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>Be unicorn stallion named Anon.
>End up in Equestria with barely any magic.
>Turns out being a unicorn who can’t use magic is kinda lame.
>Need citizenship to stay.
>Princess Celestia gives you three options for citizenship.
>1 Bake a million cakes for 'charity'.
>2 Travel across Equestria and write a 500-page thesis on friendship.
>3 Join the Royal Guard.
>You’re not much of a baker, and writing that much sounds like torture.
>Not exactly an ideal choice, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
>Training is brutal, but you push through it.
>No magic, no problem, just work harder.
>Somehow, against all odds, you make it.
>Get assigned to the Night Guard.
>Probably because you’re weird and don’t fit in anywhere else.
>Whatever, at least you got a job now.
>New life, new purpose.
>Adjusting to the nocturnal schedule is rough.
>Start doing your usual guard duties.
>Patrolling, escorting, standing around looking serious.
>One night, while stationed outside her chambers, Princess Luna actually talks to you.
>"Thou art Anon, yes?"
>Luna actually knows your name?!
>Nod like an idiot.
>She notices you don’t use magic.
>"Is this by choice?"
>Explain that it just… doesn’t work right.
>She doesn’t judge, just nods and moves on.
>Weirdly validating.
>Start talking more often.
>Casual greetings turn into real conversations.
>She tells you about her struggles, her regrets, her past.
>You tell her about your own doubts, frustrations, and the whole ‘barely functioning unicorn’ thing.
>One day, you realize you actually consider her a friend.
>Then, one night, everything goes to hell.
>Some rogue magic-wielding nutjobs decide to attack the castle.
>They’re after Luna!
>You just so happen to be the unlucky guard posted outside her room when it all starts.
>Dark magic blasts down the hallway.
>There’s no backup yet, just you and your weak-ass magic.
>Still, you don’t run.
>You fight.
>Not the strongest, not the fastest, but you refuse to back down.
>Hold the line until reinforcements arrive.
>By the time the fight ends, you’re exhausted, bloody, and bruised.
>But Luna is safe.
>That’s all that matters.
>After that, everything changes.
>Your name starts getting passed around the Night Guard.
>Even Luna starts treating you differently.
>One night, she looks you in the eye and says.
>"Thou art more than just a guard, Anon… thou art a friend."
>mfw you finally belong
>A few weeks later, Luna invites you to the castle gardens after your shift.
>Says she wants to ‘enjoy the night’ with company for once.
>Lowkey honored, but try to act cool.
>You sit with her beneath the stars, talking about random things.
>She mentions how different Equestria is from what she remembers.
>Tell her you understand what it’s like to feel out of place.
>For the first time, you see her smile in a way that isn’t guarded.
>More invitations follow.
>Some nights you talk, some nights you just enjoy the quiet together.
>She even asks you to spar with her once, claiming she needs to ‘stay sharp’.
>Surprisingly, you hold your own for a bit.
>Get absolutely destroyed by an alicorn’s magic and skill.
>Still, she compliments you on your tenacity.
>One night, she takes you to the Dream Realm.
>Apparently, she can bring others into dreams if she wishes.
>It’s surreal floating through endless dreamscapes, watching over sleeping ponies.
>She teaches you how to sense the disturbances, how she battles nightmares.
>Even lets you try to dispel a minor bad dream yourself.
>Almost mess it up, but she helps you fix it.
>She actually laughs at your attempt, a genuine, soft laugh.
>you made Luna laugh!
>Over time, the Night Guard starts seeing you as more than just ‘that weird unicorn who can’t use magic'.
>You’re one of them now.
>Still can’t do much magic, but who cares?
>You’ve got a purpose, a home, and a friend who makes the long nights worthwhile.
>One night, as you stand at your post, Luna passes by and pauses.
>She looks at you for a long moment before saying softly.
>"I am glad thou art here, Anon."
>For once, you don’t feel like an outsider.
>You belong.
>Things get… complicated.
>You start to notice how much you look forward to seeing Luna.
>She’s always been important, but now? Now it’s different.
>You think about her even when she’s not around.
>You dream about her.
>One night, she accidentally enters your dream.
>It’s a really, really awkward dream.
>You and her, together, sharing a moment that’s… way too intimate.
>she sees everything.
>Wake up in a cold sweat.
>She’s standing there, looking absolutely flustered.
>Time to move to another dimension.
>Apologize profusely, utterly mortified.
>She doesn’t say anything for a moment… then she admits something.
>"Anon… I too have strong feelings for thee."
>Brain.exe has stopped working.
>She likes you? A literal princess? The mare of your dreams (literally)?
>Can’t believe this is real life.
>After a long moment, you both agree to take things slow.
>No need to rush into anything.
>But before you leave, she hesitates, then steps closer.
>She leans in, eyes searching yours.
>You barely have time to react before she presses her lips softly against yours.
>The world stops.
>You just kissed Princess Luna!
>The days after are some of the happiest of your life.
>Even the Night Guard notices something different about you.
>You and Luna spend more time together, balancing duty and personal moments.
>The bond between you only grows stronger.
>One evening, as you both sit under the stars again, she leans against you.
>It’s quiet, peaceful.
>She murmurs, "We shall face eternity together, Anon."
>For the first time in forever, you feel truly complete.
>mfw you found love in the night.
by blowingupthemoon
by blowingupthemoon
by blowingupthemoon
by blowingupthemoon