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Luna's student: Anon

By Guest
Created: 2024-11-11 14:24:26
Expiry: Never

  1. This is a reupload, I am not the writer. The original writer was Prophet.
  6. >You are anon.
  7. >How to describe you?
  8. >You're like Twilight Sparkle but you are Princess Luna's student.
  9. >You are younger though.
  10. >17 to be excat.
  11. >There is also one thing that makes you diffrent from Sparkle
  12. >Your dick, and to be precise it's size.
  13. >It's not small, oh no it's too big.
  14. >You'd think it would be advantage to get girls, but it gave you more health problems than anything.
  15. >Constant need to exercise to keep it alive + you being social failure + being student of the Princess of the night didn't help you losing your v-card.
  16. >Infact you were still virgin.
  17. >On the plust side you were living in a royal palace.
  18. >Something people you went to royal guard's school couldn't say.
  19. >You were also very good student. Princess Luna taught you many useful spells and things about world.
  20. >Other perks were your credit card filled with taxpayer's money.
  21. >Your gaming PC even made Equestrian Space agency jelly.
  22. >You didn't had many friends, hell you don't think you could name one person execpt Princesses that would count as a friend.
  23. >Maybe that's why Luna gave you that wierd task.
  24. >"Anon, I'm very proud of you and your achievements." said your teacher.
  25. >"But I'm afriad about your friends status."
  26. >"What about it?"
  27. >"You don't have any close friends anon." she sighed as she sat down on your bed.
  28. "Is that a problem? It doesn't affect my grades or my studies with you."
  29. >Please, please don't tell me I'm not gonna have to run around canterlot huging random people.
  30. >"No."
  31. >Thank God.
  32. >"But I am sending you to Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends so they can teach you a thing or two about making friends."
  33. >Are you fucking kidding me woman?
  34. "But Princess I assure you there is no nee.."
  35. >"It's already settled Anon. Twilight and her friends agreed. You will be spending time with each of them so you can understand the meaning of friendship."
  36. >Yup, you could jump off the balcony now. Fall would probably kill you if you would stun Luna with one of the spells she tought you.
  37. "When will I departure for this *adventure*?"
  38. >"Tomorrow morning and come on Anon. Life is something more than good grades and games."
  39. "I beg to differ."
  40. >"Oh don't be like that I'm sure you will have grand time with Twilight and her friends!"
  41. "How long will I be stuck with them?"
  42. >"One week. Each day with single person and the last day for all of you to enjoy!" she said with pride.
  43. >Sweet Celestia, why can't you just be closed in a grand library and learn some super hard spell that only some old grandpas know.
  44. >No you have to go to the "amazing Twilight Sparkle and elements of harmony" just because you are introvert.
  45. >Well you can always take your laptop with you so you don't get bored while talking to Sparkle and her friends about some magic of friendship or some shit.
  46. >On the birght side maybe you will have some rest from the castle.
  47. >Royals can be pain in the ass especially if you're student of Princess of Equestria.
  48. >Always telling you to just quit, that just because you weren't born as a royal you're going to fail your techer.
  49. >Fuck them.
  50. >You actually might enojy that trip and spend some time with cool people since they're friends of Princess of Friendship.
  51. >So it's settled you're gonna have good time and that's final.
  52. >Next morning you watied for the train to take you to Ponivile.
  53. >Even though you lived like a royal when it came to gaming, on every other aspect of life you liked average things.
  54. >That's why you chose to ride normal train to Ponivile.
  55. >After 2 hours you were at the Ponivile Station.
  56. >After you got out of the train you started looking for royal guards, after all Princess of Friedship must have some protetion from freeks and suicide bombers.
  57. >You didn't see any guard. Strange, is this the right station?
  58. >Sing says Ponivile so at lest you are in a right place
  59. >Maybe they are a little late. Shit happens.
  60. >You just sat down at the bench and started playing candy crush on your phone.
  61. >After 20 minutes you wondered where the hell are they
  62. >after while somebody touched you on the shoulder.
  63. >you looked up and saw Sparkle looking at you with smile.
  64. >"Hello I'm Twilight Sparkle and these are my friends!"
  65. >First you were confused where are the guards? Surely Princess of Friendship must have some escort.
  66. >She does look like Sparkle, but what if she is imposter just with some random bitches who wants to kidnap you for a ransom or steal your organs.
  67. >Or worse she will rape you with horse dildo. She'll use those big ones like you saw on
  68. >You also noticed 5 other women and one guy about your age.
  69. >"These are Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash and Spike."
  70. >Dang these women were hot. Each of them had their individual body type. That one with Pink hair was a little chubby but not fat. Ass+Tits. Noice.
  71. >Apple something had hips of the gods.
  72. >Flutter-something something, had amazing tits and nice ass.
  73. >Rari-purple hair had a little bit of both.
  74. >Rainbow hair, was the flattest and her ass was rather muscles than fat but you're not picky.
  75. >Especially that you are still virgin.
  76. >That spike green hair guy was average teenager.
  77. >You were body builder compared to him thanks to your penis-exercise-to-keep-it-alive.
  78. "Hi my name's Anonymous but you an call me Anon for short."
  79. >"Hello"
  80. >"Hi nony"
  81. >"Welcome to Ponivile"
  82. >"'sup kid"
  83. >"Howdy."
  84. >"Hello, nice to see somebody my age here." siad that green Spike. He was carrying heavy bag.
  85. >Was it his? Nah It can't be. It's all covered in diamonds and shit.
  86. >Maybe he's gay.
  87. >Tolerance and love everywhere and shit.
  88. >Then you saw Rari-ta? Pulling something from it "Thank you spikey<3".
  89. >You swear you thought that guy came in his pants right away after that.
  90. >Maybe he has humiliation fetish and likes to carry other bitches heavy shit.
  91. >Then Twilight spoke again "Anon, Princess Luna told me about everything and We are more than happy to help you discover magic of friendship!"
  92. "yay?"
  93. >"You don't sound very happy sugarcube."
  94. "Well it's not that I'm not happy, it's just I'm quiet type of person and I like to spend time alone."
  95. >"That's great!"
  96. >wat
  97. >"Fluttershy here is also very quiet type of person but she is an amazing friend thanks to the magic of friendship!"
  98. >note to myself. Twalot has an orgasm everytime phrase "Magic of friendship" trade-mark registerd is used.
  99. >then Rari-p? said "Come on ladies, let's not keep him waiting. Let's go to Twilight fancy Castle."
  100. >Castle? In small village on end-ass of nowhere? Nevermind maybe it's just big house.
  101. "Okay then Let's go. Let me just grab my bag."
  102. >Aagain Rarity said "You're our gest darling you don't have to carry that!"
  103. "No it's okay it's not that heavy."
  104. >Actually it was, but you didn't want to sound like an asshole.
  105. >"Really darling I insist, let me."
  106. "Okay"
  107. >Dang is she a body-builder that she likes to carry heavy shit?
  108. >"Spike wikey, please take luggage of our guest!"
  109. >"Anything for you Rarity!"
  110. >Again that guy. He really must like domination fetish.
  111. >After he picked up your bag he was balancing on his feet.
  112. "You sure you don't wanna help with this? It's not a problem really."
  113. >"Heh don't worry I'm sure I'm stronger than you!"
  114. >Faggot, nigga I'm so nice because my laptop wich is worth more than your life is in there, and if you're going to fuck it up I'll send half of the royal guards at you.
  115. "If you say so."
  116. >You wanted to just rip off your shirt and call dick-measure contest.
  117. >You'd won easily, 24cm or roughly 10 inches long dick was your asset. It might finally do something good instead of cuasing you health problems.
  118. >But you kept quiet. You don't wanna piss off these people, you're their guest and you need to make an impression that you are good friend.
  119. >Maybe then Luna won't send you away ever again.
  120. >You were walking wiht them thorugh the twon.
  121. >It was standard small town. Couple of shops, town hall, park, fountain, small school and big ass crystal castle.
  122. >Holy fuck, how did they build that thing. It's so sparkly and all.
  123. >You guessed that Twilight Sparkle must live in a Sparkling castle.
  124. >After entering into that sweet crib, Twilight showed your room.
  125. >"Well anon this is it, mak yourself at home!"
  126. "Thank you, it's very nice castle you live in. How did you build it?"
  127. >She smiled "Oh you see I haven't built it myself, after my battle with Tirek it just poped from the ground."
  128. >what? did she use instantcastle.rar to build that?
  129. "Poped from the ground?"
  130. >"Yes!"
  131. >You're not going to question it, the less you know about this place the better.
  132. >"Well let me show you around it while we're at it!" damn is she always so happy and shit?
  133. >".... and here is main room with our thrones!"
  134. >You walked into the big room with 6 big crystal thrones. Twilight's friends were minding their own business while she was telling you about Ponivile and her old library.
  135. >Interesting stuff and all, but how will it help you get friends?
  136. >After dinner you were talking with those girls to find out more about them, andy finally you memorised their names.
  137. >Apparently Pinkie Pie lives with Cakes family and likes paries and sweets.
  138. >That's probably why she's a little bit chubby, but you must admint she's hot type of chubby.
  139. >Rarity runs clothes shop, and loves fashion. You heard her name before.
  140. >After Sapphire shores's world tour there was big fuss who made her clothes. Rarity was name appearing on the front covers of glossy magazines.
  141. >Apple Jack runs with family apple orchard. She likes to work a lot. That's probabl why she has hips of the goddess.
  142. >You could swear only Luna and Celestia had hips of that caliber.
  143. >Flutteshy runs animal shelter, and loves animals(duh.)
  144. >Rainbow works in the weather forecast and is traning to become Wonderbolt.
  145. >Apparently she wants to be another Spitfire.
  146. >She already lost in terms of tits and ass. Spitfire has amazing fun-bags and ass that was giving your dick "hard-times".
  147. >As for Spike he is Twilight's assistant.
  148. >Wich you read as "I'm little faggot who do what hot bitches tell me because I hope I could fuck them, even if it means wearing pink apron and having humiliation fetish."
  149. >Twilight was "Princess of Friendship" wich meant living of taxpayer's money and running around blasting other people with colorful lazers.
  150. >After telling them about yourself and how you became Luna's student(it was long story you should write it down and sell it.) Twilight said.
  151. "Well you are one interessting person Anon, but now it's time to start our friedship program!"
  152. >They will tie you to the chair and water board you untill you will find some friends?
  153. "I'm all ears."
  154. >Twilight almost couldn't contain her excitement.
  155. >"You are coming to Pinkie Pie's house for one day! Starting with today's night!"
  156. >wat
  157. >Then why the fuck are my things here if was going to her for the day?
  158. "Okay but why? I thought that I was going to live here and listen to your friendship stories while we play monopoly or something."
  159. >then suddenly cuckold-spike spoke "HA! You are afraid to live somewhere else you chicken!"
  160. >If you don't shut up you little shit I will fuck you up.
  161. "Ofcourse not, it's just diffrent from what I expected."
  162. >Then suddenly Pinkie hugged you from behind, you could feel tites on your head.
  163. >Shit you can't get boner. It will look like you raised flag on mast.
  164. >You think about dead childer and Consoles exclusives that will never bath in mods of Pc mustard race.
  165. >It works your boner is dead.
  166. >Well your daily exercise is done at lest, your penis won't die from blood deficiency today.
  167. >"Come on Anon, it will be fun! We'll bake cupcakes and play games and watch movies and oh oh did you know that I have mini toothless crocodile!"
  168. >fucking what?
  169. "Mini toothless crocodile?"
  170. >you sounded like a person who just found out that he has Nigerian Prince cousin who is real and has country for you to inherit.
  171. >"Yes! His name is gummy and he loves to play with everyone!" she sounded like she discovered cure for cancer.
  172. "Okay then, that sounds fun. Let's go."
  173. >After packing some spare things into small backpack, you said your good bye's to Twilight and rest and headed out wih Pinkie to her place.
  174. >On the way it was small talk with her about you and how it's like to live in Canterlot.
  175. >Most of them were perks really, having people cleaning up for you, making food for you, bringing you stuff was really nice.
  176. >After some time you arrived at small bakery, it was where Pinkie was living with cakes.
  177. >Upon entering the first thing you felt was god-like smell.
  178. >God damn, anybody who works here must be 5 Michelin star chief.
  179. >You saw Chubby Milf working at the counter smiling at you.
  180. >"Hello and welcome at Cake's how may I help you?"
  181. >"This is anon Mrs.Cake. He will be staying here for tonight!"
  182. >Pinkie seemd even more happy than Twilight.She must be over dosing sugar or cocaine.
  183. >"Oh it's wonderful! We always enjoy meeting new people! Enjoy your stay Anon!"
  184. >you smiled
  185. "Thank you, I will."
  186. >Pinkie grabbed your arm "Let me show you where you will be sleeping Anon!"
  187. >Pinkie dragged you upstairs.
  188. >Damn she is stronger than she looks like.
  189. >You both entered room that main topic was either "Party all the time" or "I don't know where my life is going."
  190. >Either way it sure looked like Pinkie's room.
  191. >"Well Anon, you'll be sleepin in my room!"
  192. >shit there is only one bed and you don't want to make her sleep at the couch or something, you might get "selfish dick" grade on your friendship report to Luna.
  193. "Pinkie I can sleep on the floor really."
  194. >"Don't be silly Anon, you can use my bed I'll sleep on air mattress!"
  195. "You sure? Mattress is as good as bed for me."
  196. >"Ofcourse! You can place your backpack next to the bed."
  197. >You noded and placed your precious laptop with some clothes next to the bed painted on "seizure" color.
  198. >"Let's go bake something good!" again she grabbed you and moment later you were in the kitchen.
  199. >Shit it was hot in there. All those ovens made you feel like in hell.
  200. >You decided to take off your pullover.
  201. >While taking it off your shirt was lifted and Pinkie saw your muscles.
  202. >"Ohh, Anon I didn't know you were training a lot!"
  203. >Yeah no shit. What was I supposed to say? "I'm ripped because I have massive penis, that constantly requires me to make my blood pumping or it will die from blood deficiency." instead you smiled.
  204. "I like to stay in shape so I train a lot."
  205. >"Oh, you'll become friends with Rainbow in no time! She also likes to train!" She was as happy as an hobo winning lottery.
  206. "Yeah I'm sure."
  207. >"Well let's get to baking shall we!"
  208. >She handed you baking tray and started talking about her favorite cupcakes.
  209. >"What is your favorite dessert anon?"
  210. >What you were going to say? You ate many desserts that costed more than monthly income of anaverage person.
  211. >You chose to keep it simple.
  212. "I like everything but chocolate cupcakes have special place in my stomach."
  213. >"Let's bake chocolate cupcakes then!"
  214. >After mixing ingredients and waiting for cupcakes to bake, you grabbed still hot one.
  215. >Damn, this girl knows how to cook.
  216. >Pinkie took a bite and chocolate filling shot on her lips, wich she licked off like those pornstars after cum shot.
  217. >She turned around to see timer on other oven.
  218. >Then you saw her other amazing part. Dat ass.
  219. >God You'd hit that so hard. it was like one of those big but not too jiggly asses on those cute sexy-chubby-not-fat girls.
  220. >Dont' look Anon, you're strong.
  221. >This is no time and place for Grande Anon to rise.
  222. >You looked at the ovens and baking goods in them and Senior Anon became cool again.
  223. >"Let's go play some games!" again out of nowhere, Pinkie on sugar or cocaine grabbed you and ran with you upstairs.
  224. >Rest of the evening was normal. You played some monopoly, watched a movie, played cards.
  225. >You also got to pet toothless toothless crocodile, wich you are pretty sure is illegal. Whatever you're not animal lover so you don't care. Execpt when it comes to cats. You love those motherfuckers regardless if they are normal street cats or some fancy awards winning walking fluffs.
  226. >You both laughed couple times.
  227. >Generally you were having pretty good times with Pinkie.
  228. >When you looked at your watch you saw it was already 11:55PM, you gotta have some sleep if you want to survive Pinkie in the morning. You need to shower
  229. "Pinkie I'm getting tired, could I use a shower?"
  230. >"Sure 'Nony.." yeah you got to know each other so well that she gave you a nick name.
  231. >".. far door on the right."
  232. "Thanks."
  233. >You grabbed another shirt with boxers and shorts and went to the shower.
  234. >After entering bathroom, you got naked.
  235. >Dat feel when your snake is free to roam.
  236. >You could get as many boners and dirty thought as you want, and you sure did got a lot of both.
  237. >After enetring the shower you thought about Pinkie's fun-bags and her jiggly ass.
  238. >Grande Anon didn't need anything else, after all day without masturbation he was up and ready in seconds.
  239. >You were actually proud of him, despite problems with health he gave you.
  240. >After quick masturbation you shot a load so big you could make another batch of cupcakes for Pinkie.
  241. >Idea itself gave you another boner but it was too late for another round.
  242. >After stepping out of the shower, you realised about minor mistake.
  244. >After walking in circles for past minute with your 24cm(9.5 inch) dong in full erect-mode, you heard somebody behind the door.
  245. >You spotted another minor mistake, you didn't CLOSE the fucking door.
  246. >Pinkie jumped in with set of towels.
  247. >"'Nony you forgot about your towels, don't worry I won't loo......"
  248. >She just stood there with her mouth opened.
  249. >You could swear she started drooling, but before you had any chance to explain anything to her she look at your entire body.
  250. >After that she snapped back to reality and look you in the eyes.
  251. >Her face was as read as tomato.
  253. >She ran away shutting the door behind her.
  254. >Good job anon, you are fucked.
  255. >You decided to go to Pinkie and play it cool.
  256. >Shit happens right? It was just another accident, humans make mistakes. No big deal.
  257. >After you dried off and got dressed you got out of the bathroom.
  258. >It was pretty late so everyone from Cakes family was asleep, you were walking th through an empty corridor.
  259. >Once you stopped before the door to Pinkie's room, you took heavy breath and koncked.
  260. >No response, weird. Maybe Pinkie wnet to sleep already?
  261. >You opened door slowly, after entering her room you saw that air mattres that was on the floor before you went to shower was gone.
  262. >Maybe Pinkie got so embarrassed that she took it and left.
  263. >Nevermind that now it's too late to find her. It would be the best for you to just go to sleep and talk to her about dong incident in the morning.
  264. >Suddenly the door behind you slammed.
  265. >It was Pinkie standing with nothing but a blue G-string smiling at you.
  266. >"You were right 'Nony, I want to sleep in my bed, so I guess we're gonna sleep together."
  267. >Dear God this isn't happening.
  268. "Um, Pink ie why are you naked?"
  269. >Grande Anon knew why.
  270. >"Oh I you didn't notice? It's hot in here 'Nony!"
  271. >You stuttered like a child in the kindergarten.
  272. "Y..yeah I..I guess it's hot in here."
  273. >Yeah you felt it was hot as hell, but not because of the temperature no.
  274. >It was because of Pinkie's fun-bags flashing at your face.
  275. >Her smile grew even wider as she was walking towards you.
  276. >She stopped just before you and looked you in the eyes.
  277. >"You are all read "Nony! You probably feel hot to! Let me cool you down!"
  278. >Before you could say anything Pinkie grabbed your shorts and pulled them down revealing Anon Grande in full erection.
  279. >She then proceed and took your shirt off.
  280. >You were now standing completely naked in front of Pinkie with your dick being in full hard mode.
  281. >Pinkie let out a giggle and took off her thong.
  282. >"It's to hot to wear that."
  283. >You only gulped, you were too stunned to say anthing.
  284. >"Well let's go to sleep shall we?"
  285. >Her smile never left her face during the entire situation.
  286. "O.o.okay."
  287. >Spaghetti was falling out of your pockets even though you weren't wearing any pants.
  288. >She tackled you onto the bed and cuddled you.
  289. >"Hmpf, 'Nony I can't sleep, can you sleep?"
  290. >Dear good woman I'm laying naked with hot chick that is also naked with full erection.
  291. >Ofcourse I can't fucking sleep.
  292. "Y.yeah."
  293. >She then rolled over you, her face was now centimeters(inchies) from you face.
  294. >You didn't know when it happend but her tounge was now dancing inside your mouth.
  295. >It felt amazing, you always dreamed about kissing a girl in that way, but you were lacking balls and a girl.
  296. >You kissed her back and now both of your tongues were touching each others in all possible ways.
  297. >That kiss was the best the thing you ever felt, but you were now facing small problem.
  298. >Pinkie's mouth was locked with yours for so long that you started to gasp for air.
  299. >She finally released you from her moth-grip.
  300. >You both were heavy panting.
  301. "I know you're tired 'Nony and it's a little bit late, but do you think you still have some energy left for one more game?"
  302. >She now had a wicked grin on her face, oh boy you knew what she wants to do.
  303. "I.I guess."
  304. >Could this be the day? Could you finally become a man? Or was she just playing with you.
  305. >Cocktease could be her fetish.
  306. >After seeing cuckold Spike You wouldn't be surprised.
  307. >"Say Anon, do you have any experience in *this field*?"
  308. >Should you tell her how many maids you have fucked? Nah she will probably find out about this lie, especially that you probably won't last longer than 20 seconds.
  309. >Telling the truth is the only good option.
  310. "N-no, I'm still a virgin."
  311. >Her eyes grew wide and her moth opened up.
  312. >"You can't be serious "Nony!"
  313. "I am. My social skills aren't the best, that's why I didn't have a chance to lose my v-card. It's also the reason why Luna sent me here. She really hopes that I will be able to make friends after my stay in Ponivile."
  314. >Pinkie's tone chaged to very seductive one.
  315. >"Ohhh don't worry Anon after your trip you'll be able to make friends and and couple of other useful tricks."
  316. >She slided down to your shaft and grabbed it.
  317. >"You know 'Nony, I've lost my virgnity couple years ago, but I don't think I've ever seen dick this big."
  318. >She then compared it to her face.
  319. >"Holy molly 'Nony it's as big as my face!"
  320. >You took it as a compliment.
  321. >She started stroking your dick slowly.
  322. >"Does it feel good 'Nony?"
  323. "Yess...."
  324. >She giggled and smiled.
  325. >"Wait for the next part."
  326. >Pinkie took your penis in her mouth and you lost contact with the world for the next 5 seconds.
  327. >Sweet Celestia, you felt like somebody just took you to the heaven, no amount of masturbation with any type of toys ever felt that good.
  328. >You closed your eyes and let Pinkie doing her magic.
  329. >She was amazing, sucking it up and downm, using her tounge.
  330. >Her hand was jerking your lower part of the pipe while her mouth was taking care of the upper.
  331. >It didn't take a lot of time for you to feel your orgasm coming.
  332. "P-Pinkie I'm going to cum."
  333. >She stopped sucking and started jerking you off while looking at your face.
  334. >Pinkie could see you were in pure bliss.
  335. >"Already Anon? Oh well we've got whole night for us to enjoy heehee."
  336. >Whole night? Does she think you'll be able to keep up whole night in bed with sugar-powered sex monster?
  337. >Pinkie returned to sucking you off, but now she wasn't using her hands.
  338. >Oh sweet Celestia, Luna and all the other princesses. She was now swallowing your whole dick.
  339. >You could feel softnes of her throat.
  340. >Damn she has some skills, must've done a lot of blow jobs.
  341. >Good for you, at lest your first time will be with a pro not a total newbie like you.
  342. >You felt incoming relief and grabbed Pinkie's hair.
  343. >She was surpirsed by that, but before she had any chance to say a thing you started face fucking her merciless.
  344. >You could hear her choking but, it felt too damn good to stop.
  345. >About 5 seconds later, you shot a load so big you could easily fill a bucket.
  346. >You're pretty sure your heart stopped for some time.
  347. >You let go of Pinkie's hair and closed your eyes.
  348. >Your life could be taken away from you right now and you would't even feel sad.
  349. >At lest if somebody asked if you're a virgin, you could at lest say that you got a blowjob from a meaty girl.
  350. >Suddenly you snapped back to reality and realized that Pinkie was probably still choaking from your semen.
  351. >You wanted to apologize for losing control, but you noticed Pinkie smiling and making big "gulp" sound.
  352. >Holy shit, did she just swallowed your whole load?
  353. >"Well that was fun, but I still see you want moar."
  354. >She was right. Your dick didn't even go soft after you came, it was still stiff like a lamp post.
  355. >Pinkie placed her index finger on your penis head and giggled.
  356. >"While it would be fun to suck you off again 'Nony. I think I'd like to try something different, but equally fun. What do you say Anon?"
  357. "I'd love to."
  358. >"Great! But before we can experience any pleasure, small problem needs to be taken care of."
  359. "What's the problem?"
  360. >"Nothing big really; we just have to be safe."
  361. >She opened the drawer of the night stand and took out a condom.
  362. >"It's the biggest one I have; but there is a chance it won't fit."
  363. >Another compliment?
  364. >"Oh well, only one way to find out."
  365. >Pinkie took the rubber out and placed it on top of your dick.
  366. >Then she used her mouth to cover Anon Grande in latex wrap.
  367. >You admit, it looked pretty cool.
  368. >Just like in porno, only know it was real.
  369. >"Well; I think we're ready."
  370. >She kissed top of your latex covered cock and put her body on yours.
  371. >Her pussy was now rubbing your member.
  372. >You could feel how wet it was.
  373. >Pink haired cum muncher grabbed your twitching rod and started to slowly putting it inside her.
  374. >"Sweet Celestia ''s so big."
  375. >Rubber was partially shielding you from Pinkie's warm womb; but it still felt like heaven.
  376. >Her hips swallowed your dick.
  377. >Face of your virginity thief was red as blood and her mouth opened wide like a barn's door.
  378. >Without any word she started going up and down.
  379. >Her ass making loud claps everytime it was landing on your hips.
  380. >It was so loud, a dead person could hear it. >Pinkie wasn't helping either; you were afraid that her moans might wake somebody up.
  381. >Blowjob was good; but this was a whole new level of pleasure.
  382. >Dopamine was flowing back and forth through your neurons.
  383. >It looked like thick angel that was riding you has lost control.
  384. >Her hands were on your chest while she was biting her lips.
  385. >Pinkie was jumping on your pole so fast; it looked like rape from another person's perspective.
  386. >You grabbed her soft round bum and matched your movements with hers.
  387. >Her eyes were filled with hunger.
  388. >"A...A...Anon...I'm close"
  389. >After hearing that sentence you decided to push even harder.
  390. >Few strong pushes later waterfall of fluids came down at your balls along with Pinkie's scream.
  391. >Her body was now covered in sweat, chest going up and down from heavy breathing.
  392. >Ponka was finnished; but you sure as hell weren't.
  393. >Clearly; big girl wouldn't be jumping on your sword any further.
  394. >It was time for you to shine!
  395. "Pinkie; I want to take a lead."
  396. >You looked at her; she didn't even open her eyes.
  397. >Her head nodded as a sign of approval for your idea.
  398. >Girl wasn't the lightest one; but you are fit so there weren't any problems with pushing her off.
  399. >She was now lying on her back with those big breasts smiling at you.
  400. >Pinkie's gate to heaven was still wet; covered in her cum juice. Idea of eating her out appeared in your head.
  401. >Sadly you decided to try it another time; a different "head" was making decisions.
  402. >It cleary wanted to taste a sweet relief.
  403. >You obeyed your master's orders and let him explored the wet cave.
  404. >After pushing him all the way down; the spent sex machine only let out a little moan.
  405. >She was too tired to form any sentence or a word.
  406. >Tirek Mode : ON.
  407. >Couple seconds later after thrust rampage; white river of pleasure flowed from your dick.
  408. >Best. Night. Ever.
  409. >It was even better than a night from 4 monts ago; when on royal party son of main general of Equestrian army said he was gay.
  410. >Whole room was more quiet than a grave yard. Your sides were getting obliterated.
  411. >Fun night; even though General Mcbullet committed suicide shorty after it.
  412. >Your sentimental trip didn't make you realize that Pinkie took off condom filled with your unborn children from your dick.
  413. >She was now lying next to you in pure bliss; still panting like an asthmatic
  414. >"Wow 'Nony; that was aaaaaaamaaazzinngg! What do you think?"
  415. >Your mind wasn't working as hard as Pinkie might've thought; sure nobody could say that you were a virgin anymore and that made you happy.
  416. >But you were just relaxing in the aftermath of your first time; thinking about everything and nothing.
  417. "It was the most amazing night I have ever had."
  418. >It sure was Anon, it sure was.

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