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Mama Pinkie to You [Human, incest]

By SpeedBoostBlaziken
Created: 2020-12-18 07:31:09
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Go on Nonny, try it!"
  2. >Hard to say no to that face
  3. >That pretty face, beaming with radiant energy
  4. >That ear to ear grin, and those huge expecting eyes
  5. >Framed by those pink locks, you could almost feel the beauty emanating off of it
  6. >It was your mother's face
  7. >And she was waiting, with a big smile, for you to indulge her wishes
  8. >Before you sat a cupcake
  9. >A very delicious looking cupcake, vanilla with buttercream icing
  10. >Your favorite
  11. >But there was just one thing that made you hesitant to bite into this particular cupcake
  12. "Seriously mom? You made a cupcake with your breast milk and you want me to eat it?"
  13. >She simply nods and continues to smile at you
  14. >Her expression hasn't changed a bit
  15. >You swear you can see sparkles shining and swaying in her eyes
  16. >Again, no way you can say no to this face
  17. >But it's a BREAST MILK CUPCAKE
  18. >And it's your mom
  19. >And your mom is NOT hot, no matter what people say
  20. >Sure, from an objective point of view, her beautiful face, curvaceous figure, and fun bubbly attitude are all very attractive
  21. >But she's still your mom
  22. >And that makes it not okay for you, or anyone else for that matter, to think she's hot
  23. >You are now aware that you are holding the cupcake and have peeled the wrapper back
  24. >Aw son of a bitch
  25. >There's no way
  26. >No way you can resist her
  27. >It's not Pinkie possible
  28. >The cupcake calls to you
  29. >Eh, fuck it, why not
  30. >It's not too weird, after all
  31. >Just because she made it with her breast milk doesn't mean anything se-
  32. >Wha-
  33. >How di-
  34. >You wo-
  35. >Graduated top of-
  36. >It's-
  37. >...
  38. >There really was no way of thinking properly at all
  39. >But as soon as that mind-melting moment of bliss came, it ended
  40. >You've swallowed the bite and now you can think clearly again
  41. >And of two things you were sure
  42. >One, Edward is a faggot
  43. >Two, this was the greatest cupcake you've ever tasted
  44. >You look up to your mom, who hasn't moved an inch
  45. >...
  47. >Fuck, that never happens
  48. >"WEEEEEELL?" she says, blinking
  49. >She tenses up and brightens even more in anticipation of your answer
  50. >Is it really okay to like this cupcake?
  51. >Well, nothing this delicious could possibly be evil
  52. >Let's face it, you love this cupcake
  53. >But it's totally not because it has milk from your mom's boobs!
  54. >Let's get that one thing clear!
  55. >Well, Nonny, she's waiting
  56. >You just stare in silence, contemplating just how to tell her
  57. >And idea forms in your head
  58. >Without breaking eye contact, you live the cupcake up to your mouth and chomp another bite out of it
  59. >You stare at her and chew for a bit, before closing your eyes and giving her a warm, genuine smile
  60. >And that's when all Heaven breaks loose
  61. >You mom has you in her arms, spinning you around and seemingly trying your squeeze the life out of you
  62. >And as if your mom's warm embrace wasn't enough, her contagious laughter and beautiful smile reminded you why you love being around your mother so much
  63. >Sometimes kids at school would tease you and call you a mama's boy
  64. >They you'd tell them they were just jealous
  65. >Then they'd bust your lip
  66. >But when you came home, Pinkie Pie, your amazing mother, would be there to kiss it and make it fell better
  67. >What?!
  68. >Kisses on the lip aren't inherently sexual, they can be a sign of motherly love too!
  69. >Before you can continue your little internal rant against your own insecurities, Pinkie snaps you back to reality
  70. >"Oh, Nonnie, I'm so glad you like it! At first I was worried that you wouldn't try it because it was weird or something, but then when I saw you taking about to take a bite I was so excited I couldn't move! That's never happened to me before, can you believe it?! Though I'm pretty sure you did think it was weird at first because you looked like you were trying to fight someone while constipated when you went to take the first bite, but I'm so glad you tried it anyway and I'm REALLY REALLY glad you liked it!"
  71. >She sets you down and sighs
  72. >Suddenly, OUTTA NOWHERE, she leans over and kisses you!
  73. >Right on the lips!
  74. >The sneaky opportunistic snake!
  75. >As she smiles and looks into your eyes, you can barely stammer out a response
  76. "Uh, mom? I wasn't, uh, I wasn't hurt, you know."
  77. >She looks worried when you say this, and you swear her hair loses about ten percent of its bounce
  78. >"Oh, I know, Nonny, but, I mean, I was so happy I let my emotions overtake me. I... I'm sorry."
  79. >Oh no, one second ago your mom was happy and now she's sad!
  80. >If there's one thing you hate, it's the sigh of a sad Pinkie Pie
  81. >You've gotta salvage this quick!
  82. >You've been on internet forums before, it's time to put all you've learned about damage control to the test
  83. "Oh no, uh, it's fine! It's uh, y-you too. DAMMIT!"
  84. >She jumps back and gasps at your bad word
  85. >You've hardly ever sworn around her, or at all for that matter (yet another source of teasing)
  86. >Maximum damage control engage!
  87. "NO, mom, I'm sorry! I didn't meant that! I just, I didn't mean any of that! I guess I was just surprised by the kiss, and I didn't not like it, but, I mean. I... I'm sorry mommy. All I want is for you to be happy."
  88. >Eventually, her smile returns, but this time it's different
  89. >It's a calm smile, the kind that tells you someone is at peace
  90. >"I know, Nonny. You've always been there for me. You've always done all you can to make me happy, and I really am grateful for that."
  91. >Wew lads, it looks like you were successful
  92. >After embracing her for a while, you ask her a question that she seems delighted to hear
  93. "Say, mommy, do you have any more of those cupcakes?"
  94. >She smiles lewdly- NO, sweetly at you
  95. >"Actually, I was just about to make more."
  96. >Now it's your turn to light up like a candle
  97. "Does that mean I can -"
  98. >But before you can finish, she cuts you off with another kiss to the lips
  99. >This one is different from the others, though
  100. >She uses her lips to parts your apart a bit, and you feel some of her breath hit the inside of your lips
  101. >Tastes just like cotton candy
  102. >All to soon she breaks it off, giggling at you, or perhaps at herself for what she just did
  103. >"Sure, you can help me. But first..."
  104. >"She starts to slowly slips her shirt down, revealing a pink, lacy bra
  105. >This bra was purely decorative
  106. >You could tell by the fact that half her areolae were showing and her nipples were practically poking through the lace
  107. >"Before we can make them, you've gotta help me get more milk out"
  108. >It really is hot in this room
  109. >Yeah, that's what it is
  111. >This is it, Anonymous
  112. >Your mom is stnading next to you with a bowl
  113. >She's also completely topless
  114. >And you're going to milk her
  115. >Not because you want to, of course!
  116. >It's just that she wants to you and it'll make her happy
  117. >So you'll do it for her
  118. >"Are you ready, Nonnie?"
  119. >She says as she sways next to the bowl
  120. >You gulp and walk forward
  121. "Yeah, mommy, I'm ready."
  122. >Just like she told you, you grab her breasts and begin to roll them around like dough
  123. >It's just to get the milk flowing
  124. >This is just a chore, so you can get more of those awesome cupcakes
  125. >"Ooooh, Nonny. I had no idea you could be so good at making me feel so good."
  126. >Just ignore that
  127. >You are now aware that you're tweaking her nipples and kissing her neck
  129. >No, it's okay, it'll make the milk flow faster
  130. >"Say, Nonny? Do you... well, are you attracted to me?"
  131. >Okay, how to put this?
  132. "No."
  133. >Welp, that was blunt
  134. >She puts her hand back behind your head and begins to rub it
  135. >"Really now? I mean, I've seen the way you look at my body, and how you're really getting into this. I want you to know, Nonny, that it's okay if you feel that way about me. In fact, I'd be happier if you did."
  136. >Well, that does it
  137. >Now you have no choice but to find your own mom sexy
  138. >After all, you have to make her happy, right?
  139. >She turns to her left and looks at you, your hands still massaging her generous bust
  140. >"So tell me, Nonny? How do you really feel about me?"
  141. "I-"
  142. >Wait a sec
  143. >Showing, not telling, worked earlier, why not now?
  144. "Let me show you instead"
  145. >You take your left hand off her boob, still massaging her other one with your right hand
  146. >You slowly run it down belly, down her pelvis, and down her panties
  147. >Bingo


by SpeedBoostBlaziken


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