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Octavia Story Archive

By LunarLunatik
Created: 2022-06-06 15:43:39
Updated: 2023-05-23 10:58:41
Expiry: Never

Deprecated as of 2023/05/23.

Oc/tavi/a: Relax while reading about the greatest cellist in Equestria.

Welcome to the Archive! The older version (which is now private) was also made by me, but I decided to revamp it for the ease of use. If you want to see a story added or removed from it, please let me know in the thread.



Finished Stories

Author Title Word Count Link(s) Synopsis/Notes
Bolding Barkeep 12,640 (1/1) -
Chopinon Short Octavia Story 1,118 (1/1) -
CoolKids Calming Melody 981 (1/1) -
Ditherer Suite 1,937 (1/1) -
JeffMango Love What You Can 76,176 (1/4) (2/4) (3/4) (4/4) -
Bravest Face 73,866 (1/1) // NOTE: There is a music piece inspired by this story.
A Brief Dispersal of Stormclouds 6,293 (1/1) -
Living in Circles 6,147 (1/1) -
A short and sorrowful Tavi story 2,653 (1/1) -
MisterElGuapo Una Nota Dolce 36,756 (1/16) (2/16) (3/16) (4/16) (5/16) (6/16) (7/16) (8/16) (9/16) (10/16) (11/16) (12/16) (13/16) (14/16) (15/16) (16/16) -
MLP-CYOA-Writer-Dude Swan Song 17,299 (1/5) (2/5) (3/5) (4/5) (5/5) -
nullposter Octavia in the Rain 858 (1/1) -
PCEngi Lewd Octavia Story 3,200 (1/1) -
rikka_tan Octavia the Tsundere 2,353 (1/2) (2/2) -
Octavia's Music 1,553 (1/1) -
Licentious Octavia 1,118 (1/1) -
Tavifag Love Conquers All 51,297 (1/1) -
vetur The Pathways of Love 27,508 (1/3) (2/3) (3/3) -
Reconnection 1,831 (1/1) -
Wiggy Preparing for a Show 397 (1/1) -
Unknown Octavia's Symphony 15,239 (1/1) -

Dead/Unfinished Stories

Author Title Word Count Link(s) Synopsis/Notes
BaBonk A certain Melody 10,269 (1/1) -
Equilibrio Unique Charm 5,635 (1/1) -
jffry890 Double Date 2,987 (1/1) -
LensCap Canterlot Cocktail 5,891 (1/1) -
Lil_Macintosh AxO 3,525 (1/1) -
ShyMod Octavia's Secret 28,511 (1/1) -
SirGreensAlot Wasted Time 33,995 (1/2) (2/2) -
Snake243 Get by, Somehow 9,863 (1/1) -

FimFic Stories

Author Title Word Count Link(s) Synopsis/Notes
ConnVolpe Negative Cohesion 2,234 (1/1) Often meeting in each other's bedrooms, you and Octavia could often talk the night away. But once in a while, just relaxing with some music on is best.
Damien Darkside No Magic Required 17,002 (1/1) You were a cartoonist on Earth, but since everyone in Equestria is a cartoon your pictures are pretty life-like. Opening up an art gallery in Canterlot, you take the train and meet a mare who is just like you. She's a musician who plays an instrument only reserved for unicorns.
Erynaster1504 You are my Music, my Melody 5,753 (1/1) Your marefriend, Octavia Melody is stressed out practicing for her performance in a week's time at Canterlot. Being the only human in Equestria, and her coltfriend no less, you try to change that, one cuddle at a time.
Punished Venon Muddy The Squatter and the Cellist 2,938 (1/1) It was a cold winter's day in Canterlot, the snow was falling and ponies huddled close to their partners for warmth. Octavia however, was alone. Exhausted from having to perform three days in a row she was looking forward to the break that Hearth's Warming Eve would bring, even if she had to spend it alone. She had only one performance left before she could take a long needed break. On her way home from the stage she noticed that it was empty of an audience, confused and angry she heard a strange song coming from nearby. She followed the music, wanting to confront the pony that was stealing her show. What she found was no pony, but a creature she had never seen around before.
Stegtorn Cafe 5,436 (1/1) Anonymous goes to a cafe and takes a chance on approaching a cold looking mare.

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Octavia Story Archive

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3DCG Piracy

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