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Whipping filly

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:03:36
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:13:36
Expiry: Never

  1. Count Knightly had a daughter.
  3. Said daughter, Lily has recently reached the age of five and her behavior suggested a need for a spanking.
  4. As such, he needed a suitable pony to be spanked in her stead. Physical punishments were a big no-no for a filly of his daughter's stature after all.
  5. Lily's first punishment of this nature began when she was caught sneaking around in places within the castle which were off limits to her.
  7. Her parents had already brought her to her room and were awaiting their best guard to bring them their newest castle staff member.
  8. The guard soon returned with a filly the same age as Lily, this was Blossom.
  9. Blossom looked very similar to Lily, she sported the same colors and even had a similar stature and voice. The only difference was the tone of the colors and some stripes.
  10. Count Knightly took great care to employ a pony who looked like her daughter as much as possible. he believed a close resemblance might have a bigger effect on Lily during punishments. This particular pony was took quite the effort to hire, but the count believed it was more than worth it.
  12. "I hast brought the whipping filly as ordered."
  13. "Good." Said Countess Grape. "We may begin the punishment."
  14. "B-but, already?!" Said Blossom, who had just got here earlier that day. She had been rather nervous about her new job as one would expect and didn't expect her young mistress to get into trouble already.
  15. "Of course! Mine little lily won't learn her lesson by herself, after all." The countess took a seat on an armless chair. "Now, let us begin."
  17. Poor Blossom didn't know what to do. Being only five herself this was to be her first spanking ever and this left her naturally terrified. She was told that everything would be sorted out when the time came so she just stood there, not sure what to do.
  18. The guard suddenly picked her up with his magic and deposited her on Countess Grape's lap. It was tradition for a guard or two to place the whipping colt or filly in the required position and hold him or her down if needed.
  19. This particular case was unusual in that the countess herself was going to be holding her down and delivering the spanking personally. It was rare, as the task was generally relegated to guards and servants, however the Grape insisted on handling this personally.
  21. The countess patted the scared, sobbing filly's bottom. "Make sure Lily's watching the whole thing, Knightly dear."
  22. "Of course, mine love!" Said Knightly as he put his hooves on his daughter's shoulders. "Tis the most important part, after all!"
  23. Grape stopped patting Blossom's bottom and raised her hoof high, and brought it down. Blossom gasped and leaned forward as much as she was able.
  25. The countess did not stop and showered the whipping filly's flank with hits from her hoof. They weren't particularly hard, but Blossom's young age and the fact that this was her first time got her kicking, squirming, squealing and begging.
  26. Grape ignored these mid-spanking antics and Knightly was actually rather glad for them. Spectacle was important to drive the lesson home, after all. He was also impressed by his wife. She was spanking his employee hard enough to elicit a proper reaction but light enough for a quick recovery afterwards. Blossom was perhaps the perfect whipping filly for Lily. He was going to have to put in a lot of effort to keep her.
  28. Lily, for her part was forced to watch the whole thing. She had not known what a spanking was before this. Surprisingly enough, watching this filly get punished for her made her feel very guilty. She couldn't help but reach back with a hoof as she watched her mother's hoof at work.
  30. The spanking kept going, perhaps a bit longer than necessary, but Countess Grape wanted to drive the lesson home to her daughter. She would pay Blossom an extra bit for this anyway.
  31. Weather or not the extra bit was worth it wasn't up to Blossom as her thrashing body was held down and her cries ignored by all but Lily, who was actually hoping this would end.
  33. Thankfully, it did end. Grape let the filly sob on her lap as she and Knightly scolded their daughter on the importance of playing in safe places.
  34. "I'll grant the whipping filly her payment, shall thou keep with lily?" Said the countess as she put Blossom down.
  35. "Of course."
  36. And with that, Countess Grape Escorted Blossom out of the room.
  38. The count gave her daughter one more short lecture. He told her that the only reason she wasn't the one suffering over her mother's knee was due to the whipping filly and if she didn't want her to suffer, she would have to behave herself.
  39. As for Blossom, she was congratulated for a job well done by the countess and was given three bits and a bag of various candies, which was somewhat of a commodity at that time. Despite all this, she was hoping that the young mistress would not get into trouble for a long while.
  44. Years later.
  46. Lily and Blossom, now fourteen became best friends.
  47. This was very rare due to the nature of the relationship between a whipping colt/filly and young master/mistress.
  48. It was, however always encouraged by the noble parents. Seeing your friend get punished for you does tend to make a good impression.
  50. The two had just finished with their daily classes (whipping colts/fillies were given the same education as the noble sons/daughters due to the fact that they had to live in the castle) and were summoned to the count’s and countess’s bedchamber and a guard was escorting them there. They had no idea why.
  52. ”Why doth thou regard we were summoned by mother?” Asked Lily.
  53. ”I doth not know mine mistress.” Answered Blossom, although she had a good feeling that she would be working again.
  55. Upon entering the bedchambers Countess Grape was already there to greet them.
  56. ”Welcome mine daughter, how was thy day?”
  57. ”It was good, mother.”
  58. ”And how were thy classes?”
  59. ”They went well, mother.”
  60. ”And hast thou been listening to thy tutors?”
  61. ”Of course I hast, mother.”
  62. ”Are thou sure?”
  63. ”O-of course I hast.” Lily was a bit nervous now.
  64. ”Then what is this?” Grape asked, now showing a test paper.
  66. Lily went from nervous to scared and so did Blossom as her fears were confirmed, the countess was a stickler for her daughter’s education.
  67. ”A t-test.”
  68. ”Thy test. And what are the results of this test?”
  69. ”Failure?” Lily whispered.
  70. ”Failure! How doth thou expect to be a good successor to our titles with such stupidity?!”
  71. ”I’m s-s-sorry m-mother, I shall-“
  72. ”Save it. I hast already spoke about this thee father. Whipping filly, come here!”
  74. Blossom sighed, having already come to terms with her fate walked up to the countess and the guard put her over her lap, as tradition. The countess, being one to handle punishments herself even after all these years cast a linking spell on her daughter and the whipping filly.
  75. The linking spell had only been invented around four years ago but quickly spread amongst the noble unicorn families due to its use as a way to effectively spank a naughty noble without actually hitting them.
  77. ”Wait, mother! May we talk about this?!”
  78. ”There is no need. Guard, fetch the paddle!”
  80. The guard handed the countess a thin, lightly holed paddle used for punishing her daughter. The countess wasted no time as she gave a few light taps to Blossom’s bottom causing her to close her eyes in anticipation and causing Lily to beg for mercy.
  81. She ignored her daughter’s begging and landed the first strike causing both fillies to cry out in pain.
  82. ”Mother please-EEP!” Lily was already crying by the second stinging hit.
  84. Countess Grape kept quiet and focused on torturing the whipping filly’s, and by extension her daughters tush any by the fifth strike Blossom was crying as well. The whipping filly always took it a bit better then Lily, but not by much.
  86. As the spanking went on, Blossom started kicking and squirming. For most other noble families, a guard or two would stop such things, but this countess didn’t mind as she wanted her daughter to see her friend suffering even as she was suffering as well.
  87. Lily could only watch as the paddle kept landing on her friends buttocks knowing and feeling she would feel each strike.
  88. She was jumping around the room and desperately trying to rub her Derrière in a futile attempt to alleviate the pain.
  89. By now, Grape was at number twelve and it showed on Blossom’s now completely bright red flank.
  91. Lily tried to get close to her mother in an attempt to grab her hoof, but the guard pulled her away before she could get too close, as ordered by the countess.
  92. The same guard was also responsible for making sure the young mistress didn’t hurt herself or break anything during her frantic “dancing”.
  94. By number twenty both girls were tired. Blossom stopped her kicking and while Lily kneeled down next to a chair and buried her face in her hooves.
  96. After five more hard hits, Grape had decided that her daughter was sufficiently punished. After a long sigh she let the whipping filly off and walked up to her daughter and made her look into her eyes.
  97. ”Shall thou listen to thy teachers from now on?”
  98. ”Yes mo-‘sniff’-mother.”
  99. ”And shall thou study harder?”
  100. ”Yes mother.”
  101. ”Good. Whipping filly, to the corner! Thou to Lily!”
  103. Blossom did as she was told and walked up to one of the two empty corners in the room, planting her muzzle into it, while Lily stood in the opposite corner with her back turned to it.
  104. This was a typical after-spanking thing that Grape made them do and was quite common in many noble households.
  105. Lily, perhaps had it worse here as she had to put pressure on her unreddened, but still sore bottom while having to watch her friends very much reddened one.
  106. Needless to say, it was a very squirmy corner time.
  108. Lily would apologize to Blossom afterwards and would focus more on her studies in fear of another, perhaps even worse spanking from her father.

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