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Milky Doom

By Sizeable
Created: 2020-12-31 15:13:45
Expiry: Never

  1. Problem, my lady?"
  3. You (Anon) steps into the suite occupied by Princess Cadence and Shining Armor. Ever since arriving you've felt like a giant. You barely fit into the large rooms of the palace and most of the natives only come up to shins. Cadence is only slightly larger, cresting your knees. Still, this talking pony has been good to you. Giving you a place to stay, food to eat, and work.
  5. She sighs and turns to face you. "It's just, now that Flurryheart is older and is no longer feeding, I well." She blushes. "It's too embarrassing." You prompt her to continue. "It's just, well. I miss breast feeding Anon!" You are taken aback, but quickly rebalance. "Of course. I'm sure that's, err, normal? Anyway," you kneel down and sit on the floor. Reaching out, you pet her. "If there's anything I can do to help." She accepts the petting before her face perks up. "I could...feed you?"
  7. After some resistance you give in. Taking Cadence in your hands you bring her up to your face. Her swollen udders are visibly leaking her milky cream. After a last moment hesitating, you take both small nipples into your mouth.
  9. "Neeeeiiiigh. Ah, Anon!" Cadence squirms in your grasp a little, clearly experiencing great pleasure from the experience. As you drink you feel your crotch burning. The biggest erection of your life, almost supernatural, is threatening to tear through your pants. Setting Cadence down, you blush in embarrassment.
  11. "Oh my, my." She looks at your clear arousal. "Since you helped me." Cadence crawls into your lap and wraps herself around your shaft. Using her entire body, she proceeds to jerk you off. You plaster the ceiling with you spooge. You feel lighter, a massive sense of loss as you cum.
  13. You look around and the room appears, bigger? It must be your imagination. Cadence is overjoyed. "That was amazing Anon. As your Princess, I command you to come here everyday for a feeding." She lifts some of the sponge covering her onto her hoof and licks it. As she does so, you feel a slight shift in her weight. You write it off as her shifting her hips. "Yes my lady. What should we do about...the room?" Cadence smiles. "Oh, I'll take care of it. I fed you, it's only fair you feed me." She took another dollop of spooge onto her hoof and brought it to her mouth. Again her weight shifted. "Yes m'am."
  15. It's now been a week since Cadence started feeding you. By now it's sunk in that you are infact shrinking. The little ponies are no longer so little. Where once they no longer even cleared your knees, after your last encounter they stand eye level with you. While at first you didn't mind being smaller, fitting better into this adopted world, you are now starting to become apprehensive. If this continues you will rapidly be surround by massive ponies!
  17. You enter into and marvel at your mistress. Princess Cadence towers over you. Her horn scrapes gently against the painted ceiling. More, her very figure has changed. Her udders hang lower, swollen with her milk. They are clearly in need of draining as droplets are falling to the floor, leaving a liquid trail. Her hips have widened and her rear bulging. She adopts an enormous, somewhat unsettling smile on seeing you. "Anon!" She rushes over, making the room shake slightly from her size. "I missed you soooo much." She leans in. "I've decided that you no longer need to have a separate room. Really it's a waste of money. Now you'll just stay with me. Always!"
  19. You try to stand straighter, but from her perspective it probably isn't even noticeable. "I, Cadence, I think we need to stop." She gets closer, lowering herself somewhat. "Stop? Ohhhh, no. I need this. I can't not have you. Your seed, your body, your lips on my...." She stops shuddering and you watch as another kind of liquid streams down her hind legs. "I think we need, if anything to do more, darling Anon."
  21. You realize that coming was a mistake. Whatever is happening has deeply changed Cadence. You back up away, only for the giant mare to knock you onto your back with her fore hoof. "I don't think so, little man." You look up, scared. "Cadence, please. I don't want to shrink!"
  23. She smiles at you. "There, there." Above she shifts and positions her massive, swollen udder above you. You can smell the aroma of her arousal and the sweet milk. "Oh my Celestia, yessss." As a huge droplet of nectar hits your face, you cry again. "Cadence please..." Your pleas are to no avail. She's simply too far gone. Some of her liquid finds its way into your mouth. Whatever magic is changing you both takes hold. You want her milk. You need it. You reach up with your hands for her. Sensing your desire, she lowers herself gently to where you can reach. You wrap yourself against one teat. The swollen nipple barely fits into your mouth and it isn't long before your stomach bulges with the giant mare's milk.
  25. As with every time you have fed of Cadence, your manhood is swollen. It twitches with seed that will transfer more of your very essence into her. Spooge that will drive her deeper into her obsession and grow her even larger as you shrink.
  27. Still lost in her nectar infused euphoria, you don't do anything as she removes her huge udders from your face and turns to again face you. "That was," she is breathless and flushed, "even...huff..better than the last time. I must have cum a dozen times. You are amazing!" She brings her large face down to nuzzle you warmly. Pulling back, she marvels at your erection. "Oh wow," she slyly smiles. "Can you believe I used to have to wrap myself around this thing of yours. This wonderful, yummy thing." She bends down and takes all of you into her mouth, effortlessly. You spooge into her and around you, the world grows bigger.
  29. Since that day, the Crystal kingdom has altered. Princess Cadence has taken me as hers. I'm never allowed outside of her sight. Not wishing me to disappear entirely, she has discovered she is now powerful enough to alter her milk's effects.
  31. Currently Cadence is following her usual routine. She sits on her makeshift throne with her massive hind legs splayed down the elevated steps and her head brushing the hanging decorations. Her massive, swollen udders are being pumped by two mares into massive canisters to be supplied to the subjects of the Crystal Empire. Cadence's milk cures all disease, leaves one perfectly filled, and is wholly addictive with a blissful euphoria. It transforms mares into smaller images of Cadence herself. Large, horny, and obsessed with their chosen male. Who of her subjects would ever rebel from this source of ambrosia? Even if they did, who could stand against a giant, all powerful goddess?
  33. Well, assuming she even cared to give them her attention. For the last four hours, the time it takes to fully empty her, she has sat on her expanded rump with me jammed inside of her. I am the size of a sex toy to her and Cadence uses me every day for her pleasure during the milking. Having finished draining her of milk, she reluctantly uses her magic to pull me out of her. Her face flush and her breath heavy, she reclines more and sighs. I meanwhile am drenched in mare juice lying on the floor before this enormous pony who dominates my every day from morning to night.
  35. Usually this is my rest time where Cadence actually has to run some affairs of state. I sit, naked and drenched beneath her oozing pussy and leak teats as various officials shuffle in and out trying their best to ignore me. Today though, was different. "Princess Cadence, Princess Cadence," cried a guard, "it's Princess Celestia, she's here!"
  37. I look up at the enormous goddess to see her utterly disinterested. "Fine, fine, you may show her in. Honestly."
  39. Then
  41. Dear Starlight, I'm attaching this to Flurry before teleporting her to you. You have to tell Princess Celestia, the Crystal Kingdom is in danger. I don't have enough time. Princess Cadence has been infected with some kind of...illness. It's caused her to become infatuated with Anon, grow gigantic, and develop godlike powers. She is shipping milk from her udders, changing everypony. Mares into horny giants obsessed with their shrunken male counterparts. I tried to convince Shining to flee, but he insisted on trying to save Anon. Starlight, I....
  43. He stopped at a pounding on his door. Well, She knew. "Goodbye Flurry. I hope..." The pounding increased. "I hope." He finished and concentrating he sent the tiny foal to her Aunt Twilight. Just as he finished, the door burst open. A large Pony, easily twice his size entered his home. Her pupils were dilated and her mane a mess. She obviously had not seized herself a stud yet. "Sunburst! By order of her most high wonderfulness, you are ordered to submit to quest-questioning," She broke apart for a second as her eyes darted to his cock. She licked her lips and gave him a hungry stare. Sunburst shivered and backed up. "Regarding the royal princess." The large mare was advancing on him. "Flurry is safely gone, and I may not be a hero like Shining, but I won't go down without a fight!"
  45. Now
  47. I watched as magically Cadence moved Celestia toward her. The smaller Alicorn fought against her, but it was useless. Her forward momentum stopped at the base of the throne. On either side of Celestia was Cadence's thick hind legs each thicker than her body.
  48. "Mmfhmfmf." She was trying to talk, but the ballgag was still firmly in place. "Let's see," Cadence lowered her free hoof and tapped one of her big, swollen utters. A stream of thick milk shot out. "There." She smiled, benevolently. "Now, Auntie Tia. Be a good girl and drink." Celestia looked disgustedly at the enormous, dripping nipple. Her ball gag gone, she shot back. "I will not."
  50. Cadence smirked and raised an eyebrow. "Oh, I think you will. Because I can wait. But, if you don't drink now, we'll got to Canterlot and you'll watch as I force feed Luna right in front of you. Maybe I'll make her into a butt plug?" Celestia's eyes widened in terror. She knew that she was defeated. I felt abject horror and looked up at Cadence, only to see her staring coldly down on the former ruler of Equestria. A shudder ran throughout my body.
  52. "Oh Anon, darling. Are you cold!" Cadence was panicking. "No! No, I'm uh, fine. Just, you know, turned on by all this stuff." She smiled. "That's good, we'll have to celebrate once I'm finished."
  54. Dodged one crisis. I turned and watched as Celestia began to nurse as best she could from a nipple half the size of her lower leg.
  56. "Bring him in!" Cadance's voice echoed throughout the chamber, causing everyone to clap hooves or hands to his or her ears. Shortly after, the two Amazon guards entered flanking an extremely rough looking Shining Armor. "Ca-Cadence?" For a tense second, I watched a small bit of hope on his face. Then it disappeared. He knew his wife was no longer the mare he had married.
  58. "Shining," she down at her ex, "You aren't looking so good." He snorted and stomped his forehoof. "As if you care." A pink glow enveloped him and he was lifted into the air. He rose up to Cadence's level.
  60. I looked at him, my eyes begging his forgiveness. He just smiled at me. Even though I was likely the cause of all of this, he didn't blame me. "Don't be like that," Cadence stopped him in front of her, her enormous mouth washing him in her hot breath. "Even though we aren't together, you're Flurry's father. I know," she said as fake as she could, "You just need some...milk."
  62. Cadence shifty her hefty rump and splayed out on the throne room's floor. She made sure Celestia, who had finished nursing from her, was positioned on her tummy. Then she lowered Shining to join Celestia. Shining settled down and looked, bewildered at the formerly regal queen of all Equestria. Her eyes were wide and visible puffs of air were exiting her nose.
  64. "Prin-princess Cele-," before he could finish she tackled him. Beneath them the ground shifted as Cadence giggled. I meanwhile was being floated beside her.
  66. "Shining, please." Celestia was trying to pin him beneath her dripping teats. "I'm sooo full. I need you to be a good boy and drain them." It was weird how erotic it was. Pinned on his wife's warm fur tummy as the ruler of Equestria begged him to nurse her milky titty. Still, he fought the insane pheromones and his hunger after not eating for so long. "Majesty, please!" His please fell on deaf ears. Celestia's dripping milk found it's way into his mouth and at that moment, Shining Armor was lost.
  68. Cadence watched with glee as Celestia finished feeding the already shrinking Shining Armor. Armor, lost in need with his erect member was mounting the willing mare.
  70. Her ex was shrinking while fucking the former ruler of Equestria. On her tummy. "Mmmmmh." Aroused by the carnal display she turned to me. "Anon, I think we should join them."
  72. Equestria was truly doomed.

Huge Human's Past threads list

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Morning Surprise (Sweetie Bell, Rarity BE)

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Milky Doom

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