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By Guest
Created: 2024-12-16 20:04:28
Expiry: Never

  1. Finally coming to, the taste of cum still filled her mouth while the kiss of cool air met bare skin. it was an alien feeling, but a welcome one as it overcame the warmth from the morning sun. half remembered Images of last night's run in with the flora of the valley played in her mind as she realized how male everything smelled, and the odd, hunched over position she felt herself in.
  3. she tried sitting up, but felt the wrong sensation of muscles pulling against soft flesh, bending back oddly as she lifted her head, only for herself to slap back down on a vast expanse of her own skin, jostling a pair of shapes within that sent a slight sting of pain, and a buzzing, sexual pleasure through them. She felt her heart skip a beat as it seemingly squeezed harder, the throb flowing through her entire being, and keying her into the constant pulse that echoed her heart.
  5. She tried in vain to move again, her limbs twitching as she had a bit more success in moving them, causing another throb to roll through her form. Finally letting her eyes flutter open, she found her face almost touch the grass, eyes swiveling to take in th dark, leathery skin of her hind legs splayed outward. Another throb embraced her form a soft, quiet moan rolling from her as the strength it bought seemed to linger, finding herself able to raise her head, with a second causing her back to tense up, head and neck bumping into the side of the tree she'd slumped up against last night.
  7. Her flesh buzzed pleasurably from the bump, strength seeming to fill her as the soft pulses grew a little more insistent, pushing forward as she rose onto her hooves, the sensation unsettling as she clearly felt the ground, and the way they were squished slightly. Thirst and curiosity dragged her to the small lake. Each step a chorus of oddly pleasurable feelings as the sack swayed and rubbed between her hindlegs, leaning close into the flat, clear water.
  9. She knew what she'd find, but her flattened face stretched over what was an unmistakable stallion's flare, fat ears barely poking out over the top of the lip. Gone was her fur replaced by bare mottled skin, pale pink with a splotch of dark brown over her cheek. Her gaze drifted beyond, the alien feeling built as she took in the girth of her neck, her body almost a complete, thick tube of flesh, with foreleg pathetically trying to assert her shoulders in the massive, rounded shape. She couldn't help but feel impressed with how long she looked, feeling something approaching guilty pride as her absurdly long neck pushed her face almost beyond reach of her forelegs, shuddering as she felt out the bumps
  11. Thirst kicked out of her observation, shuddering as she leaned her head down to the clear surface, sputtering as she took the oddest gulp in her life. Her throat spasmed as she struggled to swallow, taking a moment to overcome her body's reluctance to co-ordinate itself, eventually pushing cool liquid all the way down her long throat, long body, then straight into her hanging balls. Her eyes almost bugged out as she took another gulp, concentrating on the feeling as water flowed down her length, filling her balls witch let out an almost satisfied sounding churn. Her hooves poked at her belly, feeling around for organs that simply weren't there any more. she prodded more, each poke caused her chest to tense, a deeply buried heart beating stronger as she found a rib cage almost buried deep within her pulsing flesh, her quick panting felt stretching at her medial ring.
  13. The mare's balls clenched, making her shudder as warmth flowed back up the thick channel, filling her mouth with the heady taste of pre, the shock letting it bead and dribble over her muzzle, making her face tingle pleasurably. Reaching to wipe her mouth, her hoof bumped her chin, the contact making her shudder as it poked into the fat, bloated urethral bulge, forcing more pre form her lips as her ears twitched with her heartbeat. Sitting down, she reached her other hoof up to try again when her whole body tensed, her spine bending back as her body throbbed all over. Her hooves reached up again to try and wipe her mouth, seemingly bumping and rubbing even lower down on her neck now, pleasure bubbling through confusion and panic as she poked and prodded herself, her face begging to throb and pulse with her heart seemingly so far away.
  15. She was erect! The thought hit her as she realized just how good her hooves scrabbling and rubbing at her neck felt, her throbbing head so far out of reach and yet so close and personal. The revelation didn't make her pause however, getting caught up in the moment as it felt so perfect, almost as if she was made for it. She was so close. she needed to, needed just rub a bit more. Her eyes struggled to remain open, face burning as she felt it swell, bloating outward as her balls gave a sharp clench, sending warmth barreling up her body with a rush of pleasurable nausea, her throat clenching as she heaved a thick stream of water up into the air, stunning her as a second pushed out a thicker, whiter fluid up and out, arcing high above her before splattering her face and body, sending feeling of immense satisfaction through every part of her form, as if cumming was everything she was made for.
  17. It was what she was made for, she reflected as her mind came around, finding herself limply laying on the sore of the lake, body feeling heavy and useless as she basked in the lingering bliss

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