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Striped Socks [RGRE]

By Rhorse
Created: 2020-12-18 09:30:49
Expiry: Never

  1. >Mares don't give Anon a second glance for wearing socks in public.
  2. >It's weird but not a social taboo.
  3. >They understand that he needs it to be comfortable in his shoes or when it's cold.
  4. >However if the socks are stripped, in Equestrian society it's considered dirty, whorish, or you want to be taken mercilessly, with your herd fucking you half to death.
  5. >He's very attuned to the whole RGRE stuff but little cultral things like that slip under the radar from time to time.
  6. >He buys a few pairs of them just because.
  7. >After a long day, he goes home, kicks off his shoes and bunkers down with his marefriend.
  10. -------------
  13. >There's no way.
  14. >The immaculate visage of purity, your human, is wearing s-striped socks.
  15. >You told him about this right?
  16. >There's no way he could have even bought them without SOMEPONY telling him about it.
  17. >You made sure to go over everything after you caught him casually petting the withers of one of his stallion friends, freaking the both of you out.
  18. >Even Lyra did a spit take.
  19. >A grand feat since she's usually unphased by his alien gestures.
  20. >Sun and stars, what if somepony saw?
  21. >What would they think of you?
  22. >What would they think about Anon?
  23. >Would Anypony even bring it up for you to explain another misunderstanding on Anon's behalf?
  24. >You're snapped out of it with the human kissing you between the ears, drawing out a soft nicker.
  25. >"Bon, you alright? I'm wearing the same stuff I usually wear."
  26. "Thank Celestia. Anon, you need to take those socks off and burn them."
  27. >His little nose scrunches as he processes your demand.
  28. >"Are you fucking kidding me?" He fidgets as you hop off the sofa to nip at his socks. "It took a while for me to convince Rarity to make undergarments with different patterns. Really, you think she'd be on top of that."
  29. >Great, the town gossip knows about it.
  32. >The human sorts in frustration. "I guess you want me to burn my polka dot ones too?"
  33. >...He really is clueless.
  34. >Why do you feel disappointment?
  35. "Anon, you- ponies-" You sigh, "Stripped socks are a big no-no. I'll tell you why in a minute, but those need to-"
  36. >You jump with a whinny as the door slams open.
  37. >"'Non, Bonnie, I'm hom- ‘NON, WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?"
  38. >Lyra's eyes dart between you and Anon with a look boarding on panic.
  39. >It's okay, if you diffuse the situation in a calm--
  40. >Why is Anon making that grin of his?
  41. >"Hey, Lye. wanna see how far these socks ride up my leg?"
  42. >His laughing is cut short as Lyra's eyes use focus, the mare collapsing in a heap.
  43. >The bags of carrots in her magic litter the floor.
  44. "ANON! You can be a real jerk sometimes."
  45. >"I didn't know she'd pass the fuck out!" He gets up, and immediately scoops her into his arms. "I saw an opportunity and I took it."
  46. >Despite himself, he looks down apologetically at Lyra.
  47. >He goes back over to the sofa, gently letting her down and tracing a claw gently down her torso.
  48. >You nuzzle her, smelling for any injuries.
  49. >"Ahh shit, maybe I went too far this time."
  52. "You think?"
  53. >"I mean, she usually gets a kick out of my verbal shitposting. Are the stripes that bad?"
  54. "Of course it is." You snort in frustration, your tail lashing as you glare up at him. "It means you want to be ravaged by us until you can barely walk straight! That you want us to treat you like a lowly breeding stud!"
  55. >The human's face falls.
  56. >...Maybe you're being too hard on the poor stallion.
  57. >There's no way he could have known.
  58. >"Is that all? I could have told you that."
  59. "Anon..."
  60. >"I'm serious. That's kind of hot."
  61. >Why is the ground shifting this way and that?
  62. >O-ohh...
  64. ----
  66. >When you come to, you're enveloped in the comforting scent of your stallion.
  67. >Ohh, you must be tucked under his arm.
  68. >Whickering, you kick your hooves, roll over, and bury your muzzle into his side.
  69. >You feel like you should be upset about something, but the Human's addictive skin clouds your mind.
  70. >Because of the lack of insulating fur, the creature radiates heat like the comforting glow of Celestia's sun.
  71. >No, better than that.
  72. >Wait, why are you against bare skin?
  73. >Your eyes snap open, and put your ears on a swivel as you look around.
  74. >Anon is near naked, clad with only his "boxers" and those s-striped socks.
  75. >"Ohey, Bonnie."
  76. >"Yo, Bon."
  77. >You see lyra on the other side, grooming the human by lightly licking along the arch of his ribcage, as the human rubs the side of her neck.
  78. >Huhh, usually he hates the feel of ponies licking any part of his skin.
  79. >Makes his skin feel cold and clammy, he says.
  80. "Lyra, how are you okay with this."
  81. >"Ohh, Non explained everything. How patterns don't really matter to humans. Unless it's a plus sign with little legs on it."
  82. >"...Close enough."
  83. >You raise your head, giggling at that.
  86. "Guess it was kind of silly freaking out over something that doesn't mean anything to Anon."
  87. >Still, that doesn't explain why he's being oddly passive.
  88. >You humm to yourself as he scritches at that one part of your back, making your leg kick a little bit.
  89. "WAIT, you said it was hot!"
  90. >"Uhh-huhh."
  91. "S-so you'd be okay with..."
  92. >"Yup."
  93. >You bury your muzzle back into his side.
  94. >How did you end up with such a sloot?
  95. >Now that you think about it, Anon told you that being naked with others is intimate for him.
  96. >And he's part way there!
  97. >If you were still serving the crown, you'd swear he was a monster conspiring against you, trying to lower your guard.
  98. >But as crass as Anon can be, he's also very genuine.
  99. >"Hey, I get if you don't want to do anything right away, Shit, we haven't even hit first base yet."
  100. "First base?"
  101. >"I mean, we haven't even really kissed yet. Not with tongue, anyways."
  102. >"'Non you rub our snoots every day with your hands and we're cuddling right now."
  103. >"Ohh yeah, that was supposed to be a big deal for you ponies."
  106. >This stallion...
  107. "You sure, Anon? Because-"
  108. >Any other stallion would up and leave for a more fertile mare for not meeting those needs.
  109. >Not before spreading the word, making it impossible for you to get another mate.
  110. >Even if stars aligned, there would be little chance for Lyra to be your herd sister again.
  111. >"Of course, Bon. We don't need to rush into anything. Fuck, I'm still trying to process this whole herding thing anyway."
  112. >He leans over to whisper into your ear.
  113. >"Besides, I want to savor every second that leads up to you fucking me until my hip shatters or I die."
  114. >You instinctively jerk back with a whinny as you feel canines run along the rim of your ear.
  115. >This stallion could have taken your ear off!
  116. >And here's that sun scorned smile of his again.
  117. >You were wrong to think herding with Anon would be easier than a normal catty stallion.
  118. >Luckily you have enough experience with predators to know they operate on dominant and submissive body language.
  119. >You look him straight in the eyes, lifting your head higher to make yourself look big.
  120. "I can manage that. You're not the first beastie I've taken out."
  121. >"'S true, 'Non."
  122. >Instead of submitting, his grin turns into something else.
  123. >Something you’re not sure you like, but certainly don't dislike.
  124. >"I'll hold you to it."

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