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shadows of equestria

By Guest
Created: 2025-01-18 21:51:04
Expiry: Never

Version 3 - earths added

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First and foremost, this is an exploration of worldbuilding for the purpose of being kinfuel. Do not expect much logic, cohesion, or realism here. Secondly, if you are below the age of majority. Close this file or you will be cursed with bad vibes. Thirdly, some knowledge of popular MLP fanfic tropes is probably going to be of use. I'm not referencing anything particular here. But I did read all of Xenophilia back when that was an active fic.

Content warning: Descriptions of sometimes non-consensual sexual relations, poor representations of BDSM culture, generally unsafe stuff, magic, allusions towards relations not acceptable IRL, and more. Expect bondage and latex to make an appearance.

What's different?

  1. The show has probably mostly not happened. Consider Season 1+2 as the basis to go from.
  2. Equestria is a developed, large multicultural nation in a mid-fantasy politically charged setting. Somewhere between D&D and Game of Thrones.
  3. We're not in the middle ages anymore, though much might look like it. Magic has done weird things to technology. You probably have lightbulbs, trains, calculators, and the ability to make modern materials, but for no reason at all nobody has thought to make computers or planes.
  4. Nightmare Moon has returned from the moon, been defeated, and Luna now lives at the castle where an overly protective and stern Celestia has taken on a motherly role towards her edgy teen sister trying to catch up with the world.
  5. The ponies you know may or may not exist and may or may not have had the same character arcs you're familiar with. Popular fan canons may or may not apply. Rainbow Dash is probably a Wonderbolt member of some kind, Scootaloo probably doesn't have any parents, the Shadowbolts are probably real, and Bat Ponies exist. No fish and no raindeer or dragon ponies tho.
  6. The thousand years of "peace" have caused significant shifts in all Equestrian societies. Where before there was a feudal system with grand armies and world threatening enemies at all sides, now there are only the confused remnants of such.
  7. It's kinky as fuck, to a silly degree.
  8. I haven't really read any of it, but War in Equestria probably has a lot of the same ideas, but without the kinky bits.

Hi I want to talk to you about this thing...

Catch me in whatever place you found this linked at. Ideas are welcome. Questions that lead me to develop more things, are even more welcome!

The Four Cultures

This serves as a generalized overview of the major cultures present in this setting. These are sweeping overarching statements that apply to the general populous, but not to every individual within. I might say that X happens, but in truth X only happens to 1 in every 10 individuals, and someone could go their whole life without being directly exposed to it. Who knows. You do what you want.

Cloudsdale - Pegasus

The city of Cloudsdale is the root of pegasus society. It is a large floating structure built from cloudstone and perpetually upkept cloud formations. With most of its spacious architecture only accessible to those who posses the ability to fly and cloud walk. It originated as a flying fortress during the great wars of the past, and retains many of its older styling, with high pillars, balustrade, and a strong militaristic presence.

TLDR: Pegasi typically... ... organize into loose merit based castes. ... value physical prowess or inventiveness. ... involve physical restraint and domination. Sexual activities often involve challenges and bets. And can involve long periods of physical domination, in the pursuit of betterment and training. Frequent kinks: Master/Pet, sensory deprivation, bondage.

Values and Castes

From the beginning, Pegasi were fierce protectors of the skies, valuing discipline, honor, and excellence. This fosters a culture of physical prowess and teamwork, where every Pegasus hones their skills to empower them and their community.

Pegasi also embrace intellectual and artistic pursuits, with philosophers, poets, and inventors thriving alongside warriors. This balance shapes a society that values strength and creativity, united by pride in their legacy.

Modern Pegasus culture emphasizes unity, ambition, and competitive spirit, celebrating achievements through festivals and competitions. They see their heritage as an honor and challenge, striving to "Fly higher, think sharper, and shine brighter."

Failure is seen as a personal flaw, and underachievers face stigma or exclusion. And weakness is judged harshly by their peers, leading Pegasi to hide their vulnerabilities.

"Weaker" Pegasi are pushed into less respected roles, with limited ways of bettering themselves. While personal compassion exists, strength and resilience are prioritized over inclusivity.

Claim or be Claimed

The perceived two tiered system has transformed relationships. While the idea relationship is and always will be, the union between two equals that can complete and challenge one another. It is rare.

More frequent is the act of laying claim to another pony through a performance of dominance. This claim may be challenged by the perceived weaker pony through competition.

Claimed Pegasi typically enter positions reminiscent of sub-servitude in exchange for status and protection by the stronger party. Being claimed by a strong pegasus is often seen as more desirable than being a lone underachiever.

Presenting Status

The claim and claimant dynamic extends into other areas of Pegasi society.

The stronger caste will typically choose to present themselves as such, preferring garb that emphasizes their body or achievements. This usually has them going bare, showing off their lean and athletic build, while adorning themselves with medals or laurels of accomplishment.

The weaker caste often prefers to go covered or adorned. Colored collars and matching ankle bands are frequently used to indicate who has been claimed, and who the claimer is. Clothing is worn and matched to profession or station, influenced by the interests of the claimer.

The Kinky Twist

Though their history, society, and biology, pegasi have developed several quirks and trends that may regularly appear in their sexual interactions.

  • Master/Pet relationships are a natural extension of the approximate caste assignment made through claims.
  • Dominant Pegasi typically target societal point of prides in their submissive partners. Binding, restricting, and otherwise e-pega-lating them.
  • Their military history has put an emphasis on communal physical training, and devices have been designed to emulate these harsh conditions.
  • Pride and stubbornness are prevalent. Pegasi will often go out of their way to protect their egos or social standing.
  • Being of a higher social standing does not always equate to playing a dominant role. Though openly submissive ones are often labelled as eccentrics or challenged.

Pegasus specific Kinks

These kinks are more common among pegasi, and were probably developed over the course of pegasus history. Some of them have seen recent upticks in popularity thanks to new technologies enabling new forms to take hold.

Breath control Specifically the restriction, limitation, and control of a Pegasus breathing without choking. As the ability to control ones breath during flight is a vital skill for pegasi to develop, both to enhance their stamina and prevent injury during aerial maneuvers. Masks, gags, and muzzles, were originally devised as a method to control prisoners during war time, with the debilitating effect it had on pegasi immediately being noted. Nowadays masks are a frequent item used in sexual play as well as physical training. Quickly and safely exhausting those not used to them.

Uniforms and Bodysuits Stemming from their martial traditions, pegasi value uniforms which can embellish their appearance and present their allegiance to a particularly renowned unit. Eg. the Wonderbolts, Solar Guard, or Nights Watch. Especially the rise of the first of these organizations has sparked a rapid development in flight suit and armor technology. Soon abandoning stiff and heavy metals, for sleek and aerobatics enhancing latex bodysuits. The often stifling outfits have be accredited to enhancing performance during training. And their form emphasizing nature have made them a point of attraction.

Sensory Control Following the advent of the bodysuit as a staple among high performance athletes and their training program, and the introduction of the same among the bedroom, one of their minor side effects was not left unnoticed. Pegasi rely on their senses of touch, sight, and hearing to perform well in the air. And taking any one of those away can cause varying effects depending on the individual. Blindfolds, hoods, and thick sense blocking outfits have thus become a point of interest among some pegasi.

Wing Binders The ultimate display of submission. Stemming from more barbaric origins, wing binders provide a safe and obvious way to ground a pegasus indefinitely. Binding them to their or their masters homes, and taking away their ability to enjoy the thing they feel most natural with.

Canterlot - Unicorn

The capital city of Canterlot is the oldest permanent settlement in Equestria. It is home to the royal castle where the princesses reside, as well as the governing council representing all regions of the realm. Located along banks of Canterlot mountain it features high walls, natural chokes, and many of the mansions and palaces of the wealthiest or most magically adept Unicorns. It is often considered the seat of high society.

TLDR: Unicorns typically... ... organize into material structures over wealth or influence. ... value subtlety, elegance, and high artistry. ... involve dress and ceremony in sexual encounters. Sexual activities often resemble the works of high brow BDSM outlets. Or are the results of feudalistic roleplay. Frequent kinks: Typical dom/sub, hidden sex, dress play.

Wealth and Knowledge

Uniorn society is fundamentally influenced by their ability to perform magic. While not every unicorn becomes a masterful magician, all of them possess the ability to levitate items and finely manipulate objects. A unicorn that does not study the mystical arts or has its place among the noble families of Equestra, will often acquire a skill and work in a field that makes use of their unique manual dexterity. The ubiquitous presence of jewelers, sowers, painters, and more has given rise to the opinion that Unicorns are graceful, regal, and above the menial. Even if in truth this only applies to certain echelons of Unicorn society.

Unicorns are also creatures of magic, and this legacy has never been ignored. They were the first to join Celestia during her conquest and have developed spells and techniques that far surpass the imaginations of most. Magical trinkets and artefacts are plentiful within Unicorn lands. However, few Unicorns possess the needed natural talent and magical reserves to truly dip into the potential that magic can hold.

About Relationships

The rich history of strong magical bloodlines has created an emphasis on 'The Household' as a familiar unit. Marriage is common, and polyamory is accepted. Usually the leaders of a household will marry for love or politics in a grand ceremony, and then each take on one or more close partners to cement the households power and grandeur. The household staff often shares in the spoils of such a union.

The Kinky Twist

Unicorn high society often considers itself to be the trendsetter for the rest of Equestria. And intertwines deeply with the political games played by the high courts. Unicorns value refinement, and presentation, and will plan grand ceremonies and play elaborate games to impress their fellows and overthrow their adversaries.

  • Dominance play is part of many social affairs within Unicorn society. From the subtle difference in greeting someone of another status, to the physical or lack thereof interactions.
  • Subtlety is highly important. Public debauchery is frowned upon, but subtle games that only those in the know can pick up on are favored.
  • Accessories are used an expression of status, the more influential the less practical and the more outrageous one might dress. And the more brazen one will adorn their submissive partners.
  • The prevalence of magic has given rise to many tricks, kinks, and toys that would usually be inaccessible.

Unicorn Specific Kinks

These kinks are more common among unicorns, and were probably developed over the course of unicorn history. Some of them have seen recent upticks in popularity thanks to new technologies enabling new forms to take hold.

Stealth and Subtlety Hidden sexual acts and accessories are a favorite among unicorns. Partners might entertain themselves during a gathering by using their magic to secretly stimulate the other. And a recent fad is jewelry that emphasizes ones sexual features in a 'dignified' manner. For mares this has culminated in the invention of clit ornamentation, rings or chains hung from the sensitive bud to entice the eye with their gleam. While shaming anyone caught staring.

Performative Acts A emphasis on ceremony and ritual is the natural result of taking the rules of dignity and formality from the court to the bedroom. Both parties are expected to perform the roles during such encounters, and figuring out which is which may involve an elaborate game of teasing, wordplay, and preparatory sexual acts until the game has gone on long enough. And the main course can be served. Dress is a frequent factor in these games, with one party dressing the other to fit and cement their role.

Endurance Games Being the least physical of the races, Unicorns are not renowned for their endurance in the bedroom, as orgasms are not just physically but also magically draining. And yet at the same time, sexual encounters between unicorn partners can sometimes last several hours. As a lack of stamina is made up with by prolonged foreplay, teasing, edging, and even the inclusion of additional partners to act as proxies. Be it a voyeuristic or directly involved role. An influential stallion may have one or several others work to entertain their mare of choice, including allowing them to bed her several times, before they step in to finish off the evening.

Magical Draining While energy transfers between Unicorns are a known thing. The precise techniques have varied over the ages. And some decidedly found their home within the kinkier parts of the populous. Horn rings that begun as mere ornamentation, now are enchanted to block or limit a Unicorns magical output, and even to redirect it to another wearing a similar accessory. Furthermore the emissions of an overstimulated horn may be gathered up into a flask. And finally some magical crystals are finely tuned to feed off a mares arousal as she carries it within her body. Continuously stimulating her to keep her emitting magical energies within her sex.

Manehattan - Earths

Founded some hundreds of years after the great wars, Manehattan is the most populous city in Equestria. Spanning dozens of square miles, and settled amongst a lush and fertile river delta. Here the buildings scrape the skies, the factories bellow, and the agricultural and industrial hearts of the country intertwine. All races are welcome in Manehattan, but Earth ponies prevail.

TLDR: Earths typically... ... organize into familiar circles and communes. ... value loyalty and tradition. ... involve primal tradition and self sacrifice. Sexual activities often incorporate traditional values and duties. With a focus on the pride of those who take on the performing station. Frequent kinks: Vanilla sex surprisingly enough, someones gotta do that, rope, and pony play.

About society

As the progenitors of the other races, earth pony society represents some of the oldest cultures in Equestria. At the same time their inherent hard working and industrious nature has given rise to highly progressive projects, just as the Manehattan metropolis, and many advancements in manufacturing and farming, and grand Equestrian railway.

Earths do not shy away from gathering in large numbers. Their settlements usually begin with farmsteads for them and their family, their extended families and finally form into villages and cities. Earth ponies value hard work, collaboration, and respect for their elders

About relationships

Earth ponies frequently form familiar 'herds' surrounding one individual or family of note. Though they just as often will form closer bonds of marriage within those groupings. Courtship is traditional, in that it involves not only winning the heart of a partner, but also the respect of their family to sign off on the union. Weddings are often shared occasions with several unions performed at the same time, leading into a grand festive occasion for the whole community.

The Kinky Twist

Being wise in the ways of nature, and with a deep reverse for their elders and ancestors, earth ponies have developed many rituals and practices over their history which have in turn found their way into their sexual relations. Many homesteads and families will engage in ceremonies to celebrate the fertility of the land they live in, the produce of their labor, and of course of themselves.

  • Earth ponies can occasionally come across as sheltered or simple in sexual matters, by the standards of other races. Though they prefer 'old fashioned'. Their tendency towards speaking their honest mind gives little way to the games and ploys of the other races.
  • Fertility rituals serve to bless the land and the ponies, and sometimes take on quasi religious elements. Though their primary focus is to give thanks tot he hard working ponies that have enabled the community to thrive.
  • Mares and stallions alike often prefer to save themselves for the right partner to present and prove themselves, or be chosen by their family. And it can be frowned upon to engage in openly sexual relationships. Despite the many loop holes that exist.
  • Earth ponies have impressive endurance and are naturally inclined to surpass the other races in physical prowess, provided effort is put into the task. This also translates to their sexual endeavors, where an Earth pony can usually outlast the other species.

Earths Specific Kinks

These kinks are more common among earths, and were probably developed over the course of earth pony history. Some of them have seen recent upticks in popularity thanks to new technologies enabling new forms to take hold.

Seeding and Sowing Cum, be it a stallions or a mares, is a precious resource. Or so the stories go. The various secret ceremonies and gatherings of earth pony communities have frequently described as orgies by the other races, but are in truth anything but that. Though, it may be hard to explain to an outsider just why exactly the act of tying up the proudest stallion of the herd, milking and teasing them incessantly for hours, and gathering their seed to mix into the fertilizer for their fields, could be anything but sexual in nature. Especially with how often these gatherings go out of hoof.

Tack and Bridle With a history of farming practices and farming equipment, it was only a matter of time before some ponies found enjoyment in the act of wearing it. While far from common, the act of dressing and locking a pony into the often heavy and restraining gear used for their work, and the presentation of the wearer as nothing but another farm animal, has found a hold in some communities. Some ponies see it as a point of pride to perform and earn for their peers in this way, others are aroused by the humiliation and dependency that it creates.

Lunar Enclave - Bats

The enclaves of the "Thestrals" are generally considered hidden and inaccessible to those not of their kind. Laying deep in the mountains and forests of Equestria, built for the purpose of defending the realm... or taking it over. The bat ponies like caves, isolation, and community. And typically incorporate impressive natural features into their homes. Bat ponies are rumored to be a creation of Luna during the great war, which may explain their near unshaken loyalty to the princess and the formation of supportive sects even in her long absence.

TLDR: Bats typically... ... organize into closed societies. ... value lunar devotion and fighting skill. ... involve games of deception and trickery. Sexual activities are often the result of prolonged games and one-upmanship leading to an explosive release in libido between perceived rivals. As well as demonstrations of loyalty to their Lunar leader. Frequent kinks: Biting, predicament bondage, authority. Nobody mention the orgies. They're not real.

The Secret Wars

Bat Ponies organize into feudal structures formed around their mystical guilds. Their leaders tend to be renowned soothsayers, ritualists, and warriors, which pass their secret techniques down within their families to cement their power and influence. Their isolationist tendencies and emphasis on keeping their enclaves secret from the other races often create a sense of distrust even among enclaves. And they are more than fond of spying on one another in pursuit of secrets and other goals.

A bat that wishes to leave their enclave for the first time must typically first prove their mettle and reliability. Undergoing an arduous trail of skill and determination, that tests their ability to survive and keep their secrets. And often serves as a coming of age ceremony.

Familiar Closeness

This is not to say that all bats are unfriendly. Despite their initially distrusting nature, and the poor reputation stemming from their omnivorous diet and appearance, bats tend to form strong friendships. Members of the same enclave are often found playing games and being affectionate, and even rivals will often find their fights ending in a friendly competitive tumble. A friend that overcomes these initial hurdles may find themselves overwhelmed by the familiar closeness and lowering of barriers.

The Kinky Twist

Bats are perhaps among the most openly intimate societies. Once considered within their circle of friends, they rarely shy away from physical affection and roughness in equal measure. Nibbling, rubbing, and tumbling is barely considered to even count as foreplay. And some enclaves are rumored to engage in annual orgies coinciding with other festivities.

  • Dominant dynamics are rarely established, and much less permanent. Games, tricks, and demonstrations of ones prowess can and often will turn the tide. And many a martial or mystical training session has involved the giving and taking of 'favors'.
  • Bondage is a well practiced art among Bats. Originally employed as a technique to contain enemies, rope, cuffs, and more, have quickly found themselves into their diurnal activities.
  • Bats are natural nibblers. Their fangs will usually find themselves nibbling on a partners ear, sunk within a partners neck, or safely put out of the way by a firmly strapped on gag.
  • The mystical arts are well respected. While bats might lack horns, the Lunar Arts have given them access to herbal remedies and meditative practices that can heighten sensation and ward off accidents.
  • Bats frequently dye their hair and coats with various stripes of color, often declaring allegiance to an enclave or simply as a fashion statement. Clothes when worn, usually account for this by featuring cutouts or transparent parts to let these patterns show through.

Bats Specific Kinks

These kinks are more common among bats, and were probably developed over the course of bat history. Some of them have seen recent upticks in popularity thanks to new technologies enabling new forms to take hold.

Sensory Play Much like their feathered cousins, bats rely on their senses for flight and navigation. Their vision and hearing are especially heightened, and any bat trained as an agent, spy, or warrior, will undergo training blindfolded or deafened. Of course, any bat that loses both these senses is rendered near helpless as well.

Predicament Games Bats love to make their 'victims' squirm. And often create elaborate scenarios in which partners must choose between two undesired outcomes. This may involve using bondage and toys to force a rival to stimulate and embarrass themselves. But can also include more elaborate situations, like some enclaves trails which involve playing out scenes in which their fellow bat is captured and has to resist an enemy interrogator.

The Vampires Kiss While bats do not in fact 'guzzle blood' as some fearful ponies may claim. They have learnt the practices of performing quasi-acupuncture with their fangs. This is especially potent at the neck, where a well placed nibble can serve to trip up a ponies senses or temporarily paralyze them. But also extends to other sensitive areas.

Significant Factions and Notables

Notable individuals and factions in the world. Likely mentioned because they have kinky twists to them.

Princess Luna

The return of Nightmare Moon has shaken the world to its core. Thankfully a group of capable ponies or Celestia herself were able to defeat the fallen princess and bring her home safely. Now Luna lives her days out in Canterlot castle, a quasi-prisoner to her guilt ridden and changed sister. Though she is also determined that her choices a millennia ago weren't unjustified, seeing as: Her sister has been ruling alone just fine. The general populous fear her. The ruling class wants to user her. Her sister loves her and yet is dutybound to keep containing her for the safety of the realm. Meanwhile the Shadowbolts lurk in the dark and... Luna really just wants to be her own pony. To grow past this silly filly phase her dis-empowering has caused, and get ring of that darn magical inhibitor her sister bolted to her horn. Plus, those clubs and sex parties she keeps hearing about sound pretty cool. Perhaps playing the delinquent teen role is simply her calling...

Solar Guard and Nights Watch

Remnant of former armies, now brought firmly under Celestias control and charged with the protection of the realm. While the Solar Guard takes on the roles of frontline fighters and peace keepers, patrolling the streets and dealing with criminals. The Nights Watch focuses on the pursuit of foreign and internal threats and keeps a close eye on the nobility.


After the collapse of the former Pegasus empire due to the banishment of Luna and the subsequent conquering of Equestra by Celestia, the Pegasi still managed to retain much of their martial tradition. Though they now direct much of their attention to the sport of flying for the sake of personal accomplishment and artistry. Rather than the stabbing of their enemies.

The Wonderbolts therefore are both a stuntflying organization, and a paramilitary group. Using sometimes outdated methods of training and organizing their ranks, while occasionally working directly with the royal guard organizations to aid in containing their bitter rivals.

The ideal Wonderbolt is stylish, strong willed, and a perfect flyer.


Originally founded by Luna as a secret operations force, the Shadowbolts seemingly vanished along side her. Retreating into the shadows of the batpony enclaves and the recesses of the noble houses their members were first sourced from. They're a secretive organization, plotting and acting from behind the scenes. And while the return of Luna has foiled their original plan of an eventual coup against Celestia, they are now more than ever determine to wage a shadowy war and secure Lunas rightful place on her throne.

The Shadowbolts are responsible for much of the development of kink technology in Equestria. Originally stemming from torture and indoctrination tools, and now serving to more subtly convince others to join their ranks.

The ideal Shadowbolt is silent, unrecognizable, and perfectly loyal.

More details on the Shadowbolts are found in their dedicated chapter. Lifted from a roleplaying profile of mine.

Bonus: Griffins

Griffons are in many ways similar to pegasi. They both possess a strong martial history, and are masters of aerial combat. They even share an affinity for a more limited form of cloud walking, and prosses many of the heighten senses that make pegasi so adept at noticing changes in the air.

However, where pegasi are communal and work for the benefit of their society, griffins are territorial and abrasive. They organize in strict strength based hierarchies, and rarely gather in groups of more than a few dozen. And even within these packs or flocks most will prefer to operate solo, or with one close partner.

After the fall of the Griffon empire after the suns war of conquest, Griffin society has become limited to individual roosts claiming territory suitable to them. The position of king, albeit still recognized, is rarely claimed. Though it is any Griffins right to seek out leaders among their kind and challenge them to feats of strength, until enough of them swear their fealty and thus acknowledge the claimants royal might.

Being omnivores, they are typically considered barbaric by the other Equestrian races, as they refuse to settle down and establish farms. Unless they can subjugate another group to perform the labor for them. Often this takes the shape of an arrangement between extortion and mutual benefit. As Griffon packs will certainly protect their laborers and exchange goods for their work, but at the same time also impose stipulations and an assumption of leadership over these groups.

While this does not fall under Celestias law against slavery. It does tend to skirt the edges, and it is not uncommon for Griffon packs on the edges of Equestria to overstep this boundary. And for them to subjugate earth pony families using elaborate harnesses and degrading bondage gear as they till their fields.

Bonus: Shadowbolts

What are they?

The Shadowbolts are a mysterious organization. To the public, they are typically nothing more than a group of pegasus stunt fliers, rivalling the Wonderbolts. They travel from city to city, recruit promising new flyers, and host shows and sell merch. They're known for taking risks and their avant-garde approach to stunts.

In truth the stunt flying face of the organization is just that, a public face. Behind it lies a vast web of intrigue and conspiracy. Shadowy agents, double faced liars, corrupt nobles and officials. Their secret society spans Equestria, employing hideouts, dead drops and ancient outposts. And many a pony swears secret allegiance to their cause.

Who are they?

The Shadowbolts roughly organize themselves into three castes.

Agents are those members who work in the shadows, unseen from the public eye. They may be active spies, corrupt officials, or friendly merchants. Potential recruits for the other two castes are also considered Agents, and will often have direct contact with the organization. While less involved individuals often interact through middlemen, or are even entirely unaware of who they are working for.

(Shadow)Bolts are the primary force of the organization. Bolts represent those which act as full time agents for the organization. Ponies that may live a normal life during the day, but at night don their suits to perform tasks of covert intelligence, kidnapping, or other. They also represent the members of the stunt flying team. This team however has no fixed membership, and the individual ponies within often rotate in and out depending on the location. In this sense, the group does not travel from one show to another so much as it assembles at the new location.

Drones are lowest and yet highest of the castes. They devote their lives to the cause and are often recruited from the other castes, or rarely a converted enemy. They do not lead a normal life but spend their existence working from the shadows. They are the front line fighters and the connective tissue of the organization. Charging into battle and appearing where needed, when needed, receiving their orders directly from the top.

Where do they come from?

The Shadowbolts were first founded before the banishment of Luna, or Nightmare Moon as she was known as at the time. A secretive arm of the Lunar Legions, their job was to infiltrate and do whatever necessary to protect their ruler. After the banishment of Luna they fell into obscurity and were thought to be eradicated.

In truth they survived within the community of Batponies loyal to their Lunar princess, and have been biding their time and growing in number awaiting her glorious return. Of course, now that this return has come...

What do they want?

The Shadowbolts want to fulfill their original task. To see Luna, or Nightmare Moon, on the throne and her sister banished. As vengeance for a thousand years of unjust unfair rule. Justified that, indeed Luna could rule on her own, since her sister has managed so far.

To do this they fight a shadowy war. Working against the Royal Guard while allying themselves with the Nights Guard, trying to establish contact with Luna herself while slowly undermining the stability of her sisters realm. Some say the changeling invasion of Canterlot had been their doing. A first step in making the ponies of Equestria question whether or not the correct princess is in charge. A violent rebellion is not out of the question. Though the Shadowbolts recognize that a peaceful transition of power would be preferable to all.

So you've become an Agent?

There tend to be two roads to becoming an Agent.

  1. You are an asset valuable to the Shadowbolts, and begin working for them. Initially this may seem like any other business. You work your trade, and while your clients are a bit mysterious they pay well for your loyalty and silence. Eventually you gain their trust, you become a little curious. And find yourself invited to one of their gatherings.

  2. You are a pony of interest, and are approached. Perhaps a friend of yours was secretly a Shadowbolt all along. Maybe it runs in the family? Perhaps you demonstrate a unique talent and raised the attention of the group. The Shadowbolts have taken note, and your life slowly becomes subject to strange encounters on the road, a gift sent in the mail, a new opportunity for work.

Once you have shown yourself worthy of trust the Shadowbolts reveal themselves. They send gifts, invite you to gatherings, and perform tests to trail your trust. If you succeed, you are gifted a mask to wear each night. And are welcome to the benefits of their network. You may occasionally be called upon by them to fulfil a certain task. If you fail, you will never hear or see them again.

So you've become a Bolt?

There tend to be two roads to becoming a Bolt.

  1. You are recruited as an Agent. You've proven yourself already, and are ready for the next step. The road is simply, but laden with tests and trails. For your loyalty and your abilities. You need to handle the training and the performance of the stunt ponies. You need to know how to act as a spy. You need to fight.

  2. You are recruited as a Bolt. Perhaps you were a Wonderbolt reject, or have directly applied to the Shadowbolts stunt flying academy. Their standards are lower, their training harder. Stranger. Though rarely has a pony questioned the familiarity they're shown among the locker rooms and dorms of the Shadowbolt training grounds.

Once you join the ranks of a Bolt you are giving a uniform, gadgets, and the other to stay ready for orders. You patrol the land each night, seek out opportunities to gather intelligence, and recruit new Agents to the fold. Sometimes you will join the stunt team. Sometimes you'll leave your home for a weeks long expedition.

So you've become a Drone?

There is only one path to becoming a drone. Utter devotion. You may be an Agent or a Bolt with particular properties. A mind dedicated to the cause, a body willing to be given. You could be an enemy brought into the fold, unable to be trusted to act 'freely' on your own...

Should you become a drone, you are put under direct control of the organizations mysterious leader. Your retain your individuality, though are rarely recognized as such. No drone is seen without their suit and mask. And fewer still heard speaking. Drones are the dedicated combatants of the group. And a direct line of communication to their enigmatic leader.

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