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Foalsitters First Time

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:04:34
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:14:07
Expiry: Never

  1. ”I don’t know about this.” Said Onyx, who had a young, trembling, embarrassed little colt firmly planted on his lap.
  2. ”Relax, I’ll teach you how to do it just right!” Said Sunshine, who had just finished instructing Onyx on the fine art of preparing a naughty foal for a much needed spanking.
  3. ”Mom please! He doesn’t want to do it so we should just-“
  4. “Quiet, Ivory! You most certainly had this coming after what you put poor Onyx through.”
  6. Fifteen-year-old Onyx has bean foalsitting Ivory for a week now and the eight-year-old colt had been nothing but trouble. At first, Onyx tried being patient. He thought Ivory would eventually get used to him and get better, but that didn’t happen. It got so bad that Onyx told his charge’s mother, Sunshine that he wanted to quit.
  7. What the teenager didn’t expect was her reaction. Instead of arguing with him or accepting his resignation she quickly called Ivory down, scolded her son, declared that Onyx would be spanking him and pretty much made him put Ivory over his knee. Onyx wanted to protest, but Sunshine was pretty scary when she was angry.
  9. ”Mrs. Sunshine, I’m not sure I can do this.”
  10. ”Oh don’t be silly Onyx, of course you can! I’ll guide you the whole way.”
  11. ”I don’t know, does he really need a spanking? I mean, he wasn’t that bad.”
  12. ”Yea mom, listen to him!”
  13. ”Quiet, Ivory! Be glad I’m not the one giving it.” Sunshine scolded. “And you just gave me a ten-minute rant about rant about his behavior so don’t tell me he didn’t have this coming!”
  14. ”But-“
  15. ”And knowing your mother, I would assume that she would have given you a similar treatment in his position.”
  16. Onyx blushed, knowing that if he behaved the same way Ivory did during his younger days, his mother would make sure that he wouldn’t be sitting comfortably for at least a week.
  18. ”Now then, let’s get started.”
  19. ”Are you sure it’s alright?”
  20. ”No, no its not! I don’t need to be spanked!”
  21. ”Quiet, Ivory! And it is quite alright Onyx, he was misbehaving for you after all.”
  22. ”No I wasn’t they were all accidents!”
  23. ”I don’t see how anything you did to poor Onyx could be considered an accident. Isn’t that right, Onyx?”
  24. ”W-well no, but-“
  25. ”But nothing!” Sunshine chided. “Now take a swing!”
  26. ”Y-you mean hit him?”
  27. ”No Onyx that’s not what she meant I swear!”
  28. ”How many times do I have to tell you to be quiet, Ivory?”
  29. ”I’ll be good mom, I swear!”
  30. ”I’m sure Onyx will make sure of that. Now Hit that bum Onyx! Show me what you got!”
  32. ”Okay.” Said Onyx, shakily. He knew that he wasn’t getting out of this despite his objections so he slowly raised his hoof high in the air, still feeling very awkward about this. After a bit of encouragement from Sunshine, he swung.
  34. “Ow!”
  35. Onyx kept his hoof on Ivory’s backside for a few seconds before quickly pulling it away. He was no stranger to spankings as his own mother gave him plenty, but this was his first time actually giving it.
  37. ”No, that won’t do.” Said Sunshine.
  38. ”What?” Onyx didn’t know what he did wrong.
  39. ”You don’t know how to swing right.”
  40. ”Swing right?”
  41. ”Of course, there’s a technique to this after all.”
  42. ”There is?”
  43. ”When an experienced parent spanks a naughty bum they don’t just swing haphazardly. Didn’t you notice it when your own mother spanked you?”
  44. ”Um, no.” Onyx never really focused on how his mom spanked him just on the fact that she was spanking him and it hurt.
  45. ”Guess I can’t fault you for that.” She sighed and moved closer. “I’ll show you how to get a bigger effect from that hoof.”
  46. ”No mom, it hurts plenty already, I swear!”
  47. ”Quiet, Ivory!” Ordered Sunshine. “Alright Onyx, raise your hoof.”
  48. Onyx raised his hoof high in the air like before.
  49. ”You don’t need to raise it that high, halfway will do.”
  50. ”Alright.” The teenager wasn’t sure how this would help.
  51. ”There’s no need to exhaust your legs with such large motions. If you hit just right, you will get the same effect and have energy for twice as many swing.”
  52. ”Mom, he doesn’t need the energy!”
  53. ”Quiet, Ivory!”
  54. Onyx raised his hood again, but this time, only half as high up. “Like this?”
  55. ”Yes, now bend your hoof outwards.”
  56. ”But don’t I need to hit with the flat end?”
  57. ”You will, just with an extra step.”
  58. Onyx’s hoof was bent outwards and Sunshine grabbed it.
  59. ”Now as you swing.” She gently guided his hoof down. “Twist your hoof inwards at the last second like this.” She pulled his outward reaching hoof inwards making its flat end touch Ivory’s bottom.
  60. ”With this, it’s almost like swinging twice, negating the smaller distance and overall allowing for more efficiency with less effort.”
  61. Onyx had to admit, this was pretty clever.
  62. ”Now try giving him a real one!”
  63. ”Mom!”
  64. ”And ignore him, he knows he deserves it.”
  65. ”No I don’t!”
  66. ”Quiet, Ivory!”
  68. Onyx raised his hoof and swung just as Sunshine showed him, but his timing was off and his hoof landed on its edge, barely having an effect.
  69. Ivory blinked. “AAAAAAAAH! That hurt! I’m so sorry Onyx I won’t do it again just please stop it hurts so much!”
  70. Sunshine sighed and rolled her eyes at her son’s poor attempt at feigning pain. She bent down next to the boys and put a hoof on Ivory’s butt.
  71. ”Good try Onyx, but you need to get the timing right. Watch me do it.”
  72. She then demonstrated her technique by giving a good hard, stinging and loud slap right on her son’s bottom.
  73. ”Ouch!”
  74. ”See how effective that was? Now you try it!”
  76. Onyx nodded and took a deep breath, raised the hoof and with the motions he was just shown…
  77. ’SWAT!’
  78. ”AH!”
  79. ”Very good hit Onyx! Perfect even.”
  80. ”I beg to differ!”
  81. ”Quiet, Ivory!”
  82. ”Thank you Mrs. Sunshine.”
  83. "Well what are you waiting for?”
  84. ”Huh?”
  85. ”Keep going!”
  86. ”M-more?”
  87. ”Of course! You didn’t think a single little spank was going to cut it, did you?”
  88. ”I think it totally does, mom!”
  89. ”Quiet, Ivory, keep going!”
  91. Onyx swung again with great success and kept on going.
  92. He was getting the hang of this pretty quickly, much to Sunshine’s pleasure and Ivory’s displeasure.
  93. Soon the teenager went into an almost trance like state, focusing on his task.
  94. He was surprised bow how easy this was.
  95. Holding down the thrashing young colt wasn’t difficult at all and he was able to land the spanks with ease.
  96. Sunshine, meanwhile watched with great satisfaction. Onyx was doing a stellar job and her son was feeling it. She thought she would have to spank Ivory herself, but Onyx proved her wrong.
  97. For a while, all that could be heard was the sound of a hoof clapping and a colt begging and wailing.
  98. While Onyx still felt weird doing this, especially with Sunshine watching the whole thing, he had to admit it did feel satisfying punishing this colt who had given him so much trouble.
  99. Onyx decided to stop and ask Sunshine how much more he needed to give. That’s when he finally noticed the damage on Ivory’s bottom.
  100. The colts bottom was covered in angry red hoofmarks with most of them converging into bright red blobs.
  101. Did he go too far?
  103. ”Omygosh! I’m so sorry Mrs. Sunshine I didn’t mean to-“
  104. ”Nonsense, you were doing just fine!” Sunshine reassured him with a wave of her hoof. “Couldn’t have done it better myself!”
  105. ”Are you sure this is not too much?”
  106. ”It is!”
  107. ”Quiet, Ivory! You and I both know the results would be no different had you been on my lap!”
  108. ”Mrs. Sunshine how much more do I have to go?”
  109. ”Hmm.” She put a hoof on her chin. “I’d say he could use a bit more.”
  110. "Nooo!"
  111. "Quiet, Ivory!"
  112. ”How much more?”
  113. ”I’ll let you decide.” She thought for a moment. “Think of how your mother used to end your spankings.”
  115. Onyx blushed as he remembered his many times over his mom’s knee. He sighed as he got a good idea of what Sunshine meant.
  116. ”Ivory!” ‘SLAP!’
  117. ”OW!”
  118. He took another deep breath, and began raining down a steady supply of spanks.
  119. ”Are you going to be good for me now?!” He asked loudly, still spanking the colt.
  121. ”Are you going to listen to me from now on?!” He didn’t let up.
  122. ”I WILL, I WILL!” Ivory cried, kicking his legs.
  123. ”And what will happen if you don’t?!”
  125. ”That’s!” ‘SMACK!’ “Right!” ‘CLAP!’
  126. And he was done. He nervously looked up to Sunshine, hoping he didn’t make a mistake with this.
  128. “Bravo Onyx, bravo!” Cheered the mare.
  129. ”Can I stop now?”
  130. ”Do you think he had enough?”
  131. Onyx looked at the sobbing colt, then at the mare again. “Yes.”
  132. ”Then that’s that.”
  133. Onyx sighed in relief. “So what now?”
  134. ”Now you wait for him to calm down before anything else.”
  135. They waited silently for a solid minute.
  137. ”Alright Onyx, you can let him down now.”
  138. he teenager did. They watched as Ivory quickly got to work hopping around and rubbing his bottom.
  139. ”Alright Ivory that’s enough, go to the corner! Tail on your back and no rubbing!” Ordered Sunshine.
  140. ”But mom!”
  141. ”Now, Ivory! Unless you want a session on my lap as well?”
  142. Ivory winced and quickly scampered off to the corner, blushing madly as he did so.
  144. ”Are you alright, Onyx?”
  145. ”Yes.” He glanced at Ivory, who was shaking his backside sideways and rubbing one back leg with another in an attempt to deal with the sting. He could imagine how embarrassed he must have felt “What’s going to happen to him?”
  146. ”I’ll keep him there for a bit longer, then its dinner and bath time and then its right off to bed for an early bedtime.
  147. ”Oh.”
  148. ”Don’t feel too bad, from what you told me he deserves a bit of a harsh treatment.”
  150. ”Still…”
  151. ”You can make it up to him if he behaves under you watch in the future.” Sunshine reassured. “If you are still willing to foalsit, that is.”
  152. ”Yea, I guess I am.”
  153. ”Good, now I believe I ow you a bonus for putting up with him for so long.”
  154. ”Oh that’s not necessary Mrs. Sunshine.”
  155. ”I don’t mind Onyx, especially for such a fine foalsitter.
  157. Onyx didn’t have much problems with Ivory after this, and if he did, he knew just what to do.

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