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Haunted Memories

By YuriFanatic
Created: 2020-12-18 04:44:35
Expiry: Never

  2. >Born to the ancient race of Changelings, Chrysalis was the runt of her family, so named because she struggled for days longer than most to emerge from the chrysalis that all changelings are hatched from.
  3. >She struggled early on with her weak magical abilities, but eventually ventured off on her own to escape the bullying and disappointment she was surrounded by back home.
  5. >Weeks of traveling later, she came across the bustling city of Canterlot, home of the ponies: magnificent, magical and athletic creatures, with great grace and beauty and a highly advanced society.
  6. >Chrysalis desperately wanted a sense of belonging and purpose, but above all, a friend to love.
  7. >But she was hideous compared to these beautiful creatures, with her bug-like skin and a lifeless mane and tail.
  8. >Her fear of being ridiculed and hated overtook her. It was then that she began putting all her efforts into learning her race's infamous trait: the ability to transform herself.
  10. >After weeks of diligent self-training, Chrysalis spotted a beautiful young filly, and with all her strength, successfully transformed herself into a vision of the white unicorn.
  11. >After careful observation, Chrysalis entered Canterlot society and was overwhelmed with joy as she began to make friends and obtain a sense of belonging. Yet one green filly in particular refused all attempts on befriending her.
  12. >This filly wasn't as magical or as graceful as the Canterlot unicorns.
  13. >She was an earth pony, living in the streets living day by day with whatever scraps the unicorns would leave.
  14. >She had seen her once or twice during her stay here, when she was also foraging for food and shelter.
  15. >When she tried to approach her, the filly's outward demeanor was extremely hostile.
  16. >[i]Was her cover blown?[/i] The filly's abnormal amount of cursing rejected her, but she made no comment on her true form.
  17. >Ultimately she fled and thinking back as to why the seemingly homeless filly disdained her so much.
  19. >She moved on to other ponies, those that were the opium of unicorn society.
  20. >Elegant and magnificent creatures that she aspired to be among them.
  21. >A young colt was drawn to her beautiful green eyes, and the pair developed a bond stronger than the young changeling had ever felt in her lifetime.
  23. >Unfortunately she was still weak for her age, and despite her best efforts, in the end, her magical powers failed her.
  24. >After becoming aware of her deception, her friends were quick to banish her from their world. But worst of all, perhaps, was the dark change of heart her colt companion had taken.
  25. >He could not let this traitorous use of his love go unpunished...
  27. >She was forcefully dragged into an alley, a dead end with only her former friends with eyes of distain and hatred.
  28. >They had insulted her kind and beaten her into submission, their words painted her as a monster with only self-interest in mind as she took advantage of their kindness.
  29. >Yet in the amiss of ridicule and the multitude of ponies ganging up on her, she caught a glimpse of that green filly once more.
  30. >The ponies had both sticks and stones at the ready, yet the filly did not back away or turn a blind eye as other ponies did when they happened to cross the alley.
  32. >Yet her appearance seemed even worse for wear the last time she seen her.
  33. >Her mane was a scruffy black and her goat an unnatural green that threatened to sore the eyes.
  34. >The filly's words were nothing near refined and elegant as the unicorns.
  35. >Insults were thrown, words that she never even heard of before that somehow sounded even worse than those she was just subjected to.
  36. >Yet still that wasn't all. The unicorns were left in a stupor that slowly turned into shifted rage.
  37. >They all soon ganged up on her, but the filly fought back with such ferocity she never seen from such a pony.
  38. >The green filly was biting, bucking, and using everything at her disposal to make her tormenter's lives all the more painful.
  39. >Yet due to pure numbers and size difference of colts compared to fillies, she never stood a chance.
  41. >The earth pony's display of near-feral violence caught her in a trance, every word she spat had a visceral venom in it that killed every enjoyment of beating her.
  42. >Such brutality and ruthlessness, every kick to the legs and bite on their coats left them in a horrid state of pain and hysteria.
  43. >The green filly had unicorn blood trickling from her mouth and with such pure unbridled rage, such passion, all because of a changeling she hadn't met.
  44. >It left her overwhelmed and confused, as she could feel a torrent of rage and resentment pour out of every word, bite, and kick.
  45. >She was the exact opposite of the unicorns she aspired, but the way she fought had drawn her completely.
  46. >It was... hypnotizing.
  48. >At the end of it all, the filly was left battered and bruised and much worse off than she was.
  49. >Blood was oozing out of her muzzle and she laid still on the cold and unfeeling stone.
  50. >The unicorns scoffed at the body, but not before a strong kick to her barrel.
  51. >Then they left in haste, mostly concerned with the scrapes and bites possibly giving them an infection of sorts, completely forgetting about the changeling at the end of the corridor.
  52. >Chrysalis shook from her trance and rushed to the filly's side.
  53. >An equal surge of emotion consumed her. It was both distain for her situation, but also concern for the green filly.
  54. >A series of questions sprung forth from the inner depths of her mind, but one took her immediate attention.
  55. >[i]Why?[/i]
  57. >She cautiously prodded the body, only for the filly to groan in pain.
  58. >She was alive. That was good.
  59. >She didn't want her to die, not here, not now.
  60. >She wanted her question to be answered.
  61. >[i]Why her? Why help her in particular?[/i]
  62. >The filly never met her, aside from her unicorn form.
  63. >Speculation only surfaced her thoughts.
  64. >Her emotions, they were much more stronger and true compared to any emotions emitted from any other living creature before.
  65. >It certainly wasn't love, she recognized that emotion, she fed on it regularly.
  66. >Her kind taught her since her inception that love the most powerful form of emotion and the best form of sustenance.
  67. >But her anger?
  68. >It was something she never felt as such before.
  69. >Not even towards her.
  71. >Yet despite that, it didn't frighten her.
  72. >The changeling proded the body again, with her only returning another painfilled groan.
  73. >She pleads with her to get up.
  74. >She wanted answers.
  75. >She wanted her to be alive.
  76. >The small filly had suffered too much blunt trauma and she only just noticed that some of her body was bent unnaturally.
  77. >Her breathing began to slow.
  78. >Chrysalis pleads once more as she prods her once again, fighting back tears.
  79. >Painful tears.
  80. >She didn't know if these tears were for the pain inflicted on her before or for the pain of knowing she would most likely never get her answer.
  81. >The changeling didn't know any healing magic or salves that would work on ponies.
  82. >She wanted more answers.
  83. >Why she was feeling this hurt over a pony she never got on good terms with.
  84. >[i]Was this grief?[/i]
  85. >The filly's breathing only continued to lessen as the changeling failed to suppress her tears.
  87. >Chrysalis could only helplessly prod once more as she unevenly told the green filly to get up.
  88. >Short breaths kept interrupting her mumbled speech as tears continued overflowing and blurring her vision.
  89. >She pleaded again and again.
  90. >[i]Why was this happening?[/i]
  91. >She just wanted a friend.
  92. >A friend that could love her and in return hers as well.
  93. >[i]Why did it have to be like this?[/i]
  94. >Her pleads soon turned into incoherent crying as the filly laid completely still.
  95. >[i]It wasn't fair.[/i]
  96. >The changeling lowered her muzzle to the filly's cheek, prodding her once again.
  97. >She was no longer breathing.
  98. >The spiraling emotions here too much for her to bear.
  99. >She reached for the filly's neck and wrapped her chitin-like hooves around her and screamed with all her might into the filly's still warm fur.
  100. >The changeling grieved the loss of her first friend she never knew.

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Haunted Memories

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