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Twilight and Derpy’s Codependent Relationship! (Yay!)

By Shroooomy
Created: 2024-10-03 22:41:13
Expiry: Never

  1. Twilight and Derpy’s Codependent Relationship! (Yay!)
  3. > Twilight walked through the library with vials bubbling with Dubois substances while her four foot five marefriend sat erect along the kitchen wall staring at the two artificially enlarged concrete coloured teats along her crotch.
  5. > Derpy noticed that her nipples were only dripping slightly today, which was a nice refrain from the much more frequent rivers of cream they often poured.
  7. > With delicate, surgical precision she slid her front hooves below each of her teats. They were heavy, and once completely hidden they sunk deep into the soft teat tissue.
  9. > Twilight had recently tweaked her marefriends teat expansion/lactation recipe, because it appeared that the improbable had finally happened.
  10. > Derpy, somehow.
  11. > Over the past four months of ingesting synthesized Poison Joke daily.
  12. > Had appeared to have grown a tolerance to the stuff.
  14. > This of course both frustrated and intrigued Twilight, who still couldn't decide if she should be ecstatic for discovering poison joke tolerance or angry that she had to create a whole new formula if she wanted to see her mare friends teats grow to her ideal size.
  16. > Derpy was simply relieved.
  17. > Finally, a moment of reprieve from the poking and prodding.
  18. > The pills, potions and teat progress photos.
  20. > Derpy loved her teats almost as much as Twilight did.
  21. > She loved the warmth they produced, their fullness and how they pulsated.
  22. > She loves to caress them, and on occasion drink from them.
  24. > But for the same reasons she and Twilight both love them.
  25. > Derpy equally hates them.
  26. > Because unlike Twilight, Derpy has the misfortune of maintaining, transporting and tending to them.
  28. > It’s a big job for a mare whose teats were once nothing more than anthills between fatty flanks.
  29. > But now the fatty flanks have been dwarfed.
  30. > And even with Twilights other “prescriptions” dedicated to targeting and transforming Derpys other anatomic areas, Her teats reign supreme as the retired mail mares most expensive region.
  32. > They had become so large, that her legs have become steadily spread at all hours, and rest upon the floor like sacks of wet flour whenever she sat atop her plot.
  33. > They leak and whine whenever they need attention, and they're constantly warm and sweaty.
  34. > The sweat seeps and pools in soft crevasse.
  35. > These hard to reach areas linger unwashed for days, and produce both the smell of her own spoiled milk and a grease tinged body odor.
  37. > They’re a puzzle to walk with, her teats.
  38. > Due to both their weight and size, Derpy now waddles about the library.
  39. > They swing and groan with each step, often dripping along the hardwood and leaving trials of insect sized puddles behind her.
  41. > Her teats are also incredibly reactive to stimulation.
  42. > Her teats, more so than the rest of her artificially enhanced body, are extremely sensitive.
  43. > The most delicate brush along their edges, the gentlest touch, the smallest prod.
  44. > Even something as innocent as a slight breeze had the potential to cause the mare an extremely painful, dizzying, bout of intense sexual euphoria.
  46. > Orgasms so strong they cause her eyes to roll back and seize uncontrollably.
  47. > Orgasms which cause complete loss of bodily function.
  48. > Urination, drooling, tongue biting and loss of consciousness often occur.
  50. > Predictably, after months of being a prisoner to pleasure
  51. > Derpy, fears the sensation like one fears pain.
  52. > Derpy is a mare who knows both incredible pain and excruciating pleasure.
  53. > She fears them both equally.
  55. > Now, with her hooves buried deep beneath the underside of her teats. Derpy began to lift.
  56. > They rolled along her belly only slightly.
  57. > With the nipples now pointing at a 60° angle toward the kitchen, she arched her neck forward and examined them.
  59. “I…I think they’ve grown.” She muttered. Fruitlessly squinting her crooked, golden peepers.
  61. > Twilight, who was now in the process of cleaning the vials of the mystery magic paused and turned to her mare friend.
  63. > “Sorry?” She asked
  65. > Derpy gulped, staring into the wide wiry eyes of her lust lost mare friend.
  66. > Twilight's eyes sat shielded behind a pair of thick transparent lab goggles.
  67. > In each eye reflected thick slits of the sunlight which was pouring into the room from an open window only a couple meters left of where Derpy had settled along the wall.
  69. “I said…I think my teats have started growing again.” Derpys voice was faint, and filled with terror.
  71. > Twilight, unable to contain her excitement. Placed the vials of candy coloured concoctions she hadn’t yet finished cleaning into the sink basin, where the remaining liquids congealed into a thick rainbow paste and lazily plunged down the drain.
  73. > Twilight gamboled across the room towards Derpy, snatching her “world's best marefriend” coffee cup along the way.
  74. > Twilight wore a white tight fitting front buttoned lab coat. Her hooves encased in thick, black rubber gloves covered in colorful splotches.
  76. > As Twilight approached, Derpy gently placed her teats back on the floor then proceeded to tap the summit of her left teat with the tip of her hoof.
  77. > The squishy teat meat collapsing inwardly around her teat with each tap.
  79. “Twilight? Do you really think they should be this big? I mean…I can barely move anymore.”
  81. > Twilight laughed and ruffled Derpy's mane, leaving various brightly coloured stains of potion residue in the blonde mares mane.
  83. > “Don’t be so down, Derpy! Sure! You’re carrying four liters of milk in each of your teats, And your muscle mass has dipped to near zero…And neurologically you’re far below average…And your skin probably is highly absorbent, almost taking on a life of its own…Plus the magical radiation….”
  85. > Derpy sighed
  87. > “But!” Twilight continued “Other than a couple unintended symptoms…You’re a hundred times prettier than before treatment!” Twilight cheered
  89. > Twilight, then began molesting Derpys teats in a business-like fashion.
  90. > With her “Worlds best Marefriend” glass magically suspended in the air above them, Twilight squeezed them slightly and weighed them in each hoof.
  91. > She wore a thoughtful face which was constantly contorting as she nodded, rolled her eyes and muttered to herself.
  93. > Derpy closed her eyes tight, and chewed at her tongue, which was jutting out limply from the corner of her mouth.
  94. > Twilight's simple examination was excruciating to Derpy, who could feel every minute detail.
  95. > The warm, wet rubber sliding along her teats, the milk sloshing through her orbs, every water droplet springing from the mare's slippery hooves.
  96. > Each was an overwhelming sensation in itself.
  98. > Derpy held her breath and began to kick her stubby flanks softly.
  100. > Then, without warning, Twilight dropped Derpy's teats like two sacks of potatoes.
  102. > Derpy’s teats hit the floor with a violent “PLAP!” and milk exploded from her teats.
  103. > The milk flew everywhere.
  104. > Upon the callus drop, Derpy slammed her hooves against the floor, her head jumped forward and wide eyes cried, ringed with an intense red blush.
  106. > She inhaled sharp and deep.
  107. > Her face froze in shock and pleasure.
  108. > Her spine was arched violently forward, her head hanging and swaying above her grounded teats which were now hemorrhaging milk at the pace of a running river.
  110. > Derpy, unable to speak began to salivate. Thick clear strands of drool ran from her puffy pink tongue onto the floor.
  111. > Her eyes twitching over an otherwise paralyzed face.
  113. > Twilight perched her hoof under her chin and glassed the ceiling.
  115. > “Hmmm…” Celestia's favorite student turned mad scientist/borderline sociopath thought.
  117. > “I don’t see any growth.” She stated “I’m beginning to wonder if the squish potion is incompatible with my teat expansion potion.” She thought aloud.
  119. > Twilight turned to Derpy, who now had her hoof over her chest and was breathing heavily.
  120. > Her eyes jittering with an uneasy smile carved along her face.
  122. > “I gave Rarity the exact same compound, and hers increased in size in only a matter of days…Though she did develop those horns…And discolored splotches.”
  124. > Twilight grabbed Derpy’s hoof and examined it closely
  126. > “Hmmm…You never grew any splotches…In fact! You’re fur is more radiant than ever.”
  128. > Twilight dropped Derpy’s hoof and thought for another minute.
  130. > “I’m actually a little disappointed. I was hoping to make your milkers at least six times bigger than they are now.”
  132. > “You what!” Derpy cried hoarsely
  134. > “Yes, yes…” Twilight said, flicking her hoof dismissively at Derpy before turing her gaze towards the ceiling “Perhaps the compound's effects are determined by the genetic makeup more than I initially thought? Maybe…Just maybe….I need to test my teat expansion potion on an earth pony?”
  136. > Twilights pupils grew to the size of bowling balls and she inhaled sharply
  138. > Twilight whipped her neck back to Derpy, whose Blush and breathing was finally starting to fade.
  140. > “What do you think!?” Twilight asked, bouncing with excitement
  142. > “W…Wha- ?...What do you think? A…A…About what?” The exhausted mare asked
  144. > “Do you think I should give Pinkie my teat expansion potion?”
  146. “Give…Pinkie?…I…I…don't know.” Derpy sighed, placing her hooves along her temples.
  148. > The orgasm had completely drained the mare's mental energy, and it would take to regain her psychic faculties.
  150. > “For the sake of science I think it's worth a try!” Twilight cried, trying to convince herself of the clearly foul idea.
  152. > “I feel dizzy….” Derpy said in a intoxicated/drunken tone, sliding her hooves from her temples to her across her face
  154. > “You and Pinkie are friendly, right?” Twilight probed
  156. “Yes…We’re friends.” Derpy replied, voice muffled behind her hooves
  158. > “Are you…Intimate?” Twilight asked, leaning closer, voice becoming more strained as the excitement built up inside her.
  160. > Derpy removed her hooves from her face, the redness now near completely dissipated and her mental faculties slowly returned.
  162. “We’ve been intimate…On occasion.” Derpy slurred, wrigglinging nervously against the wall “But we don’t talk much…Anymore. Not since you and I started dating…Pinkie and I used to do all kinds of stuff together….She was…Well…I guess she is still my oldest, bestest friend.”
  164. > Twilight pulled herself back into a dignified, erect posture.
  166. > “Hmmm….” Twilight thought, brushing the front of her left hoof beneath her lip.
  168. > “I think I just might be able to work something out here…” She speculated
  170. > Without alarm, Twilight grabbed Derpy's right teat an inch from the areola and squeezed.
  171. > Derpy inhaled deeply once again.
  172. > She closed her eyes and clenched her hooves tightly, while whipping her head vigorously in a disagreeable fashion.
  173. > The redness had returned deeper than before.
  177. > Twilight used her magic to swing the “Worlds Best Marefriend” cup.
  178. > The empty glass came swooping toward them from above at high velocity.
  179. > The glass nearly hit Twilight upside the head, but the mare didn’t even notice.
  180. > She was concentrating more on her schemes rather than being responsible with her magic.
  181. > The cup stopped near on a dime beneath Depys teat.
  182. > The one which Twilight had so callously squeezed.
  184. > The glass began to fill where it began to fill with warm, creamy milk.
  185. > But again, Twilight was in her own world.
  186. > Talking allowed to herself, and swinging her hooves up and down, side to side as she desperately tried to rationalize this plainly awful idea.
  188. > “Honestly, I’m not a fan of letting that bouncy ball of bubblegum into the lab. We have SO many breakables! And having you as an assistant has been nothing but a budget suck.”
  190. > “Uhhh….Wha-?” Derpy asked, eyes now struggling to stay open and body swaying from side to side.
  192. > “One clumsy pony is enough!” Twilight huffed “Plus! That pink suck hasn’t spoken to me since the summer sun celebration! Can you believe the nerve! Breaking into the library and throwing that crazy party before I had a moment to settle!”
  194. “Uhhhh….?”
  196. > “And then she started spreading rumors that I’ve been stealing ponies organs and selling them to fund my “sexual enhancement surgeries”
  198. > Twilight audibly groaned
  200. > Twilight glanced down at her coffee cup, which was now overflowing with milk.
  201. > Derpy's teat refusing to cease producing and slightly gurgling
  203. > “If anything, that pink pervert deserves this! For like…all my pain and suffering and…stuff…”
  205. > Twilight’s eyes bounced around the room, and she inhaled another quick sip of milk.
  207. > “I don’t mean to be harsh! But I’ve seen the ponies she sleeps with! And no offense intended Derpy, but your friend is a whore. A capital W-H-O-R-E! If anything, You’re lucky you found me!” She winked.
  209. > Derpy had passed out long ago due to exhaustion, and was now softly snoring along the wall.
  210. > Though, Twilight wasn’t within the realm of reality to notice.
  211. > Nor did she have the mental wiring to care.
  212. > Twilight is, and always has been, for all intents and purposes. Just a very horny unicorn.
  213. > And will do anything to get herself off beyond any reason, empathy or practically.
  214. > For all her smarts, education and training.
  215. > Twilight Sparkle, is but pervert.
  218. > Twilight looked deep into her cup of milk, and slowly swirled the liquid clockwise as she continued to contemplate this horrific idea one final time.
  219. > She thought for a moment or two until finally. Like the force of magic itself.
  220. > The perfect idea popped into the purple ponies twisted head.
  222. > “That’s it! Twilight exclaimed
  224. > “We will make a mind control potion! So we can train her to behave! And then, when we invite her to the lab, she will be nice and docile! How does that sound, Derpy!...Derpy?”
  226. > Twilight looked down and finally noticed that her marefriend had fallen fast asleep.
  227. > Twilight put her hooves over her heart and sighed
  229. > “Ohhh! Aren’t you just so cute when you’re sleepy!” She sniffled
  231. > Twilight kissed Derpy on the forehead, which was bathed in sweat
  233. > “Goodnight, my little plaything.” She hummed
  235. > Twilight chugged the remaining milk from her cup then tossed the cup on the floor at Derpy's hooves.
  236. > She held her stomach and sighed as the milk ran down her throat into her grumbling stomach.
  237. > The bodily sensation of Derpy's milk made Twilight quiver like nothing else.
  238. > She loved the earthy taste, the exciting feeling of the milk traveling through her insides.
  239. > But most of all, she loved it because it was all hers.
  241. > The End?

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.5

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The Misadventure Of Derpy's Boobs 1.6

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The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.7

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The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

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The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

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