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Risky Business

By CosmicButthole
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2024-12-20 02:47:16
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon.
  2. >Senior at Canterlot High.
  3. >Three months away from graduating, having turned 18 two weeks ago.
  4. >You can't wait to leave high school.
  5. >Endless, samey shuffling from class to class.
  6. >Despite all the events and social stuff, you always kept to yourself.
  7. >Instead of hanging out with friends or doing really anything social, you'd almost always stay at home playing video games or reading comic books.
  8. >It's all been the same for the past almost four years.
  9. >You would be lying if you said all that time was well spent.
  10. >You can't help but feel a pang of loneliness whenever heading home and seeing groups of friends laughing and hanging out.
  11. >At least you had Norman, your buddy since middle school.
  13. >But he has his own friends, and isn't always available.
  14. >Right now, you're sitting at the table in your house, a bowl of cold cereal staring back at you.
  15. >Your dad already left for work for the day, and your mom was in the other room watching the news.
  16. >It's Monday morning, and the ominous shadow of a week of school looms ahead.
  17. >Staring out the window, you see a couple birds chirping as they flew around the yard.
  18. >Trying not to grow envious of their freedom and happiness, you quickly return your focus to the bowl of cereal you call breakfast.
  19. >Within a few minutes, the cereal was gone and you placed the bowl in the sink.
  20. >Before you could head upstairs to get dressed and head out, you hear your mom call out to you from the living room.
  21. >"Don't forget to dress nicely today, Anon!"
  22. "...Why?" You respond, puzzled.
  23. >"Today's the first day of your job as Principal's Assistant, right?"
  24. >Shoot.
  25. >You completely forgot about that.
  27. "...Yeah, that, right." You sheepishly respond.
  28. >"You'll want to make a good impression on your Principal!" Your mom reminded you.
  29. >Nodding along, you head upstairs and quickly get changed into your nicer clothes, ultimately deciding on a black polo and one of your nicer pair of jeans.
  30. >Well, nicer is a relative term.
  31. >All you really owned were T-shirts and jeans apart from one nice jacket from your cousin's wedding last year.
  32. >And you don't need to be seen as THAT guy who shows up to school in a suit and tie.
  33. >While brushing your teeth, your mind wanders on what the Principal's Assistant position entails.
  34. >Surely it would be menial paperwork, like organizing and sorting papers that seem unimportant to you.
  35. >But for an hour every day after school?
  36. >It could get really tedious.
  37. >Plus you would be right in Principal Celestia's direct line of sight, so you need to be extra careful on what you say or do.
  38. >Especially when you're so close to graduating.
  39. >Glancing at the clock, you finish washing up, grab your backpack and head out the door, waving goodbye to your mom almost unintelligibly while half out the door.
  41. >You moved into Canterlot four years ago because of your dad's promotion.
  42. >This specific area just outside town was chosen because of its proximity to the school.
  43. >Being only one mile away from Canterlot High, you would save a lot of money on gas.
  44. >Strolling down the sidewalk to school, you plug in your headphones and put on some music to liven up the commute.
  45. >A few minutes later, you feel your phone buzz, indicating one of two people texted you.
  46. >A quick glance indicated that it was Norman, bringing a slight feeling of relief that it was your mom reminding you of something you forgot at home.
  47. >"Ready for the week, principal's pet?" The text read.
  48. >Smiling to yourself, you divert your attention from the road ahead to respond.
  49. "I sure hope so"
  50. >"So do I! I referred you to the application so if you mess up, it'll make me look bad"
  51. "Norman, you just gave me an application"
  52. >"Yeah, I scouted you."
  53. "Why didn't you apply, if this is such a sensitive job?"
  54. >"I've got more important stuff dude"
  55. >"Plus you don't really have anything else going on"
  56. >Ouch
  57. >The slight emotional wound was soon paired with a more severe physical wound as you walked right into a stop sign while texting.
  58. >After a few moments of dizziness, you rubbed the point of impact on your forehead while looking around to see if anyone else saw.
  59. >Of the other students standing at the crosswalk, only a few turned to see what happened, with the others too busy texting their own friends.
  60. >But their attention was quickly returned to their phone as nothing else came after you hitting your head.
  61. >So that's some good.
  62. >At least your nicer clothes remain undamaged.
  64. >As the song ended, you found yourself at the stairway leading to the main hall of Canterlot High.
  65. >Reflecting upon your new position, you couldn't help but wonder how you of all people got picked.
  66. >Surely Twilight was a more worthy choice, as resident model student of Canterlot High.
  67. >But she's almost always doing stuff with her five (or is it six?) other friends.
  68. >Maybe it was a random choice.
  69. >Which doesn't sound like the best way to pick someone working directly with Principal Celestia.
  70. >If that's the case, it's lucky that you got picked.
  71. >"Performance anxiety?" Came a familiar voice from behind you.
  72. >Turning to match the voice with a face, you came to find Norman giving you a smug grin.
  73. "Nah, just mentally preparing my acceptance speech." You reply.
  74. >"I'll say, I've never seen you so dressed up." Norman remarked.
  75. "I figured I should make a good impression." You nonchalantly reply.
  76. >"Well I'm sure you'll do fine. After all, how hard could it be?" He encouraged, patting you on the shoulder.
  77. >Almost immediately after, the first bell of the day rang, indicating five minutes until classes began.
  78. >After saying a quick "see you later" to Norman, you swiftly navigate the hallways infested with freshmen to get your first class of the day: English.
  79. >Ms. Cheerilee gave her usual lessons, where you zoned out to think more about your first day with assisting Principal Celestia.
  80. >You could afford to zone out, maintaining a solid A in the class already.
  81. >The rest of the day went by as usual, eating lunch with Norman with texts conversations sprinkled throughout the day, hidden from your teachers.
  82. >Nothing of any importance was really discussed, upcoming game releases, school gossip and the odd comment from Norman on other female students.
  83. >That was probably Norman's most defining feature: his hunger for coochie.
  84. >Him being more confident than you meant he actually approach the girls he was interested in, but was always shot down.
  85. >His determination was admirable.
  87. >Sooner than usual, the final bell rang across Canterlot High, perhaps because of your nervousness on the Principal's Assistant position.
  88. >Reminding yourself that you can't run home now, you gathered your books and fought against the horde of students stampeding out the front doors to reach the Principal's office.
  89. >Steeling your nerve and waiting a moment for the crowd to dissipate before knocking on the door.
  90. >"Come in." Said a distinct voice from the other side of the door.
  91. >Carefully opening the door, you put on the guise of confidence as you met eyes of the reigning figure of Canterlot High.
  92. >Principal Celestia.
  93. >The first thing you noticed about her was the tiredness in her eyes, clearly exhausted from her job.
  94. >Resting her head on her hand, she expression slightly changed upon seeing you.
  95. >Possibly as a reaction to seeing a student more formally dressed than usual.
  96. >After a quick moment of awkward silence, you make your intentions clear.
  97. "I'm here to be your assistant..?" You managed to get out.
  98. >A weight was seemingly taken off of her shoulders at the revelation that her work load has lightened.
  99. >"Thank you for coming, Anonymous." Celestia greeted, directing you to a chair besides the table, where two small baskets were set beside a rather large stack of papers.
  100. >"These are all letters received over the weekend for the school. Your first task is simple: just separate the important letters from the spam." Celestia instructed.
  101. >Nodding along, you quickly got to work focusing on the letters as Celestia returned to her more important work.
  102. >The silence in the room made the work incredibly awkward, occasionally glancing at Principal Celestia to see how she was getting along.
  103. >Every time you stole a quick look, she look just as absorbed in her work as before, growing slightly more exhausted as time went by.
  104. >Wanting to not mess up such a simple job, you put extra effort into ensuring no spam got mixed with the important mail.
  106. >"Oh look, it's 3:30." Celestia suddenly spoke up, snapping you out of your trance with the mail.
  107. >Shifting your gaze to the clock above the door, the hands corroborated her statement, indicating that your time here has concluded.
  108. "Ah, right. Well, I've managed to get everything sorted and double checked, so you don't have to worry about unwanted mail." You reassured the Principal.
  109. >"Thank you, Anonymous. It may seem like a small task but such spam becomes incredibly annoying to deal with." Celestia responded.
  110. "So, I'll be here tomorrow?"
  111. >"That's the deal."
  112. "Right, well, see you then!" You bid farewell, grabbing your bookbag and heading for the door.
  113. >"Oh, word of advice?" Celestia piped up before you could escape.
  114. >Not wanting to ignore your Principal, you lean out from behind the door to meet her gaze.
  115. >"You don't have to impress me, Anonymous. Formal wear isn't necessary." She remarked with a slight levity to her words.
  116. "...Right, got it." You responded, slightly embarrassed.
  117. >Navigating the unusually empty hallways gave you time to think.
  118. >Today went well, having established a nice first impression with Principal Celestia.
  119. >With this time of solitude, you checked your phone for the first time in the past hour, finding a ton of notifications from Norman.
  120. >"So how heavy is the homework load?"
  121. >"Anon?"
  122. >"Anon, u there?"
  123. >"ANON"
  124. >"Wait"
  125. >"The Principal's Assistant stuff"
  126. >"Nevermind lol"
  127. >Rolling your eyes, you type your tardy response.
  128. "I LIVE"
  129. >Norman's response was almost immediate.
  130. >"Look, I've got a ton of stuff on my mind, I can't afford to remember EVERYTHING."
  131. "Oh yeah?"
  132. "Such as?"
  133. >"You know how many girls there are in this school?"
  134. >"Important stuff."
  135. "I'm sure."
  136. >"So how's day one as Principal's Pet?"
  137. "Pretty boring, all I did was sort letters."
  138. >"Damn, RIP"
  139. "Hey, I survived, so lighten up."
  140. >Figuring you should be heading home, you walk out the doors and put on some music for the walk home.
  142. >Arriving home, the sun was still in the sky as you opened the front door and walked in.
  143. >Your mom was in the kitchen cleaning dishes when the door opened, and turned to greet you as you walked in.
  144. >"How was school today?" She asked, as per usual.
  145. "Eh, it was fine." You responded, as per usual.
  146. >"Well, how did the assistant thing go?"
  147. "Pretty boring, actually. All I really did was sort paperwork."
  148. >"Well I'm sure your Principal appreciated it!"
  149. "Yeah, she did."
  150. >After more idle conversation, you helped prepare spaghetti for dinner, and were in the middle of eating when your dad got home.
  151. "How was work today?" You ask.
  152. >His exhaustion was clear as he responded only with a groan as he sat down to eat as well.
  153. >After that dinner was awkward to get through, but as soon as you got done, you quickly went up to your room to work on your homework.
  154. >Algebra and Chemistry proved to be the most mentally taxing, especially with the sting of Chemistry not being as exciting as portrayed in typical high school media.
  155. >It took about two hours, but you eventually conquered the behemoth of homework and had the rest of the evening to yourself.
  156. >While mindlessly playing through Team Fortress 2, you couldn't help but have your mind wander to your time with Principal Celestia earlier today.
  157. >She's really tall, for one.
  158. >Probably 6 foot 5 inches.
  159. >Could be an excellent sprinter.
  160. >Her hair was nice too...
  162. >Snapping you out of your thoughts was another buzz from Norman.
  163. >"Rarity or Sunset Shimmer?"
  164. >Puzzled by such an out of context question, you exit the game to inquire further.
  165. "?" You text back.
  166. >"Is Rarity or Sunset Shimmer hotter"
  167. "Why do you need my thoughts? I bet you've already made up your mind"
  168. >"I need a second opinion"
  169. >Thinking about this for a second, you awkwardly text back after consideration.
  170. "Rarity"
  171. >"IKR"
  172. "I still don't get why you're bringing this up with me."
  173. >"I'm gonna ask Rarity to prom"
  174. >You couldn't help but suddenly burst out with a quick bout of laughter upon receiving the text.
  175. >After getting to an emotional point that allows you to properly respond, you express incredulity at his plan.
  176. "Seriously"
  177. >"Yeah dude! What have I got to lose?"
  178. >Your reputation, for one
  179. >You do admire his bravery in pursuing women.
  180. >But there's a thin line between bravery and stupidity.
  181. >The guy could end up embarrassing himself like this, asking out arguably the hottest girl at school.
  182. "I guess you're right." You text back, deciding to be a good friend.
  183. >"Hell yeah!"
  184. "So when are you gonna ask her?" You inquire further.
  185. >"I don't actually know yet."
  186. >You take a moment to roll your eyes.
  187. "Well anyway, I wish you the best of luck."
  188. >"Thanks man!"
  189. >Looking over, you see the clock reads 11:42.
  190. >Surprised at how fast time flew by, you figured it would be best to get to bed soon and not oversleep on a school night.
  191. >Lest you face the wrath of dad.
  192. >Changing into your pajamas and crawling into bed, you had a few moments of lucidity before drifting off to sleep.
  193. >Curiously, a lot of your thoughts involved Principal Celestia...
  195. >The rest of the week went by smoothly and relatively uneventfully.
  196. >Apart from the extra hour after school spent with Principal Celestia, not much really changed.
  197. >Norman still hasn't made his move on Rarity yet.
  198. >As you kind of expected.
  199. >Then again, prom was like two months away, so he had time.
  200. >Unless Rarity found someone else to go with.
  201. >Oh well.
  202. >Friday soon came, along with a sense of liberation.
  203. >You had been zoned out most of the day, Friday fever having compounded your growing Senioritis.
  204. >God you can't wait to leave this place.
  205. >As the bell rang at 2:30, you patiently packed up your bags as you waited for the hallways to clear up enough for you to make your way to Principal Celestia's office.
  206. >Upon arrival you knocked before entering, waiting for her to invite you in.
  207. >Her demeanor softened upon seeing you, as her workload is soon to lighten.
  208. >Taking your usual seat near the table, Celestia wastes no time giving your instructions.
  209. >"I think by now you've proved yourself capable of more than just sorting mail, so today you'll be alphabetizing these packets." She elaborated, motioning to the stack of packets before you.
  210. "Right, got it!" You replied enthusiastically.
  211. >You figured keeping an upbeat attitude would help time go by, and being miserable wouldn't solve anything.
  212. >Celestia smiled gently as she returned to her computer screen to respond to more emails.
  213. >Alphabetizing was much more tedious than sorting, you learned.
  214. >Not wanting to cause trouble further down the line, you timidly speak up for clarification.
  215. "Hey, uh, should I organize these by first name or last name?"
  216. >"Oh, by last name." She replied, briefly glancing over to you.
  217. >Nodding in understanding, you quickly got to alphabetizing the packets.
  218. >There were about 40, and with a bunch of names you've never heard at Canterlot High before.
  220. >Every now and again, since you were making decent progress, you felt compelled to glance at your Principal.
  221. >She looks determined and exhausted going through so many emails.
  222. >You can't imagine how stressful her job is.
  223. >Having to maintain a professional appearance in front of so many people.
  224. >She still hasn't noticed you glancing at her.
  225. >But despite this, you couldn't help but have the image of her gentle smile seared into your brain.
  226. >You know, for someone so feared by the student body of Canterlot High.
  227. >She has a lovely smile.
  228. >Wait.
  229. >She's looking at you.
  230. >Oh fuck.
  231. >Did you say that last part out loud.
  232. >Before you could ponder on this further, Celestia quickly turned back to the computer screen.
  233. >...With a slight pink on her cheeks?
  234. >Determined to get through your assigned work, you focused your mind on alphabetizing the packets.
  235. >Within 20 minutes, all 40 of the packets were sorted in order of last name.
  236. >After a moment of awkward pondering on what to do, you speak up.
  237. "Hey, they're, uh, all sorted and ready to go." You state.
  238. >Quickly grabbing her attention, she glances over the packets and nods in approval.
  239. >"Thank you, Anonymous. That's all I had set aside for you today, so you can leave now if you'd like." Celestia replied, more at ease than before.
  241. "Are you sure? I don't have anywhere else to be." You reply, trying to be helpful.
  242. >"Not really, unless you'd like to have a conversation with the Superintendent." She replied with a small chuckle.
  243. "Yeah, I think I'll leave that to the professional." You sheepishly reply, eliciting a small smile from Celestia.
  244. >Not long after, she steps away from the computer, rubbing her eyes and sighing deeply.
  245. >She must be done with that particular conversation.
  246. >Wanting to break the ice a bit, you interject at the moment where it would be least intrusive.
  247. "...So, got any plans for the weekend?"
  248. >The Principal turns to you, slightly puzzled.
  249. >"What do you mean?"
  250. "You know, do you have anything special planned this weekend?" You prod further.
  251. >After a moment of reflection, she gives her response.
  252. >"Not particularly, just responding to emails and trying to get a decent night's sleep for once." She replied in a glum tone.
  253. >"...What about you?" She asked after a brief moment of silence.
  254. >Having the spotlight suddenly shift to you, you try to give a solid answer.
  255. "Uh, about the same. I mean in that I don't really have anything going on." You answer.
  256. >"Oh, well at least you'll be getting rest from school." She encouraged, trying to not make you feel so bad.
  257. "Yeah, that's always true." You agree.
  258. >For the briefest moment, your eyes meet, and you can feel your cheeks grow noticeably warmer.
  259. >"Well, it's 3:30." Celestia informed you, and you quickly grabbed your backpack and made for the door.
  260. >Wanting to end the week on a high note, you pause for a moment before leaving.
  261. "Have a nice weekend, Principal Celestia!" You bid farewell before leaving.
  262. >You were too far from the office to notice her smile softly to herself as you left.
  264. >The weekend was exactly what you said it would be.
  265. >Apart from the homework you had assigned, all you really did was text Norman and play more Team Fortress 2 and DOOM.
  266. >Can't beat the 90's classics.
  267. >But throughout all of that, you couldn't help but feel like something was missing.
  268. >There was an inescapable feeling of loneliness that haunted you as you browsed WADs.
  269. >Much more noticeable than it usually is.
  270. >When the sun descended below the horizon Saturday evening, your thoughts drifted back to Principal Celestia.
  271. >More than just how lovely her smile is.
  272. >You've seen her body before.
  273. >Good lord, her body.
  274. >She's amazing
  275. >She's easily a D-Cup.
  276. >Her hips and butt fill out her khakis VERY nicely.
  277. >She's 35, right?
  278. >But above all that, you can't tear your mind away from her smile.
  279. >Her gaze is so soft.
  280. >She looks so warm.
  281. >So comforting.
  282. >She's so beautiful.
  283. >Wait.
  284. >Oh no.
  285. >OH NO.
  286. >You have a crush on Principal Celestia.
  288. >Lying on your bed with your hands covering your face, your mind races as you contemplate the weight of your revelation.
  289. >Come on, Anon.
  290. >Really?
  291. >REALLY?
  292. >A crush on your PRINCIPAL?
  293. >What are you, a sixth grader?
  294. >Come on, dude.
  295. >There's no way this'll fly.
  296. >She's the PRINCIPAL.
  297. >You're a STUDENT.
  298. >GOD.
  299. >Just, why?
  300. >Why couldn't you go after girls your own age?
  301. >Oh yeah, it's because Principal Celestia's the first girl outside your family to acknowledge the fact that you exist.
  302. >And she's supposed to be nice to you.
  303. >She is
  304. >After all
  305. >The PRINCIPAL
  306. >God, this is pathetic.
  307. >...
  308. >...Well, one can dream, right?
  309. >You noticed the more you think about your Principal, the tighter your pajama pants felt.
  310. >...Yeah, one CAN dream.
  311. >After ensuring privacy, you...
  312. >...'got to work'.
  314. >You were woken up Sunday morning at 10:21 by a text from Norman.
  315. >Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you open your phone to see the text.
  316. >"I'VE GOT IT"
  317. "You've got what, chlamydia?" You groggily respond.
  318. >"No dumbass, a plan to go to prom with Rarity!"
  319. >You roll your eyes.
  320. "Let's hear it, Moriarty."
  321. >"Double date!"
  322. >Huh?
  323. "Huh?"
  324. >"I could pitch a double date to Rarity, and you could go with one of her friends!"
  325. >"That way she'll be more likely to accept!"
  326. "Seems like you've been doing a lot of preparing."
  327. >"Hell yeah! This is the last prom of our lives! I wanna make it count!"
  328. >You thought about trying to shoot down his plan some more.
  329. >But then you thought: why?
  330. >He deserves to be happy, and at least he's brave enough to pursue the girl he likes.
  331. >And at least the girl he likes is his age.
  332. >Plus he's basically offering you a possible date too.
  333. >He's trying, and he's a good friend.
  334. "Go for it, man! I'm rooting for you!" You reply enthusiastically.
  335. >"Thanks dude!"
  336. >"Do you want to put in a request?"
  337. >That gave you pause for thought.
  338. >You're pretty sure Twilight is dating Flash Sentry, so she's out.
  339. >Rainbow Dash is at least 20 times more athletic than you, so she's unlikely to say yes.
  340. >Same could be said for Applejack, but at least she's less intense.
  341. >Pinkie Pie's nice, but she can be WAY too hyper.
  342. >Sunset..?
  343. >Nah, too risky.
  344. >That left one option.
  345. "Maybe you could ask for Fluttershy?"
  347. >"Sure, man!" Norman happily responds.
  348. >"And good choice btw! Fluttershy's a cute girl, and you two would be good for each other."
  349. "Thanks man, I really hope this works out for you." You reassure.
  350. >He stopped responding after that, most likely to eat breakfast and shower.
  351. >You know how much he likes to sleep in.
  352. >Speaking of which, you should get out of bed too.
  353. >After a refreshing shower and dressing casually for the Sunday ahead, you step downstairs to find your parents in the living room watching the news.
  354. >Apparently some scientist in Furo City got put in a coma by a haywire bolt of energy from one of their experiments.
  355. >There was also clips from a press conference on AllenTech's plans for a robot police force.
  356. >Typical depressing stuff.
  357. >Turning your attention to a more present matter, you made your way to the kitchen to treat yourself to frozen waffles.
  358. >After a minute and a half of microwaving and a hearty helping of syrup, your gaze was met with the breakfast of champions.
  359. >Unfortunately, the waffles disappeared into your stomach in less time than it took to prepare them.
  360. >The cost of good food.
  361. >After brushing your teeth, your mom announces the plans for the day.
  362. >"Since you're not doing anything today, would you mind helping me with grocery shopping?" She inquires.
  363. >You of course agree, after all you're living under their roof.
  364. >"Well, you two have fun, I'll be working on fixing the leaking oil in the car." Your dad says as he sits up from his armchair, preparing to get to work.
  365. >About an hour later, your mom was driving you to the local S-Mart for the aforementioned shopping.
  366. >You were in charge of holding the list and ensuring everything you needed was obtained.
  367. >Glamorous stuff.
  368. >As soon as you entered, you could hear employees chipperly recite the store slogan:
  369. >"Shop smart, shop S-Mart!"
  371. >Shopping was...
  372. >Well, shopping.
  373. >You've helped with it plenty of times before, and today was really no different.
  374. >Bread, milk, eggs, you get the drill.
  375. >But when turning the aisle, you nearly have a heart attack to find Principal Celestia shopping as well.
  376. >The first thing you noticed was how strange it was to see her so casually dressed.
  377. >She was wearing a long, farmer's market style sun dress with a basic tank top.
  378. >In stark contrast to her formal, button-up attire you're used to.
  379. >She looks really pretty.
  380. >She's looking through the produce as you notice her, so thankfully she doesn't notice you.
  381. >Your mom did, however, and you narrowly escape an atmosphere so awkward you could choke on it by volunteering to continue looking for groceries as they talked.
  382. >Keeping an ear out while pretending to look busy, their conversation was pretty low-key.
  383. >Mainly on how you've been as the Principal's assistant.
  384. >You were partially relieved to hear Celestia commend your abilities, remarking that you were a rather helpful worker.
  385. >Thank goodness you weren't overstepping any boundaries or making things weird.
  386. >Like on Friday.
  387. >To not look suspicious, you move throughout the aisle while trying to stay in earshot.
  388. >At the end of the aisle, an ad for a protein shake caught your eye.
  389. >Particularly the man used to promote the drink.
  390. >Looking at him made you feel rather self-conscious.
  391. >He's confident, attractive, clean
  392. >And most importantly.
  393. >In Principal Celestia's age range.
  394. >You heave a defeated sigh to yourself.
  395. >Celestia's probably dating someone in her off-time.
  396. >It's not like it's any of your business, prying into her personal life.
  397. >"Did you get lost, Anon?"
  398. >Your mom's voice snaps you out of your self-pity, turning around to face her.
  400. "Oh, no, just double-checking the list to make sure we got everything." You cover up.
  401. >"You know, your Principal says you're doing a great job as assistant! You should be proud!" Your mom beamed.
  402. >You smile in response, trying to not blush at the praise.
  403. "Well, I've got high standards, is all." You reply, trying to remain humble.
  404. >"Well, you better keep it up!" Your mom reminded you.
  405. >Nodding along, you make sure that every item on the list has been obtained, and make your way to checkout.
  406. >As you place the groceries on the small conveyor belt, you subtly glance around to catch one last glimpse of Principal Celestia.
  407. >To no avail.
  408. >Slightly disappointed, you helped load up the groceries and head back home.
  409. >Upon getting back, you find your dad still in the garage, but sitting by his car while wiping his head with a rag.
  410. "How's it coming?" You ask, initiating conversation.
  411. >"Oh, it's nearly done. Real bitch to deal with, but we're almost there." Your dad replied, dead tired and covered in car oil.
  412. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
  413. >"Not really, but thanks for asking."
  414. "Well, let me know if there's anything you've got in mind for me." You offer before heading back up to your room.
  415. >After a few moments of quiet reflection, you decide to text back Norman.
  416. "Any progress on the prom plan?"
  417. >After about ten minutes, he finally texted back.
  418. >"Not yet, but I'm gonna ask Rarity soon."
  419. "Gonna ask this week?"
  420. >"Maybe, it depends."
  421. "Depends on what?"
  422. >"The stars"
  423. ":/"
  424. >"I'll know when it's time to pounce!"
  425. "Alright man, I'm rooting for you, dude"
  426. >He stopped responding after that.
  427. >Must be with his other friends.
  428. >Oh well.
  429. >After more WAD browsing, you ponder to yourself on how to possibly get closer to Principal Celestia.
  430. >She likes Twilight, but she's practically valedictorian, and there's no way you're getting that three months before graduation.
  431. >...She's always tired when you come in.
  432. >...Maybe she's hungry?
  433. >Yeah, that's a good idea!
  434. >She'll appreciate that!
  436. >...But what?
  437. >What would she like to eat?
  438. >Obviously nothing too sugary.
  439. >The school lunches at Canterlot High are surprisingly palatable, especially when compared to other public schools.
  440. >So you don't have to risk offending her with the usual sludge on a platter.
  441. >No salads, either.
  442. >Could easily be seen as passive-aggressive or patronizing.
  443. >How about...
  444. >An apple?
  445. >Fresh from Sweet Apple Acres.
  446. >That's where Applejack lives, right?
  447. >Nonetheless, your plan was set.
  448. >Ready to get a jump on your next appointment with Principal Celestia, you get to bed early that night.
  449. >...She looked really pretty in that dress.
  450. >She looked so much more relaxed too.
  451. >It was almost cathartic to see her in a nice mood.
  452. >With your Principal haunting your thoughts, you drift off to sleep.
  454. >You wasted no time getting to school the following morning.
  455. >Get dressed, eat breakfast, brush teeth, out the door.
  456. >Norman got to Canterlot High later than usual, leaving you two with time enough only for a knowing nod before the first bell of the day rang.
  457. >English, P.E., Chemistry, Lunch, Algebra, American History, end bell.
  458. >The same schedule as the rest of the year.
  459. >You were sure of it.
  460. >At lunch, you waited in the line longer than usual to snag an apple for your master plan.
  461. >...and waited.
  462. >...and waited.
  463. >Good lord, there's only so many options, can you Freshmen hurry up?
  464. >It took forever, partially because of your nerves, but you were able to obtain the apple.
  465. >With a smile from Granny Smith, you paid for the apple and took your usual set with Norman.
  466. >"Huh, on a diet now?" he remarked.
  467. "Nah, not really" You bluntly reply, still partially distracted.
  468. >"...Then if you're not eating it, what's it for?"
  469. "That's classified information."
  470. >After a brief pause, Norman's face lights up with a sinister grin.
  471. >"FOOD FI-"
  472. >You quickly cover his mouth with your hand, while frantically looking around to see if anyone else noticed.
  473. >Of course, a good amount of heads turned towards you.
  474. "Ignore him, he's just being stupid." You said, trying to dissipate the situation.
  475. >Feeling the pins of dozens of eyes focused on you, they all eventually get back to eating, realizing nothing more was happening.
  476. >After you regained trust in Norman, you uncover his mouth and give him a stern look.
  477. >"...So it wasn't that, either."
  478. "Nope."
  479. >"You're not gonna tell me, are you?"
  480. "Nope."
  481. >"That's fair."
  483. >The final bell finally rings at 2:30
  484. >To your relief.
  485. >Once Canterlot High was essentially empty, you made your way to Principal Celestia's office.
  486. >You knocked on the door, heard the familiar "Come in", and carefully entered the room.
  487. >Principal Celestia was seated in her usual chair, staring at the usual screen in the usual defeated demeanor.
  488. >But upon seeing you, her gaze softened, and a slight smile graced her lips.
  489. >"Good afternoon, Anonymous." She greeted.
  490. "Good afternoon, Principal Celestia." You happily replied, taking your usual seat.
  491. "So what's on the agenda today?" You inquire.
  492. >"Oh, nothing too taxing. Just more paperwork that needs sorting."
  493. >Upon hearing this, you notice another sizeable stack of paperwork before you.
  494. >"This should be more simple, just sort the packets with cover letters from the ones without."
  495. "Right, got it."
  496. >As she said it would be, this was simple.
  497. >You didn't know what these packets were for, but that really wasn't your business.
  498. >Once you found a good pausing point in your work, you summoned the courage to grab the apple from your backpack and place it on the desk.
  499. >...And nudge it closer to Principal Celestia.
  500. >This grabbed her attention, and a puzzled expression covered her face.
  501. >"What's this about?" She asked, and this slight interrogation buckled your foundations.
  502. "Well, I just figured you'd be kind of hungry after such a long day." You manage to stammer out, praying your face isn't currently beet red.
  503. >After hearing this, she relaxed her posture and a cute giggle escaped her lips.
  504. >If your face wasn't red already, it surely is now.
  505. >"Thank you, Anonymous, it's very thoughtful." Principal Celestia said, smiling warmly.
  506. >After a brief moment of warmth, both of you are reminded of why you're here, and return to your work.
  507. "Oh, you can call me Anon, if you want." You suddenly speak up.
  509. >A small chuckle is elicited.
  510. >"Well then Anon, you can call me Celestia." she happily replied.
  511. >Uh.
  512. >Okay.
  513. >Try to not overthink this.
  514. >Try to not overthink this.
  515. >Try to not overthink this.
  516. >...
  517. >...Too late.
  518. >Feeling your chest tighten slightly, you return your focus to the stack of papers she had assigned you.
  519. >So monotonous.
  520. >So samey.
  521. >So boring.
  522. >You'd much rather be staring at Principal Celestia.
  523. >NO.
  525. >Focusing your entire being on the paperwork before you, it soon was completed, and you sit back and heave a sigh of relief.
  526. >The silence was broken sooner than usual with Celestia eating the apple you so graciously gifted her.
  527. >Looks like it was a good idea, as she seems much more refreshed now.
  528. >Note to Self: Thank Applejack for her family's apples in the future.
  529. >Within a few minutes the apple was shaved down to its core, almost picked clean.
  530. >She must have been really hungry.
  531. >"Thank you again for this, Anon. It was very thoughtful of you." She remarked.
  532. "Oh, it was no trouble at all." You reassured.
  533. "I just felt you needed sustenance more than other students here."
  534. >Her gaze lingers slightly longer than usual.
  535. >You notice you've been smiling for the past few minutes.
  536. >"Next time you can feel free to bring an apple for yourself. I feel it's rather awkward to be the only one in the room eating." Celestia suggested.
  537. >The growl originating from your stomach seconded that claim.
  538. >"Well, it's 3:30, so you can go home now." Celestia noted.
  539. >Picking up your bag, you stretched and groaned in exhaustion.
  540. "Have a nice evening, Celestia!" You bid farewell.
  541. >Before you left, you could hear her respond.
  542. >"Have a nice evening, Anon."
  544. >Tuesday.
  545. >School is the same.
  546. >Norman still hasn't asked Rarity out.
  547. >The only notable difference is the amount of apples obtained from the nice lunch lady.
  548. >Now it's doubled.
  549. >You could stand to eat healthier anyway.
  550. >To be fair, soda and candy pair better with Team Fortress 2 than fruits and vegetables.
  551. >The day faded by, without another stunt from Norman to deal with.
  552. >All you were looking forward to was another meeting with Principal Celestia.
  553. >Sure enough, that time came around.
  554. >As you entered her office, there was a new aura about the room.
  555. >It seemed more tense.
  556. >But why?
  557. >"Good afternoon, Anon." Celestia greeted in her welcoming manner.
  558. "Good afternoon, Pri- Celestia." You quickly correct yourself.
  559. "What have we got to do today?" You ask while procuring the two apples.
  560. >"Fortunately today has been light in terms of work, so you might be able to leave sooner than 3:30." Celestia described, causing a slight sinking feeling in your heart.
  561. >You only get an hour a day with her, and you want to make good use of it.
  562. "...Maybe we could get to know each other better?"
  563. >Surprised by the idea, she mulled over the idea before responding.
  564. >"Sure, that would help these appointments go a bit smoother." Celestia agreed.
  565. >Were these meetings not going well?
  566. >No, don't overthink it.
  567. >More paperwork sorting, yay.
  568. >But as she established before, there was less work to plow through than usual.
  569. >The two of you quietly worked while eating the apples.
  570. >Man, these are good apples.
  571. >She seemed to have finished soon after you, and a moment of silence was held.
  572. >Tension was building.
  573. >Both of you wanted to say something to break the silence, but weren't sure what to say.
  574. >Suddenly, Celestia spoke up.
  575. >"Do you want to stop by the Cafeteria?"
  577. "Yeah, sure." You accept, curious as to where this could go.
  578. >Stretching as she got up, you drank in the sight of her pronounced chest as she did so.
  579. >Yeah, she's a D-Cup.
  580. >Sensing opportunity, you beat her to the door to hold it open for her.
  581. "Quite the gentleman." She remarked slyly as she passed through.
  582. >M'Lady.
  583. >The school felt rather eerie without the commotion of students chatting amongst themselves.
  584. >More so now that you're with the Principal.
  585. >It didn't take long at all to reach the Cafeteria.
  586. >You've been attending Canterlot High for almost four years, and she's been working here for surely longer.
  587. >The Cafeteria was much more empty than usual, with the tables stored away for the night.
  588. >You never realized how big the Cafeteria really was until now.
  589. "Well, here we are." You remarked, in a poor attempt to initiate conversation.
  590. >"Indeed we are." Celestia responded, sitting by the window and greatly relaxing her posture.
  591. >Trying to not push your luck, you remained standing a few feet away.
  592. "So...why come here?" You ask.
  593. >"I come here every now and again when I'm not too busy. Sometimes I feel like I'm choking in that room." Celestia elaborated, her eyes closed in rest.
  594. >"Besides, I can't just leave a student alone in my office. That would reflect very poorly on me, to say the least." She remarked with small laughter at the thought.
  595. >Nodding along, you certainly didn't want to stumble upon anything confidential.
  596. >Or lewd.
  597. >You never know.
  598. >"What are your hobbies, Anon?"
  599. "Huh?"
  600. >"You know, what do you like to do in your free time?"
  601. >With the spotlight on you, you suddenly felt slight shame at your lame interests.
  602. "Well, I enjoy reading in my free time." You meekly answer.
  603. >"Oh, like what?"
  604. >Shit.
  605. "Well...they're more of...graphic novels."
  606. >Her expression hasn't changed.
  607. "You know, stuff like...Superman."
  608. >A slight chuckle escapes her lips.
  609. >"That's it?"
  611. "What do you mean?"
  612. >"Anon, I've dealt with students who collect knives in their free. I'm not going to be put off by superhero comics." She giggled slightly.
  613. >You blush slightly.
  614. "I just thought it was kind of embarrassing."
  615. >"Why?"
  616. >That made you pause to think.
  617. >It feels strange to have to actually answer that question.
  618. "'s because...I don't know, it's lame?" You ask, almost seeking affirmation.
  619. >She chortles at the thought.
  620. >"That's irrelevant, Anon. As long as you enjoy doing something and you're not hurting anyone, there's no reason to be concerned about how others perceive your interests."
  621. >Shoot, that's a good point.
  622. "Yeah, I guess so." You sheepishly reply.
  623. >Her face holds a smug grin, knowing she won that debate.
  624. "What about you?"
  625. >The grin vanished, and she grew to think for a moment."
  626. >"Hmmm, I don't actually know." She bluntly responded.
  627. "What? Don't you do stuff in your free time?"
  628. >She heaved a heavy sigh.
  629. >"What little free time I get is spent trying to rest. I do enjoy this job but it can be incredibly taxing." She sighed, rubbing her temples.
  630. >Deciding to be a little braver, you sat down about two feet away from her.
  631. >"I feel so tired almost all the time, I'm either working or resting." She went on.
  632. >You didn't know whether or not you should give her an encouraging shoulder pat.
  633. >"My sister doesn't struggle with this balance, lucky her. But her job does involve dealing with Canterlot's troublemakers."
  634. >Oh yeah, Vice Principal Luna.
  635. >Perhaps the one staff member more feared at Canterlot High than Principal Celestia.
  636. >If you got sent to see her, you fucked up.
  638. >"But I'm the face of the school, I have keep up appearances and stay attentive when meeting with parents or the Superintendent or other people."
  639. >"It's so exhausting." She finished, slumping against the wall.
  640. >Poor thing.
  641. >You wish you could help somehow.
  642. >Suddenly, your mouth outran your brain.
  643. "Do you want a hug?"
  644. >FUCK
  647. >Your mind raced, but was suddenly halted by her response.
  648. >"Yes."
  649. >Suddenly the two of you froze, realizing what you just said.
  650. >Your heart is threatening to burst out of your chest.
  651. >Your face is surely reaching boiling temperatures.
  652. >But she said yes.
  653. >And you're committed.
  654. >Slowly, you close the gap between you and your Principal, and almost surgically wrap your arms around her waist.
  655. >She carefully wrapped her arms around your torso, and upon establishing the situation, you two sunk into each other's arms.
  656. >Celestia's head rested on your shoulder, and your chin rested on hers.
  657. >Your grip around her waist gradually tightened, and her grip matched yours.
  658. >You sank your face into your shoulder, taking in the moment.
  659. >Her hair smells lovely.
  660. >She's so lovely.
  661. >There was complete silence in the cafeteria, with the slight shuffling of you two being the only source of sound.
  662. >With her, it was just right.
  663. >This is bliss.
  664. >After a couple minutes of tight hugging, your knees began to cramp due to the unorthodox position, and you tried to pull away to alleviate this soreness.
  665. >But Celestia kept holding you.
  666. >Her head was buried in your chest, and you could feel a couple tears slightly soaking your shirt.
  667. >Soon after, she rose from her position and wiped her face to hide her tears, regaining composure.
  669. >A warm smile decorated her beautiful face, and you couldn't help but smile too.
  670. >Nothing needed to be said.
  671. >Celestia and you sat in silence, comforted by the other's presence.
  672. >After a moment, you decided to speak up.
  673. "Lucky me, getting picked for the assistant position." You spoke up, getting her attention.
  674. >"Indeed, you've been a great help getting through all the tedious sorting." She agreed.
  675. "And lucky you, not ending up with some delinquent." You added on.
  676. >"Oh, of course. Wouldn't want to end up with some punk who tries to start a food fight." Celestia chirped with a grin.
  677. "Okay, first of all, that wasn't me!" You quickly defended, causing her to burst out laughing.
  678. >Her laugh is almost angelic, so joyous and full of energy.
  679. >You don't think you've ever seen her so lively before.
  680. >"You'd be complicit!" She managed to get out between giggle fits.
  681. "But that's not fair! I don't control Norman!" You kept going.
  682. >You couldn't prevent a smile spreading across your face as well, looking back on the memory with humor.
  683. >"But imagine if there WAS a food fight! Imagine the chaos!"
  684. >"Little old me would have to explain to the Superintendent how our respected cafeteria suddenly turned into a war zone." She went on, with fake pity.
  685. >You laugh at her little monologue.
  686. >"I could have lost my job!" She threw her hands up for dramatic flair.
  687. "And that's more important than students getting injured?" You tease.
  688. >"Why, yes it is." She giggled
  689. >Which was only encouraged by the incredulous look on your face.
  690. >"I have bills to pay! They don't!" She defended, still in a slight giggle fit.
  691. >But her mood was soon dramatically shifted upon noticing the clock.
  692. >3:41
  693. >Shoot
  694. >"You better get going home, Anon. I'm sorry for keeping you so long." Celestia said after regaining her composure.
  695. "Oh, it's no trouble! I'll just tell my parents I had more work than usual." You reassured, grabbing your backpack and heading for the doors.
  696. >"Wait!" You hear her call from across the room.
  698. >As soon as her voice reaches your ears, you spin on your heel to face her one last time for the day.
  699. >Her cheeks are decorated in a light pink tint as she looks upon you.
  700. >"...Thank you"
  701. >You couldn't stop a smile from spreading across your face.
  702. "Of course, Celestia."
  703. >With one last good look at her for the day, you burst out of Canterlot High's front doors and bolted home.
  704. >Needing music to accompany your racing heart and mind, you put your earplugs in and put on some tunes.
  705. >You seemed to notice the natural beauty of the landscape more than usual on your jog home.
  706. >The sky was colored in a beautiful array of hues.
  707. >Blue, purple, orange all mixed together.
  708. >There was an extra energy in your step, and you almost felt like skipping home.
  709. >Almost.
  710. >The town streets were less busy this time of day, with only a few cars passing you by.
  711. >Most of the stores close soon, and everyone else is getting home to their families.
  712. >In no time, you arrived at your front door.
  713. >Only upon walking through the door did you realize how exhausting your run was.
  714. >Your forehead was seemingly suddenly coated in sweat, and your lungs were protesting the exertion.
  715. >"Long day, huh?" Your dad called from the dinner table.
  716. "Oh yeah, just more sorting paperwork." You partially lie.
  717. "Some days I have less, some days I have more. It's pretty out of my control."
  718. >"Yeah, that'll happen." He nods along, turning his attention back to the noodles prepared for dinner.
  719. >You should probably eat too.
  720. >Filling up an empty bowl with a hearty helping of noodles, you sat down at your usual spot at the table to dig in.
  721. >Your mom took notice of your elevated mood.
  722. >"Looks like it was still a good day for you." She remarked.
  723. >Your mouth was stuffed with noodles, and you took the time while chewing and swallowing to come up with an appropriate response.
  724. "Yeah, I got to hang out with some of Norman's friends today during lunch."
  726. >"That's great! I'm glad you're still making friends." Your mom replied chipperly.
  727. >Your dad nodded along, too invested in his noodles to give a proper addition to the conversation.
  728. "Yeah, I'm glad too." You nod along.
  729. >The noodles were really good.
  730. >Cooked with garlic and olive oil, with a special kind of family-made tomato sauce.
  731. >Again, the meal was disappointingly short as you couldn't prevent your appetite from savoring the meal.
  732. >Gone within minutes.
  733. >And with no room for seconds, either.
  734. >Damn you, stomach.
  735. >After having cleaned up a bit and rinsing out your bowl, you again dismiss yourself and ascend to your room on the second floor of your house.
  736. >As soon as you entered your room, you flopped down on your bed.
  737. >Looking up at the ceiling, you had only one thing on your mind.
  738. >Principal Celestia.
  739. >She's so beautiful.
  740. >Her eyes, her hair, her body, her smile.
  741. >Everything about her was perfect.
  742. >And she trusts you.
  743. >She trusts you enough to hug you.
  744. >This isn't just simple manners when dealing with a student.
  745. >Surely you're a close friend to her.
  746. >Maybe even...
  747. >...No.
  748. >Not romantic interest.
  749. >That's still too farfetched.
  750. >You're significantly younger than her, let alone you being a student of hers.
  751. >Maybe, MAYBE there was a slight chance of pursuing her once you graduated.
  752. >...But you shouldn't count on it.
  753. >The more you tried to hide from your feelings for your Principal, the more present they became.
  754. >Almost as if to taunt you with a love that could never be.
  755. >If only she was a fellow student.
  756. >If only you were a similarly-aged adult.
  757. >If only, if only, if only.
  758. >...You really hope Norman's plan works.
  759. >Not just because he deserves a success for once in his romantic pursuits, but also because a date with Fluttershy could be what you need to snap out of this lovesickness.
  760. >She's cute, and she's the same age as you.
  761. >A bit timid, but that's no dealbreaker.
  762. >It wasn't until much later that you drifted off to sleep.
  764. >Wednesday.
  765. >Today was a drag.
  766. >Every class felt twice as long.
  767. >Ms. Cheerilee's droning was extra tedious.
  768. >P.E. was more physically taxing than before.
  769. >Algebra was even more convoluted and difficult to follow.
  770. >Your only respite was lunch, where you went through your new routine of getting two apples for later today.
  771. >It's only apples, so it didn't raise any suspicion in the few people who noticed.
  772. >The Cafeteria, despite its usual raucous sounds, faded into the background as you sank into your thoughts.
  773. >Norman didn't show up today, meaning you had to suffer the shame of sitting alone at lunch.
  774. >You couldn't help but gaze enviously at tables full of other students laughing and joking around with each other.
  775. >The school's athletics team The Wonderbolts, the science nerds, the theater kids, and the more wealthy students.
  776. >All segregated to their own social circles, but perfectly happy.
  777. >Man, you need more friends.
  778. >Norman can't be relied on to always be here for you to lean on in place of an actual social life.
  779. >But you're only a few months until your years of public school became an object of your past.
  780. >...At least there's college.
  781. >Lacking an appetite, you eat about two thirds of your packed lunch before heading off to your next class.
  782. >The drag continued as you maintained a zombie-like composure throughout the day.
  783. >All you could think about was Principal Celestia.
  784. >And the inevitable heartbreak following her stating that she saw you only as a close friend.
  785. >Your eyes were glued to the clock, and remained there even after the final bell rang.
  786. >Summoning the willpower to face her once more, you collected your books and made your way to Celestia's office.
  787. >Upon entering, an awkward silence haunted the room.
  788. >Celestia seemed to be actively trying to focus on the contents of her computer screen.
  789. >"Good afternoon, Anon." She greeted as you sat down.
  790. "Good afternoon, Celestia." You replied, trying to relieve the tension in the room.
  792. "How was your day today?" You asked, trying to break the ice.
  793. >"Oh, tiring and tedious, so same as usual." She replied with an exhausted smile.
  794. "Yeah, I know what that's like." You reply, trying to empathize.
  795. >"How about you?"
  796. "My day was super long. Felt like everything was trapped in slow motion." You sighed.
  797. >"Well, misery loves company." She replied warmly.
  798. >Feeling more refreshed, you sat up straight and took on an attentive demeanor.
  799. "What's to do today?"
  800. >"It'll be more than yesterday, that's for certain." Celestia replied, a slight note of disappointment in her voice.
  801. >"You'll be sorting more papers, but letters from Crystal Prep go in the basket on the right, and letters from the school district go in the basket to the left." She instructed.
  802. >The stack of papers prepared for you was more intimidating than ever before.
  803. >How much mail could Crystal Prep be sending?
  804. >They should get a hobby or something.
  805. >Sorting quickly became monotonous.
  806. >All the letters look so similar it was easy for you to misplace a letter from Crystal Prep, and you don't want to cause any miscommunication further down the line.
  807. >Celestia seemed especially frustrated today, although the cause seemed to originate from her email account.
  808. >Her eyes conveyed great anger at the computer screen, and her long-nailed fingers were either gripping the desk or clinging to her head.
  809. >Her hair was in disarray as well.
  810. >You best not bother her.
  811. >Work was coming along steadily until you were snapped out of your near-death trance by a sudden and loud groan from Celestia.
  812. "What's wrong? Maybe I can help." You offer, trying to relieve her existing stress.
  813. >"Stupid computer won't let me send this message, keeps saying it's the wrong format." She responded bluntly, her eyes still glued to the screen as if staring it down.
  814. "Oh, that should be an easy fix." You pipe up, moving over to the computer.
  815. "Do you mind if I take control for a second?" You ask, answered by a defeated nod from Celestia.
  817. >The message looks like a response to some kind of formal invitation.
  818. >It's currently in .docx format and the submission box requires .pdf format.
  819. >Simple.
  820. >All you had to do was go to a semi-shady conversion website.
  821. >The pop-up ads were especially persistent.
  822. >And the computer was dreadfully slow.
  823. >Granted, you're comparing it to your personal rig back home, so it may be unfair.
  824. >Mere seconds later, you downloaded the file in .pdf format and looked to Celestia.
  825. "See? Simple." You beamed, taking pride in your work.
  826. >She sighed and leaned back in her chair.
  827. >"Of course it's simple." She groaned, rubbing her eyes.
  828. "Hey, don't worry, I'm more... technologically inclined than most people." You offer, trying to mend her wounded ego.
  829. >For the briefest moment, your hand grazes hers as you return to your seat, causing both you and Celestia to suddenly jerk your hand away, slightly flustered.
  830. >Clearing your throat, you direct her back to the initial page, allowing her to finish the task that plagued her so.
  831. >Once it was finally submitted successfully, Celestia heaved a heavy sigh of relief and looked over to you with a grateful expression.
  832. >"Thank you, Anon. I don't know how much time I would have spent wrestling with that." She thanked.
  833. "Oh, it's no trouble. After all, that's why I'm here." You reply pridefully.
  834. >And then something happened.
  835. >Something almost ethereal.
  836. >Your gazes met, and you felt magnetically attracted to her gaze.
  837. >The expressions of both you and your Principal slowly fell to a dream-like haze.
  838. >As if possessed by a high power, you unconsciously moved closer to her.
  839. >You could tell her breathing had become more labored, almost shivering in anticipation.
  840. >The closer you got to Principal Celestia, the more her pale cheeks took on a rosy pink color.
  841. >You're confident you had it worse.
  842. >Before you knew it, you and your Principal were a breath's distance apart.
  843. >She closed her eyes, moved even closer.
  844. >You followed her lead.
  845. >And you kissed her.
  847. >Your eyes were still open throughout.
  848. >You were in complete shock.
  849. >Frozen in time.
  850. >Your lips locked with Celestia's.
  851. >Her eyes were gently closed, taking in the moment.
  852. >You noticed your breathing was much more shallow.
  853. >She slowly rested her hand on your right cheek.
  854. >Is this really happening?
  855. >...Her lipstick tastes really nice.
  856. >And her lips are really soft...
  857. >Slowly Celestia's eyes opened, and then realized what she was doing.
  858. >Her eyes suddenly shot open and backed away frantically, almost horrified of what she's done.
  859. >Silence filled the room, neither of you knowing what to say.
  860. >Eventually, your Principal broke the silence.
  861. >"...You can head home now."
  862. "But I still haven't finished the-"
  863. >"Please, I just need to be alone." She cut you off, looking away.
  864. >Best not argue further.
  865. >Regaining control of your limbs, you gather your books and head for the door.
  866. "Have a nice evening..?" You say before leaving, trying to lift the mood a bit.
  867. >Celestia didn't respond, and had her head down on your desk.
  868. >Left alone with your thoughts, you trudge through the empty hallways on your journey home.
  869. >Your fingers gently graze your lips, trying to recapture the moment you shared with your Principal.
  870. >...
  871. >...
  872. >...You're so filled with conflicting thoughts.
  873. >You did it.
  874. >You kissed Principal Celestia.
  875. >She even went for it.
  876. >But what happened back there?
  877. >Why did she want to kiss you?
  878. >You've only spent a week and a half with her?
  879. >Even in your most hopeful fantasies, you never imagined it would happen so soon.
  880. >Opening the doors, you're greeted with the sight of Canterlot at 3:02.
  881. >No music accompanies you as you walk home.
  883. >You walk slower than usual.
  884. >You were in no hurry, you weren't expected home for another half hour.
  885. >You patted the pocket containing your wallet, which contained your driver's license and what few dollars you could happen upon.
  886. >The wallet contained... $20, maybe?
  887. >Fuck it, you deserve a snack.
  888. >Making a slight detour, you head into town and stop by the student body's preferred after-school hangout spot.
  889. >Sugarcube Corner.
  890. >The local go-to spot for sweets and other baked confectioneries.
  891. >It was easy to find.
  892. >The various shades of pink decorating the building made it stand out against its more mundane neighbors.
  893. >As it was located in the center of the town of Canterlot, you had to make your way through a good amount of passerby to make it to your destination.
  894. >Crossing the street, you walked through the doors and are immediately assaulted with various sweet and sugary scents.
  895. >You're almost pushed back by the scents.
  896. >As usual, it's crowded.
  897. >Waiting in line, the noisy decorations provided adequate distraction from your lip-lock session with Principal Celestia.
  898. >"Welcome to Sugarcube Corner? What would you like today?" Mrs. Cake asked you once you reached the register.
  899. "Hm, how about a chocolate milkshake?"
  900. >"Sure thing! That'll be $2.50." She replied chipperly.
  901. >You nodded and handed over the $20, and a quick register chime and change return, you went over to the other counter to wait for your shake.
  902. >You took the moment of waiting to observe the patronage.
  903. >Amidst the crowd of people, you spot Norman sitting at a table on his own.
  904. >You also notice a table near him was populated by the "Main Six".
  905. >Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, and, of course, Rarity.
  906. >The six most popular girls at school.
  907. >Each from vastly different social groups, yet finding friendship in each other.
  908. >But apparently they go by the "Main Six".
  909. >What makes them Main?
  910. >You're more Main than them.
  911. >From your own perspective, anyway.
  912. >So narcissistic.
  914. >"HIYA NONNY!" Pinkie practically screamed as she noticed you.
  915. >Pinkie Pie fancies herself everyone's friend, so fortunately this didn't cause everyone in the store to turn to you.
  916. "Hey, Pinkie." You meekly reply, waving back at her.
  917. >Mr. Cake hands you your milkshake, and Pinkie eagerly waves you over to the table.
  918. >Shoot.
  919. >Swallowing your nerves, you mosey on over to the table hosting the Main Six.
  920. >You could notice Norman staring at you, eyes shooting daggers into your being.
  921. >Pinkie scoots over to make space between her and Twilight.
  922. >Pulling up a chair, you gently place your milkshake on the table and scoot in with everyone else.
  923. >"A little birdie told me you're the new Principal's Assistant!" Pinkie started, beaming at you.
  924. >A coldness runs down your spine, suddenly remembering the incident earlier today.
  925. "Yeah, that-that's me." You manage to stammer out.
  926. "To be honest, I'm kind of surprised you weren't picked." You continued, turning to Twilight.
  927. >"Oh, I wish I could have, but I already have a ton of school responsibilities, and I've gotta help my friends from time to time." She clarified.
  928. >"Yeah! Someone's gotta lug my gear around!" Rainbow interjected, taking pride in her athletic prowess.
  929. >Rolling her eyes, Twilight turned her attention back to you.
  930. >"So how's the position?" She asked, clearly interested in what being so close to the Principal entails.
  931. >Oh, boring stuff.
  932. >Sorting papers.
  933. >Helping with technical problems.
  934. >You know, the usual.
  935. >The stuff you'd expect.
  936. >Obviously you left the last bit out of the description, but Twilight still seemed incredibly invested.
  937. >"That sounds neat! Getting a up-close and personal view on what Principals do!"
  938. >You could say that.
  939. >"He's just sucking up to the Principal to get a nice letter of recommendation." Rainbow teased, prompting a small scolding from Fluttershy.
  940. >"Wait, doesn't the job go until 3:30?" Pinkie asked.
  941. >How would she know that?
  942. "Yeah, but sometimes I have less work to do." You elaborate.
  944. >Pinkie nodded in an accepting manner as she went back to her cupcakes.
  945. >A brief moment of silence fell over the group after the questions concerning your position had been satisfied.
  946. "So, is that why I got invited over here?" You ask Pinkie.
  947. >"Welllllll, I saw you sitting all alone at lunch earlier today, and I wanted to help you make friends!" Pinkie beamed.
  948. >You suddenly felt incredibly embarrassed.
  949. "I hope I'm not intruding-"
  950. "SILENCE! You're too quiet to be a bother!" Pinkie quickly cut you off.
  951. >Your eyes dart around to the other girls sitting at the table.
  952. >"Don't worry, Anon. Any friend of Pinkie's is a friend of ours." Fluttershy reassured, eliciting nods from the rest of the table.
  953. >You couldn't help but smile a bit at this show of hospitality.
  954. >But a quick glance at Rarity reminded you that Norman's still staring at you as if trying to use Heat Vision.
  955. >That gives you an idea.
  956. "So, how's everyone planning for prom?" You ask to the table in general.
  957. >"Pssh, we're just gonna go as a group." Rainbow scoffed, clearly not concerned about a date.
  958. >"Well I'm sure some of us wouldn't mind going with a plus-one." Rarity was quick to respond.
  959. >"But we always go as a group! Boys would just get in the way!" Rainbow defended, followed with a slightly embarrassed "No offense, Anon."
  960. >Trying not to look too wounded, you nod along.
  961. >"Ah mean, if some boy wanted to ask me to the dance, ah wouldn't just turn them away." Applejack added with her signature southern twang.
  962. "Well, Rarity, I ask because I-"
  963. >"Oh Anon, I'm flattered, really. But we hardly know each other!" Rarity interjected, predicting the route of your sentence.
  964. "Oh, no! I ask because a friend of mine would like to go with you." You explain, causing Rarity to become slightly flustered.
  965. >"Oh, my apologies." She blushed.
  966. >She must get a lot of proposed dates.
  968. >"But I wouldn't mind meeting this friend of yours. Perhaps he could be the Prince Charming I've been waiting for." Rarity sighed dreamily.
  969. >Rainbow and Applejack shared an annoyed look.
  970. "Cool, I'll let him know." You say before getting your phone out to text Norman.
  971. >You figured it would be best to not alert them that he's been listening in on the conversation.
  972. >You text him a thumbs-up emoji, causing a grin to spread across his face.
  973. >Oh, while you've got your phone out, you might as well ask your parents if it's okay to stay out longer.
  974. >Not too long later, you get a text back from your Dad allowing you to stay out until 7, and again congratulates you for socializing.
  975. >You know he meant well, but you couldn't help but interpret that as a bit backhanded.
  976. >Oh well, here you are.
  977. >"What about you, Anon?" Twilight asks.
  978. "Huh?"
  979. >"Do you have any plans for prom?"
  980. >Shoot.
  981. "Uh, well, not really." You reluctantly admit.
  982. >"Aww, that's too bad! You can always come with us!" Pinkie happily announces.
  983. >Again wanting to ensure you weren't intruding, you glance around the table to asses their reactions.
  984. >They don't seem to mind.
  985. >Well, okay, but let's not test your luck.
  986. >You noticed Norman look at his phone and suddenly rush out of the building.
  987. >He must be late for something.
  988. >You wouldn't be surprised.
  989. >Wait, what was he doing here if he couldn't come in to school today?
  990. >You'll have to ask him about that later.
  991. >The conversation thereafter revolved around you.
  992. >Now that you're one of the group (as far as you could tell), Pinkie wanted you to open up about yourself.
  993. >You were surprised by how easily you could open up to them, as if their presence was easing your mind.
  994. >"You know we're risking a lot letting you hang out with us, Anon." Rainbow said apropos of nothing.
  995. >"We already have one egghead close to the principal in the group!" She teased, motioning to Twilight.
  997. >As if a storm cloud manifested over your head, your mood fell again.
  998. >Merely mentioning Principal Celestia opens the floodgates for the memories and emotions that came with when you kissed her.
  999. >What's gonna happen tomorrow?
  1000. >Is she gonna find a replacement for Principal's Assistant?
  1001. >Probably.
  1002. >You got to kiss Principal Celestia, but at what cost?
  1003. >"Are you okay, Anon?" Fluttershy asked, a look of concern covering her face.
  1004. >"You look like you've seen a ghost!" Pinkie chimed in.
  1005. "Oh, nah, just remembering all the homework I've gotta do tonight." You cover up.
  1006. >"Oh shoot, I've got homework too!" Rainbow shot up, panicked.
  1007. >Whereupon she gathered up her bags, said goodbyes and ran out the door in surely record time.
  1008. >Looking at the time, you notice it's 6:48.
  1009. >Man, time flies when you have fun.
  1010. >You follow in packing up and heading out, saying goodbye to the group.
  1011. >They warmly replied with their goodbyes, and Twilight invited you to sit with them at lunch.
  1012. >You can't help but smile at the offer.
  1013. "Thanks, I'd like that." You reply.
  1014. >When you finally get home, you find your mom and dad in their usual places.
  1015. >In the living room, watching the news.
  1016. >You catch a bit from the newscaster talking about dead cultists being found in the woods of upstate New York.
  1017. >Seems like the world's getting weirder every day.
  1018. >"How was your day out, champ?" Your dad asked.
  1019. "It went well! It was refreshing to spend time with friends outside of school." You answered, satisfied with your day.
  1020. >"That's great! We're really proud of you." Your mom added.
  1021. >After some light conversation, you dismiss yourself to your room to work on your homework.
  1022. >When you got to your room, you haphazardly threw your bookbag across your room, landing beneath your framed Wave Rippers poster.
  1023. >With the door closed behind you, you were finally prepared to confront your thoughts on Principal Celestia.
  1025. >Why did she kiss you?
  1026. >Why?
  1027. >You two have only known each other for not even two weeks.
  1028. >...Could she like you?
  1029. >The way you like her?
  1030. >She went for it.
  1031. >She went in for a kiss.
  1032. >And you returned it.
  1033. >If anything, she's the aggressor.
  1034. >God, everything is going so fast.
  1035. >What are you gonna do?
  1036. >You can't feasibly make up an excuse to not go to school tomorrow.
  1037. >And it's gonna raise some eyebrows if you suddenly stop visiting Celestia's office after school ends.
  1038. >...Looks like you're gonna have to confront the issue tomorrow.
  1039. >The only way out is through.
  1040. >...She has to be attracted to you.
  1041. >Why else would she go in for a kiss?
  1042. >But why?
  1043. >Why YOU?
  1044. >Of all people?
  1045. >Not only are you 18, you don't really stand out that much.
  1046. >You're not super attractive, skilled, funny or confident.
  1047. >In other words, you're not Flash Sentry.
  1048. >The big man on campus.
  1049. >If Principal Celestia's gonna go for a student, why not him?
  1050. >Well, he's already dating Twilight.
  1051. >Nonetheless, it's so strange that Celestia wanted to kiss you.
  1052. >You'll have to ask her tomorrow.
  1053. >...If you can.
  1054. >Realizing how late it's getting, you force yourself to shift your attention to your homework.
  1055. >English, Algebra, History.
  1056. >Within three hours, your homework is as good as it's gonna get.
  1057. >Wasting no time, you flop onto your bed and are barely able to sneak inside your covers before falling asleep.
  1058. >Tomorrow, Celestia...
  1060. >Thursday.
  1061. >The day of the confrontation.
  1062. >Upon arriving to Canterlot High, you spot Norman already waiting there.
  1063. >You were barely able to get your "Hey, man" out before Norman started interrogating you on your relationship with the Main Six.
  1064. >He was totally cool with you sitting with the six at lunch, and was proud of you for getting out of your shell a bit.
  1065. >The bell rang, English went by, P.E. went by, Chemistry went by, and Lunch followed.
  1066. >As soon as you stepped into the Cafeteria, you were struck with the reminder of the two apples.
  1067. >Should you get two apples today?
  1068. >...Yeah, probably.
  1069. >Could help ease the tension.
  1070. >After another period of waiting in line, you come out with two fresh apples.
  1071. >You were going to locate your usual table before you suddenly remembered your new friends.
  1072. >Locating them was easy, their multicolored hair sticking out amongst the crowd.
  1073. >Approaching the table, your nerves starting acting up again.
  1074. "Hey, room for one more?" You ask, making your presence known.
  1075. >They turned to see you, and Pinkie was the first to greet you.
  1076. >"Hiya, Nonny! We saved you a spot right here!" She welcomed you, patting a spot next to her.
  1077. >After some slight hesitation, as if to give them opportunity to speak in opposition, you took your seat.
  1078. >Some idle conversation was had across the table in between eating lunch.
  1079. >You added where necessary, but you never felt like the conversation was focused on you.
  1080. >You preferred this, grateful there wasn't a great amount of focus placed solely on you.
  1081. >"I noticed your jogging in P.E." Rainbow notified you.
  1082. "Oh yeah? Was I impressive?" You ask, already knowing the answer.
  1083. >"Yeah, not really." Rainbow giggled.
  1084. >"But hey, not everyone can compare to MY skill!" She boasted.
  1085. "Yeah, I'm sure." You said, while smiling and rolling your eyes.
  1086. >"You know, I COULD be your personal mentor for that class." She teased, piquing your interest.
  1087. "Sure, that sounds fun!" You reply happily.
  1089. >The bell rang soon after, meaning you had to get back to the grind.
  1090. >The closer 2:30 drew, the more your heart raced.
  1091. >You were getting closer to talking to Celestia again.
  1092. >After the kiss.
  1093. >Only God knows what will happen after you walk through that door.
  1094. >Noise faded out around you.
  1095. >Colors washed out around you.
  1096. >You were in Limbo.
  1097. >Trapped in an abyss of anxiety you've never experienced before.
  1098. >Suddenly, the bell rang.
  1099. >Still frozen in place, your eyes moved to the clock.
  1100. >2:30
  1101. >Here it is.
  1102. >The final moments.
  1103. >Do or die.
  1104. >Three minutes later, you summon the strength to get up from your chair, pack away your things, and trek to Principal Celestia's office.
  1105. >Your feet feel heavier.
  1106. >The hallways feel longer.
  1107. >Your heart feels like it's made of lead.
  1108. >You don't think you've ever been more afraid in your life than you are right now.
  1109. >More scared than you were when you watched The Thing for the first time.
  1110. >Finally.
  1111. >Finally you are opposed by the familiar door of the Principal's office.
  1112. >On the other side of that door, not even ten feet away
  1113. >Is Principal Celestia.
  1114. >Your Principal.
  1115. >And your first kiss.
  1116. >You almost consider turning around and leaving.
  1117. >Your forehead is coated in sweat.
  1118. >You don't even want to imagine what the rest of you is like.
  1119. >What will she say?
  1120. >What will she do?
  1121. >You're close to graduating, it's not like you'd have to avoid her for so long.
  1122. >But no.
  1123. >You're better than that.
  1124. >You were raised better than to run away from your fears.
  1125. >You're Anonymous.
  1126. >And you're going to have the most stressful conversation of your life.
  1127. >Summoning every ounce of strength you had, you raised your right arm, and knocked the door.
  1128. >After a moment, the familiar voice came from within the room.
  1129. >"Come in."
  1131. >The door creaked open, and you stepped inside the room.
  1132. >It's the same as it always was, and there she was.
  1133. >Seated in the chair behind the desk near the end of the room.
  1134. >Principal Celestia.
  1135. >You were frozen in place.
  1136. >When her eyes lay upon you, she froze up as well.
  1137. >You delicately close the door, set your backpack on the floor, take out an apple, and gingerly place an apple on her desk.
  1138. >Without any words, her eyes swept from the apple to you, unable to say anything.
  1139. >After a few suffocating moments of silence, you spoke up.
  1140. "So, yesterday was weird, huh?" You joke, trying to lighten the atmosphere.
  1141. >She remained quiet.
  1142. "...You know, I understand what you're feeling-"
  1143. >"Words cannot describe how sorry I am for my actions yesterday, Anon. It was supremely out of line." She suddenly burst out, cutting you off.
  1144. >Her face was coated in shame.
  1145. >Wanting to comfort her, you move closer to her.
  1146. "...You went in for it." You noted, which she nodded in agreement.
  1147. "...You wanted to kiss me." You went on, which got another nod.
  1148. "......Are you attracted to me?" You choke out, asking the question of the day.
  1149. >"......Yes" Your Principal admits shamefully.
  1150. >Silence fell over the room once more.
  1151. >You take in the magnitude of the one syllable to escape her luscious lips.
  1152. >Yes.
  1153. >Principal Celestia is attracted to you.
  1154. >Time for a follow-up question.
  1155. ".....Why?" You ask rather bluntly.
  1156. "Why me, I mean." You clarify.
  1157. >Another few moments of silence went by before you got an answer.
  1158. >"......I'm so lonely, Anon."
  1159. >Celestia's hands were covering her face.
  1160. >"This job is so arduous and exhausting. Most of my time away from here is spent either responding to more emails or trying to rest."
  1161. >"Ever since my College years, I've been too busy for any kind of social activities."
  1162. >"All my friends from High School started dating, got married and moved away, and I was left with my sister Luna as my only friend."
  1164. >"But I tried, Anon. I tried to get into the dating scene." Celestia hastily defended.
  1165. >"But all the men I've met up with, none of them were really appealing. They were all focused more on 'getting some' and saw themselves as too young to get tied down with an old lady like me..."
  1166. >Her face fell further.
  1167. >"And then, you came along."
  1168. >"You, an 18 year old student of the High School I manage. You gave me company and solace I've found little of elsewhere."
  1169. >"And I know we've only really known each other for about ten days, but I was so lonely, and your eyes held such genuine care and affection, and the hug we shared was the most genuine connection I've had in a time longer than I care to admit."
  1170. >"When I was buried in your chest, tears streaming down my eyes, I knew that I cared for you in an incredibly romantic way."
  1171. >She looks up to finally face you.
  1172. >"Yes, Anon. I am romantically attracted to you."
  1173. >"Because I feel less alone when I'm with you."
  1174. >You were left stunned.
  1175. >Of all the outcomes today could have had, you didn't expect your Principal to pour her heart out to you like this.
  1176. >Much less for her to fully admit to being attracted to you.
  1177. >For the first time in your life, you were speechless.
  1178. "Celestia, I..." You start, trying to say something to ease her conscience.
  1179. >"Anon, I understand if I made you uncomfortable yesterday, and I would completely understand if you wanted to quit being my Assistant." She said, a tear coursing down her cheek.
  1180. >Suddenly, you were filled with confidence.
  1181. >You felt such machismo that you moved over to her and cupped her cheek.
  1182. >Her eyes met yours.
  1183. >Celestia's eyes were filled with vulnerability.
  1184. >You were probably the only student to see her like this.
  1185. >You move closer.
  1186. >So did she.
  1187. >Your breathing slowed.
  1188. >Your eyes closed.
  1189. >And you kissed Principal Celestia again.
  1190. >This time it was different.
  1191. >This time, both of you knew what you wanted.
  1193. >A feeling of warmth and relief washed over you, as if a great weight was finally lifted off your shoulders.
  1194. >The kiss lasted longer than your first one with her.
  1195. >But you decided to pull away.
  1196. >Her eyes opened, partially confused but not saying anything.
  1197. "Celestia, there's no one I want more than you." You say.
  1198. >Her eyes welled up with tears.
  1199. >You wipe one away from her cheek.
  1200. "Celestia, you're the most kind, warm, beautiful woman I've ever known."
  1201. "You make me feel cared for."
  1202. "When I'm with you, I believe you actually see me, and don't just see through me like everyone else."
  1203. >Her mouth finally curled into the same warm smile you fell for.
  1204. >A small laugh of relief escaped her mouth.
  1205. >Your heart leapt to unparalleled heights.
  1206. "So how about we do it right this time?" You ask.
  1207. >Then, the vulnerability in her eyes turned to hunger.
  1208. >Her breathing intensified as she drew closer to you.
  1209. >You back away from her teasingly, causing her to fall out of her chair in her pursuit of you.
  1210. >You were backed against the wall, and your Principal was towering over you.
  1211. >She was unbelievably sexy.
  1212. >And she was hungry.
  1213. >Her hands gripped the side of your face and she went in for a deep, loving kiss.
  1214. >Your arms immediately went around her waist, pulling her closer to you.
  1215. >Her lipstick tastes as great as ever.
  1216. >Celestia moaned softly as you gripped her sides.
  1217. >And it's probably the most beautiful sound you've ever heard.
  1218. >She rested her body on yours entirely, her glorious legs straddling either side of you.
  1219. >Your arms grew more adventurous, rubbing her slightly as she continued kissing.
  1220. >For one precious moment, you separated from your Principal for a gasp of air.
  1221. >The sight of you in your situation made her giggle before she dove back into another kiss.
  1222. >This time you could notice her hips were slightly grinding on yours.
  1223. >...And you noticed your pants were getting tighter.
  1224. >There's no way she didn't notice that.
  1226. >Her arms snaked their way around your neck and tightened to bring you even closer to her in the midst of the kiss.
  1227. >Your arms found their way around her hypnotic hips, causing a slight moan to escape from the normally formal Principal.
  1228. >This...
  1229. >This is heaven.
  1230. >you've died and gone to heaven, that's the only explanation.
  1231. >There's no other explanation as to why you're full-on making out with the most beautiful Principal in the world.
  1232. >This heaven continued for what felt to be hours.
  1233. >From her lips, moans and slight grinding on your hips, it spoke levels about her.
  1234. >It spoke of her loneliness.
  1235. >It spoke of her dependency.
  1236. >It spoke of her vulnerability.
  1237. >She's perfect.
  1238. >But sadly, she parted from the kiss to gaze upon her handiwork.
  1239. >Your cheeks were flushing red and your hair was in disarray, still stunned by what just happened.
  1240. >You couldn't help but have a goofy grin spread across your face.
  1241. >"What's so funny?" She giggled teasingly.
  1242. "...You're so pretty." You sighed in a dreamlike state.
  1243. >This caused her to laugh, clearly slightly embarrassed.
  1244. >"Why, little 'ol me?" She teased.
  1245. >You could only nod.
  1246. >The smile and blush on Celestia's goddess-like face remained as she shifted herself to sit next to you on the floor, her head resting against yours.
  1247. >"...Thank you, Anon." She sighed, still gazing at you.
  1248. >Not sure how to respond, you only smile while nodding.
  1249. >You two stayed like this for some more time, enjoying each other's presence in this private and serene moment.
  1250. >"Unfortunately, you're not here to kiss me, you're here to help me with my paperwork." She reminded you, motioning to the stack of papers near your chair.
  1251. >You sigh disappointingly, knowing she was right.
  1252. >Luckily, the work was simple.
  1253. >Just alphabetizing the packets, which you were good at by that point.
  1254. >This time, there was much more teasing throughout.
  1255. >Flirty comments were exchanged, and Celestia really came out of her shell.
  1257. >Your Principal swayed her hips as she walked, spoke in a much more dreamlike way, and you could swear she undid one of her shirt buttons.
  1258. >By the way, Celestia had some amazing cleavage.
  1259. >Her eyes tended to flit from your face to the area just below your belt, winking teasingly as you got flustered.
  1260. >Soon enough, your paperwork was complete, and the time was 3:12.
  1261. "What a day, huh?" You ask, making your Principal smile.
  1262. >"Indeed, it's been quite an eventful day." She agreed happily.
  1263. >A brief moment was shared of you two gazing lovingly at each other before she spoke up again.
  1264. >"So, what are we?"
  1265. "Well, I'd like to think you're my girlfriend now." You admit sheepishly.
  1266. >She blushes slightly at the idea.
  1267. >"I certainly wouldn't mind being your girlfriend, Anon." Celestia smiled.
  1268. >"So, onto the matter of our relationship." She said, suddenly growing more formal.
  1269. >"I don't think it needs to be said that this should be spread to other people."
  1270. "Yeah, for sure." You agree.
  1271. >"We need to keep what we have a secret at least for the next six months, to avoid arousing suspicion."
  1272. >You nodded in agreement.
  1273. >"...But I do think we should keep in contact outside of school." She went on, scribbling a number on a piece of paper.
  1274. >Giving it to you, you read it as a phone number.
  1275. >"Text that when you're alone, and make sure I know it's you." Celestia instructed.
  1276. >"And be sure to not use my actual name for the contact information." She added on.
  1277. "Oh, don't worry, I won't." You reassure.
  1278. >Entering in the number, you take note of the time.
  1279. >3:30.
  1280. >Time to head home.
  1281. >Her expression slightly fell as you made for the door.
  1282. "See you tomorrow, Celly!" You said to her, inventing a cute nickname for her.
  1283. >"See you tomorrow, Anon." She replied, with the warm smile painting her beautiful face.
  1284. >Taking her face in one last time, you ran out the doors and ran home.
  1285. >Fuck it, time to celebrate.
  1286. >You plug in your earbuds and play some music.
  1288. >Canterlot never looked so beautiful.
  1289. >You never felt so free.
  1290. >The sun never felt nicer on your face than it does now.
  1291. >Like the birds socializing outside your dining room window at home, you feel liberated.
  1292. >You feel boundless.
  1293. >For once, it seemed like everything just went right.
  1294. >You almost dread the idea that you used up all the good luck in store for the rest of your life
  1295. >Just to get Principal Celestia to call herself your girlfriend.
  1296. >Soon enough, you arrive home.
  1297. >Your parents immediately notice your unusually chipper demeanor as your traipse through the door.
  1298. >"Have a good day today?" Your mom asks.
  1299. "Sure did! Classes were simple, spent time with friends, all is well!" You happily respond.
  1300. >Only partially lying.
  1301. >"That's great! There's some tortellini still in the kitchen you can heat up." Your dad offers.
  1302. >That made you realize you haven't eaten in a good while.
  1303. >You still had your apple in your backpack.
  1304. >You'll save that for tomorrow.
  1305. >As you went into the kitchen to fetch dinner, you heard your parents unmute the news.
  1306. >You hear something about gunrunners in Nigeria being apprehended by a mysterious warrior.
  1307. >...Huh.
  1308. >You filled your bowl to its maximum capacity with tortellini.
  1309. >...And then filled it up a bit more for good measure.
  1310. >With a hearty helping of your family's signature tomato sauce and a tall glass of water, you sat down to enjoy your dinner.
  1311. >Normally, you would wolf down the bowl with such ferocity you'd surely scare away any lurking Freshmen.
  1312. >But tonight, your mind was clouded by one thing.
  1313. >Principal Celestia.
  1314. >Your mind began generating countless fantasy scenarios with you and your Principal/girlfriend.
  1315. >From the cutesy stuff you'd expect articles written of in Seventeen magazine.
  1316. >To the sexy stuff you'd normally expect to only originate from the minds of lonely women in their 40's and 50's.
  1317. >...How old is Celestia?
  1319. >She can't be more than 40.
  1320. >While she has the air of youth about her, she does have her age show.
  1321. >Mid to late 30's?
  1322. >You'd have to ask her.
  1323. >...If you would do if you didn't know better than to ask a woman her age.
  1324. >She's probably self-conscious about it.
  1325. >You don't think she should be.
  1326. >Celestia is like the picture-perfect example of MILF.
  1327. >Except she's not a mom.
  1328. >...PILF?
  1329. >You'll work on it.
  1330. >You were almost surprised by the sight of the empty bowl before.
  1331. >Oh yeah, you're a fast eater.
  1332. >Oh, Celestia!
  1333. >After wiping the remnants of the tomato sauce off your face and rinsing the bowl in the sink, you head up to your room to text Celestia.
  1334. >Phone out, contact open, text prompt waiting for a message to be sent.
  1335. >You set the contact to simply "<3"
  1336. >...But what to send to her?
  1337. >What could you text her that could indicate to her that it's you texting her, but not in a way that makes your identity obvious to any snoop going through her phone.
  1338. >Deciding to risk it a bit, you send her three heart emojis.
  1339. >And so you wait for a response.
  1340. >And wait...
  1341. >And wait...
  1342. >And wait...
  1343. >...She did say she's often busy.
  1344. >You should be too, come to think of it.
  1345. >You still have homework, and you really doubt you can sweet-talk your Principal into giving you a bunch of homework passes.
  1346. >Oh well, you drag your bookbag over to your desk and get to work.
  1347. >English is simple enough, Algebra is still as painful as a surprise rectal exam.
  1348. >And about as welcome as one, too.
  1349. >Then your phone suddenly buzzed.
  1351. >You almost leap out of your chair to see the text notification.
  1352. >Oh.
  1353. >It's Norman.
  1354. >...
  1355. >With a disappointed sigh, you open the notification.
  1356. >"Thanks a million for introducing me to Rarity, dude."
  1357. >Oh yeah, that happened yesterday.
  1358. "No problem man, that's what friends are for."
  1359. >"I'm sure I can get you with Fluttershy for our double date.
  1360. >Oh no.
  1361. >OH NO.
  1363. >You forgot about that.
  1364. >You can't just back out of the plan with Norman.
  1365. >So you kind of have to go on a date with Fluttershy.
  1366. >And OF COURSE it's right after you get together with Principal Celestia.
  1367. >How are you gonna explain that?
  1368. >'Hey yeah, I can't go on a date with you because I'm dating the Principal.'?
  1369. >Even though you're 18 and thus legally an adult, it's still frowned upon for school faculty members to date students.
  1370. >Trying to explain that would jeopardize your relationship with Celestia, to say the least.
  1371. >And then there's Fluttershy.
  1372. >Poor, sweet Fluttershy.
  1373. >She's so quiet and nice.
  1374. >You'd be Douchebag Supreme to suddenly dump her out of nowhere.
  1375. >And for no reason, as far as she could tell.
  1376. >She would probably cry.
  1377. >Her friends would never forgive you.
  1378. >It would probably ruin Norman's chances with Rarity.
  1379. >Then he would never forgive you.
  1380. >How are you gonna explain this to Celestia?
  1381. >You know her emotional state, it would ruin her to suddenly dump her for Fluttershy.
  1382. >What are you gonna do?
  1384. >"You still there?" Reads another text from Norman.
  1385. >You realize you've been staring at the wall for the past three minutes.
  1386. >You should respond.
  1387. "Yeah man, that would be cool."
  1388. >God you feel dirty.
  1389. >"We can work out the details later."
  1390. >"Like when we should ask them."
  1391. "Yeah, good point."
  1392. >"You okay, Anon?
  1393. "Of course, why do you ask?"
  1394. >"Idk, you seem more distant."
  1395. >"Anything on your mind?"
  1396. >Oh, if only you knew.
  1397. "Apart from homework, not really." You cover up.
  1398. >"A very good point."
  1399. >"Well, I'll let you get back to that. Ttyl!"
  1400. "Ttyl, man" You bid farewell before turning your attention back to what remained of your homework.
  1401. >It took what felt like hours, but you triumphed over tonight's competitor in the educational arena.
  1402. >You fell face flat on your bed, agonizing some more over your predicament.
  1403. >Why?
  1404. >Why does this have to happen to you now?
  1405. >If Celestia had rejected you, you still would have had a chance with Fluttershy.
  1406. >Looks like the monkey's paw has curled.
  1407. >...One can hope, right?
  1408. >All you can do is hope that Fluttershy turns down the double-date offer.
  1409. >As horrible as that sounds, you hope the double-date doesn't happen.
  1410. >Maybe you could hype up Norman to ask out Rarity on his own?
  1411. >That wouldn't work.
  1412. >He's set on the double-date grand plan, he's trying to help you too and he'd think it's suspicious that you would suddenly back out.
  1413. >Right now, all you can do is wait and see what happens.
  1414. >As you wallowed in self-pity, your phone buzzed again.
  1415. >Expecting some dumb text from Norman, your heart leapt to see that it was from Celestia.
  1417. >You shoot up to get in a proper reading position.
  1418. >Her response is three emojis with heart eyes.
  1419. >You can't stop another smile from spreading across your face.
  1420. "I miss you already" You text to her, using actual words this time.
  1421. >"I know :(" She responds, more promptly this time.
  1422. >"I'm sorry for making you wait so long. Work can be so much."
  1423. "It's okay! I had work too!" You quickly reply, almost using the work "homework".
  1424. >"I promise I'll try to make time for us"
  1425. "It's okay if you're busy, I would completely understand."
  1426. >"I know, but I still want to spend time with you."
  1427. >Bless her heart.
  1428. "No matter how much time we can spend together, my feelings for you won't change."
  1429. >"Okay, I trust you <3"
  1430. >God she's precious.
  1431. "<3<3<3"
  1432. >Look at what she's doing to you.
  1433. >She's making you all soft and mushy.
  1434. >Not that you mind, of course.
  1435. >"I think about you a lot" Celestia sends with a blushing emoji.
  1436. "I probably think about you more, hot stuff." You reply, deciding to be a little more flirty.
  1437. >Her response is just one blushing emoji.
  1438. >You're getting to her.
  1439. >Time to keep going.
  1440. "I think about kissing you a lot"
  1441. "I think about kissing your lips, your neck, your tummy"
  1442. "And some other places"
  1443. >God, you can't believe you're borderline sexting your PRINCIPAL.
  1444. >Her response is three blushing emojis.
  1445. >You can believe even less that she's really into it.
  1446. >"Better be careful, you're gonna see me again tomorrow"
  1447. "Is that a threat or a promise?"
  1448. >"I'll let you decide"
  1449. >Muh dick.
  1451. >"You better get to bed soon if you're gonna be proper tomorrow, naughty boy" She reminds you.
  1452. >You glance over to the clock.
  1453. >10:55.
  1454. "Yeah true" You text back.
  1455. >"Goodnight, silly boy~"
  1456. "Goodnight, hot stuff" You send back, followed with you plugging in your phone and laying back in bed.
  1457. >You're left alone with your thoughts again.
  1458. >God she's beautiful.
  1459. >From head to toe, Celestia is heavenly.
  1460. >That wonderful smile, those amazing hips, that flowing hair.
  1461. >If you weren't attending her school, you'd surely mistake her for a Goddess.
  1462. >Even at her most exhausted state, she's a ray of sunshine.
  1463. >Somehow you got her to fall for you.
  1464. >All you did was be nice to her.
  1465. >And now she wants you.
  1466. >Anonymous, you're the luckiest man on Earth.
  1467. >And you are a man.
  1468. >You're eighteen.
  1469. >That means you're an adult.
  1470. >Celestia is all you can think about.
  1471. >Then your hormones kick in.
  1472. >You imagine cuddling with her home.
  1473. >You imagine kissing her.
  1474. >You imagine running your hands all over her mature body.
  1475. >You imagine undressing the gorgeous woman.
  1476. >You imagine her undressing you in turn.
  1477. >You imagine being naked with her.
  1478. >You imagine her gasps and moans as you love her.
  1479. >You pleasure yourself to these thoughts.
  1480. >Not to get too graphic, you end up finishing not too long after.
  1481. >You drift of to sleep, eager to see Celestia again tomorrow.
  1483. >Flash forward to Friday morning, outside Canterlot High.
  1484. >Norman's here today.
  1485. "Hey, how come you weren't here on Wednesday?" You get around to asking.
  1486. >"Stomach virus, nasty stuff." He explained, giving no reason as to why he was at Sugarcube Corner later that day.
  1487. "Well anyway, what's your game plan?"
  1488. >"Haven't made much progress. I know I shouldn't ask them yet, since prom is like two months away." He elaborated.
  1489. >Somehow you knew he wouldn't do anything yet.
  1490. "Well you probably should jump on it soon. Rarity's pretty hot property and she could get scooped up by some other guy before you can."
  1491. >"Yeah, yeah, I've got it under control." Norman reassures you.
  1492. >The bell rings, and the day begins.
  1493. >English, P.E., Chemistry, yadda yadda yadda.
  1494. >Lunch was nice.
  1495. >Rainbow teases you some more about how you did in P.E.
  1496. >Today you felt confident enough to shoot some smart comments back at her.
  1497. >You really feel like you're getting closer to her.
  1498. >But if you were being honest, that didn't matter as much to you.
  1499. >Because in a couple hours was your next session with Principal Celestia.
  1500. >Sure enough, 2:30 came to pass.
  1501. >The bell rang, and you sat up with exponentially more confidence than you felt yesterday.
  1502. >You could barely wait for the hallways to clear before your made your way to the Principal's office.
  1503. >This meant you had to fight against the current of teenagers to get to your darling.
  1504. >It took longer than you would have liked, but you did arrive at the familiar door.
  1505. >Feeling like you're made of a million bucks, you knock on the door.
  1506. >Your ears are gifted with the same silky-smooth voice saying the same inviting words:
  1507. >"Come in."
  1508. >Putting your game face on, you open the door and make your presence known.
  1510. >When your eyes met hers, Celestia's gaze immediately softens and a soft sigh escapes her lips.
  1511. >She leans back in her hair and let her hair flow down the back of her chair.
  1512. >"Close the door and come over here, please." She beckons
  1513. >Who are you to disobey your girlfriend?
  1514. >Gingerly shutting the door behind you, you strut over to her desk.
  1515. >Her hunger takes over again as she grabs your collar and pulls you in for a deep kiss.
  1516. >Your eyes drift closed as your hands find their way onto her hips again.
  1517. >Celestia's hands rest on your cheeks to pull you deeper into the kiss ever so slightly.
  1518. >Sadly the kiss didn't last much longer, as Celestia pulled away and gazed into your eyes.
  1519. >"Hello again, dear boyfriend." She giggles, enjoying the youthful connotation of the word.
  1520. "How's your day been, cutie?" You ask, your hands still on her hips.
  1521. >"Oh, it's been awful." She pouted in an over-dramatic manner.
  1522. "Oh no, what happened?" You play along.
  1523. >"I've been trapped in this tiny room all day!" She continued, adding extra emphasis to the last two words.
  1524. >"Answering phone calls and responding to emails for hours!"
  1525. >Celestia fell onto your shoulders, whereupon you laughed a bit at her display.
  1526. >"But at least you're here now." She smiled, looking.
  1527. >One more quick kiss was shared before she returned to her initial position behind the desk.
  1528. >"Now, as much as I would love to continue showing you my affection, there are more pressing matters at hand." She stated matter-of-factly.
  1529. "Ohhhhh, alright." You fake-pouted, causing her to giggle a bit.
  1530. >She's really cute when she's happy.
  1531. >"Your assignment today is mail sorting. It would be lovely if you could sort the spam letters from the letters from the school district." Celestia instructed, flitting her eyes a bit.
  1532. "Anything for you, Celly" You tease before getting to work.
  1533. >Man, focusing on work was harder than ever.
  1534. >Now that you're actively romantic with Celestia, it was torture to have to focus your attention elsewhere.
  1536. >At least now you don't have to worry about her catching you stealing glimpses of her.
  1537. >At one point, she was expecting you to look over at her.
  1538. >Eyes half-lidded, she leans back, lets out a deep sigh, and slowly unbuttons the top two buttons on her jacket.
  1539. >"It's so terribly hot in here, Anon. I hope you don't mind" She teased.
  1540. "...Nah, you-you're good." You stammer out.
  1541. >Giggling to herself, she returns to her computer screen, and you're forced to get back to sorting the mail.
  1542. >Such a tease.
  1543. >You'll have to get her back for that.
  1544. >Oh well, back to the mail.
  1545. >Spam, spam, letter, spam, letter, spam, spam, spam.
  1546. >Damn, these spam mailers are persistent.
  1547. >But there's nothing you can about it.
  1548. >Except make Celestia's life slightly easier.
  1549. >That's something you're good at.
  1550. >Slowly but surely, the stack of letters before shrinks.
  1551. >But finally, at 3:09, the stack disappears.
  1552. "All done!" You proudly declare.
  1553. >"Oh, thank goodness." Celestia sighs, getting out of her chair and pulling you up out of yours.
  1554. >She pulls you close to her and envelopes you in a deep hug.
  1555. >...Burying your face in her chest as Celestia rests her head almost on top of yours.
  1556. >Her breasts are so nice and big and soft.
  1557. >Savoring the moment, you nuzzle into her breasts more.
  1558. >Any guy who said boobs feel like bags of sand is a liar.
  1559. >You're pulled away to meet her loving gaze, looking up at her.
  1560. >"I missed you, Anon." She sighs.
  1561. "I missed you too, Celly." you reply.
  1562. >You two almost collapsed onto the ground, facing each other on the floor.
  1563. >"So...what do you want to do next?"
  1564. "What do you mean?"
  1565. >"I think I speak for both of us when I say we want to meet more than for an hour after school ends."
  1566. "You mean, a date?"
  1567. >Celestia nods, slightly embarrassed.
  1568. "How free are you tomorrow?"
  1569. >"Well, I think I can make time in the afternoon after 5. Maybe we could get something to eat?" She offers.
  1570. "That sounds like fun!"
  1572. >Celestia smiles at your enthusiasm.
  1573. >"But it would have to be somewhere outside town, so no one recognizes us." She established.
  1574. >You nod in agreement.
  1575. "Oh, by the way, could we meet somewhere and you give me a ride?"
  1576. "I don't really have a car..." You admit embarrassingly.
  1577. >She thinks for a moment.
  1578. >"Yeah, we can make that work." Celestia responds.
  1579. "Where should we go? Do you have any ideas?"
  1580. >"We can talk about that over text later tonight. I wanna savor our time together now." Celestia replies, suddenly climbing on top of you.
  1581. >You're pinned to the ground once more as the Goddess you call your Principal and girlfriend towers over you.
  1582. >Her eyes are filled with love.
  1583. >You imagine yours are too.
  1584. >You thought she was gonna lean down and kiss you, but Celestia had other plans.
  1585. >Grinding her hips on your crotch area slightly, she slowly and seductively unbuttons her jacket and tosses it to the side.
  1586. >Beneath her jacket was a simple tank top that shows off her breasts in a way you've never seen before.
  1587. >She absolutely is a D-Cup.
  1588. >Her cleavage is something to behold.
  1589. >Honestly, how could any girl in your grade compare?
  1590. >In the middle of your thoughts, she finally comes down to kiss you, capturing your face in her hands once more.
  1591. >Continuing to grind against you, you're absolutely certain she feels your boner.
  1592. >You hungrily grip her sides, causing her to shiver pleasurably.
  1593. >Celestia parts from you slightly to get another gasp of air before diving back onto your lips.
  1594. >A rhythm was established as you kissed her, with your hips moving in tandem with Celestia kissing your lips.
  1595. >Her lips are as soft as ever, and taste faintly of strawberries.
  1596. >Your hands move up and down her sides, "accidentally" catching her shirt.
  1597. >Subtly raising her shirt up her body, you relished in the sensation of Celestia's bare skin.
  1598. >So soft and so warm.
  1599. >The more you're with her, the less of an overstatement it is to call her a Goddess.
  1601. >Sadly, Celestia stopped you from raising her shirt further as she parted from you.
  1602. >"Not here, silly boy." She teased, playing with the hem of her shirt.
  1603. >Allowing you to drink in the sight of her lovely midriff.
  1604. >She blushes at the sight of your boner confined within your jeans.
  1605. >"I wish I knew why you're so attracted to this old lady." She said, sitting back slightly.
  1606. >Old lady?
  1607. "You're not old at all!"
  1608. >She shook her head slightly.
  1609. >"I appreciate your flattery, but I'm just not as young as I used to be." She replied while looking away.
  1610. >For a second, you could see a flash of sadness across her face.
  1611. "Well, you're beautiful to me at least" You offer, trying to comfort her.
  1612. >A soft smile appears on Celestia's face as she looks back at you.
  1613. >"Thank you, Anon."
  1614. >She sits down beside you and takes your hand in hers.
  1615. >"It seems like every day I'm surrounded by people younger than me. As if to remind me of what I used to be."
  1616. >"But you're different, Anon. You make me feel young again." She continued as she looked upon you.
  1617. "Well, you make me feel seen, Celly." You respond.
  1618. "You're one of the few people who actually recognize that I exist."
  1619. >Celestia smiles as she leans further into you.
  1620. >You plant a soft kiss on her cheek, painting a pink hue across her face.
  1621. >"Look at me, I feel like a schoolgirl with a crush when I'm with you!"
  1622. >You giggle at the thought.
  1623. "If only we were in the same class." You add on.
  1624. "I definitely would have asked you to prom."
  1625. >"I wish you would have, I never went to prom when I was in High School." Celestia shamefully admitted.
  1626. >You didn't know what else to do but pull her into a hug.
  1627. >She gratefully accepted the action, sharing another quiet yet tender moment.
  1628. >But 3:30 inevitably came, so you reluctantly said your goodbyes and headed home.
  1629. >A text followed soon after you left Canterlot High.
  1630. >"How about we cook together?"
  1631. >Attached is an address, presumably her home.
  1632. "Sounds like a lot of fun!" You text back.
  1634. >"Yay!" Celestia quickly texts back.
  1635. >An address follows soon after.
  1636. >"6 PM sharp, don't be late!" She warns.
  1637. >Rolling your eyes with a grin, you text back.
  1638. "Should I bring anything?"
  1639. >"Don't worry about that, just come here with can-do spirit and your cute butt!"
  1640. >You blush for a moment.
  1641. >That's new.
  1642. >Not that it's unwelcome, you love Celestia being attracted to you.
  1643. "I'll try, but he can be a bit hard to persuade" You text back.
  1644. >"LOL"
  1645. >That's probably the extent of Celestia's knowledge concerning internet lingo.
  1646. >You hope.
  1647. >"Well, I've got work to do and so do you. Ttyl!"
  1648. "Ttyl, lovely!" You text back before running home.
  1649. >As soon as you arrive home, you make your plans for tomorrow known.
  1650. "Is it cool if I hang out with some friends tomorrow evening?" You ask your dad.
  1651. >"Sure! Just be careful, stay away from drugs, Anon." He reminded you.
  1652. "Don't worry, that's not happening." You reassure your dad.
  1653. >Your mom was up in your parent's room reading a book you gave her as a gift for Christmas last year.
  1654. >You totally are a thoughtful gifter.
  1655. >Eating some bananas in place of an actual dinner, you again make your way up to your room to get to work on homework.
  1656. >Only to get interrupted by a quick text.
  1657. >It's from Celestia.
  1658. >"If you're on good behavior tomorrow, you just might get treated for it ;)"
  1659. >You look at your clock.
  1660. >5:43
  1661. >More than 24 hours until you get to see her again.
  1662. "I'll sure try, but you make it hard to behave sometimes~" You text back.
  1663. >Unfortunately she didn't respond after that, perhaps getting back to work.
  1664. >You should too.
  1665. >After conquering your homework, you climbed into bed and drifted off to sleep, eager to face the day tomorrow.
  1667. >Saturday morning.
  1668. >Perhaps the most tortuous Saturday lay ahead of you.
  1669. >You couldn't be at Celestia's until 6 PM.
  1670. >And it's 7:03 AM.
  1671. >You woke up at 6:30 even though you got to bed at like midnight.
  1672. >Kind of like how you'd wake up super early on your birthday or Christmas.
  1673. >Worse yet, you couldn't text Celestia before 6 because she's focused on emails and stuff for her job as Principal.
  1674. >Such sacrifices had to be made.
  1675. >But 6 PM will come.
  1676. >...And so will you
  1677. >Hopefully
  1678. >You slap yourself for that.
  1679. >Figuring you've got nothing better to do, you might as well sort your room.
  1680. >While digging through piles of foul-smelling clothes, you find some pretty neat stuff.
  1681. >A book on legends of the Toa Mata.
  1682. >A magazine article from 1967 on Racer Motors.
  1683. >Some letters from your cousin attending Bullworth Academy.
  1684. >A photo of your great-grandfather in World War II, as part of the Invisible Coyotes unit.
  1685. >Ah, memories.
  1686. >After these keepsakes were put away, you took up the fearsome task of moving your dirty laundry to the washing machine.
  1687. >God they reek.
  1688. >When was the last time you even washed your clothes?
  1689. >Was it even within the past month?
  1690. >The clump of used clothing was so great that your range of vision was greatly limited.
  1691. >You almost slip on a sock and fall down the stairs.
  1692. >Almost.
  1693. >But you're a badass who seduced his Principal.
  1694. >You're not falling down these stairs.
  1695. >It took far longer than you would have liked, but thanks to your immaculate memory of your home's layout, you finally reached the washing machine.
  1696. >Letting out a less than dignified groan when dumping it all into the washing machine, you close the washing machine door and set the usual time.
  1697. >Mission accomplished.
  1698. >You check the time.
  1699. >7:31.
  1700. >Shit.
  1701. >It's gonna be a long day.
  1702. >"About time you got around to doing your laundry." You dad commented, eating breakfast at the table in the dining room.
  1703. >Looking up, you nod in agreement.
  1704. "Better late than never, right?"
  1706. >Your dad nodded in agreement and turned his attention back to his breakfast.
  1707. >Deciding to not isolate yourself in your room some more, you went to the living room and lie down on the couch.
  1708. >Your mom was in the armchair nearby, sipping her daily coffee.
  1709. >Lying back on the comfortable furniture, you decide to see what Norman's up to.
  1710. "How's it hanging?" You text, initiating a conversation.
  1711. >Norman responded surprisingly soon after.
  1712. >"Hey, you mind me giving your number to Pinkie?"
  1713. >Well then.
  1714. "Why?"
  1715. >"She has everyone else's number already, and wants to make you feel more included."
  1716. >That's awfully nice of her.
  1717. >You might as well, seeing as you could count on one hand how many contacts you had in your phone.
  1718. >Mom, dad, Norman, your cousin and '<3'
  1719. "Sure, I'm down." You text back.
  1720. >Almost immediately after, you got a text from an unknown number.
  1721. >"HIYA NONNY!"
  1722. >That must be Pinkie.
  1723. "Hi Pinkie!" You text back.
  1724. >"I can't believe it's been this long for us to get texting!"
  1725. "Yeah, me either"
  1726. >"So what're you gonna do today?"
  1727. >This was a tricky question to respond to.
  1728. >You can't tell her you're hanging out with Norman later because she'll jut text him about that.
  1729. >And you absolutely cannot tell her you're gonna go make out with Principal Celestia.
  1730. "Nothing much, just studying" You lie.
  1731. >"Oooooh, maybe we could get together with Twilight and have a study group!"
  1732. >God dammit.
  1733. "I'm also feeling kind of sick today, so I really shouldn't."
  1734. "I wish I could"
  1735. >"Ohhhhh, alright" Pinkie relents.
  1736. >You rest back, crisis averted.
  1737. >"But you totally should hang out with us sometime!"
  1738. "Okay, but are you sure I'm not intruding on your friend group?"
  1739. >"I told you you're okay! You don't need to keep asking!!"
  1740. "I'm sorry, I just feel kinda bad on barging in on your friend group."
  1741. >"Nonny, we've all been there. Fluttershy and Twilight didn't really have any other friends too, you know."
  1742. >That is true, you reflect.
  1743. >"Plus! Rainbow likes you! And so does Applejack and Rarity!"
  1745. >"All of us are happy to be your friend! They'll tell you that!" Pinkie reassured.
  1746. "But you all are the "Main Six", you're all higher on the social totem pole than me."
  1747. >"That's hooey and you know it!" Pinkie was quick to respond.
  1748. >"Apart from maybe Rainbow and Rarity, none of us were that popular before last year! We hang out because we're friends, not because we're popular."
  1749. >You sigh in defeat and accept Pinkie's hospitality.
  1750. "Thank you, Pinkie."
  1751. >"Of course!!! As long as you don't turn into a jerk, we'll want to be your friends!"
  1752. >A smile grew on your face, enjoying your burgeoning social life.
  1753. >"We usually hang out at Sugarcube Corner on Wednesdays after school, so stop by if you can!"
  1754. >"And I bet they'd love to hang out with you!"
  1755. >"Fluttershy's always looking for volunteers at the local animal shelter, and Rarity would probably enjoy having some guys model her clothes!"
  1756. >You make a mental note to look into this further.
  1757. >Based on your experience these past two weeks, you prefer spending time with others over mindlessly browsing The Pirate Ba- Steam.
  1758. >Mindlessly browsing Steam.
  1759. >You text back a smiling emoji to Pinkie.
  1760. >She sent back three more.
  1761. "So what are you gonna be doing today?"
  1762. >"More baking! It's a lot of fun!"
  1763. >You should've guessed.
  1764. >"You could help sometime!"
  1765. "Yeah, I'll try to make time when I can!"
  1766. >Pinkie responded with more smiling emojis.
  1767. >You can't help but get infected by her chronically positive attitude.
  1768. >You almost envy that in her.
  1769. >"Hey, do you want me to see if you can be added to our groupchat?" Pinkie offered.
  1770. "You can if you want to lol" You text back, trying not to sound desperate or any similar emotion.
  1771. >A few minutes later, you started getting a ton of notifications.
  1772. >Opening your phone once more, you see a new group chat in your messages.
  1773. "Hey, it's Anon here" You text, giving the unknown number a name to the six recipients.
  1774. >The six greeted you in their own unique ways.
  1776. >"Pinkie says you're feeling sick today" Fluttershy texted.
  1777. "Yeah, I've had a horrible fever all morning" You continue to lie.
  1778. >"That's too bad!" Rainbow commented.
  1779. >"I hope you feel better soon" Twilight tried to comfort you.
  1780. "Thanks, but all I can really do for now is take my medicine and hope for the best."
  1781. >Lying to your new friends like this creates an unpleasant feeling in your stomach.
  1782. >You really wish you could explain your situation to them.
  1783. >But there's so much more at risk than just your friendship with them.
  1784. >Celestia could lose her job.
  1785. >Or worse.
  1786. >You're trapped in more turmoil.
  1787. >"You better heal up soon! I'm gonna whip you into shape on Monday!" Rainbow warned you.
  1788. "Can't wait lol" You text back.
  1789. >"Neither can I! But I will warn you: You're gonna be sore!"
  1790. "Hey, don't threaten me with a good time lol"
  1791. >Laughter was shared in the group chat.
  1792. >For the next few hours, you learned more about the six.
  1793. >Turns out Applejack DOES live at Sweet Apple Acres.
  1794. >You also piqued Rarity's interest in your mystery friend you plan on introducing her to.
  1795. >You owe it to Norman.
  1796. >While getting a snack from the kitchen, you idly glanced over at the clock.
  1797. >5:31
  1798. >HOLY SHIT.
  1799. >Suddenly scrambling to get ready, you dressed properly for your lady and ensured you had your phone and wallet in your pockets.
  1800. >You yelled a goodbye to your parents while halfway out the door, practically sprinting down the street.
  1801. >Wait.
  1802. >Why are you sprinting?
  1803. >It's not gonna take half an hour to get to Celestia's house.
  1804. >Your lungs were burning in protest, demanding a rest from such arduous running.
  1805. >Collecting your thoughts, you slow to an idle stroll.
  1806. >You didn't need music to accompany you today.
  1807. >Thoughts of Celestia kept you company.
  1808. >Your journey through Canterlot took you to the more well-off part of town, eventually stopping at the house matching the address sent to you.
  1809. >Taking a moment to take in the image of an almost castle-like home, you pridefully knocked on the door.
  1811. >You mentally reflect upon your situation.
  1812. >You can count on one hand how many times you've gone over to a friend's (read: Norman's) house in your life.
  1813. >And here you are, at the private residence of your Principal.
  1814. >Are you being desperate?
  1815. >Sure, there's the whole double-date stuff with Fluttershy, but all that's still up in the air.
  1816. >You need to calm your nerves.
  1817. >But this is the closest you've ever gotten to getting with a girl.
  1818. >Let alone a WOMAN.
  1819. >...You notice how sweaty your forehead is.
  1820. >It's gotta be your nerves working in tandem with the abnormally warm weather.
  1821. >Damn global warning, making you look bad in front of your date.
  1822. >...It's been a couple minutes since you knocked.
  1823. >You look over to the driveway and sure enough, Celestia's car is sitting there.
  1824. >You suddenly become more self-conscious of your situation.
  1825. >Subtly glancing around to assess the neighborhood, you're partially relieved to see no one out and about.
  1826. >You quickly turn your head back to the door to hide your face.
  1827. >As well as crossing your fingers and praying no one happens to recognize you.
  1828. >...It's been three minutes since you knocked.
  1829. >Your nerves get the better of you and you knock the door again.
  1830. >This time you actually got a response from within the residence.
  1831. >"Come in!"
  1832. >You recognize the voice, certainly.
  1833. >But today it's much more laid back and... sing-songy?
  1834. >Is that a term?
  1835. >Waving those useless thoughts away, you grasp the metal doorknob and almost surgically twist it to open the door.
  1836. >Once the door is opened, you're immediately met with a wave of cool air.
  1837. >Awkwardly stepping inside, you take in the layout of Celestia's home.
  1838. >The walls and ceiling are almost all white, with a marble floor connecting the various rooms.
  1839. >The design aesthetic matches the exterior's, having a much more modern style than most other homes you've seen.
  1841. >"You're early, Anon" Celestia's voice emanates from the kitchen.
  1842. >You check the time to verify that claim.
  1843. >5:54.
  1844. >...Oh.
  1845. >That explains why you didn't get an immediate response.
  1846. "Oh, I'm sorry!" You respond, embarrassed.
  1847. >You hear a giggle in response.
  1848. >"You're lucky I wasn't in the middle of something!"
  1849. >You nod in agreement, your cheeks still red.
  1850. >Celestia enters the living room to greet you more appropriately.
  1851. >Seeing her for the second time outside of school, you take in the sight of your more relaxed Principal.
  1852. >She's dressed in a simple tank top and yoga pants.
  1853. >Must be nice to rest in simple clothes after such long weeks.
  1854. >...Then you realize you're staring.
  1855. >Shaking your head, she relaxes her demeanor much more upon seeing you.
  1856. >The two of you waste no time in embracing in a hug.
  1857. >Once more you sink into Celestia's warm body, this time less stifled by her Principal attire.
  1858. >Celestia lets out a soft sigh as she embraces you, finally able to relax after working all day.
  1859. "I hope I'm not intruding on your work." You say to her after separating to meet her eyes.
  1860. >"Anon, it's really no trouble. I need this time together probably more than you." She responds, a warm smile decorating her pristine face.
  1861. >Still in each other's embrace, you spend precious time enveloping yourself in Celestia's arms.
  1862. >Which is interrupted by a beeping sound from the kitchen.
  1863. >Suddenly separating from you, Celestia quickly makes her way to the kitchen, with you following.
  1864. >There's a pot boiling over a stove, with steam rising from the pot.
  1865. >"I thought spaghetti would be nice!" Celestia beamed, proud of her cooking,
  1866. >As Celestia stops the timer that was causing the beeping and tends to the spaghetti, you shuffle over awkwardly.
  1867. "Is there any way I can help?" You offer, feeling bad about just standing around.
  1868. >"You can set the table, I've already got this done." She replies, motioning to the dinner table nearby.
  1870. >Tapping into your etiquette, you gingerly place two pairs of napkins and forks at seats near each other at the dinner table.
  1871. >Celestia seems to really know what she's doing, adding other ingredients to the spaghetti before deeming them worthy of being eaten.
  1872. "I wish you told me that we were having spaghetti prior, I could have brought my family's signature tomato sauce." You offer.
  1873. >This piques Celestia's interest, raising her eyebrow as she turns to you.
  1874. >"Is that so? I'll have to remember that for next time." She replies.
  1875. "But I'm warning you: it's won awards in the past, so I will be judging your tomato sauce rather harshly." You tease.
  1876. >"Oh, I don't think you be disappointed." She said back, grinning.
  1877. >After taste testing a single strand of spaghetti, she nods in approval.
  1878. >"Ready to eat!" She announced, producing two bowls.
  1879. >As you head over to fetch dinner, you subtly graze your hand across her back.
  1880. >She reacts with a slight gasp, obviously sensitive back there.
  1881. >"Careful, boy. With all this food around you could end up making a mess." She teases.
  1882. "Oh, but what if I want to?" You slide back at her, applying some tomato sauce to the spaghetti.
  1883. >"I think that's a discussion best suited for after dinner, and remember what I said about good behavior." She reminded you, resting her hand on your shoulder as you filled your bowl with spaghetti.
  1884. >"Is there anything you'd like to drink?" Celestia offers as she goes through the refrigerator.
  1885. "Well-"
  1886. >"Something you can LEGALLY drink."
  1887. >A groan of disappointment escapes your lips as she enjoys mirthful laugh.
  1888. "Water would be fine. I'm trying to not drink too much soda."
  1889. >Celestia gave you a tall glass of water after grabbing a bottle of sparkling water from the refrigerator.
  1890. >You two took your seats next to each other at the dinner table, in front of a glass door showing off the meticulously cared for backyard.
  1891. >You raise your glass to her, and she smiles as she clicks her bottle against it.
  1893. >Few words were shared as you two ate, focusing more on the spaghetti.
  1894. >You also decided that it would be unbecoming of you to attempt to speak to your date with a mouth full of food.
  1895. >The tomato sauce naturally isn't as good as your family's, but it's still nice.
  1896. >The spaghetti itself was delectable, unlike any other spaghetti you had.
  1897. >Your parents would definitely like it.
  1898. >Note to self: Ask for the recipe.
  1899. >You would wolf down the spaghetti with the same ferocity your waffles see.
  1900. >But you're with a lady.
  1901. >And that's no way to behave around a lady.
  1902. >Looking over to her, she's eating dinner much more delicately.
  1903. >Hardly any tomato sauce residue on her face.
  1904. >You then summon your manners once more to carefully clean your face with a napkin.
  1905. >It's oddly silent as you eat.
  1906. >Perhaps emphasized by the sheer size of the house.
  1907. >You take a break from eating to start conversation.
  1908. " you have any roommates?"
  1909. >She takes a moment to respond.
  1910. >"I used to, my sister Luna moved out a few years ago and now lives in her own place." Celestia elaborated.
  1911. "Oh, seems pretty lonely here then."
  1912. >"Indeed..."
  1913. >"But, now it's not lonely with you here." She turned to you, her brief down expression turning to a smile.
  1914. >You wink back at her, causing her to laugh a bit.
  1915. >"Charmer."
  1916. >The silence was still present afterwards, but slightly comforted by each other.
  1917. >You finished the spaghetti not too long after, before Celestia.
  1918. >Trying to be helpful, you get up from your chair and go to wash your bowl in the sink.
  1919. >"You don't have to do that, Anon. Let me worry about dishes." Celestia interjects.
  1920. "But you've done a lot for me already and I want to be helpful." You reply.
  1921. >"Anon, you're my guest. I can't ask you to clean the dishes as my guest."
  1922. "Well, I'm gonna clean my bowl and you can't stop me." You teased.
  1923. >Celestia rested her head on her hand as you washed your bowl.
  1924. >You tease her by making smug faces at her as you clean, eliciting some laughter from her.
  1926. >"If only all students were as eager to clean up after themselves as you." Celestia remarked.
  1927. "Well, they don't have a six foot five temptress to encourage them." You respond with a grin.
  1928. >"Oh, temptress? Is that how you see me?"
  1929. >You wink at her before finishing cleaning your bowl.
  1930. >"Silly boy." Celestia giggled.
  1931. >"And you're not cleaning my bowl! You're my guest!" Celestia insisted.
  1932. "Oh, but I just want to heeeeeeelp." You tease making your way towards her.
  1933. >"I understand, and it's very admirable, but it's really not your responsibility!"
  1934. >You reach for the bowl, but she's quicker than you, and held it away from you.
  1935. >Curse her amazonian physique.
  1936. >"Remember, best behavior~" Celestia reminded you, booping your nose.
  1937. "Helping clean the dishes is bad behavior?"
  1938. >"In this instance, yes!"
  1939. >"Savor this, Anon. A time where proper behavior is not cleaning may never come again~"
  1940. >Faking frustration, you pull away and harumph as you cross your arms.
  1941. >A hearty giggle could be heard from Celestia as she cleaned her own bowl.
  1942. >As much as you teased her, you did want to help her where you could.
  1943. >Not JUST because she's insanely hot.
  1944. >"You can make yourself comfortable in the living room." She offered.
  1945. >Re-entering the luxurious living room, you opt to sit down on the couch in front of the TV.
  1946. >It's really soft.
  1947. >You're almost afraid you'll sink right through the sofa.
  1948. >Maybe this was her dastardly plan all along.
  1949. >To seduce high school seniors and lure them to her house and kidnap them.
  1950. >"I hope you had enough to eat." Celestia said, walking into the living room.
  1951. "Oh, it was more than enough. Thank you, it was wonderful!" You happily reply.
  1952. >Celestia could only smile gently as she joined you on the couch, leaning on your shoulder as she rested her eyes.
  1953. >Come to think of it, the dinner made you feel tired too.
  1954. >You lean into Celestia in return, enjoying the moment.
  1956. >This time was different from the other times you embraced your Principal like this.
  1957. >This time, there really was no time limit on how long you could spend with her.
  1958. >You didn't need to go home in 15 minutes.
  1959. >This afternoon, it was just you and Celestia.
  1960. >And it was really nice.
  1961. >You noticed that the silence permeating throughout the house is much more comforting now.
  1962. >Penetrated only by Celestia's soft breathing, you didn't need anything else.
  1963. >Suddenly, Celestia laid back and raised her arms, beckoning you forward.
  1964. >You freeze up for a moment.
  1965. >Slowly and carefully, you maneuvered your body to be laying on top of Celestia.
  1966. >Your face was almost literally buried in her neck, but she certainly didn't seem to mind.
  1967. >With a soft sigh, she wrapped her arms around your body and nuzzled closer into you.
  1968. >You feel like a giant teddy bear.
  1969. >Her body was much warmer than usual, perhaps more relaxed or happy.
  1970. >She doesn't look like she has a fever.
  1971. >Every now and again, Celestia would lean her head up and plant a gentle kiss on your forehead.
  1972. >You feel your face grow warmer with every kiss.
  1973. >Trying not to disturb her too much, you sneak your arms under her torso, matching her grip on you.
  1974. >She wiggled slightly to help you, tightening her hold on you slightly.
  1975. >You lift your head up to meet her eyes.
  1976. >To say she looked angelic is a massive understatement.
  1977. >Her half lidded eyes matched with her flawless face and gentle smile beautifully.
  1978. >As if she could read her mind, Celestia closed her eyes and drew her face closer to yours.
  1979. >You met her in the middle for another deep, loving kiss.
  1980. >As you savored the taste of her lips once more, you could hear her gently sigh into the kiss, rubbing your back slightly.
  1981. >You and Celestia were in almost perfect synchronization, opening and closing your mouths for air in the middle of the kiss.
  1982. >Then you get an idea.
  1983. >You pull away from Celestia to get her attention.
  1985. "You've been working really hard, haven't you?"
  1986. >Celestia gently nodded in response.
  1987. >You gingerly kiss her cheek.
  1988. "You want to relax, don't you?"
  1989. >She nods once more.
  1990. >You kiss just below her ear, eliciting a soft gasp from her.
  1991. "You want to enjoy your self, don't you?"
  1992. >Her nod was more eager this time.
  1993. >Moving your head lower, you kiss Celestia's neck.
  1994. >Celestia audibly gasped as she grabbed your hair, arching her back slightly.
  1995. >You pull back to look into her eyes once more.
  1996. "Do you want me to keep going?"
  1997. >"You better, naughty boy."
  1998. >Almost immediately after responding, her hand that was still gripping your hair forced your head back into her neck.
  1999. >Not wanting to waste Celestia's time, you return to kissing and licking her exposed neck.
  2000. >The image of Celestia as the dignified Principal was gone as she audibly gasped and moaned at every kiss, almost grinding her hips against your leg.
  2001. >You move your hands up and down her sides as she used one hand to rub your back and the other to grip your hair.
  2002. >After a couple minutes, your head was suddenly jerked up as she pulled you towards her face and met in an even more heated kiss.
  2003. >Her hands gripped the side of your face as you kept rubbing her sides.
  2004. >You could feel her tongue prodding your lips, asking for permission to enter.
  2005. >You open your mouth to oblige, but the sensation of another tongue against yours caught you off guard.
  2006. >Retracting your head slightly, Celestia's expression became more worried.
  2007. >"Oh no, did I go too far?"
  2008. "No, it's felt kinda weird." You sheepishly admit.
  2009. >She smiled in relief.
  2010. >"I can imagine. I'll let you lead, then."
  2011. >Nodding, you dive right back into the kiss.
  2012. >This time, you carefully introduce your tongue to your Principal's.
  2013. >Being more careful this time, Celestia helped you get used to the concept of french kissing.
  2014. >Nobody ever tells you how weird french kissing is the first time you try it.
  2016. >You waste no time in attaching your lips to Celestia's once more.
  2017. >You carefully work your tongue inside her mouth, and after slightly recoiling at the sensation of another tongue, you soon get back into the groove.
  2018. >Celestia was incredibly eager to kiss you more, her fingernails almost digging into your face.
  2019. >In the excitement, you two end up rolling off the couch and rather gracelessly falling onto the carpeted floor.
  2020. >After a moment of disorientation Celestia pins you onto the ground, her hips straddling yours.
  2021. >You notice her shirt's rode up a bit, allowing you a slight view of her midriff.
  2022. >So thin, yet so toned.
  2023. >Your staring session was cut short as Celestia dove back onto you, moaning more audibly as your hands kept traveling up and down her sides.
  2024. >You drink in the sensation of Celestia's flawless skin as your tongue is engaged in a fiery dance with hers.
  2025. >Deciding to be a little more brave, your hands venture down her back, whereupon you firmly grasp Celestia's butt.
  2026. >This causes her to gasp slightly as she shoots up, trying her best to give you a faux-stern expression despite her clear arousal.
  2027. >"You naughty boy, you're lucky I like you so much." She scolds, barely hiding a grin.
  2028. "You know, I AM 18 years old." You remind her.
  2029. >"What does this have to do with your transgression?" She grinned.
  2030. >Summoning your strength, you grab her sides and flip Celestia onto her back, with you towering over her.
  2031. >Putting on your best impression of a smolder, you meet her eyes.
  2032. "It means I'm a man." You respond, deepening your voice for added effect.
  2033. >Celestia then bursts into a giggle fit.
  2034. "I am!"
  2035. >"Oh, I know, but it's so much more fun to tease you~" Celestia says, stroking your cheek.
  2036. >She plants another quick kiss on your lips before speaking again.
  2037. >"Well, Mr. Manly Man, don't forget to be on your best behavior~"
  2038. "No promises~" You tease, before going back into kissing your Principal.
  2039. >Your tongues return to their dance of passion as you rub her thighs.
  2041. >Your tongue quickly reunited with Celestia's as your hands move to explore her thighs.
  2042. >Celestia doesn't even bother suppressing her moans any more, gripping your face like her life depended on it.
  2043. >A few fingers idly grazing by the area where her legs meet told you that she was incredibly wet.
  2044. >You try to sneak your hands under Celestia's shirt again, and managed to make a little more progress before she stopped you.
  2045. >"Not here." She simply stated.
  2046. >Before you could respond, she grabbed your hand and practically ran upstairs.
  2047. >Being dragged along, you could see out the windows that the evening sky was painted in countless, beautiful colors.
  2048. >Celestia practically knocked the door down before ending her sprint, joining her hands with yours as you realized where you were.
  2049. >Celestia's bedroom.
  2050. >Holy shit.
  2051. >It's happening.
  2052. >"I've really enjoyed our time together today." Celestia said with a sultry tone.
  2053. >"But I HAVE warned you to be on your best behavior."
  2054. "So how did I do?" You eagerly ask.
  2055. >She spends a moment pretending to think to herself, raising your anticipation.
  2056. >"Besides a few notable incidents, I think you've been a good boy~" She teased.
  2057. >Her hips sway slightly as she plants another kiss on your lips.
  2058. >"Do you want to know what your reward is?"
  2059. >You can only nod in response.
  2060. >Celestia moved closer to your ear and whispered two choice words:
  2061. >"Strip me."
  2062. >You're frozen.
  2063. >You almost can't think.
  2064. >Is this real life?
  2065. >A lot's happening in your mind.
  2066. >A million thoughts are racing at once.
  2067. >Mentally slapping yourself, you snap back to reality.
  2068. >Celestia's still standing there, and slowly moves your hands to her hips.
  2069. >"I'm all yours, Anon."
  2070. >There's the green light.
  2071. >You gently knead your hands on her hips, subtly raising her shirt to expose more of her midriff.
  2072. >You can hear Celestia shiver in excitement as your hands ascent her stomach, taking her shirt with them.
  2073. >Her stomach is exposed in all its glory, which you pepper with gentle kisses.
  2075. >Not wanting to waste too much time on one portion of her heavenly body, you grip Celestia's thin shirt and lift it above her head.
  2076. >Tossing it to the side, you take in the sight of Celestia's top half contained by only a bra.
  2077. >The bra in question was light blue and lacy.
  2078. >Clearly she was prepared for today.
  2079. >Good lord her cleavage looks amazing.
  2080. >Honestly, how could any of the girls in your grade compare to these D-Cups?
  2081. >You almost feel sorry for them.
  2082. >The warm smile you've come to love still covers Celestia's face, taking pride in her body.
  2083. >"Don't stare too much, I'm almost getting impatient." She teases.
  2084. >You're once more snapped out of your trance to realize what you have to do next.
  2085. >Your hands glide across Celestia's midriff to her back, where you could feel the clasp holding back the stuff of your dreams.
  2086. >Moving even closer to her, you fumble with her clasp to undo her bra.
  2087. >And fumble...
  2088. >And fumble...
  2089. >...This isn't as easy as you imagined it would be.
  2090. >"Would you like some help?" Celestia asked with a smug grin.
  2091. "I got it, don't worry." You reassure.
  2092. >At long last, the clasp finally separates itself and Celestia's bra fell loose.
  2093. >Celestia's hands on your shoulders tensed up a bit.
  2094. >Almost surgically, you removed the bra from Celestia's shoulders and the undergarment fell to the ground.
  2095. >...
  2096. >...
  2097. >...
  2098. >Her breasts are the most beautiful things you've ever seen.
  2099. >Almost perfectly round and her pink nipples were erect and ready.
  2100. >Your hands fell to Celestia's hips.
  2101. >You don't even bother trying to stop yourself from burying your face in between her breasts.
  2102. >Celestia laughs a bit at your display.
  2103. >"Having fun, are we?" She asks, twiddling with your hair.
  2104. >You can only nod as you motorboat Celestia's chest.
  2105. >You decide to surface momentarily to then suck on her right nipple.
  2106. >The loudest moan Celestia's made was produced as her knees almost buckle beneath her.
  2108. >Your teeth gently graze the outer portion of her nipple as your tongue flicks across the center.
  2109. >Your left hand decides to pick up the slack and gently pinch and fondle her left nipple.
  2110. >Glancing up, you find Celestia completely enraptured in the experience.
  2111. >Her eyes were closed as she gasped and moaned in tandem with your actions.
  2112. >Her face is a shade of red you're positive you've never seen before.
  2113. >While her hands were still gripping your hair to ensure you kept playing with her nipples.
  2114. >Deciding to make good use of her bedroom, you summon your strength and wrap your arms around her waist.
  2115. >She yelps in surprise as you lift the amazon woman off her feet and carry her over to the bed.
  2116. >Gently placing the beautiful woman on her back, you find Celestia's eyes filled with a passionate fire.
  2117. >"Aren'" Celestia manages to get out in between pants of lust.
  2118. "Only for you, Princess~" You sensually respond.
  2119. >Princess?
  2120. >Where did that come from?
  2121. >Oh well, it fits.
  2122. >Celestia's clearly impatient now, gripping your face and forcing it back onto her breasts.
  2123. >You're not one to disappoint, so you nibble her nipple with more force, earning almost screams of pleasure from your Principal.
  2124. >"I'm a...hah...big girl, Anon. You...can be...a little more rough." She informed you.
  2125. "I just wanted to make sure I'm on my best behavior." You tease her.
  2126. >She isn't really impressed, as indicated by forcing you to return to playing with her nipples.
  2127. >With every flick and every bite Celestia's back arched up as the most lewd sounds you've ever heard escaped Celestia.
  2128. >Her nipples taste really nice.
  2129. >Wanting to ensure proper pleasure, you alternate from licking and biting the left and right nipple as Celestia writhes in pleasure beneath you.
  2130. >Suddenly, she pushes you up.
  2131. >"You're not done yet, naughty boy~"
  2132. >Oh yeah.
  2133. >Her lower half.
  2134. >You almost forgot.
  2135. >You hastily yet lovingly move your hands from her breasts, down her stomach, to rest on her yoga pants.
  2137. >What was immediately noticeable was the heat radiating off of her honeypot.
  2138. >The dampness has grown significantly.
  2139. >It's no mystery why.
  2140. >"Are you...just gonna...hah...stare?" Celestia pants.
  2141. >You really don't want to just stare.
  2142. >But you're still frozen.
  2143. >Here you are.
  2144. >Kneeling over a half-naked woman of your dreams, practically begging you to strip her naked.
  2145. >You're only 18.
  2146. >You really hope you don't mess anything up.
  2147. >Steeling your nerve, you make the leap by grabbing the waistband of her yoga pants and pull them down to her ankles.
  2148. >Celestia helps by raising her legs as you pull her pants down.
  2149. >God her legs are something to behold.
  2150. >Those thighs are perfectly thick.
  2151. >Those hips are BUILT for child-bearing.
  2152. >So long and slender.
  2153. >Once her yoga pants bunch up at her ankles, you pull them off completely and toss them over your shoulder, along with her socks.
  2154. >The sight you're met with is extremely sexy.
  2155. >Her panties match her already discarded bra, lacy and light blue.
  2156. >But with a darker shade of blue, thanks to her liquid arousal.
  2157. >At risk of sounding repetitive, Celestia looks insanely beautiful.
  2158. >Rarity? Sunset Shimmer?
  2159. >They've got nothing on the Principal.
  2160. >"'re not done, lover boy." Celestia reminded you.
  2161. >Here we are.
  2162. >The one last article of clothing covering her body.
  2163. >You're pretty sure you've never been this hard for this long before in your life.
  2164. >But you have a job.
  2165. >You take Celestia's right leg into your hands, sensually rubbing up and down.
  2166. >Celestia is practically panting now, her breath heavy with anticipation.
  2167. >While your hands go up and down on her amazing leg, you begin planting kisses near her ankle.
  2168. >You're not even a feet guy but God damn Celestia makes a compelling case.
  2169. >You continue kissing her leg, working up from her ankle to her shin.
  2170. >From her shin to her calf.
  2171. >From her calf to her thigh.
  2172. >From her thigh to her inner thigh.
  2173. >Her thighs are so soft.
  2174. >Finally, you arrive at your destination.
  2176. >The union of Celestia's legs.
  2177. >Only one small layer of fabric separates you from Principal Celestia's womanhood.
  2178. >It's as if your entire life has been leading up to this moment.
  2179. >You owe Norman a huge 'thank you' later.
  2180. >"!" Celestia tries to demand.
  2181. >Then an evil grin spreads across your face.
  2182. >You slowly move up to her face to whisper in her ear.
  2183. "Only if you ask nicely~"
  2184. >"Please, Anon..!"
  2185. "Please what?"
  2186. >You might be enjoying this a little too much.
  2187. >"Pl...please strip me naked and love me!"
  2188. >That's all you needed to hear.
  2189. "Anything for you, Princess~"
  2190. >You return your focus to Celestia's panties.
  2191. >Slowly and lovingly, you plant a gentle kiss on the fabric of her panties in between her legs.
  2192. >Celestia responds with the most lewd and girlish moan you've ever heard.
  2193. >She almost screams in pleasure when you drag your tongue up her panties.
  2194. >With your Principal almost at her breaking point, you bite her panties and slowly drag them down her legs with your mouth.
  2195. >It took what felt like ages, but once her damp panties reached her ankles, you take even more of them in your mouth to discard of them.
  2196. >The sight you're met with when you look upon Celestia is a sight surely reserved for divine beings.
  2197. >Principal Celestia.
  2198. >The Principal of Canterlot High, one of the most respected high schools in the country.
  2199. >Completely naked.
  2200. >Coated in her own arousal.
  2201. >Her eyes begging you to come closer.
  2202. >She looks divine.
  2203. >You're not worthy of such beauty.
  2204. >Celestia has a slight patch of hair above her pristine pussy, carefully groomed.
  2205. >Celestia's skin shows no sign of age or stretching.
  2206. >Her multi-colored hair flows down her bods and over her chest like water from the fountain of youth.
  2207. >Her eyes are filled with more love and desire than you thought existed in the world.
  2208. >Her luscious lips form a smile akin to a fireplace on Christmas morning.
  2209. >Her bountiful chest heaves up and down in anticipation.
  2210. >She's more than beautiful
  2211. >Celestia IS beauty.
  2213. >Celestia knows how attracted to her you are.
  2214. >She sits up and wraps her arms around her own head.
  2215. >She gets on her knees and sways her hips from side to side in an incredibly hypnotic way.
  2216. >It's working.
  2217. >You're absolutely hypnotized.
  2218. >"Normally the thought of being seen nude by one of my students or coworkers would horrify me." She said to you, as if being controlled by her lust.
  2219. >"But you, Anon..."
  2220. >"You make me feel free."
  2221. >Celestia draws closer to you, hunger in her eyes.
  2222. >"You liberate me."
  2223. >Her hands swiftly go under your shirt and within the blink of an eye, your shirt is off.
  2224. >One of Celestia's hands undoes the zipper on your pants as the other rubs your chest up and down.
  2225. >"Do you want to feel liberated?"
  2226. "Y-Yes." You meekly stammer out.
  2227. >She smiles as her face draws a breath's distance away from yours.
  2228. >"Then hold me and love me, Anon."
  2229. >Suddenly, you're pulled to the bed, with you on top of your dear Principal.
  2230. >"And let me love you."
  2231. >You could barely wait for her to finish talking before you dove into another deep, loving kiss with her.
  2232. >Her arms wrap around your neck even tighter than before as she forces her tongue into your mouth.
  2233. >Celestia doesn't even bother hiding her arousal as she humps your leg, coating your thigh in her love juice.
  2234. >You can't help but hump her in return, rubbing your meat on her stomach thanks to her incredibly tall physique.
  2235. >You eagerly fondle her breasts as you kiss her, which she gratefully accepts.
  2236. >But to your slight disappointment, she parts from you to meet your eyes.
  2237. >"We can't go all the way...not tonight...but you can have your fun with me~" Celestia informs you.
  2238. "Right, and you can have fun with me." You reply.
  2239. >You get up momentarily to quickly strip naked yourself, much to Celestia's approval.
  2240. >You can't help but feel a slight pang of self-consciousness.
  2241. >She bites her lip as she looks you up and down.
  2242. >Clearly your fully erect member impresses the amazon.
  2243. >Fuck yeah.
  2244. >Flash Sentry could never.
  2246. >You hastily grab your divine Principal and pull her into another deep kiss.
  2247. >Her hands gratefully take advantage of your nude situation, finding their way across your body, from your thighs to your neck.
  2248. >You part from the kiss to return your focus to kissing her neck some more.
  2249. >"Hey...hah...try not to leave any hickeys." Celestia reminds you.
  2250. >That's a very good point.
  2251. >It's gonna be the world's most awkward conversation between Celestia and nosy coworkers on how those marks got on her neck.
  2252. >Not to mention what students might think.
  2253. "Then how about I leave some marks where no one would see?" You offer.
  2254. >This piques her interest as your kisses descend her body.
  2255. >Shivering and moaning in pleasure, your hands greedily grip her sides as you suck on her nipples some more.
  2256. >The more you pleasure Celestia, the more she sounds like a giddy teenager.
  2257. >Her moans getting high pitched and squirming pleasurably more and more.
  2258. >It's really cute.
  2259. >Your kisses descend further to cover her lovely tummy in some more kisses.
  2260. >So soft, yet so toned just beneath the skin.
  2261. >At this point, you're probably addicted to Celestia's body.
  2262. >Your kisses continue to the patch of hair just above her pussy.
  2263. >It's the same color as her sweeping hair, but carefully trimmed.
  2264. >Did she do this just today for you coming over?
  2265. >That's incredibly flattering.
  2266. >It's trimmed in the shape of...
  2267. >...the sun?
  2268. >That's new.
  2269. >And then, you arrive.
  2270. >Your face is only an inch away from Principal Celestia's womanhood.
  2271. >The forbidden fruit.
  2272. >What other guys at Canterlot High have only dreamed of.
  2273. >Is now presented in full to you.
  2274. >And you alone.
  2275. >You're in awe.
  2276. >"I didn't tell you to stop, naughty boy~" Celestia spoke up.
  2277. >Looking up, Celestia's smile has widened greatly as her eyes are filled with need.
  2279. >Celestia's obviously slightly embarrassed at being at a student's mercy like this.
  2280. >But she wants you.
  2281. >You can't delay any further.
  2282. >It's showtime.
  2283. >Fastening your hands on her amazing hips, you lower your head and drag your tongue up the length of her pussy.
  2284. >What followed was the loudest and lewdest moan you've ever heard from a woman.
  2285. >That includes your pornography of choice.
  2286. >Her legs immediately lock around your head to keep you in place and stay focused.
  2287. >With how Celestia arches up, you almost think she's trying out for the remake of The Exorcist.
  2288. >No, bad Anon.
  2289. >Stay focused.
  2290. >Gripping her hips even tighter, you lick Celestia's womanhood like it's the only thing you've eaten in days.
  2291. >In between gasps and moans, you can make out Celestia screaming your name in immense pleasure.
  2292. >Her pussy has kind of a strange taste.
  2293. >There's a tanginess to it, but it's also rather sweet.
  2294. >Your tongue, and the rest of your mouth for that matter, quickly became coated in Celestia's love juices.
  2295. >You're certainly not complaining.
  2296. >You quicken your pace, becoming more intense and nibbling slightly on her honeypot.
  2297. >At this point, Celestia's almost screaming in pleasure.
  2298. >You pray to God that the neighbors don't file a noise complaint.
  2299. >As much of an ego stroke as that would be.
  2300. >She grips your hair with a lust-fueled fury unparalleled to what you've felt before.
  2301. >"Anon...please...keep...Oooooooohhh~" Celestia manages to speak.
  2302. >Her legs tighten around your face.
  2303. >You're pressed further into her womanhood.
  2304. >You could die right now and die a happy man.
  2305. >As much as that would kill the mood for Celestia.
  2306. >Celestia tries to warn you, but cuts herself off with a dangerously lewd moan as a torrent of her juices burst forward and coat your entire face.
  2307. >You almost literally drown in the pussy.
  2308. >Once Celestia finished, she almost collapsed onto the bed, gasping for air and rubbing her body up and down in the haze of afterglow.
  2310. >You take a moment to collect yourself and clean Celestia's juices off your face.
  2311. >Your length is still at full mast, seemingly bigger than you've ever seen it before.
  2312. >Not that you measure the length of your dick.
  2313. >That would be weird.
  2314. >Celestia then gets on her knees, spins you around and sets you down on her bed, lying back in the position she was just in.
  2315. >The amazon woman towers over you, and leans into your ear.
  2316. >"My turn, lover boy~" She whispers.
  2317. >Before you could inquire as to what that would entail, Celestia sandwiches your flag pole between her massive breasts.
  2318. >You can't stop yourself from moaning in response to the sensation.
  2319. >This feels so much better than jerking off.
  2320. >Like, not even comparable.
  2321. >Knowing exactly what she's doing, Celestia moves her boobs up and down on your manhood slowly and with purpose.
  2322. >"Sing for me, birdy~" Celestia teases, knowing you're trying to restrain yourself from any lewd noises.
  2323. >As if you could help it, your masculinity went out the window as you moaned in approval of Celestia's methods.
  2324. >You felt yourself building up much sooner than what you're used to.
  2325. >Then again, you're certainly not used to Celestia.
  2326. >Her chest is so soft and she herself is so passionate in stroking your manhood.
  2327. >You look down to meet her gaze and drink in the sight of your Principal giving you a boobjob.
  2328. >All it took was her gently kissing the tip for you to lose it.
  2329. >Your ejaculate burst out in white streams, coating Celestia's face.
  2330. >To you, that's a flag of victory.
  2331. >"Well, that was fun!" She beamed.
  2332. >Feeling more ecstasy than you've felt in your life, you could only mutter general noises of approval.
  2333. "Unnghhh...uh-huh."
  2334. >Celestia giggles at your exhausted state, and goes to the bathroom to clean her face off.
  2335. >You rest back, fully nude and absorbing the softness of Celestia's luxurious bed.
  2336. >Not too long later, Celestia returned with a clean face and making no attempt to cover her nude form.
  2338. "I feel now's as good a time as ever to discuss my GPA-." You tease with a grin.
  2339. >Celestia smacks you with a pillow, giggling.
  2340. >"You're awful, Anon!" She replied, grinning.
  2341. >"Also, 'princess'?"
  2342. >You immediately get flustered, reminded of that particular pet name.
  2343. "I don't know, it just felt right!" You reply.
  2344. >"Don't worry, I think it's cute!" She reassured you.
  2345. >"Hmmm, Princess Celestia. I think I can get used to that." Celestia hummed.
  2346. "I'm glad you approve, Princess~" You goad further, joining her once more for another quick, loving kiss.
  2347. >"You know, I think you'd be a lovely Prince." Celestia commented, causing your cheeks to flush slightly.
  2348. >Prince Anon?
  2349. >That could work.
  2350. >The evening sky beyond the bedroom window was replaced with the vast, starry sky of the night.
  2351. >A bright, full moon governs the night, providing light to where there would otherwise be none.
  2352. >The lights in the bedroom were turned off as Celestia sighed contentedly and embraced you further.
  2353. >This felt right.
  2354. >You and Celestia, completely nude and embracing together.
  2355. >Here, you don't have to worry about grades or college or your social life.
  2356. >With Celestia, everything's alright.
  2357. >Celestia's heavenly face is decorated with a warm smile, obviously content with being with you.
  2358. >It feels great that you could be here for Celestia in a way no other student could.
  2359. >To provide her not only company, but companionship and love.
  2360. >Twilight: 0, Anonymous: 1
  2361. >Your thoughts slow as sleep approaches.
  2362. >Celestia drifts off to sleep along with you.
  2363. >As you begin your transition to dream land, Celestia nude, warm body gives you the best night's sleep of your life.
  2364. >This...
  2365. >This is bliss.
  2367. >When you woke up, the clock on your phone read 9:21.
  2368. >After a brief bout of disorientation, you remember that you drifted off to sleep in your Principal's bedroom.
  2369. >...But your dear Principal Celestia is nowhere to be found in the room you currently inhabit.
  2370. >You can't help but feel slightly disappointed, hoping to wake up next to Celestia.
  2371. >She's probably downstairs eating breakfast.
  2372. >At least you'd hope so.
  2373. >It's her house.
  2374. >Checking your phone, you notice over sixty text notifications.
  2375. >A quick investigation further revealed that these were all from the Main Six's group chat.
  2376. >They weren't really talking about anything too important, just idle chat.
  2377. >Near the end, you caught Pinkie and Applejack expressing confusion and slight concern as to why you weren't contributing to the conversation at all.
  2378. >"I hope Nonny's doing okay!" Pinkie's text read.
  2379. >"I'm sure he's fine. He did say he was sick yesterday." Twilight reassured.
  2380. >"But it's kinda strange he hasn't texted at all." Applejack added.
  2381. >"Maybe he's staying quiet because he still feels weird about being part of the group." Fluttershy suggested.
  2382. >"HE SHOULDNT!!" Pinkie was quick to add.
  2383. >Rarity and Rainbow Dash must still be asleep.
  2384. >You almost want to tell them you got to third base with the Principal just to see their reaction.
  2385. >But you really can't.
  2386. >There's more at stake than your reputation.
  2387. "I LIVE" You finally respond to the group.
  2388. >"Nonny's alive!" Pinkie happily responds.
  2389. "Yeah, I'm sorry for not texting at all. I spent most of yesterday exhausted from my sickness." You lie.
  2390. >"It's okay!! Resting is important!" Fluttershy reassured.
  2391. >"I knew Anon was fine." Twilight reminded.
  2392. "Gotta shower, brb." You text, wanting to be more open to your new friends.
  2393. >After a brief expedition through Celestia's castle-like home, you finally find yourself in the master bathroom.
  2394. >Celestia's clothes from yesterday sit in a pile near the shower.
  2395. >Should you..?
  2396. >...No, way too pervy.
  2398. >You turn the shower on and after ensuring the water was at an acceptable temperature, you enter the shower.
  2399. >The first thing you notice is how spacious Celestia's shower is.
  2400. >Even with your arms outstretched, you couldn't touch the walls when standing in the center.
  2401. >You take a moment to soak in the water and feel your tensions wash away.
  2402. >Feeling the warm water course down your body is especially relaxing after how eventful last night was.
  2403. >Figuring you should actually wash yourself at some point, you take a glance at Celestia's shower amenities.
  2404. >It's all typical feminine-themed shower products.
  2405. >Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and countless more unknown substances.
  2406. >All labelled stuff like lilac, lily and other flowers.
  2407. >Oh well, it's no big deal.
  2408. >One shampoo and body wash scrubbing later, you were ready to step out of the shower.
  2409. >Turning off the shower, you grab a fresh new towel from a stack of neatly folded towels to dry yourself off.
  2410. >You'll have to brush your teeth when you get home.
  2411. >After you're properly dry, you get back into your discarded clothes from yesterday and make your way downstairs.
  2412. >Sure enough, Celestia's in the kitchen making pancakes.
  2413. >Humming a simple tune to herself as she cooks.
  2414. >She's wearing simple pajamas, that is to say a too-big T-shirt and pajama pants.
  2415. >Along with an apron.
  2416. >Celestia's gonna give you a cavity from how sweet she is.
  2417. >You want to greet her and offer to help cook pancakes, but she'll most likely insist you don't need to help.
  2418. >Maybe you should sneak up on her and hug her from behind?
  2419. >Nah, not while she's cooking.
  2420. >And especially not when fire is involved.
  2421. >Then you get an idea.
  2422. >Pulling out your phone, you turn your volume all the way up, open YouTube, and play a particular song.
  2423. >Her head quickly turns around in surprise, but relaxes once she sees it's you.
  2424. >"Good morning, Anon!" She chirped.
  2425. "Good morning, Celly!" You reply happily.
  2427. >The two of you embrace in a warm hug as your song plays in the background.
  2428. >As Celestia gets the lyrics of the song, she pulls away and gives you an unimpressed look.
  2429. >You can't help but giggle at your devious scheme.
  2430. >"I suppose I should have expected this." Celestia sighed, grinning.
  2431. >Still smiling, you take her hands and sway her gently in time with the song.
  2432. >Celestia heartily laughs as she accepts the little dance, spinning and enjoying herself.
  2433. >But this doesn't last as Celestia is reminded that she's supposed to be cooking.
  2434. >Darting back to the pan, you follow her over.
  2435. "I probably already know the answer, but is there any way I can help?" You offer.
  2436. >"Anon, you're my guest, and I'm your host. Let me be a good hostess." She giggled.
  2437. >Not wanting to cause any more trouble, you sit back in the same chair you occupied for dinner yesterday.
  2438. >The delicious scent of pancakes cooked with love wafts through the kitchen and emanates about you.
  2439. >It's enough to make you realize how hungry you really are.
  2440. >With not much material for conversation between you and Celestia, you get back to seeing what the Six are up to.
  2441. >"So how are you feeling today Anon?" Fluttershy asks you.
  2442. "Much better, seems like the sickness is gone" You text back.
  2443. >"Yay! Then you can come to school tomorrow!" Pinkie cheered.
  2444. >"Don't want Principal Celestia to spend a day without her pet." Rainbow teased, having finally woken up.
  2445. >Oh, if only you knew.
  2446. "Oh btw, thanks for the apples, AJ. They're the best I've ever had!" You text, remembering one of your many Notes to Self.
  2447. >"Aww shucks, thanks Anon!" Applejack happily replies.
  2448. >"What are you gonna do today?" Twilight asks.
  2449. "Just homework and lazing around."
  2450. >The other five girls reveal similar plans for the day, with slight variations from Rainbow and Applejack, who are gonna be exercising and doing farm work respectively.
  2451. >A plate containing a stack of four pancakes appears on the place mat before you, along with a beaming Celestia.
  2453. >"Order up!" Celestia proclaims, presenting a fork and knife.
  2454. >You smile as she sits next to you with her own plate of pancakes.
  2455. >You gingerly cut a slice of the stack suitable for the size of your mouth, and eat it.
  2456. >...These are the best pancakes you've ever had.
  2457. >Like, they're heavenly.
  2458. >Perfectly fluffy and not gooey.
  2459. >The maple syrup slowly cascades down the pile, adding a delicious flavor it it.
  2460. >Celestia spoils you so.
  2461. >She's the gift that keeps on giving.
  2462. >"So how did I do?" Celestia asked with a grin on her face, as if she already knows the answer.
  2463. "It's amazing!" You eagerly respond, hastily swallowing the pancake in your mouth.
  2464. >Celestia beams with pride.
  2465. >"Old family recipe! It's won awards before!"
  2466. "I bet!" You manage to speak in the midst of eating more of the heavenly pancakes.
  2467. >"And before you ask: it's also a family secret." Celestia teases, booping your nose.
  2468. >Oh, you'll get that recipe.
  2469. >Someday.
  2470. >You can't have these pancakes just once.
  2471. >You peer at Celestia to attempt to pressure her into giving it to you.
  2472. >She only giggles in response.
  2473. >You'll try again later.
  2474. >"I imagine you slept well last night." Celestia remarked.
  2475. >You nod in response.
  2476. "Best sleep I've had in years!"
  2477. "But I wish I could've woken up next to you."
  2478. >"Oh, I know, but my job as Principal demands I get out of bed just before the sun rises." Celestia explained.
  2479. >That makes sense.
  2480. "I'll try again next time." You remark.
  2481. >Celestia nods with a slight blush on her face.
  2482. >Once your eyes meet again, you flex your charisma level and wink at her.
  2483. >She falls into another giggle fit in response.
  2484. >You've still got progress to make.
  2485. >"I think I like you more when you're all flustered." Celestia teased.
  2486. >Your cheeks start burning after hearing that.
  2487. >"Yeah, that's more like it." Celestia adds, smugly.
  2488. >You decide to not encourage the tease further and return your focus to the pancakes.
  2489. >Which certainly isn't hard, scrumptious as they are.
  2490. >...Scrumptious?
  2491. >She's doing things to you.
  2493. >Curse your appetite, the pancakes vanish from your plate.
  2494. >Celestia was prepared today, and quickly snatched your plate away before you could grab it.
  2495. >"Ha! Now you can't be annoying about the dishes!" Celestia cheered, holding the plate above her head like an uninteresting trophy.
  2496. >You groan at her reflexes, and she giggles in satisfaction.
  2497. >Your eyes flash to her plate, but she could tell you were thinking that, and yanked her plate away with yours.
  2498. >Admitting defeat, you fake pout and cross your arms looking away.
  2499. >Celestia's face was painted in a smug grin as she made her way to the sink.
  2500. >"Better luck next time, silly boy~"
  2501. "Flattery won't help you, Celly. I'll get you next time!" You proclaim.
  2502. >"I'm sure you will." She grinned as she rinsed the two plates.
  2503. >Then you get a devious idea.
  2504. >Slinking up behind you, you peer around her to view her handiwork in the sink.
  2505. >Not over her shoulder, as she's still incredibly tall.
  2506. "Man, Principal, cook, hostess, you're a woman of many talents!" You compliment her.
  2507. >And then you smack her shapely rear.
  2508. >Celestia yelps in response, and turns to you with her face flushing, betraying her stern expression.
  2509. >You're unable to keep yourself from giggling at your handiwork.
  2510. >She peers at you and points her slender index finger right at you.
  2511. >"You are so, SO lucky I like you enough to let you strip me." Celestia scolded, still flustered.
  2512. >"But don't expect similar forgiveness in school, mister!"
  2513. "Oh come on, not even for me?"
  2514. "Your poor, dear lover?" You retort, putting on your best innocent facade.
  2515. >"In Canterlot High, you're a student, and I am your Principal." Celestia reminded you.
  2516. "Man, if we did all that together and you see me as just a student, I'm incredibly curious as to what you do with Twilight-"
  2517. >Celestia cuts you off by smacking you with a towel.
  2518. >"You know what I meant!"
  2519. >You fall into another giggle fit as Celestia finishes with the plates.
  2521. >Summoning your strength once more, you crouch down and scoop Celestia into your arms.
  2522. >Celestia gasps as you do, clearly not expecting this but quickly adjusting to her new situation.
  2523. >She giggles a bit, wrapping her arms around you head.
  2524. >You try to maintain an image of strength as Celestia's a bit heavier than you expected.
  2525. >She is like 6'5".
  2526. "Where to, Princess?" You inquire.
  2527. >Placing a finger to her chin, she pretends to ponder for a moment.
  2528. >"Take me to the living room, dear Anon." Celestia instructs, enjoying the regal pet name.
  2529. "Right away, your majesty!"
  2530. >Carefully making sure your legs don't give out beneath you, you carry Celestia to the living room and set her down on the couch.
  2531. >As you sit down, she quickly crawls closer to you and embraces you in another hug.
  2532. >You happily return the hug, taking in her warmth.
  2533. >She hums happily into the hug, burying her face in your shoulder.
  2534. >You two raise your heads to meet each other's gaze, and drew closer to nuzzle each other's nose gently.
  2535. >For someone so feared in Canterlot High, Celestia's pretty adorable.
  2536. >She plants another quick kiss on your lips as you two sink into the couch, still in each other's embrace.
  2537. >Out of the corner of your eye, you spot the clock.
  2538. >11:24
  2539. >You mood falls slightly.
  2540. >You're gonna have to go home eventually.
  2541. "Hey Celly, I think I should be go-."
  2542. >She covers your mouth with a single finger.
  2543. >"Let me have this. Just for a little longer."
  2544. >Somewhat reluctantly, you oblige.
  2545. >Seven more minutes go by before Celestia finally frees you.
  2546. >You quickly check you've got everything you came here with before making your way to the door.
  2547. "Thank you for having me, Celestia." You bid farewell.
  2548. >"Thank you for providing me company, Anon." Celestia replied.
  2549. >Just as you're about to step outside and face the cool morning, Celestia darts behind you.
  2550. >"See you tomorrow, naughty boy~"
  2551. >With a quick smack to your ass, Celestia sends you on your way, giggling happily to herself.
  2553. >The walk home wasn't too difficult.
  2554. >You're still kinda unfamiliar with the neighborhood, but it's not impossible to navigate.
  2555. >Soon enough you're back in Downtown Canterlot.
  2556. >It's still fairly early Sunday, so the town is sparsely populated.
  2557. >The first pang of loneliness hit you after leaving Celestia's house.
  2558. >You decide to text her a heart emoji to start a conversation.
  2559. >She probably has to focus on her work now anyway.
  2560. >Poor thing.
  2561. >You dread to imagine all the tedious emails that await her for the rest of the day.
  2562. >The crisp morning air breezed through town, offering a slightly refreshing aura.
  2563. >You decide to take the long way home to avoid running into Norman or Pinkie or someone else who would recognize you.
  2564. >And you really don't want to deal with their spontaneous game of 21 Questions.
  2565. >It took a bit longer and you were less familiar with the area, but you manage to get home before noon.
  2566. >Walking through the front door, your dad was the first to greet you.
  2567. >"How was the sleepover?" He asks.
  2568. "It was pretty cool, I'm glad I went." You responded.
  2569. >"Do anything neat?"
  2570. "Not really, just hung out, played video games, watched movies." You cover up.
  2571. >"Well your mom and I are proud of you, Anon."
  2572. "What do you mean?"
  2573. >"It's great to see you're coming out of your shell and socializing more. No man's an island."
  2574. >You nod in agreement, hiding your secrets.
  2575. >"There's hot dogs in the kitchen if you're hungry, but you've probably gotta get to homework soon."
  2576. "Yeah, that's the cost of socializing." You note before heading for the kitchen.
  2577. >The hot dogs are still pretty warm, thankfully.
  2578. >Out the window, you can see your mom reading outside.
  2579. >Not really that hungry after your amazing breakfast, you take two hot dogs and apply your condiments of choice.
  2581. >The hot dogs are fine, but Celestia really spoiled you.
  2582. >Such an amazing woman is such an amazing cook.
  2583. >She might have cursed you to forever not enjoy any food that isn't hers.
  2584. >...Man, you miss her already.
  2585. >You manage to chow down on the hot dogs, and you're back in your room, ready to tackle your homework.
  2586. >But first: Brush your teeth.
  2587. >Even if you put your tongue all over Celestia, borrowing her toothbrush is still weird.
  2588. >Two minutes of minty freshness later, your teeth are as pristine as the day you were born.
  2589. >More or less.
  2590. >Sitting back down at your desk, you quickly get distracted and open your phone to see another few dozen text notifications from the six.
  2591. >You're gonna have to get used to this.
  2592. >Opening them up, it's just general discussion from the girls.
  2593. >Occasionally mentioning homework or Pinkie goofing around.
  2594. >But a text from Rarity catches your eye.
  2595. >"Oh Anon, you never told me about your friend." She reminds you.
  2596. >Shoot, she's right.
  2597. >You owe it to Norman.
  2598. "Oh right, I should be able to introduce you to him tomorrow." You respond.
  2599. >"Splendid! What's he like?" Rarity prods further.
  2600. "He's my best friend, we've known each other since Middle School and he's always been in my corner."
  2601. "He's cool, funny, supportive, creative and can be charming in his own way."
  2602. >You only exaggerate a little bit.
  2603. >"He sounds wonderful!"
  2604. >He sure does.
  2605. >"If he's got your seal of approval, then I'd love to meet him!"
  2606. "I can introduce you to him tomorrow at lunch?"
  2607. >"Deal!" Rarity responds.
  2608. >Damn, you're good.
  2609. >"Ugh, get a room." Rainbow interjects.
  2610. >"You're just jealous that Rarity's getting all the attention." Applejack teased.
  2611. >"AS IF! I just wanna eat my lunch in peace without having to deal with someone playing tonsil hockey right next to me." Rainbow shot back.
  2612. >"Maybe Nonny could get you a date!" Pinkie offered.
  2613. >Twilight and Fluttershy must be busy right now.
  2614. >You let them sort all that out while you inform Norman of your progress.
  2616. >"Dude, you're the best." Norman congratulates you.
  2617. "Hey, that's what friends are for, right?"
  2618. >"It's extremely true"
  2619. >"So tomorrow at lunch?"
  2620. "Yep, I already talked you up and she's looking forward to meeting you, so try to not freeze up."
  2621. >"What about you?" Norman asks.
  2622. "What about me?"
  2623. >"I could still get you that double date with Fluttershy."
  2624. "Oh, you don't have to" You hastily respond, trying to dissuade him.
  2625. >"Nah man, I'm trying to help you like you helped me." Norman replied.
  2626. "I don't really think I want to go to prom" You state.
  2627. >"Huh? Why not?"
  2628. >Because you're dating the Principal.
  2629. "Because I just don't really like school dances."
  2630. >"Oh come on dude, it's PROM."
  2631. >"Not only is it prom, it's the last prom of your life. You might as well go."
  2632. >Norman's being really insistent.
  2633. >The one time you don't want him to be helpful.
  2634. "Plus I don't think Fluttershy would want to go with me."
  2635. >"You might as well ask! You won't know for sure unless you ask!"
  2636. >He's got a good point.
  2637. >"Plus she's more likely to go out with you if she's with her friend. We've been over this!" Norman reminds you.
  2638. "I don't know, it's drawing closer and I'm starting to get cold feet." You continue to cover up.
  2639. >"Dude, just ask her. If you don't you're gonna spend the rest of your life regretting it."
  2640. >Damn, that's heavy.
  2641. "Idk, I'll think about it."
  2642. >"Fine, thanks again for setting me up with Rarity." Norman finishes.
  2643. "You've still gotta hold up your end. I only got your foot in the door, you've still gotta impress her." You remind him.
  2644. >"Yeah, got it."
  2645. >Still ignoring your homework, you decide to see what the six girls were up to since you've been talking to Norman.
  2646. >"Rainbow wants to go to prom with you, Nonny!" Pinkie announces in a text.
  2647. >"NO I DONT!!!!" Rainbow insists.
  2648. >"Aw, come on, you two would be cute!" Applejack chimes in with a joking tone.
  2649. >"I DONT NEED A DATE!"
  2650. "Are you suuuuuuuure?" You tease her.
  2651. >"YES!!!"
  2652. "Ohhhhhhhh, okaaaaaay" You respond, grinning ear to ear.
  2654. >"aww, you hurt poor Nonny's feelings!" Pinkie scolds Rainbow.
  2655. >"Such a shame, I was looking forward to doing your hair" Rarity teases.
  2656. "Don't worry, I'm fine lol" You reassure Pinkie.
  2657. >"Apologize to poor Nonny!" Pinkie insists.
  2658. >"But he just said he's fine!" Rainbow shot back.
  2659. >"APOLOGIZE!!" Pinkie demands.
  2660. >"Ugh, fine" Rainbow relents.
  2661. >"I'm sorry for shooting you down, Anon." Rainbow finally apologizes.
  2662. "It really is fine, Dash. I didn't even really want to go to prom." You admit.
  2663. >"WHAT????" Pinkie and Rarity almost simultaneously respond.
  2664. "I'm just not really into school dances!" You defend.
  2665. >"But it's the last dance of your high school career. You might as well go!" Applejack added.
  2666. >"You don't even need a date! You can go with us as a friend group!" Pinkie offered.
  2667. >"Hey, shouldn't you all be doing your homework and studying?" Twilight finally texts, probably getting annoyed by the constant notifications.
  2668. >You can relate.
  2669. >"Yeahhhhhh, probably." Pinkie relents.
  2670. "I really should too." You add, taking that as your cue to leave and fully focus on the mound of homework before you.
  2671. >English, algebra, chemistry, history.
  2672. >The usual stuff.
  2673. >In the midst of your worksheet on noble gases, your mind drifts to Celestia once more.
  2674. >She still hasn't texted back.
  2675. >Which you understand, she is the Principal, after all.
  2676. >But you can't help but feel lonely.
  2677. >Especially after all you shared with her yesterday and this morning.
  2678. >Growing slightly more desperate, you check your phone again to look for a text from Celestia.
  2679. >Ignoring Rainbow's insistence on not doing her homework, there was still nothing from Celestia.
  2680. >With a heavy sigh, you reluctantly focus back on the worksheet.
  2681. >Time slows to a crawl as you focus on your work.
  2682. >English is whatever, you speak that language.
  2683. >Algebra is about as fun as it always is.
  2684. >History is more tedious, about a bunch of dead people who've barely impacted your life.
  2685. >Chemistry is the worst, having to memorize so many formulas.
  2687. >Eventually you get your homework finished.
  2688. >Glancing over at the clock, it reads 6:51.
  2689. >God, that's it?
  2690. >Feels like it's been days.
  2691. >Your stomach rumbles, so you make your way downstairs to forage some dinner.
  2692. >Your mom's back inside, relaxing on the recliner.
  2693. >"Oh hey, you're finally back!" She remarks.
  2694. "Yeah, I've been back since like 11:40, but I've been studying for the past while." You explain.
  2695. >"It's good that you're socializing. There's plenty of adventure to be had out in the world."
  2696. "Yeah, I can imagine."
  2697. >"There's still some hot dogs left over from lunch that you can heat up for dinner."
  2698. >A quick glance over to the kitchen confirms that claim.
  2699. "Thanks for cooking." You say to your mom.
  2700. >"You're welcome!"
  2701. >When you're in the middle of preparing your second round of hot dogs and drinking a glass of water, your mom calls out to you again.
  2702. >"Ready for your Principal?"
  2703. >You almost spit out your drink in response.
  2704. "What-what do you mean?" You stammer out.
  2705. >"You're still Principal's Assistant, right?"
  2706. >Oh yeah.
  2707. >That's why you're so close to Principal Celestia.
  2708. >Totally not because you ate her out last night.
  2709. "Yeah, it's just kinda stressful being so close to the Principal."
  2710. >"I'm sure you're doing good!" Your mom encourages.
  2711. "Yeah, I am too." You agree, nodding to yourself.
  2712. >Three hot dogs for dinner.
  2713. >Chemistry is exhausting.
  2714. >Your dad's already asleep, having to leave really early tomorrow morning for work.
  2715. >The hot dogs, again, are fine.
  2716. >You're gonna need that pancake recipe from Celestia.
  2717. >Once finished, you wash your own dish in the sink before going back upstairs.
  2718. >Before you drifted off to sleep, you just mindlessly browse Cheeper and play a bit of Super Fancy Pants Adventure.
  2719. >A lot's gonna happen tomorrow.
  2720. >You're gonna see Celly again, Norman will try to get closer to Rarity, and you'll likely be pressured more into going to prom.
  2721. >With your Principal on your mind once more, you drift off to sleep, ready for another week at Canterlot High.
  2723. >Flash forward to walking to Canterlot High, Monday morning.
  2724. >You've got your earbuds in and are currently enjoying some groovy tunes.
  2725. >Once you arrive at the crosswalk just outside Downtown Canterlot, you notice a familiar female classmate with pink hair.
  2726. "Hey there, Fluttershy!" You happily greet, turning off your music.
  2727. >She jumps slightly, not expecting you.
  2728. >"Oh, hi Anon!" Fluttershy replies, more comfortable after noticing it's you.
  2729. "Get enough sleep last night?" You ask, initiating light conversation.
  2730. >"Oh, sort of. Angel can be so needy!"
  2731. "Angel?"
  2732. >Fluttershy then opens her backpack, and a rabbit peers out of the opening.
  2733. "Woah, you practicing for the talent show?"
  2734. >"Hm? Ohhhh, rabbit in the hat. No, not really." Fluttershy answers with a slight giggle.
  2735. >"I just can't bear to leave Angel all alone at home all day. It gets so lonely."
  2736. "Have you ever gotten caught with Angel before?"
  2737. >"Only twice, when he decided to run down the hallways. Vice Principal Luna was really mad at me, but that's all in the past." Fluttershy reluctantly admitted.
  2738. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." You sympathize.
  2739. >The road before you clears, and you and Fluttershy talks some more while walking to school.
  2740. "Well, I think it's really nice that you care so much about your animals."
  2741. >"Thank you, Anon! Most other people think I'm weird for it."
  2742. "That's because they don't know you as well as I do."
  2743. >Fluttershy only smiles in return.
  2744. >Soon enough, the elegant horse statue before you indicates you've arrived at Canterlot High.
  2745. >Rarity is waiting outside when she notices you and Fluttershy.
  2746. >"Good morning, Fluttershy! Good morning, Anon!" She greets the two of you.
  2747. >"Sooooooooo, care to give me any hints as two who my mystery man is?" Rarity prods, batting her eyes for extra effect.
  2748. "Oh, come on Rarity. I'd hate to spoil the surprise." You retort.
  2749. >"Not even for me?" She asks further.
  2750. "Not even for you~" You tease her.
  2752. >Rarity harumphs, crossing her arms and turning away in frustration.
  2753. >"It's not polite to keep a lady waiting, Anon." She reminds you.
  2754. "It's also not polite to spoil a surprise." You remind her back.
  2755. >"Come on Rarity, you'll know by lunch." Fluttershy chimes in.
  2756. >Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Norman peering at you and the two girls from his little circle of friends.
  2757. >While the two aren't looking, you motion Norman to look away to avoid arousing suspicion.
  2758. >"Why are you waving your arms around like that?" Fluttershy asks you, noticing your motions.
  2759. "Oh, uh, bee. Bees are no fun." You quickly cover up.
  2760. >Fluttershy nods in agreement, and Rarity takes a cautious step back, wary of the imaginary bee.
  2761. >The first bell of the day rings, and Fluttershy quickly readjusts her backpack before heading inside.
  2762. >"Don't leave me hanging, Anon." Rarity says before heading inside.
  2763. >You share a respectful nod with Norman before getting to your first class.
  2764. >Wanting to ensure you maintain decent grades to finish out the school year, you ignore the near constant buzzing of your phone from the group chat.
  2765. >English class was fairly simple.
  2766. >Ms. Cheerilee went on about your upcoming book report, and sadly shut down your proposal of writing a report on "Why I'm So Great".
  2767. >When it came to P.E., you were quickly located by Rainbow Dash upon arrival.
  2768. >"Hope you haven't been too lazy this weekend!" Rainbow teases you, poking you.
  2769. "Well, I have spent most of it in bed dealing with a horrible fever."
  2770. >"No excuses! Physical fitness requires constant determination!" Rainbow retorts.
  2771. "But you're not the gym teacher, Rainbow. You're a student." You remind her.
  2772. >"Well, yeah, but I'm more qualified to coach you than the actual coach!" Rainbow bragged.
  2773. "Oh, are you, now?" You reply, smirking.
  2774. >"Totally! Look at him!"
  2775. >Motioning towards the admittedly overweight man decked out in sweat wear, you can't help but agree.
  2777. >Coach Slipstream simply directed the student to run laps and time themselves to improve.
  2778. >All while he read a fishing magazine.
  2779. >Classy.
  2780. >Rainbow Dash spent the period at your side, constantly goading you and pushing you to keep going faster.
  2781. >Your lungs were crying out in pain, but 'pain is weakness leaving the body'.
  2782. >At least according to Rainbow Dash.
  2783. >She is the star soccer player, so she probably knows what she's talking about.
  2784. >After what felt like ages, Coach Slipstream blew the whistle signaling the end of class.
  2785. >You're coated in more sweat than you thought possible to produce.
  2786. >You've never needed water in your life.
  2787. >You sacrifice your dignity in desperately gasping for air upon finally getting rest from your running.
  2788. >Rainbow Dash, however, is still at ease as ever.
  2789. >"You're making good progress already!" Rainbow said, smacking your back in encouragement.
  2790. "" You sputter out.
  2791. >You spend a solid two minutes at the water fountain desperately getting good 'ol Di-hydrogen Monoxide back into your system.
  2792. >Chemistry was easier on you, at least on the body.
  2793. >Your mind, however, got the suffering this round.
  2794. >Why do we need to memorize this stuff?
  2795. >It makes no sense to not use the internet in this day and age.
  2796. >Your Chemistry teacher Ms. Harshwhinny's probably nostalgic for the days where the height of entertainment was Happy Days.
  2797. >And the television set was the height of technology.
  2798. >Finally, FINALLY, lunch arrived.
  2799. >You coordinate with Norman before taking your seat at the table with Rarity and her friends.
  2800. >With Norman at your side, you confidently stride up to the six.
  2801. "Hey Rarity." You get her attention, Norman standing slightly behind you.
  2802. >She turns to greet you.
  2803. >"Oh hello Anon, I hope you've brought your friend for me to meet!" She replies, somewhat impatiently.
  2804. "I sure did! I'd like to introduce you to my closest, most trusted friend: Norman!"
  2806. >Norman steps out from behind you to meet her fully.
  2807. >You spot a slight flash of nervousness decorate his face.
  2808. >Rarity's face is a bit hard to read.
  2809. >At least she didn't immediately reject him.
  2810. >Eventually she reaches her hand out to Norman.
  2811. >"Nice to meet you, Norman."
  2812. >Norman must be feeling brave today, as he took her hand and planted a gentle kiss on her knuckle.
  2813. >Rarity giggles a bit in approval.
  2814. >"Uhuhuhu, aren't you the charmer!"
  2815. >So far so good.
  2816. >Wanting to leave them be, you take your seat at the other end of the table, with Pinkie making a space between her and Fluttershy for you.
  2817. >Rainbow Dash and Applejack are too engaged in an arm-wrestling contest to chat.
  2818. "Where's Twilight?" You ask Fluttershy.
  2819. >"She's helping Flash Sentry study for a test in the library." She explained while sneaking a bit of lettuce to Angel under the table.
  2820. >You nod along, focusing on your own lunch.
  2821. >"Are you SUUUUURE you don't wanna go to prom?" Pinkie prods further.
  2822. >Not this again.
  2823. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure." You respond, trying not to sound mean.
  2824. >"Maybe he just doesn't like crowds." Fluttershy defends you.
  2825. >"But don't you wanna make memories you'll cherish for the rest of your life?" Pinkie kept going.
  2826. "It's just a dance, Pinkie."
  2827. >She almost gasps in horror.
  2828. >"It is most certainly NOT just a dance!"
  2829. >As she goes on about the wonders of prom, you steal a glance at Norman and Rarity.
  2830. >They seem to be getting along really well.
  2831. >You can't make out what exactly is being said because of Pinkie, but Rarity happily laughs along with Norman's jokes and seems pretty open with him.
  2832. >Good for him.
  2833. >Oh shoot, you almost forgot the apples!
  2834. >With ten minutes left in lunch, you dart back over to the line to get two more apples to share with Celestia.
  2835. >In all this time, she still hasn't texted you back.
  2836. >It's pretty wounding, even though you know how busy she is.
  2837. >Before Pinkie could launch into even more questions about your sudden need for apples, the bell rings.
  2839. >Rainbow and Applejack finally relented in their mini-battle and parted ways for their classes.
  2840. >Norman and Rarity head off in the same direction, still talking.
  2841. >After saying quick goodbyes to Pinkie and Fluttershy, you quickly made your way to algebra.
  2842. >It was about as fun as you'd expect it to be.
  2843. >A few worksheets on stuff you basically already knew.
  2844. >Soon enough, History class was the only thing between you and your dear Celestia.
  2845. >Until an announcement came over the speaker in the classroom.
  2846. >"Will Anonymous please come to Vice Principal Luna's office?"
  2847. >Oh no.
  2848. >Oh God.
  2849. >Oh fuck.
  2850. >You're dead.
  2851. >You are so dead.
  2852. >You got caught getting it on with Principal Celestia.
  2853. >You heart felt like it stopped.
  2854. >Time seemingly froze.
  2855. >You feel colder.
  2856. >What are you gonna do?
  2857. >What's Vice Principal Luna gonna say?
  2858. >This is it.
  2859. >This is where it all caves.
  2860. >You had a good run but it all caves in now.
  2861. >Steeling your nerve and knowing there's nowhere to run, you grab your bag and make your way to the Vice Principal's office.
  2862. >The empty halls haunt you.
  2863. >You're left alone with your thoughts.
  2864. >What are you gonna say to her?
  2865. >There's no way Vice Principal Luna's gonna be understanding of her sister having a relationship with a student.
  2866. >Your legs are on autopilot, dragging you to her office against your will.
  2867. >You don't want to confront the Vice Principal.
  2868. >You'd rather cover your body in paper cuts and jump into a pool of lemon juice.
  2869. >You soon arrive at the door.
  2870. >Countless other students stared at the same door, knowing their fate.
  2871. >But their transgressions are minuscule compared to yours.
  2872. >Cheating on tests?
  2873. >Getting into fights?
  2874. >Doing drugs?
  2875. >None as severe as dating the fucking PRINCIPAL.
  2876. >Knowing you best not delay the inevitable, you knock on the door.
  2877. >"Come in." Said a noticeably colder voice from the other side.
  2879. >You creak the door open slightly enough to peer inside.
  2880. >The office is dimly lit, illuminated by the slightly shuttered window.
  2881. >Vice Principal Luna sits at the desk, with a cold expression covering your face.
  2882. >The coldness of the room wafts out the door, not helping your nerves at all.
  2883. >"Take a seat, Anonymous." Vice Principal Luna instructs.
  2884. >You don't want to.
  2885. >You still have time to turn around and bolt.
  2886. >You've got a decent head start on her.
  2887. >But your body has other ideas.
  2888. >Almost on autopilot, you open the door slowly and carefully walk over to the chair, and as if you're expecting something to explode, you sit down.
  2889. >You're now currently sitting in the same chair where delinquents across Canterlot High were sentenced to fates unimaginable.
  2890. >When you leave this room, you'll be burdened with the knowledge that you've disappointed your parents now and forever.
  2891. "So...why was I called here?" You finally speak up.
  2892. >First rule of being interrogated: Never immediately confess.
  2893. >"You currently serve as Principal Celestia's Assistant, am I correct?"
  2894. >Oh no.
  2895. "Yeah, that's me."
  2896. >"Well, then you can consider this a performance review."
  2897. >Oh No.
  2898. >It's over.
  2899. >She knows.
  2900. >How did she find out?
  2901. >Did she see you going into Celestia's house?
  2902. "What-what do you mean?" You prod further, afraid of the response.
  2903. >Vice Principal Luna peers at you slightly.
  2904. >As if searching your soul.
  2905. >Your fate is sealed.
  2906. >She then pinches the bridge of her nose and lets out a deep sigh.
  2907. >There it is.
  2908. >Impact in 3...
  2909. >2...
  2910. >"I don't know what it is, but you're clearly doing something right."
  2911. >...1?
  2913. >Huh?
  2914. "Huh?"
  2915. >Vice Principal Luna rubs some sleep out of her eyes before addressing you once more.
  2916. >"Ever since you started acting as her assistant, especially after last Thursday, Principal Celestia has been in a noticeably better mood around school."
  2917. "Really?" You ask, disguising your true emotions.
  2918. >"Just today, Snails and Snips were caught hiding in the locker room during P.E. and she let them off with a warning. A WARNING." Luna restated, still shocked by the occurrence.
  2919. >"She may be the Principal but she's also my sister. So I notice when she suddenly comes here less exhausted."
  2920. >HALLELUJAH.
  2921. >THANK GOD.
  2923. >You almost shoot out of your seat and cheer in victory.
  2924. >But that would have set off some serious red flags, so you manage to restrain yourself.
  2925. >"Do you have anything to say for yourself on the matter?" Luna asks you.
  2926. "Not-not really, I just did my part to help the Principal." You respond.
  2927. >"Hmm, that can't be it. Is there anything else you do to lift her mood?" Luna prods further.
  2928. >For a fraction of a second, you flirt with the idea of going two-for-two and try to seduce the Vice Principal.
  2929. >No, way too risky.
  2930. >As is telling her that stripping and kissing Celestia all over works to help relieve stress.
  2931. >Plus Celestia is Luna's sister, and she probably doesn't wanna hear about her sibling's sex life.
  2932. "I just kinda made light conversation with her. Just give her some company in her work." You half-lie.
  2933. >Luna seems to accept this answer, leaning back in her chair and nodding slightly.
  2934. >"Hm, sounds helpful. I might have to try it sometime."
  2935. >You half-laugh at that, not entirely sure if that was meant to be a joke.
  2936. "So you called me here to ask if I have anything to do with Celestia's recent good mood?"
  2937. >"That's correct."
  2938. >Thankfully the final bell rings not long after, indicating the end of the day.
  2939. >"You best be on your way, Anon. Don't want to keep Principal Celestia waiting."
  2940. >No you certainly don't.
  2942. >Stepping out of the Vice Principal's office, you clamp your hand over your chest to ensure your heart is still beating.
  2943. >Sure enough, it is.
  2944. >You let out a few laughs to relieve some stress in realization of the missile you just dodged.
  2945. >Taking a moment to collect your nerves, you take your bag and run over to Celestia's office before Luna could question you more.
  2946. >You do end up turning some heads along the way.
  2947. >After all, what kind of student is eager to go to the Principal's office?
  2948. >Soon enough, you arrive at the familiar door.
  2949. >After collecting yourself, you knock on the wooden door.
  2950. >"Come in." Said a much more welcoming voice.
  2951. >You open the door and meet Celestia's beautiful eyes once more.
  2952. >"Hello again, Anon!" She greeted warmly.
  2953. "Good evening, Celestia." You reply, taking your usual seat near her.
  2954. >Your attempts to appear confident apparently didn't work, as Celestia became slightly concerned.
  2955. >"Is everything okay?"
  2956. >You laugh a bit at the stressful memories you made with the Vice Principal.
  2957. "I just got here from an interrogation from Luna on how good an assistant I've been to you. I spent most of it super stressed that we've been caught."
  2958. >Celestia nods solemnly.
  2959. "But she's noticed your good mood lately!" You note.
  2960. >"Oh, that's good." Celestia replies, somewhat despondently.
  2961. >A moment of silent passes by before she speaks up once more.
  2962. >"...I think it might be best if were to be more careful in our future endeavors together."
  2963. >You nod in agreement.
  2964. "...Does that mean less dates for now?"
  2965. >"Unfortunately, yes."
  2966. >You try to hide your disappointment, but it doesn't work as Celestia still notices.
  2967. >"I'm sorry, Anon. I wish we didn't have to hide what we have."
  2968. "It's okay, I understand." You reply, telling a half-truth.
  2969. >Celestia presser forehead against yours and rests her hand on your cheek.
  2970. >"I know I haven't been very available lately. I apologize for not being able to text you back. This job can be so much." She whispers.
  2972. >You only nod in return.
  2973. >Celestia gently raises your head to meet her eyes.
  2974. >"I truly am sorry, Anon. You deserve much better than me."
  2975. >You don't say anything in return.
  2976. >Because you don't know how to respond.
  2977. >You're really attracted to Celestia.
  2978. >You like her a lot.
  2979. >But at if you end up dating Fluttershy, you wouldn't have to hide your relationship behind closed doors.
  2980. >Plus her schedule would align with yours a lot better.
  2981. >But...
  2982. >You like Celestia more.
  2983. >You don't care that she's almost twice your age.
  2984. >Looking into your Principal's eyes, you close the distance between you two and kiss her again.
  2985. >She quickly sinks into the kiss, leaning into you slightly and resting both her hands on your cheeks.
  2986. >You and Celestia kiss for a few minutes before you finally part from her.
  2987. "It'll all work out in the end, I'm sure." You reassure her.
  2988. >Celestia pulls you into a deep hug
  2989. >"I really hope you're right." Celestia murmurs.
  2990. >You two eventually find yourselves on the floor behind her desk, in a deep hug.
  2991. >Gentle kisses are exchanged as time went by.
  2992. >You eventually notice that it's already 3:02.
  2993. >You're supposed to help with her paperwork while you're here.
  2994. "Hey Celestia, what about the paperwork for today?"
  2995. >"I don't care about that. You're more important to me than some letters." She replies, still tightly hugging you.
  2996. >You slightly sigh to yourself.
  2997. >It hurts to see Celestia like this.
  2998. >You want to help her more, but there's really nothing you can do.
  2999. >You're only a student.
  3000. >It'll take months after graduation for you to go public with your relationship with her, best case scenario.
  3001. >Even then, the questions will be unavoidable.
  3002. >No, don't think about that.
  3003. >Think about Celestia.
  3004. >Think about how nice her hair smells.
  3005. >Think about how warm her smile is.
  3006. >Think about how beautiful she is.
  3007. >Think about how much she wants you.
  3008. >Celestia is all that matters right now.
  3009. >So you stayed in her deep embrace, exchanging kisses until the clock finally read 3:30.
  3011. >Weeks went by without much change.
  3012. >You kept attending classes and working as Principal Celestia's assistant.
  3013. >Fortunately, you two have maintained a stable relationship in that time.
  3014. >While the primary focus of your time together was your paperwork and sorting, you two naturally made time for light kissing and flirting.
  3015. >Less than you would have liked.
  3016. >But you have to be careful in order to not be caught.
  3017. >It sucks.
  3018. >You want more.
  3019. >You can tell Celestia wants more too.
  3020. >It starts to hurt watching other couples at Canterlot High being all lovey-dovey in the lead up to prom.
  3021. >You can just tell that Twilight and Flash Sentry are gonna be the queen and king of prom.
  3022. >So can everyone else.
  3023. >On a related note, Norman and Rarity started getting along swimmingly.
  3024. >After a couple weeks it became a rare occurrence to see them apart from each other's side.
  3025. >Norman remained a good friend to you, making time for you and Rarity.
  3026. >Whenever you could, you'd spend time at Sugarcube Corner with the Main Six, on Wednesdays anyway.
  3027. >Turns out Sunset Shimmer was out of town on family business.
  3028. >But the girl's explanations seemed weirdly vague on details.
  3029. >Whatever, it's not any of your business.
  3030. >They did invite you to some other social gatherings outside of school.
  3031. >Fluttershy gave you a flier for the local animal shelter, and Pinkie offered a helper position for her baking.
  3032. >You gave both of them a try.
  3033. >While they surely enjoyed the time spent, you didn't so much.
  3034. >Celestia almost never texts.
  3035. >She's too busy.
  3036. >You're so lonely.
  3037. >You try to fill the void by spending more time with your friends.
  3038. >It didn't work.
  3039. >It's not the same.
  3040. >You only get 10-15 minutes a weekday with Celestia.
  3041. >Your most precious time slot of the day.
  3042. >Few words are exchanged between you and Celestia during this time.
  3043. >You two just hold each other and absorb each other's presence.
  3044. >You could find sadness and longing behind Celestia's eyes.
  3045. >You want Celestia.
  3046. >More than anything.
  3048. >"You okay, Anon?"
  3049. >Norman's voice and slight nudging of your shoulder snap you back to reality.
  3050. >"You've been staring into space for the past five minutes. You haven't even touched your lunch."
  3051. >A glance down shows that nothing you brought has been eaten yet.
  3052. >Your eyes dart around, allowing you to see Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie looking at you with concerned expressions.
  3053. "I'm just tired. I spent all night studying." You cover up.
  3054. >"You could've asked Twilight for help. I'm sure she would be happy to help!" Fluttershy suggested.
  3055. "I don't know, she seems pretty preoccupied with Flash."
  3056. >...That might have come out a bit more bitter than you wanted it to.
  3057. >"Are you sure you're just tired?" Norman asks you.
  3058. >No, it's not that.
  3059. >You want to be able to be romantic with the Principal.
  3060. >But it seems like everything's working against you.
  3061. >Her work's piling up more and more, meaning you have less time to be romantic with her.
  3062. >"You shouldn't lie to your friends, dude." Rainbow reminded you.
  3063. "I just don't want to talk about it, okay?"
  3064. >"Well, if ya ever want to talk, we're always here for ya." Applejack said in a supportive manner.
  3065. >"Yeah! Maybe a cupcake will make you feel better!" Pinkie beamed, producing a pink cupcake from God knows where.
  3066. >You stare it down for a moment, the pink and sparkly decoration contrasting harshly against your inner turmoil.
  3067. >...Fuck it, Pinkie's trying to help.
  3068. >You shouldn't be a dick to her.
  3069. >You take the cupcake and pop it into your mouth.
  3070. >...It's really good.
  3071. >The taste is really unique.
  3072. >Like a mixture of various sweet flavors.
  3073. >You can't help but smile while eating the cupcake.
  3074. >Damn you and your phenomenal baking, Pinkie.
  3075. >Not letting you wallow in self-pity.
  3076. >"I knew you'd like it!" Pinkie cheered triumphantly.
  3077. >The bell rang once more, indicating the end of lunch.
  3078. >Norman and Rarity quickly set off together, and you said your goodbyes to the girls before going to confront your last two classes of the day.
  3080. >Flash forward to 2:30, the same day.
  3081. >Knocking on the door once more, you hear the familiar "Come in" from the other side.
  3082. >Your eyes meet Celestia's once more, yet the soothing and warming qualities of her pristine eyes remain all the same.
  3083. >You waste no time in closing the door behind you and gently cupping your Principal's face in your hands and greeting her with a kiss.
  3084. >Celestia's clearly been waiting for this, and quickly reciprocates the kiss.
  3085. >Your eyes drift closed as she sighs gently into the kiss.
  3086. >Time is precious, so every moment with Celestia is cherished.
  3087. >But you two had to part eventually.
  3088. >"How was your day, Anon?" Celestia asks, still gazing into your eyes.
  3089. "Oh, same old, same old." You wave off.
  3090. >You withhold the fact that you've been incredibly lonely recently so she doesn't feel more guilty.
  3091. "What about you, Celly?"
  3092. >"Oh, I'm staying alive. Although Principal Cinch of Crystal Prep has certainly been trying to correct that error." Celestia notes with a slight giggle.
  3093. >Oh God, Abacus Cinch.
  3094. >If this truly is a Universe of opposites, then Cinch is the opposite of Celestia.
  3095. >You best cram your thoughts of that witch back to the corner of your mind to focus back on Celestia.
  3096. "What's to do today?"
  3097. >"More mail sorting, you know the drill. Important mail to the left bin, spam to the right bin." She instructed, turning back her computer screen.
  3098. >Not wanting to bother her anymore, you turn to the stack of letters before you and get to work.
  3099. >It's very repetitive.
  3100. >After a few minutes, you notice Celestia's hand idly sitting by the keyboard as she scrolled through emails in a zombie-like trance.
  3101. >Mulling the idea over for a bit, you rest your free hand on top of hers.
  3102. >Slightly surprised by the new sensation, Celestia relaxed noticeably when she realized it was your hand.
  3103. >You grabbed Celestia's hand, and a smile formed on her beautiful face.
  3104. >For the next half hour, you two tended to your work while gently holding hands.
  3106. >It's really nice to hold Celestia's hand.
  3107. >It's a small gesture, but there's a lot behind it.
  3108. >Almost embodying how you two are trying to stay connected while separated by your work.
  3109. >You feel a wave of reassurance wash over you while holding her hand.
  3110. >L-Lewd.
  3111. >Once the stack before you has vanished into the two piles as needed, you arch back and stretch in your seat.
  3112. >"All done?" Celestia asked, turning to see you after you pull your hand away to stretch.
  3113. "Yep!" You confirm with satisfaction in your voice.
  3114. >"Oh good!" Celestia chirps, stepping away from her computer.
  3115. >She then climbs into your lap and wraps her arms around your neck, resting her head on top of yours.
  3116. >Her lengthy legs wrap around the chair.
  3117. >You check the clock.
  3118. >3:11.
  3119. >That's a good amount of time.
  3120. >You sink into the hug in relaxation.
  3121. >More specifically, her voluptuous chest.
  3122. >Not that you're complaining.
  3123. >You'll take any opportunity to show love to Celestia's breasts.
  3124. >Occasionally, Celestia would softly trace a finger down your face and plant gentle kisses on your forehead.
  3125. >It feels like you're enveloped in the warmth of the sun.
  3126. >With Celestia draped onto you, you feel safer than ever before.
  3127. "Hey, Celly?"
  3128. >"Yes, dear?" She responds, looking you in the eyes.
  3129. "How come you never went into Basketball or something?"
  3130. >A look of confusion covers her face.
  3131. >"What do you mean?"
  3132. "Well, you're really tall, and I think you could've been a killer on the Basketball court.
  3133. >She laughs a bit in response.
  3134. >"When I was in High School, and some of College for that matter, I wasn't tall in an athletic manner." She sheepishly admitted.
  3135. >"I was much more awkward when I was around your age, focused almost entirely on studying. I even had braces until 11th grade!"
  3136. >You slightly cringe at the thought.
  3137. >Having to deal with braces for so long must have been Hell.
  3138. >"That's why...I didn't go to prom in senior year."
  3139. >You can clearly tell there's regret in her voice.
  3141. >"Are you planning on going to prom?" Celestia asked.
  3142. "Well, not really, to be honest." You admit.
  3143. >"Why not?"
  3144. >More of this?
  3145. "I'm just not really into school dances. They're too much for me."
  3146. >"Is it because you can't find a date?" Celestia asks, knowing she can't go with you.
  3147. "No! it's not that!" You hastily respond.
  3148. "Twilight's friends have invited me to go with their group."
  3149. >"That's good!"
  3150. "But prom's a time for being romantic and slow dancing and all, and to be honest if I can't go with you then I don't want to go."
  3151. >She's silent after that.
  3152. >Was that too much?
  3153. >You shouldn't have laid it on that heavy.
  3154. >Celestia then gently raises your head and holds it between her hands as she kisses you.
  3155. >You wrap your arms around her waist even tighter.
  3156. >She hums happily and readjusts herself on your lap.
  3157. >Your tongue briefly dances with hers, not wanting to get too fired up.
  3158. >She separates from the kiss and her flawless face is painted in the same loving smile as ever.
  3159. >"Anon...why weren't you my classmate when I was in High School?"
  3160. >You flush slightly at the praise.
  3161. >"If I knew you when I was a dorky teenager, I would have been head-over-heels for you!"
  3162. "And you aren't now?" You tease.
  3163. >She pauses for a moment to come up with an equally-witty comeback.
  3164. >"I'll think about it." Celestia giggles.
  3165. >Your fake pouting face gets more laughter from her.
  3166. >You sneak your hands down to Celestia's ass, which she notices.
  3167. >"Anon, if you're gonna do it, then commit to it!" She encourages.
  3168. >You respond by smirking at her and squeezing her butt, making her gasp in both surprise and embarrassment.
  3169. >She's precious.
  3170. >As Celestia notices the clock's struck 3:30, she gets off of your lap and lets you get to the door.
  3171. >You bid her farewell as you get to the door.
  3172. >But before you can open the door, she wraps her arms around you from behind and whispers into your ear.
  3173. >"I'll be thinking about you tonight~"
  3174. >She nibbles your neck slightly, then lets you leave.
  3176. >You stand there for a moment, your cheeks flushing from your Principal's words.
  3177. >You quickly assess the empty school, making sure no one sees you and jumps to conclusions.
  3178. >...You need a drink.
  3179. >Making your way over to a water fountain, you mind can't help but race.
  3180. >Celestia masturbates to thoughts of you?
  3181. >Fuck yeah.
  3182. >You seduced the Principal.
  3183. >Flash Sentry couldn't do that.
  3184. >You did.
  3185. >Once you finished drinking the water, your phone buzzes.
  3186. >You silenced all notifications from the group chat, so this is noteworthy.
  3187. >Opening your phone, you see it's from Rarity.
  3188. >"I never thanked you for introducing me to Norman." The text read.
  3189. "Oh, it's no trouble." You reply, leaning on the wall behind you.
  3190. >"Really! Norman's been wonderful!"
  3191. >Good for him.
  3192. >You're really glad it worked out for him.
  3193. >You're also relieved that he hasn't done anything to fuck it up yet.
  3194. >"He's shown great interest in my work as a seamstress and is charming in his own way!"
  3195. >You'll have to take her word for that part.
  3196. >Norman's never really been charming to you, thankfully.
  3197. "I'm really glad it's working out for you two"
  3198. >"I owe you one, Anon"
  3199. "That's really not needed lol"
  3200. >"Nonsense! I want to pay you back for your favor!"
  3201. >Well, if she insists.
  3202. >You could probably think of something to get in return.
  3203. "I just wanted to be a good friend, but if u insist"
  3204. >"I do! Thank you again!"
  3205. >After you're properly refreshed, you make your way home once again.
  3206. >Once you get home, you eat your dinner and get homework out of the way pretty quickly.
  3207. >You use your free time to text Norman as well as Twilight and her friends.
  3208. >Rarity doesn't text as much in the group chat, probably flirting with Norman some more.
  3209. >But no response from Celestia.
  3210. >...She's probably busy.
  3211. >Well, "busy".
  3212. >You've never tried phone sex before.
  3213. >Should you call her and offer that?
  3214. >....No, better not.
  3215. >Either way, she shouldn't be interrupted.
  3217. >A few days later.
  3218. >You're sitting with the six girls at Sugarcube Corner after a long day at school.
  3219. >The day was fairly simple, and your time with Celestia was as lovely as ever.
  3220. >At the moment, Rarity was discussing something with Norman, who was sitting nearby.
  3221. >You were enjoying another milkshake as Twilight had her nose buried in her geometry textbook.
  3222. >Flash must have band practice.
  3223. >As usual, you were sitting between Pinkie and Fluttershy, with Applejack, Rainbow and Rarity opposite you.
  3224. >"Oh Fluttershy, Norman had just had a wonderful idea!"
  3225. >Oh God.
  3226. >Not that.
  3227. >You were really hoping he would forget.
  3228. >"What do you think of Anon?" Rarity asks her.
  3229. >Her cheeks go slightly red.
  3230. >"Um...he's very nice, and he's funny and a good friend." She replied, trying to avoid eye contact with you.
  3231. >"Would you consider a... double date?" Rarity teases.
  3232. >Fluttershy became even more nervous.
  3233. >"What...d-do you mean?"
  3234. >"Well, Norman suggested we go on a double date this Friday after school to prepare for prom!" Rarity announced, with Norman's eager face matching hers.
  3235. >Fluttershy's eyes dart around the table.
  3236. >From you, to Rarity, to Norman, to Rainbow.
  3237. >"I for one think you two would be a cute couple!" Rarity encouraged.
  3238. >"Plus it could help you come out of your shell a bit!" Norman directed at you.
  3239. >You're frozen.
  3240. >You can't just shoot down the idea now.
  3241. >What would that say about you?
  3242. >That you're a huge douche bag who would publicly reject Fluttershy.
  3243. >That's a one-way ticket to making her friends hate you.
  3244. >But you can't just come clean about being with Principal Celestia.
  3245. >Your eyes briefly meet hers.
  3246. >She's silently looking to you for something to say.
  3247. >You ought to say something.
  3248. "It's okay if you don't want to, Fluttershy. I don't want you to feel pressured."
  3249. >Nobody else at the table says anything, waiting for some kind of response from her.
  3250. >Fluttershy closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and spoke her answer.
  3251. >"Well, it sounds like it could be fun."
  3253. >FUCK
  3254. >Rarity cheered in victory, and Rainbow laughed at the commotion.
  3255. >Applejack and Pinkie also got in on the mini-celebrations, and Twilight gave her a reassuring pat on the back.
  3256. >Fluttershy hides in her hair as you have a small meltdown internally.
  3257. >Why?
  3258. >WHY?
  3260. >It's not that you don't like her.
  3261. >She's cute and fun to be around.
  3262. >It's just.
  3263. >You like Celestia way more.
  3264. >But there's no way you can tell her that.
  3265. >What would she say?
  3266. >What would she think?
  3267. >"It'll be fun, I promise!" Rarity beamed.
  3268. >Fluttershy nods a bit, feeling a bit more brave.
  3269. >"Yeah, it will be!" She replies, turning to you.
  3270. >You smile in agreement, masking your internal conflict.
  3271. >"I know this nice restaurant just outside town, we'll go there this Friday at 6!" Norman declared.
  3272. "Sounds like a plan." You respond.
  3273. >Rarity and Fluttershy agree to that as well.
  3274. >"Ugh, first Twilight, then Rarity and now Fluttershy?" Rainbow snorts.
  3275. >"Are you gonna get dates too?" She interrogates Pinkie and Applejack.
  3276. >"Maybe!" Pinkie beams.
  3277. >"Ah kinda doubt it, but who knows." Applejack replies.
  3278. >Rainbow isn't pleased with their answers.
  3279. >"What happened to going as a friend group?"
  3280. >"Relax Rainbow, that's still the case. Some of us will just have a plus-one!" Twilight interjects.
  3281. >"Why don't you want to go with a date anyway? It's not like you'd have trouble getting one." Rarity asks.
  3282. >"I just can't afford to lose focus on my athletics!" Rainbow defends.
  3283. >Rarity rolls her eyes in response.
  3284. >You set your empty glass down, but your hand bumps Fluttershy's.
  3285. >Taking the initiative, Fluttershy doesn't hesitate in grabbing your hand.
  3286. >OH COME ON.
  3287. >"Awww, that's darling!" Rarity swoons.
  3288. >Norman gives you a thumbs-up.
  3289. >You smile in return.
  3291. >What are you gonna tell Celestia?
  3292. >She deserves to know.
  3293. >But you just told her that you don't want to be with anyone but her.
  3294. >It wouldn't be fair to her.
  3295. >"You've been zoning out a lot lately, Nonny!" Pinkie remarks.
  3296. "Oh, just thinking about how I'll handle homework in order to make it to the date." You cover up.
  3297. >"That's not important! Showing Fluttershy a good time is!" Rarity insisted.
  3298. >She isn't doing a good job of not making Fluttershy feel pressured.
  3299. >"Whatever, I've got stuff to do to prepare for next week's soccer game. Later!" Rainbow said as she packed up and left.
  3300. >"I have chores at home too. Shining Armor said I've gotta mow the lawn this week. See you all tomorrow!" Twilight followed, leaving shortly after Rainbow.
  3301. >Applejack went back to Sweet Apple Acres, Pinkie went upstairs..?
  3302. >Looks like she lives here.
  3303. >That makes a lot of sense, actually.
  3304. >Rarity and Norman leave together, leaving you with just Fluttershy.
  3305. >The silence chokes you.
  3306. >What do you say to her?
  3307. >What's she thinking right now?
  3308. >What do you do?
  3309. >"I'm sorry if you felt pressured into agreeing..." Fluttershy said, finally breaking the silence.
  3310. "No no, it's really no trouble. I don't mind going out with you." You quickly respond.
  3311. >"Are you sure? I know you don't really want to go to prom, and I don't want you to feel uncomfortable for my sake."
  3312. "Trust me, it's really no trouble."
  3313. >You really wish you meant that.
  3314. "Do you want me to walk you home?"
  3315. >"Yeah, I'd like that." She smiled.
  3316. >Fuck.
  3317. >The one time.
  3318. >The ONE TIME a girl's possibly interested in you and it's when you're in a secret relationship.
  3319. >Just your luck.
  3320. >You hold the door open for Fluttershy, and you can see Mrs. Cake smile at you two as you leave.
  3321. >The evening sky paints the horizon as you accompany Fluttershy down the road.
  3322. >Birds chirp faintly, and you can hear the breeze rustle the leaves on nearby trees.
  3323. >Fluttershy looks like she's happy with you.
  3324. >Uuuuuuggggghhhh.
  3325. >You feel like such a horrible person.
  3327. >Fluttershy doesn't live too far from you.
  3328. >Only a few streets away.
  3329. >Soon enough, you arrive at her house, which looks pretty similar to every other house in the area.
  3330. >"Thank you for walking with me, Anon." Fluttershy said, getting your attention.
  3331. "Of course, Fluttershy. I wanna make sure you feel safe."
  3332. >You share a moment of silence as Fluttershy smiles to herself.
  3333. >"Well, I better get to my homework."
  3334. "Yeah, so should I."
  3335. >"See you tomorrow!" She said at her doorstep.
  3336. "See you then! Tell Angel I said hi!" You reply.
  3337. >She giggles slightly before going inside.
  3338. >You walk out of eyesight of her house before letting your mind race.
  3339. >Why?
  3340. >WHY?
  3341. >Fluttershy's so nice.
  3342. >She's so sweet.
  3343. >And cute.
  3344. >And she'll probably be a good girlfriend.
  3345. >But...
  3346. >...ugh.
  3347. >How are you gonna handle this?
  3348. >What are you gonna tell Celestia?
  3349. >What are you gonna tell Fluttershy?
  3350. >You really want Celestia.
  3351. >More than anything.
  3352. >But you don't want to let down Fluttershy.
  3353. >And you can't just dump Celestia after everything you shared with her.
  3354. >...
  3355. >...
  3356. >...What they don't know won't hurt them, right?
  3357. >It's not like they talk to each other.
  3358. >Especially concerning their dating lives.
  3359. >...Yeah, you'll handle this.
  3360. >It'll all work out in the end.
  3361. >You're sure of it.
  3363. >Friday.
  3364. >Lunch.
  3365. >Rarity looks incredibly excited for this evening.