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Payment (Scootaloo and Anon) (by ScootAnon)

By Guest
Created: 2025-03-24 04:31:23
Expiry: Never

  1. >It's about 450 years into the future. An unknown apocalypse destroyed the world below.
  2. >Society's since collapsed and built itself back up, culminating in a mix of technology and industrial sleuth in the form of flying sky-cities.
  3. >At least, that's what the crazy guy near your house screams every morning.
  4. >Anyway, you're on your way to work on the Summit Island Ship when your hover-pack gives out mid-flight.
  5. >You had just enough juice to land on the port side of the city.
  6. >A good five miles shy of where you needed to go.
  7. >With at least fifty miles of straight sky beneath you leading to a polluted wasteland at the very bottom.
  8. >Golly, what a way to go that'd be.
  9. >You find yourself in the Red Gears District.
  10. >It's like the Red Light District by the stern, but here were some of the best damn mechanics, hunters, and doctors this side of Serena.
  11. >No doctorates, no licenses, no problem.
  12. >They were the gears that kept society turning.
  13. >They just had a unique kind of payment...
  14. >You shudder at the thought, but you venture into the district hoping to find someone who knows how to tinker with flying machinery.
  15. >Sure enough, you find a young boy in the middle of working on a small hover-bike in a small mechanic-esque kiosk, aptly named "Scoot's Flying Fixtures".
  16. >Knowing how things work around here, you feel your heart sink for this poor boy and you ultimately grow nervous.
  17. >But all the other stalls are full and you have an hour before work, so you approach the young lad regardless.
  18. >Surely, you can spare some extra goldings instead...
  19. >The young boy, which you assume his name is Scoot, pulls himself out from underneath the hover-bike and wipes off his face—which only gets it dirtier with what you guess is oil.
  20. >He's shirtless and drenched in sweat and oil.
  21. >His eyes fall on your sudden appearance and he jumps in place.
  22. >"Chrysler Fuck!" he shouts in an almost girlish tone.
  23. >You jump back yourself out of surprise and feel a hint at guilt of showing up unannounced.
  24. "U-Uh, great sorries, ki... sir. But are by chance you open for business?"
  25. >After Scoot got up and collected himself, he grabbed a towel and wiped his face off better.
  26. >It was smeared on his face now, but you hardly noticed.
  27. >"Maybe perhaps..." he said, looking you up and down. "Give me a time to see this work."
  28. >He tilts his head in the direction of the bike and you nod understandably, letting him do his thing for a couple more minutes.
  29. >You watch him bring the bike back to life with a deep roar. It hovers and gives off a delicate hum that sounds to be in tip-top shape.
  30. >At least, you think. You're no expert, you just use whatever works these days.
  31. >Scoot places the bike in a small stall next to his kiosk that says "Ready For Go!" and returns over to you.
  32. >"So, whatcha need for help?"
  33. >You show him your busted hover-pack and he takes a few moments to inspect its ins and outs.
  35. >"Ahh, nah. Blaster Chamber just needs some fixin'," he answers matter-of-factly. "I can kill it in twenty minutes!"
  36. "Real? That would be amazing."
  37. >Then the sinking feeling returns...
  38. "So... how do I pay...?"
  39. >Scoot tilts his head.
  40. >"Whatcha meaning...?"
  41. >It takes a moment for the question to kick into his head.
  42. >Then he just... giggles...?
  43. >"New to the Red Gears?"
  44. >You just sheepishly nod.
  45. >Scoot just giggles again, wiping his forehead and smearing the oil more on his face inadvertently.
  46. >"Well, you're steaming, so tell you a guess: Let me do a little suckle, and all you need to do is milk my face, clear?"
  47. >Your face heats up immediately.
  48. >Not because of the offer, necessarily—in any other case, it would be too much... but maybe if it came down to it, you wouldn't mind.
  49. >But this was a child!
  50. "That doesn't seem... right..."
  51. >Scoot just rolls his eyes.
  52. >"Greatly new..." he mumbles to himself, but you can hear him.
  53. "What's your year?" you ask him.
  54. >"Just shying eleven."
  55. >So your hunch was right.
  56. >Laws in recent years regarding younglings has since eased due to population shortage.
  57. >But not everyone jumped onto the idea.
  58. >"D'you want your pack killed up or not?" Scoot asks you, hand on his hip.
  59. >He isn't necessarily annoyed, but you do know you're holding up his business.
  60. "Are you sure you don't need goldings...?" you ask him.
  61. >Scoot only shakes his head and waves it off.
  62. >"Nah, I'm solid on money. I like fixin' stuffs. On the sides, I like having fun with dealers. A girl like me's needs needing too so this place hits!"
  63. >Wait... girl...?
  64. >So... she's...
  65. >You stand silently before the topless girl.
  66. >She waits oddly patiently now for your answer.
  67. "I..."
  68. >"C'mon, guy," she says. "I'm the best fixer around here. I won't chop. Promise."
  69. >She's insistent—and it makes sense now with what she just told you a few seconds ago.
  70. >Good on money.
  71. >Likes to do this with customers and fix their broken things.
  72. >How can a girl her age have "needs" like this...?
  73. >Who did this to her?
  74. >Were you really considering this...?
  75. >You check the time on you watch.
  76. >It's past the eighth hour.
  77. >You had just under an hour.
  78. >This job was all you had left now.
  79. "... Okay."
  80. >"Awesome, let's ready it!" she says excitedly.
  81. >Before you can even take a step forward, Scoot's already on her knees and fumbling with your pants.
  82. "Wo-wo-wo-wo-" you say, trying to stop her.
  83. >She looks up at you, hands on the zipper.
  84. >"What?"
  85. >You look up at the other people strolling around the street.
  86. >Nobody's paying attention to you. They're going about their business.
  87. >You see a man and a woman going at it a couple kiosks away, and nobody pays them any mind.
  88. >"Ohhh," Scoot says with a smirk, "don't like eyes seeing you, huh?"
  89. "... Yeah..."
  90. >It was one way of putting it.
  91. >"C'mon, in my house," Scoot says as she gets up on her knees and proceeds to the back of the kiosk.
  92. >You follow her behind a set of curtains and into a small metallic pod.
  94. >Despite its small size, it's admittedly a little cozy, and is clearly donned with all the amenities of the average home on Serena:
  95. >Kitchen, toilet, bath, and a bed.
  96. >There's even a television with some movies on the shelf.
  97. >Some of the movies are ones from before the Great Event!
  98. >"Like it?" she asks as she catches you gawking at her house. "It's cramping, but there's home here for me. Look at here."
  99. >She hops down into a small cubby-like room underneath the floor and you duck down inside with her.
  100. >The ceiling just barely reaches the top of her head, but you're able to rest your arms on the floor above.
  101. >The room itself consists of a small reclining chair and a series of computer screens that all seem to connect to the security cameras along the hull of the city.
  102. >Like one big window looking out into the abyss below. It's honestly a bit unnerving.
  103. >But Scoot seems unfazed by it.
  104. >"I love seating down here just to look outside," she tells you with a grin. "Makes me imagine flying."
  105. >You can see why she'd think that...
  106. >"So, ready for going?" she asks you, and you immediately remember why you're here in the first place.
  107. "Uh... sure," you say simply.
  108. >In reality, you're still incredibly unsure of going through with this.
  109. >But the kid was insistent on doing things her way.
  110. >And you really need to keep your job.
  111. >"Awesome! Stand there, comfort your head. I'll do the work!"
  112. >You decide to do as she says and stand in place, using the floor above you as a place to rest your upper body.
  113. >You decide not to look—but you can feel and hear Scoot get up from her chair and kneel down in front of you.
  114. >You can feel her undo your pants.
  115. >And you can just hear her surprise.
  116. >"Whoa... your dicker's huge, man!"
  117. >You can't help it.
  118. >You look down and see the sheer shock on Scoot's face as she sees the sheer size of your shaft.
  119. >From your perspective, it didn't seem all that special—you were no bigger than the average male onboard.
  120. >Scoot, on the other hand, treated it like it could tear her in half.
  121. >You leaned forward just barely, and felt your tip rub against her lips.
  122. >They were so soft.
  123. >Scoot snickered.
  124. >"Too readying, huh?"
  125. "Sorries..."
  126. >She smiled.
  127. >"All good. Readied?"
  128. >You breathe deeply and nod.
  129. >But you can't help but watch in morbid anticipation.
  130. >It's just payment...
  131. >It's just payment...
  132. >It's just pa—
  133. >You watch your cock vanish into her mouth.
  134. >You shudder and grip the air around you, struggling to watch her.
  135. >Her throat takes you in with no problem; her lips manage to reach the base.
  136. >Scoot gags for a split second before pulling away, leaving your cock drenched in her spit.
  137. >She spends a few seconds with the tip in her mouth, and you can feel her tongue lapping away at it.
  138. >Being sensitive as it was, you grab a clump of your hair in your hand and breathe through your nose.
  139. >It does nothing to calm you down.
  140. >And maybe that was her plan.
  141. >Without wasting another second—Scoot starts sucking you.
  143. >She bobs back and forth with no resistance whatsoever, moaning and slurping with every push and pull on your shaft.
  144. >Her hand jerks you in time with her movements.
  145. >The feeling is immeasurable.
  146. >Immaculate.
  147. >Savory beyond all repair.
  148. >You wonder how many times she's done this...
  149. >There's a bit of guilt that floods back into your mind.
  150. >But it disappears when you feel Scoot run her tongue all the way from the base to the tip, and back into her mouth you went.
  151. >You find yourself cycling between looking down at her and finding something to lay your eyes on.
  152. >Just forward of you, you see her bed with a photo frame by the side.
  153. >It's of her when she was younger, next to two other figures.
  154. >Probably her parents.
  155. >The photo looked only a few years old.
  156. >You wonder where they were now...
  157. >She looked so happy...
  158. >You look back down to the same girl that's now fellating you.
  159. >She pulls her mouth off your cock and slaps it lazily against her cheek, giggling joyfully as she did.
  160. >A faint print of your cock sits on her face, smudged by the oil stains.
  161. >The sight should make you sad... and deep down, it does.
  162. >But you can't help but feel so turned on by the sight.
  163. >Maybe you really were no different from everyone else...
  164. >Before you could get lost in your own head, Scoot buries you back into her throat and continues bobbing back and forth.
  165. >It isn't long before feel your loins begin to burn.
  166. >You reach one hand down on Scoot's head.
  167. >She looks up at you, and your eyes meet.
  168. >Hers twinkled with this hint of innocent, muddied by a yearn for rebellion.
  169. >You almost forgot what you wanted to say.
  170. >But you didn't even get the chance to say it before she popped her mouth off again.
  171. >"Rising?" she asked you with a grin, continuing to jerk you off.
  172. >You clear your throat and nod.
  173. >It was hard to look away now.
  174. >You wanted to see this.
  175. >Scoot giggled.
  176. >"Learned it."
  177. >Scoot rested one hand on your hip, while the other furiously began to pump your cock back and forth.
  178. >It was hard to breathe right, and you found yourself caressing her head with your hand.
  179. >All the while, she just looked up at you with this innocent and childish smile.
  180. >It was the greatest contrast from her actions.
  181. >"C'mon... milk me..."
  182. >From her words.
  183. >You had no chance.
  184. "C-Chrysler Fuck..."
  185. >Without warning, your tip erupted, and a thick jet of white shot out and struck Scoot in the face, landing on her cheek all the way to her forehead.
  186. >Then another came roaring out.
  187. >Then another, and another, and another.
  188. >You painted her face, just as she asked for.
  189. >She opened her mouth, and after only a couple ropes, her mouth was full.
  190. >She swallowed and opened again. Then she swallowed and opened again, until you could barely fill her mouth anymore.
  191. >Finally, she stopped jerking you off.
  192. >After several moments, it was over, and you almost fell to your knees with how weak you were.
  194. >It was only when you sat down on the ladder behind you that you really got to see Scoot at face level.
  195. >Her face was absolutely plastered with cum, dripping down onto her topless chest and down her belly.
  196. >You managed to even shoot a few fresh loads on her budding breasts.
  197. >And Scoot just giggled at the entire thing.
  198. >"Chrysler Fuck, dude! You milked the hell out of me! When's the last time you got suckled?"
  199. "... A lot of moons..." was all you could say as you tried catching your breath.
  200. >"I learned that," Scoot said with a smirk as she sat there on her knees.
  201. >She looked over to the nearby mirror and saw just how much you covered her.
  202. "Sheesh. I should've quest'd you to rail me 'stead. Maybe next stop by, huh?"
  203. >... It was bad that you were considering that.
  204. >With a light grunt, Scoot got up on her feet and licked at the cum around her lips.
  205. >"Alright... give me twenty minutes and I'll make it fixed," she said, referring to your hover-pack. "For now, have some food! You'll need it to fly!"
  206. >All you could do was weakly nod.
  207. >Scoot climbed up the ladder and left the home to get to work.
  208. >You just sat there for another minute, just to catch your breath.
  209. >When you finally managed to compose yourself, you climbed up the ladder and sat on the floor.
  210. >You were honestly considering calling out for work after that.
  211. >But you knew better than to take such a risk.
  212. >After making yourself some toast—even though you already ate breakfast, that alone had you craving something—you shambled your way out the front door of Scoot's home and reentered the kiosk.
  213. >And just in time too, as you saw Scoot landing on her feet right in front of you, wearing your hover-pack.
  214. >"Woo! This thing can rush!" she exclaimed excitedly with a cute grin on her face. "Where'd you pay for it?"
  215. >But before you answered, something immediately caught your eye.
  216. >The cum still on her face and chest.
  217. >It was dry now, but it was obviously still visible.
  218. >You glanced around, waiting for somebody to ask why there was cum all over a topless little girl.
  219. >But nobody reacted.
  220. >Nobody even glanced in her direction.
  221. >Nobody cared...
  222. "Uh... Summit Island," you say after a moment.
  223. >Scoot doesn't seem to notice your hesitation; she's too busy looking over the hover-pack and beaming over her accomplishment in fixing it.
  224. >"Cool! I'll have to pay one for me too!"
  225. >She holds the hover-pack in her hands and holds it out to you.
  226. >"Here you are! Ready for go!" she says confidently.
  227. >With a little smile of your own, you grab the hover-pack from her and put it on.
  228. "Great thanks, Miss...?"
  229. >You already knew her name, at least some of it. But it was still better to ask.
  230. >"Scootaloo," she answers with her hands out in a shrug, "but people name me Scoot, so that's my life-name."
  231. >You give her a nod.
  232. "I'm Anonymous. Just name me Anon," you tell her with a smile.
  233. >You look back at the rest of the district. The smell of sex is in the air, but everyone continues to go about their day.
  235. >Unaware or uncaring of the two of you.
  236. "So... was our happening okay?"
  237. >Scootaloo rolls her eyes again, but otherwise nods and smiles.
  238. >"Yep! Most dealers mostly like to milk me, but most times I just get railed. Haven't been milked in a while, tho!"
  239. >That doesn't sit right with you, but...
  240. >"If you like it, you can pass by again!"
  241. >Was she... propositioning you?
  242. "... Are you sure?"
  243. >"Yeah! You're pretty steaming, can't lie. And I like making friends!"
  244. >You blush at the compliment.
  245. >But you ponder the idea of accepting her invitation.
  246. >Not out of disdain, but out of concern.
  247. >What would it mean? For you?
  248. >For her?
  249. "I'd like that."
  250. >... Guess you'll find out later.
  251. >You check the time on your watch again.
  252. >It's thirty minutes past eight.
  253. >If you're lucky, you'll get there with two minutes to spare!
  254. "Damn, gotta work! Great thanks again, Scootaloo!"
  255. >You start backpedaling from the kiosk, waving her goodbye as you turn on your hover-pack.
  256. >Scootaloo waves back at you.
  257. >"No problem! Pass by later night, Mister Anon!"
  258. >With a nod and a smile, you lifted off into the sky.
  259. >You waved goodbye until you couldn't see her anymore.
  260. >With another turn, you made way for Summit Island, which floated off miles away but seemingly so close.
  261. >The entire flight, all you thought about was Scootaloo's proposition.
  262. >It's been a few years since you had any form of intimacy. Your last partner walked out on you because you put too much time into your work.
  263. >But these days, slacking off just once would be enough to knock you down permanently.
  264. >Scootaloo, on the other hand, seems to have it in a proper balance—between her seeming passion for fixing broken gadgets to making her customers "milk" her, there didn't seem to be any sign of struggle or unhappiness.
  265. >The only problem for you was simply the fact that she was still young.
  266. >VERY young.
  267. >What kind of person would that make her in the long run?
  268. >What would it make you?
  269. >Guess you'll find out tonight.
  271. End...?

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