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The Heat Problem

By Guest
Created: 2025-01-20 19:06:32
Expiry: Never

  1. >Sweat glimmered down Twilight's brow
  2. >Emptying her lungs, as if letting the heaviest of weights off her shoulders, she thinks to herself for a moment.
  3. >"Hey anon!"
  4. >She roars at nowhere, her voice thundering through the house.
  5. "What?!"
  6. >A masculine voice yelps back, as the sound of a body stumbling over a hard-wood floor echoes through the library.
  7. >Twilight's gaze shoots up, as anon shows himself atop the stairs
  8. >"How come I never see you in heat?"
  9. >Anon chokes, and fully reveals himself in his white wifebeater and stripped-blue boxer.
  10. "W-what?"
  11. >Twilight tilts her head sideways
  12. >"Heat, Anon, you know, that thing that happens every month?"
  13. >You just now realize you never considered that mares do go in heat once in a while.
  14. >That would explain some things.
  15. "Sorry, Twilight, humans don't have heat."
  16. >"What? How the fuck do you reproduce?"
  17. "You said fuck"
  18. >"Anon!"
  19. "Alright, okay, fine, fine, geez. Humans don't have a 'heat' period, we just...Get horny"
  20. >"Like, all the time?"
  21. "No, no, not like that, only when... When 'certain' things happen"
  22. >Twilight stares at the ground for a moment.
  23. >"So that's why you wear clothes all the time"
  24. "Hey!"
  25. >"You could have told me, you know?"
  26. >She stares at you with puffed cheeks and an annoyed look
  27. "Wait- w-what?"
  28. >She lifts her fore right hoof, pointing at the door behind her
  29. >"I was in heat? Just a moment ago?"
  30. >Anon looks pale for a second
  31. "Wait, wait wait wait hold the fuck up, what the fuck are you saying?"
  32. >"Anon, do you know how hard is it for a mare to deal with heat?"
  33. >She walks around and lifts her tail, revealing her marehood dripping a creamy white substance.
  34. >Anon freezes, a palpitating tent rising in his under-garnets.
  35. >"We need to have sex, there is no way around it. The heat only ever goes out after our womb has been filled with some warm substance."
  36. >She lowers her tail and returns to facing Anon.
  37. "Why... How could I help with that?"
  38. >"Filling my womb with your seed?"
  39. >A dark stain began to form at the tip of the tent in Anon's underwear.
  40. "W-What...What, I can... Just like that?"
  41. >"Yes? You can't impregnate me, and having a real thing back there might speed-up the process."
  42. >She walks closer and lifts a hoof
  43. >"Let's try it out next month, alright?"
  44. >She gently boops Anon's tent, anon grabs his dick with one hand, covering the tip with the other as he violently unleashes weeks of buildup sexual frustration in the air.
  45. >Month after month you have been cumming inside Twiligh
  46. >By the third month you had your first time with Rainbow dash.
  47. >By the sixth you had fucked every one of Twilight's friends at least once
  48. >And as a year went-by, you became more or less the go-to man for mares with a heat problem.
  49. >Turns out your dick is for these mares like frogs to the water.
  50. >'The heat problem' seemingly was a much bigger issue than you could have ever realized
  51. >Planned parenthood seemingly is a huge deal in equestrian society, as an overpopulation of ponies would quickly lead to some serious issues
  53. >It was at the dawn of the first year that things took a south turn
  54. >Two cute mares laid atop your arms, as a faint light made it through the half-closed curtains.
  55. >The mare's chest rhythmically raised and lowered as their warm bodies accompanied you
  56. you relaxed, feeling realized.
  57. >With a sudden thundering streak, two white pegasi broke into your room; You found yourself amid screaming mares as your face hit the ground. One of the guards pinned you to the ground with a hoof dead-center on your back.
  58. >As you tried to resist, the other pegasi lifted a hoof over your head, and everything went dark afterwards.
  59. >“Do you ever wonder if this is alright?”
  60. >The yellow pony asked with wide eyes. Her companion, a white, purple-manned pony threw her a puzzled look.
  61. >“What do you mean? Of course it is, they enjoy it as much as we do!”
  62. >The yellow pony stared at the ground in silence for a moment.
  63. >“I guess you are right...”
  64. >The two mares traversed the long, pink corridor without further talk. Upon reaching a dark-brown double-door, the yellow one broke the silence--
  65. >“It's just that...”
  66. >She stared at the ground, as if unsure how to speak
  67. >“One of them... He- He used to be my friend... You know...”
  68. >The white pony struggled to contain a smile
  69. >“Aw, Dear, you could have told me!”
  70. >She pushed the door open, a wide, cylindrical room awaited, it's walls decorated with Humans of all sizes, bound and gagged in the upmost devious positions. Some lay quiet, whilst others vainly struggled, but one thing lay common across all their forms: They all had raging erections.
  71. >“You can have him, there's plenty to go around.”

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