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Tending to the Queen (Evil Twilight Gentledom Hoof fetish)

By Guest
Created: 2020-12-18 06:02:51
Expiry: Never

  1. >The Crystal Empire has surrendered.
  2. >Nothing that most ponies wanted to happen, but there was some fanfare around the castle however.
  3. >Now that the war is over, you thought Twilight would have some time to relax, before things picked back up again.
  4. >She did not.
  5. >Rebel activities sparked into a wildfire.
  6. >Vocal displeasure for the current events rang across Equestria.
  7. >The prisons were filling up at an alarming rate, and planning for new ones were drafted.
  8. >And Twilight barely caught a wink.
  9. >She would come into your shared bedroom, only to be pulled out by some problem that needed her attention.
  10. >It got to the point where you only saw her if you were roaming around the castle.
  11. >Despite all of that, those are least of your worries.
  12. >Every time you’ve seen her, she has been.
  13. >Pristine, proper, and full of energy.
  14. >You know that she can use magic to keep her going.
  15. >That’s not worrying by itself.
  16. >It’s the type of magic that got you worried.
  17. >You seen the feedback dark magic has on her.
  18. >She told you that she would never let it get that bad.
  19. >But she never said she wouldn’t use it.
  21. >You return to the room after a day of chores, and is surprised to see Twilight laying on the bed.
  22. >Her regalia and horse shoes lay discarded on the ground.
  23. >From the looks of it, they were haphazardly taken off.
  24. >Wordlessly, you close the door, and walk towards the discarded items.
  25. >”Don’t, it’s my mess, I’ll clean it up later.”
  26. >Twilight turns her head from her folded forelegs.
  27. >”Evening, Anon.”
  28. “Evening, my Queen.” You say with a bow.
  29. >She turns her back into her forelegs, and pushes it deeper into the pillow.
  30. >You crack you fingers.
  31. “Massage, my Queen?”
  32. >”Please.” Her voice muffled.
  33. >Time to get to work.
  34. >You sit yourself on the edge of the bed, and start working your magic.
  35. >Starting at the back of her neck, you feel how tense her muscles are.
  36. >A steel tenderizer would be better suited to softening up her muscles.
  37. >But you have experience dealing with this before, and this is nothing new.
  38. >You roll your thumbs on the back of her neck, while gently grabbing and pulling with your palms on her nape.
  39. >The results come slowly, but eventually, you feel the muscle starting to mend.
  40. >Getting Twilight’s neck as relaxed as you can, you move your hands to her shoulders.
  41. >Flipping your hands palms down, you press them down.
  42. >You push your hands up, while also rubbing circles, into her flesh.
  43. >Doing the same thing, as you move your hands down.
  44. >Some of Twilight’s shoulder bones pop, as they receive the pressure.
  45. >A soft breath, followed by a light moan passes Twilight’s lips.
  47. >You know that Twilight is dealing with something.
  48. >Other wises she wouldn’t be this tense.
  49. >But you don’t know how to get it out of her.
  50. >Maybe getting her to talk will get it out
  51. >Even if it doesn’t, any conversation is better than nothing.
  52. “How are you feeling, my Queen?”
  53. >”Better.” She turns her head, so her voice isn’t obscured anymore.
  54. >You frown.
  55. “’Better’?”
  56. “Anything particular that is bothering you?”
  57. >She is silent for a moment.
  58. >”Do you trust me, Anon?”
  59. >Well that wasn’t as hard as you thought.
  60. “Of course I do, my Queen.”
  61. >”Cut the Queen stuff, I don’t want to hear it right now.”
  62. “Alright, Twilight.”
  63. >She sighs.
  64. >”The rebels I can deal with.”
  65. >”Ponies shouting throughout their city is manageable.”
  66. >”But…”
  67. >She takes a shaky breath.
  68. >”Shining doesn’t trust me.”
  69. >That’s disturbing news.
  70. >”He thinks at some point, I’ve been possessed by something else, and just pretending to be Twilight Sparkle.”
  71. >”My own brother doesn’t even think I’m myself.”
  73. >You pause the massage, but you move your hands down.
  74. >You just thought of a better way to cheer her up.
  75. >You grasp her waist in your hand, and lift her up.
  76. >You turn her around so she is facing you, and hug her.
  77. >She’s little slow on the uptake, but she returns the hug.
  78. “Give him time, he’ll see that you’re still you.”
  79. “But don’t let him fester with his negative thoughts.”
  80. >You hold her tighter.
  81. “Write to him, do some fancy spell where both of you can talk in real time, or even visit him once and awhile.”
  82. >You pull yourself away from her.
  83. >Taking one of your hand, you gently cup Twilight’s cheek.
  84. “He’ll see that you’re still the little sister he loves.”
  85. “They’ll see that you’re still the hero that saved their lives so many times before.”
  86. “Everything just needs a little more time.”
  87. >Twilight stares at you, trying her hardest to blink unwanted tears away.
  88. >”I love you.” She says, pulling you into a kiss.
  89. >You both kiss each other passionately.
  90. >Your free hand roaming up and down Twilight’s body.
  91. >After some time, you both break the kiss to breath.
  92. >”Thank you, for still believing me, and loving me.”
  93. “It’s the best thing I do.” You say with a grin.
  94. >Twilight giggle in such a soft and innocent way, that you almost forgot how she used to giggle before all this happened.
  95. >She pulls herself completely away from you, lays on her back with all four of legs lazily hanging in the air.
  96. >“Can you massage my hooves next, please.”
  98. >You reach your hands out, and gently grab her left foreleg.
  99. >You start rubbing you fingers on her pastern and fetlock.
  100. >Softening the muscles as you relax them.
  101. >Twilight moans a little as you work.
  102. >You spend a few more minutes massaging around her hoof, you firmly grab hold of it.
  103. >You place your thumbs softly on her sole, and start to rub semi circles into them.
  104. >Twilight jerks slightly.
  105. >Sensitive soles, going to have to keep that in my next time you tease her.
  106. >You spend less time on her frog, but make up for it by kissing it.
  107. >You were about to move on to the next one.
  108. >”Is that all you the appreciation you have for my hoof, Anon?” Her voice stops you in your tracks.
  109. >You look at her face, and see an impish smile across her face.
  110. >“I would be pretty disappointed if that was the case.”
  111. >”You don’t want me to be disappointed do you?”
  112. “Of course not, Twilight.”
  113. >Her smile broadens.
  114. >”That’s good to hear.”
  115. >”And since you don’t want to disappoint me, you have no problems with…”
  116. >”Licking, and kissing my hooves.”
  117. >You show that you have no problems, by kissing her frog, and following it up with a lick.
  118. >The soft rubber texture indents slightly as you run your tongue across it.
  119. >You move your mouth to the rest of her hoof.
  120. >Kissing the bars, licking your tongue in circles on her sole, and kissing the tip of her wall.
  121. >With one last kiss on her sole, you aren’t interrupted when you move to the next one.
  123. >You service her right hoof in the same way.
  124. >kneading the muscles around the hoof, then tending to the hoof itself.
  125. >Once you’ve spent enough time with that, you kiss and lick your way around her hoof.
  126. >Twilight quietly moans, and sometimes wiggles into the bed.
  127. >Another thing that changed about Twilight is that she gets a thrill from being commanding in bed.
  128. >You not quite sure if it’s because she likes being dominate, or if it’s because she likes your willingness to please her.
  129. >Either way, that’s not a con to you.
  130. >You finish her right hoof, and move down to her left hind hoof.
  131. >As you are massaging it, you see Twilight’s hoof move down to her sex.
  132. >Lightly petting it with slow circle movements.
  133. >She snorts, her red tinted purple eyes staring at you lustfully.
  134. >”Good boy.” She coos.
  135. >Your body isn’t ignorant to the now sexual activity.
  136. >Your face is starting to flush, and your prick is hardening.
  137. >You finish, and take hold of her last hoof.
  138. >Twilight move her now free hoof against your groin.
  139. >Slowly moving it up and down your length.
  140. >You moan, but keep focus on your task.
  141. >”Yes, such a good boy.”
  142. >Her hooves are moving slightly faster now.
  143. >You cut the massage short, and start kissing her sole.
  144. >”Yeeesss.” She hisses her moan, and arcs her back into the bed.
  145. >She lightly pushes her hoof against your face.
  146. >You start to lick every part of her hoof in rapid strokes.
  147. >”Enough.”
  148. >You stop, and let go of Twilight’s hoof.
  149. >Twilight props her body up on the bed.
  150. >In an instant, you feel the weight of your clothes vanish.
  151. >”You’ve been such a good boy Anon.”
  152. >She moves her hind hooves around your member.
  153. >”And good boys get rewarded.”
  155. >After she says this, you see her horn glow, and suddenly feel your penis become slick and wet.
  156. >Instant magic lube, it’s probably water, but who cares it works.
  157. >She traps your dick between her hooves.
  158. >Her right one placed on the side, while her left one is rest at the base.
  159. >She applies a little pressure, as she tries to hold you without hurting it.
  160. >She slowly starts to move her hooves
  161. >Dragging them all the way up until there is no more room, then dragging them back down.
  162. >This is a first for both of you.
  163. >And you won’t lie and say this doesn’t feel weird.
  164. >But it’s a good weird.
  165. >You moan, indirectly telling Twilight that you’re enjoying this.
  166. >Now that she knows you are getting pleasure from this.
  167. >With more confidence, she strokes your penis with more gusto.
  168. >The pleasure is starting to bubble up, and you can help but groan.
  169. >You drop your hands to the blanket, and roll parts of it in your hands.
  170. >Twilight starts to move faster, her hooves staying at the top for only a second before dropping down your manhood.
  171. >You start to breathe through your nose, and your body tenses.
  172. >Twilight slows down just a tad.
  173. >Dragging this out for as long as she can.
  174. >For a while, she changes the pace at her leisure.
  175. >Each time she changes speed, makes you moan.
  176. >You are starting to reach your peak.
  177. >If it could, your penis would be throbbing, but it still can leak pre over Twilight’s hooves.
  178. >You were so close when she suddenly stops.
  179. >You gasp loudly, and try to hold back the orgasm that was denied.
  180. >It takes a few seconds, but you manage to get yourself under control.
  182. >Twilight smiles at you
  183. >”I’m sorry, were you about to cum?”
  184. >You grin through your tension, and nod your head.
  185. >”Hmm.” She says as she places her left hind hoof just mere inches away from you member.
  186. >”I didn’t hear you, Anon.”
  187. >You swallow the lump in your throat.
  188. “Yes, Twilight, I was.”
  189. >”Oh.” She says as innocently as she could.
  190. >She gentle places her hoof just at the base of your penis.
  191. >No longer trapped, it throbs fiercely.
  192. >”Will you cum on my hoof?”
  193. >She slowly moves it up your length.
  194. >Even this little pleasure is almost enough to set you off.
  195. “Yes, Twilight.” You try to speak through a gasp.
  196. >Her hoof reaches the tip of your member.
  197. >She rubs the head in circles.
  198. >”Then cum all over it.”
  199. >You no longer hold back, and explode.
  200. >A loud moan rips through your body, as your first shot rockets out of your member.
  201. >Going above her hoof, and landing on her leg.
  202. >You lost yourself to the ecstasy.
  203. >Moaning and grunting, while your member keeps shooting without a care in the world.
  205. >You finally feel your climax waning.
  206. >With one final shudder, your penis weakly throbs one last drop out.
  207. >You sit there, tired, and gasping for air.
  208. >”Wow, we should do that more often.”
  209. >With your head out of the clouds, you look down.
  210. >You indeed came all over it.
  211. >Every inch of Twilight’s sole is covered in your sperm.
  212. >It even manage to go beyond, and splatter on some parts of her fetlock.
  213. >Twilight smiles like a cat that caught the goldfish.
  214. >”So much.” She says while she inspects her leg and hoof.
  215. >You were about to mention that you’ll clean her up.
  216. >But she surprises you by moving her hoof to her face.
  217. >Dragging her tongue across her sole.
  218. >Collecting a large amount of your tongue with it.
  219. >She quickly swallows the first tongue full.
  220. >She cleans the rest of her hoof the best she can.
  221. >She smiles once she finished, and flops back on the bed.
  222. >”Now that you got yours, time for me to get mine.”
  223. >She spreads herself out, and pats her flower.
  224. >Needing no further commands, you lay yourself down between her parted thighs.
  225. >You lick her vagina from bottom to top, and then you push your tongue into her slit.
  226. >Her walls quiver around your tongue.
  227. >You start to lick inside her marehood, tasting her juices.
  228. >Twilight moans, and grabs your head with one hoof.
  230. >You don’t leave your hands idle.
  231. >Moving one to play with her exposed clit, and the other to rub her outer lips.
  232. >Twilight shudders, adds her thighs to the things hold your head, and moans as you please every inch of her vagina.
  233. >Her juices start to leak into your mouth, and down your chin.
  234. >Her body tightens, and her breathing is starting to become heavier.
  235. >Thinking that you should give her an explosive orgasm like the one she gave you.
  236. >You push three finger into her marehood.
  237. >Gently rubbing the inner walls.
  238. >You pick up speed, intent on giving her what she asked for.
  239. >Until you’re pulled away from her thighs faster enough to set your eyes spinning.
  240. >”No, not like that you won’t”
  241. >Gasping, and twitching, Twilight uses her magic to stroke your hardening penis.
  242. >You quickly get your wits about you, and position yourself in between her thighs once again.
  243. >You tease the both of you, by rubbing the two sexes against each other.
  244. >”Insert.”
  245. >You push the tip of your penis into her depths.
  246. >”All the way, then hold.”
  247. >Doing as you’re told, you push deeper inside her, until you hilt.
  248. >Her marehood tightens around your member.
  249. >”In and out, slowly.”
  250. >Slowly, you drag your penis out.
  251. >Fight against the inner wall that are unwilling to let it go.
  252. >You pull out until most of your tip is showing, then you push yourself back in.
  254. >Twilight hangs her forelegs between you, and wraps her hind legs around your waist.
  255. >You grab both of her hooves, and gently hold them down on the pillow.
  256. >Twilight moans, and pushes her body towards you.
  257. >Pushing the last remaining inches in.
  258. >”Oh Celestia, go faster.”
  259. “Calling out someone else’s name.”
  260. “I’m a little hurt Twilight.”
  261. >Before she can chastise you in anyway, you start to move your hips faster as per her request.
  262. >”Maybe I’ll call out your name if you make me feel good.”
  263. “And how would I do that?” You ask, pushing your hips forward.
  264. >”By going faster.”
  265. >You thrust the rest of your shaft in.
  266. >Slapping flesh hard enough to make sound.
  267. “Fast enough?”
  268. >”You think that was fast.”
  269. >”Faster.”
  270. >You pull your hips back half way, then thrust back in.
  271. >”Faster.”
  272. >This because a game to both of you.
  273. >Each time you hilted, Twilight told you to go faster.
  274. >Until you just moving less than an inch on the pull back, before thrusting back in.
  275. >You both start moaning loudly.
  276. >The heat between your bodies is causing you both to sweat.
  277. >Her legs tighten around your waist, and you hold her hooves tighter.
  278. >You can feel your orgasm steadily rising, and judging by how hard Twilight’s vagina is tightening around your penis, she’s closer than you are.
  279. >”Stop!”
  281. >You were pulling back when she shouted for you to stop.
  282. >But you somehow manage to stop.
  283. “Do you randomly start liking red light green light or something?”
  284. >”No.”
  285. >”Just wanted to see if you could do as I say, even in the hottest moment of sex.”
  286. >”Kiss me.”
  287. >You bring your head down, and kiss her.
  288. >Your tongues swirling in each other’s mouths.
  289. >You feel her vagina’s contractions slowly die down.
  290. >She ends the kiss, and rest her head on the pillow.
  291. >”Remember what I sound about good boys.”
  292. >Your penis twitches in anticipation.
  293. >”You may rut me as you see fit.”
  294. >Alrighty then.
  295. >You finish the rest of your pull back, and thrust back in hard.
  296. >You set the rhythm to allow for you to get more inches out before thrusting back in.
  297. >But you add more force behind every thrust.
  298. >Something that Twilight quickly enjoys.
  299. >With Twilight throwing away your leash, you won’t have to worry about stopping any time soon.
  300. >You bring you head down, and start to kiss along her neck.
  301. >Which rewards you with a sudden clench, and a loud moan from Twilight.
  302. >You can feel yourself racing towards the end.
  303. >”Anon, I’m cumming!”
  305. >Twilight’s marehood becomes a vice, as it clamps around you shaft.
  306. >She arcs her back off of the bed, and is moaning through her orgasm.
  307. >You manage just two more thrust, before her tugging spasms set you off.
  308. >Your penis fires off your second load or the day, straight into Twilights womb.
  309. >You couldn’t help arcing your back as well.
  310. >Moaning to the ceiling, and trying to push yourself deeper than before.
  311. >The chorus of chaos slowly ends as both climaxes pitter out.
  312. >You somehow still have strength have the energy to keep yourself from falling over.
  313. “Feeling better?”
  314. >”Much.”
  315. >Through the haziness of your afterglow, you heard a knock on the door.
  316. >The door opens, and a mare servant peaks her head in.
  317. >”Excuuuuu.”
  318. >Her eyes nearly pop out of her head, as she sees the state you and Twilight is in.
  319. >I-I’m s-sorry Princess, I’-.”
  320. >”Wait, you’re already here.” Twilight angles her head, so she can see the servant.
  321. >The servant swallows, and moves herself in a way her she can’t outright see your nudity.
  322. >”What is it?”
  323. >”Um, yes, ah, General Ironstrike, wanted to inform you that there is a protest outside the castle gates.”
  324. >”Has there been any signs of violence.”
  325. >”N-no, but there could be a chance, and the General wanted to have your opinion on how this should be handled.”
  327. >During the distraction, your spent member softens enough to naturally leave Twilight’s flower.
  328. >The next thing you know, you’re now on you back
  329. >Twilight mounts you, and quickly kisses you.
  330. >”Tell the General I’m busy for the rest of the night, and he may handle it as he sees fit.”
  331. >Needing no further instructions, the servant quickly leaves the room, closing the door after her.
  332. >”You know, I’ve been thinking.” Twilight speaks, as she moves your face with a hoof until you’re staring at her.
  333. >”I need a vacation, even if it’s only for a day.”
  334. >A combination of magic and stimuli brings you back to full mast.
  335. >”And there is no better way to spent a vacation than with my husband.”
  336. >Twilight lines up both sexes, then slams your hips together.

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