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Apateu Romp Thing

By Grey
Created: 2025-01-29 14:57:47
Updated: 2025-02-03 00:06:07
Expiry: Never

  1. Based on this art drawn by Pshyzo:
  3. >"ughhhhh"
  4. >The pale ceiling is the first thing to greet Wallflower's slowly opening gaze.
  5. >Her first instinct to sit up requires more energy and less dizziness than she has.
  6. >"Wha...t... time is it?"
  7. >She rolls around groaning, without it being too long before she realizes she's on the floor's carpet and not her bed.
  8. >The fibers brushing against her nipples and agitating them was a clear giveaway.
  9. >Wallflower feels it happening as she's dragging herself forward in search for a nightstand clock that's further away than she thought.
  10. >"Ahn..." She reacts to the feeling, sensing it occurring directly against her nipples.
  11. >The couple of seconds it takes for her to put two and two together feels like several minutes, but she gets there:
  12. >Why was she lying on the floor with her tits fully exposed?
  13. >Wallflower's eyes shoot open as much as they can while she feels around herself for her Xmas outfit that must have slipped down.
  14. >Only to find her hands probing the bare skin of her entire exposed torso.
  15. >Panic springs forth within Wallflower as she then moves her hand further down to find that there's nothing covering her waist or crotch either.
  16. >Wallflower's body is completely nude.
  17. >"The fuck...?"
  18. >Her first instinct is to cover herself with her hands, cupping one hand over one breast and forearm over the other, while her other hand is cupped over her bare crotch.
  19. >This gives her the opportunity to sense with her hands that her nipples are suspiciously completely erect, and there's a lot of slick moisture on her pussy.
  20. >Running her fingers in circles on each spot confirms each of these facts.
  21. >What... why... how...
  22. >It's only after Wallflower finds herself unable to stop working her fingers on herself does she finally remember what it was that led to this.
  23. >The sins that had transpired and caused her to wind up naked on the floor with her body feeling all... sexually worked up...
  24. >Back into Wallflower Blush's mind the series of events begin to flood while she touches herself.
  25. >She shuts her eyes and begins to make her motions more consistent and deliberate.
  26. >While slowly beginning to get off to how everything ended up leading to this moment.
  27. ~
  28. >”It’s still pretty chilly outside.” Comments Celestia.
  29. >”That’s fine, we can still have some fun inside.” Luna looks to the balcony with a grin.
  30. >Wallflower already knows what that grin means; she’s done this enough times before to understand where this is going later tonight.
  31. >Celestia slowly stirs the giant pot of liquid ingredients.
  32. >”Well I’m not going to be participating this time.” Declares Celestia with her heart not fully in the words she says. “I already had enough… fun… last year.”
  33. >Her statement is met with the distant sound of the TV chattering only as Wallflower and Luna silently raise their eyebrows at her lie.
  34. >”I mean it!” Celestia blushes. “Sometimes, it’s nice to just… celebrate a holiday normally, y’know.”
  35. >”Maybe if you didn’t have us around.” Wallflower giggles, glancing at the Xmas themed outfits on the coat rack.
  36. >”Well it’s still true.”
  37. >”Yes, sister. All of it.” Coos Luna with her face inches away from Celestia’s ear. “And here we all are. Right in close proximity to one another.”
  38. >Celestia knows deep down how badly she has longed to rekindle the special kind of fun she would have, but wants to demonstrate that she does indeed have more ‘class’ than getting horny every other holiday or two.
  39. >This is a lot of eggnog she’s making; this pot she’s stirring is only the first of about five or six.
  40. >She’s still steadfast in her stance that this New Years party will be normal and have guests over to (non-sexually) have a good time.
  41. >”Look, just remember this for me, okay?” Luna gently places a hand on her big sister's shoulder. “When you get dressed for the occasion, if you want the occasion to be the same as what mine’s going to be, just don’t put on your underwear underneath your outfit. Keep everything ‘easy access’.”
  42. >Celestia fights inside to keep the rebellion of lust down, but Luna’s words keep the cause strong within her.
  43. >And that was before Luna’s hand started gliding down the white and purple stripes of Celestia’s shirt down her back.
  44. >”I guess I’ll find out if this stays on or not later at the party tonight.” Luna trails her fingertips along the indentation of Celestia’s bra through her shirt.
  45. >”We can still get drunk if we want…” Promises Celestia. “But I just want to see what it’s like to have a normal party this time.”
  46. >”We did that… back when we were kids. It was boring, don’t lie.” Luna trails her hand further down Celestia’s back while Wallflower watches with a lip bite. “Can’t rely on just the event or occasion to make your own moments memorable. That’s why so many people freezing their asses off watching the ball drop have to take pictures and hope something else exciting happens. Otherwise, all they really have are crummier pictures of the ball dropping than the official ones you see on TV and news articles. And those only serve to prove that you were in fact… present… no different than thousands of others. But some of the best memories are those you’ll be glad there’s no pictures of~”
  47. >Luna's hand had made it to Celestia’s bottom halfway though that monologue, and gave her soft buttcheek a promising squeeze right through those purple pants and panties to really help her big sister pay close attention to her words.
  48. >A crowd on the TV can be heard roaring in applause.
  49. >Celestia lets out a quiet groan feeling her little sister put her hand all over her cake.
  50. >”Just a little reminder of what you’d be missing out on, dear sister~”
  51. >Celestia secretly bites her lip in response, unaware that Wallflower could see her do so.
  52. >Lost in the heat of the moment after Luna’s grope lingered a bit, Celestia takes a forbidden ingredient and spikes the eggnog she’s preparing with it.
  53. >This is how it’d go for the rest of the eggnog as well, all the way from the counter to the green crate to carry all of the spiked eggnog in.
  54. >Celestia is faced with a confusing mental conflict that still has her go through with inviting guests.
  55. >To show that she’s “serious” about having this be a normal party.
  56. >…A normal party where all the eggnog is spiked.
  57. ~
  58. >"So... then I told her that, we... could just throw a NEW Year's party this time since last year's was Christmas!" Luna takes another sip from her mug containing the last of the normal eggnog.
  59. >But there's something else on the way...
  60. >---
  61. >8:30 pm.
  62. >”We should watch a movie before coming over next time.”
  63. >”Yeah, we only have a whole year before that next time happens.”
  64. >”Oh hush, it could be a party for any occasion. Not just New Years.”
  65. >”But it wouldn’t be at Luna and Celestia’s place. Unless it’s a Halloween party, I guess.”
  66. >”See, there we go. I think they had a Halloween party last time, did they?”
  67. >”There was one the year before last, I think they…”
  68. >The voices of the arriving guests disappear into a chorus of echoes in the stairwell leading up to the floor of the apartment they’re headed to.
  69. >”Here come more of them.” Celestia calls over into the living room from the apartment’s balcony, but Luna is out of earshot.
  70. >Wallflower is busy somewhere else as well, and Celestia decides to walk into the open corridor outside the front door herself to greet the guests after they appear around the corner.
  71. >Just a little way to tease them with the possibility that she may have heard them talking while they were approaching the front door.
  72. >Though they should have known by now that they could be heard from the balcony, but the more fun little moments for Celestia the better.
  73. >By 9 pm, the apartment starts to fill up with almost an equal number of male and female guests.
  74. >And the usual casual chatter that comes along with that.
  75. >---
  76. >The eggnog for the party hasn’t been announced as ready yet, so everyone’s just going to have to wait impatiently until Principal Celestia is done with the refreshments.
  77. >The darkened sky outside the sliding glass door to the balcony has a few distant fireworks accompanying the reflection of the city party on the TV screen in the glass.
  78. >At some point between 9:30 and 10:00, both Wallflower Blush and Vice Principal Luna have emerged in their Xmas outfits with a secret twist they’re not telling anyone about.
  79. >”Oh wow, I love your outfit, Wallflower!” A guest compliments the girl’s short little red Xmas dress with a Santa hat, arm gloves and thick kneesocks to match it.
  80. >”Thank you! I love your coat!” Wallflower responds from the deep gratitude the rare unprompted attention made her feel.
  81. >Very “showy” outfits like this one usually help with that…
  82. >”Aaaaaaaaand the eggnog is done!” Beams Principal Celestia while she carefully struts into the living room with the crate of eggnog bottles in her arms.
  83. >That wasn’t the flash that just zoomed across the room to the alcohol, that was Vice Principal Luna in her slightly darker red Xmas outfit that’s a little more closely designed to actually be worn during the winter instead of summer unlike Wallflower’s outfit.
  84. >”There’s enough mugs available for everyone! I’ve left the cabinet door open where you can get them.” Celestia announces before muttering under her breath to Luna who’s been holding a mug for several minutes now. “Of course some of us knew where they were…”
  85. >Wallflower leans against the wall watching Vice Principal Luna gulp down her first mugful of eggnog of the night.
  86. >With how the temperatures tonight possibly getting chilly outside, Wallflower is glad she didn’t have to walk over here after it started getting dark.
  87. >This tube top-like Xmas outfit she has on would have allowed any cold gust of wind to lick goosebumps onto her skin.
  88. >Though, the arm-gloves and thick kneesocks prove to be a great help in helping keep her limbs warm aside her upper thighs.
  89. >The full-on Xmas robe Vice Principal Luna chose to wear does more justice in terms of coverage, despite her thinner striped kneesocks.
  90. >But both of them willingly paid the price of *only* wearing these outfits with no underwear underneath for the sake of… secret excitement…
  91. >Just because Principal Celestia decided on making this party “as normal as possible” doesn’t mean a little bit of undercover fun can’t be had.
  92. >Wallflower knows it and Luna knows it.
  93. >Just under these festive garments of holiday cheer are their bare naked bodies right in close proximity of the party guests.
  94. >It may not be as exciting as other instances from the past (so far), but it’s enough to help the two at least feel as though they’re naked in public.
  95. >The night has been dragging on with nothing else exciting really happening anyway, making it no different than your standard New Years party.
  96. >Not much fun in just standing around talking about mundane moments that weren’t even as special as this yearly event.
  97. >No wonder people decide to get drunk just to enjoy it.
  98. >Wallflower Blush now gazes upon Vice Principal Luna with envy, wishing she could reach the drinking age faster and join her.
  99. >But that risk taker who loves to strip in public in her already had other plans long before this day could arrive.
  100. >Luna stands next to the table with the delicious aftertaste of eggnog soothing her lips and tongue.
  101. >She soon holds the mug upside down over her face to savor those last few drops she won’t take for granted.
  102. >”That sure is a lot of eggnog.” Wallflower points out the multiple bottles worth of the spiked drink in the crate. “Are you sure everyone’s gonna be able to finish that?”
  103. >If this were Celestia Wallflower was talking to, she’d tell her she could “break the rules” by having whatever is left over in the days after the party.
  104. >But Luna just mischievously raises an eyebrow at Wallflower with a knowing smirk.
  105. >”What they don’t know can’t hurt them.” She alluded to the nature of her and Wallflower’s attire. “If anyone asks, you got the non-alcoholic version.” (there is none)
  106. >What Luna didn’t expect was how potent the spiked eggnog would be, or how much the guests would be having.
  107. >She didn’t really think about it that far after getting distracted by the Xmas outfit excitement.
  108. >Wallflower isn’t hesitant to fetch her own ceramic mug from the cabinet and pour some eggnog out of the bottle.
  109. >Time to figure out what it was Luna’s been enjoying this whole time.
  110. >And the taste that slips past Wallflower’s lips is very telling.
  111. >Luna’s “I know, right?” glance gives Wallflower all the approval she needs to take an even bigger sip of this creamy drink.
  112. >”Mmhhh…” Her voice barely echoes into the mug after she gulped down enough to make enough space in it.
  113. >She cutely shuts her eyes and loses herself in the taste of the delicious eggnog she gulps down, both hands holding the mug.
  114. >A couple of the other guests begin to drink more and more of the eggnog too.
  115. >Vice Principal Luna has begun to down more of her second mugful of spiked eggnog by 10:30 pm, already beginning to feel warmer all over her body.
  116. >Wallflower is barely halfway done with her first mugful of eggnog, but she figured it’ll start to affect her earlier than it’s affect Luna at this same amount since she’s more lightweight than the school’s Vice Principal.
  117. >”Won’t be long before the countdown now.” One of the guests watches the shot of the news camera panning to the ball on the TV screen.
  118. >And so, the special night slithers on...
  119. >Principal Celestia finally notices Wallflower drinking out of her eggnog mug.
  120. >A twinge of concern makes its way to her mind, but only for a split second.
  121. >She figures it’s not that big of a deal.
  122. >Wallflower continues to enjoy her spiked eggnog in peace while exchanging glances with Vice Principal Luna.
  123. >Celestia is careful not to inebriate herself with too much of the spiked eggnog, not as careless about it as her sister and student are.
  124. >The Xmas outfit Principal Celestia has on is also just as red as the other two, except it’s a more publicly appropriate sleeveless turtleneck sweater that turns into a knee-length dress at the lower half.
  125. >Just something both festive and appropriate for this normal party with spiked eggnog.
  126. >A male guest doesn’t take long to notice Wallflower showing off her bare upper thighs and bare shoulders… with armgloves and kneesocks to lewdly emphasize the focus them.
  127. >But he averts his eyes away from her.
  128. >But someone who doesn’t do so is Luna.
  129. >Another couple of sips of the thick silky beverage has her checking Wallflower out from across the room.
  130. >That strapless little Xmas dress is really short now that Luna thinks about it.
  131. >Wallflower constantly has to tug the top back up after it occasionally slips down enough to start showing too much of her cleavage… a necessary task for one who isn’t wearing a bra underneath.
  132. >But she’s not wearing panties either, knowing tugging the mini dress up too far will expose her naked soft ass and bare pussy to anyone looking.
  133. >She’s been careful not to raise her legs up too high, even though the risk of someone seeing excites her so.
  134. >She soon pulls the top of her dress up once again; there’s juuuust enough fabric over Wallflower’s naked body to cover everything it needs to.
  135. >But it’s not like Wallflower is afraid of her nipples slipping out after another swig or two of the eggnog.
  136. >She really just likes the feeling of the fabric dragging across her bare braless nipples underneath that begin to stiffen a tiny bit in response… just enough to almost show through and give Luna something nice to look at as she still ogles her body in this moment.
  137. >Ignoring other people at the party talking about sports and tv shows and whatnot, Wallflower reciprocates by noticing the front of Luna’s Xmas outfit open into a cleavage revealing gap after its belt is loosened slightly.
  138. >She lids her eyes into the outfit’s slowly opening at Vice Principal Luna’s visible cleavage that shows even more when the woman leans forward to pour her third serving of spiked eggnog.
  139. >The secret between the two of them becomes even more exciting when her eyes are able to pick up on the small mounds showing how perky Vice Principal Luna’s naked breasts just underneath the red fabric are.
  140. >Luna instantly notices where Wallflower’s Blushing eyes are wandering and silently giggles, purposely leaning forward again for no reason.
  141. >Other than to give Wallflower a better view.
  142. >The hairs on the back of Luna’s neck stand up as soon as she realizes there might be even more eyes looking down her top at her soft braless tits…
  143. >All Wallflower would need to do is locate the memory stone and this can be taken as far as she wants without consequences.
  144. >The evidence of Wallflower’s lack of underwear starts to become more evident as her own nipples continue to stiffen from arousal against occasionally dragging fabric, and now clearly show through her outfit.
  145. >The attention this gradually begins to bring her was already welcome before this point.
  146. >But the eggnog may have done wonders in making Wallflower almost want to demand attention to her body.
  147. >Luna’s still giving her the most attention, complimenting her state of “pokiness” with a grinning lip bite.
  148. >After Luna takes another long swig of her current mugful of spiked eggnog, Wallflower does the same… ready to feel even better with her body’s thinly wrapped nudity beginning to become noticeable.
  149. >It’s just after 11 pm now, and Wallflower Blush needs to refill her ceramic mug if she wants more eggnog.
  150. >Swinging her hips with her smooth inner thighs rubbing together each step, Wallflower Blush saunters over to the crate of alcoholic eggnog on the table in the living room where Vice Principal Luna stands.
  151. >”Hey there…” Luna checks Wallflower out with prying eyes. “Must be chilly in here~”
  152. >Wallflower Blush deviously giggles as she feels Vice Principal Luna’s eyes leering her body, lingering the most over her erect nipples poking through her small Xmas dress that has absolutely nothing under it except Wallflower’s naked body~
  153. >”I was gonna ask you the same thing… Vice Principal Luna~” Wallflower notices Luna’s big perky nipples doing the same through that fabric as her own do…
  154. >”Perhaps we’re both deviating from the dress code tonight, aren’t we?” Vice Principal Luna speaks as though they’re back in the hallways, for playfulness of the moment.
  155. >”I’m not in trouble, am I~?” Wallflower Blush pours more alcoholic eggnog into the mug she’s holding.
  156. >”I’m sure I can get us both off if we do get in trouble.” Vice Principal Luna pours herself another mugful of eggnog as well.
  157. >”I can help you get us off if you want.” Wallflower promises with her eyes studying her Vice Principal’s curves.
  158. >”It can surely be arranged~, I’m sure my dear big sister wouldn’t mind…”
  159. >All of the other guests have had their own share of the eggnog as well.
  160. >Albeit not the amount so far that Wallflower chugs down the second half of solely for the sweet creaminess of it.
  161. >Luna licks her lips at her with a wanting glare that watches the girl gulp down the same beverage that made her loosen up her own restraint (and outfit’s belt) around these party guests.
  162. >Wallflower Blush goes back to checking out Vice Principal Luna’s gradually unraveling Xmas outfit that dares to display more of her cleavage.
  163. >Vice Principal Luna giggles knowingly. “See anything you like~?” She watches Wallflower Blush accentuate her own cleavage with a gentle press from both her arms before facing away and tugging her short Xmas dress up to break the bottom’s tension into slipping up and exposing Wallflower’s soft underbutt… “I know I do~”
  164. >It’s soon past 11:30 pm.
  165. >Luna paces herself with the next eggnog she’s drinking while watching Wallflower down her next one.
  166. >The curve of Wallflower’s lovely soft rear was only enough to hold the bottom of her mini Xmas dress over it until she tugged the slutty garment up just a little bit too much.
  167. >Now as they partially peek out, the soft undersides of Wallflower’s nude buttcheeks jiggle to her stumbling around, in turn making the already hiked up bottom of the clingy little Xmas dress ride up her increasingly bare cheeks even more~
  168. >A lot of eyes are on Wallflower Blush’s sexy ass from behind her back… she can feel their gazes…
  169. >She can feel the lowest section of the fabric continue to drift upward along her bare skin, scrunching more and more at her wide hips.
  170. >The excitement bubbling up inside of Wallflower causes her to teasingly swing those hips with a deepening blush knowing what a couple of guys behind her must be seeing.
  171. >Everyone else has had at MOST a mug and a half’s worth of the spiked eggnog, while Wallflower is now on to eagerly pouring her third one.
  172. >Everyone at the party in the living room who’s paying attention can now see more and more of Wallflower’s bare naked ass as she scans the dark sky outside of the sliding glass door leading to the balcony.
  173. >”Miss Wallflower Blush…” Vice Principal Luna approaches her from behind, enamored eyes on the prize and voice quiet enough to just between the two of them. “Your dress~…”
  174. >The oscar would have to go to someone else who’s better at pretending they didn’t know what was going on.
  175. >But Wallflower tries her darnedest to act surprised through her excited giggling.
  176. >”Oh my~…” Wallflower makes no effort to pull the front over the tiny bit of her exposed vulva peeking out for the world to see.
  177. >The soft slap of Vice Principal Luna’s hands colliding with Wallflower Blush’s naked buttcheeks in a lustful grab is louder than either of their voices are.
  178. >Even the reactive giggle that subsequently escapes Wallflower was quieter.
  179. >A few of the guests have already dedicated their attention to the two of them by now.
  180. >Still trying their best not to glance over at the show going on and pretend to either not know or not care.
  181. >But their acting isn’t much better than Wallflower’s right now.
  182. >The guests who actually haven’t noticed what’s going on, meanwhile, are starting to feel the effects of the spiked eggnog for themselves.
  183. >It drives a couple of couples to start up buzzed makeout sessions, as soon as they quickly migrated to a corner of the apartment that’s more private.
  184. >The more Vice Principal Luna presses and brushes herself up against Wallflower from behind in a feeble attempt at “covering her”, the more the contact messes with her Xmas outfit’s belt, causing it to loosen even more.
  185. >There’s nothing else keeping the front of Luna’s buttonless, zipper-less, Xmas robe from flying all the way open but that one belt, and she knows it all too well.
  186. >Meanwhile, this intense brushing up against the bottomless girl in front of her is only caused by non-serious fight Wallflower puts up trying to stop Luna’s hands from lifting the bottom of her clingy little dress up even more…
  187. >Wallflower gasps anxiously, turned on by both feeling Vice Principal Luna’s naughty hands insistently assisting the bottom of her dress in getting scrunched all the way up to her waist and beyond, and feeling the softness of Vice Principal Luna’s big luscious tits deliciously pressing onto her back.
  188. >With the back of her shoulders feeling an idea of just how much of Vice Principal Luna’s cleavage must be showing from how much soft bare skin she feels there.
  189. >”Want me to turn you around~?” Luna teasingly challenges, getting very little actual objection out of Wallflower.
  190. >Wallflower can see her reflection in the glass of the sliding door, a preview of the jaw droppingly sexy bottomless display the guests would witness.
  191. >Her Xmas outfit gets further scrunched up to her midriff as if she wasn’t exposed enough, soon forced to hike up high enough to even expose Wallflower’s bellybutton~
  192. >Luna drunkenly gropes Wallflower’s tits, running her fingers up and down her erect nipples to nudge them into stiffening even more… “Wanna show everyone our secret~?” Her hands drops to caress the smooth skin of Wallflower’s bare tummy.
  193. >Wallflower’s heart beats at a drumroll’s pace while Luna tightly holds her from behind and begins to spin her around.
  194. >She can only half heartedly kick her legs, arms restrained by Luna’s immobilizing bear hug from behind.
  195. >A side view of Wallflower’s leg, naked all the way up past her bare hip with an obvious absence of panties, soon catches the male attention in the room even more than her sexy reflection they could barely see in the sliding glass door.
  196. >No one seems to see anything wrong with this, not even the female guests.
  197. >In fact, no one even notices the clock going past 11:45 pm as the ball drop on TV gets ready to happen in the coming several minutes.
  198. >Wallflower’s and Luna’s breathing each increase in pace as lustful adrenaline charges through their veins to the drumrolls of each of their heartbeats.
  199. >Wallflower’s labored breaths hitch in her throat when she sees the reflection of how many guests are curiously looking.
  200. >Curiously watching.
  201. >Celestia was off in the kitchen sneaking a few secret bites of the cake when she caught one of the couples making in the laundry room.
  202. >Instead of confronting them, she averted her blushing gaze and pretended not to notice.
  203. >But these two seemed to actually not notice this encounter for real, lost in eachother’s mutually locking mouths in their intimate moment of couple’s bonding (fueled by the eggnog Principal Celestia spiked).
  204. >Secretly working on the slice of cake on the tiny paper plate, Principal Celestia darts her eyes back and forth wondering if anyone will catch her sneaking a preliminary slice for herself before the cake is presented after midnight.
  205. >Her gluttony has overridden her guilt, her cheeks puff out as she chews the sweet fluffy goodness of the morsels in her mouth that distract her from the noises coming from the living room:
  206. >Wallflower cackles loudly while LunaMs hands can’t help but feel her up in the process of spinning her around. “Wait… lemme put my drink down first!”
  207. >A couple of drops had already made their way to the carpet in front of the sliding glass door.
  208. >Still not enough to beg Celestia to vacuum them up.
  209. >Wallflower picks the ceramic mug back up as Luna stands in the way of everyone’s view of her.
  210. >Looking down, Wallflower Blush bites her lip at the beautiful sight of Vice Principal Luna’s absolute cleavage, the edges of the open upper half of her loosening Xmas robe barely clinging onto her big supple swaying tits~
  211. >Even this alone would be a sweet sight for hungry eyes, and are already a soft pair of assets for Wallflower’s drunkenly groping hands…
  212. >Luna gets ready to take one final chug of her spiked eggnog while letting Wallflower explore her busty exposed chest as if this were the first time.
  213. >”You helping me with my outfit…, Miss Wallflower Blush~?” Vice Principal Luna mutters in a low seductive drunken slur.
  214. >”Something like that…” Wallflower lustfully massages her vice principal’s improperly clothed tits with a lidded gaze. “I definitely see something I like~”
  215. >Luna finished her final chug of eggnog for now, letting some of it drip out the side of her mouth as she sets the mug down then reaches around to grope Wallflower’s soft naked asscheeks… pulling the bottomless girl closer.
  216. >Wallflower lets the kiss be initiated and encouraged, leaning into it as much as Luna does.
  217. >She gently bucks her hips into Luna’s presence in agreement with the vice principal’s groping pull, still groping her big supple boobs sincerely enough to make the outfit fall away more and allow Vice Principal Luna’s areolae to slip out into Wallflower’s direct touch.
  218. >The sweet taste of the eggnog is shared between mouths as their lips lock deeper and deeper, opening the mashing encounter for tongues to begin expressing how deep and intimate they want the kiss to REALLY get~
  219. >Wallflower Blush tangles tongues with Vice Principal Luna, needing more of that eggnog on her tastebuds that was left behind in Luna’s mouth…
  220. >A needy moan is exchanged back and forth between their softly latched together mouths tasting one another, like a lewd game of tennis with sounds of their drunken arousal leaving their lungs and tickling one another’s faces…
  221. >The two of them enthusiastically continue making out with fiery passion in their eyes.
  222. >The lack of coherence in their motions greatly made up for in pure untamed fervor for one another.
  223. >All of which is felt between lips and tongues mixing eggnog and saliva together between the wet course surfaces cooperating in a lick-wrestling match.
  224. >And the passionate moans grow longer along with the amount of minutes that have gone by.
  225. >Wallflower Blush and Vice Principal Luna are lost together, wrapped up in this drunken embrace made up of hands groping asscheeks and other hands groping breasts.
  226. >Heads tilting at opposite angles to ease the mutual locking of softly mashing lips staying wide open to let the course wet surfaces of their tongues tightly intermingle against one another coated in warm saliva and eggnog.
  227. >Wallflower didn’t realize Vice Principal Luna was directing her away from the sliding glass door and back into the middle of the living room.
  228. >Wallflower’s sexy naked asscheeks and thighs tantalizingly jiggle every time she takes a step…
  229. >And Vice Principal Luna makes damn sure to keep Wallflower’s Xmas dress scrunched up so everyone can see the beautiful form of Wallflower Blush’s lower nudity still featuring kneesocks that don’t cover what matters most.
  230. >The spiked eggnog has already gotten to everyone’s heads, containing a lot more of something special than Principal Celestia realized she had put into it.
  231. >It has become blatant and un-ignorable.
  232. >They stop in their tracks at the sight of Wallflower’s bottomlessness she doesn’t yet realize everyone can now plainly see.
  233. >Luna’s hands grope Wallflower’s bare asscheeks and gently spank them to put arousing ripples into their jello-y softness.
  234. >Still lost in the passionate kiss, Wallflower mashes lips and tongues with Vice Principal Luna for at least another minute.
  235. >She let’s out a long sigh after the kiss finally breaks, feeling butterflies dancing around her head as her lidded eyes cries pupils in a daze of disoriented love and lust.
  236. >A quick glance around to read the room finally makes it dawn upon her:
  237. >Wallflower Blush glances down upon her bare naked lower half, nothing covering her naked pussy as her lone dress is still scrunched up above even her lewd bellybutton…
  238. >Wallflower deeply blushes beet red in the face with her clumsy hands trying to pull her intentionally malfunctioning Xmas outfit back over her nudity.
  239. >”W-wait… I-“ Wallflower fails to even pull the fabric back over her sexy bare tummy, suddenly ambushed with another disarming kiss from Luna that ceases her futile efforts to cover her beautiful bottomless nudity…
  240. >Many eyes are laid upon the bare wide hips and soft thighs that beg for attention.
  241. >Wallflower feels the figurative drumroll of her heartbeat intensify into terrified but horny thunder when she processes the absolute amount of eyes staring straight at her sexy naked pussy.
  242. >Luna’s grip on Wallflower’s arms by the elbows keep her from even covering her smooth bare pussy with her hands…
  243. >Wallflower’s mind spins and races back and forth trying to figure out where she last remembers putting the memory stone.
  244. >But her train of thought gets all scrambled up again when the distraction of Luna’s tongue sliding and pushing hers around into wrestling it back take over.
  245. >Wallflower’s hands aimlessly flail with no certainty or strength without even covering an inch of her exposed body back up.
  246. >She stays exposed with everyone staring at her naked pussy while she can only focus on swapping more saliva with Vice Principal Luna in the open-mouthed liplocking~
  247. >Their tongues repeatedly invade eachother’s mouths and share the same faint eggnog taste that lingers in their mixing saliva…
  248. >Luna grabbed the mug Wallflower had set down while the girl was entranced by their excited tongues rubbing and pressing against one another…
  249. >The kiss slightly breaks several times with thick strings of saliva connecting their mouths and tips of their tongues before the deep kissing is addictively dove back into like the two of their liplocking mouths are too magnetically attracted to be kept apart.
  250. >Wallflower sighs through her nose while feeling Luna’s free hand continuously massage her naked buttcheeks with a few erotic light spanks… sending another slight ripple across her soft flesh every time…
  251. >As the punishing hand spanks Wallflower’s soft naked asscheeks, the rewarding one gets ready to help her mouth drink more forbidden eggnog as soon as the wild sloppy kiss loudly parts for long enough…
  252. >It’s clear to both of them that they’re drooling over eachother, because of the long stretch of their mixed saliva that spans between their wet parting mouths as their amorous bedroom eyes stay fixed in eachother’s gazes while in front of everyone in the living room.
  253. >Luna guides Wallflower’s mug of spiked eggnog to the girl’s lips and encourages her to swig almost all of what’s left into her mouth.
  254. >Doesn’t give Wallflower time to swallow it before diving into round 2 of deep, deep kissing.
  255. >The thick creamy load of eggnog is made to be shared between their passionately locked-together mouths.
  256. >Their jousting, mutually prodding tongues immerse themselves in the sweet delicious taste of the silky eggnog.
  257. >Happily trapped together deep inside of this thirsty, horny makeout session.
  258. >Wallflower’s tongue frantically licks Luna’s tongue that licks directly right back onto her licking…
  259. >So many ways Wallflower could think of to describe this interaction with Vice Principal Luna.
  260. >Little by little, the murky, creamy load of eggnog gets split up into two and swallowed down each beautiful young lady’s throat in a sensual conversation of lewd gulping…
  261. >Still making out the sweetness of the eggnog, Wallflower Blush and Vice Principal Luna stay lost in the sexy taste of eachother’s deeply liplocking mouths and furiously wrestling tongues.
  262. >Coating their wet, beyond-friendly tongue-wrestling match in several quiet strained groans together~
  263. >”Mmmmmmmmhhhh~… mmmmmmmwuh~…” Vice Principal Luna finally releases Wallflower Blush, and lets the countless strands of their mixed saliva getting longer between both sets of lips and tongues tell everyone watching how deeply they made out with one another.
  264. >Vice Principal Luna feels the front of her Xmas robe falling even further open, now loose enough to give everyone a view straight inside at where her sexy erect nipples softly nudge into the fabric from the inside now~
  265. >With disoriented lidded eyes, Wallflower Blush reflexively yanks her hot little Xmas dress back down on one side the best she can, only finding that she accidentally grabbed the middle of it, above where the bottom was scrunched up.
  266. >The bottom of the fabric didn’t even make it to Wallflower’s naked pussy at first, but the top has been forced down enough to let Wallflower’s naked tits slip out into the open…
  267. >Wallflower watches the guests stare at her exposed nipples before the chilly draft in the room making her bare nipples harden all the way makes her realize what just happened with her clothes.
  268. >Wallflower’s delayed drunken reaction only weakly tugs one side back up with her free mugless hand the best she can while Vice Principal Luna feels the belt of her own Xmas outfit come all the way undone, not bothering to fix it…
  269. >Luna’s robe is forced to finally give in completely and limply fly open for all the guests to gaze upon her drunken nudity…
  270. >Wallflower’s horny gaze locks onto Luna’s unveiled nakedness, ogling Luna’s big soft swaying tits, sighing in excitement at Luna’s smooth bare pussy, and drinking in all the rest of of Luna’s lovely curves that strike her eyes with lust at once.
  271. >She didn’t notice Luna grab her wrist and bring the mug up to her own mouth to steal half of the last of her eggnog.
  272. >Stealing it only to share it~
  273. >”10! 9! 8! 7! 6!…” The voices on the TV aren’t even noticed by anyone in the entire apartment.
  274. >Principal Celestia realizes with a mouthful of her second slice of cake that she’s about to miss the big moment and rushes out to the living room.
  275. >Only to discover the beginning of the real fun.
  276. >Wallflower's stoic drunken gaze has gone blank as she stays lost in the disarming sensation of Luna’s tongue once again prodding into her mouth, forcing her own tongue to prod back in response~
  277. >Luna wants both Wallflower’s and her own pussy to be completely exposed at once, and her own wide open Xmas robe is weakly slipping down her arms away from her shoulders, displaying her sexy naked body that touts nothing else but a thin tight pair of striped kneesocks~
  278. >Wafflower is too lustfully tranquilized by the deep tongue kiss coupled with Vice Principal Luna’s soft naked breasts mashing into her to pull the fallen top of her Xmas outfit all the way back over her own exposed tits~
  279. >Luna’s knee intentionally pushes the bottom of Wallflower’s outfit back up on one side to successfully expose Wallflower’s naked pussy once more~
  280. >All while Wallflower only manages to pull her outfit up on that side enough to briefly cover one of her tits while the other one stays fully exposed, jiggling deliciously while Wallflower stumbles back against the wall before Luna’s larger naked breasts softly brush and graze against Wallflower’s naked chest as the top of her own outfit falls all the way back down~
  281. >Celestia feels a shiver dance up her spine that can’t decide if it’s mortified, embarrassed, or aroused: “LUNA WE HAVE GUESTS OVER!”
  282. >Principal Celestia rushes over to the lewd scene driving a stake into the heart of the appropriateness of her party as the fireworks continue to flash and sound off outside.
  283. >”We we’re.. th-this was supposed to be…” The words can’t form a complete sentence under Principal Celestia’s already dwindling authority.
  284. >She stammers while trying to shield Luna and Wallflower from view, scrambling her hands all over them in attempt to re-dress them.
  285. >But the attempt is too clumsy and uncoordinated, unable to pull the falling robe back up from Luna’s elbows or get the top of Wallflower’s mini dress to stay over her tits.
  286. >”What are you two doing?! We have guests!!” Shivers Celestia with her trembling hands accidentally brushing up against smooth warm bare skin too many times to keep a blush from forming under her wandering eyes…
  287. >After a few more rushed seconds, Celestia opts to push Luna into the bedroom as she places the blame squarely on her for this.
  288. >But her hands sunk from Luna’s upper back to her lower back… then to her soft round ass as soon as curiosity slipped the action into Celestia before she could correct herself.
  289. >”C-cover yourself up!” Celestia couldn’t stop herself from giving Luna’s soft naked asscheek a turned-on squeeze. “I mean it!”
  290. >Celestia’s eyes watch Luna’s bountiful naked breasts enticingly sway with a few lewd jiggles that beg for her hands to “cover” them~
  291. >”This is the party now, sister…” Luna runs her hands along her older sister’s curves with a slur in her speech. “The guests love seeing us…”
  292. >”No they d-“ Celestia’s breath hitches in her throat the second she notices the surprising number of both male and female guests with their hands inside of their underwear.
  293. >”Wha…” Principal Celestia looks on in sheer disbelief as the very people she wanted to shield the lewd from view of are playing with themselves to the very sight.
  294. >”Th-they don’t want to see…” Celestia resumes anyway but knows how false her words would be, trailing off as she sees pairs of underwear being pulled down to give space for erect cocks to receive slow rhythmic strokes that will speed up the longer this continues.
  295. >Celestia was too distracted by the sudden chance in her circumstances to see how Wallflower took her Xmas outfit the rest of the way off.
  296. >But the removed dress flies into Celestia’s face after several more seconds, and the woman yanks it away from blocking her view only to find -albeit festive armgloves and kneesocks- a very naked Wallflower Blush masturbating back to the guests masturbating to her state of decorated nudity~
  297. >She’s lost all control and restraint, stroking her middle finger between her bare vulva lips with enough force to gently shake her soft bare tits around for the guests stroking and rubbing to her.
  298. >All of their attention is on Wallflower’s proudly naked assets and privates that are accentuated by the armgloves and kneesocks concentrating the focus to them.
  299. >Luna suddenly eyes her sister up and down. “You secretly wanted to join us all along, didn’t you?”
  300. >”Wh-what? No I…” Celestia trails off again when she figures out what it was that gave it away.
  301. >Principal Celestia could try to talk her way out of it all she wants, but Luna knows Celestia’s nipples well enough to point out that Celestia herself isn’t wearing a bra under her Xmas outfit.
  302. >Celestia hadn’t realized the groping her hands have been doing on her sister’s tits, but gently squeezing the soft naked swaying funbags turned Celestia on enough to make her own nipples get harder and harder through the top of her sweater dress, revealing the truth to anyone looking.
  303. >”Why fight it? You’re dressed for the occasion, and you’re getting really turned on too~!”
  304. >Celestia looks around the room but only feels Wallflower hug her from behind and push her into her naked sister, sandwiching her between the two.
  305. >”Th-that’s not true! Let me go this instant!” Celestia’s begs turn into meaningless words as they hang in the air.
  306. >”I noticed too…” Wallflower gropes Celestia from behind, surveying with her fingers the damning evidence of her erect braless nipples poking out through her clothing…
  307. >Luna plants a deep searing kiss onto Celestia’s lips before she could object.
  308. >Wallflower can also be tasted in this kiss, Celestia recognizes the girl’s flavor on Luna’s tongue as the unnecessary evidence intoxicates Celestia’s train of thought into derailing enough to get her to obediently endure the long deep kiss with her little sister.
  309. >Lost too in the wonderful taste of Luna’s mouth and the delightful feeling of Luna’s squeezable breasts cupped in her hands, Celestia can sense her defenses rapidly eroding as she stands still in aroused shock.
  310. >Wallflower suedes the opportunity to survey Principal Celestia’s curves wrapped in that clingy Xmas sweater dress, noting the lack of indentations on Celestia’s sexy wide hips as well.
  311. >”You’re not wearing panties either.” Wallflower openly declares while Celestia and Luna finally break their not-so-one-sided kiss with a moist pop between their mouths.
  312. >”I-It’s not true…” Celestia looks over to the guests, unconfidently sticking by her blatant lie.
  313. >Principal Celestia feels Vice Principal Luna and Wallflower Blush gently feel her up while facing her towards the drunkenly aroused guests now gratifying themselves to her being included in this erotic picture.
  314. >Principal Celestia’s squirming body is throughly examined and felt up by Wallflower Blush and Vice Principal Luna.
  315. >They caress their hands up and down Celestia’s beautiful curves with little to no restraint.
  316. >The scent of the alcoholic eggnog in their hot breaths tells Celestia all she needs to know about how inevitable what she has brought upon herself is.
  317. >With a panicked lip bite, she tries her best not to stare at the lewd way the guests are gratifying themselves to her erotic situation.
  318. >Wallflower and Luna feel intense flattery for being enjoyed on this special night in this way, with Luna letting her robe fall all the way to the floor in a silky little mountain of dark red.
  319. >”My dear sister here isn’t wearing any underwear either~!” Chimes Luna with her face bright red with intoxicated arousal. “She was naked under that outfit too the whole time! She knew where this party was going~…”
  320. >The words already feel like they’ve stripped Celestia bare through sound alone.
  321. >”N-not true!” Trembles Celestia, the power in her voice wavered by eager hands cupping her soft breasts with a few playful squeezes… fingers and soft smooth skin separated by nothing but one thin layer of fabric that Celestia’s stiffening nipples proudly poke through~
  322. >”How about you join us, sister…” Luna begins to slide her open palm down Celestia’s lower back, forcing a tingle up her spine before letting her caressing hand linger on Celestia’s big soft buttcheeks that jiggle in their clingy fabric prison after a lewd firm spank~
  323. >The squeal Celestia let’s escape her lungs gives away the arousal she’s trying her best to hide under that no-nonsense exterior that “totally wanted a normal party”.
  324. >But her horny shame begins to wind up like a toy when Luna’s and Wallflower’s hands work together to hold Celestia in place while dragging the bottom of her clingy sweater dress up, revealing more and more of Principal Celestia’s soft smooth thighs…
  325. >With a series of excited giggles becoming harder to hide inside, Celestia panics and almost genuinely tries to pull herself free before Luna peppers sweet little kisses up and down her neck, stunning her.
  326. >The part of Celestia that wants to order the guests not to stare at her compromised state of sexual peril gets quieter but more desperate as more of Celestia’s sexy thighs are exposed inch by inch.
  327. >Her situation is quickly spiraling out of control, and it cannot be escaped or reversed.
  328. >Celestia twists her body more to somehow stop her naked legs from being fully unveiled to the leering crowd, unwittingly showing off her curves for their enjoyment while multiple hands caress her and feel her body all over.
  329. >Even feeling herself getting felt up like this makes her body shudder with anxious arousal, responding *very* positively to all this playful sexual touching.
  330. >Celestia tries her best to hold the bottom of her outfit over herself, with her hands outnumbered and the bottom of her clingy sweater dress getting forced up by hands dragging the bottom of the fabric to her hips more and more.
  331. >Celestia yelps to everyone being able to see her sexy thighs now completely exposed, no longer dressed “appropriately”, but Wallflower and Luna keep going anyway…
  332. >Principal Celestia swore she was wearing panties, but the truth is exposed when the middle of her outfit is scrunched at her tummy.
  333. >The bottom is slowly dragged up the soft wobbling roundness of Principal Celestia’s naked bubble butt~
  334. >The fabric is hiked all the way up her buttcrack by Wallflower’s groping hand upon those big soft cheeks that has its turn to make them jiggle with a couple of kinky spanks~
  335. >”I… I-I…” Principal Celestia can’t pretend anymore as the bottom of her Xmas outfit is lifted away along her smooth skin,
  336. >Wallflower and Luna just keep going, exposing Principal Celestia’s naked pussy to all the guests’ self-gratifying delight~
  337. >”No. Panties.” Insistently concludes Luna with her hand snaking its way around Celestia’s creamy naked thigh towards her bared crotch.
  338. >Celestia panics again with her hands desperately trying to tug the bottom of the fabric back over her exposed pussy despite the cat already being out of the bag.
  339. >She only loses to Wallflower’s continued advances and finds her outfit scrunched up above her cute bellybutton to now also expose her sexy tummy…
  340. >It didn’t take a lot to pull the cloth all the way up Principal Celestia’s sexy midriff, especially after the back was forced to free Celestia’s big soft naked ass that was packed inside of that clingy fabric.
  341. >But the heaving softness of Principal Celestia’s huge boobies still puts up a fight despite her beautiful bottomless state already telling enough truth.
  342. >There’s nothing Celestia can say anymore… everyone knows she was just as horny and underwear free as the other two, and the guests have no problem with it, instead furiously masturbating to her delicious state of increasing exposure…
  343. >Luna’s naughty hand finally makes it to Celestia’s sexy naked pussy and juts it’s way between her smooth bare vulva lips to her sensitive clit…
  344. >Celestia’s heart races like a jackrabbit in response to Luna making her curl her toes and tense up all over her body with each sensual rub along the slit of her bared sex~
  345. >Luna’s fingers insisted that Celestia’s supple sex begin to drool for her and the guests.
  346. >Not giving her big sister a break until she feels that slipperiness spread all the way to her inner thighs.
  347. >Am electrifying shock of unbridled lust tumbles it’s way up from Celestia’s core along her spine to the back of her neck where her hairs stand up.
  348. >Celestia trembles.
  349. >She shoots her hips around, unable to escape the incredible treatment from Luna’s nimble fingers.
  350. >With a louder and more high pitched squeal, Celestia trembles even harder as she can do nothing but endure.
  351. >Oh what a cruel fate Luna has brought upon her poor sister.
  352. >Holding her still, completely bottomless before the party guests, horny and humiliated while everyone stares her down and masturbates to her semi voluntary exposure…
  353. >Wallflower runs her hands up and down Celestia’s sexy naked curves, caressing from her silky thick thighs all the way up to just below Principal Celestia’s smooth armpit with the fabric bunched in her rising grip…
  354. >With no drive left to stop Wallflower and Luna from continuing to strip her all the way naked, Celestia surrenders to the truth everyone already knew.
  355. >The fabric still resists with tension at the underside of Principal Celestia’s busty pair of breasts, but it’s only another second before the material gives up and lets those big bouncing tits finally drop all the way out with a soft slap, showing everyone how much Celestia’s bare nipples hardened from the stimulation she’s enduring from Luna.
  356. >Celestia’s face stays as red as her Xmas outfit now bunched up beneath her chin while her naked breasts gently shake to Luna fingering her for all to see, big hard erect nipples shamelessly perking out at all onlookers.
  357. >Celestia watches their eyes study and explore her beautiful nude form, like they’re working their tools and equipment to paint a picture with sexual fluids of Principal Celestia’s sexy naked body she was forced to let them see…
  358. >The male guests are stroking their erect lengths of their shafts and the female guests are stroking between their moistening vulvas.
  359. >The inside-out red fabric is lifted to cover Celestia’s face, but she can still feel the guests staring at and frantically masturbating to her soft curvaceous naked body~
  360. >She almost feels disassociated with what she can’t see, and responsively leans into Wallflower and Luna groping her soft assets and caressing her voluptuous curves~
  361. >The wild blind excitement emboldens Principal Celestia into swinging her naked hips for the masturbating crowd~
  362. >Luna’s fervently rubbing and stimulating fingers draw clear moisture onto themselves and Principal Celestia’s smooth naked vulva lips their persistent stroking is nuzzled between… Celestia’s sensitive clit takes a rewarding punishment that refuses to let up…
  363. >Wallflower Blush squeezes Principal Celestia’s bare tits and ass to boast how soft and jiggly this woman’s naked assets are while she almost dances up against the hands feeling her up and masturbating her.
  364. >Vice Principal Luna does the same as Wallflower with one hand and aggressively plays with Principal Celestia’s drooling naked pussy with the other, demonstrating to the masturbating guests that Principal Celestia’s beautiful naked body is feeling the same excitement they are~
  365. >Celestia’s trapped hot breaths fill the tiny space inside her uplifted Xmas outfit, each huff seen puffing in and out where her mouth is from the outside.
  366. >Luna plants her mouth right onto where she sees this, locking lips with Celestia through the sweater’s fabric with Celestia knowingly kissing back at Luna’s lips before her heavy breathing is finally freed to the open air once more.
  367. >Not a lot of further pulling is needed to assist the scrunched and tangled Xmas outfit all the way up Principal Celestia’s raised arms to her wrists.
  368. >Luna’s lips have been impatiently waiting to seize Celestia’s lips directly with her own, as passionately as her fingers have been working Celestia’s lower lips and petals between them.
  369. >She captures her dear big sister’s lips in a searing kiss, urgently parting them with her tongue and again spreading the sweet taste of alcoholic eggnog into Celestia’s pleadingly whimpering mouth…
  370. >Wallflower captures Principal Celestia’s stiff bare nipples between her own lips one at a time.
  371. >The two sisters mix saliva while the guests continue to furiously masturbate to Celestia getting driven to the edge of climax.
  372. >”Cum for the guests, sister~” Luna sighs into Celestia’s mouth through a few saliva strands between their lips.
  373. >She gives Celestia one last deep liplock and then releases her.
  374. >Principal Celestia stares at the guests physically enjoying the sexual display she’s now at the center of.
  375. >Principal Celestia shudders in wanton excitement while Vice Principal Luna works those fingers between her bare slippery vulva lips into overdrive.
  376. >She feels her horny student pulling her sexy bare nipples outward one at a time with thirsty sucks as the coil at her core threatens to break at any second.
  377. >The masturbating guests can see it in Celestia’s eyes that stare right back at them…
  378. >”It’s true… I was naked and horny under my outfit all along~!” Principal Celestia confesses in a squealing voice. “I spiked the eggnog~! I… WANTED this~!”
  379. >Upon hearing the full truth finally ring out of her rapidly panting lungs, Principal Celestia uncontrollably bucks her hips as that coil at her core finally breaks and forces her into an explosive orgasm…
  380. >She couldn’t reverse it if she wanted to~
  381. >”I’M CUMMING~~!!! I AM CUMMING FOR ALL OF YOU~~!!!” Principal Celestia loudly announces to all the guests masturbating to her spasming, orgasming naked body, scrunched and tangled Xmas outfit binding her wrists far above her head~ “WATCH ME CUM~~~!!!”
  382. >Vice Principal Luna, who helped her sister both verbally and physically confess the truth, hears soaked squelching noises accompanied with a dripping feeling of hot clear juices coating her hand…
  383. >Principal Celestia embraces the overly exciting feeling of all the masturbating guests witnessing her climax crash through her body like an avalanche of boulders, letting out all kinds of animalistic hollers, squeals and other horny noises she didn’t know she was capable of making.
  384. >Her entire nude frame trembles with mindless delight to wave after wave of electrifying pleasure.
  385. >The punishing reward for confessing what she needed to acknowledge she did to the beverages.
  386. >Only makes sense for her to be the first to come at her own party.
  387. >After her skin has gotten slippery with sweat, Celestia managed to break free of the embrace, her continuing orgasm leaving her shuddering naked body not even know what it’s doing anymore.
  388. >The sweater dress is tossed in the opposite direction while Celestia stumbles over to the front door of her apartment.
  389. >She tries the handle but it doesn’t budge.
  390. >It won’t even unlock, except she (and everyone else) is on the *inside* this time!
  391. >”Oh NOW this fucking thing stops working flawlessly!!”
  392. >Principal Celestia spins around to find the masturbating guests closing in on her after having followed her to this now dead end she’s cornered in.
  393. >In front of them is a completely naked Vice Principal Luna, now working her fingers at her own naked pussy, using her dear big sister’s clear juices all over her hand as extra lubricant~
  394. >Her other hand takes a final swig of the eggnog Celestia spiked, preparing to share it with her sister~
  395. >Celestia has already unwittingly started playing with her own wet naked pussy as she faces Luna doing the same to her, missing that heated pleasure so…
  396. >She tries to form an excuse, not realizing how close she still is to the threshold of orgasm, ready to cross it yet again:
  397. >”Luna… sister… I can expl-gaaAaaAAAHH~~~!!”
  398. >There’s no explaining left to do.
  399. >Luna captures Celestia’s sweet lips in another deep liplock, placing the empty ceramic mug onto a nearby half wall.
  400. >Each woman’s big soft pair of naked breasts deliciously mash together, symmetrically docking with erect nipples flicking and poking one another while their busty supple flesh against supple flesh sublimely grazes together soft skin against soft skin~
  401. >Celestia’s mouth is immediately breached by Luna’s tongue that quickly finds and forces an eggnog-soaked wrestling match with Celestia’s tongue~
  402. >”Mmmmmmhhh~” Celestia moans into her little sister’s liplocking mouth, then Luna responds by moaning back into her big sister’s quickly-liplocking-back mouth “ Mmmmmmhhh~”
  403. >Their lidded eyes are locked in a gazing contest, tongues prodding and tangling back and forth in eachother’s eggnog sharing mouths that almost completely stay liplocked together~
  404. >The creamy beverage leaks out a little every time their lips barely part so they can re-collide and passionately lock again, dribbling down both of their chins…
  405. >Drips of the creamy goodness land on Celestia’s and Luna’s deliciously docking cleavage, soon trickling down between their repeatedly pressed together pairs of breasts to find its way down their smooth tummies to their naked pussies, each of which is now getting played with by the other sister~~
  406. >Celestia and Luna lean against the door and slide down it to the floor together, guests to the party closing in on them and teetering towards their own climaxes.
  407. >Fully surrendering to this fate together this time, Luna and Celestia moan and giggle into eachother’s mouths between gulps of warm creamy spiked eggnog.
  408. >Grabbing and squeezing eachother’s big soft naked asscheeks while playing with eachother’s wet naked pussies and mashing supple busty pairs of tits together before noticing the first hot ropes of cum getting blasted onto them.
  409. >Wallflower meanwhile “dances” around with a few of the horny guests in the middle of the living room.
  410. >Her lewd armgloves and kneesocks staying on to channel the focus of all the attention on her to her sexy naked body.
  411. >Wallflower Blush lets the horny guests pull and shove her around.
  412. >Wallflower Blush’s soft assets enticingly jiggle to her curvy form twisting and jolting against many hands manhandling her to the carpeted floor~
  413. >They feel her up, grab her soft ass, suck her perky tits, tongue kiss her mouth, and lick her smooth armpits and tummy before holding Wallflower’s soft thighs open while pinning her onto her back~~
  414. >A rush of ecstasy overtakes Wallflower as the tip of one of the guest’s cock pushes its way between her soft folds, penetrating her wet entrance as the glans submerged itself with a sudden lubricated break in tension~
  415. >The sliding glass door leading outside to the night plainly displays everything going on in the not-so-dark room…
  416. >Wallflower drunkenly hopes the whole city is watching as the long hard cock drives it’s entire length deep into her womanhood.
  417. >Each of Wallflower’s joyful yelp's pitches gets higher and higher between her wheezing breaths to every thrust inside of her.
  418. >Wallflower’s cute bellybutton gets pushed forward by the cock bulge that coincides with each thrust making her bare jiggling tits softly sway to every new motion pounding her naked body.
  419. >Straining against her own climax threshold, Wallflower Blush has it all slip out of her control anyway as the guest’s cock begins uncontrollably flinching in ejaculation stuffed inside of her clamping pussy.
  420. >He pushes himself in all the way to his balls-deep base and fills Wallflower’s womb with the white Xmas she previously missed.
  421. >This was the first of very many.
  422. >---
  423. >It took Wallflower a few days to remember that she blasted the memory stone's magic so hard that she even forgot using the artifact itself.
  425. Unrelated story I still felt like coming back and linking because it was "created in the same lab at the same time" so to speak:

(Wet) Dream Girl

by Grey

Venus's Mercy

by Grey

Bros With Benefits (RD)

by Grey

A Hunter's Moon (not yet finished)

by Grey


by Grey