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Diabolical Work

By Grey
Created: 2024-11-25 02:43:29
Updated: 2024-12-02 23:43:36
Expiry: Never

  1. >She’s the angriest, sexiest retard you’ve ever seen.
  2. >Vehemently fuming as pulsar jets of steam shoot out of her ears.
  3. >”Why aren’t they getting angry?!” A frustrated growl escapes her best attempts to convince herself she’s the one in control.
  4. >Derpy keeps herself locked in her room all day, not even going to her classes anymore as that little bout with Anon doesn’t exactly go the way she wanted.
  5. >With a snarling grit of her teeth, Derpy tries her best to find the mouse after she briefly let go of it.
  6. >Ah, there it is.
  7. >Anon’s gotten Derpy’s panties in a bunch as she continues and continues to try and get his attention.
  8. >Her soft bubble butt kept her chair warm ever since she sat down into it hours and hours ago.
  9. >This is it, Derpy’s last chance at vengeance for Anon calling her a slut.
  10. >She’s at least smart enough to know it looks less bad if she pretends to be one of them instead of letting them know it’s still her herself.
  11. >But Derpy’s got a soothing way of jumbled words that lets all the guys know it’s her whether she likes it or not.
  12. >But there’s a freaky little part of Derpy that secretly likes getting pushed around in this way.
  13. >Oh how hot it would be if it made literally any of these guys hard… it makes her fool herself into thinking her slowness is on purpose.
  14. >Them getting boners as they push Derpy arou- now’s not the time for those thoughts.
  15. >Derpy’s naturally busty chest huffs in and out as she does what she can to regain her cool.
  16. >But she’s not getting anything close to the response she needs.
  17. >The response she needs to cope herself to sleep after these guys inevitably start saying those dirty things about her again.
  18. >She didn’t MEAN to post her nudes online!
  19. >Derpy couldn’t clearly see where the cursor was on the screen.
  20. >Now she’s being jerked off to and she can’t do anything about it except prop up the failed act she doesn’t know only fuels the fire that engulfs her once pure image.
  21. >Why can’t these guys be like the other groups of guys who aren’t this… horny?
  22. >Derpy swears deep down there’s got to be a way to stand a chance against five aroused men like this.
  23. >But right next to that swear, Derpy knows deep down that even her strength couldn’t fare well against just ONE guy…
  24. >And she cannot.
  25. >Will not.
  26. >Confess to her own sexual nature that it plants further seeds of arousal for being so… bullied~
  27. >She knows the moment is coming sooner or later.
  28. >When they have their hands all over her.
  29. >Derpy begins to shudder and cross her smooth thighs in that short skirt she has on.
  30. >Still not fully understanding what her feelings are doing.
  31. >As she continues to be made fun of, things she’ll never admit to begin to happen under her clothes.
  32. >Even Derpy’s bra cups couldn’t stop the evidence of her hardening nipples from showing through the blue of her shirt.
  33. >Her panties foster a devious aroused warmth as they cradle her bare vulva just beneath.
  34. >Derpy’s lips quiver.
  35. >Her hands tremble as she fails to clinch vengeance for what these mean boys had said about her.
  36. >And their words begin to set into permanence like concrete drying for the final time.
  37. >Derpy noticeably quickens her breathing to the prospect of being their little walkway to step all over; the more official it continues to become, the more she reluctantly loves it~
  38. >Her fear argues fervently with her excitement.
  39. >She can’t allow herself to get beaten on the internet like this… but it already officially happened a week ago anyway.
  40. >And the lack of a rise Derpy can stir shows her just how futile her attempts at the impossible reversal of it are.
  41. >And she knows they won’t stop even if she does everything she can to no longer encourage them.
  42. >When men are horny, they lock in.
  43. >Derpy can sense it in the very atmosphere around her.
  44. >They just want her at this point, and they already got her right where they want her.
  45. >Derpy knows they are indeed getting hard to her, confirming the very thing that would start snapping the final little twigs of her self restraint.
  46. >Derpy currently thinks she’s just extra angry at these guys for making a fool out of her despite her attempts at ruining their fun.
  47. >She doesn’t realize yet that it’s well disguised sexual arousal, which is heating up along with their as their fun only got unintentionally supported by her anyway.
  48. >But their advances will help her see the truth one way or another.
  49. >Derpy can’t stop these guys if her life depends on it.
  50. >Her very spite keeps her stood proud between the jaws of danger and defeat like its erection stands proud for her~
  51. >---
  52. >She was scared to go back for a whole day or two.
  53. >Because she knew what was going to happen to her.
  54. >Derpy’s already 0-2, and losing again would make her 0-3.
  55. >Why the fuck does that secretly excite her?
  56. >With trembling hands, Derpy returns to the den of wolves that tore her apart already, ready for round three.
  57. >Ready for loss 3.
  58. >A furrowed brow scrunches over her enraged glare of determination as she watches those boys talk about girls who aren’t her.
  59. >In all her jealousy and envy, she drums up enough courage to say something once.
  60. >Blubbering on about tumor tits with a sway of words that spells out a possible tumor in her brain.
  61. >Malignant spite and stubbornness.
  62. >Derpy’s soft pair of tits deliciously mash together between her slender upper arms as she attacks the keyboard.
  63. >A sharp pout is engraved onto her face when she hits send after the 9th try.
  64. >That little button evaded her scrambled gaze like a leaf blowing in the wind even the quickest bunny rabbit could not capture on the first try.
  65. >She sits there waiting for a response, almost hoping they’d all start showing off her selfies she won’t admit to being the one who leaked in the first place.
  66. >Derpy’s soft flat tummy may be inside her blue shirt, but it moves in and out faster as she anxiously quickens her pace.
  67. >Her cute bellybutton inside plants ever so gently kisses onto the inside of the fabric that tickles Derpy’s soft smooth skin.
  68. >Hmm, anything yet?
  69. >Derpy’s eyes flare with rage she’ll never talk about on the internet as someone teases her with a pic of two busty girls in microbikinis, flaunting their supple assets more than even Derpy did in some of her selfies.
  70. >A quiet shuddering growl escapes Derpy’s lungs.
  71. >The corners of her mouth curve into a vengeful frown as she continues to type but is too scared to hit send yet for some reason.
  72. >Torn between saving herself from more embarrassment, and getting torn between the wolves yet again.
  73. >But this bunny rabbit is gonna see what she can do with this leaf she just saw with one of her eyes!
  74. >Too bad she doesn’t care about the string that was tied to it.
  75. >Derpy wants to fantasize about strong dirty hands tearing the fabric of her clothes open and reaching inside…
  76. >She needs their firmness to ambush her smooth bare softness underneath.
  77. >Derpy’s nipples harden again through her bra cups enough to show through her shirt.
  78. >Just to the thought alone of being sieged by strong male hands like that.
  79. >Her hand on her thigh inches closer to the aroused heat in her panties begging for its attention and care.
  80. >She wants to feel something… desperate to say something back and bring more horny attention upon herself~
  81. >She shortens it to four words out of fear.
  82. >But can’t help but not know the reason behind her own shaking.
  83. >Terror or excitement?
  84. >Derpy secretly hates how she spends her days like this, but has to convince herself that the orgasm she’ll force upon herself is worth it.
  85. >That couple of hours Derpy spent waiting for someone else to say something really stung.
  86. >Just to see everyone simply go on enjoying things that make her suffer inside.
  87. >Why can't Derpy make them suffer with her? She's lonely :(
  88. >The torment is making her cross her legs harder than she does with her eyes.
  89. >How dare they ignore her like this but then lust over her at the same time?
  90. >She then switches to being mad about them not lusting over her when it's pictures of more attractive women she's partially watching get posted.
  91. >Derpy's eyes are the spitting image of not only what jealousy breeds, but of what her brain does; can't decide what it wants and goes in different directions.
  92. >"Why aren't you guys talking to meeeeee?!" She fumes, trying to make them as angry as she is.
  93. >She's angry enough to make a thousand more posts, but is too scared at the same time to make more than two.
  94. >How many inner contradictions can one ditzy girl take before it pushes her over the edge?
  95. >As Derpy bites her lip once more, she wonders what this would be the edge of...
  96. >The quickening of Derpy's breaths are vividly shown in the heaving of her soft beautiful chest going up and down as she realizes she showed too much weakness when she was too scared to reply again a few hours ago when they knew she was still there.
  97. >Like sharks sensing blood in the water, they're beginning to circle Derpy as she nearly tangles her fingers trying to type something that would hopefully make them mad.
  98. >All Derpy can think of is shallow insecurities she has that make her mad everywhere she looks (both directions at once now).
  99. >Praying it would affect these guys the same way.
  100. >She has no chance at revenge otherwise, and this fact weighs her down to her chair almost like she's chained to it.
  101. >Thinking about that makes Derpy bite her lip again, and a funny tingling feeling shoots up her spine as she realizes what her hand's been doing this whole time.
  102. >Feeling her fingers grazing her smooth thigh some time ago should have been enough of a warning, but Derpy became lost in her own resentment and arousal to realize the bridge of her panties was being breached by her own fingers.
  103. >Without her knowledge.
  104. >Derpy's fingertips don't need her eyes in order to start re-exploring the slick entrance to her nethers they reach; all they need to do is feel around, guided by the instincts of Derpy's jumbled up base urges.
  105. >But that's only what has led up to this moment in time when Derpy's fingers possessively stroke her goods like a purring kitten.
  106. >The way it feels is more than sufficient in fueling this heated need.
  107. >Derpy wants to pretend she doesn't find that picture of the other school's principal mogging her breast size absolutely sexy.
  108. >Her make-believe pride says it's wrong, but her fingers plead for more as does what's firmly pressed up against her fingers.
  109. >"They've GOT to be mad by now..." Hisses Derpy as her other hand starts to grope her own tits to relieve her stress a little.
  110. >She says one more thing to someone trying to become a member of the cool group she envied on the internet.
  111. >Her breathing has become audible in her dorm room.
  112. >Derpy’s rage heats her up almost as effectively as her own arousal against the chill of the open window.
  113. >Derpy knew she needed fresh air but can’t leave her desk until she’s able to say someone acknowledged her.
  114. >It shouldn’t be legal to let her remain all lonely like this.
  115. >Almost violently grabbing her busty tits through her shirt to squeeze them like stress balls and challenge her bra to stay in place under her pent up ministrations.
  116. >These guys would have to count as acknowledging her if they were in person and feeling her up.
  117. >Derpy hates to listen to her own voice get so high pitched after being so scared to talk here most of the day.
  118. >Her head might start to hurt from staring at the screen in nervous rage as everyone else had fun.
  119. >It soothes Derpy just a little bit to feel just how sternly her nipple is poking through her layers of fabric.
  120. >Almost makes her forget what she’s reaching for in another sense.
  121. >As more popular girls start to get talked about, Derpy’s hand erupts into a frenzy upon her crotch.
  122. >She can’t take the wait anymore.
  123. >Sitting here mad all day was terrible for her heart.
  124. >Derpy begins to chase that orgasm as though it’s these guys themselves in front of her.
  125. >She posts more and more, half knowing it turns them on even though she doesn’t want to believe that.
  126. >Making up for her silence, Derpy stomps around shaking every tree and bush.
  127. >”Fucking notice meeeee!” Derpy squeals.
  128. >She begins to tear up.
  129. >But succeeded in convincing herself she’s having fun too.
  130. >The swelling warmth in her body from what she’s doing to her crotch helps a lot with that.
  131. >Defeat for a third time won’t feel so bad if she cums during it.
  132. >But Derpy forgot how she’s going to convince herself she hasn’t been acting dirty after all of this is over.
  133. >She starts replying to herself for good measure, hoping to fool everyone else into getting involved.
  134. >Reading something they said to her is the best substitute Derpy can get for now.
  135. >But nothing can compare to what she truly wants: to be viciously manha- scolded, she means.
  136. >She tries again and again.
  137. >Weirdly getting off to failure already as a way to preemptively cope with it.
  138. >All of that stimulation really did a lot for her ignoring her own mental guardrails.
  139. >Being made fun of weakened Derpy’s flimsy little boundaries.
  140. >She’s been focusing so hard that her vision almost turned straight.
  141. >With a few antsy shuffles in her chair, Derpy enters her own little world.
  142. >Where she’s the one in control and not the horny guys getting off to her.
  143. >Maybe she can have fun now.
  144. >She just knows she is… right?
  145. >Derpy can barely control herself anymore.
  146. >Even though no one is saying anything directly to her anymore, they’re talking about her.
  147. >They’re talking about Derpy’s body.
  148. >What they want to DO to Derpy’s body.
  149. >More and more guys begin to chime in; Derpy watches.
  150. >She knows at least one or two of them are getting off.
  151. >Those pictures of her they’ve been posting was Derpy’s own fault at the end of the day.
  152. >So Derpy better make sure she better get back at them by being in on the fun!
  153. >Doesn’t count if she consents, right?
  154. >As these horny perverts talk about Derpy’s sexy tummy she shows off in her selfies, Derpy lets the bottom of her blue shirt slowly ride higher up her smooth midriff with the assistance of her rapidly sliding arms against her body and the back of her desk chair dragging the fabric with it as she slinks downwards into a more comfortable masturbating position…
  155. >That soft pair of tits Derpy’s got that they’re talking about is just a few inches away from the blushing face of the girl herself reading their lewd fantasies about her… visibly jiggling inside that clingy blue fabric and thin pointless bra cups under it to the frantic little motions of Derpy’s frustrated self-love…
  156. >An accumulation of Derpy’s physical-arousal juices begins to paint itself further down her excited stroking fingers her clit occasionally brushes against~
  157. >The picture these horny guys are envisioning off of those leaked selfies is exactly what Derpy is making herself become in her chair as they continue to lust over her.
  158. >That sexy midriff and tummy slowly getting more exposed as Derpy’s clingy top hikes up her smooth silky skin? They’re fantasizing about that right now!
  159. >Derpy watches her own cute bellybutton slip out with quickening rising and falling to her excited breaths…
  160. >The expanse of Derpy’s smooth sexy skin continues to be exposed even past where the rim of her panties should have stopped it.
  161. >Instead, Derpy’s slim wrist stretches that frilly waistband down and outward.
  162. >And Derpy can plainly see her bare skin’s smooth expanse only stopping at the shape of her vulva lips mashing back at her wild fingers pleasing her right between them~
  163. >This show being put on inside of Derpy’s frilly intruded panties is the very thing those horny guys she hates are getting off to.
  164. >Getting off to the delicious sight of Derpy getting off…
  165. >Their words don’t mean anything if Derpy gets off too, right?
  166. >She’s in on it too, at least secretly.
  167. >Saying anything to them didn't make much of a difference, did it?
  168. >Derpy continues to gratify herself to her third defeat while it continues to unfold on her computer screen.
  169. >She’ll never admit to imitating exactly what these perverts dared to describe about her…
  170. >What they want so badly is actually happening for real in real time as they fantasize about it, and they’ll never know!
  171. >This makes Derpy feel a LOT better.
  172. >She allows herself to give in to her climax.
  173. >Derpy tried posting pictures of her own to get back at them.
  174. >Post-ejaculation shame only plunged her further into the dark place she’s wanted to drag potential company down into.
  175. >She can’t believe these filthy men made her do all this to herself.
  176. >She has less words to say as she tries to find pictures of guys as her plan.
  177. >Only to find even less of a reaction whenever she posts one.
  178. >Maybe posting boys at them as they posted girls to her wasn’t the best idea.
  179. >Sitting here befuddled in her own half nudity and right hand needing to wash the warm shame away, Derpy tries her best to think.
  180. >She stares straight forward almost.
  181. >How is she going to handle something she doesn’t understand?
  182. >Caressing her own body soothes her once more.
  183. >Her angry cockeyed glare turns stoic and gently lidded.
  184. >She almost pulled the bottom of her shirt back down over her tummy, but decided it feels kind of sexy to leave things the way they are.
  185. >Her bed has been right behind her the whole time.
  186. >Opting for a more comfortable spot has Derpy vying for a way to pacify her fatigue.
  187. >She can still see that there are new posts appearing on the screen from her bed.
  188. >Can’t read them, but still feels something stirring inside just knowing that they’re saying anything at all.
  189. >With a long deep sigh, Derpy gazes at the the unreadable truth on the screen that’s facing perfectly perpendicular to the direction in which she’s lying.
  190. >She’ll get them tomorrow after she’s done resting up.
  191. >Surely they’re about to sleep too.
  192. >---
  193. >Derpy awakens into total darkness.
  194. >But is more aware of her surroundings now.
  195. >Her screen must have shut off by now.
  196. >She doesn’t know what time it is.
  197. >With weary limbs, Derpy slinks out from under the covers and immediately falls to the floor with a comical thud.
  198. >After a little more shuffling around, the retarded girl finally makes the climb up her computer chair with her panties still at her knees.
  199. >She didn’t realize it until her naked buttcheeks collided with the surface of the chair, which startled her making her think someone was groping her with their hands already inside of her panties.
  200. >That tiny bit of fear immediately turned into scared arousal, and then just straight up horny excitement until it dawned upon Derpy that she’s just bottomless against her chair.
  201. >Took her a whole minute of quietly moaning and trying not to slip her hands between her thighs until she came upon this realization.
  202. >Reaching down for her panties, Derpy feels her shirt getting caught on something.
  203. >Her face gently slams against her keyboard and turns the screen back on.
  204. >Automatically goes back to the webpage Derpy was getting destroyed on since login passwords are too complicated for her.
  205. >There are a couple of replies she actually got this time, plus a screenshot of her post looking stupid right under someone clowning on her, but she didn’t get a chance to reply to any of them yet due to being dormant from her orgasm.
  206. >With her panties now halfway up her thighs, Derpy notices that the bottom rim of her shirt is caught at the bottom rim of her bra.
  207. >Not many people even with critical thinking could figure out how this happen(ed), let alone Derpy herself in the midst of her lewd predicament.
  208. >But another discovery she makes rushes arousal back into her.
  209. >Her face stayed dragging around on her keyboard just long enough to open and activate her webcam.
  210. >It’s hard for her cockeyed gaze to focus, but Derpy can make out the beautiful shape of her completely bare midriff exposed all the way up to the bottom of her bra peeking out…
  211. >And it’d be too late for her to keep her pussy a mystery to her fans had this been a livestream.
  212. >This happened so easily that no one would have had to even send donations had that been the case.
  213. >This beautiful sight of Derpy with her shirt up and panties down appears in her webcam window on her screen, right next to the perverted things those guys said while lusting over her.
  214. >She watches her breathing quicken through her bare rising and falling tummy in real time.
  215. >Shields her vulva from view only to feel and see her hand begin to slip fingers between those supple lower lips.
  216. >Derpy’s cute sexy bra cups slip more into view after she slips further down still trying to bring her panties back up.
  217. >She gets turned on by observing how sexy and horny she is juxtaposed next to messages of guys getting off to how sexy and horny they imagine her as.
  218. >Derpy gets off to the real time footage of herself fulfilling their sick twisted sexual fantasies about her.
  219. >Convinced somehow that she’s “in on the joke”.
  220. >Joining the ever rapidly growing “I just masturbated to Derpy’s sexy pics” club.
  221. >How hot would it be to know the girl you’re jerking off to has gotten off to her own pictures and videos?
  222. >Derpy cums again while envisioning guys all around the world jerking off to her whether she liked it happening or not… just another day for Derpy…
  223. >She’ll never admit she’s fingering herself once she starts replying to people or just posting new things hoping to stir a reaction out of revenge for now TWO orgasms these guys made her experience.
  224. >Derpy can’t pull her hand away from herself now… too hooked on the way it feels to infiltrate between her vulva lips, massage her labia and bully her clit~
  225. >She’s not sure if she can type something today until she is done gratifying herself to her new loss.
  226. >If not today, then tomorrow.
  227. >If not tomorrow, then Monday.
  228. >And so on and so forth.
  229. >Derpy just HAS to get back at these mean perverts… or at least convince herself she did so she can fuck off with her ego intact.
  230. >Watching herself masturbate on her own webcam, Derpy becomes hopelessly enamored by the way her bare sexy body squirms around in such trembling arousal driven by her sexy defeat.
  231. >”Ohh… f-fffuck~!” Derpy stammers and groans as she watches her cute flat naked tummy contract to each high pitched exhale of a word that spills out of her lungs. “Why…? Th-this can’t be happening… th-this can’t be happening to meeeee~!”
  232. >Derpy keeps her straining arm out of the way of her exposed bellybutton, one eye directly on herself and one eye on the webcam view…
  233. >Her panties somehow found their way to her ankles…
  234. >How did the back of Derpy’s bra become unlatched?
  235. >”No no no no no no no… y-yes… yes yes~!” Derpy is torn between hating herself almost as much as she hates those perverts, and loving this feeling she’ll never confess to bringing upon herself.
  236. >Vibe-wise, it feels like these pervs were the ones who stripped Derpy down to this sexy state of undress… just for their sexual enjoyment~
  237. >Wet schlicking fills the room as Derpy huffs and moans; “P-please… I-I’m too horny… h-hah… fuck~”
  238. >Just couldn’t resist her own base urges~
  239. >When Derpy starts infiltrating her other hand underneath her loosened bra cup to play around with her hardening nipple, Derpy currently has no free fingers to type with…
  240. >The relentless hornyposting against her has finally taken root, and turned Derpy into a retarded horny mess in her desk chair~
  241. >Derpy vows revenge for this further injustice she loves so much.
  242. >Revenge she will reach for and never get.
  243. >They better get ready because once Derpy is done exploring herself in her room -whether it takes hours, days or weeks-, they will feel the wrath of her hyperfixation on their hangout as they stroke their hard cocks to Derpy…
  244. >There may be no point to Derpy’s adventure here, but everyone’s too horny to care.
  245. >She loves being so dominated.
  246. >---
  247. >Now another restless but then restful night has passed.
  248. >Derpy knows those perverts are all in the afterglow of what they so deviously did to her.
  249. >After how they all teamed up together and ganged up on her.
  250. >Almost like they’ve been waiting to do it for a long time, but she never fell into the horny entrapment they had set up until recently.
  251. >All they needed was to maybe have her feel emboldened by something she thinks affects them as much as it affects her.
  252. >Regardless of what it may be.
  253. >That bravery would prove to be false, as it depended on delusions inside of Derpy’s head, hiding just behind that cockeyed gaze.
  254. >Now they had the time of their life with the retarded girl with big tits, so to speak.
  255. >The way it all panned out makes it feel like there was secretly an L hiding between the P and the A in “panned”.
  256. >The L that was reserved for the Derpster.
  257. >Diabolical work.
  258. >Five green guys behind the couch Derpy lounges on.
  259. >Ready to grab her and pull her into the aroused clutches of their embrace with their combined embrace right when she sets foot into the snare they quietly set up just for her.
  260. >Ready to wrestle her out of all her clothes.
  261. >Ready to use her all No Nut November long.
  262. >Ready to paint her womb with what no November rain could wash away with her teardrops.
  263. >Diabolical work.
  264. >Derpy can never pull herself away now, her horny resentment has grown too powerful in its roots within her to turn around and walk away.
  265. >She is their personal yummy sex object now, conveniently ready and waiting to keep them nice and warm all winter long whether she likes it or not.
  266. >Metaphorical chains connecting her wrists and ankles to their aroused authority, Derpy jiggles her jello around for her masters.
  267. >One eye on the screen.
  268. >But as for their eyes, they’re looking forward to recharging and pouncing on her yet again.
  269. >With less of a chase being necessary next time.
  270. >What a terrible wonderful feeling…
  271. >When your paranoia could’ve saved you.
  272. >But now it’s too late for it to even make a difference.
  273. >Derpy’s wounded pride and ego must never face the truth.
  274. >Diabolical work.

(Wet) Dream Girl

by Grey

Venus's Mercy

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Bros With Benefits (RD)

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A Hunter's Moon (not yet finished)

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by Grey