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Demons & Nightmares, M2.5

By Durr0694
Created: 2024-12-10 06:50:48
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Sepia, unicorn
  2. >You are walking over to the ship's medical wing
  3. >Your horn is aching again after practicing your magic
  4. >That suppressor ring has definitely affected you in some way, on top of you being unable to use your magic for an entire month
  5. >When that ring was finally removed you were overjoyed, then you tried to levitate a spoon and became exhausted
  6. >You told your roommates nothing, but in the back of your mind you're terrified
  8. >Back when you were a filly, you learned about how magic works
  9. >Earth ponies use it through their hooves, pegasus through their wings, and unicorns through their horns
  10. >Like a muscle, a month of neglect results in atrophy
  11. >There were some rare cases where unicorns entirely lost their ability to use magic after prolonged periods of disuse
  12. >It may be silly, it may be selfish, but to go through what you were forced through, then learn that you lost a core part of yourself
  13. >You're not sure what you'd do
  15. >You wait for the alien door to open up
  16. >On the other side are four tall humans
  17. >They are all wearing that green infiltration armor that Jane had
  18. >They all have those firearms, some carrying more than others
  19. >They look down at you silently, then step aside to give you room as they walk past
  20. >You look back at them as they turn the corner, heading for the central hangar
  21. >They weren't with Sean when he and Nightmare Moon rescued you
  22. >Everypony you ask tells you that they came with him during the invasion
  24. >The invasion
  25. >That's what everypony is calling it
  26. >You can't remember anything, except what happened afterwards
  27. >You shake the bad memories out of your head as you walked down to the end of the corridor
  28. >That damned manor and that damned ring
  29. >You just hope the doctor's not still busy from all that commotion a few hours ago
  31. >You get close to the door leading into the medical wing's entrance, but it opens early
  32. >Out floats a pink and blue ball of gas bladders and tentacles
  33. "Oh! Hello there."
  34. >Now it's you who steps aside for the engineer, or Huragok as Sean calls them
  35. >Its tentacle of a head, filled with beady black eyes, nods politely down at you
  36. >It lets out a pleasant trill and gently makes its way down the corridor, its luminescent skin matching the colors of the walls and floor
  37. >You're not sure what to make of them
  38. >On one hoof, they smell and have no sense of privacy
  39. >On the other hoof, they had fixed everything on this ship
  40. >And they're cute in their own way
  41. >The noises they make, their verbal language, reminds you of the whales that followed your family's small sailing boat over a decade ago
  43. >You go through the door before it can automatically close
  44. >The medical wing is really just one very long room with no other entrance, sectioned off with plastic dividing sheets
  45. >Right now it smells heavy with antiseptic
  46. >Doctor Decon, with bags under his bright yellow eyes, sits at a cheap office desk at the front of the room, writing with a ballpoint pen
  47. >You pause, watching the teal and white unicorn use the technological marvel
  48. >If only you had that for your work
  50. >He looks up and sees you
  51. >"Ah, Sepia."
  52. >You give him your secretary smile
  53. "Hello Doctor."
  54. >"Come in. How can I help you?"
  55. >You walk in, suddenly realizing your headache has went from a throbbing pain to a small pressure in your forehead
  56. >The idea of this all just being a silly fear makes you hesitate
  57. "I was just wondering-"
  59. >A middle-aged stallion interrupts with a dry, tired voice
  60. >"Sepia?"
  61. >You look further into the room
  62. >The first "section" is two rows of three low beds each on either zide of the room
  63. >Reclining on the nearest bed, covered in a single white sheet, is a unicorn with grey fur and a shaved head
  64. >He looks at you with a half-opened blue eye
  65. >It takes you a long moment to recognize him, and you stiffen in surprise,
  66. "Notches?"
  67. >He smiles wearily,
  68. >"You're a sight for sore eyes. Come to visit an old friend?"
  69. >A month ago, you would have walked right back out of the room
  70. >Now, you walk over to the his bedside
  71. >He was cleaned up recently, with white strips of gauze wrapped around several bare patches of skin on his forelegs
  72. >You look at his horn and notice something
  73. >In several places are small wads of cotton dipped in alcohol
  74. >You look closer and you realize that they're stuffed into holes in his horn
  75. >You sit back and put your hooves over your mouth to keep from gasping
  76. >"Ah," sighs Notches, "You noticed."
  77. "Oh Celestia, what happened?"
  78. >He grins,
  79. >"Oh, you know. Somepony never saw a unicorn before and decided that he really, really needed to get in there and see how a horn worked."
  80. >He looks up at the ceiling, still grinning
  81. >"I would have cooperated, had they asked, but they all seemed to have been too busy huffing their own farts to see if I wasn't just some entertainment abom."
  82. >You hold your chest, trying to bring your heart rate down,
  83. "Abom?"
  84. >He waves a hoof in dismissal,
  85. >"A catch-all term. Aden over there could tell you much more,"
  86. >He points to the zipped-up split in the dividing sheets
  87. >"Once he wakes up of course, but trust me, Sepia, you're better off not knowing."
  89. >He relaxes, taking a deep breath,
  90. >"Anyway, enough about me, Sepia. What were you rescued from?"
  91. >You look away, trying to form something adequate
  92. "Well, they just, well. Nightmare Moon and, um, Sean. They got me out of a bad house."
  93. >"A bad house, eh? They didn't let you leave like me?"
  94. "No, they forced me to wear a maid suit and clean up after the children
  95. >Notches's brow rises and he looks back up to the ceiling, whistling low
  96. >"Now I feel like a jerk for enjoying my stay. Sure, this," he points to his horn, "Happened, but I was being pampered beforehoof. Like a house pet who they never allowed outside, but still I wasn't forced to work. At least Nightmare Moon gave me a scare when she found my dreams."
  97. "She gave you bad dreams, too?"
  98. >He falls into the Notches-rant that you know all too well,
  99. >"Oh, for two whole weeks, she did! Well, no, there were a few days where she didn't, but now that I think about it, those were probably when she was rescuing you. Then it was back to having monsters chase me all around the vacation home I was locked in."
  100. >Normally, you would have tuned him out by the second sentence
  101. >Instead you suddenly jump into the rant with him,
  102. "That's what she did to me! Here I was, figuring out this twisted game of keeping everything spotless while these,"
  103. >You grind out the next word through your teeth,
  104. "Children, these malicious little gremlins made it their mission to make my life a living Tatarus. For weeks! I can only think it was weeks because these people didn't have a calendar or- what?"
  105. >He's smiling at you as if you had just said profanity in front of the teacher
  106. >"I never thought you had it in you to prattle off like me, Sepia."
  107. >You cheeks flash hot and you turn your head
  108. "I usually have the tact to not do it when you're around."
  109. >You sigh,
  110. "These past few weeks have been rough."
  111. >"But they're past you now, Sepia."
  112. >You look back to the long-retired Guard, his smile warm now
  113. >"They told me that they're getting one more pony, then we're all going back to Equestria."
  114. >You smile, tired all of a sudden
  116. >The divide zips open, and another Spartan steps through and closes the zipper behind her
  117. >She turns and looks to you and Notches before telling the doctor
  118. >"Vitals stable as before. He's already recovering."
  119. >Decon looks up from his writing
  120. >"Already?"
  121. >"We're a tough bunch, Doctor."
  122. >"Did he regain consciousness?"
  123. >"No, but he did start dreaming a few minutes ago. I set his helmet next to his bed so he can call us whenever he wakes. I'll take my leave now."
  124. >She looks to the two of you one last time before exiting
  126. >Notches waits for her to be well out of earshot, then tells you,
  127. >"According to Hitomi's teammates, Sepia, she carried me out of a burning building, shielded me from an explosion, and then turned around and helped to perform surgery on Aden over there for two hours straight."
  128. >He sinks back into his bed and asks no pony in particular
  129. >"I wonder why they're called demons?"
  130. >Doctor Decon, resuming his writing, answers,
  131. >"I've seen the results of them fighting, Notches."
  132. >Both of you look over at him, curious
  133. >He continues, casually, as though he's talking about a long business trip
  134. >"After we evacuated Canterlot and set up in Ponyville,"
  135. >He glances up,
  136. >"Thank you for holding Canterlot's station, by the way, Notches."
  137. >You look to him, and he smiles with a shrug
  138. >"But after we got to Ponyville and set up at their hospital, Team Claymore dropped in. The first thing they did was fend off an airborne attack in the middle of town. I was busy with patients so I didn't see anything myself, but everypony coming in was talking about them. Most of them were saying how the Spartans were shooting Covenant inside their dropships the moment the doors opened."
  139. >He finishes his paperwork and sets his pen down
  140. >He stares at a point somewhere in the room
  141. >"Afterward, we had to clean up. There were no ponies to be found, and we now know why with you, but,"
  142. >He furrows his brow,
  143. >"The bodies of the Covenant that Claymore killed stayed,"
  144. >He shuts his eyes tight,
  145. >"And there were a lot of bodies."
  147. ()()()
  149. >You are Sean B094
  150. >Sitting on the grassy cliff edge
  151. >Nightmare Moon is sitting next to you, silently enjoying your back scratches
  152. >Aden B103 is sitting on your other side, staring at the silver moon hovering just above the calm ocean
  153. >"So this is Myrmidon?"
  154. "Yep."
  155. >He looks over to the city taking up the distant bay
  156. >"It really was a nice place."
  157. >You nod
  158. "It was, yeah."
  160. >He looks up at the night sky
  161. >"It was better than my rotting station."
  162. >You and Nightmare look up to see a small bright dot slide its way across the milky way
  163. >"Did Jane ever come out here?"
  164. "No, her home was on the other side of the city. She went out on the water."
  165. >You look over your shoulder to look at the pines
  166. "I came out here."
  168. >You turn back to Aden,
  169. "I found a place like this in Equestria."
  170. >"Really?"
  171. "Some time after Jane and I first got there."
  172. >The city disappears and the pines turn into maples, but the landscape remains
  173. "Princess Luna and I were traveling when we came across this place."
  174. >"Princess Luna?"
  175. >You take a breath
  176. "A really good friend. She's lost too, right now."
  177. >Aden leans over to look at Nightmare,
  178. >"Are you two related?"
  179. >She answers solemnly,
  180. >"Very much so, Aden."
  181. >You continue scratching the base of her wings, feeling her back arch under you
  182. "We'll find her. It's just hard. Nightmare can only search through the edges of the dreamscape, then whenever we find ponies we have to spend several nights of dreaming to figure where exactly they are. It's too slow, and it's only us who can do it."
  184. >Aden asks, "You've got plans to solve that?"
  185. "We have a few potential avenues, mainly artifacts that we could modify."
  186. >You shake your head
  187. "It's just that it's an entirely new field; traveling between realities, universes, firmaments, whatever you want to call them. We don't know if we can figure it out fast enough for all those lost."
  188. >Aden doesn't say anything for a while, but then says,
  189. >"If you need another Spartan then I'll help. It'll be a hell of a lot more productive than my last job."
  190. >You nod,
  191. "Recover first, then thank Hitomi and Doctor Decon for fixing up that hole in your lung. Afterwards, you'll have the choice of what to do. While we're out here, everybody--or everypony--is busy rebuilding."
  193. >Aden suddenly realizes something and asks,
  194. >"What about our humanity? Were you able to go back?"
  195. “Oh, yeah. That’s how I picked up Claymore.”
  196. >You smile,
  197. “We won, by the way.”
  198. >Aden sits up straight, “We did?”
  199. “It’s more like the Covenant lost. A civil war broke out, with the Elites being disillusioned with the Prophets. It turns out the Great Journey was a lie.”
  200. >”Fancy that.”
  201. “Yeah. Now we have a few new Elite friends, including a few shipmasters who drove off the Prophet’s attack on Equestria.”
  202. >”A Prophet was leading this fleet against Equestria?”
  203. “Yes. A high councilor. The Prophet of Fr-”
  204. >Something slaps your shoulder hard
  206. ()()()
  208. >You are Aden G103
  209. >Sean disappears, much to you and Nightmare Moon’s surprise
  210. >The “alicorn” hums
  211. >”Someone woke him, yet not me as well. He must have been summoned to the bridge.”
  212. “Alright.”
  213. >The pause becomes awkward as the sound of waves crashing against the cliff face far below get louder
  214. “So, Nightmare Moon.”
  215. >She looks to you with a raised eyebrow
  216. “What exactly is your relationship with Sean?”
  217. >She smiles, and her aquamarine eyes glow
  218. >”Simple: he is mine, and I am his.”
  219. >You narrow your eyes at her, but she ignores your glare
  220. >”It started out as only him being mine, but your brother-in-all-but-blood has a stalwart mind. We came to an understanding long ago. Now? We’re quite the duo. He, the demon, and I, the nightmare.”

Demons & Nightmares, M1

by Durr0694

Demons & Nightmares, M2

by Durr0694

Demons & Nightmares, M2.5

by Durr0694

Demons & Nightmares, M3

by Durr0694

Demons & Nightmares, M3.5

by Durr0694