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By SpeedBoostBlaziken
Created: 2020-12-17 23:58:13
Updated: 2021-11-25 06:18:00
Expiry: Never

  1. >17 years
  2. >It's been 17 years now
  3. >You were there when your wife, Cookie Crumbles, gave birth to your daughter
  4. >You were only 16 at the time, your wife (or, at the time, girlfriend) was 18
  5. >To this day, it still blows your mind that your shining angel, your beautiful gem, was older now than you were on the day she was born
  6. >You had stood in that hospital room for hours, your feet screaming in pain, but you didn't care
  7. >Cookie was her mother, and she deserved all the time in the world with her new daughter
  8. >But eventually, it was time
  9. >Your lovely (now) wife looked at you and asked
  10. >"Do you want to hold her?"
  11. >You said nothing in return, but merely reached out to take your daughter into your arms
  12. >You'd been preparing that moment with Cookie for years
  13. >And it finally came true
  14. >As you looked into your daughter's beautiful blue eyes, you could tell that a difficult road full of heartache, sleepless nights, and worry would be ahead of you
  15. >But it would all be worth it
  16. >And now, as you look upon that same daughter, all grown up, you can't help but smile
  17. >You've come as long way, and so has she
  18. >She notices you in the doorway, and puts down her little pony doll
  19. >She smiles at you and does the little finger wiggle wave she does, which you return
  20. >Amazing how a girl her age still plays with figurines like that
  21. >Then again, you've been teaching her from a young age to never give up the things she loves, even if people tell her she's outgrown them
  22. >Her more mature pursuits include designing and making her own clothing
  23. >She does want to be a fashion designer, after all
  24. >But she'll always have that spark of childishness in her
  25. >And so will you
  26. >She turns to her toys and asks
  27. >"Hello, father, would you like to play with me?"
  29. >Of course you could never pass up an opportunity to spend time with your little girl
  30. >Or your not-so-little girl now
  31. >She's nearly as tall as you now
  32. >Surpassed her mother by a few inches
  33. >You sit down and grab a pony doll
  34. >Purple, with a horn, but no wings
  35. "Based on the playset you have out, as well as the Twilight doll with no wings, I'm gonna guess we're playing the 'invasion of Canterlot' scenario"
  36. >She nods gently, grabbing a nearby box of figurines of the highly disposable, deplorable bug creatures known as "changelings"
  37. "And I'm guessing you want me to be the bug queen."
  38. >She gives you a challenging smile, before grabbing the "mane six" as she calls them
  39. >"I WILL defeat your invasion someday, and when I do, THEN you'll get your turn playing the heroes."
  40. >Eh, Fair enough
  41. >Maybe you should let her win just once
  42. >... Nah
  43. >If this were any other campaign, you would
  44. >But you are Chrysalis, conqueror of worlds, and you shall never relent!
  45. >The two of you open your smartphones to the Parades and Princesses 3.5 handbook, and begin setting up the field
  47. >After about an hour of smashing her Canterlot soldiers, she pauses on her next room
  48. >You're about say "Snake, what took you so long?", but before you do, she speaks first
  49. >"Daddy?" she says, looking down at the floor, worriedly
  50. "Yes, angel?"
  51. >She looks you in the eyes, and you can see something in her face
  52. >She's been building up to this, and it's something big
  53. >"Was I an accident?"
  55. >Sighing, you climb off the floor and sit on Rarity's bed
  56. "Come on, Rarity, there are some things I need to explain to you."
  57. >Rarity hangs her head, but nonetheless obeys you
  58. >She can tell that the short answer is "yes", she's suspected for a while
  59. >As she sits next to you, she tries her best to put a smile on her face for you
  60. "A long time ago, your mother and I met. We were young, we didn't really know what we were gonna do with our lives."
  61. >Rarity leans her head onto your shoulder, and you reciprocate by placing an arm around her
  62. "We were only sure of one thing, that we loved each other. We knew we planned to get married one day, have a couple of kids, settle down in a nice house."
  63. >She's surprisingly calm, her breath steady and her pulse beating at a normal resting pace
  64. "Of course, they say no plan survives first contact."
  65. >She can't help but crack a smile
  66. >You always knew how to push her buttons, after all
  67. "So, the thing is, Rarity,"
  68. >You take her head in your hand and tilt her face up to you, looking deeply into her eyes
  69. "I don't think of you as an accident, just an... early arrival."
  70. >For the first time, you see tears start to build up in her eyes
  71. >But she doesn't break down
  72. >She doesn't sob or cry
  73. >She buries her face in your chest
  74. >You feel her own chest heaving against you as her deep breaths stave off the sobbing she's so desperately trying to keep at bay
  75. >After a while, she looks back up and you, smiling once again
  76. >But this smile isn't the forced, broken smiles she was giving you during your talk
  77. >It was genuine, a smile that showed she really was happy
  78. >She wipes the tears from her eyes and does a small, dainty laugh
  79. >"I'm sorry daddy, for making you do this. I just... I needed to hear that from you."
  80. >You wrap your daughter in your arms and speak, nearly whispering to her
  81. "It's okay, baby girl, you didn't do anything wrong. Just know that your mother and I love you, and we always will."
  82. >You look into her eyes again before planting a kiss on her forehead
  83. >She responds by pecking you on the cheek, like she always does
  84. >Except, this one wasn't just a quick peck
  85. >She eventually pulls away, and gives you a wink
  86. >"If you keep treating me like this, I might just have to steal you away from mom"
  87. >Ah, memories
  88. >When she was young, she would say that she was going to marry you
  89. >After you told her that she can't because you were already married to Cookie, she boldly told you that she was going to steal you from her
  90. "Don't be silly, sweetness, there's enough of me to share, right?"
  91. >Suddenly, Rarity's expression changes rapidly
  92. >First to one of confusion
  93. >"You mean you-"
  94. >Then one of pure delight
  95. >"Oh my goodness! I can't believe you really-"
  96. >Then one of shock, complete with her signature gasp
  97. >"But will mother really-"
  98. >She suddenly jumps off the bed and bolts for the door
  99. >"I'll be back daddy, I need to go talk to mom about this!"
  100. >But before you can reply 'about what?', Rarity is gone
  101. >What in Equestria is that girl talking about?
  102. >The last thing you two said was that she was gonna steal you from Cookie, and that there was enough of you to share
  103. >...
  104. >Wait
  105. >Oh no
  106. >Rarity wasn't being serious still, was she?
  107. >She didn't think you meant you could be 'shared' in THAT way, DID SHE?!
  108. >You need to find her, and your wife
  109. >Fast
  111. >Making your way downstairs quickly, you see Rarity talking to Cookie in the garden
  112. >Your daughter hugs her mother before jumping up and down in the air excitedly
  113. >"Daddy! Mother was just telling me she would talk to you about sharing you with me! Isn't that great?!"
  114. "Oh, so you, already told her, and she wants to talk to me about it, right?"
  115. >Cookie gives you a look that says 'I don't know what the fuck is going on here but I don't like it'
  116. >Meanwhile Rarity is smiling ear to ear and nodding her head
  117. "HAHA, TIME FOR SUICIDE!", you say as you spin 360 degrees and begin moonwalking away
  118. >"I'm afraid not, Hondo," says your wife, "we're going to talk about this."
  119. >She puts her hand on her hip and cocks to one side
  120. >"Then you have my permission to die"
  121. >You sigh and head inside to the table where you sit down
  122. >You're not sure how you acquired the lit cigarette or bottle of rye, all your mind is focused on is what's coming next
  123. >Your wife sits down across from you, a lot calmer and less angry looking than you anticipated
  124. >"So tell me Hondo, when did you start lusting after our daughter like this?"
  125. >Of course, she jumps to conclusions without getting your side of the story
  126. "I didn't, this whole thing is a huge misunderstanding."
  127. >"Oh, so you didn't tell Rarity that I was going to start 'sharing you' with her?"
  128. "Well, technically, uh, I did, but it was a joke, and it had nothing to do with 'lust' in the first place."
  129. >You take a puff of smoke and a swig of rye, and look at the table, unable to meet your wife's eyes
  130. "You remember when Rarity said she was going to marry me when she grew up, right? And when I told her that she couldn't I said it was because I already was married to you. Well earlier, she mentioned stealing me from you, just like she did back then."
  131. >"And then you told her there was 'plenty of (You) to share', right?"
  132. "Like I said, on my end, the whole thing was a joke. Besides, Rarity is naive when it comes to romance. I'm sure she doesn't understand the implications of all this."
  133. >"You really think so? I think Rarity just realizes what a kind, gentle, strong hunk of a man you are, and doesn't want to miss out. I can't say I blame her."
  134. "What do you think I should do? You know, to avoid breaking our little girl's heart?"
  135. >"Roll with it"
  136. >You choke on your current puff of smoke, causing your throat to burn
  137. >You try to wash it down with some of the rye, but you choke on that too
  138. >Your wife begins to stand up from her chair to help you
  139. "What... are... you.. talking... about", you say in between coughing and having your wife slap your back.
  140. >"Well I think you should do what Rarity asked and let me share you with her."
  141. "Okay, two big problems. One, I'm married, two, she's my daughter."
  142. >Your wife simply giggles at you, like someone who knows, or gets, something you don't
  143. >"The first isn't a problem at all dearest. I think this is exactly what we needed to spice up our marriage. And the second is up to you to ignore."
  144. >You can't even fucking say anything
  145. >You begin looking around the room for, uh, you don't know
  146. >You look at your glass, at your cigarette ashes, but nothing is giving you the answer of what the ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ON
  147. >Guess the only way to go is forward
  148. "Are you saying, that you are not only okay with, but are supportive of, us having an open relationship... with our daughter?"
  149. >"Oh, you know me dear," she says as she bends over near your ear
  150. >Her next words are whispered into your ear
  151. >"You know how depraved I can be, it's one of the things you love about me."
  152. >Well, she's not wrong
  153. >One of the things that made you stay with Cookie was how kinky she could be
  154. "Well, uh, what if Rarity takes it too far and decides to, uh, you know, get physical?"
  155. >She stands up and stretches
  156. >"And why would that be taking it 'too far', hmm?"
  157. >Okay, what the actual fuck is wrong with your wife
  158. "Okay, what the actual fuck is wring with you?"
  159. >Well shit, that's one way to try to find out
  160. >"Hmm, you tell me, dear. Of course I don't want to force you into anything, but I think you should give this a chance."
  161. >Well, this has been one of the weirdest experiences ever
  162. >You're not sure how you're going to break it to your daughter that you aren't romantically attracted to her
  163. >Let alone, *sexually*, you think as you shudder
  164. >And it appears you'll have to break this bad news to your wife, too
  165. >But.. you do want to leave Rarity's feelings intact
  166. "Alright, I'll indulge her for now by 'dating' her. But only so I can let her down gently, alright?"
  167. >"Hmph, I say you're wasting a perfectly good opportunity here, but have it your way."
  168. >She begins to walk toward the stairs, but stops and looks over her shoulder at you
  169. >"Oh, and don't be too long telling Rarity, dear."
  170. >She gives her hips a little suggestive wiggle at you
  171. >"I want you to have ME your way, too"
  172. >As Cookie heads upstairs, you pour yourself another drink and light up a new cigarette, before standing up to head outside
  173. "Why can't shit just be normal?"
  175. *** End Chapter 0: Prologue ***
  177. >You and your precious little girl, Rarity, are sitting on a bench in the garden
  178. "So, sum up for me what it is you want me to do again?"
  179. >Rarity scoffs at your request
  180. >"Honestly, it's like you're not even listening, father"
  181. >You sigh heavily, resting your face on your hand
  182. "I just... have a lot of things on my mind suddenly, stressing me out. But don't you worry about it, princess, it's, uh, got nothing to do with you."
  183. >Of course it pains you to lie through your teeth right to your own pride and joy like that, but it would hurt a lot more to tell her that she was the reason for your stress, anxiety, and general sickness
  184. >Damn Cookie Crumbles had to go and be okay with this, it's bullshit
  185. >If she had just been a normal person, you'd probably be in deep shit with her, but at least she could be the one to break the news to your hopelessly naive daughter
  186. >Guess this is what you get for knocking up a freak like her
  187. >"Well, dear, it's quite simple really, we date for a while, and then, after we feel we're ready, we'll get married."
  188. >Of course she still thinks this can happen
  189. >"But of course we can't LEGALLY be married, as sad as it is. Even if you were single, there's unfortunately no court in Equestria that would accept a marriage between father and daughter."
  190. >Hmm
  191. >Maybe she's a little less naive than you thought
  192. >"So we'll have an unofficial wedding. Just the people we can trust knowing of our relationship. After all, it's not like many people will accept it anyway, right?"
  193. >Whoa
  194. >She's actually way less naive than you thought
  195. >"It shows how messed up the world is that a grown woman like myself can't chose to be with a man simply because he sired me"
  196. >She sighs heavily, clearly downcast at the prospect of having to keep this all a secret
  197. >It's kind of ironic, really, you feel the same way about having this "relationship" in the first place as your daughter does about hiding it
  198. >"But you'll be there for me through this, of course. Right, daddy?"
  199. >How can you resist those gorgeous blue puppy eyes?
  200. >How could you EVER have been against this?
  201. >Oh yeah, she's your fucking daughter
  202. >Sicko
  203. >Oh well, time for more lies to keep your daughter happy
  204. "Of course, honey. I'm surprised how well you've got this planned out."
  205. >Really, you are. Given that the girl thinks it's okay for you two to be together as a couple, she's got a decent handle on the reality of the situation
  206. >But then, your moronic brain decides to ask her a question you didn't want to know the answer to
  207. "And what happens after the wedding ceremony, huh?" you ask, ruffling her hair, which you know she loves/hates
  208. "Or did you think that far ahead?"
  209. >Rarity gives you a sly smile
  210. >"Why, we consumate the marriage, of course!"
  211. >...
  212. "I'll be right back, sweetie"
  213. >Moments later, you return with two bottles, one of spring water, and one of Everclear
  214. >You take a swig of the spring water and, after a couple seconds, you spit take
  215. >Then you immediately take a swig of the liquor, but this one goes down the hatch
  216. >Shit's expensive, plus you feel like you need it more and more with each passing interaction between yourself and your family
  217. >These crazy women are gonna have you on hard drugs if you don't gain some self control
  218. >How you wish it were yesterday when things had some semblance of normalcy
  219. >"You know, daddy, mother and I don't approve of this type of drinking."
  220. >She takes the bottle from you and gingerly sets it down, clearly signing that it's time to stop
  221. >She takes the other bottle of spring water too, and takes a dainty sip
  222. >"It's one thing to get carried away with alcohol at a party, but not in the middle of the day."
  223. >She gulps and turns away, blushing hard
  224. >"Keep this a secret please, but, despite being underage, I know what it's like to drink too much at a party."
  225. >After today you're beginning to think her encounters with alcohol started in the womb
  226. >But Cookie was never a heavy drinker
  227. >And neither were you, until some cosmic force decided to put you into such an absurd situation
  228. "Don't worry, sugar, your secret's safe with me. And for the record, I don't judge you. We were all young and wild once."
  229. >As you take another sip of the water, you realize how nice it is to sit here and spend time with your baby girl
  230. >Even if you do have that dark cloud of reality looming over your head
  231. "To be honest, Rarity, the stress I mentioned is a lot worse than I let on, and I'm not too good at dealing with it."
  232. >She places a hand on your shoulder, her frown is one of empathy for another's plight
  233. >She's such a sweet girl, always thinking about how other's feel and wanting to help them
  234. >It's one of the reasons you love her so much, and think so highly of her
  235. >"It's because you're afraid of what would happen if our secret got out, isn't it?"
  236. >Damn, clever girl
  237. "That's, eh, part of it. It's also some thing from my past catching up to me that I'm not really comfortable with bring up."
  238. >As you bring yourself to face your daughter again, you can see that she looks scared
  239. >She steadies herself a bit on you, looking like she's going to faint any moment
  240. >"Da-, father, when you say "things from your past", you don't mean, any... any..."
  241. >She takes a big gulp and finally stammers out
  242. >"M-m-mafia type things, do you?"
  243. >What?
  244. >Oh
  245. >Oh no
  246. >Gotta calm her down fast or she might have a heart attack
  247. "Oh no no no no no, sugar, nothing like that," you say, trying to put on a reassuring smile
  248. "I made sure not to get involved with any of that, and trust me when I say we're not in any sort of danger."
  249. >She, having such great trust in you, feels better immediately
  250. >Her shoulders relax, she lets out a breath, and settles into her seat
  251. >"I'm so glad to hear that, but what is it then? I know you said you don't want to talk about it, but I can't help but be curious."
  252. "I know, Rares, and I'm sorry it has to be this way. I will say that it has to do with people I knew long ago, painful memories, and wondering how the future is gonna turn out."
  253. >You scoot closer to her on the garden sofa, and embrace her
  254. >The scent of her hair fills your nostrils, and the warmth of her body permeates your own
  255. "Just know that I'm doing this for you. I just don't want to worry you with my own burdens."
  256. >As she looks up at you, there's not much to say about how she looks
  257. >Not because there's nothing to describe, but that there's too much
  258. >It would be tedious to go through the same song and dance of thinking about how her smile beams with radiance, or how her eyes fill with childish yet mature wonder
  259. >So you content yourself to simply bask in her beauty
  260. >"Don't worry, daddy. I'm here for you just as much as you're here for me."
  261. >And then it really hits you
  262. >Something you've known for 17 years, and yet it feels like you just now found out
  263. >Or like a new clarity is added
  264. >For the first time in a long time, you fully realize it:
  265. >This gorgeous, generous, amazing young woman is your daughter
  266. >No matter what happens to you from here on out, she's your baby girl, and nothing can ever change that
  267. >No distance, no force in heaven or on earth, can stop her from being your lovely daughter
  268. >And the pride and love you feel for her drowns out the entire world
  269. >In this moment, there is only you, and Rarity
  270. >You lean forward and plant a small kiss on her
  271. >Nothing big, nothing fancy, nothing wet and wild
  272. >Just a small, fatherly kiss
  273. >And you plant it right on her precious lips
  275. >The shock of what you've done hits you, and yet it doesn't
  276. >You're stunned and worried about it, yet you couldn't care less if you tried
  277. >Rarity seems to be on the verge of happy tears, as she leans up and returns the kiss
  278. >It's certainly stronger than your own
  279. >Yet it's refined, ladylike, and goes just far enough
  280. >Just like the beautiful girl kissing you
  281. >After what feels like an eternity, her lips release yours
  282. >Neither one of you can say anything, and yet she finally breaks the silence
  283. >"Go now, daddy, mom's waiting for you"
  284. >Turning your head, you see your wife standing at the bedroom window overlooking the garden
  285. >She's wearing a transparent nightie, and nothing else
  286. >She gives a little wave and a seductive look to you
  287. >The fire rises
  288. >Looking to your side, you see Rarity fanning herself with one hand, breathing slightly harder than usual
  289. >Oh don't fucking tell me...
  290. >"She really is quite an attractive woman isn't she? I can see why I came into the world when I did. I... I can't help but to think of the kinds of thing you-, ahem, that one might do to a body like that."
  291. >Man, does Rares just have a total parent complex?
  292. >Or is her sexuality merely unbound by psychological norms in general?
  293. >As you think these things, you find yourself walking toward the house, staring into the window the whole time
  294. >You almost don't notice your wife beckoning over your head
  295. >She seems to be looking at-
  296. >Oh no
  297. >Turning around slowly, you see Rarity, looking quite a lot like her friend Fluttershy with her blushing and pose, making her way to the house behind you
  298. >Alright, you're definitely putting your foot down to Cookie now
  299. >It is way too early to be involving Rarity in this
  300. >Wait, no, it's never a good time to involve Rarity in this!
  301. >She's your daughter, did you forget?
  302. >Next thing you know, you're at the bedroom door
  303. >Cookie is standing in the doorway, and Rarity comes up just behind you
  304. "Cookie, I'm not having this," you say as calmly as you can, "We're not bringing Rarity into this."
  305. >She simply smiles and giggles, once again like she knows something you don't
  306. >"Well of course we're not, honey. She doesn't want to go to that stage with you yet anyway. Right, baby?"
  307. >"R-right."
  308. >"And anyway, she just has one request for us."
  309. >...
  310. "Well, what is it?"
  311. >"Oh, don't ask me, ask her yourself."
  312. >...
  313. "I hate you sometimes."
  314. >You turn around and face your daughter
  315. >She has something hidden behind her back
  316. >Standing here delaying the inevitable won't fix anything, though
  317. "So, uh, what is it that you wanted, Rares?"
  318. >She sheepishly pulls a camera and collapsed tripod out from behind her back
  319. >"Well,"
  320. >Before she can continue she's cut off by the sound of you falling to your knees in front of her
  321. >Good thing the carpet here is so plush
  322. "You... YOU..."
  323. >This is just too much
  324. >How can she seriously be asking for this
  325. >Her face doesn't show any kind of remorse, or hint that this is JUST A PRANK
  326. >She's real about this
  327. "(You) want to record us having sex in front of you?"
  328. >Back at it again with the Rarity Gaspâ„¢, she stumbles back a bit, nearly dropping the camera
  329. >"Oh heavens no, daddy!"
  330. >Wait
  331. >Really?
  332. >Your relief causes a mix of a sigh and a groan that could be mistaken for an orgasm in its own right
  333. "Well then, what's the camera for?"
  334. >She pops open the tripod and stands the camera up, turning it on and checking it
  335. >"Well, I realize it might be a bit awkward to have me in the room at this early stage,"
  336. "Yeah, that's a bit of an understatement. Wait! You mean-"
  337. >"That's right, daddy. I want you to set up the camera to record on its own, then when you two are done you know,"
  338. >She blushes and puts her cheeks in her hands
  339. >"When you're done, making ~love~, I can copy the video to my computer for my, ahem, personal use"
  340. >...
  341. >"So, what do you think, daddy?"
  342. "Well, that's uh, certainly an interesting idea. As in, it interests me how you two thought I'd be anywhere near okay with this so soon."
  343. >Rarity looks disappointed for sure, but her eyes still have hope in them, so you can tell she's not too crushed
  344. >Maybe, maybe you can live with this
  345. >You breathe a heavy sigh for what feels like the 65th time today
  346. "Tell you what, Rarity, I'll just get out the blindfold and pretend the camera isn't there, okay?"
  347. >Hearing this, she lights up with almost the same glee she showed when you first 'agreed' to be her dad/boyfriend
  348. >Dadfriend?
  349. >"Oh, thank you daddy... Wait, did you say, blindfold?"
  350. >"Oh, believe me, honey," says your wife, who you almost forgot was there, "a blindfold is about the most vanilla thing we have."
  351. >Rarity once again starts getting a rosy color on her cheeks, and fans herself with her hand
  352. >"Oh, oh my, will you two, be using, anything else?"
  353. >"Oh don't worry sweet daughter of mine, we'll be sure to put on a show for you, right honey?"
  354. "Sure, fuck it, whatever."
  355. >"Oh, and Rarity, do brace yourself when you decide to watch the video. You might have seen sex before on your laptop, and yes I do know about that", she says, booping Rarity on the nose, "but you haven't seen anything like the two of us."
  356. >Rarity's blush becomes deeper, almost reaching a crimson shade, and she's visibly sweating
  357. >You see her cross her legs, and notice that she's trying her best not to let her hand snake down to her crotch
  358. >Then you realize something, you're getting a boner from your own daughter
  359. >You didn't think you would ever reach this point, and yet it's here faster than you ever anticipated
  360. >Slowly, you stand up, undoing your pants and letting them drop to the floor
  361. >The only thing holding back your erect penis is your underwear, and it's a tight fit
  362. "Rarity, I want to make it clear that this is entirely my dick talking but, you're welcome to sit in the bedroom if you'd like."
  363. >You turn to your wife, unable to control your own body at this point
  364. >Reaching one hand down, you start rubbing her slit, and with the other you massage her breast through the thin fabric of the nightgown
  365. "If that's okay with you"
  366. >Both of you look back at Rarity, whose hand is now clamped between her thighs in a desperate struggle to keep them off her own delicate bits
  367. >Cookie licks her lips greedily and growls hungrily
  368. >"Of course. Step inside, Rarity"
  369. >Rarity, even though she's trembling, blushing, and has to wring her hands like a Jew to keep from masturbating on the spot, bravely makes her way into your bedroom
  370. >She considers sitting on your sex swing, but after finding it too difficult to maintain position without falling, elects to sit in the recliner instead
  371. >She fumbles with the camera, but eventually gets it set up
  372. >You can tell by her shaking and stumbling that she's very nervous
  373. "Rarity, it's not too late to back out. I'm not kicking you out, just giving you the option."
  374. >She steels herself, standing upright and at attention
  375. >"No, I'm sticking with this"
  376. >Very well
  377. >She quickly removes her shirt, showing a slightly lacy but overall modest and functional bra
  378. >Her skirt is next, hastily tugged down to the floor
  379. >"Ahem", you hear coming from behind you
  380. >Rarity looks past you at her mother, and adopts a sheepish grin, but doesn't break eye contact
  381. >"Oh, sorry mother. Believe me, I'm not trying to steal away any attention, it's just that that long shirt and skirt were going to be in the way."
  382. >In the way?
  383. >She's going to masturbate to this live, isn't she?
  384. >Oh well, the more the merrier
  385. >Now's not the time for caring
  386. >That comes later
  387. >When you have less blood in your "head" and more in your head
  388. >Rarity sits down on the chair, spread legged, and hits the camera button
  389. >"Ready when you are, daddy. And you, mommy."
  390. >Rarity usually refers to her mother as "mother", "mum", or occasionally "mom" when she's mad
  391. >Hearing her call her "mommy" in her sultriest voice makes your dick throb a bit
  392. >Too bad it's inside these boxers
  393. >"Lay down, dear" says a voice from just behind your ear, "you heard her, she's ready when we are."
  394. >You flop onto your comfortable bed, lying straight on your back
  395. >Cookie, who's significantly shorter than you (but not so much so to make things difficult) takes a seat on your chest
  396. >Her ample and uncovered ass is pointing toward your face, giving you a clear view of her meticulously cleaned star, and her already glistening pussy
  397. >You look to the side and see Rarity slowly rubbing circles on the outside of her panties
  398. >The sky blue garments clearly shows how damp they have become
  399. >Looking back to your wife, she's becoming wetter and wetter by the moment and she massages your length inside your boxers
  400. >You feel her shift and turn to Rarity
  401. >"I know I said this already, Rarity but, brace yourself. There's a reason your father's nickname is 'Magnum'."
  402. >As Cookie slowly pulls your underwear down, exposing more and more of your shaft from the bottom up, Rarity's hand is slowly snaking down into her panties, as though she's waiting for the right moment
  403. >At the same time you feel your cock slip free from its cloth prison, your daughter slams two fingers deep inside herself, looking your snake right in its one eye
  404. >Seeing your own daughter like this makes your dick dance like a Saddle Arabian
  405. >The more you think about the fact that she's your own daughter, the more one side of you wants to call this whole thing off, and then kill yourself to not have to deal with this having happened
  406. >But at the same time the other part of you just becomes hornier and hornier
  407. >Perhaps Cookie has rubbed off on you (and not just in the way she's doing right now)
  408. >Perhaps you were always this depraved, and now your true self is being awakened
  409. >Maybe you just can't think straight when you're this horny
  410. >But one thing's for sure though
  411. >You've never thought of Rarity like this before
  412. >And now, you're starting to like it
  413. >Will regret follow, or clarity?
  414. >Only time will tell
  415. >For now, your attention is on the two women in the room
  416. >Particularly the one licking your shaft up and down
  417. >Not wanting to delay her own pleasure any longer, you lean forward and begin to slowly trace your tongue around her labia
  418. >Working your way inward, your part her folds, and begin drawing diamond patterns with your tongue
  419. >Cookie's moans send vibrations through her own sopping wet tongue into yourself
  420. >She finally wraps her lips around your head, and slides down
  421. >And down, and down
  422. >Years of practice have allowed her to take you all the way into her throat
  423. >You can feel the inside of her neck, the pulsing of her flesh, the vibrations of her vocal cords
  424. >And her tongue and cheeks still working their magic at your base
  425. >And finally, her hands gently fondling your jewels with the saliva that drips down onto them, while her nose tickles them at the same time
  426. >It's a full-bodied experience that allows every bit of your cock and balls to feel like it's getting its own personal massage
  427. >It's something that she rarely does
  428. >Not because she doesn't want to, but because getting one of her legendary deepthroats too often would ruin the magic of it
  429. >And of course, she does need to take a respite to catch her breath
  430. >But something's off
  431. >Firstly that she takes away more quickly than usual
  432. >It's possible that her lungs don't have the same capacity they used to, or that she just didn't take a deep enough breath to start
  433. >But another thing is that rather than keep just enough of you inside that she can still breathe via her nose, she pops all the way off with a loud smack
  434. >What her game is, is anyone's guess
  435. >"Oh Rarity, darling~" she says, clearly mocking Rarity's own accent, "I can only imagine how jealous you must be getting over there."
  436. >Oh man, you almost forgot your little girl was here
  437. >You take a break from your muff dive to look over at her
  438. >You see that she's abandoned her bra and underwear, leaving one of her breasts in view
  439. >Her private parts and other breast would also be on display if she weren't massaging both with her hands at the moment
  440. >Or at least she was, until she heard her mother speak, and froze up
  441. >"Why, whatever do you mean, moth-, mommy?"
  442. >Cookie, who's now taken to rubbing your dick on her face, savoring its heat and hardness, giggles and gives it another lick
  443. >"Well, I'm sure you wish it was your lips wrapped around this beautiful penis here,"
  444. >She gives it another kiss on the head
  445. >"And perhaps your lips pressed against your daddy's mouth, your cute little clit being tossed around by his powerful tongue?"
  446. >Oh man, the more you think about what Cookie's saying the hotter it becomes
  447. >You imagine Rarity being where Cookie is, and your dick threatens to break loose from its skin prison and become a spooky scary skeleton bone
  448. >Rarity, meanwhile, can barely handle the thought of it
  449. >As soon as she hears this, her rubbing of her slit and clit becomes ten times as aggressive
  450. >"Wouldn't that be nice Rarity, just you and your daddy, getting into it, just... like... THIS"'
  451. >As she says the last line, she slams her pussy against your open mouth, and her own moth all the way down your length once again
  452. >Judging by the moans and squirting, it seems that orgasm rocked you, Cookie, and Rarity all at the same time
  453. >"Oh dear, it seems you've already burst, dear. I guess we'll have to do something to get you ready again, won't we?"
  454. >Cookie gets up, takes you by the hand, and leads you to the wooden chair in the corner
  455. >As she straps your hands and feet in, you're wondering what exactly she has in mind
  456. >Not that you really care
  457. >More of this is definitely welcome
  458. >"Oh Rarity, do be a dear and show your beautiful young body to your father, would you? With all the furious and un-lady-like masturbation, I'm afraid he hasn't gotten to fully see you yet."
  459. >She obliges, standing up and sauntering over toward you
  460. >Now you're actually getting a good look at her naked form
  461. >And it's just stunning
  462. >Her pert pink nipples and rosy areolae stand out against her pale skin, and the small tuft of neatly-trimmed hair above her slit gives her an element of both maturity and youthfulness
  463. >Her dark pink inner labia, shown by her reaching behind her back and spreading her outer lips, contrast neatly with her crimson love button, all set against a gradient of red, pink, and white that prevents her privates from looking too much like an actual gash
  464. >And her glistening, slightly less-than-clear fluids over everything gives it an aura of pure sex
  465. >There is nothing about your daughters body that doesn't full exemplify both refined, elegant beauty, and raw, unbridled sex appeal
  466. >To think that you're the man she's giving this to
  467. >Not to lessen your wife and her own beauty and attractiveness, but Rarity sharing this body of hers with you makes you pretty damn lucky
  468. >As rarity poses around for you, Cookie snakes her arms over her shoulders, cupping Rarity's perky tits and massaging her still fully erect nipples
  469. >She also breaks the silence, with her sultry low murmuring, not much higher than a stage whisper yet also able to carry its presence around the room
  470. >"So what do you say, Rarity, wanna have a taste?"
  471. >Rarity looks at your penis, now erect once again, then into your eyes, and finally back to her mother
  472. >Slowly she leans down and reaches toward you, but her hand is slapped away by her mother's riding crop
  473. >"Ah ah ah, dear, that's not what I meant when I said you'd have a taste."
  474. >What
  475. >"If you want this prize, you're gonna have ta work for it!"
  476. >Oh no
  477. "Whoa, Cookie, let's not get hasty. I don't think Rarity is into-"
  478. "Oh."
  479. >Rarity is already gently fingering her mother's snatch and kissing her neck
  480. >The sight before you is enough to make your boner surge with newfound strength
  481. >"Oh, Rarity, I had no idea you'd be so enthusiastic about it."
  482. "Nor did I. I didn't think you were into the ladies too."
  483. >Rarity looks down sheepishly, but then back up to you
  484. >"Truthfully, I'm not. I've never seen a woman who, well, excited me the way men do. With but one exception."
  485. >She turns back to Cookie and resumes her fingering, while also groping her breasts and even tweaking her nipple, earning slight gasps from her
  486. >"Truth be told, mother, my physical attraction to you is about as strong as it is to anyone else, even daddy. There's just something about your figure that makes me so, so..."
  487. >"Horny?" says your wife, as she too begins kneading Rarity's supple, nubile tits and her delicate flower
  488. >Rarity coughs, and turns aside
  489. >"Hmm, well, yes, if you want to put it that way..."
  490. >"Say it."
  491. >Rarity, surprised and confused, looks back to Cookie's eyes
  492. >"I'm sorry?"
  493. >"Say it. Look your mommy in the eyes and tell her how horny she makes you."
  494. >As she says this she cups Rarity's chin and hold it up
  495. "Don't do it, Rarity!"
  496. >Both of them look at you, Rarity confused and Cookie annoyed
  497. "If you do that, my dick won't be able to take it! I'm afraid it might explode, and not in the fun way!"
  498. >Both Rares and Cookie go through the same gradient of smirk, to 'pfft', to full on laughing
  499. >Even you can't help but chuckle
  500. >Cookie is the first to speak again
  501. >"That is a risk I am willing to take. So, what do you say, Rarity?"
  502. >Your daughter looks apprehensive at first, but
  503. >"Mother, I-"
  504. >But she's cut off by Cookie shaking her head and clicking her tongue
  505. >"Nope, try again dearie."
  506. >Her smirk tells you that she likes having this type of control over her daughter
  507. >"I, well, mommy, I, uh, MOMMY YOUR BODY MAKES ME SO HORNY!"
  508. >She drops to her knees in front of her mother, but still looks her straight in the eyes, as though she's begging
  509. >Cookie, meanwhile, looks down her nose
  511. >Seeing your daughter begging her mother to let her pleasure her is making your dick start to helicopter a bit through sheer pelvic control
  512. >Or lack of control really
  513. >"Very well, then. Wait for me here."
  514. >Cookie returns from the closet moments later with a female chastity belt
  515. >"Good thing it's adjustable," she says as she slips it on to the young lady,
  516. >"after all, we don't want you to get distracted having any fun with yourself, when you're supposed to be focused on me, right?"
  517. >Rarity's reaction, as you guessed, is to pout her lips and turn on the puppy dog eyes
  518. >You even hear her whimper a bit
  519. >Jeez
  520. >Cookie lies down on the bed, spreading her legs apart, resting her hands above her head
  521. >"I'm all yours, Rarity, do with me as you please"
  522. >Rarity slowly clambers into the bed, taking in her mother's form, as though she were admiring a piece of art
  523. >Which, of course, she is
  524. >She lays down on top of her mother, their bodies pressed against one another
  525. >Slowly, as if wanting to draw out the moment to make it last longer, Rarity presses her lips to her mother's
  526. >As soon as their mouths meet, their tongues begin dancing over each other
  527. >But it's not an aggressive, primal form of making out
  528. >It's relaxed, subdued, and almost elegant
  529. >Slowly her hand makes its way down between her mother's thighs, exploring the area from whence she came
  530. >Her head also makes its way downward, leaving kisses along Cookie's face, neck, chest, and finally right on her left breast above her areola
  531. >Rarity begins licking circles around the nipple, occasionally, giving it little flicks with her tongue
  532. >Then she takes it into her mouth and begins to suckle on it, while giving her mom an innocent, wide-eyed look
  533. >Cookie giggles at the display
  534. >"I'm afraid you're not gonna get any milk out of there, dear. Though, I do love seeing you like thaAHHHHHH!"
  535. >Rarity gave her a coy smile and chomped down on her nipple
  536. >Not super hard, but pretty hard for even a BDSM nipple bite
  537. >Cookie retorts by delivering quite a hard smack onto Rarity's bare bottom
  538. >Rather than cry out, though, Rarity releases her teeth's grip on Cookie's nipple and give out a low groan
  539. >"Oh, you like that, Rarity? Tell you what, if you get down there and make me cum, I'll give you the spankings you deserve for that."
  540. >Without another word Rarity, almost too quickly, slide down her mother's body until her face is just in front of her slit
  541. >Without wasting time, she takes a long, slow lick all the way from bottom to top, giving a little flick at the top
  542. >She repeats, but this time moving side to side as she makes her way upward, stopping to suckle a bit on her mom's clit before making her way back down
  543. >It seems she catches on quickly, as Cookie is already moaning, panting, and dripping
  544. >Getting warmed up by both her husband and daughter beforehand probably didn't hurt either
  545. >Cookie has a tendency to fire off early and often, so she has to be getting close now
  546. >Of course this was never meant to be a challenge for Rarity
  547. >After all, the "reward" to come is just as much of a reward for Cookie as it is for Rarity
  548. >Eventually your wife shudders, shakes and moans, signaling that Rarity has done her job
  549. >She pushes her daughter's head away and rises up
  550. >"Alright, dear, a promise is a promise, now sit on the bed and wait right here"
  551. >Rarity does as she's told (for fucking once) and sits on the edge of the bed, trying her hardest to find a way around the chastity belt
  552. >Good thing it's mostly open in the back, allowing for access to most of her cheeks
  553. >Otherwise Cookie would have to take it off of her to spank her and run the risk of having Rarity masturbate out of line
  554. >She returns momentarily with a paddle in her hand
  555. >This one is a bit heavy, enough to cause real damage
  556. >Good thing Cookie is a season veteran at this
  557. >As she begins to deliver the smackdown on Rarity's behind, the marshmallow teen is moaning, groaning, and whimpering in a way that only a true dick of dicks could handle without bursting right then and there
  558. >Good think you're a seasoned veteran too
  559. >Smack after smack hits the girl's tender cheeks, and they start to turn pink
  560. >More than pink, actually, they're starting to get a little red
  561. >heh
  562. >"Mom, please, stop! I can't take any more!"
  563. >SMACK
  564. >"Who told you you were allowed to speak?!"
  565. >SMACK
  566. >"PLEASE STOP!"
  568. >Rarity looks at you wide eyed, realizing that Cookie is only intensifying her assault rather than stopping
  569. >"DADDY HELP ME!"
  570. >S M A C K
  571. "COOKIE! STOP!"
  572. >But she doesn't, only continuing to spank the poor girl's bottom, which is starting to show bits of purple
  574. >As the paddle is on its way to Rarity's rear once again, it stops
  575. >Indeed Cookie's whole body freezes with a bit of a jump, the safe words having snapped her out of what was basically a trance
  576. >She leans over and gives you her annoyed look, clearly upset that you stopped her fun
  577. >"Come on now, dear, what was that about? I was really getting into it." she says with a pout
  578. "COOKIE I-"
  579. >You catch yourself and take a deep breath, realizing that you're starting to scare both Cookie and Rarity
  580. >You're still outraged, but it'll be better for both of them if you try to keep your cool
  581. "Listen, Cooks, Rarity's not a pro at this like us, she doesn't have ANY experience like we do. I mean LOOK at her ass! She's bruising for shit's sake!"
  582. >As the paddle drops to the floor, so does Cookie's jaw
  583. >She slowly turns to looks at her daughter, and as soon as she really sees what's what, she gasps and nearly falls off the bed
  584. >She quickly picks Rarity up and coddles her, much like she used to when she'd fall off her bike and the like
  585. >"Oh my goodness, deary! I didn't even notice! Oh, I'm so sorry, you know momma would never hurt you like that on purpose, right?"
  586. >As Rarity softly sobs into her mother's chest, she nods
  587. >"Sweetness, is there anything momma can do to make it better?"
  588. >She looks up from her mother's chest and nods
  589. >"Well what is it then?"
  590. >Rarity leans over and whispers into her mother's ear
  591. >After a while, you notice you've been kinda neglected for a while
  592. >It's a nice show and all, but interactive stories are even better
  593. "Uh, ladies? I know you're having fun and all, but, uh, I think you might be forgetting something."
  594. >As the two look at you, Rarity gets a smirk on her face that reminds you way too much of Cookie back when she used to get new ideas
  595. >"You know momma, daddy's right, and I think I know a way you can make it up to me and still let him have some fun."
  596. >She whispers in Cookie's ear again, and for a moment, you wish you hadn't gotten so many front-row concert tickets back in the day
  597. >"Oh, I think that's a wonderful idea, baby girl. Let's do it!"
  598. >She and Rarity walk over to where you're still (forcibly) sitting
  599. >Cookie leans over and flips over the apparatus on the back of the chair
  600. >There's now two pads going over your shoulders, and the stabilization thrusters (extra chair legs at an angle) have been deployed
  601. >Oh boy
  602. >Cookie grabs Rarity and, using her impressive leg strength, lifts her up onto the platform
  603. >Rarity is now sitting with her thighs on the pads, her almost glittery folds of her labia and vagina only an inch or so from your mouth, and her ass hanging out in the air
  604. >"Well, daddy, that's your cue, and mommy, why don't you take your position?"
  605. >Suddenly, you now remember the exact situation going on here
  606. >No need to remind yourself that she's your daughter, it's been plain as day the whole time
  607. >But watching your wife, who you knew would stop at almost nothing to get her rocks off, was one thing
  608. >But now that your own daughter is in your face, you're starting to have second thoughts
  609. >It's now or never, and for the first time, it's not just your dick making the decision to press forward
  610. >Your heart and brain are telling you to as well
  611. >She's your daughter, you love her, and you and her both want this for yourselves and each other
  612. >Fuck the world, what else matters besides that?
  613. >So here it goes
  614. >After a bit of hesitation, you begin to take slow, tentative licks of her folds
  615. >She tastes remarkably sweet
  616. >Of course, there's still plenty of salt and tang, but there's also overtones of, heh, actual marshmallow
  617. >You know that she's very thorough with her hygiene, so it's likely whatever body wash she uses
  618. >The more you lick, the more she bucks her hips into your face
  619. >Honestly, you can stand the abuse just fine
  620. >If it's for your precious little girl, that is
  621. >"Momma, what are you waiting for?"
  622. >Suddenly, you remember that Rarity did give a command to Cookie as well
  623. >"Huh> Oh, right! I was just so enthralled at seeing you two finally doing this together."
  624. >Wait, WHAT?
  625. >"Of course I'm happy that you two are dating as well, to be honest I didn't think he'd be going to this stage with you yet."
  626. >HOL UP
  627. >You pull your head back from Rarity enough to speak
  628. "Now just hold the fuck up for one second! You mean to tell me that this was your plan, Cookie?! This whole thing of Rarity wanting to date and marry me was just your excuse to get her in the bedroom with us?!"
  629. >Rarity, shocked at the sudden yelling, nearly falls, and is caught by her mother, seeing as you can't move right now
  630. >"What?! Oh, dear oh no! It wasn't my-"
  631. "Bullshit!"
  632. >"NO!" yells Rarity, at the top of her lungs, "No, father, this was MY idea! I really AM in love with you. I want to date you and marry you and have your babies!"
  633. >She's starting to cry a bit now
  634. >"I want us to be together the same way you and mother are. I know it'll be hard, if not impossible, but it's what I really want."
  635. >Oh, oh no
  636. >Now you're breaking your little girl's heart
  637. "Oh, Rarity, baby I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"
  638. >But before you can say anything else, she shuts you up by scooting herself forward until your face is once again muffled by her vulva
  639. >"Oh, just shut up and eat your daughter's pussy like the damn dirty old man you are"
  640. >Upon hearing her talk like this, your dong, which thought it had expanded to all of its room, expands to additional bit of room it didn't know it had
  641. >You oblige her by beginning an onslaught of her vulva and vagina with your tongue, with the goal of total annexation
  642. >You notice Cookie start to lean over as she begins to lick Rarity's bottom cheeks
  643. >She makes her way inward, and you realize what she's planning to do
  644. >"Oh, mommy, why don't you climb up here and show daddy a good time while you're at it?"
  645. >Cookie pops off, with a slurp
  646. >"Hmm, you know, deary, that's a good idea."
  647. >You feel your wife start to climb on top of you, bracing herself against the large, sturdy iron chair
  648. >She guides your cock into her waiting entrance, and slowly settles down into position with your manhood buried deep inside her
  649. >As she gets back to her own licking of your joint daughter, she begins to bounce up and down on you, which you help along by bouncing your hips using your leg muscles
  650. >So this is what it's come to now
  651. >You're eating out your own daughter, while your wife eats out your daughters ass while riding your dick
  652. >Who could ask for anything better
  653. >Rarity starts to shake and convulse, having to grab the hanging bar to steady herself
  654. >Cookie's already climaxed, and is merely grinding you now while the two of you continue to work on Rarity
  655. >Her pants and moans fill the room, and her body is begging for release
  656. >You can feel the warmth radiating from within her with each stroke of your tongue, to the point that it feels freezing whenever you come up for breath
  657. >You feel the heat intensify, her shaking and moaning growing stronger, her gasps and pants becoming increasingly short of breath
  658. >"Ah, ah, AH!"
  659. >And with that, her orgasm rocks her entire body, squirting a veritable deluge of fluids onto your face, quite a bit of which makes it down your windpipe and nearly to your lungs
  660. >You cough and sputter, your body desperate to keep the invading liquid out of your lungs and to gain new fresh oxygen
  661. >Who would have thought that you nearly went out literally drowning in pussy
  662. >Cookie helps the shivering girl off the perch, and slowly sets her down on the bed
  663. >"So, baby, how was it?" your wife asks, caressing her daughter's hair and cooing gently
  664. >"It, it was," she tries to respond, in between catching her breath, "it was so amazing."
  665. >She lays her head upon her mother's chest, resting and basking in the afterglow
  666. >"And it wasn't just the technique, which on its own was incredible, but thinking about how it was you two doing it really sent me over the edge."
  667. >You can't help but crack a smile at how cute she looks
  668. >Yes, she looks sexy with her nude body casually displaying for you to see
  669. >Yes, she's gorgeous, with her flowing purple hair, her toned body, and her beautiful features
  670. >But right now, seeing her cuddling her mom, content with all in the world, she is so drop dead cute you could just die
  671. >It's almost enough to make your boner subside despite not having achieved orgasm again
  672. >Almost
  673. >She looks over to you, and you flash her a warm smile to let her know how happy you are, both for her and for yourself
  674. >"Well, I think it's time to end off with something nice for him, don't you think, momma?"
  675. >"I think that's a wonderful idea, dearie."
  676. >Your wife and daughter both make their way over to you, swaying their hips and breasts in sync
  677. >Rarity's cutely pushing her arms in to try to make hers appear bigger to match her mother
  678. >"Now, I hope you don't mind, daddy," she says as she takes your dick in her hand and begins to lightly stroke it, "but I'm don't think I'm ready to go all the way just yet."
  679. >You throw your head back and sigh in relief, glad that future you at least won't have that to deal with
  680. >Rarity, judging by her facial expression, took it the wrong way, though
  681. >"I, I'm really sorry dad, I-"
  682. "Oh no, Rarity," you say, cutting her off as you smile and shake your head, "I'm really relieved to hear that. truth is I'm not ready for that either."
  683. >"I, uh, really? I mean, you've actually had vaginal sex before."
  684. "Well, yeah, but not with my own daughter. Wait, are you saying you haven't?"
  685. >"Well," she says as she puts her hands on your thighs and gets down to her knees
  686. >"I actually haven't. Not that I haven't done, well, some stuff before."
  687. >Aww, she's blushing and looking away again
  688. >It seems after what's transpired here she's still shy about admitting that she's had any kind of sexual contact
  689. >Of course, as her father, you've expected this, what with how beautiful and popular she is, and the fact that she's a young woman wanting to explore these kinds of things
  690. >Rather than try to dissuade her from it completely, you and Coomkie resolved, on the same day that you found out she was pregnant, to give her a proper education
  691. >Warn her of the dangers, not just in terms of pregnancy and STIs, but psychological effects and social ramifications, as well as tell her of the benefits
  692. >She, after all, is her own person, and you both want her to make those kinds of informed decisions herself
  693. >Most parents don't take this kind of approach, and you respect their decisions, but this is how you and Cookie decided you'd raise your children
  694. "So, you've partaken of the dick, then?" you say with a devious grin, "Tell me, how did they measure up?"
  695. >"D-daddy! I, well, if you must know, they certainly weren't as, large."
  696. >"Oh come now, Hondo, what Rarity does with her body is her business. You know that."
  697. >As your wife says this, she takes the paddle and gives you a big chop across the chest
  698. "Ow! You're gonna pay for that!"
  699. >"Oh of course. But, a threat like that won't work if you know I'm looking forward to the payback."
  700. >As she says this, she turns around and gives herself a smack on the ass, leaving a faint pink mark against her already pink skin
  701. "Hmm, yes, well. Anyway," you say, turning to Rarity
  702. >She's still staring at your dick, as though she's mesmerized by it
  703. >Eventually, she leans forward and takes a slow, rough lick from the bottom to the top
  704. >Then she takes the very tip in and begins to suckle on it for a bit, before licking back down to the base with the underside of her tongue
  705. >You're beginning to wonder if Cookie taught her her technique or if it's just something that runs in the family
  706. >Eventually, after she's satisfied with the foreplay, she begins to take an inch into her mouth
  707. >Then another inch, and another inch, and, whoa
  708. >She must have practiced this somehow
  709. >Likely using a dildo, if what she says about the other guys she's been with is true
  710. >She doesn't quite get all the way to the base like her mother can, but she has to have at least a couple inches in her throat by now
  711. >She seems to be getting a bit uncomfortable with the arrangement, as she quickly pulls all the way off with a cough
  712. "Don't push yourself too hard, Rares, you're already doing great."
  713. >When she hears this, she gives you a look that, you're not quite sure how you're maintaining a boner through it
  714. >It's the same innocent, joyful expression she always gets when you sincerely complement her work
  715. >"Really? I mean, a lot of the staff at the school are familiar with the two of you and your, em, expertise at this."
  716. >She slowly strokes your length so as not to cease the stimulation while she's talking
  717. >She looks so cute you almost don't want her to go back to blowing you
  718. >Almost
  719. >"With the way principal Celestia talked about her threesomes with you, I wasn't sure anything would be able to satisfy you after you'd experienced mommy's blowjobs."
  720. "Ha, well Rarity, Celestia has her own qualities in the bedroom. Besides, like you said before, the fact that it's you makes it all the better."
  721. >Upon hearing this, her expression changes to a much more sultry one
  722. >She resumes her licking and sucking, occasionally diving down to take a few inches in, but not as much as before
  723. >She makes up for the remainder by making a ring around your base with her fingers and slowly drawing it up and down
  724. >While she may not be able to go as deep as Cookie does, she makes up for it just fine with her tonguework and suction
  725. >AS she bobs her head up and down on your shaft, she alternates looking you in the eyes, with her own half-lidded, and closing her eyes and moaning as though she were tasting a delicious dessert
  726. >Speaking of which, at this rate she's going to get a cream filling sooner than you expected on boner number 2
  727. "Rarity, it's so good, I'm already getting close. I'm gonna cum right, about,"
  728. >But before you can say 'now', she suddenly pops off, and looks at you, remaining perfectly still
  729. >She simply stares at you with a blank expression
  730. >Then, she grins and blows you a kiss, clearly feigning her normal innocent smile, but with a purposefully obvious mischievous twist
  731. "Really?"
  732. >She shakes her head once, opens her eyes, and dives right back down onto your cock one last time, remaining there, and just gently suck on it
  733. >Her eyes are open wide, making direct contact with yours
  734. >Before you can say anything, before you can warn her, orgasm crashes through your body
  735. >Jet after jet of cum are shot into her mouth, and she just accepts them, her body unmoving, her expression unchanging
  736. >She begins to suck a bit harder, trying to milk as much of your jizz out as possible
  737. >That, of course, won't be necessary
  738. >As you start to fire the last strands of semen into her mouth, her mother starts to rub her hair
  739. >"By the way, dearie, don't swallow it just yet"
  740. >"Hmm?" says Rarity, her mouth not leaving your cock until your limp dick falls out due to gravity
  741. >She's looking at her mother, and you can see her rolling the contents of her mouth around, as though it were a gelato she didn't want to swallow just yet, lest she lose the flavor
  742. >"Why don't you go ahead and share it with him? He likes that you know."
  743. >She's lying, but what you wouldn't do with Rarity at this point
  744. >Not that you mind it terribly, but it's not exactly your cup of jizz
  745. >Rarity stands up, unlocks all the shackles on your wrists and ankles, freeing you from the confines of the chair
  746. >She sits down on your lap, leaning forward and pressing her body to yours
  747. >Her lips meets yours, both sets parting and letting your tongues roam free
  748. >The taste of saliva and semen isn't that bad, what with the adrenaline and dopamine of sharing this type of kiss with your daughter blocking out unnecessary senses
  749. >Your hands are exploring her body, playing with her breasts, fingering her vagina, tweaking her clit, and gently kneading her now rosy cheeks
  750. >As she sits there, grinding on you and playing Rock'em Sock'em Tongue-bots, your erection returns for round 3
  751. >"Daddy," she says after breaking off the kiss and catching her breath,
  752. >"there's one thing I'd like to do that I haven't gotten a chance yet."
  753. "What is it, Princess?"
  754. >She giggles and stands up, and begins collecting her clothes off the floor
  755. >"Have a sleepover with the girls here tomorrow night. Pretty please, with a busted cherry on top?"
  756. >As you sit in silence for a moment, you realize how funny what she just said is
  757. >You throw your head back and laugh a hearty laugh
  758. >Not only at her phrasing at the end, but the question in general
  759. >You had, for a long time, been against hosting a party of seven total girls in your house
  760. >It's not that you don't trust Rarity or her friends, but there's just way too much that could go wrong with something like that
  761. "Know what? Sure Princess. At this point, how could I possibly turn you down."
  762. >As she finishes getting the last of her lingerie on, she smiles and walks back to where you're sitting
  763. >She gives you a kiss in the lips, and then another on the tip of your once again erect penis
  764. >"Thanks, daddy! I'll go tell the girls now!"
  765. >AS she turn to leave, the three of you notice Celestia standing in the doorway to your bedroom, stark naked, and visibly confused
  766. >"Oh, uh, Principal Celestia," says Rarity, sweating nervously, as are you and Cookie, "I, uh, I was just leaving."
  767. >As she makes her way out, she stops and does a double-take at the Celestial Brestials
  768. >"Oh, my, those are, um, maybe I'm not as straight as I thought."
  769. >And with that she hurriedly makes her way out of your room
  770. "So, uh, Celly. Don't supposed you might be willing to, uh, not call the cops?"
  771. >She simply chuckles and flops down onto the bed next to Cookie
  772. >"Oh, Hondo, if I had the police called for every student I've slept with under the radar, I'd have a thousand years in the Moonville Penitentiary ahead of me."
  773. >At this, she rolls over and buries her face between Cookie's thighs, raising her ass up in the air and wiggling it back and forth
  774. >As if on auto-pilot, you're already pumping yourself in and out of her surprisingly tight love canal before you even realize you've left the chair
  775. >Watching her amazing ass jiggle as your hips slam into hers over and over again, you realize that while Rarity's ass may not be as round or cushioned, you almost wish it were her here
  776. >Thinking about her makes you feel a twitch in your pelvis, and you catch yourself almost firing off earlier than you'd expect on round one, let alone three
  777. >You focus back to the woman beneath you, and she pulls forward, rotating onto her back
  778. >She positions herself below Cookie, and starts giving her a rimjob not unlike the one your wife was giving Rarity before
  779. >You take this opportunity to lean down and take your own place at your wife's pussy
  780. >It's not really as sweet, but it's got it's own niceness to it
  781. >It'll do


by SpeedBoostBlaziken


by SpeedBoostBlaziken

An'on'ymous in Witch School

by SpeedBoostBlaziken


by SpeedBoostBlaziken

Manatee and Anin [joke, short, non-lewd]

by SpeedBoostBlaziken