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Izzy Doesn't Know What Sex Is

By Guest
Created: 2024-09-26 18:25:18
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Hey friend!"
  2. >"I just was just walking by and I saw you put a padlock on your garbage bins."
  3. >"I thought, oh, that silly Anon, playing a little joke, but then I realized they really were locked!"
  4. >Izzy chuckles nervously to herself. You notice she's sweating.
  5. >"S-so, what's going on, Anon? A-are you having issues with racoonicorns or s-something?"
  6. >You cross your arms and lean against the doorframe to your house, glaring at Izzy.
  7. Yeah. Something like that.
  8. >In truth, you had caught Izzy one week ago digging through your garbage.
  9. >She seemed to be on the hunt for only one thing: used tissues. She would bring each one out and sniff them deeply in turn.
  10. >The sight made you visibly cringe, but you didn't confront her then.
  11. >Instead, you bought the padlocks the next day and installed them.
  12. >Now it is trash day again, and the thief has returned, but you want to watch her sweat a bit more.
  13. The strange thing is... there were no paw prints around the bins. But I did find hoof prints...
  14. >You lean closer, your eyes burning into hers as you watch her wince and fold her ears back.
  15. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you, Izzy?
  16. >You continue to regard her coldly as she trembles with anxiety and fear.
  17. >"U-uh... no! A pony... stealing garbage? I..."
  18. Wait a second... don't you... recycle old scrap for your projects, Izzy?
  19. >You smirk and narrow your eyes at Izzy.
  20. >"W-well, yeah! Of course! Unicyling is all about reusing old junk! But I'd never steal from your trash, Anon!"
  21. >She frowns and looks heartbroken at the allegation, but you're obviously not convinced.
  22. >You sigh and let out a noncommittal shrug.
  23. Yeah, I guess you're right. That wouldn't make sense.
  24. >You chuckle and show Izzy a cheery smile.
  25. But until I find the culprit, I guess I'll have to keep those padlocks on.
  26. >Izzy's eyes slowly widen and she opens her mouth as if to protest, but she stops herself.
  27. >Instead, she nods enthusiastically and smiles.
  28. >"Yeah. Good idea, Anon! I'll let you know if I see anything."
  29. >She turns and then starts walking away, looking over her shoulder to call out a cheery "Bye!"
  30. >You wave back and smile, but as soon as she's out of earshot, you feel a sinking feeling in your chest. Somehow you feel this isn't over yet.
  32. ---
  34. >The following night you are awoken by a loud bang just outside your yard.
  35. >You grumble and sit up out of bed, then groggily rub your eyes.
  36. >You turn your gaze to your covered bedroom window and the thin trickles of streetlamp light coming through.
  37. >You creep up to the windows and peek out of the blinds to the street.
  38. >You see a pony figure in a dark gray hoodie moving about one of your trash cans.
  39. >You see a glow of fuscia-colored magic and then hear a loud pop. A piece of metal glints in the dim light as it is tossed aside.
  40. >You then see scraps of paper and discarded food containers levitating up out of the can.
  41. >You grit your teeth and snarl.
  42. >Izzy.
  43. >You dash towards the front door, not even bothering to put on proper clothing.
  44. >You fling the door open and scream at the same time.
  45. Izzy! What the fuck?!
  46. >You watch as the hooded figure leaps back and fright and start to scamper away into the dark of night.
  47. >As the night air stills, your gaze travels to the overturned trash can and the refuse spilling out of it.
  48. >The padlock is nowhere to be found and must have been thrown out of sight.
  49. >You grumble and curse under your breath, then slowly close the front door and lock it.
  50. >So, now even the famous Sneaksy wants to steal your cum rags.
  51. >With great reluctance due your mind burning with anger, you retreat to bed and tuck in for the night once more.
  53. ---
  55. >The next morning, you woke up pissed as hell.
  56. >After your typical wake-up routine, you stomped your way over to the Crystal Brighthouse.
  57. >You flung open the double doors and called out.
  58. Izzy!
  59. >You scanned the foyer, but saw no ponies anywhere in the room.
  60. >You also received no response.
  61. >You let out an exasperated sigh and turned, but just then, you heard a cheery voice from up stairs.
  62. >"Hey Anon, what's up?"
  63. >You turn to see Sunny walking down the steps to the ground level.
  64. >You turn to her and cross your arms, your irritation apparent in your voice.
  65. Where the hell is Izzy?
  66. >Sunny halts for a moment on the stairs and tilts her head.
  67. >"You're looking for Izzy? Is everything alright, Anon? You seem a bit upset."
  68. >You grumble and sigh. You are indeed.
  69. Izzy's been stealing shit from my trash.
  70. >You say, cutting your eyes over to Sunny harshly.
  71. It's gone too far. It needs to stop.
  72. >Sunny frowns and walks over towards you.
  73. >Her sea green eyes shimmer with compassion as she looks up at you and speaks.
  74. >"Anon, I'm not sure why you think Izzy would do that, but-"
  75. She did! I'm serious!
  76. >You yell, your temper flaring for a moment as you gesticulate wildly.
  77. I saw her wearing a hoodie and knocking over my cans last night!
  78. >Sunny looks surprised, her face showing a silent gasp.
  79. >"W-what? Anon... how do you know it was her?"
  80. >You feel your anger rising, and clench your fist.
  81. How do I know? Who else could it be?
  82. >You lean forward, nearly yelling in Sunny's face.
  83. What other pony goes around dumpster diving in the middle of the night?! It's clearly Izzy!
  84. >Sunny leans back and gives you a contemptuous glare.
  85. >"Anon, every time I've seen Izzy go checking for trash, it's always during the day. And I've never, ever seen her wear a hoodie. You're acting crazy."
  86. >You stare into that mare's steadfast eyes, and you know you won't be convincing her of the obvious, even though you witnessed it.
  87. Gh... I swear I saw it.
  88. >That's all you can say before turning and leaving the Brighthouse, leaving Sunny standing in the alabaster foyer on her lonesome.
  90. ---
  92. >Storming through the streets of Maretime Bay, you cast you gaze at the bricks in the sidewalk and ignore the passers by.
  93. >Inside you're fuming at this whole situation.
  94. >Stealing from your garbage bins is one thing, but Sunny's denial really drove it home.
  95. >Was she protecting Izzy just because they're friends?
  96. >As you round the corner near Mane Melody, you hear a familiar beeping sound.
  97. >Your head swivels to spy a familiar-looking motorized tricycle cart.
  98. >The mare at the helm is none other than the blue-haired unicorn freak.
  99. >You duck around the corner and lean against the wall, acting casual as Izzy passes in her cart.
  100. >You see her make a sharp turn into an alley and disappear, no doubt on the hunt for more "materials" from a dumpster.
  101. >With a reserved coolness, you stroll across the street and walk over to the alley, glancing to make sure there's no onlooking ponies.
  102. >There aren't.
  103. >You peer around the brick to observe the big unicorn mare halfway jammed into a large container of refuse, her long, curly tail bobbing in the air.
  104. >You narrow your eyes and start to creep into the alley.
  105. >Izzy hums a tune to herself and tosses out various pieces of junk from the dumpster, oblivious to your approach.
  106. >You stop a few steps away from her and cross your arms, looking at her big, dumb ass wiggling around as she digs through literal garbage.
  107. >After a moment, you loudly clear your throat to announce your presence.
  108. >Izzy leans up and looks behind her, and her eyes go wide with surprise.
  109. >"A-anon?!"
  110. Hey Izzy.
  111. >You reply coldly.
  112. Find anything good?
  113. >Izzy slips off the side of the dumpster and lands on all four hooves. She trots over to her trike cart.
  114. >"Well, actually, I was just looking for-"
  115. >You stomp a foot down on the front tire guard of her cart and lean in with a ruthless grimace.
  116. >Izzy halts and folds her ears back. A pink blush spreads on her cheeks, and she can't seem to meet your gaze.
  117. Izzy. I'm only going to ask this once.
  118. >You say, pausing to let out an exasperated sigh.
  119. Last night, were you digging through my trash?
  120. >Izzy hangs her head and stares morosely at the dusty stone street.
  121. >You wait patiently for her confession, but as the seconds drag on, you feel a tug of sympathy for her.
  122. >Damn ponies always looking cute even when they're freaks.
  123. >You let out a sigh and lean back from the trike, planting your feet on the ground and relaxing your posture a bit.
  124. Look, Izzy. I'm... not angry. I just want to know what's going on.
  125. >Izzy winces a little and tears form in the corners of her eyes.
  126. >She shakes her head quickly as if fighting an internal struggle, then looks up with an apologetic expression.
  127. >"I'm... I'm sorry, Anon! I know it's not right... I know I'm not supposed to... b-but..."
  128. >She turns away, her chin wobbling as she inhales in a breathy sob.
  129. >You feel your heart sinking, but you can't just let this go now.
  130. >You let out a gentle sigh and reply in as kind of a voice as you can.
  131. But... what? What is so interesting about my trash...?
  132. >Izzy closes her eyes and sniffles. Her shoulders tremble with silent sobs.
  133. >She turns fully away from you and wipes her eyes, then takes a deep breath to compose herself.
  134. >Without turning around, she replies in a meek voice,
  135. >"It's... t-the smells... I find..."
  136. >She sniffles loudly, and you can hear the mucus pulling back in her nose.
  137. >An image of the truth starts to form in your mind, and you're not sure how you feel about it.
  138. Smells?
  139. >You ask with an incredulous tone.
  140. >Izzy glances back at you over her shoulder and nods.
  141. >"Y-yes..."
  142. >Her horn glows with a pink aura, and the back of her cart opens with her magic.
  143. >She levitates out a small basket and holds it in her hooves.
  144. >Inside is a collection of crusty tissue paper, and old sock you threw out.
  145. >Wait a second, before you threw out that sock didn't you...?
  146. >Izzy lifts up the basket to her face and inhales the scent of your dried cum deeply into her nose
  147. >Your mouth drops in shock as you watch.
  148. >She lets out a breathy moan, and a shiver runs from her ears to her tail.
  149. >"I've never smelled anything like it before... and it makes me feel... tingly and warm."
  150. >You notice her hips beginning to shift and her tail flicker.
  151. >A blush rolls across her cheeks from a mixture of embarrassment and arousal.
  152. Uhm... Izzy.
  153. >You say, a bit of nervous apprehension in your voice.
  154. Do you know what that is?
  155. >Izzy shakes her head slowly and looks up at you with round, innocent eyes.
  156. >"N-no. I was hoping maybe you could tell me..."
  157. >She swallows audibly and shows you a nervous grin as her body hums with excitement.
  158. >You feel your stomach drop and the blood rushing in your ears.
  159. >A conflict storms in your mind between debauchery and prudence, and as you stare into her hope-stricken eyes, one side begins to win out.
  160. >She's clueless. It would be so easy to take advantage of her.
  161. >The dark tendrils of lust creep from the back of your mind and coax out a familiar warmth in your groin.
  162. >Wait, stop. Are you really going to fuck this stupid, smelly, obnoxious thing? Think, Anon! Think!
  163. >What if she falls for you? You'd be the laughing stock of the whole town - walking around with this chattering imbecile hanging off your arm.
  164. >You grit your teeth and try to hang on to the last vestiges of your self-control, but it's no use.
  165. >It's been so long since you've been intimate with someone...
  166. >And the look in her eyes... she wants it bad.
  167. >You let out a strained sigh and then quickly look over your shoulder to the alleyway entrance.
  168. >You're still alone. No other ponies in earshot.
  169. Izzy...
  170. >You start, leaning towards her and then dropping your voice to a whisper.
  171. I'll tell you, but not here. Meet me at my house in fifteen minutes, okay?
  172. >Izzy's eyes widen and sparkle with pure joy. She nods firmly in response.
  173. >"O-okay."
  174. >As she vibrates with excitement, and you quickly add,
  175. And don't tell any other ponies. This is a secret between us, okay?
  176. >She nods again and bites her bottom lip.
  177. >You lean away as a mischievous grin pulls over your lips.
  178. >You can feel the apprehension tugging at you, and you quickly turn and walk out of the alley.
  179. >You glance back and nod at Izzy, who waves back at you with great enthusiasm.
  180. >You then begin to casually stroll back to your place, walking with an unusual confidence in your gait.
  182. ---
  184. >Later, you are waiting in your living room with an anxious pit in your gut and a half-chub in your pants when you hear the knock of a hoof at your door.
  185. >You stand up off the couch and walk over to the door, peering out the window to see Izzy smiling back like a giddy child.
  186. >You take a short breath to steady yourself and then open the door.
  187. Izzy. Come in.
  188. >You say in a cool tone, ushering her inside with a wave of your hand.
  189. >"Why thanks, Anon. I think I will."
  190. >She says happily as she prances inside.
  191. >She comes to a stop in the middle of your living room to gaze around at your decorations and furniture with awe.
  192. >You close the door and step up behind her, following her gaze as she looks around.
  193. >"Wow. Your house is so cool, Anon. And your couch is so big!"
  194. >She says, chuckling as she hops over to your couch and pokes the cushions with her hoof.
  195. >You can't help but glance at the hint of ass beneath her cascading blue tail.
  196. So...
  197. >You say, putting your hands on your hips and smirking confidently.
  198. You wanted to know the source of those... "smells."
  199. >Izzy spins around and inhales in an excited gasp.
  200. >"Yes! What is it, Anon? I really want to know. Is it in here?"
  201. >She looks at you, then around the room, her nostrils flaring as she inhales deeply.
  202. >You nod and shrug noncommittally.
  203. Uh, yes. Kind of.
  204. >You pace back a few steps and place your hands on the hem of your jeans, hesitating a moment as you feel anxiousness battling with lust.
  205. >You remind yourself how casual ponies are with nudity, and that they don't care if you're naked.
  206. >With a burst of confidence, you unfasten your pants, pulling down the zipper and then pulling down the front of your underwear to reveal your growing erection.
  207. >Izzy's mouth drops open in surprise. She glances at your pulsing member and then back to your face.
  208. It comes from... here.
  209. >You say, the apprehension welling up as you wait for her response.
  210. >Izzy's pupils dilate in wonder, but then she erupts in a fit of giggles and falls back onto her haunches.
  211. >"Hahah! Oh, Anon! You're so silly. It's not pee! I know what pee smells like."
  212. >You feel a sliver of irritation run through you, and your arousal dulls.
  213. >Izzy continues to laugh, giggle and shake her head, and you realize she truly has no clue.
  214. No. Of course it's not piss. It's... something else.
  215. >You say, a bit of nervousness creeping into your voice.
  216. >"Huh?"
  217. >Izzy asks, tilting her head and raising an eyebrow.
  218. >"What, you mean, something else comes out of... that?"
  219. >Izzy points a hoof at your boner, suppressing another fit of giggles.
  220. >You nod sternly.
  221. Yeah.
  222. >Izzy looks at your face, and sensing no dishonesty, she lets out a curious "Hm."
  223. >She steps forward, slowly approaching you as she keeps her gaze trained on your junk.
  224. >"Is it supposed to be getting bigger like that, too?"
  225. >She asks, her eyes narrowing suspiciously.
  226. Well, yeah. It... happens.
  227. >You reply, feeling your excitement growing as she steps closer.
  228. >You grasp your length in one hand and stroke a few times, bringing yourself to full mast. A thin bead of precum sits at the tip.
  229. >You let out a shaky breath and jut your hips out for Izzy to have better access.
  230. Go ahead. Take a whiff.
  231. >Izzy, now standing before you, slowly leans closer, her eyes flitting from your crotch to your face.
  232. >She angles her nuzzle towards the tip and sniffs once. Then twice.
  233. >Her eyes widen like saucers and she leans back, looking up at you with mouth agape.
  234. >"W-woah..."
  235. >You smirk at her and nod.
  236. Yeah.
  237. >She immediately leans down again and inhales deeper.
  238. >Then without warning, her tongue over your glans, eliciting a tingle of delight though her body as her warm, wet tongue meets your flesh.
  239. >You let out a soft groan and feel your cock throb with need.
  240. >Her cheeks flush and her tail swishes behind her, her eyes sparkling with innocent lust.
  241. >"S-sorry. Was that bad?"
  242. >She asks in a naive tone.
  243. >You shake your head and give her a reassuring grin.
  244. No. It... it felt good.
  245. >She beams proudly and then quickly leans back in again, pressing her muzzle right up to your pubes and inhaling deeply as a tingle runs down her back.
  246. >You feel your heart pounding and your breaths getting heated as she nuzzles and sniffs your crotch, balls and cock.
  247. >"More..."
  248. >She whispers softly, her hips swaying from side to side.
  249. >"I want more."
  250. >You shudder and let out soft moans. Your hand brushes along Izzy's mane encouragingly.
  251. Then... keep going.
  252. >You say in a husky voice.
  253. >Izzy reaches up with one hoof to steady your cock, then she drags her tongue over the tip again.
  254. >Precum drizzles onto her tongue as a reward, but the insatiable hunger in her demands more.
  255. >She wraps her lips around the tip and sucks trying to draw out more of the fragrant fluid.
  256. >Your arousal spikes and you let out a half-moan half-gasp.
  257. >Your body begins to tense as Izzy innocently licks and sucks at your head, the warmth of her mouth driving you further towards climax.
  258. F-fuck... Izzy. Keep going... it's... almost...
  259. >You snake your hand into her mane and grab a thick handful of it.
  260. >You start to hump gently against her muzzle, letting out grunt and moans as the tingling in your crotch rises in intensely.
  261. >Izzy lets out moans against your cock, her tongue and muzzle cradling your length instinctively.
  262. >You begin to reach your peak, your cock stiffening and pressing further into her muzzle as your ball pull in to your groin.
  263. Oh fuck... Izzy! Here it comes!
  264. >You grit your teeth and hiss out a strong moan as your cock pulses and thick wads of cum spurt onto her tongue.
  265. >Izzy's ears perk up and her eyes shoot open in surprise, but her expression quickly melts into a look of pure satisfaction.
  266. >You feel her swallowing against your member, drinking your fluids as if it's the best smoothie she's ever tasted.
  267. >As the high of your orgasm dies, Izzy continues sucking.
  268. >Her eyes are closed and she is lost in the pleasure of the moment, letting out cute moans through her muzzle.
  269. >You start to feel the post-nut sensitivity and let out a grunt.
  270. A-alright... y-you can stop now.
  271. >You say, letting go of her mane and leaning away.
  272. >Izzy draws back and releases your cock, and she takes heavy, heated breaths.
  273. >Her face flushed and her eyes glazed in lust, she stares up at you with unspoken need.
  274. >"Anon... that... that was really good."
  275. >She manages to say, licking her lips and smiling.
  276. >You nod as you catch your breath.
  277. Y-yeah... it felt good for me too, Izzy. You did good.
  278. >You take a long, deep, satisfied breath, as contentment washes over you.
  279. >Izzy shifts her hips uncomfortably on the floor, her tail flickering erratically and her hooves trembling.
  280. >"Anon, um,"
  281. >She says, glancing to the side.
  282. >"Doing that made me feel really tingly and happy. S-so... thank you."
  283. >You grin smugly as you tuck in your softening member into your underwear.
  284. Yeah... I can tell. Is there any particular spot where it feels very tingly?
  285. >Izzy's face flushes redder with embarrassment, but she nods shyly.
  286. >"Y-yeah. It feels especially tingly..."
  287. >She raises her hips slightly and points a hoof at her flank.
  288. >"Right near my flower..."
  289. >You smirk and tilt your head.
  290. Your... flower, Izzy?
  291. >Izzy nods and meets your gaze shyly.
  292. >"Yeah... right here."
  293. >She turns around and raises her flank, lifting her tail to the side and presenting her aroused marehood.
  294. >She reaches behind and pulls gently at one of her folds with a hoof, the moistened slit parting to reveal her dripping tunnel and winking clit.
  295. Oh. I see.
  296. >You kneel down and lean closer, taking in the sight of her doughnut-shaped pucker and her thick, rubbery labia.
  297. >Izzy watches you, her breath still heated and her hips trembling gently.
  298. Right... here?
  299. >You say coyly, pressing your fingers over her slit and feeling her clit bumping against them.
  300. >Izzy's whole body tenses and her irises shrink to pinpricks, and she lets out a grunting moan.
  301. >"Y-yes!"
  302. >You feel her start to rub back against your hand, seeking friction on her moist folds and pulsing clit.
  303. >You smirk and watch her for a moment, then you slowly slip a finger inside of her.
  304. >She shivers and tosses her head back, letting out another moan.
  305. >"A-a-ahh... oh hoofness!"
  306. >You start to finger her, the scent of her arousal filling the air, and you find it doesn't smell as bad as you expected.
  307. >The tangy notes of her essence actually smell kind of good.
  308. >You begin to work in another finger, stretching her tight opening a little more and causing her to moan more desperately.
  309. >Lost in her approaching orgasm, she closes her eyes as her body begins to tense.
  310. >"Anon! Oh! S-something is... happening!"
  311. >She cries out, her inner walls clenching on your fingers.
  312. >You continue thrusting your fingers into her channel, a devious grin spreading over your lips and your cock twitching against your underwear.
  313. >Izzy throws her head back and lets out an elongated husky groan as her pussy clamps down on your hand and she finally releases.
  314. >A gush of warm mare juice washes over your fingers as the tremors of her orgasm rock her body.
  315. Oh yes... there you go.
  316. >You say huskily, drawing your fingers back delicately from her spasming walls.
  317. >Izzy appears to be locked in an expression of bliss, her mouth agape and her eyes staring at the ceiling.
  318. >She doesn't seem to be breathing.
  319. >You gently rub her rump with your hand.
  320. Izzy...?
  321. >You ask with a hint of concern.
  322. >Izzy's knees suddenly buckle and she collapses forward onto the floor, letting her hooves sprawl out.
  323. >She takes a shuddering inhale and starts breathing heavily.
  324. >You smile gently at her and move to sit by her side, letting her compose herself.
  325. >You take a moment to smell her release, and your nose crinkles at the strong odor.
  326. >It's not entirely unpleasant, but you wouldn't raid her panty drawer to seek it.
  327. >"A-anon..."
  328. >Izzy manages to finally say between large pulls of air.
  329. >"W-what was that?"
  330. >You feel your body tense with fear and your mind race.
  331. >You just gave Izzy the first orgasm of her life, and now you have to give her some sort of explanation.
  332. Um, well...
  333. >You say with a little chuckle,
  334. It's kind of like what happened when you touched my dick, but different, because you're a mare.
  335. >Izzy cranes her head around to give you an curious look underneath her post-sex mane.
  336. >You feel the heat rise under your collar. Time to form the perfect lie.
  337. It's called, uh... releasing the fun juice!
  338. >You silently curse your own stupidity as Izzy flicks her ears gives you a dumbfounded look.
  339. >Then, to your surprise, her eyes light up with wonder and she coos.
  340. >"Oooh. Wow, that's amazing, Anon! I really like this fun juice time!"
  341. >She says with a cheerful giggle.
  342. >She notices the liquid coating your hand and suddenly leans forward to sniff it.
  343. >As she gets a whiff of her own ejaculate, she pulls back and crinkles her nose with a snort.
  344. >"It... doesn't smell as good as yours does, though."
  345. >She says, her ears drooping along with her smile.
  346. Oh, well yeah. No one really likes the taste of their own fun juice.
  347. >Izzy tilts her head curiously, then taps a hoof to her chin and thinks.
  348. >"This is all so interesting, Anon. Why haven't I ever heard about this before?"
  349. >Because you're an obnoxious spaz that no stallion would ever want to associate with? You think.
  350. >She hops up to her hooves and turns to you, brushing back her mussy mane.
  351. >"Anon, can we do more fun juice?! I really like it!"
  352. >She says, eagerly shifting from side to side on her hooves.
  353. >You chuckle and stand up, pulling up the front of your jeans and fastening them.
  354. Yeah, of course, Izzy. We can do more tomorrow.
  355. >"R-really?!"
  356. >She exclaims with a passionate bounce.
  357. Yeah, really.
  358. >"Whoo hoo!!"
  359. >She yells, prancing in a circle with a look of pure, unadulterated joy.
  360. >You watch her with amusement, but a guilty feeling rises in your gut, like you've taken away something from her in some form.
  361. >Could she have one day found a stallion and instead discover sex in a moment of passionate love?
  362. >A sorrow creeps in, but you forcefully push down your emotions.
  363. >Now is not the time to be a pussy. You need to hammer out the details of this little "agreement."
  364. Alright, alright. Yes. Very exciting I know.
  365. >You say, gesturing with your hands to try and calm her down.
  366. >Izzy stops prancing and looks at you excitedly, her legs still a bit wobbly.
  367. >You lean forward and raise a finger, putting on an authoritative tone.
  368. But Izzy, you can't talk about releasing your fun juice with other ponies, alright?
  369. >Izzy gives you a look like you just crushed her favorite artwork in front of her.
  370. >"B-but... why?"
  371. >She asks, her eyes large and pleading.
  372. >You sigh and straighten up, putting your hands on your hips.
  373. Well, because some ponies are very sensitive about this sort of thing and they'll get really mad if you bring it up. Just keep it between us, alright? It's our little secret.
  374. >Izzy's expression slowly morphs into reluctant acceptance, and she nods.
  375. >"Okay, alright."
  376. >She says, smiling gently with a little sigh.
  377. >You smile back and pat her on the head with your clean hand.
  378. Alright, Now get out of here, you silly little pony. I gotta cook dinner.
  379. >You say with a chuckle as you sidestep towards the door.
  380. >Izzy trots after you, looking as pleased as ever, but as you open the door for her, she pauses and looks back at her tail nervously.
  381. >"Um... Is it normal for my flower to still feel all tingly inside?"
  382. >She asks in a loud whisper.
  383. >You nod.
  384. Yeah, it'll go away after a while.
  385. >Izzy beams and then steps out the door.
  386. >"Okay. I mean, I really kind of like it, so I don't mind."
  387. >She says, swaying her hips from side to side and giggling mischievously.
  388. >You shake your head and let out a tired breath.
  389. Alright. Bye, Izzy.
  390. >You say, waving a hand at her.
  391. >She looks back with a big grin and waves a hoof in response.
  392. >"Bye Anon! I'll see you real sooooon~!"
  393. >She says with coy wink.
  394. >You close the door and step back into the living room, letting out a sigh of relief.
  395. >Lewd images and thoughts trace through your head of the day's activities along with activities yet to come.
  396. >Yet, as you stroll into the kitchen, you can't help but feel an uncertainty and dread mixing in with the excitement.
  397. >You feel as if you may be walking a tightrope now... but with Izzy holding onto one of the ends.
  398. >A chill runs down your spine.
  399. >Whatever. Time to make a sandwich.
  401. ---
  403. >The following day, you're in the community garden near the Crystal Brighthouse.
  404. >A while back Sunny asked you to help out with it. And, despite having zero interest, you accepted out of some sense of obligation.
  405. >That was a bad call.
  406. >Now you're stuck pulling weeds in the row of rosebushes and sweating your ass off.
  407. >You wipe your brow and toss a gnarled root chunk into a pile of other pulled weeds.
  408. >Your lower back is already aching, and you haven't even seen another pony since you got here.
  409. >Aren't they supposed to use their "flora" magic for this shit?
  410. >You stoop to reach deep under a bush and grab a nettle and end up scratching your finger on a rose thorn.
  411. Fuck.
  412. >You curse and look at the spots of blood welling in the shallow scratch. You suck the blood from your finger and spit it into the dirt.
  413. >Just then, you hear a familiar voice calling out to you.
  414. >"Hey, Anon!"
  415. >You look up to see Sunny stepping up to the fence around the plot with a friendly smile.
  416. Oh. Sunny. What's going on?
  417. >You say, standing up to face her and putting your injured finger in your mouth.
  418. >"Oh, nothing! I just saw you out in the garden and I thought I'd check in. How's it going?"
  419. >Sunny says as she leans up against the fence on her forehooves.
  420. Fine.
  421. >You reply curtly. You spit some more and look at your finger.
  422. >Sunny glances at it and appears a bit concerned.
  423. >"Oh no. Did one of the rose bushes get you? Are you bleeding?"
  424. Nah, it's just a little scratch. Don't worry, I'm fine.
  425. >Sunny pauses for a moment, but then just shrugs.
  426. >"Alright, well, will you at least come inside for some tasy refreshments? You look like you could use it, Anon."
  427. >She says, noticing the dark stains on your shirt from all the sweat.
  428. >You let out a slight grunt and tug at the hem of your shirt to unstick it from you skin. You could use some hydration.
  429. Eh, yeah alright.
  430. >You say with a noncommittal shrug.
  431. >"Great! Follow me. I just made a new batch of smoothies!"
  432. >Wow. Smoothies. What a surprise.
  433. >You follow her up the winding dirt path to the alabaster lighthouse.
  434. >As you enter the Brighthouse, the cool inside air meets your skin with a chilly carress, and you almost shiver.
  435. >You and Sunny make your way to the kitchen where a blender sits out on the counter with some purple-pink liquid in it.
  436. >You pull up a stool and sit at the kitchen island, leaning over and putting your elbows on it.
  437. >The combination of cool air and sitting down is enough to make you feel more relaxed already.
  438. >"Oh, Anon. I know you're just going to love this. I call it my triple tropical berry blast!"
  439. >Sunny gushes enthusiastically as she pours you a glass from the blender.
  440. >She puts it on the kitchen island and slides it over with a hoof, and you catch it.
  441. >You lift the icy cup to your lips and the scent of exotic fruit graces your nose.
  442. >You take a few small sips, and the taste of tropical fruits wash over your tongue.
  443. >It tastes kind of like a Capri Sun you once had back on Earth. Not bad.
  444. Hmph. Pretty good, Sunny.
  445. >You say with a shrug and a pleased smile.
  446. >"Really? Whoo! From you, I consider that glowing praise, Anon!"
  447. >Sunny says, doing a little hoof-pump and giggling to herself.
  448. >She then begins to occupy herself by pouring the remaining smoothie mix into paper cups and adding plastic lids and straws.
  449. >You take another gulp of smoothie, but as you lower the glass, you see something that nearly makes you spit.
  450. >Izzy is staring at you from across the foyer. Her huge violet eyes lock onto you with singular intent.
  451. >You swallow, unable to help the look of fear that washes over you. For a moment, you feel like running away.
  452. >Izzy grins seductively and bites her lip as she starts her approach. Her hips swishing and her long tail following suit.
  453. >You glance over at Sunny. She's still occupied and hasn't seemed to notice yet.
  454. >You force yourself to smile and call out to the unicorn mare.
  455. Izzy! There you are.
  456. >You say, making your voice sound perhaps a bit too friendly.
  457. >Izzy trots up to the kitchen island and sits across from you. Sunny turns and grins.
  458. >"Perfect timing, Izzy. I just made a fresh batch of smoothies!"
  459. >Sunny says with giddy enthusiasm and puts a smoothie cup in front of Izzy.
  460. >Izzy takes the cup in her hooves. She maintains direct eye contact with you as she brings the straw to her lips and begins to suck.
  461. >She pulls in large mouthfuls of smoothie, her neck muscles tensing as her eyelashes flutter.
  462. >As she finishes, she lets out a loud, satisfied moan that boarders on explicit.
  463. >"Ahhh. That's good."
  464. >She says with a smile as you feel the heat crawling up your back.
  465. >God fucking dammit. She has no idea how to be subtle about this. If Sunny finds out, she'll go insane... Think, Anon!
  466. >Quickly, you sputter out the first thing you can think of.
  467. S-so I found out who was messing with my garbage cans!
  468. >Izzy's eyes pop open and the straw drops from her mouth. Sunny tilts her head and flicks an ear.
  469. >"Oh? Who was it, Anon?"
  470. >Sunny asks.
  471. Uh... it was Rufus. You know, that stallion that does magic tricks? He kept having terrible shows and he took out his anger on my cans. Yeah.
  472. >You lie casually through your teeth and shrug.
  473. >You glance at Izzy, and she perks up and nods in agreement.
  474. >"Yep, that silly old Rufus. He's such an emotional guy."
  475. >Izzy says with a happy giggle. She sips her smoothie and gives you a sly wink.
  476. >Sunny looks at you, then at Izzy. She lets out a little huff and shakes her head.
  477. >"Wow, I can't believe he'd do that. So did you report him to Hitch?"
  478. >Sunny asks, smiling kindly.
  479. >Your mind races for a second, but you decide not to stretch the lie.
  480. Oh, Hitch? Nah. I just gave Rufus a little talking to. I don't think he's going to do it again.
  481. >You say, picking up your glass and draining the rest of your smoothie.
  482. >Sunny seems to buy it, she nods and turns back to the counter.
  483. >"Alright, but if it continues to be a problem, please promise me you'll let him know. It is his job, after all!"
  484. >Sunny says as she puts a few cups into a cardboard drink holder.
  485. >As soon as Sunny turns, Izzy starts stroking the outside of her smoothie cup like a fat chode and running her tongue in circles around the lid.
  486. >You grimace angrily and motion for her to cut it out.
  487. >Sunny turns back around, and you and Izzy simultaneously go back to acting normal.
  488. >"Well, I'm going to run these down to the beach. Zipp and Pipp are doing a little sunbathing today."
  489. >She says. She leans to pick up the drink holder in her teeth, but she pauses suddenly.
  490. >"Oh. Would you like to come with, Izzy?"
  491. >Sunny glances over at Izzy. Izzy pops her lips off the straw and shakes her head.
  492. >"Nah, I'm okay. I got some... other projects to work on here."
  493. >Izzy says, glancing at you mid-sentence.
  494. >Sunny shrugs.
  495. >"Alright. Suit yourself, Izzy. I'll see you two later, okay?"
  496. >She picks up the drink holder and begins trotting to the front door. You and Izzy call back at her as she leaves.
  497. >"Bye Sunny!"
  498. Bye Sunny.
  499. >The large double doors of the Crystal Brighthouse open and then close, and suddenly you and Izzy are alone.
  500. >An eerie silence falls over vast room - and even the tiniest movement seems to echo.
  501. >You and Izzy look at each other. Slowly she starts to smile.
  502. Izz-
  503. >"IT'S FUN JUICE TIME!"
  504. >Izzy shouts and leaps up onto the kitchen island, knocking over her smoothie in the process.
  505. >You nearly fall back out of your chair, but you are caught as your body is enveloped in a magical aura.
  506. >Izzy giggles manically, her horn glowing and her eyes looking crazed as she lifts your body in the air.
  507. >The front of your jeans starts to unzip all by themselves.
  508. >You flail your arms and legs, feeling weightless and restrained at the same time.
  509. Izzy!!
  510. >You shout, and the spell ends. You fall to your feet and stand, shooting a glare at Izzy.
  511. >She giggles and licks her lips in response, leaning close to you from the edge of the counter.
  512. >"Sorry, Anon. I've just been thinking about this all last night and all day today and I'm just really, really excited!"
  513. >She gushes enthusiastically as she taps her hooves against the laminated surface.
  514. Izzy. Chill. God damn.
  515. >You say, pulling up your pants with one hand and motioning her to be quiet with the other.
  516. >Izzy puts a hoof over her mouth as her ears droop in embarrassment.
  517. >"Oops, sorry. I know it's jinxie to say out loud, but... I really am excited."
  518. >She says, blushing softly.
  519. >You sigh and shake your head. You look around the room for a private place, and your eyes land on the door to the storage room.
  521. ---
  523. >As soon as you walk into the storage room, Izzy immediately rushes up to you and starts nuzzling at the front of your pants.
  524. >You're quickly backed up against the wall, the unicorn's muzzle rubbing at your bulge through the thin layer of your underwear.
  525. >You feel a flood of endorphins and your cock starts to twitch and grow.
  526. >You let out a strained breath and put your hand on Izzy's head to keep her at bay.
  527. Hey. Let me take it out first.
  528. >You say, gently pushing her back with a smile.
  529. >You start to pull down your pants, but Izzy smirks confidently and her horn glows.
  530. >"Oh, well, let me help you."
  531. >She says and her telekinesis yanks down your pants and underwear simultaneously, and your growing member is exposed.
  532. >Izzy lets out a cherubic giggle and leans close to run her thick, warm tongue over your crotch.
  533. >Your breath hitches and your cock pulses harder in response. In no time at all, you're rock hard.
  534. >Izzy takes the head of your cock into her mouth and slowly sinks down on it with a soft moan.
  535. >She starts to bob her head, looking up at you with the same innocent expression.
  536. >You let out breathy moans and brush aside some stray hairs out of her face.
  537. >Then, you cup the back of her head and start moving your hips along with her motions.
  538. >Izzy starts sucking harder, drawing more of the blood to the tip of your cock and making lewd suction noises.
  539. >You groan and close your eyes as a tremble runs through your body.
  540. >Her muzzle is so warm and soft inside...
  541. >Izzy giggles against your cock and then slowly draws her lips off it with a loud pop.
  542. >She idly rubs her hoof against the underside of your cock, examining it for a second before looking up at you.
  543. >"So. Anon. I had an idea."
  544. >You look down at her, the mare literally holding your balls in her hoof.
  545. What's your idea, Izzy?
  546. >She giggles sweetly and pauses her movements to lick a small bead of precum from you cock. Then she keeps stroking slowly.
  547. >"Mmm... well. Anon, I was thinking - what if we released our juice at the same time?"
  548. >She says in an oddly seductive voice.
  549. >You raise an eyebrow skeptically.
  550. What do you mean?
  551. >"Oh, well... I was thinking about how good it felt when you put your graspy bits in my flower, and I thought: huh, it might also feel good if you put your dick in there."
  552. >She pauses to bite her lip and her tail flicks a little.
  553. >"And, I think it might feel really good for you too, eh? What do you think?"
  554. >You bite your lower lip hard to suppress a chuckle. So, she figured it out? She is quite creative, after all...
  555. >You hum in contemplation and look off to the side, as if you are truly considering this "new" and "innovative" idea.
  556. Hmmm... You know what, Izzy? I think you might just be on to something.
  557. >You say, looking down at her with a sly grin.
  558. >Izzy blushes harder, her hips wiggling with anticipation.
  559. >"Great!"
  560. >She exclaims, hopping back from you and quickly looking around the room for something.
  561. >She gallops over to a large cardboard box in one corner, and she clambers onto it with her hind legs hanging off.
  562. >She looks back and flips her tail up, and with a giggle, her pussy winks at you.
  563. >"Come on, Anon! I'm ready to try if you are!"
  564. >She says encouragingly as she looks over her shoulder.
  565. >You step up to the box while staring at Izzy's box.
  566. >She's now at just the right height for her round, ample ass to be level with your dick.
  567. >You feel the lust flaring in the back of your head, overriding your inhibitions as you run a hand over her cheek.
  568. >Slowly, you grasp the points of her hips with both hands and draw your cock towards her entrance.
  569. >You can feel the heat already radiation off the sticky, glistening folds, and you have to stop yourself from just plunging in.
  570. Alright. I'm gonna try now.
  571. >You say, glancing up to Izzy who has craned her neck around to watch you the best she can.
  572. >You can feel the eager tension in her body, but she nods her consent.
  573. >The tip of your cock presses against her folds, and her clit pokes out to graze it.
  574. >"A-a-ah..."
  575. >Izzy moans and rolls her hips instinctively. You bite your lip and start to press further.
  576. >Your cock slides into her tight channel, stretching her open as you let out a prolonged exhale through your nose.
  577. >Izzy closes her eyes and throws her head back as she lets out a moan so pleasured it sounds painful.
  578. >"Aaaaugh~!"
  579. >You halt your progression and place a hand on her back to pet her soothingly.
  580. Sorry. Does it hurt?
  581. >You ask with a concerned smile.
  582. >Izzy stays still for a moment, and her inner walls clench on you, as if trying to figure out the nature of the intrusion.
  583. >She slowly opens her eyes and shakes her head.
  584. >"N-no, it's okay. Keep going."
  585. She says, a blush forming on her cheeks.
  586. >She shifts her front hooves and arches her back, angling her ass futher outwards.
  587. >Well, that's good enough for you.
  588. Just... let me know if it does.
  589. >You say and draw back slightly to prepare yourself.
  590. >Your fingers tense on her hips as you quickly push in the rest of the way, burying yourself to the hilt.
  591. >Izzy moans loudly again and a shiver runs down her body.
  592. >You grind against her for a bit, savoring the feeling of her velvety heat soaking your cock.
  593. It feels good, Izzy.
  594. >You say in a husky whisper.
  595. >"Y-yes.."
  596. >Izzy agrees, looking ahead at the wall and focusing on the experience.
  597. >You begin to thrust in a smooth, gentle rhythm, your hips mashing against her thick ass every time.
  598. >Izzy lets out gentle moans and presses back against you, her mouth opening as she begins to breathe harder.
  599. >You admire how her ass jiggles every time your hips meet her backside, and the sight coaxes you further.
  600. >Your fingernails dig into the supple flesh under her lavender coat, your primal instincts kicking in as you start to go harder.
  601. >You thrust against her hard enough to cause the box underneath her to wobble, and Izzy cries out in delight.
  602. >"Aaugh... Yes! Anon! Ahhh~!"
  603. >Her tongue lolls out of her mouth and her eyes roll back in her head.
  604. >You grunt and start letting out breathy moans as you feel a tingling starting to spread in your balls.
  605. >You thrust even harder, but suddenly you hear the ripping of paper.
  606. >You halt halfway inside of her. Izzy blinks and looks back at you, confused.
  607. >"Anon, what was-?"
  608. >Izzy starts to say, but gets interrupted as the top of the cardboard box tears and crumples inward.
  609. >You fall forward with Izzy as the box gives way, but thankfully you land in its contents: a pile of yarn.
  610. >With your dick still inside of her, you collapse onto her and let out an annoyed groan.
  611. >Izzy lets out a huff as she's sandwiched between you and the yarn, then she starts to snicker and giggle.
  612. >You take a breath and lean your body weight off her. Then, you start to laugh along with her.
  613. >"Anon!"
  614. >Izzy chides playfully.
  615. Whoops.
  616. >You say as the last rumbles of laughter leave your chest.
  617. >You feel her wiggle against your hips, and you become aware of your throbbing cock again.
  618. >With a determined grin and a burst of passion, you snake your arms under Izzy's forelegs and lift her.
  619. >"W-woah! Whaaaa!"
  620. >Izzy exclaims as she's brought up to rest against the wall, her forehooves pressing against the plaster.
  621. We're not done yet.
  622. >You say as you start to press into her again, fucking her against the wall.
  623. >Her hind legs grip onto your thighs, and you snake one of your hands down her abdomen.
  624. >You gently rub against her winking clit as you thrust up into her, grunting loudly from the exercion.
  625. >"Ohh... ohhh! Yes! Anon! I'm..."
  626. >Izzy says, her voice getting very high pitched and her body tensing up.
  627. >You feel yourself edging towards your own release, your cock hardening to fill her even more.
  628. >For a moment, there is only the sound of sex in the room, the two of you locked in a passionate embrace.
  629. >Then, Izzy lets out a heavy, grunting cry of pleasure and begins to quake.
  630. >Her inner walls clamping on your cock, a gush of her marecum soaks your member and runs down your balls.
  631. >You thrust into her once more, pressing her hard against the wall as your cock begins to pulse.
  632. >Thick wads of your cum spurt into her one after the other, and the feeling is intense enough to make you clench your eyes and teeth.
  633. >You grunt and moan as blissful satisfaction washes over your entire being.
  634. >For a moment, you and Izzy exist in a realm of pure ecstasy. Then, it is gone.
  635. >You slowly lean back from Izzy, keeping her held up as you look down to where you are entangled.
  636. >Izzy's legs continue to clamp down on you as the after-shocks roll down her body.
  637. >You manage to draw your hips back enough for the tip of your softening cock to slip out.
  638. >With your strength failing, you lower Izzy to the floor and then collapse backwards to lie flat on the cool floor.
  639. >You sweat and cath your breath, then lean up to look at the aftermath.
  640. >A thin trickle of ivory seed streams out of Izzy's puffy folds as she lies in a heap with her face mashed to the floor.
  641. >Her tail twitches slightly and her body slowly writhes in the afterglow of the release.
  642. >You lean up on your elbows and take a deep breath to steady yourself.
  643. Wow... nice.
  644. >You say, grinning as you feel your heartrate descending gradually.
  645. Looks like you were right, Izzy!
  646. >You let out a soft chuckle and move to sit up fully.
  647. >Yet, for some reason, Izzy remains silent.
  648. >All of her typical bubbly, energetic personality has vanished as she lifts herself back to her hooves.
  649. >She turns to you.
  650. >She's frowning. Tears form in the corners of her eyes.
  651. >Your smile fades.
  652. >"Anon..."
  653. >Izzy says in a small, creaky voice. The tears well up further until one spills down her cheek.
  654. >Without warning, she pounces forward and wraps her hooves around you, buring her face against your chest and pressing as much of herself as she can to you.
  655. >You look down, pure surprise on your face as you wrap your arms across her back.
  656. >She begins to sob against your chest, her tears staining your shirt as her body quakes.
  657. Woah, woah, Izzy...
  658. >You say in a gentle tone as you start to pet her back affectionately.
  659. What's wrong?
  660. >Izzy keeps sobbing quietly for a bit, and then sniffles loudly.
  661. >She gently looks up at you, and it breaks your heart to look into her reddened eyes.
  662. >"I-I'm sorry, Anon. It's just that... That was the most incredible, beautiful, amazing thing to ever happen to me, and I feel so happy inside that I can't... I can't..."
  663. >She trails off as her chin begins to wobble. She presses her face against your chest and begins to sob once more.
  664. >You are at a complete loss for words as you watch her cry. All you can do is stroke her back slowly.
  665. >A gnarled, tangled pit forms in your chest as you realize exactly just what is happening... and what little you can do to stop it.
  666. >Izzy begins to calm down again and take shuddering breaths. She whispers gently against your chest.
  667. >"I love releasing fun juice. I love the way your hands feel on my body. I wish we could do this forever, and... I just..."
  668. >No.
  669. >"Anon, I..."
  670. >No. No. No.
  671. >"Anon, I think I..."
  672. >You grasp her chin with thumb and forefinger and turn her head to face you.
  673. Izzy, wait. Listen to me.
  674. >You say sympathetically, but it's hard to speak past the lump in your throat.
  675. Sometimes, when you release, it can make you feel really strong... feelings.
  676. >Izzy opens her eyes and peers searchingly at you.
  677. >The guilt is like a knife in your chest.
  678. >But, this is for the best. Right?
  679. >You a long sigh runs from your lips and you shake your head.
  680. It's kind of like how yesterday your flower felt tingly for a while after. Remember that?
  681. >Izzy nods sheepishly.
  682. >You offer her a gentle smile and continue.
  683. It's like that. These feelings... they'll go away after a while. Okay? So don't-
  684. >"B-but, Anon..."
  685. >She says, wincing as her chin quivers softly.
  686. >"I... I don't want these feelings to go away."
  687. >She buries her head against your chest again and you feel her hooves tighten their grip.
  688. >You reach a trembling hand down and run it along her mane.
  689. It's okay, Izzy... it's fine.
  690. >You say quietly, hoping to soothe her but knowing it won't matter much.
  691. >For a while you simply hold her, letting her wallow in the sickness that has taken her heart.
  692. >Unable to give her the truth or any form of reciprocation, you know it's best for you to simply leave.
  693. >Izzy finally raises her head from your chest and slips her hooves off you.
  694. >You watch her step back from you and sit down, her gaze cast to the side with an uneasy expression.
  695. Do you feel a bit better now?
  696. >You ask, trying your best to smile.
  697. >Izzy nods slightly.
  698. >"Yeah, I guess."
  699. >She says, glancing over at you from the corner of her eye.
  700. >You let out a sigh of relief and stand up.
  701. Good. I'm glad you understand, Izzy.
  702. >You pat the top of her head gently.
  703. >She folds her ears to the side and doesn't look up.
  704. >You grab your pants and underwear from the floor and start to pull them on.
  705. We can do it again soon, alright?
  706. >You say, zipping up your pants and fastening the button.
  707. >Izzy nods gently.
  708. >You walk over towards the door. Looking back at her, but she just simply sits there.
  709. >You make your way out of the Crystal Brighthouse and start heading for home.
  711. ---
  713. >The next day.
  714. >Be Izzy.
  715. >You're sitting in your crafting corner in the Brighthouse, working on uni-cycling your latest craft.
  716. >Your eyes focus intensely behind your crafting glasses as your horn glows brightly.
  717. >A paintbrush levitates in the air in front of you, adding touches of color here and there under the guidance of your special gift.
  718. >Your tongue slips out of the side of your mouth, but you don't notice. All that matters now is crafting.
  719. >Crafting. Always be crafting. The creativity must flow!
  720. >With a frantic flurry of paintbrush strokes, you fill out the rest of the design.
  721. >Then, it is done.
  722. >You set down the paintbrush and exhale a satisfied sigh as you take in the final product.
  723. >What was once a rusty old bucket is now a beautiful new flower pot painted with your loving care.
  724. >You smile warmly and turn it in your hooves, looking at the pretty floral designs in vibrant colors.
  725. >Then, you notice something.
  726. >That flower you painted there... it kind of looks like...
  727. Ahh!
  728. >You shout and flail your hooves, dropping the flower pot. It clatters off the table and rolls on the ground spilling drops of paint everywhere.
  729. >Sunny and Hitch, who had been babysitting some creatures in the other corner, look over to you.
  730. >You put your hooves over your mouth, feeling a wave of shame wash over you.
  731. >Oh no. Bing bong! Jinxie! BING BONG!!
  732. >"You alright, Izzy?"
  733. >Hitch calls out as he gently pets a bunny.
  734. >You shake your head quickly. Snap out of it!
  735. Oh, I'm fine! No worries.
  736. >You say with a nervous chuckle as you quickly levitate the flower pot back onto the table.
  737. I-I-I, uh, I just realized I forgot the glitter!
  738. >You scoop up a hoof full of glitter and splash it over the bad, jinxie flower.
  739. >It sticks to the wet paint easily and covers it up, but it completely ruins the look.
  740. >You frown and try adding some more glitter here and there, but it just gets worse and worse.
  741. >Eventually you give up and sigh, putting the pot on a shelf to come back to later.
  742. >You suddenly feel very tired, and it's not just because you had trouble sleeping last night.
  743. >No, you know the truth. For a moment your eyes glaze over and the feelings begin to stir.
  744. >You remember the feeling of Anon's strong arms wrapping around your barrel. The feeling of his chest against your back. His weight. His heat. His voice echoing in your head.
  745. >"We're not done yet."
  746. >You slap yourself with a hoof and almost knock your glasses off your muzzle.
  747. >Stop it! Those feelings are going away. They will!
  748. >You scold yourself mentally and shift in your seat, trying to ignore the rising heat down below.
  749. >You just have to keep waiting. These feelings aren't important. Anon said they're just a side effect, and... he was right about everything else.
  750. >Anon is so smart. He's so grumpy usually, but... sometimes he can be so nice and gentle.
  751. >You feel your heart beating faster as you think of his smile, his hand petting your mane...
  752. >NO! STOP!
  753. >You shut your eyes and cross your hooves and sit. Just sit, thinking of nothing at all.
  754. >But it's so hard! It's like there's something inside your sparkle that just won't let you forget.
  755. >You open your eyes and look at the spare materials you have, trying to focus on crafting again.
  756. >Come on, Izzy. It was just one bad craft, and you now the next one will be better.
  757. >You look over a small collection of metal rods. Maybe you could make a lamp? You haven't done that in a while.
  758. >Your hooves roam over the rods as you try to think.
  759. >That one's too small. That one's too flimsy. It needs to be big. Thick.
  760. >And... warm. And taste good.
  761. >You suddenly realize that you're now sucking on the end of a metal rod, the metallic taste invading your mouth and making your teeth feel ouchy.
  762. >Also, Sunny is standing right next to your crafting table.
  763. >You freeze and glance at her.
  764. >"Hey, Izzy?"
  765. >Sunny says with a hint of friendly concern.
  766. >You take the rod out of your mouth and set it down, acting like what you're doing wasn't totally weird.
  767. Hey Sunny.
  768. >You say with an anxious grin as you turn towards her.
  769. >"Are... you feeling alright?"
  770. >Sunny says, leaning close to put a hoof on your shoulder.
  771. >You wince as a bazillion different things rush to the front of your mind that you desperately want to tell her.
  772. Oh, uh. Well...
  773. >You say, shifting around and looking to the side as you try to sort your thoughts.
  774. >Sunny's your best friend. You talk about everything! But you don't want Anon to get mad at you for telling.
  775. It's... nothing, Sunny.
  776. >You say and give her a reassuring smile and nod.
  777. >Sunny looks at you skeptically. She moves to sit next to your stool and lean against your side.
  778. >"Are you sure, friend? You seem a little more preoccupied than usual."
  779. >She says with her always-kind smile.
  780. >You feel guilty at not being able to tell her, and you let out a despondent sigh.
  781. I suppose I am a little... distracted.
  782. >You admit while rolling your eyes.
  783. >Sunny nuzzles you gently and then tilts her head.
  784. >"Well, if you want to talk about it, I'm right heeeere~!"
  785. >Sunny says in a sing-song voice.
  786. >You sigh again. Your mind wrestles between telling her and making an excuse, but in the end, you know you have to tell her something.
  787. >You glance over to make sure Hitch isn't nearby, then you lower your voice to a whisper.
  788. Sunny, what do you do when... you like someone?
  789. >Sunny raises an eyebrow an flicks an ear.
  790. >"Like someone?"
  791. >She asks.
  792. Yeah, like... really like someone.
  793. >You say, your voice getting even quieter.
  794. >Sunny's mouth opens in surpise and her eyes widen. Then her expression morphs to an open-mouth grin.
  795. >"Izzy! You like somepony?!"
  796. >Sunny says in an excited whisper.
  797. >You fold your ears back and smile half-heartedly as you nod.
  798. >"Oh my hoofness! Who is it? You just have to tell me!"
  799. >Sunny asks with an excited giggle.
  800. Um... well...
  801. >"Is it Rufus?"
  802. No...
  803. >"Is it Sprout?"
  804. >You shake your head.
  805. >"Hm... is it that green unicorn who's always at Alphabittle's Tea House?"
  806. >You know who she's talking about, but you shake your head.
  807. >Sunny thinks for a moment. She looks over towards the other corner of the Brighthouse and then gasps.
  808. >"Is it... Hitch?"
  809. >She says in a conspiritorial whisper.
  810. What? No!
  811. >You say with a frown. You feel all fluttery and anxious inside, and you hang your head.
  812. Sunny, I don't want to say because, well... I don't know if they like me back.
  813. >Sunny smiles sympathetically and walks around to your front to look at you.
  814. >"Izzy, it's completely, totally normal to feel that way. Dating can be... pretty intimidating!"
  815. >She says with a slight chuckle.
  816. B-but... what should I do?
  817. >You say, looking at her desperately.
  818. >Sunny bites her lip and glances away. She lets out a gentle sigh and then puts both hooves on your shoulders.
  819. >"Izzy, that's the best part. You don't have to do anything. All you have to do is be yourself. And if it was meant to be, then it will happen."
  820. >She says earnestly, and you feel a little bit of hope sparkling inside.
  821. >"I know it's hard, but please don't overthink it. You're an amazing pony, Izzy, and an amazing friend. Anyone would be lucky to have you."
  822. >You feel your smile growing, and the hope glows brighter in your chest.
  823. >You lean forward and give Sunny a nice, big hug.
  824. >She hugs you back.
  825. Thank you, Sunny...
  826. >You say against her mane.
  827. >"Of course, Izzy. I just want you to be happy and feel loved."
  828. >Sunny says with a smile before pulling back.
  829. >"And, if you ever want to tell me more, just know that I'm always here to listen, okay?"
  830. >You look into her eyes and nearly start to cry. What did you do to deserve such a good friend?
  831. T-thank you.
  832. >You say with a shaky smile.
  833. >Sunny nods and then walks back over towards the critters and Hitch, leaving you at your crafting table.
  834. >A mix of apprehension and hope churns inside of you as you take out a fresh sheet of paper and a pencil.
  835. Just be yourself. Just be yourself...
  836. >You mumble, echoing Sunny's advice as you try to think.
  837. >What would an Izzy do when she's head over hooves in love?
  838. >Suddenly, you have it!
  839. >You start scribbling down notes quickly as a plan forms in your mind.
  841. ---
  843. >Be Anon.
  844. >Two days since you came inside Izzy.
  845. >You're strolling down the bayside avenue of Maretime Bay with an unusual swagger in your step, smiling and waving at the ponies that notice you pass.
  846. >The ponies smile and wave back, some even calling out with a "Hey, Anon!"
  847. >Hell, even Daliah gives you a smile, and she never seems happy to see you.
  848. >You think you woudln't mind investigating her "flower" sometime. Heheh.
  849. >Of course, you associate all this infectious positivity with having gotten laid for the first time in this stupid town.
  850. >Holding your head up confidently and swinging the bag of groceries in one hand, you can't help but reflect on how good you feel.
  851. >Sure, there's still maybe a little guilt about Izzy catching feelings, but that's no big deal.
  852. >You've given her time to cool off, and with how ADHD her brain is, she's probably forgoten all about it by now.
  853. >The afternoon sun shines on your face in tandem with your mood as you cheerily walk to your home on the outskirts of town.
  854. >Your house greets you with quiet serenity, and you carry your groceries to the kitchen.
  855. >After putting everything away, you amble into the living room and plop right down on the couch.
  856. >It's been a while since you had a day to relax and just watch some television.
  857. >You grab the remote and flick on the flatscreen. The ZNN broadcast immediately appears with two anchor ponies chatting.
  858. >"In other news, the Zephyr Heights Zoo has just received its first tortoise couple! Aren't they-"
  859. >Stupid. You start flipping channels.
  860. >The snippets of TV shows blink by, and you let your body slouch into the cushions.
  861. >Suddenly, there is a knock at the door.
  862. >You look over and exhale in an agitated huff. Who the fuck dares to interrupt your alone time?
  863. >You shut off the TV and reluctantly raise from the couch with a groan.
  864. >There's another knock.
  865. Hold on! I'm coming!
  866. >You yell as you start walking over to the front door.
  867. >You peer out of the inset window, but you see no one on the other side.
  868. >Feeling confused, you slowly open the door to reveal nothing but a small cardboard box on your doorstep.
  869. >No signs of any ponies or creatures in your yard or in the street.
  870. What the fuck...?
  871. >You lean down to examine the box, and you see a red heart is painted on the top.
  872. >You also hear a sound... it's like the ticking of an egg timer.
  873. >Shit!
  874. >Before you can react, the top of the box bursts open in a shower of glitter and the blare of a trumpet.
  875. >You are blinded by sparkling microplastics and stumble back trying to wipe the mess from your eyes.
  876. >You cough and sputter, and when you manage to clear your vision, you see a tall unicorn mare standing before you.
  877. >Izzy.
  878. >"Surprise!"
  879. >She says while throwing her hooves in the air.
  880. >You only let out an agitated grunt in response and sneer at her.
  881. >"I made you a special gift, Anon! Here!"
  882. >Izzy says cheerfully as her horn begins to glow and sparkle.
  883. >A gift-wrapped box about the size of a basketball floats into the air and is unceremoniously thrown against your chest.
  884. >It's heavier than it looks, and you're almost thrown off balance as you catch it. You cradle the package with both hands.
  885. >"Oh, but don't open it yet! Heheh!"
  886. >Izzy continues with an excited giggle.
  887. >"I also made you this! And this, and this, and this!"
  888. >A series of papers zip through the air, suspended by her magic. They land on top of the box you carry in quick succession.
  889. >One is a card made from thick construction paper. It shows a crude drawing of you and Izzy with hearts all around.
  890. >Another is a paper collage that appears to depict a human penis spurting cum onto Izzy's face with the caption "Loose the juice!"
  891. >More and more artwork piles on, each one depicting either erotic or romantic interactions between you and Izzy.
  892. >Your eyes still stinging with glitter and your mind spinning from the sudden shower of gifts, you come to a stark realization.
  893. Izzy! Izzy, hold on!
  894. >You say, stooping to set down the box and the papers and then motioning at her with your hands in a placating gesture.
  895. >Izzy's horn stops glowing and the remaining papers flutter slowly to the ground. Her enthusiastic smile fades slightly.
  896. >You stand up, trying to wipe more glitter from the corners of your eyes.
  897. Just... stop for a second.
  898. >You say as you turn towards your home to examine your reflection in the front window.
  899. >Your face looks like a rainbow jizzed on it, and your clothes are covered in the sparkly shit. It's going to take forever to clean up.
  900. >And not to mention, there's no longer any doubt she's crushing on you hard. God dammit.
  901. >Your fists clench for a moment, but you take a deep breath and try to relax.
  902. >You have to put an end to this.
  903. >You turn to her and try to adopt the most sympathetic expression you can muster.
  904. Izzy, I'm sorry, but you've got the wrong idea. I... I can't accept this.
  905. >You say, motioning a hand towards the assortment of gifts at your feet.
  906. >Izzy recoils in a mix of shock and heartbreak.
  907. >"W-what? Why not?"
  908. >She says in utter confusion.
  909. >You rub your face and inhale slowly, trying to find the words to let her down gently.
  910. >But, sometimes it's better to be direct.
  911. Izzy, I know you got really excited from what we've been doing. But...
  912. >You pause to exhale audibly while avoiding eye contact.
  913. I'm sorry. I don't feel the same way. I only see you as a friend.
  914. >You look back at her, only to find her staring in abject shock, her pupils constricted to dots.
  915. >She blinks and swallows, regaining a bit of composure.
  916. >"W-well, yeah, we're only friends now, but if you just gave me a chance, I think we-"
  917. No. Izzy.
  918. >You shake your head at her sadly.
  919. I'm sorry, I really am, but... I just can't. Okay?
  920. >Izzy's mouth opens wide but no words come out except for a small creaking sound. Tears form in the corners of her eyes.
  921. >You bend down to collect the papers and set them on the box, then hold it out to her with a regretful look.
  922. Here. You can have them back.
  923. >Izzy slowly looks at the gifts and shakes her head quickly.
  924. >"No. No! That's for you! I made those for you!"
  925. >She says with a desperate tone in her voice.
  926. Izzy...
  927. >You say, frowning and gently shaking the gifts at her.
  928. >"No!"
  929. >Izzy shouts, stomping her hoof and kicking up a cloud of glitter. She grimaces and furrows her brow.
  930. >"I won't! I... I..."
  931. >Her mouth screws into an uneasy expression as tears begin to stream down her cheeks.
  932. >You start to say something, but Izzy suddenly spins around and gallops out of your yard while bawling uncontrollably.
  933. >You watch her go, feeling like a complete asshole with a pit in your gut.
  934. >She disappears around the bend of the street, and you are left alone once more.
  935. >You look down at the items in your hands and let out an exasperated sigh.
  936. >You carry the stuff inside and set it down on your coffee table. Then you go and try your best to wash all the glitter off you.
  937. >After a change of clothes, you return to your living room, looking at the pile of brightly colored paper and the gift box.
  938. >Knowing her, she spent a lot of time putting this all together... Damn.
  939. >Come to think of it, you've never received a gift from a female before, well, one that isn't your mother.
  940. >The least you could do is take a look...
  941. >You carefully pull the ribbon off the gift-wrapped box and peel open the shiny paper.
  942. >You take the lid off the box carefully, making sure to avoid any more glitter surprises.
  943. >You peer inside the box to see two figurines made of felt - one that looks like you and the other that looks like Izzy. They are mounted on a thick metal base plate.
  944. >It appears that your figurine is engaging Izzy's in the doggy-style position, and it doesn't include pants.
  945. >You take the strange contraption out of the box and examine it more closely.
  946. >There's little pink plastic hearts on springs surrounding the couple, and you can feel the base plate is hollow.
  947. >There's a switch on one of the sides. You flick it on, and the thing begins to animate.
  948. >The miniature Anon thrusts his hips against Izzy, who backs up to him in return. The pink hearts circle and gyrate as the whirring of gears comes from inside the base plate.
  949. >You lean in closer, watching the little gizmo move with a curious expression.
  950. >Then, a hidden nozzle underneath the two figurines sprays a cloud of something into the air.
  951. >The smell immediately invades your nostrils, and your eyes water and you start to gag.
  952. >It's Izzy's juices in aerosol form, concentrated to the point of being completely overpowering.
  953. >You sputter and dry heave as the thing sprays more into the air, and you scramble for the power switch.
  954. >You shut off the thing and quickly walk out of the room to wipe your eyes and blow your nose.
  955. >What the fuck? What in the goddamn hell is wrong with this mare?
  956. >If this is her level of obsession, then it's no wonder she responded like she did.
  957. >You open the windows to air out your home, then you step out to sweep the glitter from your front porch while grumbling to yourself.
  958. >As you brush the evil sparkle dust into the grass, you think about who you might go to for help.
  959. >Would Sunny understand? Maybe Zipp? No, it's too risky. Who else knows Izzy? Maybe... Alphabittle?
  960. >Your thoughts are interrupted by a distant rumble of thunder.
  961. >You look out towards the bay to see dark storm clouds rolling in.
  962. >Well, whatever you do, it's probably going to need to wait until tomorrow...
  964. ---
  966. >Be Izzy.
  967. >You gallop through the streets as fast as your hooves can carry you, your breaths wracked with sobs.
  968. >You run and run, with no direction or destination in mind, turning corners and dashing through alleys as your eyes burn with tears.
  969. >Your mind is flooded with embarassment, shame, frustration, and an aching pain that's rooted deep in your chest.
  970. >You blink and sniffle as you round the corner, and you momentarily lose sight of where you're going.
  971. >You collide with something yellow and soft, and you bounce off it and topple to the hard, stone street.
  972. Ahh!
  973. >"Ow! Hey!"
  974. >You look up to see a familiar yellow and pink earth pony glaring at you with pure rage. It's Posey.
  975. >"Watch where you're going you... horn head!!"
  976. >She yells in a frustrated tone as her face burns red with rage.
  977. >You whimper pathetically and rise to your hooves, your chest heaving with breath.
  978. I'm... I'm sorry, Posey! I didn't mean to!
  979. >You look down remorsefully as tears drop to the street at your hooves.
  980. >Posey seems to notice the mood you're in, and her tone gets slightly less angry.
  981. >"Ugh! Just... be more careful next time."
  982. >She says with an irritated huff.
  983. >You nod at her and then gently look up to see a paper floating to the ground.
  984. >It's one of the drawings you made for Anon. It must have flew out of your mane when you bumped into her.
  985. >Before you can pick it up, Posey sets a hoof on it.
  986. >"And what's this litter? What is... AUGH!!"
  987. >She recoils in sheer disgust as she sees what's depicted in the artwork: Anon holding you while juicing your flower.
  988. >Your mouth opens in shock and you scramble for words, but all you can say is,
  989. I... wait... I... um...
  990. >"I knew that unicorns were deranged maniacs but this... this is simply filth!"
  991. >Posey says, holding up the paper to your face as her anger burns brightly once more.
  992. >Your eyes dart between the paper and her face, and you feel your chest constrict so tightly that you can't even breathe.
  993. >Posey tears up the paper into tiny bits and tosses them in a confetti of shame.
  994. >"You want to have mutant, half-breed foals with that ugly beast? You need help, Izzy. Seriously!"
  995. >She says before letting out a snort and turning her nose up at you.
  996. >With one last "Hmph!" she trots away, leaving you alone on the street.
  997. >And, for a while, all you can do is stand and stare at the remains of your art.
  998. >Finally, the invisible rope around your chest relaxes, and you inhale deeply... only to let it out in sobs.
  999. >You sit down and scoop up the pieces of paper into your hooves, but they are blown away in a gust of wind.
  1000. >You look up as the growing stormfront englufs the sky, casting the world into shades of gray.
  1001. >Then, it starts to rain.
  1002. >It begins as a light drizzle. Small droplets you can hardly feel on your coat.
  1003. >Your mind reels with emotions undescribably awful and sick.
  1004. >But a singular thought materializes through the haze.
  1005. >Foals.
  1006. >Posey said you wanted to make foals with Anon.
  1007. >B-but, that's not where foals come from!
  1008. >You feel a rumble in your chest which becomes a little laugh on your lips.
  1009. >Everypony knows that foals are delivered by magical forest sprites when two ponies get married.
  1010. >But even as you think this, you feel a twist in your stomach, like you know something's wrong.
  1011. >The raindrops get bigger, dotting the street and chilling your fur.
  1012. >And then, a memory comes to you from long, long ago...
  1013. >As a filly, you once saw two bunnies doing something funny deep in the forest.
  1014. >The boy bunny was on top of the female one and he was making cute little motions on her butt.
  1015. >It looked so silly you just had to show somepony, so you pointed it out to Alphabittle.
  1016. >He told you it was jinxie and that you should never ever do that, and then he made you do the bing bong dance.
  1017. >It was weeks later when you saw the same two bunnies again, but this time they had cute baby bunnies with them.
  1018. >You were so enthralled with the sight of the adorable baby bunnies that you didn't give it a second thought.
  1019. >But now, the pieces start to fall into place.
  1020. >Sitting on the street with the rain soaking your mane, so many things you were confused about now make perfect sense.
  1021. >Why mares and stallions have separate bathrooms. Why Hitch can't sleep over at the Brighthouse. Why new couples spend so much time alone in their homes.
  1022. >All of your misconceptions shatter and fall to reveal the naked, brutal truth.
  1023. >And... it's horrible.
  1024. >There's another rumble in your chest, and another chuckle leaks from your mouth.
  1025. >Anon wanted to make foals with you. He wanted to, but he doesn't even like you?!
  1026. >You laugh more, and sheets of rain blow across you, soaking you to the bone.
  1027. >Why would he want a family with you if he doesn't love you?
  1028. >Why didn't he tell you what you were doing?!
  1029. >The chuckles get louder. Your pupils shrink to specks. Your body shivers and quakes.
  1030. >And all you can do is laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh...
  1032. ---
  1034. >Be Anon.
  1035. >You're sitting in your living room playing some vidya with a disinterested look on your face.
  1036. >Turns out there was an old company called "Canterlogic" that operated here before the ponies got all united again, and they made some games.
  1037. >As for the content, you could only describe it as... "based."
  1038. >You tap the buttons on your controllers quickly and your earth pony character fires splats of green goo at a dive-bombing pegasus.
  1039. >You manage to hit the invader, causing them to crash to the ground and immediately be sent to prison.
  1040. >So far you've put about a eighty pegasi and fifty unicorns in jail.
  1041. >Damn place must be overcrowded as shit.
  1042. >You keep mashing the fire button as you relax and slouch further into the couch.
  1043. >The gameplay lacks variety and depth, but at least it's a decent way to spend a rainy night by yourself.
  1044. >There's a flash of light from the window behind you, and seconds later, a peal of thunder roars overhead.
  1045. >Suddenly, the televison goes dark along with all the lights in your house.
  1046. What the hell...
  1047. >You say with a disappointed groan, dropping your controller to the floor.
  1048. >You glance around the dark room in confusion for a moment before you figure it out.
  1049. >The damn storm caused a power outage. Happens even here in Equestria.
  1050. >You sigh in agitation and raise to your feet, grabbing for your phone.
  1051. >You unlock the thing and switch on the flashlight app. A bright circle of light illuminates the wall.
  1052. >You carefully make your way through your house, searching with your phone for the breaker box.
  1053. >You're not sure where the hell it is, or even if ponies build houses with breakers in them.
  1054. >But for some reason the street lamps are still on outside, so something must have happened.
  1055. >As you're checking inside the kitchen cabinet, you suddenly hear a rattling at your front door.
  1056. >You freeze and listen. There's the sound of a click, then the sound of the door slamming open.
  1057. >You jump and bang your head on a shelf, then turn around as you hear hoofsteps in the living room.
  1058. Hello?!
  1059. >You yell, shifting the flashlight beam to the doorway to the living room as your head throbs with pain.
  1060. >No sound follows after, and nothing appears in the dark, rectangular passage.
  1061. >You hear the sound of rain clearly as you move to peer into the living room.
  1062. >The front door is wide open, and there's a bit of shiny metal jammed in the lock.
  1063. >Your flashlight beam illuminates a trail of soggy hoofprints leading from the door towards your bedroom.
  1064. >You feel your pulse rising and the hairs on your neck begin to stand on end.
  1065. >Thinking quickly, you grab the closest weapon you can find: a pair of scissors.
  1066. >Holding the scissors in one hand with your phone in the other, you stalk towards your bedroom.
  1067. >The trail of prints fades out right at the threshold.
  1068. Alright, come out!
  1069. >You say assertively, every nerve in your body ready for action at the first sign of danger.
  1070. >Yet there is no response.
  1071. >Gritting your teeth and steeling your nerves, you swing around the corner and pan your flashlight around.
  1072. >Nothing's there.
  1073. >Your bedroom sits empty, the space all quiet and dark. Then, your flashlight lands on the closet door.
  1074. >You take one small step forward, then another, your pulse hammering in your ears.
  1075. I know you're in here. Come out, now!
  1076. >You yell at the closet.
  1077. >"Hey, Anon..."
  1078. >Says a voice from behind.
  1079. >You whirl around, raising your scissors in preparation for a strike.
  1080. >You see Izzy standing in the doorway, and you freeze.
  1081. >Beneath her limp, dripping mane, she scans your face with twitching, bloodshot eyes.
  1082. >Her muzzle is twisted into a crazed grin, and her coat sticks out in places, fur all matted from the rain.
  1083. >The terror grips you so tightly that you cannot even flinch. Then, her horn begins to glow.
  1084. >The scissors in your hand are enveloped in a bright fuschia aura before they are yanked out of reach.
  1085. >You stumble backwards. Your calf hits the edge of your bed, and you fall backwards, letting go of your phone to catch yourself.
  1086. I-Izzy!
  1087. >You say, holding out a hand towards her defensively.
  1088. >But, Izzy's magic engulfs your wrists and they are forcefully pulled back to to the bed.
  1089. >She steps into the bedroom, kicking the door shut behind her with a hoof.
  1090. >"What's wrong? Aren't you happy to see me?"
  1091. >Izzy says in a too-happy voice as she slowly approaches the bed.
  1092. >You grunt and try to struggle against the telekinetic bonds, but you can't break free.
  1093. >There's more power behind it now, like she's channeling her will to overpower you.
  1094. >Panic floods your senses, and you see the spectre of death following the crazy mare.
  1095. Izzy, please don't. I'm s-
  1096. >You say before you're thrown back against the bed and pinned down with your wrists above your head.
  1097. >The air leaves your lungs in a huff, and you stare helplessly at the ceiling.
  1098. >You feel indentations of hooves pressing into the bed on either side of your body.
  1099. >"Oh, Anon. There's no reason to be afraid."
  1100. >Izzy's voice says from out of sight.
  1101. >Then her head appears above you, her insane expression growing more excited by the second.
  1102. >She bites her lip hard and chuckles through her nose, causing drops of cold water to fall from her mane and splash on your face.
  1103. >It is in this moment that you realize you're completely fucked.
  1104. >"I'm here to make everything just... right."
  1105. >Izzy says as she leans closer and closer.
  1106. >You feel her shallow, panting breaths wash over your face and tickle your lips.
  1107. >"I know how you really feel inside."
  1108. >Your eyes pop open as she suddenly presses her lips to yours, kissing you passionately.
  1109. >Her thick, warm tongue pushes past your relenting lips and invades your mouth.
  1110. >You shut your eyes tight and try not to reciprocate, but her tongue embraces yours in a passionate dance regardless.
  1111. >You feel her wet barrel press against your chest as she lets out soft moans against your mouth.
  1112. >Just as you're about to gag, she breaks the kiss and you quickly inhale with a look of remorse.
  1113. Izzy, look. I'm sorry, okay? I'm-
  1114. >Izzy places a hoof firmly over your mouth.
  1115. >"Shhh... there's no need to apologize, Anon. I understand now. Really, I do."
  1116. >Izzy says, speaking in a disturbingly calm voice.
  1117. >She leans back, her gaze drifting down to your chest as her smile twitches wider.
  1118. >She glances behind her for a moment, her horn still glowing, and then levitates the pair of scissors close to your chest.
  1119. >Fear grips you, you let out a muffled cry against her hoof.
  1120. >But Izzy simply scoffs and chuckles at you gleefully.
  1121. >"Don't be such a scaredy colt. I'm great with scissors! Just hold still!"
  1122. >She says as the scissors open and close their jaws menacingly.
  1123. >She shifts down your body, finally sliding her hoof off your mouth.
  1124. >One of the blades of the scissors slides under the hem of your shirt, and you feel the cold metal grazing your skin.
  1125. >You whimper and force your body to stay as still as possible. You don't even breathe.
  1126. >The scissors begin to snip up the front of your shirt, cutting inch by inch.
  1127. >She cuts out a jagged rectangle from the front, then casually rips the remaining fabric from your body with her magic.
  1128. >"Look at that! I uni-cycled a nice towel for me. Hehe!"
  1129. >She says with a saccharine giggle.
  1130. >She wipes her face and pats down her mane with the rags while humming tunelessly.
  1131. >You take the opportunity to test your bonds once more, but her spell continues even as she's distracted.
  1132. >Your heart is hammering and the flood of adrenaline urges you to act, but there's nothing you can do.
  1133. >Izzy tosses the rags and the scissors away before looking at you with a smoldering gaze.
  1134. >"You know, I love uni-cycling, Anon. It's... so amazing."
  1135. >She says as you feel the weight of her hips pressing against your crotch.
  1136. >"Taking things no one wants and turning them into beautiful treasures... what could be more special than that?"
  1137. >She starts to grind against your bulge, lowering her head to nuzzle against your collarbone with a soft moan.
  1138. >You clench your eyes shut and try to block out the sensations, but you feel your body respond against your will.
  1139. >Izzy lets out gasps of delights as she feels you growing, using her teats and pubic area to massage you through your pants.
  1140. >"Oh yeah..."
  1141. >She moans, her eyelids fluttering.
  1142. >"For so long... I've felt unwanted, Anon. Like I was a piece of trash."
  1143. >She inhales deeply, shivers running down her body as she shifts down your body.
  1144. >"Oh, but then you showed me something, something wonderful and new..."
  1145. >Her horn glows brighter as your pants unbutton themselves magically. The zipper starts to slide down.
  1146. >"And now, we're uni-cycling something together, aren't we?"
  1147. >You watch as your throbbing cock is taken out of your pants, and feel the tingles of magic enveloping it.
  1148. >Izzy stares at it with a crazed hunger, her tongue wetting her lips and her hips quivering with anticipation.
  1149. >Confusion infuses with the existing feelings of helplessness, dread and arousal.
  1150. W-what? What are you...?
  1151. >Izzy positions herself above you, and you feel the heat radiating off her swollen folds.
  1152. >"We're going to make a family...!"
  1153. >She says whimsically before biting her lip and seating herself on your cock.
  1154. >You feel her velvety heat enveloping you manhood at the same time you realize what's happening.
  1155. >She knows.
  1156. >You keep lying flat on the bed as she begins to move, letting her take you passively.
  1157. >You lips quiver as you try to think of some way out of this.
  1158. I-Izzy, you don't understand. It's-
  1159. >"No more talking, Anon."
  1160. >Izzy says, levitating the remains of your shirt and stuffing them into your mouth in the middle of your sentence.
  1161. >You try to speak around the gag, but all the comes out is a muffle groan.
  1162. >Izzy begins to ride you faster, taking her satisfaction on her own terms.
  1163. >She rides you hard, then slows, then rides you hard again, setting an erratic tempo only she knows.
  1164. >For minutes you are completely helpless to her sexual assault, and inevitably she begins to push you towards release.
  1165. >Izzy's thick ass slams down one last time on your cock, her pussy spasming as her climax overtakes her.
  1166. >She throws her head back in a howl of pleasure as her mare juices gush against your pelvis.
  1167. >You grunt and let out a pained moan as you feel her inner walls milking your member, driving you to the brink.
  1168. >Your eyes roll back and you let out a shuddering gasp as your cock pulses and your essense leaks into her womb.
  1169. >Your body tenses and shivers along with hers as your orgasms heighten and then fade.
  1170. >Izzy collapses on your chest panting, her still-damp mane spilling over your bare chest.
  1171. >Your mind is a haze of shame, lust and apprehension, and your head lulls to the side weakly as you breath heavily through your nose.
  1172. >"That's... one.... more foal."
  1173. >Izzy says between heavy breaths as she brushes her mane from her face.
  1174. >Does she think that every time you do it, you make her more pregnant?
  1175. >God, she's still clueless even after she made that connection.
  1176. >"I think we need to make a few more, though, Anon. What do you think?"
  1177. >She says with a little giggle and she abruptly yanks the gag from your mouth.
  1178. >You spit and cough for a moment, the taste of your own body odor lingering in your mouth.
  1179. I-Izzy, that's not how it works!
  1180. >You say desperately, trying to lean up on your elbows.
  1181. >Izzy pushes you back down forcefully with a hoof and starts to move her hips again.
  1182. >Her pussy drags along your sensitive member, overstimulating you in your post-orgasm state.
  1183. >"Oh yeah? How does it work, then? Tell me, Anon. Tell me good..."
  1184. >She says, panting with her mouth wide open.
  1185. >You clench the bedsheets tightly in your fists, writing and groaning from the torturous friction on your cock.
  1186. We're... not even... the same... species!
  1187. >You manage to grunt out between clenched teeth.
  1188. >Izzy stops moving and looks at you curiously.
  1189. >You let out a sigh of relief and take slow, calming breaths.
  1190. >"Hm? Well, yeah, so what?"
  1191. >Izzy says with a small titter.
  1192. >"We're making something new, Anon. Uni-cycling..!"
  1193. >You shake your head.
  1194. Izzy, you don't understand. We... can't make babies together.
  1195. >Rage flashes on Izzy's face in response and she slaps a hoof on your chest, leaving a red, circular mark.
  1196. >"Lies!"
  1197. >She shouts, furrowing her brow and grimacing.
  1198. >"Two different pony kinds can make foals just fine, so why not a pony and human, huh?!"
  1199. >She glares at you, and one of her eyelids twitch erratically.
  1200. >You look away as your mind scrambles to come up with a reasonable counter-argument.
  1201. >But, even if you did, you're not sure if she would believe it.
  1202. >You also realize that you don't truly know the specifics of reproduction here in Equestria.
  1203. >Could it be possible through some unseen magic, and you were risking it when you had sex the first time?
  1204. >Izzy watches your silent internal struggle, and her face melts back into an adoring gaze.
  1205. >"Oh, Anon... I know you're scared to be a dad. I know."
  1206. >She says, laying her head on your chest and wrapping her hooves around you.
  1207. >"But I know you'll be a good dad. And a very good husband..."
  1208. >She nuzzles your chest lovingly even though her words trigger your fight-or-flight response.
  1209. Izzy, please...
  1210. >You start, but Izzy shushes you.
  1211. >"Shh... it's okay."
  1212. >She sits up, slowly moving her hips in circles against your softening cock.
  1213. >Her magenta eyes seem to glow in the dim light of the room as they focus on your face.
  1214. >"Repeat after me, Anon: I'm going to be a good father."
  1215. >She says in a somewhat commanding tone.
  1216. >You grimace and turn your head to the side, refusing to speak.
  1217. >Izzy gets your attention with a sharp pull of her hips on your crotch.
  1218. >"What, don't you like affirmations? Go ahead, Anon..."
  1219. >She says, feeling your member start to grow inside of her once more.
  1220. >You chin wobbles and you feel a twist in your gut.
  1221. >You can't do this.
  1222. >And yet, you speak.
  1223. >"I'm... going to be a... good father."
  1225. ---
  1227. >Two hours later, Izzy coaxes out your fourth orgasm of the night.
  1228. >She collapses on you again, her body twitching and shuddering from the aftershocks of her sixth release.
  1229. >Your balls feel completely drained, your mouth is bone dry, your dick feels raw, and your body is sore.
  1230. Please... no more..
  1231. >You say in a hoarse whisper.
  1232. >You lift one arm and put it on her side in a weak attempt to push her off you.
  1233. >Izzy pushes back, then pins your arm down gently with her hoof without even looking at you.
  1234. >She makes small contented noises as her weary body writhes against you.
  1235. I'm... thristy, Izzy... please..
  1236. >You beg, tossing your head from side to side.
  1237. >Izzy lets out a little giggle, her body trembling with lustful tremors and laughter.
  1238. >"Aw, really? Would you like... some juice?"
  1239. >She says, raising her head up with a sarcastic smile.
  1240. No... water...
  1241. >You say desperately, but Izzy is already moving to turn herself around.
  1242. >Before you know it, her sodden, cum-soaked folds are pressed against your lips.
  1243. >You clench your eyes shut and try to ignore the wet feeling on your lips, but it's little use.
  1244. >Izzy finds your semi-flaccid erection and holds it in her hooves, sucking on it while moaning gently.
  1245. >And, for some reason, you open your mouth and let the fluids drip inside.
  1246. >You begin to drink the mix of her juices and your own cum, lost in a haze of conflicted desires.
  1247. >Your mind begins to crumple, and you feel as if the bed is swallowing you up whole.
  1248. >Absurd images flash through your head. Human kids with pony lower halfs. Izzy pregnant in a wedding dress.
  1249. >Instinctively, you begin to lap against Izzy's clit, and you lose yourself entirely.
  1251. ---
  1253. >A thin beam of sunlight shines over your eyelids, and you start to stir and regain consciousness.
  1254. >The feeling returns to your body as you stretch your stiff, aching limbs, only to find a weight on your chest.
  1255. >You look down into a messy tangle of blue hair with a pointed white horn sticking out of it.
  1256. >Izzy is laying on you, resting her head on your chest and still soundly asleep.
  1257. >She's dry now, and even though her coat and mane are in disarray, she looks so peaceful.
  1258. >Her mouth is open and she's drooling on you with tiny, breathy snores.
  1259. >It's... cute.
  1260. >You then let out a shuddering exhale as images of last night's debauchery float into your mind.
  1261. >Eating her pussy. Fucking her prone bone style. Sucking her teats while your balls were in her mouth.
  1262. >It's a blur of depravity and unrestrained desire so intense it feels too surreal to fathom.
  1263. >Yet you know it happened. All of it.
  1264. >Dear god...
  1265. >Your gaze drifts to the window, and you stare at the thin trickles of sun coming through cracks in the blinds.
  1266. >It was dawn when you both finally collapsed, so it must be mid afternoon by now.
  1267. >An odd amalgamation of guilt, lust and longing swirl in your mind as you wonder what will become of you.
  1268. >Will you really make her your wife like you said repeatedly promised last night?
  1269. >The uncertainty of it all starts to get to you, and your eyes burn with the warning of tears.
  1270. >Your hands find their way to her back, and you pet her fur, if only for the comforting feeling it provides.
  1271. >Izzy slowly rouses, her hind legs stretching as she lets out a huge yawn.
  1272. >It makes you yawn in response, and then you clear the gunk from your throat.
  1273. >Izzy's eyes drift open, and she looks at you.
  1274. >The crazy intensity from last night is gone.
  1275. >Now, her sparkling magenta orbs are filled with a warmth and love you've never witnessed before.
  1276. >"H-hey..."
  1277. >She says sleepily as she shifts to lay on you in a more comfortable position.
  1278. Hey...
  1279. >You respond as you continue to gently pet her in long, smooth strokes.
  1280. >Izzy smiles softly and lets out a little happy noise, her eyes drifting closed again.
  1281. >"That feels nice..."
  1282. >She says, relaxing into the strokes.
  1283. >You smile.
  1284. >For a moment, you feel perfectly content to simply lay with her in peace.
  1285. >Maybe... it won't be so bad.
  1286. >Then, you hear voices shouting outside the window, and hooves galloping on concrete.
  1287. >You lean your head up, looking to the window, and Izzy swivels her ears to listen with you.
  1288. >Suddenly, you hear hoofsteps in your living room, and your bedroom door rattles with two sharp knocks.
  1289. >Your blood runs cold. Izzy's eyes shoot open.
  1290. >"Yo, Anon. Are you in there?"
  1291. >Comes a voice from the other side that you recognize as belong to Zipp Storm.
  1292. >"The door was open. Did you get our texts?"
  1293. >You and Izzy exchange a look of panic. She starts to sit up, and you grab for the covers.
  1294. Wait! Hold on!
  1295. >You say, trying to hide your body with the duvet, but it's wrapped up in one of Izzy's hooves.
  1296. >Izzy, who seems a bit weak from exhaustion, winces as you pull on her hoof.
  1297. >"O-ow. Hey."
  1298. >She whispers, and you stop pulling to try and disentangle her manually.
  1299. >"Anon? Is Izzy in there?"
  1300. >Says a second voice, this time belonging to Hitch.
  1301. >Fuck fuck fuck.
  1302. >Izzy rolls off to the side as you free her hoof, and you manage to cover your naked form.
  1303. >Izzy glances around frantically for a hiding place, then turns to you with a desperate look.
  1304. >You look towards the closet and silently motion at it. Izzy nods and turns towards it.
  1305. >"Anon, we're coming in!"
  1306. >Hitch says, and you see the doorknob turning.
  1307. >The door flings open to reveal Zipp, Hitch and Sunny standing on the other side.
  1308. >Their faces pull into a look of abject horror as they simultaneously gasp.
  1309. >You pull the covers up to your neck and your face burns red hot.
  1310. >Izzy cowers and covers her face with her hooves.
  1311. >You both shout out simultaneously,
  1312. "This isn't what it looks like!"
  1314. ---
  1316. >You are taken to the sheriff's station and placed into a cell.
  1317. >Hitch explained it's "just a formality" until they "figure out what's going on."
  1318. >But you know the truth.
  1319. >They think that you manipulated her into sex, which... you basically did.
  1320. >And, now it's just a matter of time before you're officially Maretime Bay's first sex pest.
  1321. >You sit dejectedly on the wooden bench, you head hung low and your hands resting in your lap.
  1322. >You were at least allowed to put on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt before they brought you here.
  1323. >But, you can find no comfort in the overpowering silence of the cramped cell.
  1324. >You know they're interviewing Izzy first, and you're pretty sure she's going to come clean.
  1325. >So, that means you're going to have to be completely honest if you want to have a chance at walking free.
  1326. >God dammit.
  1327. >The minutes tick by, and your thoughts drift to outlandish ideas of escape or public execution.
  1328. >Eventually, the moment you were dreading comes, and Hitch approaches the cell with Zipp in tow.
  1329. >You let out a somber breath and glance up to see their dual looks of concern.
  1330. >"Alright, Anon. Izzy's safe and comfortable. Sunny's watching her right now."
  1331. >Hitch says as he pulls up a stool and sits on it.
  1332. >Zipp stands off to the side and pulls out her phone, most likely to record the interview.
  1333. >Zipp eyes you suspiciously, but Hitch flashes you a smile.
  1334. >"We're going to get your side of the story now, alright?"
  1335. >He asks.
  1336. Alright.
  1337. >You say plainly as you try to sit up straighter.
  1338. >Hitch puts a hoof to his chin and thinks for a moment, his eyes narrowing slightly.
  1339. >"So... how did this all start, Anon?"
  1340. >You let out a prolonged sigh and then you begin your confession.
  1341. >You tell them everything, recapping the events from Izzy stealing your trash, to your first sexual encounter, to the encounter last night.
  1342. >You gloss over the more explicit details, but you still tell them everything you did together.
  1343. >Both Hitch and Zipp seem increasingly disturbed as you go on, especially about the "fun juice" lie.
  1344. >When you finish, they exchange baffled looks and remain silent for a few moments.
  1345. >Hitch eventually speaks up.
  1346. >"Okay, well. That sounds like everything."
  1347. >He says as he rises from his seat.
  1348. >Zipp locks her phone and puts it away, giving Hitch an affirmative nod.
  1349. >"We'll... be back in a bit, okay? Sit tight."
  1350. >Hitch says before turning and trotting away.
  1351. >Zipp follows him, and you are once again left alone to ponder your situation.
  1352. >The sour feeling in your gut only worsens as you look out of the tiny, barred window of your cell to the cloudless, blue sky.
  1353. >It's blue. Blue like her mane.
  1354. >And a stinging pain registers in your mind, not out of fear, but from a powerful, sudden longing.
  1355. >You'll never watch her stupid antics again.
  1356. >You'll never hear her obnoxious, bubbly laugh.
  1357. >You'll never see her dumb, dopey smile.
  1358. >All those things that once irritated you, you find yourself missing all of a sudden.
  1359. >You hang your head and sigh.
  1360. >What the fuck is wrong with you?
  1362. ---
  1364. >Be Izzy.
  1365. >You're wrapped up in a blanket, sitting on the couch and staring down at the cup of tea on the table.
  1366. >It's long since gone cold, but... you're not really thirsty right now.
  1367. >Sunny is sitting in the chair next to you your couch.
  1368. >She keeps glancing over at you and smiling, but you can't smile back.
  1369. >You feel all mixed up and confused... at yourself, at Anon, at everything.
  1370. >And, you really don't want to look at that plastic stick thing laying next to your tea.
  1371. >Hitch and Sunny said it was important, that they needed to test it just to be sure.
  1372. >You did what the instructions said, and you peed on the little white strip.
  1373. >But you don't want to know.
  1374. >You just want to go to bed and hide under the covers... and hope all this goes away.
  1375. >Sunny suddenly claps her hooves together and rubs them.
  1376. >"Alright. It's been thirty minutes. I think it's time."
  1377. >She says, slipping off the chair and taking a huge breath.
  1378. >She picks up the pregnancy test and then turns to face you.
  1379. >"We'll look together. Okay, Izzy?"
  1380. >She says as she sits next to you and cuddles up close.
  1381. >You let out a resigned sigh and nod your head, biting your lip with anticipation.
  1382. >Sunny holds up the test close and then turns it over to reveal the result.
  1383. >There's only one blue bar.
  1384. >"It's negative!"
  1385. >Sunny says joyfully, and then hugs you with an excited giggle.
  1386. >You smile a little, but it's more from the hug and Sunny's excitement than anything.
  1387. >Inside, you feel a twinge of genuine disappointment.
  1388. >Sunny pulls back from the hug and grins wide at you.
  1389. >You let out a soft sigh and force yourself to smile back.
  1390. >Hitch and Zipp open the door and walk into the room, quickly trotting over to you.
  1391. >"Well, Sunny?"
  1392. >Hitch asks with palpable nervousness.
  1393. >"See for yourselves!"
  1394. >Sunny says excitedly as she holds up the test to Zipp and Hitch's gaze.
  1395. >They see the result in the test window and they both let out sighs of relief.
  1396. >"Whew... thank hoofness!"
  1397. >Hitch says and wipes his brow.
  1398. >"Close call, but I knew you'd be fine, Izz."
  1399. >Zipp says with a knowing wink.
  1400. >You look down at the floor with a sad smile as your friends gather around you.
  1401. >They're all giving you an expectant look, like you're supposed to know what to say.
  1402. >You felt so embarrassed telling them about what happened and how you lost control.
  1403. >And now, they don't even seem to care. It's almost like they're blaming it all on...
  1404. What... what's going to happen with Anon?
  1405. >You say timidly as you raise your head.
  1406. >Your friends exchange worried looks, and for a moment, none of them want to speak.
  1407. >Eventually, Hitch clears his throat.
  1408. >"Well, by my count, he's broken about five bylaws, and we have his confession on record, so..."
  1409. >He says while rubbing the back of his mane awkwardly.
  1410. >"Hitch, wait."
  1411. >Sunny says as she places places a hoof on your leg.
  1412. >She gives you a reassuring smile and nods at you before turning back to the others.
  1413. >"What happened between Anon and Izzy was... unusual, yes. But from what Izzy has said, it was all consensual. I don't think we have to treat Anon like a criminal."
  1414. >She says confidently.
  1415. >"But, Sunny! Izzy didn't know what was going on at the time. Anon was... taking advantage of her!"
  1416. >Hitch responds somewhat incredulously.
  1417. >Sunny shakes her head.
  1418. >"No, he didn't. He was just acting on his urges, and Izzy was curious too! Sure, he could have been more honest about it, but... would that have really changed anything?"
  1419. >Sunny says with a shrug of her shoulders.
  1420. >"Yes, it would, Sunny. If Anon told the truth from the start, none of this would have happened!"
  1421. >Hitch responds with a concerned frown.
  1422. >Sunny sighs and shakes her head. Hitch glances over at Zipp.
  1423. >"What do you think, detective?"
  1424. >He asks Zipp.
  1425. >Zipp glances at Hitch, then Sunny, and then you. She frowns.
  1426. >"I... don't really know what to make of this."
  1427. >She admits with an anxious grin.
  1428. >Sunny clears her throat and sits down next to you on the couch, putting a hoof over your shoulder.
  1429. >"I think that the real pony we should be asking is right here."
  1430. >Sunny says while she nudges you gently.
  1431. >You feel the apprehension rise within you as your friends all stare, and you glance away uneasily.
  1432. >"Well, I guess that's fair..."
  1433. >Hitch says with a resigned sigh.
  1434. >"Alright, Izzy. Tell us... what do you think should happen here?"
  1435. >You take a deep inhale and slowly let it out.
  1436. >Conflicting emotions surge within you, but something inside you starts to shine through.
  1437. >You open your mouth, and you start to tell them...
  1439. ---
  1441. >Be Anon.
  1442. >Waiting in your cell, you spent some time thinking about what you'll do next.
  1443. >That is, once you're labeled as a dangerous monster and kicked out of pony society for good.
  1444. >You let out a long sigh and rub your face as you try to think about surviving in the wild.
  1445. >Will there be dangerous creatures out there? Other societies of ponies unknown in this world?
  1446. >More importantly, how are you going to figure out how to eat and find shelter?
  1447. >It's a lot to think about, but your planning is cut short by the reappearance of Hitch.
  1448. >He walks up to your cell twirling a ring of keys on his hoof.
  1449. >"Up 'n' at 'em, prisoner!"
  1450. >He says as he puts the key into the lock and turns it.
  1451. >You slowly rise to your feet with a resigned sigh as Hitch pulls open the door.
  1452. >He then gestures with his head for you to leave.
  1453. >"Go on, you're free to go."
  1454. >He says, and you give him a disbelieving look.
  1455. What, really?
  1456. >You say, almost laughing.
  1457. >Hitch raises an eyebrow at you and then shrugs.
  1458. >"Izzy isn't pressing charges, Anon. You're free to go."
  1459. >Hitch says casually as he glances away.
  1460. >You look at him for a few beats, then you walk out of the cell.
  1461. >Hitch closes the door behind you, and you feel an immense relief wash over you.
  1462. >"Oh, and take this."
  1463. >Hitch says as he pushes a piece of paper against your chest.
  1464. >He walks over to his desk and sits down on it, ignoring you while looking at paperwork.
  1465. >You look at the paper he gave you. It's a folded note made of construction paper.
  1466. >You unfold it to see a drawing of a pier stretching out into the bay.
  1467. >Underneath are the words "meet me here" in glittering blue ink.
  1469. ---
  1471. >You walk across the beach in your bare feet, your soles pressing into the warm, soft sand.
  1472. >A gust of wind blows past you, brushing your clothes and leaving the scent of brine in your nose.
  1473. >Ahead of you is a wooden pier that looks like the one in the drawing, at least from what you can assume.
  1474. >You squint your eyes against the glare of the sun reflecting off the water, and you can see a shilhouette of a unicorn at the very end.
  1475. >And, you let out a soft sigh as you trudge up to the pier and start to cross the old, weathered boards.
  1476. >You approach her quietly, with nothing but the sound of your footsteps and the rhythmic rush of waves between you.
  1477. >You stop a few yards away and simply look at Izzy's backturned form with a somber gaze and a heavy heart.
  1478. >She's gazing out across the sea to the horizon with a breeze gently tossing her mane.
  1479. >"Well, looks like you found me."
  1480. >She says with a hint of playfulness in her tone.
  1481. >You rub the back of your neck awkwardly and shift from foot to foot.
  1482. Yeah, I guess so. Hey.
  1483. >You reply, as you feel the lingering guilt creep up inside.
  1484. >You suck in a breath to begin your apology, but Izzy speaks up first.
  1485. >"I want to play a game, Anon."
  1486. >Izzy says softly.
  1487. >"It's... a game of pretend."
  1488. >You tilt your head curiously.
  1489. >Izzy turns around. Her eyes meet yours, and they are shimmering with innocence and joy.
  1490. >"Let's pretend that... we're meeting each other for the first time, okay?"
  1491. >You feel a rising warmth in your chest, and the guilt starts to melt away.
  1492. >"Okay."
  1493. >You say simply and give her a nod.
  1494. >Izzy giggles gently, then spins around again.
  1495. >A moment later she turns and looks at you with wide eyes and a gasp.
  1496. >"Oh, hi there! What's your name?"
  1497. >She says with a friendly smile.
  1498. My name is Anon. What's yours?
  1499. >You reply casually and return her smile.
  1500. >"Izzy."
  1501. >She says, smiling wider as she blushes slightly.
  1502. >"Do you... want to go find seashells and make necklaces together?"
  1503. >She asks, perking up her ears and grinning wide.
  1504. >And, you feel her words like a salve for your aching heart.
  1505. I'd like that a lot.
  1506. >You say in full honesty.
  1507. >Then, you and Izzy walk along the beach and collect seashells, and you make necklaces from them.
  1509. The End.

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