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Moving Forward + Please Keep Supporting EoJ (ORIGINAL)

By Guest
Created: 2025-02-07 17:21:08
Expiry: Never

  2. Hey everyone.
  4. It’s been about a month since everything went down, and I’ve been taking a break from being active on social media. I gotta say, it’s not really an easy thing to do when you’ve been growing up with the Internet, and being without it feels empty. So I’d be lying if I said that I was completely disconnected from the Internet. I’m still liking stuff on Twitter (or X if you’re desperate for Musk’s validation), favoriting art on art sites, or at the very least passively scrolling around Discord servers while I continue to appear offline.
  6. I went through a lot of negative emotions and self-destructive thoughts throughout most of the month. I haven’t really drawn much, or any at all, since a month ago. I lost my drive to do ANYTHING creative. Fortunately, I have friends to check up on my well-being during my break from being active on the Internet. You guys are my literal guardian angels and I will always be grateful for our friendships.
  8. For the past few days, I’ve been going through what I would describe as a “positivity breakthrough”. I’ll explain more later on in the doc, but I basically got tired of being so sad and negative all the time. I needed to smile again. I needed to be positive again.
  10. I needed to be me again.
  12. I might not start immediately, but at least starting today, I am going to go back to being active on social media. I’m gonna go back to working on Patreon and commission work, and start doing many other projects that I’ve been wanting to do for so long, now that I have time for it. I wanna start a new Youtube channel, I wanna make music again, and I wanna work on an original story.
  14. I still love making art, I still love making people happy, and if anyone who reads this continues to support me despite everything, I will be eternally grateful for your support.
  16. And now we get to the meat of the subject that I’m sure many of you wanted to hear: How I feel about Elements of Justice.
  18. I’ve been looking at the responses to my initial post last month, and I’m relatively happy that people are supporting me through this tough time. However, some of the responses to the EoJ community post regarding my departure have been… concerning to say the least.
  20. Before I talk about that, I need to clarify some things. The entire situation, none of the team wanted this. Especially MrG. During the arbitration, most of those who were part of it wanted temporary severance, because while they were incredibly disappointed in what I did, they were aware that the person I used to be is far long gone. But the team member who found the old art made an ultimatum. Either they go, or I go. If I stayed, it would’ve set a precedent that corrupt people are allowed to stay, and those who found out I did that stuff might’ve left the team in response to me staying. It was a lose-lose situation.
  22. It’s why I had to leave. It was to protect EoJ. No one was out to get me, no one was trying to usurp me, and no one was trying to dig dirt from me. It was all just an unfortunate situation.
  24. If you think that the EoJ team hates my guts now, you’re dead wrong. During my time being away from the Internet, MANY team members DM’d me asking me how I was doing. It showed that they still care. In fact, one of the managers let me know that literally MOST people in the team are still cool with me, and some of them have the same opinions as many of the EoJ community’s. I’m even still in Julius’s DnD group.
  26. I completely understand why so many people were upset with how the EoJ team responded with what I did. You all thought it was unfair and unjust, especially since the theme of EoJ is all about making up for your mistakes and moving forward. However, there were some responses to the posts that infuriated me. Not wanting to support EoJ anymore, wanting to start a witch hunt, framing the team for hurting a lot more people, and don’t get me fucking started with the death threats. Death threats directed to those who are MY FRIENDS. I will NOT accept that.
  28. I’ve been told by a few team members that since my severance from the team, MrG has been defending my character in the EoJ fan server whenever someone attacks it. He didn’t have to, but it was flattering to know that he’d do that for me.
  30. MrG wanted to make sure that despite everything, I would be able to come out of this unscathed. And in some ways, he succeeded. The EoJ community is much angrier at the EoJ team than they are to me. However, I will NOT accept MrG getting all of the heat. Yes he’s the owner and Director of EoJ, but just because he is, doesn’t mean that this entire thing is his fault. You think what I went through is terrible? Imagine him, who didn’t want this outcome, who never wanted ALL of this to happen, to be blamed for everything. It’s horrible, and I will NOT tolerate that.
  32. This is definitely not directed to the entire EoJ community, I think most of you responded well, even those who felt disappointed in the EoJ team. It’s the vocal minority who decided to go farther that disappointed me. Yes, this entire situation is fucking shitty, but don’t flame it on him.
  34. He and I have been talking in the background, and a lot of this turmoil is getting to him. But I wanted to make sure that he gets some of his spirit back. EoJ itself may have severed ties from me, but it will not sever my friendships. MrG and many others have done a lot to make sure I recover from all of this. Now it was my turn to help MrG and others who are still healing.
  36. This was where the “positivity breakthrough” came from. Helping others. It makes me feel good. Despite everything that happened, we still want to help each other. Because we are still friends.
  38. Does this mean that there’s a chance I’ll ever get back to EoJ? No. It’s called a PERMANENT severance for a reason. Even if EoJ wanted me back, I wouldn’t come back, because the damage has already been done, and I refuse to bring more pain to them, whether it was intended or not.
  40. EoJ is still MY BABY. It will ALWAYS be my baby. I unfortunately needed to give up custody. But all of you do me a favor.
  44. I don’t care if I can’t be a part of it anymore. I want my vision to succeed. MrG is ensuring that MY original vision succeeds. I’ll be in the background quietly still supporting something that I started. If EoJ crashes and burns, then all of the pain that MrG and I went through would all be for nothing. So please keep supporting them. Because I still do. And I’m so proud of everyone in the team who will create something absolutely magical. Did you all think Case 2 was good?
  46. Bitch, you’ve seen NOTHING!
  48. And that’s all I gotta say. I’m gonna move forward in my life, because I believe I have so much more to give in this world. EoJ is gonna move forward, because they have so much more to give as well.
  50. Let’s bring positivity back! For me, for you, for EoJ, and for the world! Because we all deserve to be happy!
  52. And that will forever be my life’s mission!
  54. Thank you for reading!
  56. TheAljavis

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