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Making Mistress Starlight Part 1

By Guest
Created: 2024-10-26 23:39:16
Expiry: Never

  1. “Anon, you belong to ME,” Starlight is fuming, talking slowly in her authoritative voice, “I don’t want some… HUSSY getting in the way of that.” She reminds you of your misunderstanding from earlier as her horn is emanating her rage in the form of a blood-red magic mist. Her hoof clops very loudly on the crystal floor of her room to accentuate her feelings. This takes you out of your defensive state and makes your mind wander on what she could possibly be thinking of doing to you or somepony else. You try to get up from off of your knees, but her magic ominously sparks and prevents you from standing.
  3. “I’ve been reading old texts of what mares used to do to stallions when they misbehaved…” Starlight lowers her gaze at you, almost likes she’s aiming her thoughts into your brain. You feel goosebumps forming on your arms from fear and the rush of cool air blowing across you from the swirling magic coming out of her horn.
  5. Starlight’s horn crackles more as her magic begins pulling your wrists. You are turned ninety degrees toward her bedside, dragging your knees on the castle floor. Your wrists are pinned to the bed, and your clothes begin being ripped off.
  7. “Starlight, what are you doing?” you ask in a shaky voice with your back now being pressed down upon with her magic.
  9. “Taking ownership of you,” Starlight explains coldly. Her magic bends your back into a very compromising position with your ass out, wrists still pinned to Starlight’s kite quilt. You’re completely naked now, no clue as to what’s next.
  12. -----
  15. Earlier that week…
  17. You are taking all the fireworks out of Trixie’s cart and setting them up to be launched right above the spectators for Ponyville’s newest magic show. As you work, the gunpowder has that really distinctive sulfur smell which makes you nostalgic for lighting them back on Earth. You unload a box of cartoonish rockets and place them in the ground, one by one. Ponyville’s park or the town hall are typical locations, but Twilight has allowed it to go down in front of the castle this time around. You hope that the explosions don’t cause any trouble for the castle or the stressed princess that lives in it.
  19. Trixie is watching you work with her nose turned up as she brushes her mane on the steps of her cart. Her snooty attitude is honestly not bad enough to turn you away from a good payday by being her roadie when she performs in Ponyville or Phillydelphia. Also, she’s easy on the eyes.
  21. However, Starlight Glimmer, your marefriend, is even better looking by an Equestrian mile. She’s the one who got you hooked up as the helper for Trixie after all. Luckily, Trixie pays really nicely, which is surprising, especially for a mare with an ego as large as hers. You just set up her stage and the fireworks, so you hope this payout of bits is gonna be nice.
  23. “Trixie!” you call out to her, “I’m done.” The mare’s brush stops moving, and she opens her eyes with her signature look of superiority. She levitates the wizard hat from her wagon to complete her full, caped ensemble.
  25. “You were fast today,” Trixie states in a manner that makes you unsure if it’s a sleight or a genuine compliment. She closes her eyes again. You approach her for the payment. The castle’s shadow looms above you and her caravan, and you feel relief from the hot sun after working on the setup all.
  27. “So, are you ready to pay me?” You ask with a tinge of playful attitude.
  29. “Hmmm…” Trixie ponders smugly. She seems like she’s going to play along with you, “Maybe… I suppose.” You await the bits, but she doesn’t do anything.
  31. “Yeah, see, you’re not fast,” you say, hoping to drive metaphorical screws at her lack of action.. She says nothing and opens her wagon door to place her comb on a shelf inside while her eyes remain closed.
  33. “I used to pay you by the hour, and this was all set up… well… before you even worked a full hour,” Trixie seems to complain about the speedy job you did.
  35. “Well, I’m just good at it now,” you reason.
  37. “Anon, I’m not paying you 40 bits for doing this,” Trixie says deadpan and finally looks you in the eyes. You don’t say anything as you don’t want to feed Trixie’s slightly sadistic tendencies of watching you squirm. She better be kidding you.
  39. “Oh. Really...” You are trying to sound unaffected, “What does the Great and Powerful Trixie demand I do then?” Trixie is currently filing her hooves and not looking at you anymore.
  41. “You’ll have to entertain me if you want to get paid,” Trixie explains. You hate to feed a troll, but Trixie is actually being kind of cunty at the moment.
  43. “How so?” you ask.
  45. The Great and Powerful Trixie extends her bottom lip out in a pouty way to accentuate that she’s able to rile you up, “I just want you to tell me what you and Starlight get up to is all”. You recoil from this slightly. That’s not what you expected her to ask. If anything, you thought she was going to make a crass joke about giving her a hornjob or something.
  47. “What do you mean?” you can’t hide your discomfort.
  49. “You know what I want to hear…” she says in a breathy voice. You’re definitely flustered about this now. She freezes her filing with her magic and her eyes come to you again, awaiting some form of confession like how you just tried to play with her over the bits.
  51. “Oh, shut up, Trixie,” you admit defeat in your little game that the two of you were playing as you let your frustration get displayed. “You know I don’t know what you mean.”
  53. “Well, The Great and Powerful Trixie would like to know what a hairless monkey does in bed with a mare as highly regarded as Starlight Glimmer,” Trixie explains this and your face goes red from anger and embarrassment. That classic, smug Trixie smile is on her face, knowing that she has you by the balls.
  55. “I’m not saying anything to you!” Trixie’s game is going a little too far for your comfort.
  57. “Then you won’t get a single bit, Anon,” She taunts you, really exaggerating her tongue visibly touching the roof of her mouth. Trixie has the nerve to cackle after this too. “Why not anyway? Are you afraid to admit she’s the one in charge, monkey boy?”
  59. “Fuck you, Trixie! We’ve never done anything weird like that!” this mare really gets you worked up.
  61. “Oh contraire, boy,” Trixie is setting up her final attack, “I bet she has a collar and leash just for you.” Your hands make fists of humiliating rage.
  63. “Why would we do that? The only thing we’ve ever even done is missionary!” You stop, disgusted at yourself. There’s a dead silence for a brief second. You realize how much ammunition you gave the wizard pony just now from such a cringeworthy admission. She’s going to have a field day with that. Trixie’s mouth is agape. It's like she can’t believe the ridiculous thing she just heard.
  65. “Bahhhhhhahahahahhahahahah,” Trixie starts breaking down in laughter from the stupid answer you gave. Her hooves pound the steps of her wagon in full body guffawing as she proceeds to mentally torture you. Wincing, the display of disdain for your sex life being spilled by Trixie is the final blow to make you want to cease any interaction with her. You give up.
  67. “Don’t ask me to set up your stupid fucking show again. I QUIT!” you about face from Trixie and angrily speed walk to downtown Ponyville. You can hear the laughter taper off pretty quickly as you leave too. You’re only walking away for a few moments when her voice calls you.
  69. “Anon, please, come back!” you can hear in the distance. You keep walking. Your face feels hot from that obnoxious laughing fit. The bits really aren’t worth dealing with her shenanigans. Suddenly, your leg is caught in a sizzling blue magic field and you’re held in place on the grass. You comply by sitting and giving the death stare to her as she approaches.
  71. “Anon, I’m sorry,” she apologizes with a couple of small laughs. “Take your bits. I just wanted to mess with you a little.” You’re floated a sack of bits with the old-timey draw string and everything. Grabbing it from her magic, you turn your head and choose to look at Ponyville instead of her in defiant reluctance. “C’mon, Anon.” Trixie bumps your chest with her hoof a few times to get your attention again.
  73. “What the hell is wrong with you?” you ask, trying to add as much disgust as you can muster. Trixie purses her lips and rolls her eyes. She sighs and sits next to you.
  75. “Anon, you’re not actually quitting are you?” Trixie seems to be genuine this time. You finally look at her again and choose to say nothing, wanting to remain angry.
  77. “Maybe messing with me a few times is okay, but that was really strange of you. I’m getting sick of it,” you admit.
  79. Trixie, smirking, looks at the ground and says, “Fine, I won’t mess with you while you help me out anymore.” This is a pretty impressive showing of sympathy from her usual objectionable self.
  81. “What the hell did you want to know about that anyway, besides you just being a creep?” you ask.
  83. “The Horny and Curious Trixie couldn’t help it, you see. Starlight has told me what she did to stallions before you came along,” Trixie explains, making you break the remaining angry facade you were putting on with a bewildered smile at the goofiness that came out of her mouth. "It finds my fancy too, but It looks like she isn't such a bad girl anymore."
  85. “You mean… Like,” you’re not sure how to address this.
  87. “Anon, Starlight has really changed. I’m surprised she never told you anything about it.” Trixie is explaining. Maybe you should ask her about her past. You never had because you didn’t want to offend her, but you have been in a relationship for a while, and it seems like it’s time. Whatever exactly Starlight used to do sexually must really turn Trixie on too, so you're betting on it being weird and ego driven. It does sound fun though...
  90. -----
  93. You’re sitting with Starlight in her castle room. Both of you are on the bed, feeling tense. A few kites you made with her are littering the floor next to her nightstand. The curtains are half closed, letting a seam of sun rays illuminate the room instead of the ceiling light.
  95. “Starlight, you don’t have to feel so ashamed about your past, especially not with me,” you console her nervousness. She had just spilled her guts about the town, the cutie marks, and the power abuse. The mare before you is still uncomfortable looking.
  97. “I used to be a terrible pony…” Starlight is dejected as she continues, “I just never wanted to talk about it because I was scared about what you’d think of me.” You hold her foreleg in response.
  99. “Starlight, please, you’re amazing, and I’m not going to judge you like that. You’re a wonderful mare these days,” you say. This seems to perk her up finally. “We should go down to the kitchen. I bet you that you’ll like what I got you.”
  101. “Anon, you got me something?” Starlight’s mood is progressively getting better while she’s talking to you.
  103. “Just follow me, I promise you’ll like it,” you hint, and you lead her downstairs. The two of you walk into the kitchen and you show her the exotic flowers you bought her on the island table that are sitting on a plate along with a few of them stuffed between bread to make a sandwich.
  105. “They’re fire flowers!” you announce. Starlight is shocked and inspects them. The flowers are a glowing, magic gradient of yellow to red that look like molten iron. You think you nailed it with them. Starlight floats one in her mouth and munches down on it.
  107. “Mmmmh! Cinnamon!” the unicorn praises your choice in flowers. “These must have been expensive. I’ve never seen them before.” She is floating up another to eat.
  109. “Yeah, your friend Trixie paid me a little extra today, so I got you a whole bouquet of them,” you point to the rest of the flowers on the counter. Starlight stops eating and looks serious again.
  111. “Let me guess,” Starlight begins in annoyance, “she must have really bothered you again about something. Was it another extra few bits for being her punching bag again.” You put your hand on the back of your neck and nod. “That mare is…,” Starlight catches herself before letting out a string of expletives, “she knows I don’t like it when she does that to you. I’ll have to talk to her. If I see her today I’ll give her a piece of my mind!”
  113. The door for the kitchen bursts open, startling you two. It’s Trixie, her star covered getup sparkling, grin stretching from ear to ear. She saunters up to Starlight.
  115. “Trixie has decided to grace you and your human with her presence,” is her entrance to the conversation. “I couldn’t help but overhear you say an interesting little thing about the talk I had with Anon this morning.”
  117. Starlight starts to intercept the troublemaker interjecting in your private moment, “Trixie! Will you stop playing games? I’ve already told you about picking on Anon.” This comment makes you feel a little goofy as if you were a little kid getting defended by your parents from a bully.
  119. “Oh, but Starlight, I already promised Anon that I wouldn’t bother him while he’s working for me again,” Trixie reassures her friend. “I also paid Anon a little extra for the entertainment he provided me with.” The mention makes you nervous. She better not be about to try at embarrassing you in front of your Glimmer.
  121. “Entertainment?” Starlight questions the comment Trixie just made, walking right into the trap.
  123. “The perfect segue, my fellow lover of whips and chains,” Trixie adds her strangely sexual tidbit into what she says, hoping to expose Starlight. “Anon has explained to me that you take very good care of him. I must commend how gentle you are nowadays, Starlight. Only doing missionary with your lover… How sweet.” Starlight is mortified and turns to you, questioning you with her face about how such a lewd thing could be leaked out.
  125. “I didn’t… Trixie, that’s not…,” It’s impossible to defend yourself, and you proceed to just facepalm with no way out of this one.
  127. “Oh my! It appears the Great and Sleuthing Trixie has learned too much. Well, I must be on my way,” The abrasive pony walks out of the kitchen, leaving you and Starlight in an awkward state.
  129. “Listen, I can explain,” you attempt to de-escalate with Starlight who expectantly awaits the reason behind this all.
  132. -----
  136. You just finished telling Starlight exactly what went down, and why you asked her about her past earlier. You had left the kitchen and were back in her room with the door locked, wanting privacy from any would-be eavesdroppers. Back on her bed again, there’s a relief from the confusion earlier. She understands what went down, and forgives the slip up you made.
  138. “So, why was Trixie so interested in that anyway, and what did you do to stallions before,” You question.
  140. Starlight sighs and explains to you, “Me and Trixie both liked… S&M.” Her face is flushed a little and there’s a newfound amount of sexual tension in the room. “She gets off to it like I used to do. Trixie probably wanted you to give her some story about how I’d do crazy stuff to you so she could clop to something tonight.”
  142. “Why’d you stop with me?” you wonder out loud.
  144. “Because that was ego driven. I was ruling my town with an iron hoof, and what I was doing to stallions was more of that… power lust I suppose,” Starlight admits, “I never did anything to an unwilling stallion of course, but I can’t entertain that part of me anymore.” Thinking about it was kind of hot though. Starlight was such a powerful mare. She could probably do anything she wanted to you if it came down to it. You start thinking about how good it would feel for Starlight to punish you...
  146. “I kind of, you know, want to try it,” you admit.
  148. “What?!” Starlight is freaked out by this.
  150. “Heh, well It sounds fun. I like you for how beautiful and sweet you are, but maybe letting out some of your inner bad girl is kinda hot.” The pink unicorn in front of you is scanning the room with her eyes as her brain is attempting to make sense of how she should feel about your desires.
  152. “Anon, no. I can’t do that stuff anymore with how much it reminds me of my past,” Starlight tells you firmly. You don’t want to press on this subject and make her upset, so you accept her answer. “I’m going to help Twilight with a few things in the meantime. Don’t let Trixie bother you.” Starlight gives you a peck on the cheek before you separate for the rest of the day.
  155. -----
  158. A few days later…
  160. You’re sitting in the booth by yourself at SugarCube Corner. Mrs. Cake had given you an awe inspiring milkshake with some of the bits Trixie gave you. You and Starlight had been a little distant since the criminal teasing that Trixie had made you endure a few days ago. This vanilla milkshake makes up for it temporarily. You slurp the thick stuff with a pink straw from the grandiose looking glass chalice.
  162. You were going to order one for Starlight, but she got busy with castle-sitting after another Twilight friendship quest. You just continue to sit by yourself with your marefriend away. The door to the cake shop thrusts open, jingling the bell. A seafoam green mare walks in. Mrs. Cake greets the unfamiliar unicorn. You proceed to watch from your booth.
  164. “Lyra, Dearie, I made you the whole baker’s dozen of those mint cupcakes,” Ms. Cake has essentially introduced you to the mare with that.
  166. “Thank you, Bon Bon is going to love these,” Lyra opens her saddle bag to drop off a few bits on the table and takes the pink box of cupcakes with her magic. She turns around and freezes when she spots you. Lyra stares at you for way too long, and you feel like prey. The pink box lowers back down on Mrs. Cake’s counter top. Mrs. Cake scans what is going on and looks confused.
  168. Lyra approaches, “Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Lyra Heartstrings.” She gives you bedroom eyes. “May I?” Lyra is asking to sit next to you. You allow it. Making your heart rate spike, she takes your hand away from the milkshake and kisses it in her hoof. “Please tell me your name.”
  170. “Uh, I’m Anon,” you tell her. You're flushed from this rather forward flirting by Lyra. You have to tell her that you are with a mare already. “Lyra, I’m already-”
  172. “I’ve never met a real human before. Everyone always has told me about how your kind doesn’t exist. All this time wondering where to adventure outside of Equestria to find one of you, and here you are, right in Ponyville! Hah,” Lyra laughs at the irony of finding you here. She slides next to you in the booth, continuing to try her best at seducing you. “Anon, I have to say that you’re an attractive human colt. Will you accompany me to the Ponytones concert tonight?”
  174. “Lyra, you seem lovely,” she perks up and bites her lip as you continue, “But I’m with a mare already.” She shrinks in disappointment. You feel bad telling such a cute and enthusiastic mare such a thing, but it’s the truth. You are too caught up with the green unicorn making full body contact at this point to notice the bell ringing again, signaling that somepony has entered.
  176. “I see…,” Lyra looks downtrodden over what you’ve told her. You pat her shoulder, trying not to let the rejection sting her too badly. A shadow comes into the peripheral vision of your left eye and you just think of it as Mrs. Cake moving around the shop.
  178. “WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?” a female voice sounds mortified about what she’s witnessed. You turn to see Starlight Glimmer was the pony who walked in just a moment ago. Oh no, this whole situation looks super bad. You have to explain to her this is a misunderstanding right away.
  180. “Starlight, it's not what it looks like. We were just-,” you are unable to finish what you were saying. Her magic roughly lifts you up along with Lyra. The table inside the booth skirts across the floor as your knees hit it on the way up. You’re trying to wiggle out of the levitation to no avail in a panic. This might be how you get vaporized. There’s a clearly visible forehead vein on Starlight’s face now.
  182. Luckily, for you and Lyra, Mrs. Cake, the key witness, halts Starlight, “Oh, no, Miss Glimmer, wait one second!” Mrs. Cake walks in between you. “Your coltfriend did the right thing and he told Lyra to cool her jets. I saw the whole thing.” Starlight considers what she heard for just a moment. She decides to lower you into the booth, but Lyra remains up for a few seconds more. Starlight scowls at Lyra before dropping her. Lyra pans her eyes a few times in the shop and then proceeds to sheepishly walk out, knowing she flirted with disaster.
  184. “Starlight, this is a misunderstanding like Mrs. Cake said,” you try to ease everything more. You think that everything should be alright, but you’re picked up by Starlight again. She floats you out the door along with her. She hasn’t said a word, and she doesn’t seem to be any less angry than earlier too.
  186. The commoners of Ponyville stare, puzzled. It’s quite the scene to be angrily flown across town while Starlight remains livid. You are taken all the way back to the castle, finally taking a reprieve from a countless number of ponies seeing the floating human and angry mare.
  188. Entering the castle, it's more stressful as there’s clearly someplace that Starlight is taking you to be reprimanded. There’s no dungeon in this place, right? Luckily you wind up in her room which causes you a solid amount of relief. Starlight drops you off next to her bed. She remains quiet.
  190. The stress of the situation makes you break the silence, “Am I in trouble?” Asking that was probably a mistake as the unnerving, blank poker face that Starlight was doing had turned much more unsettling. She bares her teeth.
  192. “Anon, you belong to ME,” Starlight is fuming, talking slowly in her authoritative voice, “I don’t want some… HUSSY getting in the way of that.” She reminds you of your misunderstanding from earlier as her horn is emanating her rage in the form of a blood-red magic mist. Her hoof clops very loudly on the crystal floor of her room to accentuate her feelings. This takes you out of your defensive state and makes your mind wander on what she could possibly be thinking of doing to you or somepony else. You try to get up from off of your knees, but her magic ominously sparks and prevents you from standing.
  194. “I’ve been reading old texts of what mares used to do to stallions when they misbehaved…” Starlight lowers her gaze at you, almost likes she’s aiming her thoughts into your brain. You feel goosebumps forming on your arms from fear and the rush of cool air blowing across you from the swirling magic coming out of her horn.
  196. Starlight’s horn crackles more as her magic begins pulling your wrists. You are turned ninety degrees toward her bedside, dragging your knees on the castle floor. Your wrists are pinned to the bed, and your clothes begin being ripped off.
  198. “Starlight, what are you doing?” you ask in a shaky voice with your back now being pressed down upon with her magic.
  200. “Taking ownership of you,” Starlight explains coldly. Her magic bends your back into a very compromising position with your ass out, wrists still pinned to Starlight’s kite quilt. You’re completely naked now, no clue as to what’s next.
  202. Being bent over still, Starlight mounts you from behind. So far, just her hooves rest on your back. Her magic is still doing its job of keeping you locked down. You’re able to twist your neck around and see that she is dropping on top of you. You feel her soft chest fluff come down first, and then the soft coat of her belly after. You call out her name as she bites your neck from behind.
  204. You feel really exposed and strange in this position. Starlight lets out a grunt and makes her hips thrust into you from behind. She slams into you, making your whole body lunge forward on the bed. She begins slowly dry humping you, still biting down on your neck.
  206. This feels like a total mind fuck. She obviously isn’t able to penetrate, but something about it makes your brain start to awaken your erection. It’s almost pure mental stimulation that is driving you crazy. Starlight continues to hump you. You bury your head in the quilt that you’re pinned on top of, groaning. She releases your neck and keeps the pelvic thrusts going.
  208. “Do I need to restrain you still?” Starlight asks as she briefly stops dry fucking you. You shake your head “no”. The magic is released from your wrists and you relax a little. “Good boy.” She strokes your back for submitting.
  210. Starlight positions herself slightly differently on you. You’re not prepared as she starts off humping again but at a much faster pace. She’s humping like a dog trying to fuck a stuffed animal. She keeps on grunting with many of her thrusts. It feels really weird, but you have an insanely hard boner from getting both physically and mentally ravaged by your mare.
  212. “Anon,” Starlight announces between her animal-like growling, “You’ll call me Mistress Starlight from now on.” You can only moan in response. Your cock is still super hard, and Starlight is not letting up on your treatment. At the moment, you're a toy for this mare to use. It’s really possible that she could make you cum just from this.
  214. “Every stallion that I’ve punished like this always ends up more subservient,” she tells you which mimics what you’re feeling right now. Starlight feels hotter on top of you. The humping really is making her body heat start to radiate on you.
  216. “I need to hear it, Anon. Are you my stallion, willing to do anything for me?” Starlight rams you again. It’s hard to get anything out, but you try to choke it out.
  218. “Yes, Mistress Starlight,” you’re able to assure her with enough effort. Currently, there’s precum on the quilt as your dick keeps throbbing. Your body shudders with the continued humiliation and domination you feel. Her final few thrusts are the hardest ones and they push you extremely close to cumming. Your eyes are rolling up, but she dismounts from behind. Starlight’s magic rolls you over again. You’re laid on the bed and have to await what’s next.
  220. Starlight climbs on top of you and sits on your chest. Her perfect marepussy winks. You watch as her clit grinds against you on your pectorals and retreats back all the way to your belly as she grinds herself on you. There’s a trail of grool that she leaves while going backward. She takes a lengthy forward buck of her hips to drag her clit upward across you body, smearing her pussy juice and musk with it.
  222. To your disappointment, Starlight gets up and gives you a few commands, “Don’t take a shower tonight. I want you to stay marked.” You piece together that she has just made you smell like her to ward off any other mares like Lyra who might want to make a move on you. “You haven’t earned being able to cum yet either, so no orgasms tonight. You can give me a massage before bed though.” Your dick appreciates her bossing you around, but your brain is frustrated by the lack of relief. You can try to get some satisfaction from rubbing her flanks tonight, but there has to be some way you can work to earn yourself the right to cum.
  224. You've really gone and done it now: Starlight is officially starting to be like her old self again, making her human stallion her sub.

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