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Lightning Man

By CosmicButthole
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-05-07 03:13:20
Expiry: Never

  1. This is a reupload of a greentext I wrote way back in 2017. I pasted it all here for posterity.
  3. >Your name is Anon
  4. >You've been attending Canterlot High for all four years of your high school career.
  5. >You've spent those years as kind of a loner, never being too much of any type of clique to be in any.
  6. >They all seemed like they were too different from you to really spend a lot of time with.
  7. >Thus, you practically had no friends.
  8. >You did have one good friend, though.
  9. >Your cousin Norman.
  10. >After your dad was killed, Norman was the first one to try and reach out to you.
  11. >After that day, you two became inseparable.
  12. >Sure, he had other friends, but Norman always time to hang out.
  14. >It was easy for you to go unnoticed, as more often than not, the "Mane Six" were always the center of attention.
  15. >As cheesy at it seemed, this particular group stunned the school when the six of them joined as friends, despite coming from radically different social groups.
  16. >Twilight the science nerd, Dash the athlete, Applejack the farmer, Rarity the fashionista, Fluttershy the environmentalist, and Pinkie the party animal.
  17. >You never cared too much about their escapades, although their beauty never escaped you.
  18. >Many a night you've spent secretly fantasizing about relationships with any of the six.
  19. >Some less safe for work than others.
  20. >The list of things you'd do to date one of them is nearly endless.
  21. >But still, they're the most popular girls in the school, and you're pretty much a nobody.
  23. >You're no athlete, and gym class is really stretching your abilities as a skinny mofo, so Dash wouldn't care at all about you.
  24. >You grew up in suburbia, so farming is something foreign to you, so AJ wouldn't really enjoy your company.
  25. >Fashion is something you see as important, so it's not surprising that Rarity doesn't even know your name.
  26. >Twilight's out as well, as you barely make average grades.
  27. >Fluttershy's nice, but it's she's too shy to hold a decent conversation with.
  28. >Even the party animal Pinkie has time for everyone except you, as you're never invited.
  29. >If it weren't for Norman, you wouldn't know what to do.
  30. >This feeds into your biggest fear: being practically erased from history.
  31. >It seems like everyone at Canterlot High is destined for greatness, from the science geeks to the athletes.
  32. >Everyone has their future perfectly planned, except you.
  33. >You had no special skills, talents of anything. You're pretty much invisible.
  34. >Everyone will be remembered, except you.
  35. >What would dad think of you?
  37. >Anyway, back to the present.
  38. >You packed up your things and left the school with Norman, engaging in some light conversation.
  39. >"Deep in thought again?"
  40. >You nod in reply.
  41. >"About the work, or about Rarity again?"
  42. >You scoff in defense, signaling a mixture of both was present in your mind.
  43. >"Hey, I get it. She's pretty hot, dude. Gets into your mind."
  44. >As you two go along, you notice a storm picking up in the sky.
  45. >"Well, I gotta get back home before the storm gets too bad. See you later!" Norman said, running off to his house.
  46. >Almost as soon as he ran off, lightning struck.
  47. >Realizing your current situation, you made a mad dash back to your house, desperately trying to get home unharmed.
  48. >The storm got violent fast, and you started getting kind of scared.
  49. >Thunder was booming all around you.
  50. >Lightning was constantly flashing.
  51. >Sprinting down the suburban roads, your house was only two blocks away.
  52. >Suddenly, your body screamed in pain as a bolt of lightning struck you.
  53. >You fell to the ground, writhing in agony.
  54. >The last thing you remember is falling to the ground, practically paralyzed as voices echo in your mind, before drifting away.
  56. >Awaking in your bed, you notice something immediately different.
  57. >Your body is much more...muscular.
  58. >You try to get up to look in the mirror, but you're met with stoning pain in your body, causing you to cry out in pain.
  59. >This signaled to your mom, who came running into your room.
  60. >"Oh my goodness, thank God you're awake! I was so worried you'd be in a coma for the rest of your life, and if that happened, I'd-"
  61. "Mom, I'm fine. Mostly. I tried to get up, and it stings all over."
  62. >"Oh good. You've only been out for a day. Try and get some rest, maybe you'll feel better later." Your mom advised, before leaving to get you food.
  63. >Lying in bed, you seized to try and grab the coin on your bed stand, which caused a small arc of electricity to shoot from your finger to the coin.
  64. >Quickly recoiling, you became puzzled by what's going on.
  65. >A million thoughts filling your mind, you accidentally knocked the lamp off the stand.
  66. >When you shot out to grab it, time seemed to slow down as you grabbed it, shocking you even more.
  68. >Trying to not cause more hysteria, you lied back in bed, when minutes later, mom came back with a plate of pancakes.
  69. >"Don't feel like you're in a rush. Today's Sunday, so just stay here until you feel better." Mom advised, before leaving to continue her get-well regimen.
  70. >The strangest part is that once you finished your breakfast of champions, you felt...great.
  71. >You tried to get up again, and no stinging was felt.
  72. >You went over to the mirror in your room, and was met with a surprising by pleasant reflection.
  73. >Your body was in incredible shape. Arms, chest, legs all in peak form.
  74. >You liked what you saw, but was still incredibly confused.
  75. >Maybe after you lie down and get some sleep, you'll be more focused and able to figure out what's going on.
  76. >You went back to bed, closed your eyes, and drifted off to sleep.
  78. >You woke up three hours later, with Norman sitting next to you by your bed.
  79. "You didn't think I was out again and try to give me mouth-to-mouth, did you?"
  80. >He laughed and said that he just got here to see how you were doing.
  81. >You explained to him your current situation, involving all the strange occurrences.
  82. >"Weird...maybe some answer will come later." Norman suggested.
  83. >You agreed with him and got up to go brush your teeth.
  84. >When you got to the sink, you slipped on a towel on the ground, and instead of catching yourself on the sink, you tore a whole chunk of the sink out with a loud crash.
  85. >"Is everything alright, honey?" Your mom called from the kitchen.
  86. >In partial shock from what just happened, you managed to respond with "Yeah, everything's fine."
  87. >You cleaned up the rubble, hiding it all as best you could.
  88. >Looking at the clock outside the bathroom, you found that it was 5:45 PM.
  89. >You decided to go outside to get some fresh air and clear your head.
  91. >When you got to the sidewalk, you decided a jog would help.
  92. >When you started running, everything went in slow motion.
  93. >Cars seemed to be stopped, Pipsqueak's ball is frozen in the air, and leaves are in suspended animation.
  94. >You skidded to a halt, again shocked by what's going on.
  95. >You met with Norman in your backyard, again describing your situation.
  96. >"Looks like you've somehow been given Super Strength and Super Speed from that bolt of lightning that hit you." Norman said.
  97. >"Any other possible powers?"
  98. "This morning I caused some electricity to spring from my hand suddenly."
  99. >" might have a form of Electrokinesis, then." Norman replied.
  100. >"Try shooting that tree stump with a bolt of lightning" he instructed.
  101. >It took about five minutes of various hand gestures to have a bolt of lightning be thrown from your hand.
  102. >Norman cheered in applause, amazed by the show.
  103. >"Wanna see if you can fly?"
  104. "What?"
  105. >"Maybe all that electricity in your body allows you to use the Earth's core as a booster due to repelling charges!"
  106. >You're not entirely sure that will work, but you decided to give it a shot anyway.
  108. >You crouched down, and closed your eyes, trying to get a boost off the ground.
  109. >You closed your eyes and concentrated as best as you could.
  110. >You focused all your mental energy into boosting into the sky.
  111. >Then your started to feel it
  112. >The dirt around you floated up into the air, and you shot into the sky like a bullet.
  113. >The feeling was extraordinary.
  114. >The wind in your face, the sun on your skin, and the ground below you was amazing.
  115. >You boosted ahead to quickly fly throughout the city of Canterlot.
  116. >Over the school, Sugarcube Corner, and Sweet Apple Acres.
  117. >Some people might have seen, but you don't care.
  118. >You let out a hearty laugh due to your immense pleasure.
  119. >With this came a new feeling.
  120. >Purpose.
  121. >You know know that you have something to strive for.
  122. >You have the ability to strive for greatness.
  123. >Greatness unlike anything anyone has ever seen.
  124. >Speaking of which, school is tomorrow, and you just got your powers.
  125. >For the first time ever, you were looking forward to school.
  127. >Flash forward to Monday morning, and you're in front of Canterlot High, with Norman next to you.
  128. >"Remember, no power usage. We can't give away what you've been given. Who knows what hysteria it'll create."
  129. >You nodded nonchalantly, planning the day ahead.
  130. >Before you knew it, the bell rang, signaling first classes have begun.
  131. >You went throughout the halls to get to English, when you heard some whimpering.
  132. >Turning your head, you found Twilight hanging on a coat hanger, by her pink, spotted underwear.
  133. >You decided to go and help her out, while saying fuck being on time.
  134. "Hey, uh...I would ask if you're alright, but I see that you're not really that OK, so..." You started out awkwardly.
  135. >Twilight avoids your look, obviously ashamed at her current situation.
  136. "Don't worry, I'm gonna help you out."
  137. >Before she could respond, you grabbed her by the waist and gently lifted her up, before setting her on the ground.
  138. >"Thanks..." Twilight said.
  139. "Want me to walk to class with you?" You offered.
  140. >She replied with a nod, while still embarrassed over her situation.
  142. >You two were walking down the empty halls together when she decided to break the silence.
  143. >"I'm terribly sorry, but...what's your name?" Twilight asked.
  144. "Oh, my name's Anonymous, but everyone calls me Anon."
  145. >"Well, thank you so much, Anon. I don't know what I would've done without you." She blushed.
  146. "Who did this to you?" You asked, ready to give some payback.
  147. >"Snails and Snips, but please don't do anything foolish. It won’t happen again, I’m sure." Twilight replied, obviously worrying about you.
  148. "Don't worry about it. I've got it all completely under control." You reassured.
  149. >Another moment of silence before she decides to speak up again.
  150. >"You know, I don't think anyone else would've helped me like you did."
  151. >This genuinely surprised you.
  152. "What do you mean? You're one of the most popular girls in Canterlot!"
  153. >"Well, everyone just pretends to enjoy my company, but mostly it’s Rainbow Dash and Rarity that get the most attention. When I’m not with them I’m kind of ignored" She explained.
  154. >Not really knowing how to support her, you just patted her on the shoulder a bit.
  155. "Well, you seem like a really great person to me." You reassured, causing her to smile a bit in response.
  157. >You two finally arrive at her classroom, where you say goodbyes.
  158. >"Thank you so much, Anon." She said before giving you a small hug and going in.
  159. >With a smile on your face, you headed off to your class.
  160. >Ms. Cheerilee yelled at you for a bit for being late, but it all kind of bounced off you.
  161. >All you could think about was Twilight's warm smile.
  162. >Your first good deed of the the day and you didn't even have to use your powers.
  163. >Then your mind shifted to other matters.
  164. >Snails and Snips.
  165. >They're usually behind the cafeteria during lunch.
  166. >Then you remembered Norman's warning.
  167. >Not to worry, you've got a plan already.
  168. >Flash forward to lunch, where you go to your normal seat with Norman.
  169. >"So, how's your day so far?"
  170. >You tell him about what happened with Fluttershy this morning.
  171. >"Nice! Getting in with the popular girls, huh?"
  172. >You two talk some more when you hear a tomboyish voice call your name.
  173. >"Yo, Anon! Over here!"
  174. >You turn to see Rainbow Dash waving you over to her table.
  175. >You turn to Norman, who nods at you approvingly.
  176. >You go over to her, and she invites you to her lunch table with Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie and Fluttershy.
  178. "So, why was I invited over to the big kid's table?"
  179. >"You helped out our pal Twilight when no one else did!" Dash exclaimed, knocking on your head a bit.
  180. >"Any friend of hers is a friend of ours!" Rarity explained as you took your seat between Dash and Twilight.
  181. >"The real concern is how you've been lately." Fluttershy said after eating her Apple.
  182. "What do you mean?"
  183. >"You were hit by lightning on Friday! Everyone thought you died!" Pinkie practically shouted.
  184. >The six all shared concerned looks, which you responded with a shrug.
  185. "I was in pain for a little bit, but now I'm all better." You reply.
  186. >"Ah dunno, some people have been hurt pretty bad by lightning." Applejack said quizzically.
  187. "Well, I'm fine. I'm glad you all care about my well being, but I wouldn't be her if I didn't feel good."
  188. >”People who get struck by lightning tend to get severe burns on their body. You don’t seem to have any. Also, ruptured ear drums, damaged nerves and Parkinson’s Disease are also symptoms of being struck.” Twilight analyzed.
  189. “Trust me, I’m as confused as you. I woke up on Sunday and felt pretty good.” You explained.
  191. “So Pinkie, how come I'm never invited to your parties?”
  192. >”What are you talking about?” Pinkie replied.
  193. “I just, never get an invitation.” You explain
  194. >”Oh, silly! I don't hand out invitations because EVERYONE is invited!” She explains.
  195. >Oh.
  196. >You feel pretty stupid now.
  197. >After a little bit of eating lunch, Pinkie brings up something she just remembered.
  198. >"Ooh! Remember that strange flying thing yesterday?"
  199. >The other five looked at her quizzically, while you feigned surprise.
  200. >"What are you talking about?" Dash asked. "What flying thing?"
  201. >"It happened yesterday; I was outside of Sugarcube Corner for a bit when all of a sudden, I saw this thing zoom by!"
  202. >"I didn't get a good look at it, but it kinda looked like a person!"
  203. >"Pinkie dear, I think you just mistook it for something else. Perhaps it was just a plane." Rarity tried to persuade.
  204. >"I know what I saw, and what I saw was a flying person!" Pinkie insisted.
  205. “Is this another one of your tall tales I keep hearing about?”
  206. >”It was super fast and I almost missed it when it went by!” Pinkie continued, detailing her account.
  207. >”Sure thing, Pinkie…” Dash waved off.
  209. >Their conversations went on for a bit, until you got an idea.
  210. "Hey Dash, what sports teams do you suggest I join?"
  211. >Dash laughed out loud in response.
  212. >"No offense dude, but I've seen you in gym class. It's pretty embarrassing."
  213. "Well, I've been exercising recently, and I feel pretty confident, so you wanna arm wrestle?"
  214. >She laughed in response again.
  215. >"Alright dude, but don't get upset when I beat you!”
  216. >”You sure about this, Anon? Dash is pretty strong.” Fluttershy warned.
  217. “Don’t worry, I’ve got this.”
  218. >You two assume the arm-wrestling positions, and Applejack signals go.
  219. >Dash's smirk soon went to confusion as your Super Strength allowed to to not budge an inch.
  220. >She wasn't fazed by this and continued to try and push you down.
  221. >You flashed a casual smile at the girls, signaling your ease.
  222. >The girl were intently watching, amazed by your show.
  223. >Dash soon got desperate and brought in her second arm.
  224. "Two arms? Dash, if you wanted a handicap, you could've just said so!" You teased.
  225. >"Sh-shut up!" Dash replied with gritted teeth.
  226. >With a bit of pressure, her knees buckle and sweat begins to form on her forehead.
  227. >Slowly, you pushed her two arms back to the table, signaling her defeat.
  228. >"H-how?"
  229. "Sometimes I even amaze myself!" You brag.
  231. >"Wow, Nonny, I never knew you were so strong!" Pinkie cheered.
  232. >Feeling proud, you laid your arm out on the table and said:
  233. "You wanna feel?"
  234. >The girls were a bit hesitant, but Rarity eventually reached out and felt your arm, causing her eyes to widen and a blush to form on her face.
  235. >"O-oh wow..."
  236. >Pinkie, Twilight and Applejack followed her, with more of the same reaction.
  237. >Pinkie giggled a bunch, with a bit of blush on her face.
  238. >Twilight didn’t say anything, almost in a trance.
  239. >”Shoot, Anon, you might be as strong as Big Mac!” Applejack said.
  240. >Fluttershy was a bit too shy to feel for herself.
  241. >Rainbow Dash was too grumpy over her loss to feel your arm.
  242. >Near the end of lunch, you went to go throw away your garbage when your path was blocked by Flash Sentry.
  243. >"Feeling tough today, huh?" He asked you, condescendingly.
  244. "What are you talking about, Flash?"
  245. >"Snails and Snips were found stuffed in trash cans behind the auditorium. They say you did it."
  246. >Twilight turned to you in surprise.
  247. >”I told you not to do anything like this!”
  248. "Well, so what if I did. They got what was coming to them." You replied.
  249. >"See, in the only one who decides who does and doesn't get 'what's coming to them', so I gotta remind you who's king of this school."
  250. >Twilight was worriedly looking on.
  251. >You took a quick glance at Norman, who was shaking his head at you, silently telling you not to use your powers.
  252. >But it was too late.
  254. "Alright your majesty, here's the deal. I'll give you fifty dollars right here if you can hit me once." You bragged, waving the bill in front of his face.
  255. >Flash laughed out loud, causing some concern in the girls, and disappointment in Norman.
  256. >"Alright, deal." Flash agreed, but immediately after he took a swing at you.
  257. >You were one step ahead, so you used your speed to slow down time and dodge the swing.
  258. >A gasp was heard throughout the lunch room.
  259. >This genuinely surprised Flash, but it didn't stop him as he kept trying to hit you, all to no avail.
  260. >With your newfound speed, you dodged his attacks with ease and grace.
  261. >Eventually some people started cheering you on.
  262. >You decided to finish him off by stepping out of his way at the last second to let him slide on the floor and fall face first on the ground.
  263. >The cafeteria was filled with a mixture of laughter and applause, feeding your ego.
  264. >To rub salt in the wound, you leaned over him on the ground and whispered in his ear:
  265. "How embarrassing."
  266. >You looked back to the table, to find the six with varying levels of amazement on their faces.
  267. >Norman, on the other hand, looked distressed.
  268. >”That was amazing, Anon!” Fluttershy cheered.
  269. >”I gotta have you on one of my sports teams! Or all of them!” Dash added.
  270. >You let them praise you for a little bit before Norman dragged you off.
  272. >You stood there sort of dumbfounded, in the realization that you were just kissed.
  273. >”Hey lovebirds! Class is starting!” Dash shouted from across the room, before leaving.
  274. >Twilight blushed and pushed her hair aside.
  275. >”So, um...see you later!” Twilight said.
  276. “Yep!” You awkwardly reply.
  277. >Quickly, you go the other way to get to algebra.
  278. >When you get there, you find yourself sitting next to Fluttershy.
  279. >Seems like she's still pretty impressed by your show in the lunchroom.
  280. >”Did you know Twilight and Flash had a history together?” Fluttershy asked.
  281. “What do you mean?”
  282. >”They dated for a while, but Twilight found that he was cheatI got on her with Sunset Shimmer. She was so heartbroken that day.” Fluttershy sulked.
  283. “Damn, that sucks…”
  284. >”I guess she found satisfaction when you embarrassed Flash like that!”
  285. “I guess so!”
  286. >Class went on as usual, with some students pointing and whispering at you.
  287. >It didn't bother you that much, however.
  288. >About 45 minutes in, you got a text from an unknown number.
  289. >”How's the fame, hero?”
  290. “Who dis?”
  291. >”Oh, right. Rainbow Dash here.
  292. “How'd you get my number?”
  293. >”Pinkie gave it to me.”
  294. >Figures.
  296. >”Just wanted to tell you that Twilight’s been in a pretty good mood lately. Must've had something to do you your little kiss.”
  297. “What do you mean?”
  298. >”She's in a really dreamy state. Like she's on cloud nine.”
  299. >This could be great.
  300. >One of the most popular girls in the school could have a crush on you.
  301. >You'll try and pursue a relationship later.
  302. >Rush it and it could ruin your newfound friendships.
  303. “I gotta go now, Dash. Text you later.”
  304. >You turn off the phone and resume your class work.
  305. >Your Mind is flooding with a million thoughts.
  306. >Be it about the six, or about your new powers.
  307. >Who knows, you could become a superhero with your powers.
  308. >Norman might throw a hissy fit over you using your powers more.
  309. >Whatever, you've got a scuba suit, boots, gloves and a mask you could make into a superhero suit.
  310. >Maybe throw in a cape for extra effect.
  311. >Your thoughts are interrupted with an unwelcome announcement.
  312. >”Mr. Anonymous to the Principal’s office, please.” Vice Principal Luna says over the intercom.
  314. >God dammit
  315. >When is this gonna end?
  316. >First Norman, then Twilight (albeit with a kiss) and now the principal.
  317. >All you wanted to do was help.
  318. >Sighing, you get up from your seat and trudge over to Principal Celestia’s office.
  319. >When you go in, you find Flash Sentry sitting in the chair on the right, with a chair open on the left.
  320. >You sit down and brace yourself.
  321. >”So, care to explain what happened during lunch?” Principal Celestia asked.
  322. “I was trying to throw my trash away and a Flash came up to me and tried to start a fight.” You explain, desperate to get the first word.
  323. >”So instead of finding a teacher or a lunchroom monitor, you found it was a better idea to humiliate him in front of everyone?” The principal asked, curious about the situation.
  324. “Come on, I didn't even touch him!” You defended.
  325. >”So you knew Flash didn't pose a threat to you, and you still went ahead with your idea?”
  326. >You sit back in your seat exasperated.
  328. >”So why didn't you?” Celestia asked.
  329. “I dunno, I guess I didn't want to seem helpless by running to the teachers. Maybe I just wanted to show I was able to handle myself.”
  330. >”So you decided how others see was more important than how others see Flash.”
  331. >God dammit.
  332. >All you wanted to do was help out where you could.
  333. >”You two are dismissed. I won't be calling your parents about this and expect that another misunderstanding like this won't happen again.” Celestia finished, before returning to her paperwork.
  334. >Lucky break.
  335. >Flash heads out the door, glaring at you on the way out.
  336. >Dick.
  337. >On the way out, you glance at the clock.
  338. >2:58
  339. >School’s almost out.
  340. >You check your phone and see Fluttershy texted you.
  341. >”is everything ok???”
  342. “Just a misunderstanding. It's all good now.” You text back.
  343. >You then realize your locker is on the other side of the school.
  344. >After looking around, you use your super speed to zoom through the halls to your locker just before the bell rang.
  345. >Once it rang, everyone came swarming through the halls to get to their lockers.
  346. >You packed up all your stuff and headed out.
  348. >At home, you're rifling through storage boxes looking for your aforementioned wetsuit/superhero costume.
  349. >”Everything alright, dear?” Your mom called from the living room, having heard your rummaging through your stuff.
  350. “Everything's fine!” You yell back, having just found your wetsuit.
  351. >With some struggling, you managed to get the indigo bodysuit on.
  352. >It's a snug fit, but it fits nonetheless.
  353. >Some fifteen minutes later and you find your mask, gloves and boots.
  354. >A bit more rummaging and you find a purple blanket that could serve as a decent cape.
  355. >With your costume fully assembled, you look…
  356. >..pretty silly.
  357. >Oh well. You've still got your powers.
  358. >You decide to make today your first Patrol across Canterlot as…
  359. >....uh…
  360. >Superhero name to be decided.
  361. “Hey mom, I'm going out to the store to get something! Be back in an hour!”
  362. >”Be back on time!” Mom responded.
  363. >You tended to go out like this to get snacks, so she wasn't suspicious.
  364. >Carefully, you climbed out the window and flew off to downtown Canterlot.
  366. >The air on your face feels great as you shoot through the sky over Canterlot.
  367. >But you're not up here to enjoy yourself today.
  368. >You're looking for crimes to stop.
  369. >You fly over all of town.
  370. >From Sweet Apple Acres to the city limits.
  371. >You even did a double-check over popular spots in town just to be extra sure.
  372. >It seemed your heroics would have to wait another day until you heard police sirens blaring on the streets below.
  373. >You look down, and see a high-speed chase going on, with a car of bank robbers driving haphazardly through the streets.
  374. >Now’s your time.
  375. >You swoop down on the street, a block ahead of the bandits.
  376. >First, you shot electricity from your hands at the car, not enough to seriously harm them, but enough to disable the car.
  377. >Gasps were heard from the crowd, amazed by your demonstration off power.
  378. >The car kept on sliding, however, which you stopped with just putting your foot on the hood.
  379. >To finish up the scene, you pick up the car and place it upside down, so that the police can apprehend the criminals.
  380. >The police car pulled up next to you, and the two cops inside get out, nervously pointing their guns at you.
  381. “...They're all yours!” You say to them, before shooting off into the sky.
  383. >Satisfied with your first good deed as a superhero, you head home like you said you would.
  384. >At home, you quickly change out of your costume and into your regular clothes before going in the front door.
  385. “Hey mom, I'm home! They didn't have what I was looking for, so I-”
  386. >You were interrupted by your mom when you hugged you deeply as soon as you walked in.
  387. >”Oh thank goodness you're safe, I was so worried!”
  388. “I'm alright mom, what’s wrong?” You ask.
  389. >”There was a car chase downtown! Armed robbers were speeding through the area you were in!”
  390. “Oh, I was wondering what that was. I was inside the store, so I didn't see nothing.” You try to shrug off.
  391. >”People are also saying that a masked man swooped down and apprehended the criminals.” Mom continued.
  392. “Huh?”
  393. >”I'm as confused as you. I'm having trouble buying superheroes in real life, but a bunch of pictures and videos are flooding the news sites.” Mom explained.
  394. “I'm sure it's the hysteria of the moment. It'll die down eventually.” You try to calm her down.
  395. >Dinner was eaten, some conversations were had, and you soon went off to bed, exhausted by your heroics.
  396. >School tomorrow should be interesting.
  398. >The next morning went as usual.
  399. >Ate breakfast, got dressed and headed off to school.
  400. >At school is where the craziness started.
  401. >Practically everyone was talking about the new superhero of Canterlot.
  402. >”Superheroes? Are you kidding me?” Octavia asked Vinyl Scratch as you walked by.
  403. >”I know, but apparently all the footage is legit!” Vinyl replied.
  404. >You ended up stumbling upon another conversation between Rose and Daisy, the girls at the local flower shop.
  405. >”You just can't stop watching that video, can you?” Daisy asked.
  406. >”What can I say, I love a man in tights!” Rose cheerily replied.
  407. >”How do you think this superhero guy got his powers?” Soarin asked his friends.
  408. >”Maybe he was experimented on!” A jock offered.
  409. >”Isn't it a bit scary that someone as powerful as him could be walking among us right now?” Pipsqueak asked.
  410. >”Nof really, I think he’th juth trying to help uth out, tho I don't think you thould be worried.” Twist assured him.
  411. >You made your way to first block, Biology, where you found yourself sitting next to Rainbow Dash.
  412. >”Dude! Did you hear about the-”
  413. “Superhero? Yeah, I did.” You cut her off.
  414. >”Oh, right. But isn't it crazy? Some people are calling him Lightning Man!” Dash said excitedly.
  415. >Hm...Lightning Man…
  416. >...That name could work.
  418. >”So whaddya his deal is?” Dash asks.
  419. “Who's deal?”
  420. >”Lightning Man!”
  421. “I just think he's a guy trying to do the right thing.” You suggest, trying to sound casual about it.
  422. >”Oh, please. You think someone who could do what Lightning Man can would use it to just rescue cats from trees?” Dash retorts.
  423. “I dunno.” You meekly respond.
  424. >”You ask me, I think he's just easing us into the idea of a Demigod flying in the sky with that much power freely, so he can eventually take over the world!” Dash insists.
  425. >You roll your eyes at the idea.
  426. “Dash, you're sounding a bit paranoid. I think he just feels obligated to help out where he can.”
  427. >”I'll remember that when we’re all saluting to the almighty Lightning Man!” She insists, before going back to her phone.
  428. >Dash did bring up a worrying idea.
  429. >What if people get paranoid over you just trying to help?
  430. >...You decide to not worry about it too much right now.
  432. >Class starts, and the teacher starts droning on about the lessons on DNA and RNA and all that.
  433. >Your mind wanders a bit.
  434. >You're still thinking about the kiss Twilight gave you.
  435. >Maybe there’s something there?
  436. >Or maybe not.
  437. >That could just be her way of saying thanks, and just doesn't think much of it.
  438. >...You’ll have to see what she thinks about Lightning Man first.
  439. >Plus there’s also her other friends.
  440. >You have been noticing Fluttershy staring at you lately, and Rarity has been tossing suggestive looks your way…
  441. >You’ll just have to see.
  442. >Your attention snaps back to reality (at the expense of gravity) and you see the teacher’s assigning a project with partners.
  443. >”Mr. Anonymous, you're with Rainbow Dash.”
  444. >You look to your left, and you share a smile with Dash.
  445. >Something about her smile seemed a bit more...genuine.
  446. >Realizing she was lingering, she snapped away, scanning over her worksheet.
  447. >Huh…
  449. “So, Dash, know what to do here?” You ask, gesturing to the first segment.
  450. >”Nope.” She replied bluntly.
  451. >Typical.
  452. >You try talking her through how to solve the problems, but it's clear her mind is elsewhere.
  453. >You slide the paper aside and try talking through to her.
  454. “Hey, something on your mind?”
  455. >”You should totally be on one of my sports teams!” Dash pipes up.
  456. >...You don't know why you weren't expecting that.
  457. “I dunno…”
  458. >”Soccer, Football, Baseball, Lacrosse, you name it! With you, we’d be unstoppable!” Dash cheers.
  459. >”I mean, I make the teams unstoppable already, but you’d make them even more unstoppable!”
  460. “I, uh… can't.”
  461. >”Why not?” Dash asks, cocking her head a bit.
  462. “I've got a lot of family obligations.” You reply, causing her to sulk a bit.
  463. >”Come on! One day a week!” She pleads.
  464. >”Imagine: five seconds left. You run forward, kick the ball, and score the winning goal!” Dash persuaded.
  465. >”The crowd roars in cheers, the team picks you up, you hold up the trophy, and the crowd chants: ‘Anon! Anon! Anon! Anon!” Dash continues.
  466. >You really wanted to.
  467. >But now you're obligated to your work as Lightning Man.
  468. “Sorry, but I really can't.” You reply
  469. >”I see,’re still coming to my games!”
  471. “Of course! We are friends, after all!” You reply happily.
  472. >For some reason, she sulked a bit after you said that.
  473. >It soon went away, and you two went back to working on the assignment.
  474. >Once it was all done, you and Dash went to turn it in.
  475. >The teacher looks over it, and nods approvingly.
  476. >Dash smiled, and you two went back to your seats to pack up.
  477. >The bell soon rang, and you two got up and went to the door.
  478. >But, some dumb fuck spilled water in the area, causing you to slip.
  479. >You tried catching the one thing you could grab:
  480. >Dash’s skirt.
  481. >You ended up pulling her skirt to the ground, exposing her small compression shorts.
  482. “Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry!” You constantly apologize as you get back up.
  483. >Dash was frantically fixing her skirt with a crimson blush on her face, too busy to reply.
  484. >Luckily, you and her were the only ones in the room, so no one else caught a glimpse of her rather shapely ass.
  485. >She was out the door hurrying to her next class in no time.
  486. >You'll clear it up with her later.
  488. >Cut to lunch, where you take your seat next to Fluttershy and Rarity.
  489. >Immediately you recognize something is off.
  490. “Where's Twilight?” You ask the girls there.
  491. >“She's in the library, studying I believe.” Rarity replied.
  492. >Figures.
  493. >”Oh! She wanted me to give this to you!” Pinkie said, handing you a piece of paper.
  494. >On the paper was written: “Meet me in the library at 3:30. -Twi.”
  495. >Your interest was piqued, wondering what she wanted you for.
  496. >You stuff the note in your pocket and make a mental note.
  497. >”Isn't it super-duper cool that Canterlot has its very own Superhero!?” Pinkie said excitedly.
  498. >”His costume could work, but it's still pretty exciting.” Rarity agreed.
  499. >”Ahm still a little concerned. Maybe he's gonna become more brutal as time goes on.” Applejack warned, sharing Dash’s worries.
  500. >”I think he's gonna be nicer than that. He just wants to make everyone feel safer.” Fluttershy replied somewhat quietly.
  501. >Dash was noticeably more relaxed after your little incident with her.
  502. >You then noticed something about Rarity.
  503. “You seem different, Rarity.” You point out.
  504. >”New shampoo, dear. Thank you for noticing!” Rarity replied, batting her eyes at you a bit.
  505. >This earned a scoff from Dash, and a bit of a depressed look from Fluttershy.
  506. >Huh.
  508. >Looking at Fluttershy, you're reminded of something.
  509. “Hey, you still open for helpers at the animal shelter?”
  510. >Fluttershy’s expression immediately brightened.
  511. >”Of course! Here's a flier!”
  512. >She rifles through her backpack and hands you a flier.
  513. >It's a bit crumpled, but you can make out the location and times.
  514. >”What, you're too busy for ONE sports team but Fluttershy gets all the attention?” Dash interjects.
  515. “It's only once a week, and I'm still going to your soccer games.” You defend.
  516. >She shrugs it off and goes back to her food.
  517. >Clear to see the two are close friends.
  518. >”I'll be at the shelter pretty much every day after school, from 4 to 7.” Fluttershy explains.
  519. “Alright, I'll be sure to be there this Thursday!” You reply, much to her happiness.
  520. >”Thanks, Anon. Apart from the girls here, I don't really get volunteers to help out, so it really means a lot that you'll help.” Fluttershy said, still smiling widely.
  521. >There's something about Fluttershy’s smile that makes you all warm inside.
  522. >She is really cute, now that you're noticing it.
  523. >You find her blushing a bit, and you realize you're staring.
  524. >You quickly avert your gaze and see the bell is about to ring.
  526. >You pack up your things, and the bell rings.
  527. >You get up, and Rainbow Dash walks with you in your way to classes.
  528. “Hey, about what happened in biology-”
  529. >”Don't worry about it. No one saw.” Dash cut you off.
  530. “Oh, so you're not upset?”
  531. >”To be honest:” Dash got close and whispered in your ear
  532. >”I didn't mind you removing my clothes~” Dash teased before walking off.
  533. >...well then.
  534. >Who knew Rainbow Dash was such a tease.
  535. >So now it's pretty much confirmed that she's into you.
  536. >You're snapped out of your thoughts when Norman bumped into you.
  537. >Hey man, did you hear about the superhero yesterday? Crazy, I know! Wonder who it could be…” he said sarcastically
  538. >You sighed loudly.
  539. “Look, I've got all this power and I'm told to do nothing. I can't just sit by while things are going on that I could have prevented.” You defend
  540. “I'm decided on what I'm gonna do. And you're either with me or not.” You finish.
  541. >After a bit of thinking, Norman decides:
  542. >”Fine, I'll help you.”
  544. >”I'll keep you posted with what's going on in the city. I suggest you keep your…costume with you at all times.” Norman says.
  545. >”Look, classes are starting soon, and I'll keep in touch.” Norman tells you before running off to class.
  546. >You make a mental note to keep your suit in a bag in your backpack tomorrow, and head off to English.
  547. >When you're there, you sit next to Rarity, who smiles when you arrive.
  548. >You find yourself smiling back sheepishly, as there's something infectious about Rarity.
  549. >She's simply...intoxicating.
  550. >Assignments go by pretty quickly as you're pretty good with English.
  551. >Which is great, as it gives you time to talk with Rarity.
  552. “So, how's your day been?” You ask, awkwardly trying to start a conversation.
  553. >”Oh, it was certainly interesting! After all this Lightning Man business, it seems everyone’s talking with people in other cliques.” Rarity beamed.
  554. >She went on about what's been happening, and you listened intently.
  555. >...She's really pretty
  556. >You knew that already, but now that you're talking with her…
  557. >She's just...really pretty.
  558. >Wait, she's giggling.
  559. >Shit, you just said that out loud.
  561. >You start blushing a bit, and chuckle nervously.
  562. >”Don't worry, I think it's charming~” Rarity teases.
  563. >With nothing else to talk about, you try to go back to your work.
  564. >However, Rarity’s making it more difficult, as she's making more deliberate attempts to distract you.
  565. >Every now and again, she’ll drop her pencil, where she'll drag a finger or two across your thigh.
  566. >”So, how's your day been~?” Rarity asks, with a hand resting on your upper thigh.
  567. >boner pls
  568. “Not much, I mean e-everything's been calm other than the whole superhero business.” You squeak out, trying to resist the temptress.
  569. >”Anything...exciting?” She asks, slowly undoing the zipper to your pants.
  570. >Is this real life?
  571. >”You two lovebirds done over there?” Ms. Cheerilee asks, obviously directing it at you and Rarity.
  572. “Oh, uh, everything's fine miss.” You awkwardly say, trying to recover from your almost sex.
  573. >Rarity is much more composed than you, having resumed your work.
  574. >She isn't teasing you anymore, and you resume the work you've been given.
  576. >At the end of class, the bell rang and you got up to leave.
  577. >But before you left, Rarity pulled you aside and planted a soft kiss on your cheek.
  578. >”Stay cute~” She says before disappearing into the crowd.
  579. >You felt your cheeks and felt the area where she kissed you.
  580. >Safe to say today’s been going rather well for you.
  581. >Speaking of which, you're reminded that Twilight’s waiting for you in the library.
  582. >Getting through the crowd, you make your way over there, where you search through the aisles for where purple smart might be.
  583. >Eventually you find her, slumped down against a row of books, in the back of the room
  584. “Hey, Twi. Got your note!” You signal to her.
  585. >She looks over to you, and you tell something's different.
  586. >She grabs you and pulls you in for a deep kiss, wrapping her arms around your head as she kisses you hungrily.
  587. >”You sink into the kiss, finding yourself rubbing her sides a bit.
  588. >She moans a bit and you return her love.
  589. “...What was that about?” You ask her, after sadly breaking the kiss.
  590. >”Ever since you stood up to Snails and Snips for me, I found myself unable to stop thinking about you.” She gasped, cheeks glowing red.
  591. >”I felt something was...different about you. I knew you'd be better for me than Flash.”
  593. “So, do want to be dating or something?” You awkwardly ask her.
  594. >”To be honest, I don't know. I can't think straight with this fire between my legs.” She replies.
  595. >”I just need this one...experience. It'll clear my head and let me decide if I wanna pursue this or not. I need this, I” She said before diving back in and kissing you deeply, hastily removing your shirt.
  596. >Moaning softly, you take your time unbuttoning her blouse, exposing her perky, B-cup breasts to you in all their glory.
  597. >Pushing you on her back, you use one hand to hold her head as you continue playing tonsil hockey and use the other hand to softly knead her left nipple, causing her to gasp a bit.
  598. >”A-Anon…” she manages to squeeze out as you plant kisses all the way down her neck and start suckling her right nipple.
  599. >Twilight is left unable to speak, eliciting only moans and gasps as she squirms in pleasure.
  600. >You decided to make things interesting as you let your hand venture south, under her skirt.
  601. >Slowly, you rub two fingers around the outside of her entrance, causing her to moan noticeably louder.
  602. “Careful, Twi. We’re in a library~.” you tease as you rub a bit faster.
  603. >Trying not to be outdone, Twilight hastily undoes the zipper to your pants and begins stroking your stiffened member.
  604. >You gasp a bit as you slowly insert two fingers into her clit as she speeds up her pace.
  606. >”Anon, I'm gonna...I’m gonna...ohhhhhhhh~” Twilight moans loudly as a flood of her juices fills your hand and spills out onto your arms.
  607. >With nothing else to entertain yourself with, you simply lie back as Twilight tries to give you a handjob.
  608. >It's a bit awkward, and it's clear she read a guide on the internet, as her grip’s a bit too tight and she finds trouble keeping a pace.
  609. >Soon enough, you feel yourself getting close, as you try to warn her.
  610. “Twilight, I'm-” You say, but you're interrupted as you find yourself finishing all over purple smart’s face.
  611. >She gasps in surprise, and she giggles a bit as she wipes your extract off her face.
  612. “Sorry about that, Twi.” You say.
  613. >”It's fine! This was really fun!” She replies happily.
  614. >Looking right her, you lick up the juices from her climax while maintaining eye contact, causing her to blush.
  615. “Mmm, taste sweet~” you tease, causing her to giggle.
  616. ”So...what are we?” You ask the cute egghead.
  617. >“Well, I dunno. There's definitely something there, but I think we should take it slower. Maybe a kiss here and there before we try sex again.” Twilight replies.
  618. “Sounds like a plan.” You say, getting closer to her, causing her to smile and cuddle up to you.
  620. “ underwear today, huh?” You ask the exhausted egghead.
  621. >”Yeah...I decided to be extra frisky for you today.” She blushed.
  622. “Ooh, never knew you had it in you.” You reply, gently rubbing her.
  623. >” was I?” Twilight nervously asked.
  624. “For your first time, it was alright.” You compliment.
  625. “Your actions seemed awkward at times, but you were really cute about it so it kind of evens out.” You say, making her giggle.
  626. “You know, I never got to fully admire your body~” You tease, dragging your finger up and down her torso.
  627. >Smiling with a blush on her face, she removes her panties before standing up and swaying a bit for you, somewhat hiding her face in her hair.
  628. >You see Twilight has a petite form, with perky B-cup breasts and healthy hips.
  629. >The real appeal to this girl was her awkward, but adorable nature.
  630. >”Like what you see?” Twilight giggles, trying to be sexy.
  631. “Of course! But I prefer you to be cute than sexy.” You say.
  632. >”Yeah, I tried talking to Rarity on how to appeal to boys.” She sheepishly explains.
  633. >”Now, can I...uh...see you naked?” She nervously asks, hiding behind her hair.
  635. “Well, since you asked so nicely~” You tease, before slowly removing your shirt and pants.
  636. >”Anon, I never knew you were so….wow.” She manages to get out.
  637. >Twilight’s eyes are wide, watching intently and hungrily for your package to be revealed.
  638. >You tug down your boxers, but as soon as you go to do that, your phone buzzes.
  639. >”Hostage situation - Canterlot fire station” Norman texts you.
  640. >Great timing, man.
  641. “Sorry, Twi. My mom texted me. I gotta get home.” You lie.
  642. >A look of disappointment comes over her.
  643. >”Oh, I time?” She asks.
  644. “Next time.” You promise, before you throw your clothes back on and rush out the door with your stuff.
  645. >You see Twilight softly wave goodbye before putting her clothes back on.
  646. >After making sure no one was around, you zoom back to your house, put your Lightning Man suit on, and fly over to the fire station.
  647. >You knew this would happen eventually, but it still sucked nonetheless.
  649. >You fly through the air until you see the fire station surrounded and guarded by police officers.
  650. “What's the situation, officers?” You ask, using a deeper voice to mask your normal voice.
  651. >”Uh...four hostages inside, five criminals holding them.
  652. “Don't worry, I'll get them to safety!” You assure, before flying onto the roof and planning your rescue.
  653. >The crowd cheers you on, adding some more pressure to the situation.
  654. >Gotta do this right.
  655. >Your first thought would be to charge in and use your speed to take out all the criminals at once.
  656. >That thought went away quickly, as you realized it would be too reckless and might get someone killed.
  657. >After listening for a bit, you're able to tell that the firefighters have been lined up, and that the thugs are right behind them.
  658. >You realize that this is going to be easy.
  660. >Your plan is to go in through the sunroof and catch the criminals.
  661. >You slowly open the roof so that when you swoop down, the glass won't come raining down and rip them to shreds.
  662. >Safety first, kids.
  663. >Once the roof has been opened, you shoot down and use your super speed to zoom by the culprits, taking the guns from their hands.
  664. “Now, what do you all have against firefighters? All they do is-” You ask them, but then one of the thugs pulls out a handgun and puts it to one of their heads, and pulls the trigger.
  665. >Thanks to your super speed, you react in record-time and catch the bullet from the gun before it reaches the firefighter’s head.
  666. >You toss the fire-hot bullet off to the side, take the thug’s handgun and crush it with your super strength.
  667. “Careful with that, you're gonna end up hurting someone!” You jokingly say.
  668. >You take one of the hoses near the the firetruck and ask the firefighters:
  669. “You mind if I borrow this?”
  670. >They shake their heads, so you detach the hose and use it tie up the thugs, leaving them for the police.
  672. >You escort the firefighters outside, and talk with the police officers.
  673. “You won't believe how polite those criminals were. As soon as they saw me, they tied themselves up and are waiting to face judgment for their crimes!” You say jokingly.
  674. >”Thank you, uh...Lightning Man. The firefighters of Canterlot owe their lives to you.” The police officer replies.
  675. >The crowd cheers as they see that good has prevailed today.
  676. >You can see that the firefighters are hugging their families, expressing how relieved they are that everyone is safe.
  677. >One of them has a daughter whom you recognize: Velvet Sky.
  678. >Once she sees you, she rushes over me plants a deep kiss on your lips, holding your head in her hands.
  679. >”That was for saving my dad.” She says after kissing you, blushing a bit.
  680. “Oh, there was no need for that, miss.” You say, trying to be humble.
  681. >She smiles and goes back to her family, leaving you with a warm feeling inside.
  682. >The thugs are being dragged to the police cars and driven off, as you wave to the officers.
  683. >”Lightning Man! Lightning Man! I'm with the Canterlot Banner, and I was wondering if you would stand right here for a photo!” A news reporter says, gesturing to the area in front of the station.
  684. >You comply, and strike a heroic pose in front of the station, as the camera flashes.
  685. “Well, duty calls!” You say, before flying off into the sky, with your good deed for the day having been done.
  687. >At home, you quickly change out of your super suit and put it in your storage bag.
  688. >”Any reason you're home late?” Your mom asks you as you go in the front door.
  689. “My friend Twilight suggested studying with her for an upcoming math test.” You quickly lie, having prepared for that question.
  690. >”Well, your dinner’s on the table.” Mom says, before going back to what she was doing.
  691. >Noodles, still pretty warm.
  692. >You end up scarfing them down quickly, having been surprisingly exhausted by your heroics.
  693. >”You must've been pretty hungry.” Mom comments.
  694. “Yeah, Twilight’s pretty exhausting when tutoring.” You reply, puttin your plate in the sink and cleaning it for mom.
  695. >Once you're done, you get a text from Norman.
  696. >”How'd it go, hero?”
  697. “Everything went well. Hostages were rescued, criminals were arrested. No one died.” You text back.
  698. >”Just remember: Force = Mass times Velocity. If you're not careful with your speed, you could put your fist through someone.” Norman warns.
  699. “Got it.” You reply.
  701. >The rest of the day was pretty standard.
  702. >Finish dishes, do homework, relax, go to bed.
  703. >The next day was more interesting.
  704. >Lightning Man’s become more of a phenomenon.
  705. >Everyone’s talking about how history is being made in their own town.
  706. >Velvet Sky was especially popular today, as her kiss with Lightning Man was televised all over the news yesterday, during the hostage crisis.
  707. >A group of girls gathered around her, eager to learn more about her “encounter” with “you”.
  708. >”So...what'd Lightning Man taste like?” Paisley asked.
  709. >”Well, he tasted like...blueberries.” Velvet replies dreamily.
  710. >Mostly because you ate a blueberry jolly rancher before the whole hostage crisis thing.
  711. >The girls continued their questions, and kept on going with your day.
  712. >On your way to social studies, you bump into Twilight again.
  713. >As soon as she sees you, she starts blushing again.
  714. >”Oh, h-hi Anon.” She says, twirling her hair a bit.
  715. “Hey, Twi.” You reply.
  716. >”So...what about us?” She asks.
  717. “I say we stay friends for a while before any other sexual advances.” You advise.
  718. >”Yeah, sounds good.” Twilight agrees.
  720. “Well, I gotta get to class, see you at lunch!” You say, waving goodbye as you head off.
  721. >At Social Studies, you find yourself sitting next to Applejack, who greets you warmly.
  722. >”Howdy, Anon!” She greets warmly.
  723. “Hey, AJ.” You return.
  724. >”Didja see this?” She asks, holding up a newspaper with “LIGHTNING MAN RESCUES FIREFIGHTERS” printed on the front page.
  725. >”Seems to me like he’s getting pretty popular here in Canterlot.” She remarks, somewhat bitterly
  726. “Hey, you alright.”
  727. >”Ah suppose. Ah just think Lightning Man’s too powerful to just be able to have free reign. There needs to be someone keepin’ him under control.” She says.
  728. “Well, what if he's keeping himself under control?”
  729. >AJ looks at you quizzically.
  730. “What if his parents raised him really well, so he feels a strong sense of personal responsibility with his power?” You reply
  731. >”Hm...maybe.” She says, not very deterred.
  732. “Besides, wouldn't a man who wants to take over the world wear something other than purple tights?” You joke, earning a laugh from her.
  733. >”Ah suppose so.” She says, still giggling a bit.
  734. >Soon after, class begins, and the teacher hands out an assignment.
  735. >As the class period goes by, you and Applejack talk more about more general things.
  736. >At one point, Applejack drops her Pencil on the ground, you end up getting a good view of her ass, tightly covered by her denim jeans.
  737. >A bit too tightly, as when she bends over, the seat of her jeans split wide open, exposing her red polka-dot panties.
  739. >She doesn't seem to have noticed, as she resumes her work after retrieving her pencil.
  740. >Luckily, you were the only one who noticed, or everyone else is being really quiet over the country girl’s predicament.
  741. >Your face must have been flushing a bit, with the image of her panties still in your mind, because AJ leans over and asks you:
  742. >”Hey Anon, you feeling alright? You're lookin’ kinda red.” She says, with some concern in her voice.
  743. “AJ, try not to freak out, but you kinda...ripped your pants.” You reply, trying to be gentle over it.
  744. >Nervous, she gets up a bit, feels the torn denim of her jeans along with the cotton of her panties, and immediately goes crimson in the face.
  745. “Don't worry, just stay in your seat and nobody will see your wardrobe malfunction.” You say, trying to keep her relaxed.
  746. >It's all going well for her, until the Mrs. Harshwhinny calls her out.
  747. >”Applejack, would you like to point out where the Berlin Wall was located on the map?” Mrs. Harshwhinny asks.
  748. >Applejack’s eyes go wide and starts going Red in the face, realizing her predicament.
  749. >”Uh...ahm not sure I got the right answer.” Applejack replies sheepishly, trying to come up with an excuse to not show off her panties to the class.
  750. >”Nonsense, I'm sure you'll do fine.” Mrs. Harshwhinny replies, not buying her excuse.
  751. >”But I-”
  752. >”Applejack, do you want to stay after class for impudence?”
  753. >Applejack looks to you pleadingly for help out of her problem.
  755. “Here, wrap this around your waist.” You say, tossing her your jacket.
  756. >She hastily does so before going up and drawing a line down the map to where the Berlin Wall was.
  757. >”Very good, Applejack.” Mrs. Harshwhinny comments, allowing her to go back to her seat.
  758. >Applejack wastes no time getting back to her seat, quickly taking her seat when she’s sure no one will see her panties.
  759. >”Thank you.” She whispers.
  760. “Anything for a friend.” You reply.
  761. >”Say, you've got a hole in your pants too, Anon.” She smirks.
  762. “What do you mean?” You ask.
  763. >”Your fly’s down.”
  764. >You look down, blush a bit, and quickly zip up, earning a giggle from Applejack.
  765. >Her accent sure does make her sound pretty cute sometimes.
  766. >” don't mind me borrowing this jacket, at least until Rarity can fix it? Can't let the whole school see mah panties” She asks.
  767. “Not at all!” You reply.
  768. >”Quiet, you two.” Mrs. Harshwhinny warns you and AJ, prompting you two to get back to work.
  770. >The bell rings, and everyone gets let out.
  771. >”Thanks again, Anon. You really saved mah rear back there. Literally.” She chuckled.
  772. “You don't have to keep thanking me, you know.” You reply.
  773. >”Ah mean it. Ah dunno what I would've done without you. I'd have been a laughingstock.” She sulks a bit.
  774. “Well, that didn't happen, so you can lighten up.” You say, rubbing her shoulders.
  775. >”Ah feel like ah owe you for yer kindness. Maybe you could come over to mah house and have some of my Granny’s famous apple pie!” She offers.
  776. “That sounds great! Text me the address, and I should be available tomorrow.” You reply happily.
  777. >She smiles back, and you lean into her ears and whisper:
  778. “Cute panties, by the way~”
  779. >She blushed deeply and pushes you away playfully.
  780. >”Now, don't test your luck, sugarcube.”
  781. >You chuckle back, and talk with her more about general school life.
  782. >Applejack explains that her grades have been pretty sub-par.
  783. “You know, I could tutor you a bit when I come over.” You offer.
  784. >”Ah, don't worry about it. Ah don't wanna burden you.” She humbly says.
  785. “No, really. Think of it as friends doing what friends do.”
  786. >She finally says yes, flashing you a warm smile.
  787. >You two then part ways for your separate classes, with something of a spring in your step.
  789. >Your next class is Biology with Rainbow Dash.
  790. >Nothing really exciting happened, except midway through class, you get an emergency text from Norman.
  791. >”Canterlot Orphanage caught fire - 30-40 still inside.”
  792. “Are you kidding me?” You text back.
  793. >”No. get going, hero.” He bluntly responds.
  794. “Hey, Mr. Teacher, may I use the restroom?” You ask.
  795. >He sighs in response, giving you a hall pass and tells you to hurry back.
  796. >You hurry out, and take your Super suit out of your locker, put it on quickly, and zoom over to the Orphanage.
  797. >When you got there, you realize that Norman wasn't kidding.
  798. >The building’s really up in flames, and you can hear kids screaming inside.
  799. >Simple fix, you just fly in and use your Super Speed to create tornadoes with your arms to suck the air out of the orphanage, immediately extinguishing the fire.
  800. >You're gonna have to thank your science teacher for that one.
  801. >You decide to take some extra time to greet all the orphans you saved.
  802. >It's common courtesy.
  803. “Well, it was great meeting you all, but I have a job to do!” You announce, before flying back to Canterlot.
  805. >At Canterlot High, you try to go in through the back door, until you realize it's locked.
  806. >The thought to break the door down with your strength immediately goes away, as it would raise suspicion, to say the least.
  807. >You notice an open window, so you decide to remove your Super suit first, and toss the bag in the window, leaving you in your boxers.
  808. >But as soon as you're gonna go in through the window, you hear Rarity’s voice say:
  809. >”My, you seem to be quite the predicament~”
  810. >You turn around rapidly and start blushing when met with Rarity’s gaze, in your exposed state.
  811. “Oh, I'm doing fine, how about you?” You awkwardly ask, leaning on the wall.
  812. >Her eyes scan your body, and she bites her lip in approval.
  813. >”Well, I'm out here for photography, and I might be able to let you in.” She teased.
  814. >”You just gotta let me have something in return~” she finishes, coming closer and drawing a finger up your chest.
  815. “O-of course.” You meekly reply.
  816. >Rarity uses her my card to open the door, and when it's open, she takes your hand and practically drags you to an abandoned classroom.
  818. >Rarity turns around, locks the door, and there's an undeniably hungry look in her eyes.
  819. >She pulls you in for a deep, passionate kiss, with her arms rubbing your exposed body up and down.
  820. >There's a more sensual vibe with her than with Twilight, like she knows what she's really doing.
  821. >After a full minute of the most beautiful girl in school thirstily making out with you, she pulled away and whispered in your ear:
  822. >” Undress me, I beg you~”
  823. “Anything for you, beautiful.” You reply as seductively as you could.
  824. >Rarity steps away, swaying her hips, and spreads her body out on the table, waiting for you.
  825. >You start by feeling up her stomach area, gently rubbing up her breasts, before you slowly pull her blouse over her head, revealing her lacy black bra to you.
  826. >She’s blushing slightly, wiggling her body a bit as you're feeling her up.
  827. >”You wanna know what makes you different, Anon?” She manages to get out amidst her arousal.
  828. “What’s that?”
  829. >”Your charm. You have so much more of an innocent charm about you, and I couldn't help but be wooed~” She replied lustily.
  831. “All my High School career I've been wanting to charm your clothes off, and here I am!” You reply, eliciting a giggle from her.
  832. >”Well, keep going!” She says, somewhat impatiently.
  833. >Getting back to business, you felt her shapely legs up, causing her to gasp a bit when you got to her thighs.
  834. >Not wanting to keep her waiting, you tug her skirt down to her ankles, revealing matching lacy-black panties.
  835. >Her sultry smile alone caused your stiffening member to become full mast.
  836. >”My my, aren't we getting excited~” the seductress says, feeling the area on your boxers.
  837. >Determined to free your princess from the confines of her underwear, you reach around and fumbled a bit with her bra before finally undoing them.
  838. >She lifts her bra over her head, and you're met with the most perfect breasts you've ever seen.
  839. >Almost there, you rub the area of her honeypot, eliciting a louder moan from Rarity.
  840. >”Please, strip me!” She begs.
  841. >You comply, slowly tugging down her panties, revealing the hair above her love button to be neatly trimmed.
  842. >Girl takes care of herself.
  843. >”Go on, take me~” She begs, arousal apparent.
  844. “As you wish, beautiful~”
  845. >Taking initiative, you drag your tongue up her honeypot in a long stroke, eliciting an even louder moan from the beauty.
  846. >”Wait! Let me get something!” She says, rifling through her bag, retrieving a condom.
  847. >The seductress then puts the condom in her mouth, tugs down your boxers, and puts the condom on your member by deepthroating your length.
  848. >Time to get to business.
  850. >You set the ivory beauty down on the table, before realizing something.
  851. >You've got super strength
  852. >If you're not careful, you could literally fuck her to death.
  853. >Time to take this nice and slow.
  854. >”Come and take me, Anon!” She begs, tired of waiting.
  855. >Slowly and lovingly, you insert your girth inside her, earning a sharp gasp from her.
  856. >You get a slow pace going, making her moan and gasp more and more.
  857. >Music to your ears.
  858. >You decided that since you've got control over her in this intimate encounter, you use your hands to lovingly rub her breasts.
  859. >”Oooooh, Anon, it feel so…..goooood~” Rarity moans out, too encapsulated to say anything else.
  860. “Anything for you, my princess~” you reply, starting to pick up the pace.
  861. >The tightening and fluctuation of her pussy’s walls indicate she's going to climax soon.
  862. >Throwing caution to the wind, you make a few final thrusts before she's driven over the edge.
  863. “ANOOOOOOOOOON!” Rarity screams as she climaxes, her juices leaking out.
  864. >Since Rarity’s a master of her body, she made sure that you finish soon after, your dick spurting out loads of baby juice into the condom.
  865. >A loud moan escaped your mouth, making Rarity smile somewhat goofily at you.
  866. >”Oh daddy, who knew you could be so gooooood~” Rarity moans out, stroking your ego.
  867. “Anything for you, princess.” You reply, cuddling up to her.
  868. >The two of you lie there for a few moments, enjoying each other’s warmth, until you realize you need to be back in class.
  869. >”Do you really have to go?” Rarity sadly asks.
  870. “Yeah, sorry love.” You reply.
  871. >”Well, here's some clothes and a hall pass to excuse your lateness.” She hands you.
  872. >Once you get dressed, you give her one last kiss, promising her a part 2 in the future, and set off back for biology.
  874. ...
  876. >Your name is Killian.
  877. >And you have been given a mission from God.
  878. >It was easy to tell that the world changed forever when Lightning Man caught those bank robbers.
  879. >His display of unrivaled strength, speed and power certainly amazed all.
  880. >How the public swooned.
  881. >The citizens fell in love with their caped hero, seeing the future being made.
  882. >They saw a bright, hopeful future with Lightning Man as their noble guardian.
  883. >But you saw different.
  884. >You saw a future of weak, feeble humans, relying on Lightning Man to resolve even the most minor of inconveniences.
  885. >Then, when the human race is at its weakest, Lightning Man would decide that he is the best suited ruler of Earth, and would soon enact his own Regime.
  886. >The humans are weak, feeble-minded, and unable to make society progress.
  887. >The humans would be trapped where they are now, too amazed by Lightning Man to bring about the next grand feat of human accomplishment.
  889. >Your mission was realized when you were laid off from AllenTech, and the military technology project you were working on was dissolved.
  890. >It was an advanced Exosuit with armor powerful enough to withstand tank rounds.
  891. >Its weapon arsenal went from a prototype filament cord to an array of rockets, from nerve gas to miniguns.
  892. >It would have had rockets on the hands and boots to allow travel in the air.
  893. >Lastly, it would have had an advanced computer AI that would display loads of information right on the suit's HUD.
  894. >It would have been beautiful.
  895. >But now it's all scrap.
  896. >CEO Daniel Allen decided that now that we have Lightning Man, we don't need expensive military contracts.
  897. >It's to be scrapped soon.
  898. >It was so close to being completed!
  899. >Lightning Man has made everything you have ever worked for in life completely moot.
  900. >Lightning Man has made you jobless and homeless.
  901. >Lightning Man is your nemesis.
  903. >But you're not going to take it.
  904. >You are not going to idly sit by as you see the future crumbling.
  905. >You are not going to let Lightning Man destroy what mankind has achieved.
  906. >It is your duty as a member of mankind to preserve the future of your species.
  907. >You have to do what's best for your fellow humans.
  908. >Even if they won't agree with you.
  909. >You still know the codes to the AllenTech warehouses.
  910. >You still have access to the Exosuit's blueprints.
  911. >You have a mission from God.
  912. >You are going to complete the Exosuit.
  913. >You are going to kill Lightning Man
  914. >And you are going to save the human race.
  917. >You're Anon again.
  918. >The teacher was going to say how late you've been, but you just hand him the note, and he lets you sit down.
  919. >”Some bathroom break, huh?” Dash asks.
  920. “Uh...yeah.” You reply.
  921. >Class ends about fifteen minutes later, and the teacher assigned a page of homework for tonight.
  922. >You and Dash go to lunch together, talking about what's been going on recently.
  923. >”So, BIG game this Saturday! Soccer game vs Crystal Prep!” Dash says excitedly.
  924. “That's great! I'll be sure to be there!” You reply happily.
  925. >She goes on about how Crystal Prep is gonna be creamed in soccer, and how she's been preparing all season.
  926. >That is, until she remembers something.
  927. >”Hey, you're helping out Fluttershy at the animal rescue tonight, right?
  928. “Yep.” You reply.
  929. >”Wanna hear a secret?” She asks, leaning in closer.
  930. “Uh…sure.” You say, even though you probably shouldn't.
  931. >”I think Fluttershy has a crush on you~”.
  933. “Sure thing, Dash.” You say, incredulously.
  934. >”I'm being serious, dude! She wanted to ask you to Homecoming earlier this year!” She defended.
  935. “...Really?”
  936. >”Totally! She was gonna wait until you were at lunch to ask you!”
  937. “That must've been when I was in the nurse’s office for that really bad bruise.”
  938. >”Yep. That was the last day before the dance, too. Poor Flutters was crushed.”
  939. “So...why are you telling me this?”
  940. >”Because she's my friend, and she deserves to be happy.”
  941. >...This could create some problems.
  942. >Twilight, you're not worried about.
  943. >She made it clear you two are gonna be on the down low with your relationship.
  944. >Rarity, however, might want to go legit.
  945. >If Fluttershy finds out that her crush was stolen by one of her friends, she'd be devastated.
  946. >...You'll be sure to clear it up with Rarity when you two have time.
  947. >When you're at the Animal Shelter, you'll tell Fluttershy you like her too, but wanna think about some things before going into a relationship.
  948. >Man, first work as Lightning Man, then these girls.
  949. >Who knew your life would get so stressful in one week.
  951. >At the lunch room, you find your usual table with the girls.
  952. >You sit in between Rarity and Rainbow Dash.
  953. >Rarity bats her eyes at you, which thankfully Fluttershy doesn't notice.
  954. >Things go normally, until you notice something about Pinkie Pie.
  955. “Hey, is that a Lightning Man shirt?”
  956. >”Hm? Oh, yeah!” Pinkie responds happily.
  957. >The shirt seems to be a size small, so it hugs her breasts rather fondly.
  958. >”Everyone's wearing these shirts! Showing our hero Lightning Man some gratitude!” She chirped.
  959. >Now that you notice it, a lot of students are wearing shirts with Lightning Man’s signature bolt symbol.
  960. >In the same colors of your costume.
  961. >All sorts of kids from the nerds to the jocks are wearing the Lightning Man shirts.
  962. >”Ah dunno, something still doesn't seem right about him.” Applejack replied, maintaining her skepticism.
  963. >”Right!? Lightning Man’s too powerful to just let roam free!” Rainbow joined in.
  964. “He rescued orphans from a burning building today. He seems ok to me.” You defend.
  965. >”I agree with Anon. If Lightning Man wanted to commit an act of terror, why doesn't he just do it?” Twilight added.
  966. >You just hope you don't end up driving a wedge between friends with your work.
  968. >You try to divert the conversation by talking to Fluttershy.
  969. “Hey, anything in particular we’re doing at the shelter?” You ask.
  970. >Her face brightens up, in a really cute way.
  971. >”Oh, we’re gonna make sure all the cages have food and water, let the animals outside to run around, and clean up some of the area.” She went on.
  972. >You listened intently, enjoying how happy she was.
  973. >Poor Fluttershy had practically no friends outside this circle, so seeing her happy makes you...kind of warm inside.
  974. >She stopped talking and started a blushing a bit, causing you to realize you were staring at her a bit.
  975. >Pinkie giggled, and soon went back to her food.
  976. >With nothing else to do, you lean over to Rarity and whisper:
  977. “Hey, can we talk about something in private?”
  978. >Her eyes go half lidded and she responds in a sultry tone:
  979. >”Of course, Anon~”
  980. >You lead outside the lunchroom, and she immediately throws her arms around you.
  981. “So, was what we had...a one-time thing?” You nervously ask.
  982. >”Well, I was hoping not.” Rarity responds.
  983. “Well, I kinda it off for now.” You say, earning a disappointed look from her.
  984. >”Was it because of me?” She asks sadly.
  985. “No, of course not! It's just that...I've got a lot going on in life right now, and I want to think about it before we do...that again.” You say, somewhat meekly.
  987. >She takes her arms off you and smiles warmly.
  988. >”I can respect that. Too many times I've had a relationship ruined because they rushed into it.”
  989. >You sigh in relief, glad you didn't upset her.
  990. “I'm not saying we’re done, I just want a pause. For a while. I need to sort things out in my life first.”
  991. >”Just promise me one thing:” Rarity says, coming closer.
  992. “A-and what's that?” You ask.
  993. >”Stay cute for me.” She says, planting a soft kiss on your cheek and going back into the lunchroom.
  994. >You're about to back in as well, but Norman sneaks up on you and taps your shoulder.
  995. >”How's life, hero?”
  996. >You sigh.
  997. “Not only do I have to constantly leave school to go do my work as Lightning Man, but now I have three girls into me, and I need to figure out which one I can go out with, if I can at all!” You blow off.
  998. >Norman puts his hand on your shoulder, reassuringly.
  999. >”Nobody said being a Superhero would be easy, Anon. But the fact that you're willing to sacrifice your own personal pleasure to ensure that the people of Canterlot live to see another day, it speaks levels about your character!”
  1000. >”A less characterful person would've used their power for personal gain. But if those girls knew that you use your power only to help, you'd be adored.”
  1001. >Smiling, you share a brotherly hug with Norman.
  1002. “Thanks, man. I don't know what I'd do without you.”
  1004. >Norman eventually breaks the hug, and gathers his bags.
  1005. >”Well, I gotta get to Harshwhinny’s early. You know, Teacher’s Aide and all that.” He reminds.
  1006. “Well, see you later!”
  1007. >”See ya, Anon!” Norman says before running off.
  1008. >Soon after, the bells rings, and everyone heads off to class.
  1009. >Flash forward to you walking to the Animal Shelter after school, having texted your mom already.
  1010. >She gave you permission to go, and she's glad you're doing some community service.
  1011. >Truth be told, you're kind of looking forward to this.
  1012. >Not just because of the cutie, but because it's nice to spend time with your friends outside of school.
  1013. >Mayne that's why mom let you stay out.
  1014. >When you're halfway there, you get a text from Norman.
  1015. >”Explosion at AllenTech Warehouse”
  1016. >Come on, not now.
  1017. >Fluttershy will be destroyed if she thinks you lied to her.
  1018. >Sighing to yourself, you quickly change into your Lightning Man costume and fly off towards Downtown Canterlot.
  1020. >Soaring through town, you easily find the warehouse, due to the billowing smoke in the air.
  1021. >You land on the ground, and go to one of the police officers at the scene.
  1022. “Any casualties?”
  1023. >”Nobody was hurt, Lightning Man. However, one person is still in there. We have yet to find him.” The officer replied.
  1024. >While glad no one was hurt, you pushed aside the rubble in the entrance and went in to look for that one person.
  1025. >Rummaging your way through, you take note of the warehouse’s contents.
  1026. >Weapons, gear, gadgets, and other military-related stuff.
  1027. >You also take note that they've all got the same tags on them: To Be Scrapped.
  1028. >So strange, they all seemed like they were new.
  1029. >Some weren't even finished yet.
  1030. >Why scrap something you just built?
  1031. >Your search continues until you get to a large empty space.
  1032. >It's marked as “The AllenTech Military Exosuit.”
  1033. >Before you could fully process what this meant, you're met with an extremely powerful punch, throwing you against the wall fifty feet away.
  1035. >You hit the wall so hard you ended up leaving an Anon-sized indent.
  1036. >You also got the wind knocked out of you, so you had to lie on the ground for a moment to regain your breath.
  1037. >Your immediate first thought:
  1038. “Damn, that hurt.”
  1039. >You get up, and see the missing Exosuit is being piloted by an unknown person, probably the “person still inside”.
  1040. >Yeah, that went well.
  1041. >The unknown thug made their way outside the warehouse, albeit somewhat clunkily.
  1042. >The police open fire on the Exosuit, which doesn't have any effect.
  1043. >The man in the Exosuit brings up his hand, preparing to bring it down on them.
  1044. >You immediately spring into action, shooting towards the back of the Exosuit, pushing him out onto the street and away from the officers.
  1045. >”Looks like you've got some fight in you, Lightning Man!” The man taunted, getting up and turning towards you.
  1046. “To be fair, rescuing cats from trees doesn't give me the chance to practice my fisticuffs.” You reply, somewhat clumsily.
  1047. >The man responds by picking up a car and throwing it at you, driver still inside.
  1048. >Not wanting to hurt the person inside, you catch the car, and place it down back on the road.
  1049. >However, the man took this opportunity to boost up to you and punch you again, sending you two blocks away.
  1050. >Skidding on the road you anchor a hand into the asphalt to steady yourself, as you see the man readying for another attack.
  1052. >As he charges forward, you immediately recognize a weakness in the suit.
  1053. >You fly forward and grab the metallic chest of the Exosuit and unleash electricity upon the suit.
  1054. >As you expected, the massive electrical overload fried the suit’s mechanics and electronics, leaving the man defenseless.
  1055. >Or so you thought.
  1056. >He managed to get one last swing in before he completely lost control.
  1057. >It was a pretty good swing, too, as you were knocked unconscious by the punch.
  1058. >The last thing you hear is the man managing to escape with the suit, then you fade away into blackness.
  1059. >...
  1060. >”Come on, just one look!”
  1061. >”Private Anderson! It's not a good idea to piss off Lightning Man.”
  1062. >You feel yourself coming back, still lying on the street.
  1063. “Ugh, how long was I out?” You ask, rubbing your temples.
  1064. >”Uh, about 45 minutes.” the first officer replies.
  1065. “Well, did we get an ID and motive on that guy?”
  1066. >”Well, his name’s Killian, former employee at AllenTech until he was laid off three days ago.” The officer explained.
  1067. >”And he kind away.” The second officer said nervously.
  1068. “With the Exosuit?”
  1069. >They nod.
  1070. “Ah, man…” you groan.
  1071. >”We’ll put out a search on this guy, you just keep patrolling Canterlot.” The officer says.
  1072. “Alright, I'll get to it.” You say, before shooting off into the sky.
  1074. >You did a few rounds over the city, before realizing that you were supposed to be at the Animal Shelter two hours ago.
  1075. >Assuming the police have this under control, you touch down near the shelter, quickly change into your normal clothes, and notice you've got a few bruises on you from your battle.
  1076. >You just hope that they won't be noticed and go inside the shelter, named Paw2Paw.
  1077. >The receptionist inside just points you in the direction of where Fluttershy is, which you follow.
  1078. >You find Fluttershy in the open field behind the building, tending to the dogs.
  1079. >She doesn't notice you immediately, as she's busy with a Collie.
  1080. >As she's doing that, you manage to catch a glimpse of her panties.
  1081. >White, with pink hearts.
  1082. >Cute.
  1083. >Deciding to get her attention, you call out to her:
  1084. “Sorry I'm late, Fluttershy. I got held up with something.”
  1085. >Fluttershy turns around and her face lights up, following with a light hug.
  1086. >”Oh, good! I was worried you wouldn't show up!” She said.
  1087. “Well, I hope I didn't miss too much.” You reply.
  1088. >”Nope! I was just getting the doggies some exercise.” She chirped.
  1089. >For the next thirty minutes, you and Fluttershy play with the dogs, making sure they get the activity needed to stay healthy.
  1090. >Every time you glance at Fluttershy, her warm smile always has an infectious effect on you.
  1092. >After a while, you help Fluttershy gets all the animals back into their cages for the night.
  1093. >It's during this when you take a better look at the shelter.
  1094. >The paint is chipped, some of the tiles are cracked, and some of the cages are rusted.
  1095. >It's kind of depressing, really.
  1096. >”I really liked having you here, Anon.” She says, with a genuine tome in her voice.
  1097. “So did I, Flutters.” You reply, earning a giggle from her.
  1098. >”I sometimes have Rainbow Dash, Twilight or the other girls here to help me out here, but tonight was...different.” She said.
  1099. >”I feel different around you, Anon. I around you. Like you could protect me from the world.” She continues, a blush forming on her face.
  1100. “Well, Rainbow Dash did tell me you had a crush on me, so-”
  1101. >”She WHAT!?” Fluttershy screamed, nearly dropping the Terrier in its cage.
  1102. >”She promised not to tell!” She continued, clearly upset.
  1103. “'s true?” You ask, trying to be gentle.
  1104. >Fluttershy just sighs defeatedly and nods.
  1105. “Well, if it make you feel any better...I like you too, Fluttershy.” You say, putting your arm around her.
  1106. >”R-really?” She says, looking up at you.
  1107. “Of course! You're the cutest girl in school!”
  1108. >She blushes at that, and her response is a gentle kiss planted on your lips.
  1110. >Deciding to do her one better, you pull her in by her waist and plant a deep, loving kiss, which she quickly sank into.
  1111. >Her arms found their way around your neck, holding you gingerly, clearly loving every second of this kiss.
  1112. >After a few moments, she pulls away from you, a light blush on her face, and tries to pull your shirt off.
  1113. >But when she does, you remember your bruises from your battle with Killian, and Fluttershy gasps at your bruises.
  1114. >”Oh my gosh, Anon, you're hurt!” Fluttershy says, covering her mouth.
  1115. “I'm fine, Flutters. Really!” You insist, but to no avail.
  1116. >She drags you to the shelter’s infirmary, where she insists you get on the examination table.
  1117. “I feel fine!” You continue, as she searches through the drawers for something to treat you.
  1118. >After a while, she puts on some bandages with lotion on your bruised areas.
  1119. >”Now, you have to be extra careful not to get hurt anymore!” She says in a very motherly way.
  1120. “I promise to be careful.” You say.
  1121. >”Good, now come with me.” She says, taking your hand and leading you out back.
  1123. >Outside, the sun has gone down, leaving the sky lit only by the moon.
  1124. >You two lie down on the ground, looking into each other's eyes, stargazing.
  1125. >Fluttershy, with a new hunger in her eyes, climbs on top of you and starts kissing you again, with more lust in her.
  1126. >She continued her assault on your mouth until she got up and removed her tank top, revealing a light pink bra.
  1127. >At this point, you start to get worried.
  1128. “Hey Flutters, aren't we moving too fast?” You say nervously.
  1129. >”Don't worry, we’re not gonna go all the way tonight.” She says.
  1130. >”It's just that...I want you, Anon. I want to feel you. I want to rub you. I want to stroke you.” She replies, with a sexual hunger in her voice.
  1131. >”Please...just let me have you~” Fluttershy says, rubbing your chest.
  1132. “Can you promise me one thing, though?” You ask.
  1133. >”Anything, Anon.” She says.
  1134. “Can we...just be friends after this? At least for awhile.” You say, trying not to hurt her.
  1135. >”...why not?” She asks.
  1136. “I've got a lot going on in life, and I've got a lot to figure out, and you're such an amazing girl, and I don't want to rush into it.” You say.
  1137. >”oh...alright.” She says. “But're mine!” She says, quickly diving in for more kisses.
  1139. >After peppering your face with kisses, she gets up and sways her hips in an adorably sexy way, as she first tugs down her skirt, revealing the panties you glimpsed before.
  1140. >Her bra and panties were removed soon after, revealing her completely nude form.
  1141. >You never thought Fluttershy of all girls would perform a striptease for anyone, but you got superpowers after being hit by lightning, so it seems anything is possible.
  1142. >Fluttershy possessed a very curvy body, with luscious hips and bountiful breasts.
  1143. >With a blush on her face, she twirled her body for you, showing off her entire form.
  1144. >”Like what you see~?” She asks, posing some more.
  1145. “Absolutely!” You say, with the tent in your pants becoming more prominent.
  1146. >She struts her way over to you, and starts gingerly undressing you, slowly and lovingly.
  1147. >Soon after you're as naked as the beauty before you, and she positions herself so that her honeypot is right above her face, and your length is right below her face.
  1148. >”I, uh, wanted to try the “69”.” Fluttershy says, with some nervousness in her voice.
  1149. “You ok, Flutters?” You ask.
  1150. >”Oh yes, it's just're so big!” she says.
  1151. >Girl knows how to make you feel good.
  1153. >Taking initiative, you crane your head up and take a long lick of her snatch, eliciting a loud, lewd moan from Fluttershy.
  1154. >Trying not to be outdone, she takes a few licks of your cock, eliciting some moans from you.
  1155. >You two continue your act, with you grabbing her thighs and plunging your tongue deep inside her, causing her to scream out in pleasure.
  1156. >Her pace quickens, as she uses her hands to assist in your servicing.
  1157. >As you're licking her clean, you can feel her walls begin you contract, signaling she's close to finishing.
  1158. >”Ah...ah...ooooooooohhh~” Fluttershy moans loudly, as her love juice spills out into your mouth, which you greedily slurp up.
  1159. >While you're close to climaxing, you take the time to grope her breasts as she's stroking you off.
  1160. >”I can tell you're close, Anon~” she says in a sultry tone.
  1161. >”Cum for me, Anon. Cum for mommy~”
  1162. >That sentence alone drives you over the edge.
  1163. >Your seed spurts out everywhere, which Fluttershy manages to slurp up some of.
  1164. >”You taste kinda salty, Anon. You need to eat more pineapples!” She giggles.
  1165. >God damn this girl is great.
  1166. >”Thank you so much, Anon. Tonight was so worth it.” Fluttershy says, cuddling up to you.
  1167. >You cuddle back up to her, knowing you have to go home in about fifteen minutes, but you think time with Fluttershy is time well spent.
  1169. >As much as it hurt, you had to get up and get your clothes on.
  1170. >Fluttershy whimpered sadly in response.
  1171. >”’s so cold without you.” She said sadly.
  1172. >You hug her gingerly in response.
  1173. “You've got my phone number, Flutters. Just text me.” You say.
  1174. >She smiles at you again, before going to get her clothes on.
  1175. “See you at school tomorrow!” You yell to her.
  1176. >She waves goodbye from the shelter, and you run off.
  1177. >Soon you're at home, throwing your backpack in your room.
  1178. >”How was the animal shelter?” Your mom asks.
  1179. “It was surprisingly fun.” You respond.
  1180. >”...You know, it's really great that you're making more friends.” Mom says, with a genuine tone.
  1181. >”I know how rough it's been without Dad, but after he was taken from us, you really distanced yourself from everyone.”
  1182. >”But these people...Norman, Fluttershy and others, they'll help you if you open up to them.”
  1183. >”I'm proud of you for trying to reach out to people. Seeing you socialize makes me so happy.”
  1184. >You can't help but smile at Mom’s praise.
  1185. >She gives you a warm hug, which you gladly return.
  1186. >It feels really warm, and you two hold for a while.
  1187. >After a while, Mom separates and says:
  1188. >”Well, it's getting late and it's a school night. Shower in the morning, and have a good night.”
  1189. >Smiling, you undress and go to bed.
  1191. >The next morning, you're fresh out of the shower with your backpack, heading to school.
  1192. >You remember that Applejack invited you over to her place this afternoon.
  1193. >All for helping the southern belle in a time of need.
  1194. >Anything for a friend, you say.
  1195. >...Maybe you could score with her?
  1196. >You DO have a mean streak going.
  1197. >No no no, you've got enough on your plate as is.
  1198. >Plus, you're gonna have to let down the other girls inevitably.
  1199. >That's gonna suck.
  1200. >”HEEEEEEEEY NONNY!” You hear a distinct voice call to you from across the street.
  1201. >You turn and find none other than the party girl, Pinkie Pie.
  1202. “Hey, Pinkie!” You respond, smiling.
  1203. >Man, you realize you've been smiling a lot recently.
  1204. >Which is a good thing.
  1205. >”Heading to school, huh?” Pinkie asks, bouncing along beside you.
  1206. “Yep, same as you.” You reply.
  1207. >” was Fluttershy last night?”
  1208. “Huh?”
  1209. >She was in a super good mood last night! Must've been because of you!”
  1210. “Oh yeah, helping out at the shelter was really great.” You reply.
  1211. >”Well, be sure to save some of yourself for the rest of us!” Pinkie giggles.
  1213. >You two talk some more on the way to school.
  1214. >You tell some jokes to her, and she giggles a bunch.
  1215. >It's pretty cute.
  1216. >Plus you love the way her boobs jiggle when she bounces along.
  1217. >After a while, you start wondering if she's doing it on purpose.
  1218. >As you're going to school, you come across a construction site where you had your battle with Killian.
  1219. >Luckily, little damage was done, so the cleanup is relatively small.
  1220. >You and Pinkie pass by a rickety looking scaffold.
  1221. >As she passes by, the scaffold finally tips over, right on top of her.
  1222. >Pinkie looks up right before and gasps in fear and surprise.
  1223. >Using a combination of your strength and speed, you catch the scaffold right before Pinkie is crushed.
  1224. >But trying to hide your powers, you try and exert some level of exhaustion in lifting the scaffold, despite the fact that you could easily toss it aside.
  1225. >Pinkie was cowering beneath you covering her head, but realizing she's not dead, she looks up to see that you saved her.
  1226. >Some construction workers “help” you replace the scaffold, as they frantically apologize.
  1227. >”Wow Nonny, you're so strong!” Pinkie swoons.
  1228. “Well, you saw me arm wrestle Dash earlier this week.” You respond.
  1229. >”Yeah, but you lifted an entire scaffold! No one else at school could have done that! You're amazing!” She continues.
  1230. “Oh, come on. I've been working out, that’s all. No big deal.” You say, trying to seem humble.
  1231. >”No big deal!? You saved my life!” Pinkie screamed.
  1232. >Then, she grabbed you by both sides of your head and pulls you in close, with a blush on her face.
  1233. >”You're my hero, Nonny~” Pinkie says, before jumping into your arms and deeply kissing you.
  1235. >Pinkie doesn't hold anything back when she's making out with you.
  1236. >Her arms are wrapped around your head, and her legs are wrapped around your waist.
  1237. >As well as her tongue furiously invading and exploring your mouth, her hips are grinding on your midsection.
  1238. >As much as you enjoyed this attention, you had to pull her off of you.
  1239. “Pinkie, we’re in public!” You remind her.
  1240. >“Aaaaaand?” She replies cheekily.
  1241. “And what we’re doing is better suited for privacy.”
  1242. >”So? Everyone gets to see how grateful I am that you saved me!”
  1243. “Well, how about this: sometime during P.E. at school, we sneak off and...have fun~?” You suggest.
  1244. >”No no no no no! It has to be- *gasp* I have an idea! I'l throw a party tomorrow night! Everyone will know how you saved me!”
  1245. >The idea does appeal to you.
  1246. “Alright, but promise me that you'll...thank me in private.” You say determinatley.
  1247. >”Ooohhhh, fine! But I get to choose where!” Pinkie finally agrees.
  1248. >You're kind of scared of where she’ll choose, but it's fine.
  1249. “Hey, since this is gonna be a reward, I saw that we try and make this a one time thing.” You say.
  1250. >”Alrighty! Anything for my big, strong, sexy hero!” She swoons, taking you by the arm.
  1251. “Well...looks like school is gonna start soon.” You say, leading her to school with the party girl wrapped around your arm.
  1253. >You drew the attention of other citizens as you made your way to school with Pinkie firmly wrapped around your arm, with a deep, loving kiss every now and again.
  1254. >Soon, you two arrive the crosswalk in front of school.
  1255. >”Carry me, hero!”
  1256. “What?”
  1257. >Before you could properly respond, she jumps into your arms bridal style.
  1258. >You stumble a bit at the sudden weight, as you held the giggling girl in your arms.
  1259. >The light turns green and you cross the street with the pink girl wrapped around you.
  1260. >When you get to the other side, you set Pinkie down gently.
  1261. >”What would I do without you, Hero?” Pinkie says, gently rubbing your chest.
  1262. “Well, come on, classes are gonna start soon.” You remind her.
  1263. >”Oh yeah, there's something I need to give you first!” Pinkie beams.
  1264. >Before you could ask her what it is, she reaches under her skirt, tugs her baby blue panties down her legs, steps out of them, and tosses them to you.
  1265. >”That’s to keep you ready for tomorrow night!” Pinkie says.
  1266. >You hastily stuff them in your backpack, as she giggles.
  1267. >”Well, see you at lunch, Hero~” Pinkie says as she skips off, allowing you a glimpse of her pink rear.
  1268. >...You're really starting to like how your life has been going lately.
  1270. >Halfway through the day, you get a text from Norman.
  1271. >”Heard you fought some guy in a mech suit yesterday.”
  1272. “Yeah, almost had him. He got away.” You reply.
  1273. >”Got any leads?”
  1274. “Name’s Killian. Laid off from AllenTech earlier this week.”
  1275. >”Revenge plot against AllenTech, sounds like.”
  1276. “Looks like it.”
  1277. >”Anything else?”
  1278. “I almost got him when I used my electricity against him. Almost fried his suit.”
  1279. >”If I were him, I'd get some insulation put in to protect against that.” Norman analyzed.
  1280. “Good idea. You sneak into the computer lab during lunch and find out where Killian could find insulation in Canterlot. I'll zoom out during lunch to check the areas you find.”
  1281. >”Sounds like a plan.”
  1282. >”Mr. Anon, no phones in class.” Ms. Cheerilee reminds you.
  1283. “Sorry, Ms.” you say, stuffing your phone in your pocket.
  1284. >But now you've got a plan.
  1285. >Hopefully you can find Killian before he causes more damage and destruction.
  1286. >But you've gotta make sure no one sees you leave.
  1287. >...You'll figure it out later.
  1289. >At lunch, you're hiding in a storage closet, waiting for word from Norman.
  1290. >You're all suited up and ready to go, and you just need somewhere to go.
  1291. >It would be really awkward if someone were to come in right now and find Lightning Man himself.
  1292. >After a few minutes, you get three addresses from Norman.
  1293. >”Check these places out. Ask them if any insulators were recently stolen, or bought in large quantity.” Norman texts.
  1294. “On the job.” You reply, zooming out of the school and into the sky.
  1295. >First address is the local Home Depot.
  1296. >You swoop down and go inside.
  1297. “Hello, citizen, may I speak to the manager?” You ask the first employee you see.
  1298. >”Yeah, uh...he's right over there.” The employee awkwardly replies, pointing to the office in the back.
  1299. >You thank them and head back, knocking on the door gently before entering.
  1300. >You find the manager laid back in his chair, looking over papers.
  1301. >”Talk to my receptionist before- LIGHTNING MAN!” He says, jumping to his feet.
  1302. “Yep, that's me.”
  1303. >”If this is about employee complaints, I can assure that-”
  1304. “Don't worry, you're not in trouble.” You assure.
  1305. >”Well then, how can I help you?” The manager asks.
  1306. “I'm tracking down a criminal I recently ran into. Have any insulators recently been stolen or bought in large quantity?”
  1307. >”Nope, sorry.” The manager replies.
  1308. “That's alright, at least no crimes have been committed here.” You say.
  1309. >For some reason, he gets a lot more nervous.
  1310. >Note to self: investigate later.
  1312. >The second location proved just about as fruitful.
  1313. >You were kinda getting worried you’d come up empty handed.
  1314. >You've gotta find Killian.
  1315. >Third location: warehouse on the outskirts of Canterlot.
  1316. >Looks like the manager is right outside.
  1317. >”Hello, Lightning Man!” He greets warmly.
  1318. “Hello, sir! May I ask you a few questions?” You ask.
  1319. >”Go right ahead!”
  1320. “Thanks! See, I'm tracking down this criminal, and I need to know if any insulators were recently stolen or bought in large quantity.”
  1321. >”As a matter of fact, yes. An older man came in last night with a huge cart, and bought as many insulators could fit in the cart.”
  1322. “Great! What did he look like?”
  1323. >Well, he had kind of a long face, brown eyes, brownish-gray receding hair, and some wrinkles on his face.”
  1324. >He went on, describing the man.
  1325. “This ought to help a lot! Thank you, sir!” You say, before flying off.
  1326. >When you get back to Canterlot High, you zoom back into the storage closet and change back into your normal clothes, right before the bell rings.
  1327. >As you're walking down the hall, you find your way to Norman.
  1328. >”I hope your search came out well. Vice Principal Luna caught me in the computer lab. I had to tell her I was looking at porn!” He complained.
  1329. “Don't worry, it did. I got a description of someone who could be Killian.” You report happily.
  1330. >”Great! Send the description to the Canterlot Police after school, so we can track Killian.” Norman instructs.
  1331. >”Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got an appointment with the principal.” Norman sulks, then leaves.
  1333. >You make your way to your next class, Algebra.
  1334. >You take your usual seat next to Fluttershy.
  1335. >”Oh, hi Anon!” She greets.
  1336. “Hey Flutters, how was lunch?”
  1337. >”Eh, business as usual. Where were you? Why weren't you at lunch?”
  1338. “Oh, I had to help Mrs. Harshwhinny with something.” You lie.
  1339. >”Oh, alright then. Pinkie sure did miss you.”
  1340. “Huh?”
  1341. >”Pinkie was smitten at lunch! She kept going on about how you're her hero and how you saved her life.” Fluttershy explained.
  1342. “Yeah, she was...grateful, to say the least.”
  1343. >”I guess so, because she announced at lunch that she's throwing a party in your honor, tomorrow night at Sugarcube Corner!”
  1344. “Why there? Why not at her house?”
  1345. >”Oh right, you didn't know. Pinkie LIVES at Sugercube Corner.” Fluttershy says.
  1346. “Huh. I guess that explains her love of sweets.” You say, earning a giggle from Fluttershy.
  1347. “...You're not jealous, are you?”
  1348. >”About Pinkie “rewarding” you? Not at all! She's grateful you saved her life, and she wants to show her thanks!” Fluttershy beamed.
  1349. >You sigh in relief.
  1350. >Don't want to cause tension between friends.
  1351. “Hey, speaking of showing thanks, I'm visiting Applejack’s place after school.”
  1352. >”She talked about that! About how you kept the entire class from seeing her undies.” Fluttershy said, smiling.
  1353. >”It would've been so embarrassing for poor Applejack. The entire class would've laughed at her, and then it'd spread online, and soon the whole school would know, and then-”
  1354. “Then it's a good thing I was there!”
  1355. >”Yep! First Twilight, then her, now Pinkie! You're a really handy guy, Anon!”
  1357. “Well, glad to be friends!” You say, feeling kind of cheesy.
  1358. >Fluttershy smiles, and class starts.
  1359. >Soon after, you get a text from Rainbow Dash.
  1360. >”Yo dude, where were u at lunch???”
  1361. “Helping Mrs. Harshwhinny.” You respond.
  1362. >”Damn. That sucks”
  1363. “It went over fine.”
  1364. >”Whatever. I need to tell u something.”
  1365. “Well, what is it?”
  1366. >”Lightning Man fought this huge guy in a mechsuit yesterday. Tore up Fourth Street real bad.”
  1367. >”Anyway, Principal Cinch from Crystal Prep threw a hissy fit, saying “Lightning Man is too dangerous to have in Canterlot”.”
  1368. >You're gonna assume that was with a mocking tone.
  1369. “So what does that mean?”
  1370. >”Means the soccer game is pushed back a week.”
  1371. “Damn. Sorry to hear about that.”
  1372. >”Don't be. I get more practice in, and I get another weekend without Crystal Prep.”
  1373. “Well, gotta go now. Talk to u later.” You text to Dash.
  1374. >”What was that about?” Fluttershy asks.
  1375. “Soccer game.”
  1376. >”Ah.”
  1378. >Cut to the end of school, where you're waiting for Applejack to come out.
  1379. >You texted mom beforehand, and she's perfectly fine with you staying out with friends.
  1380. >Hopefully Canterlot can stay crime-free for one day, so you can be polite to your hosts.
  1381. >”Howdy, Anon!”
  1382. >You turn to see Applejack descending the stairs of the school, smiling warmly at you.
  1383. >”Glad to see you waitin’ for me!”
  1384. “Well, I wanted to talk on the way there.”
  1385. >”About?”
  1386. “Anything, really. Just like friends do.”
  1387. >Applejack chuckles and leads on.
  1388. >”So, what do you normally do after school?” Applejack asks.
  1389. “Nothing much, really. Just go home and play video games.”
  1390. >”That's it? Don't you have friends?”
  1391. “Just Norman. He's not always available.”
  1392. >”Darn. Well, good thing you've got us!”
  1393. “Yep, I feel like my life has changed for the better!”
  1394. >Applejack can't help but smile at your optimism as you continue.
  1396. >After a while, Applejack speaks up again.
  1397. >”Look, ah know I've been sayin this a lot but...thank you, Anon.”
  1398. “Come on, I told you, I was just helping a friend!”
  1399. >”Ah know, ah know, it's just that...I'm not always as strong as I look. If the class had seen mah undies, I would've died of shame from all of them laughin’ at me.” She sulks.
  1400. “Well, good thing that was avoided.” You say, putting an arm around her supportively.
  1401. >”Ah hope I'm not bein’ too dramatic, Anon. After ah heard Pinkie nearly died today, ah though I was bein too dramatic.”
  1402. “Don't worry about it, just trying to help.” You say.
  1403. >You two continue along, until Applejack gets a flash of inspiration.
  1404. >”Hey, since Big Mac’ll be around, you should totally arm-wrestle him!” She says excitedly.
  1405. “...Huh?”
  1406. >”Anon, your match against Dash was nothin’ short of amazing, and Big Mac’s the strongest guy at Canterlot, so it'll really be a match for the ages!” She cheers.
  1407. “I dunno, I think he's a bit above my league.” You say, trying to hide the fact you could easily crush him.
  1408. >“Nonsense! Even if ya lose, it'll still be a great match!”
  1409. “...Alright.” You agree.
  1410. >”That's the spirit!” Applejack cheered.
  1412. >Soon, you arrive at Sweet Apple Acres, and you can't help but admire the scenery.
  1413. >The rolling hills of apple orchards in the open country makes for a really beautiful scene.
  1414. >”Come on, dinner’ll be ready soon!” She says, dragging you along.
  1415. >You two enter the house, and you're immediately met with the smell of apples.
  1416. >Right after, a dog came running up to you, sniffing you while wagging its tail happily.
  1417. >”That's Winona!” Applejack says, as you pet the happy dog.
  1418. >”AJ, is that the boy you keep going on about?” A young voice calls from the dining room.
  1419. >”Apple Bloom! Mind yer own business and help set the table!” Applejack shouts back, blushing madly.
  1420. >You two go into the kitchen and see an elderly woman sitting st the head of the table, and the younger girl helping Big Mac set the table.
  1421. >You take your seat next to Applejack, with Apple Bloom and Big Mac opposite of you.
  1422. >The plates are set with slices of Apple Pie, steaming hot.
  1423. >”Ev’ryone, please bow your heads in prayer.” The woman instructs.
  1424. >You're not normally religious, but you're their guest, so you bow your head.
  1425. >”Dear Lord, please bless this food we're about to eat, please bless the company we keep, and please bless the day to come. Amen.”
  1426. >”Amen.” Everyone says, and you begin eating.
  1428. >You take your first bite of your Pie...
  1429. >...holy shit this is good.
  1430. >You dig into your pie as their conversations turn to you.
  1431. >”So Anon, how long have you been a friend of AJ’s?” Apple Bloom asked.
  1432. “About a week now.” You respond after swallowing your Pie.
  1433. >”A week and AJ’s invitin’ you over?” The girl responds incredulously.
  1434. >“We’re really good friends.” Applejack says, interjecting.
  1435. >”Ah think you LIIIIIKE him!” Apple Bloom teased, causing Applejack to blush a bit.
  1436. >”Apple Bloom, don't tease yer sister.” The elderly woman scolds.
  1437. >”Sorry, Granny Smith...”
  1438. >It got kind of quiet after that, so you decide to speak up.
  1439. “Hey, this Pie is really good!”
  1440. >Granny Smith smiles in pride.
  1441. >”Can't beat the homemade touch!” She beams.
  1442. >”Say, Anon here could probably beat you in arm wrestling!” Applejack says to Big Mac, who raises an eyebrow at you.
  1443. >”Really?”
  1444. >”Yup! After dinner, you two should totally go at it!
  1445. >You've decided that if you beat Big Mac, it could set off some red flags.
  1446. >So you're gonna lose.
  1448. >Once the pie is all eaten, you and Big Mac take seats opposite each other, getting ready for the match.
  1449. >Apple Bloom counts off, and the match is on.
  1450. >Big Mac unsurprisingly puts all his might into it, which you resist only slightly, allowing some leniency on his side.
  1451. >You try to make it appear that you put some extra effort in to push the arm over to his side some, exerting some pretend effort.
  1452. >As expected, Big Mac eventually pushes your arm onto its back, signaling your defeat.
  1453. >Apple Bloom cheers for her big brother, as you wring your wrist for show.
  1454. >”Ah, shoot. Don’t get too upset about it, Anon. Big Mac’s stronger than most adults.” Applejack says reassuringly.
  1455. >”Good game, Anon.” Big Mac says nonchalantly, reaching a hand out to shake yours.
  1456. “Good game, man.” You say, returning the handshake.
  1457. >”Now that you two are done arm wrastlin’, don’t you gotta be leavin’?” Granny Smith asks.
  1458. “Well, I’m not expected home for another half hour, so I can stay a little longer.” You respond.
  1459. >”Oh good, ‘cause I wanna show you somethin’.” Applejack said, dragging you outside.
  1460. >As you’re being dragged out, you can see Apple Bloom making faces at you two.
  1461. >Applejack drags you through a bunch of trees, until eventually you two reach a clearing by a river.
  1462. >It’s all very picturesque setting, and you can’t believe places like this still exist in our modern world.
  1463. >Applejack lies down on her back on the grass, so you do the same.
  1465. “It’s really nice out here AJ, but why’d you bring me out here?” You ask.
  1466. >”That was hooey, Anon.” She replies bluntly.
  1467. “Huh?”
  1468. >”Pinkie kept goin’ on about how you saved her by protecting her from a scaffold, and those things are mighty heavy. So if you could hold up a scaffold, y’all could have easily beaten’ Big Mac in arm wrastling.” Applejack analyzed.
  1469. >You’re left speechless, kind of surprised by her analysis.
  1470. >”Listen, y’all don’t have to let Big Mac win to protect his ego, Anon. He’s pretty tough, like that.” Applejack said, smiling.
  1471. “Well, I thought it would’ve been rude to beat him in his own house.” You joke, causing her to laugh.
  1472. >”Where’ve you been, Anon?”
  1473. “What do you mean?”
  1474. >”You’ve been goin’ to Canterlot High as long as the rest of us, but you’ve always been so secluded. Why haven’t you tried to make friends with us earlier?”
  1475. “I dunno, I guess… I just thought you were out of my league.” You say, sheepishly.
  1476. >”Shoot, Anon, I never think of anyone as “below me”, all you had to do was say Hi to us!” She smiled.
  1477. >”You’re nice, funny, intelligent, helpful, and really fun to have around! Ah know for a fact that the girls would’ve loved havin’ you around when we were younger!”
  1478. >You can’t help but blush at the constant praise.
  1480. >Then she got quiet and looked down.
  1481. >”...The real reason ah got so worried over by because it happened before.”
  1482. >You turn to her, listening carefully.
  1483. >”When ah was a freshman, ah split my jeans in the hallway between classes.”
  1484. >”Everyone laughed at me, and this was before ah had the other girls as friends, so ah just covered the hole with my hat and run away, mah face burning red with shame.”
  1485. >”Ah was the laughingstock of the school for the next week, but that’s all in the past now.” She finishes, smiling warmly at you.
  1486. “Damn, never knew you’ve been through that.”
  1487. >”Yep. Guess we all’ve got some troubles in our lives.”
  1488. >She pauses, looking down, then looking up at you, with a loving warmth in her eyes.
  1489. >”Ah’d like to say one last time: thank you, Anon, for savin’ my dignity.” She says, and then pulls you in for a deep hug.
  1490. >You return the hug happily, enjoying the warmth of the moment.
  1491. >She even has the faint smell of apples.
  1492. >It seemed like the moment could go on forever, when she leans in and whispers:
  1493. >”Wanna see more of me?”
  1495. >You cock your head in surprise and interest.
  1496. >Applejack then stands up and slowly unbuttons her shirt, revealing her green bra, as well as her finely toned abdomen and C-cup breasts.
  1497. >You must have been gaping a bit, because she giggles a bit under your gaze.
  1498. >”Like what ya see, huh~?” She said, trying to be seductive.
  1499. >Swaying her hips a bit, she slowly unbuttoned and tugged down her worn jeans, revealing matching green panties, and well-toned legs.
  1500. >Applejack lies down next to you, touching your face gently.
  1501. >”Ah know I’m not as sexy as Rarity, and I’ve never actually...done this sorta thing before, so ah just wanna see what feels good, and not go all the way.” She explained, somewhat nervously.
  1502. “Sounds good. I've got some ideas, but I kinda want us to stay friends for a while after this.”
  1503. >”Is it because of Pinkie?”
  1504. “Kinda. I've got a lot going on in my life, and I don't want to rush what we have.”
  1505. >”That makes a lot of sense, and ah respect your maturity.” She beams.
  1506. >Looks like the streak continues.
  1507. >”Now, you gonna take of your clothes, or am ah gonna keep waitin?” She says, so what impatiently.
  1509. >Not wanting to keep her waiting, you hastily strip off your shirt, pants and shoes, leaving you in just your boxers.
  1510. >”Gee, Anon, who knew you were so built!” She says, eyeing you up and down.
  1511. “Like I said, I've been working out lately.”
  1512. >”Well, it sure is paying off.” She says, then pulling you close to her for a deep kiss.
  1513. >It's a bit rough, but it's still very enjoyable.
  1514. >You put your hands in her waist while you two are making out, gently swaying her a bit.
  1515. >Her hands find themselves wrapped around your head, pulling you even closer in.
  1516. >After a few moments, you noticed Applejack was grinding her hips against your leg, clearly enjoying herself.
  1517. >Your stiffening member must have prodded her some, because she pulled away from you, biting her lip and eyeing your body up and down.
  1518. >”Gettin’ excited, aren't ya?”
  1519. “Beautiful girls tend to do that.” You reply, running your arms up and down her back.
  1520. >”Then strip me, hot stuff!” Applejack invited.
  1522. >Taking her up on her invitation, you reach around her back to unclip her bra to free her luscious mounds.
  1523. >...But it took some time.
  1524. >After some fumbling, you manage to unclip her bra without damaging it with your strength, and your eyes are met with quite the prize.
  1525. >Her C-cup breasts fall freely as Applejack blushes a bit.
  1526. >They also have freckles on them, which is pretty cute.
  1527. >”Like what ya see?” She asked.
  1528. >In repose, you gently suck on her right nipple, eliciting a gasp from the country girl.
  1529. >You use your left hand to fondle her left nipple, causing her to gasp and moan in a very lewd way.
  1530. >”No-now don't get too carried away, Anon. Ah wanna last long enough to enjoy everything.” She managed to get out.
  1531. >Pulling away, you continue to fondle her breasts as you plant kisses up and down her toned stomach.
  1532. >It's clear she's never done this before, as she's squirming and wiggling her body, signaling her immense arousal.
  1533. >As you get to her panties, you plant a gentle kiss where her pussy hides, and you're immediately met with the area dampening.
  1534. >Damn, she's really getting into this.
  1536. >Taking things to the next level, you gently tug down AJ’s panties, revealing her honeypot with something of a bush.
  1537. >Her blush only deepens as she’s exposed in her fullest to you.
  1538. >”N-Now, ahm not like Rarity, so y’all a lil rough with me~” AJ manages to get out.
  1539. >You still gotta be careful with her.
  1540. >Don’t want to grind her bones to dust.
  1541. >By grinding her.
  1542. >You take Applejack in your arms, then set her down on the grass as she giggles.
  1543. >You strip off your boxers, allowing her a moment to take in the view.
  1544. >”Shoot, Anon! If ah ever need a fire hose, know ah know who to go to!” She says admiringly.
  1545. >Your ego can’t take much more of this.
  1546. >Fit to burst.
  1547. >Taking the initiative, you get down on your knees and grab her thighs, causing her to gasp sharply.
  1548. >”Come on already, ahm not gonna- Ooooohh~” She says, but is interrupted by you dragging your tongue up her honeypot.
  1549. >Her body writhes in pleasure as you dig your tongue into her, swirling it around.
  1550. >Applejack grabs your head to keep you licking her, as you try to not literally drown in her pussy.
  1551. >You grip her thighs somewhat tighter, trying not to hurt her.
  1552. >Soon, her gasps and moans increase, until she unleashes her torrent of lovejuice.
  1553. >As your face is coated in AJ’s juices, she lies back, panting, exhausted from her experience.
  1554. >You greedily lick up all her residue, and she steadies herself by getting on her knees.
  1555. >”Hope ah didn’t overwhelm ya, Anon.” She pants, recovering.
  1556. “Well, you almost drowned me when you forced my head in, but other than that, I’m good!” You joke.
  1557. >”Well, sit back an’ relax, ‘cause now it’s your turn!” She says, crawling closer to you.
  1559. >You lie back on the grass, getting as comfortable as you can with some twigs and rocks on the ground.
  1560. >Trying to be seductive, Applejack crawls over to you on all fours, eyes scanning your body hungrily.
  1561. >The country girl climbs on top of you, planting several kisses all over your face and neck, with some gentle nibbles in there as well.
  1562. >Slowly, she works her way down your body, kissing your body all over with an intense sexual hunger.
  1563. >As she finally gets to your length, you analyzes it for a second, thinking about how to approach the situation.
  1564. >”You’ll have to pardon me, ah’ve just...never done this sorta thing before.” She sheepishly admits.
  1565. “Don’t worry about doing it right, just do what you feel is best.” You reassure.
  1566. >Blushing somewhat, she gently kissed the tip of your cock, causing some precum to ooze out a bit.
  1567. >Taking initiative, she licks the length up and down, somewhat awkwardly, but it’s enjoyable nonetheless.
  1568. >You can’t help but moan softly as she works on your shaft, causing her to chuckle a bit.
  1569. >”Enjoyin’ yourself?”
  1570. “You know it!”
  1571. >Applejack then switched to a mixture of stroking and licking, which felt a little rough at times.
  1572. >But it still felt great, and eventually felt yourself getting closer and closer, until.
  1573. “Oooooohh~” You moaned loudly as you unleashed streams of seed onto her face.
  1574. >”Phew, Anon, a warning would be appreciated.” She joked.
  1575. “Sorry.” You say sheepishly.
  1576. >After licking up all your seed, she lies down next to you, smiling warmly at you.
  1577. >”Ahm really glad ah had this experience with you, Anon. Thank you.”
  1579. >You two share a somewhat messy hug together in the warmth of the evening sun, before you get up and clothe yourself.
  1580. “I’m really sorry, but my mom’s expecting me home soon, so I gotta go.” You explain.
  1581. >”Ah know, don’t worry. I’ll just tell the others you left.” She says, getting herself dressed as well.
  1582. “Your family’s really fun to be around, AJ. I’d love to spend more time with them.”
  1583. >”Aw shucks, Anon, ahm sure they’ll like that!” She beamed.
  1584. >Once you two are dressed, Applejack gives you one last hug.
  1585. >”See you at school tomorrow.” She said.
  1586. “See you tomorrow!” You said, before running off.
  1587. >On your way out, you remember that you need to turn in the description of Killian to the police.
  1588. >So you duck behind some bushes and quickly change into your Lightning Man suit, and fly off to the police station.
  1589. >It took a few minutes, but you finally arrive at the police station.
  1590. >Not sure what to do, you awkwardly walk in through the front door and go up to the receptionist.
  1591. “Hello, uh...who do I go to to turn in a description of a possible criminal?” You ask.
  1592. >”Uh...I’ll take you to someone who can help you.” The man replies, leading you through the building.
  1593. >After a while, you find a man with a thick moustache, whom you describe Killian to.
  1594. >Once it was all said and done, he went through the Canterlot Records and found a man who matched the description pretty well.
  1595. “Great! I’ll keep an eye out for this man!” You reply happily.
  1596. >”That might be a problem, Lightning Man. He doesn’t have a place of residence or place of work.”
  1597. “Right, well he’s gotta be around somewhere. I’ll be sure to stop him before anyone else is hurt.” You say determinately.
  1598. >”Well, good luck, Lightning Man. Canterlot’s safety is in your hands.” The first police officer says.
  1599. >With a nod, you climb out the nearest window and fly off.
  1601. >The rest of the day was simple enough.
  1602. >Get home, eat dinner, talk to Mom a bit, shower and go to bed.
  1603. >The following day at school was...interesting.
  1604. >Pinkie thought that in case anyone missed her announcement at lunch, she would post fliers of your celebratory party all over the place.
  1605. >They were very noticeable, to say the least.
  1606. >Bright pink with multicolored letters, and your name in bold.
  1607. >...Honestly, you don't know why you were expecting anything else from the pink girl.
  1608. >”Nonny! There you are!” You hear Pinkie call.
  1609. >You turn to see her with armfuls of the fliers, hopping up to you.
  1610. “Hey, Pinkie. Seems like you've been busy lately!” You observe.
  1611. >”You betcha! This party’s gonna be super duper awesome, and I want EVERYONE to know!” She beams.
  1612. >Her enthusiasm is somewhat infectious, and you can't help but smile at her eagerness.
  1613. >”Oh! That reminds me! The girls and I wanna talk to you at lunch, and it's really important, so be there!”
  1614. “I'll be sure to.” You reassure.
  1615. >She almost leaves, but then remembers something and runs back to you.
  1616. >”Hey Nonny, you still got my present from yesterday?”
  1617. “The panties? Of course!”
  1618. >”Good!” She says, then goes off to post more fliers.
  1619. >As you make your way to class, you can't help but wonder what the girls want to talk about.
  1620. >Surely it can't be anything bad, as Pinkie wasn't in a bad mood when talking about it.
  1621. >Maybe it's about your streak…
  1622. >Shrugging it off, you head to class.
  1624. >Your school day was more pleasant than you were expecting.
  1625. >Pinkie’s lack of subtlety may have worked out in your favor, as people were constantly praising your work in saving Pinkie.
  1626. >High fives and back pats were common, and there were some students who even offered to take selfies with the “Hero”.
  1627. >Overall the experience gave you a strut in your step as you made your way to class.
  1628. >”Hey there, hero~”
  1629. >You turn to find Rarity walking alongside you.
  1630. “Hey Rarity. How's it going?”
  1631. >”Clearly not as well as you! You're pretty much the prince of Canterlot High!” She says excitedly.
  1632. “What do you mean?”
  1633. >”Come on! You stood up to Flash when he tried to pick on you, and now your saved Pinkie from a falling scaffold! That could have killed anyone else!”
  1634. “Anyone on the sports teams could have done that. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.” You defend.
  1635. >”Don't be so modest! Have some fun with your newfound fame! You earned it!” She encourages.
  1636. >You smile at her and go along with it.
  1637. “Fine, I'll try and enjoy it as much as I can.”
  1638. >”Great! Now, would you mind helping me with something?”
  1639. “Anything for a friend.”
  1640. >”You see, I have to get something from the storage closet, but I'm afraid of being harassed by the school’s ruffians. Won't you please come with me?”
  1641. >Rarity’s using her feminine wiles this time.
  1642. “Of course.”
  1643. >Gleaming, she takes your hand and leads on.
  1645. >As you go along with her, you find no signs of any trouble.
  1646. >Sure, it's not very populated back here, but it doesn't really warrant having a bodyguard.
  1647. >You can't help but notice she's wearing a purple one-peice tube skirt with a zipper up the back.
  1648. “So, Rarity?”
  1649. >”Yes?”
  1650. “Pinkie said we needed to talk at lunch.”
  1651. >”Oh that! Don't worry, you're not in any trouble with us, we just want to clear something up.”
  1652. >You internally sigh in relief, and head on.
  1653. >Soon, you two get to the storage closet.
  1654. >Rarity goes in, and you stay outside, waiting for her.
  1655. >She comes out with a box filled with unknown contents.
  1656. “What's in there, if I may ask?”
  1657. >”Just materials for the home economics department.” Rarity clarifies.
  1658. “Ah, I see.”
  1659. >”There was another reason I called you down here.”
  1660. “What’s that?”
  1661. >”I wanted your opinion for my new clothing!”
  1662. >Before you could respond, she unzipped and tugged down her dress, revealing a lacy black bra with matching panties.
  1663. >She gently sways her body, turning her body so that you get a full view of her body.
  1664. >You’re left speechless, sort of in a trance due to Rarity’s beauty.
  1666. >”Well? What do you think?” Rarity asks as she struts up to you.
  1667. “Y-You look great!” You manage to get out.
  1668. >”I knew you’d like it~” She says.
  1669. >”Now, I think you should feel me up, in order to get the best observation.” She instructs.
  1670. >You respond by gently rubbing her sides up and down, causing her to moan gently.
  1671. >After a while, you gently knead her breasts, causing her to blush and fidget to hide her arousal.
  1672. >She gently moaned her approval as you rub her back and ass as you decide to go in and kiss her neck.
  1673. >At this point, she's rubbing her legs on your leg, moaning even louder than before.
  1674. “Rarity?”
  1675. >”Mmm, yes hero~?”
  1676. “I really don’t think we should be doing this right now.”
  1677. >”Why noooot?” She whines softly.
  1678. “Because we’re out in the open and late for class. We’d be in a lot of trouble if we get caught.” You inform.
  1679. >”Ohhh, fine. But you owe me!” She huffs, before getting her dress back on.
  1680. “I promise.” You say.
  1681. >”Good. See you at lunch!” She says, before running off.
  1682. >As you walk off, you think more about what could be the subject of what the girls wanna talk about.
  1683. >Rarity clarified that you aren’t gonna be grilled, so that’s a load off your chest.
  1684. >When you get to class, you’re surprised to find that the teacher doesn’t yell at you for being late, as they’re focused on what’s on their computer.
  1685. >So, you simply sit down at your desk and get to work.
  1687. >Cut to lunch, and you sit down where you usually do, between Fluttershy and Applejack.
  1688. >”Oh good, we’ve been wanting to talk to you.” Twilight says, getting your attention.
  1689. “I’ve heard, about what?”
  1690. >”You see, we were talking yesterday, and found that all of us have had...sexual encounters with you this week, Anon.”
  1691. >”Not ALL of us!” Rainbow Dash interjected, somewhat hurt.
  1692. >”Almost all of us.” Twilight corrected.
  1693. >”But we understand why you didn’t say anything about it, because Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack and I came onto you, and you didn’t want to hurt our friendship.”
  1694. “Right.” You agree, with Twilight being somewhat right.
  1695. >”So we’ve got a plan: Pinkie and I are gonna have sex with you, and you’re gonna pick which one of us you want as your girlfriend.” Dash explains.
  1696. “...Huh?”
  1697. >”We all promised to respect your decision and not be spiteful about it.” Fluttershy continued.
  1698. >”We didn’t want one boy to ruin our friendship.” said Applejack.
  1699. >”Indeed, so when you make your decision, the rest of us won’t make any more advances.” Rarity explained.
  1700. >”But you better pick right!” Pinkie insisted.
  1702. >...This is a lot to take in.
  1703. >A month ago, these six girls wouldn’t even share eye contact with you.
  1704. >Now they’re competing to be your girlfriend!
  1705. >Time to enjoy this a bit.
  1706. “Wait...You like me, Rainbow Dash?”
  1707. >She doesn’t respond, just looks away with a bit of blush on her face.
  1708. “Well? You’d have to if you wanna get with me so bad.”
  1709. >She nods a bit in response.
  1710. “Sorry, I couldn’t hear you.”
  1711. >”Fine! you.” Dash admits defeatedly.
  1712. “There! That wasn’t so bad, was it?” You say, smugly.
  1713. >”You’re lucky you’re so pretty, ‘cause I woulda wrecked you otherwise.” Dash says.
  1714. “So, how does tomorrow night sound?” You ask, while eating your lunch.
  1715. >”Sorry, I’ve got soccer practice, so- ooohh, yeah, sounds great!” Dash says.
  1716. “Thing is, you all are beautiful, lovely women, and this will probably be the toughest decision of my life.” You admit.
  1717. >”Aw shucks, Anon! That’s mighty fine o’ya to say!” Applejack blushes.
  1718. >”Yeah, but please don’t rush it. We want you to make the right decision.” Twilight agrees.
  1719. “Thanks girls, I really appreciate how this is being handled.”
  1720. >”Just remember: tonight is my turn with you, Nonny. And I’m gonna make sure you enjoy EEEVERY second of it!” Pinkie assures.
  1721. >”Sure, Pinkie. Get him all warmed up and ready. After all, we DID save the best for last!” Dash boasts.
  1722. >”Really? ‘Cause ah just had ‘em yesterday!” Applejack retorts.
  1723. >”Um, can we please not bicker? I’m sure Anon will choose whoever makes him happiest.” Fluttershy interjects.
  1724. >”Fluttershy’s right, girls. Try to stay civil about this.” Twilight added.
  1725. >Before you knew it, the bell rang and lunch ended.
  1726. >You go to get up, but Fluttershy’s holding your arm.
  1727. >”Please, don’t pick anyone to make them feel good, just...follow your heart.”
  1728. “I will, Fluttershy. Thanks.”
  1730. >The rest of the day is pretty much as you’d expect.
  1731. >Same classes, some praise from your fellow classmates, some classwork.
  1732. >All you could think about is what to do about the girls.
  1733. >You could’ve done fine with one of the most popular girls at school interested in you, but not ALL of them.
  1734. >You have to choose between the adorkable Twilight, the sensual Rarity, the lovely Fluttershy, the southern belle Applejack, the cutesy Pinkie Pie, and the sporty Rainbow Dash.
  1735. >PLUS you’ve got to worry about what Killian will do next, on top of your other duty as Lightning Man.
  1736. >...You really wish you could tell them that you’re Lightning Man.
  1737. >The real reason why you’ve been kind of distant.
  1738. >But it would put them in too much danger.
  1739. >If Killian finds them, he could hurt them or their families to get to you.
  1740. >With a defeated sigh, you decide that you’ll have sex with Pinkie and Dash first, then you’ll worry about the girls.
  1741. >Plan: As soon as school lets out, search the city for any sign of Killian.
  1742. >You decide that since Ms. Cheerilee isn’t paying too much attention to you, so you text your partner-in-crime Norman.
  1743. “Hey man, I turned in the description to the police, found someone who might be Killian.” you text.
  1744. >”Awesome. Be on the lookout for him.” He responds.
  1745. “I’ve got a problem though.”
  1746. >”What’s the problem?”
  1747. “It looks like all of the Mane 6 have romantic feelings for me.”
  1748. >”...What’s the problem?”
  1749. “The PROBLEM is that I’ve got to worry about choosing one of them, AND catching Killian.”
  1750. >”Those are the sacrifices you make for being a Superhero, dude.”
  1751. “I know. I just wish it was simpler.”
  1752. >”We all do, man.”
  1754. “Pinkie’s party in my honor is tonight, and I also need to be on the lookout for Killian.”
  1755. >”...Look, I’ve got a friend whose dad works at AllenTech. I’ll put in a word with him and the police department to be on the lookout in that area and where he used to live.”
  1756. “Great. I really appreciate this.”
  1757. >”Friends help each other, dude.”
  1758. >The rest of the school day goes uninterrupted, and eventually the final bell rings.
  1759. >Eager to catch Killian, you quickly leave school, find a secluded area, change into the Lightning Man suit, and fly off to patrol the city.
  1760. >Your first area of investigation is the apartment building Killian used to live in.
  1761. >The building is on the outskirts of Canterlot, and seems a bit run down.
  1762. >You ask the manager and fellow tenants of the building if they've seen Killian recently.
  1763. >Unfortunately, none of them have seen him.
  1764. >To be extra sure, you use your super speed to search the entire building to make sure he wasn't hiding anywhere.
  1765. >That didn't work out, either.
  1766. >Three hours later and your search of the city was in vain.
  1767. >You even checked the sewer system beneath Canterlot, but there was nothing to be found.
  1768. >Your nerves are really getting stressed trying to find Killian.
  1769. >You decide to text Norman the news.
  1770. “No luck, dude. No sign of Killian anywhere.”
  1771. >”Damn. I'll go on duty now. Try not to worry about it too much.” Norman responds
  1772. >What a friend.
  1774. >After making one last round through the city, you find your way to Sugarcube Corner, where it's easy to tell a party is going on.
  1775. >Music is blasting and the sounds of dozens of people inside can be heard from blocks away.
  1776. >You're left wondering where Mr. and Mrs. Cake are.
  1777. >Finding a bush nearby, you swiftly change into your normal clothes, stow away your Lightning Man suit, and make your way inside.
  1778. >As soon as you open the door, the music blasts even louder.
  1779. >Through the crowd, you see that that Vinyl Scratch girl is doing the DJ-ing.
  1780. >Makes sense.
  1781. >Soon after, however, the music stops and everyone’s looking at you.
  1782. >Then one voice speaks up.
  1783. >”Boys and girls, the man of the hour: ANON!”
  1784. >Everyone starts applauding after Pinkie’s introduction.
  1785. >You soon find yourself being picked up and carried to the front of the party, where Pinkie Pie happens to be standing.
  1786. >Before you could say anything to her, her limbs are quickly wrapped around you as she plants a massive kiss on your face.
  1787. >...This goes on for some time.
  1788. >It seems like her intensity only increases as the crowd cheers you on.
  1789. >Her tongue greedily invades your mouth and wrestles with your own.
  1790. >She tastes like bubblegum, too.
  1791. >After some time, she takes you by the hand and hurries you out the back.
  1792. >...And onto the front of the school.
  1794. “Pinkie…?”
  1795. >”You said I could pick!” She replies.
  1796. “Yeah, but...out in the open like this?”
  1797. >”Yep!”
  1798. “But we could get caught!”
  1799. >”I KNOW! Isn't it exciting?”
  1800. >You're not feeling to hot about this now.
  1801. >It's really risky and could land you two in a lot of trouble.
  1802. >”Don't worry, Nonny! Nobody’s out here this time of night anyway!” Pinkie reassures.
  1803. >You think about it for a bit.
  1804. >....fuck it.
  1805. >You initiate the encounter by mashing your lips against hers, careful not to hurt her with your strength.
  1806. >She responds happily by returning the kiss, rubbing her arms all over your body.
  1807. >She's clearly enjoying being out in the open, as she's moist already.
  1808. >Suddenly, she pulls away.
  1809. >”Strip me, hero!”
  1810. >You go to pull her blouse over her head, but she stops you.
  1811. >”Not like that, silly! I want you to tear my clothes off!”
  1812. >Kinky
  1813. >Using your might, you ferociously tear her blouse and leggings off her body, exposing her baby blue bra and panties.
  1814. >Pinkie’s also got a bit of chub on her, but just enough to make her thicc as hell.
  1816. >Pinkie giggles in delight, loving her extremely exposed nature.
  1817. >”More, hero! More!”
  1818. >You oblige, tearing her cotton underwear from her body, leaving her totally in the nude.
  1819. >She giggles some more, wiggling her luscious body some more.
  1820. >”Like what you see, Nonny?”
  1821. >You can't help but nod in approval.
  1822. >”Rarity says I should lay off the sweets, but I think she's just jealous~” Pinkie continues, twirling her body around some more.
  1823. >”Now, I want to properly thank you for saving me yesterday.” She says, unzipping your pants and reaching in, finding your ever-stiffening cock.
  1824. >”Oh wow! It's almost a whole foot long!” Pinkie gushes.
  1825. >Undeterred, she grabbed a hold of her bountiful mounds, and starting using them to stroke your length up and down.
  1826. >The feeling was amazing.
  1827. >Her breasts are so soft, and Pinkie is so eager, that it makes for a really great combination.
  1828. >You audibly gasp and moan at the sensation, much to Pinkie’s delight.
  1829. >It was gonna happen eventually, but you eventually let go and finish all over Pinkie’s face.
  1830. >”Gee Nonny, how'd you know about my favorite icing?” She jokes.
  1831. “Pinkie..that was...great!” You manage to get out, panting.
  1832. >”Anything for my hero!” She beams.
  1833. “Now, what about your turn?”
  1834. >”Huh?”
  1835. >Quickly you lie her on her back and grab her thighs, eyes on her pinkest area.
  1836. >”Nonny, you don't have to do this for me!” She said.
  1837. “No, but I want to.”
  1838. >”Oh goody!”
  1839. >You just dive right in, greedily licking and kissing her pussy.
  1840. >It tasted like gumdrops, and Pinkie’s squeals were music to your ears.
  1841. >Unfortunately, it didn't last long, as Pinkie quickly finishes all over your face.
  1842. >”Hehe, sorry Nonny! I was all hot and bothered from your gift!”
  1844. “Come on, now. We've got to get back before anyone sees us like this.” You say, picking her up in your arms and carrying her back.
  1845. >”Wow, you're strong!” Pinkie can't help but blush.
  1846. >You two make your way back to Sugarcube Corner, where you set Pinkie down by the back.
  1847. >”I've got a change of clothes out here, just go inside and enjoy yourself!” Pinkie says.
  1848. >You go in, and everyone's eagerly looking toward you.
  1849. >It's completely silent, until one of the athletes speaks up.
  1850. >”How was she?”
  1851. >You kind of stand there awkwardly, not really knowing how to respond.
  1852. “She”
  1853. >The athletics team all cheer for you, picking you up and chanting your name.
  1854. >You can't help but smile, enjoying your newfound fame.
  1855. >The rest of the night was fun, too.
  1856. >Fruit punch was drank, songs were danced to, and all in all everyone had a good time.
  1857. >Eventually you decided to call it in and head home.
  1858. >As you already told mom you're gonna be home late, you just get home, shower, and go to bed.
  1860. >When you wake up the next morning, you're happy to find that it's Saturday.
  1861. >No school.
  1862. >AND a sex-date with Rainbow Dash.
  1863. >First, you check your phone to see if you got any news from Norman.
  1864. >Luckily, there was one update.
  1865. >”Footage at AllenTech found someone that highly resembles Killian. I highly recommend searching the building for any traces of him.”
  1866. “Thanks a million, dude.” You reply.
  1867. >”Any time, Lightning Man.”
  1868. >You immediately suit up in your Lightning Man suit and shoot out the window.
  1869. >In no time at all, you’re at the main building of AllenTech, which is probably Canterlot’s only real skyscraper.
  1870. >You fly in, and you’re met with a futuristic setting.
  1871. >Everything inside is polished and white and clear, with computer monitors all over the place.
  1872. >The elevators are just clear tubes with a platform, and there’s a giant monitor in the front of the room, telling the people who come in all about AllenTech.
  1873. >Some kids at Canterlot High say that AllenTech is Canterlot’s biggest area of income as a city, which you really can’t believe, as Canterlot’s a pretty wealthy area.
  1874. >Getting back to business, you go up to the receptionist.
  1875. “Hello, where may I be able to find the man in charge of this place?” You ask.
  1876. >”Uh...thirty-fifth floor, but he’s in a meeting right now, so-” The receptionist says.
  1877. “Great, thanks!” You say, before flying out the building and up to the thirty-fifth floor, where you find the man who appears to be the CEO of AllenTech meeting with Filthy Rich.
  1879. >”Hello, Lightning Man, what brings you up here?” The CEO asks.
  1880. “I need to talk to you about one of your former employees.” You explain.
  1881. >”Perhaps it can wait. You’re kind of interrupting our meeting.” Filthy Rich says irritably.
  1882. “People’s lives are at risk at the moment. I need to meet as soon as possible.” You interject.
  1883. >”Filthy Rich, please wait outside.” The CEO instructs, which Filthy Rich grumpily follows.
  1884. >”Now, what is it you need? And please, call me Allen.” CEO Allen asks.
  1885. “A few days ago, a man named Killian was in a warsuit and attacked downtown Canterlot, and his employment here was terminated. He was spotted here last night.” You say.
  1886. >”Killian was one of my best roboticists, but company cutbacks required him to be laid off.” Allen explains.
  1887. >”As for the warsuit, our military mech suit project was scrapped last week, but it seems Killian managed to get ahold of a mech suit that was mostly finished.” He went on.
  1888. “Do you have any idea what his motives could be?” You ask.
  1889. >”No idea, if he wanted revenge he would have attacked the building directly.”
  1890. “Well, do you have any idea where he could be hidden? He’s been pretty hard to track.”
  1891. >”Hard to say. I don’t really track what my employees do outside of work.”
  1892. “Damn, well, thanks for the help anyway.” You finish.
  1893. >”Anything to help our hometown hero!” Allen says.
  1894. “Do you mind if I search through the building to find any evidence of him in here?”
  1895. >”Not at all!”
  1896. >With a nod, you zoom through the building with your super speed.
  1897. >You check the offices, the labs, the reception area, and the storage below the building.
  1898. >None of those areas worked out.
  1899. >No sign of Killian.
  1900. >With a sigh, you thank the receptionist and fly out.
  1902. >After a quick round through Canterlot, you land on a building and check your phone.
  1903. “No luck. No sign of Killian anywhere.” You text Norman.
  1904. >”I've got a plan. My friend has a hunch that Killian might be somewhere on the outside of the city. Im going with him to investigate.
  1905. “Stay safe, dude.”
  1906. >”Don't worry too much.”
  1907. “Alright, buzz me if you find something.”
  1908. >”Got it.”
  1909. >Just then, you get a text from Rainbow Dash.
  1910. >”where r u dude?”
  1911. “Hanging out at home.”
  1912. >”well, I'm at school, practicing for next week’s big game.”
  1913. >”don't keep me waiting.”
  1914. >You then remember you've got a date with Dash.
  1915. “on my way,” you text her.
  1916. >”Hurry up! I've been waiting all week to be fucked.”
  1917. >Huh.
  1918. >How subtle.
  1919. >You take a quick stop at your house, change into some sporty clothes, and head off to school.
  1920. >You're almost repulsed at the thought of willingly going to school on a Saturday.
  1921. >But you ARE gonna get to cum inside Rainbow Dash, so it's a fair exchange.
  1923. >You get to the school’s soccer field, and you're met with quite the sight.
  1924. >Rainbow Dash is out on the field by herself, wearing a black sports bra and matching compression shorts.
  1925. >She's busy kicking soccer balls into the goal from various distances, so you decide to try something.
  1926. >As she's busy lining up the soccer balls, you sneak up behind her and tap her shoulder.
  1927. >”What's the-” she starts to say, but is cut off when you go in for a deep kiss.
  1928. >At first she's surprised, but soon she sinks into it, wrapping her arms around your neck and rocking gently.
  1929. >Soon, you pull away, and she looks at you grumpily.
  1930. “Having fun, Dashie?” You ask teasingly.
  1931. >”Don't tease me, Anon! I've been waiting all week for this, and I want some plumbing done!” She insists.
  1932. “Alright, but before we get started, you should take a shower, you're kinda sweaty.”
  1933. >”Ohhh...alright. But you're gonna be in the shower too!” She says, before taking your hand and dragging you to the girl’s locker room.
  1934. >Right off the bat, you can tell it's a lot cleaner and nicer than the boy’s locker room.
  1935. >You're honestly kinda jealous.
  1936. >What are you doing, Anon?
  1937. >You're about to have sex with Rainbow Dash, and you're thinking about the fucking walls.
  1938. >Get a grip, man.
  1940. >You hear one of the showers being turned on, and you turn to find Rainbow Dash stripping off her sports bra and shorts, revealing…
  1941. >Her nude body.
  1942. >Looks like Dashie was going commando.
  1943. >Kinky.
  1944. “No underwear, huh Dash?”
  1945. >”I wanted to get right down to it! Now get naked while I adjust the heat!” She says, while working with the shower knob some.
  1946. >You quickly strip off your clothes, and admire her body more.
  1947. >It's finely toned, arms, legs, abdomen, complete with small but perky breasts and equally perky butt.
  1948. >Smirking, you go up behind her and hug her gently, surprising her a bit.
  1949. >”Ah! Hey, don't sneak up on me!”
  1950. “Oh, I was just admiring how cute you look!”
  1951. >”Sh-shut up! I'm not cute!” She insisted, blushing a bit.
  1952. “Whatever you say, Dashie.” You reply, kissing her neck lovingly.
  1953. >She moans softly and grinds her hips gently, rubbing on your hardening member.
  1954. >”Ready to be immortalized, hero?” Dash asks, trying to be seductive.
  1955. “What do you have in mind, Dashie?”
  1956. >”Well, I don't wanna go all the way yet, so anal will have to do.”
  1957. “Wow, really?”
  1958. >”You know it!”
  1959. “Well...then we should get you all lubed up.” You say, plunging two fingers into her love button.
  1960. >Before she could properly react, she emits a lewd squeal as you fish around her entrance.
  1962. >She writhes and squeals in pleasure as you lube up your fingers.
  1963. >”Yes! Ah! Yes!” She kept on going.
  1964. >After some time, you withdraw your hand from her depths, causing her to moan disappointedly.
  1965. >You then rub your fingers around and inside her Butthole, causing her to squirm.
  1966. >”H-hey! Take it easy back there!” She says shakily.
  1967. >Once she's all lubed up, you gently prod her anus with your cock.
  1968. “You ready, Dashie?” You ask.
  1969. >”I was born ready!” She assures.
  1970. >Slowly, you try to insert your cock into her, but you're met with some resistance.
  1971. “Try to relax, Dashie. I'm not gonna be able to get in if you keep clenching.”
  1972. >”I know, I know!”
  1973. >She eases up some, and you're able to slide halfway in.
  1974. >Dash’s petite body writhes in pleasure as she expels a lewd moan.
  1975. >”K-keep going!”
  1976. >Eventually, you find a slow pace with her, slowly sliding in and out, with Dash squealing in approval.
  1977. >Deciding to amp it up a bit, you reach around and fondle her small breasts with your left hand and massaging her pussy with your right hand, as you gently kiss her neck.
  1978. >Her body clearly can’t resist finishing for much longer, as she's squirming and squealing as you feel her all over.
  1979. >Her panting and squealing increases sharply, and soon you find yourself close to finishing.
  1980. >”ANOOOOOOON!” Dash screams as she climaxes, expelling her love juice all over your hand, as you cum as well, filling her exit.
  1981. >Once it's all said and done, you two slump down in the shower, warm water running over you as Dash cuddles up to you.
  1983. >As you hold her close, you can tell she’s purring softly.
  1984. “You know, for a can be really cute!”
  1985. >”Mmm...shut...up…” She says exhaustively.
  1986. >Honestly you could lie here forever.
  1987. >Warm water running over you, the cute tomboy cuddled up to you, basking in the afterglow of anal sex.
  1988. >”I’m not gonna….be able to sit down for a while.” She jokes.
  1989. >You just smile and kiss her gently.
  1990. >”Here’s the deal: tonight the girls and I are having a sleepover at Rarity’s house. There, it would be awesome if you could tell us then who you pick to be your girlfriend.”
  1991. “Sounds good, but I need the address.”
  1992. >”Don’t worry, I’ll text it to you later.”
  1993. “Got it. I’ll have to check with my mom first, but I think I’ll be good.”
  1994. >A bit later, the water starts to get cold, so you and Dash wash off the...residue, dry off, and get dressed.
  1995. >”Thanks, Anon, I...I really enjoyed this.” Dash says.
  1996. “Me too, Dashie!”
  1997. >”Just...try and be there tonight. The girls and I are dying to hear your decision.”
  1998. “It’ll be tough, but I think I’ll be able to make the decision.
  1999. >”Well...see you then.” She says, leaving the locker room.
  2000. >Once you’re fully dressed, you head out as well, your head filled with thoughts.
  2001. >Who are you gonna choose?
  2002. >They’re all so beautiful and lovely.
  2003. >You’ll have to pick only one.
  2004. >...You just hope Killian doesn’t interfere in any way.
  2006. >After recovering from your session with Dash, you decide to do an extra patrol around the city.
  2007. >As Lightning Man, you can never be too sure.
  2008. >Same old routine.
  2009. >Suit up and fly to downtown Canterlot.
  2010. >It's all very tranquil for a Saturday.
  2011. >Cars are going by, people are walking on the sidewalks talking to each other, and no crimes being committed.
  2012. >Some people cheer when they see you atop the roofs, others frantically take pictures.
  2013. >With a nod, you take off for other parts of Canterlot, too busy to pose for pictures.
  2014. >As you fly through the city, you're left thinking who you're gonna pick.
  2015. >You'll have to say it as gently as you can, to not hurt any of the girls.
  2016. >Speaking of which, you can see Fluttershy walking through town with two big bags in her hands.
  2017. >But almost immediately after, you hear a car barreling down the street.
  2018. >Their insignia on the side indicates they're part of the Diamond Dog gang.
  2019. >They're small, but can cause some problems if they wanted to.
  2020. >And Fluttershy is still in the middle of the street.
  2021. >Using your super speed, you're able to swoop down and catch the car with your strength, before anyone is hurt.
  2022. >The two in the car shout various exclamations of confusion and anger, while Fluttershy’s frozen in place.
  2023. “I would lecture you about speeding, but I'm sure that's the least of what you two have done.” You say to the two, disguising your voice.
  2024. >With ease, you take the two out of the car, and tie them up on a nearby lamppost, so they can be handled by the police.
  2026. >With the Diamond Dogs dealt with, you turn to see Fluttershy still frozen in place.
  2027. “You alright, miss?” You ask, disguising your voice.
  2028. >She responds by nodding quickly.
  2029. “Well, be sure to look both ways before crossing!” You joke, before flying off.
  2030. >She's still frozen in place, last you see her.
  2031. >The rest of the day goes by without anything big happening.
  2032. >You enjoy some of the cheers you get when you fly by busy streets.
  2033. >With nothing else to do, you decide to check in with Norman.
  2034. “Find anything yet?” You text.
  2035. >”Nothing yet, but I feel like we’re getting close.” He responds.
  2036. “Where are u?”
  2037. >”Warehouse district. AllenTech holds some stuff here, so I wanted to check in.”
  2038. “Be sure to stay safe.”
  2039. >”Don't worry. Caught any criminals lately?”
  2040. “Diamond Dog gang members. Almost flattened a few people.”
  2041. >”Good thing you got them. Shows them they aren't untouchable.”
  2042. “I'm gonna be on patrol for a while, so buzz me if you find anything.”
  2043. >”Got it.”
  2044. >The day goes by peacefully.
  2045. >Which is good.
  2046. >Citizens living in peace, not knowing about Killian’s next attack.
  2047. >Better for them to live peacefully than paranoid.
  2049. >Cut to Rarity’s house at 8 PM, you're in your normal clothes with your decision made.
  2050. >With a resolute composure, you ring the doorbell.
  2051. >Rarity comes to answer the door, and her face brightens up when she sees you.
  2052. >”Oh good! Come on, Anon!” She invites, which you follow.
  2053. >When you walk inside, you see that Rarity’s family is clearly in the upper-middle class.
  2054. >Big foyer with fancy decorations all over the place.
  2055. >You follow Rarity up to her room, where the other girls are.
  2056. >They're all gathered around Fluttershy, eagerly listening to what she's saying.
  2057. >”You really met Lightning Man!?” Dash asks frantically.
  2058. >Fluttershy responds with a nod.
  2059. >”What was he like?”
  2060. >”He was...he was really nice and friendly. Even when he's in danger, he's still really nice.” Fluttershy explains.
  2061. >You have to bite your tongue to avoid saying anything incriminating.
  2062. >”Girls, Anon’s here!” Rarity says.
  2063. >They all turn to greet you, but you can feel the tension in the air.
  2064. >”So...who’d you pick?” Dash asks impatiently.
  2065. >You begin by taking a deep breath.
  2066. “Girls, I want you all to know that even though you weren't picked, I still really enjoy your company and respect you.”
  2067. “But, the one I've chosen is…”
  2068. >You close your eyes and take a breath.
  2069. “Fluttershy.”
  2071. >In that moment, you practically hear five hearts breaking.
  2072. >Fluttershy’s frozen in place, eyes wide in surprise.
  2073. >”” She asks softly.
  2074. “Yeah, I really loved all of you, but I truly felt the strongest connection to you, Flutters.”
  2075. >A flurry of emotions fill Fluttershy, as she figures out how to respond.
  2076. >Not knowing what else to do, she just wraps her arms around you in a deep hug.
  2077. >You warmly return it, enjoying her scent.
  2078. >A bit later, you try to escape the hug, but she's still holding on.
  2079. “Uh, Flutters?”
  2080. >”Oh, sorry!” She says, letting you go.
  2081. >”I'm happy for you two, and we promise not to make any more advances.” Twilight says encouragingly.
  2082. >”Yup!” Says Applejack.
  2083. >”Mhm!” Says Pinkie.
  2084. >”It was fun, but I'll let you go on to greener pastures.” Rarity says.
  2085. >”Well, as long as you're happy, I'm happy.” Dash admits.
  2086. “I promise to try not to get in between your friendship. I'd hate to ruin what you all have.” You assure.
  2087. >”I'm sure nothing of the sort will happen.” Twilight assures.
  2088. >You look down and find that Fluttershy’s cuddled up to you lovingly.
  2089. >The night goes on, and everything goes surprisingly well.
  2090. >You all watch a few movies, eat some snacks and talk about life in general.
  2091. >There's very little tension between the girls, and you're glad they promised to move on.
  2092. >It's 12:37 and you get a text from Norman.
  2093. >”Dude! Huge development: we found Killian’s lair hidden beneath the warehouse district. Access through maintenance tunnels.”
  2095. >You look round and see that the girls are all asleep.
  2096. “Alright, I'm on my way.” You text.
  2097. >Having prepared for this to happen, you take your Lightning Man suit out of your bag, suit up, and fly out.
  2098. >As you leave, you didn't see Dash coming out of the bathroom.
  2099. >It took some time to navigate the city in the night, but you eventually get to the warehouse district.
  2100. >Searching around, you make your way into the maintenance tunnels, trying to find Killian’s lair.
  2101. >The tunnels are dark and cold, requiring you to feel your way through.
  2102. >Your hand slipped from the wall and onto a metal door, which you open to find a makeshift lab with a semi-garage setup for storing large machinery.
  2103. >The desk is filled with papers and scribbles, as well as designs for a mechsuit.
  2104. >Safe to say, you found Killian’s Lair.
  2105. >Turning on a light, you see scrap and trash littering the area, along with coats and shoes.
  2106. >Unfortunately, the mech suit is nowhere to be found, only an arm of the suit is lying around.
  2107. >Killian must have hidden the suit elsewhere.
  2108. >Or he took it apart to store it easier.
  2109. >You start investigating by looking through the papers on his desk to find anything incriminating.
  2110. >Aside from blueprints, the papers talk about some plan.
  2111. >The details are vague, almost intentionally.
  2112. >You don't want to stay here too long, so you gather a bunch of the papers and take off, to investigate them later.
  2114. >You get back to Rarity’s house, and get to the window.
  2115. >The lights are off, so you'll be able to sneak inside
  2116. >You ease the window up slowly, and place the papers inside softly.
  2117. >You slowly get inside, close the window, and take off your mask.
  2118. >But as soon as you do that, the lights turn on, and the six girls are staring right at you, mouths gaping.
  2119. >Then you realize you’re still in your Lightning Man suit.
  2120. >You all are frozen for a bit until you speak up.
  2121. “...I can explain.”
  2122. >”YOU’RE LIGHTNING MAN!” Pinkie scream excitedly.
  2123. >You quickly shush her, not wanting to draw attention.
  2124. >The girls are still staring.
  2125. >You sigh and admit the truth.
  2126. “Yes, I am Lightning Man.”
  2127. >”Omigoshomigoshomigosh!” Pinkie keeps going on.
  2128. >”You’re REALLY Lightning Man?” Dash asks, not really buying it.
  2129. “Yep…”
  2130. >She gets all frozen, eyes wide.
  2131. >”About...everything I said…” She says sheepishly, obviously referring to her disapproval of your work.
  2132. “Don’t worry about it, It’s no big deal.” You wave off.
  2133. >”Ahm really sorry about what ah said, Anon. Ah had no idea that-” Applejack follows up.
  2134. “Really, it’s fine.” You assure.
  2135. >”This is so exciting! Our new friend was a superhero the whole time!” Pinkie goes on.
  2136. >”I’m...I don’t know how to respond.” Rarity says.
  2137. >”Me either, this is all so sudden!” Twilight follows up.
  2138. >Fluttershy’s been silent this whole time.
  2139. >”Anon’s been keeping secrets from us!” Dash accuses.
  2140. >”Rarity, he obviously wanted to keep us safe from the threats he faces as Lightning Man.” Twilight assures.
  2141. “Believe me, I REALLY love having you all as my friends, and if something happened to you because of me, I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself.” You follow up.
  2143. >”I guess that makes sense.” Dash says.
  2144. >With Fluttershy having been silent the whole time, you decide to talk to her.
  2145. “ OK, Flutters?” You ask gently, brushing hair out of her face.
  2146. >”Oh, I’m fine, I’m just...I’ve got a lot to think about.” She admits.
  2147. >”I mean, I just found out my crush since sophomore year is now boyfriend AND the superhero who saved my life today who can fly, lift cars, outrun a jet and throw lightning!”
  2148. >You sigh and hug her reassuringly.
  2149. “I understand if this too much for you, and you don’t want to date me anymore.” You say.
  2150. >”No! I want this! I really want what we have! I’ve never felt this way about anyone before! I just...we’re gonna have to take this slow and steady.” Fluttershy assures.
  2151. “Gotcha, but please, if you have any problems with our relationship, please let me know. I don’t want to get you hurt.” You say.
  2152. >”Please don’t worry too much, just...let it happen.”She says, before pulling you in for a soft, loving kiss.
  2153. >You slowly sink into the kiss, holding your girlfriend Fluttershy gently.
  2154. >you two embrace for some time before Dash decides to interject.
  2155. >”So, what’s with all those papers you came in with?” Dash asks, somewhat impatiently.
  2156. “Oh, right.” You say, pulling away from Fluttershy, who sulks slightly.
  2157. “Last week, a man in a warsuit attacked downtown Canterlot. He got away, but I found his name is Killian, and these papers are from his lair. They look like plans for an attack but the details are strangely vague.” You tell.
  2158. >”Let me have a look.” Twilight says.
  2159. >You hand her the papers, and she looks over them.
  2160. >”It’s so strange, it might be coded.” She analyzes.
  2161. >”What about his warsuit?” Dash asks.
  2162. “Only the right arm was stored there, which leads me to assume that Killian has multiple hideouts across the city, where he stores the rest.” You explain.
  2164. >You all talk some more about Killian’s plans until Dash got an idea.
  2165. >”Hey Anon, have you ever tested the limits of your strength?” Dash asked.
  2166. “Not really, no.” You respond.
  2167. >”Then follow me!” she said impatiently, going down the stairs.
  2168. >As you follow her down, Rarity is hissing at you all to be quiet, as her family is sleeping.
  2169. >When you go outside, Dash points at the car in the driveway.
  2170. >”Lift that.” She instructs.
  2171. >”Be careful! Don’t set off the car alarm!” Rarity warned.
  2172. >With a nod, you get into position, grab the undercarriage of the luxury car, and lift it with ease.
  2173. >Dash is busy gushing about how awesome it is, as you lift the car above your head.
  2174. >”Let’s see...lift that!” Dash says excitedly, pointing to the garbage truck on the far side of the road.
  2175. >You walk over to the truck, and lift it above your head, again, with ease.
  2176. >Dash is amazed.
  2177. >Fluttershy is even more amazed.
  2178. >Applejack is watching as well, then comes to a realization.
  2179. >”Wait, so you were cheatin’ when you were arm wrestling with Dash?” Applejack asked.
  2180. “Well, I didn’t choose to be hit by lightning, so I couldn’t help it.” You defend.
  2181. >”Ah guess so.” She relents.
  2182. >”So you got your powers from when you were hit by lightning?” Fluttershy asks.
  2183. “Yep.” you respond.
  2184. “Now, it’s really late, and I think we should all get some sleep.” You suggest.
  2185. >On the way back, Dash and Fluttershy are asking you tons of questions about your powers.
  2186. >When you get back, you get back to you sleeping bag, when Rarity stops you.
  2187. >”Now now, are you going to let your new girlfriend sleep all alone?” She asks, gesturing to Fluttershy.
  2188. >Rarity quickly ushers you two into the spare bedroom, and closes the door behind you.
  2190. >You and Fluttershy share a look before she speaks up.
  2191. >”Wanna just go to bed? I’m really tired…”
  2192. “Yeah, sounds good.” You say, changing out of your Lightning Man suit.
  2193. >Fluttershy can’t help but stare as you take off the suit, revealing only your blue boxers.
  2194. >”I...uh...should change too.” She says, while stripping off her clothes, revealing her pink bra and panties.
  2195. >Exhausted, you just fall onto the bed and almost pass out immediately.
  2196. >Fluttershy cuddles up to you lovingly, purring softly in your arms.
  2197. >She’s so soft and warm that just holding her in your arms is enough to make you fall asleep.
  2198. >The girl you’re cuddling with soon falls asleep as well.
  2199. >...
  2200. >...
  2201. >...
  2202. >You’re woken up by the sun shining on your face through the open window.
  2203. >As you’re stirring, you find yourself wrapped in the soft arms of your new girlfriend.
  2204. >She’s breathing softly as she clings onto you subconsciously.
  2205. >Soon she wakes up, rubs her eyes, and looks up at you lovingly.
  2206. >”Mmm, good morning!” She beams, getting up on her knees to hug you warmly.
  2207. >You take this opportunity to truly admire her body.
  2208. >Her hips and breasts are luscious, and her body is soft and smooth.
  2209. >Her flowing hair, blushing cheeks, and deep eyes make her really beautiful.
  2210. >”You’re staring, Nonny!” She giggles.
  2211. “Oh, I was just admiring my beautiful girlfriend.” You reply, kissing her gently.
  2212. >She smiles, sinking into the kiss and wrapping her arms around you.
  2213. >But the moment is ruined with a banging on the door.
  2214. >”You two lovebirds up yet?” Dash asked.
  2215. >Fluttershy sighs and gets dressed, and as do you.
  2217. >The following week was pretty drab, to be honest.
  2218. >Rarity kept on begging you to let her design your new Lightning Man costume, which you finally relented to.
  2219. >You have to admit, the suit looks pretty good.
  2220. >The new suit is brighter purple with a large yellow bolt of lightning down the chest, with yellow gloves and boots, and a yellow outline on a purple cape and yellow band around the purple mask.
  2221. >As far as you can tell, the new suit was fairly well received.
  2222. >No big crimes were committed the following week, so it was pretty easy on you.
  2223. >You and Norman work more to track down Killian’s supposed other lairs, but to no avail.
  2224. >However, Killian didn’t do anything or cause any havoc, so that’s somewhat relaxing.
  2225. >You’ve been hanging out with Dash when she’s practicing for the big soccer game against Crystal Prep.
  2226. >Also, during the week, the relationship you and Fluttershy have became widely known across the school.
  2227. >She’s become more open with your love, having some more PDA and kisses in the hallways.
  2228. >You two were certainly no Prom King & Queen, but you two were certainly a school favorite.
  2229. >Thanks to you, it seems like Fluttershy’s getting picked on less.
  2230. >She’s in a much better mood in general, in fact.
  2231. >Now it’s Saturday night, and you’re currently sitting in the bleachers of the Canterlot Soccer Field.
  2232. >Energy is in the air, and the hype is contagious.
  2233. >Not only to play the game, but to WIN the game.
  2234. >Crystal Prep is the hive of rich, stuck-up assholes.
  2235. >Helmed by the cunt of cunts, Abacus Cinch.
  2236. >Cinch was in the head area with Dean Cadance of Crystal Prep, and Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna of Canterlot High.
  2237. >The game is five minutes from starting.
  2238. >The players are on the sidelines preparing.
  2239. >And then a rocket hits the field.
  2241. >Panic and terror consumes the crowd from the explosion.
  2242. >Students are screaming and causing a frenzy.
  2243. >You immediately have a thought enter your head.
  2244. >Killian.
  2245. >You rush off to the Port-o-Potty when Killian lands on the field, with a noticeable upgrade on his warsuit.
  2246. >The warsuit looks bigger and bulkier, but with more weapons added.
  2247. >”ATTENTION, CITIZENS.” Killian announced through his warsuit, causing everyone to freeze in place.
  2250. >Determined to defeat Killian once and for all, you quickly change into your new Lightning Man suit, fly into the air, and crash down onto the field in front of Killian.
  2251. >The crowd cheers at your arrival, thankful their savior has arrived
  2252. “Here I am, Killian. Now let them go!” You shout at the villain determinately.
  2253. >”I am not going to let them go, Lightning Man; I am going to keep them here to watch you die!” Killian yells back, lifting his left arm at you and firing a projectile at you.
  2254. >You easily catch the projectile, but it detonates into a cloud of red gas, and you immediately have trouble breathing.
  2255. >Your chest constricts as you fall to the ground, convulsing uncontrollably.
  2256. >You’ve never been in this much pain before.
  2257. >The crowd watches in horror as their savior writhes on the ground, as Killian stomps over to you.
  2258. >”Breathe it in, hero.” Killian taunts.
  2259. >”That’s NERVE GAS you’re tasting.” He continues, right above you.
  2261. >As you try to recover, Killian kicks you across the field with immense might, knocking the wind out of you.
  2262. >You went flying about fifteen feet before hitting the ground, where you try to steady yourself.
  2263. >You seem to be slowly recovering from the nerve gas thanks to your speed, so you try to get on your feet.
  2264. >But before you can, Killian charges over to you and punches you in the face, knocking you on your back.
  2265. >You’re amazed your nose isn’t broken.
  2266. >It hurt like hell, but nothing’s broken.
  2268. >You only manage to groan in response.
  2269. >’THAT’S HOW I SPENT MY WHOLE LIFE FEELING! NOW FEEL THIS!” Killian shouts, bringing his foot up and bringing it down on you.
  2270. >Luckily, you were able to catch his foot before it crushed you, holding it right above your head.
  2271. >With some of your strength having returned, you throw Killian all the way across the field.
  2272. >Due to him being in a bulky warsuit, Killian struggled to get back on his feet.
  2273. >You see he’s in a vulnerable state, so you charge over to him, ready to defeat him.
  2274. >But he reacts quickly by hitting you with another dose of Nerve Gas.
  2275. >Luckily you were able to get a hit in, severely damaging the helmet of the suit.
  2276. >As you’re in severe pain (again), you turn over to see Killian struggling as well, trying to focus with his damaged visor.
  2277. >Since you’re nearby, you crawl over to him and attack him more.
  2278. >Wildly thrashing him, you manage to deal some damage against his chest and helmet until he punches you away.
  2279. >You’ve developed something of a tolerance against the neurotoxin, you stand up and blast him with a strong bolt of electricity.
  2280. >His insulation must have been damaged, because the electricity does manage to damage him.
  2282. >Killian’s systems start to malfunction, and a missile ends up being fired at the crowd.
  2283. >Luckily, you were able to fly in and redirect the missile before anyone is hurt.
  2284. >Killian then develops a plan.
  2285. >Killian gets up, steadies himself, and fires a canister of nerve gas right at the audience.
  2286. >As Killian expected, you fly in and redirect the canister so no one gets hurt.
  2287. >Unfortunately, this leaves you open for attack, as Killian punches you in the ribs with a mighty mechanical fist, sending you flying.
  2288. >As you’re getting up from the punch, Killian activates the shoulder-mounted minigun and fires wildly.
  2289. >You frantically use your speed to catch all the bullets before anyone is hit, and you barely catch the last one before Cinch is hit in the middle of the eyes.
  2290. >Killian took this opportunity to hook a prototype-filament cable on your foot, allowing him to sling you around and slam you on the ground.
  2291. >As soon as you hit the ground, you scream out in pain, causing the crowd to get scared that Lightning Man might not make it.
  2292. >You’re lying on the ground when Killian stomps over to you, and places his foot on your back.
  2293. >”PREPARE TO DIE, LIGHTNING MAN!” Killian shouts before bringing his foot up to stop down on you.
  2294. >You just then remember that he’s connected to you, so you shoot up into the air, carrying Killian in tow.
  2295. >You get so far up into the air that frost starts to form on you and Killian, where the soccer field is but a speck on the ground far below.
  2296. >Then, you fly down, grab Killian’s chestpiece, and slam him on the ground below with a thunderous crash.
  2297. >A cloud of dust surround the field, meaning the crowd can’t see what happened.
  2298. >But when the dust clears, they see Lightning Man standing victorious atop the warsuit, with Killian in his arm.
  2299. >The crowd erupts in cheers, applauding your success, and soon after the police arrive.
  2301. >A police car drives onto the field, and two police officers get out with their guns drawn.
  2302. “He’s all yours, coppers.” You tell them, tossing Killian over to them.
  2303. >Outside his suit, Killian is small and frail and old, with a balding spot on his head.
  2304. >As he’s being dragged off, he turns to you and says one last thing.
  2305. >”They may celebrate your victory today, Lightning Man, but one day, the people will be turning to me to save us all from YOU!” Killian shouts before being shoved into the cop car.
  2306. “Maybe someday, Killian, but not today!” You reply as he’s being driven off.
  2307. >After waving to the crowd one last time, you fly off into the sky, but quickly return to the Port-o-Potty.
  2308. >You change back into your normal clothes, and you’re soon found by one of the athletes when they open the door.
  2309. “...Is the bad guy beaten?” You ask, trying to sound nervous.
  2310. >”Don’t worry, Anon. Lightning Man saved the day.” He assures, which you fake a sigh of relief to.
  2311. >When you get back to the bleachers, Fluttershy runs over to you and hugs you tightly, grateful that she’s seeing you again.
  2312. >”Oh thank goodness you’re safe! I was so worried about you, and I kept worrying that you-” Fluttershy kept going on, until you calmly shush her.
  2313. “It’s alright, I’m safe, everything’s gonna be ok.” You assure.
  2314. >The other girls quickly find you two, and they all make their relief known to you.
  2315. >”Phew, thank goodness yer safe, Anon!” Applejack says.
  2316. >”That was so awesome!” Dash says excitedly.
  2317. >You all go on talking some more about what just happened, and the police work to make sure everyone has a safe ride home.
  2318. >Pinkie agreed to drive everyone to their homes in her “Party Van”, which was fine with the authorities.
  2320. >After everyone is dropped off at home and everyone has said goodbye, you get out at your house, but Fluttershy grabs your arm.
  2321. >”Good night, Anon. See you...tomorrow? She asks.
  2322. “Yeah, tomorrow sounds good!” You agree.
  2323. >Before you could turn away, she pulls you in by grabbing your head and pulling you in for a deep, loving kiss.”
  2324. >She holds you close as you sink into the kiss, holding her gently by the waist.
  2325. >She gently sways as you kiss, but you eventually have to break the kiss.
  2326. ”Goodbye, Flutters.” You say warmly.
  2327. >”Goodbye...Lightning Man.” She cheekily says, before hopping back to the van and blowing you a kiss before she gets in, and is driven off.
  2328. >You walk inside, and you’re met with Mom hugging you tightly, with some tears streaming down her cheek.
  2329. >”I’m so glad you’re home ,I just...I heard about what was going on, and I just...just…” She sobbed.
  2330. “Mom, don’t worry, I’m home now, and the man responsible has been taken in. Everyone’s safe.” You assure.
  2331. >”I was so worried about you, and I’m...I’m so glad you’re safe.” Mom manages to get out.
  2332. >The next few minutes are you and Mom hugging tightly, grateful for each other’s presence.
  2333. >”Well, it’s getting late, so just change and go to bed. You can shower in the morning.” Mom instructs.
  2334. “Alright, good night mom!” You say, before heading off to your room.
  2335. >”Good night, Anon. Love you!” Mom calls to you.
  2336. “Love you too!”
  2337. >As you’re lying in bed, you just think about what your life has become.
  2338. >You just reflect on how crazy life has become.
  2339. >But you’re sure of one thing.
  2340. >No matter how dark things get, you’ll find a way to pull through.
  2341. >The light is always on the horizon.
  2342. >And with that thought, you finally drift off to sleep, peacefully.
  2345. >You feel great.
  2346. >You’re nude in bed, lying next to your beautiful wife Fluttershy, basking in the afterglow of sex.
  2347. >It’s 9:30, and you two are sharing an apartment in downtown Canterlot.
  2348. >It’s pretty nice, has a nice view of the city, and Fluttershy now owns the Animal Shelter she used to volunteer at as a teenager.
  2349. >Thanks to work done by the both of you, the shelter is now thriving, not only with plenty of workers, but with plenty of animals getting adopted as well.
  2350. >Across from the bed is a pinboard with newspapers detailing your feats as Lightning Man.
  2354. >”Anon...that was wonderful~” Fluttershy swoons, still affected by your intimacy.
  2355. “Mm, so are you, Flutters!” You respond lovingly, causing her to giggle.
  2356. >”Ah, flattery, my greatest weakness!” She giggles.
  2357. >You two snuggle up to each other, until a buzzer goes off.
  2358. >You get up to check it, and it’s a notification from the Canterlot Police Department.
  2359. >”Bank Robbery in progress - Canterlot First Bank.” the notification reads.
  2360. >”Do they really need you NOW?” Fluttershy asks sadly.
  2361. “Apparently so.” You respond, getting out your Lightning Man suit.
  2362. >”Well…please hurry back, Anon. I’ll get lonely without you.” She says resolutely.
  2363. “Shouldn’t take too long, I’ll be back as soon as I can.” You reassure.
  2364. >As you’re all suited up, you head to the window, and Fluttershy holds you close for a quick but loving kiss.
  2365. >”I love you, Anon.” Fluttershy says wistfully.
  2366. “I love you too, Fluttershy.” You respond lovingly.
  2367. “But now, duty calls.” You say before shooting out the window.
  2368. >The people of Canterlot are safe.
  2369. >Lightning Man is here to save the day.
  2371. THE END

Risky Business

by CosmicButthole

Lightning Man

by CosmicButthole

Life Flutters By (WIP)

by CosmicButthole

Predator and Prey

by CosmicButthole

King of the Castle

by CosmicButthole