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Anon and the CMC go on an adventure

By SpeedBoostBlaziken
Created: 2020-12-18 07:13:12
Expiry: Never

  1. >"But, Anon... what if I never fly?"
  3. >29 October, 2014
  4. >Ponyville, Southwest Province, Equestria
  5. >Mr. Anonymous
  7. "What did you say, Scootaloo?"
  8. >"I said, what if I never learn to fly?"
  9. "What did you just say to me?!"
  12. >She looks up at you with confusion, and a slight hint of fear
  13. "Firstly, you are Scootaloo, awesome pony and best crusader! Secondly, you will remain awesome whether you learn to fly or not! Now drop and give me 20 push ups!"
  14. >She salutes you, and drops to the ground, beginning the prescribed excersizes
  15. >Scootaloo was easily the pony here in Ponyville that you connected with the most
  16. >No one- er, nopony else, you guess, understood your quirks, your unique sense of humor
  17. >You loved to shout "EXCUSE ME" and tell ponies that "no one gave [them] permission to" do something or other
  18. >Maybe the internet back home was right
  19. >Maybe you were legitimately autistic
  20. >As scootaloo finished her push ups, she turns to you and asks you a question
  21. >"Do you really think I'm awesome"
  22. "You dare question me, mortal?! You dare insinuate that Anonymous is a liar and a deceiver?"
  23. >"Right, sorry" she says with a grin on her face
  24. >"Won't happen again, sir"
  25. "That's Mr. Dr. Professor Sir to you"
  26. >"Ugh, really, Anon?"
  27. "You dare question-"
  28. >"YOU are the mortal here, Anon"
  29. >You are taken back at this, recoiling away from the statement with a gasp
  30. "Yo- How DARE you?! Do you know what wrath you have brought upon yourself?"
  31. >"What" she replies, with the same smirky grin on her face
  32. "The wrath of... THE CLAW"
  33. >You twist your fingers into a claw shape and spring for the pony
  34. >She lets out a playful screech as you begin to tickle her soft furry body with your alien digits
  35. >The other two crusaders bust in the door just in time to see you seemingly assaulting their friend
  36. >Apple Bloom gallops over to you, spins around, and prepares to deliver a buck to your gut
  37. >Being that you are neither stupid nor an action movie villain you move to the side just in time to avoid her legs
  38. >You then pick her up and squeeze her in some sort of baby-like hold
  39. "Calm down, yellow small, I was just playing"
  40. >"Playin' mah hoof! Ah saw you tryna assault her"
  41. "Assault her? Are you kidding?! She's my friend"
  42. >"Yeah, but ah bet you wanted ta be more then friends, so you decided ta assault her!"
  43. >Realizing what you meant, you start to blush a little
  44. "Oh, wait, you mean THAT kind of assault? Okay now for your sake I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that"
  45. >You place the Apple Bucking Bow Bearer on the floor of the clubhouse
  46. "FYI I was tickling her"
  47. >"FYI ah am a spah! I've been watchin' you Mr. Anonymoose, if'n that is yer real name. Ah know you didn't come ta this world ta make friends. Yer no different than the last one"
  48. "L-last one? There was another human here?" you ask, shocked that no one thought ton tell you this
  49. >"Yeah, Celestia sent 'im ta the moon, and she said she's do tha same ta anyone who talked about it... Uh-oh"
  50. >That would explain the overwhelmingly cold and hostile reception you got, beyond just being a foreign creature
  51. "I see. Then for your sake, I'll pretend I didn't hear that"
  52. >"Whoah, Deja Vu" says Sweetie Belle
  53. >You 'ave a chortle at the professional voice cracker who's been silent this whole time
  54. >She may be sweet and skilled, but sometimes she can come off as as dumb as a box of sacks of rocks
  55. >Of course you had about as much room to talk as you had to stand up in their clubhouse
  56. "So, what shall the Cutie Mark Crusaders and their freak of nature friend do today?"
  57. >"Um, Mr. Anon"
  58. "Yes, Apple Horse?"
  59. >"Mah big sister said if y'all wanna stick around here yer gunna hafta show some responsibility and get a job"
  60. "Well you tell your sister that if she want to give me a job, or try to convince SOMEONE-"
  61. >"Somepony"
  62. "right, SOMEPONY, in this town to give me a job, I'll gladly take it"
  63. >"Right. Guess ya haven't been getting a lot of call backs eh?"
  64. "Right, Bloomie, I haven't. I guess no one wants a beast like me working for them, and in light of this new information that nopony in particular told me, I can especially see why"
  65. >"Well, we were gonna have Twilight Time today. Wanna join us?
  66. >Perfect. Twilight was one of the only adult ponies in town who actually wanted to be around you for an extended period of time
  67. >though it was mostly because of a sort of scientific curiosity
  68. >The three of you head out in the direction of the library, and an orange mare caught your attention
  69. >"Howdy there, Mr. Anonymous" she says uneasily
  70. "Hello Applejack. Fancy meeting you here... on your property"
  71. >"Indeed. Anyway, wanna tell me where exactly you're takin' those three"
  72. "Actually we're all headed to Twilight's castle"
  73. >"Well alright then, so long as you're in town with somepony I trust"
  74. >"Applejack, I'm-"
  75. "No, it's okay Bloom. You're her younger sister. She just doesn't want to lose you. I totally understand how she feels"
  76. >"Really?" the two Apple horses ask in unison
  77. "Really" you reply, a single tear forming and trickling down your face
  78. "I really do"
  79. >Can't be thinking about that now, though
  80. >It's no good walking to Twlight's in the rain
  83. >Twilight's Castle
  85. "Alright, I've never actually visited here without being dragged in by Twilight for some experiment, so, uh, do we just knock or whatever?"
  86. >Sweetie Todd answers you by knocking
  87. >or whatever
  88. >"Come in" you hear a voice say
  89. >The four of you head inside and find Twilight studying some books on mythological creatures
  90. >You wondered why
  91. >/sarcasm
  92. "My dearest greetings to Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Human Rights Violation"
  93. >"Oh, hello Anon. Remember, you know as well as I do there's no such thing as human rights here. That's like having, I don't know, orbalglorbal rights. There's no point because there's no orbalglorbal's"
  94. >Right
  95. >You were only the firs- er, second, Anon here in horseland
  96. >"So, what brings you here?"
  97. "These small ones were coming here and I decided to tag along"
  98. >She giggles a bit
  99. >"You really have become great friends with those three, huh?"
  100. >You look down and ruffle Scootaloo's hair a bit
  101. "Yeah, they, like, get me, you know?"
  102. >"Yeah, those three have no caution at all. I guess in this case it helped"
  103. >While this conversation is happening, the CMC are climbing all over the castle
  104. >"Ah almost forgot! We never told ya what we were gonna do, did we Anon?"
  105. "No, Applebloom, you never did"
  106. >"We're lookin' fer an atlas of Equestria so we can go adventurin'. We're gonna get a tent and sleepin' bags and go on a days-long adventure, just the four of us"
  107. >You cock an eyebrow at her at swivel to Twilight, who's sporting the same expression
  108. "Huh. What do you think Twilight?"
  109. >"Actually, AJ, Rarity, Dash and I were going to ask you to go along with them and help keep them safe. We feel they're big enough to go on this multi-day camping trip, but having you with them would make us feel better. Especially if you have one of the enchanted two-way journals"
  110. >With every single word of this sentence your face lights up more and more
  111. >By the time she's finished speaking, your jaw is on the floor
  112. "Really? Y-you're comfortable with me being with them?"
  113. >"I know things were bad at first, but we've come to realize that you're a good guy after all. The only one wary of this plan was AJ, but we convinced her"
  114. >The sudden trust they seem to be putting in you nearly brought you to tears
  115. "Don't worry, Twilight, I promise they will be safe and sound with me" you say as you deliver a salute
  116. >"I know. Now, you and the girls better get going before the sun starts to descend"
  117. >You turn around and place one fist on your hip, and point with your other hand
  118. "Did you hear that girls? We're heading out!"
  119. >Insert mutiple squees
  120. >"Hey Anon, can I ride on your back?"
  121. >"No way! Ah wanna ride him this time"
  122. >"Girls, if anyone is going to ride Mr. Anonymous, it should be a proper lady like myself"
  123. >Mini Marshmallow had really started to do impressions of her sister a lot late;y
  124. >Rarity thought it was sweet(ie)
  125. >No one would tell her she was doing it to mock her
  126. >She was quite the little troll when she wanted to be, constantly burning you and others when they slipped up
  127. >She used to be so slow and unable to follow along
  128. >She must be maturing
  129. >What a late bloomer she is, but there's nothing wrong with developing certain mental functions a little later in life
  130. >You knew this better than anyone else you knew


by SpeedBoostBlaziken


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