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/moon/ shorts

By LunarLunatik
Created: 2024-11-23 16:06:16
Expiry: Never

  1. Hey
  2. >"Hey."
  3. Do you ever wonder why we're here?
  4. >"We do not."
  5. Why not?
  6. >"We had over a thousand years to think 'why' by ourself and we had no answer."
  7. ....
  8. >"We think our neck has an itch that we cannot reach. May you rub it?"
  9. Sure. Were you lonely up there?
  10. >.....
  11. >.....
  12. >"We had her."
  13. Do you not like her?
  14. >"Nobody does."
  15. She's still a part of you, right?
  16. >"She is. She's always cold."
  17. I like you. All of you. So if she's par-
  18. ...
  19. If you wanted me on my back you could ask.
  20. >"We want to hear you heartbeat."
  21. Sure?
  22. >"Close your eyes a-as well."
  23. Okay.
  24. >....
  25. You good? You a feel a bit c-
  26. >"We are fine so long as we can feel you."
  27. How is it?
  28. >....
  29. My heartbeat, that is.
  30. >"Warm."
  31. That's good then.
  32. >"Say what you said to me again."
  33. That I like all of you?
  34. >"Yes."
  35. I like all of you.
  36. >"Say it again."
  37. I like you.
  38. >"Say it again."
  39. I like you~.
  40. >...
  41. Were you listen for something?
  42. >"N-no."
  43. Fibber.
  44. >...
  45. You're cute when you huff and pout like that.
  46. >"We want a drink. Something stronger than beer."
  47. I've got brandy?
  48. >"That is acceptable."
  49. >"Anonymous..."
  50. "Yeah?"
  51. >"Was there anything good about your old world?"
  52. *cough*...
  53. >"I-If you are not comfortable with discussing details, then we will not pry further..."
  54. "Its just...Why do you ask?"
  55. >"...Every time the subject came up, you have made your world out to be like Tartarus. Equestria is no paradise, despite all of our efforts. We face challenges from within and from without daily, some older than our banishment. We do not doubt your kind faces similar troubles."
  56. ...
  57. >"In your dreams we saw things, ...things we could not believe. Your kind have capabilities nopo- no one here could have predicted or imagined. Capacities for great good, for great harm... We have watched you die time and time again; the most horrifying one was you falling from a terrible height, wreathed in an incredibly bright flame as you despondantly f-fell..."
  58. ...
  59. >"sniffles*...
  60. "Luna..."
  61. >"T-Thank y-ou."
  62. >"...H-However, we have seen beautiful things as well: Joyful gatherings of family and friends akin to ours, incredible works of art and craft, constructs unparalleled by anything we have built. Were we more poetic, the works we could have wrought would have inspired countless ponies for generations. To judge your entire world beyond hope is a repugnant lie that we will not indulge in any further.
  63. ...
  64. >...
  65. "You're right."
  66. >"Hmm...?"
  67. "Humans have done some amazing things but that's not why Earth was hell. I can't really explain it. People were distant and cold to each other, I was no exception, and you couldn't trust strangers because of what they could do. Families might get torn apart by themselves or an uncaring legal system. The rich got richer and the poor got poorer. The worst of it was how everyone thought it was normal, like this is fine, and it was flaunted around like no one could do anything about it. I got tired of it all. At least that feeling doesn't really exist here."
  68. >"...Surely there were others that felt the same."
  69. "There were. Most of them either got pushed aside or joined in. There was one girl I knew who kept trying to change the world; I thought she went crazy. In the end, she settled on donating her time to providing food and clothes to the needy."
  70. >"You seem fond of her..."
  71. "I-I was. I fell in love but, she had someone else..."
  72. >"And you did not pursue her..."
  73. "No. By then, I realized that I would find love on my own time and instead I went out into the world to do some crazy things like anyone would fresh out of school. That's kind of how I ended up here."
  74. >"How?"
  75. "Techno-magic, probably."
  76. >"...Techno-magic or not, we are glad that you came here."
  77. ...
  78. >...
  79. >"Are you comfortable?"
  80. "...I think I can fall asleep like this."
  81. >"...Good. This intimacy will help us find your dreams more readily."
  82. "I think you just wanted a reason to snuggle."
  83. >smug.png
  84. >"Perhaps, but it is true. We wanted to tour your old world and experience its many marvels with you..."
  86. >"Anonymous, I don't mean to alarm you, but there may be Luna or Lunas in this castle right now."
  87. "Tia you'd better not have woken me up for some bullshit."
  88. >"I assure you I am not joking. I cast a spell and there have been consequences."
  89. "What kind of consequences."
  90. >"Good evening, Anonymous!" Luna yells in your ear.
  91. >You shriek and nearly fall out of bed.
  92. >Luna is perched beside you, eyes and smile brighter than you've ever seen them.
  93. >Celestia eyes her sister warily.
  94. >"Which one are you?" she says.
  95. >"Call me Luna!"
  96. >"Yes, but -which- Luna."
  97. >"Call me Luna!" Luna says in the exact same intonation.
  98. >"Alright, you're a clone, then."
  99. >Celestia fires a beam of sunlight energy at her sister, and in bleary post-sleep stupor you watch your favourite sister explode.
  100. >You're almost too tired to react, but you have enough wherewithal to politely raise the issue with your second-favourite sister.
  101. "Celestia what the FUCK!"
  102. >"Now, don't panic, Anonymous, I have everything under control--"
  103. >"Call me Luna!"
  104. >"Call -me- Luna, also!"
  105. >The two voices, higher-pitched than they should be, freeze you and Celestia.
  106. >Slowly, you peer off the side of your bed.
  107. >Two smaller Lunas beam up at you from the floor, each about half the size of a regular Luna.
  108. >"Huzzah!" they both say.
  109. "Oh fucking hell, we've got a Code: Fantasia."
  111. >Two hours later.
  113. "Do you not think that maybe blowing them up isn't the right FUCKING solution, you big dumb solar bastard?!"
  114. >Celestia blows up another gaggle of Lunas and they split into yet more smaller Lunas.
  115. >You're both stood on the dining table in the main hall, a veritable ocean of Lunas swelling around you, the table a rock within a whirlpool.
  116. >They aren't trying to harm you, but they are trying to hug you.
  117. >As much as you ordinarily love Luna's hugs, this many tiny horses weighing you down might powder your bones, and you don't want to die on a Wednesday night.
  118. >So you bat another lunging Luna away with a pillowcase and go back to screaming at the elder sister.
  119. >"It wasn't meant to end like this!"
  120. "The hell were you even trying to do?!"
  121. >"I simply posited that this world would be better with more ponies like Luna and decided to test that theory!"
  122. "What are you, a teenager? How are you this irresponsible?"
  123. >"Do you have -any- idea how much I've had to drink, Anonymous?!"
  124. >You roar and whack another leaping Luna away from you.
  125. >Unfortunately, that one grabs your pillow as she goes, and you find yourself unarmed.
  126. >The Lunas swarm the table.
  127. >Some of them are so small you could fit several in the palm of your hand, but they vary in scale from orange-sized Lunas all the way up to book-sized.
  128. >Then, they have you.
  129. >They grip your pyjama pants by the hems and drag you off the table. Your arms flail and struggle to grip the edge of the table.
  130. "Avenge me, Celestia! Avenge meeee!"
  131. >And then you're gone. Swallowed whole by the teeming mass of Lunas.
  132. >Celestia bursts into tears and blows up another third of the room, only for that third to split into small Lunas and redouble their swirling assault.
  133. >She screams as she's taken, her body swiftly overwhelmed by Lunas like they were grey-goo nanobots.
  134. >Abruptly, the mutual screaming trails off.
  135. >All that can be heard is the scrambling of thousands of hooves and the exciting chirping of a million Lunas.
  136. "Uhh. Celestia? You still there?"
  137. >"Yes?" comes the reply. You can't see her, but she's close by.
  138. "You good?"
  139. >"Yes, actually. Are you?"
  140. "Yeah. It's actually kinda comfortable under here."
  141. >"Yes, it is, isn't it. Like a blanket of sisters."
  142. >One of the larger Lunas sticks her muzzle in your ear and snoofs.
  143. >Another does the same, then tells you she loves you.
  144. >You decide it's not actually so bad being submerged in Lunas, and promptly go back to sleep.
  146. *
  148. >The next morning, nothing has been solved.
  149. >Equestria now has a million and one Princesses.
  150. >Celestia, who still oversees most things.
  151. >And the teeming hive-mind swarm known only as Luna.
  152. >To Celestia's chagrin, the Luna swarm proves to be overwhelmingly popular with the public.
  154. One million tiny Luna kisses.
  155. Imagine.
  157. >You nearly drop your coffee.
  158. >Then you decide it's actually appropriate to do so, and promptly drop your coffee.
  159. >Luna raises an eyebrow at you, frozen there in the doorway, and nods at the shattered ceramic mug and pool at your feet.
  160. >Most others present take no notice of the noise.
  161. >"Hardly an inspiring introduction, Anonymous," she drawls, reclined in her favourite reading chair.
  162. "What in the god damn?"
  163. >"Yes, it's lovely to see you too. Have you had a nice day?"
  164. "Luna."
  165. >"I've had a nice day," she continues. "I ate the most delicious funnel cake this afternoon at Canterhorn House, I must take you back there tomorrow so you can try one yourself."
  166. "Moon-moon."
  167. >"Ah, pet names, is it, Nunu? Or am I still not allowed to call you that one?"
  168. "Sweetheart, -please- explain."
  169. >Luna smirks.
  170. >"Explain what?"
  171. "Horse don't -make- me come over there."
  172. >She titters and spreads a hoof wide.
  173. >"I simply did as you asked: I started a family for us."
  174. >You look around the room.
  175. "I think you went too far."
  176. >"Truly? I thought this was a good start but there's room for expansion. The castle has a lot of vacant beds."
  177. >One dozen foals, fillies and colts both, scramble around the room in an excited frenzy.
  178. >Many with pastel coats, but a few in dapple or socks, they squeal and crawl under furniture, over each other, and seem to be in a race to see who can inspect every inch of the room first.
  179. >Two of the foals, a filly and a colt, apparently the oldest of the bunch judging by size, cuddle up in wide-eyed wonder on either side of Luna, the pair fixated on you.
  180. >The filly nudges Luna and leans up to whisper in her ear.
  181. >Luna's smile grows.
  182. >"Yes, that's your new father," she says for you to hear.
  183. >The filly mouths a "Wow".
  184. "Dare I ask where they've come from?"
  185. >Your wife grins.
  186. >"Why, after our night of passion two moons ago, a noble stork flew in through the window and deposited them at the foot of our bed."
  187. >You rub your eyes and try not to smile, lest you encourage her.
  188. >"They're orphans, Anon. The orphanage was more than happy to release them into my care."
  189. "Do they have names?"
  190. >"Of course they have names. They're orphans, not newborns. Here, I've written you a list so you don't forget."
  191. >A roll of parchment is levitated into your grasp, and you stare at it.
  192. >The smile you'd tried to kill spreads across your face.
  193. "I like that you did little doodles of each one next to their names."
  194. >"I thought you'd appreciate a helping hoof."
  195. "Oh, one of them's called Rising Moon, that's pretty cute."
  196. >Luna settles a hoof on the head of the filly that had whispered in her ear, stroking her mane affectionately.
  197. >"Yes, I'll do my best not to play favourites, but..."
  198. "Careful. That's how you get sibling rivalries."
  199. >There's a shout, and you both turn your heads to see two of the colts wrestling on the rug, rolling around and trying to determine who's on top.
  200. >"I think that horse has already bolted."
  202. >"Good evening, Tia.~"
  203. >The surprisingly peppy and enthused voice of Celestia's little sister brought a smile to the solar diarch's face before she even looked up from her meal.
  204. "And a belated good evening to you, Lu-"
  205. >She was forced to halt the response as her eyes glanced up and caugh sight of Luna trotting over toward her.
  206. >Luna took a seat beside Celestia, flicking her mane back which has lazily draped over part of her face.
  207. >A mane that was usually parted by her majestic, spiralled horn.
  208. >It was only after that shock Celestia took note of Luna's sides and back - barren of her normal wings.
  209. >"Is everything alright, Celestia?" Luna asked, her smile vanishing. " You don't look well."
  210. >Celestia felt utterly lost at this point.
  211. "Luna, where is... what.."
  212. >Unable to form the words she was trying to speak, Celestia resorted to motioning toward her own head with a hoof.
  213. >"Something on my face? What is it?" Luna asked, sounding startled as she went cross-eyed in an attempt to see her own muzzle.
  214. >Celestia could only stare in disbelief as she was on the verge of giving up, before deciding to run a hoof up and over her head, tapping her horn.
  215. >It only took a moment with that gesture before Luna's hoof began to pat around the area of her forehead, identifying the reason for her elder sister's shock shock.
  216. >"Oh dear, I forgot to put on my horn," Luna announced with slight embarrassment.
  217. "You... forgot," Celestia replied in a slow manner, the words feeling odd and foreign as they slipped past her lips.
  218. >Luna blushed a little.
  219. >"Well, when you say it like that, it sounds positively dreadful," she replied with a slight giggle.
  220. "And your wings?"
  221. >Nonchalantly, Luna leaned forward in her seat and craned her neck, catching sight of her hide, void of the appendages.
  222. >"I suppose I should have realized if I had forgotten my horn, I probably forgot my wings, too," she laughed.
  223. "This is fine to you?" Celestia pressed onward in disbelief.
  224. >"Well I usually don't make it past my door before realizing something is missing - I'm having an off day, I suppose."
  225. "And this is normal? Removing your..."
  226. >"My horn and wings, of course," Luna interjected, laughing once again at Celestia's reaction. "Don't tell me you actually sleep with yours on, Tia."
  227. >Celestia blinked, too stunned to think.
  228. >"That has to be uncomfortable, sister. Why, who knows how long it has been since you've gotten a truly restful sleep."
  229. "Luna..."
  230. >"I know, you don't like hearing my lectures on sleep - but it is part of my duty of watching over the dream realm, Cel-"
  231. "My horn and wings do not come off, Luna!" Celestia finally shouted in exasperation.
  232. >As if mimicking her from a moment ago, Luna stared, frozen in time aside from blinking.
  233. >"As in, they don't come off easily...?"
  234. "They don't come off at all, sister," Celestia replied, still unable to believe this was a serious conversation.
  235. >"Hmm. Must have been a trait I picked up from mom or dad, I suppose," she replied dismissively, rising from her seat. " I will be right back, I should rectify this before I forget again."
  236. >Luna quickly trotted off again, leaving the solar princess to just stare off into the distance in silence.
  237. >At some point, one of the castle servants came out from the kitchen to place down Luna's meal.
  238. >He quickly took note of Celestia's stupefied expression.
  239. >"Was everything to your liking, your Highness?" he asked, concerned. " Can I get you anything else?"
  240. "Rum, please," Celestia spouted.
  241. >"Of course. Just a shot glass, or perhaps a mixed dr-"
  242. "The bottle."
  244. >You sigh as you enter the shuttered quarters, careful not to trip over anything in the oppressive darkness
  245. >You'd told her to knock it off but this only led her into a monologue about how she is darkness and terror
  246. >really you love your wife but it can be a bit frustrating when she lets nightmare moon out
  247. >something she does once or twice a month just so that the badness doesn't "build up"
  248. >a process which leaves the beast 'mostly harmless'
  249. >this morning she'd been calling for you all day each shout angrier than the last despite it being the middle of your breakfast
  250. >so you aren't exactly in the best mood to put up with her shenanigans
  251. >"Aaah my faithful minion." She purrs, "You have finally made it."
  252. >you sigh a bit more irritated than usual
  253. Yes honey
  254. >she shoots you an adorable glare
  255. *Sigh* yes my queen.
  256. >she goes back to peering out the magically darkened window as she begins to rub her hooves together
  257. >you approach her
  258. >"As you well know today is the day of my accursed sister's vile 'summer sun celebration' held in the accursed hovel known as Ponyville."
  259. >you nod as you start to rub her soft fuzzy neck, something she often demanded when she was monologuing to anyone else or just when she was particularly needy
  260. >after all you were her 'captive concubine and cuddle slave' at least in her words
  261. Mhmm
  262. >"But today the sun shall not shine, for thanks to a new weather spell I found! I shall make it."
  263. > a part of you is a bit worried she'll say cause eternal night
  264. >"Rain on their parade!"
  265. >yeah that's more in line with the 'new her'
  266. >her last two 'villainous schemes' involved such horrors as buying up every Cake in Canterlot or sending Twilight Sparkle a bunch of letters full of childish insults
  267. >you lower your hand causing her to force it back with magic
  268. >"I didn't say you could stop!"
  269. >you oblige again and she lets out a happy hum as a fang pokes out of her mouth
  270. >The skies shall be grey, wet and miserable from Canterlot to Ponyville and all of Equestria shall groan out in disappointment and irritation!"
  271. And how will I serve you ba-My queen?
  272. >you ask the coffee kicking in causing you to finally begin to humor her
  273. >"You will distract the weather team while I start the spell."
  274. Darkie you know neither of us is allowed near any weather team headquarters around this time of the year. Especially after last time.
  275. >"I am well aware my simple servant. Which is why you shall go in disguise!"
  276. >she opens a box and proudly holds up a gorilla costume
  277. >"We shall come to them in the guise of an ape and it's trainer, and you shall distract the weather team with your simian antics! Then once they are lulled into a state of.."
  278. >you begin to zone out
  279. >you can't help love this mare
  280. >all of her
  281. >even if some parts can be annoying dorks.
  283. >Navigating these hallways never gets any easier.
  284. >You pause in the middle of an empty intersection, mentally double checking that you’ve made the correct turns up until this point.
  285. >From the bedroom suites, to the upper viewing deck, to the upper halls, down to the lower courtyard, through the cafeteria, and now in the labyrinth that is the lower halls.
  286. >Damn these pony architects and their sick sense of humor.
  287. >You abandon hope when you can’t figure out whether or not you passed a marble pot with gilded trim three turns ago, electing to leave your time of arrival to the whims of fate.
  288. >Twisting corridors eventually give way to interconnected paths, one of which is adorned with marbled crown molding resembling vines growing from the walls, indicating you’re mercifully on the right track.
  289. >All those trips out here with Luna are paying off, you presume.
  290. >Which is surprising to you, given the fact that you’re usually so enthralled with the conversation that the setting blends into itself as you follow her around.
  291. >As you traipse into the vine-adorned hallway, you chalk your luck up to all of the memory games that Twilight has been insisting that you play as of late.
  292. >When you draw nearer to the final corner leading into the gardens, a peculiar melody catches your ear, spiraling into existence from around the bend.
  293. >A lilting mezzo croon slows your gait as you cross the threshold into the gardens, a much appreciated voice that you’d recognize anywhere.
  294. >The origin of the sweet sound sits regally ahead of you on a wooden bench, appearing as a centerpiece to the carefully sculpted greenery and flora around you.
  295. >You elect to not interrupt her seemingly intimate song. From the distance you’re at, you’re able to judge that she’s quite into this particular number.
  296. >Gently treading upon freshly trimmed grass to a polite distance, you lend both ears fully to her mesmerizing performance.
  297. >The language she sings in is unknown to you; it’s a safe bet to assume it’s likely ancient to those with a mortal disposition.
  298. >Whatever dialect it may be, the song progresses slowly, bringing you to a state of heightened comfort within just a minute of listening in.
  299. >You haven’t the faintest clue of what the song is actually about, but you don’t mind keeping it that way for the time being.
  300. >Really, though, it doesn’t matter… Her voice is one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever heard.
  301. >Eventually, the final note draws to a close, bringing her lone performance to an end.
  302. >Her gaze rests on the stars, planted somewhere in the spaces between; no smile to speak of, only wistful reflection.
  303. >And so, the silent audience makes itself known.
  304. “May I ask for an encore?”
  305. >She jumps slightly as she whirls around in her seat to face you, her teal eyes scanning you in the relative darkness of the torch-lit center of the gardens.
  306. >“Tartarus, Anonymous,” she exclaims, a smile breaking out upon her features as she lets her guard down, punctuated with a dainty giggle. “When did you arrive?”
  307. >You walk over to the bench, electing to take a seat next to her as opposed to just standing there awkwardly.
  308. “Only a few minutes. I got here in the middle of your song, and I couldn’t bring myself to interrupt you.”
  309. >She seems outwardly pleased at this, subtly confirming your suspicion of the number’s importance.
  310. >“I’m glad it wasn’t too long,” she replies, shimmying closer to you once you’re fully seated. “I suppose time slipped away from me when I started singing.”
  311. >You sink into the bench, letting your back hit the rest as you bring your hands to rest on your legs.
  312. “About that - what were you singing? I tried to, but I couldn’t recognize the language.”
  313. >“Ah,” she begins, her gaze turning to the shrubbery ahead. “‘Twas an old lullaby from my youth, when Celestia and I were fillies. Mother would sing to us when we were restless at night, and her voice never failed to put us to sleep.”
  314. >She shuffles a bit, a wistful grin tugging at the corners of her lips as the memories play out in her head.
  315. >“I’m unsurprised that you don’t recognize the language, since the written records were lost long ago.”
  316. “Oh, I’m sure it wasn’t that long. What are you, twenty three?”
  317. >A hearty guffaw escapes from the depths of her throat, wracking her with subdued laughter as she brings a hoof up to staunch it.
  318. >“Oh, hush, you flatterer,” she responds, leaning over to nuzzle you, a gesture you return in kind.
  319. >Leaning into each other, your gaze finds the night sky alongside hers.
  320. >“I’m glad you’re here, love,” she hums gently, heavenly voice supported by the gentle thrum of the surrounding crickets.
  321. >Snaking an arm around her, you pull her close, mingling your warmth with hers as she spreads a wing over you in kind.
  322. “Right back at you, Lulu.”
  324. >Nightmare Moon, having grown bored after taking the throne from her sister, starts playing chess for fun like she used to.
  325. >The only player who's ever really challenged her though is Celestia, who's sealed away.
  326. >While she loves dominating ponies, constantly winning starts to get boring, so she issues a challenge, a boon to anyone who can beat her.
  327. >Challengers arrive from around the kingdom, and she beats them all.
  328. >Then a stallion reeking of tobacco and a haggard mare with booze on her breath show up, and thrust a terrified filly forward.
  329. >The filly looks ready to cry, but her parents insist she's skilled at the game.
  330. >The Father grabs the filly roughly and hisses for her to stop being a baby and do something useful for once in her life.
  331. >Nightmare Moon is already in a foul mood and only accepts the challenge so she can send the family to the dungeons for wasting her time after this.
  332. >The filly hesitates when it's her turn, and Nightmare demands her to go.
  333. >The filly asks, "A-are you going to eat me if I lose?"
  334. >Nightmare feels her anger surge at the mention of that slander her sister left behind, but controls herself and says no.
  335. >The filly then asks, "What if I win? Y-you won't be mad and eat me, will you?"
  336. >Nightmare grits her teeth and says that if the filly wins, it will actually make her the happiest mare in the world.
  337. >The filly blinks, and a slow, fragile smile pulls at her lips as she leans forwards and whispers low enough for her parents not to hear, "It would? Could... could we be friends then, I-If I make you the happiest?"
  338. >Nightmare rolls her eyes, but answers, "Yes, if by some miracle you beat me, then I will consider you a friend."
  339. >"Golly..." the filly breathes. "A princess would be my friend... Alright, Nightmare Moon, I hope your ready to do lots of fun friend things together, because I'm about to win!"
  340. >With new energy, the filly begins to play, and much to Nightmare's surprise, after fifty moves, she's been checkmated.
  341. >She stares at the board in shock as the filly cheers and even her parents do a little jig together.
  342. >"I can't believe it," Nightmare says. "Such skill. How old are you, filly?"
  343. >"I'm eight years old," she answers. "And I'm not 'filly', I'm Cozy Glow!"
  344. >"A prodigy," the alicorn mumbles, then smiles wickedly. "I suppose I owe you a boon don't I, Miss Glow?"
  345. >"Yeah, ya do, and I'll tell you what we want," begins to the father cockily, but a dark aura clamps his mouth shut.
  346. >"This is your daughter's boon, not yours, peasant. Don't interrupt. Now, Miss Glow, what is your wish? You may have anything you want."
  347. >"Anything? Really?"
  348. >"Yes, name it."
  349. >"What I want... is for you to be my new Mommy!"
  350. >"What?!" shouts the mare, causing Cozy to whirl and glare at her.
  351. >"I want a new mommy who doesn't yell at me, or forget to give me food, who doesn't let Daddy hit me!"
  352. >Nightmare Moon smiles as she hears the hatred in the filly's voice.
  353. >"Boon granted. Guards, take this filth to the dungeon. And daughter, come with me."
  355. >Something was wrong
  356. >The worst bit is you didn't know what
  357. >One moment you're asleep, and then you're awake
  358. >There was no noise, no light, not even a particularly disturbing dream that woke you
  359. >You were just awake for some reason
  360. >You, being Anonymous
  361. >Recently promoted from Luna's lover to her Prince Consort
  362. >From what she told you, it was just a fancy way of saying husband
  363. >You were slow to pull yourself out of bed due to grogginess
  364. >Though the goosebumps that ran up your entire body were quick to chase away what tiredness remained and woke you up
  365. >Haphazardly you threw on something that barely equated to an outfit
  366. >Ever since you'd started dating the princess of the night, you'd been expected to wear more extravagant suits, which Rarity was happy to provide, but Luna never cared
  367. >Thoughts of the alicorn mare brought a smile to your lips
  368. >The way she'd be happy to listen to you or simply sit in silence, and the way she'd seem to physically relax as you would listen to her rant about a particularly taxing night
  369. >You glanced over to her side of the bed, and found it still empty
  370. >Every now and then she'd cut her duties short or skip a night to simply spend it with you
  371. >You glanced around the room and finally froze in place before glancing back at a shadowy corner that you'd looked past half a dozen times
  372. >This corner was darker than the rest
  373. >You'd become painfully aware of how out-matched you typically were in this world, but still, you steeled yourself and took a step forward
  374. >The low chuckle that sang through the air made you pause again
  375. >"It serves us right for thinking thou wouldst not notice us"
  376. >With the soft click of pitch black hooves against the polished marble blue floors, the shadow shifted
  377. >Or rather, the mare within the shadows moved
  378. >Her wings briefly stretched, and cast the shadows further across the room
  379. >She stepped forward and the shadows clung to her like tendrils of ink
  380. >Her eyes finally opened, and rather than the calm blue pools that you'd lost yourself in countless times before, you were met with sharp, baleful eyes, so bright they almost hurt to look directly at
  381. "Nightmare Moon"
  382. >The name felt unreal in your mouth
  383. >You'd quickly gotten used to how on-the-nose pony names were, but this name was a special case
  384. >Twilight and the others had each told you of their encounter with Nightmare Moon, each being a slightly different retelling of the same mare
  385. >Celestia herself had told you about her sister's darker half before, and she painted a far different picture
  386. >But the most stark contrast in all the stories came from none other than your wife
  387. >Where everypony else had one story about her, two in Celestia's case, Luna had countless
  388. >Stories about how her shadow would speak to her occasionally as a filly
  389. >How the voice only got louder until she sealed it as she was growing up
  390. >The days of when she and Celestia's kingdom was established and she started speaking with it again
  391. >How she finally realized how real Nightmare Moon was as she started to have to fight her for control
  392. >Then the stories of the days where Nightmare Moon had taken control for the first time
  393. >What you remembered the most was her stories from the moon
  394. >She let her sister think she had slept on the moon for a thousand years
  395. >But she hadn't
  396. >Every minute for a thousand years, she was awake and fighting Nightmare Moon
  397. >Some nights you'd wake up to her sat on the edge of your bed, head in her hooves
  398. >You were never able to resist the temptation to hug her barrel and pepper kisses up the back of her neck
  399. >She'd lightly chide you for it before falling into your embrace
  400. >'Chasing away the nightmare' she'd call it
  401. >Now, you were faced with it
  402. >Or rather, her
  403. >"Please, beloved, you need not look at us like that"
  404. >She lifted a hoof up halfway and her once wide open eyes softened as she looked you up and down
  405. >"We must say, it is... good to see you, without needing to look out of these eyes like some window"
  406. >You knew you should be doing something, talking at the least, maybe running to get help, but you were still frozen in place
  407. >Her eyes softened again, this time they almost looked pain
  408. >"Please, Anonymous, do not be afraid of us. We mean you no harm."
  409. >You wanted to relax, you really did, the way she spoke, it was the same way Luna did
  410. >A shuddering sigh from you finally broke you out of your own stupor as you found your voice
  411. "Why do you have to say it like that?"
  412. >"Like what?"
  413. >She took a step forward and you fought the urge to step back
  414. "Like THAT. Like Luna."
  415. >"We ARE Luna. We... have come to an agreement."
  416. "Bullshit"
  417. >She brought a hoof to her muzzle as she giggled
  418. >"Thine uncouth manner of speech has always amused us. Both of us."
  419. >She slowly began walking around the room, circling you as her horn glowed a faint mix of blue and purple and the decorations began shifting
  420. >As she moved, you got a much better look at her
  421. >Strangely, she wasn't the same way that everyone had painted her as
  422. >While her coat was pitch black, instead of the usual blue, it seemed to be a softer shade of black, her mane shone with shades of deeper blues and purples than you were used to and she was much taller, at least as big as Celestia
  423. >One other thing you noticed was she naked
  424. >Neither in Luna's regalia or the armor that she usually wore
  425. >Still, despite her new appearance, it was her words that struck with her
  426. "What sort of agreement?"
  427. >She turned to you, and a soft smile formed on her muzzle, even as she continued redecorating your bedroom
  428. >"So, thou art willing to talk? We are glad of that. That we might explain."
  429. "Well, I'd be a bad husband if I didn't."
  430. >"So thou dost still see us as thine wife?"
  431. "You're certainly wearing her face, at least."
  432. >Her face had briefly flickered to a glad smile before your words brought it back to a more neutral look
  433. >She glanced down at the one bit of jewelry she still wore, her crescent moon cutie mark forged into an intricate silver medallion that hung from a silver chain
  434. >You couldn't help but run your hand over the ring that adorned your horn, the same symbol on a signet ring forged from the same silver ingot that made Luna's necklace
  435. >It was the closest thing the two of you could get to mixing the marriage customs of your worlds
  436. >"Luna- we are still tired of Celestia's overshadowing of us."
  437. >You clenched your fist as you heard her correct herself
  438. >"We understand why we were banished. But we still do not understand why our subjects rejected us to begin with, and we do not understand why they still reject us now."
  439. "How are they rejecting you?"
  440. >As one last curtain unfurled, now a deeper shade to match the alicorn mare, she finally turned fully to you
  441. "You've got friends now, ponies know who you are, hell, there's basically a rave every other night here in Canterlot."
  442. >"True. But they do not do it for a love of us. But a love of the fact that we are the sister of the one they love."
  443. "Nightmare-"
  444. >"Do not call us that. We find it... distasteful."
  445. >You could swear you saw a hint of shame flash across her face before it morphed into a mix of disgust and anger
  446. "You chose it for yourself before."
  447. >"We were foolish before."
  448. "Then who are you?"
  449. >"We... do not know. Do you?"
  450. >Her question threw you off more than you expected it to
  451. >She simply sighed as your silence continued and her question went unanswered.
  452. >"The time of our dues is long since past, husband, and we intend to collect. One way or another."
  453. >Slowly, her wings rose beside her and flared out, the gust of wind threw open the curtains and let the moonlight flood the room
  454. >You'd quickly learned the moon's cycles, and you knew it wasn't supposed to be a full moon for a few weeks more
  455. >"We know that not all the ponies of Equestria will love the moon as they love the sun, but there are ponies who do. We have the Night Guard, but there are others. I will no longer sit in my sister's shadow, and only know the same adoration she does by visiting these ponies in their dreams. Our kingdom will welcome these ponies instead."
  456. "Our?"
  457. >A rhetorical question, you already knew what she was going to ask from the moment you realized what had happened
  458. >Her wings came down to rest beside her as she strode towards you, one reaching out to brush your cheek
  459. >"Though it was under a different name, and different face, the heart and soul that swore itself to you are one and the same. Anonymous, I love you, those words and feelings now are no different than they were the first time Luna said them to you. We still remember that night. We remember… every night."
  460. >She brushed her head against your chest before slowly pushing her face up to meet yours
  461. >As she pulled away, you realized just how close she was to you now
  462. >"Rule beside me. No longer as 'Prince Consort' but simply as my husband."
  463. "No offer of being a King?"
  464. >Again, she giggled as she stepped back from you
  465. >"Such a title. T'would only be a passing amusement for thee before thou found boredom in being addressed so, to be a dull affair. Are we wrong?"
  466. >She certainly wasn't. Even being called Prince rubbed you the wrong way, but you had put up with it for Luna's sake
  467. "This isn't going to go over well with the others. Celestia will fight you, Twilight and the others will try to use the Elements on you."
  468. >"We doubt the Elements will be a problem."
  469. "Even though they kicked your ass the last two times?"
  470. >"WE ARE NOT HER!"
  471. >You finally saw her anger flare as her hooves stomped and cracked the floor
  472. >As soon as her anger appeared, it vanished as her breath hitched and she stepped away from the crack, quickly fixing it with her magic
  473. >"I do not wish to be Nightmare Moon again. If the Elements only affect those impure of heart, then I do not think... I hope that they will not affect us."
  474. >Something about the way she was acting stirred something in you
  475. >You had expected mad ranting, a hunger for power, instead you seemed to only find ambition hindered by her own confusion
  476. >Slowly you walked up behind her and placed a hand on the joint of her wing and began lightly scratching it
  477. >A shiver ran up the black alicorn who leaned into your touch as you massaged the point you'd become familiar with on Luna
  478. "Even... let's say for argument's sake that the Elements don't work. Celestia won't want her sister to start a new kingdom."
  479. >"The world does not revolve around my sister's wants."
  480. "Same could be said for yours."
  481. >Her mouth twisted before she simply pressed her lips together and clenched her eyes shut before she let her head press to your arm, and you felt a small dampness on your sleeve
  482. >"Do we not deserve even something? Have we not been patient enough?"
  483. >Luna or not, you couldn't stand to see your wife like this
  484. >Quickly, you wrapped an arm around her and pulled her into your chest, and her wings came around to your back
  485. >"Two hours..."
  486. >You pulled back slightly from her as she sniffled and stepped back
  487. >”Every day, the moon shall hang in the sky for two hours longer. Her light will not yield to the sun in the morning when Celestia will expect her too, and she will climb the sky earlier in the night. Every day until our demands are met."
  488. "A kingdom of your own is a kind of vague demand... Moon."
  489. >You weren't sure what to call her, she wasn't Luna, but she didn't want to be Nightmare Moon either
  490. >"We shall go into them in detail when our sister is ready to capitulate to us what we are owed."
  491. >Her horn glowed and the windows opened fully, and she turned to you one last time, a pleading look in her eyes
  492. >"We do not wish to walk this path without thee, Anonymous."
  493. "Why?"
  494. >That was the only question on your mind, and from how her face shifted, you knew she realized what your question actually meant
  495. >Again, she walked up to you, and you felt calm beside her, the brief fear from when you first saw her long forgotten
  496. >A soft hoof briefly cupped your cheek as you cupped hers
  497. >Her hoof slowly came to your wrist and pulled your hand down as she looked away
  498. >"You have shown us love that we did not think we would ever feel. That we did not think we deserved. We want to share that love with our little ponies. But they only care when Celestia's gaze falls upon them, those who love us that way are all too often lost in the crowds, and our time in the dreamscape keeps us from them. A new kingdom would be a new start, those who love Celestia can remain, and those who love us can find their place."
  499. "You... don't want to rule Equestria. Do you?"
  500. >A small shrug was her initial response
  501. >"We want to rule those who wish to be ruled by us. Those ponies who Celestia can not always reach, or understand, let our sister keep her subjects. But I will not stand by while those who would be my subjects are ignored."
  502. >Your eyes drifted between her and the open window as you tried to wrap your head around everything that had happened so fast
  503. >"We do not expect thee to fully understand-"
  504. "No, no, I get it. At least, sort of."
  505. >A hopeful glint sparked in her eyes as she smiled at you and dipped her wing to the floor, an indication to get on her back to fly off to wherever she planned to leave to
  506. >But you stepped back, and her wing came back to herself
  507. "The whole, love of your kingdom thing. I get it, it's just..."
  508. >"Just what?"
  509. "I... I just thought that I was enough."
  510. >You never hurt Luna in all the years you knew her. Except now, as you could swear you saw her heart break in her eyes as tears flooded down her cheeks
  511. >A range of emotions crossed her face, from despair to rage to a brief off-putting laugh that she quickly silenced before she backed away from you as a simple melancholic sadness weighed on her every step
  512. >"Perhaps it is for the best if you do not accompany us."
  513. >Her wings gently flapped and lifted her into the air, and she hesitated before gliding through the air to you for seemingly final time, as she pressed her lips to your and kissed you
  514. >"For you may be the only one who could make us stop. Our old castle, that is where you, or anyone you send, will find us."
  515. >Without another word and one last flap of her wings, Luna, Nightmare Moon, whoever she had become, soared through the open window and shrank into the distance as she flew far away from Canterlot, and you heard the flap of dozens of wings as the silhouettes of several of the Night Guard followed after her
  517. >Be anon
  518. >Relatively speaking, Equestria had always been a happy place. At least, from what you had known of it from your time here, it was always a peaceful one.
  519. >Sure, from time to time you were met with a somewhat adolescent listlessness that would only be sated with some form of chaos, ambition, or pleasure.
  520. >But it was a good place, really. Y'know the kind of, leave your door unlocked, neighbors so nice you can fuck their wife kinda place.
  521. >Meant in the best possible way.
  522. >But, well, whenever you, or anyone really, stayed out late enough to see the moon rise...
  523. >Equestrias a nice place, swear to god
  524. >But the empty night sky scared the shit out of you.
  526. >Not completely empty of course. You mean, the moon, and the mare in it, as the ponies called it, were still there. And it's not like you had any reason to be scared.
  527. >The night had always been empty here. Long as anyone you've ever known, or anyone they've ever known could remember.
  528. >But neither were you the only one bothered by it.
  529. >It was taboo to discuss of course, because what matter of personal or political importance wasn't taboo in polite conversation?
  530. >But among the stallions you were close enough to drink and stay up late with, with those late night conversations that sometimes felt like the most important part of a friendship,
  531. >When you had the chance, to laugh and talk of hopes and fears, a conversation you had remembered having too few of back home, you could still tell.
  532. >They couldn't hide their unease.
  533. >You had never quite appreciated how threatening nothing can be.
  535. >You thought better than to tell them of the stars. After all, growing up in a city, you hardly knew of them either. Man's creation shut them out, only a few nights of your life had you beheld their glory.
  536. >But even so, you knew they were there, that there were worlds and wonders beyond your home. In youth, it had been a great source of awe and hope. The story and belief of there being something out there, something that could make this mean something.
  537. >Well, here you were, at that mysterious other place of meaning, with a perfect void of night blemished by a single beauty mark of moon and a half million tattered souls who dare not look at something as perfect and hollow as a plastic plant. Heh, you're pretty sure if you had one of those when you came here, they'd've been equally horrified.
  538. >But you didn't, and you were here, with the same sentiments of longing glory that told you something was wrong. But it was beyond your power to fix. Kinda felt like playing therapist to god. All you could do was sit him down and let him cry through your soul so that at least something could speak to the simple truth of wrongness in this world
  539. >Maybe it was that nothing was wrong. Maybe you were looking for something that couldn't possibly exist. Longing for an impossible world. Maybe. It was hard to know.
  540. >You didn't think you could tell the difference between veil and void.
  542. >You were an alien, a stranger in a strange land.
  543. >Certainly if any of the ponies you knew were dropped into your home, after long enough they would be aware of all kinds of alienations present in your own society
  544. >You were sure they'd have plenty of opinions about the Nacirema. So really, maybe it was nothing.
  545. >But... ergh, you didn't know what to think. These ponies had the role you thought were previously reserved for gods, be it ancient gods of dead civilizations or modern gods of dead meaning.
  546. >You had seen it, their control of nature, weather. Magic.
  547. >And when you witnessed all of these wonders, it was every desire of your's to just be there, in that miraculous moment, and just wonder at the human-defined and deified divinity they seemed completely unaware that they possessed.
  548. >But every time you tried your eyes drifted up, and even with the gracious veil of the sun's blue sky, you could see the emptiness.
  550. >Still, if there was one thing that seemed to stay the same, it was that night was the time of being-with. It always did spark something in you. Maybe it was just a dark time for a dark time for them.
  551. >You didn't like it. This place was supposed to be different. And here you were, fighting the same demons and ambiguities. Different forms didn't count for much.
  552. >But still, here, like at home, despite all the fears and anxieties, you could look at the moon. There was still someone there, so at least, well, at least you weren't alone.
  553. >Heh, even the same silly thought was with you. If all you had was a cold night's breath... you hoped it was enough to speak to her.
  555. >...
  557. >The comfort from the one imperfection of an empty sky has run cold.
  558. >Best return to your friends, from one coping comfort to another. You didn't have the capability to do much more than that.
  559. >...
  560. >No, you were too cynical. The moon could be enough. So too could they. You all had to face emptiness. Either in a field or by a hearth, you could face it together.
  561. >It might not be good, but the night still had this. This feeling and connection that made you feel fully and deeply human. Just needed awe so it wouldn't be an empty human.
  562. >You wondered if the ponies felt the same way.
  563. >You better get back. Sun would be rising soon. Apparently it was that time of year, supposed to be a big celebration for the sunrise. All the way out in Ponyville too...
  565. >Be a pony
  566. >It doesn't matter who
  567. >You didn't quite know how to comprehend what had, what was, happening.
  568. >What was supposed to have been the longest day, marking the banishment of the last of Equestria's divine evils, had instead turned into the longest night, and that very evil's return
  569. >but you could not find it within yourself to care, to be horrified, as years of socialization and enculturation have demanded of you, because you were compelled by a far simpler truth
  571. >The stars came back
  573. >The empty terror of a blank sky, the malaise of a hollow, peaceful, life
  574. Incomprehensible while enraptured in ethereal ecstasy
  575. >The distinct sense of loneliness, as you looked upon a stellar isolation, unknowingly alone together.
  576. That pain, gone; the stars, returned.
  577. >The horror of a life devoid a part of one's own soul.
  578. And now met with love in reunion, finally together, finally complete.
  579. >Every fight, every argument, every sorrow and every pain
  580. None of it mattered, because the stars came back!
  582. >You had heard stories of course, stories of wonders and glories set upon a dark sky, even of bits of magic seeping into your world and enchanting those ancients lucky enough to witness and study it, in order to discover powers and mysteries that too, were for another ancient time.
  583. >But you no more seriously regarded them than the stories of castrating the personification of the sky to birth the goddess of love and beauty (even if certain romantic pinings did leave you feeling emasculated).
  584. >But now half of all unicorns' names would have meaning. The frightening, unspoken, unknown thousand year hole in your society's unconscious being was filled in a simple upward gaze shared between thousands, millions of ponies.
  586. >A million other thoughts and words witnessed this shared apocalypse, all of it reflecting a simple fact you didn't know how to understand or emphasize another way
  587. >How many basic truths, undeniable thoughts and feelings that when you understood them you had been nothing but compelled to let them subsume your being, consume you in the entirety of their simplicity
  588. >"I think, therefore I am"
  589. >"Without love, I am nothing"
  590. >"The stars came back"
  591. >The stars came back!
  592. >The star came back, and the moon was freed.
  593. >Sweet mother of night would no longer be lonely. The hollow spirit of celestial oblivion had itself become oblivated.
  594. >So many words, so much force to communicate such a simple sentiment.
  595. >The stars came back.
  597. >Even the night's threat of eternity was quieted in contrast to its beauty. Even as latent horrors at the threat of a new world grew, when the more familiar beauty finally hailed from the East, the relief would be tinged with longing. The night was loved again.
  599. >And while our heroes sought to save the sun, the rest of Equestria, from Trottingham and Appleloosa, Fillydelphia and Los Pegasus, even the seat of solar power, Canterlot,
  600. >in the hearts in all of these mere places ponies looked to the stars, reclaiming a treasure so old they had forgotten its loss. The new millennium would prove more than a mere number.
  602. >How did they ever forget her?
  603. >They never would again.
  605. >There is sunlight upon your face, rousing you from the westward window.
  606. >Comfortable as you are, the timely warmth is starting to lightly bake you beneath the copious amounts of blankets.
  607. >You attempt to snooze against this solar alarm by turning over, but are met with an unfamiliar vacancy occupying the space next to you.
  608. >This bed is big enough to relieve oneself of sun-kissed hot-spots, but far too big to not be shared.
  609. >You open your eyes, taking care to make the golden glow of the room take its time on the assault upon your retinas.
  610. >Waking up here was always particularly difficult as the sunset pouring through the window washed out an otherwise rich and dark chamber.
  611. >Of course, the waking effects of daylight rouse all creatures, and appears to have not made an exception towards the goddess of moon and night.
  612. >You, of course, are still trying to adjust to waking up at the brink of dusk. You turn to face the ceiling, where the golden rays are beaming across, curiously illuminating the murals of a midnight tapestry in a distinctive, familial glow.
  613. >As more of your senses become available to you, the notable bustle of your beloved being helped into her stately attire is a direct contributor to the firing up of your mind and body.
  614. >To confirm this, you sit up from your place in bed, taking care to keep the blankets above your waist.
  615. >Your loud, distinct, and frankly animated yawn reverberates seemingly through the floor and walls of the chambers.
  616. >Luna turns her head to look at you from over her withers, responding to your display with a smile more warmth than any sunset you have ever experienced.
  617. >She never once minded that you tend to sleep a bit longer after she leaves the bed, just as long as you were conscious by nightfall--she knows how much you loved seeing her rituals.
  618. >You groggily return a smile of your own, with just enough embellishment to the expression to make her laugh.
  619. >She had her rituals, you had yours.
  620. >Her laugh, curt in front of the familiar servitude, is punctuated by an equally gracious greeting.
  621. "Good morning, dear Anonymous"
  622. >From the moment you were introduced, she found your name to be of great and curious interest, and to hear it uttered from her is a daily sensation that you can only describe as sublime.
  623. >Yet, rather than bask in such a slice of nirvana for your personal eternity, you decide to go affirm the worldly attachment of domesticity with scheduled banter.
  624. "We've got a while till morning, I believe."
  625. >This snark is articulated with a great big stretch, letting the setting sun through the window illuminate your waking and exotic figure, all for your partner.
  626. >She takes a beat to drink in the display, then responds in kind.
  627. "Well, we would much appreciate your presence for the journey, but we understand that it may be a tall order for you."
  628. >You return her smirk with another drawn out stretch. One of the servant ponies walks up to the side of your bed, your robe draped over their back.
  629. >After taking in with a 'thank you,' you finally free yourself from the bed and adorn the robe over your now-loose body.
  630. >You ask the servant pony to please go and prepare some coffee, just to clear the room a little.
  631. >The two ponies tending to the princess seem to be finishing their routine preparations and are decorating Luna in her regalia.
  632. >You gently take hold of her onyx peytral, letting the unicorn servant release it from her magic.
  633. "No ask or order from you is too much for me, my darling."
  634. >Luna's eyes meet yours, and once again you are filled with great warmth as she smiles.
  635. >Her head bows down, letting you set the regalia upon her neck.
  636. >You take care to mind her billowing mane as you coax it through the peytral.
  637. >The nebulous mass, like so much of your princess, is almost intangible and untouchable in its' sheer mystic beauty.
  638. >You manage your hand through the ribbons of night sky flowing from her, caressing the magic up to her face.
  639. >She leans into your touch, as if she was physically absorbing your love through your palm.
  640. >You lightly rub your thumb across her cheek, affirming this as your shared morning ritual.
  641. >At some point in your journey through life to this moment, you really began to believe your pledge-- that you would and love help you could do anything for your Princess.
  642. >You never asked for anything in return.
  643. >As it was, however, this love was truthfully reciprocated from the Goddess of Night, your Luna.
  644. >This truth would pronounce itself in the small kiss you and yours shared, your hand holding Luna's face in the waning sunlight.
  646. "Can you make it bigger?"
  647. >"Bigger?"
  648. "Yeah, the Moon, can you make it bigger?"
  649. >"I…we can change the phase, if that's what you would like."
  650. >You and Princess Luna are sitting in a open grassy field, gazing up at the night sky.
  651. >Luna's horn lights up, manipulating not the Moon—but the unseen Sun.
  652. >The manipulation of the Sun's light causes the Moon to shift phases—from waxing, to full, to waning, to new, then back to waxing again.
  653. >"How about that?" She beams proudly.
  654. >That's kind of freaky that she can do that with just magic, freakier still that it's the Sun that moves in this world, but that's not what you're here for.
  655. "That *is* impressive, but I meant like—the size, the actual size of the Moon."
  656. >She frowns.
  657. >"We are remiss to say that that is beyond the scope of our talents. We can only move the moon, not modify it."
  658. "But what if you brought it closer to Equestria so it would seem bigger?"
  659. >"I…do not think that is a good idea, Anonymous. Sister warned me of the dangers that the celestial bodies can pose when they drift too close to Equestria. The Sun, for example, is capable of eradicating all life with its unrelenting heat if it is left unchecked."
  660. "Yeah, but that's because the Sun is a giant ball of fire. The Moon, on the other hand, is completely harmless—a kind, stone goliath that watches over the night."
  661. >"When you put it like that…yes, I can see why the Moon isn't one to be feared—at any distance, even."
  662. >She gives you a pensive look.
  663. >"But still…I'm not sure about this, I can't imagine my sister will be pleased if she hears that I've been tampering with the moon in such an unorthodox way."
  664. "That's exactly why you should do it. It'll be the sisterly prank to end all sisterly pranks."
  665. >"…Do you really think so?"
  666. "I know so. In fact, I have the utmost confidence that this will be…"
  667. >You lean in close.
  668. "The *ultimate* prank."
  669. >"Hmm…"
  670. >She rests her chin on her forehoof, deep in thought.
  671. >Her eyes soon light up with mischievous conviction as she turns to you.
  672. >"Very well, Anonymous, you have convinced me! I shall pull the moon in to make it seem bigger."
  673. >She giggles to herself.
  674. >"And to see the look on my sister's face when my moon dwarfs her sun!"
  675. >Luna adopts a pointed stance towards the moon and closes her eyes in concentration.
  676. >Her horn begins to glow.
  677. >And slowly, but surely, the moon inches ever closer.
  678. >You can hear the faint sound of rushing water in the distance; a high tide is building.
  679. >As the moon closes in, so does the impending sense of dread.
  680. >Curiously, Luna herself seems to be growing in size as the moon draws near.
  681. >Exponentially so, even.
  682. >Maybe this wasn't the best idea for a prank.
  683. >Hm.
  684. >You hear Luna shouting out to you from high above.
  685. >"We are making the moon bigger, Anonymous! WE ARE MAKING THE MOON BIG—"
  686. >The end times have come.
  688. >You are married to Luna and have assumed a similar schedule to your beloved princess of the night.
  689. >You are usually dead tired by sunrise, but you always enjoy having breakfast with your sister-in-law Celestia.
  690. >Luna has also come to appreciate the daily routine a bit more, although it can be pretty hit-or-miss based on how well her night goes.
  691. >This morning, your wife enters the castle dining hall appearing more exhausted than you have ever seen her.
  692. >She looks ready to faint right where she stands, but your Moony is a trooper.
  693. >Luna makes her way over to you with weary eyes and a tired smile and gives you a peck on the cheek followed by a soft "good morning."
  694. >Then, instead of taking a seat next to you, she remains standing, lets out a yawn, and shakily captures a bowl of fruit in her magic.
  695. >You and Celestia share a glance as Luna plucks out a pineapple from the bowl and just fucking chomps out a big chunk of the thing.
  696. >Been a while since you have seen her do something like that.
  697. >Without another word, Luna discards the remains of the spiny fruit and trudges off in the direction of her bedroom.
  698. >You rise to join her, but want to wrap up your conversation with Celestia before you head out.
  699. >As you talk, a gentle tug on your shirt collar draws your eyes downward, where you catch a glimpse of blue magical energy dissipating from the fabric. Looking back up, you see Luna waiting expectantly at the doorway.
  700. >Of course, Celestia sees all of this too, and flashes a sly smile as she seamlessly pivots to farewells so as to not delay you further.
  701. >You and Luna make the short trip to her bedroom in comfortable silence.
  702. >Once inside, Luna makes a bee-line for the bed while you head toward the wardrobe, but a single flash of blue magic stops you in your tracks.
  703. >You have been stripped to your boxers, with your other garments being deposited on the floor in a disorganized pile along with Luna’s regalia.
  704. >That takes care of that, you suppose.
  705. >Luna’s eyes are closed as you join her in bed, but the second you lie down she has you wrapped up tight within her hooves and wings.
  706. >As you pull the blanket up around the two of you, Luna’s horn flickers to life for just a moment and the room fades to total darkness.
  707. >Luna lets out a content sigh as she nuzzles into your neck, taking caution not to poke you with her horn.
  708. >You softly scratch her ears, and by the time you wish her sweet dreams she is fast asleep.
  709. >You drift to sleep not long after.

Luna Story Archive

by LunarLunatik

Octavia Story Archive

by LunarLunatik

3DCG Piracy

by LunarLunatik