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Overdue Chrysalis

By One-Of-Three-Names
Created: 2024-11-17 19:33:24
Expiry: Never

  1. Chrysalis trying to hold in an overdue clutch of eggs until she pops.
  3. >A month. One whole month. That's... That's fine. She can hold them in for another month.
  4. >It wasn't like she was already weeks overdue with probably the largest brood she had ever carried.
  5. "Very well! There will be no new eggs laid for a month, but I won't wait a day longer."
  6. >She dismisses the drone and settles back into her throne, her plush flanks fattened with love cushioning her bloated body.
  7. >She grunts, squirming as the eggs shift inside her as she changes position.
  8. >Her damnable teats are still so swollen that they're forcing her thighs apart.
  9. >The way her gravid belly is resting on them is making them ache.
  10. >She'll need to get a nurse in here to milk them soon.
  11. >She strokes a hoof over her belly, feeling it twitch at her soft touch.
  12. >Just four more weeks...
  14. 1 week
  15. >She shifts her impressive hips, letting out an annoyed sigh as she struggles to get comfortable.
  16. >The eggs are very eager to come out now. She can feel them nudging at her birth canal from the inside.
  17. >The pressure has grown over the past week, leaving her enormous womb firm to the touch, even considering the fat she had put on before the pregnancy.
  18. >She slowly rolls forward onto all fours, standing up with short heave of effort.
  19. >The contents of her belly shift audibly, a gentle rumble of shifting eggs as she takes a few experimental steps.
  20. >Her belly is jutting out to either side of her with its width, even surpassing her much-widened flank.
  21. >This walk will probably be one of her last until she lays these. She suspects with another week of growth her belly will be brushing the floor.
  22. >She waddles away, ignoring the gentle sway of her belly and the awkward way she must walk due to her engorged teats.
  24. 2 weeks
  25. >She ignores the hungry noises her stomach is making, panting lightly as she takes another arduous step forward.
  26. >The apex of her belly drags across the floor, letting out another grumble of complaint.
  27. >She lets out another sigh of annoyance as she laments the current situation.
  28. >She had made the decision to abandon the throne room for now, opting to spend the rest of her pregnancy in her bedchambers
  29. >Unfortunately getting there is proving to be difficult.
  30. >Much as she feared might happen, the eggs inside her have entered their next stage of rapid growth. They should have been laid weeks ago.
  31. >As a result, her belly has begun to balloon outwards, and her appetite has skyrocketed.
  32. >Still, she must ignore her gnawing hunger until she reaches her rooms.
  33. >Another feast would surely trigger another growth spurt, and would probably immobilize her entirely.
  34. >She bites her lip as one of her drones attempt to heft one side of her turgid belly.
  35. >Her womb aches. Her belly feels so rigid.
  36. >The drones had better finish that egg chamber on time.
  37. >An ominous gurgle rises from her distended belly, and she can feel herself grow just the slightest bit.
  38. >They had better...
  40. 3 weeks
  41. >It is an active effort to hold back labor now.
  42. >Even though her body is designed for things like this, her eggs are very persistent.
  43. >She breaths heavily, feeling the way her swollen womb is pressing up against her lungs.
  44. >Her belly has grown to an obscene size. She can hardly brush the surface of her bed with the tips of her hooves now.
  45. >A nurse massages the side of her bulging belly, easing tome of the tension of her stretched skin.
  46. >Chrysalis herself slurps another mouthful of love-infused honey, as she had been forced to do more and more frequently lately.
  47. >Anything to ease the nearly constant pangs of hunger fueled by the growth of her brood.
  48. >The incessant snacking has not been kind to her figure, which has ballooned even further.
  49. >Every movement sends jiggles through her flanks and thighs. She'd even noticed some pudge developing at the base of her neck.
  50. >Her teats feel almost as swollen as her middle, looking more like they belong on a cow.
  51. >She grunts, the muscles in her belly spasming as they try to squeeze downward, only to be forcibly suppressed.
  52. >The moment passes, and she relaxes again. As much as she CAN relax now.
  53. >In the back of her mind she can feel that something is wrong. Changling Queens, no matter how formidable, are not meant to get this pregnant, to grow this large.
  54. >Her womb burbles loudly, and she feels another growth spurt coming on.
  55. >She huffs as she swells just a little larger, feeling herself stretch. Her ears twitch as she picks up a faint creak. Was that her imagination?
  56. >Just one more week...
  58. 4 weeks
  59. >Just one more week she had thought.
  60. >Her nights were fitful and sleepless, accompanied only by her steadily expanding womb and the increasingly worrying sounds it had begun making.
  61. >She had grown massive in that seemingly miniscule amount of time.
  62. >Her womb was much larger than she was, leaving her draped atop it like some kind of swollen obscene decoration.
  63. >She was ridiculously taut. So full of eggs that she thought she might actually just explode if she held onto them any longer.
  64. >She decided she'd had enough. Today was the day. However much of the egg chamber had been constructed would have to be enough.
  65. >Not that it would be used for long anyway. Judging by the speed of her expansion, the eggs had entered their final stage of growth before hatching.
  66. >She gazes down at what's become of her body, huffing.
  67. "Look what you've done to me. I feel like a bloated tick!"
  68. >She snorts, shaking her head.
  69. "Let's get this over with."
  70. >With a conscious effort, she releases the seal on her womb, gasping as the pressure sends amniotic fluid gushing from her sex.
  71. >Her belly rumbles and churns with movement as the eggs shift towards her birth canal.
  72. >She lets out a moan of relief as she finally succumbs to her birthing instincts.
  73. >Her muscles go taut, and her belly compresses down, showing the bulges of eggs through her skin as it does so.
  74. >She can feel the first egg slowly, achingly stretching her walls as it starts to make its way out of her.
  75. >Her womb gurgles loudly, and her eyes widen.
  76. "No! Not now!"
  77. >She hisses, breath catching in her throat as she feels the growth spurt begin.
  78. >As the eggs slowly begin to grow inside her, she groans in dismay.
  79. >Her already overtaut flesh creaks like taxed leather as it strains to contain her brood.
  80. >The egg in her birth canal halts its progress, remaining lodged there.
  81. >The noises slow to a painful silence as the growth spurt ends.
  82. >She curses at herself for letting things get this bad, taking a moment before bearing down again.
  83. >But something is different this time.
  84. >Her muscles ache along with the rest of her body, pulled so taut across the expanse of her belly that they cant get enough leverage to squeeze properly.
  85. >She grunts, trying over and over, each attempt only sending weak spasms that ripple across her bloated middle.
  86. >She's eggbound, and still growing.
  87. >The next few hours are spent in futile attempts to get the birthing process going again, but it's useless. And she's grown even larger since then.
  88. >She is impossibly tight. Far too large. Every time she thinks there's simply no way to get any tighter.
  89. >And yet, she does.
  90. >The noise is constant now. The air filled with the faint sounds of rumbling of shifting eggs, the soft creak of stretching flesh, the gurgling of growth.
  91. >She can feel her pulse throbbing over the straining skin of her middle.
  92. >She takes shallow breaths, her oversized womb taking up too much space inside her.
  93. >The enormous orb that is her womb glistens with sweat.
  94. >A loud, terrible rumble echoes through her body. She can tell this one is different, worse than the ones before.
  95. >This is it. She's going to swell up until she bursts.
  96. >She grunts as she feels it begin. Her belly throbs as it grows slightly, the pressure of her taxed body fighting back against the bloating.
  97. >It continues like that, one shuddering pulse of growth accompanied by a grunt of effort from Chrysalis, holding herself together.
  98. >The noises emanating from inside her grow worse. The deep, rumbling gurgles of her belly becoming cacophonous as the creaks of her body continue to rise in frequency and volume.
  99. >She's paper thin now.
  100. >Every ounce of her will is focused on just keeping her eggs contained inside her.
  101. >Still, she knows she's not going to last.
  102. >Her belly is riddled with reddening stretch marks.
  103. >Tiny pops join the deafening creaks of her hide as it starts to fail.
  104. >She gasps, eyes flying wide as she realizes she's seconds away from popping like a balloon.
  105. >Her belly visibly pulses with her heartbeat, one long groan giving way to a protracted gurgle.
  106. "I'm.. Nnnggh.. Too... Full!"
  107. >Her impossibly swollen sides quiver, the growth slowing to a stop as she hits her absolute limit.
  108. >For a long moment the pressure fights against the growth inside her. Her explosively gargantuan belly darkening as the sore, distended flesh inevitably loses.
  109. "Ssso.. Manny.. I'm going to-!"
  110. >Her words descend into a unintelligible burble as her belly gurgles, then suddenly lurches outward in one final growth spurt, turning into a magnificently swollen orb before bursting into a flood of fluid and eggs.
  114. >Just as she's convinced she's going to burst, she grits her teeth, squeezing her stretched muscles with all her might in a vain attempt to keep herself together.
  115. >The rumbling inside her falters for a moment, her body quivers with effort as she takes one last breath-
  116. >When to her shock, the egg lodged in her birth canal suddenly pops free from between her fattened flanks.
  117. >The pressure inside her combined with her final effort actually managed to push it free, gaining her valuable seconds as she desperately attempts to repeat the feat.
  118. >To her surprise, the second egg is actually smaller than the first, and she squirms atop her mountainous and taut belly as it's shoved free of her by the others pressing behind it.
  119. >The next several hours are a desperate, back and forth battle as she struggles to lay the oversized eggs before they grow large enough to bind her again.
  120. >Several close calls almost threaten to pop her again, the quivering orb of her womb groaning and gurgling beneath her as she strains.
  121. >In the end, she lays on her back, exhausted before a pile of massive eggs, ready to hatch.
  122. >Her belly is still hugely swollen, packed with what eggs remain, but she is no longer in danger of bursting.
  123. >Her womb has started to twitch and squirm as the new drones threaten to hatch inside her.
  124. >She pants, uncaring and unwilling to try and lay more of the huge ovoids.
  125. >It seems the rest of them will have to come out once they've freed themselves of their shells.
  126. >Oh well. They can stay in there a while. For now, she needs a well-deserved nap.

Overdue Chrysalis

by One-Of-Three-Names

Little Nightmares

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The Great and Bountiful Broodmare

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