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Morning Surprise (Sweetie Bell, Rarity BE)

By Sizeable
Created: 2020-12-18 03:10:27
Expiry: Never

  2. Companion image here: https://derpibooru.org/1214028
  4. Sweetie Belle woke up one morning and found that she had a big problem.
  6. Make that two big problems.
  8. Like most girls her age Sweetie Belle had been going through puberty. Recently she had gotten nearly as tall as her older sister, Rarity. She had also begun to mature in other ways as well. For instance, she had recently graduated to a bona fide b-cup.
  10. While most girls her age would probably be happy with such development, Sweetie was a little disheartened. Both her mother and sister were two of the bustiest women in the whole town and, while they both assured the girl that she too would reach buxom proportions, her rate of growth made it seem as though that just wasn't going to happen.
  12. However, a week earlier, Sweetie Belle had begun to notice that her modest breasts were increasingly sore. Not only that, but her nipples were getting darker in color and the pink patches surrounding them were spreading out wider across her little boobies.
  14. Maybe she was due for a cup increase, she thought giddily.
  16. She was right. She just didn't know how right.
  18. Sweetie stood in front of her bedroom mirror and looked in amazement at her reflection. When she woke up a few minutes earlier she was shocked to find that, somehow, her petite breasts had blown up overnight into a pair of basketball-sized tits. The were so huge that they had actually torn her nightgown, exposing a vast swath of cleavage.
  20. The puzzled girl turned to and fro as she examined her swollen chest. The massive mounds covered the majority of her slim torso, leaving only a few inches of her trim tummy exposed. Like her mother and sister, her breasts were round and full, jutting off her chest enthusiastically despite their hefty weight. They sagged only a little, just enough to give them a pleasing tear drop shape. If she had to describe them, Sweetie probably would have called them 'pumped up'.
  22. The newly busty girl wrestled out of her nightgown and stood naked save for a pair of pale panties. She shivered as the cool morning air caressed her nipples, causing them to stiffen. There was no doubt about it, her nips were bigger than they were the day before. Experimentally, she pinched her right one between thumb and forefinger.
  24. Sweetie's eyes widened in surprise. They had never felt like that before!
  26. Whenever she had explored her nipples in the past they had merely felt like any other part of her chest, pleasure-wise. She knew that some girls claimed they could actually get off by playing with their paps, but Sweetie Belle had never known whether to believe them or not.
  28. Now she did. She totally did!
  30. She gave both her nipples another good tweak and moaned at the results. They felt so good!
  32. Sweetie considered laying down on her bed and really giving her new fun-bags a good working-over, but she saw the time and figured that she needed to get some other things figured out before she could indulge herself.
  34. Namely, she needed some new clothes.
  36. Fortunately for her, she was spending the night at her sister's place, aka Carousel Boutique, aka clothes-central. If anyone knew how to dress a mighty pair of boobs, it was Rarity.
  38. Sweetie Belle slipped into a green pencil skirt and, morbidly curious, grabbed her largest bra. She held the puny thing up to her broad bust, then she draped the silk garment over the upper slopes of her boobs and put her hands on her hips. It was the most ridiculous thing the girl had ever seen and she giggled at the sight. The bra looked like it was made for a doll when compared to her jumbo juggs.
  40. That cinched it, no bra for her. She got her biggest shirt, a off-white button down, and started to put it on.
  42. The shoulders were tight and she could only get the bottom three buttons done up. The front hem of the shirt usually rested below her crotch, but her bosom was taking up so much volume that she barely had enough fabric to tuck the garment into her waistband. No matter how hard she pulled, she couldn't begin to bring the two halves of the tortured blouse together across her voluminous chest.
  44. Thanking her lucky stars that she didn't have to go out in public like this, Sweetie turned to examine herself in the mirror.
  46. The first thing she noticed was her entirely exposed line of cleavage. She was sporting ten inches? Twelve?
  48. The second item was that the thin cotton of her blouse totally showed off the dark patches around her nipples. Not to mention the fact that her stiff pointers looked like they were about tear holes through the shirt!
  50. Figuring that she was about as modest as she was going to get, the top-heavy girl snuck downstairs to find her sister.
  52. Sweetie Belle wasn't sure what she expected Rarity's reaction to be but she figured there would probably be some major freaking out. So when her sister saw her new chest the first words out of her mouth took Sweetie completely by surprise.
  54. "Oh, my! So they finally decided to make their appearance, did they?"
  56. Sweetie couldn't speak for a moment. Finally she parsed her sibling's strange words.
  58. "You... You knew this would happen to me!"
  60. "Of course. It happens to all the women in our family." Rarity saw the look on her little sister's face, "Didn't Mother tell you?"
  62. When Sweetie shook her head, Rarity huffed in annoyance.
  64. "That is so typical! I'll bet she thought you weren't due to grow for a while yet. You know she almost missed telling me? It was only a week after she did that my bosom came in." The older woman patted her magnificent melons which, Sweetie noticed with some chagrin, where still quite a bit larger than her newly minted norks.
  66. "Well, let's start fitting you for some clothes, shall we? I'll explain everything" The fashion designer led her bewildered sister to a fitting room, grabbing a tape measure on the way.
  68. Rarity started talking as she helped Sweetie Belle out of her shirt and started pulling a tape measure around various points of the younger girl's torso.
  70. "Now you know that there is all sorts of transformation magic floating around Equestria, hmm? Well, no one in the family knows why but apparently one of our long ago grandmother had a powerful enchantment place on her when she was still just a girl. Perhaps it was something meant to embarrass her family or maybe it was meant as a curse for her misbehavior. Personally though, I think it was done to make the girl more attractive to suitors. You have to remember that this was about the time when Celestia became the gold standard for beauty. And we both know what her most prominent 'attributes' are. Besides her height, that is."
  72. Sweetie nodded in agreement. Celestia was certainly taller than anyone else. But it was her breasts that grabbed your attention. They stuck out so far that you couldn't stand within three feet of her and expect to see her face!
  74. "So, the enchantment made her boobs grow? Like me?" the girl asked.
  76. "Mmn-hmn, it surely did. Just like it did me, and mother, and our grandmother, and most of the female relatives on mother's side of the family."
  78. "Gosh!" Sweetie murmured, "It's just... I thought I was gonna be small for ever, but then I wake up and... I don't know."
  80. Rarity paused, "I know this must be a little crazy for you right now, but I promise you'll come to love them."
  82. "I do love them!" Sweetie blurted out, taking her sister by surprise. She calmed down and continued, "I mean, it is super weird and all but I was really starting to get worried that I would never be big like you and Mom. And now that I've got them I think I'm gonna really like them. I mean, they look so pretty," Sweetie looked in the changing room mirror and caught sight of her prominent pink nipple. Her morning's explorations came back to her, "And they feel really good too..."
  84. She blushed as she realized what she had just said in front of her oh-so-proper sibling, but Rarity just laughed.
  86. "Believe me, I know what you mean. We're pretty lucky that the enchantment also seems to make us more, how shall I say, sensitive?" She finished her measuring and took some notes. "And if you think they feel good now, just wait until they reach their full size! Be right back." Rarity left the changing room with her notepad.
  88. "Wait, reach their full size?" Sweetie asked the empty cubicle. They were going to get bigger? Her sweater puppies were already gigantic! She waited intently until her sister waltzed back in with several slim boxes.
  90. "I'm not done growing?" the nervous girl chirped.
  92. Again Rarity laughed, "Oh, sorry. You see, now that you've had you're first growth spurt your breasts will start getting bigger at a steady pace until they reach their full size. What happened to you last night was sort of a 'kick-start' you might say." The fashionista dug into one of the boxes.
  94. "Then how big am I going to get?" Sweetie was almost afraid to ask.
  96. "It depends, really. I believe you're already bigger than I was when I first started to grow. That probably means you'll end up bigger than me in the end." She held up a large white bra, "Now try this on. I'll help you since this has a lot more hooks than you old one."
  98. As she leaned forward and scooped her massive mams into the huge satin cups of the bra, Sweetie's mind was racing. Bigger than Rarity? The only woman in town who was bigger than her sister was Ms. Fluttershy. Seriously, all her sister's bras were custom made. They had to be with her 60 inch bust. Sweetie didn't even know if she would be able to stand up if she got bigger than that!
  100. Seeing the look of concern on her little sister's face, Rarity consoled her. "Don't let it worry you. The rest of your growth will take some time. And I can help you through it. There's actually a perpetual levitation spell that I think you will find quite handy," Rarity winked, "Especially during bikini season!"
  102. With all the hook done up, Sweetie stood up strait.
  104. "Congratulations," Rarity cheered, "You are officially a k-cup, at least for now. How does it feel to join the big boobie club?"
  106. Sweetie Belle stared at herself in the mirror. She turned from side to side admiring her bra-clad bosom. The sturdy foundation garment caused her bust to stick out farther than ever. She was pretty sure that now when she turned a corner people were going see her tits five minutes before they saw her!
  108. But Rarity was right, she was already in love with them. And even though she knew it was crazy, Sweetie Belle couldn't wait for them to get even bigger.
  110. She looked over at her (for now) big sister and grinned, "It feels great!"
  113. The end.

Huge Human's Past threads list

by Sizeable

Morning Surprise (Sweetie Bell, Rarity BE)

by Sizeable

Milky Doom

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by Sizeable