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The Great and Bountiful Broodmare

By One-Of-Three-Names
Created: 2024-11-17 19:39:15
Expiry: Never

  1. The Queen heard of her drones success in capturing another mare to add to the alcoves of the new feeding hall. And has continued to hear of it, often. The new arrival is very loud. Obnoxiously so.
  5. She continues to go on like this for another thirty seconds or so before she is cut off as presumably the drones gag her again. It would seem that the usual methods of indoctrination are not going very well. They have been at it for nearly an hour already. Highly unusual considering the average captive is broken within fifteen minutes. Yet somehow this particular mare has kept herself lucid, and each time they ungagged her she would begin screaming again, usually disrupting anything The Queen was doing. She decides that it's about time she sees what all the fuss is about. She dismisses her attending servants with a wave of her hoof and slowly rises, stretching briefly. She glances over to her favorite new daughter.
  7. "Twilight," The Queen commands, causing the little changeling to raise her head from her work.
  9. "Yes Mistress?" she asks, tilting her head quizzically.
  11. "Come with me. There is unrest in the hive, and it is my duty to address any trouble," she replies.
  13. Twilight gives her a knowing smile. "And why do you need my help?"
  15. The Queen bristles slightly at that. Twilight isn't exactly disobeying, merely asking a question that makes it very clear that she understands Chrysalis is grooming her to become a queen one day. Someday. A day much further away than Twilight likely realizes. Still, she is being disrespectful, and disrespectful changelings must be set right. She may be a queen someday, but she is most certainly not one now. Chrysalis begins plotting.
  17. She releases a small amount of pheromones before demanding: "Twilight Sparkle. Stand up."
  19. Twilight abruptly finds herself on her hooves, a slightly surprised look on her face as her body does what The Queen asks without any real imput on her part.
  21. "Now, come with me," Chrysalis repeats as she turns and walks away.
  23. "Yes mistress," Twilight says, obediently, and slightly ashamedly as she keeps pace by her side.
  25. They reach the feeding hall quickly, and the swarm graciously parts for them; bowing to them as they pass. Upon their arrival, they see the various alcoves housing the permanent pony residents there, ready to offer their love to any changeling that gives them attention or their next meal. The offending light blue unicorn is immediately obvious, her hooves already sealed into the walls of her alcove, splaying her limbs out in a rather enticing way. The drones it seems have just finished another round of indoctrination, and are now removing the gag once again. Once off, she immediately she begins thrashing and shouting uselessly.
  29. She seems rather fond of referring to herself in the third person. This one is remarkably full of herself, though perhaps not undeservedly so. She has resisted longer than almost anypony Chrysalis has ever seen. Impressive. Perhaps her destiny is not as an alcove mare after all. But if not that, then what?
  31. "Trixie?" Twilight asks, in a tone of slight disbelief.
  33. Trixie stops her hollering and stares. "Twilight? I should have known you had something to do with this. Tell them to release me at once! Or..." She trails off, squinting at Twilight in the dim light before gasping. "What have they done to you?"
  35. "You know this mare?" The Queen asks, turning to look down at Twilight.
  37. She nods, not returning Chrysalis's gaze. "We had a small rivalry in Ponyville a year or so ago."
  39. "A SMALL RIVALRY?" Trixie screams, indignant. "Trixie was your greatest adversary! Your nemesis! The Discord to your Celestia!"
  41. Twilight rolls her eyes and looks up at Chrysalis. "She's an egomaniac illusionist, nothing more."
  43. "I see," The Queen responds, and walks forward to examine the unicorn in greater detail. Trixie's eyes widen as The Queen steps into the dim light cast by the green slime binding her. She begins struggling harder, fueled by fear. Chrysalis smiles as she watches, Trixie has a strong, healthy body, that much she can see. And if her resistance to her drones is any indication, an even stronger mind. If a bit warped. Those two traits are surprisingly hard to find together in a world full of pudgy bakers and dim-witted farmers. This Trixie could prove a valuable asset, once she is turned. And a pony can only be turned once they are obedient and willing. Clearly these inept drones are not making any progress on that front. Something more drastic will be needed to break this 'great and powerful ego's will.
  45. The Queen begins to slowly smile. She has an idea. She has a wonderful, awful idea. One that would break Trixie's will, turn her, and provide a valuable service to the hive. On top of that, it would teach Twilight Sparkle a valuable lesson. It could even play with their cute little rivalry. The Queen giggles ominously at her brilliant plan, much to Trixie's distress.
  47. "Mistress? What is it?" Twilight asks, curiously. She recognizes that little laugh.
  49. "Oh, you will see Twilight. You will see." She turns to the drones attending to Trixie, and the nearby worker. "Release her from the alcove, but keep her and her horn restrained. I have other plans for her. Fetch a nurse." She whirls around as the drones begin to do as she commands, and begins trotting down a tunnel towards to cocoon chambers. "Twilight Sparkle! Come with me!"
  51. The two of them arrive in the cocoon caves together, and The Queen smiles in delight at the sight of nearly a hundred cocoons, their green contents glowing brightly, casting their light upon her in a way she found very flattering. Unfortunately most of them lay empty, and will stay that way until the next major raid. In the meantime, they are very useful for re-purposing the population of the hive whenever she has need of more drones, nurses, or workers. Re-purposing is fun. Sometimes she does it merely for her own amusement, or pleasure. She could even create entirely new kinds of changelings using these, if she wants. Which she does. Often. She has even used these wonderful things to make alterations to herself once or twice. She bites her bottom lip softly and sighs, those were very entertaining weekends.
  53. "Mistress? Why are we here?" Twilight asks, seeming wary, but curious.
  55. The Queen grins down at Twilight. "We are here to teach you a lesson!"
  57. Twilight's eyes sparkle and she flutters her wings a little. "Oh, a new lesson? What's this one about? Are you going to teach me to use the cocoons?" she asks, oh so innocently.
  59. Chrysalis shakes her head. "No, not yet. You remember what it's like to be in one, don't you?"
  61. Twilight shivers slightly, her chitin clicking. "Of course I do, it broke me in only nine minutes and twenty three seconds," she says, with a hint of shame, and a bit of longing.
  63. "Well, this is going to be like that, only better, since you wont be resisting," The Queen exclaims, still smiling as she leads Twilight up to a particularly large looking empty cocoon.
  65. "W-wait, what?" Twilight stops in her tracks, staring up at Chrysalis.
  67. The Queen releases a large amount of pacifying pheromones, preventing Twilight from doing anything to resist as she levitates her into the air.
  69. "Mistress, what's going on? What are you doing?" Twilight asks, panicking slightly.
  71. Chrysalis steps up to the cocoon and tears a large gash in its translucent membrane with a jagged edge of her hoof, causing some of the vibrant green slime to begin oozing out, dribbling onto the cavern floor. "You're being demoted, Twilight."
  73. "W-What!?" Twilight shouts, full on fear in her voice. "What did I do? Was it how I behaved in your chambers? I'm sorry! I wont do it again!" She continues to beg for her life and position until Chrysalis shushes her.
  75. "Relax Twilight, this is only temporary, and besides. I think you will find it a very interesting experience." She floats Twilight up to the opening she made in the cocoon, and begins slipping her inside, and the cocoon greedily accepts her.
  77. "Wait, we can talk about this right? I'm sure whatever lesson you need to teach me I can-" her speech stops as Chrysalis finishes sliding her inside, and the slime closes around her mouth, forcing her to fall silent. The cocoon senses her presence immediately, and the rift in it's membrane seals itself.
  79. Chrysalis directs the cocoon on precisely what she needs it to do, and watches with glee as it begins its work on Celestia's former faithful student. She revels briefly in her ability to steal her greatest enemy's favorite toy and make it her own. Her smile returns as Twilight's silhouette begins to writhe in ecstasy, the cocoon beginning to force the physical changes upon her, and making sure it is as insanely pleasurable as possible. Twilight's body seems to pulse and throb, becoming malleable under the cocoons constant attentions. Considering the kind of changes she requested, The Queen knew this must feel particularly, indescribably good. She leans forward and presses her ear against the thin membrane, giggling as she hears Twilight, still lucid, and desperately moaning for more.
  82. The Queen returns to the feeding halls to find Trixie being restrained on the ground by three drones, at whom she is screaming insults. The nurse that The Queen requested is standing nervously nearby. Chrysalis recognizes her as one of her favorites. Good. She approaches the nurse, who looks up at her and smiles happily, her demeanor brightening instantly in the presence of her beloved queen. She bows.
  86. The Queen nods her head respectfully, and smiles as she reaches down and nuzzles along the nurse's neck, causing her to giggle and make pleased noises. "I have a special task for you," Chrysalis explains.
  90. "What sort of task, mistress?" the nurse asks, tilting her head.
  94. "Well, more of a reward, actually. A treat." she clarifies, then turns to a nearby worker. "Please gag this unicorn," she commands, and the worker obeys immediately.
  98. The nurse grows visibly excited at the mention of a reward. "Really? Thank you! What must I do?" the nurse asks, eager to please.
  100. "This mare here, the loud one." Chrysalis indicates Trixie, who is now glaring daggers at her, freshly solidified green slime sealing her mouth shut. "She is to become an incubator, and perhaps even a broodmare. You shall have the honor of preparing her."
  102. Trixie's eyes widen in horror, she doesn't know exactly what that means, but it definitely does not sound good. The nurse on the other hoof, seems absolutely ecstatic at this news, and begins thanking Chrysalis profusely, groveling at her hooves.
  104. "You are most welcome," she says, warmly. "Now, when you are done, we will take her to the breeding chambers, she's going to need room to 'spread out' soon." She chuckles quietly to herself, and gestures for the nurse to proceed. "Go on then, enjoy. I will watch."
  106. The drones turn Trixie around and force her onto her stomach, making her huff as some of the air is forced out of her lungs. She struggles the best she can on the hard cavern floor, but she's no match for the two changelings holding her down. With a great heave, the third one forces her to raise her rump high into the air and pulls back her tail, causing her to blush with embarrassment as she is exposed and entirely helpless. Still, she harbors a small amount of hope that things might turn out alright, that she could escape, or someone could come to rescue her. Or something else incredibly unlikely.
  108. The nurse, entirely oblivious to Trixie's distress, approaches her from behind. Her ovipositor slowly begins emerging instinctively at the sight of Trixie's raised rump, so kindly presented for her. She approaches her eagerly, and rears up onto her hind legs.
  110. Trixie begins to thrash and struggle once again as she feels someone mount her from behind. No! This could not happen! This could not happen to her! She is the great and powerful Trixie! She desperately tries to cast a spell to take her away from this place, but the hardened goop around her horn fizzles the spell before it can even begin. The drones restraining her redouble their efforts to hold her down as her squirming intensifies, and they succeed in keeping her relatively still. Slowly, horribly, something warm, wet, and slippery presses up against her, causing her to stiffen as the full reality and horror of this situation settles in on her. She tries her best to tighten up, flexing any muscle she can. Whatever that thing is, it is NOT getting inside her!
  112. The Queen watches in amusement at Trixie's efforts to resist. Even if she did fight off the drones, and Chrysalis would be surprised if she did, she would be subdued by The Queen herself, or one of the other countless drones in the hive. Still, she admires the unicorns resolve, even as she is penetrated by the nurse's ovipositor she does not cry. Though there is a fairly loud muffled scream. Chrysalis has missed this. It is about time for her to begin focusing on repopulating the hive, the changelings under her charge are becoming dangerously few.
  114. Changelings are masters of reproduction, and have countless ways of bolstering the ranks of the hive. By far the best method is capturing living ponies and turning them by use of the cocoons or some other method. This produces the most independent, intelligent, and longest lasting changelings. But kidnapping live ponies draws attention, and drawing attention is dangerous. Even during raids, only tens of ponies are caught and turned. Not nearly enough to sustain the population of a hive. So there are other methods that can be used to produce large amounts of more expendable changelings. Both nurses and queens possess eggs of their own. Nurses can deposit their eggs into a mare to be carried to term after being fertilized by a stallion or drone, but generally the changelings produced by this are mindless drones and workers. Fit only for labor and guard duty, they last a mere few years before expiring. It is always better to breed outside the hive when doing this, as the changelings produced by nurses that have drone fathers are particularly inept. Though they still serve their uses. Queens have the ability to deposit their eggs in mares as well, but unlike with nurses, this is not required. They can carry their eggs to term themselves as long as they are fertilized by a stallion or a drone, something nurses are incapable of. Queen eggs sired by unassimilated stallions can produce changelings just as good as those captured alive and turned, but Queens only produce around fifty eggs a year. With the exception of brief periods of great fertility.
  116. It has been a long while since any changelings have been born in the hive. Breeding requires breeding stock, and acquiring breeding stock means kidnapping more ponies, which she cannot afford to do after the failed assault on Canterlot aside from the basic necessities required by the feeding halls. The entire kingdom is on a changeling hunt, so taking any more than they need would not be wise.
  118. Normally in situations like this, The Queen would take it upon herself to replenish the ranks herself, using her own supply of eggs that required no help to be seeded aside from the loving affections of her faithful drones; but she had already used them all in preparation for the Canterlot raid. She sighs mournfully. The lulls between her times of breeding are always a little depressing. She longs to be a true mother to more of her children, but she has to wait but only a while longer. Soon she will be bountiful again. She smiles, imagining the nurses future delight at having children to tend to again. The Queen breaks from her reverie and turns her attention back to the matter at hoof.
  120. Trixie shrieks in horror as the thing on top of her pushes itself inside her, the tip swelling up greatly and preventing it from being pulled out easily. No matter how hard she squirms and struggles, it's no use. She's stuck like this, stuck being taken by some horrible monster. She whimpers as she feels the slippery squirming thing begin pressing its way deeper, and deeper. Deeper than anypony has ever been before. She yelps as she feels a faint pinprick, and begins to grow numb. Not entirely numb, and it's little respite from the sheer horror of her situation, but it's a welcome small relief from feeling every agonizing detail. It starts doing something. She cant quite tell what it is, but it's something. It grows at its base, then the slight swell begins moving forward. The numbness prevents her from distinguishing exactly what is happening, but it feels incredibly strange. She starts to quiver uncontrollably as the swell reaches the deepest part of her, and keeps going. She can feel it drop into her womb, and comfortably settle in there, like that's exactly where this alien thing belonged. An overpowering wave of dread abruptly overpowers her at this turn of events. Whatever the thing is inside her starts to swell one again, repeating the process over and over and over again, dumping its foul load into her womb. She loses count how many times it does this at around nine, and finally Trixie starts to cry. She goes limp in her captors embrace, letting the drones hold her as tears stream down her face. She loses track of time in that damp, dark place. Surrounded by the sounds of mindless groaning ponies begging for their next meal.
  122. The Queen watches as the nurse finally finishes transferring her eggs and flops onto the floor of the hall, panting happily. Chrysalis orders a few workers to carry the nurse someplace safe to recover, and approaches the traumatized Trixie. She lowers her head to be on par hers, smiling as Trixie still has the sense to recoil. "You want to know something wonderful?" Chrysalis whispers.
  124. "You're going to love this by the end of the week."
  128. Trixie huddles in a corner of the large room they left her in. There is bedding in here, but it's weird and freaky looking, so she decides she prefers the floor. She curls up on herself, feeling slightly sick to her stomach. Everything is off, everything is twitchy and overly sensitive. Her entire body began feeling strange once the numbness wore off. Ever since they... Ever since...
  130. She begins sobbing again, wallowing in her incredible misery. Why had they done this to her? WHAT had they done to her? What had The Great and Powerful Trixie ever done to deserve this? They had kidnapped her from her little cart on the outskirts of town, and brought here here. Why? So they could rape her? So they could violate her every being? Why would anypony be so horrible as to DO something like that? She had never even heard of something so awful. She tightens herself into a ball. How long has she even been here? Days? Hours? She cant tell. It seems like an eternity. Waiting is a torture in itself, and the longer she waits, the weirder her body feels. She can feel something inside her, something foreign and disgusting. Whatever it was that thing had left there after it had its way with her. She tells herself it is a monstrous invasion that she will be rid of as soon as possible. Her body though, seems to have different idea's. As time passes, she begins to feel a strange sense of emptiness. A gnawing desire that insists that something is missing. It's a maddening sensation, looming and gaping above her sanity in a way that makes her want to scream. She cant tell what exactly it is that her body wants, but something instinctual deep in her mind KNOWS that whatever it is, it's bad news. VERY bad news. If The Great and Powerful Trixie wants to stay The Great and Powerful Trixie, she will have to deny her body whatever it is it desires. So she steels herself. She had gone long winters without much of anything to eat, and only her cart to keep her company. Whatever test these monsters decide to throw at her, she will be ready for it.
  132. At least, that's what she keeps telling herself as the minutes tick by. With that terrible emptiness growing ever more overpowering. She stays curled up in her corner, and waits. There's nothing else to do. She cant use her horn, she cant escape. There is nothing to do but wait and sleep. And sleep is what she does.
  136. Twilight Sparkle spent the night in a cocoon.
  137. She felt like it was sort of wrong to put it like that though. You don't just walk into the feeding halls and tell the nurses "Oh yeah, I spent the night in a cocoon. It was fun." It just doesn't work that way, you don't do that. It's akin to a spiritual experience. The cocoon lavishes you with such depths of never before experienced sensations and pleasures so powerful, you reach an almost divine nirvana. It's an indescribable experience, and one mentioned only with awe and reverence.
  139. At least, that's probably something like what she would have thought, if she could think clearly. Which she cant. At all. She's far too busy having body-wide orgasms as the cocoon transforms her according to The Queen's desires. Her streams of thought are made up almost entirely of muddled nonsensical gibbering, with very brief periods of lucidity intertwined with them. In those brief periods, most of her thinking tends to consist of various variations of "Oh my goddesses this feels amazing!" and "How did I even last so long the first tim-OH SWEET CELESTIA I'M COMING AGAIN!".
  141. Needless to say, she's having a very good time when one of the walls of her cocoon is slit open and she spills onto the cave floor in a flood of glowing goo.
  143. The Queen steps forward into the slime to examine Twilight, a satisfied smile on her face. She still appears to be the Twilight that she put into the cocoon, but there are a few differences. Some obvious, but most more subtle. She still possessed her feminine stature, but it's a little more bulky. Stronger, more heavily armored, with thick plates of chitin. She has lost her regal appearance, replaced with a more basic, practical one. Much more fitting for her new lower rank. But The Queen knows that the more drastic changes are inside. Mental, and internal. She's sure that Twilight will have fun after she has adapted to the changes.
  145. Twilight stirs slowly, the pleasant afterglow of the cocoon finally beginning to fade. She sits up, great globules of still faintly glowing goo sloughing off her new form. She looks at herself, dully noting a few of the physical changes. She feels stronger, more powerful, more confident in her movements than she had been before. She decides that she likes this change, and wonders briefly why her queen called this a 'demotion'. Then again, her queen couldn't possibly make such a mistake. If she calls this a demotion, then a demotion it is. That's just how things work. Still, she suspects she will like this form much more than her previous one after this dreaded fog from the afterglow raises from her thoughts. So, she waits for the fog to rise.
  146. And waits.
  147. And waits.
  148. And instead of it lifting, it starts to get worse.
  150. Twilight begins to panic, fear gripping her with such speed it surprises her. What is going on? Why cant she think clearly? Every time she tries to recall a memory or ponder on something, her thoughts come sluggishly, almost reluctantly. She is becoming stupid! She doesn't want to be stupid! That is the worst possible thing! She didn't even realize how much she feared losing her intelligence until now. She just had never really seriously considered the possibility of it happening. She tries to analyze her situation and calm herself. Evaluate her options and come up with a solution to this problem. But her analytic abilities, her logic and reason, which were razor sharp before entering the cocoon, are gone. Entirely absent from her head. She cant understand why this isn't working! She could do it before, why cant she now? Doing anything complex with her head just results in frustrating circular thinking! And her silly little brain just cant understand why it keeps happening. She forgets what she was trying to figure out in the first place, or wracks her brain as hard as she can before her will suddenly snaps and she gives up, coming up with nothing. Desperately she just tries to think of what she should do now, but finds she isn't even capable of doing that. Anytime she tries to think of a new course of action, she just comes up blank. She cant decide what to do! She isn't capable of making any sort of decision for herself! Any kind of thinking at all has become like trying to run through shoulder-high mud! It just isn't possible.
  152. Twilight just sits there with a bewildered expression on her face. All her previous fear slowly turning into confusion as she gets stuck in little thought loops, and her mind deteriorates even further without the sustenance and stimulation of the cocoon. She's starting to have difficulty even trying to remember what she's doing here. Finally after a minute or two of her desperately clinging to the last vestiges of her sentience, the structure of thinking collapses entirely. She begins operating on mere instinct, all higher forms of thought abandoned. She becomes hardly more than an animal.
  154. Chrysalis giggles as she watches Twilight's mind regress to better fit her drone-like body. She walks around her in a circle, examining the cocoons handiwork. Yes, this will do wonderfully. Just perfect. This has turned out so well! Better than expected even. She stops in front of Twilight Sparkle. No, the drone that WAS Twilight Sparkle, and speaks.
  156. "Drone, stand."
  158. The drone that used to be Twilight blinks up at Chrysalis in confusion for a moment before something echos in the back of her mind. She experiences a brief burst of mental clarity, but only enough to understand and obey. Her body reacts before she can even fully process Chrysalis's command, standing up straight in an instant. She can barely hear herself say "Yes, my queen." in a vaguely familiar feminine voice, before her consciousness dulls, then disappears into the void of instinct once more.
  160. The Queen grins, and commands her new drone. "Come with me, I have a task for you."
  164. Trixie wakes with a start at the sound of someone entering her chamber. The thick chitinous door closes again almost immediately, trapping her with whatever just came inside. Trixie backs into a corner, fear gripping at her heart as she stares into the darkness, trying to see what new torture they've decided to put her through. A dark shape moves in the blackness, barely visible in the dim eerie light. As it draws closer, her fear continues to build until it starts to pour over, overflowing and making her have to resist the urge to scream. Then the figure steps into the light, and she recognizes it. It's definitely a changeling, but it's a changeling she KNOWS. For some reason, this calms her almost instantly, and she drops back into her normal persona.
  166. The drone that was Twilight Sparkle enters the room at her queens command, hardly noticing the door close behind her. She is aware of another creature in the room with her, a particularly pungent creature that she can smell from here. She cant quite tell what it is though, as this is a pheromone she does not recognize. She decides to investigate, and looks in the direction of the smell. It's a blue unicorn, that much she can see, but even her eyesight isn't good enough to make out the details from here. It's odd. She knows the scent of unicorn mares well, but this one is not even remotely similar. Cautiously, she begins walking towards it. As she nears and the details become visible, the unicorn speaks!
  168. "T-Twilight? Is that you? What are you doing here? Are you here to release me?"
  170. The voice is familiar. VERY familiar. And suddenly the drone who was Twilight finds some of her higher brain functions unlocked, being relevant to this situation. SHE is Twilight Sparkle! And this mare is Trixie! She reaches for words, and finds them ready and waiting for her.
  172. "Trixie? Well, this is a surprise."
  174. Trixie seems emboldened by this response, and tries to act outraged. "Yes, Trixie! Do not insult me by pretending you're surprised to find me here!"
  176. Twilight snorts. "I didn't know you were in here, I was just ordered to come in here and 'follow my instincts', whatever that's supposed to mean."
  178. Trixie seems just as confused by this as Twilight, but tries to twist things her way, still clinging to the scraps of hope she possesses. "Well, perhaps you are a captive as well! With your magic, and my brilliance, we can escape together! I would do it myself, as The Great and Powerful Trixie possesses more magic than you could possibly imagine. But they have affixed this cruel sludge to my horn, and I am helpless to remove it."
  180. "Mmhm," Twilight mumbles distractedly, hardly paying attention. Something is nagging at her, something unfamiliar and strange, and she cant place it. The smell. It has something to do with the smell. The scent that Trixie is exuding is becoming impossible to ignore. She has never before experienced such potent pheromones. Still, she can't figure out what they mean! Every pheromone has a purpose, a reason, an order carried with it. But this one is so strange, so unrecognizable. She can't understand its purpose. She can tell that whatever it does mean, it's important. Paramount. A task that MUST be performed. This is what her queen had put her in here for, but what is it?
  182. Something clicks.
  184. Twilight's eyes widen as understanding crashes upon her.
  186. BREED.
  188. This pheromone means BREED! And oh, it is so strong! If she were a drone, she knew she would be utterly helpless to resist such an urgent order, even if she wanted to. She is sort of glad she isn't properly equipped to follow this order. The idea of mating with Trixie strikes her as awkward.
  190. "Twilight? Are you listening to me?" Trixie asks, in her most arrogant tone.
  192. "Hmm? Oh yes, sorry, I was..." She trails off as she feels a sudden stirring in her loins. A very atypical stirring. A very familiar, yet new kind of stirring that she feels wrong for experiencing in the presence of a member of the same sex. A wave of vertigo and cognitive dissonance overtakes her as she asks herself a question. Did Chrysalis...? No, she couldn't have. Could she?
  194. The stirring sensation intensifies, along with something new. Something she has DEFINITELY never felt before. Twilight gulps nervously, and lowers her head to peer between her legs, dreading what she suspects she will find there. She stiffens. In more ways than one. Dangling between her legs is a thick purple phallus the same color as her eyes, still emerging from a slit between her legs. She tries to take a few steps backward from it, seemingly forgetting that not only is this addition attached to her body, but that she looking at it upside down. She trips, and falls on her rump with a small "whuff" as some air is knocked from her. She blinks a few times to recover from the shock, and see's her member bobbing up and down in front of her, wobbling from the fall. Still it pulses larger, its growth accelerating with her heartbeat. More and more it continues to lengthen. Larger and larger until finally it stops, leaving Twilight to simply stare at it wide-eyed and open mouthed.
  196. "T-This is really very highly unusual," she notes aloud, rather redundantly. Her voice shakes slightly, and she struggles to find anything else to say. The clarity of her mind begins to muddy, as something more primal takes its place.
  198. Trixie seems quite lost for words, her expression mimicking Twilight's. Though perhaps hers contains a little more fear. As she stares at Twilight's freshly grown cock, just standing there erect and throbbing for attention, something clicks in her head too. THIS is what her body wants. It wants THAT. More specifically, it wants it inside her. RIGHT NOW. She whimpers aloud as she realizes that her first objection to this idea is 'But it's so big!' instead of 'Oh my Celestia save me this is horrifying!'. She attempts to correct this error by forcefully recoiling herself as far into her little corner as possible.
  200. Twilight finds her breath beginning to quicken along with her heart. The pheromones are really beginning to get into her bloodstream now. The powerful, irresistible urge to to follow their orders is starting to creep itself slowly into her mind. Prying away the feeble attempts at resistance she attempts to throw in their path. She despairs at just how frail her will is now, entirely helpless to stop the slow, inevitable regression back into a mindless animal. She tries to warn Trixie about what is happening.
  202. "Trixie, I..." She stops, distracted by the tip of her shaft as it begins to leak a glowing liquid, still throbbing happily in anticipation of what will come soon. She shakes her head, trying to clear her head and bring her thoughts back on track. She begins to pant as she tries to speak again, despite the increasing sluggishness of her head "Trixie, I n-nneed.. I nnnmm... Nnnhbhh."
  204. Her words trail away into nonsense mumbling as her awareness deteriorates. Thoughts and memories are no longer necessary for what she needs to do, and so it is time for her instincts to take over, to become the proper extension of the hive that she is. The drone that was Twilight Sparkle gets to her hooves, taking a deep breath through her nose as she moves to acknowledge the standing order. There is only one, and it is overpowering. It echo's in her head, just one repeating concept that she must obey, by the command of her illustrious queen.
  208. Trixie doesn't like the look Twilight is giving her now, it is not a good look. She can tell it's not a good look because her body is responding to it in a very noticeable way. A very sensual and warm way. No, that is definitely not a good look. It is a very bad, vacant, hungry look that Trixie knows cannot possibly bode well. The way her speech had seemed to degenerate definitely wasn't a pleasant sign either. Yes, if things were going to proceed like she VERY much expected them to, then this was an absolutely very very bad situation. One of the worst, in fact. She can't really think of any that she had been in that would be considered worse than this. The ursa minor thing was bad, but Trixie had had that under control before Twilight interfered. This, this isn't under control, this is spiraling out of control faster than she can manage. She presses her back against the wall in an useless effort to distance herself from Twilight. It's harder to do than she expected, and now the little voice in the back of her head that is her body is screaming at her. 'No! Dont go further away, go TOWARDS it!'
  210. She ignores this voice, and tries to reason with Twilight. "N-Now now, let's not do anything we'll regret." Her eyes widen at her own subtle use of the word 'we', as if she is somehow an accomplice in this. How did she let that slip? Curses to her stupid subconscious!
  212. Twilight doesn't respond, and Trixie starts getting nervous as the thing that was Twilight Sparkle takes a few tentative steps forward, it's nostrils flaring. She tries to look away, but she cant. She can still see it from here, the thing her body desires. It keeps... It keeps WOBBLING in that enticing way every time Twilight moves! Dripping onto the floor every few seconds. She tries to resist, but her eyes keep getting drawn to it every time it does that.
  214. She wonders what it tastes like.
  216. She snaps. Panic! It's time to panic! That is NOT something she is supposed to be wondering about! She's been compromised! The time for negotiation is over, obviously Trixie cannot rely on her wondrous abilities of persuasion against such an unreasonable target. Now is the time to flee! To escape! Evasive maneuvers! Anything! She doesn't know where to go, but she is The Great and Powerful Trixie and she will figure it out! She stands up, set on her course of action, and spares a look of mild disgust to the warped Twilight.
  218. "Trixie apologises, but she does not return your affections." Calm, collected. musn't give Twilight the idea that she's going to bolt. "Trixie will now... Disappea-Waahh!" She attempts to run, but instead of flying off into the darkness and navigating her way through this devious dungeon to freedom in what would have assuredly been an absolutely ingenious way, she slips and falls flat on her face. Her head hits the ground with a resounding 'splat!'.
  220. "Owww.." She groans, lifting her head off the ground with a wet shlucking sound. She blinks in confusion as she notices several drooping strands of goo trailing from her face where it hit the ground. She looks down, and see's that she's sprawled in a small puddle of slippery purple liquid.
  222. "Eww.. What is this?" She asks, and looks up at- OH CELESTIA WHERE IS TWILIGHT? She rubbernecks her head from side to side, scanning the darkness for her. When suddenly a mass of dread drops into her stomach like an anvil as she realizes the position her body is sprawled in. When she fell, her forehooves slipped out from under her, but her hind legs had remained standing, which means she's been laying here with her rump raised like a mare in heat looking to get rutted. The dread increases tenfold when she feels Twilight mounting her from behind, but at the same time a small voice in her head cheers victoriously. She whips her head around with a snarl, intending to buck Twilight off with all her might. Instead she freezes, utterly stunned, as she discovers the source of the purple liquid.
  224. It's hers. It's coming from her. A surprising quantity of it is leaking from her sex, spatting into the spreading puddle beneath her. How had she not noticed that? How long has that been going on? And more importantly, HOW is she doing that? What IS this stuff? What have these changelings done to her?!
  226. Quite abruptly, Trixie has no more time to wonder as she realizes with a mounting sense of terror that her moment of surprise has sealed her fate. The fear pumping through her body seems to slow things down, giving her more than enough time to feel every agonizing detail as Twilight thrusts forward, plunging her new, thick, throbbing shaft inside her. It glides in with ease as the viscous purple liquid acts as lubricant of an astonishing quality. Trixie's last thought before her brain fully registers how obliteratingly awesome this feels is 'Oh, so that's what that is for'.
  228. "Ahhahh-AaaaAAAHH!" Trixie shrieks, her voice shaking in tone and volume as Twilight pounds her hips against Trixie's rump. Her brain keeps trying to form coherent protests to this turn of events each time Twilight pulls out, but then she thrusts in again. And shocking pleasure of the motion scrambles her efforts to think and makes her have to start over. It's like trying to untangle a string while someone else keeps messing it all up again. It took Trixie four thrusts to think of this analogy.
  230. Between the flittering, maddening thoughts of 'Hey, maybe this isn't so bad!' she still manages to drum up enough sense to try crawling away. Twice. Both attempts end in utter failure as her hooves fail to gain traction on the slippery cavern floor, and Twilight pulls her back. She tells herself that she doesn't want this. That she's trying her best to get away. To stop this from happening to her. But the next time the opportunity to try squirming away presents itself... She tries, but grudgingly admits to herself that her heart really isn't in it.
  232. It's a full minute before Trixie stops trying to resist, and gives in entirely. Her body flushes with the full heat of arousal she had been holding back until now, and her breath starts quicken into a light pant. She lets out a small groan of pleasure as Twilight squirts inside her, much too small to be a release, but it was still a feeling she was unaccustomed to. She tries to squelch all of the little bubbles of praise for the sensation that pop up in her mind. She gets most of them, but not enough to stop her from wanting it to happen again. She bows her head in shame as she is taken, her body being jostled slightly with every smack of flesh. She might not be able to resist the feelings being forced upon her, but at least she doesn't have to revel in them.
  234. No, it isn't until the second minute that she starts doing that. Her breaths are coming in great breathy heaves now. Instead of just standing there accepting her fate, she starts returning the favor. She mewls happily and arches her back, pressing herself back against Twilight each time she thrusts forward. She rams her rump into Twilight's hips with such force that they both stumble, taking a moment to regain their hoofing before continuing their joyous copulation. Trixie feels her walls massaging the pole of flesh inside her, inner muscles twitching and tugging instinctively. She grins as she hears Twilight begin to make small noises of her own, and Trixie gasps as her efforts are rewarded with a second squirt of pre.
  236. "Hhaahh, ahh!" she shudders, wonderful little pinpricks of sensitivity running through her body. Ohh if that little jet makes her feel that good, she cannot WAIT until Twilight cums.
  238. By the third minute Trixie is lost in a haze of heat and lust, all rationality abandoned. She throws herself into the persona of the moaning whore with such enthusiasm that Twilight actually slows down, fearing she is hurting her. Trixie will have none of that, and sets it right immediately with a shout of protest.
  242. Twilight responds positively, and redoubles her efforts in a surge or fervor that surprises even Trixie, and she lets out a long groan as Twilight pounds into her. She can feel her pleasure mounting, and her hind legs begin to tremble under her own weight. Not much longer now. Just a little more!
  244. "Oooohh, mmmnnhaahh! Yes! Keep going!"
  246. Twilight continues her onslaught, her voice joining Trixie's as the both of them instinctively feel a subtle change. Trixie's eyelids twitch as the tip of Twilight's shaft widens and flares inside her, tugging at her tight depths as Twilight tries to pull out again for another thrust, and fails. Now is the time.
  248. "Yes! Yes!" she shouts. "Give it to me! Give it to me now!"
  250. Twilight obeys. She thrusts in one last time, and stays there. She lets out a feral howl as her shaft stiffens, and Trixie feels it bloat with seed just before a large spurt of cum floods into Trixie's womb. She lets her voice join Twilight's as she screams happily. A climax wracks through her body, causing her muscles to spasm around Twilight as a second spurt comes. Every movement within causes waves of pleasure to flood through Trixie's body, every twitch and throb of the captive member inside her makes her let out another satisfied moan. And there are a lot of those as Twilight continues to perform small mock thrusts forward, filling Trixie with gleeful delight and increasing amounts of seed. Trixie's body suddenly finds a massive amount of endorphins flowing through it as Twilight's orgasm rises. This was what she had been waiting for. THIS is what her body wanted! How could she have resisted? How could she have not seen how much she needed this? This must be why she had felt so empty all the time!
  252. "Oohh.." Trixie groans, and Twilight's shaft gives her a third helping. Her entire body begins shaking in arousal, and she finds herself entirely fixated on one thing. One concept. She must be bred. She HAS to be fertilized. It is her purpose, and she was made for it. She was changed for it. She whimpers as that desire creeps into all the recesses of her mind with little black tendrils, and takes root. If she had any hope of resisting this before, it is gone now.
  254. "M-More!" Trixie commands, tightening her grip on Twilight's still flaring pride.
  256. Twilight it seems had no intention of stopping in the first place, and spurts again, and again, and again! Trixie climaxes for a second time, and is dimly aware of her inner muscles starting to work on their own, clamping down and squeezing. Pulling on Twilight in what can only be described as a milking motion. Twilight groans in response and presses forward, grinding her hips against Trixie's ample behind. The flow of cum into her womb begins to increase at this extra stimulation, flooding her insides with a heavenly warmth unlike anything she's ever experienced. More and more seed is pumped into her, Twilight's supply seemingly endless. All the while Trixie keeps begging for more, oblivious to any limits. Even as she becomes aware of her belly beginning to swell slightly from the sheer quantity of seed being pumped into her womb. She falls into a sort of trance, desperate to fulfill that one thing, that need.
  258. "More! More! Fill me up! I need it!" She begs, and Twilight fulfills her every wish, filling her from the inside, each torrent of cum causing Trixie's already swollen belly to grow slightly, steadily pulsing larger and fuller every time Twilight spurts.
  260. Finally, the flow tapers off. Then stops. Much to Trixie's disappointment. She turns to admonish Twilight for DARING to stop before her say-so, when she changling abruptly moans. Her cock bulges before it lets out one last large gush, expelling the last of her built up seed. Trixie shrieks with sudden excitement at this final influx, and climaxes harder than ever before. She falls into a blinding state of euphoria, her entire body quaking. The twitching muscles in her legs finally give out under her, and she falls to the chamber floor, pulling off of Twilight's shaft in the process. Her mind is dimly aware of the sensation of slowly draining out, and she closes her eyes. The Great and Powerful Trixie is so very tired...
  264. When she opens her eyes again, it isn't nearly as dark as Trixie remembers it being. It is also much more wet. Both are probably explained by the large amount of still faintly glowing stuff she finds herself currently laying in. She squeaks in sudden disgust and leaps to her hooves, backing away from the pool of changeling spunk as the memories of what happened before her little nap come rushing back to her. Entirely unprepared for the tumult of horror and revulsion that these memories bring, she sits herself down, staring blankly at nothing for a moment as her brain struggles to process this information. Her eyes are drawn back to the glowing puddle, and realizes why she was sleeping in it.
  266. "All of that was inside..." She trails off. "I was was.. Eeeewwwwwuh."
  268. A loud complaint from her stomach cuts off her line of thought, and she abruptly comes to the realization that she is RAVENOUS. She looks around, wondering if her captors had bothered to provide her with anything to eat. No such luck it seems, the place is empty aside from her. Not even Twilight seems to be around, thankfully. Trixie pauses as a thought occurs to her. Was she able to see the entire chamber before? She seems to recall it being far too dark to see even five feet in front of her before she slept. Weird. Maybe they turned up the light on the glowstone things. She shrugs and rubs her belly, her mind returning to thoughts of food. She frowns a little. Whereas before her belly was soft, and one could poke into it if they so wished, now when she did so there was almost no give at all. It was firm and stiff, as if she had just eaten a very large meal. This doesn't actually concern her enough to look down until her hoof wanders lower and ticks against something hard. Her ears perk up, and her face adopts a confused expression. She taps the hard thing again, confirming that it is indeed there, and whatever it is, it's very much attached to her body. She looks down at herself, and notes several odd new things about her body.
  270. The first thing that she notices is that she now possesses a slight paunch, her belly bulging out a little as if she had gained some weight. Though, as she had noted before, this doesn't feel like any kind of flab she's ever had before. As unusual as this is, it certainly isn't the most pressing concern on her mind. In fact she didn't really even care all that much. She was too busy staring at a different new addition, a lower one. It would appear that several dark chitinous plates have spread from her nethers and up to her lower belly. A quick exploratory prod with her hoof reveals that among the plates, the area immediately around her slit is now entirely absent of fur, replaced by soft and stretchy black flesh. Trixie is too stunned to really form an opinion about this, and tugs slightly at herself, revealing that the bright pink color of her insides is still intact. She shivers a little, though she isn't quite sure of the reason why. This is so wrong. Everything that has happened to her here is so wrong. Trixie starts to seethe, wracking her brain. She begins adding up all the wrongs these changelings have done to her. First they had kidnapped her, then brutally raped her, leaving something inside her in the process. Then TWILIGHT SPARKLE had raped her. Her nemesis! Her rival! And... She blushes. And they had TRICKED her into liking it! And now this!
  272. Whatever it was that they had left inside her was undoubtedly the source of all the changes to her body, Trixie figured. First there was the empty feeling, then the leaking purple goo, and now these horrid... insectoid.. Plate things. They were RUINING her perfect body! Trixie had worked very hard in her life to ensure that her physique had remained absolutely perfect, and now they had even made her put on weight! She returns her attention to her swollen belly, prodding it miserably with a hoof. It growls hungrily, making her feel even worse. The LAST thing she needs to do if she wants her perfect body back is to eat more. Then again, she isn't even sure this is fat. It certainly doesn't FEEL like fat, but what else could it be? It wasn't as if changelings and ponies could breed together, and even if they could she wouldn't be showing after a single night. Still, it was an awful amount of seed Twilight had pumped her full of last night. Perhaps she just hadn't drained out all the way for some reason. She nods to herself. That was surely the most likely explanation, though she shudders at the thought of any of that vile toxin still being inside her. She tries to relax, to let it out, but she just cant seem to do it. This situation was just far, far too stressful. 'Who could ever relax in a place like this?' she wonders, and her stomach lets out long protracted mumble. Goddesses she was so hungry.
  274. Trixie breathes a great sigh, and pauses, her nostrils flaring. What was that? She takes a deep breath through her nose. Something smells good. Something smells REALLY good. She blinks and looks around for the source, jumping slightly as she notices Twilight standing behind her not five feet away.
  276. "Wah! T-Twilight! Where did you come from?!" she demands.
  278. Trixie stares Twilight in the eyes, waiting for a reply and doing her best to ignore the fact that Twilight is fully erect again, her shaft looking regal. This time though Trixie doesn't have that empty feeling, and feels absolutely no desire to mate again. After a few seconds, it's clear Twilight still hasn't regained any of her mental faculties. Trixie snorts derisively, and as she does she gets another blast of that incredible smell, as well as a sense of its source. A voice in her head groans in exasperation, and she gets a sense of dejavu.
  280. The smell is coming from Twilight, and she smells DELICIOUS. Trixie stiffens as her gaze lowers once more to Twilight's dangley bits, and she starts blushing furiously as memories of last night flash through her mind again. She turns her head away, trying to talk herself out of all the wonderful ideas popping into her head. No no no! She is The Great and Powerful Trixie! She cannot just get on her knees and service her greatest rival like some common whore! The other gypsies might not look down on such practices, but she is Trixie! She is THE Trixie! She is above them! She is superior! Her eyes flicker back to Twilight's member as she thinks this. It just looks so big and girthy. She can imagine exactly how it would feel to open her mouth wide, to wrap her lips around it. How it would taste as she pressed her head forward, making it slide in deeper. Her tongue caressing it... She blinks, snapping out of her daze. No! She must be strong! She must... She... She is sooo very hungry. And if Twilight tastes anything like she smells... Trixie stands up, taking a few steps towards her.
  282. "Twilight, I.." she hesitates, looking away and blushing even harder. How was she even supposed to explain this to her? Was she just supposed to say 'lay back, I want to drink your cum'?
  284. Luckily, Twilight seems to need no prompting whatsoever, and sits down, leaning backwards and supporting herself with her forelegs. She spreads her hind legs, presenting herself to Trixie as if she were a wonderful banquet. She certainly smells like one, and the sight makes Trixie's stomach growl. She's right about to start working for her meal, when she hesitates again. Does she really want to do this? She was feeling disgusted over the idea of having this stuff inside her a minute ago, and now she's craving it like she's a little filly being offered candy! On top of that, judging by Twilight's actions, this is exactly what she wants her to do. Should she really be doing something that her captors obviously want her to do? Maybe she should rethink this...
  286. A large drop of green pre falls from Twilight's shaft and splatters on the floor. Trixie's pupils dilate as she sees this. She whimpers. What a waste! She could have tasted that. It could have been inside her! She pouts, and all her worries are blasted away by her ravenous hunger. She wasn't going to let a single other drop go to waste! She strides forward purposefully, sits herself down, and grasps Twilight's girth between her hooves. She opens her mouth, lowers her head down to it, and gives the tip a long lick. Then she stops messing around and shoves her head forward onto it.
  288. Trixie is actually a little surprised at how large it feels inside her mouth. She can barely fit a quarter of its length inside, and she's actually kind of disappointed. She thought for sure it would wouldn't be this difficult. She tries to take a little more, but her gag reflex kicks in and she backs off. This will have to do then, she thinks. But she'll never be able to make Twilight cum like this! Something else will have to be done. So, she starts slowly rubbing her hooves up and down along Twilight's member, hoping she's doing this right. In response, Trixie tastes something sweet on her tongue, and groans as she swallows down. More! She needs more of that! She redoubles her efforts, sliding her mouth up and down on Twilight's shaft, her tongue doing its best to massage and coax more of that wonderful fluid out. Trixie's eyes roll up in her head as Twilight lets out another squirt of pre, and she feels a little giddy as Twilight starts to moan in pleasure. She's got this down, she was doing alright. She just had to keep going like this, and then she would get her meal.
  290. Her eyes snap back open as she feels Twilight's hoof on the back of her head. What did she think she was doi-Hnnggrrk! Trixie's thought process is obliterated as Twilight presses down, and Trixie finds the width Twilight's cock forcing her jaw to stretch open, and the tip of it bumps against the back of her throat. She gags and panics, standing up as she tries to pull away, which inadvertently makes her neck parallel with her mouth. This lets Twilight slide her cock all the way down Trixie's throat. Trixie stares wide-eyed as she suddenly finds her face pressed against Twilight's crotch, the entire shaft forced down her throat. Trixie isn't even sure what to do at this point. She cant breath, and Twilight is so strong she probably couldn't pull herself off even if she wanted to. She gags repeatedly, and her body starts reflexively swallowing, causing her eyes to water as the motion stretches her esophagus. All her throat muscles are now squeezing and pulling on Twilight's girth, massaging her better than Trixie's hooves or mouth ever could.
  292. It's only a few seconds before Twilight goes rigid, and Trixie's feels Twilight's urethra swell against her tongue as it starts delivering it's load. Twilight groans as her shaft begins spurting almost directly into Trixie's stomach, throbbing and pulsing in her throat. Trixie clamps her eyes shut as she her stomach fills. She may be getting her meal, but this is definitely not a pleasant experience, and she wants it to be over. But Twilight keeps cumming, and cumming, and Trixie starts to wonder where it even comes from. She doesn't have any testicles or anything. Where is Twilight keeping this enormous supply of seed? Trixie begins choking as her stomach overfills, forcing some of the cum up her throat around Twilight's length. She can feel her throat bulging with it as this happens. A sickly sweet smell and taste overwhelms her senses as the goo starts to ooze from her mouth and nostrils. Tears stream from Trixie's eyes. This is not what she wanted! She was just hungry! All she wanted was something to eat! Why must everything that happens to her here be like something from a nightmare? Finally her vision starts to fade at the edges as the lack of oxygen starts to get to her. Trixie welcomes it. She just wants to go back to sleep.
  294. Just before she loses consciousness though, Twilight releases her. Trixie pulls herself away, coughing and spluttering. She gasps for air, heaving as more of Twilight's seed dribbles from her open mouth. She flinches as she feels something splat onto her face and coat. She looks over to see that Twilight is STILL not finished, and is spraying her with last few spurts. Trixie burps, then sobs, recoiling away and retreating back into her corner. A great wash of depression settles over her at the hopelessness of her situation. She had had to suck off a monster just for something to eat. Who has to do something like that? Ponies in hopeless situations, that's who.
  296. "Well," she sniffles, trying to compose herself. "At least I'm not hungry anymore."
  298. Indeed she wasn't, quite the opposite in fact. She felt very full, and a pleasant warmth was now spreading through her body from her midsection. She sighs and curls up on herself. She's made it through another ordeal. Time to wait for the next one. She closes her eyes.
  300. She doesn't have to wait long. After a few minutes, that pleasant heat radiating from within her has become overbearing, and has been joined by a slight tingling sensation in her womb. She grumbles and sits up, looking down at herself and wondering what on earth could possibly be wrong now. The full feeling in her stomach is gone, as if she's already digested it's contents. Perhaps these new feelings are just a side effect of consuming too much changeling seed. She cant imagine her body was really made to process that sort of thing.
  302. Her belly emits an audible rumble, causing trixie to raise her brow. She isn't feeling hungry just yet, so what the heck was that? She begins to rub her stomach, frowning and creasing her brow in worry as the tingling gets worse. She hopes she isn't getting sick or anything, wouldn't that just be the icing on the cake. Her middle rumbles again, and Trixie starts to feel a little short of breath. That probably isn't a good sign. She begins staring down at herself, as if waiting for something burst out of her chest. At this point, she wouldn't be surprised.
  304. What happens instead does surprise her though. With a loud growl, her belly surges outward in sudden growth. Trixie almost falls backward in shock. That was definitely not what she expected. And it doesn't stop there, as she watches in stunned silence, he belly to grows again, making another loud grumble as it does so. Her body is burning up now, Trixie feels herself flush red and start to sweat. Her quick breaths become full on pants, desperate for more air. No matter how hard or fast she breathes, she still feels like she needs more. Like she's almost suffocating. Goddesses it's so hot in here!
  306. The pace as which her belly swells increases, until there's only a few seconds between each growth spurt, gurgling deafeningly all the time. She looks like she's a pregnant mare now, a VERY pregnant mare. Almost ready to give birth. Trixie begins to cry, tears streaming down her face. Why is this happening to her? What did she ever do to deserve this?
  308. "What's happening to meee?!" She cries out as her belly gives another particularly large surge, making her look big enough to be carrying twins. A husky feminine chuckle makes Trixie look up, just now noticing the towering figure of the monster who ordered her thrown in here in the first place. She speaks in a sultry, seductive tone.
  310. "You are carrying your first brood," The Queen says, smiling sweetly.
  312. Trixiie shivered at the word 'first', were they going to make her do this AGAIN? She wasnt sure she could handle that. "Hahh.. Nngh.. Who are you?" she demands, still panting. "Why are you doing this to me?"
  314. "I am Queen Chrysalis, mother to all the hive, and soon to you as well. As for why I'm doing this, I'm doing this because the hive needs more drones." She takes a few steps towards Trixie, making the now not-so-little mare quiver in fright.
  316. "P-Please," Trixie begs. "Let me gooOooOOohhhh!" her speech dissolves into a long moan as her burgeoning belly grows once again, it's contents churning as Trixie's stretched skin becomes visible under her fur coat.
  318. "Oh, I can hardly do that, you still have a lot of growing to do." Chrysalis explains, "In fact, you should be thankful to me. Normally your pregnancies will be much longer. I've just had Twilight jump-start this first one. I find it breaks in new broodmares better."
  320. "Jump start?" Trixie squeaks between breaths, wincing as she looks down at herself. It looks like she's swallowed a beach ball.
  322. "Yes, drone sperm is very highly nutritious, it provides everything a healthy pony needs. Usually we feed it to the alcove ponies that we keep in the feeding hall. We provide them with food, and they provide us with love. A wonderful symbiotic relationship." The Queen pauses and watches Trixie squirm as her womb acts up again.
  324. "But, it also has a very interesting effect when ingested by pregnant mares. On top of having a transformative effect, it accelerates their gestation by a thousandfold, causing them to swell up like a balloon." She grins insidiously. "And give birth within hours."
  326. Trixie groans dreadfully and begins to openly weep at her fate. Her belly gurgles and shifts slightly as her womb stretches larger, her skin growing tighter around it. A terrible thought occurs to her. "I.. I feel like I'm going to pop!" she whimpers, watching as the strain of the growth forces her bellybutton into an outie.
  328. Chrysalis giggles, and ignores her. "Of course, that is normal pony pregnancies. Changeling ones are quite large, and so require more than one dose to reach full term. Which is why I brought these two sons of mine." She gestures behind her, and two large drones step into view. "These accelerated pregnancies tend to produce particularly feral changelings, so I usually don't indulge in them very often. You are a very lucky unicorn, Trixie." Chrysalis laughs and waves her two guards forward.
  330. The idea of being the toy of two more changelings fills Trixie with such terror that she cannot bear it. They were going to feed her more of that spunk growth hormones, and she was going to be stuck in here forever. Repeating this series of events over and over until she outlived her usefulness or burst. Considering how stretched and full she felt already, she wasn't even sure she could handle getting any bigger from these little demons gestating inside her womb. She needs to be somewhere else, ANYWHERE else but here. So with a force of will and a great heave, she stands up, straining her back muscles as the contents of her belly re-position themselves. With more effort than she has ever put into anything in her life, Trixie begins to desperately waddle away, the weight beneath her jostling about and throwing her off balance. Sheer determination drives her forward, even as another growth spurt has the taught skin of her stomach scraping against the floor.
  332. Finally, one last surge seals Trixies fate, and she finds herself only barely able to touch the ground with her hooves. Entirely unable to get the leverage to lift her now great bulk. "No! Nononononononono! Please no!" she cries, desperately dragging her hooves against the ground in a futile effort to keep moving.
  334. "It is useless to resist," Chrysalis's voice echos around her as one of the drones mounts Trixie from behind, and she shrieks as he shoves himself inside her with a wet sound, intent on giving her a second seeding. The second drone crosses into her vision from the front, hovering silently on insect wings as his green member bobs up and down inches from her face. She shakes her head furiously, crying silently as she tries to keep her mouth shut, despite being desperate to keep panting for more air. But the changeling moves forward and pries her mouth open, forcing his shaft down her throat and cumming almost immediately.
  336. The amount of seed pumped into her belly this time isn't nearly as impressive as Twilight's, but it does the job. Trixie does her best to close her eyes and retreat into a happy place as that horrible warmth and tingling floods through her body once again, and she begins to pulse ever larger, groaning and gurgling as she burgeons with hundreds of growing changeling spawn.

Overdue Chrysalis

by One-Of-Three-Names

Little Nightmares

by One-Of-Three-Names

The Great and Bountiful Broodmare

by One-Of-Three-Names