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Limestone Pie: Let Me Cut Your Cake With My Knife

By Guest
Created: 2024-10-27 03:50:49
Expiry: Never

“Oh, wow, Nonny!” Pinkie is screeching about your latest, fru-fru cake creation for Hearth’s Warming, “It’s the cutest cake you’ve made yet”. She pats your head to show her pride, angering you. You genuinely like her, but there are times where your patience is tested.

“Pinkie, you know I don’t like cute stuff…” you say while grimacing at the praise. You never lined up with ponies on their obsession with silly, "cute" stuff. She returns a smirk that reads she’s only half sorry.

“Hah! Nonny, you remind me of my sister, Limestone,” Pinkie explains to you as she turns away and already begins focusing on other pastries in Sugarcube Corner’s kitchen. The mention puts you into a stupor for a moment as you watch Pinkie clanking and thrashing at pans. What pony has ever been comparable to you in Equestria? Twilight had even put you to the task working here with Pinkie to lighten your attitude and make you a little more of a Ponyville commoner by having you “express yourself” with baking and meeting the customers.

It’s true that you had always been into darker things that the Ponies of Equestria frown upon. Even learning that you were omnivorous was the worst first impression for certain ponies. It took a lot of convincing that you wouldn’t eat anyone after finding out about your diet. This, among other things, led to a rough time fitting in.

“You know, the Pie family is coming to Ponyville this Hearth’s Warming and… OH MY GOSH, NONNY! Limestone will be there so you can totally make a new friend besides me and Twilight!” Pinkie exclaimed as her excitement was accelerating from the realization. This Limestone character sounds titillating to you as you proceed to help Pinkie make the cakes that are going to be used in Twilight’s castle for the celebration of Hearth’s Warming tomorrow.

You inquire about her to Pinkie, “What do mean about me and your sister?”.

“Well, you know, you’re both really offended when you get called cute,” Pinkie tells you bluntly.

“That’s it?” you respond, raising one eyebrow.

“Of course not, silly!” The party pony says, “ she’s also super hard for regular ponies to like, and she’s into dark, creepy, scary, weirdo stuff like you”. Pinkie scrunches her shoulders up while looking at the ceiling in bliss at the thought of her sister. You aren’t sure to be offended by her saying that or impressed that there were ponies capable of being like you.

You continue working in the bakery for the rest of the evening with Pinkie, your mind sometimes thinking about what Limestone would be like to interact with. Later, you retire to the upstairs apartment with Pinkie on your own separate hay bed and sleep till the next morning.

With the morning already going by fast after waking, you help pinkie carry the lot of cakes to the wagon that she’ll pull to the castle. Your monkey hands and arms were great for helping stack, and Pinkie’s Earth pony strength worked wonders for hauling the load. The setup for the treats goes smoothly. It takes only a few hours for the other ponies to arrive: First the rest of Pinkie’s best friends enter, then the rest of the Apple family comes, and then the Pie family walks into the castle.

You, Twilight, and Pinkie stand at the door greeting them. Twilight nudges your leg with her back hoof, signaling you to put on a smile and wave to them all. You feel like the world’s worst Walmart greeter. The ponies all walk past you at the door. Rarity greets you with a nice embrace, Granny Smith gives you a noogie and congratulates you for being adorable like a dog, and Igneous Rock with Cloudy Quartz bow their heads to you. The ponies all carry on with their measured salutations, but the Pie sisters are the last through the door.

Pinkie sees her opportunity to show them off, “Nonny, here are my sisters.” To your surprise she is able to push them all into your vicinity at once with a dust trail following their hooves skirting on the castle floor. “Nonny, This is my sister, Maud.” Pinkie’s hoof extends to her to talk.

“Hello, human named Anon,” Maud says in her monotone voice. She blinks slowly.

Pinkie immediately cuts her off, “You can always talk to her about stones, boulders, sediments, and whatever other stuff involves super cool rocks.” Pinkie beams with pride and begins to push her other gray sister to you. This pony continues on the same trend of being a polar opposite of Pinkie when she’s brought forward. She looks at you shyly and diverts her gaze a few times and blushes.

“Mmmh… ,” the pony murmurs as she's peeking at you through her hair. You're about to say hello back when Pinkie continues.

“This is Marble. She’s shy, but she might actually talk to you once she warms up… maybe,” Pinkie whispers the last part very loudly for everyone to hear. Pinkie crams the final sister into your view. This violet mare looks annoyed at her sister’s actions and stops a few feet in front of you with a grunt.

“Anon, meet Limestone!” Pinkie looks at you expectantly after introducing her. Limestone is wearing heavier eyeliner than the rest of her sisters and wears a spiked bracelet. She looks you up and down and says nothing while inspecting you with a straight face.

“Uh… hi,” you greet her uncomfortably. You’d have to admit that you were taken aback by Limestone’s cute hair style and soul piercing yellow eyes that contrasted her purple coat.

“...Yeah,” is all Limestone strangely says in return. There’s an uncomfortable silence. You feel like rubbing the back of your neck in a defensive way. Limestone just continues to stare at you. You’re not sure if she’s shy like the others or just wants nothing to do with you. You widen your smile a tiny bit to maybe ease the tension. This backfires as Limestone’s eyes open to the largest they’ve been yet and her pupils dilate. Her body tenses in shock. Damn it, you know ponies always get off-put by your sharp canine teeth.

“Awww, c’mon!” you two should be perfect for each other,” Pinkie says in disappointment after watching the two of you struggle to make conversation. “You should totally be sharing the weirdo things you like”. Limestone scowls at this.

“Whatever, Pinkie. Let’s move this along,” Limestone complains to Pinkie with her gruff voice. Taking a sigh of relief due to the awkward social interaction being over, you all head into the great room to have a meal with the two families and the rest of Twilight's friends.

You sit down next to Twilight and Spike, The Apple family and Twilight’s friends take up the entirety of the table to your right. The opposite side seats the Pie family along with Pinkie and Starlight Glimmer next to Maud. Your meal is delicious as the Apple family provided the entrees, but the rock soup was not something most would consider tasty. The cakes you baked yesterday with Pinkie were admittedly a highlight too. Twilight is the master planner after all, so it’s no shock that it’s going well so far. She opens up about how her family will have their own celebration in the Crystal Empire later this week. The guests all seem impressed and listen intently.

“It’s been so long since me and Spike have gone to the Crystal Empire. The Crystal Heart still makes me-” Twilight carries on in an overly-professional manner of speaking that makes you cringe sometimes, even though you hate to admit it’s endearing.

Not really caring to listen, you tune her out and continue eating your food. While biting into a double-baked pot pie to get the rock soup taste off your palette, you bare your teeth more than usual to crunch down on the crust being bitten off your fork. Out of the corner of your eye, you spot Limestone gawking at you mid bite. This throws you off balance, and you freeze.

The two of you stare before Limestone snaps out of it and goes back to her plate. Great... not only did you manage to freak her out, she was one of the only ponies who supposedly could get along with you. She probably can’t get over how much you look like a monstrous predator. Add another mark to the number of ponies who don’t like you.

Once everyone is done eating, they exit and head to the room containing the presents. Everypony got somepony else's name in a Secret-Santa methodology. The gift exchange happens over a few hours, and things are starting to wrap up. While no one’s paying attention, you leave the room to use the bathroom as the final moments of unwrapping are going down. You can honestly use a break from all the nerve wracking commotion of Pinkie freaking out and talking at a mile a minute or Twilight supervising everything. You walk into the hallway and are stopped when a voice calls you from behind.

“Anon. Can we talk for a second,” a gruff voice starts. You turn to face Limestone who must’ve followed you into the hallway. She moves toward you with some trepidation that you guess was out of character. “Listen, about earlier…”

“I get it. You don’t like seeing some alien bare their fucked up teeth to you,” you begin in an defensive way. It was hard to not get upset at the way you were basically a freak.

“Huh? No, dumbass, I was going to-,” Limestone halts as she gets worked up herself from your retort, “What I mean is… Pinkie would tell me about you when she would visit the rock farm.” This further puzzles you. Sensing that you were questioning what this was all about, she continues, “I was just curious about your teeth earlier. I wasn't trying to make things awkward.” This admission actually starts calming you. You’re starting to realize that maybe you were out of line just now.

Limestone suddenly asks, “So, like… you eat animals?”

“I don’t do that anymore!” you shout in protest, letting your anger consume you again. Never had you thought about eating a sapient animal that lived in Equestria. Limestone Pie was not perturbed by your anger and stared at you blankly. You catch yourself. “Sorry, what I mean to say is that I used to do that on Earth, but things are different here. I’m not going to hurt anyone.” There is a reprieve from talking as you study each other’s faces. You hope this calmed any fear that she had about you.

“That’s soooo lame, dude,” she suddenly argues. Wait, she doesn’t like that you don’t eat meat? This starts to make the gears in your head spin in confusion. You stare at her in deep thought when she interrupts your stupor, “Hey, Tell me what it’s like, you know, to eat meat." You wince at this. You’re about to tell her to go fuck herself, even if it winds up getting you bucked. Mares come up to about your chest or midsection on all fours, so you think you can take her on if you don’t give her time to rear her hooves back and kick you.

Nopony ever gives you a break about this stuff. You don’t know if it’s just her rudely trying to bring up painful differences from you and other ponies, but this conversation has to stop. Looking at her yellow eyes with ill will, you’re about to start, but something catches you off guard.

“Woah, is that a Neigh-Slayer shirt you're wearing?” you say in disbelief. You were so caught up in the moment you didn’t notice that she was wearing it.

“No shit,” Limestone says with pride, and she looks down at it before smugly blinking at you. “Pinkie gifted it to me for the exchange in the room just now....” You must’ve just not paid attention whilst all the bustle was going on. It’s a t-shirt that is shaped for ponies and it has their band name with the album art emblazoned on it.

“I can’t stop listening to them. They're the only band I can get into around here… Err in Equestria I mean. Rainbow Dash introduced them to me,” you blabber to Limestone. She just starts smirking at you in response. “Nopony besides Dash really likes that music, and she kinda thinks I’m a freak so-”

Limestone holds up her hoof for you to stop, “ I’m willing to talk to you about Neigh-Slayer, but I’m pretty sure I asked you about your teeth first.” Realizing how much you were getting ahead of yourself, you felt more confidence in talking about it after finding something in common.

“Well, yeah, I have sharp teeth for eating meat,” you start out matter-of-factly, “I was omnivorous back on Earth. I stopped because the animals here are a lot smarter than back home, and all the ponies thought it was disgusting.”

“I don’t,” Limestone responds, “It has to be so satisfying to eat meat. I always wanted to try it.” The cute pony, who’s sporting an evil looking grin like she’s come across a sadistic epiphany continues, ”You know what? Can you smile again?” Limestone is prodding you about this, and you feel kind of nervous about doing it. It’s almost like exposing yourself to somepony with the way she’s so interested in your exotic anatomy. To protest, you decide to not literally smile but lift your upper lip with a finger on either side to expose your sharp canines.

“Buck,” Limestone says after ogling at your pearly whites with a positive grunt. She gets what you feel is a solid eyeful of human teeth. You drop your fingers from your face and laugh internally at how she could find something so mundane to be fascinating. Her mouth is still agape from looking at them.

“Anon, I’m going to be sleeping in the guest rooms tonight. Maybe you should drop by, and we can talk about Neigh-Slayer after we do Hearth’s Warming dolls.” Limestone is inviting you to hang out in her guest room and talk about the band you like? Is this pony wanting to be friends with you?

“Sure,” you respond. It makes you feel a little warm that this weirdo pony wants to at least talk to you about things. Maybe Pinkie was right about you two.

The next morning had started. The day after noticeably lacks the energy that the holiday brought. All the ponies were leaving the castle, and you stood with Twilight like when they all entered. Everypony is taking time to give their thanks and goodbyes. You feel like there's somepony missing…

“Twilight, Anon,” the familiar gruff voice says, stopping by you as the last guest to leave the castle. “It was pretty cool talking to you about all that stuff last night.” Twilight, not aware of your newfound friendship, looks surprised. “I was thinking that we should hang out again sometime.” This was awesome news as you had a great time last night with her before you went to sleep in your own room. It seems like she was being genuine last night when you were together.

“Sure, that sounds good,” you say.

“Look, I was thinking that we try this Griffon Restaurant. It’s called A Fresh Cut,” Limestone explains, “we’ll have to get to it by train.”

Twilight looks disturbed as she questions Limestone, “Isn’t that the restaurant that serves meat?”

“Yeah. And?” Limestone punches back, quickly brushing the question off. “Anon, you want to go tomorrow? I’m not working on the rock farm then, so we can go for lunch.” You’re looking over to Twilight for approval, and she reluctantly nods her head yes to you.

“Let’s do it!” you announce. You’re taken out of your moment of happiness when a pair of pink hooves constrict you in a bear hug from behind.

“Nonny, you did it! She asked you on a date and everything!” Pinkie exclaims while holding you. Even though there’s a vice grip composed of pink forelegs squeezing you, it just hit you that mares in Equestria were usually the ones to ask a stallion out or be the sexual aggressors. It honestly feels flattering to be asked by this cute mare to go on a date. You pull Pinkie off you, and watch as Limestone waves. You both are checking each other out some more.

“See you later, shithead,” is Limestone’s response. You, stare in confusion, then start to laugh. You remember that you had told her a bunch of stupid insults and curse words that humans use last night. Pinkie smiles, oblivious to it. Twilight’s brow lowers in distaste at this newfound, meat-eating relationship.

The restaurant that Limestone has taken you to was definitely not what you expected. There aren't ponies inside. The patronage is composed mostly of griffons and anthropomorphic goons. Maybe in retrospect, you should’ve guessed that no pony would want to come in with it being a carnivore’s dive. All said, it is actually looking like a class establishment.

You take a moment to marvel at the table that seemed to be a medieval behemoth made out of logs. The top is a massive, circular section cut out of a tree trunk that has been polyurethaned to a perfect smoothness. There’s torches on the wall that blaze just enough to light the whole room, and the miscellaneous creature-couples hold quiet conversation at their tables in the background. Limestone sits directly across from you.

You read the menu with concern as nothing sounds like the type of animal you’d have eaten on earth. Something like a cow was sapient in Equestria, so there’s no way you’d get that here. Limestone is currently reading it with explicit pleasure: Her eyes scan it left-to-right with fervor.

“What’ll it be? Pony and uh…?” a female voice disrupts your solace. You and your marefriend look up. The waitress who is taking your order is a sultry looking griffon, not as good looking as Limestone, but you digress. You clutch your menu like a businessman reading the newspaper in one of those old-timey photographs. Somehow, Limestone is doing the same with her hooves.

Limestone orders first, “I’ll have the YakYakistan Yeti steak.” She says it with a funny amount of confidence. “And for my side, I’ll have the Caesar salad. Also, my coltfriend is a human,” Limestone sounds like she’s shaming the griffon for not knowing what you are.

The griffon ignores this, “How’d you like it cooked?”

“Rare…” your marefriend says with evil in her eyes. The griffon turns to you, holding a pencil in her wing for your order.

“Uhhh…” you manage. This was not an easy decision. “I’ll have the same, but uh, medium.” If your date thought it sounded good, then it must be, you suppose. Your waitress jots it down and leaves. You turn to Limestone and try to gather your thoughts on whether you just fucked up ordering something that’s inedible.

There’s a brief silence, then Limestone speaks to you, “Anon, I really want to say thanks for coming with me to the restaurant.” She looks uncomfortable explaining this to you. “I’ve never been able to experience something like this because nopony wanted to come with me here.” You’re kinda shocked at how heart-felt this sounds. Limestone puts a box on the table and continues as if she has a pocket on her somewhere, “I got you this to say thanks.”

You’re not sure how to respond with such an unusual amount of sappy-ness coming from Limestone. You reach your hand out to open the rectangular, black box. It has no ornamental markings or wrapping. You lift the top cover of it that slowly drops the bottom onto the table. As the gift is revealed, your sight is trained upon the silver reflection of a blade in the box. The gift reveals itself more and you are seeing the morbid yet awesome sight in front of you. Limestone has gifted you a combat knife that’s not too dissimilar from something a human GI might use. It has a black handle that contrasts the rest of the chrome laden steel. This thing looks like it costs a pretty amount of bits to be forged. It’s not like there’s a cheap knock-off version for stuff in Equestria.

“Limestone…” you are trying to formulate what to say as you were definitely not expecting a gift, let alone a knife. She searches your face for what you think about the deadly tool. Your hand reaches out to hold her soft hoof while reassuring her, “Thank you, it’s perfect!” This seems to satisfy her stressed expression. Mares must usually be the ones to buy their special somepony things in Equestria, and she probably put a lot of emotion and bits into it.

“I thought you’d like it, Anon. I saw it in a blacksmith shop in Ponyville, so I thought somepony like you would appreciate a decent blade,” your marefriend explains to you. You are inspecting the knife box more as your waitress comes back with your steaks. With finesse, the cover slides back down as the two plates are delivered to your table. You don’t think any of the other patrons saw.

You observe the meals the two of you got. They’re identical, massive steaks. Well, they look like regular steaks, but they’re made of yeti. There are also the two scrumptious looking Caesar salads sitting besides them.

You decide to take a bite of your steak. It cuts nicely, and there isn’t a pool of blood sitting on your plate once you slice it. Taking a fork, the portion gets speared by the prongs, and you take a harrowing look at the yeti meat that you’re about to put in your mouth. You cautiously take a chunk of it with your front teeth to find that it has a pleasantly good crust seared on it. Even more shocking, the flavor is full of garlic, salt, and pepper. It’s like a beef steak, but maybe a little gamier.

You watch Limestone, who’s somehow able to hold her cutlery with her hooves, energetically start on her meal. Maybe her frogs have some type of suction, or maybe they make magnetic horseshoes here. She cuts her much pinker and bloodier steak. It drips as she raises it to her mouth. She chews with some caution as she checks the texture and flavor. Suddenly, Limestone moans audibly enough for most of the other creatures in the restaurant to hear.

“Wow, it's just like I imagined,” Limestone tells you in a bliss. She is a little frightening as she chews her bloody morsels. She gets more aggressive, cutting and masticating like a cannibal. You watch in a horrific fascination and try to keep up with her pace. The two of you continue eating. Limestone is still essentially making a scene with her carnal consumption, and you try to do your best at attacking your side salad.

Once the two of you are full, you take a look at your half eaten steak that was far too large to finish in one sitting. The side salad was demolished though. Limestone hasn’t touched her salad and her steak plate is empty. She has a drip of red steak juice on her lower lip. She’s staring absentmindedly at the wall behind you with half-lidded eyes.

The griffon waitress is back at your table and inspects the two of you as the awkward couple you are. She says nothing and drops off the check. The griffon gives a side eye to your girlfriend.

You start to give praise about the food to end the silence between the three of you, “Thanks, miss, the food was really go-”

“Burrrrrppp!” Limestone lets out a guttural belch, silencing you. The griffon waitress looks appalled and harrumphs as she walks back to the kitchen. The restaurant is dead quiet after that too. Your marefriend ironically takes ladylike care to pick up a napkin and dab the steak blood from her mouth. Limestone and you lock eyes, taking in the atmosphere that exchange created in the restaurant. It only takes a few moments, but the both of you can’t help but start laughing over the scene.

“That was my first taste of meat, and it was so brutal, Anon,” Limestone gets out after chuckling.

“It was actually really good,” you compliment the food. You start to bring out your wallet to fork over the bits for the meal.

“Hey, woah woah!” Limestone is staring at you with an incredulous face as she protests, “let me pay for this.”

“But… you got me the knife and everything. I can handle paying,” is what you argue.

“Anon, let me do what a mare is supposed to do,” she says to you with her hoof pointed to you. This must be more of that Equestrian matriarchy bleeding through. You let her continue to leave the money instead, not wanting to take away from feeling like the proper mare.

You are at the rock farm on the dirt path that leads to the front door with Limestone. The pathway was gently lit with purple, glowing crystals that made the snow sparkle in the background. You lean a little on Limestone as you walk, clutching your knife box in your left arm. You got to hold her wonderfully soft hoof on the train ride here even though you couldn’t right now as you move. She trots ahead of you and opens the front door for you to enter. You make your way into the farmhouse and are greeted to it being starkly empty.

“My family is over at our other relative’s house,” Limestone admits to you, “we have the house to ourselves for the night.” This gives you a chill of nervous excitement. “Wanna come see my room?” Limestone asks. You nod. She leads you inside the place.

Her room is in the back of the house. It’s painted almost entirely gray with decorative wooden arches on the walls. Her extra large bed, covered in a heavy, white quilt, is in the center between a nightstand adorned with crystals and a shelf full of vinyl records.

“This is where we’ll be sleeping.” she says as you scan the room. That “we’ll” part makes your mind start to race about a few scenarios happening tonight. You walk up to the shelf with the records and start to pan through them as she watches you proudly.

“Pegasus Exodus?” you scoff at the absurd vinyl name aloud as you hold a few of them. “Hey Limestone, you have quite a collection here.”

“That’s nothing compared to my other collection,” she hints. Limestone beckons you to sit on the bed next to her. “Wait here, I have to show you these.”

She gets up and goes to her closet, and brings back a large box. Limestone cutely sets it on the bed with her mouth. She sits next to you again. Her warmth is right on you as she leans her body weight on your side. It feels wonderful how it contrasts with the cold winter air that you experienced only a few moments ago. “Check these out,” the violet mare opens the top and reveals that she is keeping a large collection of knives inside. They are totally varied and there has to be three dozen of them. You catch some that look ornamental while others look utilitarian.

“This one is my favorite.” The pony holds a dagger up for you to inspect. It’s a symmetrical, silver blade that has a golden hilt. The handle is a black texture with a tiny, metal pony skull on the area that the hilt connects to the handle. You gingerly take it from her hoof after she passes it to you. It’s weighty and something you wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of. The gold and black metal is tremendously cold and hard. After passing it back to Limestone, she proceeds to show you the other highlights of her collection.

“Limestone, I have no idea that you were so into this stuff. It’s pretty cool. I was thinking the one you got me might’ve been a one off decision,” you are saying as a means to give her genuine praise.

“Heh, thanks… I was betting you were a little different and could appreciate stuff like this,” Limestone beams. She has started to flush. You really are starting to feel the sexual tension. Her face turns a little redder and she starts looking at the floor while beside you still. A few moments pass. You start to get concerned about her silence.

“Hey, Limestone, are you okay?” you ask her.

Your marefriend turns her head and seems to be searching your soul as she asks,”Anon, I think…” She stops suddenly. “Listen, I’ve never had a colt friend before, and I hope I’m not moving too fast for you, but…” Limestone was clearly having trouble getting something off her chest. “I think…” she tries to get it out again. You grab her shoulders and have her face you. She desperately awaits what you’re going to do as you move her.

“Limestone, you are the first pony I’ve met that truly gets me. Thank you for everything so far,” you confess to the mare, “and I think I’m in love with you.” You decide that you’ll take the next step. She very quietly intakes a breath as you bring your lips to hers. It’s a light kiss that lasts for only a second, but the two of you are deeply flushed and staring at each other pleadingly. You move back to your original position before you kissed. Limestone neutralizes the gap you just made between your bodies and places her forelegs on your shoulders.

“I love you too,” she says and plants her lips on your mouth like you just did. This time the kiss lasts several seconds. Her lips break away from yours as she starts to breathe more audibly. Your whole body feels warm. This mare is just so beautiful. From her gray bob cut, to her perfect body, you are really starting to feel in the mood.

“I wanna feel what your teeth are like,” she admits. You get a jolt of sexual energy from her saying that. This mare is making you feel wild. Limestone pounces on you after sensing you’ll comply.

She mashes her lips onto yours. This feels visceral, unlike the first two kisses. You fall back on her bed. The warm quilt gives you the perfect landing spot. Limestone’s breath hits the top half of your face and it turns you on more. The crazed mare’s hot tongue slips into your mouth. She probes around your palette, searching for anything exotic. Each time your tongue tries to slip into her mouth, it’s beaten into submission by her stronger pony tongue.

Limestone finds your canine teeth and takes extra care to wrap her dominant tongue around them in a lewd manner. Her entire body shudders on top of you. You grab her by her barrel and make her moan inside your mouth. The vibration of her body is starting to make you erect under her warmth. One of your hands begins to caress her cutie mark.

“Fuck,” she huskily grunts and breaks away, breathing like a feral beast. You squeeze her ass while the both of you attempt to get air. It’s the perfect amount of softness undercut by firm muscle. Her butt was so shapely it just needed to be groped.

“Anon,” your marefriend is practically moaning out while watching lecherously as you massage her flanks. Your flank massage was continuing, and your erection was completely full mast at this point. Your underwear adds a bunch of friction that you want gone.

“Take off your clothes, Anon,” Limestone seems to command you. You wiggle out of your shirt while she stands above you on the bed. Her hoof traces your body with her ultra soft frog. “Your bucking pants too, Anon.” Not wanting to make your mare wait any longer, you take them off and strip down to your underwear.

“Hold on, I’ll do this last part,” she says in a sexy tone. Limestone backs up so she’s standing above your lower body. Her hoof runs down your belly all the way to the top of your underwear. It was painfully obvious that your erection was tenting them. Limestone seems flattered by this and touches you delicately. You bite your lip as her hoof touches your dick for the first time. It involuntarily twitches at her small touches.

Limestone giggles at your sensitivity. She starts to pull your underwear down. Her eyes are hungry for the prize underneath. Your dick springs freely upward and smacks her hoof. She gasps.

“It’s so big and hard already,” Limestone says out loud. She leans down and inspects your dick. You can feel her breath faintly. Her hoof strokes it up and down and it gets a rise out of her as it twitches.

“Oh,” you lightly moan out as her amateur hoofjob is starting to make you get closer already. She sits on her haunches and uses one foreleg to hold your dick while the other hoof strokes it. You can see your precum starting to make a sheen on her hoof as she rubs you. Again, your cock throbs in appreciation. The sensation is starting to make your mind lose focus on the world around you except Limestone’s ministrations.

Her hoof’s warmth is complimented by its softness. Her eyes watch you in adoration and curiosity as you’re writhing in pleasure. It seems like this is really delightful for her to watch.

Limestone’s soft frog rubbing the underside of you glans is enough to make you briefly shut your eyes. She takes care to do a couple of quickly paced strokes just to your head after seeing your pleasure. Limestone continues changing up her pacing to really tease you a few moments.

“Hey,... I’m… Uh” you try to warn Limestone between strokes, but her evil grin is plastered on her face. She presses slightly harder and strokes faster. This grants her a deeper moan from you. The pretty mare is watching every reaction you give her, and she can tell you’re getting close. This is something that she wants to desperately see.

The hoofjob is proving too much and you start to feel the pressure building up in your groin. It’s like a geyser is about to burst from your achingly hard cock. Limestone licks her lips and continues. You grip the bed for some type of support.

Finally, you’re not able to hold it anymore and you have an intense orgasm. Your dick immediately lands a rope of cum on Limestone’s muzzle. She recoils adorably in surprise. Another one shoots off, and it lands on most of her cheek and next to her mouth, prompting her to close one eye. Her hoof keeps stroking, but the next several shots only land on her chest, forelegs, and hooves.

“Goooood boy,” Limestone coos to congratulate you for cumming. Your hips buck a few times in response to this. “You made a mess all over your marefriend too, tsk tsk,” she feigns her disappointment. In your afterglow, you watch as she licks the tad bit of cum off her face. Her eyes raise up, signaling that she’s testing out how it tastes. “Not bad.”

“Could you give me a minute,” Limestone gets off the bed after telling you and proceeds to go clean up with some tissues that were on her nightstand. You are left feeling relatively cold compared to when you had her warmth over you. She returns to your side, cumless.

“I had an idea for us," You begin, "I want to make you feel good too." Limestone bites her lower lip. “I want you to lay down on the bed, facing up.” She complies. Your marefriend sits on the bed before you, her legs hanging off the bed. She leans back and catches herself with her forelegs to lower herself until her whole underside is exposed. Standing up, you scan her perfect, sexy body. She has the cutest navel that’s complemented by her teats. Her marehood is out in the open for you to see.

“Are you comfy?” you ask as you place a few pillows to support her upper body. She shakes her head yes after that. Limestone is looking at you, biting her lip. You lower to your knees and plant your face on her tummy. One of your hands begins caressing her. Your fingers trace up and down and make circles, giving the best belly rub you can muster while you plant a few kisses on her lower abdomen.

“Anon, your fingers are so nice,” Limestone compliments the handiwork. Taking this as fuel to move forward, you lower your focus down and move to her teats. You take your fingers and gently rub them on her tit flesh. Limestone is breathing heavier as you continue. Her nipple is hard as a diamond as you touch it. She grunts in pleasure from it. You decide to lick her right nipple as you squeeze her left one. “Gah,” She calls out.

Limestone was laying completely back on the pillows while you were rubbing her belly, but now she was too wrapped up into your foreplay and has raised herself on one foreleg while her other hoof came to the back of your head and strokes lovingly.

Sucking on her teats was wonderful, but it seemed that there was a cap as to how much pleasure it elicits from her. Things had to be kicked into high gear it seems. Removing your hands and mouth from her boobs, you grab at one of her vertical facing legs and lick. The muscles flex and react to you holding her leg and you begin running your tongue all the way from her cheek to the top of her rear leg. Taking care of one leg, you move to the other, passing by her marehood on the way which you made sure to exhale extra hard onto, teasing her. Limestone is making a grimace from the hot breath she just felt. You give the same treatment to her other leg.

It’s time for the main course. Limestone’s hoof is now holding onto the back of your head again. This time, it’s a tighter hold she has on you as you tease her. You extend your tongue out and lick the outside of her marehood, not making contact with her lips yet. Her pussy winks in response and a small string of grool comes dripping with it. Her pink, swollen clitoris reveals itself mid-wink. You continue a few times and make sure to really keep making her desperate for you to finally attack her vulva with your tongue.

“Buck, Anon, quit teasing me,” Limestone protests your cunnilingus stonewalling. This was finally it. You stick your tongue out and make it as flat and wide as possible. Heat is radiating off her pussy as your tongue’s tip barely touches her marehood. This tiny bit of contact makes her gasp and push her hoof against your head harder. Your tongue goes deeper, and you work your way up, taking time to appreciate the hot, wetness. Limestone’s pussy was currently bathing you in her arousal, the pheromones totally dominating your sense of smell.

Your tongue was almost at the top, and she winks. This exposes her clit again. You take advantage of this and move a little quicker to intercept. Your tongue hits the swollen nub of flesh.

“OooOohOhoH,” Limestone wails manically at this. Your tongue grinds against the mare’s clit just a tad longer, and it makes her throw her head back in pleasure while her one hoof is still driving you deeper into her. This is the strategy for you as you keep trying to make her call out. Her legs squeeze your head each time you make contact with her clit. You try to keep your tongue extended, but you've been at it for too many licks to keep it out that far. You need a different plan of attack.

Feeling it’s not enough to make her orgasm with simple licks of her full pussy, it’s decided in your brain that you’ll focus fully on her clit. Your tongue comes up and plants itself on her clit. She’s throbbing in pleasure. You decide not to move and let her body do the work for you. Limestone’s clit is moving from her winking, and it makes her curse several times.

You look into her eyes deeply as she starts to buck her hips. This had to be a clue that she was getting closer. Your tongue starts to move again and laps at her clit again. Her groaning and expletives are starting to make you smile. Grinning, your teeth are shown while your tongue is wetly slobbing on her clitoris. Limestone’s eye’s roll into the back of her head as she sees this.

“Keep AHHH,” she attempts to communicate with her brain being rattled by the intense stimulation, “KEEP BUCKING GOING!”. You feel like your hard work is paying off as her pussy is contracting on your face. Your face is already covered by her fluids. You suck on her clit while licking as you continue.

This was the breaking point. Limestone’s whole body starts convulsing. The foreleg that was supporting her body up, fails as she collapses backwards onto the pillows behind her. Both of her hooves on the back of your head are now rendering your head unable to move. Her bucking lower half is so pressed against your nose and mouth that you are not allowed to breathe. You keep your tongue pressed on her clit while she rides out her orgasm.

Limestone is calm now. You can feel her grip on you lessen and you remove your face to finally get some oxygen. The two of you sit up shakily as she breaks the silence, “That was amazing, Anon.”

You get up and hug her in response. It’s more comfortable to drop to her side and cuddle from there, so you do. You spend a while lying in each other’s embrace, staying warm. It’s exquisite to rest your head against hers.

You are spooning each other when your mare asks you, “Anon, I’ve never felt so good.” Limestone is blissfully musing. “You helped me experience a lot already today.”

“I’m glad. It’s the least I can do for such a cute mare,” is your response.

“Did you really call me ‘cute’?” Limestone catches you describing her in a totally uncool way.

“Well maybe… ,” you reconcile, “Somepony might call you hot and badass instead.” It seems to satisfy her. Limestone relaxes more in your arms. She seems to stir every now and then though. There seems to be something on her mind.

“Anon, I wanted to ask you about something. I always had this fantasy, right,” she was starting to explain to you as she turns to look you in the eyes. “I was hoping we could do something different. Do you think we could roleplay?”

You ponder this for only a moment and accept, “Sure, it’s no problem with me.” She squeezes you tightly and starts to reach her hoof down lower. Limestone begins to stroke your cock with her hoof like before. It’s getting a rise out of you and your dick is slowly but surely hard again.

“Mmh, so hard already,” she praises. The hoof continues to rub you while you’re facing each other. Between kisses Limestone further presses on what she asked before, “So, about this roleplaying: I always wanted to try this fantasy. I’ll be myself right?.” You nod in understanding. The hoofjob stops. “Then you’ll be a colt that I haven’t met before.”

“Wait, what?” you question.

“Anyway, I think you’re hard enough, so just give me a minute.” she nonchalantly tells you as you watch her get up, leaving you. Limestone goes to her closet and gets into her box of knives again. She rummages through them audibly with her mouth, even though you can’t see the front half of her body due to it being hidden by the closet doorway. What in Equestria is she getting a knife for? Limestone comes back sporting her favorite knife that she showed you earlier. The black handle is being gripped by her teeth. She’s making a snarling expression as she holds it, maybe to avoid the blade touching her lips, or maybe because she has violent intent. Walking toward you, she spits the knife out into her hoof. This situation is getting concerning...

“Uh, Limestone-," you attempt to ask.

“Listen, colt,” Limestone commands you, but seems to notice your concern, “Just behave for me, and I won’t hurt you.” The knife handle is bitten by her again. Climbing on the bed, she gets atop of you. You back your head instinctively as that glinting, double sided blade is getting closer to your face. Limestone’s front hooves pin your shoulders. You’re face to face, inches away. Her hot breath is coming in powerful bursts whilst her mouth is full.

A fleshy thud echoes in the room when Limestone sits herself on your pelvis. Your dick is being squished by her butt and marehood. You gaze down at the tip of your cock being ground upon, and you take your sight back to the pony currently pinning you down. She looks down, comprised of evil. Her teeth and part of her gums being barred with the tool being used. The knife in her mouth has its blade jutting out to your left. The ceiling light makes the lewdly chromed steel shine obnoxiously in your face.

It makes no difference that Limestone has her hooves attempting to pin you. Her weapon is enough to make you sink underneath without protest. She humps your dick, and if feels like her pussy is winking while she does. This situation of animalistic lust combined with potential violence has your brain confused and your penis aching to enter her tunnel.

“Grrrr,” Limestone grunts, looking down at the connection you two are making with your junk. You take this as a sign to aim the head of your cock into her. She raises up briefly to allow you to make the insertion possible. Her violet flanks very slowly come down on your glans. You’re trying to look down at the carnal action while avoiding the knife blade in your face. Her entrance is now swallowing enough of your cock, and you take your hands off. Your neck relaxes and lets your head fall back totally. The super hot mare pussy on you feels extremely tight. There’s only an inch of you inside her so far, but she raises herself up, and comes down again, taking a little bit more of you inside. Limestone looks up at the ceiling and shudders.

Her body moving like this inadvertently causes a tiny bit more of your dick to go inside of her. She raises and sits on you again, taking way more of your cock inside. The next hump is more forceful, and she impales herself completely. Her ass hits your pelvis, your dick rams into her cervix, and you call her name out loud. Limestone seems to try and utter some kind of expletive, but her knife blocks it from being intelligible.

Gusto best describes the pace that she fucks you with. The tight marepussy is flexing on your cock everytime she humps you. Now she goes for fast and deep with your dick being far enough inside to hit her cervix each thrust. Your hands grab her flanks.

Limestone leans down closer to your face, and her snout caresses you. The blade reminds you of its presence again in your peripheral vision. Her humping slows and she aims her head to point the blade to your throat. Your eyes scan for what she’s doing with the knife now being closer than ever. It looks like she senses your fear of being cut, and her expression changes to be empathetic like a mother consoling her child. One of her hooves rub your cheek. You can feel the cold blade just briefly as one of her thrusts makes her head move closer to your neck.

This has to be really dangerous, you think to yourself. If her legs slipped, the knife was coming down to your jugular. The thrill of it is intoxicating. Maybe it was the adrenaline making you feel a little high from a fight or flight response. You helped thrust back. The mare continuing to fuck with you, throat to knife. You groan extra hard.

That was all Limestone needed to go faster and rougher. She started to make a neigh-ing noise suddenly. The humping slowing down but becomes rough and out of the rhythm that you had established. Limestone’s back arches, and she cums on the top of you. Luckily the knife made a newfound distance away from you with her arching back making her look at the roof.

Her grunting and moaning mixed with her spasming inside walls were too much for you to hold on, and you begin to feel a primal urge to cum inside your knife wielding mare. Limestone is too taken aback from her orgasm to really focus and keep going with speed on your cock. You take things into your own hands and fuck her, really working out your abdominal muscles to raise up inside her. It takes you several dozen hip movements into the violet mare’s core, but there’s no way you’ll be able to hold back now. Your cock, harder than ever, feels like it can blow a load inside her any moment.

“Furgh meh,” are the humorously muffled words coming out of her knife-stuffed mouth. That’s all it takes to push you over the edge as you start cumming in her. You stop thrusting and have her full weight pressed down to give you the maximum depth to fill her. Many jets of hot cum flood her. You can look down at your crotch again and see the cum start to leak out from inside of her as you both continue spasming on each other.

Limestone spits her knife onto the ground beside the bed. It clatters on the wooden floor. It’s a shock to your system as she deeply kisses you. You’re able to explore around inside her mouth this time. Your hot saliva mingled in the afterglow. After a few minutes your dick goes soft and finishes throbbing. You just lay with her on top of you once your member pops out. You pet her head and behind her ears. The soft pony mane is pretty delicate in your fingers. She has her eyes closed while you’re doing this.

“I’m sorry, Anon. I think I got carried away with my fantasy,” she says once she opens her eyes and pleads with you for forgiveness.

“Yeah… I’ve never had something like that happen before,” you explain. She looks shame stricken by your honest answer. Thinking about it, though, it was really intense. Maybe it wasn’t that bad, and it was an awesome experience for a few reasons. “But, I can’t say it wasn’t fun.” Limestone looks rejuvenated at your pondering.

“Hey, are you available Tuesday?” she asks you, “I wanted to go somewhere with you again.” Her puppy dog eyes await what you’ll say, even though she just exposed some of her darkest parts of her brain to you a few moments ago. It takes you a minute to decide based on how wild the sexual experience you just had was.

“Yeah, I owe you a steak anyway,” you answer and hug her lovingly.

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