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Demons & Nightmares, M2

By Durr0694
Created: 2024-12-05 07:59:32
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Aden
  2. >There’s more to your name, but everyone around you doesn’t care
  3. >Nobody in this “physical security” business cares about where you came from
  4. >All they care about is what you can do
  5. >With your chemically-augmented body and training, you can do a lot
  6. >Not get hacked, for one thing
  7. >Survive in this cutthroat city is another
  8. >You’ve been doing that for over eight years now
  9. >To think you’ve only just turned twenty, though nobody raises an eyebrow if they have any
  10. >Some of the things you’ve fought were vat-grown the previous week
  11. >When it comes to physical security, these companies on the old western seaboard compete with most governments for moral bankruptcy
  13. >At least things are civilized in the high-rises and vacation homes, where sheltered offspring throw great parties
  14. >Any attacks on those are from other spoiled brats who try to crash them
  15. >As long as the darker stuff is kept out of sight, then the clients and their parents are happy
  16. >But right now, your clients are not happy
  17. >One of their newest toys, some custom-made bio-android, was stolen from one of their vacation homes
  18. >They have a tracker implanted in it, with the last transmission from the top of a skyscraper in Downtown owned by a rival business
  19. >Your contract includes recovery of stolen property, so now it’s your job to get this “unicorn” back
  20. >The law will be turning a blind eye, since this is just corporations settling business with each other
  22. >At least your clients aren’t just throwing you into a meat grinder willy-nilly
  23. >They’re having their e-war specialists run interference on the target building while you go in and take the unicorn back
  24. >They even lend you their full arsenal
  25. >Given that your clients are owners of an arms manufacturer, that means good shit
  26. >As good as what the UNSC had
  28. >Your journey through the massive underground levels is uneventful
  29. >The e-war guys do their job, keeping all of the city’s robotic security down there from detecting you as you walk into the building’s basement
  30. >Electrical substations and sewage management of the building occupy these sublevels, monitored by semi-autonomous bots
  31. >To reward the e-war team, you plug small wireless connectors into every terminal you pass, and on some of the bots standing still
  32. >With a wide-open backdoor, the team slowly infects the peripheries of the whole system, waiting for your go for a full-on attack
  34. >With the clock ticking, you take the one service elevator that comes all the way down here
  35. >As you ascend to the ground level, you check your weapons one last time
  36. >Your primary: a bullpup that you had the works done on
  37. >Chambered in 7.62 NATO with a micro-electronics suite that links to your armor’s HUD, connected to a IR laser just under the barrel
  38. >You don’t plan on being sneaky the whole way, so instead of a massive suppressor you opt for a massive muzzle break for shock-and-awe
  39. >Magnetically locked on your back is a 4-gauge pump gun
  40. >It’s made due to nostalgia for an old Russian shotgun, but now it is “modernized”
  41. >That really means it’s made with superior materials and special-made shells
  42. >Buckshot, AP slug, CS gas, anti-cybernetic, et cetera
  43. >You have all of those kinds in bandoleers strapped to your stomach and in a butt pouch
  44. >Locked to your leg is a silenced 9mm pistol with subsonic ammunition
  46. >You equip it when the elevator stops on the ground floor
  47. >The doors open to a dark concrete hallway
  48. >With nothing on your motion tracker, you activate your suit’s photo-reactive panels and peek out
  49. >No one in this service hallway
  50. >None of the e-war team is saying anything, so you advance towards where the employee elevators should be
  51. >It’s early morning, so there should be minimal activity
  53. >That thought jinxes you as you approach a corner
  54. >Your motion tracker picks up two blips coming fast
  55. >Inhale
  56. >You round the corner just as they get to it
  57. >Two ground-level guards, minimal cybernetics and armor, open helmets
  58. >Your first shot zips through one guard’s still-organic nose
  59. >You step into the second’s space and backhand his chin
  60. >It isn’t your hand with the rift gauntlet, but the blow still spins him around and keeps his gun off of you
  61. >You shove your pistol into the back of his exposed neck and fire
  62. >The bodies crumple to the floor
  63. >Exhale
  64. >There’s no place to hide them and no way to cover up the blood or bullet hole in the wall
  65. >You tell the e-war team to cancel any internal alarms triggered by anyone happening upon the bodies
  67. >You run to the elevators
  68. >No one’s there
  69. >You call the closest one
  70. >Nothing comes down any of the halls at this nexus as you wait
  71. >At least that’s what your motion tracker says
  72. >You slowly turn towards the hallway you came from
  73. >Your instinct is telling you something is there
  74. >But even with your enhanced vision and your helmet’s thermals, you can’t see anything
  75. >If someone with thermal and optical camouflage is tailing you, then either the e-war team would detect increased comms as he leads a kill team to you, or a third party is letting you do the heavy lifting
  76. >You’ll be looking over your shoulder as you progress, then
  78. >When the elevator comes down, you detect a single target inside
  79. >You put away your pistol and bring out your shotgun
  80. >As soon as the doors begin to open, you flow in
  81. >It’s a cleaning maid with cart
  82. >Lithe, pretty, risque outfit
  83. >In your experience, that means cyborg
  84. >Before she reacts, you muzzle strike her in the forehead
  85. >As she recoils into the mirrored elevator wall, cracking it, you turn and hit the button for the highest floor: 107
  86. >You quickly turn back
  87. >She’s throwing a punch at you, except a long black blade is protruding out of her forearm
  88. >In her daze she’s overextending past you, so you turn your body and duck away from the strike
  89. >Without the rift gauntlet, your counter punch to her cheek just sends her to the side and onto the elevator floor
  91. >The doors close as you step over her
  92. >With time to kill, you try talking
  93. >You kneel on both of her elbows
  94. >You lock her head with both arms and lift
  95. >You whisper into her ear,
  96. “Where is the unicorn?”
  97. >She struggles out an insult
  98. “Unicorn. Top floor?”
  99. >She grunts an affirmative
  101. >The elevator shakes from a series of explosions somewhere above you
  102. >The e-war team calls, telling you about an alien looking craft attacking the building’s upper floors
  103. “Show me.”
  104. >They link a video feed to your HUD, and your grip on the cyborg maid’s head tightens
  105. >You haven’t seen a Phantom dropship in almost a decade
  106. >Yet one just used its underslung plasma cannon to blow open the side of the building
  107. >From the angle of the hacked camera, you cannot tell exactly what floor the dropship is attacking, but you see it approach the new opening with one side door down
  108. >It turns to present the open side
  109. >You see figures leaping over the several-meter gap
  110. >They don’t look like Elites, Brutes, or Jackals
  111. >They look like Spartans
  113. >The maid makes you remember her by shooting her titanium skull back into your helmet’s chin
  114. >She earns just enough room to bring her knees under her chest and she lifts you up
  115. >Her arms get free, and she aims a bladed punch to where your head should be
  116. >You throw yourself off of her before she connects and you grab your shotgun off of the floor
  117. >She brings a foot up to spin herself around and leap at you, but you already have your finger on the trigger
  118. >Your helmet muffles the boom
  119. >Despite the apparent metal frame and organs, the killer maid’s chest blows wide open
  120. >The glass wall behind her shatters before she slams into it
  121. >You rack the slide and shoot again
  122. >Her ripped-open back hits the shredded wall again, then she drops to her knees and slams face-first onto the floor in front of you
  123. >You rack your gun again and stand up
  124. >Black oil-blood spreads around the still form
  126. >You take a deep breath and shake your head
  127. >Too close once again, and it was your fault
  128. >Being blindsided by a blast from the past is no excuse
  129. >Whatever is going on, you’ll get answers
  130. >You load two shells into the magazine tube
  131. >You see two spots of green in the corner of your eye
  132. >For an instant, you see a pair of eyes looking at you from the glass still hanging onto the elevator wall
  133. >No, it’s just reflections from maintenance lights in the shaft shining through the holes you made
  134. >That’ll be your explanation to yourself for now, because you’re hearing an intense firefight beyond the doors
  135. >Actually, your elevator is bypassing it as it go to the floor above
  136. >You note the familiar blasts of MA5 rifles
  137. “E-team: attack. Lock everything down.”
  139. >The elevator shakes as it stops
  140. >It opens up to a windowless room dim with emergency red lighting
  141. >Someone backs up towards you
  142. >"About bloody time! They're assaulting the stairwell from the floor under us and that dropship is gonna come-"
  143. >By the time the sec-team leader turns and notices the bloody corpse of the maid, you have a good look at the room
  144. >Looks like an ad-hoc security nexus that doubles as a screening checkpoint for the floor above
  145. >Your elevator opens up in a back corner
  146. >In front of you, among the back-lit scanners and support columns, is a metal spiral staircase with no rails
  147. >It ascends into a tight alcove with a door to the upper floor
  148. >The unicorn must be up there, then
  150. >In between it and you are nine of the building's proper sec-team, including the leader
  151. >Overt augmentations, uniformly, to the arms, legs, and eyes
  152. >Level III+ soft armor over the torso
  153. >Will only stop buckshot from penetrating
  154. >Unreliable in stopping 7.62 NATO
  155. >Meanwhile they look to have pistol-caliber sub machine guns
  156. >No chance of penetrating your armor unless the same spot gets hit several times
  157. >They have enough to do so, if they know that
  158. >The secs are also all oriented towards the stairwell on the other side of the room, their backs to you
  160. >The sec-leader's hesitancy lets you point-shoot at his face
  161. >The four-gauge at four meters sends the sec's helmet, cranium, and some brain matter into the ceiling
  162. >The squad's subsequent confusion lets you sprint far enough to take cover in the mess of terminals
  163. >They fire at where they last saw you, but you move further into the terminals
  164. >You switch from your shotgun to your rifle
  165. >You find a keyhole in between several consoles and flick the selector to semi-auto
  166. >You aim for the upper chest of the first sec you see
  167. >The blast lights up your half of the room
  168. >The sec goes down
  169. >Screaming so not dead, but out of the fight
  171. >You see blips on the edge of your motion tracker separate from the bunch
  172. >All of them are shouting something or other
  173. >Some holler into the stairwell
  174. >You snap a shot off at one flanking the doorway
  175. >His head jerks and he crumples
  176. >Dead-dead as the kids say
  178. >You move, crossing rows of terminals towards the stairs
  179. >One dot closes in on you
  180. >You note its direction and round a bulky baggage scanner
  181. >The sec's right there, running parallel to try and beat you to the stairs
  182. >You walk three shots into his side
  183. >Three fireballs
  184. >He falls onto his face
  185. >You keep running towards the back
  187. >More shouting and gunfire
  188. >You risk a glance up and over your shoulder
  189. >You do a double-take when you see a conga line of secs pour out of the stairwell
  190. >Scratch a squad, they have a whole platoon up here
  191. >Two-thirds must have went downstairs in response to the Phantom and its chalk
  192. >Now you're threatening their rear, so they're pulling back into this room to overwhelm you and dig in for the attack from downstairs
  194. >You flick your selector to ‘auto’ and dump the rest of your mag over the terminals, into the doorway
  195. >Secs stumble and fall to the strobe of your fireballs, turning the doorway into a bottleneck
  196. >Those already in the room and not maneuvering return fire
  197. >Pistol-caliber rounds slap your arms and shoulders
  198. >One hits your visor and makes you flinch, throwing off your aim
  199. >You run empty and turn back around to duck behind a thick steel barrier
  200. >You look ahead and find the stairs to be right in front of you
  201. >You suspect the door at the top is locked
  202. >If it is, then you will trap yourself with no cover
  203. >As opposed to here, still trapped
  205. >You take your shotgun and blind fire twice to keep the secs ducking while you open your comms
  206. "E-team, I've got a door on the penultimate floor I need unlocked."
  207. >No response
  208. >You reload your shotgun while saying,
  209. "E-team, respond."
  210. >The channel is dead
  211. >Well, you rushed in just to put yourself up against a wall
  212. >Good going, Aden
  214. >You are about to try the backup channels when you're hailed on a Beta Company frequency
  215. >Specifically Team Yankee’s private freq
  216. >You immediately switch to there
  217. >"Beta-One-Zero-Three, this is Beta-Nine-Four."
  218. >Sean's voice
  219. >You're in a completely different universe, for all you can tell
  220. >You've never mentioned Beta Company or the Spartan program
  221. >There's no way in hell this could be a trick
  222. >Right?
  224. >You answer,
  225. "This is Beta-One-Zero-Three. Sean?"
  226. >"It's been a while, Aden. Listen, I'm riding up to your floor and Claymore Team’s ready to push. Turn on your eye-eff-eff and load your rifle. Get set to sandwich them. Ready?"
  227. >You don't know how he knows your rifle is empty, but you reload it without hesitation
  228. >When the bolt snaps home you announce,
  229. "Set."
  230. >In the three-second pause, you turn on your old IFF system and use precious power to activate your photoreative panels
  231. >Invisible in this low-lit room, you peek around you cover, ready to bring your not-invisible rifle up
  233. >Past the two charging secs
  234. >Past the two dozen trying to take cover while suppressing in two direction
  235. >Past the front elevator’s fancy platinum door
  236. >You see an inverted blue triangle with 'B094' above it
  237. >His elevator opens
  238. >”Go.”
  239. >Out comes a pitch-black smog
  240. >It covers the ceiling, extinguishing the few remaining lights, and engulfs the surrounding secs
  241. >There is a cascade of screaming and panic fire
  242. >You bring up your gun and fire two bursts at the charging secs, dropping them before they could aim at you
  243. >At the same time explosions cause dust to fly out of the stairwell
  245. >The smog moves throughout the room, with Sean right in the middle
  246. >There are bursts from an MA5 rifle and truncated screams
  247. >You try to add to the clearing of the room, but your guts screams that something’s behind you
  248. >You snap around and aim up the stairs
  249. >Nothing in sight nor on the motion tracker
  251. >More gunfire
  252. >You look to see IFF tags charge up the stairway
  253. >Instead of B, for Beta, they have G, for Gamma
  254. >Another Spartan company?
  255. >The five additional Spartans fan out, finishing off the secs with MA5K assault rifles
  256. >The smog and Sean's IFF tag cross the room, revealing the corpses of shot-up secs, and stop in front of you
  257. >You stand up, turn off your optic camouflage, and look at where your old teammate should be
  258. >Dozens of aquamarine cat’s eyes stare at you from the inky black
  259. >Your gut keeps telling you something is wrong, but you hold it down
  261. >A Spartan in Semi-Powered Infiltration armor steps out of the darkness
  262. >”Ho, Aden.”
  263. >You have to smile at that,
  264. “Ho, Sean.”
  265. >You look at the eyes still studying you
  266. ”You brought a horror house with you?”
  267. >A woman laughs from somewhere within the smog
  268. >Sean’s shoulders shake in a chuckle
  269. >”Something like that.”
  271. >The other Spartans advance up the stairs, ignoring the eyes and smog surrounding the two of you
  272. >You ask Sean,
  273. “Gamma Company?”
  274. >“I picked them up a while back. A lot has happened since Torpedo, Aden. How long has it been for you?”
  275. “A little over eight years, if I recall correctly.”
  276. >”Good, it’s the same for me. Now we don’t have much time, Aden, so I need to ask: do you want to stay here”
  277. >Stay?
  278. >You huff and mutter,
  279. “Stay and do what?”
  280. >Sean nods, “I figured you’d say that, so come with us. We’ve got a corvette in orbit.”
  281. “A Covenant corvette?”
  282. >”Ex-Covenant. Again: long story. Come on,” Sean and the eye-filled smog passes you, “Let’s get Notches free and get to the ship.”
  283. “Notches?”
  284. >Sean ascends the stairs, but you don’t follow
  285. “Sean.”
  286. >He stops and looks back at you
  287. “What exactly is going on? How did you get here?”
  288. >”Right now, Aden, the how’s irrelevant. Now why we’re here? Rescue, or retrieval, depending on what they’re doing to him upstairs.”
  290. >Sean looks up the stairs
  291. >The Gammas are stacked at the door
  292. >”Henri, is that door locked?”
  293. >The Spartan tagged as G314 answers,
  294. >”Affirm, Hitomi’s slicing it.”
  295. >So it was indeed locked
  297. >The woman in the eye-filled smog speaks up
  298. >”I will open the door.”
  299. >As if a harsh wind catches it, the smogs surges up the stairs, past the Gammas, and through the door
  300. >You and Sean walk up one set of stairs
  301. >You suddenly hear a lot of muffled screaming above you
  302. >Some gunfire bangs against the walls and floor
  303. >A wisp of smog and a pair of eyes appear next to Hitomi
  304. >“Get set to breach.”
  305. >Everyone, including you, readies their weapons
  306. >You center your HUD on the Spartan at the second slot in the stack, G330, who’s carrying an M90 shotgun
  307. >”Go.”
  308. >You hear the door open, and the Spartans flow in
  309. >Assault rifles blast out short bursts and the shotgun booms
  310. >You are the last one into the room
  311. >Team Claymore clears out the room, the center of which is dominated by a giant metal egg situated in metal scaffolding
  312. >The room is announced clear
  313. >The smog leaves behind dead secs, shredded by 7.62 FMJ and buckshot, and coalesces next to Sean
  314. >The eyes close
  315. >The smog takes the shape of that unicorn, only bigger and with wings as well as a horn
  316. >Black fur
  317. >She glances at you with those aquamarine eyes
  318. >Her blue hair is odd, flowing on its own and sparkling
  320. >The Gammas spread throughout the room, looking over desktops that are set up around the shell’s scaffolding
  321. >You’re about to join them when the channel for the e-war team explodes
  322. >You switch to it and are assaulted by static and screaming binary
  323. >Through it you can still make out certain words
  324. >Words that make you straighten up
  325. >”Aden?”
  326. >Sean approaches
  327. “Did you call in the dropship?”
  328. >”We’ve had armed choppers chasing it ever since we got into the city. Once we get Notches out of here, we can either head downstairs to do another leap of faith or get roof access and hop in as soon as it arrives.”
  329. >”Sean.”
  330. >You both turn to G314, Henri, in one corner of the room by an open steel door
  331. >He points his rifle up a set of narrow stairs
  332. >”Roof access here.”
  333. “Good, forget about trying downstairs since we got aboms in the building.”
  334. >Sean turns back to you, “Aboms?”
  335. “Catch-all term for certain vat-grown biologicals. Minimal cybernetics. Maximum steroids. All grown and programmed to kill anything living in an area.”
  336. >”And someone just released them here?”
  337. >You replace your rifle’s magazine
  338. “Third, well fourth party. Probably saw shit was going down here and decided to guarantee this corporation gets crippled.”
  340. >You start to back up towards the two stairs
  341. “If this is taking time, then we need to set up.”
  342. >Sean follows you, “Can they work elevators?”
  343. “Some can fly up the shafts when they get the doors open, but I’m more worried about the stairwell. Got any incendiaries?”
  344. >Sean turns immediately to G103, “Kaleb, with me. Everyone else get Notches out of there and get him to the roof. Henri, call Shal in as soon as you get Notches out.”
  345. >”Affirm.”
  347. >Sean and Kaleb run with you down the stairs and across the room
  348. >You note the missing bodies of those you’ve killed, but then you notice how no other bodies remain
  349. “They disappear for you guys, too?”
  350. >Kaleb answers, “Oh good, it’s not just us.”
  351. >Sean tells you, “Yeah, we’ve got a theory about that, but what else can you say about these aboms? What's going to be coming up these stairs?"
  352. >You enter the stairwell and lean over the bent and rent railing
  353. >Down below in the darkness are blood red lights circling up at a sprinter's pace
  354. >You can hear screams of all kinds down there
  355. >Not-human, manic, despairing, raging
  356. >No gunfire
  357. >Got it
  358. "Giga-corp aboms. They love their animal and insect analogues. No guns. Any claws and teeth won't do much to our armor, but they can pummel and they can rip."
  359. >"Okay. Any armor on them?"
  360. >You put away your rifle and top off your shotgun
  361. "None of the fast ones have any. Anything grafted on slows them down, so we shouldn't have to worry about stuff that'll stop buckshot if we're getting out of here soon."
  362. >"Shouldn't. Right."
  363. "But they are immune to pain and fear. Like Brutes, but even dumber."
  364. >Kaleb holsters his rifle on his back and pulls out a couple of red-taped grenades from his chest bandoleer
  365. >"They still have nerves and brains?"
  366. "And lungs, so go ahead and toss those. The fire and smoke will slow them."
  367. >"Sure thing, beta-one-oh-three."
  368. >With a smile you can sense behind his golden visor, G103 pulls the pins and chucks the grenades straight down, one after the other
  369. >He takes out a third, pulls the pin, and aims at the stairs several floors below
  371. >Three blasts of hot air push the three of you back from the railing
  372. >The screaming increases tenfold as a cloud of black smoke rises from the lower levels
  373. >Fire alarms all over the building start buzzing out a rhythm
  374. >You still one chimpanzee screech come closer and you aim your four-gauge
  375. "One got through."
  376. >Before anyone could say anything else, two red spotlights rocket out of the smoke
  377. >You aim for those eyes, but wait to fire
  378. >The primate analogue leaps to the other side of the stairwell, using the railings to launch itself up to the next flight
  379. >Sean and Kaleb aim at it, but you tell them,
  380. "Hold."
  381. >They hold fire, and you wait until the thing is a level below you on the other side
  382. >It turns and takes a leap right at you
  383. >Its face is square in the uncanny valley, pulled back in a permanent rictus
  384. >The red glowing eyes are the only cybernetics Giga-corporation gives to their "physical security" products, as part of the brand
  386. >You evict that image from your mind with a pull of the trigger and a brilliant muzzle flash
  387. >The headless body is sent into a spin, hits the concrete siding under your feet, and hits other rails on the way down through the smoke and into the newly-made fire
  388. >You pull back the slide, pick out a CS gas shell from your belt and load it directly into the chamber
  389. >Sean is the first to speak up as you do this,
  390. >"Well, that's something new for Nightmare."
  391. >Kaleb looks at him, "Your dream training is bad enough, old man."
  392. >Sean drags two crooked fingers viciously across his visor
  394. "Fall back to the stairs. We’ll have some coming up the elevator shafts."
  395. >As you all head back into the room, now flashing with the strobe lights of the buzzing fire alarms, Sean radios G314,
  396. >"Henri, how's the extraction going?"
  397. >"We've got the shell open. Notches is strapped onto a frame. He's alive, but unconscious. He's got sensors of some kind drilled into his his horn. Hitomi and Nightmare are extracting the devices now."
  398. >"How long until he's free?"
  399. >"A minute, at least."
  400. >"We're gonna need backup down here then."
  401. >"I'm sending Kate and Emily."
  403. >Seconds later, G330 and G088 run down the stairs
  404. >You don't know who had which name, yet
  405. >Sean turns to you, "How do you want to go at the elevator?"
  406. >You look to the now-closed elevator doors Sean came out of
  407. >It must have been called by someone before the aboms got to them
  408. >The same was done to the service elevator you came from
  409. >You point to G088
  410. "Eighty-eight, stay on the stairs. Cover the elevator in the corner."
  411. >G088 nods and half-sits on the edge of the stairs, her rifle pointed at the small doors hidden in shadow
  412. >You look to G330 and her shotgun
  413. "We'll access the shaft here and deal with what's inside before aboms finally get up the stairwell. Sean, Kaleb, open the doors. Three-thirty, with me."
  414. >Kaleb and Sean flank the doors, rifles in one hand
  415. >They dig the other into the rubbery seal in between the silver slabs
  416. >They pull with a shriek of metal and an initial resistance
  417. >Then the doors slide wide open
  418. >In the darkness of the giant shaft, you see dozens of thick cables, with some moving under tension
  419. >There is the far wall, but nothing more
  421. >Except the sound of flapping leathery wings
  422. >You rush to the ledge, G330 at your side
  423. >You throw your aim over the edge and down, leaning forward
  424. >Dozens of big red spotlights look up at you
  425. >You don't hesitate in firing
  426. >Your muzzle blast lights up the whole shaft, giving you the frozen memory of a dozen hairless bats and spiders
  427. >All as big as you
  428. >The CS gas doesn't have time to spread before G330's shotgun booms
  429. >You pull-rack your remaining three buckshot rounds into the flapping mass surging up the shaft
  430. >You know the M90 has twelve in the magazine tube, so you step back to let Sean take your place as you reload
  432. >It’s then an unseen spider abom, its leg span the size of the doorway, bolts up and onto you
  433. >Sean and G330 are knocked aside while you're forced onto your back, your shotgun ripped from your hands
  434. >Eight blazing red, globular eyes stare down at you
  435. >Pedipalps with clammy human hands at their ends grab at your shoulders while black, curving fangs aim for your neck
  436. >You hold the thing back with your left hand under its eyes
  437. >You push it back far enough to bring your right fist back
  439. >In one motion, you hook onto a fang, pull it towards you, then slam your rift gauntlet into its eye cluster
  440. >The reinforced bracer sends your fist through the middle of the eight spotlights, sending sparks everywhere
  441. >The thing jumps up, hissing
  442. >By then, Sean regains his footing and grabs one of its legs
  443. >He swings the thing off of you, around, and into the wall
  444. >He lets go of his rifle and uses his now-free gauntlet to punch several holes into the spider's abdomen
  445. >More hissing and a flurry of legs vainly pummel at his head and body until they go slack
  446. >Meanwhile, Kaleb and G330 fire into the shaft to keep the remaining aboms at bay
  448. >You grab your shotgun and stand up, reloading
  449. >You note the billowing black smoke pouring out of the stairwell
  450. >Nothing screaming out of that
  451. >Then G330 looks down the shaft,
  452. >"The elevator's coming up."
  453. >G088, her voice as calm as can be, says,
  454. >"Service elevator just arrived."
  455. >Sean voices your first thought as he picks up his rifle,
  456. >"To the stairs; tighten the defense."
  457. >The doors of the service lift are kicked out onto the floor
  458. >G088 doesn't hesitate in shooting into the elevator
  459. >Out jump a half-dozen of gorilla aboms, screeching deep warcries and punching the floor in their charge
  460. >The four of you fire on them as you all run for the stairs
  462. >Two go for G088, though one dies immediately from its brain case being torn to shreds
  463. >The other leaps onto the stairs and grabs for her
  464. >She dives off of them, towards you
  466. >At the same time you and Sean kill the two closest to you with headshots
  467. >The other two swat the limp bodies aside and bore down on you
  468. >You duck under a clothesline attempt and blast a shot into the first abom’s side, pulping its heart and sending it tumbling away
  469. >The second guns for you, ignoring everyone else
  470. >G330 and G088 slam into it from two different angles, stopping it cold
  471. >They both grab their combat knives and stab fast into the throat, chest, and groin
  472. >You turn when you see the red dot on your motion tracker and shoot the abom leaping off the stairs
  473. >Sean and Kaleb shoot it too, killing it in midair, but it still has momentum
  474. >It lands on the abom being eviscerated by two Spartans, sending all of them to the ground
  475. >The Gammas keep stabbing and only stop when you, Sean, and Kaleb lift the thoroughly dead aboms off of them
  477. >Kaleb asks you, more out of confusion than frustration,
  478. >”How the hell are they working the elevators?”
  479. >Everybody collects themselves and reloads as you answer,
  480. “Somebody’s letting them on. Probably the same one who sent them all in the first place and is countering my e-war team.”
  481. >Sean gets on the comms again,
  482. >”Henri, status?”
  483. >”Almost there. I’m calling in Shal now. Pull back.”
  484. >”Coming up.”
  486. >It’s right then that the front elevator arrives, it’s doors already open
  487. >Two red spotlights tell you everything
  488. >You switch to your rifle and flip the selector to ‘auto’
  489. >Sean announces,
  490. >”Bound back. Kate and Emily first.”
  491. >Then he fires on full-auto
  492. >You and Kaleb join in as Kate and Emily run up the stairs
  494. >You hear a staccato of sharp clangs and see sparks fly out of the elevator
  495. >What launches itself at you is big, armored, and pissed
  496. >The floor shakes with each stomp of its four hooves
  497. >Two bulbs of armored glass are set on either side of its equine head, which is covered in thick slabs of armor
  498. >No matter where you all shoot it, it keeps coming
  499. >It screams with a woman’s voice as it smashes through the terminals like a freight train
  500. >You all keep firing until the last second, then jump out of the way
  501. >The thing smashes through the flimsy metal stairs, causing it to collapse
  502. >G330 turns from the doorway and grabs G088 before she falls onto the horse abom
  504. >The screaming thing turns and tries to run down Sean, but he leaps over the smashed terminals and outruns it
  505. >Kaleb reloads, sidestepping towards where the stairs were
  506. >You switch to your shotgun and manually load in an AP slug
  507. >Sean holsters his rifle as he circles the room over to you, bringing the abom with him
  508. >He instructs you, “Go for the leg,” then turns and leaps at it
  509. >Surprised, it tries to rear up to kick him, but Sean’s too fast and grabs its neck
  510. >He uses his momentum to swing onto its back and heave it further onto its rear legs
  511. >You aim for one and shoot
  512. >The armor-piercing slug hits true and pierces the armor covering the relatively thin limb
  513. >With another scream the abom crumples to its side, sending Sean rolling off of it
  514. >Before it can try to get back up, he dives onto its head, punching its bulbous red eye with his rift gauntlet
  515. >Stunned, it jerks its legs out, trying to hit something
  516. >You ready another slug, but Sean asks you,
  517. >”Does Giga-corp convert animals into these?”
  518. “Convert? No.”
  519. >Growing everything from a gene library helps to keep the quality consistent
  520. >”Okay.”
  521. >He punches the eye again, cracking it
  522. >Another punch shatters it
  523. >The thing screams as it tries to get up
  524. >He brings out a magnum pistol
  525. >A C model, silenced, black finish
  526. >He shoots once, cutting the abom’s strings
  528. >The screaming stops and all you hear is distant alarms hooting
  529. >No, not alarms
  530. “Shit, the stairwell.”
  532. >Black smoke is billowing out of the doorway now, but that isn’t stopping the horde that is finally pushing through the fire
  533. >Sean stands up
  534. >”Let’s go.”
  535. >You nod and run to the collapsed stairs
  536. >Kaleb looks up at G088, who’s laying belly-down in the doorway above
  537. >She looks over her shoulder
  538. >”Kate, grab my ankles.”
  539. >So G330’s Kate and G088 is Emily
  540. >But even if Kate lowers Emily as far as she could, you will still need a boost to reach them
  541. >Which means someone will be left down here
  542. >Sean doesn’t seem to worry
  543. >”Here Kaleb, you first.”
  544. >He cups his hands for Kaleb’s foot and launches him up to Emily
  545. >They all pull themselves up and it’s Kaleb’s turn to be lowered down
  547. >”You next, Aden.”
  548. >You look to your old partner
  549. “You got another way out, Sean?”
  550. >”Go get Nightmare Moon. She’ll help me up.”
  551. >He cups his hands for you
  553. >It’s then that a pack of ablaze wolves runs out of the stairwell
  554. >Reduced to high-pitched wheezing, they take a moment to look around before spotting the two of you
  555. >”Aden, go!”
  556. >You leap onto his hands and he caber-tosses you straight up to Kaleb
  557. >As Kate and Emily pull the two of you up, Sean sidesteps a leaping fire-wolf and wields his silenced magnum and his knife
  559. >You grab onto the ledge and pull yourself onto your feet
  560. >The metal shell is opened vertically, its halves apart within the scaffolding
  561. >A metal frame thick with leather restraints, electric cords, and IV drips is suspended in the middle
  562. >Hitomi lifts the unconscious unicorn into her arms
  563. >His grey fur is shaven in some places where the IV’s were inserted
  564. >His gold hair and tail was buzzed off at some point
  565. >His horn, once whole, now reminds you of a tree visited by woodpeckers
  567. >The big winged unicorn, Nightmare Moon, is next to Hitomi with Henri
  568. >She looks to you with a curious look, as if she’s waiting for you to tell her,
  569. >”Sean needs you downstairs.”
  570. >She smiles, then dissolves into black smog
  571. >The cloud rushes past you, Kate, Emily, and Kaleb and disappears over the edge
  572. >You get the distinct feeling that something has the point of a bloody butcher’s resting on the back of your neck, right on your spine
  573. >Kaleb sees your stiffen up and cuts across his chest with his hand
  574. >”You’ll get used to that.”
  575. >Henri calls out,
  576. >”Kate, Kaleb, clear the roof.”
  577. >He nods to you,
  578. >”Aden, care to help them?”
  579. >You nod, but then hear wings flap behind you
  581. >You turn back to the open door, snatching up your pistol, when you see Sean fly up and through the doorway, landing on his feet in front of you
  582. >His visor is now pitch black instead of gold
  583. >His body shakes as two dark shapes retract into his back
  584. >Then he relaxes and you hear him exhale
  585. “Sean?”
  586. >His visor turns back to being gold
  587. >”We’re good. Let’s get going.”
  589. >You step back, giving Sean one last look, before following Kate and Kaleb across the room and up the stairs
  590. >Kate disables the analog lock and pushes on the latch
  591. >She slowly pushes the door open by a few centimeters
  592. >The relative calm of the interior is drowned out by a ferocious wind
  593. >Kate shoves the door aside and moves out onto the roof, shotgun ready
  594. >Kaleb is right behind her, then you
  595. >Henri follows you, with Hitomi carrying the unicorn
  596. >Sean brings up the rear
  598. >The roof holds the communication towers and weather sensors for the skyscraper
  599. >It’s a mostly-clear night tonight, with small clouds racing past in the foggy gloom
  600. >On this night the city lights are tinting the actual smog a neon pink
  601. >Separating you from a quick slide and a hundred-story fall is a concrete divider that goes up to your stomach
  602. >As Kate and Kaleb round the central tower, you overhear Henri’s call to “Shal”
  603. >”Daredevil, Daredevil, this is Claymore, this is Claymore. Come in, over.”
  604. >A deep, calm voice that brings images of split jaws and two-pronged energy swords speaks through the comms,
  605. >”Claymore, Claymore, this is Daredevil. I read you, over.”
  606. >”Daredevil, we’re accessing the roof now. What’s your ee-tee-aye? Over.”
  607. >”Ten seconds, Claymore. Be advised, I will approach from the north and pick you up via grav lift. We’ll have about twenty seconds before the choppers catch up. Over”
  608. >”Understood, Daredevil. We’ll be waiting on the north side. Claymore out.”
  610. >The e-war team hails you and out of courtesy you answer
  611. >“Sierra, e-situation under control. We see personal on the roof of the target building. Status?”
  612. >You walk over and look far out to the west, where the distant sea frames the small mid-rise that houses the company’s Downtown office
  613. >Without emotion you tell them,
  614. “I’m cutting the contract.”
  615. >Before you switch off the frequency, you hear someone whisper,
  616. >”That’s too bad.”
  617. >You switch back to the Beta Company frequency and look back at the building kilometers away
  619. >On the roof, there is a small flash and an arcing pinprick of yellow-orange
  621. >Your instincts take over and you yell out louder than you ever have in your life,
  622. “DOWN!”
  623. >Every Spartan sprawls, with Hitomi covering Notches with her whole body
  624. >You’re the last one to take your own advice
  625. >The tank round hits short, just under the divider
  626. >You feel yourself thrown back, far, then your back hits the stone roof and you slide to the other concrete wall
  628. >Your brain sloshes inside your head
  629. >Your vision swims in a haze, before going dark completely
  630. >You feel very warm all along your right side and all along your arm
  631. >The warmth turns to fire
  632. >You try to breathe
  633. >You open your eyes wide, but you still see nothing but Aquamarine eyes
  634. >A very distant voice says your name
  635. >Green-armored arms shoot out of the blackness and grab under you
  636. >You hear distant voices as you’re lifted up, making the pain worse
  637. >It takes everything to draw in a breath
  638. >Suddenly you feel like you’re ascending
  639. >Your head hangs back and you see a tunnel of green-blue eyes
  640. >They look worried
  641. >You try to take in another breath
  642. >For some reason, you can’t do it
  644. >Blue lights light up some small space
  645. >You’re set down and you sense a commotion around you
  646. >Your head is lifted up and your helmet is pulled off
  647. >There’s someone in SPI armor leaning over you
  648. >Who is that?
  649. >They put a clear mask over your mouth
  650. >You can suddenly breath again
  651. >Something is injected into your neck
  652. >The fire goes away
  653. >You start to feel sleepy
  654. >You also start hallucinating and see a rainbow of eyes and fur coats surround you
  655. >The soft, round faces all look down at you with concern
  656. >You decide to give them all a smile before you fall asleep

Demons & Nightmares, M1

by Durr0694

Demons & Nightmares, M2

by Durr0694

Demons & Nightmares, M2.5

by Durr0694

Demons & Nightmares, M3

by Durr0694

Demons & Nightmares, M3.5

by Durr0694