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Sunny, Izzy, and Zipp’s Rainy Afternoon

By Guest
Created: 2024-10-13 00:13:57
Expiry: Never

  1. >A low roar filled the dark sky. Everything shook: the ground, the Brighthouse, even the air, all quivered in fear of the monster in their midst. An explosion of light briefly revealed the creature and all its horror; a mass of writhing winds, blacker-than-night clouds, torrents of rain, and a continuous rumble of thunder that smothered most other sounds. Maretime Bay cowered in its wake, the indistinct shapes of distant buildings seemingly shifting in the maelstrom. Just as quickly as it arrived the light faded returning both into the blackness.
  2. >The Unicorn observed the scene. Close enough to take it in with all of her senses, far enough to be away from the worst of it. Storms were common back at home in Bridlewood. They were an important part of life there; trees of the ancient forrest shielded the Unicorns from harm, only letting rain through its canopy so it could be collected and used in daily life.
  3. >Here, trees helplessly shook in the wind. The cyclone that chose Maretime Bay as its victim was like the mythical monsters from old mares’ tales.
  4. >Just thinking about it gave Izzy the jinxies, or was that because it was chilly? Trance now broken, she noticed soft, “clak, clak, claking” of her teeth. It’s wasn’t just chilly, it was cold.
  5. >In one motion, the unicorn turned around and slid from her seat on the windowsill, landing gracefully on all four hooves. Cold quickly becoming freezing.
  6. >Clattering of teeth escalated into her entire body shaking as if it were a trees captured by the storm outside.
  7. >”T-This is new.” She said aloud.
  8. >”What’s new?” Responded a voice in calm, curious tone from somewhere behind her.
  9. >”EEP!” Izzy yelped.
  10. >Body moving on its own; forelegs soared high as she arched backwards, hind legs were trying to position themselves to face the source of the voice. Instead they landed on her long, silky smooth, and slippery tail. Resulting in the unicorn laying on her back in a contorted mess of hair and limbs.
  11. >”Sorry Izz, I didn’t mean to scare you.” It apologized.
  12. >Izzy looked up to see the bright blue eyes, white coat, and two tone pink-blue mane of her friend Zipp.
  13. >A silver hoof was extended in an attempt to help the downed unicorn.
  14. >”I-It’s fiiiiiiiine. O-one of the bad things about being maximum sneaky i-is that y-you c-cant just t-turn it off w-w-willy-nilly.” She shuttered, quickly taking the other mare’s hoof in hers.
  15. >Back on all fours and still shivering Izzy noticed something about Zipp—the pegasus didn’t look cold in the slightest.
  16. >”H-Hey, is it j-j-just me or is it c-cold in here?” She questioned, now considering the possibility that she may have a cold. “Y-you don’t s-seem cold.”
  17. >”Between the change in seasons and storm outside, it being cold matches up. Not that it makes much sense, it was scorching yesterday.” The Pegasus stated.
  18. >”To answer your question: Zephyr Heights gets cold quickly. It is on a mountain, afterall.” She continued.
  19. >”I was heading to kitchen to get a snack. Wanna co-“ The Pegasus didn’t even get to finish her offer before the lilac pony rapidly shook her head up and down.
  20. >The Brighthouse was big. A shared, singular space of the four inhabitants was on the second floor, serving as a bedroom. Pretty much everything else was located on the first floor, including the destination of the duo.
  21. >The living room would have to be traversed to get to the kitchen. It was dark as if the power went out, but it wasn’t without light. Floating stationary in the blackness was a singular source of light.
  22. >”I-I’ll g-get it.” Izzy, hushed through trembles.
  23. >Before Zipp even had the chance to speak she was gone. In a mad dash, Izzy bolted towards the floating light.
  24. >Two forward, two back, two forward, two back; Izzy’s long legs made it easy.
  25. >”IZZ WAIT, WE DON-“ the Pegasus was cut off by a yell and thud.
  26. >Something in the dark stirred. Vaguely pony shaped, the head was large and fluffy, body being disproportionately small. It grabbed the light and increased its brightness.
  27. >”Zipp? Izzy? Is that you?” It yawned. “Why are you two making so much noise?” Asked a tired Sunny.
  28. >The Earth Pony was a mess. Her normally tied up, straightened mane had unfurled into its naturally wavy state. Tired eyes drifted from Izzy, who was once again on her back, to Zipp who stood at the far reached of the light’s circumference. Sleep lines made seams of the couch she was sleeping on leave an imprint on her face. The left side of her mouth covered in drool.
  29. >”Izz and I were just making are way to the kitchen.” She carryed on with a question. “Why were you sleeping here in dark?”
  30. >The orange pony opened her mouth to yawn again, this time her body stretched, causing the lantern she held in one hoof to shake a little.
  31. >”I was sleeping?” She asked. “I guess I fell asleep while reading.”
  32. >”You were reading in the dark?” Zipp inquired.
  33. >Sunny began rubbing her eyes using a free hoof.
  34. >”Uh-Huh.” She affirmed. “Ever since foalhood I would bundle myself up in a blanket, turn off the lights, grab my lantern and a-a-achoo!” She was interrupted by a sneeze, suddenly feeling very cold.
  35. >A look of confusion spread across her face.
  36. >”T-that’s weird. W-where did my b-blanket go?” Sunny began searching for it to the best of a half-sleeping, half-waking pony could.
  37. >”I-I k-know.” Pipped up Izzy.
  38. >Sunny lowered the lantern towards the floor, revealing that she was wearing a turquoise, pullover sweater that matched her eyes and satchel.
  39. >On her side looking up at the Earth Pony with an embarrassed smile was Izzy. The blanket in question tightly wound around her back legs.
  40. >”Jeez Sunny, you know you’re damaging your eyes by doing that, right?” Her usual casual tone subsided, giving way to concern as she moved to untangle their friend.
  41. >”I-I know. G-Grandma F-F-Figgy always t-told my dad he s-should nip the bad habit in the bud.” None of the ponies on the floor could see it but a small smile began to take form as the earth pony reminisced. “He would a-always say it was i-inevitable because both of my him and m-mom w-wore glasses.”
  42. >Freed from the trap, Izzy shimmied onto the couch beside the delirious pony. Using magic she draped the blanket over both of their shoulders.
  43. >The pegasus opted to save this discussion for another day, letting Sunny rest and dealing with the cold now.
  44. >”Can I have the lantern? I’ll use it to find a light switch, then go to the kitchen and make us all some hot chocolate.” Zipp accentuated that last word with a sing-song tone.
  45. >”T-t-that would be g-great, Z-Z-Zipp. T-thanks.” She murmured head starting to droop forward.
  46. >Having the go ahead, Zipp grabbed the light by the handle and began search for a switch. Shadows completely obscured the pegasus’s form the further away she got. From the couch it looked as if a firefly had gotten lost.
  47. >With a flash the lights came on, momentarily blinding the trio as their eyes adjusted to the sudden change. It was gradual but things did start to warm up.
  48. >Without a sound Zipp land and placed the lantern by on the table.
  49. >”Now, time for some hot chocolate!” She said in a mock yell, careful not to make too much noise as Sunny struggled to stay awake, departing like a breeze through an open field.
  50. >The trio now reduced to a duo said nothing as they waited. Sounds of Zipp going through the cabinets barely audible over the storm outside.
  51. >Being tired, the orange pony wilted; eyes sliding closed and body leaning into the pony next to her.
  52. >Sleep never came easy for Izzy. On good days she’d go to bed well after midnight, on bad days she would drift off at dawn, on really bad days she wouldn’t sleep at all. Not feeling tired, she closed her eyes and leaned into the sofa’s soft cushions. >Sunny’s soft breathing on one side, Zipp’s clattering dishes on the other, the storm on top, all sounds melded to make the perfect white noise.
  53. >Then a new sound entered the fray and ruined the soundscape.
  54. >”Beep. Beep. Beep. Clang. Vrrrmmmmmmm.”
  55. >The eyes of the unicorn split open and she jerked forward. Sunny, already being up for the same reason, looked wide awake. The two stared at each other wide-eyed, collective shock plain as day on their faces. The pair throwing the blanket off them and rushing to the kitchen.
  56. >Their worst fears were realized. Zipp stood on the floor, watching attentively as microwave counted down to zero, letting out another series beeps.
  57. >Both silently observed as Zipp carefully pulled three mugs full of hot liquid out of the machine, gently placing them on the counter as to not cause any spillage. Preparing to add teabags it became clear there was an audience.
  58. >”Whoa.” Her heart rate momentarily increased and pupils shrinking before returning to normal.
  59. >“You guys say I’m quiet but I didn’t even hear your hooves on the tiled floor.” Zipp teased.
  60. >”We were out of coco so I figured tea would be fine.”
  61. >Sunny gasped, bringing a hoof to her muzzle in surprise.
  62. >Izzy didn’t say anything, didn’t even make a sound; noiselessly she leaned backwards. Sunny immediately sticking out a foreleg to prop her up.
  63. >”Yeah, I probably should’ve told you guys be-“ Sunny interrupted, something that almost never happened.
  64. >”That is NOT how you make hot chocolate or tea.” Declared Sunny.
  65. >The ivory pony tilted her head in confusion. “How come? That’s how I’ve always done it.”
  66. >”Who, in the name of Equestria, taught you that?” The earth pony demamded
  67. >”No-pony,” Zipp responded nonchalantly, “I learned to do it myself.”
  68. >”So you’ve never used a kettle in your life?”
  69. >”Nope.”
  70. >”Not even an electric kettle?”
  71. >”Nu-uh”
  72. >Life returned to the limp unicorn. Straining forward, she dragged her hooves across the ground while advancing on Zipp. Then, as if waking up from sleepwalking, she swiftly smushed the pegasus’s face, forcing them to lock eyes.
  73. >”Zipp.” She hissed.
  74. >”Y-yeah.“
  76. >”Tea-making is an art form.”
  78. >”Since when do you know so much about tea,” the princess struggled to say through smushed cheeks.
  80. >Sunny tried to chime in. “Actually, I’m not very good at-“
  82. >”I know!” Sunny said. “We’ll just show you the difference. Zipp, put your mugs back in the microwave. Izzy, we’ll make tea using our way and have her drink it. How does that sound?”
  83. >The unicorn let go of the pegasus without another word, moving to grab more mugs. The earth pony turned on the eye of the stove and started boiling the water. Zipp rubbed her sore cheeks. Shrugging before she put her trio of mugs in the microwave. Watching the duo do their thing.
  84. >Soon there were six mugs of tea were placed on the kitchen table and ready to drink.
  85. >”Okay everypony, let’s start with the kettle tea first so we’re all on the same page.” Sunny suggested.
  86. >All three took the mugs full of kettle-boiled tea and drank.
  87. >The orange pony softly blew on it before taking a sip, letting out a satisfied, “mmmmmm”.
  88. >The lilac pony kept the cup on the table. Bringing her face downward, inhaling its aroma with closed eyes. She thought of a forrest, not Bridlewood or any other particular on, just a forrest. A large bush with scented leaves sitting in a clearing. Then she took a sip and exhaled.
  89. >The ivory pony simply took a sip.
  90. >”Now, let’s test the microwave tea.” Sunny said.
  91. >The earth pony sipped slowly, muzzle scrunching as it washed over her tastebuds.
  92. >Shuddering at the thought of what she was about to do, the unicorn leaned forward, taking in the aroma. Expecting the worse and not getting it was a welcome to surprise. It was a mix of stronger bitterness and weak sweetness. Sticking out her tongue, swiftly dipping and taking it out for a sample; only reaction was a furrowed brow and sticking out the afflicted organ.
  93. >The pegasus took a sip and set the cup down.
  94. “Well?” Sunny interigated. “What’d you think?”
  95. >”I don’t taste a difference.” Zipp shrugged.

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