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Claws and Magic part 2

By YuriFanatic
Created: 2020-12-18 04:39:38
Expiry: Never

  1. >Again you mentally command the crows through your tether, albeit this time it's a larger set of instructions focused purely on the large bird on your forearm, Bonecarver you named it.
  2. >The first time you simply ordered them to 'calm down', but this next step would require a bit more effort on your part.
  3. >[i]Well, here goes nothing.[/i]
  4. >You channel the wind of beasts and try to focus on your inner eye and again the imaginary brown tether etched to your horn bends to your will.
  5. >The scent of rot and glimpses of purple tries to take your attention away, but you refuse to allow it.
  6. >This spell could go horribly wrong if you don't concentrate.
  7. >[i]'Bonecarver, carry the bowl and drop it on the bed's pillows'[/i] you mentally command, before sending another to the rest of the birds to remain where they are.
  8. >"CAW!"
  9. >With your mental command released you feel Bonecarver's claws releasing from your arm, dripping a few more droplets of your blood on the ground.
  10. >The other crows remain in their places silently watching, giving you a wave of relief.
  11. >You weren't sure if the much larger bird would respond to the name you have given it through that command.
  12. >It seems that as long as you focus on the intent of your spell, it would perform as expected.
  13. >Your mind numbs a bit due to the magical constraint.
  14. >[i]Or was that the alcohol?[/i]
  15. >You couldn't tell as fatigue slowly starts to grip on your consciousness.
  16. >You stumble a bit before steadying yourself, intent on watching Bonecarver gripping the side of the bowl.
  17. >Blood trickles down from its claws and slowly seep into the clear liquid as it takes off, spilling some of it on the ground.
  18. >Grim and Trixie both were impressed at your spell's display, before wincing at the crow practically spilling the bowl on the pillow and dropping it completely.
  19. >The bowl spilled on its side, wetting the bed with its foul stench.
  20. >In retrospect, you should probably have tried coordinating two smaller birds on either side of the bowl instead of Bonecarver gripping only one side.
  21. >"Well, looks like I'll be getting another spare pillow then," the gryphoness grunted, obviously displeased of the mess you made before walking off into another room.
  22. >"Oh don't mind her, Trixie believes you did a wonderful job for your first spell!", Trixie chirps.
  23. "Oh, thanks? I did end up spilling it though..." You wearily replied.
  24. >"Still impressive," she says a matter of factly, "Trixie has never seen somepony who channeled that much Ghur into their first spell, much less any wind of magic."
  25. >She walks up to you and brings a hoof to your withers.
  26. >"Trixie is very proud of you," she smiles softly, causing your cheeks to unwillingly blush before she pats you on the head.
  27. >Again a mix of emotions filled your mind as she continues to ruffle your mane.
  28. >Usually, you would make a comeback of sorts, but her smile paused all said thoughts.
  29. >Instead, the gesture and praise made you feel warm inside.
  30. >These conflicting emotions inside you were slowly turning into happiness and contentedness.
  31. >You quickly remember that this was the reason why you had wanted to cast this spell in the first place, to make her proud, and to not feel like her efforts drilling magic lessons in your head was all for naught.
  32. >It was a very nice feeling, but one that didn't last long as fatigue finally embraces you.
  33. >"CAW! CAW! CAW!" the nearby murder of crows shouted agitatedly, the flocking of wings and small gusts filling the room once more.
  34. >"H-Hornet?!" Trixie showed an alarmed expression as you feel yourself leaning into her shoulder.
  35. >Your mind succumbs to the darkness that fills your vision and eventually your consciousness.
  37. >You stir with a pounding headache. It was as if you had the worst hangover, wait-
  38. >Straining your eyes open, you see Celestia's annoyingly bright rays piercing through the windows on the higher walls.
  39. >An unfamiliar warm bed and blanket encompass your body as you lay belly-first on the mattress.
  40. >Your mind feels sore, but your body is well-rested.
  41. >An ebbing pain in your foreleg rouses you up, before feeling a heaviness on your back.
  42. >You craned your neck back to see that a forearm was wrapped over your barrel.
  43. >The familiar smells of sulfur, black powder, and all the other chemical and magical compounds fills your nostrils as you shift your head to the side.
  44. >[i]Oh. Well, this is a first.[/i]
  45. >It appears that Trixie was laying right beside you sharing the blanket.
  46. >Her forearm was wrapped around you as she remained idle, a steady breathing and a rhythmic heartbeat entering your ear as you're pressed against her.
  47. >Her warm fur brushing against your tiny nose as you bury into her warm embrace, trying to get away from the sun's rays.
  48. >This wasn't a sight you've ever got to experience when you typically woke.
  49. >Usually, Trixie would get intoxicated and sleep silently on her hammock alone.
  50. >The first few times you found yourself trying to move her body to create a better space for yourself to sleep in.
  51. >This would typically leave her to grumble some curses as she shifted you off the hammock unknowingly, causing you to fall to the ground painfully.
  52. >Begrudgingly you decided that waking her in that state wasn't an option, so you settled with getting a spare blanket and making your makeshift bed on the floor.
  53. >Those nights were usually the coldest.
  54. >Rousing yourself by inhaling the sharp chemicals of her scent, you stood up and stretched on the mattress releasing a loud yawn.
  55. >The blankets slowly slid off your body and soon Trixie.
  56. >Trying to rouse her awake, you gently prod her head with your hoof.
  57. "Trixie, wake up."
  58. >"Hnngg.... give Trixie five more minutes...." she mumbles as she pulls you closer like some sort of plushy.
  59. >You struggle a bit before prodding her again, harder this time.
  60. "Trixie!"
  61. >She quickly snaps awake with you still in her arms, "Hnnngh-! H-Huh? Hornet?"
  62. >She drops you on the bed, slowly glancing around the unfamiliar room before collecting her memories from the day before.
  63. >She puts her hoof on her temple before straining herself awake with a large stretch.
  64. >"Dear Luna, Trixie has the worst hangover..."
  65. "Tell me about it." You simply state, brushing your unkempt fur and hiding your embarrassment.
  66. >Trixie snapped out of her stupor and with an alarm exclaimed "Wait, did Trixie let you drink-"
  67. "Yes you did," you cut her off a matter of factly with the stomp of your hoof and raising your head high, and I think I blacked out as well. And maybe also cast a spell."
  68. >You look at your forearm to see a bandage tinted in a dark red.
  69. "Yup. Still there. I can barely remember anything, I can't even recall my dreams."
  70. >By the moment you turned your head back to face her, Trixie was already wearing an expression that was a mix of sheer horror and surprise.
  71. >Then there was a small glimmer of excitement as she remembers.
  72. >"Ah yes! Trixie remembers! You cast your first spell!" she quickly exclaims in glee.
  73. "Uh, yeah. My head is still fuzzy though."
  74. >"That's probably from the magic deprivation. You did mention that you can't remember your dreams no?"
  75. >You raise an eyebrow at her questionably.
  76. "Uh, yeah? What does that have to do with magic though?"
  77. >She fumbles around a bit before getting off the bed.
  78. >"In Merry Time’s Magical Maladies it says that victims of overdrawing on their magic can have their magic be stressed from too much magic use and sleep can cause them to lose more magic as their dreams form from their reserves.", the walking encyclopedia recites with ease.
  79. "Dreams take magic to make?"
  80. >"Of course, how else are you supposed to dream?" Trixie tilts her head as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.
  81. >[i]Huh, interesting.[/i]
  82. "Is it dangerous?"
  83. >"Dreaming?"
  84. "No, the magic deprivation."
  85. >"Oh. Well, as long as you don't do it every day. If you do it too much you might damage your own body."
  86. >Trixie beckons you with a hoof.
  87. >"Now Trixie will tell you more about it later.
  88. >For now, we need to know how much time has passed. We're already behind schedule as it is."
  89. "I see."
  90. >You jump off the bed to look around for a clock of sorts.
  91. >Not seeing any in this room, you and Trixie both decide to exit the bedroom to where...
  92. >[i]What was her name again?[/i]
  93. >Your head was only beginning to clear up. In whatever's left of your mind, you sincerely hoped you didn't get any brain damage from that nasty clear liquid.
  94. >The smell was still fresh in your mind.
  95. >"Ah, there y' are squirt! I was wondering when y' and yer mother were going to wake up."
  96. >"Why hello there Grim. I have to thank you for letting me and Hornet stay for the night."
  97. >[i]Grim, that's her name.[/i]
  98. >You were always the type of person that remembers faces than names, but Grim was not a face you've seen any like before.
  99. >Then again, you did drink a concoction that's stronger than any liquor you've heard or tasted.
  100. >"Why it's no problem. Both of y' were lovely company. Why I ain't even mad that a bunch of crows made a mess in here."
  101. >A pang of regret hits you.
  102. >You meet her gaze with a sorry expression, only for her to reassure you with a smile.
  103. >Her gruff appearance and scars already growing on you. You give back a light smile in return.
  104. "Hey whatever happened to them anyway?" You inquired, looking around to find a few scratch marks on a couple of furniture.
  105. >Grim meets your eyes with understanding.
  106. >"Well... when I returned with a spare pillow I heard Trixie screaming bloody murder." She chuckled at her joke.
  107. >Trixie gives a polite smile and an uneasy expression.
  108. >"When Trixie saw you on the ground your crows started to panic. I stayed to protect you, but then they all started to disappear one by one. Trixie figures you had used up all your magic and they couldn't remain tethered to you anymore. So they all went back to whence they came from." She explains.
  109. "Is that so?" You reply.
  110. >Memories of last night started to become more vivid and you remember mostly having a great time within those moments.
  111. >You're just a tad disappointed that you weren't awake for when Grim and Trixie probably exchanged stories about how both you met and how she met her husband.
  112. >You'll have to ask Trixie when you have the time.
  113. >"Aye, they made quite a mess while they lasted. But I don't mind, couldn't complain when Trixie went and tucked you into bed. It was an adorable sight." Grim grinned.
  114. >"W-Well somepony had to! Dear Hornet was b-bleeding and was simply in no state to stay on the floor while we cleaned up." The magician stated defensively with a slight blush on her cheeks.
  115. >"Still doesn't change the fact that it was adorable," Grim replied with ease. "Anyways after I cleaned up yer mess I went ahead and did the pleasure of bandaging you up and changing the covers. Seems I've got plenty of chores to take care of m'self."
  116. >"And for that Trixie appreciates you taking care of us Grim and for being such a generous host. Especially with how she acted at first. She shouldn't have-"
  117. >"Aye, it's fine Trixie. I understand. Most ponies are hesitant to trust a gryphon, especially with scars as intimidating as mine."
  118. >"Still! Regardless Trixie thinks-"
  119. >"Tell Y' what. If Y' promise to come over with yer kid over another bowl of Claw sometime, I'll consider us even."
  120. >"Deal!" Trixie responded all too eagerly.
  121. >You give her a squinted look.
  122. >[i]Unbelievable, well not like it matters.[/i]
  123. >Grimfeather seems like a good enough influence on Trixie.
  124. >Plus, she seems pretty cool to hang around with based on your muddled memories.
  125. >Trixie turns back to you with a meek expression.
  126. >"What?"
  127. "I didn't say nuffin." You answer.
  128. >"What?"
  129. "What?" you say back, feigning a surprised expression.
  130. >Trixie quizzically squints back at you before returning to Grimfeather.
  131. >"Anyways, Hornet and I have to leave to check up on our wagon.
  132. >There were reports of Marsh Hags lurking about around the valley."
  133. >"Ah yes, those fuckers."
  134. >"Grim!"
  135. >"Now I ain't going to sugarcoat it Trixie. When I say that those monsters are as bad as I say, I mean it."
  136. >"Trixie knows, but Hornet doesn't have to hear-"
  137. >"Now there's nothing wrong with hearing some old advice from an old bird such as m'. Yer kid should know how dangerous they are if y' want to get back to your cart. They might be nocturnal, but they can still be cunning bastards when given ample opportunity. I've fought with them long before and one of em gave m' gallant a nasty wound that ended up gettin' infected. Back then, I wasn't sure if he was going to make it."
  138. >Grim showed a mournful expression momentarily before locking Trixie directly in her eyes.
  139. >"Trixie, as some advice from an old warrior and as a friend, trust m' when I say to keep an eye and ear out for them. This goes twice as so for yer kid."
  140. >Trixie met Grim's gaze with a stern expression.
  141. >You recognize that face all too many times.
  142. >[i]Oh no.[/i]
  143. >You mentally facepalm yourself. Or hoof?
  144. >Anyways, you know from experience that telling Trixie what to do with her life is a sure way of getting on her bad side.
  145. >You just hope her friendly relationship with Grim won't diminish because of it.
  146. >A couple of extra seconds passed as they continue to stare down each other, but then Trixie wavered and averted her gaze before changing her expression with one of confidence.
  147. >"Of course. Trixie understands just how dangerous they are. She will educate dear Hornet properly on Marsh Hags before we get there. She just doesn't want Hornet learning any bad habits."
  148. >"Now swearing ain't that bad-"
  149. >"Well, Trixie thinks otherwise." The magician scoffs whiffing her hair up.
  150. >The room's released tension was then interrupted with the sound of laughter.
  151. >Trixie stared wide-eyed as she turned to face the commotion.
  152. >"Hornet?"
  153. "Pfft... Hhahaahhahaahahaa!"
  154. >You simply couldn't hold it in. Just a moment ago were holding your breath of what you thought sure an argument to unfold, but seeing Trixie acting so mature for once really sent you on your haunches.
  155. >Grim also joined in your laughter as Trixie's confused expression only further prolonged it. A couple of seconds later the gryphonness ended it wiping a fake tear from her eye.
  156. >"Well, I'm glad y' understand Trixie. Wouldn't want a new friend to be found dead just after I've met them."
  157. >"Oh shush Grim. Trixie's more than capable of defending herself."
  158. >"Oh no, I don't doubt that. But another reason might be that this squirt here probably has been looking out for y' since then." The gryphon reaches a claw over to rustle up your mane.
  159. >With a small giggle you agreed, "Yeah, I can recount more than one scenario where I saved her ass."
  160. >"Hornet! Both of you, stop teasing Trixie!" she stomps with a reddish tint in her expression, mostly out of playful embarrassment.
  161. >If she was truly angry then she would probably retort something fiercer than her mock embarrassment.
  162. >"Alright, alright. Suppose we have more time to tease the next time we meet." Grim admitted with a grin.
  163. "Yup!" you chirp.
  164. >"Oh dear Celestia." The magician sighed.
  165. >"We'll be sure to visit again when we have the chance Grim, but it is time for us to leave. Come now Hornet."
  166. "Alright!" you soon followed, packing all of your saddlebags before leaving through the door.
  167. >"You take care of her y' hear!" Grimfeather shouted as you walked along the road path.
  168. "We will!" You and Trixie both simultaneously shouted back, before glancing at each other momentarily and giggling like a pair of fillies.
  169. >You gave the gryphonness a wave goodbye as both you ventured among the city.

Claws and Magic part 2

by YuriFanatic

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