere to be found!”
  71. >You’re still unsure why you were the first to wake up.
  72. >Must have had something to do with that flower.
  73. >Magic, not even once.
  75. “I was just down here, making myself decent and getting breakfast ready for everyone.
  76. >”Aww, you didn’t have to do all that!”
  77. “I wanted to! You girls went through so much trouble planning the sleepover, it’s the least I could do.”
  78. >Pinkie pouts a little at you working so much for her and the rest of your girlfriends, but the aroma of your cooking wins her over.
  79. “You can go sit down at the table, Scootaloo can pour you whatever you’d like.”
  80. >”As long as it’s milk, apple juice, orange juice, or water!” Scootaloo is quick to specify.
  81. >”Okie dokie loki!” Pinkie chirps as she bounces over to the dining room table.
  82. >Applejack and Twilight are the next two down the stairs to greet you and your little helpers before finding a seat at the table.
  83. >”Now that’s a sight I could get used to waking up to.” Twilight giggles.
  84. >”Ain’t that the truth.” Applejack agrees.
  85. >Those two are less into PDA, so they hold off on kissing you while Apple Bloom and her friends are present.
  86. >While you’re sure Rarity filled them in on their presence and that they know what the deal is, you still sense some hesitancy from them regarding how to move forward with this.
  87. >You can’t blame them.
  88. >Stuff like this is always easier said than done.
  89. >Idle conversation forms behind you like fog billowing out from behind the curtains of a dramatic soliloquy, but your focus remains on your work.
  90. >From the bits you pick up, they’re talking about what they’re gonna do over winter break.
  91. >Fluttershy’s gonna be spending even more time at the animal shelter, all those dogs and cats need extra care in the cold months.
  92. >The apple harvest season is officially over, so Applejack and Apple Bloom are gonna be spending a lot of their time on chores and maintenance around the farm and getting ready for spring.
  93. >Pinkie’s got her hands full with the rapidly-approaching new year’s party.
  94. >Sweetie Belle’s gonna spend time practicing her singing and Scootaloo’s gonna try to spend as much time on her signature scooter as possible amid the snowfall.
  95. >Fingers crossed the local skate park’s all cleaned out and ready to go.
  96. >Rarity descends the stairs once more, this time more carefully.
  97. >”Good morning, darlings.” She greets everyone.
  98. >”G’morning, sis!” Sweetie Belle answers her with a big grin.
  99. >Rarity’s eye twitches.
  100. >She got all her morning affections out of her system earlier, so she just takes a seat at the dining table and joins in on the conversation as if nothing happened between you and her earlier.
  101. >Finally, the gang is completed when Sunset almost literally drags a still-drowsy Rainbow down the stairs and plops her down onto one of the chairs.
  102. >Sunset waltzes over to you and kisses your cheek.
  103. >”And you cook, too? Oh, Anon, you’re too much~”
  104. “I aim to please~” You lightly flirt with her.
  105. >Sunset bites her lip with a grin and trails her finger along your exposed upper body as she takes a seat with everyone else.
  107. >Though her touch leaves you, her words from earlier remain within you.
  108. >A harem?
  109. >How would that work?
  110. >Hearing the girls just casually talk about their regular lives makes this even more surreal, like you somehow hallucinated your conversation with Sunset.
  111. >But it really happened, you’re sure of it.
  112. >Getting all seven of these wonderful young women to like you is enough of a miracle, asking to make them your harem would be getting greedy.
  113. >...
  114. >...Would it?
  115. >You’d never push them into that, that’s for sure.
  116. >If they’re comfortable with the idea, who are you to argue?
  117. >If there’s one thing you know, it’s how little you know about the future.
  118. >The town of Canterlot is filled with adventure and discovery.
  119. >You’ve done things you never thought you would do.
  120. >Baking cakes for the birthday of a pet gator.
  121. >Spending the odd weekend doing manual labor on an apple farm.
  122. >Having in depth conversations about art and fashion.
  123. >Nursing a chipmunk back to health after it got knocked out of a tree.
  124. >Training your mind and body more intensively than ever before, and being so driven to improve.
  125. >You’ve proven yourself as a friend, and now you’ve gotta prove yourself as a boyfriend.
  126. >None of what happened to you was accidental.
  127. >You’ve earned everything you’ve gotten.
  128. >You’ve proven that royal blood flows through your veins.
  129. >You will go forward into the future, taking on whatever surprises this town and these girls throw at you with the confidence and determination of the king you’re bound to become.
  130. >But first things first: breakfast.
  131. >The last of the eggs, sausage, and bacon are carefully transferred to the last set of plates.
  132. “Breakfast is ready!” You proudly announce.
  133. >The girls cheer at the news.
  134. >Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo recognize the opportunity and dart forward to assist you in handing out plates of breakfast.
  135. >You step away obligingly to let them have full access to the variety of eggs, bacon, and sausage for them to dispense.
  136. >Scootaloo knows what Rainbow likes, Sweetie Belle knows what Rarity likes, and Apple Bloom knows what Applejack likes, so it doesn’t take them long to find a plate for them to hand out.
  137. >Thankfully, too.
  138. >The kitchen becomes so crowded when those three rambunctious youngsters are involved.
  139. >That leaves you to hand out plates of breakfast to Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Sunset.
  140. >With two plates in each hand, you carefully walk around the table and hand a plate to everyone remaining.
  141. >One last plate of breakfast remains, just for you.
  142. >It’s just bits and pieces of egg and bacon left over from when you made breakfast from everyone else.
  143. >You take your plate over to the table and sit down at the last available chair: in between Pinkie and Sunset.
  144. >”Thank you, Anon! This smells delicious!” Twilight says to you with a grateful smile.
  145. >”Looks like dating you’s already paying off.” Rainbow jokes.
  147. >”You sure you don’t wanna put on a shirt before you start eatin’?” Apple Bloom asks you.
  148. >”He ain’t gotta do that!” Applejack quickly intervenes on your behalf.
  149. >”No he doesn’t!” Pinkie agrees, leaning over to cling to your arm.
  150. >Apple Bloom groans.
  151. >”What about you, what do you think?” She turns to Fluttershy.
  152. >Fluttershy answers by nervously looking between you and her, then mumbles into her glass of orange juice with a blush growing on her face.
  153. >With gentle laughter shared across the table, everyone digs in.
  154. >The sounds of their contentment as they eat lifts your ego to even greater heights.
  155. >As if last night didn’t make your ego swell enough.
  156. >It’s so nice to be praised in a variety of ways.
  157. >”Sho good…” Rainbow compliments you through a mouthful of bacon, much to Rarity’s annoyance.
  158. >”This really is delicious. Very well done, Anon!” Fluttershy adds.
  159. >”My compliments to the chef~” Sunset says to you.
  160. “Yeah, well, I learned from the best!” You graciously accept their thanks, nudging Pinkie a bit.
  161. >She giggles happily and nuzzles further into your shoulder.
  162. >”That reminds me, I got something I wanna show you later!” She whispers to you.
  163. “Well, okay!”
  164. >There’s something almost strange about how peaceful breakfast is.
  165. >It’s all so… casual.
  166. >If Rarity’s parents walked through the front door right now, they would have no idea a huge sexy sleepover happened last night.
  167. >Except if they noticed they were missing a wine bottle.
  168. >Or if they noticed Rarity’s bed is broken.
  169. >Or if they notice you in general.
  170. >But the girls talk like they always do to each other.
  171. >Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle are the odd ones out, naturally, but they got their fuss about all this out of their system.
  172. >Conversations turn to what music everyone’s listening to, what things are like at home, what they’re gonna do over break, and some post-mortem thoughts on finals, among other topics.
  173. >It’s like the fact that you’re absolutely covered in lipstick stains and hickeys has been completely forgotten.
  174. >Not that you enjoyed having that pointed out so much.
  175. >You join in on the conversations where you can, but your mind is elsewhere.
  176. >The little tics that each of the girls have are so much more obvious now.
  177. >The way each of them look at you.
  178. >The way they laugh at your little remarks.
  179. >The way they react when your hand briefly touches theirs.
  180. >It’s familiar, but undeniably different.
  181. >What’s different is that they feel more… free.
  182. >Like a weight was lifted from all of them.
  183. >Lifted last night when they were finally able to show you how they felt about you and what they wanted to do with (and to) you.
  184. >It’s like they don’t have to hide anything left to hide from you.
  185. >And you don’t have anything to hide from them.
  186. >It’s nice.
  187. >You could really get used to this.
  189. >Beyond all the sex stuff, there’s a real sense of emotional connection at the table.
  190. >So much love and support emanates throughout the dining room, it’s putting you at ease.
  191. >It makes you hope for a more expansive version of this breakfast.
  192. >Maybe for Thanksgiving, everyone’s families would get together for one big dinner, fully comfortable with the idea of you dating seven girls at once.
  193. >But that’s being really optimistic.
  194. >Convincing the parents on the merits of all this is gonna be a very hard sell.
  195. >...But not impossible.
  196. >Some of this lovely atmosphere is lifted when Applejack and Rainbow are the first to finish their breakfast.
  197. >”Well, I best be gettin’ on home. Big Mac’s probably gettin’ impatient.” Applejack says as she gets up and puts hers and Apple Bloom’s cleaned plate in the sink.
  198. >”I’ll be waitin’ down here for you to get ready.” Apple Bloom says to her as she gets up and sits over by the window in the boutique area.
  199. >”Wish I could stay, but my parents have been really getting on my case about chores.” Rainbow groans, joining Applejack in putting her plate in the sink before heading upstairs to get changed into proper clothes.
  200. >”Ooh, ooh! Can I help?” Scootaloo offers.
  201. >Rainbow chuckles and shakes her head.
  202. >”’Fraid not, kid. This is something I’ve gotta do solo.”
  203. >”Aww, okay then…” Scootaloo sinks back into her chair.
  204. >You’ve never seen someone so upset about not being able to do chores.
  205. “I could get the dishes started, if you want.” You offer as you stand up, preparing to bring your plate to the sink.
  206. >”Anonymous, I won’t allow it! You’ve already done far more than enough preparing breakfast for all of us, I’ll take care of the dishes.” Rarity boldly insists.
  207. >You know well enough to not argue with her when she’s this set on something.
  208. “Well, if you say so.”
  209. >”I do, indeed! In fact, what you deserve is a nice, relaxing shower!”
  210. >She’s right about that.
  211. >Your entire body begs you to quit dicking around and shower.
  212. “Then, I’ll go do that now!”
  213. >Pinkie shoots up from her chair with wide, eager eyes.
  214. “Alone, if you don’t mind.” You’re quick to amend.
  215. >She sinks back into her chair, dejected but understanding.
  216. >Twilight places a hand on her shoulder supportively as you dart upstairs.
  217. >Fluttershy also looks disappointed, try as she may to hide it.
  218. >As much as you love her gentle touch, you should maintain your abilities to bathe yourself.
  219. >You quickly head into Rarity’s bedroom to grab your duffel bag, but when you open the door, you find Rainbow and Applejack in the middle of changing.
  220. >Rainbow’s tugging a pair of snow pants up to her waist to cover her sport shorts and Applejack’s putting on a big sweater to cover her plain-looking bra when you barge in on them.
  221. >The two girls jump back a bit at your surprise appearance, but they don’t rush to cover themselves when they see it’s you.
  222. >Your crotch gets preemptively sore.
  224. “Sorry, just gonna grab my stuff.” You excuse yourself, making for the exit with your bag in hand.
  225. >”Aww, you’re gonna shower all by yourself?” Rainbow mock-whines, though her grin conveys a genuine request to join you.
  226. >You shiver a little.
  227. “I’m gonna be honest, after last night, I’m gonna be out of commission for, like, a week.” You admit to two of your very eager looking girlfriends.
  228. >Rainbow, visibly annoyed, groans and lets her snow pants fall to her ankles.
  229. >”There ain’t nothin’ wrong with that. Makin’ our dreams come true ain’t easy work, you just focus on restin’.” Applejack says to you understandingly.
  230. “Heh, thanks AJ.” you say, relieved.
  231. >”Just don’t be holdin’ out on us for too long, city boy~” She adds.
  232. >Yep, there it is.
  233. >”Besides, looks like your hands are fine.” Rainbow notes.
  234. “I’m gonna go shower now.” You hastily dismiss yourself, hurrying into the bathroom.
  235. >Once you’re alone in the bathroom, you pause for a moment to think if you should lock the door so none of the girls invite themselves in.
  236. >You decide against locking the door because they’re your friends and you trust them.
  237. >...But you do put the duffel bag right in front of the door.
  238. >Thanks to the girls having recently taken showers, the water is nice and warm as soon as you turn on the shower head.
  239. >Though it does feel bigger in here without seven girls crowding around you.
  240. >Hard to imagine something so lewd happened here mere hours ago.
  241. >The moment you remove your pajama pants and step beneath the shower head, all your soreness melts away.
  242. >Your eyes flutter shut and you involuntarily sigh contentedly, just letting the warm, relaxing water wash over you.
  243. >Beads of water course down your body, merging with each other and collecting tiny bits of stress and soreness contained within your body as they drip down the drain.
  244. >The residual lipstick stains begin to fade, but it’s going to take active scrubbing to get them fully off of you.
  245. >You almost regret not taking a selfie to immortalize the day you woke up covered in the scars of Aphrodite, but you have a suspicion that it won’t be long before you wake up in a similar state.
  246. >You’re awfully tempted to spend the rest of the day in the shower, but you have a shower at home.
  247. >And your own bed.
  248. >That’s your game plan for today: spend the rest of the day in bed.
  249. >You’ve got your PlayStation 2 set up right next to your bed with a 13 inch CRT monitor, that’s all you need.
  250. >But first, the scrubbing.
  251. >When you get to washing your body clean of sweat and lipstick stains, you notice how easily you move your arms.
  252. >The soreness you felt earlier has almost completely evaporated.
  253. >You feel so liberated.
  254. >Born again.
  255. >But you need to get to cleaning yourself.
  256. >If only Fluttershy were here to bathe you.
  258. >You scrub yourself clean, thoroughly shampoo and condition your hair, and presto, you’re clean.
  259. >The hickeys remain on your skin, but those are fairly easily hidden.
  260. >It pains you to shut off the water, but you propel yourself forward with thoughts of your own shower and bathtub at home.
  261. >Rarity set out a towel for everyone to use after they shower, and there’s one last dry towel for you.
  262. >One deep scrubbing later, you’re good and dry once more.
  263. >The end of the sleepover draws near.
  264. >All that’s left for you to do is get dressed and go home.
  265. >You get dressed in your long pants and sweater, hopefully the residual heat will make the journey home easier.
  266. >Zipping up your duffle bag is a little more difficult with Rarity’s gift to you from last night, but it still zips up.
  267. >You open the door back into the hallway with your bag in hand to find Pinkie standing right in front of you.
  268. >”Heya, Nonny! How’re ya feeling?”
  269. >Your heart skips a beat in surprise, but you laugh a little at her eagerness.
  270. “I feel great, I really needed that shower.”
  271. >”That’s super! You ready for your little surprise?”
  272. >Oh right, that thing she wanted to show you during breakfast.
  273. “Sure am! What is it you wanted to show me?”
  274. >”My lucky underwear!”
  275. “What?”
  276. >Pinkie flings aside her pajamas to reveal a white bra peppered with red hearts and a matching pair of panties.
  277. >She places her hands on her hips and poses a bit for you, showing off her cute set of underwear for you while maintaining total eye contact with you.
  278. >”Whaddya think?”
  279. >You awkwardly laugh a little, completely thrown off by her reveal.
  280. “It’s super cute! But… what makes them so lucky?”
  281. >Pinkie giggles.
  282. >”I noticed every time I wear these, I make a super special memory with you! I was wearing these when we first met, when you first laughed at one of my jokes, when you came over to Sugarcube Corner for the first time, when you helped me bake a cake for the first time, the first time when you came to one of my parties, the time you helped me when I split my pants, and way more!”
  283. >Now that you’re really looking at her, you do recognize the panties as the ones she was wearing that time she ripped her pants.
  284. >Which she did to get your attention, as revealed last night.
  285. “Oh, that’s right! I remember you mentioning your lucky underwear at lunch yesterday!”
  286. >Pinkie beams with pride.
  287. >”That’s right! And I want you to have ‘em!”
  288. >Before you can ask “what?” again, she quickly strips naked and holds her bra and panties out for you like an Olympic torch.
  289. >”Now that we’re officially boyfriend and girlfriend, I won’t need luck anymore!”
  290. >You laugh a little.
  291. “Can’t argue with that!”
  292. >You graciously accept Pinkie’s underwear and quickly store the garments deep within your duffle bag.
  293. >Looks like you do get a souvenir from last night.
  295. >...Pinkie’s naked again.
  296. >She’s standing akimbo, proud as can be in her nude state and deeply appreciating the way your eyes trail across your body.
  297. >While it’s very nice to be able to admire such a beautiful body, you don’t feel as awkward around her when she’s naked.
  298. >It’s much more casual.
  299. >You get the feeling it’s not gonna be very hard to get Pinkie to undress in the future.
  300. >But you owe it to your dick, no more sex for a week.
  301. >”Oh! I also got you your swim trunks!”
  302. >Pinkie spins around and presents the swim trunks you tossed aside from the hot tub last night.
  303. >You can’t believe you almost forgot your swimsuit again, so you laugh and stuff them into your duffle bag.
  304. “Thanks… Ponka.” You say, testing out a nickname you just came up with.
  305. >The hard cider helped when you came up with “Twiggles” last night, but judging by Pinkie’s cute giggle, the nickname is a success.
  306. >Pinkie looks like she’s about to make some kind of move, but the sound of Sweetie Belle’s bedroom door opening snaps her out of it.
  307. >She darts behind you just in time to hide her naked body from Sweetie Belle, who just looks at you two, rolls her eyes, and makes her way downstairs.
  308. “...I should be getting home soon…” You remind Pinkie.
  309. >She sighs and hugs you from behind.
  310. >”I know…”
  311. >”...I should probably put some clothes on, too.” Pinkie awkwardly giggles.
  312. “I’ll leave you to it.” You remark before walking towards the stairs.
  313. >”Wait! Don’t go home without saying goodbye!” She urges you.
  314. “I wouldn’t dream of it!” You assure her.
  315. >Lugging your luggage downstairs, you find Applejack and Apple Bloom waiting by the door along with Rainbow and Scootaloo.
  316. >Fluttershy, Twilight, Rarity, Sweetie Belle, and Sunset are also hanging around.
  317. >Everyone’s properly dressed for the weather, too.
  318. >They must’ve gotten dressed while you were in the shower.
  319. >”I’m here! I’m here!” Pinkie yells from up the stairs as she scrambles down to where everyone else is.
  320. >She looks like she wants to say more when she reaches where everyone else is, but she doesn’t say anything.
  321. >A heavy silence hangs over the group.
  322. >Leaving is the hardest part.
  323. “...Thank you all for last night. This really was the best night ever.” You say to the girls with a sincere tone.
  324. “I feel… endlessly lucky to have gotten to know you all so closely. I never thought I’d have such great friends. Well… now, more than friends.”
  325. “You’re all just… so incredible.” You softly laugh.
  326. “You’re all so…”
  327. >You look to Applejack.
  328. “Honest, and…”
  329. >You look to Rainbow.
  330. “Loyal…”
  331. >You look to Pinkie.
  332. “Fun…”
  333. >You look to Rarity.
  334. “Generous…”
  335. >You look to Fluttershy.
  336. “Kind, and…”
  337. >You look to Twilight.
  338. “Magical, and…”
  339. >You finally look to Sunset.
  340. “...Exciting.”
  341. “You girls are the best thing to ever happen to me.” You end your small monologue, feeling a sympathetic tear form in your eye.
  343. >”Aww, Anon!” Twilight swoons.
  344. >The seven girls capture you in another massive group hug.
  345. >The winter clothes you’re wearing highlight how warm and loving the hug is.
  346. >Seven lovely bodies all holding you tight, like they’re trying to squeeze precious love from you.
  347. >The tear that accumulated in your eye drips down your cheek and onto the floor.
  348. >You’re smiling as wide as you can.
  349. >This isn’t as sexy as the naked group hug in the hot tub last night, but it’s filled with just as much love.
  350. >You wish this hug could go on forever.
  351. >But the hug has to end.
  352. >Everyone slowly backs out of the hug, knowing they’ve gotta go home.
  353. >As do you.
  354. >”Okay, I REALLY should be headin’ back now.” Applejack sighs.
  355. >”Heck yeah, you do!” Apple Bloom lightly scolds her.
  356. >Applejack rolls her eyes a bit.
  357. >”Seeya later, girls. …Seeya later, Anon.” She bids everyone farewell.
  358. >Seeing your cue, you step forward and plant a gentle, loving kiss on Applejack’s lips.
  359. >She’s surprised at first, but it doesn’t take long for her to sink into the moment and savor the kiss with you.
  360. >But it ends as soon as it begins.
  361. >Applejack pulls away, feeling the pull of her responsibilities back home.
  362. >Apple Bloom pretends to gag behind her, getting some giggles from Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.
  363. >With one final wave goodbye, Applejack and Apple Bloom walk outside and start heading home.
  364. >You don’t even get to see her disappear into town, as Rainbow clamps her hands on your head and pulls you in for a very brief, but very intense kiss.
  365. >She’s faintly embarrassed about PDA like this, but she’s not gonna let that beat her.
  366. >When she separates from the kiss, you get to appreciate the dusting of blush across her cute cheeks.
  367. >”Alright, you’ve got your fill, I’m gettin’ outta here before you get me even more sappy. See you all later!” She says to the group before rushing out the door with Scootaloo following her close behind.
  368. >The door swings open just long enough for everyone to say goodbye to her in return before the winter wind blows it shut.
  369. >Another moment of silence passes before Pinkie wraps her arms around you again.
  370. >But this time, it’s very vulnerable.
  371. >She’s hugging you like you’re about to be shipped off to war.
  372. >All you can do is tenderly hug her back.
  373. >”I’m gonna miss you so much, Nonny.” She whispers to you.
  374. >It hurts the sincerity of the moment, but you can’t help but chuckle a little.
  375. “Why? We can hang out later this week, and we can text later today!”
  376. >Pinkie whines into your embrace.
  377. >”I wish we could snuggle and kiss and goof off all day.”
  378. >You gently sigh.
  379. “I wish so too, but we’ve got plenty of time together in the future. I could swing by Sugarcube Corner tomorrow, if you want.”
  380. >Pinkie’s eyes light up.
  381. >”Really?”
  382. “Well, yeah! Of course!”
  384. >”Pinkie promise!”
  385. >She gives you a determined look as she presents her pinkie finger.
  386. >You smile and intertwine Pinkie’s pinkie with your pinkie.
  387. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” You say with Pinkie.
  388. >Happy again, she bounces up and plants a big, wet kiss on your lips that lingers a little longer than your goodbye kisses with Applejack and Rainbow.
  389. >”Just you wait, I’m gonna have a brand new treat whipped up just for you tomorrow! I’m gonna call it Anony-Mousse!” Pinkie promises you.
  390. “I’m looking forward to it!” You say to her.
  391. >”And you better take good care of your super special present!”
  392. “I’ll be sure to, Ponka!”
  393. >Now content, she gives you and the girls one big wave goodbye before bouncing out of the boutique and back onto Canterlot’s main street.
  394. >”Guess this is my cue to leave…” Twilight awkwardly speaks up.
  395. >Knowing the routine, you pull her in for a nice, tender goodbye hug.
  396. >Twilight immediately sinks into your embrace, wrapping her arms around your neck and burying her face in your chest.
  397. >You can feel her smile.
  398. “You wearing your Saturday panties?” You teasingly whisper to Twilight.
  399. >Twilight can’t help but succumb to a small fit of embarrassed giggles, but she sheepishly nods.
  400. “There’s the Twiggles I know~”
  401. >Feeling emboldened, she leans up and quickly kisses you, fuelled purely by Adrenaline and a burning desire to seize the moment.
  402. >The moment your lips meet, she backs away, deeply flustered by such a “public” act.
  403. >She’s adorable.
  404. >Twilight then takes a step back and takes a deep breath to cool herself down a bit.
  405. >”Well, this is where I get off. Catch you all later!”
  406. >You say goodbye to her with the remaining girls, and she exits the building with a polite wave goodbye.
  407. >Once she’s gone from your sight, you turn to face Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Sunset, and Fluttershy.
  408. >”You know, you could walk with Fluttershy and I since we live relatively close to each other.” Sunset suggests.
  409. >”That would be nice!” Fluttershy quickly agrees.
  410. >You’re admittedly not quite ready to be alone again, you really like these girls.
  411. “Yeah, I would really like that.” You agree, slinging your duffle bag over your shoulders.
  412. >Fluttershy and Sunset give you an eager smile and gather around you near the door.
  413. >Rarity follows them close behind.
  414. >The way she leans towards you and gently purses her lips indicates she wants a goodbye kiss of her own.
  415. “Last chance to get me to help with the dishes.” You teasingly remind Rarity.
  416. >Rarity can’t help but smile.
  417. >”If you truly want to help me, you can go home and get plenty of rest. I’ll have peace of mind once I’m confident you’re taking care of yourself.” She insists.
  418. >But before you can tease her further, Rarity leans in and graces your lips with a long, sensual kiss goodbye.
  419. >”But do feel free to drop by anytime. I’d love to get your measurements~”
  421. >You gently exhale a small, hot breath to tease her skin.
  422. “I might have to take you up on that offer~”
  423. >”She’s gonna be busy for the next few days. She’s got a TON of chores to do.” Sweetie Belle interrupts you two with a sinister undertone.
  424. >Rarity freezes in place and clenches her teeth, but relaxes her body a moment later.
  425. >”Yes, well… I’ll always have time for my dear, darling friends.” She states.
  426. “Well, then, goodbye!” You say to her.
  427. >”Goodbye!” Fluttershy bids farewell to Rarity
  428. >”See you later!” Sunset says to her.
  429. >”Ta-ta! Make sure you get home safe!” Rarity waves the three of you off.
  430. “We will!” The three of you say to her.
  431. >Then, you open the door and step out into the bitter coldness of the winter morning.
  432. >There’s a faint breeze in the air blowing snowflakes about, but stinging the exposed skin on your face and neck.
  433. >The light streaming down from the heavens provides little warmth.
  434. >Fluttershy takes hold of your left hand and Sunset grabs your right hand.
  435. >Now you’re nice and warm.
  436. >The three of you walk down the freshly shoveled sidewalk of downtown Canterlot towards the suburban area of town.
  437. >Weirdly, nobody’s out on the street.
  438. >The shop windows you peek into are sparsely populated, if there’s anyone in there at all.
  439. >That’s fine, you’re not much in the mood for an audience at the moment.
  440. >All you need are these two girls.
  441. >You’d be more in the mood to be seen with a girl on each arm when you’re more rested and presentable.
  442. >Sunset holds your hand with pride, like she’s proudly displaying her connection to the great King Anonymous.
  443. >Fluttershy, on the (literal) other hand, holds your hand more delicately, like she’s caringly guiding you.
  444. >Business buildings begin to line the sidewalk less frequently, giving way to houses of all shapes and sizes.
  445. >You know the area well enough, you walked home with Fluttershy a few times when you helped her out at the animal shelter.
  446. >But unfortunately, it doesn’t take long for the road to part ways.
  447. >The left road leads to Fluttershy’s house, and the right road leads to your home.
  448. >Fluttershy holds your hand a little tighter, seeing the end of your time together today is at hand.
  449. >”I’ll give you two a moment.” Sunset says to you and Fluttershy before letting go of your hand and stepping away, leaving you with Fluttershy.
  450. >Fluttershy takes hold of your other hand and looks up at you with those big eyes of hers.
  451. >”...I’m really glad you had a good time last night.” She softly says to you.
  452. “I’m really glad you had fun too, Flutters.” You say to her in turn.
  453. >Fluttershy gives you a gentle smile.
  454. >”I guess that since we’re dating now, I can say that Pinkie was right about you having a pretty smile.” She giggles.
  456. >You smile a little wider, gently flustered.
  457. “You sure can! Just like how I can say you’re super cute when you’re talking about all the bunnies at the animal shelter.”
  458. >Fluttershy doesn’t say anything, she just leans forward and snuggles into your chest.
  459. >You seize the moment and tenderly hold the gentle girl close.
  460. >She melts into your embrace, allowing herself to drown in months of sorely missed intimacy.
  461. >”...Thank you for letting me… express myself last night…” She whispers to you, like she’s afraid of being overheard.
  462. “You don’t have to thank me for that, I’d do anything for you.” You gently assure her, rubbing her back.
  463. >Fluttershy takes a deep breath and looks up at you.
  464. >”...And m-mommy would do anything for you~”
  465. >Your heart flutters a bit at her newfound boldness.
  466. >Not to be outdone, you lean in and give your girlfriend of the moment a nice, loving kiss.
  467. >Her lips magnetize to yours, as she’s drawn upwards towards you as she indulges in the kiss.
  468. >You can sense her tongue wants to prod at your lips, but she holds herself back.
  469. >Now’s not the time for making out.
  470. >Fluttershy finally parts from the kiss with a faintly sad look on her face.
  471. >”...See you later, Anon.”
  472. “See you later, Flutters.” You bid farewell in return.
  473. >With some hesitancy, she walks down the street towards her home.
  474. >Leaving you with Sunset.
  475. >”Come on, you’re almost home!” Sunset urges you onward.
  476. >She takes your hand again and guides you down the other street, back towards your house.
  477. >The walk is pretty serene, nobody’s out on the street and there’s very few birds flying around.
  478. >The houses look so pretty, coated in snow and icicles.
  479. >There’s something about the snow crunching beneath your feet that’s so soothing.
  480. >...But now that you’re alone with Sunset again, your conversation from earlier returns to your mind.
  481. >Talking about you being a king and having a harem.
  482. >Sunset notices this and turns to face you.
  483. >”You know why the girls are gonna like being your harem?” She asks you.
  484. >You cringe a little at her use of the word.
  485. “I think I’d prefer you say ‘cheerleader’.” You inform her.
  486. >”Fine, you know why they’re gonna like being your personal cheerleaders?”
  487. >You shake your head.
  488. “I really can’t.”
  489. >”Because you’re their weakness.”
  490. >What kind of answer is that?
  491. “What are you talking about?”
  492. >”Come on, you’re wonderful, Anon! You’re charming, handsome, intelligent, funny, caring, and so much more! You’re everything they’ve ever wanted in a boyfriend and way more!”
  493. >Sunset steps in front of you and grips your hands with great enthusiasm.
  494. >”But there’s that scorching fire within you that makes you so irresistible~”
  495. “The royal flame, right?”
  496. >”Exactly! It’s that fire that pushed you over the edge from being a good boyfriend to being a conqueror!”
  497. “A conqueror?”
  498. >”Yeah!”
  500. >You smile a little wider, gently flustered.
  501. “You sure can! Just like how I can say you’re super cute when you’re talking about all the bunnies at the animal shelter.”
  502. >Fluttershy doesn’t say anything, she just leans forward and snuggles into your chest.
  503. >You seize the moment and tenderly hold the gentle girl close.
  504. >She melts into your embrace, allowing herself to drown in months of sorely missed intimacy.
  505. >”...Thank you for letting me… express myself last night…” She whispers to you, like she’s afraid of being overheard.
  506. “You don’t have to thank me for that, I’d do anything for you.” You gently assure her, rubbing her back.
  507. >Fluttershy takes a deep breath and looks up at you.
  508. >”...And m-mommy would do anything for you~”
  509. >Your heart flutters a bit at her newfound boldness.
  510. >Not to be outdone, you lean in and give your girlfriend of the moment a nice, loving kiss.
  511. >Her lips magnetize to yours, as she’s drawn upwards towards you as she indulges in the kiss.
  512. >You can sense her tongue wants to prod at your lips, but she holds herself back.
  513. >Now’s not the time for making out.
  514. >Fluttershy finally parts from the kiss with a faintly sad look on her face.
  515. >”...See you later, Anon.”
  516. “See you later, Flutters.” You bid farewell in return.
  517. >With some hesitancy, she walks down the street towards her home.
  518. >Leaving you with Sunset.
  519. >”Come on, you’re almost home!” Sunset urges you onward.
  520. >She takes your hand again and guides you down the other street, back towards your house.
  521. >The walk is pretty serene, nobody’s out on the street and there’s very few birds flying around.
  522. >The houses look so pretty, coated in snow and icicles.
  523. >There’s something about the snow crunching beneath your feet that’s so soothing.
  524. >...But now that you’re alone with Sunset again, your conversation from earlier returns to your mind.
  525. >Talking about you being a king and having a harem.
  526. >Sunset notices this and turns to face you.
  527. >”You know why the girls are gonna like being your harem?” She asks you.
  528. >You cringe a little at her use of the word.
  529. “I think I’d prefer you say ‘cheerleader’.” You inform her.
  530. >”Fine, you know why they’re gonna like being your personal cheerleaders?”
  531. >You shake your head.
  532. “I really can’t.”
  533. >”Because you’re their weakness.”
  534. >What kind of answer is that?
  535. “What are you talking about?”
  536. >”Come on, you’re wonderful, Anon! You’re charming, handsome, intelligent, funny, caring, and so much more! You’re everything they’ve ever wanted in a boyfriend and way more!”
  537. >Sunset steps in front of you and grips your hands with great enthusiasm.
  538. >”But there’s that scorching fire within you that makes you so irresistible~”
  539. “The royal flame, right?”
  540. >”Exactly! It’s that fire that pushed you over the edge from being a good boyfriend to being a conqueror!”
  541. “A conqueror?”
  542. >”Yeah!”
  544. “That’s what you call what happened between me and Applejack and Rainbow last night?”
  545. >”You think Twilight would’ve told ANY guy that she likes being given wedgies? You think Fluttershy would’ve told anyone else she’s into being called mommy? You think Rarity would’ve gotten on her hands and knees and beg ANY OTHER guy to fuck her?”
  546. >Sunset shakes her head to answer her own rhetorical question.
  547. >”These girls have an itch only YOU can scratch, King Anonymous.”
  548. >...She’s got a point.
  549. >She leans in incredibly close to you with a wicked grin.
  550. >”And I love watching you scratch them~”
  551. “Yeah, you told me earlier. You get all horny when I fuck your friends.”
  552. >Sunset responds with a sinister giggle.
  553. >”Give it a few months, and Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Applejack are gonna be willing to do ANYTHING for your love. They’ll be your maids, your cheerleaders, your pets, whatever you want~”
  554. “And you too, right?” You ask her.
  555. >Sunset answers by kissing you briefly but intensely.
  556. >”Absolutely, my king~” She shivers.
  557. >Probably not because of the cold.
  558. >”You know what I want you to do from now on?”
  559. “I’m almost afraid to ask.”
  560. >”Whenever you conquer one of the girls, I want you to tell me EVERYTHING. I wanna hear ALL about how they squirmed and moaned at your touch, and how needily they kissed you and touched you and fucked you~”
  561. >Sunset’s getting visibly aroused at just the thought of this.
  562. >Your girlfriends would surely be comfortable with that.
  563. >They’re all dating you’ve, they’ve gotta be comfortable with sharing that info among each other.
  564. >You slowly nod at her request.
  565. “...Yeah, I can do that.” You answer in a surprisingly low voice.
  566. >Sunset quivers, but maintains her maniacal grin.
  567. >”I can’t wait for this town to see you as the king you are~”
  568. >She leans in again, but this time, she licks the side of your face.
  569. >You quickly wipe the residual saliva off your cheek before it can freeze, but Sunset’s still savoring the taste.
  570. >”I really wish I could stay with you, but I’ve got matters of my own to tend to. You enjoy the rest of the day, my king~”
  571. >Sunset makes to turn and head home, but she stops and turns back to face you one last time.
  572. >”Anonymous: new boy nevermore~”
  573. >And then she disappears into town.
  574. >Leaving you standing alone on the sidewalk in front of your house.
  575. >...No.
  576. >Not just the sidewalk.
  577. >Your domain.
  578. >Everything that surrounds you is your domain.
  579. >These streets, the houses, the town in the distance, even the sky above you.
  580. >There’s a certain strangeness to recognizing the scenery like this.
  581. >Differences are present, but not on a visual level.
  582. >The way the wind blows the trees, the way the houses stand tall, the way the sun bathes the land below in its warmth amid the ferocity of the season.
  583. >But then you realize this land hasn’t changed.
  584. >You changed.
  586. >You’re a new person.
  587. >You blossomed last night.
  588. >You shed your chrysalis and became the being you were always destined to be.
  589. >Anonymous the New Boy died last night.
  590. >You’re not sure when.
  591. >Maybe he died when he kissed Sunset.
  592. >Maybe he died when he sang karaoke.
  593. >Maybe he died when he walked into Rarity’s home.
  594. >It doesn’t matter.
  595. >Anonymous the New Boy was reduced to a pile of ash beneath the infinite night sky.
  596. >From that ash rose a magnificent phoenix, painted in the colors of the morning sky.
  597. >Anonymous the King of Canterlot.
  598. >He’s strong.
  599. >He’s brave.
  600. >He’s kind.
  601. >He’s loving.
  602. >He’s less than a God, but more than a man.
  603. >Only he could seduce all seven of the most beautiful women in town.
  604. >Only he is fit to wear the crown.
  605. >The seven most beautiful angels to grace this mortal plane share their love and their bodies with you and you alone.
  606. >Their lingering touch will never wash off of your body, you’re adorned in the markings of their affection and desire.
  607. >Each of them, so beautiful in their own ways and so different from each other, yet they’re all united through you.
  608. >You can still faintly hear the angelic sounds of their moans and whimpers from their mass adoration of you before you succumbed to sleep.
  609. >And that was only a taste of what’s to come.
  610. >You take a deep breath.
  611. >The air surrounding you is honored to take part in your respiratory process.
  612. >You exhale not carbon dioxide, but ambrosia in gas form.
  613. >And there, in the distance, is your castle.
  614. >Canterlot High School.
  615. >The only castle fit for a king like you.
  616. >A castle populated by people from all walks of life.
  617. >The athletic and the nerdy, the artistic and the rebellious, but none compare to you.
  618. >These people don’t know the power that walks among them, but they will.
  619. >Righteous, divine power, wielded by you and you alone.
  620. >You close your eyes and listen to the voice of the wind.
  621. >Very faintly, perceptible only to you, you can hear singing.
  622. >The voices of everyone within the walls of Canterlot High School singing your name.
  623. >Anonymous.
  624. >King of Canterlot.
  625. >A sinister smile spreads across your face as you open your eyes.
  626. >As crazy as it is to admit, you can’t wait for school to start again.
  628. THE END

Risky Business

by CosmicButthole

Lightning Man

by CosmicButthole

Life Flutters By (WIP)

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Predator and Prey

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King of the Castle

by CosmicButthole