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Anon Kirin Story (WIP)
By blowingupthemoonCreated: 2025-03-14 03:13:52
Updated: 2025-03-31 02:07:40
Expiry: Never
You blink your eyes open slowly, your vision blurred at first, gradually coming into focus. Above, the branches of tall, unfamiliar trees weave together in a dense canopy, softly rustling in a gentle breeze. The earthy scent of damp soil and moss surrounds you. Sunlight filters through the leaves, creating a calming pattern of light and shadow. For a moment, it's peaceful, almost serene.
Then panic rushes in.
Where are you?
You sit up abruptly, your head spinning as you glance around. You're in a forest, thick, and completely unfamiliar. Your breathing quickens, and your heart pounds against your chest as anxiety coils tightly in your stomach. How did you get here?
A sudden chill runs through you. Who are you?
You can't remember anything, not your name, not your home, nor anything that happened before this moment. Your mind is blank, intensifying your distress.
You glance down at your trembling limbs and freeze. Hooves. Small green hooves, covered in soft fur. Your breathing becomes frantic as you twist around, examining yourself with wide, frightened eyes. Your entire body is covered in emerald green fur, with strange scales lining your back, shimmering faintly under the filtered sunlight. Your thick mane, black as midnight, reminds you oddly of a lion's.
"W-what am I?" Your voice squeaks nervously, barely a whisper. "Was I always like this?"
Questions flood your mind, unanswered and terrifying. Your heart races, eyes darting anxiously between the towering trees and dense bushes. You're lost, alone, and vulnerable. You don't know who or what you are. Tears sting your eyes, but you stubbornly blink them away. Crying won't help. You must stay strong, somehow.
With a shaky breath, you force yourself onto your small, unsteady legs, nearly falling as your hoof catches on a hidden root. You huff in frustration, cautiously lifting each hoof, testing your new body's movements. Every step feels awkward, like learning to walk for the first time. Another root trips you, and you land face first into a pile of soft moss, its cool texture oddly comforting. You glare at the offending root.
Your ears twitch at every rustle and chirp, every sound you hear. You must move, find someone, anyone who can help you. Your resolve strengthens, and you stumble onward.
Your stomach growls loudly, startling you. Embarrassment warms your cheeks. Right, you need food. But what do creatures like you eat? Leaves sound bitter, grass seems dry, and bugs, your stomach churns at the thought. You sigh, hoping something more appetizing is nearby.
You soon come upon a tranquil stream nestled among vibrant wildflowers. Pausing, your eyes widen at the peaceful beauty, cautiously approaching the water's edge. As you lean forward, your reflection comes into view, and you freeze in awe.
A creature strange yet magnificent stares back at you. Your large bright green eyes shimmer with curiosity. Your black mane cascades around your face, wild and free. The shimmering scales on your back seem to trail gracefully up your spine, climbing the back of your neck and curving elegantly over your head, before descending gently between your eyes to finally end at the tip of your muzzle, sparkling brilliantly all the way. Yet, your gaze locks onto a striking crimson horn protruding proudly from your forehead.
"Whoa," you whisper, awestruck. You experimentally grin, jumping slightly as sharp fangs gleam back. "Fangs? And a horn?"
A giggle slips out, astonishment mixing with delight despite your confusion. The realization momentarily lightens your heart, filling you with wonder. “Is this really me?” you whisper softly, touching your hoof gently to your horn. You slip slightly on the muddy bank and topple into the shallow stream. The cold water shocks and grounds you, chasing away some anxiety. You scramble out, shaking water from your fur and mane, feeling lighter, if only briefly.
Hours pass, exhaustion settling deep into your bones. You're tired, hungry, and the sun dips toward the horizon, casting long shadows through the trees. Your steps become sluggish, each hoof heavier than the last. Worry tightens your chest as thoughts of spending the night alone intensify your fears.
Despair nearly overtakes you when the trees thin abruptly, revealing a rocky, hilly clearing. You gasp softly, realizing you've emerged onto a high plateau overlooking a vast, sprawling desert. The endless sand dunes and rocky hills glow gold and crimson under the setting sun, breathtaking yet terrifying. A chill wind sweeps past, reinforcing your sense of isolation.
You sink to your haunches, utterly defeated. You wouldn't survive that desert; its emptiness feels oppressive. Darkness slowly consumes the horizon. A creeping chill of loneliness envelops you, and your throat tightens painfully. Hot tears finally spill over, streaking down your cheeks, carrying with them your feeling of helplessness.
Suddenly, deep within your chest, frustration sparks, quickly igniting into fierce, uncontrollable anger. A primal heat radiates from your core, flooding your veins like molten fire. Your heartbeat thunders deafeningly in your ears, and a burning sensation washes over you, intensifying rapidly. Before you can comprehend what's happening, flames burst from your fur and scales, crackling wildly and burning the ground around you.
You gasp, fear mingling with shock, as flames leap out, igniting the grass and shrubs nearby. Panic grips you, blending with the uncontrollable anger, and you release an agonized scream into the encroaching darkness. Your voice echoes hauntingly through the night, filled with confusion and despair. Exhaustion crashes over you like a wave, and as your vision darkens, you collapse onto the charred ground, slipping into unconsciousness.
A dull ache pulses through your head as the world slowly returns to you. Your body feels heavy, weighed down by exhaustion, but the first thing you notice is the warmth of the morning sun filtering through the trees. The air is crisp, carrying the scent of scorched earth and damp foliage.
You groan softly, shifting against the ground, feeling the rough, charred grass beneath you. The memory of last night lingers at the edges of your mind, the fire, the overwhelming anger, the way the flames had burst from your body. Your breathing quickens as a flicker of panic settles in your chest. Was it a dream?
Then, you hear it. A voice.
“Oh, oh, oh! You’re awake! Thank goodness! I mean, I figured you would wake up eventually. I was watching you for a while, but wow, you were out for so long, I almost thought, uh-oh, what if he never wakes up?! But now you’re up and-oh, this is so exciting! Hi! I’m Autumn Blaze!”
Your eyes snap open in shock, and you instinctively jolt upright. Your vision is still blurry from sleep, but right in front of you is a... filly? Looks about your age, with a soft off-white coat, a curly orange mane, and bright golden eyes that shimmer with excitement. She’s practically bouncing where she stands, her fluffy tail flicking eagerly.
You blink at her, still dazed, your heart hammering in your chest. Someone found you?
Autumn gasps dramatically. “Ooooh, you should’ve heard it! Last night, I was all cozy in my little bed, and then-bam! A scream! It was so loud! It echoed through the hills, and I thought, ‘Oh no! That’s not a normal nighttime noise!’” She leans in closer, eyes wide with exaggerated concern. “I thought maybe it was a ghost! Or maybe a lost traveler! Or-or a lost ghost traveler! So, I got out of bed and spent the night looking for whatever made that scream. But then I saw the smoke, and I thought, Hey! That’s new! And then I found you and-”
She suddenly gasps again, dramatically putting a hoof to her chest. “Wait, wait, wait. I don’t recognize you! You’re new! You’re my age! I’ve never really had someone my age around here! Oh, this is amazing!”
Your ears twitch as her words blur together in an endless stream. It’s almost overwhelming. Your mind struggles to keep up, but something finally registers: someone found you.
You open your mouth, your throat dry, struggling to form words. “I-” Your voice cracks, but you push through. “I don’t... I don’t remember anything. I don’t know where I am. I don’t even know my own name.”
Autumn’s excitement falters. Her ears droop slightly as her eyes soften with sympathy. “Oh...” Her voice is quieter now, more thoughtful. “That’s... wow, that’s really bad.”
Your head pounds harder, a sharp pressure building behind your eyes. You wince, squeezing them shut as a sudden wave of dizziness washes over you. “Nngh...” A whimper escapes you as you sway where you sit. Your body feels sluggish, drained of all energy.
Autumn watches you with growing concern. “Hey, are you okay?”
The throbbing intensifies, and you clutch at your head, groaning. “Why does my head feel like it’s on fire?” you murmur, more to yourself than to her.
Autumn’s eyes widen as she looks at the scorched ground beneath you, the burned grass, the charred earth, the faint wisps of smoke still lingering from last night. Realization dawns on her face.
“You must’ve had a really bad nirik flare-up last night,” she says matter-of-factly.
Your eyes snap open, confusion cutting through the pain. “What does that even mean?”
Autumn stares at you, tilting her head slightly. “Oh, wow. You really weren’t kidding about not remembering anything, huh?”
Your vision blurs again as another sharp jolt of pain lances through your skull. Your stomach churns violently, and before you can stop it, a sickening lurch forces something up from your throat. You gag, then vomit weakly onto the ground. There isn’t much, but the effort leaves you trembling.
Autumn’s pupils shrink. “Oh no. Oh no, no, no! This is not good. Not good at all!” She prances nervously in place, hooves tapping against the dirt. “Uh-okay, okay, um-don’t freak out, but I think you might have nirik sickness.”
You groan, barely processing her words, your body limp with exhaustion.
Autumn takes a sharp breath, steeling herself. “Okay, okay, don’t move! I mean, you probably can’t move, but just- stay right there! The grown-ups totally know how to fix this! I’ll be right back!”
She turns, her curly tail bouncing behind her as she dashes off, leaving you lying helplessly on the scorched ground.
You body aches, your mind is clouded, and all you can do is wait.
Time stretches endlessly, the discomfort making every second drag. The sky above is bright, the sun climbing higher, yet you feel so cold. Your limbs refuse to move, and your head throbs in an unrelenting rhythm.
Finally, just as you start to wonder if she’ll ever return, the sound of hoofbeats reaches your ears.
Autumn Blaze reappears, breathless but determined, and beside her is an adult kirin, taller, with a light tan coat and a stern yet concerned expression.
“Rain Shine, I found him!” Autumn announces, skidding to a stop. “He’s really sick! He doesn’t remember anything! He- he had a huge flare-up last night, and now he’s all woozy and, and-he vomited!”
The older kirin steps forward, her gaze assessing you carefully. her expression is unreadable, but you sense authority in her presence.
You stare up at her in awe and trepidation. She is unlike anything you’ve ever seen-or at least, anything you can remember seeing. Her long flowing mane is a deep shade of teal, cascading like silk down her neck. Her horn curve gracefully upward, her regal face calm, yet unreadable.
Her gaze lock onto you, her red-violet eyes widening in open shock.
For a long, silent moment, she just stares.
…A child?” she finally breathes. Her voice is smooth, almost melodic, but tinged with disbelief.
She takes a slow step closer, her expression caught between confusion and something deeper-concern? No-shock.
You shift uncomfortably beneath her piercing gaze. You don’t know why, but something about the way she looks at you makes your chest tighten. You feel so small, so out of place.
Rain Shine’s lips part slightly, as if she wants to say something else. But before she can, you weakly reach a trembling hoof toward her.
“P-Please…” Your voice cracks. Your head still pounds, your body feels like lead, and nausea still lingers in your stomach. “Help..."
The shock in Rain Shine’s eyes vanishes instantly.
Her regal composure softens, her ears dipping back as an unmistakable wave of worry overtakes her features. In an instant, the mighty creature is no longer just a figure of authority, she is motherly, gentle, and full of quiet care.
She lowers herself to your level, her tone steady yet urgent. “You’re unwell,” she states simply. “Autumn Blaze.”
Autumn straightens at the mention of her name. “Yes! Yes! Right here! Reporting for duty! …Or, um, whatever this is!”
Rain Shine turns to her, her voice firm yet warm. “Go to the village. Find one of our healers and tell them to meet me at my home immediately.”
Autumn gasps. “Ooooh, okay, okay! I’m on it!” She salutes, then spins on her hooves and takes off, kicking up dust as she sprints away at full speed.
Rain Shine exhales softly before looking back down at you. “Everything will be fine,” she assures you, her voice like a soothing breeze.
You want to believe her.
But then, her horn glows.
A soft, ethereal aura wraps around you, gently lifting your weak body off the ground.
Your heart lurches.
You flail, panic gripping your chest. “Wh-! What’s happening?! Put me down! What are you doing to me?!”
Rain Shine remains utterly calm, her voice unwavering. “Shhh… You are safe.”
Her tone is so gentle, so certain, that your struggles falter slightly. But you still can’t help the shiver of fear crawling up your spine. “How…?” you manage to ask, your voice small. “How are you doing this?”
She looks at you with quiet patience. “It is only my magic,” she says simply. “There is no need to fear it.”
You stare at her, breathless. Magic? You don’t remember anything about magic. But… something about the way she speaks, the way she moves, it feels natural to her.
Rain Shine’s magic shifts, slowly lowering you onto her back. “I am going to carry you,” she explains. “It will be easier for both of us.”
You hesitate, but you’re too weak to argue. “…Okay.”
With careful precision, she settles you onto her back, making sure you’re secure. Her fur is soft and warm beneath you, her steady movements oddly comforting.
Then, without another word, Rain Shine begins walking, her strides smooth and sure as she makes her way toward the village.
You cling weakly to her, exhaustion weighing you down once more.
The rhythmic sway of Rain Shine’s steps lulls you into a strange, hazy calm as she carries you through the forest. Your head still aches, but the fresh air and her steady presence help ease the worst of it. You’re not sure how much time passes before the trees begin to thin, revealing something ahead.
Your breath catches as you lift your weary head, eyes widening in awe.
Nestled between the rolling hills and surrounded by lush greenery, this village is is unlike anything you could have imagined. Small wooden bridges arc over glistening streams, connecting winding dirt paths that lead to beautifully built homes, some woven into the trunks of massive trees, others carefully crafted with flowing, curved rooftops adorned with vines and glowing lanterns. The air is warm, filled with the distant sound of talking and laughter.
It’s peaceful.
But then you notice the eyes.
Kirin begin to gather around as Rain Shine strides through the village, their curious gazes locking onto you. Their expressions range from confusion to wonder, some even with concern.
The murmuring starts.
"Who is that?"
"A child? But where did he come from?"
"He’s not from our village, is he?"
"I’ve never seen him before..."
"Did Rain Shine find him? Why is she carrying him?"
Your ears flick at every whisper, your heart pounding. The crowd grows, their stares pressing in, their voices growing louder, swirling around you like a suffocating fog. You grip Rain Shine’s mane a little tighter, your small body tensing against her back.
She notices.
Without breaking stride, her voice rings out, not loud, not angry, but steady, firm, and absolute.
“Back away.”
The village goes silent.
Everyone immediately stiffens, their expressions shifting from curiosity to shame. A few dip their heads, ears folding back as they step away. Others murmur soft apologies before retreating, giving you and Rain Shine the space you desperately needed.
You swallow thickly, taking a shaky breath. The tension in your chest loosens just a little.
Rain Shine doesn’t say anything else. She simply continues forward, her presence alone commanding respect.
Eventually, she stops in front of a large, hollowed-out tree, a home, her home.
She steps inside, the warm, comforting scent of herbal mixtures and soft wood filling the air.
Inside, two figures are already waiting.
Autumn Blaze, sitting anxiously on a floor cushion, perks up the moment you enter. “Oh, finally! I thought you guys were gonna take forever! I mean, I know walking takes time, but wow, that felt like a lifetime!” She pauses, eyes flicking between you and Rain Shine. “Wait, is he still-?”
Her question is cut off as the second figure steps forward.
An older male with deep brown fur and a light green mane watches you closely. His expression is calm yet observant, his golden eyes sharp with quiet wisdom. Unlike Rain Shine’s elegant form, his features are slightly rugged, his mane loosely tied back.
The healer.
Rain Shine lowers herself slightly, allowing you to carefully slide off her back and onto the soft floor. You’re still weak, your legs trembling beneath you, but at least you’re no longer burning up.
The healer steps closer, his voice gentle but firm. “Let’s see what we’re dealing with.”
You swallow nervously as he kneels before you beginning his examination.
The room is quiet, save for the occasional rustling of leaves outside. Autumn fidgets in place, clearly holding back a million questions, while Rain Shine remains beside you, an ever-present pillar of calm.
You don’t know what’s wrong with you.
You don’t know who you are.
But for now, at least, you’re not alone.
Not the unbearable heat from before, not the fire that had consumed you in your moment of despair, but a soft, comforting warmth. A thick blanket is draped over you, its woven texture rough yet soothing. The scent of wood, herbs, and something faintly floral fills the air.
Slowly, you blink your eyes open.
You’re in a bed, a very large bed, easily big enough for someone four times your size. The mattress is soft, far softer than the hard earth you had collapsed onto before. Sunlight filters through a small round window, casting golden patterns across the wooden walls.
You shift slightly under the blanket, feeling sluggish but better. The splitting headache from yesterday is now just a dull ache, and though your limbs feel heavy, you’re no longer completely drained.
Still, the words of the healer linger in your mind.
"Nirik fatigue" and "Magic burnout".
You hadn’t just dreamed that you caught on fire.
It actually happened.
You had turned into something called a nirik, a being of pure anger and flame. That transformation had burned through what little energy you had left, leaving you weak and completely drained of magic.
You still can’t quite wrap your head around it.
You have magic.
The thought sends an excited shiver through you. You don’t know why, but something about it feels… right.
Before you can get lost in thought, a soft knock at the door pulls you back to reality.
You glance toward the entrance. “Come in.”
The door opens, and Rain Shine steps inside.
Her teal mane flows elegantly as she moves, her presence graceful. She radiates quiet authority, yet there is a warmth in her expression as her violet eyes meet yours.
She pauses beside the bed, balancing a small wooden tray on her back. A delicate teapot and a single cup rest upon it, steam curling lazily into the air.
“You’re awake,” she says gently.
You nod, shifting slightly under the blanket. “Yeah.”
She steps forward, setting the tray down on a nearby table. Her gaze lingers on you for a moment, as if assessing your condition, then she gives a small nod of approval.
“That is good.” She settles onto a cushion beside the bed, folding her legs neatly beneath her. “The healer told me you would need at least a full day of rest to recover. It seems his estimate was correct.”
Rain Shine’s horn glows softly as she pours the tea into the waiting cup. The scent is strong, earthy, slightly bitter, with an unfamiliar undertone that makes your nose wrinkle. She notices your expression and offers a small, knowing smile.
“The healer prepared this for you.
You stare at the steaming cup.
Rain Shine carefully levitates the cup toward you. You take it in your hooves, glancing down at the dark liquid. Hesitantly, you bring it to your lips and take a sip.
It’s awful.
The bitterness coats your tongue immediately, with an odd cooling sensation that spreads through your throat as you swallow. You suppress a grimace, setting the cup back down.
Rain Shine watches with quiet amusement. “Not to your liking?”
You frown. “Tastes like… if someone boiled old leaves and rotten mushrooms together.”
She chuckles softly at that. “Yes. Many find it unpleasant. But it is effective.”
You sigh and force yourself to take another sip. It doesn’t taste any better the second time.
Rain Shine allows you a moment before speaking again. “How do you feel?”
You take a deep breath, considering. “Tired… but not as bad as before.” You pause. “And… confused.”
Her expression softens. “I imagine so.”
For a long moment, silence fills the room, save for the distant sound of leaves rustling outside.
Finally, Rain Shine speaks again. “I know this is overwhelming,” she says, her voice gentle but firm. “But you are safe here. You are not alone.”
Something about the way she says it, so certain, so kind, makes your chest tighten.
Safe. You’re not sure you even know what that feels like.
But for now, at least, you believe her.
You force yourself to take another sip of the bitter tea, wincing as the cool, almost minty aftertaste lingers on your tongue. Despite the taste, you can already feel a bit of the heaviness in your limbs fading, your body slowly regaining strength.
Rain Shine watches you patiently, waiting until you set the cup down before speaking.
“You’ve been through something that most young Kirin do not experience so suddenly,” she begins, her voice gentle yet firm. “A Nirik flare-up, one powerful enough to burn away all of your energy and magic.”
You shift slightly, ears twitching at the word. “Nirik…”
It still doesn’t feel real, despite everything the healer told you yesterday.
Rain Shine nods. “Yes. You became one.”
She lets the words sin in before continuing, “Niriks are what we kirin turn into when we lose control of our emotions, particularly anger. When you are overwhelmed with rage, your body shifts into a form of living flame, burning as fiercely as your emotions. It is powerful… but also dangerous.”
You swallow, glancing down at your hooves. “So… that’s why I caught on fire?”
“Yes,” she says simply. “You were overcome by fear and despair. That is why your transformation was so strong.”
Your mind flashes back to that moment when you left the forest, the panic, the helplessness, the sudden heat flooding your body, until all you could feel was fire.
You shift uncomfortably under the blanket. “But… I don’t remember choosing to turn into it.”
Rain Shine’s expression softens. “That is because it was not a choice. The transformation is almost never a choice.”
You glance up at her. “So… it can be controlled?”
“Yes,” she says. “With time, patience, and discipline, a Kirin can learn to master their Nirik form. But if left unchecked, it can become dangerous, not only to yourself but to those around you.”
A shiver runs down your spine at the thought.
Rain Shine continues, her voice steady, but firm. “I will not lie to you, young one. The Nirik form is powerful, but it is not meant to be an outlet for uncontrolled rage. If you do not learn to control it, it will control you.”
Unease creeps into your chest. “So… what if I lose control again?”
Rain Shine gazes at you thoughtfully before standing up. “Come.”
You blink. “Huh?”
She gestures with her head toward the door. “You are well enough to move, and it is best to begin learning now rather than later. A lesson in control.”
Your ears flick back. “Right now?”
She gives a small nod. “It is important that you understand your own emotions. You must learn why you flared up so strongly… and how to prevent it from happening again.”
You hesitate, but something about her tone leaves no room for argument. With a sigh, you push the blanket off and carefully slide out of the large bed, your hooves meeting the wooden floor with a small thud. Your legs still feel a little weak, but after a few steadying breaths, you manage to stand without wobbling too much.
Rain Shine leads you outside, the cool air brushing against your fur as you step into the warm morning sunlight.
Rain Shine brings you to a secluded area near her home, a quiet clearing surrounded by tall trees, the grass soft beneath your hooves. She turns to face you, her serene gaze steady.
“To control your Nirik form, you must first understand yourself,” she explains. “Tell me, what were you feeling when you transformed?”
You hesitate, ears folding slightly. “…I don’t know. Everything just… happened so fast.”
She doesn’t press, simply waiting in silence. You shift awkwardly under her gaze, trying to remember that night.
“…I was scared,” you admit finally. “I didn’t know where I was, I had no memories, I was alone…” You swallow. “And then… I got angry.”
Rain Shine nods, as if she expected this. “Fear and anger often walk hoof in hoof. It is common for young Kirin to experience their first flare-up when feeling trapped or overwhelmed.”
You frown slightly. “So what do I do? Just… not get angry?”
She chuckles softly. “Anger is not something you can simply avoid. It is a natural emotion, just like happiness or sadness. But you can learn to recognize it before it consumes you.”
She gestures to the ground. “Sit.”
You hesitate before lowering yourself onto your haunches.
“Close your eyes,” she instructs.
You do.
“Now… breathe.”
You inhale deeply, the scent of damp leaves and fresh earth filling your nose.
Rain Shine’s voice is soft but firm. “I want you to think back to that moment. Feel it, but do not let it overwhelm you.”
You stiffen slightly but try to follow her words. You recall the cold wind against your fur, the vast emptiness of the desert stretching out before you, the crushing loneliness pressing against your chest.
“Now,” Rain Shine says, “as the anger rises… acknowledge it. But do not let it control you.”
You frown. “How do I not let it control me?”
“You do not fight it,” she says simply. “You accept it. Anger is a fire, yes, but fire can be guided.”
You inhale deeply, trying to follow Rain Shine’s instructions. Acknowledge the anger, don’t let it control you… It makes sense when she says it, but doing it is surprisingly harder than you thought.
Just as you’re beginning to focus, a sudden, loud voice shatters the quiet.
“Ohhh, you’re learning the breathing exercise!”
Your eyes snap open as Autumn Blaze bounces into the clearing, her golden eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. “That’s a really good one! I mean, I already know it and technically I’ve already learned to control my Nirik form-mostly, but you know, practice is important! Hi, Rain Shine! Hi, mystery kid!”
Rain Shine sighs softly, though there’s warmth in her expression. “Autumn Blaze.”
Autumn plops down next to you, grinning. “So, you’re learning how to not burst into flames! It’s fun, right?”
You blink at her. “I wouldn’t call it fun…”
She waves a hoof. “Okay, well, not fun fun, but, like, it’s interesting!” She nudges you playfully. “Don’t worry, you’ll get it! Took me a while, too. This one time I flared up, I almost set an entire food storage hut on fire! That was sooo embarrassing.”
You stare at her, horrified. “Did you actually?”
“Nope! Rain Shine stopped me just in time!” she says cheerfully. “But the hut still smelled like smoke for weeks.”
You glance at Rain Shine, who simply nods, completely unfazed.
Autumn leans in, whispering, “She’s really good at stopping fires.”
You don’t doubt that.
Rain Shine clears her throat. “Since you are here, Autumn Blaze, you may join us. It will be good for you to practice as well.”
Autumn straightens, giving a dramatic salute. “Yes, ma’am!”
You and Autumn sit side by side as Rain Shine continues the lesson. This time, with Autumn demonstrating alongside you, it’s a little easier to follow.
“Focus on your breath,” Rain Shine instructs. “Let your emotions exist, but do not let them consume you.”
You close your eyes again, inhaling deeply. The warmth of the sun, the distant rustling of leaves it all helps steady you. Autumn hums softly beside you, matching her breath with yours, helping you find a rhythm.
“Well done,” Rain Shine says at last, nodding in approval.
Autumn beams, turning to you. “Hey, not bad! You didn’t even catch on fire once!”
You roll your eyes but can’t help the small smile tugging at your lips. “Yeah, I guess that’s a good start.”
Rain Shine stands. “That is enough for now. You will have more lessons in time, but first, I believe you both deserve some breakfast.”
Autumn’s ears perk up. “Wait, you’re making us breakfast?”
Rain Shine nods.
Autumn gasps, grabbing your shoulders. “Ohhh, you’re in for a treat! Rain Shine’s cooking is the best!”
Your stomach growls, as if agreeing with her. You chuckle awkwardly. “Well… I am pretty hungry.”
“Then come.” Rain Shine turns, leading the way back toward her house.
You and Autumn trot after her, the morning sun casting warm light across the clearing. You feel better than before, still tired, still full of questions, but… not alone.
As you approach the house, Autumn suddenly calls out to you.
“Hey, Anon, what's your favorite kind of fruit?”
You stop mid step, blinking at her in confusion. “Wait. What did you just call me?”
She tilts her head. “Anon?”
Rain Shine also stops, looking at Autumn with mild curiosity. “Anon?”
Autumn grins. “Oh! Right! Sooo, funny story, since no one knows your real name, the whole village kinda started calling you ‘the anonymous kirin’ and, well, that’s a really long name, so I figured I’d shorten it to Anon!”
You stare at her. “They're calling me ‘the anonymous kirin’?”
“Well, yeah!” she says, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “But Anon sounds way cooler, right?”
You think about it for a moment.
It feels… right.
A small smile tugs at your lips. “Yeah. I like it.”
Autumn claps her hooves together. “Great! Now c’mon, let’s get some breakfast!”
With that, she bounces ahead, following Rain Shine inside.
You linger for just a moment, letting the name settle in your mind.
It’s not much, but it’s something.
The scent of fresh fruit and warm honey still lingered in the air as you sat back, feeling full for the first time in… well, maybe ever.
Breakfast had been nothing short of incredible. Rain Shine had prepared a spread of juicy berries, steamed honey buns that practically melted in your mouth, and, to your surprise, grilled fish. You weren’t sure how to feel about that last one at first, but after seeing Autumn Blaze dig in without hesitation, you’d given it a try.
And, yeah. It was good.
Now, with the plates cleared away, Autumn was practically vibrating in her seat.
“That was amazing,” she said, stretching. “And now that we’ve stuffed our faces, you know what time it is?”
You blinked. “Uh… nap time?”
Autumn gasped dramatically. “No! Tour time! Duh!”
You stared. “Tour… time?”
“Yes! Tour time! How else are you gonna see the best village in all of Equestria?” She turned to Rain Shine, eyes wide with pleading excitement. “Can I take him, pleaaase?”
Rain Shine, who had been calmly sipping her tea, set the cup down and regarded Autumn with a thoughtful expression. Then, her gaze shifted to you.
“Are you feeling well enough to go?” she asked gently.
You hesitated for only a moment before nodding. “Yeah, I think so.”
Rain Shine studied you carefully before exhaling softly. “Very well.”
Autumn let out a triumphant cheer.
“But,” Rain Shine added firmly, giving her a pointed look, “you must stay close to him, and if anything happens, you bring him straight back here. Do you understand?”
Autumn saluted. “Aye aye, Captain Rain Shine!”
Rain Shine then turned to you, her voice calm but serious. “Anon, the villagers are curious about you. Some will be welcoming. Others… may not.”
You swallowed, suddenly feeling nervous. “I get it.”
She watched you for a long moment before nodding. “If you feel overwhelmed, return here.”
You nodded back.
“Alright!” Autumn clapped her hooves together. “Let’s go, Anon! Adventure awaits!”
Before you could even react, she grabbed your hoof and dragged you toward the door.
The village was alive.
As Autumn led you along the winding paths, you took in everything, the curved rooftops of the homes, decorated with vines and glowing lanterns, the small wooden bridges arching over glistening streams, the marketplace bustling with Kirin chatting, trading, and laughing.
It was peaceful. Cozy.
Autumn was an enthusiastic tour guide, practically bouncing between locations.
“And this,” she declared, pointing dramatically at a large open stage nestled between the trees, “is the Grand Kirin Opera Stage!”
You blinked. “Opera?”
“Ohhh, yeah! Kirin love music! Well, at least, most of us do.” She struck a dramatic pose. “This is where we perform plays, concerts, poetry readings- you name it! One time, I performed a one Kirin show about the history of Kirin storytelling. It was a masterpiece.”
You tilted your head. “A one Kirin show?”
Autumn grinned. “Yep! I played every role!”
You stared. “That sounds exhausting.”
“Oh, it was! But totally worth it.”
She guided you further along the path, waving at a few villagers as you passed. Some waved back warmly, others simply stared, their expressions unreadable.
Next, she stopped in front of a tall, spiraling treehouse, its wooden walls carved with intricate swirling designs. The large doors were left open, revealing rows upon rows of bookshelves inside.
“This,” Autumn announced proudly, “Is our library!”
Your eyes widened slightly. You hadn’t expected to see something so… grand.
“Wait, you guys have a library?”
Autumn gave you a mock offended look. “Of course we have a library! Kirin love books! Well, most of us. I mean, personally, I prefer writing over reading, but still! This place has everything, history, poetry, magic theory, even cookbooks! Oh, and the second floor has a collection of ancient scrolls that only Rain Shine and the elders are allowed to read.”
You stepped a little closer, peering inside. The air smelled of old parchment and fresh wood, and the quiet hum of magic seemed to linger in the air.
“I should bring you here sometime,” Autumn mused. “Maybe they have something on lost memories. Who knows?”
You nodded, filing that thought away for later.
Moving on, the next stop was a small but sturdy building with an open air workshop attached to its side. The forge had a large stone furnace in the center, with sparks occasionally flickering as a Kirin worked the metal with precise magic. The rhythmic clang of metal striking metal echoed through the air.
“This is our smithy!” Autumn said, eyes gleaming. “This is where we make tools, armor, and all kinds of metalwork! The Kirin working there is Emberforge-super grumpy but amazing at his craft.”
You watched as Emberforge carefully shaped a glowing piece of metal, his magic flaring slightly as he adjusted its form.
“…I didn’t expect Kirin to be blacksmiths,” you admitted.
Autumn grinned. “Oh, yeah! We may look fancy and majestic, but we can build things too!”
The tour continued, and you quickly realized just how much there was to see. the gardens, where Kirin grew medicinal herbs and rare plants, the woodcarver’s shop, where intricate sculptures and furniture were crafted with both hooves and magic.
It was a lot to take in.
But then the path changed.
As you followed Autumn down a quieter, more overgrown trail, you noticed her usual excitement had faded. The further you walked, the quieter everything became, not just her, but the world around you. The sounds of the village faded, replaced by the soft rustling of leaves and the occasional chirp of a distant bird.
Then, you heard it.
A gentle, unnatural silence.
Ahead of you, nestled on an open clearing, a stream flowed effortlessly over smooth stones. The water was clearer than anything you’d ever seen, reflecting the sky above like a flawless mirror. The air around it felt different, almost heavy, as if the space itself was holding its breath.
Autumn stopped a few paces from the bank, her hooves planted firmly in the grass.
“This,” she said quietly, “is the Stream of Silence.”
You stepped forward, staring at the water. It was mesmerizing. Almost calling to you.
Autumn didn’t move. “Don’t get too close.”
You glanced at her. “Why not?”
Her ears flattened slightly. “Because it’s dangerous.”
She exhaled sharply. “This stream is sacred to the Kirin. It’s been here for as long as anyone can remember. But it’s also… magical.”
“The kind that takes things away.”
“If you go into it… all your emotions will be dulled, and you'll never be able to talk, ever again.”
Your stomach twisted.
“…Has anyone ever?”
“Not in a very long time,” she said quickly. “But every Kirin knows the stories. It’s why no one comes here anymore.”
Autumn looks at you, her voice quiet and unsettling. "Promise you'll never go in it."
You swallowed hard and nodded. “Yeah. I promise.”
Autumn studied you for a second longer, then gave a sharp nod. “Good.” Then, with a sudden forced cheerfulness, she spun around. “Alright! That’s enough of the creepy stuff! Let’s get back to the fun part of the tour!”
You hesitated, glancing at the stream one last time before following her.
Even as you left, though, you still felt that pull.
After leaving the Stream of Silence behind, the tour returns to its energetic, lighthearted pace. Autumn continues to introduce you to different parts of the village, cracking jokes and making sure you’re entertained the whole way through.
But despite her enthusiasm, you can’t quite shake the eerie feeling that the Stream left in your mind.
Still, as you near the end of the tour, your thoughts are rudely interrupted by something far less mysterious, other Kirin.
Specifically, the ones who don’t seem thrilled that you’re here.
You overhear their whispers before you even see them.
“…I don’t know why Rain Shine is letting him stay,” someone mutters.
Your ears twitch.
Another voice responds, hushed but firm. “He’s just a kid.”
"You know as well as I do- that only makes him even more dangerous," the first one hisses. “He's an outsider, he doesn't know our ways. What happens if he loses control? If it occurs in the village, we could lose everything we've built, everything we cherish.”
Your stomach tightens.
You don’t even realize you’ve slowed your pace until Autumn gently nudges your side.
“Hey,” she whispers, “ignore them.”
You nod stiffly, forcing yourself to keep walking.
But the words stick with you.
The tour returned to its energetic, lighthearted pace. Autumn Blaze seemed determined to shake off the hostile mood from that other kirin, throwing herself back into her usual dramatic enthusiasm.
“Okay! Enough with the spooky magical streams and grumpy kirin,” she announced, bouncing ahead of you. “Now it’s time to show you something really important!”
You raised an eyebrow. “What’s that?”
She spun around, grinning. “Where I live!”
You blinked. “Wait, you’re giving me a tour of your house?”
“Well, yeah! I mean, if you’re gonna stay in the village, you have to see it!” She struck a pose. “I, Autumn Blaze, am personally inviting you into my humble abode! Also, my mom's home, so you should meet her too!”
You hesitated. You hadn’t met other Kirin yet, at least, not directly. The idea of meeting someone’s mom felt strangely… formal.
Autumn must have noticed your hesitation because she nudged your side. “Don’t worry, my mom is super nice! Plus, she makes the best tea. You’ll love her!”
Before you could protest, she grabbed your hoof and pulled you along. “Come on! We’re almost there!”
Autumn’s house was cozy.
Nestled at the base of a wide, ancient tree, the home had a curved, organic structure, blending seamlessly with nature. A small stone path led up to the entrance, where bundles of herbs hung from the wooden frame, their scents drifting in the breeze. The windows were round and inviting, glowing softly from the sunlight filtering inside.
Autumn wasted no time pushing open the door.
“Mom! I’m home!” she called. “And I brought a guest!”
From inside, a warm voice replied, “A guest? Oh, how exciting!”
Stepping through the entrance, you were immediately hit with a wave of comforting smells, dried flowers, fresh fruit, and something faintly herbal, like tea leaves.
Then, from the next room, a Kirin emerged.
She was tall and graceful, though not quite as tall as Rain Shine. Her coat was a soft, golden-orange hue, lighter than Autumn’s, and her mane shared those same fluffy curls, streaked with softer shades of amber. Bright, golden eyes shimmered with curiosity as she studied you.
“Oh, my,” she said with a smile. “You must be the little Kirin everyone’s been whispering about.”
You swallowed. “Uh…”
Autumn grinned. “Mom, this is Anon! He’s new here, so I’m showing him around. Anon, this is my mom- Summer Blaze!”
Summer’s eyes softened. “Anon… what a unique name.”
You rubbed the back of your neck. “Uh, yeah, well… the village kinda started calling me ‘the anonymous Kirin,’ so Autumn shortened it.”
Summer chuckled. “That sounds like something she’d do.”
Autumn puffed out her chest. “It’s a great name, thank you very much!”
Summer smiled warmly before turning back to you. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Anon. I hope my daughter hasn’t been too overwhelming.”
“Oh, please!” Autumn huffed. “I’ve been an excellent tour guide!”
Summer gave her an amused look before gesturing toward a small table near the window. “Would you like to stay for some tea? I just finished brewing a fresh pot.”
Autumn nudged you. “See, Told you she makes the best tea!”
You hesitated for a moment but nodded. “Sure.”
Summer’s smile brightened. “Wonderful. Please, have a seat.”
You sat across from Autumn while Summer Blaze poured steaming tea into small ceramic cups. The rich aroma filled the air, herbal, slightly sweet, and calming.
“So, Anon,” Summer began, settling comfortably, “Autumn’s told me a little about you. You don’t remember much about yourself, do you?”
You shook your head. “No… just that I woke up in the forest a couple of nights ago.”
Summer’s expression softened. “That must be frightening.”
You shrugged slightly. “It’s… a lot.”
She studied you for a moment before nodding. “Well, you’re safe here, and that’s what matters.”
Autumn took a sip of her tea, then grinned at you. “So? What do you think?”
You hesitated before lifting the cup to your lips and taking a cautious sip. The tea was… surprisingly good. Warm, smooth, with a faint honey-like sweetness.
“…It’s really good,” you admitted.
Autumn beamed. “Right? I told you she makes the best tea!”
Summer laughed softly, shaking her head. “I’m glad you like it.”
The conversation flowed easily after that. Summer Blaze was warm and kind, much calmer than her daughter but with the same infectious energy. She asked about your tour so far, what you thought of the village, and if you had any questions.
For the first time since you arrived, you felt normal.
Like you belonged.
Eventually, though, the sun began dipping lower in the sky, and you realized it was time to head back to Rain Shine’s house.
Summer smiled as she walked you both to the door. “You’re welcome here anytime, Anon. Don’t be a stranger.”
You hesitated before nodding. “Thanks.”
Autumn grinned. “See? I told you she was nice!”
As you stepped outside, Autumn stretched her legs dramatically. “Alright! That was the last stop on our tour! So, what do you think? Pretty cool village, huh?”
You glanced around, taking in the fading sunlight glinting off the rooftops, the warm glow of lanterns, the distant laughter of Kirin in the village square.
“…Yeah,” you said softly. “It’s nice.”
Autumn beamed. “ Told you you’d like it!”
You both started to make your way back to Rain Shine’s house.
Despite everything, the fear, the uncertainty, the sickness ,and the whispers.
You had a friend now.
The sun dipped low over the hills, casting long golden sun beams through the trees as the Kirin village began to settle into a peaceful hush. Lanterns flickered to life one by one, casting soft light along the winding paths and the swaying vines that lined the homes. The laughter and chatter of the day faded into the calm of evening, replaced by the occasional chirp of crickets and the rustle of leaves in the breeze.
You and Autumn Blaze trotted side by side, hooves softly tapping against the worn dirt path. Rain Shine’s home came into view ahead, its windows glowing gently, invitingly.
“Guess this is where we part ways for the night, huh?” Autumn said with a stretch and a yawn, though she was still smiling.
You nodded. “Yeah. I guess so.”
There was a brief pause between you, quiet and comfortable, as the fading light bathed everything in a warm golden glow. Then, without warning, Autumn turned and hugged you.
Your eyes widened in surprise, your body stiffening. You hadn’t expected it at all.
But Autumn didn’t pull back.
“I’m just…” she said softly, voice muffled against your shoulder, “I’m really happy you’re here. I’ve never had a friend before. Not a real one.”
The hug tightened just slightly, firm and warm.
It took a second, but your shock melted into something gentler. You slowly returned the hug, wrapping your forelegs around her.
“I’m happy I met you too,” you said, your voice quieter than you expected. “You’re… the first friend I’ve ever had. At least… that I remember.”
Autumn pulled back a little, giving you a huge, bashful smile. Her cheeks were flushed, but her eyes sparkled with joy.
You looked at her for a moment, then frowned thoughtfully. “Wait… you don’t have any other friends?” you asked. “I didn’t really see any other kids today… but I figured they were just somewhere else.”
Autumn’s smile faltered just slightly.
“Nah,” she said, her tone a little more subdued now. “Besides a couple of foals and really little ones, it’s just you and me.”
Your ears twitched. “Just us?”
She nodded. “Yep. Always has been.”
“…Why?” you asked, genuinely confused. “Why aren’t there more kids?”
Autumn hesitated for a moment before answering. “Most Kirin don’t really wanna have foals. Not anymore.”
You blinked. “Why not?”
She sighed, her ears drooping slightly. “Because foals don’t know how to control their emotions. And emotions mean Nirik flare-ups. So the more kids there are, the more chances something… bad happens.” Her voice softened. “It scares them.”
You were quiet for a long time.
“That’s… kind of sad,” you said finally.
“Yeah,” Autumn agreed, her voice almost a whisper. “It really is. But that’s just the way it is.”
You looked down at your hooves, feeling something heavy settle in your chest. A whole village afraid of children… afraid of what you might become. It was a strange kind of loneliness you hadn’t felt before.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Autumn said again, bumping your shoulder with hers gently, trying to lift the mood. “Even if things are kind of weird… at least now we’re weird together.”
You couldn’t help but smile at that.
“Well,” she continued, glancing up at the darkening sky, “I gotta get home before it gets too late. Mom’s gonna think I got eaten by a manticore or something.”
She turned to you and gave you one more quick, tight hug. “We have to hang out again tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay,” you said.
With a smile and a flick of her tail, Autumn trotted off down the path, weaving between lantern-lit trees until she vanished from view.
You stood there for a moment, watching where she’d gone, the warmth of her hug still lingering.
Then, turning to Rain Shine’s door, you hesitated.
Should you just… walk in? Or was that rude?
You shifted on your hooves, awkwardly fidgeting, before finally deciding to knock. Three soft taps against the wood door.
You waited quietly, heart gently thumping as the evening breeze tugged at your mane, and the door stood silent.
The door creaked open with a gentle pull, revealing Rain Shine standing calmly inside. Her expression lit up the moment she saw you.
“Ah, Anon. You’re back,” she said, her voice soft and welcoming. “Please, come in.”
You stepped inside, the warm, familiar scent of herbs, wood, and fresh air wrapping around you. The inside of her home was dimly lit by soft lanterns, casting golden glows along the rounded walls.
As you walked in beside her, Rain Shine glanced over at you. “Did you enjoy your tour of the village?”
You nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, I did! It was… really great.” You paused as you both entered the living area, a wide, open space with smooth wooden floors and a large, plush couch.
You clambered up onto it and plopped down with a soft fwump, your legs kicking slightly as you got comfortable. “Autumn showed me everything, the opera stage, the library, the smithy… even the Stream of Silence, but we didn’t get too close. She said it’s super dangerous.”
Rain Shine nodded quietly as she took a seat nearby, listening with patient interest.
You smiled faintly as your thoughts wandered. “It’s just… I don’t know. The village is beautiful. It’s calm, peaceful… and kind of magical. Everyone lives so close to nature here. The houses are built into trees, everything feels so… connected. It’s not like I remember anything else, but it just feels special.”
Rain Shine’s eyes softened with a proud, gentle smile. “I’m glad you think so.”
You looked over at her. “And Autumn Blaze… she’s kind of a lot,” you said with a chuckle, “but she’s really fun. She’s always talking, but she never makes you feel bad for not knowing things. She’s just… nice to be around.”
“She is full of energy,” Rain Shine agreed fondly. “But she has a good heart.”
She stood up gracefully. “Why don’t you go take a bath while I begin preparing dinner for the two of us?”
You blinked. “A bath?”
She nodded gently. “Yes. You’ve been out all day in the sun, walking, running around. I’m sure you could use a moment to relax.”
You hesitated, then sheepishly lifted a foreleg and gave yourself a sniff.
You definitely needed a bath.
“Yeah, okay. Fair point.”
Rain Shine chuckled softly and gestured for you to follow. “Come. I’ll show you where it is.”
The bathroom was clean, warm, and spacious. But what caught your eye was the bathtub. It was carved from smooth, polished wood, inlaid with swirling decorative patterns and lined with copper trim. It looked luxurious. And huge.
To you, it was practically a swimming pool. To Rain Shine? Probably just the right size.
“Whoa,” you muttered.
“The water is already drawn,” Rain Shine said, stepping up to the tub. “Let me warm it for you.”
You watched curiously as she lifted her front hoof slightly. Her horn began to glow with a soft blue light- then, in a slow, mesmerizing motion, fire erupted in her raised hoof.
But it wasn’t like normal fire.
It was elegant, controlled, a swirl of glowing blue and red flames, dancing gently in the air above her hoof like a living spirit.
Your mouth fell open slightly.
She knelt down gracefully, placing her flaming hoof into the tub’s water for only a few seconds. Steam rose in soft wisps, the surface rippling from the warmth. Then she pulled her hoof back, and the fire simply vanished, like it had never been there.
“There,” she said calmly. “It should be warm now.”
You just stared at her, completely awestruck. “That was… amazing! That was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen! You can just… do that?!”
Rain Shine smiled gently, almost bashfully. “It’s nothing. Just a bit of fire magic. A talent most Kirin develop over time.”
“I want to learn that,” you said, still staring at where her hoof had touched the water.
She chuckled softly, her eyes shining. “One day, perhaps.”
With a flick of her horn, she gently lifted you up in her magical aura, your legs flailed a little as you were floated through the air.
She placed you into the tub with care. The water was perfect, not too hot, not too cool. Just right. Your whole body instantly relaxed.
She levitated over a small bottle of soap and placed it on the edge of the tub. “Use this to wash. The towels are in the cabinet just behind you. And if you need anything, anything at all, just call for me.”
You looked up at her and nodded. “Thanks, Rain Shine.”
She gave you a serene smile. “Take your time. I’ll start dinner.”
With that, she turned and stepped quietly out of the room, leaving the door slightly ajar.
You leaned back into the warm water with a deep sigh, letting the steam curl around you. For the first time since you arrived… you actually felt at peace.
The warm bath had been exactly what you needed.
You soaked for what felt like forever, letting the water melt away the aches from your legs and the lingering tension from everything that had happened over the last two days. The soap Rain Shine had given you smelled like lavender and pine, and the steam made your head feel clear.
Eventually, though, it was time to get out.
That’s when the problem started.
You reached for the edge of the tub, grunting as you tried to pull yourself up. The sides were tall, really tall for someone your size. You scrabbled a hoof against the rim, tried to get your other leg up…
And immediately slipped back in with a splash.
“Okay,” you muttered, cheeks already burning, “don’t panic.”
You tried again. And again. No luck.
You let out a long groan, slowly sinking until just your eyes were above the water. You stared at the far wall, defeated.
“…Rain Shine?” you finally called.
A moment later, her calm voice replied from down the hall, “Yes, Anon?”
“Uh… I… can’t get out.”
There was a pause. Then soft hoofsteps.
Rain Shine appeared in the doorway, her expression unreadable, though there was the faintest twitch at the corner of her mouth.
You gave her a sheepish look. “I, uh… I think I might need some help.”
Without a word, her horn glowed, and you were gently lifted from the bath once more, floating like a soggy little puppy. Your legs dangled awkwardly as water dripped from your fur onto the floor.
Rain Shine levitated a thick, soft towel around you and set you down with quiet grace.
“Thank you,” you mumbled, wrapped like a burrito, utterly defeated.
“You are very welcome,” she said, her voice kind but very clearly holding back a chuckle.
By the time you were dry, the house was filled with the comforting scent of dinner. You followed Rain Shine to the dining area, where a low wooden table sat in the center of a woven rug, surrounded by soft, floor-level pillows.
You sank onto one with a sigh. The day had been long but good.
Rain Shine entered a moment later, balancing a tray with simple dishes that made your mouth water just from the smell. She set the tray down and began serving the two of you.
Steamed vegetables, soft and glistening with herbs. A bowl of fluffy white rice. And small, golden pieces of sweet-roasted root fruit that smelled like cinnamon and reminded you of baked apples.
Simple. Warm. Comforting.
You took a bite and nearly melted. “mhm... This is… really good.”
Rain Shine smiled as she sat across from you. “I’m glad you think so.”
You both ate quietly for a moment, the only sounds being soft chewing and the occasional clink of a bowl being shifted.
“So,” she said, sipping from a small wooden cup of tea, “did you enjoy your bath?”
You looked up, half glaring. “Besides the part where I needed a rescue?”
Her lips twitched in amusement. “You handled it well.”
You rolled your eyes but smiled. “It was nice. The water was perfect. And that fire magic you used- still can’t get over that. It looked like you were holding a piece of the sun.”
She chuckled softly. “It’s not as flashy as it looks. Just a controlled mix of heat and energy. With practice, you might learn to do it, too.”
Your ears perked up. “You think I can?”
“I think there’s more magic in you than you realize,” she said simply.
That stuck with you, something about the way she said it felt… hopeful.
Dinner continued with small talk about the village, Kirin traditions, and even a short debate about whether roasted root fruit was better with cinnamon or honey.
But before long, your body started to betray you. Your movements slowed, your eyes drooped, and a yawn snuck up on you mid-sentence.
Rain Shine noticed immediately.
“You’re tired,” she said with a small smile. “Come. There’s something I’d like to show you before we sleep.”
You followed her as she led you up a short set of curved wooden stairs. The second floor was quieter, dimly lit, with smooth wooden floors and a single round window that let in the moonlight.
At the top of the stairs, she opened a door and stepped aside.
Inside was a small, empty room. No furniture. No decorations. Just a large woven rug in the middle and bare wooden walls with a single small window.
You tilted your head. “…Uh. What is this?”
Rain Shine looked at you, her expression gentle. “This is your room.”
You blinked. “Mine?”
She nodded. “You’re welcome to stay here with me, Anon. For as long as you like. I hope you’ll stay in the village, and maybe…” She paused, her voice softening. “…become one of my little Kirins.”
The words hit harder than you expected.
Your breath caught.
No one had said something like that to you before, not that you could remember. Not with such sincerity. Not with such warmth.
You looked away, blinking quickly as your vision blurred.
“Rain Shine…” Your voice wavered. “I… thank you. For everything.”
She stepped closer, then gently pulled you into a hug, her chin resting lightly against your mane. You didn’t even hesitate this time. You leaned into her embrace, letting yourself breathe her in, you felt safe.
She held you like that for a while. No words. Just quiet comfort.
When you finally pulled back, your eyes were still damp, but your heart felt lighter.
“We’ll have to get a bed made for you tomorrow, furniture too,” she said, brushing your mane gently out of your face. “But for now… you’ll sleep in my room. My bed is more than big enough for two.”
You sniffed and nodded, though your voice came out groggy. “I- I can sleep on the couch if you want…”
Her smile was kind, but her tone left no room for debate. “My mind is made up.”
You opened your mouth to protest again, but didn’t make it. You yawned instead.
Without another word, Rain Shine scooped you up in her magic again, lifting you onto her back with ease. You barely even noticed, your head already resting against her shoulder.
She carried you gently down the stairs and into her bedroom. The bed there was wide and soft.
She set you down, pulling the blanket over you with magic. As she extinguished the lanterns and candles one by one, the room dimmed into a peaceful darkness.
Then she slipped into bed beside you, curling around you like a protective flame.
You let out one last sleepy sigh as your eyes fluttered closed.
by blowingupthemoon
by blowingupthemoon
by blowingupthemoon
by blowingupthemoon