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Whipping colt

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:03:07
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:14:19
Expiry: Never

  1. The times before Celestia and Luna's rule was very different and many strange jobs were practiced.
  2. One of these jobs was the whipping colt (or sometimes filly, but usually a colt).
  3. You see, the nobility of the unicorn tribe believed themselves to be of purer essence then the lower classes (a belief that lasted until the modern times for a few of them) and as such, beneath the typical punishments given to the masses.
  4. Unfortunately, royal blooded colts and fillies had a tendency to be just as naughty as the rest.
  5. Do to their “innate purity”, it was considered improper spank these foals for anypony except their parents or a higher ranking individual (monarch, higher ranking noble) and parents were often reluctant to discipline their offspring in such physical ways.
  6. This is where the whipping colt came in.
  8. ”What didst thou doth mine son?!”
  9. ”I am sorry father!”
  10. ”thou needs to be taught a lesson!” He turned to a pair of guards “Get me the whipping colt!”
  11. The guards soon returned with a young colt, about the noble colt’s age.
  12. ”What is going on?! Why are thou-“ He saw his employer and the young master next to him and knew what was coming “Oh come on! Again?!”
  14. Without another word, the whipping colt was bent over a chair by the two guards facing the naughty young noble and a servant grabbed a smooth thin stick used specifically for discipline.
  16. ” Ten strokes!” Said the noblepony.
  17. ’Thwack!’ “Ouch!”
  18. The stick was a painful tool of discipline as the poor whipping colt found out. He could never hold back his tears from its usage.
  20. The noble colt had to watch as the boy got punished for his misdeed. It was of the hope that the pain the whipping colt suffered would somehow transfer over to a misbehaving young noble along with the shame of the consequence of their actions. For this colt in particular, the pain did not transfer over, although he always felt guilty watching the other colt get the stick for his transgression. It didn’t do much to improve his behavior though.
  22. The whipping colt was by now, already squirming in his place, trying to get away from the hard strikes from the stick, however the two strong guards holding him down forced him to take every stroke. He could do nothing but cry, hoping that it would be over soon.
  23. The servant, while she did feel bad for her victim did not go easy on him, the young master had to learn his lesson after all.
  24. Soon the final strokes landed and the whipping colt could finally nurse his bottom, which now sported ten painful red lines.
  26. ” I hope thou learned thy lesson mine son!” He addressed the spanked colt. “five bits for thy service.” Said the father as he levitated said bits on to the table next to the whipping colt. He left with the servant and the guards, leaving the two boys alone.
  28. The aftermath was always awkward for them, with the whipping colt silently rubbing his butt and the young master staring awkwardly.
  30. ” I’m, uh sorry for that. I’ll try to be better, I promise.”
  31. ” Right.” He had heard that line many times before.
  32. ” Um, bye!” Said the noble colt as he hurriedly scampered off.
  34. The whipping colt sincerely wished that his employers son would actually improve his behavior, it would save him a lot of pain.
  35. He collected his bits.
  36. Atleast he got a paycheck out of this.
  39. A week and a half later.
  41. Apparently the young master didn’t try hard enough to be better as he got himself into trouble once again
  42. And once again it was up to the whipping colt to get punished for it.
  44. The poor colt had to suffer another ten strokes from that horrible stick and it hurt just as much as the last time.
  45. This time, however the young master must have done something extra naughty because it was determined that corner time had to be served after the spanking.
  46. As such, before the whipping colt could even begin to rub his bottom he was dragged by the guards to the corner and told not to move his muzzle from it.
  47. This was a rare punishment for the especially bad misdeeds.
  48. Of course, the whipping colt knew he had to stay in the corner and not squirm too much lest he receive some unpaid strikes from that horrible stick.
  49. He couldn’t help but squirm very slightly though and shuffle his hind legs a bit. While ten hits may not seem like much, that stick was practically designed to get the maximum impact out of just a few swings, as such it hurt just as much as a few minutes with a brush.
  50. The lord of the castle didn’t mind the squirming as he believed it helped set a message to his errant son, who had to stand at the opposite corner facing the whipping colt so that he may see the consequence of his misdeed.
  51. While this punishment was certainly quite bad, the whipping colt couldn’t help but remember another, even worse one in the not so distant past.
  53. It had started out, with of course the young master getting into trouble (again), but this time he most likely did something exceedingly offensive.
  54. >After the ordered ten strokes landed the guards grabbed the whipping colt before he could rub, but instead of putting him in a corner like now, they had him sit down in front of a desk on a had wooden chair. He was then told to sit still in fear of further stick strokes.
  55. The young master was told to do the same by his father. He then had to write an apology letter of sorts with his bare hooves.
  56. And so the whipping colt had to sit still while the young noble wrote his letter under heavy supervision and was not allowed to get up until it was complete.
  57. Unfortunately, the young master was a slow writer, especially with his underused hooves. This left the whipping colt squirming on the chair for an excruciatingly long time.
  58. To make things even worse for the poor colt, when the letter was complete, it was thoroughly checked for form and grammar.
  59. Naturally, given how sloppy of a writer the young master was there were many mistakes.
  60. It was decided that for these mistakes, an extra four strokes must be given.
  61. It was not a fun time for the whipping colt. That was perhaps the worst he had to endure in a single session.
  62. Not worth the extra four bits.
  64. Back in the present (or past) the whipping colt continued his light squirming in the corner.
  65. Oh how much he wished he could just rub.
  66. At least he wasn’t having to go through what he had to back then.
  68. "Son! what didst thou doth to thine chamber pot?!"
  69. Dammit.
  72. Today was a very special day for the whipping colt as this day marked the new worst punishment he had to endure for the young master.
  74. Thankfully it was finally over, and the colt was making his way to his room with his red hot Derrière.
  75. On the way there, he was greeted by his employer.
  76. ”Is there something I could doth for thou, milord?”
  77. The noblepony tossed his employee three bits.
  78. ”I believe some added compensation is owed for today after thy service.”
  79. This was certainly odd “Grammercy, milord.”
  80. ”Cherish those bits’ boy, mine son shall no doubt get into his usual shenanigans again soon enough, yet after that thou may be getting far less opportunities for more.”
  81. ”With all due respect milord, that would make myself quite joyous, although I doubt mine workload shall decrease.”
  82. The noblepony chuckled. “Oh trust me boy, it shall.”
  83. ”I eagerly await that day, milord. Goodnight.”
  85. The lord of the castle was right in that the young master did indeed get into his usual shenanigans soon, just two days later in fact.
  86. It was a rather public stunt as well, a juvenile, but no less disruptive prank.
  87. As the whipping colt was being led to the private classroom where the punishments typically took place, he knew that he would be getting ten strikes again. At this point he was hoping to be at least spared from a corner time or especially a sitting time.
  89. The guards soon shoved him into the room where he was surprised to see a professional looking unicorn standing next to the lord of the castle. His horn was glowing signifying a spell being cast and the whipping colt could see the strange unicorn’s magical aura right behind the young master, who seemed to be just as confused about this new pony.
  90. Then again, it’s not like he cared too much, he would be getting spanked either way.
  91. The guards bent him over the chair and held him down as always.
  92. ”Thou may link when you’re ready.” Said the lord, much to the whipping colt's confusion.
  93. The unicorn walked behind him, horn still glowing and he felt magic cast right on his bottom. Was this some new form of punishment?
  95. ”Ten strokes! yet first, a single test stroke.”
  96. So he was getting eleven, wonderful.
  98. The stick was raised and the whipping colt closed his eyes awaiting the first stroke.
  99. 'Swish!’
  100. He grunted in pain, it was just as bad as ever, but he was also surprised to hear a loud ‘Yelp!’.
  101. He opened his eyes to see the young master stroking his buttocks with visible tears in the corner of his eyes. Definitely an unusual sight.
  102. ”F-father, what was that?!”
  103. ”I see the spell hath proven to be a success.”
  104. ”What?”
  105. ”From henceforth, whenever thou are to be punished thou shall feel the same pain the whipping colt doth.”
  106. ”What?!”
  107. ”Thou may proceed.” Said the noblepony to the servant with the stick.
  108. ”Wait, father! I-AAH!”
  110. And so what was technically the young masters first real spanking has begun, and it was worth noting that he was not taking it very well, although this was not a surprise to anypony that knew him, as the closest thing he ever got to a spanking prior to this was at his birth when the nurse was stimulating him to take his first breath.
  112. As far as the whipping boy was concerned, he did everything in his power to try and focus on the young noble even through his own pain.
  113. He watched him with wide eyes, desperately keeping them open as he took in the young masters screaming, begging and “dancing” with a morbid satisfaction.
  114. The young master was indeed “dancing”. In that he was trying whatever he could to stop the burning sensation in his flanks, but to no avail. Jumping, screaming, skipping and even rubbing did nothing to ease his pain.
  115. The whipping colt almost wished this session would be a longer one just to have that brat of a noble get what was coming to him.
  116. But alas, it had to end at ten strokes and soon both colts were let off.
  118. ”I hope thou learned thy lesson son. Remember, this is what thou hast to look forward to for thy naughtiness from now on.”
  119. The two colts were left alone and the usual awkward silence would commence. This time, however, both were nursing sore buttocks.
  120. ”D-did this hurt s-so much every time?” Asked the still sobbing young master.
  121. ”Yes.”
  122. ”I’m so sorry.”
  123. ”I’m sure thou are.” Sarcastically said the whipping colt.
  124. ”Doth thou t-think father was joking?”
  125. ”I hast never known thy father to be much for jokes.”
  126. The young noble could only whimper at this.
  127. ”I doth hope mine services will not be needed as often from now on.” Said the whipping colt as he grabbed his five-bit paycheck and left.

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