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We'll Make it Work [RGRE]

By Rhorse
Created: 2020-12-18 09:26:38
Expiry: Never

  1. The prompts
  2. ____
  4. I want more everyone thinks anon is a gold digger, can't recall the prompt but loved the idea of anon going out with someone and they think his a gold digger and needs to be pampered to stay with them
  6. ____
  8. >>31239013
  9. >Rarity shows her love via expensive gifts and pampering Anon.
  10. >But this was the only way she understood to woo a colt, and she's afraid if the money train ever runs out that he'll leave.
  11. >And the boutique has had an especially rough season lately, finances are getting tight.
  12. >But she feels like she has to keep up the illusion that everything is fine.
  13. >It's times like this that she wonders if being mono is worth it, if she had a herd sister or two, it would take the pressure off a bit.
  16. >After straining her purse even more in an effort to pretend nothing is wrong, Anon realizes that something is amiss.
  17. >He doesn't know what, but Rarity knows he suspects something.
  18. >She does not sleep well that night.
  19. >She pulls him closer in the darkness, holds on tighter, fearing that soon he will disappear.
  21. ____
  23. >>31240296
  24. >"Rares, ya can't tell me you haven't dealt with this before. Ya told me yerself that ya were barely scrapin' by when ya first started out.
  25. "Yes, but I only had to worry about myself then. Sweetie was still with my parents, and I was single. No one else would know that I barely ate, and that it was cheap and filling when I did. No one else would know all the corners I cut, and luxuries I did without. Now I have to keep up appearances even in private."
  26. "This ain't really about your money troubles, this is about your beau ain't it?"
  27. >Rarity just nodded.
  28. >"Look, Anon loves ya, don't he?"
  29. >That was the real question wasn't it.
  30. "He says he does."
  31. >But how deep did his love run, really?
  32. >How could she tell?
  33. >She'd heard so many sad stories from friends in the fashion business. It could easily be her sharing her own sad story soon.
  34. >"Then tell him the truth. Ya said he already suspects somethin'. I got the feelin' if he thinks somethin's wrong, he's gonna have a bee in his bonnet till he finds out what. Better he hears it from you, than him having to figure it out his self."
  35. "But what if he..."
  36. >"If he's worth havin', he'll stay."
  39. The Story
  40. ____
  43. >>31240296
  44. >>31241471
  46. >Your human stirs as you latch onto him, a gentle sigh escaping the large creature.
  47. >You hadn't meant to wake Anon.
  48. >Releasing him, you shuffle back under the covers giving him some much needed breathing room.
  49. >Please fall back asleep.
  50. >Please.
  51. >With a grunt, he turns over and places a firm yet gentle hand on your flank, pressing you back up against his warmth.
  52. >You stay deathly silent, trying desperately to choke back sobs.
  53. >Despite how many times you told him not to, he ruffles his fingers through your prestine mane.
  54. >Nothing is said though.
  55. >You don't trust yourself to say anything.
  56. >Besides, it would be a lie if you said it didn't feel divine.
  57. >Giving into his assault, you squeeze up against him.
  58. >You can almost hear his smile through his thumping heart.
  59. >He's switched things up now, playing with your ears, running his fingers down your cheek.
  60. >He stops however, feeling wetness.
  61. >The human jolts upright, nimble fingers and warm covers going with him.
  64. >"The fuck Rares, what's wrong?"
  65. >Why did it have to be like this?
  66. >You were going to tell him.
  67. >Just one more night of passionate snuggling.
  68. >That's all you wanted.
  69. >He sits up and crosses his legs, making a nice little nest to pull you into.
  70. >"Come on Rares, say something. This isn't like you," he mutters softly, worriedly, as he cradles you like a foal.
  71. >You try to speak but it comes out as a whimper, causing him to hold you tighter.
  72. >"Tell me so I can make it better, okay?"
  73. >You wiggle against him in protest, the dam of built up sobs broken.
  74. >He doesn't push further, content with rocking you back and forth in his lap as you cry into his chest.
  75. >In the pit of your mind you know this is only making it worse, but you can't bring yourself to stop.
  76. >Even if you did have bits, he wouldn't want to stay with such a weak mare.
  77. >He’s probably disgusted with you.
  78. >Trying one last time, you stop and give him one last squeeze before looking up at him.
  79. >He looks...
  82. >Worried?
  83. >That can't be right.
  84. >"I think I know what's been going on."
  85. >You flinch.
  86. >Here it comes.
  87. >"Are one of those stallion clients giving you a hard time? I'll kick him in the dick."
  88. >You can't help but let a chuckle escape you.
  89. >Still you can't bring yourself to say anything, so you settle for a shake of your head.
  90. >He hums thoughtfully.
  91. >"Is it one of those friendship problems?"
  92. >...Close. With a snuffle, you nod into his chest
  93. >"Aha! Let's see here." He rocks back in forth in thought, for what seems like ages.
  94. >"Is it me."
  95. >Your blood runs ice cold, and you push yourself away from him.
  96. >"I'm sorry Rares. I know Dorkle has been pushing me to make more friends but, I mean, if I knew it was getting to you like thi-"
  97. "No." you say firmly, "Not that."
  100. "It's... We need to have a serious discussion."
  101. >His warm smile twists into horror.
  102. >"Ohh," he says, voice cracking. "That kind of friendship problem."
  103. >There's an awkward pause as the both of you try to figure out what to say first.
  104. >You both start at the same time, interrupting each other.
  105. >The both of you chuckle at the awkwardness.
  106. "Stallions first, darling." you finally manage.
  107. >He nods.
  108. >"Look Rares. If I'm doing something wrong, you'd tell me... right? I know I'm not a pony, but I'm really trying to learn the ins and outs of pony courtship."
  109. >You shake your head again.
  110. "No, darling. It's not you."
  111. >His frown deepens as you go silent again.
  112. >"Rare, please talk to me."
  113. >This is it Rarity, just throw it out there.
  114. "I'm having financial problems. I have been for a while a-and I don't think I can support us any longer."
  115. >There's another awkward pause as his eyes widen at the realization.
  118. >The puzzle pieces collected over the last few months all finally coming together in his head.
  119. >And there's the anger.
  120. >"Fuck, Rares" he says getting out of the bed. "Why didn't you tell me?"
  121. >Your hooves try to follow him, seeking out thier usual spot around his torso to no avail.
  122. >With the absence of human warmth, you curl down, tail clenched to your back.
  123. "I-I'm sorry Darling. I wanted you to stay and I thought we could make it work- And. A-and."
  124. >You cut yourself off with another snuffle as the tears come flooding back.
  125. >Come on, keep going.
  126. "I didn't want you to get angry and leave me." you finish, a little too loudly.
  127. >You look back up to him, his expression hasn't changed.
  128. >This is it. You've royally messed things up now, Rarity.
  129. >"Rare, what the fuck." he says, voice laden with betrayal.
  130. >"I'm pissed, yeah. Because you didn't tell me sooner. And I'm pissed that you'd think I'd do something so God damn petty."
  131. "But-" You start, standing up on trembling hooves.
  132. >He raises a finger, cutting you off.
  133. >"Sit the fuck down." he barks.
  134. >You do so, without skipping a beat.
  135. >"Here's what we're going to do."
  138. >...We?
  139. >"I'm going to work for AJ again, on top of doing the deliveries for the boutique."
  140. >Your ears pin back.
  141. "Darling, that's unacceptable. As long as you're under my roof, you will not-"
  142. >"Tough shit. And you, are going to be more honest with me from now on." His features scrunch further into a mix of anger and disgust. "And stop buying flowers and shit for me. I can't eat them and Equestrian chocolate tastes like horse asshole."
  143. >You wince at that.
  144. >"I'm serious Rares, if you don't watch that spending, I'm going to start handling finances here too."
  145. >You glare in defiance, but settle for a nod.
  146. >This human can give stallion mules a run for their money when his mind is set.
  147. >With that done, you feel his hand under your chin, and lips pressed against your muzzle.
  148. >The prospect of ponies finding out you're making your stallion undergo hard labor, is horrifying... but you think this can work.

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