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The Misadventures of Derpy Hooves Season 3 Episode 2
By ShroooomyCreated: 2025-01-05 01:08:46
Expiry: Never
The Misadventures of Derpy Hooves (And Friends!):
Season 3 episode 2: Somewhere West of Appaloosa Pt. I
Based on the art of WapaMario63:
Pinkie Pie: October 23, Year 3027
> It was 4PM after a busy Saturday at the brothel.
> The bar had just shut its doors and Pinkie retired to her room for a much needed shower.
> Pinkie Pie turned on the shower and immediately leaned her face against the wall of the tiled shower cubicle.
> She placed the hoof-held shower head, which was shaped like a large faucet, between her back legs.
> With her front right leg extended beneath her barrel, she pressed the shower head tightly against her genitalia.
> Beyond hygiene, the sensation was amazing.
> Prior to moving to Ponyville, the young mare had never seen a hoof held shower head before.
> In fact, she never even knew they existed until Filthy had one installed in her quarters a couple weeks ago.
> She was always happy to stumble upon new inventions.
> Especially ones she could use to mastubate with.
> The nozzle's head was a flat and circular device made of cheap reflective plastic.
> A number of small holes where the water fired at slow, smoothing pressure massaged her money maker.
> Pinkie Pie remembers very little of her life before moving to Ponyville.
> And when anypony asks her why she left, her mind falls blank.
> In the three years since she left home, she hadn’t thought at all of her mother or father.
> Up until she moved to Ponyville is a fog
> But she was having fun
> And that’s all that mattered anymore.
“None shall fear darkness. For my light burns eternal.”
-The Celestial Tomes P. 1, S. 3
> October 23, year 3022
> Five years earlier
> Pinkamena laid in bed shuffling through a deck of “Celestial Collectors” playing cards between her hooves.
> Each card was a unique, highly detailed pencil drawn portrait portraying the strange and ethereal, long deceased Princess Celestia.
> Pinkamena’s cards, faded and worn by time, were special.
> Inked by Lilian Limestone Pie.
> Fourth wife of nine to Hubert Igneous Gregarious Granite Petrified Pie, and founder of Creberious’s Tusk Geyser.
> Lilian was also Pinkamena's great (8x) grandmother.
> The cards were believed to have been sketched late in her life, at the start of the “Post Twin Princess Era”
> Pinkamena, now in her teenage years, had rediscovered the cards tucked beneath her bed in a beaten old cardboard box while she packed for her trip north to Ponyville.
> Pinkamena, third daughter of cousins Cloudy Quartz Pie and Igneous Rock Pie had been packing her things in anticipation for a summer trip to Ponyville.
> Her plan was to catch a ride with her uncle, Tacitus Igneous Pie. Who was heading west to deliver a shipment of bricks to Appaloosa.
> From there, she was to catch a train north to Ponyville and begin her first summer of true independence as a baker's apprentice where she would work in a small shop owned by a friendly young couple in the heart of Ponyville square.
> Unfortunately for Pinkamena. Her plans were upended when word of Soapstone Pie’s untimely death reached their estate.
> It was late afternoon, after labour had concluded and supper was set when they received the news.
> Igneous Rock Pie, Cloudy Quartz Pie, Maud Pie, Limestone Pie and Pinkamena Diane Pie were sat at the dinner table reciting the Celestial tomes when brother Glossy Granite Pie arrived from a long ride west with the news.
> The news brought upon a flight of emotions within the household.
> But none were greater felt than Pinkamena's angst or Cloudy’s vanity.
> Because upon the death of a member of the Pie family, all business was to be halted for the Ascension ceremony.
> This included labour, family affairs and travel.
> Unlike her sisters and father, who genuinely felt for the young mare and grieved with solemn reverence.
> Pinkamena felt only betrayed by the one true Celestia, while Cloudy stewed with opportunistic enthusiasm.
“Do not cower in my absence, dear subjects. For I subside in the earth you wander, through the air you breathe and in the water you drink. I am the allness nonbelievers call the universe. and soon, all of ponykind will be one. Together, and forever.”
-The Celestial Tomes P. 900, S. 2986
> Limestone sat atop a stool facing a vanity.
> Her hooves crossed tightly across her chest as her elder sister, Maud styled her sister's mane into a thick beehive shaped bun.
> Laying on her backside across the room, Pinkamena continued to shuffle wearily through her deck of Celestial Collectors cards.
> Each of the three sisters adorned fitted, cotton coloured double breasted jackets which hugged their figure just right.
> “This would be a lot easier if you stopped moving.” Maud suggested, as she meticulously wrapped her sisters mane into a dense cone shape
> “Why does it take you so bucking long!?” Limestone growled
> “I want it to look nice.” Maud said calmly
> “Just put a pin in it! Sweet Celestia's ghost!” Limestone whined
> “I’m going to put a pin in you in a minute.” Marble replied
> Both Pinkamena and Limestone’s manes were to be styled in elaborate/unconventional ways.
> As was tradition for unwedded mares during Ascension Celebrations.
> Maud Pie, being the oldest and three months near of wedding her first cousin, Diorite Quincy Pie. Wore a black and white bonnet, symbolizing her graduation from adolescents to spouse/motherhood.
> As Pinkamena rambled through the same cards on repeat, her sister's bickering was becoming more heated.
> “Stop fidgeting.” Maud snapped, trying to brush a particularly stubborn knot from her sisters mane
> “I would if you learned how to be gentle!” Limestone barked
> “Would you rather I get mother to do it?” Maud threatened
> “No!” Limestone huffed “Just don’t be so damn rough! You’re not scalping a bloody zebra, you brute! You’re styling a mane!”
> Maud smiled
> Turning her head slightly, Pinkamena looked beyond her cards at the two bickering mares.
“Could you two please, for the sake of Equestria stop arguing!?”
> The sisters frozen and stared at Pinkamena with straight faces, lidded eyes.
> “Don’t worry Pinkie. I’ll be doing your mane soon.” Maud said with a playful but also threatening smile
“I don’t want you to do my mane!” Pinkamena snapped “I was supposed to be on the train to Ponyville hours ago!”
> “Hey! Show some respect!” Limestone shot “This is a family matter!”
> Pinkamena rolled her eyes and groaned, returning to her cards which she was now vigorously shuffling between her hooves
> “You're just as bad as mom sometimes, you know that!”
> “Shut it, Limestone. I don’t want to hear it.” Pinkamena grumbled
> Pinkamena, now boiling with anger found it hard to concentrate on her cards
> She tilted her head to the left corner of the bedroom where Marble sat wearing nothing but a stressed potato sack around her chubby barrel.
> The sack had five holes cut into it
> Four for her legs and one for her head.
> She sat atop her tattered sleeping bag, smelling like a dozen rotten eggs packed inside a pair of sweaty gym socks.
> The mare was amusing herself by organizing her collection of pony shaped sticks and stones.
> Pinkamena’s anger quickly cooled to a simmer.
> The sight of Marble always placed her somewhere between pity and anger.
> The mare had never owned any cards, books, toys, or clothes.
> All she owns is either the things she happens upon during labour or gifted to her by her sisters.
> Marble is treated more like a pet than a daughter.
> But even pets get treated to more luxuries than Marble.
> “You should show more respect, Pinkie.” Maud scolded “I know you’re upset about missing your apprenticeship. But that doesn’t give you the right to take it out on us. You’re acting very selfish right now.”
> Pinkamena yanked her head beyond the cards in Mauds direction
“This entire thing is a joke.” Pinkamena snarled “And not a funny one either! We all know that every adolescent unmarried mare in the county is going to this thing with hopes of sliding into Soapstone Pie’s now vacant place as Pumice Pie’s bride to be!”
> “What’s wrong with that?” Maud asked “Pumice Pie has lots of money and is also very handsome. Being married into that side of the family would elevate our house greatly.”
“And they call me a harlot.” Pinkamena grumbled
> “Don’t you think it’s depressing that ponies are using sister Soapstones own ascension to hook up with her now single stallion friend? It almost sounds like somepony might have had her nudged out of the picture for that very reason.” Limestone asked
> “You’re being conspiratorial.” Maud corrected
> “Do neither of you feel even a little sad about this? Like…She wasn’t much older than us.”
> “It’s a tragedy.” Maud replied
> “You say that, but I don’t believe you actually feel that way.” Limestone said “Have either of you heard the sick rumor that brother, Rumble Pie and sister Sapphire Pie are spreading at Sunday school? They’ve been telling everypony that she took herself out. But that doesn’t make any sense!”
> “Sister Rumble and brother Sapphire are very well connected ponies.” Maud stated
> “They’re lying.” Limestone argued “Last time me and Soapstone spoke she seemed so happy…I..I don’t believe what anypony says! She was shoved out of the picture for monetary gain! There’s no question about it!”
> “Are you feeling sentimental?” Maud asked
> “Shut up!” Limestone cracked
> Pinkie was now wildly flipping through the cards faster than she could even see them
“I don’t know anypony would want to marry that stuck up creep! I wanna bake! I wanna meet ponies who aren’t my cousins, sisters or brothers! Damn it, Maud! I want to make a single choice for myself!”
> “You can choose to be alone for the rest of your life.” Maud replied
> The bedroom door swung open, and entered the spectacled middle aged mother of the four, Cloudy Quartz.
> Wearing her signature scowl and marching into the room like drill sergeant she barked into the room
> “What’s with all the racket!?”
> Pinkamena dropped the cards in a panic then hopped from her bed to the floor.
> She crouched low to the ground along her bed in a push-up position, affecting the appearance of busyness.
> Cloudy stood above Pinkamena as she started randomly flaying her right leg below her bed.
> “Pinkamena, did I overhear you complaining again?”
> Pinkamena froze
“No, mother….I was just frustrated. It appears I have lost all my scrunchies .”
> Cloudy shook her head
> “Pinkamena, get off the floor.”
> Pinkamena dragged herself from the floor and stood erect as her mother scanned the young mare’s face and mane.
> She glassed intensely, and ran her hoof through Pinkamena's mane a number of times until finally getting herself tangled in a thick knot just below Pinkamena's right ear.
> “You’re growing curls again.” Cloudy badgered for what felt to Pinkamena like the hundredth time.
> Pinkamena threw her hooves along the right side of her head, shoving her mothers hoof away
“I thought I got rid of all my curls.” Pinkamena laughed nervously “I’ll get that sorted immediately!”
> “Pinkamena, do you purposely behave this way to annoy me?”
“No mother! You know when I get…Stressed my mane curls…I can’t help it!”
> “And what do YOU possibly have to be dressed about, Pinkamena?”
> Pinkamena started to anxious tug along the clump of mane below her ear and started to stammer
“Well…Nothing…It’s just a…”
> Pinkamena’s mind abruptly stalled.
> Under no circumstance could she see herself explaining to her fervently conservative mother that her stress was not work or spiritually related, but due to sexual frustration.
> That amount of honesty would only earn her a beating upside the head with a wooden soup spoon.
> Not only would explaining her predicament be embarrassing, but detailing the odd correlation she had discovered between her manes curliness and her level of sexual frustration would be near suicidal.
> The last thing Pinkamena needed was to find herself in the Barrens County mental institution for hedonistic induced insanity.
> “Pinkamena, do you find living with us below you?”
“No! I never said anything like that!”
> “But you’re so willing to devalue yourself in hopes of escaping, and you bicker. And lie, and talk back.” Cloudy hissed “I never raised a whore. I never raised a liar. But it looks like that’s what I’m stuck with, right Pinkamena?”
> Pinkamena put her hooves along her temples, fighting both the urge to cry and shout.
> “Mother.” Maud interrupted “I’m almost finished with Limestone’s mane. I’ll be doing Pinkamena’s in a couple minutes.”
> Cloudy put her hoof over her eyes and gave an exhausted sigh
> “Thank you, Maud.”
> Maud smiled and nodded “Of course, mother.”
> Cloudy walked to the centre of the room
“I know you two might not understand the significance of today.” Cloudy bean, glancing between Pinkamena and Limestone “But this particular ascension is our greatest opportunity at moving up in the family hierarchy. Regardless of what you personally think of young Pumice Pie, we all understand his family's capital and it would ease my aging heart to know that our family is secure under his banner.”
> Maud and Limestone nodded in agreement
> Pinkamena stared at the floor
> “Limestone, I urge you. Especially on a weekend of such importance to abstain from lashing that vicious tongue of yours. Practice what I preach and keep it firm between your teeth. A good mare is always patient, and civil. Regardless of how thin their nerves may be.”
> “Yes, mother.” Limestone grumbled
> Between her teeth she grinded her already severely shredded rose tinted tongue.
> Cloudy turned to Pinkamena
> “And you….Pinkamena….”
> The mare stuttered as she stared at her second youngest who was seconds near to bursting into a hail of tears.
> Feeling guilty, Cloudy sighed
> Her heart sank and she began to speak in a calmer, more soothing tone.
> “Could you PLEASE not cause any more trouble? After that stunt you tried to pull. Lying to uncle Tacitus about having your father's blessing to leave for the summer….The entire county has been nothing but gossip. And our image still hasn't recovered from your other accusations.”
“I only lied because I knew you would say no.” Pinkamena huffed “And I would've left the family a letter before leaving.”
> “Celestia’s spirit, give me strength.” Cloudy muttered, clenching the bridge of her snout “I would have considered putting in a good word to your father if I hadn't discovered from sister Prehnite Pie that you’ve been kissing stallions to fund this “escape to Ponyville.” Cloudy shot.
> Pinkamena slouched her neck into her barrel, making her look small/
“And in spite of your blasphemous whoring!” Cloudys voice grew “I haven’t heard a word of anypony interested in taking your hoof in marriage! When I was your age, I had several potential suitors in my orbit! And I earn their attention through modesty, cleanliness, godliness, and emphasizing my positive feminine traits.”
> Pinkamena sighed
“Mother, I’m sorry.”
> “Sorry for what?”
> Pinkamena inhaled deeply
“I’m sorry for lying to uncle Tacitus. I’m sorry for not telling you I was leaving, I’m sorry I was kissing stallions for money, and I’m sorry I was trying to leave the county without your permission.”
> Cloudy stared at Pinkamena
> Pinkamena started playing with the tangled chunk of her mane
> Her neck craned to the floor
“I want….”
> Cloudy’s ears pitched upwards
> Pinkamena paused
“Mom? I want to…..”
> Pinkamena’s eyes jumped between every face in the room except her mothers.
> Cloudy scowled
> “Perfect. We leave in an hour.”
> Pinkamena
> It had only taken the family an hour to pack themselves into the wagon
and headed west to Salt Mountain for Soapstone’s
> The trail to Salt Mountain was an overwhelming, lifeless terrain
> until the mountain itself, which was a large 15 000 ft convexity emerging from an endless sheet of azotic fractured stone.
> Due to the flatness of the land, farmhouses and barns could be seen from great distances.
> They had passed over thirty on their trip, each owned by the Pie family, and assumed empty at the time of passing.
> Sugar Mountain was the largest town in the county.
> Home to forty members of the Pie family, who all work in one way or another under Pyrite Pie’s paternal hoof.
> Outside of ascensions and weddings. The entirety of the Pie family congregates at Sugar Mountain to celebrate Hearths Warming, Celestia’s birthday and the day of Mourning.
> An event scheduled in late winter near the approximate date members of the Celestialism church believe she had passed.
"Where I see injustice, I nudge sinners into the light. But for the chronic sinner. Let it be know that I am not only fluent in the language of violence. I am its author."
The Celestial Tomes P. 489 S. 689
> Whenever the family visited Sugar Mountain, they lodged at brother Sonny and sister Sunshine Brightness Pie’s estate.
> For the longest time, the two are an example of an upstanding and well respected brother and sister couple.
> From a young age, Sonny worked under Mr. Pyrite Pie as supply chain oversight manager.
> Sunshine remained in the home most days tending to the cleaning, rock gardening and cooking.
> The two owned an estate far larger than necessary for only the two of them.
> The space was located in the heart of Sugar Mountain village and was paid for by Sunshine Brightness using her inheritance money.
> The home was a French inspired cottage.
> Pale and fitted with ribbed columns along the front.
> It had a large second story balcony which wrapped around the building's entirety and a large porch nested beneath.
> The couple designed the house themselves with the intent of raising a large family.
> But the couple remained childless for the entirety of their twenty year marriage because each of Sunshines pregnancies would abruptly either end around the seven-nine month mark, or within the first five weeks.
> Each termination was due to unknown prenatal complications.
> In total, the mare had lost fifteen fillies throughout her life.
> And after the tenth she started circling a drain of despair
> In the beginning, the mare took comfort in the Celestial Tomes definition of the life:
> “The act of breathing the generously gifted air, bestowed upon all ponykind by the one true Celestia.”
> It wasn’t until twenty years ago, upon the Genesis II incident where a number of passages in the tomes changed, recognizing that life begins at conception that she started to feel guilty.
> The mare, faithful to the churches every decree was labeled a serial murderer of fifteen infants.
> It was around that time, the mare had snapped.
> The fate of their estate became a similarly sad affair.
> Shortly after the house was constructed, they allowed ponies to drop in at any time and stay in their large, empty house for as long as they liked.
> The space wasn’t being used, and they were sure to always remind their guests that once they’ve had enough fillies to fill each room, they would be ending their “stop in at any time and stay as long as you like” courtesy.
> But after years of complacence, and not a single filly born, their home has become the unofficial, de facto lodging for of the out-of-town families visiting Sugar mountains
> Pinkamena remembers staying with Sonny and Sunshine many times throughout her life and had always found the large empty house creepy.
> Seven vacant unfurnished bedrooms, unfurnished and dusty, with paint peeling and cobwebs along every corner.
> When it was only her family lodging, it reminded her of a haunted house.
> The state of the house and Sunshines role to the family became a nightmare situation.
> Ponies became so comfortable with the couples open arm accommodations, they seemed to forget that sister Sunshine Brightness and brother Sonny never actually wanted run a hotel.
> They didn’t design their house to be a free bed for whoever shows up.
> They wanted a family of their own.
> Not to watch everypony else's family grow up around them.
> What never helped their situation was how the two leaned into their unfortunate circumstances far more than any reasonable ponies should.
> What started as kindness had over the course of now twenty years, become a free bed and breakfast.
> When ponies arrive, they are given a room and a key.
> Sunshine Brightness attends to all housekeeping duties including laundry, housekeeping, room service and providing three free meals a day.
> The mare has become a nonprofit, hotel manager who has sunk so deep into sauce, she doesn’t know how/or if she’s even allowed to stop.
> Pinkamena's family arrived as early as possible to secure a room.
> On regular weekends, Pinkamena's family can usually land at least two separate rooms for themselves.
> But during large celebrations, lodging became a competitive, claustrophobic nightmare.
> Entire rooms swollen by so much bedding you couldn’t see the floor.
> Which is why Igneous always arrived a day before everypony else.
> After the family secured a room and unloaded their supplies, they attended a complimentary dinner containing potatoes and asparagus which Sunshine Brightness insisted they attend.
> The family sat in hierarchical order.
> Brother Sonny sat at the head of the table while Pinkamena’s father, Igneous, took the opposite head.
> Wives sat closest to their husbands, followed by Maud and Marble along the left of the table, then Limsestone and Pinkamena on the right.
> Only after everypony read aloud a passage or two from the Celestial Tome book, were invited to eat.
> By the time dinner had started, the sun had gone down.
> The room was illuminated by candlelight.
> Pinkamena's entire family picked at their food.
> The asparagus was blackened and oversalted while the potatoes felt like they had been dunked in pot of mildly heated water for only a couple minutes.
>They weren’t seasoned or even skinned and butter was not provided.
> While everypony picked at their food, Pinkamena couldn’t help but stare at sister Sunshines teats, which were exposed and attached to a milk incontinence collection device.
> A machine which the middle aged mare had gone from wearing on occasion to adorning at all times.
> The machine had two tubes attached to each of her nipples.
> The tubes ran from her tits and down into a small box on wheels along the floor near her chair.
> The machine constantly hummed.
> When Pinkamena first saw the device she inquired her mother on what it was.
> Cloudy explained in grotesque detail to the then eleven year old Pinkamena that Sunshine suffers a number of reproductive health issues due to the number of miscarriages she’s had.
> Her health was only made worse by her frequent and sudden changes in diet, surgical interventions and pharmaceutical experimentation.
> All done in the attempt of having children.
> Pinkamena likes to remember Sunshine as the friendly purple mare from her childhood who would read her stories before bed and play hide and seek with her during the day.
> The often pregnant, but always with a youthful enthusiasm.
> It wasn’t until recently that Pinkamena began to notice how pale and wrinkled the mare had become.
> The mare was visabilly exhausted.
> And the small milk collecting machine which crawled behind her and collected her constantly dripping milk was a sign of her deteriorated health.
> Her gut was large and covered in stretch marks
> She wore a vacant stare, often not speaking for hours.
> Time and stress and self induced bodily deterioration had not been kind to the middle aged mare mare.
> “I’m happy to see you brother.” Sonny said to Igneous, not so much as glancing from his plate of a over a dozen potatoes. “Of course, and I think I speak for all of us when I say that I wish it was under better circumstances.”
> Sonny had a sense of style all his own.
> He had a long curly beard, wore a straw cap at all times and never looked happy to be anywhere.
> He spoke in a gruff, extremely dry tone and barely ever looked anypony in the eyes.
> Sonny wasn’t always like this.
> Before he became recluse, him and Igneous were something close to friends.
> Not exactly friends, but certainly something beyond mere acquaintances.
> “It's a terrible thing.” Igneous replied “We received the news from brother Glossy Granite Pie, whom we are very grateful to for sharing such important information.”
> The sound of silverware and mouths chewing
> Pinkamena was zoned out completely
> Her eyes were locked onto Sunshine’s exposed, saggy teats.
> They reminded the young mare of pancakes.
> Sunshine may have the appearance of a middle aged mare with a severe red wine and sugar cookie habit who smells like a hospital
> But Pinkamena finds something sinfully erotic about the mare's teats, and the milk collecting apparatus attached to them.
> The idea of lactating in front of everypony was so perverse and dirty, to the already sexually confused Pinkamena
> She stared at the mare's teats in sinful excitement, practically salivating as she imagined the taste of her older cousin's milk.
> Pinkamena felt guilty whenever she felt lust
> It's frowned upon to lust
> But it's not like she ACTING upon these urges
> It’s not illegal to state
> But it certainly felt wrong.
> “Do you know how it happened?” Igneous asked
> Cloudy gave her husband's ribcage a firm nudge with her elbow.
> “Not appropriate, dear.” She said in an almost song-like tone.
> “Honey, I was only asking. When explaining the situation brother Glossy Granite was as he usually is, light on the details. Half the time when he comes to use bearing news I have half a mind to assume he's making things up.” Igneous chuckled
> “Brother Glossy Granite is a fool.” Sonny Grumbled “Always the last pony the family tells anything too.” He spat, eyes glued to his plate as he obsessively sliced his potatoes small perfectly cut cubes.
> Cloudy and Igneous each shot the other with looks screaming of insecurity.
> Sonny paused and slightly glanced at the couple.
“Of course…We didn't forget to make sure YOU received the news.” Sonny added “But let’s be honest. We ALL know Glossy Granite is a gossip. We would’ve sent you a message immediately, but we’ve all just been…so…busy….”
> “That’s completely understandable.” Cloudy nodded
> “But if you’re interested in how it happened, I heard she hung herself.” Sonny explained
> Limestone’s eyes widened in fear
“She grabbed a rope, tied it to the rafters in her attic, stood on a stool, wrapped the noose around her neck and…the rest of history.”
> Limestone, Cloudy, and Igneous were shocked at the stallions lack of basic dinner manners
> “My deepest condolences. To the family.” Igneous bowed “I can only imagine how hard it must be for her parents.”
> “Eh.” Sonny shrugged
> Limestone placed her hooves along the edge of the table, gripping so hard she drove splinters through the wooden table
> “Igneous, have you ever spoken with brother Pebble Pie? He’s an older fella who works with under me in receiving at the mine. Ring any bells?” Sonny asked
> “I can’t say I’m familiar brother…” Igneous replied
> “Pebble was the one who found her. He had been therapizing the young mare for a while. Though I don’t know why. I guess he considers himself some sort of fancy “psychologist” I guess.”
> “I see….” Igneous nodded, staring at his burnt asparagus and and rock hard potatoes
> “Pebbles said that when he found her, her head was nearly sliced clean off! And where the rope had sliced her at the neck….I was under the impression hanging was one of the least gory ways to go.”
> “Brother, must we…”
“And you know why it was such a mess, brother? Cause that mare, not knowing a single thing about rope, tools or anything due to her comfortable lifestyle, used a metal cable! A metal cable which has a tightening mechanism. So when she jumped, the cable tightened so fast around her neck that it nearly sliced her head clean off.”
> The table was crumbling between Limestones hooves.
> “Tragic.” Igneous sighed
> Then out of nowhere.
> Sonny, for the first time since dinner started.
> Turned and faced Igneous proper.
> Eyes crossed and deadly serious.
> “It’s a weakness, brother. They raised that filly to be spineless. The parents, wh in my eyes are decent folk, always considered her to be “too precious” for a day's labour. She had everything she could ever want. But I guess it wasn't enough.’
> Limestone stuck the table as hard as she could and finally snapped
> “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” She cried
> “Soapy was a good mare! And I don’t want any of you speaking about her anymore!”
> Limestone pointed to Sonny
> “And you’re lying! Soapy would never! I talked to her all the time! I knew her better than anypony!”
> Limestone began to hyperventilate
> “don’t even know why you would say such nasty things! You're just a bitter old man! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!”
> Sonny shrugged then returned to cutting his potatoes into cubes.
> “You’re…You’re…You’re the bucking wors…!”
> Cloudy grabbed a potato off her plate and jammed it into Limestones mouth
> The mare’s lashing became an incomprehensible muffle until collapsing back into her seat.
> The table became silent once again.
> Pinkamena, who’s attention had been entirely dedicated to Sunshines teats for the past ten minutes, was thinking about milk swollen water balloons.
> Cloudy, desperate to peel any information she could from Sonny leaned beyond her husband
> “Speaking of….That…” She chuckled awkwardly “Have we heard any news on who the young Pumice Pie is considering to be his new bride to be?” Cloudy asked
> “The girl’s ascension hasn't even begun sister. I’m sure it's the last thing on his mind.”
> “Of course, brother. I apologize.” She leaned back in her chair and rolled her eyes
> Suddenly, and for know known reason
> Sunshine Pie dropped her fork and burst into tears.
> The table all turned to Sunshine who was sobbing and snotting over her food.
> She wasn't just crying.
> She was having a full red in the face, fountain of tears, breakdown.
> The table then jerked to Sonny, who wasn’t paying a ounce of attention to the scene, giving the impression that this is now something which happens often, and best to be ignored.
> The table then turned back to Sunshine
> Then to back to Sonny
> Then to Sunshine again
> Eventually, everypony started looking at each other wondering what they should do
> Except for Pinkamena, of course.
> Who’s gaze had been hypnotically pulled to Sunshine's teats since she sat down.
> Sunshine, once gaining a little composure, lifted her head from her hooves and looked down the table at each of the girls individually.
> Cloudy, with the swiftness if instinct, grabbed Limestone by the shoulders and held her tightly.
> “I’m sorry.” Sunshine said, wiping her eyes “I just get SO emotional.” The mare said, waving her hood like a fan near her best red face.
> “Oh, honey, it’s fine!” Cloudy cheered “Right girls?”
> The three sisters nodded in agreement.
> Pinkamena, still staring at her cousin's tits, didn't move an inch until Limestone, Upon noticing Pinkamena's distraction. Whacked her across the shoulder, breaking the trance
“Hey what the heck was that for!?” Pinkamena whined
> She looked at her family's scowling faces then to Sunshine, who was for some unknown reason crying her eyes out.
“S..Sorry…I was distracted…What’s happening now?”
> Pinkamena asked, curling her mane around her hoof anxiously
“It’s just that….What a beautiful group of young mares you all are!” Sunshine sobbed “All dressed up and looking adorable. I’m sure you’ll all make great mothers!” The mare cried
> “Especially you, Limestone. You’ll make an amazing mother someday!”
> Limestones jaw clenched, crushing the potato Cloudy had stuffed into her mouth to a wet mush
> “And Maud! The bride to be!” Sunshine praised “I remember when you were just a filly! I can only imagine your excitement!” She cried “So young and fertile…”
> “I have never been more excited for anything in my entire life.” Maud nodded
> Sunshine turned to Pinkamena
> “And darling Pinkamena! How have you been!?”
“Me? Oh! Well not much honestly, I’ve been…”
> “I heard that you we’re thinking of shipping off to Ponyville.” Sonny commented
> Cloudy fired a nasty expression at Sonny then the same expression at Pinkamena.
> Everypony was now staring at Pinkamena.
> Each adorning different expressions and begging her to carry the conversation.
“Just for the summer brother Sonny. I was actually on my way there when I heard the news…So I decided to stay.”
> “What is it you want to be again? Some sort of dishwasher or something?” Sonny asked
“Not exactly.” Pinkamena corrected “I want to become a baker!”
> “Eh.” Sonny grumbled “Close enough…I knew it had something to do with cooking.” He muttered
> Pinkamena physically recoiled in disbelief at what she was hearing
> The ignorance and narcissism of this pony was astounding.
> For the first time the room fell into a natural silence.
> And peace washed over the room.
> Until of course, Sunshine jumped to her back legs, leaned along the table and announced.
> “I’m sorry, everypony. But I need to go take my medication now. I’m experiencing some very unpleasant “mare related issues.”
> Before anypony could say a word, Sunshine had trotted out of the room.
> The box of milk connected to her teats rolling behind her.
> Pinkamena, thinking it had something to do with her teats, wished she had been invited to help.
> Cloudy, still insistent on making an impression, started again.
> “Brother, Sonny. Marble won't be attending any of the celebrations. So if you want to use her for any labour or housework, I bestow onto you her generous hooves.”
> Marble sank behind the table and began to shiver nervously.
> “I appreciate it sister, but we don't have much to do around here. I like to think we run a pretty sturdy ship around here. All we ask is that you attend breakfast, lunch and dinner with us each day you’re here.”
> Cloudy looked down at her burnt food
> “You know, brother. Most hotels' food arrangements are complementary. Not mandatory.” She chuckled
> “Well this isn't a hotel.”
> “I am aware of that.” Cloudy huffed
> “You want to stay here? You gotta spend time with us. That’s not so bad, right? In fact, I would call that common courtesy. Sunshine does all your laundry, cleans your rooms, cooks you food. And all we ask is that you indulge us during meals. Not so hard, right?”
> “Yes….Well…While we GREATLY appreciate it, we never outright ask her to do ANY of those things…Rather she just…Does them.”
> Sonny didn’t say a word
> “Brother, I think putting this sort of pressure on us is a little unfair.” She whined
> “Why does everypony say that?” Sonny grumbled “It’s like ponies don’t want to spend time with us anymore! And I don’t understand why!”
> Sunshine stumbled into the room on her back legs
> “Honey, my teats are full and I can’t get the milk out.”
> She walked up to the table and dropped her teats on the table
> The silverware and plates jumped on impact
> “Brother, I need you to suck the milk out.”
> “Later.”
> “Honey!” Sunshine said, stomping her hoof “The doctor said if I leave it stagnant the milk will calcify! I don’t want to go back on the painkillers! I don’t want to go for any lactation production enhancements! They’re half the reason why I caught “the drip” in the first place!”
> “How about we offer you Marble as payment?” Cloudy interrupted, chuckling
> Marble’s ears pounced to the ceiling
> “Marble has an excellent stomach. She eats practically everything, don’t you Marble?”
> Marble nodded slowly agreement, placing her hooves around her thick barrel
> “Now be a dear and help Sunshine with her…Problem.”
> Marble slid from her chair and approached Sunshine
> “Cloudy I appreciate it, but she doesn’t not to suck on them. Unless she wants to!” Sunshine wheezed and snorted, laughing like a brain injured hyena
> Marble approached her cousins inflamed teats
> Sunshine began to explain
> “Okay, Marble. Just gently squeeze.”
> Marble wrapped her hooves around the mares teat and began to massage them
> She slid and squeezed her hooves along sister Sunshine's teats with much hesitation.
> Touching them with the hesitancy one would touch a large insect, or a piece of rotten, uncooked meat.
> “Oh, Marble. You’re such a kind young mare.” Sunshine said, brushing the young mares mane
> The sound of Marbles' hooves along the swollen, spherical teats was near exact to the sound of a wet hoof driving down a balloon.
> A high pitched squeal which made Marble wince each time the awful sound presented itself.
> “It’s so sad you can’t speak, honey.” Sunshine continued “I bet if you could speak, and lost a few pounds, stallions would be all over you.”
> Marble looked down and away
> Sunshine looked upwards to rest of Marbles family
> “You know, I heard that there's a stallion in town who fancies Marble.”
> “Oh, sister. Of all the things you’ve said today, that is the most laughable.” Cloudy chuckled
> “Not at all sister. The words been getting around that sister Marble has a suitor.”
> Cloudy looked around the room, then stared at Marble harshly.
> This was not the news she wanted to hear.
> Soon, the family returned to their room.
> Limestone still gnawing on her tongue, Pinkamena's face red with lust and Marble looking to the floor.
> “Okay…New plan!” Cloudy said, clapping her hooves “Limestone, give Marble your dress.”
> “What!?”
> “You heard me, young mare.”
> “I can't believe this!” Limestone said as she undressed
> Cloudy looked to Marble
> “I don't know how, and I certainly don't know why. But you somehow attracted the attention of somepony in town.”
> Marble looked up in fear
> Cloudy began to dress her and apply makeup on the mare
> “Are we really going to trust SUNSHINE of all ponies? She’s a couple eggs short of a dozen, if you know what I mean.”
> “She’s borderline insane.” Maud commented
> “Girls, please. I don’t want to hear it.” Cloudy said as she dressed her youngest for the very first time.”
> Limestone, now standing completely naked in a cramped room, in the company of family began to lose her cool.
> “Now what am I supposed to wear!?”
> “We’ll figure something out!” Cloudy said “Just sit down and be quiet!”
> Despite not being the pony being yelled at, Marble flinched each time somepony raised their voice.
> Once Cloudy managed to stuff Marble into the outfit, it was clear that it was too small.
> Marble, being much thicker in the stomach caused the fabric to bludge and tear along the sides.
> Cloudy studied Marble
> “You know what you need? Jewelry!” Cloudy cheered
> Cloudy went through her small jewelry chest
> She sifted through the box for a long moment until she decided on a gold chain necklace with a purple ruby.
> “My father gave this to my mother when they got married. I’m letting you wear it this weekend, not because you deserve it. But because it matches your eyes.”
> As Cloudy reached around Marble and attached the necklace she reminded her of her place.
> “Now…Marble. You may be a fat, worthless little wench. BUT maybe I finally have an actual use for you besides labour and delegating.”
> Marble nodded in agreement
> “Now, I want you to do exactly as I say, okay?”
> Marble nodded, ears laying along her mane
> “Put your chest out, look forward, relax your shoulders, stop slouching and smile.” Cloudy said as she manipulated her youngest daughter's posture.
> “She looks very nice.” Maud smiled
> “Now.” Cloudy continued, “I want you to say: “Hello, I am Sister Marble Pie.”
> Marble shrunk into herself and timidly nodded “no”
> “Marble. Say it.” Cloudy demanded
> Marble held her hooves over her face and violently shook her head.
> “Marble. Do as you’re told.” Cloudy ordered
> Both Limestone and Pinkamena cringed.
> It was obvious why Marble refused to utter anything beyond a peep around her mother
> At the age of eight, Cloudy had forbidden the mare to speak a word, and would inflict harsh punishments upon her whenever she was caught speaking.
> The now fifteen year old mare had barely spoken in seven years, and when she did, it was never in the presence of her parents.
> Cloudy lean intimately close to Marble
> “Darling, please?” She asked nicely
> Marble uncovered her face
> Cloudy smiled
> Pinkamena suddenly felt ill in the stomach.
> “Marble?”
> Marble looked along the floor
> Her eyes running laps along the linoleum.
“She can’t speak.” Pinkamean interrupted
“Of course she can!” Cloudy snapped
> Cloudy grabbed Marble by the shoulders and began to shake her
> “Come on, Honey! Say something! You won’t get a stallion if you never speak!”
> Marbles eyes began to water
> “Marble, I’m not asking you. I’m telling you.” She demanded, shaking her vigorously
> Marble then covered her eyes and screamed.
> Cloudy suddenly dropped the small mare who then burst into tears on the floor, assuming a fetal position.
> The family stared down at Marble
> “I…I….” Cloudy stumbled
> Pinkamena now clenched her jaw in anger
> A she too began to well with tears.
“The day our ponies besiege foreign temples and topple peaceful kingdoms in the name of Celestia will be the day our ponies will discover their true power. And when there are no enemies left to smite. They will kill their gods. And love only themselves.”
The Celestial Tomes P. 251 S. 465
by Shroooomy
by Shroooomy
by Shroooomy
by Shroooomy
by Shroooomy